A Complete History Of The Oakland Raiders 1960-2004

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Highlights of 1964 and up holy shit lol I'm gonna watch em all lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JetSpiderMan 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Goldmine. Thanks for sharing! RN4L!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/caliraider 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is pretty freaking amazing... thanks!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cheel_AU 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] the autumn wind is a pirate blustering in from sea with a rollicking song he sweeps along swaggering boisterously his face is weather-beaten he wears a hooded sash where the silver happened about his heaven and a bristling black mustache he growls as he storms the country a villain didn't bold and the trees all shake and quiver and quake as he robs them of their gold the autumn win is a Raider pillaging just for fun he'll knock you round and upside-down and laugh when he's conquered and one [Music] warriors cut from a different cloth renegades with faces only a mother could love the banner they fly the skull-and-crossbones is a clue to their personality show no mercy take no prisoners this is a team that revels in its ominous image for over 40 years the specter of silver and blood has forged a reputation as gatekeepers of an evil empire oh well where might makes right we didn't win every game we didn't shut out everyone we didn't stop everyone but when you walked off the field you knew you'd been in a game you know you didn't go dancing that night [Music] born and bred by the bay in Oakland California the Raiders play their own special brand of waterfront football stevedores muscle man who clubbed their opponents until they break their spirits when the Raiders Rock heads roll while the defense struck with the hammer of Thor the offense flew on the wings of Mercury [Music] and a succession of rough-and-tumble running backs effectively counter pointed their ambitious passing philosophy the trademarks are daring dazzled and a tradition built on the big play but it's their mystique characterized by a rugged individualism that makes them special but above all they've done one thing very well just one day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] snap spotted it's kick that's got a chance [Applause] [Applause] before the Raiders began their monumental rise to become one of the most storied franchises in all of sports their biggest challenge was survival in a city that was just beginning to make its mark city center of Industry Commerce and recreation for more than a million and a half people that city Oakland California half surrounded by one of the world's great bays as the final team selected for the original American Football League the Raiders were a poor stepchild from the start with no home to call their own they were forced to play across the bay in San Francisco sharing Candlestick Park and Khizar Stadium while crowds flocked to see the 49ers of the established NFL few lined up to see the upstart Raiders short on talent and fans the raiders lost games and money at an alarming rate on the verge of bankruptcy original owner Wayne Valley went to his fellow owners for help $400,000 from Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson not only saved the Raiders but the AFL as well which couldn't survive with just 17 so the Raiders fled the playing fields in San Francisco when the Oakland city fathers agreed to provide a temporary no-frills facility Frank you a filled up an Oakland I mean come on that thing you know if they ever had the wave in those days that whole thing would have come down source looking mess ever saw played in erector set it was it was terrible Frank you a feel was named after an undertaker in Oakland and I hope that it is true because it adds so everything else that was going on at that time in the in the American Football League because everybody was trying to bury them there's no question about it they just kept coming back to life despite the fanfare the Raiders first season in Oakland yielded just one win they were the worst team in football a herd of scattered failures but with a solid if limited core of players [Music] but everything changed when the Raiders hired a 33 year old assistant from San Diego recognized as the brightest young mind in the game al Davis took this shaky foundation of a team and constructed an immediate winner from one in 13 the year before to 10 and 4 I had a dream that someday I would build the finest organization in professional sports I had the inspiration of two great organizations when I was growing up the New York Yankees at that time and the Brooklyn Dodgers we had come from Massachusetts when I was very young to Brooklyn where I was brought up and the Yankees to me personified the size of the players power the home run an intimidation and fear they were very important characteristics to me of what I thought a great organization and a great team should have the Dodgers were totally different than my mind they represented speed and the ability to take chances and pioneer in professional sports and I always thought that someone intelligence could take all the qualities the great qualities of both and put them together and use them with two great winners to guide him Davis set out to redefine professional football I had certain philosophies my own and that was number one what I call a vertical game we were going to stretch the field vertically well we came out of the huddle we weren't looking for first downs we didn't want to move the chains we wanted touchdowns we wanted the big play the quick strike they tell quarterbacks take what they give you that all sounds good to everybody but I always went the other way we're gonna take what we want [Music] it's number one to say you want to do that it's number two to say that you have the players to do it but it's number three to do it to do it on first down of any football game for that defense that you're playing against to know that the rate is at coming at you they're coming at you're on top and they've got the speed to do it and they will do it that was great a football what Davis designed was not a reckless use of the bomb but a controlled discipline means of getting the long ball into the endzone El Davis provided an environment for both success and Brotherhood he targeted ill-used players from other teams overlooked college players misfits with something to prove and made them his own he were a team but you were allowed to be different people all I really wanted you to do is play football just a diverse group of guys but once we came together serious business we were gonna play that game and win it the defensive Theory evolved early on in the 60s - number one pressure put pressure on the pocket put pressure on the quarterback diversification the defense and the utilization of your corners in a bump-and-run principle and the idea is to disrupt the offense disrupt the flow of the offense disrupt the continuity by the mid-60s the Raiders in Oakland were committed to one another and together they brace themselves for a long Wild Ride we did not come to Oakland and the East Bay for the sake of a John we came because we believe in the future of this team and the future of this area my enthusiasm has not diminished for the job in the years to come and I hope your enthusiasm will continue and come what may be proud to that you are a vital part of the progress of this football team as the Raiders prepared to move into the new big league facility al Davis took a leave of absence to become AFL Commission while he became the driving force behind the merger of the two leagues his Raiders were awfully close to being a great team they lacked a few key ingredients so new head coach John Roush went out and got them in the search for these special players the Raiders operated as lone wolves ignoring talent pools and scouting combines they traded for tight end Hubert Dixon and converted him to a pass catching fullback they drafted Gene Upshaw who was a fixture on the offensive line for 15 years and they traded for cornerback Willie Brown unhappy in Denver number 24 became one of 16 Raiders in the Hall of Fame but the most critical edition lined up behind Center looking for the ultimate long-ball threat the raiders traded for a backup quarterback from Buffalo and Daryle Lamonica became the Mad Bomber and the perfect fit for the Raiders stretch the field philosophy a favorite target was Warren Wells released by two teams Wells averaged over 26 yards per catch in 1969 the highest in league history a possession receiver later in his career draft T Fred Biletnikoff was yet another vertical weapon in the mid 60s running back Billy cannon arrived from Houston and was converted to a deep threat at tight end with a mauling Rawling defense on the attack the Raiders posted a 13 in one level the first of four straight division titles and reached the AFL championship game in 1967 where they destroyed the Houston Oilers tied in turn fullback hiura Dixon ran for 144 yards and helped turn the Raiders a trip to that first of five Super Bowls just for seasons since being the worst demon football the Raiders have earned a command performance on the sports biggest stage their opponents were the Green Bay Packers considered one of the greatest teams of all time this was a team that had won five NFL championships in seven years [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Raiders match the powerful Packers physically and Daryle Lamonica found Bill Miller for a pair of touchdowns but the lack of big game experience failed them in the end [Music] the game was not what it has become today but it provided an indication of just how far the Raiders had gone and how far they had to go that day would come but not before the Raiders would play a part in some of the most improbable implausible impossible finishes in NFL history in 1968 in an otherwise routine game against the New York Jets not one but two Raiders touchdowns were called back by penalties if either touchdown it counted the Raiders would have been ahead in the game and nobody in the television audience would have cared about missing the end and this game would have been forgotten instead what happened next made it one of the most talked about games in sports history with the Jets ahead by three points New York kicked off two Charlie Smith who couldn't make it out of bounds to stop the clock with no timeouts left Smith picked up another 20 yards on a screen pass then at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time NBC pulled the plug on the uncompleted game in favor of a regularly scheduled children's show called Heidi only the sellout crowd the radio and West Coast television audience were aware of what followed millions of television viewers never saw the rookie name Smith become a hero in his own hometown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there was more to come with 42 seconds left the Raiders kicked off and the Jets had laughter to legend when they fumbled their final chance to win 14 points in eight seconds NBC apologized for the error but by then Oakland had scored two touchdowns in the last minute at beatin New York the game is over the fans who missed it could not be consoled the Jets and Raiders would meet again that year in the league championship game with New York ahead by four points in the fourth quarter a bomb from lamonica two whelps plus a roughing penalty move the ball to the New York 12 with two minutes left but this time a Raider error cost them the game the Jets not the Raiders were on their way to Miami and Super Bowl 3 the next season the Raiders began a new era under a new man 33 year-old John Madden became football's youngest head coach and began a reign that produced 100 victories in ten seasons ironically the man most responsible for that season success was 10 years older than his coach ageless wonder George Blanda decided the outcome of five straight games a sensational run of clutch performances that earned him Player of the Year honors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two years later on the verge of a championship season the raiders broke open a tight defensive battle to take a one-point lead in Pittsburgh [Music] [Applause] [Music] in an impossible fourth down situation the steelers came up with a play that was miraculous freakish controversial and by some counts illegal it became known as the immaculate perception and led to the most bitter defeat in raiders history as suddenly as the raiders had forged ahead their season had ended [Music] despite the heartbreaking playoff losses the bond between the people of Oakland and their team was never stronger and the lovable Raider renegades had their fans unshakeable support when they faced the defending Super Bowl champion dolphins the Raiders led 21 to 19 in the final minutes before Miami jumped ahead with two minutes to play john madden and quarterback Kenny Stabler plotted a seven play 60 yard drive that brought the ball to the Dolphins eight yard line [Applause] frankly it may be the greatest football [Applause] in just 14 seasons the Raiders played in countless great games with great players making unforgettable plays only one thing eluded them a world championship disappointment and defeat did more than test the Raiders character it served to strengthen their resolve through high times and hard times with patience and an unyielding will to win their time would come [Music] you really couldn't label us or simplify us because you said you had a bunch of big tough guys only a little clip branch you know who's scoring touchdowns or Ken Stabler throwing you know Fred glitter club you know Willie Brown one of the best corners could ever play heck we drafted a Punnett number one one year a guy and if you have a good team you're gonna be complex and you can never simplify or label anything that's complex still for all their complexity achievement was ever constant George Blanda became the NFL's all-time leading scorer in 1975 as the Raiders soared to the AFC West title for the eighth time in nine years Hall of Famers aren't shale and Gene Upshaw anchored an offensive line that was virtually impenetrable but then they had plenty of inspiration thanks to their charismatic quarterback Ken Stabler why our unique things about Ken Stabler he walks in the huddle you're six foot three inch Lyman becomes six foot six be in a huddle with him is so different than anything else you've ever seen okay in the hole today we got this naked quarterback the team Alabama [Music] he had a command presence that every great cornerback has where you're gonna lay your life down because this is our guy this is our leader we had a great confidence in our team I think we all had great confidence in each other knew that we had the abilities and had all the tools Jon basically pitching me the playbook and said go in do whatever in the hell you want to do just go in and we did and that was his coaching style and we all respected that in him I only had three rules and you know to be on time you know we're gonna have a meeting or somebody everyone's on time to do that and to pay attention you know listen when you're speaking because if you're gonna teach you a de listen and then play like hell when I tell you to play like hell on Sunday they played as if propelled by forces beyond men's control at times seemingly infernal [Music] that the readers were a terror was beyond question but they still had to get beyond the Steelers 75 we go to Pittsburgh for the championship game and is freezing I knew that we were in trouble when I went out on the field on Sunday morning before the game and I saw that the sidelines were ice our game was to throw in the deep Bowl so with that ice we had to move those receivers in and that narrowed the field for us I'll never forget Pete Rozelle said to me well it's the same for both sides I said damn it Pete you don't understand what you're talking about it's not the same for both sides deprived of the deep threat Oakland's quest for the Super Bowl ended in the snow and ice just 15 yards away from Pittsburgh's goal line but two near misses against the Steelers gave the 76 Raiders the resolve to vanquish their nemesis the two Super Bowls that they went to work through Oakland through us they beat us both times we just couldn't take it anymore opening day there was a hundred degrees in Santa Ana winds were blowing and here comes the Steelers all cocky it was like we were gonna leave it out there if we don't win that day forget the season we put it on the line we've talked about it Madden we pulled out all the stops and we just went after which courts 17 points in two minutes or 21 points you 2 minutes to feed him and we never looked back to rest of the season [Music] Oakland's quick scores gave the Raiders the win but it was their defense that left the lasting impression Oakland annihilated Pittsburgh physically abusing the world champs they weren't just unmerciful they were unrepentant I mean they wanted to say the Raiders are dirty yeah yeah yeah we're dirty what are you gonna do about dr. death the assassin the story their names spoke volumes and their hits linger still [Music] they were brazen bellicose and belligerent and they didn't care who knew it it was just kind of a feeling that once you became a Raider you gonna go out and you're gonna destroy people you're gonna hit him you're gonna intimidate him and like we used to say in practice first one cries the we'd go into cities and actually these teams would be beat long before we got there they were they would absolutely fumble they would let us to make interception quarterback she says throw me the ball that's where the gun was in their mind let's just get rid of this thing give it a give it to the Raiders is it get me off the field you couldn't blame teams for being intimidated the 76 Raiders were terrified they lost just a single game in route to a fifth straight division title though a second loss would have actually eased their path through the playoffs the Raiders balked at taking the easy way they wanted the Steelers Cincinnati if they beat us they were in the playoffs and would knock out Pittsburgh if we won then that would knock out Cincinnati and put in Pittsburgh I can remember plainly the news media coming out with yeah we're gonna lose because we don't want to meet two steals well we weren't that type of a team we wanted two best team on a field to play against in order to get to the championship in the Super Bowl of all the games I've ever coached in my life that was the most proud of that game and that team I mean we not only beat since we'd beat him big in the first round of the AFC playoffs Oakland avenged its only loss of the regular season by beating the Patriots with a gritty last-minute comeback [Music] [Applause] Oakland it sports straight appearance in the AFC Championship game it gave them another shot at the Steelers the grudge match quickly became a mismatch [Music] [Applause] [Music] as they had in the season-opener Oakland manhandled Pittsburgh the mauling was so complete that Chuck no the Steelers had coach tried to sue the Raiders for their aggressive play and the beauty of that game was after the end of the season when Chuck Noll accuses the Oakland Raiders of brutality in the league or something made us all go to court over in San Francisco and testify that we were too rough for the Steelers it was such a joke and I just going in I saw him this ring and I show him the score on the side his ring out day was put 24/7 Raiders 24 Steelers 7 on the ring that's how much we hate this deal [Music] having finally reached the Super Bowl open played as if the title were its birthright [Applause] stay we're back to pass a quick turns okay [Applause] with more dexterity that Kenny Stabler is playing the Minnesota Vikings a fan while the offense played in symphonic harmony the defense simply tuned up the Vikings we wanted that one Super Bowl we were committed we were committed to winning the Super Bowl not just getting there but to winning it and he looks and throws [Music] [Applause] that shows that if you stick with anything and you believe in strong enough with conviction and commitment you work toward that that you can accomplish it and we are they pitted me of what hard work is about and what commitment and conviction and what commitment to excellence was about that 7 to 16 if you wanted to kind of put it in a capsule that's the way I would capitalize that team in the end there can be no greater honor for that team than simply calling them champions at last the flag of piracy was joined by a world championship banner for the 1977 season but while the Raiders had a new title it was the familiar duo of cliff branch and hall-of-famer Fred Biletnikoff that kept the Raiders attacked the most dangerous in the game unde offense brutality still wait as Oakland earned its tenth postseason appearance in 11 years in the first round of the 1977 AFC playoffs the Raiders played the Colts the double overtime thriller has since been dubbed the ghost to the post in honor of Dave Casper's game saving catch in the waning moments of regulation and in the game 76th minute the Hall of Fame tight end finally secured a Rangers victory for the fifth straight season the Raiders advance to the AFC Championship gate that Oakland scored 14 fourth-quarter points is now all but forgotten thanks to one of the most controversial calls in league history trailing seven to three in the third quarter the Raiders dug in for a goal line stand and as they had so many times before the defense delivered a crushing blow jarring the ball loose it was a fumble by any definition but the officials ruled otherwise to this day many Raiders few about the missed call wilds fumble no one saw it so they said no one saw the fumble we're running for a touchdown we don't win that game we the garnet a Super Bowl the officials ruled that his forward progress was stopped in that part of it they were correct but unfortunately couldn't tell in all of those players that the ball came out the ball came out almost immediately it was a fumble and we were wrong on the call that admission came a decade too late for the 1977 Raiders their reign as world champions had come to an end but the Raiders penchant for unusual plays has never abated and in 1978 Oakland's uncanny ability to improvise provided the NFL with the zania spinach in its history [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the impossible dream of a plane there's nothing the rain is wonderful Chargers family it's that dream 52,000 people are stunned this one will be relived by 1980 Tom Flores had succeeded John Madden as head coach and new stars had emerged like cornerback Lester Hayes who's 13 interceptions that season still stand as an AFC record [Music] but while Hayes was on his way to start it the two and three Raiders seemed to be going nowhere Pastorini broke his leg against Kansas City we had gotten off to an awful start that year we fought our backs were against the wall and we had to try to pull it out enter Jim Plunkett despite languishing on the bench for two years his leadership skills were obvious he came into the home with such poise with such coolness and with such confidence that he could do it and you could feel that and we did in a remarkable run the once struggling Raiders earned a playoff berth by winning nine of 11 with Plunkett regaining his old farm each step of the way as he got his physical and mental strength back you could see that there was something special and our football team could feel it he had a lot of what Kenny Stabler had the ability to make other people play better the ability to get his teammates to be willing to lay their lives down he's just nonchalant he just thought that was the way it should be we'll just beat him whatever we have to do we'll and that's what the great ones have the great ones have that sense of we know what we have to do we'll just go out and do it it all starts this week one game one game and one game all you got to do is win you lose you go home the Raiders celebrated their return to the playoffs by pummeling the Oilers in the first round a week later in Cleveland or whether the Raiders proved fiercer than even the sub-zero windchill clinging to a two-point lead late in the fourth quarter Oakland refused to you the hutzpah was all Oakland's a team that had been considered and also ran before the season began was headed to the AFC Championship game and though no wild-card team had ever advance to the Super Bowl Oakland was undaunted their confidence proved well-founded [Music] the jubilation the Raiders are found climactic none of the great stories at football in recent years the turbo researcher to the silver black New Orleans here come the Raiders I can't believe it's like a dream come true Ballu yes and we're going to win the Raiders entered Super Bowl 15 on a roll and supremely confident to the left against Edward Chandler to the right bucket on his fake rock back here comes the right [Applause] back his bucket time to throw deep to the Arizona branch [Applause] while Jim Plunkett's three touchdown passes earned him MVP honors rod Martin earned a place in the record book by intercepting three passes [Music] [Applause] in the face of the man they call jaws my sort of fitting symbol [Applause] [Music] this was our finest hour this was the finest hour in the history of the Oakland Raiders - Tom Flores the coaches and the great athletes do a magnificent [Music] hey pride and be proud your commitment to excellence and your will to win women do it forever you imagine in 1982 the Raiders moved to Los Angeles but the change of venue didn't change the Raiders philosophy that commitment to excellence thing that he coined years and years ago I see now as corporate mottos but that meant something nobody approached it that way he approached it like it was a war like it was us against them and now everybody says that that martial mentality means the Raiders never surrender no matter how dire the situation and in 1982 the silver and black Sun canny ability to rescue victory from defeat helped them to the league's best record a week after beating the Chiefs the Raiders met their new crosstown rivals but while the Rams held a lead in the game's final minute they couldn't stop the NFL's rookie of the year Marcus Allen's emergence as the league's most dangerous runner helped the Raiders to the 1982 playoffs but while he was a breakaway threat the Raiders weren't breaking from the past potent and pugnacious they didn't just have a hair-trigger temper they were just a hair from reclaiming their title as the most dominant team in the game and in 1983 they did reclaim it with abandon Braun and briault 83 was a much different football tune in 80 in 1980 we were better and now almost every facet of the game there Marcus Allen had joined us in 82 so we had a tremendous running attack with him Todd Christensen was emerging as a real fine tide in our defense with Howie Long and I'll say - Gregg Townsend Matt Millen heading up the linebacker corps along with Rob Martin was just stupendous we were darn good you know we scored on everybody we were it was the best team and about the 910 years I played with the Raiders that we had [Music] and route to the 10th AFC West title the Raiders high-octane offense was as imaginative as it was unstoppable and in the first round of the playoffs a record crowd of more than 90,000 watched the Raiders demolish the Steelers [Music] beating the steelers was sweet sweeter still was the whipping they gave the seahawks the following week in the AFC championship game the raiders were headed back to the Super Bowl Tom forces Team swaggered in and immediately staggered the defending champion Redskins [Applause] the bolts kept coming as the Raiders simply went where they wanted and took what they liked [Music] let's keep dominating this team let's keep dominate dominate [Music] the domination was so complete that by halftime the outcome was no longer induct [Music] [Music] [Applause] a screen Pam and they look like they knew it was coming man read right boys I guarantee they look like they knew that play was coming you got three minutes of a foot no let's go there was no let-up instead Raider football reigned over the Redskins in a maelstrom of muscle and menace [Music] it was a bravura performance the most one-sided Super Bowl to date capped by the record-setting performance of Marcus Allen [Music] [Applause] allons 74-yard touchdown run remains the Super Bowls longest few teams have ever won a title more easily and no team ever enjoyed it more with all the great teams we've had I think today that this organization this team this coaching staff dominated so decisively that two things must be said not only in my opinion are you the greatest rated team of all time thank you I think you're ranked with the great teams of all time that have ever played any professional sport [Applause] [Music] are you a football fan at all times you yeah huge what's your favorite team Raiders what's that our first football game ever went to oh and they were in LA my dad took me to a Raider game and I just fell in love with him the foundation of the Raiders mystique is power and intimidation [Music] relentless and ruthless these Marauders of the gridiron brandish a style of football without mercy in the 1980s Howie long was the driving force behind the Raiders defense whether lined up at tackle or end it never took long for Howie to find the ball appearing in eight Pro Bowls and his way to the Hall of Fame Howie Long's passion was inspiring equally moving was the play making ability of Mike Haynes Haynes had the speed to defend the pass and the toughness to stop the run one of the best quarterbacks in NFL history Haynes displayed his Hall of Fame skills with this 97 yard interception return in a memorable 1984 matchup against the Dolphins Hayes's touchdown was one of the few defensive highlights in a game that featured nearly a thousand yards of total offense 75 of them coming on Mark Wilson's touchdown strike to wide receiver Doki Williams the Raiders were also explosive on the ground with running back Marcus Allen finding his way into the endzone [Music] Allen crews to three touchdowns in the Raiders 45 to 34 victory [Music] for eleven seasons Marcus Allen worn the silver and black and established himself as one of football's greatest running backs the Raiders all-time leader in both rushing yards and touchdowns Allen was elusive in the open field and unstoppable at the goal line the master of the touchdown plunge Allen was fearless from inside the 5-yard line I know how important it is to get in there and to me it doesn't matter how it's done there's never gonna be an asterisk that says it was done in a very you know a beautiful way on artistic way it was just it's gonna say touchdown Allen's determination made him the 1985 NFL MVP and the first player to record over 10,000 yards rushing and 5,000 yards receiving boys had a I think a tremendous desire not to be an average player to stand out from the crowd and I think I've done everything that I possibly can to see that it happened joining Allen in the Raider backfield in 1987 was one of pro sports most remarkable athletes bo Jackson Jackson made an immediate impact earning Rookie of the Year honors and rushing for 221 yards and three touchdowns in a highly publicized Monday night showdown against Brian Bosworth and the Seattle Seahawks [Applause] I have people tell me all the time that they've never seen a running back your size with the speed that you've had and it never fazed me because I've been doing it all my life running the first ever to play in both the NFL Pro Bowl and Major League Baseball's all-star game Jackson was the ultimate two-sport athlete bo Jackson had to be one of the great athletes of all time that could go in and play two major league sports and play well bo Jackson could get off the bus and run 90 yards in a game and act like he had just gone out in the park to play baseball that's how good an athlete you was with uncanny breakaway speed Bo Jackson is the only ball carrier in NFL history to have two runs from scrimmage of over 90 yards factor in Jackson's brute strength and it becomes no surprise that he was one of the hardest players to tackle his 5.4 average yards per carry is a Raiders all-time record but ironically his thirst for confrontation might have been both his greatest attribute and his final downfall what appeared to be a routine running play against the Bengals turned into a tragic end of a career far too short do you sit around say well if I had to just stepped out of bounds there instead of trying to get that extra yard it would have happened but I'm a firm believer and everything happens for a reason life goes on I don't think any professional athlete will start to live until he's out of sports and spending time with his family having left football with no regrets bo Jackson's time with the Raiders was brief but his impression will be everlasting in 1989 after an NFL career that spanned three decades Archelle was hired by owner Al Davis as head coach a decision based solely on his football acumen and that alone he said but I will shallow I think I'm not hiring you because you're black you are a rated that's very important to me yours Raider he was arrayed and he knew the system and he played the system and he had led the team as a Raider that's the way it should be the first black head coach of the modern era art shall increased the diversity of the NFL and put the Raiders on top of the AFC West one thing that you've done all year long you've hung in there for 60 damn minutes and you got done some kind of way and number 12 and forth with AFC division champions with his team primed and prepared coach shell led the Raiders into the 1990 postseason against the Bengals Jim Brown in motion to the right it's third down back to past Raider steps up rifles one the defense held Cincinnati to one touchdown while quarterback Jay Schroeder picked apart the Bengals secondary for a convincing win [Applause] thrilling comebacks have always been a part of Raiders history including a 1988 Monday night matchup that had the silver and black down 24 to 0 to the Denver Broncos the Raiders forced the game into overtime tied at 27 where the defense shut down quarterback John Elway putting kicker chris bar in position for the wins the Raiders proved themselves the kings of primetime compiling the best winning percentage in Monday Night Football history let's go in 1993 the Raiders continued to stick it to the Broncos to qualify for the playoffs they overcame a 17 point deficit in the last week of the season [Applause] it's down it's up it's on its way it's long enough it's good [Applause] you won the game because you deserve to win it and listen up that's a good football team over there we'd be today a very good football team and we got him again next week right here okay seven days later the Raiders again proved their dominance over the Broncos Hostetler sets up he's got all day guns it over the middle - were there [Applause] Denver was defeated by the Raiders for the third time during the 1993 season though the playoff win would be the last for the Raiders in the city of Los Angeles in 1995 the silver and black would return to Oakland where the storied franchise began 35 years earlier after enduring a series of forgettable seasons in the mid-1990s the glory of the Raiders was about to return just in time for the new millennium [Applause] any shed catch it up then he goes into the touchdown you're giving a Whateley up the middle ease into the end zone leading the Raiders into their new era was head coach Jon Gruden hired at the age of 34 Gruden was young by NFL standards but his passion and toughness were strictly old-school when I posted four football cards now offense we're not posing for football cards let's play with some speed Rudin's motivation raised the Raiders expectations and reinvigorated Oakland's will to win compete for edges the effort steady so proud of you guys I still happy for you let's all start a chant here [Applause] a Raider with the same love for football is Rich Gannon a journeyman quarterback who finally found a home in Oakland all I ever wanted was a coach to believe in me to give me an opportunity to start week one and to see what I could do with the football team through the course of the season and fortunately for me and it's taken a while but I found that guy in Jon Gruden and the Oakland Raiders he's signed with the Raiders and I let him know right away I'm gonna go down with you or we're gonna fly high together and you know he's one of the great competitors that maybe I'll ever have a chance to be around in 1999 Rich Gannon was among the best quarterbacks in the NFL by 2000 the Raiders had their first AFC West title in a decade and Gannon was commanding the team's high-powered offense into the postseason [Applause] six graders you accomplished something today not a lot of teams get the taste and you better like the taste guys you better like the taste the raiders tasted success in the playoffs again in 2001 the addition of one of footballs all-time greatest players Jerry Rice enhanced and already overwhelming offensive attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] in a division playoff game against the Patriots the Raiders offense maintained its precision despite the impossible conditions but the play of the game came courtesy of the defense [Music] Charles Woodson came on a corner blitz and he rock disc over Michigan teammate beaker dives on it he does bring me to her word but that's not to pass the ball he pumped it he pulled he was pulling the ball back ruled an incomplete pass and not a fumble the controversial call led to a Patriots field goal that sent the game into overtime New England won the game but the bitter defeat brought sweet revenge in 2002 [Music] ready drops five steps now pressure [Applause] fueled by determination the Raiders unloaded their arsenal against the Steelers rich cannon connected with his receivers 43 times to set an NFL record for the most completions in a regulation game in 2002 Gannon was named the league's Most Valuable Player for guiding the NFL's top-rated offense by season's end he'd completed a record-breaking 418 passes with a good share of them going to number 81 Tim Brown the Raiders have always had a tradition of outstanding receivers in 1986 tight end Todd Christensen led the NFL in receptions with five straight Pro Bowl appearances Christensen was one of the premier tight ends of the 1980s in the early 90s receivers like Willie Gault and James Jett used their world-class speed to turn football games into Olympic time trials [Applause] still the radio receiver who stands out most is tim brown number 81 holds the Raiders all-time records for catches receiving yards touchdowns and all-purpose yards [Music] [Applause] to throw firing in the ends of the ground [Music] second only to teammate Jerry Rice in all-time receiving yards Tim Browns dedication and consistency has made him a greater legend Tim Rob with career catch number 1000 all in the silver and black of the Raiders by the end of the 2002 season it was clear that the Raiders would be soaring into the playoffs [Music] [Applause] the Raiders unleashed their wrath and clinched their third strength Division title see West again [Music] maintaining their intensity the Raiders look to keep the Jets grounded [Music] while the Jets had a hard time leaving the runway the Raiders were already in after bird [Music] [Applause] which Ganon's passed to Jerry Porter put Oakland Emily with no intention of letting up ninety-eight Willie super quick post-its are baller nobody's [Music] Jerry Rice became the NFL's all-time leader in playoff yardage up next was a clash against the Titans with a trip to the Super Bowl at stake [Music] competing in an NFL record 14th conference championship the Raiders played with their trademark poise [Applause] with their dominance over the Titans the Raiders return to glory had been fulfilled and the fans of the Raider Nation anticipated their first Super Bowl in almost 20 years [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they are play traders of won the American football the two deck is over America in the Super Bowl the only team to play in Super Bowls in four different decades the three-time world champion Oakland Raiders were prepared to claim another Lombardi Trophy [Applause] the Raiders played valiantly in Super Bowl 37 but in the end it was not enough however the loss to the Buccaneers is only a small blemish on a proud legacy with the support of the radio ATS football's fabulous females Oakland is one of the strongest and most unique fan followings in the NFL we are Metallica and we are here for your [Applause] from The Walking Dead - Aaron Jedi Knights Raiders fans are a rogue's gallery tired displays take a field trip to San Quentin silver black Raider Nation welcomed the Hulk town baby you're going down Miami [Music] this is about a new glory a new mystique readers football in its finest we don't quit we don't die we just inflict pain collectively known as the black hole these loyal fans generate a raucous enthusiasm that pervades the stadium helping make good players great [Applause] sixteen members of the Raiders organization have earned the NFL's highest honor enshrinement in the Pro Football Hall of Fame from the surehand some great receivers like Fred Biletnikoff and Dave Casper to the rugged toughness of George Blanda and Ted Hendricks the pride of suiting up in the silver and black is the common bond of Greater excellence I am extremely proud to venerate er I'm also proud to plate my entire career with the Raiders whether it was for just a few seasons or an entire career once a Raider or ever a Raider it's an axiom that applies to all members of the silver and blunt-edged whether they are in the Hall of Fame's or on their way there [Music] but listen up maggot what gay bomb his unbelievable got it now this man is 39 years old he's really 29 years old [Applause] since al Davis first pledged to build the finest organization and pro sports the Raiders have had a profound impact on the landscape of professional football [Applause] [Music] there's is a tradition of equity innovation and achievement a cycle of success set in motion in 1963 which continues to this day and what we strongly believe that the fire that burns brightest here is the will to win but the greatness of the Raider is in its future is in its present group so that they can carry that message and carry that torch and carry that banner into the future you this NFL Films production has been brought to you by the National Football League the NFL is online at WWF Elcom
Channel: TheRaidersFilmVault
Views: 152,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oakland Raiders, RaiderClips, Tim Brown, Derek Carr, Khalil Mack, Al Davis, John Madden, Ken Stabler, Bo Jackson, Football, amari cooper, News, Sports, Jon Gruden, nfl history, Archives, NFL Films
Id: X2lvwr-W1B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 6sec (4026 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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