1985 Week 1- Buccaneers vs Bears

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field in Chicago where the game today will be played in open like temperatures this early September 92 degrees air temperature 121 on the artificial turf today and the Chicago Bears have won the talks and they will receive they will the thing to our left if we see our CBS thermometer behind the players bench registering over 90 and rising so we'll see a lot of players in action today Donald egg way big game will be the kicker for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tim Ryan and Johnny Morris welcome you to this first kickoff of the 1985 NFL the payers in the box and even way BK the rookie from Clemson knocks it through the end zone and the Chicago Bears will start from the 20-yard line and there you saw one reason why they kept big way B Quay because he kicks it into the end zone yet the long long foot that will be a benefit to the Buccaneers throughout the season the Bears will start Jim McMahon recovering from his kidney injury of a year ago Walter Payton Matsui the familiar running back pair will eagle in Dennis McKinnon coming off surgery to his knee in July along the front Cobert ports Hogan burg Becker and Van Horn one of the best offensive lines well how many more heads a tie-down Chicago Margy McMahon layers it out to Peyton he gets the block down picks up about seven yards [Applause] shot from the center of the line the pickup Walter Payton the Bears will be second in about three defensively for the Buccaneers John cannon at left and David Logan the outstanding nose man and Fritz Lindstrom that's not exactly Lee Roy Selmon starting their Stallman gone for the year and the rookie Ron Holmes favoring an Achilles injury a strong line backing core with Chris Washington jeff davis scott bradley and hugh green coming back from injuries a year ago and in the secondary Jeremiah Castile and John Holt on the corner newcomer David Greenwood from the USFL starts it's brown safety and another newcomer acquired from the Rams ivory sully is the free safety on second and three to the 30-yard line Chris Washington stopped Walter Payton and it is good enough for the first down though the Bears have their first first down of 1985 and they're you're looking at the all-time rusher the National Football League 15,000 309 yards total that's what he got last year we're going to have quite a duel today with James Wilder against Walter Payton two of the best in the business and Lehman Bennett and he's debut as a Tampa Bay Buccaneer coach the Buccaneers were one of three in exhibition season but had a history of doing well with Atlanta on the first game of the year man wants to go close to the first down yardage but I think just short by about a half we'll be a long yard Jeremiah Castille number 23 pushed him out of bounds and so the Bears will have second in a little more than a yard it'll spotted at the 39 yard line of Chicago and that's one area where the Bears are going to try and improve this year the passing game especially on first down the control type passes 10 yards out pitches they hadn't done it all that well during the exhibition season but right that time you saw they come out through a first down against the Bucks defense they'll be wide left MacKinnon wide right coming back they're wide full set Sooey inside following for the first down that appears he has it about the only one maybe two 42 yard line back up in the middle of the defensive front gone cannon to them number 78 and linebacker she's green on the tackle Chuy's members running her ago in the primary ball carrier for the Bears and that's reflected in the number of carries for matsui from the 42-yard line the opening offensive series of the regular season for Chicago I [Music] McMahon McMahon Moorhead incomplete pretty good rush on McMahon from the outside led by Chris Lindstrom number 71 number 30 David Greenwood coming from the secondary on a blitz that's one thing the Bucks will do with you they will blitz those safeties sometimes on the first down situation that time Greenwood who's in there McMahon had no time to throw the pass out and of course that's where they have to do some improving as far as defense is hard to believe you have to talk about the Tampa Bay defense having to improve but it was the offensive carried a little bit more because of injuries and just a decline you know of the Tampa Bay defense over the past two or three years [Music] have a Miss Sheila on the handoff I don't think it would have made much difference but you can see Jim McMahon well we can at the moment as he was kind of shaking his hand as he and soui collided on the handoff man there was no gain on the play as Washington and Brantley put the stop on him let's give some credit to John cannon he pushed it across the line of scrimmage got inside the block and messed up the place [Music] Anna comes out Ron Holmes the bookie from Washington their number one choice this year makes his first appearance in fact a lot of substitutions because of the heat [Music] feel incomplete Paul was there but right at the sideline and Gault might have taken a look down to see whether he was going to maybe be able to make the catch inbounds though the Buccaneers have stopped the Bears Holt had the coverage on Willie Gault and Chicago will have to punt there's iron Mike Ditka head coach of the Chicago Bears who has made them a contender coming here with a team that had not done well the previous year each year the Bears have improvement as you know they've won the Central Division title last year and that could be a big job this year right Tim according to history indicates if he beat their division rival one of them in an opening game good season Morrie Buford a new mayor's party heating up at Dave Pinto for the funding job nails a good one inside the gym and the return man is Leon bright white with a good return out to the 29 yard line for Tampa Bay Buford good putt was well returned by Leon right for 20 yards in Tim reitman made the stop we'll be right back with no school Tim Ryan and Johnny Morris at Soldier Field in Chicago a good punt return by Leon bright former New York giant got the Bucks to the 29 yard line there is Lehman Bennett after two years away from the game got the itch got the money burned up in Tampa Bay replacing John Mackay and he had a winning record in Atlanta 46:41 made the playoffs three times and I'm surprised he was out of the game for a couple of years actually just go fishing as fire so cute generally they Richard did some of that also opened a on first down deferred to Wilder Wilder picks up about five yards close to the 35 yard line where Singletary and Wilber Marshall made the tackle Steve de Burgh 63 205 pounder from San Jose State a Gene Wilder as his lone setback Kevin house and Gerald Carter to burners at wide receiver Jerry Bell the tight end or the you back as Lehmann Bennett calls him and the frontline Jarno whoreson Grimes Sean Farrell of dandy second-year man Ron Heller stand exciting a birdie a child for the Buccaneers they're opening out 50 days of 85 Wilder again breaks a tackle it has Running Room [Applause] James Wilder to the 41 your line of the Bears [Music] Leslie Frazier and Steve McMichael finally pulled him down but a first down Tampa Bay good blocking in the offensive line but there was a couple of missed tackles of course it's easy to miss a tackle against Browder who weighs 225 pounds Gary pencak number 45 had his hands on him but he busted away took off down the field before les Frazier and a host of bears Cole mr. Wilder down he's carried the ball both times one bypass played by running for chapter two model 407 yards 25 yard games around DeBerg on play action as Giles wide open Jimmy Giles for a first down Tampa Bay all the way to the Chicago doers have made the tackle there and what a fake fight the burg and then roll out to the action watch the fake to Wilder everybody clamps on water now Josh and he gets his bot I got him to a labral back to the Florida back there's two Bergen hit threw it to him with just right behind it but he just takes off down the field he was wide open Jimmy jabs who will be playing more this year because he's going to be in on third down situations with the new one back office [Applause] a Buccaneer first down [Applause] takes a ride and this to the 20 we're dreaming single carry number 54 the Bears made the tackle Singletary was one of three bears holdouts the only one who came in teammates Cogdell annales no doubt working in today defensively across the front parking stein McMichaels an hampton and NFL sack leader a year ago Richard dent the linebacking core has been adjusted somewhat with Gilbert Marshall in place of Al Harris [Applause] and the secondary Richard in Carvel spot in Gary fencing the veteran free safety second [Music] the Bears 20-yard line wire hit behind the line of scrimmage wait cackles that is fine [Applause] but he shook off to bear tacklers who had a chance to drop him for a loss Singletary in Duerson finally pulled him down that's what you call penetration by the defensive line dan Hampton busted by Grimes at the center and just stuff took care of any kind of coordination on that play you know a lot of people are saying that Tampa Bay has an advantage of this game because they've been working out in that humidity down in Florida it's going to be hot you're gonna see some reserves playing because as you said Sam it's very hot on the football for on third down Sean yelling defensively to her hips Jerry Bell and bell boys his way close to the goal line finally stopped by Shaun Gayle the Nickelback number 23 but Gary Bell 230 pound new back just overpowered young mr. Vemula mr. gale well it was Mike Richardson number 27 who went for the interception there instead of going for the tackler went for the interception and Bell showed some determination here as he crossed over Shawn Guerin almost got himself into the end zone and I think the Tampa Bay Buccaneers remember the last three games where they've been outscored by Chicago I believe 107 to 25 and I think there's a little feeling they want to get to make amends and get even a little bit first and goal William the refrigerator in defensive a cheval play-action wide open touchdown beautiful play well-executed [Applause] rookie tight end from Southern University running out of a you back position perfectly executed touchdown there was a mistake in the defensive backfield because he's open right now there's nobody even around him and finally de Burgh spots he misses I better get the ball to him before it gets out of the home zone easy nice tough drive by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and of course we'll have to be talking about how much do the Bears miss those two people T holdouts because it seemed like Tampa Bay rump right down the field an impressive opening offensive series for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers midway BK has the point after tampa bay buccaneers under lehman minutes strike first here in chicago de Burgh the maguey 7-nothing tampa bay there is fair defensive coordinator buddy Ryan talking to his van of defense which was number one in the NFL last year trying to figure out what went wrong where the mistakes were made because Tampa Bay confused the bear defense during that entire Drive it was a beautiful Drive one hits him 71 yards in seven plays Johnny and that'd be a great feeling for Steve de bergen company with a somewhat - reconstructed offensive line George Arnold back from the USFL Ron Heller the second-year man from Penn State Wing Grimes taking over for C Wilson at center and they were they just wild her way down and equate a lots another one deep near the in line and Ken Taylor elected not to bring it out the working like defensive back number 31 so Chicago will start again with a game the Lionel Manuel first down Chicago Bears Syrian motion if the taking Payton skips inside blockers have taken to the sideline [Applause] first Washington where he wanted attack it looks like Peyton broke one of these shoulder pads though he's changing clothes quickly but on this drop leg he just met just great quickness as the Bucks actually had a defense that he is so quick to the sidelines gives him that little strut carrying the ball in one hand little high knee then he puts the ball away and finally the Buccaneers come over and stop him and you got a gang tackled Walter Payton you've got a gang tackling where you were in big trouble Bell well a fix his shoulder pads Denis Jim free number 29 the four-year man from Baylor comes in to replace it he's in motion again marjoram in at wide receiver Suey on the pit shot who he cuts it upfield fumble abroad the players and whistles did at the 46-yard line it'll be a four yard gain for the Chicago Bears and Chewie was lucky that they got a whistle Hugh Green really put a hit on him and he didn't sue is he really groggy Kelvin Thomas came on the field immediately to help his teammate up and Thomas will go in to replace Matsui Hugh Green had a series of injuries last year one of the ma field from an automobile accident is at a hundred percent and raring to go Hugh Green is 53 now you're going to see what happens so he cuts back up the field and then runs into the pursuit back the other side we'll have to see if he gets hit in the head because they seem to be kind of groggy and dizzy a couple of he just got hit by a couple of big boys one of them being Hugh Green so soui getting some attention on the Bears bench Calvin Thomas is in the ball game number 33 and short hop hip shot sir Willie Gault well trying to get away from John Hope number 21 hope close him down however Chicago picks up a first down at the Buccaneer 42 yard line and now Jaco bears at the Tampa Bay 42 second offensive series for Chicago they trail seven nothing the Buccaneers scoring on their opening drive MacKinnon in motion to give us the patron Payton gets in his way line of cafe nearly seven hue green and ivory Sully the former Los Angeles Ram made the tackle for the Buccaneers safety with 33 yards on three carries Wilder has 29 yards on three carries for the Buccaneers including a 25 yarder that led to the campus core there's Matsui back on HP so I think it really was a you can get knocked to the head and kind of lose consciousness in three or four seconds brings your Bell and you do shake out here okay it appears he's okay little early action John cannon number 78 whether he was drawn over and by his opposite number 78 teach Van Horn we'll find out from our pump of our referee today Jean Bart they only called 79 they called it on Kurt Becker the guard rather than Van Horn van Horn and the 278 John can and we're talking about in Van Horn's if you did it before him said you did it Becker do burgers and how do I get involved sectors are they it out might lose a point in my grading system for the heft to get the right man here he passed it off on the guilty party Van Horn is he may to his right that will be subjective some post game discard [Music] second and nine Chicago at the cabin push down there's two the Contras Alabama maze attackers it appears that Dennis MacKinnon's knee is okay now he actually falls down and slipped as he goes down the field slips down gets back up the timing was perfect between McMahon and McKinnon and finally it's Casteel who has to make the tackle Dennis McKenna has been playing with a sore knees McMahon is four of six Steve de Berg was three of three the sporty drive opening the of a Buccaneers the Bears in Bucks territory at the 30-yard line slot formation right orotate I'm Becca good defensive reaction by the [Applause] Logan Jeff Davis [Music] [Applause] with Logan number 76 payton picked up three yards it'll be second than 70 bears fans thought i was a little bit rough on the sidelines i'll tell you number 78 van horn number 78 can endure having a real battle and once again they went at it on that play as you look at Mike Ditka who used to go at it with everybody an offensive intimidated when he was a player and usually your Intimidators are on defense but he wasn't offensive incinerator here on homes in a right defensive end number one choice from watching the father [Music] and it's time Wadley cast from a kiloton complete on the coverage number 44 ivory sully coming up ready to put a wrap on McKinnon the past not well thrown and a McKinnon unable to pull it in I think maybe Jeff Davis might take that ball the linebacker dropping off he got his hand up there he might've tickled seven to nothing and it is third down here and nearly eight yards out of the shotgun flags are down the past the patron makes a good one hander hatin has first down just inside the 20-yard [Applause] but a flag was down before the path was wrong I think David Logan might have jumped offsides unless he was drawn outside it was 76 who came across the line of scrimmage so I imagine will be declined fans 56 offside the offside penalty against the Buccaneers declined by Chicago and they'll have first down on the game just inside the 20-yard line of Tampa Bay defensive substitutions for the Bucs now on first down he saw his haircut and he saw the opening of our telecast in case something he decided to do out of boredom [Music] trying to get wide and good defensive work again by Tampa Bay coming up to force the play David Greenwood number 30 even though he was blocked he forced Payton to change his direction you called it right it was Greenwood who came across he was going to be blocked by colberto the left tackle pulling on that play from the left side all the way to the right on a right end run and Greenwood who was playing his first game for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers got across the line of scrimmage took the hit and messed up the play Lawson yard and it turned out good work by a Greenwood the tackle was made by Jeff Davis number 58 rookie from Wisconsin are looking at eloquently [Music] acquired in a deal by the Bucks this past week play ax a good fake bye McMahon [Applause] 21 yard score McMahon to McKinnon off the play action cannon gets across there gets blocked that gives McMahon some time and this ball was flowing kind of slowly watched it all kinds of Tampa Bay Buccaneers they swipe their hands at it but MacKinnon found the hole took it in touchdown Chicago [Music] there is Dennis McKinnon coming off the knee surgery in July and still getting very special care he didn't practice every day of this past week [Music] placekicker for the Chicago Bears Kevin buckler makes his first appearance and we have a tie football game with 249 remaining in the first quarter the buck seven the Bayer seven there is Dennis McKinnon the third year man a free agent from Florida State in 1983 and a 21-yard touchdown score the Bears moving idiy arts following the Tampa Bay kicked off system ten plays they used a 505 on the clock and we have a tie game Kevin Butler the rookie from Georgia kicks off for the bear down inside the goal line is hidden by full screamin a Buccaneer rookie is not running room [Applause] Freeman is tackled by the kicker Butler they're 45 yard-line a 57-yard return by Phil Freeman a rookie wide receiver converted from running back were at which he had been at Arizona v choice of Tampa Bay this year okay he took the follow the goal line hit right up the middle and then turns on the speed he's a former running back as you know finds the crease behind the four horsemen then puts a move on 48 Reggie Phillips and turns on the speed and only the kicker Butler was the only man who had a chance to get him and he had the angle on and knocked him out of bounds on the sidelines but this is going to be a heck of a football game Tampa Bay Buccaneers have come here to play football and they will be starting at the 44 yard line of the Chicago Bears to go to the quarterback packing run first down going geek puts down Kevin house 44-yard touchdown steve de Burgh to kevin house on first down and a Buccaneers are back in front what speed by Kevin house he beat Mike Richardson and Steve de Burke who couldn't hit anybody last week what a week will do sometimes as house just takes it on turns up the speed runs by Mike Richardson turns it on in the past was right out there that's where a receiver wants it to the inside and just over the top of the left shoulder he takes it in Tampa Bay as I said has come to play football a sensational touchdown play following a sensational kick return by the rookie Freeman and then de Burgh right on the money to the speedy Kevin house for did net silenced the crowd here in Chicago did it ever the sellout at Soldier Field stunned as equate week a comes up with a point after the Nigerian import and the Bucs are in front 14 to 7 Tim Ryan with Johnny Morris a picture touchdown Johnny yes it was the regular five-step drop back good pass blocking by the Bucs and a perfect pass just the old fly pattern and you depend on the receiver to beat the cornerback who was man-for-man on the coverage and that was a classic if you're going to beat the Chicago Bears he can't you beat him that way they give you a lot of one-on-one coverage in the corners the one on the one robber 27 Mike Richardson 7 house does that do a lot of guys one-on-one they must have been watching the game Jim Richardson got beat last week on a one-on-one situation just be making that plays by Tampa Bay literati way PK just drilled it not only through the end zone but right into the stands and I think through the upright wow that's impressive you know they keep putting a new rule if you kick off and it goes between the uprights give you one point or something like that no it's spiced up together yeah he is from a number of Nigeria and was brought to Clemson by a friend of his from his childhood Oh better eerie and wound up beating out early as the kicker for the Buccaneers so I don't know whether they're still talking to each other or not yes they are [Applause] first down Chicago from the 20-yard line as the GDK has not given them anything else to work with this garden from the 20 again Thomas and keiki running back Walter Payton dyeing the inside off tackle to the right the end of about 6 yards to the 26 yard line there will be second and four as pinon and David Green would attack Elijah Walter Payton and he officially emperor on our official thermometer that's 94 degrees but of course it's much harder out on the carpet and this will be a factor I think more in the second half when she have to imagine it's hot when you're down on that carpet and they say about 120 [Music] so it is second and three Chicago Alvin Thomas who have gained the first down over the 30 to the 32 yard line backed up by the middle of the defense of the Buccaneers with Jeff Davis and David Logan making the tackle and something new at Soldier Field is air-conditioners because it is so hot they have put their conditioners down by the trenches that throws out air at about 60 degrees humid dehumidified air and it's also on the other side for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I'd never had that here before usually they had just fans they decided because it was so hot they were trying to help the players a little bit know how much it helped push down bears from their own 32 yard line in the I formation Matsui has not returned from that bellringer administered by Hugh James this is Calvin Tom and some it picks up about five maybe six yards running straight ahead Thomas reported a little heavy to a training camp this year and is certainly playing over his listed weight of 220 but seems to be formulating quite effectively well he is still in there so Matt's - he must be a little bit dizzy still Thomas of course has two bad shoulders he's had to run more straight up because of shoulder injuries and there was Matsui who was trying to gather his thoughts so it'll be second and four six yard pickup by Thomas in policy there's 37 yard line they trail 14 to 7 as the Buccaneers suck quickly following the kickoff in turn buy premium the pan forced from the pocket and then it's sack first sack of the day by either team at the 35 yard line a loss of two Jeff Davis number 58 made the tackle on him they brought a lot of people that time Jeff Davis and Keith browner everybody put in the Blitz on as he as they force McMahon to run through in the pocket and there's a whole bunch of linebackers to pick him up so pretty good pass rush fair coverage downfield McMahon could not find a receiver [Applause] the game sounds ending the first period of play here at Soldier Field in Chicago with the Buccaneers 14 in Chicago 7 and Johnny Morris at Soldier Field in Chicago the Bears begin the second quarter third down in seven [Applause] you're a man front now for [Applause] the new acquisition to be buccaneer secondary a six-year man from tiny Linfield College in Oregon picked up on waivers from the Patriots this year the Bears asked for trouble on that one because they had marjoram and McKinnon's close together two receivers right there at the same spot and that drew a crowd and Dombrowski made the play so Tampa Bay is going to get the ball back Mauri Buford number six comes into Papa acquired in a trade from San Diego he's standing at the Bears 20-yard line and it is Leon bright and it looks like even better lost that in the Sun let it bounce behind another right it went into the goal line it's kind of an interesting thing it looked like he ducked his head as though he lost it in the Sun and seemed to be still bothered his eyes after the ball bounced behind them but it did go into the endzone 65 yard punt by Buford a flag down upfield at the 40 yard line of Tampa Bay it's going to be against Chicago but I believe the Tampa Bay scanner refused and just take the ball the illegal motion the signal against the goggle bears see that's one thing you have to do in Soldier Field when you practice fielding punts the Sun is a factor in that direction but there's ways that you can feel the punt and get your body position so you don't lose it in the Sun they were very lucky in that situation because the ball of course later penalty but there was the ball went on into the end zone it's like a baseball player when he catches a fly ball you kind of come from a certain angle and the Sun don't bother you [Applause] the soldiers feel proud trying to exhorting the Coyotes get the bar back tampa bay leaves 14 to 7 here in the second quarter game horse ride by Marcel and [Applause] and Richard [Applause] in Chicago after a good defensive play they came out fired up in the car [Applause] they called it on Mike Singletary and that which is what you say is nullifies a good defensive players actually is Otis Wilson who came to cross the line of scrimmage of course water to go deep and will see the end of it Harris there's Duerson 22 and here comes Singletary and it's a good call because it was he's way over into the white that White's drive to six feet wide and syncro tearing him at least four five feet beyond there so it was a good call and should have been called [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the nineties Viator breaks another tackle and bulls close to a first down over the 40 to the 40 finger gary fencing the safety man number 45 finally made the tackle attend your man from Yale while there have been nearly unstoppable here in this first half well he's an Iron Man anybody carries the ball 400 for 7 times which is a which is an all-time record when you think of some of the football players that have been dominant football players none of them carried as many times as James Wilder 36 yards for Wilder on five carries yard to go for a buffet [Applause] [Music] pump it up feel for a first down Tampa Bay close to the midfield stripe with the 15 and Gary French sick again having to make the cat they tackle deep in the bear secondary and it was Jimmy Giles who threw the block to allow wild her to delay and then cut up the field he had Wilber Marshall stayed with him stayed with him then kicked him out as what Wilder moved up the field so Jimmy Giles throwing a few blocks out there means Sanders has come in and left guard for the Buccaneers replacing Steve Corson Sanders number 74 [Music] [Applause] first down Tampa Bay Steve de Berg five four five so far today for a Tampa 46 defense for the Bears short drop players it out for Gerald Carter complete for a gain of four that immediately by Leslie Fraser number 21 the bargain Fergus six for six his touchdown pass was the longest of his career as a Buccaneer a 44 yard strike to Kevin house have you noticed most of the Tampa Bay passes have been from the short drop in other words you're not giving the Bears a chance to tee off on their blitz or with their good pass rushers trying to get rid of the ball even on the long pass to 44 yard touchdown pass he just dropped back quickly threw it up and over before the rush had a chance to get there good strategy by Tampa Bay a game turns into a four yard mark tat as second and six for Tampa Bay and bears territory and early action on the left side of the Bears defensive line flags are down Hartenstein jump a junkie de Burgh was charged with a false start illegal movement usually jerking your head up or making some kind of emotion breaths stepping back and gene Bartha they put that rule in a few years ago remember when some of the quarterbacks used to jerk their heads or whatever they could do to change your inflection to pull them off sighs and they finally decided they had to control that so the loss of five makes it second in nearly 11 that Tampa Bay territory 49 [Music] nation left de Burgh oh what a catch by Carter no he couldn't hold on nice try by Gerald Carter number 87 a diving attempt with coverage from Richardson but the ball hit the turf Gerald Carter's had some big games against the Chicago Bears he's got 21 passes in the last four times that they've played each other had a pig bomb against Chicago in the early in the season last year Theo Belle comes in to give the Buccaneers three wide receivers Jerry Bell the you back comes out the birds first incompletion of the game so far is now six of seven [Applause] Wilder stop short of the first down by five or six yards as Singletary made the tackle on him and dan Hampton number 99 though Tampa Bay will have to punt and Singletary made up for his miscue out of bound by making the stop on wild there's number 15 who stays in on that nickel defense and the pastor is one of the few linebackers it doesn't he just looks for four James Wilder and knocks him down as the Bucs opted not to pass into that defensive coverage of the Bears and try and do it on a run Frank Garcia in for his first punt of the ballgame for Tampa Bay Ken Taylor there's roughing his bat for Garcia nails that one comes down at the five of bounces upfield the loose ball picked up by the Buccaneers take it into the endzone by ivory Sully number 44 but he cannot in that situation take the ball in for a touchdown he cannot advance it but the Buccaneers have the ball first down at the Chicago 11 yard line how about those turn of events she cannot that was a muff like you say he never had possession so you can't take it in for the touchdown ball was touched by the receiving team recovered by the kicking team but he cannot advance their ball first down and it was touched by the rookie Taylor who saw the ball go over his head he thought it would be a touch back but watch the bounce and hit him right in the chest he was surprised I'm sure to see the ball come back upfield because it was headed toward the end zone and there Sully picking up the whole fall [Applause] first down Chicago and 14:07 11:30 don't set back as wild he has the ball no play action nice fake touchdown Jerry Bell seed the bird when a beautiful fake jerry bill wide open as the Bears placed now have left receivers wide open for score just tremendous faking and of course wilder takes the ball so much as the counter you can see everybody goes for James Wilder and that Bell is guy he is so open it's hard to analyze it a mistake on the defense somewhere so tampabay again taking advantage right after the big play they had a 57-yard kickoff return by rookie phil freeman they struck on first down at the 44 yard pond out here they recover on the must punt return by the bears as we BK the next on the point after and on first down to bird gets Jerry bellman it is 21 to 7 can't obey [Applause] for some real serious tennis excitement today short kick off from BBK and if taken by Gentry who learns it over the 33 yard is straightened up literally by Urban Randle the rookie linebacker some Baylor's good field position for the Bears after the 18 yard kickoff return by Gentry he'll be up there 33 yard line trailing 21 to 7 the Tampa Bay Buccaneers had shocked the Bears in this first half of way they got a big break and they took advantage of it on that putt if you hadn't seen that punt you'd never believe that it would have gone backwards because it is coming that such a line drive but sometimes the play the ball gets a certain way they got a break one play later they score that's what you call taking advantage of you the bear to the i-formation [Music] play action on first down McMahon as a man open complete will he go sighs your line of Tampa Bay [Applause] the coverage and the tackle Jeremiah cash deal a 22 yard pickup Olympic speed for Willie Gault Jeremiah Castillo is going to give him plenty of room look at the room between golf and Castillo and then he gets him going backwards comes back Falls the past was perfect from McMahon that's what you call timing on the precision passing game brings down at the 45 in chatting with the Willie golf yesterday he's eager to catch more passes than he has in the past he feels somewhat to me he thinks people still don't accept them as a football player top NFL receiver he says I'll play my role I'd like to get full of bombs and I'd like to get those production players closed down perfect the ball [Music] what was I just saying that's one of the reasons he hasn't been in the passion game as much this time he beats Castillo get some help from Curry McMahon under pressure put the ball right where it's supposed to be you couldn't ask for anything more than that I'm trying to see if he messed up on his fundamentals just getting light in the hands and went down as he tried to cradle it into his body so the Buccaneers gets a break as Willie Gault drops the pass and he remembered that one for a long long time second and ten a four-man front for the Bucks Don feeler Carl Morgan and rookie Ron Holmes are now in the front was David Logan defensive backs on second and get some time [Music] and then under the twenty yard pretty good shot at the sideline both Greenwood hurry the second-year man from Texas put the hit on about a right burn with a big first down who has been plagued by Nia Jesus David Greenwood is on the coverage and we have to give McMahon some credit here McMahon has thrown the pass is right on the dime three in a row this time he hit Reitman who was fairly well covered by draymond Reichman turns up the field and takes it down he is signed originally in the USFL after he was drafted by the Chicago Bears played for the Blitz in Arizona and his back and make his football team as a backup to Emery Moorehead basket by the Bears in 1982 the number two pick out of UCLA went to the USFL and this year play-actin on first down since I became braixen first in days the tackle number 30-day the Greenwood is going there were 53 well everything is off the play action and McMahon seems to be getting his time they take the Blitz and knock 53 out of the FCU green and here's tops you see Brantley 52 misses the tackle his Thompson shows some pretty good agility and finally a host of bucks take him down so the Bears were thwarted when ball dropped it came right back at three successful plays and now have a chance to get on the board anyway being blocked on us to rush to get here first and goal tackle number seven Thomas runs up behind that side and gets to be one yard line it'll be second and goal from the one and they have Frederic in as an extra blocker on these short yardage situations inside the five he becomes a second tight end in this circumstance for Chicago Galvan Thomas a little shaken up on the play and he's in there for matsui at his bell rung a little earlier I mentioned that Thomas has had some problems with shoulders and his shoulder operation during the offseason the other one got hurt during the exhibition season and appeared he had to use those shoulders that time because he was banged by two or three bucks if Suey wanted to go back in the game he says I'm ok coach I can play they want to wait and see what the situation is because when you get hit in the head you're always reluctant half-chinese Rowland the Bears offensive backfield coach they're talking with soui you're always a little reluctant to put a player back in too soon if he got dinged in the head Suey still getting attention now rather Thomas still getting attention on the field and soui discussing things with Johnny Rowland and now Walter Payton and the match says hey I can handle this I'm fine let me go get it in the end zone the balls been spotted inside the 1 yard line the Bears trailing 21 to 7 is Steve de Berg has three touchdown passes for Tampa Bay including his longest as a Buccaneer quarterback a 44 yard bombed at Kevin house in Calvin Thomas there's sideline little encouragement from Walter Payton [Applause] well elsewhere in the NFL I think we have some at the one-yard line for Chicago down by two touchdowns gentry and Peyton and Walter Payton is stuff you greenie came firing in and Jeff Davis right behind him great defensive job by the Buccaneers stopping that very difficult man to stop Walter Payton there was a fumble there Hughey and 53 got across made contact with Payton you might get a good look here you'll see the boss we're out I believe it squirted out before he hit the turf we'll see fantasy but there no he was founded down yeah well that was the foam but was after that he was trying to reach it over but the ball had come back into his hands but he dream made the penetration who watch his line back with the Tampa Bay they'll be off the line of scrimmage and shoot that gap and try and dive into the hole [Applause] diving [Applause] are furious they say he tops up the ball but remember you only have to break the plane to that goal line and then if you cough up the ball it's no fumble that McMahon is credited with a touchdown okay let's watch number nine McMahon now did he get across there with the ball yeah it looks like he's across the plane there it's you have to do it do what he did he reached over with the ball he broke the plane whip the ball as long as his knees aren't on the ground which they weren't at that time so Jim McMahon has closed the margin and Kevin Cutler begins for the point after [Applause] so we have had a wide open first half here which still they don't I into play at Soldier Field the Bears close a margin to seven Tampa Bay 21 the Bears 14 clean and white the deep inhale to the end zone where the following window [Applause] when he kicked from that in and the Georgia Clemson rivalry continues these two young men faced each other and the game last year and Butler came out on top as his team came out on top we BK had three field goals in that game 134 times out of 184 and his college career Butler's kickoff before and again the crowd cheering for the Bears defense last year's number one to stop the Bucs but they can't stop Wilder Wilder nearly got down the sideline tripped up by Mike Richardson or he might have gone the distance of 15 our games for James Wilder this is probably going to be called back but it was still a heck of a run by James water he broke a tackle oldest realtor Singh had him dead to rights number 55 and and you got a hit Wilder make sure you got a hold of him it just bounced right up front King yard Ken Lee from the spot of the foul it'll still be first down now that was heaven house starts riffing penalty for a downfield block that was illegal and probably Wilder didn't need to help with them boys having shaken that last tackle he would have been long gone while as a blocker downfield whenever in doubt and you know that your bunker has already got 15 or 20 yards your best not take a chance he was trying to get his head to the side of Mike Richardson but you see he hits him right in the back and there was just really no no no reason to take that kind of a chance of hitting the guy from the back good job by Richardson to put the stop to spike that block to go since Exeter Buccaneers [Applause] perfectly timed kickoff pink and Jerry having a second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] richard is Hilson 55 but it was good to get into it what a nice interception the Pink's by fence ik against the Buccaneers in his career I don't think the burg even saw him as he saw Carter coming across the field fence eclair just stuff as a safety there just stood in there watch the quarterback and told the ball and they're going to rule it down right there that there was contact by Carter so that fence he could not get up and run down the field now there's a few on Tampa Bay that is automatically refused I'm a personal foul unnecessary roughness after the interception will penalize Chicago 15 yards ball you know our physicals down as you said Johnny at the 36 would have been the line of scrimmage not at the 20 where he had run the ball to now from that point their assessed 15 yards for unnecessary roughness they didn't have Otis Wilson was involved in the situation I think it was Richard dent frankly it was dent and Jerry Bell who were having at each other and then Wilson came and got into the into the argument afterwards but they did not finger the culprit there but nonetheless said the Bears have the football and a first down at their own the motion goes Calvin Thomas play-action McCann is Shaq what a tackle by John cannon number 78 diving tackle of Jim McMahon and a loft back inside the 40-yard line of Chicago and you talk about a big play as cannons number 78 now watch him come across the line of scrimmage bub so it gets over Mark Bork's behind boat 62 makes the guy and McMahon is not able to get out of the pocket [Music] Buccaneers of course noted for their three-four defense are going to a four-man line sometimes on the third down situation but I notice ad we're doubling the right out that time so I don't think we're going to see Willie golf and Dennis McLean I'm one on one situations too much anymore [Music] [Applause] here's leaders a very just simply took off and picked up the ten yards that have been alive I think McMahon faked out his own team on that I don't believe it was planned I think if it was it was what you call a real naked we've reversed with the quarterback new green forced him out of bounds he wanted to get over the sideline so he could talk with my kicker about the next play that was the reason you called that and went sure what he's supposed to call the Bears signal in their plays as you saw Kenny marjoram coming in with Jim McMahon fact both teams signal in their plays Mike Ditka is calling the bear plays today Lehman Bennett is not calling the bear plays the buck plays for Tampa Bay Jimmy ray does that job while Morgan has come [Music] [Applause] I heard them [Music] [Applause] intercepted inside the five-yard line intended for Kim marjoram picked off by Jeremiah mikay just aired that out in Castile was Debra step with marjoram and Castile comes up with a big interception as the Buccaneers get the bull back the same way the Bears had taken it away once again McMahon has the chance the time to throw the ball and he throws it to the spot it was a well-thrown cab the difference was that Castilla was running right with marjoram and he was also there too so you give the credit where credit is due and that's the defensive back who made the interception McMahon aside from an interception gets a little bit of a smash and I believe that was canon who put the hit on there after he threw the ball [Applause] and there's Jeremiah Castillo number 23 who was shown rapid improvement for a Tampa Bay he's a good man 1983 [Music] beeping the warning from the three touchdown passes one interception the workforce over the five-yard line who bought the seven Mike Singletary upended him there number fifty for the Bears they'll spot it post to the yard line the Bears were in there 46 defense and it seems that every time they get into a Tampa Bay has run towards the side where the linebackers are where they move 58 Marshall up there inside of 55 Otis Wilson it's trying to everybody calls it a crazy defense but it seems that the Bucs are running straight at it when they see the 46 become his name 46 for a former Bear Doug plank there used to be a defensive back with the Bears now you can see while those 62 yards and a busted play de Burgh that just patch of the line more pushing and shoving going on I think it's starting to addleson brains down there or fight them or something but the guys are really really get mad each other and that was Steve McMichael with oldest Wilson putting the stop on the bird but a busted play by the Buccaneers and talking with the Berg yesterday he he invoked his coach Lehman Bennett said there would be a number of audibles because of that difficult complex bears defense it would require two birds to come up and check things out and audible frequently [Applause] and 746 again flag down clear pass for Wilder pushed out by Singletary and Wilbur Marshall and Giles going at each other again Otis Wilson looked like he got across the line of scrimmage a little too soon oh whether he was cooled off I don't know he was the one that moved first if that's the call beam Barth signals offside against the Bears the yardage will not give them a first down however so I'm sure they'll take the penalty and have a more reasonable third down situation defense number 57 offside five-yard penalty still third down so it'll be third in about two there's Otis Wilson arguing that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crimson under 72 on the short drive it's the pick top [Applause] period rock piler for a lot hold it Wilson was there Hampton while there is now carry 10 time in this first half there's William Perry number 72 330 pounds of Rompin stompin dynamite he's going to be playing on short yardage situation the Buccaneers could use a good putt here sunny ends Garcia the can tailor the whiskey waiting for the bears 48 hi hi cut fair catch signal by Taylor at the 48 [Applause] 40 yard hunt for 12 remaining in the first half Tampa 21 the bear is 14 certainly the most surprising thing about this game the offense of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers even though they were tenth last year seems to me to be a lot more confident looking offense well I can clean when Bennett's done a great job when you stop to think putting in a new offense you know and move ways of calling played you'd expect some rough spots for the first few games they look good they have really confused the betters on defense Steve de Berg said yesterday when we chatted to him that he didn't want to have to compete with a ghost again he had to do that with Joe Montana at San Francisco with John Elway at Denver and now the specter of Steve Young looms behind him he said I could just go out there and and play my game without thinking about anybody else today so far Steve de Berg is doing all that anybody could expect to the quarterback he has his team in front 21 to 14 with three touchdown pass and there is Cedarburg and he knows full well of his Tampa Bay team has tried to science team young and get him into uniform alright then place the Morehead Morehead inside the 30-yard line in the first down for the Bears ivory silly making the tackle at the 28 yard line of Tampa Bay they will spot the ball a 23 yard game and this time the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were a little late on their coverage you see Moorhead to tie it in just running an angle towards a sideline the wide receiver cut inside and so Lee was over late to to be on the coverage and it was a one-on-one situation as Emily Moore who took it down the sidelines and the Bears are in striking distance once again so the pressure has switched on now to Tampa Bay's defense Greg curry has been in to replace ivory Sulley at the Tampa Bay's one we take the chitchat and matsui back in the game as his first carry since running into Hugh Green back in the first period and Suey picks up five green again putting the tackle on him I'm sure Matt would have been happier to look up and see another number other 53 gone McMahon you see there number nine just took the signals from Steve fuller the Bears backup quarterback and that helps any team both Tampa Bay and Chicago get to the line of scrimmage little sooner and gives a quarterback more chance to call out it was time to do something business have to worry about that 30-second clock is night again in that sewage second and seven it's time and attended for mckinnon good defensive coverage by John Holt number 21 the five-year man from West Texas State we'll be third down third down play five defensive backs in on the passing down as what the time that it's tips intended for MacKinnon and I might have been wrong holds the rookie who got a hand on that number 90 the Bears had a free play there because it looked like somebody jumped off for a Tampa Bay try again your ride home looking from Washington and he's not really a hundred percent ready to go he's been bothered with an employee's injury during the preseason the man they that hopes could replace Lee Willie Selman who's gone at least for the year with a back injury number-one choice perhaps become another Leroy's sillman that's hardly possible I guess but homes are very highly regarded looki sheet items into the Bears Moorhead in white linen and they say Frederick as a blocking side and third and two Sooey until you stop with the line of scrimmage will be well short at least a yard bubble one more down to go good job by the [Applause] you pile up the traffic and then we were just talking about six four two hundred and fifty five pounder now you could see the official wheeling these armors Mike Ditka sends in the field goal team the play has already begun they're already down to only 17 seconds and that's one way to try and speed up the action in a football game Kevin Butler will have the ball spotted at the 28 yard line for a 38 yard attempt he fuller will hold [Applause] goal attempt as a Chicago Bear and he had that hurting field-goal for seven Butler since the popular Bob Thomas away from the Bears after a 10-year career with Chicago and he has reduced the margin as with 235 remaining in the first half of play at Soldier Field the score is now Tampa Bay 21 on the Bears 17 and both teams offensively have been able to move the ball almost at will defensively the surprise has to be the Chicago Bears unless you say well the number one defense doesn't have al Harrison Todd Bell maybe they've lost more than their coaching staff thought they would although buddy Ryan particularly would like to have those two guys back not to say Mike Ditka wouldn't the dick could talk confidently about the replacements yesterday yes he did he feels that the defense is just as strong with the two replacement side you have to wonder because they were such good football players and Domitian two more football players it's obviously weak in the defense but I think he got even credit to the Tampa Bay offense and when Lehman Bennett has done and the game that the burgers had his statistics are really great in that and they have actually tricked and fooled the bear defense credit that they have and when they've run with Wilder they blocked well in the offensive line I just think the assimilation of his liman Bennett's offense has been excellent got to give Jimmy rates Bennet he calls the place and then booth the ball up and down the field so we still have a half to go this is quite a football game more than a half a lot the scoring with 235 still to play first half Cutler's kickoff will come down at the one-yard line taken by Phil Freeman and Freeman this time has stopped at the 22 on his last store key upfield he 157 yards the lordís kickoff return in tampa bay history and then they struck on that 44 yard bomb to kevin house immediately following Freeman's return this time a 21-yard return and cliff creek and we linebacker for the Chicago Bears acquired from the San Diego Chargers made the tackle on the play at 7 year veteran acquired on waivers and I kicked in Buddy Ryan are very happy with his play in the preseason [Music] Tampa Bay from the 21 the divison Wilder he's got a big hole wilder running away from people Duerson been sick finally combined to stop one but another first down for Tampa Bay at the 45 yard line a 22 yard pickup for James Wilder and you talk about the quick moves for a man who weighs 225 pounds watch the movement that there's the block life Grimes on Mike Singletary he just buried Singletary 60 on 50 and then it was Wilder down the field finally Frazier traps him off and Duerson and pencak and everybody else comes in on the tackle but he got a great block from the center Randy Grimes on Mike Singletary to take him out of the play and it was routers quick move back for the big man that made the difference we've reached the two-minute warning here in the first half of play at Soldier Field Lehman Bennett on the sidelines as offensive coordinator on the right of your screen the white visor is going away he says this beats the heck out of selling motorhomes he said you know I missed it and I didn't you know you're away from something and we make a choice he was still being paid by learning about the business world that he said I'm real happy to be back in felt like I was never really away mrs. Wilder on first down Wow their plows for about four yards will be second and six and wow there is Gary 12 times already for 87 yards Marshall and Singletary on the tackle now you can see de Burgh is calling the plays I hurry up offense and that's one thing that Lehmann Bennett has asked at these quarterbacks they call a lot more the play we'll get into that in a moment second down and long five and a pass out to Jerry Bell flag on [Applause] Bell was roughed out of bounds or not we'll wait and see my kickin after you happy about that fall it won't like you has stopped just short of the first down on the pass [Music] [Applause] we might go [Applause] [Music] Marshall number 50 call me bye Jerry often the side judge number 34 I think what Marshall was saying is that he wasn't sure if he was out of bounds Marshall is 58 and he kept training there I would say he could be up Litella teased out of bounds wouldn't you yeah I think so I think you've got an excited young looky here today we play Sal Harris he's been very aggressive in Kyra first half and it makes him good place that has the more than a couple of these scuffles and that's a good holy first down Tampa Bay at the 32-yard line Flitz playing wilder shakes another tackle and he's got Running Room well they're all the way down to the 15-yard line they simply cannot stop this man today Penta can Fraser put the tackle on him finally but the Buccaneer those French down at the 15 his first time out whenever Joel was hurt [Applause] bird incomplete weight down [Applause] the ball was there harder had it briefly cannot hold on Paris 27 defense and Richards in his car this is one of these cases where the isolated replay will tell the official whether he made a right call or not possibly because did he make contact before the ball got there well it's really tough to tell there it appears that he thought it was a bang-bang play and it's a judgement official he was right there so it is first and goal for Tampa Bay [Music] Wilder pulls his way in for a touchdown James Wilder three bears hit him but they could not stop him short of the line Duerson was there the linebacker Otis Wilson and Mike Hardin Stein but they could not keep him out of the end zone this was a case of the Chicago Bears having it defense but it was a question of stopping James Wilder because there were four hits right there two three here comes the fourth hit right there by dense and Wilder still pulled his way into the end zone that's determination so quickly again Tampa Bay with a couple of big plays gets themselves into the end zone and they point after tribe I eat wavy spray and it is now suddenly a 28 to 17 ballgame with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers rolling offensively taking advantage of opportunities making the big plays and opening the lead to 28 17 with 109 to play in the food tab so we're ready to play put the second half and it will be the Chicago Bears kicking it off it'll be Kevin Butler and the Buccaneers defending to our left [Music] and the Buccaneers get it out to the 25-yard line Leon bright number 29 played in the Canadian Football League and then with the New York Giants and turned up with the Bucks as a free agent in 1984 and one of the real good kick and punt returners so it as we were saying at halftime they're our stats is slightly different than what we gave you 234 yards of total offense for the Chicago Bears but they trail on the scoreboard as the Buccaneers have been able to stop them in several of the big situations and the burg is throwing eight for ten that's eighty percent that's not bad McCain there's 13 of 21 so both quarterbacks have pretty good statistics now the Bears go into their 46 defense now and that defense doesn't look like the league's number one at least in the first half first down to burg finds the open man Carter sideline pass Richardson on the coverage pick up five maybe six yards the bird with three touchdown passes in the first half one interception each team had an interception fence it for the Bears Castille for the Buccaneer that was on a long bomb a well-thrown ball by filling the pan with Castile a wheel discovered junk in Marja we were talking with Lima infinite yesterday I mean he admits that he's put a lot of stress on his quarterbacks the bird has to call when he calls the pass place has to call every individual pattern not a name pattern that that signals everybody what the duty calls each one individually so he has got to call off the lock and we wrote down an example about what they give you on the next play if we can short drop the bottle shipped in a second [Applause] on the ball leisure alertly picked it up and took it into the end a 29-yard touchdown there's like quickly here in the second half I'm sure this was an audible call against that 46 watch dent he's number 95 he Pat's the ball and Frasier takes it in for the easy touchdown however I think he would have intercepted had the ball not been packed because he had decided he was going to come forward and take a chance that it was going to be the quick pitch pass Leslie Frasier who's been hobbled by a Storify comes through for the Bears and you talk about a quick turnaround that's it right there so bubbler into the point after we have it though the happy mirrors fans celebrate that sudden score here in the second half as they've reduced the margin to four again Leslie Fraser picking off the deburred pass tipped by Richard dent and it's now Tampa Bay 28 in Chicago 24 you know we talked about the fact that that was probably inaudible Johnny you mentioned that and you have talked about how de Berg has all the responsibility they just give me an example here last year Steve de Berg would call a play that might have been called 82 hot that sounds pretty simple this year the same play 82 hot in the huddle he would have to say the following storm set short for zero for flat wide he's got to keep an English major and a computer scientist he'd be the quarterback of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers now if you pointed out he's pretty talking to the five receivers he's establishing bursts of protection they're running you then the drop which is sent short the five receivers instructions where they're going that's four zero four flat and wide the last one being is running back Wilder so he's really telling everybody on the team your individual assignment I guess the theory at least your theory about the theory was that it's better easier for one but their heels that holy Tampa Bay were started in from the corner yard-line and there is Kevin Butler [Applause] field goal at the end of the half and fell short this one he really booming well disco is topping with him but I don't think he has got to be unhappy with him because the reason he kept Butler over Bob Thomas was the fact that he can shoot that far in one and he feels that his aftershave Zech to attend college was good enough for milking the good flow and so far he has proven that except for that long one which he can't expect anybody to make maybe the man up above [Applause] [Music] sets up on the right side at the tide enemas before the staff Jimmy Giles and Richard dent [Music] the officials rule it I think it appears that Jimmy Giles came across too soon and made contact so to go against Tampa Bay [Applause] this has got to be the key turning point in this football game is what contam pave offense does in this series if they can come up with a successful Drive move down the field and get on the board that was somewhat counter that momentum that they have got with the interception however if they don't move at this time it looks like a momentum swing to me whenever the interesting to see what the offensive adjustments if any were made halftime draw play spiraling out to the 25-yard line Wilder and Wilber Marshall made the initial contact Otis Wilson got over there to get in on it Wilson limping around a little bit he's been bothered with a sore ankle and a bruised knee James Wilder a hundred and twenty yards 15 carries [Music] let's eat 100-yard game at The Buccaneer and he had those hundred yards in the first half my mathematics say that's eight yards per carry second down and five wilder again takes you to the right side nice tackle on by Gary fencing then Wilson came down [Applause] is getting up parenting's all right I think it was it was the weight of Otis Wilson on top of them pencak made the tackle that they say you should make on those big powerful high running guys like Wilder Annette to get him around the ankle otherwise you'll run over here and hit him low it's almost like a block it's a block as water there's a good job of cutting back marchers tangled up inside here comes 45 and hit him right on the thigh and then comes oldest Wilson over the top number 55 so I don't know which I would have to imagine that it was a fence sakes hit that might have shaken him up a little bit didn't appear that Wilson hit him there now here is a key play third and about what an inch or two third and very short bought the length of the football they've got the refrigerator in there number 72 Anthony Perry the middle of that line [Applause] that was there I assert that one out will be interesting appears to me that the verb did not get over the 30-yard line which he would need to get to that without the officials product he looks to be a little bit short well of refrigerator was there but I think in Hampton was at the bottom of the pile in the 99 ok Lehman Bennett on the spot here for the first time if they do not make it the obvious call was to punt away but he knows about a momentum situation I'd like to keep the ball if he possibly could now they brought the chains out now looks like they're waving them back as though it's not required that it'll be fourth down and inches for about an inch oldest Wilson is being assisted off the field he was in the middle of that last pile up and it looks like they're checking his nose and mouth they might have taken a little shot for face and he's already as we mentioned got a sore ankle and a bad knee they're gonna punt fourth down and it thank Garcia standing at his 15-yard line will be the putter [Applause] wait for it there's Otis Wilson [Applause] the head [Applause] Calvin McGee the rookie from Southern who found a touchdown pass in the first period as the punt snapper dish became the official cuts net for this week's example David he's cutting against about a ten-mile hour and it's a good one it backs up hailer and Hammer fall down or a high tackle at the 40 of Chicago by Marc woody reserves had in number 85 so the Bears will have pretty good field position from their 40 when we returned they trailed by 4 [Applause] the Buccaneers lead by four Chicago ball and you see number 32 while waiting the next offensive series awaiting it in pain his left shoulder on the last carry his 16th of the game Wilson intensive with the stop on him they I would think they all onto the church from the tackle the ankle grab by fencing is all body weight than 20 yards on [Applause] he nearly slips we clean the balance and lines up at a 45-yard shut up bypass hopped on top of them I believe Hugh green and the crowd got on dream for that but Green immediately went to tape and said hey I can't be the hook from up here but it looked like you were saying sorry their good friend was dr. humane yesterday they appreciate each other's ability in this game from opposite sides of the field [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they've gone out to dinner together and so on and he knows full well that we're both going to be extremely tough [Applause] dances through tacklers that are the first down [Applause] I can't obey word on jeans Wilder exactly he is planning on coming back into the game Green and Chris Washington combined on the tackle Washington 51 Green 53 while they're on the sidelines [Applause] the ball spotted at the 46 yard line of Tampa Bay that there's throw by for and they are on the market patron now has 53 [Applause] 40 well played by David Greenwood the newcomer from the USFL and the University of Wisconsin Johnny we talked as speculated about Greenwood having been moved to strong safety late in the week having had only one week to practice ivory selling moving over to the to the week safety the pre safety and the fact that there may be some confusion I think we saw maybe twice in the first half that that occurred on the other hand it doesn't seem to me that the Bears have really been attacking that as a possible weakness what is across the field and McKinnon pretty quickly second and for Chicago and the Tampa Bay 30-yard takes it outside and play this live for the first down that about three and a half yards but is short of the first down push Washington the second-year linebackers from Iowa State they beat out Keith browner in the battle for that spot food in the yard applies down the sheriff of Chicago for the 30 feet of Tampa Bay flags everywhere Payton was off the field on that play [Music] [Applause] Davida Logan number 76 called the offside and so they have the first down anyway they're working on Payton on the sidelines it might be a little bit of heat frustration because you know Payton wouldn't have been off the feel in that situation unless he had to trainer Freddie kettles [Applause] talking to him at number 29 impoverish cannot have some relief in [Music] from traffic and that one too - really golf and just out there practice sitting the motion that he wanted to throw over to his life was off the markets up they that looked like a tennis player after he's not the ball long and then wreath makes the stroke sink now if I had just turned it over a little bit McMahon just sailed that a little you have to have a band with one on the road in 11 games not been a good road to in the last couple of years here today like they love by 4:00 [Music] there's on the market [Music] it's only a couple good defensive work number 90 the rookie Ron Holmes they have high hopes for this young man from Washington and he made the play on Dennis Gentry Payton comes back in for Gentry so I think he just needed a little breather one to get a lot Jenin make sure that he was breathing correctly because it is really hot down there the only thing that Seguin has got to be a little bit of the wind hate this 10 459 last year game 1644 yards unbelievable durability has not missed the game since his rookie season Liman in Tampa Bay for number 67 the nickel in Boston in this honor from the [Applause] in completion when they don't [Applause] and he was able to elude it but he did have some was the ball quickly tended for golf incomplete so it is fourth down and the Buccaneers of hell so it's going to be Butler's turn again what did you say his stats were from forty to fifty arch tenant in college he was ten of 17 from fifty to sixty yards and today mr. 63 Arthur is well short on it they had a little problem with the hold on this one is from the and a 46-yard attempt by cutler and it is why did the right Butler the rookie is one for free today having connected from 40 years yards away in the Buccaneers have stopped the Bears without a point and they lead by four we see the Bears down there gathered around the air-conditioner the offensive team awaiting next chance at the ball and can't [Music] got the left side Wilder would only frames you to be Dan Fraser put the tackle on him elder Brian got another 10 yarder did you notice there he switched to his his right shoulder to make contact he avoided making contact with his left shoulder as Fraser came up for the tackle so obviously he's hurting but he ran pretty well off the counter they get the guards out in front now you'll watch him just to sit instead of dipping down here with this left shoulder he goes with the right shoulder to make sure they doesn't hit that left shoulder so he's obviously hampered a little bit 131 yards but as James would probably say I don't run with my shoulder [Applause] play action again to 4-under for circuits away and then it struck Wilson led the charge but his got his man sack leader reaching out halt down to burn way back at the 25-yard line of Tampa Bay Richard dent is playing with a slight hamstring pull Otis Wilson is 55 he'll come from this side dent will come from the right side of your screen and de Burgh has no chance they were both on him from both angles and de Burgh is not the quickest of all quarterbacks anyway and dent has good speed good range but he's playing with a kind of a hamstring pull also he's playing because he's unhappy with his contract and he wants an extension to be ironed out before he plays too much longer they've got a few guys nicked along that defensive line Hansen recovering from like a little bit hurt the bird complete to jelly Bell gets back to the 35 yard line will still leave 15 yards to go for a first down Dave Duerson had the coverage that slide down where the birds release the ball they may have a hold against the buccaneers they're gonna bring the ball back see what Jean Bart's the referee has to say about this one [Applause] that was Jarno he was blocking on Richard Kent I saw the block it didn't look like he was holding but it looked like he wheeled him out well George Jarno from Washington State had been with the box of the free agent 1979 played several years for them then jump for the USFL and then back this year and wound up as a starter so ii and 33 the first sack of the game mr. dents first of the year Wilder with Dan hands got to the 20-yard line for a gain of about five Singletary helping out then Hampton so it'll be third down in 28 yards to go for a first down the bird 10 of 13 the Bears go into the nickel Shaun Gayle comes in and it appears that the Bears are starting to show some of that swarming defense that they're noted for nickel defense though the Bucks have been in this third down situation four times converted once they've got a long one this time 28 yards divert up the middle for Gary Belen completes the password off the mark and since it got more of it than very well did Barriss defense last year they had a sack and they made the pass defense plays and these hair fans love defense you wouldn't think they'd had the energy to yell so loud without hundreds of trees out there there's Ken Taylor the rookie awaiting the punt from Frank Garcia and he's standing at the fair 45 yard line Gary Bell being assisted from the field he was a little slow to get up as he's old for that pass behind him smacked himself onto that hard artificial surface Garcia standing inside his own 5-yard line whoa snap and he feels it and a pretty good kick against the wind they're out of bounds at the 4850 38 yard line of the Chicago Bears a 42 yarder from Garcia against the breeze and we'll be back at Soldier Field with tempeh 28 and the bear is 24 following football McMahon on first down at a diving grant by Kenny marjoram for a first down at the 45 yard line a little short for the ball but Ken marjoram the former Stanford Wiz came back to get it actually he wasn't all that short that was a which you call a great precision type of pass margin went straight down the field turned to the outside and came back and McMahon's timing gives as he comes back there's the ball right there for the completion marjoram plane for Willie Gulf who dropped a couple of passes and a Mike Ditka has put marjoram in there I don't know if he's I said hey Willie that's it or or what but anyway Golf is on the sidelines first down Chicago at the 46 yard line of Tampa Bay McMahon said a little pressure there was good coverage on Kate knew it slipped out of the backfield John Kenan had some heat on McMahon and Castile had the coverage on Payton and he just couldn't get free in time and the pass is incomplete Jeremiah Castile number 23 marjoram hit Kristine rehabbed from that injury you saw on the screen of the graphic sister few minutes ago there three moments ago coming off knee surgery a year ago he really kind of constructed his own plan he was very determined he did a lot of bike riding on the hills in California where he lives and he feels that has built up his size and helped him rehab as me a lot faster and he actually thinks he's quicker now can run the 40 faster than when he was just out of college without an injury second and nine up the middle completes in Moorhead second and ten pardon in Moorhead a short of the first down at the 40 yard line a gain of about seven yards Jeff Davis the linebacker 58 and hugh green number 53 and vine on the tackle at solid line backing for of the Buccaneers well they'd like you to it lets you catch those short passes in front of you and then the tradition of Tampa Bay is to bring those linebackers and really punish the short pass receiver so now we have our critical situation third and four and a half Hugh Green likes to be involved in the past record he thinks it [Applause] rather not see the wide receivers the tight ends and running backs he says he's been handle bolts go down he gets time and he's got it to McKinnon McKinnon down the sideline first time [Applause] tampa bay buccaneers fifteen yard gain the Bucks brought linebackers up the middle and MacKinnon just went down fake TM came back outside and McMahon put it on the dime down the sidelines and to first down for Chicago as the Buccaneers tried to cross the Bears up with that lift up the middle as Walter Payton comes off the field again and apparently he's having some trouble breathing or something because that's the second time he's come off I don't know exactly what it is entry into replacing or headed motion behind the ball and complete the McKinnon first down Chicago good hit on McKinnon by Castillo and the kiddin gets up a little Chloe first down at the 13 yard line of Tampa Bay the Bears driving here to take the lead is down on in the quick post and that's where McKinney's Oakland over the middle because he's getting inside position on the cornerbacks both of them hope and and Castille on McKinnon at first they're going to worry about that knee every time that he gets hit looked like he tried to take another stride after he had been tackled Brad Anderson comes in to replace in number 86 in July very careful rehabilitation period five defensive backs in on first down Chicago Payton is stuck behind the line of scrimmage and that Tampa defense in crunch time their front has done a real good job Jeff Davis the linebacker making the hip on Walter Payton and Hugh green right there as well number 53 fun talking to hugh green yesterday about linebackers who who are the great linebackers in league he's well there's Ricky Jackson lat and the large Taylor and me and everybody else Nidal big surely catch when you talk about the best they're talking about he says it I think that cash cover better than Lawrence Taylor and he does everything well which he says he's not as good a Blitzer maybe as tenant but he it covers better so maybe he has a point looking to dance at West corner got inside the five he just picked his way carefully through the blockers he wasn't even moving too quickly but it was just how he found the real estate roundup with a gain of six to 87 yards and Greene and Davis again on the tackle [Music] okay he has these lineman pulling out in front of him you'll see Van Horn and Jimbo covert and there is Matsui pushing a huge greenback Payton's going to wait for his blocks he's waiting here comes Van Horn right there Jimbo covert 74 and then Payton always manages to get a couple of extra yards he wound up getting down to the three yard line Payton took himself out right after that play again something's bothering him a few office is a sweatband his headband that he wears preserve his helmet off join The Buccaneer defense third down on the yard to go flags everywhere [Applause] mark porks number 62 the left guard a little miscue on the snap call perhaps and so they go from third and one to third and six that does make a difference doesn't it first down to get a first down they have to get inside the three [Applause] and Gentry had come into the lineup for Payton again or watching Payton somewhat on the sidelines as he's motioning to his head into his stomach it seemed he may just not be feeling well from the heat which is certainly to be expected part of a lot of these athletes today in the past years Payton is one guy who's had some problems when it's been an extra-hot [Music] there's a picked up seven penalties 73 yards they hooked themselves a man rolling out to find an open man in the end zone and [Applause] what a grant by Matsui what a play by Jim McMahon he had one dried out there Kurt Becker he was under pressure from Washington and Davis and McMahon waited he waited he waits for sue to clear in the corner of the endzone and rose at the last second she's got to keep two feet in here's one kicks the other one down and it looks like a touchdown for the Chicago Bears they take the lead for the first time Kevin beveren for the point after [Music] and he's got it Chicago Bears with 27 seconds remaining in the third quarter that moved in front of the Buccaneers at a high-scoring game 31 to 28 soon you see the short-haired Jim McMahon it's actually looking pretty good compared to what it looked like before and you can see Matsui who caught the touchdown pass Walter Payton who's dead tired Suey got dinged in the head remember earlier in the football game this is really a football game on a day like this as a game of will and you got to reach down sometimes and and get up as much as you can because it's a tough day the linemen have been bending over gasping for breath in between plays it's a tough day as we earn your money line drive picked off by Kevin Butler eluded the deep return man and went through the end zone so Tampa will start first down from the 20 yard line Soldier Field is going wild at this moment exhorting the defense on big job now for speed to bird where he's at 4:45 in that Drive [Applause] here in the third quarter first down from the 25 over seventy-six that cooks here veteran context okay the bearers were in there 46 defense but moving some people a little bit of confusion watch 50 Singletary there goes fifties telling everybody were to get Marshall got inside oil were at the end of the quarter as the Chicago Bears you'll see McMichaels the one who winds up hitting the tackle Singletary is trying to devise tell everybody where to go apparently Steve McMichael 76 he heard a light because he made the tackle he'd finished if they occurred at the end of the third quarter the score canceled a 28 of Chicago Bears 31 the 13 yard line Gary Bell in motion again at the while applying the right side he's flipped on a pedal field and a drop perhaps fish No Otis Wilson Singletary and Wilber Marshall number 58 all three linebackers were there to make sure Wyler could not move I think what's going to have to happen is the past play would should have been on this down rather than the third down coming up the situation here you can see the Bears are all over it and Wilder had another on a hundred percent now the Bears will go into the one of their pre vent defenses and this is the toughest time to throw against Chicago they had the best record in the league the last five or six years in percentage of completions against them on third down surviving years third and long with all of a 13-yard line steve de Burgh is going to go and consult with Lehman Bennett we were talking earlier about de Burgh and having to to be the man who knows all of the terminology and all of the assignments and passes those along to each player individually changing a short play call into a considerably longer one from last year as an example when the call was short and everybody else knew precisely what they were to do if Steve Young is to be signed as they hope to do the young man from the USFL and BYU is a collegian I would think that with what de Burgh was telling us yesterday it would take Steve Young some time just to learn the terminology let alone find himself in a position to compete with de Burgh this season I would agree with that and so does Lehman Bennett the birds have done well in this football game the key play of this football game was that interception the gate that there's the quick seven points that beginning of the second half and seemed to turn the tide and the Tampa Bay has been trying to hold them off they need a pick play and it's tough to get on the Bears on third down so we'll see what happens all right the Buccaneers are ready and they go at it - Wilder [Applause] katako i had a long discussion for rather simple place well they figured there was going to be tough against the floor against the bears and now but i say you're asking a lot to get 15 yards on a draw play with anybody I wasn't even on very well disguise brought me there was almost a straight handoff although it looks like it was designed as a draw play fifteen Garcia standing in his in zone way back at the gars 35-yard line the foot of hoof by Shaun Gayle [Applause] three rocking the punt the second-year man from Ohio State ok Garcia gets at 102 three and a half steps and Shawn Gail came from the outside just quickness from the outside nobody brushed him he got through the bears now have a chance to put the Bucks in a big big hole first down at the 13 yard line the defense is on the spot now marjoram goes left McKinnon right Paton back into the ball game Calvin Thomas replacing Matsui on this [Applause] it's wide open Thomas rules for the one yard Kelvin Thomas slipping out of the backfield ivory Sully number 44 stopped him from going into the end zone that it's a first down after a 12 yard game and what a collision here as McMahon rolls out Kurt Becker what 79 he's going to get two guys on one block there's two of them right there and they both go down there's the throat of Thomas and then I every so it really takes a shot boy as Thomas has 245 pounds boy he's hard to bring down but he did stop him the Bears down to the one first down the Bucs are in big trouble Andy Frederick comes in to add situation [Applause] timeout called by the bears so a little mix-up of some kind that McMahon wants to make sure he has absolutely straight as the Bears have a chance here with 1237 remaining regulation time to really open up a lead Mike Ditka looking on as his team has first and goal at the one-yard line of Tampa Bay following Shawn gales block punt walking the punt of Frank Garcia that could timeout to make sure that they have the right play ready here on first and goal Moorehead starts emotionally versus himself waiting on us McMahon he will walk in eggs everywhere and you know what this is going to be too much celebration in the end zone [Applause] hats on to the fairs kickoff you got to be kidding me because that's all that could be McMahon in Hirschbeck [Applause] my contact [Applause] sportsmen like conduct technically that was put in last year you may recall after the high incidence of spiking that needs to go on and they try to cool out all of the stuff that was happening in the end zone I don't think this one was too overdone no they didn't call it very much last year either as McMahon I'm they fake food Japan and McMahon just cruised into the end zone and holds the ball Kurt Becker comes over he gave the ball in the back rector 79 and he spikes the ball so that's the five-yard penalty then they gave it a couple of low five and they got the penalty I never agreed with that penalty when they when they call it except for extreme cases I mean let the guys have a little celebration it would seem like for me well it's not supposed to be fun out there this is big business I think I remember all right fine well the Bears are having a little more fun than the Buccaneers are right now but there's 12:32 still to play in this game man get the lair down there the air-conditioner will work on that haircut and got a hole we have had the 66 points scored in this football game who would have thunk it well you know this is a big game for Mike Ditka and a big thing for the Chicago fair offense due to the fact that usually when this team needs to be saved it's the defensive desert this is the time that the offense has come through for the Chicago Bears defense the land at San Francisco the first games of a doubleheader Sunday and a good kickoff is taken by [Applause] you bat number 86 the rookie from Southern and he gets to the 45 yard line so the Buccaneers will start with good field position here with 1224 remaining and Johnny your comment on on that decision you liked that kickoff play or not 12:44 you know what I was thinking about I was thinking about Petros I just saw on the scoreboard Petros is just high high Cobbs record four thousand one hundred ninety one hits so he needs only one more so back to football wide receiver running back he was a halfback in high school and a good one that betting with us congratulations Keith first down Buccaneers from the 45 yard line Wilder tried to get outside takes it up via Lois Wilson was doing a good job on the block at Jerry Bell but Wilder just determined alee battered his way forward inside the block wound up with nearly a 10 yard gain he has just been outstanding today Singletary and McMichael put the stop on him remember he's playing with a shor sore shoulder that occurred earlier in the game and the Bucks have have gone to the run run run run they haven't thrown much in the last few minutes of the game 141 yards 22 carry and it is second and about a half yard bears territory again takes it outside leap over the castle of fence ik and landed again on that bad shoulder and he has the first down and then some inside the 35 but he is in pain he tried to hurdle fence ik to again tackle them low mark play by fence ik but wilder Alec controller in the air landed on that sore shoulder a flag down on the play [Applause] you gotta feel badly for Wilder a painful gain for a first down will be called back on a holding penalty against Jimmy Giles [Applause] what there's the end of the of the illegal block I believe but here goes wilder up and over and then he comes down on that shoulder that's the shoulder that he hurt and he's playing on guts I'll tell you he's going to have to leave the ballgame now and we haven't been able to determine how serious it if it's a slight separation or whether what kind of a bruise it is whether it be a long long term type of injury that would be very detrimental to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because he's he's their offense the penalty will leave them a second and five I believe a lot of the ball at the 50-yard line you know you mentioned how he's a sharp dresser one of those best-dressed men in the NFL I read recently that he's signed a modeling contract with the John Casablanca agency which is one of the prestigious modeling agencies and they say he's a real natural talent and that he'll have some things to do in the offseason and after his pro career might lead to some other opportunity he is such a terrific competitor he drove by [Applause] and his second of the day he the bird dropped back at the 40th 10 yard line seventeen and a half sacks last season led the league in the NFL for Richard Denon he's got to hear in his opening game of this 1985 season [Applause] the average is to a game that's what 32 of the year so he's off to another good start and he didn't play all the games last year it spot the ball at the 44 at his third and 11 edger Armstrong again and indeed the bird has to call a timeout Tampa Bay's second timeout Tampa Bay's second timeout well now I think we're seeing a little bit of the effects of of the new offense and the new situation of what he's going to do in certain situations and his communication with Lehmann Bennett and Jimmy ray will be back here at Soldier Field the Bears lead by 10 38 to 28 and here we have third and 11 for Tampa Bay infection everywhere the bird went back without the football he got three bears with him and the center Randy Grimes did not snap the ball false start 17 the quarterback he pulled out without the ball so there's a parent mix-up on the snap CT you mean they went to the sidelines had a timeout and everything for that day I can get the snap count wrong well that's that's embarrassing what that is that's looks like some old Tampa Bay football have we've seen in the past and they started out like a house of fire here this afternoon but in this half the bears have had a hundred and eight yards of total offense against only 44 Tampa Bay and meanwhile the Bears have scored three touchdowns [Applause] in complete the ball was there Giles dropped it he had Richardson turned around on the play then hold on the ball no I think the one thing that Richardson did do was he screened Giles to the joust didn't see the ball till the last second that anyway it's fourth down for Tampa Bay Garcia at the 23-yard line of the Buccaneers and again Taylor showing a lot of respect we backed into ten of Chicago and Garcia booms it inside the ten taken by Taylor at the seventh gets a great heart [Applause] mark woody there was a bit of a gamble on the part of the rookie whether to run that from inside the kennel generally that the ball go in the gamble was the way he'd caught it he reached up like the center fielder for I'd fly ball but anyway he held on to the ball here comes the block by Frazier on Witte and in Taylors turns the corner almost set up he's pick up a couple of bucks get him knock him out of bounds the Bears have it first down the rookie Kim Taylor from Oregon State a free agent who certainly has been the most pleasant surprise of the newcomers to the Chicago Bears and coach Mike Ditka reserve cornerback and being used as a punt returner something he did not do in college the job in the probe the fan rolling out gets away from to tack verge and dives over the 25 to the 27 for the 14 breaking up a 7 7 time the fourth quarter marjoram feeling another low ball has the first down that would appear at the 31 yard line it'll be close on second and 5 he who does have the first down let us Jim McMahon's hand he's got he had a big scrape on his hand before the game started with all scabbed up and down his hand and he was hoping that he wouldn't break it loose but of course especially on the artificial surface you're going to do that but I'm sure he's not going to worry about that much and I'm sure that the Bears are gonna go to strict ball control now short passes a few runs with Payton the mixture of soui trying to eat up the clock 853 left in the game first down from the Bears 31 [Applause] Sooey so he gets close to the 35 acquaintance about three yards the Bears entire starting lineup is still in there with the exception of Willie Gault [Applause] see when our folks that came back Peyton's got lots of room [Applause] forcing out [Applause] 26 yard game for Walter Payton and it was easy as they got to the outside nobody to contain on the outside Matsui here's the block by 79 breaker and Matsui number 26 and then it was just a footrace as Payton goes down the sideline silly head the angle knocked him out of bounds but Payton's going to hit for that hundred yard mark he's 13 for 93 so sweetness is going to get another hundred yard game before this one is over for he's something else isn't he of course he had some great blocking on that one first down at the Tampa Bay 39 they come out on the i-formation moorhead set up on the wing right marjoram and the kin of the wide receivers Lily Collins not been in since his last rough water pain party what running you green maybe check it Jeff Davis 58 made the ankle tackle you talk about instinctive and smart running Payton on this one played off the block by suing 26 to hit Washington and then made a great move on to steal now watch 26 hit 51 Payton waits for the block fakes in cuts out and then he cuts back in on Casteel 23 right here I mean that is I mean you can't do it any better than that folks you can't 102 yards on the day for Walter Payton 14 carries just been brilliant in the running Department driver had over a hundred in the first half today for Tampa Bay [Applause] 2:28 seven minutes to play Sooey almost lost the ball he did he did Olympus ace ball thought he grabbed it back but it is Jeff Davis number 58 coming up with the loose ball until the Buccaneers have stopped the Bears at their 23 yard line and they have got lots of time 654 remaining and they trailed by 10 Tampa Bay dominated the first half although not so much in the stats but in the scoring because of their opportunistic play after turnovers and then in the second half it's been all Chicago we talked about a gimme Sooey was just starting to fall down and the ball just popped out of his arms and lightening the davises arms he said thank you mom take it so now it's Tampa Bay's ball down by 10 points 654 left in the game brings out the Buccaneers close down at their own 23 Wilder Wilder picks up maybe three yards out the right side they're springing out his end runs a little better now dense endorphins forcing the play Singletary and Wilson making the tackle well Wilder continues you know this is which is calling when football he's just playing on courage that time you hit the dip his right shoulder because he was afraid to hit the left foot as good as well there is and and everything I don't think calf evades gonna catch up if they keep punting the ball off to the wild I mean they're just eating the clock dammit around a half dollars tough as it is we got to throw on first in town first and second downs to beat the Bears not on third down second and six Gary pencak left the field with an injury there the Bears and it is complete to Jerry Bell fine pass from de Burgh on the tackle Dave Duerson but a Tampa Bay first down at their own 42 yard line a 14-yard pickup de Burgh to Jerry Bell this is what they were doing so well earlier in the game when they were controlling things that was a regular seven step brought back in Bell just had some clearance there on the coverage makes the grab and gets a first down for Tampa Bay now I know it's really tempting to give it to two Wilder but if you're going to beat the Bears in you want you want some normal coverage you gotta flow on first and on second like they did the last time fencing secondary [Applause] guys de Burgh on a straight got lots of time he farms it down for Carter incomplete Carter with coverage by Richardson the ball National Football League is prohibited he's a burg 10 of 16 126 yards three touchdown passes all on the first half two interceptions [Applause] even Bennet has seen quite a turn of events [Applause] very much in the ball game 558 to play high-scoring battle in the season opener Wilder while we run a well running room all the way to the fair 42 yard line on another Tampa Bay first down tripped up by fence ik and Richardson 15-yard gain for Wilder so he's doing a job that's a big play that's watched the hole great blocking by the interior of the line you see the pulling guards and there is at George Arno number 69 throwing a key block on Singletary to spring while they're up the field and then brought down by Frazier and Richardson 166 yards 25 carries for Wilder and playing remember with a sore shoulder suffered back early in the third period [Music] first and ten the Buccaneers on the March comport with time intended for browsing complete for the flag is down the Berg is down and it may be roughing the passer dentist there the hit let's see what the call is they're getting up slowly it's against one of the offensive linemen upon today for holding one thing that the Berg has not been able to do is to get it to Jimmy Giles much today poling against Sean Farrell the four-year man from Penn State probably their best offensive lineman let's see what what happened I'm on the hip I'll say one thing he held his ground and took the shot boy that's what you call a head snapper yeah I got hit from behind on the blindside and it was there the de clean hip yep so the holding penalty backs up the Buccaneers for the 47 yard line of Tampa Bay de Burgh to Jerry Bell bell breaks tackles and gets to the 35 yard line the bird continues to throw the ball well Singletary made the tackle there it will bring up a third down and about two yards long - we'll call it an 18-yard game well you talk about a key play you know the Bears handle it as much as they usually do you noticed I mean they're blitzing team they have some but not a heck of a lot as Mike Singletary takes in the signals 3rd and 2 what would you call can knock him down power 7 8 Johnny yes second oh that's an easy call you got you can do whatever you want second down Wilder tripped up behind the line by Duerson the safety coming up and he has held a very little if any game Dave Duerson trying to fill the strong safety shoes of Todd Bell is still a holdout and we have 411 and ticking with Chicago in front 5:10 [Music] you know with Duerson having to play in belle spot it really affects two positions as I see it because Duerson was a very effective Nickelback a guy who can go and intercept that ball for you and when he came in on passing downs he was a key guy now Shaun Gayle fills that role third down and a long free in the open field Gary bill that was made some tough pitches today a little eager to get upfield on that one inside the three all right fourth down here play action rolling up and they catch it to Bell and he has the first down well Jerry Bell quickly makes up for the first down play inside the 30-yard line so the Buccaneers are rolling with three 27 in County they've got to get one in the end zone in a hurry here in order to leave themselves and up time certainly the two minutes get the ball back and have a chance to either force overtime or score the winning points the interesting call one of the few rollouts to diverge you know he doesn't rule out all that much in that time when he did he had all kinds of room out there the Bears - for us he's been designed because he's a pocket type of pastor so - good call 73 yards on six receptions for Gary bellies when a key figure today lots of time for the bird hits Carol Carter shakes off the tackle of Marshall out of bounds close to the first down marker jobber Marshall the linebacker gave him a little shot from the ball arrived it didn't hold on so Carter turned it up field for a nine yard game ok mr. de Burgh straight rushed by the Bears four-man no blitz a double-team thereon McMichael and you can see the pass out there good catch the Bears bring him down as he must attack like there's nuts out of balance and will be interesting to see if Tampa Bay they're going to be faced with a field goal or a touchdown here sooner or later second and less than a yard 250 to play guitar Richardson nearly had a pickoff and he had nothing but daylight attendance the Gerald Carter heard of us in the yard into the 4-3 that Minnesota and all kinds of fireworks he was wilder on third down he's got the first down and they give him that forward progress or if he's still moving they're going to give him the forward progress I believe he had the first down or burrito holding to it no short of e they're gonna spot it at the 21 Singletary finally made the tackle behind the line of scrimmage and he is not yet up and so it'll be fourth down and about a yard to go when we return with 2:25 to play at Soldier Field that turned into a one-yard law says Wilder trying to get the first down from a yard away was knocked backwards they spotted his forward progress but it still turned out to be so it is fourth and two and they have sent in the seals all unit Donald in Quebec way from Nigeria and dancing his first attempt first attempt as a pro [Applause] that feels all cooking go home maybe way hit the upright yard attempt and so the Buccaneers are up against it 220 remains and they trail by 10 points well an inauspicious beginning as he hits the upright and it really is not much left for Tampa Bay now because aside from missing this field go on being down 10 points they only have I think one timeout because they had to use a couple of timeouts throughout the second half because of confusion as to what they were going to run so the Buccaneers are in big trouble after a real very Scourge at after here they played a heck of a football game so the Bears take over at the line of scrimmage the 21 yard line of Chicago [Applause] give it to Payton Payton steps inside he's got votes ahead of him perfectly timed first rule as a first down for the Bears for the 36 yard line he is so beautiful I'm playing his blockers and then he did it twice on that run and there's a lot of runners you do that by thinking it's not all instinct but he's got Kurt Becker coming first he plays fought the block by Kurt Becker there cuts inside that now he's got mark fort 62 he waits for mark for kick his mana and then he cuts back inside that's brains and instinct and ability 14 yard game for Walter Payton and a first down Chicago at their own 36 the clock [Applause] first one of the season it's a divisional game hating his time stopped after a pickup of a couple and last year the Bears are seven and one inside their division and went on to win the title Detroit had done the same thing the year before and you just got to beat the guys in your own division and the rest of it kind of takes care of itself so we're at the two-minute warning here with Chicago 38 Tampa Bay 28 so the Bears are second and eight Walter Payton is hit again right at the line of scrimmage and got a little of anything there the Mandan make initial contact Scott Brantley number 52 followed by Chris Washington and the Buccaneers take their final timeout third down and seven big play for Tampa Bay they've gotta stop them here they throw the screen to Thomas out of the backfield town is slipping into the middle of flag down he is short of the first down by a three yards let's see what the flag is [Applause] it's an important call [Music] mr. Barths microphone a little bit on the blink there at the moment and that is a human ineligible receiver signal that he gave when Tampa Bay will probably decline the penalty 78 and 62 we're down field on the forward pass well that's that was just a little miscue there where the offensive linemen were downfield where they might be in a position to block on the run and they were called for being ineligible e downfield on that little jump up to Calvin Thomas so the Bears will have to punt 146 remains for Tampa Bay to come up somehow with ten points and force overtime with two touchdowns and win it tall order for the Buccaneers [Applause] [Music] - a flag down [Music] punch bouncing down to the five-yard line the Bucks didn't bother having Emily against Tampa Bay roughing the kicker 51-yard punt by Maury Buford and they'll be a roughing the kicker penalty against Tampa Bay and that'll be pretty much the ballgame for them [Applause] first the kicker the lucky Ron Holmes tough break for this youngster has played a pretty good game here in his first NFL outing [Applause] and the ball is gone and here comes Holmes and the kickers off-balance and well he didn't really wrap him he did run into him he tried to avoid him it's a very rough it's not a very rough you know the stick right contacting maybe should be the right terminology running into is the actual call running into the kicker tough break for the rookie Ron hole and for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because of the Chicago ball first down at their own 49-yard line and they give it to Matsui Tsui has a good hole up the middle picks up about 8 yards and I think a storm is fast approaching Soldier Field as the dark clouds come in and the wind has just picked up by about thirty miles an hour did that hurricane didn't get this far north fitted 1:12 and ticking down just completely turned around Johnny as you mentioned head storm coming in the wind is now blowing in the opposite direction from others from blowing all day in the fan seeing the approaching cloud front here and starting to head to the exits [Applause] - cloth anymore [Applause] yes gentry [Applause] the opposite direction when she started and has the first down to the 38 yard line with 38 seconds and counting down so the Chicago Bears have scored their first victory of the 1985 season it was an exciting wide-open game that Tampa Bay did an outstanding job in the first half opportunistic and rolling up the 28 to 17 lead but it was all Bears in the second half offensively and defensively [Music] [Applause] 38 to 2008 history as Central Division championship my Kiska over to give his handshake to Lehmann Bennett an entertaining game for the hometown fans in Chicago on a good show by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers that's all from Soldier Field
Channel: 80s Football Cards
Views: 77,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y-q-nsFUpME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 36sec (7956 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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