1985 Game 1 NLCS St. Louis Cardinals @ Los Angeles Dodgers MLB

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[Music] running the Cardinals but I'll tell you I don't think that he really is the key man in this ball game the key man is out on the mound bases moved in Valenzuela has gained in the anything the Cardinals and whitey maybe go into more hit and running but I kind of believe that Valenzuela has a better chance to pick a runner off and Scioscia has to throw him out the first observation of the night you see where Fernando was standing on the rubber as you look at Coleman's numbers remember the pitching rubber is six inches wide and 24 inches long he will stand on the third base side of the rubber however during the game it would not surprise me if when he really wants to make a play at first he will pitch from the first base side of the rubber now you might say what does that mean well that means two feet less and it can mean a very close play at first so we'll try and not only watching Fernando pitch but if you get Coleman or McGee one of the rabbits on the field will point out whenever we think Fernando is not on his normal third-base side and is rather on the first base that's very normal E is he'll generally move around a lot of pictures when they siren will do that you don't use the cliche being a game of inches I'm not talking about line drives you just miss or make it for example first a second is 90 feet right but if it destroys on the second base the first base side the second baseman shortstop you take the tag until we 87 feet so everybody's trying to pick up a little bit of an edge Bill Madlock is going to be wearing out bought that he's standing on he's already on the grass as something has been delayed here Fernando it doesn't seem to be too happy about something rising back I guess but we're about ready to hook up now you have five switch hitters in the line another quick observation you saw so she say be alive for the fun so it's hi-ho silver and a cloud of dust as the Cardinals get ready Coleman and what an incredible story he was being called up from Louisville he only had three hits and 22 at-bats at Louisville when they called him up but McGee was hurt Landrum was hurt this kid was brought up and went on to steal to Vince Coleman as we started off Coleman n McGee and her the Dodgers with Cobell sax Duncan and Matlock Guerrero Maldonado and Marshall one ball and one strike the Bell is steep so he's not expecting a bond along first but up on the edge at third is Bill Madlock one ball one strike fouled away off 1st down the line in the count 1 & 2 [Applause] Fernando Valenzuela hurt his ankle in Atlanta a month ago and each of his four starts between Atlanta and the pennant clenching Valenzuela blew a lead in the sixth inning or later and he didn't win any of those four stars is very much unlike him [Music] to that's the pitch he's going to be trying to get all night long he uses that scoop all really to bait hitters he's got a certainly a good enough fastball to strike him out and he took a shot at that blackboard that plate doing - all the way psychologically it would be an edge for the Dodgers to get and keep them off the base pads the first time and at the same time it would give the Cardinals a leg up indeed if they can get Coleman aboard opening up the game and you can carry the step far the two as we looked at very standing will come and run on the first pitch two balls two strikes all the way [Applause] the Cardinals to give you an idea of the running game and I guess everybody knows that they are the running his team with their 314 stolen bases at one stage they stole 35 in a row I mean once they get on a roll look out and it is the responsibility of the starting pitcher office in to keep Coleman and McGee off the bases to a two and a Scrooge he missed oriented what he doesn't want to do is the base on balls there's no defense against that as we look at the soda and perranoski perranoski says if Valenzuela gets in trouble when he gets that ball up and misses away high that's what he watches for it gets that arm out to school ball flattens eye foul down the right-field line peeling off Marshall coming can't get there now that ball would be caught during the regular season but in league championship games and in the World Series there are special seats added as you can see and that ball could have been caught on a warning track but not now so it's a break for the hitters Korean to in right fielder Elmo's plan Coleman as if he were batting left-handed Marshall is really near the line and Madlock very wide and about even with the bag at third korean to fouled away again [Applause] though in charting pitches Fernando who had worked over 270 innings and could use some rest has made nine pitches on the leadoff man alone and the count three and two and he gets over a hundred pitches that's when we really start to look closely it'll be Cobell backed up by sacks and it'll be satchel maker they took ten pitches they took care of the leadoff man Vince Coleman on a foul ball one away this Cardinal team is an absolute juggernaut not only did they steal 314 bases they scored a hundred and seventy five more runs in the opposition and of course here's a case in point lead his numbers league's leading hitter and now goes in the history books as the best switch hitter in the National League by the way the best average for a switch hitter in history belonged to Mickey Mantle in 1957 he at 365 the would you believe it mantle didn't lead the league that year 1 2 McGee [Music] [Applause] Dodgers the idea of not walking these hitters Coleman and McGee in 51 at-bats against Dodger pitching McGee did not get a war on two that's the message Lasorda wanted to send over to the Cardinals is that we're going to keep the Jackrabbits off the races looks like a good fastball social lines up outside looked like the money even caught that outside corner Magee trying to just foul it off Mookie is listed certainly as a good hitter but the players talked about him being a slasher he cuts and slashes and if it's close to the plate he's going to go after but Fernando gets a big couple of outs here Tommy Herr with the remarkable combination of big the eyes and only eight home run first man since George Kell did over a hundred RBIs in less than ten home runs and you go back 35 years for that Tom hit Fernando pretty well he went 3 for 8 against him this year on the fist and he cracked his bat he'll have to get another I could hear that up here that is kind of an interesting pitch that Fernando made because he is reluctant to go inside he moves the ball in and out but he is reluctant to go inside and usually will go inside not for a strike in contrast when we see tutor tutor will throw inside strikes but I think Fernando likes to move the guys back but it doesn't like to give him that inside strike where they can pull it well after that workout he got with Vince Coleman now he has made eight consecutive strikes and he is oh and two on Tommy Herr hard breaking ball on the dirt when you talk about a Fernando good fastball you're talking about 85 miles an hour that's his neighborhood that's where he lives with that screwball if that neighborhood has been upgraded it's not Urban Renewal one to the couch Tommy Herr two down first inning no score just the start of thing [Music] this to to Fitch he doesn't want to go to three two nice been able to really get that outside corner and we'll watch the so she sets up there because the last two pitches been breaking balls and the pictures that he's been getting we got the first two hitters that fastball followed by Jack Clark fastball fouled away getting around on it though it's still too into bears out your point then it's an 85 mile an hour fastball but you throw that screwball and thought that curveball no that radar gun tells you like the guy said he said it doesn't tell us anything our naked eye doesn't confirm because I know some truck drivers control 90 miles an hour can pitch the other Scout said give me the names of those uh drive up shake up write him down slowly - and to to tell me her one hopper by diving Madlock and down the line over to get it is Guerrero her go under second and the throw in the sack she is in there though a two-out double for Tommy her and he is four four nine going head-to-head with Fernando Valenzuela and he didn't hesitate as we look at Matlock who gets by him and girl got out over in good shape but it certainly didn't stop Tommy her now he goes [Music] Madlock diving at an echo the thing was by him a double with two out by Tommy her would bring up Jack Clark with 22 home runs 87 RBIs in his 43 games because of pulled muscles in the rib cage and it turned out in a sense to be a blessing because when Clark got hurt Whitey Herzog had breakfast with Jim kaat the Cincinnati pitching coach and wondered aloud if Cedeno was available top talked to Rose Rose talk to Bill burgers and the next thing you know Cesar Cedeno is on deck one ball no strikes that says more than just on Beck tube then because as we look at her at second base Clark a good fastball hitter you can fill them all kinds of stuff you throw him a fastball he'll fly into action you've got first base open but you got Cedeno on deck who would you rather pitch to that's the choice one and one 1 & 2 the counted Jack part and their say czar Fernando Valenzuela 17 and 10 he eat the Cardinals once without a loss he shut him out three nothing way back in July six and for lifetime [Music] 1 & 2 [Music] corner two balls two strikes Dwight Gooden was once quoted as saying that Jack Park is the best two-strike hitter in the National League [Music] he gets his hacks I'll tell you that - and to the jack trying to pick up Tommy hurt first here in the first inning wouldn't buy it but it was all foreclosed on at Scrooge III into Fernanda throws three speeds to a screwball that also complicates matters sure they hit her this will pretty much tell you how he's going to pitch these Jack Clark most of the night this 3-2 pitch he has shown him one fastball caught the outside corner and everything else has been breaking and they'll have a look just to see what Tommy her is up to you had better have a look to see what the Cardinals are up to they have five men who had stolen over 30 Tommie her stolen 31 three and two Jack Clark first inning no score Cardinals trying to get off the ground [Music] wait umpires dick Stello bruce fremming John McSherry Terry Tator on the line Paul Runge down the line and left Jerry Crawford down the line and right in there [Applause] very carefully to Jack Clark Lasorda now sees his man's that runners at first we certain with two hours Tommy has reason to worry now as say czar sedan yo comes up and I just read to the effect crying shame muttered by Lasorda Cesar Cedeno with big numbers what an addition to the st. Louis Cardinals and it should be noted that Fernando has already made 29 pitches and we're in the first inning though he has runners at first and second Tommy Herr at second Jack Clark at first and he tries to get Cedeno you'll not get a complete game with that rate man no way no that would be 270 pitches way next year he's gonna need a couple hit the first pitch in he's one ball and no strikes the countess a czar Cedeno scroogie hit down the left-field line foul and account one and one one thing about Fernando he has walked over a hundred batters for the second year in a row he even beat the Cubbies here in a game where he walked eight and got away with it and in this sitting he has showed in the Cardinals the whole load I mean the truck has been loaded and he delivered it all he has nothing I mean as far as trick pitches changing speeds or whatever he's showing them everything her second clock at first and there's a looper to Steve sax he will make the catch for the yard so the Cardinals lead two and at the end of half an inning the st. Louis Cardinals nothing the Los Angeles Dodgers coming up and Fernando Valenzuela will have a chance to go back sit down catch his breath and at least shake his head then wipe some sweat away it'll be Coleman McGee Cedeno in right field in the outfield Pelton Ozzie Smith the wizard Tommy here at second base Jack Clark at first Porter behind the plate Tudor as a pitcher the key man on defense Ozzie Smith gets a lot of publicity but it's Willie McGee in centerfield I say that because when you have a Coleman Van Slyke out there for example they simply say we cover from where we're standing to the lines and we let Willie it cover the gaps if the ball can be caught Willie will catch it and he cuts that ball down and cuts it off between the fielders in the gap and what that means is instead of a double it's held it was single the double play is in order in any ball club they can get a double play an order on the defense has got a good chance of getting out of the inning and that's what Willie McGee does harmony good chance out of an inning look at John Tudor eh at less than two he matched the all-time record for a Cardinal left-hander shared by Howie Paulette in 1946 and Bill sure Dale back in 1928 his only loss since May came to Fernando Valenzuela in July 3 nothing he has been incredible to the right side and Tommy Herr is there that takes care of Mariano Duncan we didn't have time to give you the starting lineup we might give it to you slowly on his hair blow some bubblegummy through Mariano Duncan leading off it short and eNOS Cobell in the number two slot at first base Bill Madlock at third hitting third Pedro Guerrero in the cleanup spot in left Mike Marshall in right field and mike scioscia behind the plate hitting six Andy Maldonado in centerfield Steve sax at second base Fernando on the mound strike I remember tutors made one pitch burnout Fernando made nine pitches on the leadoff man alone no balls one strike [Music] that's the thing he does so well he throws that inside strike because what that does is widen the plate to play it naturally is 17 inches across but when you move that fella back you widen you got a 25 inch plate Tudor is basically a 2 pitch pitcher fastball that sinks and Tails and a good changeup he throws a wide sweeping care at the left-handers but very rarely he's in and out and pitches and lanes very rarely down the middle Tavella come back there who knocks it down recovers and calmly throws him out so two down in the first inning and the batter will be Bill Madlock who was a team lead with John when they were both picking up checked in Pittsburgh good not me enough I asked Mike Roark I asked whitey about Tudor what does he do that says oh he's heading for trouble and they both said when he stops using his fastball that means he's heading for trouble and after remind him he I doubt very much if he knows what trouble means to give you an idea he finished off the year by allowing a total of one run in his final three start off-speed for a strike on one and that tweeter game that he pitched by the way you only use 90 pitches to beat the Cubs on that Saturday we did 10 shutout John Tudor had this year there's a ground ball hard but right to Tommy Herr and it's a ho-hum inning for John to do a couple of ground balls and one hit back to him so the Dodgers can't hit the ball out of the infield the Cardinals couldn't get off the ground and we've got one inning in the book the Cardinals nothing the Dodgers nothing and we're just starting sunset time in the city of the Angels and that postcard picture provided by the Goodyear blimp Columbia the pilot is captain Nick nickel Larry from El Toro California and this then Ozzie Smith battle in a switch-hitter no score in the second but a dramatic difference in pitches made between Fernando and Tudor pennilyn was two for seven against Fernando going head-to-head this year big chopper right at Matlock though there's a break and a little toe dance at first bike the Bell if you were Whitey Herzog well that's an experience I know what you're gonna say I'm going to say to you hey that guy made thirty pitches in the first did he make the work a little and the leadoff man hits their first pitch what do you think well I think he'll talk to him tomorrow just like that they bunted the ball with man on first sometime but why would you let him go up there I mean you're not only the great Whitey Herzog you've got a whole bunch of high-priced coaches to remind that kid well okay I'm gonna plead ignorance I'm pretty good at that yeah well why did he's one of these five out of eight Darrell Porter for a strike you assumed too many things in baseball you would assume that he would say hey I'm gonna make him work a little bit but you can't do that on one to Darrell Porter you know Whitey Herzog three times the winner Championship Series at Kansas City in the West twice in the National League East in 82 and again in 85 so he's five out of eight without a doubt one of the outstanding managers 1 & 2 the count they have really swung around on Porter Medlock at third base is very wide of the bag if Porter would hit just a dripper off the end of the bat down the line he may run for 2 3 days 1 2 pitch to Daryl breaking ball got him looking and strikeout number two for Fernando [Applause] Fernando's been around that plate he certainly has his good control and he really freezes Darrell Porter all they can do is genuflect how'd he do how are you watch what's distracting his when he looks straight up like whoops and if you're a batterer you're saying not up there pal I'm over here and then he closes them to Putin if you're a married man you want to call home and say I'm alright mom here comes Ozzie Smith the two out in the second inning no score scroogie is hit into left field base hit so Ozzie Smith you just laid the bat on that slow screwball and a two-out single now comes an interesting bit of strategy with the pitcher John Tudor coming up a lot of people feel one reason why Ozzie Smith is having such a big year is that they're pitching to him in other words they're so afraid of Coleman leading off an inning that they give as you spent some pitches to hit where in the past where he was not hitting eighth and didn't have such a leadoff man he not necessarily would get even a strike the years to turn not a bad hitter on one gets left hand pitching he's not going to do very much and Fernando should really get the job done with three pitches and Ozzie pretty much anchored at first base because they do one Coleman a leadoff they don't want to Turk locking them up the Bell holding the corner and they'll go over there and again we're pointing it out not not with Ozzy and especially not at this moment but he's way over on the third base side of the pitching rubber maybe that point we made T about the rubber being two feet long you can imagine the difference if a pitcher is on the first base side of the rubber that cuts off two feet of the throw then imagine ideally you have a left-handed first baseman in other words where the glove is closest to the running now you've got yourself things going your way the Dodger first baseman are right-handed and as you can see he's still on the third-base side stolen it there is no way in the world you can come up with any kind of strategy that says this is the time to steal two strikes no balls on the pitcher two outs you got your real fast man also it just proves these kernels will run at any time anywhere they're just going to run and if nothing else that sends a message which I'm sure that Dodgers knew was coming tough ball for Scioscia to handle big breaking ball perfect pitch for Ozzie went just straight in and of course the more times you make the Dodgers handle the ball the more chances are because of what they've done this year that they might make the miscue and just pile this away Ozzie Smith has stolen third five out of six times this year there's a little ground ball to sax to Cobell they were playing with house money in the sense that Vince Coleman is going to lead on the end of the knitting and a half of the cart knows nothing the Dodgers nothing you the gloved hand out and twists it the wrong way if he had twisted it backwards it would not nearly have been as serious as twisting the hands the palm towards the forearm he may have gone to a lighter vet he was debating he used the lighter pad in batting practice because the problem has been he just will not spin into it you can watch him hit he's hit with power the opposite feel but he's just not been able to really pull a ball he's had to overcompensate Guerrero last year hit 16 home runs and of course this year he tied Steve Garvey's output with 33 and one reason is the way he holds his bat watch where the bat is straight up see that last year and for quite some time he had the bat almost parallel to the ground and when manny mota got him to hold it straight up suddenly the home run started in june [Applause] he's developed a bed swing and one reason and he's first to admit it he wanted so badly to break Garvey's homerun record and wanted 34 he's developed all kinds of bad habits plus of course with the injury he didn't have any pot with the back it's the biggest culprit because you try to favor it and you do things you don't ordinarily go Wanda Guerrero followed by Marshall and n Scioscia trying inside corner 1 & 2 great pitch [Music] juda really pitches lanes inside outside lane rarely down mentally just spots the ball so well do six pitches in the first inning all strikes 28 for Fernando one ball and two strikes to Guerrero I'll tell you one thing they talked about Dodger power you can discount a goodly portion of it from Pedro Guerrero I believe he is not nearly the hitter that he was before he hurt himself he is a shadow of him take a look at this look at Porter's shift outside ball is out of the strike zone coming in it's low and yet Guerrero trying to protect it and fly off that bat immediately he is hurting and the team is in bad shape as Marshall hits the first pitch to Terry Pendleton and just like that you have two out in the second inning and Tudor has retired five in a row you talk about the hitting the first pitch the Dodgers are not exactly making mr. Tudor work he's throwing strikes and jumping on the first pitch we'll pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network k thi TV 11 Fargo Grand Forks he was an unsung hero until the last month of the season when people realize just what a contribution he made so she wound up the regular year hitting 296 you have to go back to 1955 to find a Dodger catch you hit 300 and that was the great Roy Campanella so she did a magnificent job seven home run and of course blocked the plate at risk of life and limb as well or better than anybody in the game [Music] he's in a strange tudi tried to throw the sidearm curveball twice - so she found himself behind now he's three you know [Music] and it's in there three-in-one he blocks the play when he is a human dead end maybe later on we'll show you a dead end collision between Jack Clark and Mike Scioscia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell you something behind the plane he is in true he's not exactly a patsy I mean he had a bad streak in there but he's got some pretty good numbers as far as getting baserunners granted in the air in the shallow left-center field and it's Coleman and McGee and it'll be Vince Coleman so a routine second inning that means John Tudor has retired six in a row the end of two no score we'll be back after these messages from your local station the 1985 National League Championship Series is brought to you by [Applause] visa accepted worldwide for shopping dining and travel visa it is the second time around as we go to the third inning at Dodger Stadium no score Vince Coleman followed by Willie McGee and then Tommy Herr Coleman fouled out to Steve sax after nine pitches first ball swinging pops to say and while they got a chance here I just want to get this and there was some speculation it might be some jockeying to fix the infield between first and second to slow down the Cardinals and doctor round home plate I asked almost all the Cardinals and they pretty much said the same thing no the infield is fine it's hard in spots it was hard yesterday and home plate is a little bit hard you'll see some high bounces but there has not been any doctoring that can be noticeable where's Willie McGee the league's leading hitter all in one as we sat in the opening the Cardinals are so great they have the league's hitting champion the stolen base champion and two 20 game winners all on the same team little flyball to Center Maldonado is there to find those ingredients to make up a team you have to go back 70 years to the 1915 Detroit Tigers it's quite a team that has arrived here from st. Louis the editor should also be pointed out in their 12 meetings head-to-head the Dodgers won seven of the twelve and in eight of those twelve meetings the Dodger pitches allowed the Cardinals three runs or less so again we get back to pitching Tommy her doubled by Madlock who is shortened up at the bag and bun foul the Matlock was looking but Cardinals are liable to try anything to get something gone and I'll tell you Tommy er had a good year and boy it really bothers me when I hear people say well he gets a lot of fast balls to hit because the Coleman and McGee maybe he does but when he gets it he knows what to do with that he's been a solid hitter just this year had one of those outstanding years one one to counter Tommy her check swing and look at first no swing says [Applause] very decisive degree would Bruce have a lot of admiration for Tommy herb you know following the 1982 World Series he had two operations on his left knee one on his right knee and yet you watch him as the middle man at second base on double plays he doesn't give an inch two balls and one strike two down third inning no score the Cardinals at first in second with two out in the first Ozzie Smith stole second with two out in the second the Dodgers have been retired six in a row big chopper to Dunkin Shorthouse Rose Jepsen [Applause] [Music] and at the end of two and a half no score she's a little bi moving over the first base side of the rubber can a catch you cheated all in his crouch anything he can do to help now the only thing you can do is try to frame the pitch and not move too much and maybe just kind of slide over and maybe get the borderline pitch he's not trying to cheat the steel up it's just get the ones that are coming down what about coming out of a crouch does that not take the low ball low strike away because he's suddenly obscuring the umpires view that's not cheap no that's maybe circumventing the rules but that's not cheap I just brought that up bottom of the third no score the games within the game and it'll be candy maldonado Steve sax and Fernando Valenzuela little soul-searching on the part of Lasorda as the who should play centerfield against Tudor and candy pops it up into that powder blue trio of Cardinals and it is Cedeno tough to see that ball tough to get a jump at this stage must have been tough because the word is it Willie McGee takes everything in California that's up Steve he seemed he just backs off so daniel has to take it all away so a good play by Cedeno one out that means tutor has retired seven in a row Munira Steve sax sexy hitting - 79 for the regular year he did very well after an off season just one home run 42 RBIs and not an extra-base hitter despite all of his running speed you do not look for extra-base hits from him he's been hitting a lot of balls of the opposite of fear and he has pulled Pendleton in the third base with that fake bunt wanna know he promptly hits one in the center there's the Dodgers first head interesting bit a strategy for Tommy Lasorda for a couple of reasons number one the Dodgers led the league in sacrifice he has sacrificed less with Valenzuela than any other picture on the team and you figure this is going to be a low-scoring game to the question for Lasorda do I want balance Willa to try and sacrifice do I want Clarke anchored on the bag and let Sachs have a shot at stealing and let's see and he almost had Clark coming into the plate [Music] saxy average is about 25 stolen bases every year [Applause] the chart goes foul we got the first answer to the question they were going to have him bunt and the Cardinals really were not looking for the bunt per se I mean nobody was charging hard Clark laid back and so did Felton as you watch Valenzuela really checking the mouth fatahna to see if he wants to switch off Fernando really waits until the last minute he's not a bad hitter and looks like he had a pretty good front deadened it well but the story likes to switch off him if they're charging hard let him hand keep an eye on sack with one out of the third inning no score John Tudor and Fernando Valenzuela Game one two times he threw over there and they're hoping that Valenzuela would indicate by just a slight movement up to bad handle and he's going to be funny but he that was watching his hands that time didn't budge [Music] Sachs was leaning that time he had most of his weight on his right leg that seemed to indicate that he was going to go they might even try hit and run with Fernando he is the team's best hitting pitcher as far as average [Music] Georgiy sacrifice Darryl to Jack Klein so one part of the theory held up the Dodgers lead the league in sacrificing and they do it Valenzuela does so many things by instinct I mean you can talk to Paradise Keys pitching coach and he'll give you a chapter in verse plays that he's on the mound he never once tipped off what he's going to do I don't know we learned or where he learned how to play but forever Fernando moves him up a notch with two out the Dodgers have sax at second and the batter will be Mariano Duncan it shows you really what a crapshoot it is Willie McGee and Tito Landrum are heard and the Cardinals bring up Vince Coleman the Dodgers had Steve sax heard in an exhibition game [Music] Russell wasn't right so they brought up a kid who should by rights have spent the year at Albuquerque and it turns out to be Mariano Duncan and he's from that same town of the Dominican San Pedro de mockeries that is produced a lot of players flirting several eye-catching big league shortstop Tony Fernando Fredo Griffin Julio Franco and now Mariano Duncan who grew up idolizing says art Cedeno of all people and now he's battling against [Applause] they have known as saxs he took the lead it's a unique way to does now watch him walk towards the outfield you just kind of stand there and now as he takes his lead he'll walk towards a pitcher and then towards the back Maury wills caught yes that is a theory that wills teaches all of the Dodger young runners the point being in motion when the pitcher is delivering so watch you'll see sacks never break from a standstill it'll always be moving it's also an optical illusion and go back farther than willed great Jackie Robinson did it better than any other you look closer and got farther from mean anybody faster than anybody had yourself 2 & 1 the count sacks on the walk [Applause] tell them to count two and two Oh Duncan they switch hitter and a much better right-handed batter he wound up the year hitting 286 from this side but he really paid the bill on-the-job training as a left-handed batter he had only in the 220 from the other side go deuces wild two balls two strikes two out third inning no score the third right to pennilyn it cranks it up close to Clark so the Dodgers leave sacks figured we got a tough one going at the end of three the Cardinals nothing and the Dodgers nothing Clark sedan you and pennilyn in the memory of Walter and KO malli will never die not as long as they play baseball here in the fourth inning no score Jack Clark Cesar Cedeno and Terry Pendleton and look at Fernando you talk about cutting down on pitches you could reduce the national debt that quickly is really have something America strike two Jack Clark who walked in the first inning [Music] we can think about it the Dodgers hate Clark from another movie I mean they have feelings for him going back to when he played for the Japan's they know all about Jack and as usual a ferocious swing from Clark go into the fists and fouled away late start by Scioscia so they're still having trouble picking up the ball Clark is one of those hitters and there are a number of them in both leagues that Don Baylor the Yankees said it best that when they go in the batter's box they're actually in scoring position yeah he's a wonderful player to watch in fact even the notes bear out for Clark he's got on base even coming back off of injury in 44 of his last 53 games somehow or other find a way and of course if he hits a home run in a cardinal game it's almost the sign of the winner and that's not bad for Fernando's fastball 86 and that time in the dirt 2 & 2 that's another thing you will notice we pointed it out on the game of the week throughout the year here at Dodger Stadium the consistency of the soil around home plate if the pitch is in the dirt the umpire will immediately throw the ball out of play speaks [Applause] we get a report from Mike Brito that that off-speed screwball was 77 miles an hour now we've had his fastball clocked up around 87 to 88 pretty good different grin too bouncer to Matlock [Applause] so Fernando has retired five in a row dodgy single one down and the batter says our Cedeno [Music] today Neil going head-to-head with Fernando the last few years has roughed him up for a couple of homerun he popped up in the first inning interesting - you know we talked about Vince Coleman stealing a hundred and ten bases you know that if you subtract Coleman's a hundred and ten steals the Cardinals still lead the league in stolen bases we talk about speech why he has got such a system five guys go at all times unless he tells him to hold and five guys have to get the green light so I mean everybody including the trainer appears to have the green light to go here's the one old pitch on the way miss Susan oh did she love the service line talking about green lights now laughs as we look at the stolen bases through the years the one that shocks you you forget the 76 Oakland A's they stole 341 in the really modern time with the lively ball the others of course are back away [Music] I talked about the Greenline Lasorda says he has a purple life that he gives the socio which means if you run I'll kill you purple light three balls and no strikes sedan you'll run if he gets on pedal then on deck and they let him swing three-and-oh three-in-one there's only a few to get that as we look at pennilyn Cedeno is one Clarke obviously is another one he let Tommy her do it through you know three balls and one strike the count sacks over to the right to fill up the middle school ball fouled away three and two you might remember we talked earlier this year that quality starts which is a very good news statistic it really tells you about pitching better than a lot of other things especially since complete games have disappeared give you an idea Tudor has 27 quality starts Valenzuela at 24 Korean to Brom Bo'ness a quality start is where your starting pitches those six innings or more and allows three runs or less so it's no surprise Dwight Gooden had the most but it's a an insightful statistic for starting pitchers [Music] Russell might surprise you Rick Russell for Pittsburgh make 26 stars 24 or quality starts and that was a guy was on the scrapheap and I also liked he signed with Pittsburgh said I owe him something the BOD up along 3rd a one-hopper barehanded by Matlock and it is safe as the bell evidently came off the bag [Applause] reminiscing it came off to bag the Bell doesn't believe it as always he's going to lose the argument here's the play maybe he's also maintaining about possession of the ball but he's got any help he's got the ball my man locked his only chance was to barehanded play and he makes it I can't see that foot yeah it's really hard to pick it off look like he went back it looked like he went back for it we see how important that is now Darrell Porter up there with Cobell on the bag at first and pedaled in a threat to run single to third keep an eye on Fernando remember we told you the third base side of the rubber or the first base side of the rubber he's about pretty much almost on the first base side if pedalin is thinking about stealing Fernando is going to cheat over a little bit and that's not like him watching see that may he rarely pitches from that part of the rubber but that's a difference of almost 24 inches in throw on the first yeah pick them off Cobell Duncan took a bell he cheated 20 inches to first face and kicked him on and he's got a foot move and it's the move that gets him laid they can't read him and they've tried to time it and he just picked him off licking the whistle there's where he hangs him and Pendleton just couldn't wait any more the secret is that is Fernando's incredible balance and it's scoreless for three and a half [Applause] breaky too soon watch Fernando's looking at him I'm counting breaks right here look at there he's got three snaps in all Fernando has to do is give it to Cobell he just couldn't wait any more the body was ready to leave the shoes the thing that Ron perranoski always talks about is the incredible balance of Fernando Valenzuela so many pitchers can get on one foot lifts up the other and they have with the equilibrium of a drunken stork or Fernando he can seem to freeze like a statue and when people do steal on him they really almost blundered into getting him going the wrong way they rarely is there a close play of second base they either steal it easily or yank out the drives he just did and he made it a little easier as we pointed out to you moving over on the rubber now it's the Dodgers Venus Cobell bill and Pedro Guerrero got a dandy no score in the fourth bad luck prospered by coming over to Los Angeles and he has been swinging a very good bat for Wow Clark coming over No [Applause] you watch Tudor pitch and I can't help but think of Lamar Hyde at the San Diego Padres when he described his delivery and tutors pretty much the same way he called it relaxed aggression and that's about what it is yeah you know you could compare his numbers with Bob Gibson but it's a totally different element of attack for instance Tudor has 10 shutout that's a most international official and Gibson at 13 back in 1968 and you know Gibson like Tudor that year struggled at the start of the year where Tudor was one in seven and turned it around Gibby was three and five and wound up 22 and nine but what scares me about Gibson when I talk about him in 1968 he had an earned run average of one how can you possibly pitch that typo Wanda Matlock four-time national league batting champion would like to remind our viewers will be selecting the NBC Light beer from Miller player of the game at the conclusion of the old ball game 1 and 1/2 Bill Madlock at the inside and it stayed they wanted to discussing the merits of the call with dick Stello I still love the lessons of those discussions oh yeah bet you and you didn't add to him at all no no pull the ground ball on the outside I would expect Matlock to normally take that ball and go to right field with it but he went out after it and pulled it and got away with it on the era by seemed like pennilyn just waited for the ball he was breaking to his left like he didn't pick it up right away and just booted it it's a major-league error he took that one quick step to his left watch right there now he's got a command like he really didn't see it that well Madlock is aboard on the error charged the cherry fénelon and arrow at the plate way out in front he started x-wing sometime early this morning on one person is gone then he's been hitting the ball because of the bad wrist the opposite feel and he's even got that mini motor bowling glove on now and there's a big gap between first and second he didn't have that on their first at-bat he told me before the game he said it doesn't help but he's gonna try it [Applause] bill Madlock laughingly talked about it he came over to the dodges and promptly stole seven out of eight bases and he said I wouldn't come over here they told me that I had to run but they've run him he went from mad dog to Los Angeles he here he's known as glad dog one ball one strike [Applause] trying to figure out what Lasorda would do with Guerrero normally you don't expect hit and run because he hits a lot of fly balls but this is not the same Guerrero Oh there goes Matlock and it is the second day I couldn't get the ball out of his he changed speeds and it's a stolen base for Matlock he's only stolen eight out of nine the Swift one pitch for Darrell Porter to come up with anyway Guerrero is over swinging and has been in front 1 & 2 the count [Applause] I've seen a lot of players have a hot ten days I remember when Ron Cey was with the Dodgers he could carry the ball club for ten days I've never seen anyone carry a team for a month which is what Guerrero did and then turned the whole club around he carried them in June with twenty and seven in July [Applause] Savini away wasn't much we're a modest thing but I know no right for Guerrero and an RBI only six rbis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] era by Pendleton that's cash in followed by the stolen base by Madeline Marshall had a monstrous September and [Applause] hold on so as Guerrero struggled Marshall picked him up with Clark out sedan you'll pick them up and her pick them up and that's why these two teams are here got to have that team effort and everybody started to go [Applause] pretty hard to put a play on with Mike Marshall because he strikes out a lot of course he he hits a lot of home runs too he's allowed to like Jack Clark the real when he gets that pitch he's gonna hit it on one [Applause] [Music] here's one run two hits Cardinals no runs three hits and an error the era by pennilyn then the stolen base by Matlock and the glute sing of the right thigh Guerrero [Applause] [Music] [Applause] down the left-field line Pullman coming and coming right across the line to make the catch and holding on it first is Guerrero go with two down Guerrero at first and Mike Scioscia coming up and of course of all the players in the starting line of the top two as far as hit-and-run is concerned would be Mike Scioscia and eNOS Cobell before so she is facing a left-hander and a control artist will see what happened two down here one run over in the fourth Dodgers leading one nothing [Applause] after so shi'ite comes Maldonado [Music] gone to there comes in here with having won 11 straight can shut up [Music] Guerrero [Music] Porter says keep an eye on Guerrero [Music] side pony it is painted and you may have noticed if Tudor just held that bald little little while longer changing the kind of the tempo between pitches beyond tutors most strikeouts in a game he did that twice [Music] watching Guerrero not only had 10 shutouts but twice he pitched 10 innings both time against New York didn't allow a run either time and didn't get a decision we could have had 12 shut up or is he watching feet Herrero behind way has stolen a dozen bases [Applause] one-nothing Dodger bottom of the fourth two out [Music] is doing all that [Music] you can't take anything for granted it's sold at the game itself but situation being what it is you wouldn't expect me to run there he goes third ball outside Porter's throw rocks I think we're sort of just keep sending message [Music] morale taking off big stolen base it's way up the strike zone Porter has trouble getting over there he's down on one knee there's no way he's gonna get him nah he's already lost the play Darrell Porter in all fairness to him was on the disabled list twice this year broken toe broken finger he's probably not a hundred percent they're going to try and take advantage over by the way the other way about this it's the 4th inning of Game one the Dodgers in the Cardinal two stolen bases two one who's got the two stolen bases would you believe upside down Game one and two the Mike Scioscia trying to pick up Guerrero [Applause] employee runs batted in during the regular year that's a career high for 1 & 2 [Applause] that's a big sign on curveball that he rarely uses looked like he was going to get him with that one but it just broke too much so she rarely strikes out he is second on the team and war so fortuna to get him he's really [Applause] five back 1/3 Oz he says you'll take it and that's that so Scioscia pops up the Dodgers get an unearned run and they will gladly take it and there were two stolen bases and we'll be back but first these messages from your local station Tuesday on the 18 I'm the clean racing fair the track is hot the girls wild the bad guys are main but the a-team has Tuesday how many used cars does it take to make a mile enough to hold our biggest use sale of the year over Bowl has taken in a record number of trains because of 7.7 to move this inventory we must sell 100 used cars in a week during our miles of savings who gets paid Game one of the 1985 National League Championship Series is brought to you by we're going to the fifth inning here at Dodger Stadium the Dodgers won the Cardinals nothing Darrell Porter followed by Ozzie Smith and then John Tudor Porter has given Fernando a bad time head to head over the years he's hitting 389 against him with a couple of home runs and he didn't like that strike call he had a big LCS for st. Louis and 82 if you remember five for nine he also walked five times one ball and one strike the st. Louis Cardinals came in here with a hundred and one victory to a Monica the Dodgers with Fernando Valenzuela and Mike Scioscia Nina's Cobell and Steve sac Mariano Duncan and Bill Madlock Pedro Guerrero candy Maldonado and Mike Marshall with Maldonado slightly over towards right-center [Music] 140 [Applause] like Scioscia he has a very good eye at the plate because he's a catch you seriously didn't get to what you really understand the strike zone better because I know that pretty templates a great catcher manager always said he could hit any pitcher he ever caught I didn't believe that either three and two and that stroke into right-center and will fall Maldonado over to play it on a hog supporter a line drive single to right-center field and now the Cardinals try to come back tip number four against Fernando and it will bring up Ozzie Smith who remember singled in the second inning in stole second Ozzie is one for one here's a man you can put a play on although you don't have a runner and Porter Ozzie strikes out about once every 22 at-bats and has never struck out more than 49 times in a year they put a play on for that very fact that Porter can't run a stay away from that double play which is the inning wrecker as he is hit and run man good contact hitter now Lanier might have hung out a sign in the dirt blocked nicely and draw a throw if nothing else Porter's lead is not very big I tell you is only about a half a step off for his base one ball and one strike the count to Ozzie Smith Darryl Porter at first top of the fifth inning Dodgers one Cardinals nothing [Music] [Music] they're great natural rivals the Dodgers the Cardinals or the history books tell you that first playoff in National League history between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the st. Louis Cardinals your club in 46 and he won two games to none two out of three right Dixon pitched great man sigh clong bikini struck out Howard Schultz and check swing they're gonna look no swing says from him well since you have a man who doesn't strike out and a very slow runner at first you would certainly expect them to play run in him meaning of course that mozzie doesn't have to swing that ball for let's see of all that figures Levi Porter and he's not going on a fly ball the lab guerreiro a little bit of a startled reaction that makes the play extreme what is first the quarters right on the bag and second they didn't have him gone with a fellow who always contact I almost think that whitey - seven three and two but three one let him just hit the ball Porter's lead he's not very much maybe Daryl heard somebody stole a bag and he was going to kind of guard it but he was going to give a chance hit that 3-1 pitch looking for the fun here and you can bet that they'll really be charging hard and he's a good buttered and takes a strike both Cobell and Madeline put in a pinch on Tudor has sacrificed seven times and then you have Vince Coleman leading off he's gonna have to make Cobell even though Cobell is charging hard that that's where I think he'd be making him bunt the ball towards first on one ball on the counter and to that of course if they can get to two makes it a little easier to pitch to Coleman because that clogs up the bases having Darrell Porter at first home to never free rein he has fouled out and popped up each occasion to Steve sax here's one Cardinals nothing top of the fifth one out 1 1 & 2 Nick Leyva coaching at first was st. Louis a linear over a third [Music] [Music] Oh bunch of Pitt fingers that went down by Scioscia three times I wonder if that didn't mean throw to first huh he's pumping signs is what he's doing or not two and two [Applause] it's kind of hard to see fingers so what you do is three pumps fastball for curveball it's the number of times that you pump that really tell you what's happening it could be very simple one pump is fastball two pounds would be curveball three pumps would be a change of facial scuba 2 and 2 the count and he's burning in the air foul and he is struck out the John Tudor unable to sacrifice that becomes a third strikeout for Fernando it keeps Porter at first and will bring up Vince Coleman Fernando's high in strikeouts 14 - designed strikeout - 9 here's Coleman twice popping the sacks that's all for two when whitey Herzog's sent him out in the spring he said I'm probably sending the Rookie of the Year back to the mining you know that he was up here helping him win the division hey shading towards right-field and that's what you saw so she doing and moving everybody over think about Coleman he gets a lot of publicity for his stolen bases but whitey also says the thing as we look at the defense heading towards the line I think that he's done is giving him good defense in the outfield by the way Fernando is still making a lot of pictures he has now made 90 pitches and we're in the 5th inning over a hundred pitches they'll start to watch you closely on to the cows check swing foul outside of first so it's still on - that's what's so hard go VIN because right now he looks strong he looks like he's in control and then first then he when he made all the pitches he was kind of floundering around a little bit but he looks like he's in control but it's been a tough season farm as you pointed out earliest account oh and two now screwball got in he strikes out his fourth they leave Porter at first and at the end of four and a half the Dodgers one and the Cardinals nothing bottom of the fifth inning with the Dodgers leading the Cardinals one to nothing one run two hits and no errors for the Dodgers no runs four hits one error for the Cardinals and it's been the difference an era by Terry pennilyn on a ground ball by Bill Madlock Medlock stole second and Guerrero hit a blooper in the right field for a base hit to score mad life for Pedro he's the proud possessor of the only RBI as he talks to Mariano Duncan and we move into the bottom of the fifth candy Maldonado followed by Steve sax and then Fernando Valenzuela against the brilliant John Tudor just flip that thing in there on one [Music] [Applause] and a youngster from Puerto Rico I'm trying the Cardinals are so well-rounded they are one of three with the best record on the road and they are the best team in the National League at home their 47 and 34 on the road they Beach anywhere [Music] and Maldonado goes down we mentioned that tutor and balance Whaler has faced each other once before and it was the only loss that tutor resulted that was the box score as you can see the Dodgers got two in the first and another in the fourth inning and that was it the game-winning RBI Bill Russell it was also a bluefin to right-center by Mike Marshall that had a lot to do with it so neither side really wore the other out and here is marshal Saxe up there now it was Marshall too followed Guerrero who had stolen second in the fourth inning and it was Guerrero this time who had gotten the blue or Tudor to drive in a key run Zack singled in the third check swing in a one-hopper to Clark he'll do it himself but it is still rather interesting at least up to here there have been three stolen bases in the game and if the Dodgers two of them Ozzie Smith stole second in the second Madlock and Guerrero each stole second in the fourth and here's Fernando when you compare the two teams the Cardinals committed the fewest errors during the year and the Dodgers the most and yet it's a cardinal error that is the difference it's a strange game so far doesn't hold up to paper [Music] I think tuna was just trying to get ahead of him by throwing a strike and Fernanda wouldn't let him do it he gets a good whack in and he hit that ball hard past Jack Clark no chance to get it well hit [Applause] bittersweet for the Dodgers of course Valenzuela gets a base hit that's nice but of course he has a lot of pitching to do and with two out he doesn't have a chance to sit down Mariano Duncan is the batter Duncan is grounded a second grounded to third Oh for two [Applause] he's talked about the fifth I don't know if Fernando's wearing the gloves at first base because he sees the other hitters using more to keep his hands warm how many pictures you see cuz batting gloves on both hands one ball and no strikes one and one that's the thing with Tudor give you a lot of motion and then all of a sudden that dead fish and you way out you mention Howard Paulette a 20-game winner a team man I'd say he had a great change of pace just like tutor difficult is trying to tattoo a soap bubble way that thing comes up ground ball to short and the wizard feeds Tommy her and that's that so Fernando gets a base hit and they leaving and at the end of five the Dodgers won the Cardinals nothing briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network Katie edge ITV 11 Fargo Grand Forks [Music] we're moving to the sixth inning here at Dodger Stadium one run three hits and no errors for the Dodgers no runs four hits one error for the Cardinals and John Tudor would be a very normal thing to think of what might have been Terry paddlin makes the play on the ground ball by Matlock there is no difference in the score but he's down by one as we go Maki's gonna lead it off in he's been chasing the first ball and the first two times he's missed the first pitch and it's been the curveball Magee followed by her and then Clark in the six relief struck out in the first inning flied to Center in the third big difference one reason the Dodgers kept him relatively quiet as far as warps as we told you they didn't walk him at all and they usually stardom as Fernando did they challenged him right away : one the blood I hit it he put so much pressure on the infield 20% of his hits over the last two years have been infield hit 20% so he got 216 hits or something this year that's 40 hits [Music] chase the bear boar be for strike-out number five and that's three in a row he got to two trying to fun then he struck out Coleman now he gets Maggie the five strikeouts for Fernando the only strike team really threw was the first one right down in there this one low and inside off the strike zone and that's the book on Magee if you can get to where you got two strikes and kanthal on the breaking ball he will chase it but he usually doesn't let you get that far pretty obvious by the average you have this here here's Tommy hurt doubled and lost a hit if you remember on a fine play by Mariano Duncan who had a charged and short hop and thrown out Dom won 4-2 he was the first Cardinal all-star second baseman since 1968 boolean xavier to the Cardinals the Cardinal box has a special Hollywood Rooter Elizabeth Taylor Dodge's one Cardinals nothing top of the sixth missed behind now three and over boy she got thunder on deck bark and then Cedeno [Music] [Applause] wire rack Fernando is doing this is the seventh time he has gone three and one on a batter he has walked one up here now so the one out past itami her and if you watch the Cardinals at all you marvel at Tommy her he gets on base almost all the time I think he's missed 20 games this year where his failed to get on base either by hit or war and there he is again he's been on base 2 out of 3 tonight here's part Jack walked in the first inning rolled out the third in the fourth the Dodgers playing deep Maldonado's shading in towards left Saturday one out I'd say he puts a play on really be surprised with Clark and Sue Daniel coming up Chris okay if he does I'm gonna lose a tooth and put it under my pillow as you want these big Gunners to try to give you a lead oh and two and Clark as usual almost ready to come right out of his shirt front he swings so hard oh and two on deck sees our Sydney no one nothing Dodgers in the sixth with 31 stolen basin certainly doesn't figure to be a factor [Music] the only factors that FARC tries to take a screwball the other way and the whole right side of the infield is wide open because Cobell is on the bag and Saks has to fill up the middle knees almost behind second base Parkwood commas the hip to the opposite feel the Dodgers would put him on the Christmas wrapping 1 & 2 the count of Jack a trip may have come into play there VIN he starting to swing held up and you could just see him against a little wince remember the last time we saw Clark wince he winced twice and then the pitcher winds he hit a two-run home run he did everything like Robert Redford except bleed through the shirt when he hit that home two and two we heard first one out one-nothing Dodgers in the sixth inning due to gum were you tough that you keep the back wow I can dump me and then I quit and chewed gum anybody Tuesday back was just dead wrong I'm watching Tommy her chewing on that bubblegum smart scuba takes half a dozen strikeout and that means for the last five batters Fernando has struck out it is a big breaking pitch in a terrific spot low and he just swings over it he had a good gut at it went all the way around he really set him up because all of the previous pitches remember were inside oh and then he came the other way he is not a thrower obviously a pitcher you can't put up the numbers of Fernando's put up there by just throwing the ball and hoping now here's Cedeno popped up grounded out the sacks each time [Music] Oh ain't that something what an acquisition all because Whitey Herzog had breakfast with pitching coach Jim kaat of the Cincinnati Reds Tommy her held on by Cobell at first two out in the sixth one nothing done [Music] because everybody talks about the great trade Willie McGee the Cardinals got four pitcher Bob Sykes about years ago the Cardinals traded Ernie borough Leo and got Lou Brock [Music] Oh groundball the sacks he'll go the short way in fact do it himself he would look into Duncan but he was [Music] and at the end of five and a half Dodgers one Cardinals I think mr. Peter Ueberroth and his lovely wife Jenny the Commissioner of baseball and his bride here taking in the festivities last time I saw him on camera he was putting on a raincoat in Toronto back here in Los Angeles [Applause] they are applauding Diamond vision which just showed a picture of Elizabeth Taylor meanwhile the Commission have brought the final along with him Toronto six and two City five pinch RBI single wanted for the game now to present matters bottom of the six one to nothing Dodgers eNOS Cobell Bill Madlock and Pedro Guerrero Cobell head back to the box and struck out Pendleton shortens up a little bit near the bag at third and the outfield fanned out all the way big bouncer and pennilyn just did get it gary is five nine and when he shortened up that wristed but he was able to go up in the air because of those tremendous thought pedaling with great legs and he can up the ladder it's bringing those legs funny kind of kid - he says I used the Ozzie Smith theory of hitting in the field if I don't get any hits nobody else is gonna get in either good play these four Southern California known around these parts here's bill Madlock you might be understood in the Southern California connection terry panel in his port hueneme Tom Nieto is from Artesia Bill Campbell from Corona high Bryan Harper's from San Pedro Ozzie Smith and Compton todd worrell from Arcadia and coachnik Leyva's from Luverne one and one ground ball to the hole and here's Ozzy and he lets it get away is going to go for two [Applause] the shortstop who was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] among the risk is not the artificial surface bounce that you get here he's known at second base and you talk about headline news invites dog there days [Music] intentionally - shut up the double play this surprises me [Music] [Applause] why he gets paid for the decisions gone it's a decision he makes right now he took the monkey right off everybody's back not going out there and saying hey picked around him and once they hit it fine but don't give him a good ball to hit if you walk him okay why he didn't do that he said put him on set up the DP we'll get the intentional walk block at second with one out [Applause] Marshall and a bullpen Campbell and Daly are loosening out [Applause] and here is Marshall [Applause] also a thought tutor is due to bat fourth in the seventh-inning [Applause] [Music] no balls and one strike so air to the bat the good play by Terry Pendleton you could see what kind of an inning this might have been and the shallow right her is looking for help and he's got it it's Cedeno [Applause] two down runners holding and mike scioscia just want to point out that even though it's a routine fly ball tutor he's making his way to Milan as he crosses over he was backing up third he takes nothing for granted there you see coming in too many to see a ball like that go up and the picture turns into a spectator and then something happens and he's out of position when he was exactly where he should have been so she applied to left and pop too short both times he has gone with the ball going the other way if he continues that I should get something to fall and he gets up in the middle the geese will cut off my card [Applause] McGee can throw you out he has an adequate arm at an outstanding lawyer but that was not a good throw it was not a good throw it was cut off and Pendleton was up man it was cut off he was not in position in knowledge first and third the candy maldonado trying to head to a two to nothing god yearly flied to right and struck out over to Bill Madlock has scored both runs for the Dodgers [Applause] slipped in on the hands and mountain out of thumbed it away so mike scioscia singles up the middle to pick up the RBI guerrero who was intentionally walked gets over to third despite the bad wheel and Whitey Herzog to decide for a little extra plug [Applause] I'm richer than when he came do nothing played his picture [Applause] crossing the road lookup disgusted John has a surprise bunt penalty can only make a player to play and their hits he might familiar the back is not a Rembrandt but it still counts look at Tudor trying to get out of the white and hits him that's the first time I've seen a hit off both pitches Maldonado with two out they surprised but now that going out Jeanne Dielman is going out to talk to his pitcher because Deuter took a nasty crack the ball was I mean it was throwing hard it wasn't a lollipop and you can see that Tudor really Hurley took a stinger it was the only play that Pendleton had he had no chance to get Maldonado he had to go to the plate and hope to get Guerrero but there was Tudor trying to get out of the way [Applause] so it is three to nothing Dodgers a somewhat bizarre play between third and home tutor Oh get a chance to warm up here to see if he's okay is Whitey Herzog and Dean Giza will make their way off I tell you it's been interesting but it would be an understatement to say that everything that can possibly happen seems to have happened bill Madlock has carried in two assorted cheerleading with a three to nothing lead Steve sax the battery not much speed out there however associate second Maldonado tutors do up for Cardinals hit in the seventh inning into left-center field and is going to go paycheck [Applause] [Music] seven hits and no air and the Cardinals know [Music] and Herzog gesturing with his let's see does he want Gary to come in to pitch to Valenzuela [Applause] John Tudor who has been absolutely sniffing is a victim of an error a stolen base and a bizarre plays whoa we talked about John Tudor backing up to playing knowing exactly where to go it cost him this time now he's going for the ball now he sees pennilyn is going to make the play he's going to get out of the way but actually gets in the way as Pendleton has the side Armen and hits him not surprised fun down goes Pelton as he sign on to them to be trying to get out of the way gets in the way actually over hustling I would say there is one other surprise in this inning and if you are keeping score I would think it would come as a shock to you but the surprise is this remember the ground ball and Matlock hit and Ozzie Smith tried to backhand it and it went away they gave Matlock a double on that ground ball Christmas can't come this early that's a bigger surprise than hit the tutor that was an error and it probably hurt to do just as much well here's Fernando [Applause] here's the play I think Shawn Ozzy spended this is a double I'm an astronaut are you kidding me wandick out there that really made it a devil didn't then we we may get a change though it is a 3-run inning for the Dodgers and that said [Applause] [Music] and you can see paddle in Porter and Ozzie Smith do here was the play in the fourth inning Terry Pendleton had a routine ground ball and it came up and hit him in the belt buckle in he couldn't stay with it Matlock was the hitter he then stole second and scored on a bloop single to right by Pedro Guerrero and then the Dodgers got three in the sixth to chase Tudor although in two to his case as much I think by the throw by Terry paneling is anything else [Applause] it'll be Pendleton followed by Porter and then Smith very grounded to third and singled [Applause] and then much to his chagrin was picked off first in the fourth inning I would think too that some of these Cardinals who are from Southern California pull little extra pressure on themselves playing in their own neighborhood Eastern Port Hueneme and we listed all the Southern Californians on the Cardinal club that fella yawning didn't have too much pressure on him what a time to catch you poor guy 1 & 1 you know the way Fernando started out didn't think there was a chance for him to get a complete game but he is one of the best closers in baseball he goes to the whiffing at 7th 8th and 9th however as we pointed out at the start of the game that was one of the big shocks for Fernando after twisting his ankle he was unable to close four games in a row with leaves you can see where he ranks and shut out with John to to number one and there's a shot into right-center base hit Terry Pendleton singled it got so that Fernando began to ask people what am i doing in the sixth why is it always the sixth or seventh inning and believe me he's thinking that right this second he's one of those guys that never looked at a bullpen but he could go into a streak like that and a boat kind of stern right now Tommy knows it and here's Darrell Porter struck out and singled and he hits Fernando well you've gotta say this for the Cardinals they're trailing by four but they're not taking anything pennilyn went up and took a whack at the first pitch missed and then got a base hit Porter got a high pitch and he went to work on it Tom needin fewer begins to throw in the Dodger bullpen go on one swing to four nothing Dodgers top of the seventh game one orel hershiser and walking into hard tomorrow night 1 & 2 Fernando has walked 2 and struck out six [Music] [Applause] 1 & 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music] - there on the bed for one no play at second but that took a double away as soon as eNOS touched the bag that removed the force and he knew he could get the ball down there for a tag good thing he's a right-handed thrower he gets that big glove over there and gets it hey you see what I did wrong hand the ball watch this what else is gonna happen in this game this is a Houdini play watch this one from me and what katja that's a gotcha of course he has a black belt in gotcha with one out here is Ozzie Smith are you going to tell Bruce Froemming nothing nothing will be our secret [Music] one ball and no strikes Ozzy who singled and flied to left should have been charged with an era but wasn't and the reason we say he should have been charged with an era had totally wrecked the sixth inning for John Tudor line drive left the a base hit charging Guerrero they're going to hold peddling and Pedro runs it in to make sure Ozzie Smith stands at first that's at four run lead Pendleton trying to draw it thrown Pedro brings it in we're of course kidding about the Cobell play if he touches it at all the guys out sure Tito Landrum coming up now that that World Series play when Bernie carbo score that was a whole different thing you had to tag all he had to do was to attack the base Tito Landrum he that tells a lot boy tough time walking up the bench but especially in the League Championship Series bidding for Ken dayley runners at 1st and 3rd one out seventh inning and the Dodgers leading the Cardinals for nothing now in the seventh-inning blues base hit the Dodgers and Fernando are squirming it looks like another those seventh-inning and it never used to be that way he's made a hundred and nine pitches in over a hundred they were going to start checking him and here comes with sorta so even though he has been a good closure up until this he'll speak you talked about Ben Tommy's got the big guy out there and poor to one ballgame he's gonna make the move right now interesting thing too when you get into the bullpen does if they comparison standing ovations but again the seventh-inning jumped up and got him these are the signs of mr. Goodwrench size fall salutes the Royals Dan Quisenberry and the expose chip written as the game's top relievers ridden won the National League relief fan honors for the first time while Quisenberry won in the American League for the fifth time in six years congratulations to these two top relievers recipients of this year's Rolaids relief man award the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball presenting the 1985 nationally roll AIDS relief man of the Year award is John Carroll vice-president of Warren and Lambert maker of Rolaids thanks Mel Rolaids never forgets what relief means so we're proud to recognize the league's top relief men with this award this year Rolaids spells relief Man of the Year Jeff Reardon Thank You John I'd also like to thank row legs and nice to know they appreciate us relief pitchers I also like to thank my teammates without them I couldn't have won this award this telecast is presented by authority of Major League Baseball and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of major league baseball we have tried to give you as many angles going into this league championship series as possible the difference between the two etc here's one that certainly bears remembering for as long as this series continues when you look at the bullpen in the month of September and the week in October for that period the Los Angeles bullpen lost 11 game in that stretch the Cardinal bullpen lost 15 games all year [Music] needn't viewer who has become the mainstay at a very bad stretch throughout September Ranjan aide of his 12 appearances in fact he allowed 14 earned runs in 17 innings probably a case of the bullpen getting tired but he is certainly no lead-pipe cinch and with two on and one out Matlock plays up and the hitter is Vince Coleman ground ball to the left of Duncan he has it and with the Cardinals that's the last thing you'd expect it's only the fourth double play Coleman has hit into this year [Applause] at the end of six and a half I think it was Disraeli who said there are lies damned lies and statistics and when you look at the Dodgers and the Cardinals the numbers really don't make sense who has the most stolen bases it's the Cardinal so naturally in the game it's the Dodgers who has the poorest fielding team the Dodgers so who makes the most errors the Cardinals and so it goes the only numbers at counter on that scoreboard that Dodgers have four and the Cardinals have one Coleman hit into a double plays one of those plays over but I think affects the whole ballclub they'll be talking about it that's the last thing you would expect Coleman a double play that's another statistic the Cardinals hit into the fewest days all year and Bill Campbell coming out of the bullpen course why he uses his bullpen it's called bullpen by committee use everybody who he asked one [Applause] [Music] Herzog and his birds are down four to one here in the seventh inning in the first game [Applause] we saw Mariano Duncan bunk for a two-base hit the way thinks he going tonight he'll have the bunt for a three base hit it's been while I was kind of nights maldonado bunting for a base hit and paddlin nails his pitcher they've had stolen bases by Matlock and Guerrero are not exactly known for their baserunning exploit we had a groundball get off Ozzie Smith's club that was incredibly ruled a double and that's it down the left-field line and the reason we stretched that is for John to do if Ozzy makes the play tutors out of the inning in the sixth inning and it is well 1-1 but because of that the play continued and in Scioscia single Maldonado single sax double etcetera on the right side and it'll be Jack Clark [Music] [Applause] Mariana Duncan old for pores he fouls out however he came up with the big play on that hard ground ball by Vince Coleman and turned it into a double question here is eNOS Cobell Cobell hit back to the box struck out grounded to third and of course he figured because he made an excellent play defensively on the ball hit by Porter in the seventh inning if he doesn't make the play on Porter that's a big inning for the Cardinal remember pennilyn it's single an importer might have had a double smith and Landrum followed with singles but because of cabel's play they had to settle for just one we had a great plan to pickpocket tag the fake bag [Music] one ball and no strikes one and one that's the way I heard an umpire described once said umpires like a pickpocket notice him and his career is one and one to count to Bill Campbell working on eNOS Cobell big slow Freight develp bailing out of it he didn't quite know which way to go two and one it looked like Cobell we watching Campbell's elbow as he threw that from that centerfield shot it looks like Campbell appreciates this kind of disassembles falls apart as he cook falls towards the plate I was doing you a bootcamp and they tell you to pick up things all I want to see is the kneecaps and elbows that's it and I think there was a couple of other things the eyes would holler 2 & 2 four runs seven hits for the Dodgers watch delivery caption elbows he hides behind that front arm and he comes at you one part of the time comes at you in sections they call they have a nickname within the ball club now they call their bullpen to save the family ground ball to the hole flagged by pennilyn to get him good play the Cardinal pitching staff as 44 saved so they have picked up the slack after that brilliant Bruce Souter performance of 45 saves they have two double figures save men for the first time since Al hrabosky and Mike Garmin and that's ten years ago the Cardinals at Ken dayley with 11 saves Jeff Lahti with 19 Matlock's been busy grounded out was aboard on an error by pennilyn stole second and scored then was charitably given a double in the sixth inning in score online show you what a remarkable and consistent performer he had a 17 game hitting streak this year matching his career-high the other one was in 1976 would appear to have room in fact he comes up and makes it down so the dodges are out in order for the first time since the second inning and at the end of 7 for 1 Los Angeles [Music] from Dodger Stadium the tradition is here memories are waiting on NBC Sports became a cliche we look at was sort of talking to prayer and Oskie to stop the Cardinals keep Coleman and McGee off the base so far they've been able to do it the combine o for 7 with 3 strikeouts and McGee has struck out two of the three times the other apply ball to Center all three trips were against Fernando now he's pick up an extra pitch it is the modern-day pitch it is the one that everyone seems to be learning to throw the split-fingered fastball and it has helped him considerably [Applause] [Music] favor of the dog who's wearing the eighth-inning [Applause] they'd have to pee in the 90s I was going to say that that was the best basketball he's thrown 91 miles per hour that's the license plate on that one that gets won by fisted foul or third and how to play I think one of the things about needing fewer two that's overlooked is how well he spots the ball he's got good stuff but he he's got a pretty good idea what he's trying to do you know when you think about it this year he's had quite a year seven wins and 19 saves made a lot of contributions take funny McGee he strikes out for the third time [Applause] was that whether you're better swings we look like it was completely food just trying to file it off hoping to stay alive I don't think he wanted to tape that use it as a clinic now the batter's tommy heard double the left grounded out good play by Duncan and walked in the 6th inning Tommy 1/4 to hitting 5-under [Music] he's going into 90s has to be consistently 93 that one you can just you can see it from up here eyeballs bend it in the middle like somebody's porn milk interest in that speed nut-brown foul when the Dodgers are playing in San Diego and they brought in a pitcher he warmed up and the batter was Carmelo Martinez after the game a Scout said to me for that pitcher you know in his eighth warm-up tosses he got his warmups 297 and you know that first pitch he made to Maldonado it was 90 it to Martinez was 96 I said yeah but Martinez hit it in the upper deck for three-run home run I said what does that tell you I should fix his feet I just don't mean much anymore just numbers I think and I'm sure you'd agree it is not the sheer velocity of the head no but whether it's moving around a speed gun can tell you how fast but it doesn't tell you if the ball is moving right the balls got to move on a wonderful more the guy through Martinez it moved with the wrong way of tirado seats here's Jack Paar walk grounded to third struck out over two [Music] bark followed by Cedeno and a good bunt because Matlock was very deep no play [Music] you can see what Clark is thinking any three runs he once again on face maybe sedan Yolo pop wouldn't be one run behind niet if he gets it on the ground and he's not trying to pad that average he just wants to get on hoping that lightning can strike good play the speed gun is like looking at the hip column the Cardinals have out hit the Dodgers Cardinals now have eight hits the judges seven and the score Dodgers four Cardinals won today newest popped up two sacks grounded the sacks and grounded two sacks again so you've got that play down four you know I thought you were going to say is like game-winning RBI tells you something but it really means nothing [Music] I could burst in at four to one Dodger he was going to try and hit that to the Dominican he just made up his mind this is going to be a fastball I'm going to swing netball was out in the strike zone but the high fastball looks so big and it's pretty simple the high fastball you see the whole ball and the ball is low you only see half of it of course the good hitter hits that half misses the whole ball you know what the in retrospect I'm a little surprised at the Cardinals because there certainly is aware of it as I you are about Fernando and the and his ankle big chopper to Matlock it's a fair ball and the throw to Cobell daddy longlegs over there open up like a pair of scissors we talked about the surprise of the Cardinals after we take another look first Madlock has to go up and watch cabal [Applause] the end of seven and a half more to one dodgy sure trailing suspects to back streets and dark alleys and dangerous work but it's worth it's after cracking a tough case I open one of these a light fear from Miller after tracking down hot leads all day a cold like short a scream and lifeless feeling to with the third less calories than their regular gear and you can't afford to get filled up in this line of work I'll see good news lady you dog light beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless Capell really did a stretch job on that last play and [Applause] [Music] I guess watch it here now he does something else look at the glove reaching out for it too many times you see a guy stretch and then he's got the glove next to his body in tight and he loses whatever he picked up with the stretch Pedro Guerrero followed by Mike Marshall and then Mike Scioscia in the eighth-inning and todd worrell another local boy is down in the pen with bill campbell pitching gamble working on Guerrero arrow has struck out singled and was walked intentionally one for two Carlos Diaz throwing in the Dodger bullpen Game one of the National League Championship Series and you see the edge in the Dodger pen you know after looking at him all year I can't believe the swings I've been seeing him take tonight you could see that really hurting too money swung and missed he's regrouping right now trying to rewind or get that body back together so I said and you can see it taped he's got that many motorboating wrist protector on he tried a batting glove on top of that thing the first time and it didn't work they took the other batting glove off the tape goes all the way around the base of the left arm across the knuckles and as you can see all the way halfway up at least the forearm [Applause] we have the paid attendance [Applause] Dodger Stadium for Game one 55,000 270 in the famous words of PT Barnum every crowd has a silver lining there's a lot of silver here call for ground ball to the hole [Applause] [Music] Pedro Guerrero grounding 1 Ozzie Smith that had given a week's salary to handle it almost got it but Terrace not enough [Applause] the Guerrero at first nobody out in the eighth for Towanda and Mike Marshall coming up and whitey coming out to talk and we might have a two-for-one switch Cedeno made to last out so what they'll do is put Andy Van Slyke in the number nine slot in right field and put the new pitcher wor L in Cedeno spot so Van Slyke will bat ninth and todd worrell who's from nearby arcadia will be called in from the bullpen and Ozzy comes up a buck Sean it is for one Dodgers in the ADA I'd with Elizabeth Taylor you have to be a real star to wear a Dodger jacket and the st. Louis Cardinal box that's Mary Shane DS Richie needs his wife behind and we're there m'lady in the fur coat Marge Everett and of course that makes you think of the Breeders Cup we're going to the bottom of the eighth inning and todd worrell and boy what a story he has been they called him up from Louisville on the 26th of August and since that time this big kid from Arcadia has three wins and five saves in fact he's been successful in all five of his save opportunities and can he throw hard as Mike Marshall we'll find out last fall he has struck out 17 hitters in he has Guerrero at first nobody out in the not keeping score Pendleton Porter and Smith are due up with Van Slyke batting ninth in the I pop fly down the right-field line Van slyke's going to get his feet wet right away in foul ground we told you earlier about how mike scioscia blocks the plate look at this collision with Jack Clark watch and it knocks OSHA unconscious and Clark was brog Ian went down for the mandatory eight count fortunately both men recovered but it was a terrifying collision at the time mike scioscia has long since healed from that collision coming up to the plate Jack Clark goes back to his position at first then he's okay amazing that he would tear his rib cage swing in a bad and not in the collision with Scioscia so she's one for three with the runner going a flyball to center so they played hit and run he puts that down for the second down candy maldonado is due up but I would expect Kenny landreau [Applause] [Music] inato is now going back to the dugout and that's Lando number 44 coming up the land roll hit from Alda not on and finish up we have a moment to the real world and what is truly important but I'd remind you to stay tuned following your local news for an NBC News special report hijacked justice with Tom Brokaw followed by The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and Late Night with David Letterman force on the West Coast the news special Tonight Show and David Letterman will be seen starting at 11:30 p.m. hijack justice Tommy Lasorda is down to the last straw Whitey Herzog has still got plenty of chewing tobacco so we've got a lot of baseball left we're in the bottom of the 8th the wand odd years Landrum at first out on bike line [Applause] Landro has not been good hitter coming off the bench he's hitting less than 200 as [Music] Guerrero at first remember he stole second in the fourth inning and Joey Amalfitano is very busy down at third base flashing signs seems they want to pitcher throws to first the play goes on right after that stroke foul outside of third you might began his career with the California Angels was sent to Minnesota in the deal at sand rod purrew to the California Angels at one stage at Minnesota Kenny he has hit 300 once in his career for the years I'm amazed [Music] stroke swung on and missed and the throw he stolen his second stolen base and the dodgiest third stolen base of the night can you believe it there's no doubt that the sword is sending the message of the Cardinals you think you can run we can run seem like the ball was there plenty of time a bit high as he hit there and Guerrero just did hold on to that bag good ball a handle orders seemed to get rid of it in good shape in fact it was not on the first-base side made the difference trying to give him a ride home [Applause] the Dodgers heat up their bullpen Kenny Howell and Carlos Diaz the Cardinals have Ricky Horton that's how the inside man Rick Honeycutt now is flowing without Nadia onto the land row [Applause] [Music] in the dirt goes all the way to the screen Guerrero 2/3 being in holding [Applause] his left hand Guerrero he was carrying something that was a breaking ball that order just didn't seem to get in front of whoa way loan inside Guerrero some ideas on his left hand was like he's carrying the glove to [Music] hi flyball to Willie McGee so they will lead Guerrero at third and in the ninth-inning handling Porter and Smith dodge it boy Cardinals won at the end of eight the 1985 national championship serum [Music] to the ninth-inning checking the Dodgers would not appear to be any changes naturally we told you land rose and Lasorda talking Bill Russell with coach manny mota sitting quietly and listening it'll be Terry paddled in Darrell Porter and Ozzie Smith four runs eight hits for the Dodgers one run eight hits for the Cardinals and one error Terry pennilyn grounded out and then had two singles but he was involved in the area in the fourth inning and led to the Dodgers first run as much as the victory I think it's important the way the Dodgers have done it they have completely dominated this game and Lasorda and the Dodgers have sent a message over to that Cardinal dugout it'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow the Dodgers tomorrow they have to feel they go Orel Hershiser had a phenomenal year when you figured that Hershiser has not lost here against joaquin andujar to 120 but struggled so much the last part of this year whoops one [Applause] ninety-two miles an hour that fastball in a precarious spot I'm tied to strike on just moving right off to play 1 & 2 the Terry Pendleton [Music] two and two neaten pure and so to the infield of Cobell Sachs Duncan and Matlock the outfield Guerrero Landro and Marshall [Music] second strikeout each Cardinal to strike out we've decided that tonight's NBC light beer familiar players of the game would be Pedro Guerrero and Dodger pitcher Fernando Valenzuela and Light beer familiar happy to present a check for $1000 in the names of Pedro Guerrero and Fernando Valenzuela to help fight multiple sclerosis - general Porter struck out singled and grounded out on deck Ozzie Smith when the Dodgers won 7 of 12 during the regular season with the Cardinals they won four of the six here at Dodger Stadium and as we pointed out in eight of those 12 games the Dodger pitchers allowed the Cardinals or less of course if you see they've allowed tonight [Music] he's just raring back and fired in the low-90s 92 well he's asked to work two and two third innings check swing look at third no swing [Music] I pop fly back a third slicing foul footsteps it was Madlock play all away and he should have made the play he had plenty of time waiting for it he's going to make it here and all of a sudden he hears something he says well I'll get out of here and he does and that's a mistake now we'll see what happens where the porta can cash it in tonight Madlock has been fortunate tonight he got aboard on an error by Pendleton stole second and scored got aboard on a ground ball that was charitably ruled to double of Ozzie Smith's glove and stored and our Matlock shiz away on a foul ball and we'll see what Porter day no error on the play I Popeye and mr. commit will be sacks remember the old days if a fellow made a bad play on a foul ball you defer judgment and that they hit her then got on base then you charge the guy with an error but they wiped that out of the book then of course there's been a discussion on that play where there ought to be a team error if two men get together and back off the baseball has resisted one change and they have made a change in the other then the Cardinals are down to their last out Ozzie Smith I the twice single Aleph and flied to left [Applause] what do you think he can't think why he's down very much when he's got a 20 game winner going tomorrow night away we got winners you got losers and you got to win for to win this thing different instead of s three out of five making it four out of seven 1 & 1 the count [Applause] do you think it'll take before you here's somebody on the first-base side saying well all we wanted was a split that's right you always say that when you lose him by three in the ninth and two outs and nobody on [Applause] 1 & 2 [Applause] remarkable game not for just the things that have happened and out of sync it's the cardinal sin it's the DA Jesus stole the bases and of course the crowd on its feet looking for the last shot [Applause] needn't viewer would qualify for a save tonight the pitches of record gone to to the law I think that might have been that little split fingered job he's working on - and to stick him with a fork and that was a good time to throw it right there because he's just been raring back and humming he's been fired two balls two strikes two hours hopped in the air foul out of play fifty-five thousand two hundred and seventy here at Dodger Stadium tonight and a similar crowd I'm sure tomorrow night you believe that Joe Lasorda almost got that fireball [Applause] two balls two strikes [Applause] Duncan saying I got it and he's [Applause] again we'd like to remind you to stay tuned following your local news for an NBC News special report hijack justice with Tom Brokaw followed by The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and Late Night with David Letterman on the west coast the news special Tonight Show and David Letterman will be seen starting at 11:30 p.m. for runs eight hits and no errors for the Dodgers one run eight hits and one error for the Cardinals tomorrow night Game two Joaquin Andujar and Orel Hershiser hope you'll pull up a chair and be with it but Joe Garagiola this is Vin Scully wishing you a very pleasant good evening you [Music]
Channel: 1980s Sports Home
Views: 17,907
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: Vin Skully, Joe Garagiola, Ozzie Smith, Fernando Valenzuela, Vince Coleman
Id: 449AtO88FIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 14sec (7934 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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