1992 - WK 17 - LA @ WAS [FULL GAME]

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for the first time since he was traded in September of 88 for tackle Jim Lachey however the big question regarding shredder this afternoon was whether or not he would start this game given the sore shoulder that had him leave last Sunday's game against the Chargers but he came out early worked out today seemed to have some good zip on his passes he told me that his shoulder feels ok and that he will go as long as possible in this game he also told me that he definitely plans to start he's excited to play back here at RFK Stadium and he wants to have a lot of fun on a more serious note he also has to have a good performance this is the final year of his contract and there's speculation that he may not be back next year with the Raiders of course as well as his teammate running back Marcus Allen who has a long standing and now public feud with owner Al Davis that's the story from the field in Washington now let's send it back to Bob Costas in New York and for the Raiders their coach Josh Hill told us last night this team hasn't laid it on the line game after game like Raider teams used to he's very disappointing this club it could be the final game for a lot of Raiders they do also have a problem at quarterback well we watched Jay Schrader warm up your shoulders bother him a little bit he's going to start today and I think he'll go as far as he can you may well be seeing the last game though for some of the Raiders like Bob Golok and Marcus Allen there is big our shell now in his third season as coach of the Los Angeles Raiders is two previous teams were playoff clubs and Joe Gibbs the man who has led the Redskins to three Super Bowl championships came here in 1981 as an assistant from San Diego moved up and now ready to kick off for the Raiders is jagger gets the ball barely deep Brian Mitchell at the three yard line and Mitchell is cut down at the 18-yard line and they're the Redskins go on offense 1st down and 10 Jim Lachey one of the best tackles in pro football back at the left tackle position he had a knee injury much of the season another huge offensive line but it hasn't protected the passer like it did last year injuries have been a problem Griffin at quarterback as Bill Parcells pointed out his staff this year reflect the drop-off in offense by the rent into the team banner could be a thousand yard rusher if he has 37 yards today for a third straight season end-up diviner the Raiders give ground grudgingly to the run they're one of the best in the NFL against the rod effect great second overall a huge defensive front Howie Long having a terrific year for outing and Harrison enormous defensive tackles Townsend of right am Wallace Bell and moss backed the line to start the game Robo player left corner for the Raiders in terry mcdaniel he may be their best player this season Ronnie Lott having another terrific year at strong safety veteran former 49er second down and arrest Jim made about hate he breaks them has the ball in his hand yep sit on an end-around and hit the big one while the Redskins trying to knock the Raiders off-balance they're a little enough when they run the when the wrench kids run the reverse that's usually bid Ark month over the last ten years there you see some good blocks with Ray Brown leading around the corner on the free safety there Eddie Anderson number 33 in Redskins have good field position right now about their own 36 16 yard gain on a quick draw up the middle they go to finer a power back that Joe Gibbs told us yesterday is a coach's dream is that everything he's got every day of practice every play of every game super smart you don't have the coach him he really in a sense coaches himself he said one of the things I like to do is binder and you see the Redskins in a no huddle right now they like to spread out and then run finer inside on those draw some delays early in the game again they go to minor is that second down and four he turns it outside and gets close to the 45 yard line and third down now arises for mark Griffin and the Redskins ripping there's Eddie Anderson the veteran free safety of the Raiders Griffin comes in with 12 touchdown throws and 17 interceptions a year ago he finished with 28 touchdown passes and just 11 interceptions a year ago he was the number one half of the National Conference right now he's at the bottom of the NSD passer ratings but has come out of late and give him I prayed for he said he's shown a lot of leadership he's been under duress because of the big rush against him this year and they give you time he drink it out Gary Clark makes his sixtieth set to the season it was good for a first down out to the 49 yard line only the Redskins three three wide receiver offense today even if he sees Desmond Howard you know he is carrying car coming across on that last reception but how it's going to be replacing Rickey Sanders and that kind of gives the Raiders just a little bit of a problem because Howard may move to some different positions today and they haven't seen much of him on film their defensive backs I had you know much study on him so it's kind of a new experience with the Raiders because he in the guy like our two he's very fast Nesbitt Howard has run down close to four two and again the skins go to the power game Aaron Wallace from an outside linebacker position makes the snap on the run but there's another substantial gain on first down a gain of six well philosophy has always been either the short path or the good solid off tackle counter Trey their famous runner game but when the Redskins are second and five this is when Joe Gibson that is this on his play call it because he really can keep you off bounds Art Monk the lone wide receiver on second down and four there we are the HVAC ships and ripping out a call rollout fires a strike down field our clock come on Phil very much in the game plan early well this is the thing that Joe Gibbs told us yesterday though they wanted to create a balance they felt like the Raiders defensive front line was just a little too strong physically to just say hey we're going to come in there and we're going to run the ball down their throat so they're going to they're going to just try to mix both run and pass on first hand and they've done it successfully so far here in the first part of the ball game art monk Scott just 11 catches in a previous seven games and obviously they're looking to get the ball 281 again a Hall of Famer to be as the handoff goes diviner great offensive line block rip open the Raider defensive front and the games inside the Los Angeles 35 yard line well you see number 87 to the bottom of the screen coming across Ron Middleton and leading Ernest Byner through they have no man for the safety man 80 Anderson 32 but he came up this to tackle it definer was able to get a good six on first down again so again the same situation for the Redskins check out for the triplicate I know with five carries already he has 20 yards I'm sucking down in for up the middle they go and the game we down close to the 30-yard line as the HVAC Terry or gets the ball when Winston Moss takes him down this is only the seventh regular season meeting between the Raiders in Washington in the previous six Raiders have won four times or spill the Redskins we never vividly that Super Bowl 18 and the blowout lost to the Raiders at Tampa 38 denied well that was you know one of the more one-sided Super Bowls that we've had and see their theory or kind of limp it off and this would be a big loss for the Redskins right now because desperate hours or third wide receivers kind of a fill-in guy now and you know or is the kind of a kind of going to use the the balance they have occurred they're in trouble a third is short third in the yard if they go back to earnest Byner and on a dive play right he takes it ahead for what appears to be yet another first down or they make the spot they might have to measure area asking the referee yogi I'm talking about the tremendous emotion in that game last week at Philadelphia when the Redskins almost pulled it out only to lose 17 to 13 and as you point out bill they were all concerned about commenting back that high emotion level well and most of them said that this emotion level that they've been on was for two weeks you know they had that great win against Dallas fear the controversial play in the end zone and everything and then going to Philadelphia in that game and see they're about doing some short of that first down there I think kids made the decision they're going to go for it but the emotion of those two division games then you go against a team that's out of your conference and it's just a little different you notice familiar has not as much of a blood war those divisions fans coming alive now they didn't do that as a friendly spot on the home field fourth down and let them to put I set his own number 11 takes it ahead he's a big quarterback in over 230 pounds and behind his Center he powers his way straight ahead Mackenzie blowing out the linebacker first down well this quarterback sneak was was a play you never had to worry about when Joe Theismann was the quarterback to the residence they would ever try but now they have a guy 64 230 pounds they'll run that quarterback Steve big quarterback reppin goes right back to earn a spider pounding away Ernest banner he came into the game with 963 yards rushing and he's closing in a thousand already here in the first quarter is he's only needed 37 today to get to a thousand game plot down to 753 in running was interesting bill you're you've got so many hours and hours of Redskins offensive tape there's usually one two shifts and a couple of set changes usually two shifts and emotion but they're doing more up-tempo offense today trying to give Rick Griffin a priest half-breed hi Deann Ron Middleton down the line with a lead block and again they go to the run and again a Ernest Byner play with the right guard there Marshall Aerith pull it through and you keep having these third ones though if you're not going to do a whole lot of business against the Redskins and the whole key escapo know is the first down defense naked second and ten second at nine you have a lot better chance that way how a long and work and again Spiner hours slammed right makes it inside the 20-yard line I'm third down and he appears to have a first down as the Redskins have controlled the clock since the opening kickoff we're now winding down the six and a half minutes to play in the first quarter I think if you ask Joe Gibbs how he'd want to start the game or or you ask any coach how you'd want to start any game this game is started just about the way the Redskins would like to have it provided now they can drive it all the way in for the seven points no they've had the ball we're almost into the five-minute area here and the Raiders haven't had a snap on office yeah big team play drives still alive for the Redskins 63 yards so far this time the Raiders rise up a reading 21 all the way bill and they knock back spider they made their mind up they were going to do something about that first down play and they they use the defense that involved a lot more pressure and as a result you see it's a - play now and now the rest it should be able to dictate the down of distance or play the defense that they want to put the current Drive and it's still alive close to ten minutes of the first quarter clock down hands off and others wait ahead run by Ernest Byner and he's inside the 20 second down Gary Winston Moffett huge outside linebacker a former Tampa Bay Buccaneers kids have always liked to use though spread the defense out make it appear they're in a passive formation and then run the delay or the draw play to earnest Byner and let him pick his way and hopefully decreases Raiders did a good job now I have a third and 12 before long rages bringing a lot of people up to try to stop this rushing onslaught of the rippin diggin the traffic young people Jerris part going to the ball by Lionel Washington so the reskin drive stalls and they send out one of the very best ship low Miller to try a field goal he's having another great year hitting 28 of 36 field goals this year there's nobody better long he's hit 11 of 13 outside the 40 that's a victory of sorts go for the Raider dealer yeah have that ball moved down the field and now they're having to settle for the field goal I think the Raiders feel pretty good get over there and settle down a little and see if they can't do a better job on first now [Music] hello Miller with the field goal try and it's why so a most impressive opening drive with an empty ending Redskins fail to score rookie back at RFK Stadium in Washington the Redskins have owned the first quarter an 18 play drive down the field as they mix the run in the past that then Lowell Miller was wide on a field goal thrive and with the visiting locker room with life they didn't know if he started before the game because of nailing shoulder running with the ball is sick youth back from Iowa with breakaway speed might be a fall on the field they all getting a starting call he's averaging almost 5 yards to carry the best per carry average of any of the Raiders apparently built a Raiders held onto it well Nick Bell is I think is the biggest halfback I've ever seen we we were talking to the Raiders PR department last night and they said that when they had the weigh-in this week I'll wait in it had a smooth 258 pounds so that's pretty good size for tailback 258 and he actually was a sprinter on the Iowa [Applause] pick a 91 hasn't played that much [Applause] red skansen shut it down Shane Collins a rookie defensive end Arizona State makes the stop offensive line hot heat starting at left tackle for the injured Bruce Wilkerson was new ski will be going to the Pro Bowl again mows bar top sentiment Montoya not a good season at guard and McElroy plays right tackle Steve Smith good a blocker as they say there is an oligo to pull back Brown and Gulf the DPD can hoard the tight end they have to get the ball to him [Applause] pretty widely fever setting out for the rain [Applause] the dive forward by Tim Brown and he's across the 35 yard line on a third down and three of the first down for the Raiders well the real matchups concerned here for the Raiders would be in their offensive line at the left tackle spot there Todd beat number 64 and in this case he'd be blocking Fred Stokes but Todd beats really a guard and has played guard his whole career and he's forced into that tackle position today and I'm sure that you know there's not a great copra level for time playing out there on that space he's used to playing in the confined quarters of the guard position we know bill the Raiders have been challenged before this game either coaching some of their team leaders rise up and play the spirited Raider football has been their hallmark as they give good time now to straighter he left a long ball rim nobody's back therefore the risk in a stick off AJ Johnson on the run with blockers in front of them he's across the 30 n to 35 and out of bounds at the 40 hey skaters long haulers certainly long but very very inaccurate I think there was some kind of mistake on the part of the wide receiver number 85 Sam granny there because shredder looked like he expected granny to go a different direction [Applause] damn granny was running a deep pattern looked like he might have broken the pattern off Bill Parcells we'll take a look at it after we go to live action now on the first down play ripping play faking and looking deep let her rip to an open man but he overshoots our pawn at the 42 yard line of the Raiders here's the interception play now Brumback shraeger well there's them granny right here in the flat right here and it looks like as he breaks this better it looks like you should have come back here but he kind of gives up not expecting the ball and he just looked like he gives up on the pattern that's why the end the interception Griffin goes a long ball down the sidelines and the fly-in Desmond Howard on a game days here in Washington this season after being the Super Bowl MVP last January now 3 of 6 as you see for just 17 yards trying to look at the deeper stuff bill yeah and this is the situation though that that's always the toughest for a quarterback you've got 30 10 he had a third 14 right before the field goal this is when the Raiders defense and the strength of their defense which is at the quarterback position and on the defensive line with their pass rush comes to the forefront third and 10 mas is putting on the natural grass curve here is our FPA as he planted cut it wasn't rippin swamps though is it our pumps don't stick in the readers hold on three down and out well ribbons running a sprint out there you see number 42 on the 50-yard line ronnie Lott monk falls down but lot gets his hands on the ball and we've never gotten the bunk it almost makes the interception in Brown is back for the Raiders Kelly good burn is the Potter for the Redskins his net deceptive good this year less than 33 yards a line drive in a Quebec [Applause] kicking back up tight in from Rutgers comes down and makes the stop the Raiders take over the ball for a second half at the long field to go and just 142 to play in the quarter there's take over the ball first down and ten after a punt by Kelly good burn of the Redskins Jay Schrader at quarterback comes in hitting just 49% of his pros 11 for touchdowns and interceptions three players have been imported excavated this year I want to get with it for a wild in seventh place he would have been the starter been in solo so he please go ahead tick-tock right down Nick down [Applause] Gouveia the linebacker comes up and makes the stop front seven of the Redskins Giles man his back count down from 11 half a year ago at this time for half this year Jane Collins playing very well at the pensive end Wilber Marshalls the only that will be going to the Pro Bowl having maybe his best year Darryl Greene after recovering from the fractured arm one of the best one-on-one covers at right corner AJ Johnson less partisan and again [Applause] later with a safety knock her down [Applause] he lost the ball there's someone that in the game up to what the penalty call is now first of the game he was looking over towards Tim Brown illegal motion against Los Angeles Hill what about this Raider team you know it's the oldest team in the man who in motion number 87 was moving when a player was moving the penalty is declined family how much restructuring needs to be done to get them back at the contender I think there's there's quite a bit of work to be done with the with the Raiders team I think the defensive line is very strong I think that the quarterback position is fun but every other spot you know could use a little help primary one of course if I thought of federal before [Applause] third down receiver in the game now there's a bow on a diving catch on third down but give us enough for the first down well done by he's importantly tied in making his thirty second catch of the season and apparently where the mark is it's going to be close enough to measure the season Horton makin a nice diving catch it's tough to see therefore that angle with a wall-mount stuff off the ground back into his stomach but they call it a completion but I think he may be a little short markers come out it is really interesting talking wasn't think that as he quoted his team laid it on the line every week like the Raiders have been known to well I think he's you know disappointed in the record and disappointed in the way they played and a little frustrated and exasperated that some of the guys have spoken out particularly guy like Marcus Allen who you know had a lot to say there a few weeks ago and you know pick Monday Night Football for the theater in which to say it you know forty four other guys playing a team and he could come from that Indiana's ownership they do get the first down as the handoff goes to Nick Bell you don't get much done a first down carry Jason bucket there's the man on the tackle of former Outland Trophy winner from BYU Jason funk was in Cincinnati bangle an undersized defensive tackle with good speed was of course the Cincinnati Bengals well I think that's one of the things that the kosis at the end first quarter but a little worried about the undersized and their defensive line against a big powerful offensive line picture the Buffalo Bills in position to win their way to home-field advantage in the American Conference for a third straight year if they win at Houston its burgum San Diego still contending as is Miami for home field a very big game Vincent first and purposes is like a free wild card game out there the winner advances to the playoffs you'll see that game on most of these NBC stations also on NFL live starting at 12:30 Eastern Time and revealing remarks from Dan Reeves the Denver coach about what his future might be with the Denver his last game is go to the Broncos tomorrow now grow and straighter got this down feel beautifully right on the numbers he makes the first half throw hits him Brown AJ Johnson was covering out the play but Brown turns them in and makes the catch well Tim Brown down the field this is a traditional Raider pass working against number 47 AJ Johnson down the field v between 15 and 20 yards and it's a Raiders offensive line can protect like they did on that lamp way they're going to be able to throw the ball pretty well waited for the most part hit that time have been against the Redskins a fraud they're going after the football out of the red pants fell with two arms on it the free safety Brad Edwards came up made the first head well the rim skin defense is a combination of under shift that over shift and what I mean by that is they move the deeper alignment he's of the weak side or the strong side when they move to the weak side it's commonly referred to as an under ship defense to the strong side an over ship so that's what you can kind of look for them moving their lives in fact important as in the Raiders or what we call bubble in those defensive on Raider on second down seven fires downfield he comes in he was running an open pattern grater with an overthrow he stretched out his Titanic and put him on the sidelines well on shelf said that you know they they've kind of ignored the tight end through the course of the year and and that they wanted to get back to trying to get the ball to the tight end and now if you look at the radar history and with Raymond Chester and Dave Casper and Todd Christians as the greatest receiving Titans they've had it's always been a very integral part of the very office [Applause] seven from the field you [Applause] now they're tight spiral this Tami's right on the numbers as Kim Brown is giving big travelers to the rut skin defensive backs well the thing though it's making these plays go is the receipient defensive line is just unable to get anywhere near J Schrader's a big pocket there plenty of time and and you know if you let Jake Schrader do this and Tim Brown just run one-on-one I promise you it's going to be a graders happening he's rebuilding his door good day so this path [Applause] take a look eat now swings at our man pick biopsy columns the outside linebacker Andre had a clear track to the endzone it's another one of those plays though like a one-time play that the Raiders tried on the throw back and whatever you have a mindset in your quarterback hey this is a play we're going to try like they tried that throw back into the first interception this is another one of those style plays he has his mind made up and a lot of times you get an errant throw what you have your mind made up I think he's better just going back and throwing what second down and ten seems to be there and again Ethan Horton but he's wide of the mark and so traitorous base with another third down in 10th row and changed a little upset with that throw because not that it would have been a first and but he had horns open and he threw it a little outside that time Wilber Marshall there number 58 on the coverage but it's just the throw behind Horton he can't get both hands on trader did not have a happy parting here in Washington he was planted in December of 88 to the Raiders for tackle Jim Lachey but he imported back 10 games the previous season started 10 laid the seeds until gift run with Doug Williams we let the Raiders sewers to a Super Bowl championship they're down throwing him down coming back at the ball now boys maze made a play out at number 20 the Raiders caught on third down you can see though that the Redskins defensive coaches Richie Pettibone and Larry peccadillo went for the Blitz there to try to put more pressure on in the coverages a little tighter and avoid maze gets in there on Tim around this time and breaks it up with the Redskins knew that they couldn't you know make the plays with the four-man rush so they went to the Blitz here's with any one of the acknowledged best is a defensive coach [Music] on are now in for Los Angeles this is Jeff got pit angling for the near sideline hits a knuckleball bouncing about the 22 this may be his shortest of the season [Applause] 14 yard punt and the Redskins takeover going maybe his final timeout Dylan you had them in the beginning at New England when he came out a Notre Dame is an all-american that's right his second year and Bob was playing linebacker for the Patriots at that time and I was coaching the linebackers up there and the many course made the transition to nose tackle and is that you know an outstanding career for both the Browns and absolutely love this game and is really brokenhearted this may be his last national football league [Applause] blank pay the 100 throw but mark back family respect to taking the ball wears down 18-yard gain on the play getting back to bat go ago last Sunday night after they were being want to do the replay first year bill well you know with Ricky Sanders out the play-action pass the guy that can get down the feel the best for the Redskins and and the more elusive receiver is Gary Clark aren't much the guys I'd like to put motion and run those little read patterns but Clark is the guy that likes to strike down in the 15 to 20 yard area in to beat burial a three I was an 18-yard River first down the penalty marker comes in is going to be an interference call perhaps against the Raiders again you might have pushed off on our clock I think what they're going to call him for is holding I think as month went back to go against the grain there that McDaniel grabbed his jersey and the car [Applause] that is big amarka but it is a first down for the Redskins talking about Bob goes oh he was actually brokenhearted last Sunday night he wasn't active for the San Diego game used on the LA Coliseum playing field weeping really uncontrollably I will be consoled by his teammates and Al Davis went out Salomon whatever we do we're going to try to find a way to exit they've just got hit him in there one more time well I think when you realize that it's over and you know you want to play it's been part of your life like it has a goal look for so long you know there is some emotion involved the guy at a Cleveland Ohio bigger than the crunches pushed down a the power run now the Raider defense bill seems to be reading their designer Ward more they start to shut you down Winston mob came up to make the stop as a Raider front line of their defenses I said early in the game even without Scott Davis who hasn't played at all this year was another big defensive landing I think if you if you look at the Raiders team and and you look at their defensive line you would say hey this is this is the spot where they have pretty top quality people and until the from that defensive line big defensive line for the Raiders that comes after now the quarterback and lipid signed to play fake but get away from Chester McLaughlin Esther's listed at 315 he might have been that he might be a lot more now and he's a very good prospect from Clemson a rookie player but McLaughlin is the guy that had his foot hurt early in the year when we had the raiders and didn't get too much work done in training camp or the early part of the season but played pretty well lately and and I know from watching this guy in college he was very very difficult to block and I think the Raiders he'll think he will be another of these dominant defensive line of the business on the other certainly dominated that last pass rush getting the stack making a third down in eight days Griffin looking deep he dumped it out Ernest Byner on the run he's ahead for a first down out of bounds of the 40 onto the rust dust it off to his outlet man and Ernest Byner does the rest 19 yards in a first down well this is the case of of a linebacker who's supposed to be covering finer kind of just losing track of them and I think it's baby number 99 Winston Baugh who just lost track of them for one second and minor kind of stuck to the pile there there was nobody open downfield ripping game game a scoreless game in the second quarter finder with a halfback option and rolled out of the 25 got it there well glad you can go kids is pulling out all stops you know ii play the games are reversed you know they're they're trying to do anything they can to get a little momentum fighters throw passes a halfback passes four touchdowns before and but they're trying to do anything they can to get the raiders off balance still alive - momentum he joined us late the Redskins started with an 18 play drive after the opening kickoff van Lowe Miller missed a field goal Ochs reloads and dump it up to his high end second down in pen he presses ahead down to the 32 yard line gain of eight rip and pull that ball down again the Raiders pass coverages is holding up pretty well he's having to go to his outlet receivers and the reason you see him pull the ball down and the Raiders are basically a man-to-man defensive team and when they've got their guy you know rip rip and can't throw to him so you have to look for the outlet now the Raiders go to a three receivers yeah that to the left Desmond Howard makes the pledge up to [Music] keeps the drive going [Applause] they could just never catch him up during the course of the season now he's forced in there in the absence of ricky sanders but they say he's still kind of going through training camp he's had a hard time catching up it's training camp in a contract hold on they love his attitude oh if the raves about imagine special team player here's a handoff divider on a first down run to the 24-yard line Ronnie Lott comes up as the strong safety makes the pop they really were he is it extolled that's how it really as far as his character in the way he plays the game because we haven't used it much from scrimmage but on special teams he's been one of our best guys you'll play wherever we put them I think that's where he had a little respect to from the veterans you know and every time you get a guy with this much publicity he comes on a team this guy's good at the prove himself for the Redskins the way Desmond Howard what about doing well on special team distance papi is Asian there's the oldest member of the posse Art Monk in motion I stuck it down again the Raiders had the heat out how he longed was coming hard and Anthony Smith who's the Raiders sack leader with 13 was also in pursuit now he long heads to New York tomorrow to join Bob Costas and company on NFL live there down arises now for the Redskins ball positioned at the 22 yard line of the Raiders down pretty with Bill Parcells RFA Stadium in Washington final regular season game for both clubs Redskins come in nine and six very much alive in the playoff chase for the final spot the National Conference Raiders playing for pride they've done a lot of it so far like how they show gates Raider build a defense he didn't like to call timeout with 714 to go in the first half and still no score I'm not on the Fiat record he's been the three Super Bowl what do you want be a shame if anything happen it is third down throw by Ripon if he stands in again he dumps it make the first down yardage as we get up Anthony Smith falls on them and so the field goal unit comes back out Desmond Howell was shaken up a bit earlier he's being escorted off of here to have a hand or arm injury the Redskins lost Ricky Sanders last week with a sprained ankle against the eagle he didn't start today in fact is inactive and out is the heart of the rookie standing in his place goes off allard colon separated children you'll not be back today the Redskins [Applause] [Music] finally goes down the scoreboard and these three nothing he'll go by Jim Lowe Miller who now kicks it off to the Raider way nothing game have to play the first down superfast tries to turn it why but good special teams play and the Redskins close him down a traitor gets it to come back out New Year's Day night Morris mists and others but there are people running free in the Washington secondary Belle neighs and again he pays the price as he is Kurt Gouveia the middle linebacker came up in Concord before when Kurt Gouveia is a very instinctive quick you know kind of the leader on the defense there and Larry Peck Otello the defensive coordinator of the Redskins yesterday said that last week you know Gouveia had missed a few tackles because he has a shoulder that's father he didn't practice at all this week he's out the gate said he wanted being watch him to see if he could use the arm now white part again is Nick Bell that was on a second down seven carry he'll be a about two yards short of the first down as he takes it out to the 30 in a sit by Danny Copeland the strong safety well Nick Bell looks like he's starting to get his the feel for this game he run those last two plays better than he did the first couple when he started the game but sometimes when a guy hasn't played too much like Bell has it and you get in there you know you're going to carry the ball 50 or 20 times it takes your just a little while before you get the fuel making the right stuff and it looks like kind of get the feel of that right now because he is now the deep back because of blocking back Steve Smith way pay later airs it out on the fly is damned ready man he was looking for him Darrell Green to fly right Whitman ready there's through the fences people grow football running step per step Jerry Ilya 50-yard hit though for the Raiders well granny has great speed and of course so does Darrell Green and they're running stride for stride and the Raiders of course one little pass interference and you know Brad he just dropped that ball it's good coverage by Green but we're always there he had the opportunity to catch it he just didn't catch so straighter tried to hit big on first down now he faces second of ten we'll Bernardo [Applause] they're faced with third and long as with 445 to plan ahead [Applause] is one of the guys on this risk and Ethan has the ability to make big plays and you know every defense is it doesn't have eleven guys that could make big plays and the rich kids have a few on their defense breed and band but I think the big play maker can count past these fans and rugby fans [Music] [Applause] fbb in serie that he's going back to the Provo here's a flip and traitorous truck door Danny koker food-safety wind up wide like a track athlete hailing straighter but you see what's happened here in the early part of the game the Redskins were approaching it defensively with the four-man rush as a little conservative approach and now they've changed up you see them on the top of the screen Marcus Allen tries to come over and pick them up late but the Redskins have now found out they're going to have to flip to get the J straighter and they've done it successfully a few times here in the last possession Jeff Johnson down the end zone for Los Angeles Ryan Mitchell the [Applause] well hit my gossiped there's Mitchell the return right he's losin yards away back at the 43-yard line Mitchell will not bear catcher very rarely eat court ran him down there 319 to play now in the first test still free nothing Ripken he'll give longtime adversary on the field and Bill Parcells that he gave you a welcome gift at the training center feel like you're one of his former players well yeah he gave me a big hug of course we've been in competition for a long time and he's the guy that I just have great respect for competing in the same division and fighting it out there's some great battles and you know I remember but he remembers it he's just you know a great guy great reflection on national instead about it when things are worse he coaches death he almost enjoys whether its team has been up against this year having to rally back here's ripping that first down require operators dollar him knock him down at the 48 well Joe gives his problem right now is the absence of skill field Ricky Sanders out at the wide receiver now Desmond Howard out he just has spoken Larkin to metric receivers and then over 24 call hairy off the practice squad as his third down and then we're looking to play Carl scrimmage they just activated 50 Redskins running low on white out now they have second down and four fighting in a demeans the CrossFit feeling down to the 48-yard line you'll be close to a birthday [Music] played skirmish well one of the things the Redskins like to do this spread out spread out all over the place and then run those draws diviner right up the middle and you know that's been their theory for a long time spread out and run the draw try to get you uneven spacing [Applause] are the super hitter Ronnie lot comes up and fires right at the opportune moment knocks the ball free here's a guy I know you have great admiration for Bill Parcells and and our meeting with him last night when the Raiders came in it was really inspirational what this guy had to say well I'll tell you this has to be my my favorite player that I never got to coach now we go I'm sucking down in tennis let's him to a shutdown that was Ricky urban spending a lot said you've got to find a way to get yourself up to play you've got to make it fun you got to leave lay it on the line every game leave some of yourself on the field now guys haven't been doing that Ronnie lot certainly has every game read nothing with less than two minutes to play in the first half and quickie with Bill Parcells builds a surprise you all the Raiders are playing like they are well the Raiders got to be happy with the way this game is going their defense is playing well and putting a little pressure on the quarterback and three points game you know they got to be happy with the way of stolen right now Raiders had a lot of open receivers running in the Redskins secondary sometimes he hit him sometimes he's had over suits but you have to think that he's going to go back and hit some big plays against the Washington pass defense if his pass blocking holds up the last time he had the Volvo you remember the skins got a rush go with Linton to the safety from linebackers got an overmatch against the rockin wall and got this greater twice now it's rip and ready to throw for the resident that band is fervent on third down and 14 Ricky Ervin's a quick little back is down to the 45 yard line well the Raiders defense is held up well and you know they've got to be very pleased with a minute 42 to go against the Redskins I think that the Raiders if they can just get some office and offense going here we'll have a game where the rich can seem to offend the defensive strategies of the Blitz pressure on the Raiders that lets the Raiders solve that the roll is reversed because the mayor's had good success at the four-man rush but most success against him brown bear catches the hot end it will be first and ten from the 11 yard line Ricky Sanders to the left injured wide receiver Ernest Byner 2 yards short of a thousand yards for the season rushing he was doing this last carry but looked like it it back well they can't afford to lose him because he's the guy that as you said earlier Joe Gibbs made reverence to yesterday he's he's one of the best practice players they got he can run he can block and he can catch he can do it all of course he has the number 4 to back it up as we saw earlier Billy can throw the Deaf a trumpet hold on to it if Devon's now comes in to run the Raiders up there 37 years old [Applause] I can tell it [Applause] looking like Marcus Allen of the Superbowl year when he rushed for an NFL Super Bowl record of 191 yards against the Redskins down at Tampa broke 174 yarder for a touchdown Vince Evans is trying to get the Raiders back in the formation they're a little slow to get back to the line Allen on Adelaide raw wheeze the head doesn't get much into the 27 yard line there's Dave Schrader who has been pulled over shoulders battling anymore he did and that shoulder drop was a doubtful starter until pregame warmups he got he got hit pretty hard there on that last list but talking to him last night you know he want to play in this game because haven't been with the Redskins it's kind of a personal thing when you get a chance to go back and you know I'm sure he would like to be a factor in maybe keeps the Redskins out of the playoff so although I know he has friends on the team and everything still competitions competition he's like nothing better than to come in here help to help the Raiders win talks out left right you remember what you call this coming-out party here in a Monday night game well it was an unfortunate night for Joe Theismann that was the night that I think most of football America remembers Joe having that broken leg some of the vivid shots that were taken of that but this guy came off the bench it kind of lit up the scoreboard on us at night that was really the beginning to Jake's Raiders football career he poured on earnest Byner he has a bruise back they'll check it more at halftime determine whether or not he'll come back to play the second half off his back foot is Evans makes the throw and Marcus Allen on second down and eight lunges the head at the gain of six yards on the play Marcus was more plagued AB is getting here is the two-minute offense Marcus's have said their third down back all the time so on a dive Raiders get a first down and Karla timeout with 33 seconds left to play reminder that FM the Domino's Pizza bleachers are up parade route already is ready right now the Raiders looking to write a hip step there were 33 seconds to play in the first half a trail freeze nothing Raider Kim way back Oh gasps cover yet up about ten yards here's a penalty marker coming in after the play could be some tact out on a late hit Henderson mr. Powell is it hundred fifty-five evidences although said the Raiders are in long field goal range well Evans down and of course Collins is late you know they're trying to protect the quarterback you know another other seven or eight yards though the Redskins the Raiders are in field goal position we may have a tie game here Marcus Allen 19 seconds to go in the half second down comes up from the 36 yard line of Washington well.all Evans has to do is get one completion he'll have time to get up to the line of scrimmage and stop the clock was by spiking the ball and they'll be in field goal range what he doesn't want to do is is take too long on some type of running play or a pass that the receiver can't get out of bound have the clock run down where it's impossible to stop in rust by walking in to break out in brown standing there waiting for the ball to come in and Brad Edwards number 27 the brief safety came up in knock two three that was an excellent defensive play by Brad Edwards Vince Evans was kind of staring the receiver down and allowed Edwards to get a good break on it you see Evans kind of stares at the guy for awhile if Edwards is watching Evans and Evans is staring at Brown it kind of figures that's where the ball is going third down [Applause] at 30 and down to the 28 yard line they're not going to get the playoff family marker Afghan had a defensive penalty against the offensive team so the Raiders out of timeouts are unable to set up for the field goal drive they get down close and they through the locker room trailing just three to nothing now we're going to join Bob Costas for the Domino's Pizza NFL live halftime report the NFL's recently crowned fastest men but not enough speed to beat the pursuit of the Redskins that he's down at the 21 yard line look at the Coors cutter halftime stats I don't know bill whether offenses we're playing good or the defense's we're especially good I think is the defense's and you know the rescues has the ball the way they like to have it but they don't have all that much to show for it you know the Raiders just weren't able to do anything they just kind of mismanaged that time right there at the end of the half or it might be a 3 3 game but both often kind of struggling here both defenses play [Music] the second quarter opens the third is quarterback for the Raiders [Applause] Bell Hannah Storm I just talked to James Reiter who was pulled in the second quarter and in Hannah's opinion Jay was very upset about being pulled at nothing to be over an injury belt well you know he wanted to come in here and play well but you know there's been an unsettled quarterback situation at the Raiders all year long and I don't see here in the last game of the season dick now breaks it again at secondary a second first down rod first 12 yards been 11 and the Raiders have the ball out to their 46 yard line i above our fa al davis watches a team that he's not at all happy with this season - Twitter you have to wonder if he'll be back on the red panda with the Raiders next season and do that [Applause] - Hanna the Raiders move again for another first down like the running back Belleville well it just goes to show you get a couple of inside running plays going like the Raiders did and then all of a sudden you come with a bootleg or or a miss anything that kind of looks like a run and play and there was a little slip there on the part of Bell & Evans just kept the ball and there was no pursuit by the Redskins now the Raiders got the best driving game gone it's back now Emily markers are down as though is bell on a first down run to the Redskins 41 yard line Raiders getting back looks like it might be against hearing when the 7/7 of the offense ten-yard stairs there's our Reggie McElroy called for holding so the Raiders looking their very best benefit that they have in this game to open the third quarter now our setback on the holy call to their 47 yard line I'm sure what hardshell talked to his team about it to heaven hey look you know let's get out there and let's try to run right at these guys start the second half do something about the physical aspect of the game the first two or three plays the indication that's instead of back [Applause] feel throat Jim Brown on the run look at one defender the baby can't get it Tim Brown lunges down to the 25-yard line on the play of the game as the former Heisman Trophy winner who underwent surgery and really got back up to full speed this season turns in a big play well Tim Pound run it all the way across it's just the footrace with AJ Johnson and he wins it and then slips the tackle from two guys Johnson and Edwards and you know the Raiders were a definite field goal range now and you see them coming out of the huddle little more sharply and it just kind of looks like this is the question wait big evidence spreading out since tight end ethan portent Evans very much under prezi's a very very popular member of the Raiders as you know bill they've really induct just having it on the team at 8:37 because what he does for younger players well sometimes when you've been around and you've seen it all like he has you know nothing surprises you and you can kind of put everything in perspective but he was a little upset with himself there because he had his tight end open and he wasn't able to get the ball to him just a bad throw it down the town dan he'll throw into the end zone Darrell Green picked it up when the and green is out will he go ahead his looked like he was going to take it in for a score it was a question of Evans no one and he had girls offal in the air and the Redskins on the pickoff Ruth interception of this season by Darryl Greene and the Raiders back [Music] come up short what that interception a moment ago well Willie Gaul here at the bottom of the screen working against Darryl Greene and he really has green feet for an instant and if Evans would have just laid the ball over Green's head as he attempts to come underneath it would have been a touchdown but he threw it a little flat and green was able to recover and come across if I speck the ball and come up with the inner chest our Crippen a second down goes to the run again Pervis breakthrough [Applause] five the urban weaves his way from first ow well with earnest Byner on the bench this this guy Ricky Irvin who was kind of reversed as the second runner and all-purpose guy for the Redskins that was going to have to carry a lot of the load here the second half not quite as personal is finer but just running the football he's very good and can fill in for finer well in his that aspect of the game he got 14 on that run active urban that's all five eight power a 200-pound very elusive counting to stop he's another one of those bats that seemed to be kind of a virgin in the beautiful Football League Emmitt Smith Barry Sanders Thurman Thomas and now Ricky Ervin's they're the low center of gravity Barry Foster's another one the low center of gravity back that hard to tackle hard to get a good shot at and pretty girl [Applause] the Redskins come right back Ronnie Lott make the tackle but he does his 15 yards downfield they know I always felt like and playing the Redskins and of course having played against 18 times that that this was the guy right here you had to make sure that or try to make sure that he didn't get going because this guy is capable of making big play after big play and he certainly made his share against us this is the guy you have to do an awful lot to try to take out of the cage conservation but it should be duly noted bill also your giant teams won their last three games in our space day this is a very difficult stadium to win in for anybody did you find them particularly difficult to prepare for the Redskins well the best thing about coming down here to play with the great fans they have here in Washington and the teams that they have had here is when you come in here with the team they know it's everybody against the 47 that you have sometimes you kind of know you're forced to pull together in a place like this or you have no chance to win it all so the kind of concept becomes more important it all you've had a lot of chess matches across the fear with Joe Gibbs over the years they really don't change that much do they an offensive defense they pretty much run the same system very well when they have a philosophy they leave in it it's been successful I don't see why you would want to change it but after you play against the guy so much or he plays against you it's you get into that situation where you know you know that he knows itself you know that he knows and you get into that kind of thing at some times you kind of paralyze yourself a little overthinking and I think that happened a couple of times to be against the Redskins my old personal standpoint thinking too much and not enough playing third and ten there's the pro in gets it he pays the price anyway and a penalty markers down at the line of scrimmage and stop the clock with 7:57 to go third quarter illegal motion signal 181 the penalty is declined their town guard monk musta turned up field early before the snap he was in motion so the Raiders will get it back see if they have their emotion with them after that long drive and came up with an interception ended with an interception this is starting to shape up like one of those games where one key crucial mistake is going to wind up determining the winner the Raiders made one big one just a minute ago it's still enough time left where you can't count that as the game to start so I think you're looking for a big mistake to turn the game a warrior and one of the best clan be standing since that went into effect it was a long time Cincinnati Bengal Raiders signed him he had started UCLA as an injury browse with me VIN there's the critter guard as there is around first content now for Vince Evans in the Raider up and down by three point [Applause] big Knicks Bell runs it not for very much gets a couple yards here's how the Raiders for chart win on offense and early interception the deep pro-vice Raider punt punt couldn't get a field goal off had no timeouts we're down close just before half-time but time ran out and then the endzone interception of them sevens by Darryl Greene stopped the opening drive of the third quarter what would you do if you're a Raiders coach right now well I would try to do what they did that laughter next and running a little bit strong guy takes more than one rib head to get him down and keep the third down conversions down pretty low if you run him on first and second and of course you can't do that every possession but he's a guy that can keep the third downs down like they have right now about a third and three if you've got a good chance to convert if you can make it's urgent or three after like his numbers averaging five yards of Russia's been doing that all season long and a limited number of carries and then with Jeff sixty carries but average four point nine yards of run wilbur Margiela's Diana I've heard down a break the second quarter a little bit too much lead Abbotsford tight end even horsemen and a penalty marker down at the line of scrimmage [Applause] all will be against the Raiders ruling number 65 of the office little is reclined we thought about max Montoya got max grabbin on the right side of the screen you see number 65 he just has a headlock around Tim Johnson and that was obviously a good call by the umpire now the Raiders will have to find there is their punter Jeff got it Brian Mitchell returned man for the Redskins back at his 32 yard line too deep and you waved off stay away as they let it scare him out of bound to the 38 yard line so with 6:15 to play in the third quarter the Redskins continue to hold it just a field goal lead there 38 yard line rippen at that great knack for getting down on his knees and catching it just off the turf if you make the first down reception good for a gain of 18 well all the Redskins play-action passes like the ones you see here are down the field over 20 yards the Redskins do not have very many play-action passes and when they throw one you can be sure that the ball's going down the field quite away that was a good example of it right there have been frozen with the play piggy think that end around amongst them they run earlier in the first quarter [Applause] Susan Gregson Chris 12-yard gain first down Washington Winston loss was attacking her now the Raiders defense which has played very well all day long now it's facing probably the toughest time they've had to face during the game because the Redskins have the lead there already is pretty close to low milord field goal range it's got real pressure on the Raider defense that low Miller started swinging his leg on a sideline he's getting ready urban again is caught it the way it was knocked down there's no gays they almost had him for a five-yard loss but one of the things you don't want to do when you're in field goal range is run backwards and herb instructed to adjust his path there the Raiders miss them in the backfield and you know he almost knocked them out of field goal range they're right on the limit right now so I'm sure Joe Gibbs were before they made the attempt would like to move it in a lot closer earnest nine are just two yards short of a thousand out with a bruised back goes to the ball in his room he was at it out when he brought it in incomplete pass Washington covering out to play the Raiders have good quarterbacks and terry mcdaniel and lionel washington and both of those guys are capable of playing man-to-man defense against the type of receivers that the redskins haven't that's one of the reasons why rip and Teddy Cota was outlet the finer in the first half and built in a couple of times because the coverage by these Raider quarterbacks is too tight on their wide receivers last season the Redskins with a fourth highest scoring team in NFL history toward 486 points and 51 touchdowns and offense he cuts down this year just 23 on offense rippen here's a chorus of boos if he misses a third down throw and lo Miller comes out the Raider defense rose up there and and now Lowe Miller is certainly capable of this field goal but I can tell you this is no sense from this distance with this wind blowing a little bit down here this is a tough field goal try 48-yarder he's two for two 50-plus this year eleven of thirteen forty yards plus close he's way wide right in short so the Raiders stay in the game 354 to play in the third quarter and they still fail the Redskins by a three to nothing cow a moment ago Ola Miller about a 48-yard field goal that never came close it was way wide right uneven short so the Redskins in the playoff hunt still trying to get in and win this game up by just a three to nothing score but they've had a season of injuries Bill Parcells and their continued 95 a projected new stadium will have 78,000 feet [Applause] seven eyes time with the face closed the Ethan horseman and he miles ahead moves that pile ahead and gets a gain of about nine yards to the 40-yard line Andre Collins on the tackle it is playing relatively well in tough conditions for them it was almost 80 when they left Los Angeles yesterday chill vectors now down close to zero here in Washington now but I don't think it's close enough where it really makes a difference today the wind isn't that bad and the temperature isn't that low and I think you know once you get running around out there you can warm up pretty good dick down at the pizza and a first down Gary didn't get the head for three yards in a first down out to the 42 yard line they fell starting to run with a lot more confidence than he had early in the game you can see him not into his offensive linemen and you know if the Raiders are going to do anything it's going to be just with the mixture of Nick Bell exclusively on the running game I don't think anyone else other than Evans has a carry and then you know maybe a downfield pass to the brown or go but that seems to be all the weapons available to the first out Belle has a blocking back and Steve Smith in the backfield with him I think the Bell seven takes a look he dived across midfield on a first down carry of scrambled by Evans at age 37 he's ahead four eight that's another element now that the risk is were not really going into the game expected shredder you know they're not all that geared to play against a scramblin type guy and of course they've had their share of scramblers against them with Randall Cunningham B's in the division but Evans is the scramblers a little unexpected for him he's got 34 yards already on just four scramble as in law that would feed at 8:37 out second out of two so they left the alert them [Applause] Andrews Glover second and two they only got about a yard and a half though it will be third of the yard or less the Redskins were able on that play with the Blitz again they broke their middle linebacker Kurt Gouveia just completely clean but with Evans athletic ability he was able to elude the Blitz you saw it coming quickly and get the ball back up the field to where they have the third one now and I'd be looking for Nick Bell [Applause] Marcus Allen just came in for dick bell with backfield on third and one Marcus makes the play he's down with a 41 yard line so the Raiders throw on third and 1 and they hit a nine yard game well that's a little bit of gimmickry by art shale as the Raiders you know send what looks like you're short you're yeah short yardage offense into the game and then shift and spread out and throw a quick out hoping you catch the Redskins in a zone defense which is exactly what happened [Music] not at all out of the woods in this game a prohibitive favorite local paper cannon favored by 14 points they're up by three Kevin but the long run go on the fly and picking it down puts down Raiders Alexander right 41 yard scoring play the Raiders hit the big play and take the lead well Alexander right the speedster that was drafted in the second round by Dallas just working against AJ Johnson here and jump you can't cover any better than that no it's a jump ball the balls there now the Raiders had a lot better chance on the ball that was intercepted by Darryl Greene to score then that one and you never know sometimes it's just the luck of the draw that just what happened good coverage the balls there the jump ball Raiders come down with about right in jump ball is the extra point is up and good Alexander Wright was drafted by the Cowboys out of Auburn they thought he dropped a lot of passes and traded him to the Raiders Raiders love speed and Alexander Wright was recently crowned the NFL's fastest man in that annual competition and he comes down to biggest catch of his career well Alexander right off the good hard play fake you know Evans is just he has his mind made up he's just going to throw it deep to right no matter what the coverage is and what happens he does it Johnson's there the balls up they both jump and Wright comes down with it strangely enough one of the reasons that Alexander Wright is not on the Dallas Cowboys anymore I know this for a fact as I talked to Jimmie Johnson about he didn't right hands were good enough of course Evans he's pretty happy about that Oh turnover this that's his third touchdown pass to the ear he's put on three interceptions one today Vince Evans and it was just the 11th catch of the season for Alexander right his second touchdown catch with the Raiders who struggled on offense and an end zone interception stop one drive in the third quarter keep hanging in with their defense and finally hit a 41-yard touchdown pass play now Danny Copeland goes back along with Brian Mitchell to return the kickoff I'm sidekick the Raiders want to win this game but that won't do it as it was picked up by the Redskins the skins now start in good field goal position but you have to apply the Raiders new way they're pulling out off top they need to win well you know that's your surprise me and with a 7-3 lead I'm not certain that I would have done the same thing but you're right they're trying to get both men over they made an attempt they're special teams wise to get themselves some more after that touchdown hope hoping to catch the Redskins sleep a little bit but they did and now the Red House hours debt for the Ricky Urban the lone running back and goes initially look as though we're all going to the bag of bricks now look at this a wild dog revealed pitch by Brian Mitchell in the second runningback pass today this is turning into a street game here we go Spivey is we got halfback throwing the ball and we got reverses if we get this is our second half not pass we got Joe Falls four touchdowns and then a lot of other things but the Redskins and the Raiders are both open up the whole bag of tricks today two seconds remaining in the third quarter seven to three Raiders over the favorite here comes the rush riffin gets it away our open field times the handle and takes it in for a touchdown run the pass was there he doubled it hug it in the rest gets sent right back after they lost the lead and regain it [Music] Washington 10 Los Angeles 7 we'll be back with Redskins kickoff in a moment skins honored jack kent cooke well please with a wild and spectacular play art month hobbling the ball fielding it and running it in and the redskins go ahead as we start the fourth quarter down quickly with Bill Parcells at RFK Stadium then I'm sod quick kick drive by the Raiders after they took the lead really backfired here's the kickoff coming down field Alexander right we've caught the touchdown pamphlet it's been run like he's shot out of a gun that last touchdown you see monk coming down from the top of the screen in motion and I told you before when the Redskins run a play-action pass the ball is going to go down the field over 15 to 20 yards and that's a good example of what I meant right there and monk is just able to find the handle at the last minute but that was only a 2 receiver pattern and rip and laid it out but the pressures back on the Raider tell the guys to look it into your hands he did that [Applause] right ends up in about a four yard loss Wilber Marshall led the charge from defense for the Washington Wilbur Marshall working against Ethan Horton and then Steve Smith fights off both of those blocks splits the double-team there and along with number 55 on Drake Island they create a - play and now the Raiders of second fort need like the political little bit though they alert the left here they come there Blitzen they pick it up wrong ball downfield Alexander Wright was fouled on the play it'll be a first down for Los Angeles running on a fly downfield Darrell Green running with him and penalty marker came in well they're talking about whether the ball was catchable now and not I'll bet could be legal contact I don't think you can overthrow this guy we're talking about speed here there's a lot of speed but new global Darryl Greene that's humming now the question is is that little content did that keep right here foul on the play I'd like to know how you put the flag back in your pocket without any explanation they didn't say it wasn't catchable I mean he just that wasn't a mistake he threw the flag what'd he throw it for he sure threw it he fired it right in then sevens going to take a look at that again now he's gone to alexander right once for a touchdown from 41 yards out I'm still trying to figure out why he threw the play and I think you said initially was that they probably did that it was an uncatchable ball they never said that lining the blimp [Applause] [Music] here's a penalty marker coming in after the play him Brown was hit no penalty ball incomplete den one was fired in late this is definitely against the Redskins in the first down he visits Anna Faris in the Courtney well they told us what that one was for there's Evans back and mazes they're a little too silly Bub's Brown and Joe gives a little upset now he was happy about the last one and not too happy about this time to go 1357 to play in the game Redskins have taken back the lead for the Raiders and [Applause] and in the stands in they can go for the mailed out with a gain of about four five yards well this is the one to mention here that that is kind of keeping the Raiders in this game and that's the ability of Vince Evans to make something out of a well covered pass and he's done it two or three times and you know the Raiders really didn't threaten till the end of the first half with Jay Schrader in there and they've been down the field twice already the second half and are headed down there again with this evidence and a lot of it has to do his ability to improvise doing that now you have a nice play call on three [Applause] Andre Jim Brown loses the ball mixed up this is Andre Collins on the ride heading towards the end zone he's out of bounds Brent dukes knocked the ball free it still gives them a good chance to be in the ball game and so far the defense has played the first two plays very well you know rippin really just throws that one away because he couldn't get it in there between Anderson and and his receiver it's the biggest play of the game right here for both teams right now third down and goal on the five-yard line Griffin fires over the middle he puts too much on the ball and he again inaccurate over the middle trying to hit Gary Clark almost shades of the week ago at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia when he missed Clark late the game rock had his hands on it lost it with 34 seconds to play this is one exasperate as a coach you have the right play called everyone on the team execute it correctly and set the quarterback there's Clark wide open just not a good throw and you know you thank Clarke Griffin for the Redskins having to kick this field goal I'm sure he knows it and a normally outstanding chip low Miller's no sure thing today he's missed to a pre earlier once he does hit this one but even after the big return that gave the Redskins a first and goal at the Raiders 5-yard line they get only 3 points and lead by 6 well this last last third down on the goal line I think looking at ripping right here you get a good look Clark's wide open the ball was not dipped it just wasn't thrown well and Clark just can't stretch out you see him looking he knows he should have that should have been a touchdown and of course ripping there he knows it should have been a touchdown instead of having a ten-point lead now they have a six-point lead and of course the touchdown we put the Raiders back ahead lehder down by just six Redskins myth the knockout punch with first and goal at the five here is Alexander right fielding the ball he gets their best knows Alexander and down to the 32 yard line Wow the final day winner advancing to the playoffs in the loser watching on television it's over for the loser RFK they've been up and cheering from the outset as the pits back lasers do a good job stringing it out Andre Collins was the lead tackler you try to hit that long one again here Bill Parcells I think I would run if I'm Archelle right now I think the risk is get the idea that that that they're going to run bill wide I think I was on first down baby send them up inside once or twice and then try to mix that play-action pass but Tim Brown in there they've had that a couple of times today and that looks like the best way to attack the risk in today there's Tim Brown he's Y to the top of your screen instead of looking that way frankerz DePaul and Tim Brown short-handed comes down with it at the 44 yard line as long as the protection for the Raiders holes they can throw and catch the football but where they've had some problems here today is what the Redskins anticipate the pass a little bit and go to the Blitz they see Brown working against John from there just a little turn in he has six six receptions already for 80 yards so if there's going to be any double coverage anywhere on any of the Raider it looks like brown brown 81 coming in motion and taking a defender back the other way they go right up the middle Nick Nell working hard and first down for not very much he to the 47 yard line well these last couple of runs though Bell smells kind of running like 185-pound back instead of 258 pound back you know he's trying to pick and and see everything perfect and sometimes when you're that big you know you just got to try to make your own hole if there's not one there and just push that pile a little bit for four or five yards rather than dancing in the hole and get stopped for the Raiders who are challenged coming into this game to play Raiders football they've done that now by six with a lot of time left in the fourth quarter Nick mail goes wide looks for a gap moves it ahead second down in seventh play and he's ahead for a gain of about three or four yards taken down by the safety Danny Copeland and Brad Edwards he's been getting a lot of work today big Nick Bell it was a standout high school wrestler a state champion in wrestling Easter in Las Vegas Nevada he was a Big Ten sprinter with the Iowa hot guys as well as a first team all-american and that's again a breath and market talent goes in [Applause] laterz need a long to on third down look at Marcus suited up making a head inside to the 39 yard line well you see the difference there between a guy that's just running and a guy that's picking and looking and picking his hole there Marcus just hit the hole and it made one cut and accelerated up in there and picked up the first man here you see it from the pit you know he makes one cut and he's going north and south and bail is kind of trying to see maybe just a little too much here the last couple of carrots now we're down to eight and a half minutes to play in the game Redskins 13 Raiders seven [Applause] another straight-ahead carry I think the Raiders have a lot better chance to move the football is a running game if they took line up and run straight at the Washington Redskins I think when you try to run ride against the Redskins then Collins and the athletic people like Wilbur Marshall get into the pursuit lane if you don't pop them on the ground they want to create - place [Applause] Oh rabbit there whistling the play down Wilbur Marshalls head for the ends open will be brought back now we got a demon to fumble or now the rate looks like the Raiders are going to keep the ball they're flapping like they are well what the Redskins did they're on second and short was they ran what we call in football a run book a run blimp that Wilbur Marshall of course has no past responsibilities and I just mentioned his ability to make a - plays and they use them in the Blitzen both that time and now we've got a third tenth or eight to the Raiders and this is where they thought of control Evans scrambler devon takes the drop makes the throw market alan leaves the head he has the first down lost the ball but they rule he's down and the raiders are down to the redskins 26 yard line with seven minutes to play that was a nice job by evans and of course Marcus Allen's working against his own defense that time and he just comes out of the backfield he knows that the zone comes right underneath quickly and has the ball early and envisions up the field he's able to get past the first down marker now the Red Cow the Raiders probably be back to running it straight ahead again fellas the deep back plankton Excel he makes the pizza Napoleon McAllen who gets limited playing time from scrimmage and a man who led the nation in rushing at the nearby Naval Academy in Annapolis makes to play ahead to the 20-yard line he's got a gain of about nine yards about seven yards on the play well you know when you get a few of those inside runs going like the Raiders have even though it just started in the last series that opens up the play-action passing game and the bootleg off those rugs that's what you saw there now the last time in this situation the rich kids ran that runs list with Wilbur Marshall so we'll see if they do something similar again parker's come in before the snap of the ball his is now a stern hundred seventy-six [Music] it's interesting billowy Eric Dickerson has been the Raiders leading rusher this season with over 700 yards he's not been out to feel the date only well they're just looking at dick Bell now and they want to see what he can do and they've taken this game and still be Nick bells game l decide to do what to do with the rest better [Applause] Evans gets time he makes the connection to Tim Braun and there's again on the play of about six yards down to the 20-yard line that brings up third down and four tackle by AJ Johnson Brown would have been gone as Jeff's not taking him in well I mentioned a minute ago that when the Redskins had the third and five on the goal line it was the biggest play of the game and the Redskins I mean the Raiders defense made the play there now this is the biggest plan for the Washington dear friend right here this pig play originated at the skins point laterz need for their down inspires the ball is caught at the six yard line by Alexander right it was flat it down at the five now so Alexander right whose hands were questioned looks like Raymond Barrie out there well I don't know whether you put him in Rick in the varies category at least at the moment but he does slip down there as the balls coming and those cradle it in and it kind of geez AJ Johnson kind of knocked it back right into his hands it looked like was rolling off his shoulder now the Raiders have a person goal of the 5-yard line in lead by six 408 to play Nick and he's down both to the goal line he's been he broke the pylon so the Raiders playing like a team with a playoff spot on the line come back and tie the game an extra point away from taking the lead [Music] [Applause] that was a great drive for the Raiders and something they mixed the inside run and here you see a play that starting off tackle and Belle doesn't see what he likes there so he takes it to the corner and just run through runs through a couple of the defenders and at 2:58 he puts it across the goal line and now the Raiders have a chance to take the lead put the pressure back on the Washington up it was the point after drive he drives it through and with 403 left to play in the game the underdog Raiders have come back to take the lead again they now lead the Redskins 14 to 13 a 12-play 67 yard drive that used up over eight minutes Nick Bell on the payoff end no it's his shell and Gibbs though turning inside and Brian Mitchell runs back the kickoff for the Redskins do not thrilled he grants it across the 30 Raiders try to fit the ball they finally get Mitchell all the way out of the 45 yard line of Washington [Applause] [Music] 46 yard return the Redskins getting sent for what might be a final drive to try to take back the lead drive toward the playoff in the stage is now set with 350 left to play Washington trailing the Raiders 14 to 13 it was a good kickoff though built well and Brian Mitchell the great return man has been a big play guy on special teams now House of is what they wind up being the most important good field position of the year Jacob Nixon takeoff two yards deep in the end zone but Mitchell ran it back 46 yards field goal would put the Raiders ahead they go to the run and urban there has been trouble for the Raider defense all game long takes it across midfield on first down and ahead to the 49 yard line of Los Angeles Hill you've been in this position on the sidelines with the Redskins possessing the ball looking to come from behind well it almost seems like every time I was down here it came down to one of these work defense had a fake play off the win it battle or their defense did every game was pretty much the same last possession who could ever do the pose would wind up winning the ballgame and that's the way it is today here with the Raiders of the Redskins of course the Redskins I know Joe give he will definitely be playing for the field goal right here unless he gets the obvious chance for the quick touchdown he's going to try and methodically drive it down in field goal range to take all the time off the clock get the winning field goal reppin looking deep let's go he's in now they're going to sign with the goal line but at point-blank range for the Redskins there was the chance for the quick strike and he cooked it not still running it be at Indiana's depth the goal line and it's the same guy that played the two big plays for the Redskins today aren't Boston they're going to run it down apparel to the two-minute warning I was close to a touchdown they call it at the goal line leave it in and give it a little jab that's his third reception now for 97 yards he's down maku was not happy about getting the ball much and Joe gift was also not happy wasn't getting the ball more makes another big play first and goal Cronk on the reception takes it down to the goal line there the Redskins trailing by one with [Applause] let's take the lead [Applause] that was the priority later dead in the first half they were out of time after that late arrival they were well with it feel go ran too quick field goal team ran out of Evans was five for five in that last scoring drive capped off by the dick Bell run by four five blowing the ball the penalty against the the extra point the Washington will pick off from this deal will be repaired somebody misses of lawyer [Applause] the empty [Applause] right better of it an effect it will be first and avianna 20 yard line for the Raiders they've got to go the whole way though with the three timeouts they still have time to move the ball methodically down the field now and these two minute drives what you like to do is get the thing started and get the momentum going 20 yard playin until they have the three timeout last quick implement we play well the Eagles today is really nothing in favor of the our Jews Alan heads for the sidelines get that pounds after a gain of about six yards actually market will be closer to seven taken out by Darryl Greene well Davis has seen all this before thousand times over the years ha laughs a career until was flattened some death [Applause] day today he was getting to the second quarter by the way three and he makes the completion out to the 36 yard line penalty markers down in the Raiders back feel a holding call [Applause] well that might be the play there that keeps the Raiders from winning because they have that 2015 20 yard gain in assisting the offense in our push the holdings on caught feet that that that's the guy that's playing tackle here against Wilber Marshall he's normally a guard Marshall takes the inside pizzas latches onto them and you know haven't had the drive going the way you wanted 14 [Applause] the stern all their time [Applause] poor man rusted after him he flings it out - Machiavelli makes people miss Martha valence freaked out to the 28 yard line game clock winding down though 90 seconds to play now less l want to timeout the Raiders family sick look for and get one with 124 to go [Applause] [Music] so there's not much time left in a long way to go for the Raiders when we come back with Bill Parcells this is down pretty back at RFK Stadium in Washington and Los Angeles Raiders out of the playoffs coming in at 6 and 9 playing for pride and displayed a lot of it they battle back twice to take the lead and find themselves behind again now with 124 to play our shell traders with a 3rd and 2 coming up as the Redskins move closer toward a playoff spot there are only two ways the Reston's convinced the playoffs if they should lose today to the Raiders and the Packers win Sunday at many apples against the Vikings ivenna the Raiders the Redskins would be out and the Packers would be in if the rest came for the Packers both win this weekend and the Eagles blue to the giant that would give the Redskins Eagles and daggers 10 of 6 marks the Redskins with the app on Survivor to the tie breakers so hope is alive very much so in Washington and it won't be the sad until after tomorrow's game Golic maybe in his last game as a Los Angeles later is the offenses out [Applause] acappella eyes ahead first down raiders 117 to play in the clock ticking down now evidence in the situation here where he needs that big chunky yardage again to get the ball across midfield I'm starting to get short now he needs to get that play to get this drive going they've been fooling around here before this half encasement number 78 of the defense is now that's Tim Johnson who jumps on side but that holding penalty really cost the Raiders about 45 seconds now they need that play to get this Drive going again five sixty four ticks left Raiders have to make sure they get up there and stop the clock or use the timeout they just fused the timeout that's the play I was talking about that kind of Billy did more than get the drive started now will eagle is just on a post and Evans throws it as far as he can throw it and goals running as fast as he can and you know he's been quiet a day but he just out runs down green and it bombs away and that's been the Raider trademark over the years and usually if you don't stop the bomb you don't stop the Raiders and strangely enough that was really golf first camp today first of the season our first of the day and 27th of the season we have a moment we'd like to tell you how the executive producer of NBC Sports is Terry O'Neill coordinating producer of NBC football John Francis today's game was produced by Bill Finnell directed by John McDonough associate director dick Ellis production associate Jim Bell narrator this building is actually shaking pants jumping up and down 51 seconds to play the Raiders down by six it's just wine there's it in and down to the five yard line the Raiders really don't have time to run the ball into the end zone and only one timeout they don't have time Evans gotta get out there and call the play this one will be a pass on thirty score but only great down moving down to the three yard line and the Raiders steps o'clock that shows you what I know that I'm calling passes and they're running the ball but that's their last timeout now it falls inside the five if they risk running the other one here you know they may never get that fourth down play off and it's third and goal so they can't make the first down so it's two plays three yards and 21 seconds there's no timeout Gary ro Piske one of the offensive judges been touring with Vince Evan's Evan's today coming into the second quarter to relieve gage crater who had pulled from the game at 14 of 20 throw for $210 in a touchdown [Applause] exploding with joy [Applause] it will be towards a goal [Applause] the Redskins were in it all out there was one on one all the way across the board they had matched up there the way they wanted it let's get a compliance their season they will [Applause] pin Brown [Applause] so Brad who lost the handle earlier was noticed Valley whatever in throwing his helmet after the family was run back 41 yards by Andre Colin to set up a field goal for Washington now makes another big play for the Raiders as Kim Brown is having close to a career day well that's just unbelievable poise by Vince that was it second half coming in relief here and just he can't get into the day scuse me bill for tim brown [Applause] to break the tie that's good it is well in sevens back pressure from the weak side they hit them but Browns just loose inside of number 20 Cowboys neighs and you see heavens is going to get hit just as he releases the ball and Brown just works underneath and of course he vindicates himself with that fumble that that set up the Redskins go-ahead touchdown and it's ironic that he makes the big play and of course joke is he knows the chances of the playoffs aren't as good as they were just about three seconds ago our shell I'm this long Stephens family would seem to cheer about the eight precepts of the day by Tim Brown eats football for 88 yards in a touchdown even L Davis who's had a long season moment of celebration well you know they say the loot the winners tell jokes the losers they feel Raider sidelines they're telling jokes right now laughs II love this game might be the kickoff 13 seconds left [Music] Big Joe Jacoby has been sidelined much of the year with injuries one of the cornerstone hogs over the years Wow ticket downfield Ryan Mitchell runs it back and with nine seconds left the Redskins offense comes out with time for one big play drive well this was always the time when I was on the sideline on the kickoff I always was wondering when that clock operator was going to start the clock you know what it always seemed like it started about two seconds too late being attended to David Gulledge a backup defensive back and special teams players shaken up fifty-yard play to willy golf get the touchdown up there it is well Willy go on the bottom of the screen just on a straight post pattern and Daryl green kind of trotting along and then he realizes that it's going to be a footrace and the safety Copeland cannot get over there to help green on the post Evans just lays it up and that's the play that that set this whole thing up for the Raiders and then of course Tim Brown makes that cluster reception on fourth down to give them the what looks like it's going to be a win here but you know the redskins i hate to go over dramatize this thing but with two timeouts if they could hit one big play right here they might still have a shot the other guy can feel a long way there's no question low miller now we'll take a look at the Hager wrinkle-free Cotton super play of the game and here it is Vince Evans and fourth-down takes the snap from Moe's bar mr. Hager wrinkled free cotton super play of the game the pitch over the middle against the big rushes right on the numbers to Tim Brown who screams off the defender lboys maze that tied the game the extra point gave the Raiders delayed and now the Redskins if they lose this have put the hackers fate in their own hands Green bacon when its way into the playoffs is the final wild-card team of the National Conference if they win against the Vikings tomorrow the big game here on NBC will be the Raiders the Broncos and the Kansas City Chiefs and Merrill head stadium in Kansas City in the winner of that advances to the playoffs an AFC wild card team and the loser will be out Joe Gibbs was not expecting this one of the scenarios was to win today and then have a couple of chances to lock it up tomorrow well you can bet those Packers are sitting up there in that hotel get ready to play those Vikings with Tim Brown caught that pass up I'll bet you there was a few guys jumping up and down on the fans in that hotel up there in Minneapolis there's some wall banging going on up there 9 seconds to play college building attended to the injured low Miller the long distance field goal kicker of the Washington Redskins is to for 250 Plus this year so what they do Bill here look for a deep sideline pattern nine seconds to go Raiders lead 2120 with a deep drop three-man rush all he's got behind the ball across and Kristin Ronnie Lott breaks it up one more play we talked to the outset Bill Parcells the concern that Joe gives him we met with him yesterday about his team summoning great emotion again after those two division rivalries that they fought it out with they beat the Cowboys in the closing moments here at RFK and then went to Philadelphia last week and lost in the closing seconds they failed to come from behind when they had the chance against the Eagles our guys just laid it completely on the line two weeks in a row I just hope emotionally they can be up again well I think they were up enough but I think no Ricky Sanders and no finer the second hand Joe Desmond Howard he's in a disappointment this is a great win for our shell in the Los Angeles Raiders as they come back from behind three different times and take the lead 21 to 20 and finally win it by that score we'll be coming back to RFK Stadium in Washington right after this
Channel: Raider Classics
Views: 16,841
Rating: 4.8269229 out of 5
Id: -ocl2jIpwog
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Length: 121min 12sec (7272 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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