1987 NLCS Game 4 Cardinals vs Giants

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welcome back to candlestick park in san francisco you know when the giants moved here in 1958 to this city by the bay a dark day for the big apple but a lot of golden moments started here in san francisco the baseball giants began their history at the polo grounds in harlem where they played for 46 years before leaving their fans with only the memories of great giant moments a decline in attendance made a move necessary at a meeting of our board today they voted permission for us to transfer the new york giant franchise to san francisco mimi will definitely do it that's right the last game at the polo grounds was watched by 11 000 faithful fans grieving the loss of their beloved giants for some baseball would never be the same san francisco open your golden gate their arrival was well received in the city by the bay for two years the giants made their home at seal stadium just around the corner from here until construction was completed at their permanent home of candlestick park named by fan ballot in 1959 for the point on which it sits the giants began building their team with memorable moments provided by some future hero tell it bye-bye baby aaron doesn't even move drive the deep left field that goes crawford still going back it's gone a grand slam home other memorable moments were of more interest to meteorologists than to fans i came into relief in the ninth inning and i believe there's two men on base uh second and first and the wind was blowing very hard at the time and extra gust of wind came along and just moved me about three or four inches just i just waved but the headlines the next day in the paper where miller was blown off mount the gusts of wind continued to blow a candlestick even this current season brought with it its share of windy embarrassments the evenings here are not just windy but cold in fact the giants have used madison avenue tactics to make their chill crowds proud of their ability to withstand the wind to those valiant few who stay to the end of an explaining night game the san francisco giants present the quad a candlestick from the team that hangs in there to the fans the hanging man back up there kid let him go [Music] well the present day giants will have to try and hang in here tonight at candlestick if not they'll be down three games to one of the national league championship series joining us the man who chased a lot of balls around here in this park joe morgan joe any favorite thoughts about the you're playing days here at the stick well actually jimmy there are two things that come to mind once before i was playing i was in the left field bleachers willie mays hit a fly ball i came to chase it so i could catch it and the wind came up and blew it back into the ballpark another time i was actually playing here in the major leagues there was a line drive to center field billy north was playing center field he charged the ball all of a sudden augusta win came up and blew the ball 20 feet to his left for a base hit we lost the ball game one to nothing things like that do happen here at candlestick park yeah we might expect sub tonight talk about tonight's game what are the key elements do you see for the giants and for the gardeners well so far the giants left-handed pitchers have been able to contain the saint louis cardinals the right-handers haven't done so well mike kruger is a right-handed pitcher so the cardinals get their running game started against right-handed pitchers so he's gonna have to keep them off base so the key element i see here is him going at least five or six innings so roger craig can bring in his left-handers out of the bullpen all right key point uh mike krukov the san francisco giants show thanks for joining us we'll see you again real soon when we come back we'll talk to one of the most important elements of the st louis cardinal team [Music] no better value right the new tandy 1000 tx is made in the usa and has incredible speed at an unbelievably low price speed six times the speed of the pc xt so you're more productive at home or work it's ready to run on a built-in three and a half inch disc drive and we give you seven pc programs including word processing filing and spreadsheet that is better value sandy computers because there is no better value only at radio shack i don't look for trouble i don't wear rubber watches and i don't say i do when i don't so i don't do this for fast food places that don't do steak new steak fajitas real estate real fast but i do appreciate a massacre no i don't taco bell the only real choice welcome back to candlestick park in san francisco game four just moments away joining me mike rook the pitching coach for the st louis carlos has got a difficult task tonight we've had a lot of time to work with danny cox let's go through some of the lineup let's take a look at will clark how will you pitch in tonight will clock is a good hitter and we can't stay one way with them danny cox has a curveball a change up and a fastball and we're going to try to move the ball in and out and he's going to show him all three pitches but again you know we just can't stay in one spot for him he's too good a hitter for that all right the hack man jeffrey leonard you'd have trouble with him throughout the series what do you do differently tonight with danny cox well i just hope that danny doesn't make the mistakes that we've made against uh you know the hackman because we've shown him a hanging curveball a hanging change up in the middle of the plate and a fastball that was waist high right out over the middle of the plate if he stays away from that he's going to throw him the breaking ball he'll throw him in the fastball and try to catch it inside thanks mike now let's go to public address announcer jeffrey bonds [Music] ladies and gentlemen please direct your attention to center field presenting the colors for tonight's game is the united states army color guard from the presidio of san francisco ladies and gentlemen may we plea as please ask if you rise at this time to honor america with our national anthem please welcome the lead singer of a group who is known worldwide for such hits as we built this city nothing's going to stop us now and it ain't over until it's over from the bay area's own starship please welcome lead singer mickey thomas [Applause] [Music] oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hail at the twilight's last gleaming who's brought stripes and bright stars through the perilous fights oh the rampage we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red [Music] that our flag was still there oh say does that star spangled banner way [Music] r we'll be back with vince scully and joe garris here all at candlestick park in just a few moments but first let's go to new york for an nbc news digest this is nbc news digest here is connie chung nbc news new york good evening president reagan today formally notified congress of thursday's firefight in the persian gulf the war powers act requires that but the president said he still believes the act is illegal the iranian news agency confirmed today that iran has stinger missiles which are america's most lethal small anti-aircraft missiles and has made copies in london the sunday times said stinger parts found on two iranian gunboats thursday were purchased a few weeks ago and that iran likely has a large stock of them and jesse jackson made it official he's running for president i'm connie chung in new york more news after the game on this nbc station monday out moves to a monastery where's the little monk's room will they take a vow of silence bite your tongue meet the monk from malmak monday he's very entertaining then on valerie's family the boys get girls oh yeah that's janice the old ball and change my marksman wants willy [Music] if you've ever dreamed of owning a porsche it's nice to know that some dreams come true [Applause] faster than others test drive the 924s at your northern california porsche dealer it's been said love is blind and when it comes to the cost of cars that may be true so to ensure you get the performance you paid for insist on high-octane chevron supreme with techrelien clean's complete fuel intake systems chevron supreme because people who use premium really can't afford to buy anything less come home to channel 4's post-game wrap-up show tonight [Music] nbc sports presents the 1987 national league championship series tonight from candlestick park it's the st louis cardinals versus the san francisco giants [Music] brought to you by miller brewing company sole sponsor of the u.s olympic training centers by the heartbeat of america today's chevy truck by atnt the right choice and by mr goodwrench no one knows your gm car better than mr goodwrench no one [Music] hi everybody i'm ben scully along with joe garagiola welcome to candlestick park and game four of the national league championship series last night maybe david didn't slay goliath but he certainly won the round with the giants leading four to nothing the cardinals got off the floor and wanted going away six to five for whitey herzog two of his hardly ables are in the lineup tonight terry pendleton and the pitcher who should have opened up the series danny cox but what about roger craig the giants didn't get here on hope they got here on wins and roger's job is to shake whatever psychological cloud would be over the ball club let's find out about it and go to joe okay then roger you've had two bitter disappointments by that i mean games that look like you were going to win should have won and you didn't what do you do to shake the ball club losing thoughts like that well i think that's been the strength of this ball club all year long we we can always come back and win a crucial ball game after we lose a tough game like we lost last night nobody wanted to lose that game but it just happens you can throw all the things out of the book when you start a playoff for world series anything can happen look at the tigers and the twins what's happening over there anything can happen in baseball that's why it's such a great ball game but we are up for this ball game there's nobody with their daughter down we feel we can win there it is he got the dobber down and hum baby then so it looks like hum baby against the white rat and on the sidelines mike kruko going against danny cox we'll get to the starting lineups all coming up right after this [Music] how does the advanced new chevy half ton stand up to ford chevy gives you more standard power than ford more cab room more shoulder room more two-sided galvanized steel new two-tier loading and a bigger heavier frame so how does ford stand up to the first all-new full-size pickup introduced in this decade not very well test drive it that's today's chevy truck [Music] i'm here having a couple of miller lights with the world's funniest tennis coach john kiriak this guy's a million laughs hey remember the one you told me about the chicken and the tennis ball that just cracked me up here have another miller lite yeah life tastes great and it's less filling and you don't want to get filled up when you're having as good a time as we are right yan for serious beer drinkers there's only one light beer miller light oh stop it man you're killing me you can depend on a t long distance thanks to the remarkable people who put our equipment to the test i love wrecking things this is a special laboratory here we create disasters one disaster right after another why do we do all this once we understand how these things can destroy long-distance service we can build equipment that'll stand up to it we're reaching further to bring your world closer yeah the storm's over at the right choice [Music] so to be continued at a ballpark near you the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball under beautiful weather conditions let's take a look at the cardinals and the way they come up in the first inning vince coleman in left field and ozzie smith at short tommy herr the second baseman dan griesen cleanup at first followed by willie mcgee terry pendleton back in the starting lineup at third kurt ford in right field tony pena behind the plate danny cox the pitcher and on the mound a fellow whose initial should be nd for no decision mike kruko there's a defense you see milner center field aldrete is in right field and third base and what a night he had last night even the carters were talking about kevin mitchell how could he play coleman so close to the line on the very first pitch of the game and there's the first play that he made he had a couple of beauties mike kruko had 17 no decisions this year more than any other pitcher in the major league he comes in five and six but four of those wins without a loss after the all-star break and once he got himself healthy here's his strike to vince coleman a year ago vince coleman and mike kruko wound up in the middle of a brawl and mike kruco wound up on the disabled list little roller fowl that was in a one-sided game in favor of the cardinals and vince coleman against juan berengar stole second and then stole third next time he came up frank williams hit him and the next thing you know a fight broke out and when krucco came out of nowhere to charge coleman coleman stuck him with his helmet in the ribs and mike went on the dl ground ball to first base and will clark feeding kruco coming over one away you'll see a big overhand curve ball from krucco uh he changes feeds on that that pitch he's got a good fast ball he throws his finger but he uses that much uh much like a change of face pitch it's interesting mike kruger going against danny cox in this game because they faced each other twice this year and both games were wild games in one game in may danny cox led 7-2 in the seventh inning the bullpen allowed five in the eighth and the giants came from behind to win it and then in july eventually the game went into extra innings the giants scored three in the top of the ten and the cardinals came back with four to win it one and one to ozzie smith kevin mitchell at third base really trying to take the fun away from ozzy smith he's really in close off speed it should buy the mound to robbie thompson who kicks it and can't pick it up so ozzie smith aboard on the error charge to robbie thompson and the battle will be tommy herr just an error that's about all you can say club was down he just didn't feel it there have now been six errors in the four games three for each side and the battery is tommy heard her is one for 12. now with augie smith at first we'll see if the cardinals put on a play they think they can run against crew co i'm almost certain they'll put on a play it's just a matter of which pitch and roger craig is starting early by motioning to his catcher to make your pitcher throw over there have stolen 18 out of 28 against crew co so we'll see if that's exploited at all by ozzie smith and they pitch out you could see it on the very first pitch they're going to send a message over there so three times he's pitched out so far and hasn't uh gotten his man roger craig interesting thing about tommy heard during the regular year and it might be a concern for herzog most of his strikeouts came as a left-handed batter he hardly ever struck out hitting right hand but left-handed maybe three times as much though perhaps instead of a hit-and-run play with a man who has a little trouble making contact left-handed they might have a straight steal one out first inning no score we're just starting and that's driven to right field fighting the sun is aldrete and makes the play and back to the bag comes ozzie smith that's the one sun area at candlestick at this hour and it is tough and aldrete was fighting it all away but made a good play tell you you know it's tough when you see what he just did he's fighting between pitchers and you can see on the play he was really battling that interesting though he didn't flip the glasses yeah i was just going to say that he kept the glasses up there it's a matter of getting accustomed to them i guess sometimes looking in like that if you pickle the glasses you might lose the ball in the dark glass that happens there's dan griesen one ball and no strikes mike crouco last year won 20 games and prior to that he had never won as many as 15 and he won his funny when he was 35 years old like you can go back for the last 80 some odd years and only four pitchers ever did that luke hamelin and dutch leonard roger wolf and ray herbert so it was a rather phenomenal year for mike kruco two another count first in ink home and grounded out ozzy reached on an era by robbie thompson her line to right and here is greason [Music] mike croucho going head-to-head with the cardinals lifetime is 11 and 13. three 3-4 since he came over to join the giant in three years he's had one win in seven starts against st louis [Music] reynolds kruco is really doing a job on aussie smith although with greece and hitting you want that hole between first and second ozzie does have the green light to go whenever he wants but kuko is really changing his his timing between his pitches trying to freeze ozzy and very high so ball four to dan griesen and with runners at first and second and two out it'll bring up willie mcgee mcgee heading left-handed he said that last night when he hit that line drive to right field and candy maldonado went into the slide and the ball went over maldonado's head that when he slid into third base wouldn't you know he dragged his left hand that sore wrist and thumb so it was feeling very good until he got the triple but it won't affect him nearly as much hitting left-handed as it did right-handed 4-1 so krucco's struggling a bit now mike won his last two starts of the year as we said came in here 4-0 after the all-star break he was on the disabled list with a weak right shoulder want to know he's great at miller we'd just like to say we're sorry if we might be responsible for prolonging the football strike here's hoping they settle it soon that's great last feeling get a taste of it unexpected bears races in the middle kellogg's race [Music] a combination with flair [Music] just scratch and match i won a camera you could win one of the tens of thousands of prizes from mr goodwrench just stop in for an oil change or just stop in no purchase is necessary to get the game card and while you're there enter the island paradise vacation sweepstakes you could win a trip to hawaii the bahamas or the virgin islands so see mr goodrich stop in for an oil change now or just stop in mr goodwrench no one knows your gm car better no one batteries can lose some life waiting to be bought but only new duracell packs have a freshness state that guarantees they'll live a long life not a short one freshness dating from duracell sunday on our house jesse falls for david's coach but will team pressure tear them apart you quit the team sunday [Music] here's the giant lineup that will try to fight back and get even tonight eddie milner in center field and kevin mitchell at third jeffrey leonard in left field and will clark at first michael dreddy in right field bob brentley behind the plate robbie thompson the second baseman jose uribe at short mike kruko the pitcher so tonight no chilly davis and no candy maldonado defensively great speed in the outfield coleman mcgee and ford pendleton is still kind of hobbling a little bit but certainly able to play at third base smith heard greason at first base payne behind the plate and the pitcher big danny cott 6'4 225 if you break that record down he was eight and three before going on the disable list then came back to go three and six four and two lifetime and he has been a cardinal pitcher with some glistening postseason credentials in 1985 he started against the new york mets in number 159th game beat the mets to cleanse the division he won game three of the lcs against los angeles when the cardinals were down 0-2 and then he started number two in the world series and the cardinals won that one eddie milner takes the strike 0-1 to count to eddie on deck kevin mitchell that's the pitch that a lot of hitters think is a slider but it coach mike rourke calls it a breaking ball it's not really a slider but it's almost like the one where grain throws it breaks but breaks bigger than a slider cox has a good fastball he can change speeds this big guy he's a tough pitcher no balls two strikes fast ball and a hopper to the left of aji smith who is on it to throw him out one away washi takes care of the first chance and the batter now kevin mitchell mitchell has two hits in 14 at-bats and of course that was one of the dramatic moments in last night's game with two out mitchell at the plate and jeffrey leonard on deck and mitchell flied to santa to end the game so kevin with jeffrey leonard on deck no score bottom of the first inning fastball on the hand and he really came after him he'll come after you he'll move the ball around and when he moves that ball around mike rourke says the problem that he might have is when he tries to overthrow and throw too hard but if he pitches like he can he can be a tough one tough indeed his finest game of the year definitely against san diego check swing foul back in april against the padres danny cox became the first cardinal pitcher in seven years to pitch a complete game with no walks or strikeouts went all the way oh and to the count breaking ball away one thing we have a little more wind at the outset tonight than last night and instead of going right to left it's been swirling a little bit left to right one and two fastball and that's it to the left of ozzie smith who comes up with it to take care of kevin mitchell two down i think when you watch the flags here all it tells you is that they're there you really can't pay that much attention to him here comes jeffrey leonard [Applause] jeffrey leonard hitting 545. he's been the big guy with a half a dozen hits three home runs three rbis two down first inning no score well one when he was hit last night he said in the aftermath of the game i'd have charged the mound if it had been a regular season game porsche was just trying to come inside just like cox did he was diving for the outside part of the plate and he got clipped inside again ball 2 2-0 to jeffrey leonard i'll tell you though i could think of some pictures that the way he runs the bases after a home run would be like a golden grave invitation to be thrown out could you imagine bob gibson watching him jog around two-and-oh wall three they're gonna check it first no swing says jim quick and account 3-0 eric greg is the plate on fire jim quick bob engel and john kibler on the line dave colon is on the right field power line ed montague on the left field founder that was a good call he stopped it brianno in there grand one since candlestick park is completely enclosed if you're an outfielder you look at the flags to figure out the way the wind is blowing left to right but the infield it could very well be flowing the opposite way as it swirls that missed the corner ball four we were talking about jeffrey leonard and his home run trot the one he calls the one flap down and if you didn't see it after this now first watch his left arm when he rounds first that's the one flap down there goes flap down points that finger indicated he'd hit it good and then he puts the flap down the round he goes so jeffrey leonard at first with two out on the walk given up by danny cox and now will clark is fine to hit her as i think we've seen in the league in quite a while he hit a ball last night he had a sinker that hit the fence about a foot and a half from the top of it and the only guy i can remember in my time and i saw him mostly spring training was the great ted williams he could hit those secrets boy this fella can really swing the bat one of the outstanding young hitters to come along and i couldn't help but thinking and watching him swing the bat last night sitting quietly and no doubt smiling in the in the stands had to be stan music who would certainly appreciate the way this guy swings the bat chopper wide at first fielded nicely by driessen the cox coming over good play by dan so for the giants no runs no hits they leave a man and at the end of an inning we're underway cardinals nothing giants nothing the advance new chevy half ton is all new ford isn't and the advantages stack up chevy gives you new two-tier loading four doesn't more two-sided galvanized steel a bigger heavier frame and on top of it all more standard power with vortech v6 want a load of new features test drive the first all-new full-size pickup introduced in this decade the advanced new full-size chevy i'm state farm agent stan griffin just talked to two of my car insurance policy holders bob and doris rhodes they're off on another trip for so-called retired folks they sure get around they get a real feeling of security seeing all those state farm offices just about anywhere they drive they should ever run into trouble they know a state farm agent is to help them get back on the road again today's small cars are tougher than ever on oil their high compression engines not only rev high they can run hotter than regular small car engines their searing heat can begin to break down an oil immediately that's why there's kestrel the only leading motor oil that in every grade provides maximum protection against viscosity and thermal breakdown so use castrol before your engine does something to get you heated up castrol engineered for today's smaller cars my grandfather was a carpenter [Music] my dad's a carpenter yes building things is in my blood the saw cat from the industrial tool division of black decker tough ball and roller bearings cut steel helical gears for precision and power job after job you know you start in the morning there's nothing and at the end of the day there's proof you've been there ask a man who's used one lately nothing beats up black and decker one thing about that chart it tells you how calm it is in the morning and then as the afternoon progresses the winds always come up although it is a beautiful 65 and here is terry panellin who is ready to go after hinging himself on the off day and failing to get into last night's game on one to terry pendleton breaking ball hit to center milner a fine outfielder right there one away so for krucco three balls have been hit fairly hard tommy herr lined to aldrete and now mcgee and pendleton hit the ball to milner and watching the defenseman and certainly the work of the advanced scouts they've been playing most of the left center field here's ford and they're moving them a little bit lillis's demand but center fielder milner has kind of moved over to the right field side of second base expect him to pull curt ford is 285 during the regular year and promptly pulls the ford a line drive single to right in looking at ford in the game he played against rick russell he pulled twice to right field once in the first baseman and one time went the other way so that's kind of report that's what they do before the series begins and then pitchers and catchers and manager and pitching coach usually go over them tony pena coming up paying you hit 214 during the regular year hitting a little bit better than that in the lcs 222 hit a long out to dead center last night right on one giants won 46 of their 81 at home during the year 0-1 to tony pena ford with good speed down here at first base stole 11. notice him taking a look at the coach that's for confirmation from the first base coach that's one of the things i'm sure roger gregg picks up immediately and pena hits one just by the diving uribe and ford is on his way to third milner after him no good down to second base goes pena that's what the cardinals do better than anybody going from first to third and you can see what happens on the throw pena a catcher who can run as vin has been talking about it he picks up the big base and now the double play is eliminated and the base hit scores two zelfenia who looked like he was giving at the plate i think he was expecting a pitch inside he got a curveball and it looked like his hips were almost in the cardinal dugout and he was able to reach out and hit it up the middle so pena a key base hit to put cardinals at second and third with one out and danny cox will be the batter not only a key hit a key base that he picked up for that changes the defense the infield's got to play at third base they're already in at first base or halfway second and short interesting what the eighth place hitter has done for the cardinals so far in the lcs pena lawless and ford are hitting a combined 444 with three walks at some eight spot tough spot to hit from i asked danny cox what kind of a hitter are you said improving and one of the players walking next to him said he'd come a long way owen won the count of danny and he's in a hole now oh and two nick leyva hanging out a sign perhaps although what kind of a sign can you hang out to a pitcher no balls and two strikes hang in there don't get hurt because i think krukel will go right after him he should anyhow wouldn't be any play on one out second inning no score and the cardinals threatening ground ball by the drawn in infield ford scores down to third goes pena and the cardinals lead one to nothing i'm really must second guess that pitch he threw a curveball that danny cox just about came on glued i mean when he saw that big breaking curveball and that fastball he gave him was right down the middle where he could put the bat on a good piece of hitting by danny cox and a great example of hitting the mistake watch where this fastball is it's no strikes no balls and two strikes right down the middle i mean that's room service danny cox had one rbi during the regular year and he equals that with one swing tonight so first and third still one out the cardinals leading one to nothing so that's a turnabout from last night's game and vince coleman coming up then it's bad enough to give a picture a ball like that the hit but no balls in spikes so kurt ford carried the run over pena is now at third base cox at first with one out and vince coleman the batter all one off speed coleman of course being such a speech to with over a hundred stolen bases he hit into seven double plays all year all seven as a left-handed batter and he's against the number one major league double play combination with the giants they're really stacking them towards the left field line a lot of room in right center breaking ball one and one account look at the defense now even uribe is way over there robbie thompson has to cheat towards the back but look at milner in center field and there's the big gap in right center field one and one to vince coleman giants trying to prevent and stop the bleeding last night the cardinals went on a tear and had five consecutive hits tonight they have three straight with coleman and smith back to back two and one account brentley not hiding behind that catcher's mitt as he did last night i'm sure one of the things he's talking about is mike you got to be yourself forget about what's happened and that last place looks like he tried to throw a little bit too hard and got it out of the zone two and one to vince coleman who grounded out to will clark and krucco came over to handle it in the first inning two balls one strike ground ball into right field base hit daniel will score and cox on his way to third aldrete's throw is not in time holding it first is coleman that's four consecutive hits for the cardinals and they lead two to nothing and keep in mind what we said about the cardinals being the best club going from first to third you can talk all you want about speed being stealing bases but that's not the yardstick the yardstick is just what they're doing here's a picture of a big guy like danny cox the cardinals probably have the only pitching staff with shin splints from running and it is certainly paying off ford single to right paynia singled up the middle ford going to third and payne you took second on the throw cox single scoring forward with pena taking third coleman singles and paying your scores with cox taking third so it's a little bit of a track meet out there two to nothing in favor of st louis and left-handed joel price begins to stretch out in the giant bullpen why do herzog and his coaches work on that in spring training i mean to them when you're on first second base is not a place to stop and refuel it's just a place along the route keep going four consecutive hits for the cardinals and here is ozzie smith who was aboard on the error charge to robbie thompson in the first inning fall one when the giants come up in the second inning whitey will have to contend with aldrete brendly and thompson danny cox down the line from third coleman away from first and a line drive grey catch by thompson double play [Applause] [Music] that lets you hold the picture in your hand while you still hold the feeling in your heart the polaroid spectra system the totally new buick regal there's nothing like it on the american road out on the horizon [Music] [Applause] [Music] kung fu and the chinese chapel what the one amount of socializing [Applause] i always reach for i call the miller light light tastes a great lightness of filling too [Music] [Applause] hey anybody want a pepperoni ancient proverb only one light beard miller light yeah harry kalamazoo tuesday i can do that memphis wednesday i can do that in new york thursday i can do that how am i going to do that no matter where you do business northwest can fly you there raquel welch in the role of a lifetime the critics say raquel welch delivers an excellent cast powerful raquel welch in right to die monday here's that play again the line drive the diving catch by robbie thompson and then scrambles on his knee and doubles up vince coleman at first the only way to stop four consecutive hits robbie thompson had that play in front of him and he could see it he wasn't going to take any chances even get up and that says it all right there bottom of the second inning robbie thompson perhaps really putting a stop to a runaway inning if ozzie smith ball is through the cardinals are off to the races as it is they lead two to nothing and now the giants will have mike aldrete bob friendly and robbie thompson against danny cox when danny cox pitches to mike aldrete he doesn't have to have too much of a memory to think back to july the 9th that's saint louis he was struck by a line drive off the bat of mike aldrete it fractured the fifth metatarsal in his right foot causing him to be on the disabled list from the 10th of july to the 8th of august so mike aldrete will start it off already has done pretty well against cox he's had only one at bat in the lcs he's all for one and you can see that shin has to be protected he beats a lot of foul balls down there 4-1 aldrete was in the starting lineup for the opening game and came out when cox couldn't pitch and greg matthews did he takes a positive approach to hitting he visualizes his swing i'll tell you he's got a lot of reasons to be positive i'll give you 325 of them that was his average during the year it's no accident and he's got good mechanics that swing of his is like will clark of beauty two and oh in there two and one aldrete with cover boy looks born and raised in the magnificent carmel area went to stanford university you laid on that fastball that was by him looks like he might have been trying to go the opposite field thinking there might have been an off-speed pitch but cox had a little bit on that one two and two and he goes the other way and the ball is over coleman's head so he has to go back and get it that thing was really slicing as it took off one down coleman with his great speed just kind of outruns that ball he circles it oh he brings the mind miss ricky's to say that hitting had value only on offense feeling value only on defense but speed value on offense and defense and you can see it with vince coleman we know what he does on bases but there's a case of speed just making an easy play after kind of circling that here's bob brentley who has struggled a bit he has one hit a double to right and he's been having trouble making contact he struck out five times in two games brentley hit almost 270 during the regular year one ball no strike fast fall in there pattern has been the same on him they've not given him a ball from the middle of the played in and they've been throwing breaking balls mostly changing speeds on that outside corner you saw cox that time with the fastball one and one and that's probably luke to left field coleman coming on drops for a hit so friendly a one-out single eleven and the battle will be robbie thompson the giant lineup has a different look to it tonight when you play milner and aldrete you get defense but you don't get a lot of power and when chili davis sits down along with candy maldonado that's 44 home runs between them so it is a different giant attack tonight robbie thompson can handle that bat he's already tried to squeeze once in the series brentley who runs reasonably well for a catcher held on by dan griesen right all in one robbie hit 262 during the regular year looking for his first hit in the lcs he can handle that bad you can put a play on with him obviously and on deck you have jose uribe who will hit left-handed 0-1 to robbie thompson one out on the second two-nothing st louis good breaking ball a throw to first before the bottom came out of that thing he throws it he can change speeds but when he he throws at mike rourke and it's interesting talking to him he calls it a breaking ball the play at first base is just one of those i'll be there things pina likes to throw and it's a it makes your ball club look good it's not a set play if he gets the ball and greases out he's gonna throw it oh and two the count to robbie thompson down he goes that has been his problem all year robbie who does have a little power he had 10 home runs but he's not that kind of a hitter but he struck out over 90 times during the regular season number 23. breaking ball again they had it high robbie just didn't get it boy did he open up looked like he's going to try and pull that thing up well danny cox strikes out robbie thompson for his first strikeout and here's jose uribe uribe during the regular year hit over 300 as a left-handed battery in there all in one tell you cox has had great control over every pitch he has sown the fastball he's changed up a little bit on taking something off that curveball right on that outside corner i don't think uribe could have reached that pitch and it was a strike and another one breaking ball same spot looks like your ebay is really off the plate that's why i say that first pitch i don't really believe he could reach it man and that's the first thing they teach is take a stance that you cover the plate and take it uh cover the plate with your stride but look where he is and he's not going he's not diving into it and he probably pulls one down the right field line hooking in the corner it is a foul ball foul ball all we could do is keep our eyes on dave palome the right field umpire because the ball disappears from your view in the corner and pallone was right there to call it and he got that pitch inside there you see pallone he had a couple of big calls last night yes he did and got him right not that it's so unusual but in a pressure game big calls so uribe losing what appeared to be a chance for a double and an rbi on the count owen two just wonder if he'll come inside this time because he got away with what cox did i certainly wouldn't have to be running a corner on deck mike kruko breaking ball got him that strikeout number two for danny cox no runs one hit and a man left we'll be back after these messages but first a look at the golden gate bridge a rock and roller a rebel a bad girl and a private eye it's dynamite private eye friday perfect well come on you're the last one today all right what have you done i made a pizza using cheap ingredients oh no i want a skimping on the top father i wouldn't and what are you here for i'm from the round table pizza next door round table one of the last honest pizzas well rick what do you think of germany so far bill this isn't germany we're at schroeder's it sure feels like germany we're here to tell everyone about the safeway and kabl oktoberfest sweepstakes we are yes kabl and safeway are giving away 25 free trips for two seven days and six nights to germany at a sheraton hotel and they'll fly american airlines something special in the air anyone over 18 can enter the safeway in kabl oktoberfest sweepstakes then listen to kabl to see who wins it sure feels like germany i am divorced i've been divorced for eight years this is the first house i have owned on my own it's not easy the buck stops with me but i accept that marianne bixby wasn't alone when she got her home loan she had home savings of america the day that the wallpaper went up in the hall my daughter said mom this house sure looks like a female owns it and i said that's fine come home to channel 4's post-game wrap-up show tonight game 4 of the 1987 national league championship series is brought to you by buick and again this year as it has for 85 years the great american road belongs to buick and by kmart the saving place we're proud to say you made us america's favorite store we're going to the third inning here in a very busy city of san francisco the fleet's inn about 11 ships came in couple of thousand sailors we've had the blue angels flying overhead for the air show and game four of the lcs with blue angels did they go through your room and now fly right to your room those guys tommy herr takes a strike in the count on one i was just thinking under the heading of the best laid plans of mice and men all the study and the scouting about these two teams the giant power their ability to turn a double play leading to major leagues in the earned run average then you look at the cardinals in their great speed a great defensive team and how do you control their base running and two of the more important hits in the lcs a single to center by a pitcher to drive into and tonight a single to drive in one greg matthews and now danny cox [Music] tommy herr lined out to right in the first inning he's over one and he lifts one into right center and deep aldrete going behind milner it'll be milner casey stengel who said so many great things he ain't so smart if they don't execute one down on a fly ball daddy milner and the battle will be dan griesen dan griesen walked in the first inning and kruko got out of the jam as mcgee lined out to milner kevin mitchell plays about even with the bag at third recent a very experienced player he's been in four lcs series three with the reds and this one with the cardinals off speed missed and the count one ball and one strike danny cox bothered by the bad neck for game one but leading tonight a drive into right center and deep milner and aldrete and already on the track and makes the catch in front of milner a catch like that the first thing you check is the flags but uh i don't think they were blowing that much so it just didn't didn't get at all aldrete right on the track there you see them had the flags been blowing and the wind blowing the way it was in the first inning that's a home run he might have been out of here but he's got plenty of room yet i said oh hey listen this is the way we like it when i heard candy maldonado say we love it cold windy and when it's foggy that's when we really really liked it and he's from puerto rico then i knew that roger had really done a sales job little roller down to first no play it's going to be ruled a foul ball first place umpire jim quick maintaining that the ball hit willie craig he wants to find out what's going on so magee hit by his own batted ball remember last night when robbie thompson took off for first acting like he felt he had been hit by the pitch and then was called back in a run scored well nippy jones was the first one with the shoe polish and then gil hodges i kind of think that oakland but they wore white shoes and hump i couldn't see a mark let's take a look at it and we're going to have a replay of it and see what you think about it oh missed it by two feet and that shot what do you think i look like the ball fouled in front of him yeah but at least from one angle now maybe where jim is looking down the barrel it could be another story hard to really say one and two the count [Music] chopper by the mound robbie thompson charging a little bit of a tricky hop so it makes a good play to get him that was a lot tougher than it first appeared because the ball angled suddenly at the last minute to robbie thompson's left oh he misses three feet at the end of two and a half two nothing [Music] i'm cardinal easy guy to satisfy i only want the best sierra is the pickup designed to pass the test performance with the spirit that i've never felt before mine a gmc sierra it's not just the truck anymore mine is gmc it's not just a truck anymore oh no this evening ken edwards had a vision of the future not of time travel or cities in space but of his family his daughter practicing law his wife heading her own business himself retired writing detective stories this evening ken edwards had a vision of the future and knew what it would take to get him there plans for investments and protection from the equitable we have great plans for you in mcdonald's we're tossing salads fresh all day every day i mean it's fresh when you get it and it's fresh when i pop it in my mouth it's like having somebody come in your own kitchen and make you a salad i come through the drive-through it's quick it's easy mcdonald's chef salad chicken salad oriental and garden salad for a taste that's tossed fresh fresh it's really crispy and fresh my taste buds just went crazy tossed fresh all day mick mcmick mcdonald salads hi i'm ron darling of the new york mets i had a choice pitch in the world series or watch the season premiere of saturday night live lucky for me i broke my hand [Music] well i don't mind on the other clark as long as i'm not called jack uh you know as long as people recognize me as will that's fine but you know once they start calling me jack you know jack left here four years ago and he's made a name for himself in st louis and i'm trying to do that here in san francisco so uh you know we're two different people trying to do the same job with uh the same name unfortunately and the other card jack one will a thrill and the other one they used to call dude up here dude bottom of the third two to nothing cardinals pretty good hitting pitcher mike kruko well one kruko has hit four home runs in his career and with seven rbis this year he has 52 in his careers he can swing the bat two fast balls and two balls and no strikes two runs four hits for the cardinals no runs one hit for the giants for a fella who had a stiff neck i'm surprised he doesn't have some kind of a turtleneck on here at candlestick i'd say he's as big as he is he can pitch anyway he was yeah you're right all three how do you figure that is it guys got pretty good control the pitcher comes up and he's got three balls no strikes on him danny bradford cox born in northampton england and that's down to fight three and one i guess a tip-up on his personality is when he got on the plane went down and beat up on that fella with giving his sister some problems three and one annie walking yet he was not a particularly successful pitcher on the road he was under 500 on the road this year and he had a tough september he won once and lost five times so he walks the pitcher and that'll bring up milner mitchell and leonard ozzy smith came in to say something and i'm sure he set up the defense but in the process you can bet me he said hey don't be walking the other pitcher so eddie milner grounded to short in the first inning crew co disdains the warm-up jacket that's a sure sign he thinks it's a pleasant evening here at candlestick and he's got running gloves on both hands or he's going to be well dressed when he gets the second if he gets there on one to count to eddie milner two nothing cardinals bottom of the third fastball foul back so milner is in a jam oh and two kevin mitchell on deck milner had four home runs during the regular year he's not that type of a hitter but he strikes out and for danny cox now three strikeouts it's the unpredictability of baseball walks the pitcher and then throws nothing but strikes to milner and kevin mitchell will be coming up [Music] so danny cox two walks three strikeouts she's allowed one hit kevin mitchell grounded to short in the first inning fastball hit the center base hit krupo will go 90 feet at a time not that kruko could go to third base no chance i want to preface that but it just shows you the difference in the theory of running danny cox took off when he was in first base thinking he could make third and he did make it but kruger knew he was going to stop at second first and second with one out two to nothing in favor of the cardinals another look at the stride at cuco he just knew he was going to stop at second base whereas the cardinals pitchers included they're going to head for everything so here's the first dramatic moment here at candlestick two on and jeffrey leonard coming up leonard walked in the first inning the cuckoo at second mitchell at first landed at the plate you don't have very much speed out there they're going to just switch signs but uh it was just handed to me that ball of mitchell hit was 91 miles an hour which was the fastest pitch that cox has thrown and that's one of the things they worry about if he tries to throw too hard what's that old line about trying to throw a fastball by mitchell is like trying to throw a lamb chop past a wolf and he really whooped it so first and second one out and jeffrey landed at the plate breaking ball on the corner for a strike 0-1 cardinals two giants trying to come back here in the third [Applause] another breaking ball but he wouldn't chase it one and one after leonard comes will clark now he tries a fastball inside and he's behind two and one he laid two breaking balls on the outside corner that was the one he wanted to break the bat on and get the ground ball now leonard he's just looking at zimmer for no other reason just to look at it because you know he's got the green light and he's going to be sitting on the pitch he is looking for leonard with 19 home runs 63 rbis during the regular year fastball two and two of surprised he chased that then i'll tell you why i the way they've been pitching him inside i thought he'd be looking for something inside if it was a fastball now of course it's not only the pitch but the location he's got to give him a breaking ball get that ground ball let's see what happens two and two to the hackman as they call him and he chased it and down he goes strikeout number four for danny cox and it will bring up will clark good to ground it out in the first inning good breaking ball watch you go right down the great spot he could not have driven that anywhere you could see it was all arms he was bailing out and it looked like ball three borderline it was borderline but two strikes too close to take and he's checking look at him he's checking with jilly davis two on two out and will clark the batter oh for one two nothing cardinals bottom of the third we're just warming up time no pitch clark had backed out eric greg at call time but danny cox was so intent that he wasn't looking 35 home runs during the regular year for will clark two of them came with two men on base he just in his kitty won out last night when he doubled about a foot shy of the right field wall or one started him with a low fastball cox walked leonard in the first inning gave up a single to brendly in the second and has given up a walk and a single in the third it points up the fact that the giants in the first three games left 18 men on a few more than the cardinals 1-0 right one ball and one strike clark hit 308 during the regular year one and two so danny getting tougher by the moment here he took something off the curve ball with that one that first pitch he threw in the dirt was a hard fastball kind of overthrew it and then he let up on this one so i tell you i doubt if clark will get a fastball to hit another left-hand hitter on deck mike aldrete two out crew co at second mitchell at first swung on and fouled at the plate just did get a piece of it good breaking ball you can see the bottom just fall right out of it down and dirty by danny cox take another look at it you see a pitch like this don't tell me about optical illusion one ball and two strikes to will clark and the fastball away he's going to show him that pitch when you talk to pena and you talk to lake about danny cox they tell you that his ball his fastball is moving all the time you can be right in the middle of the plate it'll go one way or the other he's got good movement on the fastball produces wild to will clark hard breaking ball and he golfed it and rolled it foul once again we remind our viewers we will be selecting the nbc miller light player of the game at the conclusion of the ball game it's two nothing cardinals bottom of the third mike kruko at second kevin mitchell at first with two out danny cox struck out eddie milner and jeffrey leonard here in the third and he has a 2-2 count on will clark three and two that is a little bit of an offensive edge for the giants because at least they can get a slow man like cucco in motion on the pitch and pena going out to talk to danny cox just wants to make sure what he wants to do and where because they'll have to bear down on will clark you almost forget about those runners it's true that kuko and uh mitchell will be breaking with three and two but here's the guy you got to bear down on your concentration is going to be on will clark full count to will clark danny cox is working hard in this inning he's made 21 pitches in the inning three and two [Applause] runners go and it's got him what an inning as danny cox strikes out the side that gives him five strikeouts in the game a frustrated and angry will clark leaves and a look back at a very special olympic moment an olympic moment brought to you by the prudential offering a full range of insurance and other financial services the prudential mexico city 1968 america's al order attempts to win his fourth consecutive olympic discus gold medal on his third throw he sets a new olympic record al order the only track and field athlete in olympic history to win an event four times in succession [Music] only your prudential representative goes above and beyond with a pre-review of your auto insurance [Music] sunday the nfl plays here when the chiefs back the dolphins before your team takes the field our team hits the air nfl live a picture of an area they tell me was originally called candlestick point i guess looking down at it it looked somewhat like candelabra and that shot coming to you from the goodyear blimp columbia from los angeles the pilot captain joel chamberlain from norwood massachusetts by the way up there the wind is 35 knots at a thousand feet the goodyear blimp cruises at 35 miles per hour going nowhere you're talking about going nowhere i was going to say talk about 35 knots that's about the speed that helmet came off well he's an intense young man he's still thinking about that time at bat danny cox tough inning but a good one for him ben in fact that's the toughest thing of all isn't it to forget about that outback oh yeah especially if you think you had a pitch you could handle so danny cox strikes out the side in a jam has struck out five and three innings it remains two to nothing cardinals and terry pendleton kurt ford and tony pena in that order all the damage has been done by the bottom of the cardinal lineup for one i think that one pitch if cucco could get it back is that one to danny cox oh sure man that was murder two hits by two cardinal pitchers big ones in the lcs two and all the count to terry pendleton to slide to center in the second inning on the corner two and one mike kruko gave up four consecutive hits for two runs in the second inning and was bailed out by robbie thompson converting ozzy smith's line drive into a double play two and two to terry pendleton in checking danny cox performance during the year it's the first time this year he struck out the side he picked a dandy time to do it you know if you look at pendleton and ford the on-deck hitter you think pendleton's stronger yet they don't think he can pull three into look at the defense milner in center field is over in left center field as we look at ford and yet with four they pull way around look at that center field is usually a key man pendleton rolls it to the right side to robbie thompson for pendleton he has some sock he had 12 home runs during the regular year kurt ford had only three home runs admittedly didn't have as many at bats but all you have to do is look at pendleton's legs his lower torso looks like it really belonged to somebody 6'5 kurt ford the other way around slim as a greyhound four one we're in the fourth the cardinals two and the giants nothing he earned himself pretty good rip there mr scully he swung like a man who had hit 12 home runs he was going for the downs i'd say that on deck approach that he had at perry como yawn that he gave it a little deceiving there with that swing he had a pretty good cut kurt ford is 5 10 and weighs in at 150. he is lighter than ozzy smith built to run time no pitch kuko when he gets a sign he doesn't fool around i think that's a sign of a good picture defense always on their toes pitch fast mike normally has excellent control that's part of his his game his trademark he has walked one so far [Music] cardinal fans seated among the cardinal wives caught it and got a cardinal jacket on these giant fans letting him have it there he is two and two the count to kurt ford oh now you want to talk about a rainbow a big slow curve ball and ford goes back to the garage what a pitch all that does when you get it is hypnotize you you don't believe it when it starts out it's almost like rip sewell's pitch look at this thing it's clocked at 68 miles an hour with a strong wind behind it but you talk about an infield fly that was really a rainbow especially throwing a rainbow to a guy who almost came out of his uniform with his first swing all part of the liberal education pena ground ball to kevin mitchell kevin throws him out and it's a one two three inning the last seven in a row retired by krucco at the end of three and a half innings cardinals two giants nothing it's a pathway that leads from here to tomorrow from sea to shining sea the grace of marriage [Music] famous sports magazine no one knows how bear it's it is for obvious reasons i like light because it's less filling but most of all i like it because it tastes great as for men sometimes i just don't understand it i think these guys have never seen a girl with another life before for a perfect 10 there's only one light beer miller light 200 years ago our constitution was born and with it the promise that we the people could live in freedom as one nation to capture the spirit of that precious promise the united states mint has created the official united states constitution coins [Music] even though you faithfully pay your premiums why do some insurance companies make you feel so guilty i had an accident you have an estimate two estimates three estimates and a note from your mother my mother leave it to the good hands in most cases allstate will give you a settlement on the spot without three estimates or a note from your mother how do we know it's fur you're in good hands a member of the sears financial network cardinals leading the giants two to nothing good natured fan with a little propeller on top of his cap the hum baby signs and the beat st louis and as the beat goes on in the stand danny cox quietly getting ready to face a charge from mike aldrete bob brentley and robbie thompson already slide to left field in the second inning cox with five strikeouts two walks he's allowed two hits and no runs starts breaking ball but he's too low ball one and the fastball is low so he's behind two and all it just serves up the point of how difficult it is to come off that bench 2-0 to mike already ground ball to first danny driessen will hang one to danny cox coming over so just like that one away and the battle will be bob brindley bob brentley single the left in the second inning one for one prior to this year bradley didn't have a hit against cox he's five for eight against him this year so he's catching up big crowd but they are silenced just as the large crowd at busch stadium sat on their hands as dave rebecchi was pitching a two-hitter this big crowd here doesn't have anything to holler about because danny cox has the giants shut down in the fourth he's showing it from that bound he stands there like he knows he's in control oh and one account to bob runley fastball got the corner at the knees oh and two he's got he's working friendly pretty tough inside outside changing speeds he's really been carving him fouled off oh and two to brently one away in the fourth two nothing st louis game four tomorrow rick russell and greg matthews got him on the outside corner so brinley becomes the sixth strikeout for danny cox and with two down on the fourth robbie thompson the batter he's been laying the breaking ball out there coming inside with the fastball but this time it's a fastball and barry greg says it caught the corner and brentley's out on strikes brentley not exactly cheering eric gregg's call of that pitch he had to get it out of his system check swing on a breaking ball strike one and that's one of the advantages of catching if you want to call it that when he gets back there brentley will be telling him all about it okay you call on me give my picture that yeah i was wondering about that whether you do get on the umpire or whether you figure it might have an adverse effect on your own picture there's more conversation one and one account to robbie thompson and your choice of words is more suitable for family viewing gotcha see what he did there was rated r but behind the plate you're pg one ball and one strike to count and a drive into deep left field back to the wall goes coleman gone robbie thompson who hit 10 during the regular year it's one of those no doubt about it home runs and it is cardinals two giants one and the crowd finally has a chance to make some noise got that ball up in the zone and robbie thompson was waiting for it he really did hit it hard now the batter is jose uribe with two out but boy has thompson shaking up the stick chain four one hit it hard cox's reaction he's watching it all the way but he knows it's gone fly ball to right field and his tracks curt forward and that will be that but it's a run on the home run by robbie thompson at the end of four cardinals two giants one will be back after these messages but first a look at alcatraz what a mournful place in the world so my team didn't make it this year so what do i look forward to after the playoffs watching crime story on tuesday at least those guys know what a hit really is for 40 years my father worked and saved and invested so that we might have a better time of it than he had now he's retiring and i'm thinking that none of us really changed the world in our lifetime and he cared but we can touch the people around us in ways that last god bless he has i hope i do as well more friends when you invest it's not just your money it's your hopes your dreams your future the franklin group of mutual funds los angeles 12 million people and they want your water they introduced another bill to take water from the delta and ship it to the south not again for chronicle reporters carl nolte and jerry roberts it's a story that never goes away it's not another peripheral canal that's dead senator i always said the waters just floating around up there serving no good purpose do you think the corporate farmers in the valley care about the little fishies in the delta we got the money we got the pound we got the votes we'll get the water their bill was passed with some environmental protection for the bay but the corporate interests still weren't satisfied they went around the legislature and killed the safeguards for the day but when the chronicle broke the story the corporate interests were defeated your reporting is biased and slandered the chronicle that damn newspaper will never be satisfied great people make a great paper order now and get it half price come home to channel 4's post game wrap-up show tonight what do they tell you don't forget to smell the flowers along the way how could you possibly come here and not take a moment out to look at a sunset over the pacific magnificent danny cox isn't thinking about sunsets at all he's thinking about that ball sailing over the left field wall exactly trying to wipe it from his mind there's eddie vargo former national league umpire last night i had him working on the commissioner's office and national league president bart giamatti says hey he works for me and i'm proud of it there he is check swing foul that got a little bit of bob brinley but he's okay brendly i think had the line that says it for all catchers by the end of the season you feel like a used car all in one right two remember danny cox had that key base hit in the second inning on a no and two pitch and it was a fastball that he hit let's see what he throws this time it's not uncle charlie chasing the breaking ball and fouled a piece away mike kruco trailing two to one here in the fifth he's allowed two runs and four hits but there were four consecutive singles in the second inning and boy did he throw him a breaking ball that time he's not about to give him another fastball but it burned him in that second inning and he just threw it out of the strike zone even and cox chased it that's eight in a row retired by mike croucho watch this thing sail look how far out the zone it is you couldn't reach that with a pull ball vince coleman coming up grounded out and single to right one for two speed really moves him in mitchell's in at the third clark comes in at first and the outfield swung the other way with the gap in right center one ball and no strikes that might have been an effort to throw that same rainbow through kurt ford but not very much happened with it not kind of squibbed out it's a little soap bar time i i don't i don't like that he i think he's got to call out a strike i really do and bradley is furious i don't blame him i would argue too because he was in his delivery and all of a sudden he walks out i don't blame him at all i i think coleman waited too long to get out of there i'd argue it i really would i think basically the umpire is always fearful that when the hitter calls time he's then vulnerable to being hit but look at that look where he was man i know what i'm saying are you going to call time uh and look at brendly's argument already all right now let's see and of course there's no love lost as we mentioned earlier between cucco and vince coleman two balls and no strikes to count you see it too there's something going on believe me oh yeah ever since cuco went after coleman and coleman got him in the ribs he's behind now 3-0 so he's catching him between the hitch when coleman tries to use at the time he puts that bat out there and he caught him between the hitch that's in there 3-1 account to vince coleman one out in the fifth two to one st louis mike croucho and danny cox on deck ozzie smith see he's trying to time him there they caught him again and another strike you have to wait a little while for eric greg he throws a phantom right hand quite a bit after the fact right there right there see coleman just does get that bad back and that's what cucco's trying to do is catch him and that's it foul off third down the line and out of play each umpire has his own style and you really have to learn it or all of a sudden you're calling pitches either too early with eric you have to wait until he straightens up and actually throws that right hand roller slowly robbie thompson has trouble getting it out of his glove throws it and it gets by will clark coleman will hold its second base the grass loaded up and that's the one thing that speed will do infielders they get edgy they know who's running they know they have to hurry they know they have to handle the ball cleanly robbie thompson comes up with he's trying to hurry it can't get out of his glove whitney throws a pound ball over there will clark can't come up with it and vince coleman actually kicked the ball not intentionally or they would send him back and he picks up an extra base and he says that for him it's easier to steal third than it is second so you gotta watch him it's gonna go as an infield single on a roller to robbie thompson he couldn't get it out of his glove and then the throw accounts for his presence at second base so it's one and one base hit and an error and the error now is going to be charged to will clark there it is interesting scoring very well nick peters and dave nightingale are the official scorers one ball and no strikes one-on-one the disadvantage that coleman has is he got left-hand batters out there and smith hurt drison mcgee pendleton all forward all left-hand banners so bradley's got a good view of coleman if he does decide to break uribe bird dogging him but no throw jose riding his back trying to take a step or two away from him new jockey one ball one strike and that's hit to right aldrete is coming up in a hurry makes the diving catch throws to second too late a clutch play by mike aldrete that ball was hit off the handle looked like it was going to drop in aldrete the swing looked like it was going to make that ball carry a little farther now watch him extend that glove and usually when you do that the elbow hits the ground and his jaws loose but he's able to hold it let's play his ride then big play by mike aldrete the crowd reacting a second time they show it on the screen in center field and mike kruko turned around to take another look at mike's great catch so two down vince coleman at second base and ozzie's wondering what he has to do to get a base hit and here is tommy herr lined out to right and fly to center and they flash on the board and if you don't know it you wouldn't understand what it means they flashed big letters mario mario we mentioned last night the giants call mike aldrete mario they tie his name up with mario andretti 0-1 to count to tommy heard and a fake the second reminds me of the old scoreboard in ebbets field if you didn't know the dodger nickname you wouldn't know who they were talking about schoon mooney and camp all in one gorilla hodges yeah yeah this spoon is probably in reading watching this guy i wouldn't be fried breaking ball in on the hands taking foul into count owen two if he joined us a little late with one out in the second inning the cardinals had four consecutive singles for two runs in the bottom of the fourth with two out robbie thompson hit a home run and that's it cardinals two giants one two down top of the fifth when the giants back in the bottom of the fifth kruko due to start it off then milner and mitchell no balls and two strikes to tommy hur trying to pick up coleman from second base and boy what a job uribe is doing trying to cut down coleman's lead good goal keeps shaking off the signs no balls two strikes one and two tommy herr with one hit in 14 at-bats in the lcs tommy had the base head in the fourth inning of the dave draveki game and it turned out to be the last cardinal hit that day one ball two strikes shot foul behind rich hacker outside first boy uribe was directly behind vince coleman and he was jumping up and down almost as if it was going to register on the richter scale to give coleman the shutters he was really doing a job on him speed is so disruptive and coleman in addition to being so fast is daring and uribe is trying to keep him close and then says doing everything because if nothing else you want to cut down his lead maybe get a play at the plate tend to doubt it with the kind of speed that coleman's got one ball and two strikes to tommy heard and he golfs one down to will clark who takes it to the bag and they leave coleman at second a base hit and an error and kuko finally gets the last out and it was quite a battle with tommy hur he was furious when they call time on coleman and at the end of four and a half cardinals two giants won thanks to mike aldrete we'd just like to say we're sorry if we might be responsible for prolonging the football strike just hoping they settle it soon right last feeling the totally new buick regal there's nothing like it on the american road out on the horizon the heart of a buick the start of a regal new day the greatest [Music] they'll cut me right off the bottom line maybe i better not show it to him no doubt in my mind it's a case we can win there's one airline that knows its business so well it actually lets you keep your mind on yours three-part strategy united rededicated to giving you the service you deserve our guys flying tonight there's tomorrow we all fly on thursday come fly the friendly skies i got this covered or what it's your new telephone from a t it's cordless has two channels for clarity and knows you have more to do than just talk on the phone oh you're not keeping me from anything and you found it at kmart is kmart america's favorite store it's game four the cardinals are leading two games to one and you're thinking just how important is this game well for the giants if the cardinals win it you're gonna start to hear the hammer hit the nails and the cardinals that really sets their pitching up great so any one you want to choose big big game whoever wins this one you then have russell who fixes exceptionally well here either to give them a one game up and go to st lewis and look at tudor so we'll see as maybe game four will give us the answer to the 87 national league championship series mike crouco to start it off 4-1 2-1 in favor of saint louis we're in the bottom of the fifth inning kruco you remember walked in the third danny cox has struck out a half a dozen in four innings ground ball back a third right there is terry pendleton one away eddie milner will be coming up milner has grounded to short and struck out interesting as you look at danny cox and we're counting his pitches here in the booth and that's usually been the pattern the first 70 pitches of any game he works he's difficult then he tires and the hitters catch up to him well he has made 69 pitches right now surprised a guy like milner wouldn't try as pena works on his mask he wouldn't try the bunt the way that grass is oh yeah i was surprised willie mcgee yeah with a painful wrist hitting right handed didn't try to bunt last night the grass really slow and that ball and batting practice when it hits there i mean it just kind of lays there it's the kind if you're playing golf you say man what a great lie i have yeah milner had only four home runs during the regular year so you'd expect him and the right side of the infield is back but he's hacking and fouls it away on one cardinals two runs five hit they had four consecutive hits for the two run giants one run three hits speaking of hacking it reminds me the giants really did a nice thing to ask hank sauer was a pretty good hacker and junior thompson and bob kennedy to throw out the first ball for all the years they spent with the organization kind of neat and how on one and that's hit the right field ford coming up for it well two down in the fifth and nevada will be kevin mitchell on the pregame show when they were showing the welcome to san francisco parade they had a quick shot of two giants in an open convertible waving to the crowd the confetti coming down one was willie mays and the other fella was hank sauer good hitter big henry i've i played with him with the cubs kevin mitchell grounded his shorts single to center he's one for two remember he hit that 91 mile an hour fast ball for the base hit he gets one inside 4-1 kevin reports to the clubhouse like he was the manager ninth game he comes at noon and lines a breaking ball down the left field line going over in the corner is coleman and mitchell into second base with a stand-up double and the tying run is out there with two out and jeffrey leonard coming up hamilton gets up there but not high enough down the line he gives it a good effort it's as high as he could get but it's a in two-based you wonder terry pendleton is only five nine so he really went to the top rung of the ladder and vince coleman runs it down in the corner though it is two to one cardinals the giants have the tying run at second base in mitchell and leonard who has walked and struck out at the plate and he hits a fast ball in the air to left field coleman going back to the track to the wall leaps in the air it's gone home run he's stopped too watch this truck the flags are hanging limply in center field and that fly ball when it left coleman went back as if he had a play and suddenly it looked like a jet stream carried it over something caught it and his crowd really going bonkers and they'll want a curtain call to be interesting to see what the hackman does remember last night we caught him saying let him wait we'll see what he does tonight they're going wild at candlestick they've won two eric gregg is motioning to come on out that's the first time i've seen that they want to get on with the game watch coleman now he's not so sure he thinks now he says yeah now coleman he thinks he's got to play and watch the kids behind the fence because when they go after it you know the ball has eluded the outfielder i asked leonard about saying make him wait he had quite an answer one and one to will clock what'd he say he said it wasn't the fans he wanted the cardinals to wait and so he could upset him here's that ball again now coleman runs out of room and there that ball just gets over the glove one ball and one strike to count to will clark 3-2 san francisco in the fifth and that's ball two for most home runs in the national league championship series steve garvey four in 1978 four games bob robertson four 1971 four game for pittsburgh jeffrey leonard four in 87 base hit for clark [Music] coleman finds where he is gets the defense feels it look at those kids fight for it yeah that's always the tip off and leonard once he sees the kids scramble otherwise you're not sure if the outfielder's caught it or not he didn't have the flap down vin he just kind of when we got to second base though he stops danny cox he's trying to draw that ball back here's his reaction remember we told you about danny cox and 70 pitches he has crossed over the 70 mark and the giants are leading three to two [Music] so danny cox trying to weather a storm here in the fifth inning 3-2 san francisco will clark at first and mike aldrete slide to left round it out and of course remember aldrete's diving catch another look at hackman that's mike lacoste sitting there with him oh and one account to michael aldready we mentioned at the start of the game that when cox and cruco hooked up twice this year they were both great games in one game cox led 7-2 the giants eventually got off the floor and won in the other game they went into x spinning the giants got three in the top of the 10th and the cardinals fought back for four in the bottom of the tent to win it so we figure to have another donny brook tonight and that's line to center base hits mcgee is on it and clark will hold its second what clark did was make mcgee throw and he almost threw it away he threw it between third and home and danny cox had to cut it off before it got to pena he didn't have enough time to back up pena so he cut it off and now dries and as we look at whitey herzog greeson comes in to say something to cox boy that 70 pitch mark that we talked about has really become prophetic because after the 70 pitches mitchell doubled leonard holmer clark singled already singled so the last four hitters once he crossed over the 75th smart have all registered with a base hit and mike rourke going out to the mound down in the bullpen ricky horton who was the long man in whitey herzog's thinking tonight porting his first man up here in the fifth inning the first two men made out kruko grounded out milner fly down and then herzog suddenly saw danny cox cross over the 70s and when he did mitchell doubled leonard the long home run clark the single to right already the single to center tell you something happened all right and mike rorick going out there to try to buy a little bit of time to get that bullpen a little bit of a chance to loosen up it happened in a hurry and the batter is bob brandley who singled the left and struck out one for two [Music] [Applause] hard breaking ball and brently chased it you've been laying that ball out there and it's a difficult pitch to hit and of course cox spotted it well against brinley danny cox with a half a dozen strikeouts but he's also given up two home runs and a double one ball one try will clark at second mike already at first two out to where the cardinals had four consecutive singles for their two runs in the second the giants now have had four consecutive hits with two out in the fifth giants lead 3-2 fast ball and a comebacker docks to danny greeson and the inning is over two big runs four hits and the hackman has been heard from again at the end of five the giants three and the cardinals two upcoming greesons mcgee and pendleton you know what i did today i tried to punch out a telephone at the airport my plane was late and i wanted to let my secretary know it's high noon in the office nobody's picking up so i started to count the rings i get up to 25 finally i get some guy in the lobby is 80 there get no idea can he transfer me well he's not sure but he'll give it a try silence more silence then i hear a little click i know i'm cut off no i want to kill my phone hello what if i've been a client and that's what i decide never again no more hit or miss from now on we're going to go with a system we can trust one that handles every call every message like it's worth a million dollars we're a service business we get paid for our brains we can't afford a communication system that makes it look like we have a guide the fundamentals the harder you work on them the better you get that's why at raytheon company we admire people like wade boggs people who are dedicated to perfecting the fundamentals practicing them over and over and over until their flaws at raytheon we do the same thing because in electronics aviation appliances and energy we believe quality starts with fundamentals [Music] if you had all the experience of yesterday [Music] with all the skill and innovation of today you couldn't use [Music] blue cross and blue shield carry the carrying card [Music] jeffrey leonard with four home runs five rbis in the league championship series has given the giants a 3-2 lead and now the cardinals try to come battling back with dan griesen willie mcgee and terry pendleton half swing it will cross the strike 0-2 that's one of those home runs too that's you'd have to call it a candlestick unexplainable because it looked like a high-fly ball but something seemed to carry it owen to the count big slow rainbow but he missed that was the kurt ford pitch but it was just off the corner the flags now are blowing towards right field but i know both of us looked at the flag as soon as that ball went over and they were limp one and two the count and the breaking ball got him looking big rainbow turn almost like the blooper pitch and it's a change of speed but also the brake on it is something look how high it starts and look where it ends up it almost hypnotizes you what it does it's clocked at 69 miles per hour and with one out in the sixth inning willie mcgee the batter lined out to center and grounded out willie over two fastball full foul 69 miles an hour and you possibly get jammed with it who are you going to tell i was jammed on a 69 mile an hour oh it won giants trying to tie it up at two games a piece but cardinals trying to open it up three games to one on the corner oh and two cuco has allowed a squib single to vince coleman in the fifth inning the only hit since the second round ball to the left of uribe base hit for willie mcgee we've been charting the the breeze or wind and at the same time you can see the temperature now has dipped below 60. it is cooler in the ballpark tonight and windier than at any time last night mcgee at first harry panel in the batter willie mcgee has stolen 16 out of 20 during the regular season and he might try to put some heat on krucco he's a tying run they're right after him renly gets that sign from craig and the throw over there on deck kurt ford missed the inside corner one ball and no strikes pendleton staring at dick labor to see if there might be a play on mcgee not running as much as he used to still running but uh that bad leg kind of slowed him up a little bit penalty and it's a thought for tonight especially he grounded into 18 double plays during the year most of them left-handed and remember he is playing on a sore left ankle back we were asking whitey before the game last night if they had brought craig leffertson to pitch to dan greeson would you have hit with pendleton and he said no i was afraid he couldn't run i would have had porsche come up if i could have to sacrifice one ball once right in the giant bullpen racetrack kelly downs a right hander and joe price the left-hander one and one and a pitch out interesting too you notice how brently backhanded the pitch out it was almost over the plate that was not a good pitch out of what he got too close to the plate is what he did i don't know look at mcgee staring down at labor talking to himself as will clark tries to break his concentration two and one to count to penelope and there he goes a breaking ball hit to the hole at short and uribe the long way to get pendleton so mcgee keeps the cardinals out of the double play as he moves up a notch so the tying run is at second and kurt ford coming up it's a straight steal you can see mcgee he's got that head now he hears the ball hit he finds the ball and he's going to stop there uribe took a lot of time because pendleton with that bad leg wasn't really flying down the line oh willie mcgee the tying run at second base in the sixth inning giants leading 3-2 and kurt ford who singled a ride and struck out when he singled in the second inning that was the first of four consecutive cardinal hits and he starts him with that rainbow and it's a strike that was the pitch that struck him out in the fourth inning that really puts a thought in your head if you're a hitter you say he struck me out the last time this time he starts me on it on one fastball but he missed away one ball one strike well that was a commercial then he was just going to show him that ford did well during the regular year with men in scoring position he hit over 300 and there's a ground ball sharply to clark and will takes it to the bag no runs one hit mcgee left at second at the end of five and a half giants three cardinals two if you were stranded on an island what kind of car would you want on this island you'd want the legendary reliability of toyota camry [Music] you'd want responsive 16-valve power and front-wheel drive to ease your way through savage traffic in very civilized room and comfort and of course you'd want camry style just to impress the natives toyota quality who could ask for anything more you can see the dream of success in the eyes of people all across america at citicorp we understand the dream that's why as city corp and city bank we've become america's largest financial services organization already helping one in every five american families with more home mortgages more student loans more mastercard and visa cards than any other company we'd like you to get to know us better citicorp because americans want to succeed not just survive think we're going to make it yeah well at least we're playing back in the 747 aren't we northwest has an all-747 fleet to and from the far east yeah harry kalamazoo tuesday i can do that memphis wednesday i can do that in new york thursday i can do that how am i going to do that no matter where you do business northwest can fly you there it's america's day at the races the breeders come coming november 21st to nbc game four of the national championship series the giants battling to get even leading the cardinals three to two and serenely up in the night our goodyear blimp claws on mike kruko has shut down the cardinals since the second inning he's allowed just two hits he's still hot i think by the time that coleman backed out on what he thought was a strike but maybe that's helped him and got the adrenaline pump whatever norm sherry the guru just kind of settled him down robbie thompson who struck out but then homered in the fourth inning and just as jim lindeman's home run last night seemed to give the cardinals a left robbie thompson's home run in the fourth inning got the giants going one ball and one strike for the little things that make decisions for managers lindemann batting fourth for example whitey herzog talking to him today he said well he's hit for it i couldn't put willie mcgee there he doesn't like it terry pendleton i put him there he over swings he had been there at least i knew that basketball he was late jammed on it good pitch by cox and the count one and two whitey mulling over i'm sure the fact trailing by a run and danny cox is due to back second in the seventh inning but of course he has only eight pitchers available he had ricky horton up earlier no one throwing now one and two the count to robbie thompson fastball again that just reminds me he made a decision remember before the champion the series began going with eight pictures if he goes the other way and use one more picture he doesn't have lawless that he could use which he did last night so another one of those decisions that will get lost in the process one ball and two strikes just missed with the breaking ball two and two three run seven hits for the giants two run six hits for the cardinal breaking ball hit the straightaway center and willie mcgee is there one down jose uribe the switch-hitting shortstop struck out and flied to right over two he just missed getting an extra base hit prior to striking out in the second inning and funny hit for almost the base that you're talking about that almost faced hitman was the only pitch that cox gave him inside he was trying to work him outside and got the one fastball in [Music] 4-1 1-0 to jose uribe normally if a hitter is crowding the plate he's just daring you to pitch away and that would be his strength when you when you see somebody stand as far away from the plate as he does what do you think about it it's a pop fly back and first down the line greece and her and ford tommy heard that position in the box to answer your question the first thing you'd look at is a stride is he diving in because some guys are deep in the batter's box and they come right into the plate but where he's standing i would keep it on that outside corner every once in a while just come inside way inside to move him back and keep him there two down in the sixth inning three to two giants and mike kruko walked and grounded out coming up no one throwing in the cardinal pin for the moment so we assume that danny cox will take is that bad in the seventh we'll see fouled away and this is what don robinson says about hitting right now he'd be looking for a breaking ball and if they threw it he'd have a good cut let's see if he would be right wait a minute ground ball to short he hit a fast ball down to ozzy smith wait a minute don robinson says that's right that's what he says the pitcher this is yeah this is the guy that said it was going to be and he hit a home run okay we'll be back after these messages from your local station 1956 the first world series perfect game is pitched 1956 a perfect climate for crime until jack cleary hit town private eye friday something smart has happened to the new pacific bell yellow page [Music] now everything for your car is parked on our new one-page index that helps feed you to the listing you need [Music] the brand-new pacific bell smart yellow pages it's smarter to do it by the book now let's have a look say ah no two doctors are alike action ah that's why when you choose maxicare health plan you can choose your own maxicare doctor a doctor who will know you and who you can see as often as you need without ever paying a deductible or filling out any forms maxicare lets you pick a doctor you feel comfortable with very good very good well done the white flower day sale this sunday and monday save 20 to 50 at macy's great dude save on coast all kinds of toys gear up or fall girls clothes toy clothes so take charge time charge and save 20 to 50 the white flower day sale sunday and monday [Music] come home to channel four's post-game wrap-up show tonight game four of the 1987 national league championship series is brought to you by miller genuine draft pole filter draft beer it's as real as it gets and by your toyota dealer in the all-new dimension 88 corolla who could ask for anything more danny cox coming into the dugout following the last out and i think whitey was breaking the news to him that he was probably coming out down in the bullpen ricky horton begins to loosen up cox due to bats second in the seventh inning there is ricky horton and the giants leading the cardinals 3-2 tony pena single to center grounded to third cox putting the helmet on so perhaps tony pena will determine whether danny stays in the game or not kevin mitchell right at the bag at third so he gives kenya a sizable hole on the left side hugging the sack will clark is deep guarding the chalk at first all in one fastball right two i can see mitchell doing that but i can't see clark doing that but that's that's what that so-called book that all players either thrown away seventh eighth and ninth inning guard the lines oh and two to tony pena he's having a few words i think with greg just visiting he's going to regroup 3-2 giants top of the seven pena cox and coleman four one one and two breaking ball and it's hit over second base into center field and that keeps danny cox in the game that's how important that at-bat was he'll be up there bunning and they'll set up at all kind of a defense clark is already looking in pina just flicks the bat he really doesn't drive this ball he's bailing out but he's got that bat in the zone and he's got himself a base hit danny cox during the regular year sacrificed four times and as norm sherry makes his way out to the mound they'll no doubt try and set for the bun i just want to finish my thought on don robinson's theory on hitting pitchers think differently you know the reason i was startled is i thought you were going to say stan musial willie made aaron this makes sense i know this makes sense pitchers think different and what he says is that most guys think pitchers can't hit curveballs so he looks for it in certain spots and goes to work on it and you're the one that said last night he hit the home run he told them i tried against lance mccullers and he said he's going to hang me a slider that's don in the left-hand corner now standing up a big guy out of west virginia and he hit the slider against mccullough for the home run he dances to a different beat all right let's see about danny cox now trying to get a bunt down with pina at first a time running nobody out in the seventh in the air and clark falls down but makes the play and if he would have let that ball drop if he slips and drops he's got a double play because cox started back to the duck out and pina standing on first base so he could have worked against him when they jerked the rug out from under him though will clark was just fortunate enough to keep his head above water and handle the ball yep but it could have really been disastrous for the cardinals although uh clark makes a good play i mean when you're starting to slip like that all you're looking for is to catch that ball you're not trying any trick plays well that could be a key one for a lot of reasons not only it fails to advance a man penis base hit kept cox in the game we'll have to kind of file that away put it in escrow for a little while and see just how important it turns out to be vince coleman is two for three a comebacker kruto to uribe to clark so that's important the failure to move the man on the bunt and it is two giants my grandfather was a carpenter my dad's a carpenter yes building things is in my blood the cat from the industrial tool division of black decker tough ball and roller bearings cut steel helical gears for precision and power job after job you know you start in the morning there's nothing and at the end of the day there's proved you've been there ask a man who's used one lately nothing beats a black decker [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] the best things are the real things draft beer is the real dear cold filtered miller genuine drafts [Music] people in this country work hard every day not for fame or fortune do they strive but the fruits of their labors are worth more than their pay and it's time a few of them were recognized work hard for every dollar you spend now get five bucks back when you buy 12 quarts of any valvoline motor oil you work a 40-hour week for living just to send it on down the line bottom of the seventh inning roger clay talking to will clark about that bunt and clark explaining how he handled it and of course such a big bunt earlier today because there's so much talk about jeffrey leonard and so joe garagiolo went down to the dugout to ask him about himself who is the real jeffrey leonard the villain we see in st louis are the hackman we see in san francisco uh i think it's the hack man i'm um very ordinary guy i think um i'm probably the kind of guy who uh if you invite me over to dinner and your wife or your mother bake the cake she asked me how it was if it stink i i'd tell her you know it was a rocking cake i'm probably that kind of guy but you are a good hitter i try to be eddie milner fouls the butt away oh and what i see tomorrow that story is don't invite him over for cake you mean there's a kind of guy would look at the mother and say that's a homely baby i don't know about this one one to count eddie milner is crowded to short struck out and fly to right over three that was a pretty good move we've been wondering about milner trying to bunt and especially you know how upset danny cox must be by popping up the bunt eddie tried to get him wool gathering but he fouled it off chopper to the right side tommy herr one down kevin mitchell will be coming up followed by jeffrey leonard and if you're not keeping score to look ahead to the eighth when the cardinals come up ozzie smith tommy herr and dan driessen kevin mitchell grounded to short single to center in the third inning and then hit a breaking ball and doubled into the left field corner in the fifth four one the mitchell two for three jack clark hoping for game six i guess at least that's what whitey said he was hoping to get him ready for game six it really has been a game by game for whitey as far as jack clark is concerned two balls and no strikes change popped up around the plate painia and i'll tell you one thing that is a real rarity to watch a high foul at candlestick behind the plate and have the catcher walk in a straight line and the stand still waiting for it to come down and he's talking to greg and they may be saying the very same thing here comes the hackman or first we'll look at penis look at this he's like if he's walking down an aisle well here's the man so far of the series leonard walked and struck out and then hit the two-run home run in the fifth inning to give the giants a 3-2 lead on ball and nose right ricky horton is up again in the cardinal bullpen one and all right look at that graphic and i gotta tell you those look like little league numbers five thirty eight seven base hits eleven times at bat four home runs it's worthwhile to repeat he has a 50 000 incentive bonus if he's the most valuable player in the league championship series and another 50 000 incentive bonus if he's the mvp in the world series would be a long shot but it's sure worth trying for this could be one of those spots where they're pitching around him two three and 0 on the corner three and one questionable curveball three and old low and outside you think they're going to give in to him on deck will clark and they're walking so the two out pass second time that they walked him tonight this is really why they walked him because he's at it again a towering fly ball and a gust apparently just blew it over the fence the kid's having a field day coleman had gone back as if he had to play all the way until he ran out of room and leonard had done it again so this time they give him the silk glove treatment they put him on with two outs and will clark will be coming up will clark grounded out struck out and single to right and he goes to left field coleman backtracking and has to knock it down here comes leonard around third ozzie smith the relay to pena and he is out at the plate six two what a great throw by ozzy smith and he hesitated on the throw didn't really think he was coming and at the end of seven it's three two san francisco for the first winter ever there's actually an anti-freeze that will guarantee your radiator the antifreeze new prestone advanced formula use it after using prestone super flush and should our protection fail no matter which model car you have we'll pay for your radiator repairs new prestone advanced formula the antifreeze that guarantees your radiator good night tim we'll be back late are the virtues of milk [Music] milk has finally to help boost your energy level protein to assist muscle development vital favoring for agility [Music] milk has vitamin b complex for a stable nervous system hi mom hi dad you're home early milk it does a body good [Music] introducing toyota corolla for 1988 dramatic new looks that'll literally stun you performance that'll surprise you and value that is legendary for 1988 it's a whole new dimension for corolla for your equality who could ask for anything more l.a law the show that swept the emmys is back in every consummated ideal mr becker i believe that we have to sweep you off your feet good opening with an exciting season premiere so this is good then craig l.a law thursday here's coleman going back and he thought he was closer to the defense bobbles it now watch his relay to ozzy smith ozzy doesn't throw immediately right there now he spots him and and leonard really tries to knock tony pena down veers in and he tags him right in the face and that ball is in his glove not in his bare hand foul ball by aji smith and the count one and one that's very important where he's got that ball here's coleman again hit right off the heel i wonder if there's a little swirling going on out there with that wind then the flags are not indicating but it is typical of candlestick that there are gusts of wind affecting balls you're not aware of you don't have any indication of it ozzie made a strong throw as a relay man great throw and that's on the corner two and two it was a perfect ball for the catcher tony payne you to handle and he had both hands on it and then jeffrey leonard got bold hands of tony pena in his face little nubber kruko down to get it one away don zimmer had uh leonard coming all the way look at zimmer up the line waving him on there's ozzie and for a minute he doesn't see leonard but pena's got a lot of time and he braces himself he buries that glove and the ball in the glove leonard's coming hard and zimmer's up the line he's not hesitating i mean he's full steam look where zimmer is and pena is waiting and he just jams him if he put his shoulder down he might have gotten hurt but penguin made a good tag leonard by the way is 6'4 205 pounds there's a chopper to the whole base hit by the diving ravi thompson so tommy herr a one out single to right field representing the tying run and the batter is dan griesen and immediately as robbie thompson comes up with a glove full of empty the giant bullpen is busy three runs eight hits for the giants two runs eight hits for the cardinals greeson has walked slide to right and struck out that's craig lefferts and don robinson in the giant bullpen ground ball to clark on the bed that means it's a tag no force and it'll be uribe in a foot race three six double play no runs one hit nobody left at the end of seven and a half three two giants every 10 seconds of every hour of every business day america puts a brand new epson computer 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[Applause] here's that double play and you're really going to see clark make a good play he gets the out here now he doesn't throw the ball and makes her commit himself now watch her try to grab clark and if he grabs him he hoped for interference so you really saw two heavy plays clark by man craig appreciates that because clark made her commit himself and tommy with his experiences if i can just grab him i might get an interference call that was really something there's also something going on here at candlestick the paid attendance tops last night 57 997 an all-time crowd for a baseball game at candlestick park mike called ready to start it off and we were talking about some empty seats a half hour before the game well they're certainly here now four one one and oh do you notice that the giants continue to rely on their favorite weapon the double play they've done it throughout having led to major leagues in double plays one ball and no strikes comebacker nice play by danny cox so already out one away friends this telecast presented by authority of major league baseball may not be reproduced or re-transmitted in any form without the express written consent of major league baseball bob renly coming up meanwhile kind of stretching and somehow getting ready jack clark that is one of the tough things for the visiting team here at candlestick park there is no place to go to get warm in so many other ballparks you go up the runway back into the clubhouse etc but not here and you if you do have a tendency to stiffen up in the cool night air boy this is the place that'll do it to you this clubhouse is a long way for the visiting team they have to go from third base to right field one ball and one strike so clark will not have any chance the only thing you can do is go outside the dugout stand on the warning track and swing the bat four the cardinals will tell you about their hitters due up in the ninth but bramley drives one to deep left that goes coleman a way back gone [Applause] a goal line stand in left field some of those kids they don't want the ball they want to dive on somebody tom lawless you're looking at cardinal bench and the giants still high fiving it and they're still scrambling for that ball so danny cox has given up three home runs tonight to robbie thompson jeffrey leonard and bob brentley and the giants lead four to two and here's thompson right when the cardinals come up in the ninth inning willie mcgee terry pendleton and kurt ford 0-1 one ball and one strike so the giants are doing the two things that got them here hitting home runs and turning double plays the cardinals are not doing their trademark we have not seen a lot of cardinal stolen bases here's another look at the goal line stand following the home run and not a helmet in sight brinley who had struck out five six times in the series finally unloads another comebacker another nice play by danny cox he would appear to be a good fielder two down also appears at friendly after the way they've been pitching him and been so steady he's just kind of sitting on it take another look at danny cox's form kind of off balance but he comes right back to him and he's able to handle it 4-2 giants bottom of the 8th inning jose uribe the batter i'll tell you how upset danny cox was when he threw that ball around the infield after that last out he caught it barehanded i'll bet he is the cardinals won 95 games during the regular year and after seeing what they did last night there is no way that the giants can sit on any lead and find it comfortable one ball one strike uribe struck out flied to right and popped up ground ball up with it is dan greeson nice play but the giants get one run on one hit and before the largest crowd in baseball history at candlestick park bob renly takes a bow and the giants take a 4-2 lead into the ninth inning for every number flashing by in the ticker there's a buyer and a seller who found each other chicago pork bellies get an offer from london swiss francs are picked up in dallas how the treasures keep up with it they use a communication system from kantel if it doesn't work they don't work that's why four out of five major trading firms depend on technology from timetable for contell i'm charlton heston [Music] it's real i know it's real there was a time when there was only one kind of beer rich smooth draft beer it wasn't pasteurized or tampered with it was just real beer miller genuine draft is as real as that it's not heat pasteurized like most other beers it's cold filtered so it's as rich and smooth as only real draft beer can be miller genuine draft it's as real as it gets really norton you think you've never had ice cream before there's only one camera system you can buy that lets you hold the picture in your hand while you still hold the feeling in your heart the polaroid spectra system boy what a day we have for you tomorrow right here on nbc starting at 12 30 eastern daylight time the nfl and there's the menu for that attraction after football and with the doubleheader cincinnati seattle pittsburgh and the rams then right here at candlestick 4 30 p.m eastern time game five rick rushel and greg matthews and then when our game is over at eight o'clock it'll be the minnesota twins and the detroit tigers now that's a day of sports on nbc one ain't got a beauty going over there tiger stadium too what a game they had today well we got one here it is four to two giants in the ninth and now the cardinals try to come back and whitey sends up willie mcgee terry pandelin and kurt ford mitchell in on the grass at third strike down in the giant bullpen don robinson and craig lefferts mike kruko has had three complete games all year and another's fight mcgee lined out the center grounded to second and single the center he really is set up to bounce that curveball at least start low and inside which is this one that mcgee's been chasing kruco with two fastballs is in pretty good shape right here on two fouled away see brentley brandley motioning down that ball was out of the zone it's interesting here in the ninth inning you hearken back to the seventh when tony payne is singled danny cox was then allowed to stay in the game was asked to sacrifice and couldn't do it consequently he was still in the game for brandley's home run roller backer first fair ball clark feeding kruco one out in the ninth krucco's gotten a lot of ground ball outs curveball and clark thinks he might be able to make it himself but he realizes mcgee is coming down so he's going to give it to crew call and he makes the left turn good play and ball came very very close to hitting the bag dude almost hit it the one down carry pendle into batter and kurt ford on deck in contrast and the contrast i guess was to be expected the giants have nine hits three home runs and a couple of doubles that's the ninth hit for the cardinals all singles so terry penelon battles back with a base hit up the middle and that will bring up kurt ford and what friendly's home run did give that extra run you eliminate the possible hit run play steal although i'll tell you what the cardinal they got green lights going all the time but you wouldn't think so gary pendleton has the bad ankle so he's not quite the base dealer that he was during the year when he stole 19. ground ball to robbie thompson to uribe to clark [Applause] the san francisco giants and the saint louis cardinals have split four and the giants have just set a national league championship series record they have now turned in nine double plays get that ground ball and those two guys around second base they really know what to do with it so a lot of things now go through your mind there is definitely going to be a sixth game at busch stadium which means we might finally see jack clark in a starting role whitey said at the start of the series he'd like to stay above water until clark could come back and it looks like if he can clark will have that opportunity in game six giants they tonight they showed why they're here the cardinal speed from first to third has been great but they still have not unleashed that great base dealing that got them to where they are so everything has stood up as we see jack clark just about last man off the field and this tremendous crowd of almost 58 000 going wild we'll be back hi
Channel: Petaluma Rob
Views: 423
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: E9Z5xdS73Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 39sec (9519 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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