1982 Week 3 MNF - Chargers vs Raiders

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hey go chargers led by the records bouncing quarterback Dan Fouts who will be throwing tonight among others to the great and all-purpose athlete wide receiver West gentlemen number 89 but of course his favorite target the old world tight and big Kellen Winslow University of Missouri for killing the action but begins when he catches the football unable to bring him down in a one-on-one tackle one of the great players of his time but tonight to it is the debut in the Los Angeles Coliseum of the Los Angeles Raiders and they will be featuring the extraordinary rookie you can do it all Marcus Allen wearing number 32 like OJ Simpson perform Southern California past I spent Trophy winner and of course the man who'll be sparking the offense Jim Plunkett two years ago most valuable player in the Super Bowl back in his form that was his then and look at Allen Gold yes it's the Raiders against the Chargers a cool misty Southern California evening you're looking at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and we're live from the Coliseum in Los Angeles it's the return of ABC's NFL Monday Night Football then defeated Los Angeles Raiders versus the 1 and 1 San Diego Chargers this ABC Sports exclusive Merritt place can crowd in the LA Coliseum and maybe of course and other reason uncertain whether but doubtlessly the principle reason they aftermath of the apparently unending labor impasse in the National Football League and in the wake of the turmoil of the past eight weeks maybe a new hitch toward that end I will be talking with the lately introduced mediator Paul Moss a former Steeler and Ed Garvey of the NFL Players Association their executive director at halftime but meantime in terms of personnel yet some of the best in the National Football League two of the better qualified teams both favored to make the playoffs and this comes with two owners who cordially dislike each other and it comes in the continuing enmeshment of the league and raiders managing partner al Davis over his right to remove the Raiders from Oakland to Los Angeles all of this denied in conjunction with the game for more on the game the Gipper it's good to have you back backyard was offseason feel problems if you will deny out of these time to talk about football and if you're going to watch football you may as well watch the San Diego Chargers if you like off if they were number one in the NFL a year ago course spirited by the great quarterback Dan Aston where they had their problem was defensively they were next to last in the NFL defensively they made some major changes principally in their secondary they brought in Tim Fox from the New England Patriots they brought in a couple linebackers from Tampa Bay that if they brought in to he salmon and David Lewis they're good strong linebackers and they brought in the defensive coordinator from Tampa Bay so we could look for some defensive changes from there highly explosive offensive San Diego Chargers and now they tell us what he expects tonight man who has chosen his own facial hair preference and I must say you make Willie Nelson look like Tom Selleck did you expect thanks a lot Fred I expect us to be you know you can't expect to lay off eight weeks and come back as sharp as ever I mean some of the camera guys a little overweight we may be a little bit rusty tonight but I think with South 40 our director and Bobby Goodyear our producer will be able to put all this stuff together but we're back here and of course I think you'll see the caliber of NFL football and telecast that you come across the two on Monday Night Football keeping that we have been away 408 weeks but it's gonna be okay we go have a real good football game now let's go to a colleague Carolyn and we'll get this game kicked off hey all right let's look at the AFC standings because under the new rules for the shortened season the top eight teams in the conference will make the playoffs and there you see the present top eight teams so we're about ready to go and for the kickoff look it and the San Diego Chargers have won the toss they will receive to your left those are the standings in the two games play San Diego winning against Denver and then losing to Kansas City meanwhile the Raiders open strong they beat the world champion San Francisco 49ers and they carried that winning effort against the Atlanta Falcons they've looked at they've looked strong have the Chargers set to kick off his Kris barb the Raiders got a quick look at James Brooks a dangerous return man for the Chargers he's single back there at the line this bar Ames in high this will be history being made the first Raider game to be played here in Los Angeles and leading the offensive attack we spoke up a moment ago Dan Fouts who set so many records a year ago breaking records that he had set the previous year for 48 hundred yards for Dan pass a year ago and he has some marvelous receivers Kellen Winslow picked number 80 craps well he will no question I think right now is the best tight end and then scan a great athlete West hammer has speed on the outside of the Newton veteran Charlie Joyner unseen the back fill of buried Gators running back at San Diego not to throw up first down the tip mr. Charlie Joyner and it's incomplete will be second down and ten let's take a look at the defense that would change constantly with the Oakland Raiders that's what you'll see up front Lyle Alzado yes the same Alzado yeah you knew from Cleveland prior to that Denver those are your linebackers Ted Hendricks well what can you say Ted Hendricks is all over the field all-pro a year ago and absolutely the perfect football player in 1980 when the Oakland Raiders went to win the Super Bowl [Music] to wide receiver coming across Derek Siver's who split off to the left he'll come in there with Kellen Winslow very fine to see boots second-year man out of Notre Dame we'll look at it quickly again he's one step in there nice balance do that fantasy they like kind of all guys at the tight end position that is coming more and more and forth because they got to get at the blows outside guys anymore San Diego was used him in many ways they will split couple them so they will split Eric severs a man they'd like to have in there more off on the first down of [Music] receptions in the first two games gets his ninth of the season they do like to throw the ball don't carry well timing will be their problem over the course of the whole game but they were smart they didn't have any contact drills in the quick preparation for the return to action picked up its second down to the ball resting at the 45 yard line of the Raiders in motion if I scroll to the right whistle stops to play however for you tonight is Bob McElwee he will be giving it the word come I had a cop steamer today right off the game clock is not working so we'll try to keep you abreast of that as best we can information from the sidelines Don Coryell there he is now in his fifth year only had one losing season and a great career both collegiate and with the Cardinals are now two charges Tom Flores of course once played as quarterback for the Oakland Raiders in 1960 here in the Coliseum against the then Los Angeles charges move around behind him in that quick shot was Willie Brown number 24 destined for the Pro Football Hall of Fame in that game the quarterbacks were Tom Floyd back in 1960 the Oakland Raiders in Los Angeles charges and Jack Kent and Jack Kemp set a record that still stands for yards against the Raiders over 500 yards passing here we go 2nd down and 7 following the penalty Chuck bunchy single setback Tanner Tanner back to the 40-yard line he has the first down well they may have lost John Jefferson a year ago but they picked up this man and absolutely incredible outside receiver with that great blazing speed this pass it's you know it's just almost impossible to knock down you get a guy like Chandler out there throw that thing as much as you can a little slant coming in throw that slant outlast your Hayes is not one of your but you call pushovers on the quarterback but they beat him pretty right pretty pretty easily that time it's out but the quick release has only been sacked twice this year 19 times with over 380 attempts last year on first and 10 up again out to Muncie I have to pick up the one man screen fails to do so flag is down a bunch he gets five nothing about and we've heard so much about it I don't want to be labored who has advantage offense defense whatever I think during the layoff of eight weeks as we see the personal foul indicated against the Raiders I think that the receivers in the quarterbacks who had the opportunity to work had a chance to practice what they do on the field where as defensive players offensive guards did not have that contact so I would think that there's any thing weighing for either team at night it would be the fact of San Diego's principally a passing team and they have been able to work on that while they've been off [Music] Mike Davis the safety number 36 that's what you call here good morning there the Chandler says now you caught that out here on Westar while ago and I don't want that to happen anymore that's really unnecessary there and they call that unnecessary roughness to me gonna lie and they paid for it will be first and ten the charges at the 20 yard line of the Raiders she's so glad the strike was so big series flipped to the right man with the nifty move the big man gets inside the 20 out of trouble by the line of scrimmage for a gain of a couple it'll be second down and eight I would expect Muncie to be running left much of the night I would look for a showdown between number 70 Russ Washington and 73 Dave browning moved to the left side because of the incapacity of John the two so chooses out for the year with a back condition sorely missed and browning is not destroying a muscle man is watching second down first down he's inside the tent close to the seven yard line Owens was trying to stay with him and in a footrace Kellen Winslow would run away from Burgess Owens Winslow is gonna just come across Ocala track pattern bounce does a heck of a job get this thing off they find a flit set it you see Winslow's got a step old Burgess there's no way you're gonna stop that boy Danny put that ball right on the move that that I thought that was good you know what Frank said see that was well thought out about what about all that passing stuff with the receivers and quarterbacks while ago that's good logic I like to go with logic facts first down goal to go back to seven 67 yards on this opening drive let's see maybe short pull the line of scrimmage as Mike Davis took him out of bounds it'll be second down goal to go Don Coryell who never stops facing never stops chewing the fat with anyone that will listen but again I'll remind you the man in all the ears East Coast has had one losing season I love his first year 73 with the cards his comment about the strike he says the thing it upsets me is he says their games that have already gone that I didn't get to coach and I'll never be able to coach them again they're gone I like that yeah the point he does love it second down goal to go canler Joyner they're up at the top of your screen and bounces back behind him tried to turn around uncharacteristically of Muncie he drops the football he's a good receiver Otis McKinney was there fattening for the Raiders it'll be third down goal to go Muncie has been belated as you look at Tom flurries for the past five or six months over his personal foot problems but from what we've been able to say and in talking with the young man they seem to be behind it those problems and certainly has been impressing everybody connected with the organization and took that weight off our that he came to camp with he came at about 225 he's backed out about 218 - to come back inside the Seavers and it will be fourth down goal to go once would suspected Beebe Anushka Flags down battle we now have a flag in the endzone there was a look to be three bouncing Raiders overhearing and he says it's going to work against the Raiders thanks Ellie [Music] Lester Hayes [Music] pretty hard to tell if there's Lester [Music] well that's one way to catch up when you lost a half-step I think he doesn't have that stick him on anymore that's right how do you tell about much yeah I really think that you see Chuck at the top of his game so to speak there's really not a better all-around fight because he's such a good receiver we just give good money give it a marching first town goal to go could be hard but see me there and it was Mike Davis who slipped in around the outside of the line of scrimmage and first hit Muncie and held him short of the goal line Mike Davis one of several of the Raiders who fell to injuries a year ago Mike Davis with a broken leg in game number two mitts most of the season when the 500 Raiders went from 11 and 5 record and the Super Bowl channel Papa penny to their 7 & 9 season of a year ago second down goal to go Ted Hendricks as you might suspect he's tough to run out the step to run away from they have him running right the last four times Muncey's carried the ball he's run right and I think that's crazy I think your point about browning is a good lead because it is a new position and he's working against a very experienced offensive lineman the most teams berth prefers to run to the right they're called right-handed teams all packed 32 that's a big scoop there motion this time we tried left hold fifty-fifty plan I think it was Burgess Owen that time who set marine and now decision time for Don Coryell it would be first fourth down goal to go hey haven't tried up the middle again the game clock is not running you cannot tell you how much time this drive is taken we'll get the information to you but the Chargers have had the ball from the outset of the game that you've just joined us but a big lift you see all the chargers the Raider defense down there they're proud of themselves and they should be proud team but it's because you can see is he suffered a broken wrist playing squash wearing a cast on his left wrist field goal attempt at Luther a quarterback the backup quarterback to pounce will handle the placement chip shot and San Diego has to settle for three points and they had a first down going to go the ball on the 1-yard line superb defensive effort by the Raiders we'll be back in the Coliseum Los Angeles in a moment we have in a forum there is a 25 to go in the first quarter in San Diego used up almost seven minutes of the clock in the first quarter on that drive they leave nothing Vanessa to kick off this Greg Pruitt deep for the open Raiders they threw in a fire none draft day from the Cleveland Browns of inertia with a high short kick that is taken there by Clemont Gummer he bobbles it comes up with it just about grapes of biklen getting out to the 28 yard line is ray Preston was there defensively for the Chargers and we will watch Jim Puckett now Jim Plunkett you guided through the Raiders who victories in their first two games against San Francisco and then Atlanta he's 25 of 49 51 percent three touchdowns one interception in the first two games he's been heading on Oakland type football he also has been sacked 6-times in previous two games laughter lifts it over the wide receivers speedster Malcolm curveball number 80 cliff branch number 21 must Barnwell emotion plays over the middle and is complete up to the 35 yard line Plunkett finds the tight end Tom Kristensen as we look at the defensive setup which would change by the way from a 4:3 occasionally Tom passed a new defensive coordinator from Tampa Bay we'll bring in David Lewis the linebacker that played for bass at Tampa Bay and you saw the secondary that's changed considerably to ten boxes in there he roams a secondary he'll hit you - Jeff Allen the corner number 27 second down and three to the 40 yard line that's a good evidence of whether - excuse me another flag is down they'll bring that back that was a good evidence of what Marcus Allen can do is you look at twos done mateus act of course sidelined for the year as we noted bad back when Allen will suddenly get you those extra yards that don't seem to be there he don't do what he did at USC and not really have a lot of great move I think you see a fine addition he's been in talking to the some of the personnel of the greater team they do that he's the short receiver they got branch it goes deep who's the guy that can break that tackle and go all the way with it holding against Curt Marsh left guard of the Raiders they backed it to the 20 yard line second down 13 plug it back complete to Kenny king and he gets back to the original line of scrimmage he's up into there quickly that was a nice move by plucking just to get that ball off King was in there made the tackle yeah let's take a look here again a lot of pressure no one picked up the outside man Keith Ferguson he'll come in just to the free shot and pluck it maintains his poise gets the ball to Kenny king and they'll be bird down in Tim talk about marcus allen is receiving his running ability he was also a blocking back for two years at USC and he was a high school quarterback he can throw the ball sings in the choir person pricing will have to struggle for got it as he goes down to the 34 yard line there so that would be fourth down the interesting thing about sandy and this shortened season is that the first two games they played they there was their defense that Excel yeah didn't have a school allowed a touchdown to be scored zenful lost to them 23 to 3 and then there was the block kick by Kansas City and the three Lowry field goals in the Kansas City upset of San Diego so suddenly defense is working and Tom bass apparently the key reason saw the second-year man from Auburn James Brooks a great guy has to hurry the puck takes a bit of a raider bounce and trickles down to the 17 yard line or San Diego will have their second possession and who had to settle for a three-pointer after directing the charges to a Kirsten goal ago at the one-yard line would come on between San Diego and Miami had everything a charger runaway a Dalton comeback razzle-dazzle seesaw story 102 passes ten touchdowns tie scores sudden death block kicks elation exhaustion the highest scoring playoff ever was again somebody won but nobody lost and even charged never first down 10 13 yard line Dan Fouts very sharp in the early going he needs one more yard game to tie the all-time NFL leader Johnny Unitas at 14 then here comes Chuck Muncie over the left side of the 22 the 21 a gain of four it will be second down six Wow Alzado defensively along with the former Penn State Line man the raiders turned into a linebacker and a fine one indeed against the run talked about all the things that happened yesterday we had some stats run off force by our ABC radio people in New York and there were fewer interceptions on average and there were play given game of a year ago and Dewar fumbles second down and six spouts Seavers and sivir's has the first down he's out to the 34 yard line and Fouts all the time in the world and he will pick any team apart if you give him that kind of time look at that graphic that's an interesting stat from yesterday fewest points gone on any NFL Sunday since the eighth week of the 78 season Frank mentioned fewer fumbles I personally thought it was disgraceful watching some of the local TV shows around the country the way they strung together fumbles to try to show the ineptitudes from the strike lay off it is totally misleading grace the journalism [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] light goes down but Joyner made a circus catch and we've watched him for 14 years doing his act like that that has amazing Mike Davis's Davis is back in town no fouls gets Mike Davis just look at it again 34 years old he plays like a high school kid it really always does amaze me out and Ashley can have this type of concentration just right out let it all happen I remember when he was a defensive back he runs the most precise roots of any receiver in the league every year he talks about retiring the judges talked him into coming back for one more year and how do let a player with that capacity with jaiyah even he also needs two more receptions our de taille bill Houghton tips on the all-time list on first and 10 bass back once again he is a man around this league he started his pro career with the Rams right here in the Coliseum went to the Giants and he is desk scored the first touchdown of the night as he broke into the clear absolutely beautifully you talk about a blown assignment that had to be it to be that alone a matter he sure is good hey when they say quick be wide open from a slow reverse angle right here the other side of it wide open cuts down time glad to watch Danny throw the ball he he's one of the prettiest ones I a pretty faster you know he's makes that ball right in there flips it out he is hot tonight he's 9 of 11 121 yards and now one touchdown we have approximately four minutes remaining now in the first quarter vanechka pops of true and San Diego is on a roll they lead tendon Epping with again approximately four minutes remaining in the first quarter our game clock not running this evening minutes remaining in the first quarter Chargers have not putted they lead 10 to nothing perhaps he's doing this intentionally to keep her away from great good and once again [Applause] Montgomery offensive of the word gets out over the 30-yard line at the 32 taken there by Carlos Bradley thus far in this game these events against the charges a Los Angeles direction and Los Angeles has been hurt by penalties as first and ten Kenny king the right side gets out of the 35 for gain of about four it'll be second down and six and we talked about Marcus Adam we haven't seen that much of him lately cuz the Chargers have possessed the ball all evening but Kenny King has been helped considerably with Marcus Allen and one would suspect that with Allen and King the Raiders perhaps are the best running attack they've ever had in history their franchise see how if you got ups over the year if indeed we have in here second and six Marcus out on this expose right side for the forty gets the first down Bob Gregor defensively but you saw the quickness the great athletic talent I think we should take note of the fact as we look at an end zone replay that Bob Chandler isn't in there we'll see very limited action because of a pull ligament and the knee nice block got sat by Kenny King game do itself another fly backer and they're doubling up pretty heavy in the middle of Luud country Frank Hawkins number 27 second-year man out of the University of Nevada Reno and they're now one running back and Tim Fox it was acquired from New England to do just that the chargers number 28 and past defense a year ago they went for defensive help they traded all of their top six graphics to help themselves defensively Tim Fox shows you why they got him ball just didn't quite get there you see Fox did have a pretty good position on him but frankly up at the slowdown and Timmy to step in front of it has a little trouble holding his feet over here as those uh locked legs a little bit Tim Fox they got him from New England for a second-round draft pick he's being congratulated we'll be back in a moment all those number one draft picks in their secondary of if they don't have Jim Fox anymore he's in the charger uniform he started 91 consecutive games for New England tough he's sure is that's the word tough scrappy feisty player no closeout it's been no pass rush on Fouts odd first and 10 bounced back once again easy pickings fired that one in there again the West Chander Lester haze really got hammered Paul was really right on the money but Lester was right there too and he just took his money and gave him change look at Hendricks 83 back out there he was not quite positioned the ball is right where it should be and here comes Lester got a little help from Davis out in front I think - but lest of his 1 - did the damage you give pouts that much time he'll destroy you he'll get your attention moaning hey he steps out of the lineup for a moment Davis is in number 45 second down Tim again from the open field bulking his way inside Raider territory to the 48-yard nine carrying 10 watts with him Raiders are trying to change up their deep match to see I'm trying to blends a linebacker at all this really is a great experience let's see was alert also just quick little swing pass right out of the backfield big gainer only can get him down with a gang tackle not one-on-one not that player has a nice read by Danny W saw the defense move around a little bit Miller the linebacker came in a little too close right where Belen left from is where Muncie wound up first down at 10 48 yard line James blocks is in there now number 21 takes the flag openness Chandler effects does not get the volume there you might just have seen we're not really in the condition they shouldn't have been in as I would believe that Wes Chandler a little more activity would have been under that ball he has great speed Davis back there covering well that speaks for the ability of felts who already has up in 48 yards tonight just a remarkable player and when he's getting this kind of protection and hitting the ways hitting tonight the charges look like one of the most redoubtable offensive teams in contemporary football history second down and 10 [Music] no witless about to go sleuthing Chandler giardi for the first down and I believe the penalty will be assessed against the Raiders unless they were drawn off but it did not appear to be the case again our referee tonight Bob McElwee yep so the target will pick up another first down Raiders are killing themselves with penalties they're the ones who've lost that timing they were heavily penalized in their opening two games against San Francisco in Atlanta 14 against one and 15 I believe against the other picking up where they left off incidentally according to an AP report cincinnati has voted 47 to 1 in favor of ratification of the tentative agreement and my information is 49 of 52 will vote on the Raiders team in favor of ratification [Music] first time San Diego and you're gonna the wonder if maybe the Raiders who are lining the sidelines are getting a little feeling of deja vu because in the first game that these two teams played last year Dan Fouts threw six touchdown passes five of them to Kellen Winslow as they destroyed the Raiders up at Oakland they also beat them in the final game of the season first and ten pops right up on top again and this time it's a little behind charlie Joyner incomplete will be second down and 10 Dan Fouts though he has been playing over the past eight weeks but again for a passer and a receiver they've been able to work on their technical skills whereas the hitter types have not been able to do that that's the very point Joe Theismann made after the Redskins victory over the Giants yesterday that they had been working out during the strike with his receivers that timing was perfect second down and ten for the 38-yard ahead of the Raiders match back again lots of time this time grows it's short pass that could have been conferred was not in bounces shaken up bang there by a blitzing in that villain that's the point that's the first time Fouts approached facing pressure really is is on a quick count he might have even try to change this and they have been on the early count see Miller goes down right there but keeps his keeps on coming gets out there kids him look he's if I can't walk or crawl back here they did have a little pressure that time and all of your right but you think about this they throw so much that defensive line and linebackers they just tee off and cuff that's when you gonna throw a little screen maybe a little draw play every now and then just to slow him down son again the official game clock not working tonight we see what suspect there is not much time remaining hour in the first quarter tender nothing San Diego and a court in ten bounces back could be 50 play verges Owens and that will bring up fourth down for San Diego the last three passes really have not been you know there may be four reasons but they haven't been right on the money Kelvin's coming back out gonna do a cut across this balls a little bit behind him also he had him he actually had a step out there so I ball been out in front ones I don't believe we've been able to interfere that just about one minute remaining here in the first quarter as we will see Maury Buford eighth round draft pick out of Texas Tech had a great collegiate career down there he was a second player picked by the way by San Diego who traded away their top six picks home Omar's daddy was a big Aggie jet booster down here mouth blessed by 15 miles from Avila big recruiter try to give me good out of there played with a bear and the penalty I think was calculated one on the part of San Diego Newport will not be effective you'll probably be able to yeah freely kick away yes legs too strong they had to put a handicap on him back up a little bit Los Angeles could decline the penalty if they so choose and they do not Gregg crew it is deep for the Raiders had to return punts since his third year at Cleveland that was back in 1975 until he was acquired by the Raiders but he was very effective in his first couple of years with the Cleveland Browns as a return man towering fairly well struck as it will be marked off close to the 10-yard line glory Buford with a fine fun the rookie from Texas Tech so play here in the first quarter charges on top over the Raiders 10 to nothing we'll be back after this overhead looking down at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum which will host the track and field events for the 1984 Olympic Games as a matter of fact some $900,000 has already been spent to recondition the surface of course the 32 games were also held here by the way the grass has been raised surface it's excellent the Raiders who have been unable about any sort of offensive attack of a person Tim from their own den everyone it's on the left side the youngster who hung up 12 NCAA rushing marks on this very same field with the Trojans of USC looking at how he looks at it Don yeah that's always kind of scary back there too particularly to play like this you see if kind of meshing out there you say well where did all those guys come from when you look at it highball dive all the gharial big head Johnson but he's seeing a little daylight and made a lot out of it for a lot of lot of years second down and 10 it was Lyndon king who was there defensively after a gain of four it'll go directly to him he has been a long-term Raider fan they are in Oakland now it's easier for with the team in Los Angeles bus that matter has not been finally resolved yet and flag down on the field Raiders being backed up once again for 65 often Nikki Marburg and then right side guard holding see Henry Lawrence come limping off their fight that's the raid is history on Monday night by all odds the most effective team in the history of Monday Night Football on Monday nights eighteen to one more Lawrence coming out as you can see being assisted in big art she'll is put in 15 years with the Oakland Raiders will step in a right tackle no that's not his position open the right side Archelle of course were so many years of thick teacher at the left tackle position but he's in there now on the right side Henry Lawrence is being treated on the sidelines second down 15 Marcus Allen breaks to the outside burnt into a bunch of charges out there headed like ten bucks on he's back to the eight yard line and Lester Hayes we went out earlier is a very sore knee we are told that's the end of the first quarter it's been all San Diego they need attending Jim heads the troops up to the other end of the field and will rejoin the action when we come back Jim Puckett he's had his share of comebacks last year offseason replaced by Mark Wilson this year back out of the doghouse once again and impressive victories in the opening two games over San Francisco and then a third down and 12 the Raiders he gets back to the original line of scrimmage goes to the 10 yard line and excuse me that was Marcus Allen are receiving into that and we will sear a guy hunting for his Enzo can't see that kind of play at all you've got a they've got to get out of the hole they kill themselves they've had five penalties 56 yards they've been killed offensively and they were killed offensively by the penalties against only two by San Diego Petunia so he throws to get it back to the original line of spoon looked a little tentative but yeah let's blow 10 of this ridiculous dangerous man back James Brooks raters will have to protect the line of scrimmage should give Brooks an opportunity to return however he calls for and executes the fair catch at the 49 San Diego once again a fine field position college football and we have a Thanksgiving Day feast coming up this Friday and deer way this weekend that inside the 49 yard line the Chargers and muttsy runs him and house comes out of there with the football who are these guys once he couldn't go anywhere in that play cuz he didn't have a good grip on the ball he was half fumbling in as he was hit by the defenders first quarter stats look at the San Diego edge all in passing yards time of possession controlling too for them it'll be second down and ten both wide receivers now split out to the left there is a very telling staff that all reflected in petals it reads the Flitz fine gambler and Chandler's inside the 25-yard line Ted Watts man-for-man coverage on the Blitz and pouts times it up beautifully with chatter fun to watch our that he really is he gets back there Oh some thing man oh man slide it down you can't see the trigger put a little bit of pressure but they didn't really blitzing linebackers he just broke out and with man-for-man coverage and the head west out on the outside awfully hard to cover that will look right on the money while I give Cincinnati credit for a great defense as you looked at Chandler again it was bounce who suffered unduly in that terrible cold in the playoff game [Applause] the plate down inside the 5-yard line they killin is it and I'm telling you there was a collision and he coughed up all the other wins though goes to 50 you're just picking them apart not a good weight lifter though Frank few weeks ago and we have a pair of players shaken up in slow down and we'll wait to identify the defensive Raider again see Danny look over his left cut back drill the ball there's cometh coming right in on the inside that's purchase over there just oh he took on the six six two hundred and fifty pound Winslow and both of them rebate on the turf here in the Coliseum actually good Mac Davis always loves back so yet another 200 South pounds and that all hits Burgess did I say Ferguson yeah Wow that was a collision that is a collision both players are being treated by the medical staffs now Winslow is coming to you speed and they're helping purchase coal ones up we'll be back with the report both players got off the field under their own locomotion as you can see Callum window appears to be alright and San Diego has a first down goal to go 5-yard line about 13 of 2201 yards one touchdown we've just begun the second quarter he now needs 86 yards to reach the 25 thousand yard career Plateau let's see using his pup to take it down close to the two yard line where it'll be second and goal to go for our very worried Tom Flores it's hard to tell when you look at him because he does he looks that same way every time you see him but he's got to be a little bit concerned I'd say primarily his outfit yeah fence not any defense is gonna stop San Diego on a consistent basis but his offense has really been pretty weak tonight interesting to study public reaction in a night they really want the Raiders to do well they've been so disappointed by the Rams who the recent years and yet look at the Raiders simian zone and the Chargers continued to dominate Chuck Muncie big man good athlete spots his holes he'll either go over the top he started do down here Don then he saw the gap and just forced a little white look looked like to me almost tumbled to exchange there they've got that ball they appear to the outside I think he's in terrific back I really do like Chuck and he's such an asset the cousins I mentioned earlier he's such an outstanding pass receiver he'll give you a thrill handing that ball that's fine bounce that thing vanish go for the conversion Luther will place it down the chargers [Music] maybe 17 to nothing where the early going of the second quarter Los Angeles Raiders debut of Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum once again how long well we'll find out a little more about that at halftime will be with us as well Ned Garvey it was a very high once again Montgomery a little daylight to the outside close down very quickly Carlos Bradley once again on the stop so thought he should have cut it it is easy up here I thought he was lapi I said may have one little quart of the movie we got ourselves that's ten Sadler slowly still hurting from that collision a terrible one but Joanne Winslow there's a football player watched him come up his number one draft pick with the Jets many years ago he's played that corner he's played the safety we've never ever backed away from hitting someone first in town Raiders they're all 32 yard line bucket down 17 have ago Malcolm Barnwell the speech there doesn't have a chance to accelerate he's down at the 35 yard line again be second down in six great with the use of the word tentative and Jim's quarterbacking thus far gone gotta see that maybe in the whole the whole unit I think it does start with the quarterback quarterback now sets the tone that they just they haven't been opinion it'll fire off the ball and they at least gain four yards per pass San Diego and a three-four defense will set that for you moment second down and six looking for a receiver comes up with one move to the outside is Marcus Allen he's close to a reader first down that was a good move he kind of stayed in there waited till his feet there you watch those nervous feet well them in there and Marcus Allen showing the head of a professional gets the yardage for the first down his position is a check off man but he made sure he had the yardage to pick up the first now the charges will drop back into there for three outcomes Dewey Selman and David Lewis back in comes woody low and cliff tripped 43 yard line the pick toss Marcus Allen student body Rock they used to call it [Applause] the 42 yard line Tim bucks made to stop [Music] this is a nice one they got a hole got the outside to hurt Guinea Kingsley good thing number 33 years old good hole back in there by Marcus Marcus got a lot of fans in this stands tonight beautiful luck involved play yeah yes hey there's our all over the country he handles himself so great mister class individual first and 10 at the 42 yard line of the charges tries to get it out to Barnwell and complete it will be second down in ten yeah there was one play against Atlanta that I think tells you a lot about Marcus Allen he was in enough block for Plunkett he made his clock knocked the lineman down who was coming through got up positioned himself for the ball caught the pass and ran over a defender was a 14-yard touchdown effort but it showed just about all the qualities and talents last year's Heisman award winner Marcus out second out of 10 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Raiders inside the 30 with the first down in Tim Fox again defensively therefore the charges as a nice man to talk about a nice fella Greg puts heck of a nice guy glad to see get out here la that's another good hole over there open him up good move slight maybe a missed tackle in the middle there by Salman but had a pretty good block Greg gets that a great little explosion picked up a first down wouldn't want to leave Jim Plunkett out of those Heisman award G to his eyes but Award winner we have on the field tonight how about that he goes berrak pressure Loic Elsa was one of them in man and Leroy George opens the left side and looking at LOI because he can no longer be wait on a Toledo scale I have to take him to the produce market that's how big he's got that's you know a guy like Louie though with an extra weight those are the guys you really worry about when they're trying to come back after they think layoff because those takes those guys a little bit longer to get that quickness back I'll tell you art she'll is working on the right side that's not his customary position and he is going against a tough on a Leroy Jones fall back at the 40-yard line second down and 20 bucket again in trouble tick-tock well he picked off cliff drift the middle linebacker bucket being pursued all over by Leroy Jones hangs it up God doesn't like it worries can't be happy with it that ball thrown right into the hands of cliff ripped and that bucket thought all these plans blew down here from Oakland who do that he just kind of got a little bit a little bit upset didn't have much block it in and no cliff did run a good route in Watteau but you've been around the ears Jim's been around you don't throw that ball into traffic you get rid of it yes a little bit he didn't really have a half-time to set up but it's a mistake you don't throw though the guys see that's the narrow the arches again good field position their own 43 yard line Danny fountains he'll take as much as he can get as quickly as we can get it hits it in the air and she dances down the sidelines close to midfield before they take him out of bounds well the quick flip little sideline hitch a screen to Muncie to beat the pass rush Green Bay chalk Minnesota lesson on that this past Sunday fights at 8 SEC a Blinn Dickey but Green Bay drove them crazy using the screens against the pads brush and they made it count take what they did you Kellen Winslow back in the ball game for San Diego the big time second down and three James the second year Steve Stoute of Robert inside greater territory to the 49 short of the first down by about a yard and a half Bob Nelson there defensively for the Raiders we're advised plank that verges Owens shoulder has been injured to what extent we haven't had a full report yet we'll let you know as soon as we do understand that didn't you maybe both shoulders and your head most everything else it he's ankles yeah there yeah just about two yards for the first miss charlie Joyner five defensive coverage by ten watts Charlie Twitter Joyner threatened the deep move we have a flag down once again as we look at it again it depends so much on timing on this kind of route Danny had to wait a little bit longer I think then he planned to throw out of Georgia moved a little bit to the left you saw the pocket and that time Joyner is already too close to the sideline writers guilty again illegal contact I'm a 30-7 defense first up again Lester's got to make sure that they know he's out there yeah cut Joyner was objecting Joey was claiming that he had been knocked out of bounds that the catch was legal but as you saw on the replay his left foot was already down and out of bounds it's academic because it's the first down and ten for the Chargers 44 yard line of the Raiders sergeant up from 17 and Chandler split to the left Joyner right laughs he wants it all [Applause] [Music] we'll be assessed against the Raiders and this time Ted Watts appears to be the guilty Raider can you imagine how you must feel as a defensive back like that you got Kellen Winslow Howard's all world died in flanker whatever he is but he's got to be a little nervous you see said Keiko 50 yards and bouncing throwing balls a little bit under throw that was named Winslow am I talking about that with Wes chance yeah well I still making there Eric severs okay what's okay Watts was all over Chandler that's rusty was really slipping and he grabbed Chandler right in front of the official so this game takes on the appearance of a round only twice tonight half the rate has been able to stop the judges once in their opening goal line stand and then once forcing a punk Kristen goal to go [Music] - users wait to get inside the end zone but Ted Hendricks holds on that's the right defense for that play every month all the Raiders seem to be out for forum we're out there couple of a block it and mutts he's not going to score under those circumstances and that right doc I'm Coryell his collegiate career Whittier unbelievable numbers at San Diego State in the st. Louis Cardinals where he won a couple of division championships came to the charges in 78 has won the last three west through divisions of the AFC 2nd and goal over the top touchdown San Diego flawless offensively but helped considerably by Aires and resulted in penalties to the Raiders San Diego on a roll tonight it's not exactly the debut that they had mine for the LA Raiders even so as you look at Tom Flores and Jim Plunkett the thing to remember long-term is the continuingly effective defensive play of the judges a far cry from recent years Oakland Los Angeles has been able to get nothing going they have helped that considerably I think with Tim Fox back there and of course David Lewis the fine linebacker from Tampa Bay do we sell them move in trouble of the RIP problem but he's been in a game tonight they've helped himself defensively [Music] the man that got it at the end zone Jessica will kickoff for the San Diego Chargers and I will point out once again we have four Heisman award winners on the field and I left out John cappelletti for the Raiders where it'll be first down at ten and the Raiders struggling to move got anything going offensive Lee and you have got to put up the points in the board if you're going to be four Chargers even in past years when there were lacking in defense so we talked about a little earlier Jack Kemp set up yardage record passing in that game that still stands against the Oakland Raiders up there about 560 yards or something like that well that was supply-side offense [Music] customer outside line back from the charges being helped off the field you know it's even more remarkable about the apparent transformation and effectiveness of the San Diego defense right they didn't have a draft choice first seven rounds after the traits they made and cry at trades they treated him really wise the ID they coward everyone will tell you this college crop coming up is not what next year is is going to be and while they gave away six of the top draft picks next year they had two number ones they have two number twos two number fours and two number sixes and what promises to be a super grab next year first in ten the Raider is 35 yard line they're down 24 it as a complete for the tight end Todd Christensen the former Dallas Cowboy a running back converted to a tight in he gets six up to the 41 had to convert him because of the injury to Derrick Ramsey who was really coming into his own as one of the fine tight ends Ramsey of course the leading receiver for the Raiders last year with 52 he we mentioned earlier 'he's had some injury problems and he that was unable to get Todd Christensen out of the lineup second and four stacked up short of the first down out close to the 43 yard line here's the booze beginning to come out yep that of course is the maverick owner at odds with all other owners in the league over his removal here from Oakland Al Davis we're down about two Kinney Cain gets a block from Marcus Allen and leave the search for Carrie to a raider first down over the 45 yard line cliff bricked defensively little linebacker by the way I noted earlier that that removal case has not been finally resolved still in both proceedings is the attempt of the City of Oakland to utilize an eminent domain statute from California force the Raiders back to Oakland however twice in the courtroom Davis you and Marcus Lee sees a lot of charging strips out of bounds and we have another flag down man this time holding that's the interesting angle I think a look at a ballgame because it does give you that player's perspective and if you've noticed on that one they had a little mix-up for the back feeling Marcus right into Plunkett mark top here's the call holding Dave dowdy who played his collegiate career here at UCLA Center for the Raiders guilty of holding look at it again from this this angle coming back to the offensive standpoint you see how those the linemen try to spread out a little bit they kind of get the angles on the defensive let's see what they do deploy it in two three four on the first down 20 you go but get a little overcooked branch comes up with it shorted the first town vote against a lot of the yardage back to the 48 yard line of the charges good example of how little pressure that was put on the quarterback that's and he did throw it a little bit low I think they've been a higher get it's a guy like Brett he came in there and wide open Oh Thank You Chet I like it from this under second down and four there's 4:30 remaining in the first half again a game clock not functioning tonight that's Christensen the tight end he has a first ever visit 40 yard line you try to get penetration into that planet back is position the ground backers have got to make a big drop they get back after the outside circle back in behind him he's wide open another flag on the play foul puffin [Applause] [Music] David Lewis and Frank Hawkins after the pass was completed far downfield really got into it [Music] [Applause] a call about 37 but I believe he meant 27 that's Frank Hawkins who was in there flocking against the blitzing Dave Lewis there is Hawkins a second-year man out of the University of nevada-reno well he's new he's just learning this game oh good greatest have had seven penalties for 93 yards [Music] it did take place that long so negate each other except there will be [Applause] so Christiansen gets the first down the double foul occurred after Christiansen was down the whistle of blonde Frank Hawkins and David Lewis exchanging ineffectual blows as they usually are first down Raiders inside the 36 yard line of the Chargers Raiders on their first major offensive move thus far in the game failing 24 to nothing we'll watch it again from the end zone any King does not hold on cliff Crypt was pounding his big size 12 in the general direction of Kenny king perhaps to serving the concentration somewhat almost since all the different options that are going through the quarterbacks head when he's out there he saw I'm pushed out of the pocket a little bit again there's a slight hesitant to talk about tentative I mean just pushing the dunk off rest a little bit okay he's got them spread out doesn't look like any kind of blitz that's gonna come probably gonna go into his own from where that safety is safeties going to the middle they're gonna run [Applause] [Music] Woodcock finally collecting Allen but he made a great move just as he broke through the line of scrimmage they're kind of looking for a pass it looked like to me that Franken they just stood OH big old Wilbur in the middle there in the 99th couldn't make that move to the outside look at Marcus's move in that nice move those are instincts that can't be taught really it's true isn't it that said something that's hard to piece of what how do you become a ride back though they're really great ones usually are born there like you asking Willie Nelson to make me a singer that's a first attack Hawkins ever so strong searches for an extra couple of yards you get about six in the arms of woody low he is strong they say he is not small he's just short and he is that he's about 510 205 pounder matter of fact he's programmed at five nine to ten an incredible career at the University of Nevada Reno watch this once again from the end zone that Hawkins head over 5,000 yards rushing in his collegiate career considered too small to make it in the pros they tough little kid Hawkins I wonder if he's a boxer you know Nevada Reno is one 'la schooled said for many years is that a boxing I didn't know that I know if he had kept his feet that time he could have might've scored able to had a pretty good home yeah well they have marked it just outside the ten yard line we have a third down and a long two and we're going to get the two-minute warning reasonably telling you after you've seen that it's already taking places we remind you once again our clock is not running this evening we are getting our time information from down at the field both teams at their full complement of timeouts remaining in the first half the Raiders trying to get respectable down 24 to nothing tough yardage situation coming up the ball just inside the 11 yard line third down it's a long two at the four big guys in there now Frank he fought for the two tight ends for the Raiders Ramsey's in there with Kristensen is in trouble King did not have the yardage for the first down bucket looking deep for somebody else to me Roy Jones takes Plunkett drops him back at the 17 yard line it'll be fourth down what it just saw a statistic he has completed nine passes for a total gain of 66 yards seven yards per completion that is not what you call winning football outcomes Chris Park and again we'll remind you the holder is Mark Wilson he's the backup quarterback down 24 to nothing yeah why not tense a little something of course the charges would be thinking right along with them hey the bar boys made an impact in this league whatever wait a minute Oh [Music] to the left and the goose egg remains for the Raiders Matt kick the whinny one yes did the hate happen in flavor grass that those legs out again you know what gonna say I would expect the layoffs has been tough on kickers still goal kickers they could put it on a tee in practice but they need a center in a holder and I'm sure they have not all had that we'll be back being in the first half the Raider is unsuccessful and their attempt to get on the scoreboard first bar missing a 35-yard field goal on a third and two by itself and his picked up it'll be brought back but 10 Hendrix who is always around the football has given the raiders another opportunity some lazy Muncie bobbled the ball even before he got to the line of scrimmage in 10 Hendrix it just seems to smell that ball as he has for 14 years was there once again I don't think he ever had control of it you know there's a as an old cliche if hey you take a hand off it starts back in grade school and he raised that elbow up he had two things like you gon catch it in both arms dammit that's just a poor exchange well let's not say a great effort by Hendrix he snapped that ball right out from underneath Dan Foust classic recovery rolling with it and the Raiders have a first and ten ball near the 18 yard line of the Chargers from the end zone once again another first down down to the six yard line Bob Gregory defensively there for the charge using quickly the Raiders call timeout and we'd like to tell you how much time they have remaining that we can't another shot from this side not that much pressure of course he threw out a quick but after the outside to Marcus they give him too much room they'll learn not to do that yes and look at him spin and pick up the extra three or four yards that was good for the first down you're exactly right 110 now we're told remains in the first half two timeouts remain for the Raiders [Music] we're off to Tampa Bay intrastate rivalry Miami unbeaten the Shula magic working again Tampa Bay a Jimmy child's catch and fumble boss Tampa Bay an upset victory over Dallas a much better team than their record suggests Napa did everything will win I saw that game and they look they look awfully they look off the good Friday night of course heavyweight championship fight Larry Holmes against Randall Tex talk Larry overwhelming favorite should be solid unbeaten champion and really still not getting publicity [Music] first down goal to go go watch it again Marcus loses control and he almost left it there they're the bosses back through the 11 yard line that's right now you put them back rack their up into that 5 yard line and we've said many times it gets a little difficult you don't limit the plays you run so trying to be optimistic well they've dropped back another five they can run a little bit more effective pass routes and let's see if we can see what caused it that sauce is a little bit higher a little bit higher but at both adds on it should have caught it what is Plunkett doing there trying to block Jim Sun you've lost yourself 59 seconds remain as Jim Plunkett talks it over with Tom Flores on the sidelines and you're exactly right they will have more room to work the past matters we'll be back after this for the National Football League oh by the National Football League and of course the Raiders Bob Chandler who we have not seen in action tonight we had knee problems in pre-season orthoscopic surgery and we understand he is ready to play that we have not seen him thus far this evening they miss it second down gonna go a little more than eleven yards to be covered we'll watch it again [Music] [Applause] held short of the goal line Bob Gregor was there defensively along with woody Lowe and it will bring up third down goal to go and we have another timeout and that will expire the Raiders complement of timeouts outside that could have been a defensive mistake out there good move by Allen all right let's take a look at what happened in the Astrodome yesterday bitter a lasting rivalry Steelers against the oil as we pick up with action in the second quarter the steel is leading three to nothing Terry Bradshaw there with his stats on the day a very uneven day by his own admission but here it will be throwing to Greg Hawthorne out of Baylor and Greg took it in for the score made it into nothing by the third corner and in it it was 10 to 10 Houston had come back but Bradshaw found the big tight end Ben 89 to go ahead touchdown Pittsburgh won at 24 to 10 back live Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum the Raiders down 24 to nothing trying to get on the scoreboard they have a third down goal to go the ball just inside the 2 yard line no more timeouts and 39 seconds remaining in the first half derekjjensen number 31 the big man is in the backfield now along with Marcus Allen mus Jensen a good blocker and puck that again in the world Frank Hawkins knocks it down in the endzone his fourth down such an awful empty feeling you get out there [Applause] yeah doesn't work well it's a rarity around when you see the Raiders as inept is this but they have nobody but themselves to blame 32 seconds remain of course the clock stopped on the incompletion and it's fourth down for the Raiders timeout - not a problem it's covering those two difficult yards of real estate now get on the scoreboard be respectable get something going get back in the game you can [Music] he gets it into top Christiansen who holds on covers up and the Raiders on fourth down get on the scoreboard you see that moment of hesitation he was going to try to run it in and then he saw it - no time was not going to drop it either wasn't let me have it I'm not gonna drop that thing little rollout pass here the pre effective daddy who gives the quarterback the option to kind of scoot and it look at Todd said I'm right here right here he gave that ball spiral though that's down it wasn't long enough to spiral it is turned over a little revolution and a half but at any event the radios get on the scoreboard respire that's the conversion twenty four to seven ball game in the few seconds remaining now in the first half all right let's find out the garden notes we pick up with action in the third corner the goggles unexpectedly leaving 13 to 10 but Joey Montana was there in the clutch and he always has been this a pastor Russ Francis for his first nine a touchdown play good for six yards and the score 1713 Niners then in the fourth quarter the score 17 to 13 watched Joey Montana again this time to Dwight clock and the big man goes in for the score final score 9 is 31 Cardinals 20 when I watched that game into Montana Dwight Clark they are package Joe Montana he just can get it done he is a winner and a record a career record for Montana I guess the layoff really hurt him eze Todd Christensen what's your problem it's too long a message we really don't have time with that Todd any no hi dad mom would be sufficient I'm sure we'd want to hear it this fire to kick off at 36 seconds remaining in the half James Brooks his deep bar kicks the state away hooking to the left Brooks from the 4 yard line [Applause] that out of the 17 yard line P Montgomery was down there quickly reminding you once again at halftime Howard will be talking with Ed Garvey executive director the National Football Players Association Paul Martha who stepped in late as a mediator seem to have everything resolved are a few clouds hovering around that is all but at the moment and we'll try to put a little light on it for you at halftime 17 yard line mr. Chandler and Chandler is up to the 38-yard I will get a timeout quickly by San Diego they have two remaining we must have I would suspect somewhere around 25 or 26 seconds remaining in there all right with time out let's take a look at what happened at Soldier Field Chicago yesterday the Lions against the Bears fourth quarter tied 1717 17 seconds remain Jim McMahon the youngster from Brigham Young coming through yesterday good stats after a shaky start this pass to a former giant every Moorhead all the way down to the one-yard line and at that point seven seconds remaining clock stopped in comes number four John prevent oh he kicks the field goal and the Bears beat the Lions 22 17 Soldier Field yesterday and the Bears coming up with a big win for them get there jubilation 2217 Mike Ditka gets his first one way to go my chargers have 22 seconds remaining they have two timeouts first and 10 the ball at their own 39 yard line Lille 24 - 7 but gets it off Pop's was in the armor and as soon as Muncie Goes Down that's when back there with the official quickly calling timeout and we're just guessing with the clock I would say about eight seconds so we probably should have something like 14 or 15 seconds remaining in the half all right Wisconsin yesterday the bikes against the pack and the pack this year is back seven six Minnesota second quarter watch Linda intense this pass for number 31 Gary Ellis deflects off of him the number 48 Ely ivory touchdown grief at 13 731 a 13-7 Green Bay opening kickoff build it by Sam Harrell on the 9 yard line very soggy strips the ball loose takes it under score Green Bay 19 the seventh the pack went on to win it twenty six to seven using those green passes I mentioned earlier [Music] back once again in the Coliseum in Los Angeles and Dan Fouts chewed the fat there with Don Coryell back in the huddle now 235 go hard to the first half and he is might shatter the moon tonight many teams do you think it would start growing like this with 15 seconds thrown 15 yard [Music] this time is pick up rod mark former UFC football player just about when to run the time joke out this paneer joke at California again Stanford doc martens with the interception they shuffle it around time ran out the half time has expired on a peculiar play there's the score at San Diego over the LA rate is twenty four to seven stay with us be by those numbers however the Raiders did come back they were able on the fourth down of their last possession to move it into the end zone so they have gone closer Jim Plunkett who started off with wins for the Raiders as we mentioned earlier against San Francisco and then Atlanta looking to make a three straight tonight over the Chargers and they are having their problems the charges are one at one coming into tonight and of course keep in mind as we look at Don Coryell that eight teams will qualify from each conference to go into what basically it would be a tournament flight and of course there are many factors enter into that how you can obtain seeding if you will home team advantage one of them is points scored as we look at the first quarter statistics to get an opportunity to compare that to the halftime statistics you can see in the first quarter it was all San Diego 158 passing yards to 11th time of possession nine minutes to five minutes and as you can see the Raiders at least brought it a little more respectable by the end of the halftime and time of possession edge with the Raiders but it's not how long you have the football it's what you'd do with it when you have it I'm gonna use that finish good to kick off and break through it takes it at the 2 yard line at the 20 yard line and the Raiders will have first possession here in the second half I mentioned those playoffs they will begin January the 8th and 9th for AFC games for NFC games generally the 15th of 16th it will be basically what you could call a quarterfinals I guess in the weekend of the January the 22nd the conference championships will be played with by the way a warm weather I shed left open their from Green Bay and Chicago should wind up in that championship on the weekend of January the 22nd it could be a little cold Plunkett's gonna have to move his club man in a hurry otherwise make a decision as to using young books [Music] though he wanted to be versus feel and there was nothing but charges down he goes with the loss of about three yards back at the 17 yard line Rick Ackerman the first year man out of Memphis State was in there defensively for the charges you're gonna have to start throwing on first down they're down 17 points you scored only because of a Muncie fumble with just seconds left in the first half you gotta take chances you can you can't throw dunk off passes either second down 13 bucket is back to Marcus Allen and Allen it's back to the line of scrimmage scrambles for a couple of more it'll be third down woody low back there defensively now this is a big down the one thing the rain has had to do was to get immediate momentum and now they got a big big third down play and they re-established that offensive strength that they showed in the last that wasn't really a very strong offense know what a matter of fact 24 yards or something like that they got to move the bottle a bit Barnwell goes to the top of your screen on the third down and eight branch squib to the left Marcus Allen Kenny king the setback and blocking his back the top Christiansen but he holds on to it for the first down out of the 41 yard line may have been the most important offensive play by the Raiders this game that's what we were talking about what are they saying again they're bringing it back I think they said he dropped got another injured defense in fact they're having some pretty good collisions there and Bob McElwee is taking an official's timeout and a charger is down on the turf Pass brought back and it will be fourth down said he dropped it bet he dropped hmm he saw him cut down in the middle and the middle of is Oakland as we've said many times to the tight end it doesn't look too good let's take a look at it again but they were trying to double the two outside guys he's zipping in right behind the linebacker the balls was not really well that's another head-on collision and he did drop the ball almost a fumble though instead of just an incomplete pass very close and not as are yet control the ball I agree with Frank let's look at from the other side good catch by Bob sorry he control that football you can see the hit by Bob gregor and he was assisted off the field and then the event they bring it back incomplete outcomes ray guy dropping deep regimes Brooks for the Chargers hey guy has let the Anatolian cutting three times over his career all time greats doing his thing quick catch call for at the 39 yard line San Diego will have his first possession remind you once again we were not remiss in giving you time of drives and how much time remains and the various quarters but the official clock is not running here at the Coliseum tonight right now we're going to pause five seconds and allow our stations all along the line tell you who's bringing you the game ktnv TV Las Vegas Dan Faust please the charge is up as you saw unbelievable numbers in the first half if he doubles them he would be well over 400 on first and 10 quickly to the air [Applause] snuggling for nine close to midfield good way to start that doesn't look good passed out 17 of 24 244 yards Bob Gregor is being helped off the field he is being taken into the locker room and we will give you a report as soon as we get one looks like the arm and the shoulder course I'm still waiting for a finalized report on Burgess Owens from his collision with Winslow is back in the game and effective winds Ogata and it's second down at 133 yard line then another flag is down [Applause] the big man can accelerate tartars holding don't bring it back be sure to get through the land in a hurry maybe that oh yeah take a look at from the end zone nothing really fancy double-team the left guard what a hole hurry Mesa kid Wilkinson did a number on kinloch and holding number 67 off in second down Zola still x-ring purchase Owen ed white on the right side with the single block detected holding yet white was one of the Chargers who is a bit questionable how long he could go tonight he had arthroscopic surgery during the eight weeks the players were out white scales who caught a touchdown pass for an area number 87 in the ball game for the Chargers down the ball is loose I believe it may be ruled dead Hendricks got to Fouts as he customarily does let's see I think its rule they'll bring it back makes a profit call but I must say Ollie she is going back to 1970 when Hendrix was the defensive player of the league his job pay money just to see that man play he is one of the greatest players who has yet lived it's that simple you can't talk too much about him his domination during the playoffs and the Super Bowl couple of years back was just tremendous what do they say he's playing it at 190 third consecutive game tonight durability consistency we're down 17 another flag is down wins lads the ball up at the 45 yard line short of the first down but a flag is down Vince McElroy there defensively temper temper Willie shields and Lyle Alzado King it over at Lyle Alzado they've been going at it all night over that left side of the offensive line for the Chargers never saw a football player could fight examples Duke tall Jones Lyle Alzado can he fight Muhammad Ali at one point yes Lyle did yeah for exhibition I'm there and you can see movement on the part of the charges this one will be talked over the options given to the Raiders and they'll take the penalty and they'll back the charges up further right right tackle on the offense they said they leave emotional let's take a look at house lady number 77 the bomb here screen coming in put his shields break mention going after gardening and 23 the ball at the 27 yard line draw play books [Music] Brookes lips he goes down at the turf at the 31 yard line it'll bring up fourth down McElroy defensively on the stop which call one of your shoestring tackles he just got him by the shoestring see it pulled him down in comes Morey Buford my rookie from Texas Tech his second punt of the night Greg Pruitt settles in for the Raiders and about his own 23 yard line [Music] bufort career average at Texas Tech live a little over 43 yards the NCAA is a question of the 44-yard this off the side of his foot short kick and it settles at the 37 yard line so Buford who has shown great talent has been inconsistent gets one off the side of the foot and the Raiders Tralee twenty four to seven here in the third quarter we'll have good field position at their own 37 he's looking to get something happening here in the third quarter with the lil over 10 minutes remaining in the third quarter we've been informed have a 1st and 10 the ball inside there all 37 yard line barn olive branch remained the receivers Marcus Allen 32 Kenny king 33 the setbacks Lawrence back in the game of right tackle bucket Christenson the tight end with a little help from his friends Christensen picks up the first down Lynden King Andre young the rookie from Louisiana Tech defensively in there for the Chargers that's a kid to look at closely Andre young yes originally they thought the kid the rap on him was he ran a slow party they found out he ran the 40 faster than anyone else on the club first down 10 47 yard line blanket as Kristensen wide open again and they're not covering Christensen nope those outside zones where they're trying to keep it outside guard and they're leaving that evil pretty well up for the open for the tight end in the middle Jay it isn't over well they take the strong safety and put him into a zone they tried to cover Christensen who is a probably a much better athlete and a little more agile than the charges are aware of they tell me that he is constantly making the circus catches in training camp it was a former running back and they are trying to cover it for the line back there has been open flies to the world Kenny king low-tech see after an 8 yard pickup down at the 32 yard line by far the best offensive series as the Raiders have had circled any King he's a good block by Dave dalbi that the offensive center middle linebacker Selman and man that opened up the hole to the outside Dobies incredible all these years and they got a good kit behind him Jim Romano from Penn State one of Paterno specials they top five picks a fairly solid there it goes again the king will get the first down the only my top shoes you'll find got him some new scoops then the final point you made in the first half yep about the draft choices the charges we'll have next year those are top that's good well one of the things about where's those shoes is they're black you seek so he can plant them every time he walks rest up wear white shoes y8 tend to love those high shoes love unites us his head was faster than his feet and down he goes but he has another first town down at the 15-yard line he got a key off of Elvis block again but you got Chuck MRSA Mickey Marvin let's just sit right in the middle coming up make up big Wilbur going to the outside and look at that buck by Getty King on the middle line from the lab a quick trip taken right out of the play by King and Alan seeing daylight to the outside tried to make the quick cut down he went Oh cliff wasn't ripped enough that time come on Raiders have pulled it together they were down 24 to nothing at one point they still trail twenty four to seven here in the third quarter Kenny king never big opening outside by this time is king go to go Tim foxes make three consecutive tackles now this crowd has aroused Frank they're waving their pom-poms those who have them got a couple of you guys in the you might make no doubt Wilbur Young has come in he hasn't been playing all night he's getting there in and out and the 99 and he's the guys over the center and that three down linemen four linebackers now they're in there three four the meadowland just busting his way close to the two yard line it'll be second down goal to go Tom employees will send in Frank Hawkins number 27th Hawkins low center of gravity but a superb blocker tucking here man second down goal to go Raiders with a touchdown and a conversion could [Music] well within striking distance [Applause] beautiful trap lock into the endzone touchdown rebels getting back in the ball game this is Monday Night Football wait finally in Al Davis's box but this is Monday Night Football away we've grown accustomed to it do arch-rivals and suddenly the Raiders come alive but a fine addition that young man is to any night of football love to see him play Marcus Allen gets the touchdown he is really burst onto the pro scene 116 yards rushing in his debut against the 49ers Marcus Allen is Chris bar gets it through the uprights and we now have a 24 14 football game and the Raiders have pulled it back together [Music] got the touchdown on the field where he hung up 12 NCAA rushing records electing a Heisman award he is a professional Chris fire to kick off James Brooks his deed for the Chargers [Music] gets the block they could have sprung him for big yardage Horst out of bounds at the 28 yard line so Dan Fouts he knows his job get out of the field got some balls in the air make some first downs take the steam out of the Raiders 625 remaining in the third quarter but the Raiders have to do is what they were doing Hendrickson the rest getting tough outs rushing him a market just inside the 29 let's see him cappelletti the setbacks that's Joyner in motion of 18 is the big man Kellen Winslow wide open carrying Mike Davis for an extra few yards to a first down midfield crossing over give pouts that kind of time Daniel just kid yeah I love the weight throws a 92 and this is an awfully good throw Kellen has run this route I'd say four or five six times but you know he just drills that one right there that's pretty good coverage the angle where we are it's hard to see but that's awfully hard stop first down man they marked through the 49-yard line joining motion again let's see for the opening [Music] a little gap in captures a couple of yards it'll be second down and eight once again the Raiders to a no on the young season has been played of it charges one and one charges defeating Denver they lose in to Kansas City the Raiders when they're opening against the 49ers and then they defeated Atlanta then we all took a prayer most McKinney remains of the game for Burgess solid we're still waiting and waiting a report on Burgess Owens second Annie box again one that should have been caught boy it was been a good get dead what's back there defensively that watts a first-round draft pick of a year ago mostly a puppy turn man late in the year after coming off the injured reserve he was there hit right off his fingers I think it hit the facemask I think his facemask very well hit the facemask he has his hands in very close they're down in seven all right this is a big play for the charge inside the 40 [Music] looking back from the screen Lorenzo he battles the Bob Raiders have it yeah [Applause] such a big play black down I bet they gonna get paths for roughing just don't [Applause] really backfired screen following the rollout to the opposite side will bring it back as Winslow getting untied number 80 down Lazlo came out good that's good position that's McKinney on the head and right back in there Otis says I'm gonna get this pop and look at crowd [Music] [Applause] first doesn't happen often unnecessary rubbish from the quarterback tell you this about Otis McKinney form a giant second round draft choice out of Colorado they not the fastest defensive back in the world but he is a big hitter he is that Raiders now trailing by 24 14 first and 10 30-yard line of the charges and how the complexion of this game has changed they started right back where they left off Marcus Allen this time pop first by Gary Johnson back to the line of scrimmage it'll be second down and 10 yep and flow as Howard likes to say it shifting time good luck Adam coming right second out of ten [Applause] King battling down at the 10-yard line trap block executed by the Raiders Oh is that offensive line playing football [Music] [Applause] ground level you see Mickey Marvin coming across [Applause] the urban was a trap man he did what any good guard will do there was no man to trap so he turned it upfield gotta blocks flunking down to the 10-yard line Raiders on the prowl this time they headed inside the Marcus outlet and he goes out of the six yard line I think you may have been right in the first half gift when you said the Raiders may have that best runningback tandem ever in Kenny king and Marcus Allen they really do complement each other well it's a still worried glories but now it was such a nervous man second down the bahlika 6-yard i'm alan student body right he knows who he's nobody get into it Raiders they got on the scoreboard to make it 24/7 right in the final seconds of the first half then crowd I told you about by the way they did sell [Applause] 53,000 tickets and more for this game I don't know if they have that many people have finally but certainly the crowd has improved materially it what it turned out to be a late arriving from I was afraid they weren't I'll show up till next week attempt to bring the Raiders to within three you didn't go for a brew this game has really turned a guinea game with Marcus Allen in the backfield moves to the full-back spot he made the big play on that drive and the Raiders are within three smooth on the ground dominated by a six yard touchdown run a classical USC sweep right Marcus Allen into the end zone 24 21 to 23 remaining in the third quarter Chris bar [Music] what's the charge Andre [Music] the rookie gets it up to the 29 yard line I mind you once again not our big college football coming against Alabama and of course you'll see Penn State against Georgia in the Sugar Bowl right here on ABC the Chargers need to get something pulled back together go down to Muncie and Rob Martin is right there with Muncie well what the charges have to do is keep their boys above all keep their boys not play frightened football and accustom themselves to the change of tactics if the rate is because Hendrix has been all over the place and the hitting and crunching fashion and forcing fumbles that's the time to keep your poise stick to your game plan and when you've got a quarterback like shouts give them protection he'll still kick it Bunty got three on that little dump off it second down and seven the ball at the 33 yard line looking quickly complete see the Blitz on that done they are getting to Fox something they did not do throughout the first and most of the second quarter and he was just picking them apart but now they have hands in his face makes a big difference two more things Frank the penalty started getting called against San Diego and Oakland has been able to execute the run fake that may be the key Oakland still have a long night sitting back there trying to throw Los Angeles open you trying to trick me yes in that third down seven fine to get the pass off the jointer and he was in a crowd covered well by three Raiders the Raiders are fired up Big John is on out of action with the bad back he knows with Monday Night Football zone over the years the Raiders have been the winningest team that we have covered eighteen two and one Beauford the rookie from Texas Tech grapefruit is all moan ago at the 25-yard line of the raiders there he is the former Cleveland Brown we saw him at one point in his career six five hundred the superstars competition of Buford slices off another one yes poor baby that's a good way to go back to Texas Tech short kick the last one was 27 yards this one goes out of bounds at the 30 for the Raiders good field position that alone is so big that you could put 1 million two hundred and fifty seven thousand seven hundred and forty seven footballs in it or put one great big one I just thought by that that's all true you know you're crazy I know thing about that Roger pillar long enough 34 yard line for the Raiders first down to ten Kenny King nothing do it out there the Chargers straight-out King stepping out of bounds right at the line of scrimmage it's Tim Fox and he has been already quite an addition to these Chargers he's been all over the field making tackles defending had an interception score by quarters you know Frank even as we constantly go back in baseball history to look for parallels and analogies so looking back in football history the last time the judges were ahead 24 to nothing was in that most memorable game maybe of recent times against Miami and they kept their boys in one it 4138 second down almost a circus catch that's going for the ball then the guys Marcus Allen out of the backfield gliding with a pair of defenders Mike Williams goes back there and Tim Fox he just didn't think he really had a shot at this and look really pretty well covered the weapon he is though done and look how deep downfield he is yeah and then going over for that long Teddy we've seen some collisions tonight those defensive backs run into receivers down there that was another one well getting up Mike Williams the clock if we could see it stop by the official I believe we're ready to play now third down and 11 big series of downs for the judges if they can stop the raiders they can collect themselves the Raiders Frank Hawkins does replace Kenny king number 27 in the backfield for the Raiders you are playing on 3rd smothered they're headed by Linda King defensively for the Chargers and the Raiders will have to put away still not a bad call not a necessarily good know because they really have established that passing game map but yeah they've got a really kind of hit that ball they we're going down the middle a while ago for the tight end but it's not a bad one but it's still I would have thrown something ray guy comes in we do the punting and James Brooks drops respectively down to the 15 yard line they do respect where a guy every now and then he hits one that it's just hard to believe [Music] this time it's low and Brooke should have an opportunity for the return he bottles it out of bounds flag is down in the area where you usually get an illegal defender downfield Macca we will give us the word [Music] I've been kicked and then they call the defensive holding yeah you look like two different teams in the second half San Diego was so sharp in the in the first half everything they did move they didn't make that many mistakes writers did just the opposite they win maybe they changed jerseys or that they could have done something like that I got a phone call from Al Davis yeah just hoping this is not like the news it's a secretive organization I mean with very seldom is a home team practice 400 miles from the stadium mm-hmm they'll move down here pretty soon holding on the defense post possession building a complex and el segundo on the other side Lee Airport understands quite nice yep so the Chargers will have the ball first out of 10 following their holding penalty the ball will be at their 17 yard line and we'll be back after this message come on Meredith 14 seconds remain in the third quarter the Raiders have bounced back they trail now by three 44 21 14 seconds again remaining here in the third quarter Brooks the single stuck back he gets the drop off and Brooks a dough to the 20-yard line to the 22 again a 5 that will be second and 5 rod Martin defensively there for the Raiders that's a tough little cookie that Brooks as you look at high shoes I love it who scoops man those things they move fast it looks like tittles old boots and there it is that's the end of the third quarter with the score 24 21 the chargers for the Los Angeles Raiders we'll be back after this message interaction coming your way here on ABC [Music] back in the football game at one point they drilled 24 to nothing it was twenty four seven and a half times now at twenty four twenty one second down and five the charges with the football the 22 yard line move gets the first down out over the 30 yard line and he was in trouble deep in his own back there alright the halftime statistics we had seen Los Angeles come back even to lead in time of possession and somewhat even up the comparable yardage but as one goes to the third quarter they've really narrowed it down to Oh total yards two eighty five to thirty five turnovers which remains in that backfield you got a big year last year as a rookie Winslow's open so candy Winslow has a first down it takes a pecker Raiders to get him down he's up close to midfield once again that crossing pattern again it was a slightly different kind of a wrap but he's basic work in that same area is see Danny it comes from the left this time instead of coming across he turns back out to the outside basically you got man-to-man coverage in there look at he there's a halt and a half I'll guarantee you that remember in the tease I said forget about a one-on-one tackle for him the action but begins when he gets the football I knew I heard it somewhere and charge is trying to deflate the Raiders they'll get another first down at their own 46 pops back again took Kellen Winslow there was not much room for that ball to get in there put it right on another and Faust rewriting the NFL passing but kelan this time sets in a gun a little flanker position comes back out how do you think fancy but he's got him one one and that ball is right on the money George is doing exactly what they have to do joking off the rush giving Dan a little bit of time he just bought Unitas his record 305 yards [Music] inside the 20 and he'll have another first down and the three running place where they use Brooks have set up the passing game beautifully they really have and I'm very surprised that you don't see it the Chargers break for long runs because the defense gets settled in there for that pass rush that charge and it's just a different kind of set when you try to defense the run books is the Kennecott it's got that great acceleration he'd sure break through a hurry 5 to 15 300 yard [Music] looks it over gives the ball off to Brooks once again spent for the outside and he doesn't get there as Mike Davis collects him for a loss back to the 20-yard line it'll be third down at about two and a half that play didn't appear to be set up very well he didn't have any blockers out in front ran that without end of the teeth of the heart of the defense they want neat touch Bill gahl leaves them still within range of the Raiders big big play here in this game he's always got a knitting [Music] [Music] Pudsey guess it it gets the first down he's inside the 15-yard line he's upset with himself because he did have a little bit more of room to work with out there and he tripped over somebody I think let's see if we can see it again little plate ball start to the left counter move come back wait for Mars good blocking excellent zip right through that was duck Wilkinson and he was following him a 63 won't this in all crowd go along great player [Music] 14 yard line first antenna chargers we're in up and down he goes it'll be marked right there the man who tripped him up Grubin bond Mark Gastineau the same moves the same reaction Oh Ruben [Music] the loss is all the way back to the 24-yard line put a back end passing range they get there too close they don't know what to do Raiders they bring those defensive linemen in on every given situation Reuben ba the second-year man [Music] to pressure box of them sure pass box at the 16 yard line by James Davis they get a little more pressure back into that front board that said Danny got the ball off we've got an ISO and West coming across but that front four will delay wrap let them clean it out Jay comes back in on the inside boys up waiters are playing kind of a zones I look at that hitting though yeah they're getting it together James Davis 45 Raiders where's your job is to keep the Chargers from getting that first down says they sold [Music] no shows 42,000 months 62 Clyde scales incomplete and we'll see Benicia and you see Oh daddy down there we've been he's been down twice in a row now he's been crunched he's actually getting a yep as he's throwing a lot of times to good play by Lester Hayes over in the corner that's quarterbacks get lonely out there he had a good receiver that was working on him Lester did a good job that time for sting to the outside and out of bounds whether she comes into the ballgame for the field goal attempt he's four of six in the previous two games this will be [Music] on its way [Applause] 50/50 of effort they turn back the Chargers only three points behind good football game we hope you stayed with us one of the 2014 MP beautiful finish committing the game and the Raiders down 24 to nothing at one point of the murse app final seconds brought up to 24/7 now is 24 21 they have a first of ten the Raiders of their own 20-yard line bucket bats bobbles the ball it goes out of bounds little remain raiders possession Willie Buchanan in there defensively now 1st down and 10 out of the 32 yard line good first down play for a change from Raiders point of view they've really solidified the second half bigger that offensive unit he made many comments the first half they just didn't they look will shaky and gentle different [Applause] [Music] silver one charger Jeff Allen came up here grab put the knees they were gone and Kenny Kangas I close to the 40-yard line the end of about six yards it'll be second down and four she's good attempt that time and actually with some degree of success by Marcus Allen in blocking for Kenny king out in front that is a nice tandem because we've seen King do that for Marcus several times tonight yeah he is adjusted well he was in that tailback spot a year ago Marcus Allen has that role now and this is Marcus Allen he goes down for the first down out over the 40-yard line it'll be third down and three on balance because of all of the talk as to the quality of play that we would say after the eight week strike on balance this has been an uneven Lee played game witnessed the number of penalties but there have been streaks of brilliance because we're dealing with some of the greatest players in the National Football League say they'll be sore by these are the next weekend no question they go back to that level where the three pucker scrambles around [Music] Christenson Todd Christensen worked himself into an open spot bucket at the poised to get it there breeders have first down inside the 35 yard line of the Chargers and gone back to that same defense to cover the two outside receivers with UC coming back there that's the deep man on the deep safety coming back they're covering Chrysostom with lamb Packers the lab backer is actually released come up the tackle and he just flipped it over because Christensen stayed right where he was right in the middle not very good Saxon with key plays tonight big difference and mr. Plunkett from the first half to the second half seven receptions for Todd Christensen on the night 78 yards they've been key placed a three section to Kristensen another first step of a first town passed dandy yeah that's lovely the Chargers are really giving them a lot of room to work back there they've got him on the ropes a little bit second round draft pick of your old Cowboys back in 78 as a running back how to bring him young was Todd Christensen they actually tried Todd several different positions in Dallas and he just didn't quite fit in you know that's right but Gil Brandt knew then he was a great athlete and so did Tom that's why they drafted him second marked inside the 23-yard line I wish we could tell you the exact time respectfully six or seven minutes remain Marcus Allen crimes the left side of finds a gap exploit sit for about four it'll be second down at six man who might have turned this game around right here he's done it before got the fumble he had his hands in bounces face he was the one it's it they asked him why he thought count what kind of game they're gonna like it the 7:15 remaining second down long for ball inside the 18 yard line of the charges reverse to the speech to final well inside the five it'll be first and go Willie Buchanan made the save it looked like Barnwell with that great speed he runs about a nine four but get into the end zone he's a bond burner hurt now no judge no just tangled up good call right here hmm beauty well you picked up a good six yards on that first down makes that defense start to think a little bit they gonna try to pursue a little bit stronger maybe and boy pursuit a little bit too fast that time the know Malcolm got around them we saw him collect his first touchdown pass boom to him by Mark Wilson on a Monday night against Minnesota 60 yarder it was about nine first goal ago Kenny King struggles to get into the endzone he'll be short by inches San Diego is saying that they got the football safe goal of all dead they call the ball dead Raiders are saying that it was blown dead charges saying we have it and it's the Raiders football it'll be second down goal to go let's see if we can see it from our reverse angle look the poll buck as Kenny got it up in the middle can't see too much go lot of bodies struggling around hey that ball is out probably had been blown [Applause] Parkins touchdown Frank Hopkins the fireplug type fullback would you believe we have a new leader to the pocket well it's not over yet of course it isn't is never over till it's over chargers yeah you're now quoting Yogi Berra no I just got heard that from somewhere I didn't know yogi you've got to admire a team that collects themselves down 24 to nothing and pull themselves together as the Raiders have they should have a slogan something like pride in poets and they shouldn't dressed in grey and black that's right so burn be cool in all times and they have been that tonight this fire puts it through the uprights 28:24 the Raiders for the first time tonight with about six minutes remaining in the game have taken the lead mr. Hayes says we're number one 54 seconds remaining in the game certainly a lot of time for the score to change several times is James Brooks second to your man out of Auburn kicks it off Brooke settled in at the vibe and ended up looking for the web the 20-yard line scramble for the ball which was torn loose getting a little rank out there now are they they sure are and how big that missed field goal by Peniche kaloumes now they need a touchdown not just a field goal Dan Fouts he's been there before you can although since he's seen look as guys let's hold this thing together get back on the track and get some points on the board pick up the dogs give me a couple of moments right up the middle and gets eight yards up to the 28 yard line excellent call no evidence of panic stick to your game resumed control excellent call Patrick big offensive line of the Chargers not the new mobile type offensive line they're huge washington 295 white 282 60 of basic in the middle 216 wilkinson [Music] janitor Chandler was pretty well covered and put it on a string really last year number 37 that's a nice move by Janet of the outside he got him a step that ball had to be there and it was thrown a long way and it was made possible as you look again at West great all-purpose athlete made possible by the locked out Alzado [Applause] no rush on Mouse 10:45 [Music] for a moment and he was hammered [Applause] Oh after he was in the orange of James Davis Youngman of a player office performance tonight [Applause] anything to sakes that list is what McElroy rookie from Balor tell you we've had some collisions I'm tellin ight you got a yard of gut to do that concentrate on the football even though he didn't hold on to it come across that metal gets excited [Music] Muncy collected right at the 40-yard line he'll lose about five how in law was in there first hey I said I never knew a football play a good fight how a long the last man from Villanova second round draft choice a year ago at 16 fights one the more huge guy might be a fighter well tough call now coming up for the Chargers third down and 15 they'll get some pressure Archie Reese comes in as the Raiders will drop into their four man somebody's in front of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa nyah Chandler running the same pattern in which he really got hammered a while ago came right back across that metal gets the first down it was basically the same pattern they called up a slightly different defense this time McAvoy was up getting off the tight end see Chandler come back down give that little fake burst of speed cut back into the inside wide open we've given a lot of credit to to come back in the Raiders the charge is their offensive line staving off their four-man front of the waiters when the Chargers knew the Ravens ooh they have to put the ball in the air first down to ten this is bricks lot Martin misses and Brooks gets inside the 30 to the 28 yard line beautifully engineered drive absolute poise mixture up the running the pass a little under four minutes clock moving gain of six it'll be second down and four [Applause] 28:20 or the field goal will not yeah go putting in bricks to the 18 yard line ah that's what I mean by a beautifully engineered drive what have they used Brooks on the run for six times in this Drive something like that is just a basic power off outside got a good lead block cappelletti yeah go John and wait that muster right made a good lead block came through nice hole 18 yard line now they have the Raiders defense for wilded gift they don't know whether the look for the run or the pass talking [Music] lots of time man open [Music] Derek Siver's Otis McKinney and Mike Davis ball was almost picked off on a deflection danny's Longinus and almost has the look of face guarding distraught it's not find and drop it over the linebackers head one of the whether he sought it out but McKinney knocked that ball away second big play by McKinney second down and 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's made big plays and stops under great pressure hung it up and fox days on the turf they all getting up [Applause] Dan Fouts shake it up Oh was he on depression defensive line I don't know whether that was a linebacker or just the defensive lanlan that came in and hit him appears to be all right he was hit just as he released the ball very powerful position but look at it once again from the end zone Raiders on there dealing up the middle but it was and it was bond room in the second year man out of Colorado dealing oh man well the goggle he was the guy that got back in there we go take another look he does slightly nice he takes a big hit second big play by Reuben Oh that it does a smart bounce appears to be alright two-minute warning two minutes remain Oakland excuse me Los Angeles has the first of ten their own twenty proven very durable he is indeed that because he took a tremendous shot from Reuben bond up on his feet looking out on the field were 156 remains to be played in the game Chargers have three timeouts their job to get the football back Bob's on the night 25 of 40 356 yards his 26th we headed yard game he also went over 25,000 career yards to right now his team trails by four points Marcus out over the first content covering up that football there's the first of the timeouts called by the chargers [Music] there's a little information for you only one peep let's come from behind to win a game New Orleans I guess so if you say so we'll be back Jeff Blackard trying to maintain the football for the Raiders the charge is 2824 what we were saying a moment ago is that an entire history of the league only one team has ever come back to win a game after they were down by 24 points tapash by San Francisco second down and nine 1:52 remaining in the game charges with two timeouts Marcus Allen gets the first half keeps the clock moving and what a piece of blocking that to open that hold for Allen that's the way you drama he knows that too he had some blocking and he was on the outside Justin that's right anything to make that cut Chargers stopped the clock that one timeout remaining reminding you Nightline will be coming your way immediately bottom your local news and of course later here on the west coast at this point time Frank I think there's a point should be made again looking at the shortened season and the eight weeks long strike in prospective think about the schedules and who's prospered from the games loss for example the toughest portion of the 1982 schedule of the Dallas Cowboys has been wiped out there seven canceled opponents at a combined six hundred seven percentage last year come on look at the juice how do you like that among the games that the Cowboys missed for five against teams that made the playoffs last year and Dallas was scheduled to play for those games on the road the team most hurt and that relates to tonight the Los Angeles Raiders the seven rate is games that were canceled were against teams which in 1981 had a collective one and lost percentage of only 424 back to the action first down and 10 140 remaining in the game Kenny king side and Kenny Kings Falls for a couple of yards it'll be second down today Bruce we're offending Kenny King and that's the final timeout for the Chargers they cannot stop the clock anymore [Applause] the Raiders are on their way to their first victory ever here wit Howard Cosell Don Meredith will be moving on to Tampa Bay for next Monday night state rivalry there the Miami Dolphins against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers comput we know on this season right now we have a second down and eight the Chargers no more timeouts 133 remaining in the game clearly an incredible comeback to the part of the Raiders playing their first regular season game ever here in Los Angeles Coliseum Marcus Allen on the night 260 leather 89 yards for a three game 261 yard mark Kenny king going forward covering at the ball it'll be third down and two you know the strikes come and the strikes go certain things never do change for example this telecast is presented by the authority of the National Football League Knights attended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast rather use of this telecast without the express written consent a National Football League is prohibited where you don't be on Friday or Friday I'll be in Houston I won't even be with my family for Thanksgiving Day because I have to work that fight with my good friend Chester Bobby yeah we'll save you a turkey sandwich yeah 20 leave that to a couple of turkeys in Harlem to running is Kenny King bangs the middle it'll be fourth down I would like to tell you how many seconds remain well but I cannot do that I know you your intentions are good been running throughout the night there's Banares dude we mentioned that at the beginning of the fourth period he missed the 38-yard field goal I believe it was so it would appear but the radiance will have a Monday night record of 19 - and one remarkable man and delay a game will be called against the Raiders Dan fought so long ago he had it so far tonight 10 seconds 10 seconds remain [Applause] well dreams of a block dick or no kick the field goal would not do it 2824 [Music] got a point that's what they're talking over the sidelines and now they want to take a timeout think it over [Applause] clock would stop the change of possession this would be the only problem with that's rest of it Frank Miami Tampa Bay we've told you about diners against the Rams Jets against Detroit by the way talking about great all-purpose backs and giving full credit to Marcus Allen don't forget Freeman McNeil calls Oh from this down in the collegiate ranks Dallas against Houston Atlantic in San Francisco Dallas Houston Atlanta San Francisco day night Cincinnati at San Diego a repeat of last year's frozen playoff game that's a Monday night buffalo against Miami and then Dallas against the fight reindeers will be three you know the charges will drop to one and two they could be in a little bit of trouble we did miss abbreviated season we've all had a little trouble with the Oakland Raiders and the LA Raiders the announcer the field announcer just said Oakland timeout the crowd reminded even if they weren't in Oakland they talk about Pavlov's dogs you got three of them up here tonight oh man that's hard they've been the Oakland Raiders for a long time great guy stays in on a fourth down the ball clock is stopped on change of possession yeah he's gonna fool around a little bit they've got no time ounces right nobody knows charges can't stop it [Music] what's that give the wonderful is it I'll tell you one thing I'm not so sure that I wouldn't in front of that thing away I would have funded it I certainly would a four-second hit land Fouts box tops on changing position I'll never have a chance to put that ball in the air we never forget stop act against the bikes and on a defensive foul several things could happen pull it up there [Music] this one's history the Raiders with an absolutely almost unprecedented enecon twenty-four points down win their first home game and their very first appearance in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum the charges have to be a loss because they were in total control [Music] at halftime eighty twenty four to seven very same field 22 years ago against the LA Chargers gets the victory tonight at John Matuszak bad back at all this was not that for me it could have happened about a little volleyball and Kelly's gonna be the number one tip guy dip it up and look right here he was trying to tip it right back to joining a practice that he almost did almost book might get it however and the Raiders defeat the San Diego Chargers 2824 will be
Channel: 80s Football Cards
Views: 45,059
Rating: 4.8452139 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 58sec (8698 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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