1987-10-16 Mike Tyson -Tyrell Biggs

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If I remember rightly Tyson held a long standing grudge against Biggs because he got the nod ahead of Mike for the Super Heavyweight US Olympic team before they both turned pro.

Tyson said he wanted to draw the punishment out in that fight and put him away late, and that's what he did.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else feel like guys like Thomas, Tucker, Tubbs, and Biggs would be held in a lot higher regard if Tyson didn’t fight them? I feel like with a guy like Biggs, who was really talented and pretty hyped, he was almost ruined by fighting Mike

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dlee1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice share. I train at a gym that’s run but his brother Xavier Biggs, he’s a really nice guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cherry210 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Biggs was a good contender, underrated win imo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HandsofIron8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is as close to Ali vs Tyson as we got in terms of style . That first round , Biggs looked so damn smooth , too bad he couldn't keep that flow going.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nihildarkmatter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
and that is Mike Tyson meeting to making Tyrell Biggs weight and both fighters making the crowd weight and they're starting to get the first glimpse now Mike Tyson on Tyson we understand is going to run into the ring and here comes Mike Tyson now and as usual he is all business draped in the three belts that he now owns well as Mills Lainey the referee from Nevada says Mike Tyson surely looks like he's saying let's get it on he was telling us the other day that there's an expression on the streets where he was raised that say you got to bring it to get it and that's exactly his philosophy it means you can't win at the tables with your hands in your pockets and you can't win in here unless you take some shots take some risks you know he quotes Joe Frazier actually as he comes into the ring when people criticize his high he says Fraser believed he was big enough to get the job done and that's all that counts Mike Tyson of course 31 and Oates 27 cats until he won the title actually he hadn't fought any anybody more impressive than Biggs his thought to this point since that time Tyson has fought a better class of fighter than Biggs crowd again still very much into this five years difference Mike Tyson is younger than Biggs even though he's had 31 fights the Biggs 15 yeah berry and Tyson interestingly came in a few pounds less than he has recently obviously he wants to be able to keep up with the guy who's the boxer and mix came in both up by a few pounds obviously he wants to be strong for Tyson what it means is they're both ready 15 rows for the undisputed coming weight championship of the world a referee for this bout is Tony Orlando introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he's wearing the white trunks and weighs 228 and 3/4 pounds is from Philadelphia Pennsylvania this Olympic gold medal champion has 15 consecutive victories 10 my knockout introducing the number one challenger in the world Oh fighting out of the red corner wearing the solid black trunks he weighs 216 pounds from Catskill New York 27 of his 31 unblemished victories are by knockout ladies and gentlemen the undefeated undisputed heavyweight iron gentlemen receive here's Joseph recording therefore I expect a good clean gout you have any questions touch gloves with Matthew party good luck Mary and Ray I wouldn't be surprised at this fight lasted a minute or an hour I feel exactly the same way he's one of those fights you really don't know I believe in the opinions of many of the people who feel that Tyrell Biggs can win the fight I don't happen to be a vet school but you just don't know expect Tyson to jump right on Tyrell Biggs three questions that Mike Tyson really has to answer could he cope with a clever boxer and he survived a heavy puncher and can he persevere when he's hurt he knows Rutgers thought Tyson is applying the pressure tryna slowest man down I'm seeing more tears from Mike Tyson that I've seen in the past still on a movement on the part of Tyrell Biggs the lateral movement those hands should be up a little higher because again the hand speed of Mike Tyson is very good Hyup said the fix has to go side to side to win the fiber it goes side to side give him an angles throw the jam like he's doing now not to let tyson set up things that he feints to the right before the punch actually thrown for whatever he does to get back out Larry see a good Snapple Jam is very infected whether my basic keep these up is yet to be seen is left can be pretty in here just counted frustrate his man and that's what they want from tight for my big the sister Jaya and along the lines big feels that Tyson actually Bob's in a pattern four times and any comes up with his head see wait now here you saw it Tyson rocks and rocks of style to deliver a shot he's trampled him now we see him here from Mike Tyson he can't get in today man up that's the way get them back into the cellar we use the jab again and coat the right hand gigs now is talking to Tyson burnings trying to frustrate her without like his hands down then though I don't like big hands down so low because tyson throws those looping right hand left hook body shot by Tyson dear fellow Stevenson I admit it was five years ago but he really bothered there is still hope he's moving right but he keeps hands down too low I says birth quick hands Oh big man Stevenson beanbags going to body broke my ribs as a matter of fact a lot of water out of the bridge since then they're gonna have to fix Tyson's equipment here in just a moment as it is kind of loose they exist I'm killing stationary target which is wrong a little bit of blood inside the mouth of Tyrell Biggs I don't know if pigs can fight a perfect fight before as he could have hoped for to start this fight you see our punch stat which tells you that Isis is not effective with the jab and of course your L fix is very effectively Oh Jordan the Romeo as punch that showed or confirmed that was a very good round using the left hand as well as he can that is exactly what bigs must do to stay in this fight then Tyson neutralized the jab you see Biggs is doing great the first two minutes of the first round keep that jab consistent movement lateral giving angles but then that lasts maybe 45 seconds on the round bar he stopped he came stationary target the hands again which i think is a major mistake because of Tyson hands feet and tyson throws his punch he leaves his right hand he loops more hope and event could be a smoking problem and the thing that strikes me actually his bigs did have a round and did fight according to his fight plan but he still took some strong shots from classic you see now beats again are a starting to spanning exchanged toe-to-toe like I said earlier you can't do it Tyson's punch has come so fast with so much velocity either it's devastating Vegas has shown a Tennessee actually throughout his career and especially later in his career most recently to get in here occasionally and want to slug it out when he's been stunned and that could be suicide and the way that [ __ ] to his play that's wrong because of the help of Mike Tyson he will write a level what I was expected from pigs in fact they told me this is repair work I was in the gym I thought it was the youngest you have to go to the ISIS defense after I seen their gift and the game plan was forgive pigs rather to move to his left now he's been moving to his right as you said he's been buying himself a little trouble but he does say Isis grip of some tremendous shots to the rotted and that's gonna help bring those hands down even lower remember Stephenson broke three ribs of Tyrell Biggs I'm looking for left hook Berra I really am because it'll live into my hand of Tyrell Biggs that's the uppercut but you got to come back with the right hand the uppercut raised the chin of a guy who crosses in and the right hand does most damage there was a big right hand investment to make it back to this point I'm sure Georgia business they keep those hands high right left right left better but the fact that matter is the right hands down a [ __ ] the left foot was bisque or in Iraq pigs as Michael Tyson said before this fight everybody has a plan until they're hit and here's Tyson's most effective punch Biggs has been on his flat-footed more in this round than he was in the first round got nailed with the left hook he has shown in the past that he takes a good punch you don't want to take too many from Tyson so Kevin Rudy wants Mike Tyson to jab a little bit more and being starts the third round backing up a little bit this shift day about Mike Tyson high school costly flop pressure too big keep working his body and work with jab like every only stated people don't realize is our mehndi is not about how long a jab is the fact that you ever did use it that offset someone else jail all night very because his right hand is down let me show you what Tyson does my time is that not to take one two steps here dips and puts his whole body weight behind a punt a lot of leverage what - you see it steps in the other time it yeah the time is moving punches again same thing what - and it's over short left hand did get in body shop of the left hand now the cut over the left eye and it's pretty bad it's the same eye the same cut standard basis hurt a lot of blood from the left eye of Tyrell Biggs that's the same they probably happen with the David based and in total taupe so terrible mistake something you pointed out before the pipe that's amazement that the blood is secret to the eye a lot of work in the court of tario Biggs and stop that bleeding the cut is right above the eye it's exactly in the same place as the last one I don't know what happened all that gym work has gone down a drain because he's not bucks I've used his Tunes he's trying to help muscle Mike Tyson which is not his fight plan there's a huge they may stop it that's a good guy and I think I want a what a finish your Pike Tyson is pressure let-let's pressure of Tyson takes its toll the big round there you see that cut against uh absorbed against Tyrell against David Bey and here it is right now being worked on that was a thing of - stitch - that he suffered from bacon gas is coming to see now let's see if we can catch it as it happens that's the punch that apparently slice they open excuse me Tyrell Biggs open it's the same my hand line it was talking about david ben let's remember that Biggs has fought his best when he's been in trouble I think it's fair to say that he's not in here against david van tonight body shot the left hand behind it by Tyson Mike Tyson is back just low number one punch he's trying to put his punches together so I put together combinations I was think he made with Tony Tucker Tyson ray to me seems to be a little bit more patient yes the in fact he is the will compose picking his shots but again I don't know I don't know why they don't pick it up in Vic's corner the way ty steps in and these is shin so Volvo the way I see it now Mike Tyson has made big supply his player any worse than remember pretty good job done by a sporadic against Tyson disappointing all the pressure on having it his way didn't seem like Michael Douglas showed up a cut by Mike Tyson a little more by the movement from Tyrell Biggs now start those uppercuts son is reopen again [ __ ] five how does it happen rather than fighter like pigs in this case tonight we'll go into a fight with a game plan and almost from the opening bell he'll just let that game plan go away as all concentration you gotta stick to Soph that's working for you and what I see entice entice to just a boy he works to buy with our right hand he chose a hard right hand to the body and comes up with a good left hook but Biggs is doing almost everything exactly the opposite of what he said he was going to do huge competition by Tyson getting to be a mismatch the tide from the Atlantic Ocean a few steps from convention had a good gun all right but the cut of you is no worse than it did to head back back wall with you're laying back in reason games movie step keep it fresh but you gotta move his hand all you ever do is float a combination it up to three to four punches together in the standing Hank Aaron say he won't be there he's gonna leave itself let's go and you wouldn't have to add you're not nothing so we start the fifth round and Tyson is right on his man Kevin Trudy exhorting and approach you with three clutch combinations a little swelling either right I have my rotates as well right now girls going to recognize himself when he wakes up tomorrow I don't know what that was a second ago Tero pigs this is somewhat disappointing for Big Score because he has more talent what he's showing tonight the left hooks has been consistent and Berber accurate with Mike Tyson but they're there for a good reason right well Tyson because I look what you have in front of you in fact that Biggs is not doing what he what he worked on just forgot about his game plan totally abandon it Mike Tyson he's don'twe does best work divided working here the fact is that I don't think you have to be a boxing expert Tyrell Biggs is dropping his right hand that he's just leaving himself completely open for the left hook well I think this is a good education for the public because fans at home because they seen what should not be done against a fire like a Mike Tyson a boxer or punch your mother in particular get the be consistent keep those hands up and again that cut over the left eye has opened up there is swelling under the right eye has a lot of blood right below the surface to skin also what these has the years of work something out which is actually the left jab to break that rhythm and stop the momentum of Mike Tyson he continues very to allow life to dominate again bleeding from the mouth as he has been since the first round not a pretty sight he subjects himself big dust to stand toe-to-toe and being a active punching bag this way this prophesy more knots and bruises because Tyson is hard good body shot my test if I remember the doctor was in Tyrell Biggs corner and look long and hard at that cut in the last round here to see you again buen Chico quick-release plate instead like Co that cut leeks even uglier don't give me [ __ ] we have punch nothing out there don't trust the guy are you alright unofficial official how do you score the fight well Larry I've got a 49 46 Mike Tyson fought around four to one in grounds based on a four point so we score it's very simple to score Mike Tyson's just been the effective aggressor three hotter hitters he's dominating at this point Liuba is doing everything possible to inspire big Z he said as he left it hurt him you heard him that is wishful thinking pigs holding on a great deal now there was a right hand big yep saying he takes a good shot but it this was not necessary I mean I figured that things we used that height have reached and his ring generalship to make this by little easier for the state he abandoned his tactics strategy he worked on in the gym and select to fight Mike Tyson's fight I love this bunny shelter are we gonna find out exactly it takes away his legs so you won't see that much movement from Tyrell Biggs and what Mike wants MIDI is a stationary target Tyson's fought an excellent fight so far I know I'm addicted faces let him fight an excellent fight but this has been very sharp well I like Tyson because now he's putting his combinations together he's not loading up anymore and he's also showing a lot more patience he was a guy who would just get in there and go for the quick kill and try to do it generally speaking with one punch you know what's happening actually it's just we're down slowly pushed surely slowly but surely it's like top of the tree down it's the same frosty he's where Mike Tyson's when his band down and way you can tell this burrows in fact you know is this our very seldom does Biggs retaliate first somebody see pigs come back with the combination of his own right once you let him out him out o clock I'm gonna get the point away these two of course go back a long way all the way back to amateur days now the left-handed there's a great shot the way it looks now big ones defeated warrior now he's been pounded on for five rounds man he's slowly but surely wearing down his legs look steady Isis getting stronger and Biggs is just holding on ah well that made the bidders happy if nothing else because Tyrell Biggs has lasted six rounds they say that Tyson is predictable but so is a hurricane what can you do about it well here's something it hasn't been predictable last couple of weeks because the football strike but inside the NFL will now be back because the strike has been and I'll put it quote settle your host Len Dawson and Nick Buoniconti it's right here on HBO Thursdays at 11:00 p.m. whilst at me warp seven that's it - beautiful we'll see six five one six five two one get to the side coaches by my understanding that I've got enough within the frame like you didn't begin the faint Timofey you're digging the best attack so what they're wrong I thought bad now come on this guy's gone that misses better and far from your chin know the goddamn plate is bad hope you got no legs find it inside those numbers you heard were a fight combination cus D'Amato the mentor of Mike Tyson used to put numbers on the different fight combinations and Kevin Rooney is Tyson's disciple there is something interesting in Big Score is that years old I'm just trying to see it if you ladies are gone stand and fight them stand toe-to-toe is vital so apparently the legs of Terra Bates are shot because you'll see movement here's that movement actually for past two or three rounds and just to further that point in the last round our punch that figures Tyrell Biggs through 15 punches right again I'm gonna stay there early up there he's just wearing down you get it you can appreciate especially from ringside and those body attacks by Mike Tyson he gets his whole bodies around leverage I am surprised that I've not seen that many uppercut from Tyrell Biggs that was his game plan that was something he said he had to do I break the pension cut it's now at least for the last couple of rounds is not shown any more blood it beers to me that [ __ ] was trying to time Tyson with a common right I knows what Tyson comes in digs try to stay this ground and throw right hand so now that tells me that Biggs is pretty much fall for the same trap as Mike Tyson try for one punch never there's a right hand it just caught pigs off-balance pigs is covering up a lot of times unnecessarily and just trying to protect himself things of course never been known as a guy who could put a man away with one punch he dropped Snipes with a good right hand but he won't throw him away he'll go there I want Tyson Oh Kevin Rhoda was telling Tyson killer a couple here fight Oh Oh this this is it is gone right now and ten seconds to go in around so it's all what we've seen has happened so often in which a fighter after a few rounds starts to hang on to Tyson we have to say it's Tyson's credit he's the one who makes it happen he makes it happen with his pressure and no matter what an opponent's plan is that plan disintegrates like a broken piece of property when it's faced with that kind of pressure there's no way to practice to that I pointed out in the past it's like trying to how do you practice they hit nolan Ryan's fastball though far as Beck is served where do you where do you get the practice for that you know it's that simple let's take a look at the first knockdown it was a left hand and a big one and I feel like I'm being redundant with that but he hit him with many big left hands right look at look at the right hand of Tyrell Biggs down and the left hook has been landing from round one but the first the first minute to round one Biggs do his job boxing now he becomes a stationary target that Toller toe tactics prove wrong against David Bey was he subsequently was cut and now the same thing happened so only a was actually play or what take took place here Mike Tyson just wears his man down with beautiful short left or there's really a more his legs than anything else he was just kind of off-balance that his legs together just never really got it together here is the final knockdown now no I think it's the power and the fact that Mike Tyson actually wore his man down one more look at the end for Tyrell Biggs and bye let me says for you alert there is a way to stop a guy coming in and it's with a jab you've got to work on jabs angles and combination yeah he did it for one round that was it but that was his fault oh he forgot he just gave up we just abandoned the tactics that would have been effective that's what I mean as a matter of fact and I don't mean to just blow smoke at you because you did it but you were the only person I've ever seen start with a fight plan and stay with a fight plan and was not get away from it well that's what was required against a guy with the kind of heart determination power of Mike Tyson's got to be consistent let's get the official decision now for Michael buffer Mike ladies and gentlemen the end comes at 2 minutes 59 seconds of the seventh round the winner still the undefeated undisputed my right right now alright merchants trying to make his way over to the champion and I believe he is let's go to Larry right now with Mike Tyson Larry hi I'm with Mike Tyson who first administered a paint job and then sort of wrecked the whole house Mike he looked very impressive in the first round looking like I'll lead the way moved in jab there were your thoughts at that point and then how did you attack him to stop that well in my mind I noticed a 15-round and I was prepare to put the pressure on constantly for fifteen rounds you know I'll have him out having a great time you know I felt good I was the best edition of my life and I did what I was supposed to do tell me what what did you think in that first round when he was moving trying to do an ollie with his left I know when I when I came to this fight I was the best fighter in the world a man alive that can beat me what broke him down was it just a leaf body punches when I was in him a body cleansing I heard him actually he was crying in there making woman Jessica I can't find it but I knew that he was breaking down so you're saying that Biggs was crying when you hit him yes when when did that happen and perhaps the fourth round on so that you knew you had him by that it's not if I knew that he was tough and they taking those punches who is this your most satisfying fight in the sense of the way you went about it patiently and businesslike not getting excited not trying to take him out with one punch well I was very calm and I was thinking about Roberta Duran how I used to cut down to run as he just weighed him down and I had that frame of mind when I was in the ring all right Mike let's take a look at the first knockdown and would you describe what was happening while I was in there looking for the punch boom and I knew it would come but when he threw a punch in hand open a little and I thought I have a slipper punch right in there were you trying to work on his cut early on because he was pretty bloody I wasn't even thinking about the fellows it hit into the body softening them up so that from then on you really feel that it was inevitable after the first remember lutely alright Mike we hear now that you're going to fight Larry Holmes next why Larry Holmes well I don't have any faith on the matter I was just a fighter and I'll defend my title against any man in the world if I was you I talked to Jim Jenkins about that do you want to fight Larry home I'll fight any man in the world because I believe there's no one is find I can beat me ok then let me ask Jimmy Jacobs the co manager Mike why do you want to fight Larry Holmes next well the reason is that because I would say that 90% of the world thought that Larry Holmes beat Michael Spinks the last time they fought in fact Larry of 46 newspaper men pulled after the fight 42 men of the 46 has voted for Larry Holmes in the last fight with Michael Spinks Larry is sitting at home feeling that he's the champion and that's the reason we're going to find him but he did lose his last two fights he hasn't fought in a good long while it's a lot of people are saying what is this some kind of an antique show where is this in the best or worst traditions of boxing fighting these kinds of fights I don't think it's either in the worst or best traditions of boxing boxing history is replete with 27 heavyweight champions attempting to regain the title however this the champion we're talking about Larry Holmes was defeated by a split decision in his last fight against Michael Spinks where everyone even you Larry everyone including you thought that Larry Holmes won the fight okay then then what about Michael Spinks that is the most attractive fight out there according to everyone and you can jump in here to bill Cayton what about Michael Spinks and why aren't you going to take them on next or right after next or whenever whenever we're ready to you make our plans for that we haven't made our plans to take on Michael Spinks because a fight with Michael Spinks which is a pay-per-view closed-circuit fight takes a minimum of five months during which time Mike would not fight Mike wants to fight more frequently so you're saying now you will fight Michael Spinks eventually I would say this that Michael Spinks is definitely in our future definitely in our future but not in our immediate future let me put it this way if you are you have been saying that you have a lot of fights plan that you have told various people you're going to fight their man what what about going in there and saying we'll fight you winner-take-all or winner-take-all most all will give a million dollars to the loser and 20 million to the winner would you bright spring [ __ ] under those circumstances that the loser takes a million and the winner take the rest yes we would do that the same way of making the deal yeah that would be a fun way of make a deal quick you sound pretty confident and let's see what Barry ray think about that one
Channel: Lorand
Views: 10,346,421
Rating: 4.2948346 out of 5
Keywords: 1987, 10, 16, Tyrell, Biggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2011
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