Los Angeles Rams vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1984 Week 13

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from National Football League today the Los Angeles Rams against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers it's a simply marvelous afternoon for football in Tampa Florida as the Rams tackle the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the Rams have been a jekyll-and-hyde team this year but they're in the playoff fight one of these teams will win the NFC East battle two others will be a wildcard entry in the Rams need to win to stay alive of course in that derby and good afternoon everyone I'm dick Stockton's along with Hank Stram and Hank we're really have a treat today we have two of these great offensive powers on the field James Wilder and Eric Dickerson in the same game and Wilder really has had a terrific season he really has had a great season and you know the great thing about Wilder he leads in total offense from passing and running and the great thing about him is he comes into the game with 53 catches whereas Dickerson only has 18 so that's really the difference in the arteries between the two great running backs but when you talk about fewer rushers Walter Payton of course maybe the greatest of all time now Eric Dickerson won't be far behind I think Eric Dickerson has earned the right to be regarded as one of the great running backs in the history of the National Football League Walter Payton certainly has to be in the same category and he's established that record but I think down the line I've said this many times I think everyone back in the National Football League who can surpass the record of Walter Payton that could be Eric Dickerson now Henry outside of wilder and Dickerson how do you look at the matchup today I think the Rams obviously have to run the ball to win they're gonna throw the ball really but I think they're gonna have to run the ball to win I think they're gonna have to keep the running part of their game in the game and try to keep the passing game out of the game as much as they possibly can on the other hand I think the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are playing very very well offensively they're running the ball well and throwing it extremely well they have a great day last week against the 49ers but I think in a final analysis I think the edge from a specialty team standpoint would have to go to the Los Angeles Rams Thank You Henry and that's a good capsule size up as you look at the weather conditions 76 degrees hardly a breeze it is partly cloudy right now but there's been plenty of Sun today as the Buccaneers have won the toss they will receive Mike Lansford we'll kick off to michael Morton on the left and Leon bright on the right both of these teams have had success Buccaneers at home where there four and one and the Rams on the road were there for and to leon bride inside the tank and brings it out shy over the 30-yard line let's check the Buccaneers offense for you Steve the burg as the quarterback you talked about Wilder had your arms strong a blocker Gerald Carter and Kevin house the best wide receiving duo in the league Jimmy Giles is the tight end Glen boos knock is starting in place of Steve Corson Sean Farrell and Ron Heller a very tough right side of the offensive line first and ten ball at the 22 yard line Steve de Burgh coming off his first 300 yard game as the Tampa Bay Buccaneer last week against San Francisco in motion goes Kevin house the bird to throw on first down and has enough time it's a short pass and it is ruled incomplete pass was intended for Kevin house here's a great illustration of how much respect they have for Youngblood he's being double-teamed on the right side you see that by Hiller and then the tight end gets a shot at him and then runs down the field but they're very very concerned about blocking Jack Youngblood and justifiably so number 85 talk about that matchup between Youngblood and Heller Youngblood was a rookie when Ron Heller was in the 3rd grade 2nd down and 10 now on Armstrong in motion and Wilder gets the call up the middle stopped short of the 28 yard line a gain of about five and right now let's check the Rams defensively for you Jack Youngblood is 34 years old and Reggie dosti ends Gregg Meisner is the nose tackle Mel Owens Carla Kern Jimmy Collins and Mike Wiltshire Wiltshire of course it for George Andrews who's injured and on injured reserve Green and Ervin of the corner backs Vince Newsom who made that tackle and Johnny Johnson are the safety it'll be third and four David Crowe tough as in as a Nickelback a free-agent rocky number 28 [Music] the BIR bakes and completes his pass to Joe Carter to the 41 yard line and a first down a gain of 12 and he had a lot of time Hank they already did Gary cheaters in the game for the first time he's been activated playing right tackle there he goes back into the pocket the pass protection is good and the bird throws the ball inside I think we're gonna see a lot of that during the course of this game because the linebackers watch again we'll see the pass protection here is excellent and that's what you have to do to throw the ball efficiently and really that's what campus the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have done very well the last few weeks they sealed off Youngblood very well first and 10 two tight ends in for Tampa Bay Jerry Bell nears Wilder Wilder gets to the 44 yard line where Carl occur and makes the stop so James Wilder by the way you talked about the total yardage versus the runner but while there only leads Dickerson by 68 yards in that total yards department coming into the game well while they're hoody had a fantastic year and of course Dickerson is out of this world he's really one of the fantastic backs I think that a National Football League's I mentioned earlier one of the things we're going to see I think this afternoon we're gonna see the Tampa Bay Buccaneers throw the ball a lot inside underneath the linebackers Mel Owen and Carl effort because they get such deep drops and I think we can look at a lot of throwing between a hash mark second down and six the ball just shy of the 45 yard line de Burgh throwing as he said incomplete [Applause] jerry fell the second tight end was the intended receiver and defending on the play with Johnny Johnson watch Jim Collins number 50 look at the deputy he's got an inside opposition on the tight end Jim Collins number 50 and he does a good job of getting his hand in front of the ball and he drops it did not practiced this week he had a muscle pull on his leg he is having a sensational year and should be a Pro Bowl performer Jim Collins he's had over a hundred tackle the garage heater and Charles Deezer day and four pass rushing to Nickelback also in third and six showing the Blitz and the ran [Applause] [Music] the bird throws it up the Grahams citadel makes the catch at the play seven is against la pampa Bey is sitting pretty it looks like the right hand Gary Jeter was offside number 77 we'll have to look and see Jean Bart is the referee so that completion was gonna count 26 yards through Theo bell you know the great thing about depreciate the game just play the game as a player he knew there was a penalty on to play but in spite of that he went ahead with the throw got the ball downfield to Phil Bell and as a result they have a first down in great field position the Oh Bell had only one catch in his last three games he is way behind his productivity of last year but he made that good catch there and now Tampa Bay has it first and 10 on the RAM 26 no score first quarter dick Stockton and Hank Stram on a lovely day in Tampa as your Armstrong in motion the bird to house and the pass is caught despite Gary reams coverage it's another first down for Tampa Bay and you can't ask for more from Gary green Gary green couldn't cover the guy any better than he did but the ball was thrown perfectly that kind of a pass on a slant pass has to be thrown at the numbers or below that ball was right at the numbers and there's no way in the world that a defensive back can knock the ball down when the ball is thrown perfectly like it was by de Burgh on the last play so it's first and ten on the 13 if the Sun comes out again the green passes in his drive for 49 yards total de Burgh is getting a lot of time Carteret motion and here's Wilder and coming up was Jerry green he had help from Mel Owens and they snuffed out that wilder outside attempt right there and they spotted back of the 15-yard line so it'll be a loss of about a yard and a hand Gary green the cleft corn about that time Rudy did a super job of coming up a portion to play he got a good jump got a good read great anticipation and came up made the play Ram defense as Tampa Bay faces them it'll be second down and a long 11 gallery Jeter replaces Reggie Goss now still a free man front for the RAM look at that middle [Music] just as you called it gerald Carter on the receiving end inside the 10-yard line it'll be third and about six after that completion to Carter but here we see Collins see he gets good depth it hangs close to that that hash mark and leaves the middle open and for that reason they're going to try to throw the ball underneath that's the intelligent approach and that's that's what they've done so far pretty well the Rams defense is allowed under a hundred yards rushing a game but the opposition has completed 61 percent of the passes one of the reasons the Rams have not had a good pass rush into you third and five Hank [Music] run on the outside they might have try to go for the outside to play there [Music] [Applause] [Music] the play and both officials with heir Hank it's incomplete here you see now they get bump and run watch girl Carver he makes an outside move an earthen and then into the end zone the ball showed up on top he loses urban he dies for the ball I don't know if he had possession of the ball though that may be the only question Hank he had to have the feeder yeah he had to have possession and also feeding evidently they didn't think he had to feed it I mean it didn't think they had their possession this will be a 26-yard field goal attempt i Ovid re-read with DeBerg holding to try to give the bucket of the lead and the kick is up it's good and Tampa Bay in stores first in this game so a RiRi who is now seven for seven this year inside 40 yards has given Tampa Bay a lead there's a story about the coaches in this game John Robinson and John McKay will be back to tell you more about that when we return Tampa Bay leading three to nothing and we're gonna take another look following the kickoff of that pass that was ruled incomplete and out of the end zone and you may have some second thoughts when you take another look at it Oh RiRi will be kicking off now deep for the Rams to the left is Dru Hill and Barry retton's to the right redden is second in the NFC in kickoff returns RiRi peeking over to Drew hillside so much that he picks it out of bounds and that'll be a 5-yard penalty now let's take a look at that pass from divert to Carter that was ruled in completing you have to have both feet in bounds and of course you have to have possession I think it looked the way the pitcher looks he had his feet in bounds of course and he had possession he's got possession that should be a touchdown no question about it so Tampa Bay instead of the six has to settle for the three the other thing it was important on that play too was the fact that Kevin house got a pick a little bit of a pick on the inside man that got him loose going down the sideline and in there for the endzone for the big play that looked like should have been a country should have been a touchdown so a RiRi will now kick off back at the 30 yard line and of course John Mackay he was the teacher and John Robinson with the Rams the pupil and they go way back to the days of the University of Oregon yeah John recruited Johnny Robinson is a player he played at Oregon and then of course he stayed on the coach there for a while Johnny McKay then went to Southern California eventually brought John Robinson with him John left talk about Robinson went to the Oakland Raiders for three years became the head coach came back and became the head coach of Southern California this week I pretty enjoyed a great coaching career and of course John McKay I think is going to go down in history with his coaches of all time won four national titles at USC that says it says it right there here's the kick and there's no question where he wants to kick it away from redden drew Hill on the six yard line returns it as an opening Andrew Hill carries it out near the 40 yard line a good return of 33 yards for East Harvey makes the tackle so let's take a look now at the Rams on offense Jeff Kemp starting his 10th game the inimitable Eric Dickerson Mike boomin is the you back Henry Ehlert in true he'll just 2 of a host of receivers the Rams have David Hill is a tight end in the offensive line and Bill Bane has really been outstanding started the year at left tackle has been filling in for Slater at right tackle first and ten for temp and the Rams good field position at the 40 [Music] emotion is blooming the you back and Eric Dickerson finds a hole and gets almost nine yards on the play you give him a hole Dickerson will get the yards in a hurry but defensively they use a three for John cannon David Logan and Lee Roy Selmon Rams will have to worry about Selman today Robert Thompson starts in place of Pete browner Chris Washington continues a place of you green and the secondary Castile and Holt the corners not knee and reached the safety Earth tank he's gonna in heaven stands for find a black summon and I think I'm passing situations the autumn probably will probably keep him tight in on his side to help watch it second and two on the 48 yard line Eric Dickerson has the first down into Tampa Bay territory where the nose tackle David Logan makes the stop Dickerson coming in leading the NFL in rushing is Hank is mentioned 14 hundred and 41 yards and he needs to average 141 the rest of the year to be adjacent record of 2003 one thing that we could look for the offensive line of the Rams is a very large big strong offensive line they get a great push and they if they dominate that offensive line that - scrimmage right they're gonna be in good shape running the football this afternoon that's how they won those previous two games before [Music] [Applause] and he goes to the Dickerson who has stopped at the 46 yard line just the gain of two and David Logan again makes the tackle watch gentlemen the double-team on 763 there you see the guard Kent Hill coming out on him then panky gets him but they got double a double dip situation on him to make sure they block him Kent Hill number 72 and of course her panky 75 second down seventh at the Tampa Bay 45 Mike barber in a tight in we tight ends David Hill the other one is in motion here's Dickerson on the pitch he has an opening that Eric Dickerson gets inside the 40-yard line fumbles the ball if they blew it dead and apparently they did it's at the 39 yard line shy of a first down by a yard Dickerson on the pitch play and they push they get Selman on the outside and of course Dickerson has great vision any time he has any kind of a seam he's going to take a knee makes quick decisions and that's what they have to do watch someone go to the outside he's going outside and you see the cutback inside a Salman panky number 75 he does a great job of walking someone to the outside Tampa Bay and over aggressive defense up front they are basically [Music] him in this situation already slow down the backside I'm a rush down by Jeff Davis and is close to a first down with extra effort we'll see where they spot the ball Jeff Davis who has been the heart and soul of the Bucks defense other than Lee Roy Selmon Berry written by the way as the scratched cornea who suffered against San Francisco and did not return after he went out in the third quarter it'll be fourth down unless they are Dan John misko is in to punt for LA he's averaging little over 39 yards a kick Leon participating to the Miata trying to kick the ball out of bounds left he's going to kick it out of bounds off your foot when you kick it right it's a bad kick if it slides off when they kick it left it's gonna go right down the middle it won't be a bad kick he kicks it and the way down it inside the 5-yard line great hustle special teams smile and has been doing it for many years ivory Sully with a score 3 nothing Tampa Bay will be back along with Hank Stram in Tampa stadium where the Buccaneers on opener Erie is 26-yard field goal lead the Rams 3 to nothing but the Buccaneers are hemmed in on their own 4 yard line good hustle by ivory Sully on special teams following the puck the bird brings out the Bucs first and 10 [Music] the Berg will toss it incomplete Jimmy Giles the tight end [Applause] and a penalty marker is down the referee is Jean Bart and he will tell us about the call now too soon and bump Giles and so this will be an automatic first down watch checker now 55 he doesn't get back nearly as deep as he normally does he's all over the tight end but as he's coming through his evidently his left hand was on the back of the tight end Jimmy Giles and that's why they called pass interference on the play move it up to the 9 yard line first and ten deep Orson has replaced Sean Farrell on the offensive line for Tampa though Jack Youngblood plays very very wide I think they're gonna cry when they run they'll try to run inside of him a lot screaming pass the James Wilder first down to the 21-yard Cara Lecter and making the tackle de Burgh thinking quickly got the ball away in a hurry Mike Wilshire blitz deburr Mike Wilshire number 54 was blitzing on the play but de Burgh is already a master at this looking coming from the outside he got a whiff of it threw the ball outside to Wilder a tackle is missed by urban and he goes into the area and makes a first down a great run ready by king wild dude that's wild isn't in the fourth catch of the year Tampa Bay has three players with 50 or more receptions led by Kevin House with 55 first and 10 at the 21 for Tampa Bay they've gotten out of danger so far here is Wilder and James Fowler brings it out to the 22 yard line maybe a yard that's all Jim Collins making the stop for the LA Rams Jack Youngblood also did a good job of coming off the block watch Collins now a good shot beautiful picture of Jim Collins getting into the seam gets behind the blocker and makes a beautiful shot a good low tackle on James Wilder great feel for the ball and a great position a great pursuit angle by Jim Collins number 50 four minutes and 40 seconds to go in the first quarter the bus lead three to nothing the bird native of Anaheim California as time [Applause] I'll bike the crowd will yell I'm passing appearance on every way well watch this now and had the ball been thrown inside where the receiver would have been looking at the quarterback it might have been a good pass but he threw it to the side you see he had to catch it up high and in the process why he got hit and the ball popped through had he been facing the quarterback he had probably made that catch Gary Greene defended that well he was acquired from Kansas City and has been a welcome addition particularly since the Rams have been injury riddled in the secondary they have great respect for him around the league he's played super 3rd down and 9 at the 22 Gary Jeter in for pass rushing they screen it out to Wilder he's got a couple of blockers the wilder is hit shy of the 30-yard line and they'll be way short of about 4 or 5 yards Vince Newsom with the hit on Wilder it'll be fourth down and coming in to punt for the first time in this ball game will be Frank Garcia for Tampa Bay Mel Owens really got a good shot from the inside to reacted very very well once the ball was thrown Garcia is fourth in the conference he led the NFC last year in punting and he'll be kicking to a real danger Henry eller who leads the NFL in punt returns and he's run back a couple four touchdowns this year here's Ellie inside the 25 penalty mark as Ellard gets out of bounds at midfield penalty flag down 12 yard return for Henry Ellard has been averaging more than 14 and a half three illegal block in the back unread ball 10-yard penalty James McDonald guilty of the foul do you look at John McKay and so they'll start from the 40 when we come back to Tampa Tampa first and ten for the Rams on their 36 yard line following the illegal block penalty and Jeff Kemp who has 10 touchdowns and five interception to the quarterback finding his hands car [Music] took over their respective teams at the same time movement early you back in motion dickerson cutting inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] look like an orange shirt out there first Pam's made number of mistakes in their loss to Green Bay David Logan made the hit on Eric Dickerson and it looks like Doug Smith the center doesn't want to let go look at number 58 down the bottom of the pile there is also a hard bay buccaneers the Dickerson pops it up and it's Tampa Bay ball wants to cut back this is what he likes to do he pleads Aseem here watch it got stuck number 52 Bradley is under way under control they knocked the ball loose and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers bouncing the ball Jeff Davis on the recovery team giveth away on equal terms Tampa Bay has suffered that way but now they've got good field position first and ten you can throw that out the window the only thing that really matter game that you're playing today at the 43 yard line of the Rams Carter went in motion deferred swings it out to Wilder [Applause] [Music] 525 is rest Goosen but not before Wilder gets to the 21-yard of 22 on the swing path like the linebackers one by backer is blitzing the other one is coming in to the other side of man for man coverage on the outside and there's nobody out there because the linebackers were blitzing here you see somebody coming from the inside there Newsome Newsome pin from from the inside and made the tackle now look at that look at the blitzing linebackers number 50 is blitzing Jimmy Collins and as a result there's no pursuit from the inside because the linebackers are going up the field while there has caught three passes already for 39 yards first and ten Tampa Bay threatening on the RAM 21 and Wilder gets to carry this time and he picked up about three yards to about the 17 yard line where Reggie Doss makes the tackle we have three minutes and 18 seconds the clock is running here in Tampa Florida the Buccaneers upset minded at four and eight they won't make the playoffs this year but they've been involved in a lot of close affairs in fact 10 of the 12 games so far this year have been decided by seven points or less so they're in every contest yeah the kicking game has really been a problem for them and has been throughout the history of this franchise Vols at the 17 the bird look in pass house bought inside the five and another first down for Tampa Bay in a lot of traffic Kevin house battled for it here again look at all the room he's got urban number 47 is playing for a soft they throw the ball inside a little bit behind but his fight of that he has great concentration and still maintains possession of the ball you got a good shot from the outside but he's still hale held on to the football Kevin House is now one reception shy of the Tampa Bay season record he has 57 and that matches James Wilders output of last year Pass house captain's will be a club record here is Wilder inside the five come over to three and a fine play by no Owens he might have saved the touchdown right there he had a big scene there a big campus look like gritty when it opened up but he was gonna be able to go in unmolested for the touchdown but Mel Owen came in there made a beautiful play number 58 watch the right side of your screen now watch good blocking at the point of attack watching going through the hole here and inside comes Mel Owens number 58 it makes the play former number one draft pick it was a big play player last year reliable all season this year for the room retighten alignment on second down and two at the two Wilder [Applause] [Music] he hasn't scored a touchdown as a receiver oddly enough Hank but he's got nine as a runner and Tampa Bay leaves at nine to nothing I'm going to tell you something that offensive line of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is really coming into their own they're ready blocking well Sanders Wilson Farrell Keller Boosh not all come off the ball in great shape Herrera will try to add the tenth point with DeBerg holding with a minute and 20 seconds to go in the first quarter [Music] good so the rams find themselves in a hole metally marker is down however 85 offense holding mark witty of Tampa Bay is holding on the place so they're gonna have to pick this one over one of four tight ends that John McKay has on his roster so this will be a longer than usual conversion over he is a very unusual style of kicking he does a little tap dancing before he makes the kick we get a picture of this you'll see it watch the little jiggy makes RuPaul step for this and just take a block so I really as the kick block and it'll be 9 to nothing so Hank that bears watching to see whether that comes back to haunt the Buccaneer that can always be a factor any time you take Paul steps as a kicker why it gives the defense more time to come through there and make the block it looked like I couldn't tell for sure with a greenie Gary Jeter I'd think Hank might have been right there at any event or Erie doesn't make good in Tampa Bay's lead is nine nothing we'll be back with 120 to go in the first quarter LA Rams 9 to nothing with a minute and 20 seconds to go in the first quarter dick Stockton and Hank Stram on a better Erie who had his conversion blocked by Gary Jeter following a holding penalty against Tampa Bay will be came along to Mary red [Music] brings it out about the 30-yard line well we want to remind you that next Saturday CBS 4s will present the 85th Army Navy game for Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia Navy leads in the series hang 42:37 there have been seven ties one of college football's strongest rivalry they've really been it pretty has been it's one of the great rivalries in the history of college football and creates a lot of excitement all of the country that'll be noon Eastern Time from Philadelphia next Saturday Army Navy and that's all you need to say first intent of the 30 for the Rams Eric Dickerson and Dwayne Crutchfield first time we've seen the two back offense in motion his Ehlert and Crutchfield that's it for the 36 yard line and a gain of about six yards Chris Washington and Lee Roy Selmon make the tackle you said they're going to have to watch out for number 63 today yeah you have to block him because he's a dominant player uses his hands very very well look at his music two hands right there Ward's off panky the blocker and comes on the inside and makes the play second down and three Crutchfield has become the second leading rusher for the Rams this year [Music] [Applause] [Music] Crutchfield again first now second effort as he bowls his way to the 45 David Logan makes the tackle well Jeff camp as we said making his 10th start but Vince Ferragamo had his best week of practice since injuring his throwing hand in the third week of the season he was not prepped for this game he could play it's not likely though but somewhere down the line in it may see Vince Ferragamo before the season is over yeah that's a distinct possibility and I'm sure he feels excited about that you know one thing about the Rams they have such a big offensive line they just have to be patient and let that good push remove the ball on the ground like they do so well well the quarter is over there's the gun and at the end of the first quarter the Tampa Bay Buccaneers having field position and taking advantage of it leading the Rams 9 to nothing the Rams need the wild card berth they've got to come back if they have a shot dick Stockton and Hank Stram as we start the second quarter in Tampa with the Bucks the hometown team leading 9 to nothing the Rams have it first and 10 on the 45 they had the ball for only eight plays in the first quarter they the third lowest time of possession in the league coming into this weekend Eric Dickerson into Tampa Bay territory and picks up 80 yards before Lee Roy Selmon makes the tackle let's take a look at some scores around the league right now Pittsburgh jumping ahead of San Diego both teams of six and six Houston in Cleveland 7 7 in the first quarter second and look at that there a hot 21 or Nothing over Atlanta in the second quarter and Buffalo zip in Washington 10s in the first quarter size Minard Mountain st. Louis has jumped ahead of Philadelphia in a very important NFC East battle in st. Louis second down and 2 at the 47 yard line again it's Dickerson and Dickerson has a first down to the 42 yard line right now for an NFL Today report let's go to brent musburger in new york right dick here's the latest now on Atlanta a team which has lost six in a row Mike Moore lost he must quarterback for the rest of the year because of bartowski's injury Robert Jackson with the intercept for the Bengals zips in 28 yards for the touchdown it's 21 nothing Cincinnati let's go back to bed why you're right Hank Cincinnati has been red-hot piling it on did a lot of good people I'm number one glad choices on that team and they could to combine strong at the end of the season we're in now at the 42-yard line opening minutes of the second quarter Jeff tempered his second pass of the ballgame completes it to Mike Duman whose boast to another first town near the 32 yard line Jeff Davis makes the tackle on old reliable Mike Duman who is a clutch receiver in a very fine blocker indeed you know these watching these two teams play is like watching a inner squad game between Southern California and Southern California they both have the same philosophy except John McKay has more ways to throw the ball right now with the experience he has at the quarterback position but they both play the zones they both fundamentally very much the same and when the Rams throw the ball they're gonna have to throw it short and be patient just like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers it's going to say you know you have to play within yourself and Tampa Bay is showing patience so far and I think it's important that skip does the same if you're not careful you know the toughest thing in the world is to be patient just be satisfied to come off the bus and run the ball you're like the guy could normally do it and do a good job of moving to change that's all you have to do it nothing fancy just come off the line of scrimmage and blow people off the line of scrimmage that's what they have to do to get back in the game and avoid the turnover that's right first and ten at the 32 yard line it was at first now Ellard goes in motion here is Crutchfield inside the 30-yard line for about two and a half yards and Jeff Davis again makes the tackle so the Rams getting their deepest penetration so far in this ballgame trailing nine and nothing keep in mind and it would have been ten Herrera is conversion on the touchdown in the first quarter was good but there was a holding penalty and then the kick was blocked so it's nine instead of ten also keep in mind that the touchdown that looked like should have been a pleasure a good have been 14 or 13 that's right our replay show Carter with the ball and both feet in second and seven at the 29 [Music] play-action camp good picked off by Chris Washington that time it was a play-action fake and camp it looked like I tied up with the exchange that time he was open for a long time didn't get the ball out there quite soon enough and that's why it was closed it shouldn't have been closed because Goodman was open right away Chris Washington has had a tough task the last several weeks because he's playing for Hugh Green who the great linebacker who's expected off injured reserve next week Chris Washington is tied for the Tampa Bay lead in sacks II the rookie out of Iowa stayed on the sick ground playing well and he's six-four two-twenty has been great size and good Clinton third down and seven at the 29 [Music] fires caught by Ehlert inside the tent a first down Jeremiah Castillo makes the tackle and saw Henry eller the leading receiver on the Rams with a 23 arctica Jeff Kent pretty did a good job of hanging in a good pass protection but the truth of the play was a fact that he came back for the ball watching come back for the ball and that was the key difference in whether he made the catch or whether whether or not he didn't good protection by the offensive line look at this kemp goes back quickly look at the protection by Ken Hill and also Irv panky Doug Smith they're all doing a good job up front and they succeed in making a big play so far you've had good praise for both offensive lines today rather going to good job first and goal on the six footer rain - nothing dickerson and stops at the two by Castille coming up from his cornerback position we talked to Eric Dickerson yesterday at practice Hank and he must be a mystic he has his way of predicting how he thinks the team will do me tell it that well you know last week he felt that they were not gonna play very well and they didn't then they lost the game this week he felt very very secure very confident said that he thinks we're going to play very very well and he thinks we're gonna win the football game that was that's what he said yesterday and so the interesting to see how this thing turns out that's why they call him Swamy Dickerson that's right that's right yes he didn't practice Wednesday he had a problem with his arch is that foot problems all year it's hard for him to carry that ball heavy second and goal at the team for the rain Dickerson gets in touchdown [Applause] good block by Mike Duman is Dickerson scores his eighth touchdown of the season and the Rams hop back in this one one thing is very important for the Rams they have to be patient as I mentioned earlier and they have to keep the ball away from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers if they hope to win this beam because Tampa really does a great job of moving the ball with the pass and also the run so the best thing to do is keep that offense on the bench you know time of possession has not been kind to the Rams this year they haven't really excelled that way Steve Dill's will hold for Lansford who is this one conversion this year [Music] and the bare footed kicker makes good and with 10 minutes of 28 seconds to go in the second quarter the Bucks lead is 2 9 to 7 so that extra point looms right now the Rams are a field goal away from the lead Eric Dickerson has scored a touchdown so is Gene Wilder and those are the two marquee players we talked about at the top as Mike Lansford gets set to kickoff for the Rams michael Morton on the left and Leon bright on the right for Tampa Bay 9 to 7 the score both teams have been successful Tampa Bay at home this year and the Rams have been a good road club and this is going to lead on right Africa 7 yard line [Applause] Reich carries it to the 30 [Applause] Sully makes the tackle for LA well we have a college sports weekend for you beginning Saturday of course we told you about the army-navy game the 85th renewal of the service academies battle from veteran Stadium in Philadelphia that'll be noon Eastern and then on Sunday NCAA basketball Oklahoma with Wayman Tisdale and Olympian takes on that Saturday also at 3:30 Eastern the Fighting Illini Lew Henson's team will be a power people rate up number two in the country going in Oklahoma and Illinois they've already met once this year the tip-off classic with Illinois beating Oklahoma first and 10 is a 30-yard line for the Buccaneer [Music] the birds going up on top and Gary green was with all the way so the burgh trying to go long on first down the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have a fine very outstanding young right tackle a rookie from Penn State Ron Heller was six six and 270 he's got quite an assignment blocking Jack Youngblood but it looks like he's doing a pretty good job now why should watch Heller come off the line of scrimmage watch Youngblood go around the outside look at their hand in hand a little holding on the play but they don't call it fair Oh the right guard picks him up but keeps Jack Youngblood from getting to the quarterback but they're keeping two guys on him most of the time second and ten to give us two Wilder Wilder first down we'll turn a gain of 20 and so James Wilder is off to a sizzling start in this ball game in Tampa Bay as a first down just at midfield one thing that's very obvious Youngblood plays very wide most of the time that time he pinched to the inside and Wilder read the block and jumped to the outside eccrine had a chance to block and make the tackle in the hole but milk missed the tackle and Mike Wilshire finally made the tackle from the backside number 54 wild no gain on the play and applying defensive force if by Reggie Doss the defensive bright end while there is always a busy man in the tampa bay scheme of things he'll carry the ball well he went in with 300 carries and DeBerg had 23 carry second how about while there's an answer a couple of weeks ago we said that the tailor of the New York Giants said that he was the best running back he had played against and we asked him what he thought about he said hey I think he's right he's not guilty of false humility that's for sure 2nd down and 10 the bird up the middle Ryder close to a first down near the 40-yard line of the RAM Jim Collins and business make the stop [Applause] [Music] they may market short the crowd thinks the ball should be moved up a bit and that's exactly what they do and they may have a measurement they're awfully close to a first down the look at John McKay by the way announced his retirement after this year as head coach but we'll move upstairs as president of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers he's had cataract surgery and will have it again on the other eye after the they missed the first down third and less than they are while there has the first time inside the 40 when in doubt give it a number 32 you know the other thing about wild they're talking to the coaches yesterday you know they said this amazing what a great attitude guy he is in practice you know the getting ready to play the ran for example they have to have somebody that represents the running ability of a great back like Dickerson and normally they have somebody else who isn't playing a lot represent that person in practice but not in this particular case wild their lifes to play that position every week he loves the practice large the play and that's why I think he's a great back that he is that's an unusual side it's a Wilder that people would know about you're right because most of those kind of guys want to sit and watch the old Bell is in as a third wide receiver first and ten at the 38 the bird path his Kevin house but he holds on to the ball inside the 20 [Applause] that was a great catch bro each were led into double coverage between the short man and the deep man and got the ball right on the money that's a low percentage kind of a pass key again good pass protection but look at he throws right between the two corner but was a cornerback in a safety and gets the ball right on the money you don't see that happen very often establish the Tampa Bay all-time single-season receiving record with that reception first and ten now at the 24 yard line Wilder fights his way to the 21 at Kern makes the tackle we have six minutes 25 seconds remaining in the first half Tampa Bay leading the LA Rams nine to seven Rams one of many teams at seven to five and fighting for a wild-card berth the 49ers of course have the NFC West all wrapped up second and seven Junior is into them game boss goes out [Music] on the defensive line for the ramp unless he's coming to the tight in one of the tight ends here was intended for one of the tight end Jerry Bell Jimmy Collins was depending on the play incomplete that makes it third down and seven deep as those inside linebackers play theirs I'm surprised really that they haven't thrown more underneath those two linebackers they's it's early in the game but they haven't come back to it very much sense Steve deburred by the way the last time he faced these Rams had a 300 yard game that he was in the uniform of the Denver Broncos two years ago third and seven at the 21 [Applause] many markers and they're going to stop the play right there DS earn a alternates with Meisner and nose tackle encroachment defense it was anxious to get the deburred you know the other things very important I think the birds have been around enough where he'll change the rhythm of the cadence and that's very very important not to go on the same town all the time on two on two or on three you have to change into from a quick down to one or two or three and I think it's very important that you keep track of that on the sidelines to make sure you are aware what's your snap counts have been it'll be third down and two at the 16 yard line so the RAM defense trying to tighten up and force Tampa Bay to try for a field goal play action to Berg his passes pop five touchdown Gerry Bills first touchdown as a receiver that's a tough play to stop Hank well it's a play-action fake you want to see the linebackers go to the opposite direction the tight end is wide open misdirection they like that play in this area the field I'm surprised that the RAM didn't respond better to it than they actually did but he was wide open and again they liked it very much the linebackers went one way and the tight end when the other Oh better Erie watch his footwork again whether the Dan step he does before a kick [Music] at the cha-cha pick a good 5:42 remaining in the first half Jerry Bell from Steve de Berg at 16 to 7 the Bucks it's in the scoring drive a 20-yard screen pass to James Wilder in a 14 yard play in which house made a terrific catch on a hard hit setting up the Birds touchdown pass to Jerry Bell and it is a 16 to 7 game Tampa Bay leading few weeks ago Hank we saw the Buccaneers spoil a New York giant playoff bid of course the Giants came back to beat the Cardinals last week listen they're playing well enough to beat anybody at this stage of the season their offensive line and learned their offensive really gelled they're throwing the ball well running it well they got people healthy they're tough every team they play I'll tell you that are eerie kicking off the Green Hill and Dru Hill gets outside the 30-yard line by George peoples so the Rams will start at the 30 and John Robinson's team is trailing with 531 remaining in the second quarter lead all the way and it's 16 to 7 with 531 to go as Jeff Kemp who is 3 for 4 for 36 yards bring fifty-mile at the 30 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Eric Dickerson that's by summit Fred acorn is the Nickelback he's on the sidelines right now for Tampa Bay but he was the object of an age-old Floy that always happens around Thanksgiving well I think it happens around the league all the time but it happened here or a Thanksgiving Day the players sold acorn on the fact that he would go down to the grocery store and get a free turkey only heads out and tell him who he was so he sent his girlfriend now she went down they didn't know anything about it and then of course what happens she comes back and gives them the sad news and in coach McKay is a matter key he buys for turkey and gives a trumpet or having a good time with [Music] on a screen pass a wide receiver stream carries it out close to midfield Jeff Davis making the tackle gain of 15 Ron Brown is seeing more and more action and normally he's a speedster going downfield play-action fake to the outside to Dickerson to get the linebackers gonna flow that way they got a good scene Doug Smith number 56 cannot gets out there in good shape and throws a good block and of course the receiver Brown does the rest with a good run they rule out a lateral so that was a 15 yard run by Brown George Palmer in the game is a wide receiver and here in Crutchfield who's getting a lot of balls in this game and Crutchfield brings it out now to the 44 yard line and a good game stop Brantley and David Logan make the tackle there's the story we have under four minutes to go in the first half and the Rams trying to get back closer in this ballgame Crutchfield's like trying to tackle a rolling manhole cover he's about 245 6-foot tall and he's strong never heard of quite described that way second and three at the 44-yard line for LA the manhole cover gets it a game and now you know why hold on that first town inside the 40 for the Rams Brantley and Davis making the tackle and an offensive line is really firing out there big and strong the bigger than a defensive line look at this look at the block they get on Logan para does a good job of blocking Logan and as a result where they get a good push any time you get a push for that big strong running back like he is Crutchfield got through there in good shape and picked up the necessary yardage for the first down and the ball at the 39 his game 30 yards on by Terrence Dickerson is the low running back attempt pass is caught by Carter as a first down to the 20-yard line Thompson makes the tackle somebody gambled and missed on farmer and it was Castile he throws the ball out in the flat area here a good good protection and watch Castile come up not under control he makes an inside-outside move goes right down to sideline a great move by Jorge farmer and he takes the ball right down the field down the sideline they have good possession on about the 20 gain of 18 yards so Jorge farmer was a leading receiver last year with 40 catches he got a one hour out on the outside to the left look at that they like to throw with them in motion first and ten at the 20 Kemp tip nearly picked off by stop Brantley Lee Roy Selmon got his hand on it at that time it looked like Jeff Kent made up his mind he's gonna throw the ball underneath the linebackers in the middle boomin was open in the flat but he never took a look out there at all but and as a result they knocked the ball down a falls incomplete and almost was intercepted two minutes 13 seconds remain in the first half who they play other than the Bears the Buccaneers play everyone close their leading 16 to 7 second and 10 dickerson good roll off the block he had built Bane blocking stop Brantley though makes a fine tackle and it'll be third and long for the Rams and we're going to have our two-minute warning right now well there was a big camping hole there and it looks like he was going to get a lot more out of it but he actually did for Brantley made a great play we'll be back in first half we have two minutes remaining here on a beautiful afternoon in Tampa the Rams at 7 and 5 coming off 31 to 6 crashing at the hands of Green Bay in which the Rams admittedly self-destruct face of third and seven on the Tampa Bay 17 [Applause] left side and good penalty markers fly him growing [Applause] incomplete pass because Kemp's arm was in motion but keep in mind the penalty flag was thrown Karl Borgen made the hit on Kemp Jean Barth will tell us about the flag looks like Tampa Bay was really trying to get to camp and had a blitz on I don't know whether it was the quarterback that jumped out of there prematurely invited released our illegal motion number 18 encroachment on a team [Applause] Ellard for the offense it'll still be third down and seven does that help the offensive team to know that the Buccaneers were coming on that play and that especially because they probably won't come this time you're minding yeah [Music] Ellard and Ron at the top of your picture wine is it big hole there 37 temps pass is pop inside the 10 Dickerson couldn't hold on and we'll be fourth down so it instantly passed the dickerson covered by Scott Bradley and now Mike Lansford will come on and try to cut the Tampa Bay lead to 16 to 10 Lansford has hit nine out of his last ten and last week had a career-high 50 yard field goal against Green Bay this will be from 34 yards out Steve Dill's the backup quarterback holding [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1:48 remaining in the first half lansford's kick is good and is now 16 to 10 ballgame 144 remain II John Robinson and John McCabe a canoes leave the RAM 16 to 10 with 144 remaining in the first half and each team has the full complement of three timeouts remaining Mike Lansford will be kicking off to michael morton and leon bright they're in a stack formation in 1/4 to get the mole and important is going to get the ball this time at the two [Applause] [Music] David caught up a and Michael Morton with a 43-yard kickoff return couldn't come at a better time like the pocket forum here Wharton gets the bun now the great thing he does he comes right up the right side then he breaks to the left side the ball away from pressure where he can get some help with his right arm a right shoulder if he has to he's got terrific speed going down the far side cuts back to the inside and finally gets tackled but it's a beautiful 43 rich yard return by michael morton and an injured tampa bay player on the field there's Morton on the sideline after busting a pretty good kickoff return Mike Witte is the injured Buccaneer it's on the sidelines being 10 to 2 there and Steve the bird will go to work for the Buccaneers you know the 300 yard game last week against the 49ers was his ninth of his career and I think Hank a lot of people don't know how long he's been around and how well he's done for people like Bill Walsh in Denver and I don't think they realize how good he is he really is an excellent quarterback very intelligent very bright a very hard worker they used to talk about when he was at San Francisco and also Denver he would record at the quarterback meetings and then play him back walk around the campus and playing back on his old headset and listen to what the coaches had to say but he's a keen student of the game and for a very accurate passer 155 yards so he's on mark for a 300 yard game as Norwood fan who's been an outstanding special team player comes off the field for the Rams so both sides had a player shaken up on that play it'll be first and 10 for the Buccaneers John McKay trying to end up in a blaze of glory as head coach of the Bucs final game before he moves up the president that's how much time remains in the first half [Music] both of the 44 yard line the burg under pressure dumps it off to Wilder [Music] my grocer grab hold and wouldn't let go it's all going to go for no gain Youngblood got through there again that time on Heller got good fortune good penetration and got the quarterback just in time Tampa Bay was charged with a timeout because an injured player in the last two minutes getting in for a timeout so the Bucks have to evading Jeter chasing the bird the bird gets away to midfield and his dive a first down by four yards and now Tampa Bay calls timeout with 51 seconds to go and now they have one timeout remaining in the half wanna remind you coming up at half-time the NFL today with Brendon Irv we'll have scores and highlights and legends of the game former Minnesota Viking Jim Marshall of course you played against him in the Super Bowl that you want yeah he's very accurate very quick and of course played for a long time he was really a terrific defensive end honor tell you the second half of our doubleheader the 49ers against the New Orleans Saints who have their playoff hopes very much alive viewers in Los Angeles will not see that game Chicago can wrap up the NFC Central with a victory over Minnesota thanks to Green Bay getting upset by Detroit Thanksgiving Day [Music] John Robinson and John McCain you know these coaches well as far as how close the two of them on have been well you know they're good friends they haven't been had a chance to get very bored because Tampa and Los Angeles a lot of real estate between those two great cities and so and they haven't seen a lot of each other last nine years but they're good friends a great respect for each other great admiration for each other like each other very very much contrary to what some people have thought in the past that's not true that they do not like each other you know John Robinson did yesterday hey they never let you enjoy lean over a weak team John McKay was head coach in Robinson Wizards system yeah that was funny one we'll talk about that third down and three to burn up the middle Carter hasn't first found and gets out of bounds to stop the clock [Applause] [Music] and that's going to force Tampa Bay into calling their last timeout of the first half but a good play and run by Gerald Carter good for 13 yards can they get a little pick here again Cena Carter goes to the inside after the pick and breaks away from the defensive back Gary green number 27 gets to the ball right on the numbers heads for the far sideline green is involved and trying to make the tackle along with Vince Newsom number 22 his G bar thews the referee of today's game 40 seconds remaining the Buccaneers are out of timeout first and 10 on the RAM 37 Tampa Bay leading 16 to K [Music] the bird the wilder and Wilder is hit by David photo loss of a yard on the play the clock is running 25 seconds to go police the bird will have to do is throw the ball out about [Music] enough pressure on too much time to throw the ball over throw the Kevin house stops the clock with 14 seconds to go Reggie doubts that time that's a pretty good penetration and got a Ali feed attempt at the ball and he made him throw away high and threw it out of bounds I think one thing you have to do dick when you play against the bird he's very very good in the pocket especially good when he's able to set and throw I think one things you have to do against him you got to flush him out of the pocket he doesn't have told nearly as well on the run as he does from the pocket gotta get inside pressure on him to flush it and they haven't done that so far we have not had we have now the sack in the ballgame by either club water backs have remained upright will be third and 10 14 seconds on the clock [Music] see if the clock ran down delay a game 30-second clock expired so a five-yard penalty will be tacked off against Tampa Bay and they really are moving out of even long field goal range right now 12 seconds to go no timeout gets back on the clock should be 14 seconds what should be reset the clock to 14 seconds I think the ranch and Johnny Robinson ought to feel very good if they can go in the halftime just 16 to 10 behind because reading tampa bay buccaneers really dominated the first half they got the ball wide and moved it up and down the field very well one point that bears watching was that conversion that was missed giving Tampa Bay a six-point lead instead of the seventh of course they got a field or only that might have been a touchdown yeah the kicking game for the determine anywhere from five to seven games a year and we'll see if this is has any effect on it today prevent defense for the Rams third down and 50 the bird goes up a Hail Mary pass knocked away with six seconds to play well you saw a Hail Mary pass for Thanksgiving Day the Detroit Lions just before the half and they used that momentum to engineer a big meal the green bag it really was it was an incredible play was so obvious the three receivers just ran right down the field threw it up there but they came away whether winning touchdown before the hair and maybe the most dramatic of all the Hail Mary passes may go down in history Doug Flutie's patch to Girard Phelan that one that incredible game that you saw on CBS on Friday when Boston College defeated Miami and the game we'll be talking about long afterwards sensation fourth down and the Berg is going to try it again short pass the Dixon and the clock expire at the end of the first half bail Owens on the hit on Dwayne Dixon Tampa Bay has the lead 16 to 10 Dickerson and Wilder have scored de Burgh has a touchdown pass to Jerry Bell and each team has a field goal our Erie and Mike Lansford Tampa Bay Buccaneers in an upset roll leading 61 210 over the Rams who are seven and five and of course the Rams will know that this is a conference game and that should be one of the tie breakers somewhere down the line for a wild car halftime at Tampa Bay we'll be back with the NFL today in a moment reminder that coming up later this afternoon on CBS we could decide to divisional races the San Francisco 49ers with a win over New Orleans would wrap up the NFC West and of course the Chicago Bears could win their first title since 1963 if they beat the Minnesota Vikings and speaking of the Vikings during the 70s they went to the Super Bowl four times in eight years now the heart of their team was a strong defensive line known as the purple people eaters and one member of that quartet was iron man Jim Marshall who played 20 seasons in the NFL but his earth cross now tells us in this legends of the game profile all that hard-hitting trench warfare on Sunday afternoons was a day at the beach compared to the hair-raising experiences Marshall has head off the field every NFL player understands the art of survival but former Viking great Jim Marshall could write a book on the subject his has been a life of daring deeds and narrow escapes as free of constraints as a philosophy he lives by far better it is to dare mighty things to win glorious triumphs even though checkered with failure than to be ranked with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much for they live in that gray Twilight that knows not victory nor defeat Teddy Roosevelt [Applause] a veteran of more than 500 skydives he's also survived a private plane crash an accidental shooting in an operating room hemorrhage has stopped his heart twice in the winter of 1971 a snowmobile expedition ran into a blizzard and the Grand Teton Mountains 17 persons went out and the 16 who survived actually burned money to keep from freezing that fire saved our lives and we built it with money everyone's money everyone who has some money or any type of combustible material around we made up a joke we the guys are saying well let's not take any checkbooks cuz we my caps a rubber chicken might not like well I mean we had a little humor we had a little humor with the too far astray back to path after several close calls with death it's no wonder that Jim didn't lose any sleep over middle mistake on a football field Kilmer driving for the first downloads of the football it's backed up by jim marshall is running the wrong way Bernsen was running the wrong way [Applause] hands on the wrong rice safety scored a touchdown [Applause] I got a lot of good-natured teasing from the guys I know we got on the airplane they sat me up in the in the cockpit with the pilot so that they said we didn't want to go back to Minnesota and they want to go back to Minnesota they said figured with me up there we'd end up in Hawaii Jim Marshall survived life's little pitfalls become pro football's all time Ironman and 20 seasons Marshall appeared in 282 consecutive games an NFL record that will be awfully hard to break [Music] [Music] he is playing his final [Music] [Applause] Jim Marshall a man of substance and a master of survival that's when men were men and the Vikings played outdoors like they should have I'm just knowing that over that number at home let's take everybody to the scoreboard now and get them up today there are the developments around the league many of you are watching this game you know the Buccaneers are upsetting the Rams 1610 it is a gorgeous afternoon down in Tampa Steve de Berg here throwing the ball into the end zone to Gerald Carter but it is ruled no touchdown by the official he said that Carter juggled the ball before he was in bounds now John McKay says I got to get a decent break against these guys and James Wilder he took care of it himself diving into the end zone and it was 9 to nothing the Buccaneers had missed an extra point John Robinson and the Rams got a touchdown and then the bird came right back in Jerry Bell at the 10 Bell down the sidelines diving in 16-yard touchdown 1610 at the half the Buccaneers with the lead there Pittsburgh all over San Diego does 24 3 Malone has thrown a pair of touchdown passes 15 yards to lips and 3 yards to John Stallworth Cleveland beating Houston 20 to 7 and McDonald has thrown two touchdown passes for the Browns 1 to his tight end Ozzie Newsome and that was from 12 yards out Cincinnati all over Atlanta Turk show nerd completed his first 10 passes in that game 10 of 11 457 yards in a touchdown Washington beating Buffalo 24 - 7 Joe Theismann 13 of 17 148 yards and a pair of touchdowns in that game at the half now Kansas City kicked a field goal with time running out in the first half that made it 10 to 7 then they intercepted a Phil Simms pass ran it in it is now 17 7 the Chiefs will be upset at the half Philadelphia and st. Louis of course many of you are watching this game Cardinals lead at 7 6 and how about that kicking game curve that the Eagles have suddenly found way at first the McFadden's a great kicker here's a real blood of the Eagles Brent early in the game it rattles with two minutes pass rush here from Greer and Galloway sack Jaworski he wound up with a fractured fibula and he will be out for the remainder of the season Neal Lomax from the shotgun here for the Cardinals going to stunt Mitchell at the 15 Mitchell in for the touchdown and that put the Cardinals up joke the tsar chick had a touchdown right here and i guess it hit no hoover in the wrong spot huh you couldn't draw it up any better perfectly executed play except for the kit bounced off the children bed alright and the NFL today we'll continue on CBS after these messages from your local station perv I can remember when Yann steno rode was just a rookie Brent that goes way back he's been around a long time you know Minnesota's young standard as the oldest player in the NFL he's been kicking field goals in pro football since 1967 when he played for the Kansas City Chiefs in fact many Viking fans who cheer him now have unhappy memories of spinner whose performance in Super Bowl four rinsed this will be for about 48 Dawson holding [Applause] [Music] all those years of kicking under pressure has not made the challenge any easier first in a room it's hard to explain really how you feel that the key is to feel very lower I've attempted five on some field goals I guess before every field go you kind of open they let me make a first down or a touchdown native of Norway who attended Montana State yon turns 42 tomorrow and that amuses his younger teammates you so see now you know everything has to be right for me and sometime he forgets my name he calls me Darren Steve or whoever in training camp number one would be nice to news milk and he was always drinking Jarrett a big part of gopher for so long metal that great people that I've met some of disappointment some of the exciting in great moments it's been tremendous so happy birthday yawn from all of us here at the NFL today and also greetings from the International Brotherhood of kickers around the NFL yeah Kate Miller for sure I was canary and Borla Toluca Mephisto's down you know that rule yeah I'm happy buddy yellow doll come on they're gonna go game or Forrest Gregg wishes he was the person cutting that birthday boy I'd say a Green Bay really missed him this year they sure did let's send you back now to the stadium and a game you're enjoying on CBS the ball eight times for the first quarter so that's the reason for the for the distribution of yardage but I think the big problem has been really defensively either one of the two teams have been able to stop the other team the RAM stop themselves one time with a fumble but that's really been the difference all right and keep in mind Gary Jeter's block of anah riri conversion could loom large in this game it is 16 to 10 in the ball game in favor of the Buccaneers and so the RAM score a touchdown and get a conversion they have a lead this game is crucial to the Rams in their wild-card bid we'll be back we start the second half here in Tampa Florida this is dick Stockton's and Hank Stram the Buccaneers will be kicking off Oh better Erie will be kicking to Barry Redmond Dru Hill Bucs lead the RAM 16 to 10 one of many clubs with a 75 record and that kick is going to sail out of bounds and so a RiRi will be kicking again from his 30-yard line John Robinson and John Mackay have never opposed each other of course a lot of people talk about coaches going up against each other but how much is that coming to play realistically no I think they over exaggerate that situation because really you don't care who's across the sideline cuz the guy crossed the sideline he's not gonna play in the game you're worried about the players and the only thing that really matters is win the game somehow someway win the game it doesn't make a difference how friendly are or what kind of a person he is anything about that involves unimportant just win the game Robinson was talking about McKay yesterday in practice he said he had the tablet he remembered he was a great student of the game and he says he took that tablet with notes about football everywhere he went and we mean everywhere yeah he loved to talk about I remember years ago we go to clinics and what were you really sends each other's ears with all the football talk than the X's and O's [Music] four NCAA national titles at USC only bear Brian won more than jongguk a there's drew Hill and they teamed up at the 30-yard line and now the second half is underway [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hill down it there for a touchback and a good thing he did what our mind you the army-navy game always exciting doesn't matter what the team's records maybe army-navy is something special and you'll see it on CBS sports next Saturday at noon Eastern Time James McDonald that time number 83 the ball came right to him and I think Ellen thought he was gonna catch it and he ducked and he went right over his head he should have made the catch e they had much much better field position plus the fact is it tight in so he should have a he'll make the catch you take it I don't want ya there on the 20 Jeff Kemp for 4/7 55-yard goes to Eric Dickerson on the first play David Logan grabs a hold enough of noch important Dickinson carries it out to the 26 yard line Pinkerton in the first half gained 49 yards in 10 carries a 4.9 average is not bad at all his longest gain was 8 so keep in mind now Dickerson is trying to chase OJ Simpson's record and we'll tell you about what Dickerson has to do to try to catch OJ not going to be easy but he's got a shot second down and five at the 25 and David Hill goes in motion good blocking Eric Dickerson has a first down to the 34 yard line tackled by Robert Thompson and John Cannon OJ Simpson corns broke the record for the most yards over 2,000 this is what he did through the first half of the year he had the edge on Dickerson now the second half so Eric Dickerson needs to gain that much yard with the pants Oh Jay Simpson as the average 141 right now he's got the silver 50 are in the same first and can pimp hitting he'll the tight end who brings it out to the 42 yard line in a gain of eight stop Brantley making the tackle they don't use David Hill deep anymore as he was used in Detroit as a receiver strictly a blocker and maybe short passes over a good look at him and you can easily understand why they don't use it in Dave face it he's really a great blocker and Riddhi he's more like a tackle playing tight in David Hill and of course Jim Hill is a colleague of ours at CBS and of course well-known to Los Angeles viewers and Gary green are all related second down and one and moving to the line [Applause] [Music] Mike barber they're gonna [Music] have a conference first Dennis Hara has invited himself into the meeting Jib Kemp has evidently done a pretty good job of changing the rhythm of the count in crosswind number 78 defense [Music] about changing the rhythm of the count he's done a pretty good job of that evidently because they've been offside two or three times this afternoon he known as the dad was great at that Jackie Kemp was great it's convicting to jump outside because of the change of the rhythm he saw Jack Kemp ooh Michael to see his son play every chance he gets we saw him last night coming into the hotel so when you go outside on the second day one its first and ten now for the Rams at the 48 yard line the three minutes gone by in this third quarter Buccaneers lead the Rams 16 to 10 Henderson nowhere to go and lives his way into Tampa Bay territory to the 48 yard line John Holt ran him out of bounds but he was trapped and I thought he escaped pretty well he written in a shake very very well it looked like he was gonna oh there's a great illustration of a a great stretch there great back stretching a loss or a no gainer into maybe a gain of a yard or two and that's what the great facts are able to do we've talked about the comparison tank between Dickerson and Simpson OJ played in only 14 games in that record-breaking year of course Dickerson 16 to play tomorrow second and five at the Tampa Bay 47 yard line and Barry Reggie's first time inside the 15-yard and John hold again knocks to madame au a 35-yard d by Barry with a hard tough runner at his own right there was a trap and watch bill bein number 62 look at him pull he makes a great block on the defensive end Barry Redmond goes through the hole makes a good move to the outside and just runs out of speed and John Howe watches the trap blocked by bill Bane this was a great he kept inside position with a left shoulder you don't see that happen very often but he gets the position I'm selling just enough for the back to pop right by it 35 yard gain it'll be first and ten at the 12 yard line gets the call and barrel and it was awful left tackle Dwayne Crutchfield who had an impressive first half with 30 yards and five carries is stopped by Beasley Reese and Scott Bradley now the Rams are threatening to tie and perhaps take the lead Crutchfield is having an outstanding game it'll be second and free personality the Fram team is one where they you know play possession kind of football and if they stay within a touchdown they've got a good chance if they have to play catch up football they're in trouble every time they've had to play catch-up football they haven't come through that's a good point the balls at the five is Crutchfield again for the two yard line and close to a first down mark taught me the strong safety is in on the tackle for the first time today normally he's in on many of them see how both they are and apparently the Rams have a first and it will be first and goal inside the two but that was an important first down now they've got four shots if they want Rams have not had the lead in the ball game this is no time to be fancy there's a time where you just slash it in there slam it in there tough luck birth big linemen do the job up front [Applause] [Music] go left dickerson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] John Holt and the end zone for the touchdown Eric Dickerson 2nd touchdown of the ballgame and we have a tie game at 16 to 16 at one point the Rams had trailed Tampa Bay 10 to nothing and now that lock conversion comes into play as Mike Lansford can give the RAM their first Lee here also big play was a 35 yard run by Barry Redmond the important thing when you block for the extra point a field goal you may be at the lineman hat they have to step to the inside whether the inside foot but they can't turn the shoulder the time they turn the shoulder that's going to get the loose dick is good and the Rams have the lead for the first time today they win 80 yards in eight plays cap by Eric Dickerson to yard run his second score of the ballgame Hill is leading on the play jump to the outside looking it gets good and low and goes right through the defensive back John Holt on the play for the touchdown boys take on the Philadelphia Eagles the New York Giants against the New York Jets or other regional games next Sunday on CBS Sports a pretty solid scoring drive by the Rams most of it by far 71 yards exactly on the ground and they didn't use them all that much time but has the lead 17 to 16 with 11 10 to go in the third quarter Mike Lansford picking off [Music] look at the 6 yard line [Applause] [Music] Leeroy urban making the tackle a 26-yard return by Michael Borden next Sunday the NFL today we'll have a look at the New York Jets why they moved out of New York to giant Stadium in New Jersey and how next Sunday the Jets find themselves a home team playing in their opponents stadium this story and much more coming up next Sunday on the NFL today so could return gives Tampa Bay decent field position first and ten on the 32 as the Bucs trail for the first time [Music] de Burgh quick past the house try to spring the wide receiver he gets to the 41 yard line Leroy Irvin making the tackle shy of a first down by about a yard well if you want a patient quarterback you're looking at one right now yeah he's had a lot of good experience with the San Francisco 49ers and also the Denver Broncos but especially with the San Francisco 49ers and he's one of the very best at giving the ball to the backs and also the tight end and high percentage kind of passes in despite being on the short end last week against his former team Bill Walsh termed his play a brilliant effort Wilder got tripped up he might have had more and Wilder gets to the 46 yard line good for the first down Reggie Doss might have tripped him up but it's a first down for Tampa Bay watch Palin's an Decker in 55 and 58 Curran gets away from a block comes in from the side and Collins and Ecker and make the play put him in the vise put the squeeze on him first and ten at the 46 yard line 950 remaining third quarter look out deep Wilder is about nine yards deep my my I formation Wilder [Music] [Applause] but he gets into Ram territory and a good game Jim Collins on the tackle he really lined up way behind the quarterback and you wonder why does he line up that dig you run lines up that D because permits the offensive linemen the right guard and a right tackle a chance to pull and give him plenty of time to read the block and get through the hole and make the yardage he's up there shallow he might run right into those pulling linemen and that's why he has to be so deep second down at 89 yards from scrimmage in the first half for the first down [Applause] 36 yard line Johnny Johnson the free safety making the tackle and a first down for Tampa Bay watch Collins number 50 watch him hold him they grab him they're holding onto him he still grabbed at him still holding him but the official does not see it and he gets by with it well that's a great picture for us to see but the very obvious holding penalty there was not called add your Armstrong that time also made a great block on the corner number 46 so the Buccaneers are driving first and ten at the 36 yard line they send after Armstrong out play-action pass and the pass the girl Carter incomplete Vince Newsom covering on the play and I'm white and play action but a good crossing pattern that has worked for Tampa Bay with those receivers in the fan Youngblood gets good penetration here's the receiver it's nothing but a slant pass inside between the corner the linebacker and a safety but the ball is thrown a little bit behind and that's why he was not able to make the catch coming into the game house in Carter had a hundred and six receptions more than any other wide receiver combination in football and it's one or the other last week it was Carter the big day house is caught for Mac set an all-time season Tampa Bay record second and ten after Armstrong [Applause] appears to be another first down for Tampa Bay before Greg Meister and Mike will sure make the stop widening once again we talked about it early the linebackers get good depth and watch the back finally get in there between the linebackers there he is he makes the catch he's a big strong guy and is able to make some extra yardage specifically about six yards after he made the game first and ten at the 25-yard line house goes to the top of the screen [Music] motion penalty markers fly and the play is flown dead now one thing is apparent so far in the rams are gonna have to put more pressure as you mentioned onto bird that penalty will be against Tampa Bay and really otherwise the Buccaneer they just want to answer whatever the Rams do well you know the truck their trouble really is the fact that the de Burgh does not throw very long he's getting rid of the ball quickly and it's hard to get too dark number 88 offense will be shy of the tight end it will be first and 15 that's really the problem you know then you get rid of the ball so quickly and throwing short that it's hard to get penetration get to him Youngblood has got good penetration it lick Miller several times but he the ball is thrown right about time he gets there this is a big day for Jack Youngblood of course coming back to the state of Florida where he played his college ball won't mean a thing though a victory first and 15 back into 30 here's a play-action pass the throw is caught first down for Tampa Bay at the 13 yard line he's a good receiver that's why he's there 17 yard that's the same play they ran earlier they faked the run the counter run good faking the linebackers get tied up with the fake inside and as a result they don't get a shot at the tight end coming across he made him get room he's open and they get a first down on about the 13 yard line he ran right into Gary Greene Gary Bell he's got two passes for 24 yards last week against San Francisco he had the touchdown reception he's first of the year Wilder about four in columns on the tackle and with six and a half minutes to go in the third quarter Tampa Bay mixing their plays well driving downfield trying to regain the lead that the RAM took moments ago Johnny McKee calls the plays from the sidelines he calls most of the runs and the other coaches call the patches but they have they're doing a good job but keeping the defense off-balance and has really been very very unpredictable which is so important in calling play second down and six the ball at the 9 yard line of the Rams [Applause] [Music] Wilder picked it up in a hurry to prevent loss of the ball any game maybe a yard or so beyond that reverse pivot meaning the quarterback has to turn around he took a bad angle the quarterback did did not get over far enough to give the ball to the tailback and that's why they they didn't have have a good mesh and they almost fumble the football that's the time remaining in the third quarter as your Armstrong goes out and in with the play is Kevin house but more passes in a season than any Buccaneer in history Carter goes out to the right house to the left and they're too tight in dials in Bell they got a bump and run again and I could throw up on top of that situation rolling out again no did not have control Jimmy Giles was there but he bottle the ball and that will be an incomplete passport now misdirection again they fake it pull the guard he gets around the outside the linebacker gets penetration but doesn't make the play who throws the ball well on the run but he just not does not have possession of the ball and as a result they're gonna have to kick a bit and watch Carter 87 look at how wide open he is in the end zone both of them are open but they just not did not make the play this'll be a 24-yard of tamna RiRi is seven for seven inside the 40-yard line here and now he's a perfect eight parade so ram defense stops tampa bay but not before Oh better Erie kicks his second field goal of the ballgame and with 458 remaining in the third quarter the Buccaneers regained the lead 19 to 17 just lead the Rams now 19 to 70 Nova tahrir II with a second field goal of the ballgame and that's how it all started the Bucs had a 10 and hunting lead at one point they missed the conversion and ultimately the Rams here in the third quarter took the 17 to 16 lead on Dickerson second touchdown before our Erie put the Bucks back ahead this kicker has kicked the ball out of bounds a couple of times so far this afternoon that's what you do when he have two great returners like girl hill and eller dr. returned the good guys he came this one in five rather the danger at the goal line [Music] stop shy of the 20 yard line and the tackle by George people so Rams take over first and ten let's see what they'll do when we come back for the Rams here got to play stuff ball they got to stuff it right at the defensive line on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers they're that big offensive line they got to be patient just keep doing what they're doing very well first and ten on the 20 they've had good run support for Eric Dickerson Crutchfield has 40 yards red 235 Dickerson is the lone back Kemp will throw it on first down and the pass is caught by Mike barber to tighten on the plane Robert Thompson the linebacker who's playing in place of P Crowder and missed the first seven weeks with a couple of broken toes was right there to stop barber let's take a look at some scores now around the league Pittsburgh way ahead of San Diego 31 to 17 dealers leading in the AFC Central Cleveland coming on as of late we'll have more second down and 11 loss of one back of the 19 [Music] David Hill and bold dick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get stopped and he would stop for a two-yard game there I mentioned I think the coaches have done a good job of slowing down the offside on a pursuit that's pretty why he's not able to cut back like he likes to do Chris Washington and stop Bradley Bane the Tago leader in Washington over Buffalo Theismann two touchdown passes including one to Charlie Brown just off injured reserve but below the upset big news over Dallas look at that score [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you said stuffball Hank the Buccaneers didn't hear you no you're right what did this both the left guard and the left tackle panky and kid Hill are pulling on the play but Thompson comes across there and makes a great great play it from the left linebacker position someone asked John McCain what is Thompson doing that browner is not and John McKay said lining up at the right place yeah they're very disappointed in browner they he hadn't played nearly as well as they thought that he would not the meant not to mean that he's not going to be a great player but away at this time the point at the 45 and get to the 43 yard line penalty flag is down way back at the 10-yard line Barry Reza makes the tackle on Leon bright an illegal procedure called against the Rams and Tampa Bay will be wise to decline them you think he'll turn this down after a long discussion they may go that way so Tampa Bay illegal formation on the kitchen chain penalty refused first half with a lead and 237 to go in the third and John Mackay team has the ball first and ten on the RAM 44 Reid may find his way back to the lineup one of these days for Tampa Bay yeah I think he'd be back stretch into fours next week supposed to be ready I talked to him before the game and he said he's anxious start playing again one of the best in the league and when he and Selman of course they're on the same side of the field teams like to go the other way to do this assay that's right you really have to deliberate a long time to figure out a game plan with those two guys on the right side hello Washington played well today first instead for the Buccaneers on by 2 and the passes incomplete Kevin house and that appear to be one that house would have caught that's a total when throwing that kind of a ball that high and tough to catch we expect a shot in the back and as a result you ready that kind of a ball has to be thrown right at the numbers or below for it to be a good pattern course house has caught a couple of tough ones in the heavy traffic today third quarter Kansas City leading the Giants 17 to 14 Giants are one of those seven and five teams and in the third quarter the Cardinals lead Philadelphia Ron Jaworski is off for the rest of the year with a broken leg don't miss our chick is the quarterback Wilder to the 40-yard line it'll be third down and about seven Jim Collins and Vince Newsom making the tackle the Rams of course have really had to take a lot of switches in the secondary this year of course Nolan Cromwell has been lost and Eric Harris is out he's due back next week and so they had to switch a lot of people around and Johnny Johnson didn't play most of the first half of the year yeah the Rams have really been like a lot of teams with a lay gritty they've been a stock market team they've been up and down they really haven't had any degree of consistency all year long third and six at the 40 linebackers blitzing the bird up on top [Applause] [Music] the card game the Ovilus buff for 26 yards today or that's a great play on the part of de Burgh he sees this one or one who throws a ball inside the field Bell David caught it ever see it again look at all the room that's the number-one thing look at all the room he's got put in a big cushion he he fakes at him comes to the inside the ball is thrown the ball is thrown between the offensive man and a defensive man and as a result he makes the catch and David pardon twenty-eight ball is at the 14 yard line not the nine the 14 but Tampa Bay is threatening fumble and let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cheery hello recovered the fumble of the Tampa Bay maintain possession chance for a break for the Rams Robinson has to be a little overanxious to do here's that counter play again with a right gardener right tackle pulling on to play there you see air curtain making the tackle the ball pops loose looking like the Rams had a shot at it but the Jerry Bell recover the fumble number 82 so it's second down and eight to 12 yard line 14 seconds to go in the third quarter the first things it's a Wilder gets by one man and now goes backward into a sea of white jersey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Paul against newsom personal foul Vince Newsom has been hit with a personal foul call and it's a very bad play on the part of mission it's tough enough you don't want to give him anything especially in this area but he gives them half the distance to makes it a lot easier for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers [Applause] so instead of third down it is an automatic first down and that the ball is at the six yard line the Bucks lead by two nineteen to 17 and threatening to open it up again to nine the Rams were hit by penalties galore last week they had 13 of them in the game for over a hundred yards nine times in the second quarter they would be one first and goal of assets and this should be the last play [Applause] well in motion play action [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the inside Efrain gets there but it's too late he puts the ball in the endzone touchdown tampa bay buccaneers and an injured ram on the field as her armstrong the injured ram is Mel Owen she's being tended to now and John Robinson the head coach is also out there as well as pretty sure mer the defensive coordinator time is run out in the third quarter they will attempt the conversion before they switch to the other end and the kick off the start supportin want to remind you that the second half of the doubleheader more exciting action coming up on CBS the New Orleans Saints Saints will try to keep their playoff hopes alive against the San Francisco 49ers the team of the best record in the NFC that game will be seen to our audience except in Los Angeles for our fans watching in Louisiana Baton Rouge specifically the Chicago Bears go after the NFC Central title in their first division championship moves in 1963 against the Minnesota Vikings that's coming up next on CBS there's Owens on the sidelines and Oh better Erie winterberg holding [Music] [Applause] makes that general that and Hank pointed out the cake is good and once again the Tampa Bay Buccaneers lead and we now pause for a word from your local station [Applause] in Tampa Florida and Hank Stram [Applause] nine points Oh better eerie kicking off the dru hill at the 11 yard line Rams down he'll try to break something and is finally tripped up at the 34 yard line by NARAS Thomas next Saturday on CBS we'll have a college football basketball doubleheader for you first at noon Eastern the army-navy game from Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia then at 3:30 Eastern MCA basketball Oklahoma led by Olympian Wayman Tisdale takes on powerful Illinois many people feel they can challenge Georgetown for the national title its next time at the beginning at noon Eastern here on cbs4 [Music] first lieutenant's of 34 last time he said the RAM should play stuffball but they're down by nine in the fourth yeah they really didn't do a good job of covering off the bottle last time they could they have better [Music] Eric Dickerson Dickerson and he maybe that's the 14 yard line by John Holt who saved a touchdown a 51 yard run by Eric Dickerson and when you have Eric Dickinson on your side you can get back a lot of yards at points in a hurry if you give him the ball that's the thing you know he might not he might not make a lot of big plays and all of a sudden bang he pops one there you see it good blocking at the point of attack look at the gapping hole there goes right through it in good shape David Hill 81 does a great job of blocking at the point of attack he runs right through a tackler family John hole comes over from the side number 21 and finally makes the tackle his longest game from scrimmage 66 yards this year this was 51 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] make one two tackles and get inside the 5-yard line before Jeremiah Castile brings him down so Barry written doing a good job off of it the important thing whether the offensive line again they're coming off the ball in good shape in a fear I really made a great block that time on Scott Brantley and that's why he was able to pop through there like he did for the big game it'll be first and goal at the two great support by that man berry red buy fresh field number 45 in front of them for their [Music] [Applause] right here this is what they use situation they changing the formation going left Nickerson [Music] two touchdowns and Jeff Davis hit him hard but Dickerson just gets two inches so the goal line and Eric Dickerson with a hundred and eighteen yards and a touchdown 51 of them on the big run just seconds ago 12:45 and running we just thought this brought forth I'm surprised you got caught because normally when he adios [Applause] [Music] damn touchdown [Music] doors for the Rams to cut the lead once again it's 26 to 23 with a conversion coming up first touchdown for Jeff Kent one thing is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers felt they were going to score they wanted them to score very slowly and eat up a lot of time they didn't want that to happen because her right back in this game again took the Rams only more plays [Applause] Dill's is holding four Lansford and the kick is good so it didn't take much time and didn't take many plays Eric Dickerson with a 51-yard run sparked it Kemp scored it and it's 2624 tempo bay before the Buccaneers lead the Rams but has been the case all day Hank Stram you look in Dickerson by the way his previous long run today was eight yards before he broke it so he can't hold him down all day no that's right you can't it's you know you might stop from the staff and slow him down a little bit all of a sudden you know he's Lauren upfront from scrimmage last week wasn't any on the season [Music] taken out of the 20 by Tampa Bay next Sunday and the courts the pot boils in the National Football League in the NFC in particular it all begins with the NFL today Dallas in Philadelphia Detroit the Eagles are battling the Cardinals today at the closest rays the NFC East in the NFL and the Cowboys against Philadelphia will be at Veterans Stadium as it's really a tough break for the Philadelphia team to lose Jewish women look the tsar chick has done it before it he's a reliable backup yes he is San Francisco in Atlanta Tampa Bay against Green Bay New Orleans against these Rams Detroit against Seattle the other games coming up on CBS 4 News Tampa Bay Buccaneer coming off now first Hank we have seen this all day in which Tampa Bay would take a nine-point lead the Rams might have a lead then it was 9 and now they're back in the game but you'd have to say unless the Rams can stop the Berg and Tampa Bay it's gonna be an uphill fight still waiting looks pretty lush it looks like the last team is gonna have the balls gonna win the game first and ten at the 20 yard line to bird 244 yards passing so far today we got mark for another 300 effort his hat incomplete intended for Kevin house bro is low I'm gonna taste I'm those offensive lines of both teens were really done I've read you've done a super job here this afternoon there was a great illustration again of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers providing good pass protection for Snead the Berg Sean Farrell and Ron Heller Penn State duo Merrill in his third year one of the best already and right guard and Hiller rookie fourth round pick from Penn State both went to the same school both from Long Island in New York and they're very close you know yeah they are they're playing side-by-side [Music] second and ten the bird bosses it to Armstrong with the intended receiver in the passage behind it then whose noxious looks like he's played a good game number 77 we're playing for the hills deep Orson whoosh knock of course a nine-year veteran with the Cincinnati Bengals this is his second year with Tampa Bay number 77 well Corson's had some rough luck in the games two weeks ago he had some oysters and he had some food poisoning his arms out I'm big enough to play you ever see those arms they looked like leggings hanging out of the Jersey don't they well then then of course he had too much turkey I guess on Thanksgiving there he is he's eating a lot I'll tell you that but it's keeping him on the sidelines third down and ten back at the 20-yard line the birds pan is hot [Applause] [Music] that was an incomplete pass the Oh Bell who has made two fine caches today couldn't hold on to that one Newsom and Sully defendant boy watch the hip watch the head here I'd like to wish that time number 22 Newsom is in there that time to make the play it looks like he let's look at it again here it here is Bill making the kiss look at the hip and look at 37 come in also ivory Sully the two over he gave him a shot and he fumbles the ball but they call it in really need to have good possession of the ball when it came to love it behind him high and as a result he didn't really after that Frank Garcia panting Henry eller at the 41 for touchdowns not that time but he has the ball as the penalty marker is down in Tampa Bay territory at the 42 Harvey makes the stop that was a 17 yard return ineligible receiver downfield against Tampa Bay and we don't have to tell you what the Rams are going to do John Robinson just told you Jean Bart ineligible downfield LLL be 355 on a defense Danny's friendly and we'll be back with 1143 to go in the fourth quarter mating in the fourth quarter Buccaneers lead the Rams 2624 dick Stockton and Hank Stram the Rams Hank will have their best starting field position that they've had all day right now on the Tampa Bay 42 and the important thing is Dylan field position is very important only if you take advantage of it maybe unless you see what they do and how they try to do it I get to to him again that they'll they'll try to stuff it at the defense and move that that offensive line that big offensive lineman and 49 dickerson Dickerson to the 34-yard line gets about seven yards on the play cottony and Chris Washington making the play you know the major thing about watch this again watch him watch Washington number 51 uses his hands in good shape plays off the block of the tight in and finding comes off the block and makes the tackle second down and four the 36 yard line plenty of time remaining and dickerson again [Applause] three yards shy of the first down Danny Spradlin makes the tackle you know the amazing thing about Eric Dickerson at the back you know he's 63 as everybody knows anybody he's got the capacity to get very very low and get leverage when he's about to be tackled which is very unusual for a call back he has had now ten 100-yard game this year which is a Rams record and a lot of fine running back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 24 Tampa Bay in front we like to run left here dickerson first down off the river gonna take him away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] third touchdown for Eric Dickerson today Mike cumin number 44 does a good job of blocking on the play watch the block he gets on on the number 58 and Dickerson starts to his left and cuts back to the right and that's the thing he does so well they've got such great vision but coming the block on Jeff Davis was really sensational Eric Dickerson with his third touchdown he has scored from two well the first la score of the game he gave the Rams the lead with another two yard run this was 33 yards out and Mike Lansford with the conversion the kick is good and it's now a 31 to 26 game as we watched the big block by Mike cumin on his touchdown run watch Goma number 44 block hey Jeff page number 58 there you see the block right there at the hole he starts to his left talking about Dickerson he seized a big hole on the right hits the seam and takes it all the way in runs right by the defensive back Jeremiah castile and goes in and give the scorekeeper some business touchdown Los Angeles Rams and dickerson has gained a hundred and sixty-one yards and his scored three touchdown what a game for Eric Dickerson 161 yards his biggest day was against the Cardinals 208 and that's what he's gained this year Hank Stram has talked about him throughout the game and at the top of our broadcast James Wilder has had a very fine ballgame but in the second half late in the ballgame it's been Eric Dickerson Ramzan four touchdowns in three or four their possessions this half as the kickoff they found in the endzone by Leon right and the Buccaneers will take it over on the 20 yard line now trailing 31 to 26 coming up next the 49ers and the New Orleans Saints New Orleans in the playoff battle and of course NFL rules prohibit the game being shown in Los Angeles the other game that some of our audience may be watching will be the Bears against the Minnesota Vikings where Chicago with a victory would wrap up the NFC East title so we know that San Francisco and Chicago Hank will be settled to be the playoffs it is a big battle for the other birds that's amazing how each year goes right down the wire decide who's going to be in the playoffs first contain that's the 24 Tampa Bay 10 minutes 11 seconds to go in the fourth the time completes the pass to Gerry hell in a first down at the [Applause] [Music] illustration no pass rush whatsoever he had all the time to world I look around take his time pick up the receiver rifle the ball but they have to put some pressure on him we're also going to be in trouble watch columns number 50 number 55 he's with him he breaks to the other side runs away from Townsend makes the catch Collins actually played him pretty well first intended for 30 throw for the Buccaneers de Burgh has been a full customer today broaching 300 the line is stupid no game by Carl occur man the Rams call their manager on the field number 55 getting up at the bottom [Music] two big runs by Eric Dickerson the 51 yards amber had set up temps touchdown that put the Rams back ahead and then his 33 yard run la is running well at 266 yards today okay but coaching staffs already done a super job of getting their teams ready offensively they're ready moving the ball well second down and nine bird my closure that time was blitzing one a few times they put that kind of pressure on him and made him throw the ball before he actually wanted to that's what they have to do and the other linebacker Carl eccrine got a piece of it third down and nine deep de Burgh is throwing a touchdown pass in his last eight games he has two of them this afternoon Jerry Bell and add your Armstrong now they go to their form and offensive line Reggie Josh plays right in right that OS Derek Jeter for the first time Alison Carter at the top vol lines up to the bottom fumble loose ball and it recovered big play by the Rams David Crona comes up with it [Music] and it takes someone that size to climb under the pot we'll pick up a ball there was another there was another blitz on the play and I think the bird saw it coming and tried to get out of there before he actually went like 54 coming in and a left side of your picture there's 50 coming also but Lucia was also coming he fumbled the ball and of course the rams recovered and now is first and 10 on about the plus 34 and that's the first Tampa Bay turnover of the ballgame but it comes at a bad time first and 10 for the Rams with 8 minutes and 37 seconds to go and with David thrown up there he is free agent rookie from San Diego State who wound up with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 30 yard line picks up four yards on the carry you wonder why you do that they have to do that to keep the pressure off of dickerson they've got to give it to him a couple of times and make them worry about him then they go back to give Dickerson the ball again and give him some business from you getting back in the game and he's responded to 43 yards today and ain't carries for Crutchfield so he's delivered yes he has he's big and he's strong and a good straight line runner like running on a trench but he does a good job a rolling manhole cover I will never forget that second down six up to 31 yard 40 grams five trying to add to it going to dickerson look at acceleration 15 John Holt ran about an 18 more yards for every diggers me and he's threatening 200 yards for the ball game now he wanted instinctively he likes to cut back what's the great movie make it look at he wants to cut back here but he sees a slow pursuit change his gears go to the outside and makes a great one again he's made armed good straight iron ball away from pressure but there was another great illustration of the great division and the decision-making on the part of dickerson see he really wanted to cut back and he saw the slow pursuit jump to the outside and made another big play does this style remind you of anyone have you seen over the years his personality it seems you to try to compare with other people but I don't think he can the Rams are going to use one of their three timeouts right here John Robinson seeing 7:48 to go sand let's take our time and get something here because maybe you could put us over the top and we'll be back to Tampa stadium today but the Rams have really done well in the fourth quarter they have scored some touchdown dickerson with a 33 yard because an earlier in the third quarter three and five before yeah how he fell about the game he said we're gonna play well I don't know what's gonna happen we're gonna play well and his team has played well they have not played badly at all and they're giving the Rams everything they can handle first and ten on the third Dickerson hits inside the 10-yard line for the nine keeps Browder into the ballgame now the number one pick for Tampa Bay on the second round he's out of USC he had a big game against San Francisco he caused the fumble recovered another one in the courses his brothers Ross's with Cincinnati joy with Minnesota did not start today the main thing about Dickerson and also either they're both very durable guys where they play all the time they dance every dance and in 83 ours a hundred and thirty of them this half second down seven they're going to Eric again [Applause] defense going through and not them for a loss back to the 14 Byron Bragg's and Mark Putney taught me in particular a hard-hitter came up and forced the play there was a counter play again where they pull the off guard in the right tackle and what happens anytime you get penetration on that kind of a play when you're going sideways you're under business they got to penetration talking about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with his resolve they stuff to play and he got some help from the backside it'll be third down and 11 by the way would put the Rams up I eat boy Otis frames in motion fires it sparked by grande at the 10-yard line it'll be fourth down and Lansford will try to do just that give the Rams an eight-point lead Jeff Davis and Danny spradlin made the tackle oh no his rant and here comes Mike Lansford Jeff Kemp got rid of that ball in good shape he had some real tough pressure on the backside in spite of that he felt it got a whiff of it and got rid of all in good shape just in time Lansford has kicked the 35-yard field goal today [Applause] this will be a 27-yard to with 540 and the kick is good in the rain so Tampa Bay meets two scores they trail 34 to 26 in the RAM breathing just a bit easier in their wildcard battle to 35 seconds remain in the fourth quarter dick Stockton and Hank Stram and a solid ball game here at Tampa stadium the Rams leading by eight points and Mike Lansford kicking off now and end-over-end kick [Applause] right and loosen files them up at the 17-yard line and that's where the Buccaneers will take over pursuit and we want to remind you what's coming up tonight on CBS beginning with 60 minutes followed by Murder She Wrote The Jeffersons Allison Trapper John MD that's the lineup tonight a very solid Sunday on CBS the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the last three times they've had the ball have really been counting in the super the last three times minus 20 minus 20 minus 17 so they haven't really had very good field position at all he talked about their patience but now needing to scores with 525 play something big lips picked up he dumped it off the wilder the fur [Applause] the 30-yard line tobacco and a good call by Steve the bird I think any time that you play against the team that uses his own that much much as the ramp that time they had a blitzing linebacker eccrine coming but they chew a scream which is a good play against the blimp and it's also a bird that play again zone but he does a good job of running in teams get to first in first in ten dump it off again Wilder Wilder in the open field is another first down and finally offended by Johnny Johnson but not before James Wilder gets to the 45-yard line and to screen passes to first down for Tampa Bay it doesn't make any difference how you get the big plays you dump the ball off during for four or five yard gain let the guy run where he's a great one runner like Wilder and that's what's going on right now Gary cheater and Charles good pass rusher [Applause] in size of 40 a 16-yard vol with another reception david thrown up making the tackle and tampa bay is moving it in a hurry then they are and that's the thing you don't want them to do if you're playing defense like the lamb but they're doing a good job of calling plays and taking advantage what they're getting Kirstin can there goes Riley mixing the plays we talked about them today to the 34 yard line and gain of about five right there Collins making the tackle that was it to play the play call that time by John McKay they expected pass they were loose very deep and they ran the ball instead we've got a nice gain out of it on the play we have a stoppage in play and now they threw the flag in the man too many men on the field here's Jean bar 12 years appeals for the defense well like you said Hank as long as you don't get caught right that's a good defense minute they are 12 guys in this program thousand that's a problem 12 and appeal for the defense it's still first down as deep the burg has passed the 300 yards another outstanding ball game for Steve de Berg his second in a row the keen student of the game as I mentioned earlier last week they played in San Francisco he used to play for San Francisco they thought guys on the team thought he had a lot of friends would have a lot of fun he didn't he got went to his room and looked at films and did more study work get ready for the 49ers that's a kind of a player here it'll be a coach Sunday well I think it's just hard to do that first and five Thunderbird flushed out Wilder close to the first down he had to get to the 29 yard line David crota making the tackle Tampa Bay lining up in a hurry three and a half minutes in running they have two timeouts left needing two scores to win the game and that's a smart move on their part to use the hurry-up offense a lot of times they wait till the two-minute offense too many period of time but they're using it right now which is good while there has been on the receiving end of ten of the birds passing blitz and I'm not getting in there the 29 the pass is almost intercepted by Vince Newsome defending against Wayne Dixon and a pass was almost picked off by Vince Newsome well Newsom played played it beautifully on that play they man for man coverage look at him he anticipates the ball being thrown and there almost came away with the interception a beautiful play by Vince Newsom 309 showing on the clock Newsom gone between free safety and strong safety in his second year a hard hitter the burg is really passed out the goodies today Wilder with ten house has four catches Jerry Bell Carter and Theo bellies with second down 10 with 309 on with flags down the birch path is pop to the 12-yard [Applause] a 17-yard gain crota makes the tackle but the mentally markers down and let's wait a minute I think it's on the Rams [Applause] and Tampa Bay will have a first intent at the 12 yard line [Applause] what games Wilder picking up the Blitz on the inside and they bolded the burg to throw the ball inside on the man-to-man coverage and he gets the ball right on the money again and there again you know he's got so much experience watching all watch all the room feel Bill's got on the defensive back look at all the cushion about six yards of all this thrown no way in a world the guy can make a defensive play the balls at the 12 with 309 on 34 to 26 the ramp i8 is that thick way in the end zone again the birds pass the house at the five an another flag is thrown Leroy urban stopped his forward motion but a penalty might be a facemask I don't know hard to tell what it was Leroy Irvin is pointing to Tampa Bay it was a pic say David era picking on the play I mentioned it on the pattern but they were pushing them it's a pick and that's why they call the fennely offensive pass interference number 89 so first time that was Kevin house let's pick it up here watch the pick he comes in motion to thee from the left side coming in given house right there stay right there and he bumps off the guy and comes back to the outside and that's evidently what they call they called passing the first on the Gulf and he pushed off Gary green so it'll be first down and 20 way back at the 22 yard line 301 on the clock two timeouts left for the Rams three for Tampa Bay another play thrown is maybe a free play for the Buccaneers in a crowd [Music] Kennan receiver [Applause] and Johnny Johnson defending and it's gonna be against the Rams in the Meisner was off-site on to play number 69 the nose factor I think so that's double jeopardy [Applause] if that's the case [Applause] that's right [Music] [Applause] it'll be first in going with the one then wife wachtmeister he jumped offside number 69 who throws the ball anyhow that's the important thing you threw the ball into a crowd pass interference on the play I don't know whether they call it on Johnny Johnson number 20 let's hear what she did see it again [Applause] the Bucks doctor [Applause] he's in for the touchdown that was about it Chris the drive as we have seen two scores and how they have all of their timeouts remaining in the bunt with 251 to go are now trailing 13 for 232 his interference call again let's see what they call here it's got to be on Johnny Johnson number 20 hit him in the back but Wilder scored the touchdown hit him in the bank has what happened his second score of the day and here though better weary with Steve de Burgh holding takes that extra step that the pinkies good and the score Rams 34 Buccaneers 33 James Wilder having a terrific day we know about Eric Dickerson but we have to go back to that missed conversion other than that if it weren't for that missed conversion we would have a tie ballgame at 34 instead the Rams lead by one and coming up it'll be the 49ers against the scene except in Los Angeles because of NFL regulations will not see that game out in LA some of you will see the Bears in the Viking 34 to 33 the Rams lead to 51 remaining and Hank one of the last things you said before we started the ball game was the fact that the kicking game which has been a problem for Tampa Bay and something the Rams have done well all year may be the decider in the game and right now that's the way it looks yeah you won the game either any time you went two out of the three segments all those deep especially games you win any two out of three are going to win the game and I thought really coming into the game but probably the Rams had the advantage in the specialty team area Oh better Erie will be kicking off and with 251 to go he should be kicking in regular style of course with enough time and all the timeout I would think so you're very definitely right but they get they kicked the onside kick and Durant get the ball Lister bye-bye blues it's all over and of course if they have to they can use their timeouts on defense you're right Mary resident Dru Hill that damn what's up learned this year from him yeah replay henry Ehlers there is a receiver the ball bounces on the warning [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gary Jeter who blocked the extra point after the Buccaneers took a 9 nothing lead in the first quarter and here's number 77 [Music] penetration [Music] watch the chicken hits the different so far number 77 even mine and after a holding penalty against Tampa Bay that moved the ball back so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thing about this situation for tampa bay buccaneers they got three timeouts left Eric Dickerson close to a first down they're gonna have to stop him easier said than done David Logan making the tackle when they got a call time out here and they do they call timeout here the Tampa Bay Buccaneers they can't worry about you know keeping those three timeouts chill later because the game could be over it would be meaningless so it's a good time to call their first timeout each side has two timeouts remaining we have 233 on the clock and right down let's bring you up to date on some scores in this 13th week of the NFL season Detroit shot Green Bay Thanksgiving Day at the Silverdome look at Pittsburgh that amazing San Diego defense again Cleveland beating Houston 27 to ten and an AFC Central battle Cincinnati they've been playing well 35 14 danza city maintains their lead over the Giants 27 to 21 how do you figure to giant I call the Rams a jekyll-and-hyde team what about the New York Sun well Iran as the Giants every time they you know they're supposed to win again they lose one and then wonder when they're supposed to lose if they win it's unpredictable you never know Bill Kenny three touchdown passes st. Louis locked in a tough battle with Philadelphia that's with Ron Jaworski out of there Lomax has thrown a couple of touchdown passes and they're in the fourth quarter at Busch Stadium you know talking about the timeout situation usually when you're behind in the situation like this lot of teams have a standard rule of thumb they'll call their first timeout at 2:30 their second timeout at 2:15 they get a free one to two you know throw another time attitude five second and one for the rain and Kim has the first down he hit himself he is scored a touchdown today and a first down at the 31 a later score the Philadelphia Eagles on a McFadden field goal have taken the lead over the Cardinals 16 to 14 in the fourth quarter Philadelphia has to be the best 5th place team in the National Football League this year it's very easy to anticipate what's gonna happen every week and I'm sure Tampa Bay calls a timeout they have one remaining and so the Buccaneers have one timeout left and they're gonna have to use that on defense I wouldn't think Hank because it's a first and ten situation for the Rams they got another one coming at the two-minute mark you see so they really got three left 34 to 33 I'm sorry they have two left with them two-minute timeout Kemp it's like something maybe around his eye we can't tell from this view later score on the Kansas City New York Giants score and the Giants have come back to take a 28 27 lead in the fourth quarter you must have heard us talking about good bad games Washington has had a comfortable this time of things against Buffalo the last time we checked keep in mind that the Giants and Washington both need a victory to stay even with Dallas at 85 Cowboys beat the Patriots at Texas Stadium Thanksgiving Day so that I'll be able to win over state laws recalled in the fourth place in the [Applause] this thing they can't fumble and that's what the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have to do they really gotta fight to get that ball from from dickerson gonna use up some time Davis making the tackle on Dickerson who by the way did fumble early in the first quarter and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers scored a touchdown offer that's the thing you got to really be careful of in this kind of a situation because they have good field position you can't fumble the ball you give them the ball in this position where they shrink the size of the field you're really in trouble well here is the one break in time the two-minute warning that we're getting right now Buccaneers still have one timeout left trailing 34 to 33 and the Rams will try to play keep-away the Tampa Bay bench a little somber right now the Buccaneers had leads of nine nothing 16 to 7 and 26 to 17 the burgh hit Armstrong late in the third quarter but the Rams have controlled the game [Applause] [Music] second and ten at the 33 dickerson buddy with the 35 now the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will use up their last timeout keep browner on the tackle right now we want to take some time to thank some people the executive producer of NFL football on CBS Terry O'Neill senior producer Charles Milton guys in the truck producer John fer asses and director Andy Kendall nice job by them as usual Ernie Bauer our associate producer Victor Frank our broadcast associate and the crew that did an outstanding job Audie Aaron off our spotter Pat McGrath our statistician thanks to all Eric Dickerson 189 yards today in 27 carries now Hank needs to average 125 yards per game to beat OJ Simpson's all-time record in one season and that doesn't seem to be out of the realm of possibility does it already does and I'm amazed at his durability Joshi played the whole season hazard then heard carries the ball on the average of 22 to 25 times a game he's terrific and he predicted a victory it's not over yet they've got a hold on to the ball but Tampa Bay is without timeouts it'll be third down and eight and a big play coming up here this is really been a super game it really has a lot of excitement an offensive joke my cumin in motion blocking for Dickerson and Dickerson is hit [Applause] the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will get their hands on the ball again they'll be out of timeouts the clock continues to run big play by the nose tackle its fourth down and John Misco is the Rams punter we have not seen him yet clock continues to run and the Rams are in no hurry to get a playoff and they're going to let that 30-second clock run down I'm sure Hank it's reached 10 and they'll take the five-yard oh sure there'll be a 5-yard penalty now the now the important thing is I think the Tampa Bay Buccaneers they have to decide where they're going to go after the kick and take the chance of roughing the kicker or try to get the ball back and try to return it in a halfway decent field position I would definitely try we're gonna penalize with five yards I was trying to block the kick maybe if it if you don't block it he might kick a bad one but I would be very very careful not maybe sure that you'll rough the kicker and give them possession of the ball again let's see what they decide to do John Misco is in to punt this is only his third punt of the ballgame we have one minute remaining and the Buccaneers again I repeat are out of timeout no one after it they don't get it Leon bright watches it go out of bound [Music] considering the years that's the great thing about Russia to kick or even though so you got to do something to make a big play is trying to make something happen even though you didn't block it you made him kick a bad kick and now you've reduced the size of the field for the opposition and they've got a good chance to get three points Italy marker is down though following the 22 yard punt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] declined by Tampa Bay so following the 22-yard month I miss co2 purge will take over on the Buccaneers 45 John Robinson isn't out of the woods yet and the important thing is here so you have the mistaken impression that you got to go 65 yards for our 55 yards for a touchdown to win the game you don't all you have to do is get about 32 getting a field goal range to try to kick the kick for the winning field goal and opener Erie's longest successful field goal this year has been 49 yards but is the idea about his range here we go first and 10 at the 45 as he lets go of it and inception we do garam Leroy urban have picked it off and at least stuff out the last threat by the Buccaneers but it was Jack Youngblood Hank who put a tremendous pressure on the bird I tell you that young punk is the young blood is amazing watch him he gets an inside brush look at this comes around the outside and makes the bird throw the ball he still to the ball a halfway decently but a great great interception by Leroy Irvin but the pass rush made the difference and they haven't gotten much of that in this game look at this they got the pass rush when they needed it urban turning against us gets him turn the ball is thrown and he comes up with a great interception only because Jack Youngblood may made him throw the ball before he actually wanted to the Oh Bell was the intended receiver he's had a fine game but Leroy urban with his fourth interception now takes over the leadership in that department on the Rams he has been picked on a lot this year but he's was equal to the task on that one they put a nice pick of the ball now wants stuff it camp heels down the Buccaneers are out of timeouts so the big play was a combined defensive effort by Leroy urban on the interception and what made that all possible was the terrific rush by Jack young look who played his first college game ever on this field the University of Florida is a sophomore and today playing his 200th consecutive NFL game on the same feat and we saw him yesterday and visited with him yesterday looks terrific Dundee it looks like he can go on and on and he's played 14 years that'll be it the Rams get away from a tough challenge the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Eric Dickerson 191 yards in three touchdowns the offensive hero and Jack Youngblood finishes the game in the spotlight as the Rams defeat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 34 to 33 coming up on CBS the 49ers against the Saints who are in the playoff fight except in Los Angeles because of NFL regulations some of you may see Chicago against Minnesota so for Hank Stram this is dick Stockton's saying so long from Tampa stadium in Tampa Florida with a final score the Rams 34 the Buccaneers 33 CBS Sports coverage in the National Football League will
Channel: Richard Waldrup
Views: 12,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1984 Los Angeles Rams
Id: B16SAsqbWRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 8sec (8948 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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