1980 Montreal Expos at Pittsburgh Pirates

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Eyewitness News Tonight on TV - the city of Champions of the family seen tonight as the renewal of the battle between the Montreal Expos and our world champion pirates continues Medellin will be flowing as the stage is set Rogers versus pile-up [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen the Pittsburgh pirate television Network presents pirate baseball 80 tonight from Three Rivers Stadium the butts make the montreal expos pirate baseball is brought to you in part by Budweiser for all you do this putz for you and in part five felon Bank a neighbor you can count on it the message is promoting attendance at pirate games are paid for by the pittsburgh athletic company incorporated and how do you do ladies and gentlemen I'm Dave Martin with me as Nelly Briles Lanny pretory will be along a little later tonight we're going to see the pirates and the expose the two teams that waged elf whale of a battle for the National League East title last year as you well remember the Pirates finally went in the first place on the 5th of August they stayed there until the 12th of September from then to the end of the season it was a seesaw battle a thrilling exciting battle between these two teams with one game to play the Pirates led the Expos by only one game pirates won it by 2 and Nellie what in your opinion did turn the tide well I think it was the Pirates coming out of last place in early April meeting the challenge of the Expos in September went in with just one percentage point behind the Expos by the time the series was over they were two games up and this basically is how they did it on September 17th the first of these two important games Dave Parker's two-run double provided the margin and with an ailing Don Robinson strong performance gave the Pirates a big 2 to 1 victory then a game to Omar Moreno scores but unfortunately the Pirates can't hold that lead and after the expose tied the game it was Kenta Kobe and grant Jackson who shut down the Expos then captain Willie Stargell 2-run Homer gave the Pirates the win and the family was thanking pennant and Dave they're going to be thinking pennant again this year they want to repeat and the key is going to pend on what club gets the best consistent pitching all year tonight we're going to see two of the game's best pitchers Rogers in Blyleven the Pirates and Expos played three times last week in Montreal they were all three bitter cold afternoons but the Pirates won two of those three however the game they lost was the game that Steve Rogers pitched against Bert Blyleven a three-to-two decision a tough luck loss for Bert Blyleven that's the pitching matchup for tonight and we'll be back with all the action right after this [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] the Giant Eagle homerun sweepstakes will be played all season long during every pirate TV game to enter pick up an entry card at any of the 45 Pittsburgh area Giant Eagle locations and sent to Giant Eagle homerun sweepstakes box two to seven Pittsburgh Pennsylvania one five to three oh there's no purchase necessary but you must be at least 18 years of age employees of KDKA and giant eagle and their families are not eligible during tonight's game will have three Giant Eagle homeruns sweepstakes innings the jackpot is now $1,300 so stay with us for all the home runs sweepstakes excitement here's the batting order for the Montreal Expos Ron Lafleur will leadoff and play left tony burners art at second Andre Dawson in center Ellis Valentine and right Larry Parrish at third-base Gary cutter the catcher Warren Cromartie at first base Chris Speier at Short and pitching is Steve Rogers for the Montreal Expos managed by dick Williams defensively for the Pittsburgh Pirates we'll have Mike Easler number 24 and left Omar Moreno be patrolling centerfield number 18 Dave the Kobra Parker is from right field number 39 Willie Stargell playing first base team captain Phil garner at second Tim Foley number 10 at Short Bill Madlock at third number five behind the plate catcher ed on number 14 and on the mound bert hard-luck Blyleven number 22 okay we're ready to go here in the first of a three-game series first game of this homestand at Three Rivers Stadium leading off for the Expos is Ron Lafleur I want to remind you that tonight at nine o clock we will carry President Carter's news conference live particularly important news conference and here's the first pitch to Lafleur on the Iranian crisis and you will hear it in its entirety and live at nine o'clock tonight here on this station all to count on Ron Lafleur is the speed demon of the Montreal Expos and the newest Expo y11 winding strike knee high ball to strike one Nellie they've got loads and loads of speed at the top of this batting order first three men of two of the first three are particularly fast on the bases and push the Pirates want to keep a follow like Lafleur off the bases but right now they're in danger of losing him count is ball three strike one surprisingly Dave even though Montreal does have that good speed they don't have very many stolen bases and do not really try and steal as a ballclub [Applause] now it's fall three-strike to the floor still 78 bases for the Detroit Tigers last year he played center mostly for Detroit he's playing left for Montreal that's fly 11 with an Owen to record and a 2.4 to earned run average he's pitched in tough luck so far this year he's had good stuff each time out this is his fifth start 3 2 pitch he walked in so the floor is on this night the ball game tough way to start speed fortune there's Tony Bernard who had a home run off fly 11th last Wednesday in Montreal [Music] Verna's art is in the lineup in place of Rodney Scott has been benched for week heading Stargell holding the floor on their goes with Lawren ears I hit the left field center before will make third easily as East one throws the ball towards second its first and third nobody out for the Expos quick play here in the first inning the floor was breaking with a pitch the bird is having trouble getting started here walking the leadoff batter and is what happens when you walk that leadoff batter you create situations the floor off the burners art takes advantage of the open hole and hit the runners at first and third with nobody out in the first inning Andre Dawson the hitter that's Lafleur a third Dawson had 35 stolen bases last year and he's also a real threat up there at the plate stands up in the batter's box as you can see a forward in the box how does ball one we're going to have to watch Bert Blyleven tonight Bert doesn't like to pitch with extra days rest as a matter of fact they were going to move him ahead of Jim Bibby to pitch the game on on Sunday in Chicago as he tries a fake moved a third and pickoff at first to no avail but Bert doesn't like to feel real strong on a mound and he has a couple of extra days rest tonight so it's going to be interesting to see how the extra rest affects perch this evening here's the one ol pitch that makes it two balls no strikes why lovin was due to pitch Sunday in Chicago when we got the rainout now time is called conference at the mound edad and willie stargell talking to Blyleven to make sure they're all set on that infield defense they want in this situation Dawson has good power Dawson comes into the game with three home runs this year 10 runs batted in of 267 average one school of thought here is that doesn't should probably take this pitch but others are that if you get a good pitch and you're a good hitter you can rip this he's flying on it but fouled it ball to strike one a plate up is colosi we have brocklander Harvey and Olsen on the bases tonight why eleven roughing up a new baseball Bert's high-water mark in strikeouts was against the Cardinals April 19 when he fanned 12 his last start against the Expos he struck out seven outside so it's ball free strike one now on Dawson with Valentine on deck two on nobody out first inning Expos threatening 3:1 fetch doc honor to Foley the star goal shuttle prior run story suck it destroyed the first DoublePlay garnered a Foley to Stargell rich give up a run here's Valentine and the DoublePlay was made before across the plate we're very fortunate that was exactly what Bert wanted to do preferably he would have been able to strike out Doss and then get the DoublePlay but it was able on three and up three and one to come back and get Dawson to hit that DoublePlay ball and we turned yet another double play Valentine takes it outside we had a chance to talk with Bert Blyleven and asked him how he's going to pitch to the Expos ball a changeup that's it well that's short and sweet I think that was his answer because basically he throws a fastball a curveball and a changeup and has an excellent change that he's developed within the last year here's a ground ball to short Foley's got it go out to retire the side one run one hit at the middle of a first inning Expos one pirates coming to bat there's the batting order for the Pittsburgh Pirates managed by Chuck Tanner the leadoff man Omar Moreno in centerfield Tim Foley at Short Dave Parker in right Willie Stargell at first Mike Easler in left Bill Madlock at third Phil garner at second and Bert Blyleven the pitcher defensively behind Steve Rogers tonight will be Ron Allah floor and left Andre Dawson and Center and Ellis Valentine and right Warren Cromartie will be at first tony burners art at second Chris Speier at Short Larry parish a third Gary Carter behind the plate and on the mound Steve Rogers Omar Moreno just fouled off the first pitch by Steve Rogers here on the last of the first inning Omar heading to 37 no homers three runs batted in ground ball hit the right center for Moreno Dawson rows it back in wall just did get past Tony Bernard the second baseman going fire to his right whoa Mars trying to be more aggressive at the plate as of late and does what he does best and that's hit the ball on the ground hard up the middle and drives it right past the diving Tony Barnard we've got something going ourselves Dave so it's a similar situation Lafleur with great speed reached base on a bait on a walk for Montreal in the first inning and later scored now we have Marino with great speed on it first-base for the base said Moreno has eight stolen bases and nine tries this year Tim Foley at the plate batting 293 no homers and six runs batted in choked up on that back pegged up first and he's back in hand first Omar's been thrown out only once this year that's a pretty good lead over there as you can see now Rogers through the stretch turns and looks doesn't throw now he throws see the great speed of Moreno now makes the pitcher worry not only about the hitter but about the runner he's got two things to think about missed outside ball one I don't know about you Nelly but when I think about more than one thing at once I have troubles so five years is anything cut off like like I am he's got a little problem out here he's got two guys to think about that's why I like to keep those speed merchants off the base so you can concentrate on that hitter here he's dividing his attention he does have a good move and almost got Omar but Omar was able to get back which means that Omar definitely has his lead measured he knows just how far he can get off and still get back he's also seen Rogers best move so that he's getting him timed right now now Moreno gets up and calls time Steve Rogers looking over the baseball this guy is the oldest Expo and point of service then with the Expos longer than any other player now on their roster pitch out Reynolds faded first a guessing game going the Expos thought he would be going that time and he wasn't the Expos guest wrong town is ball two to a nothing now the pitch puts Rogers in the hole with a batter Foley he's back but he had to reach out for that long right arm [Music] Skouras one to nothing in favor of Montreal where in the last of the first-inning there he goes safe is the catcher drop the ball no quiet second of all popped out of Gary clatters men rolled ten feet away Moreno has his ninth stolen base in ten tries and I think right here a key for the stolen base with Omar Moreno after he gets an excellent jump off of first base was Tim Foley Deakin the catcher a little bit with a fake bunt Carter momentarily took his eye off the ball and the runner and never caught the ball Omar with a stolen base thanks to pitch through the middle to make it ball three strike one pitch on which Moreno stole second was called a ball to make it three and nothing now it's three in one fully but Moreno at second and nobody out were in the last of the first three one fish is a high chopper to short fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good break for the fire it's as holy as gems run a good pitch by Rogers but he hits that high chopper and a charging spire just can't come up with a very difficult play [Music] fully at first base and Dave Parker the Cobra waiting - strength 350 batting average three home runs 11 runs batted in off to a fast start at the plate is the big guy bow stance deep in the box first and third nobody out ball one low tough handle tough chance for spire on that ball as being a high chopper knew he had to rush to try and get Foley but the ball came up on him was a do-or-die play for him he just couldn't come up with it foul ball count is 1 & 1 on Parker who comes in tonight with a 13 game hitting streak 21 hits in his last 56 at-bats at beansie's hit safely in every game since the first day of the season at st. Louis Pete Vuckovich tailed him hitless that day Rogers and a jam there's the 1 1 pitch strike called by Nick Como see the flight up to make it ball one strike 2 on Parker good strong pitch by Rogers coming over the inside part of the plate the ball started off the plate and broke over the inside corner and of course Davey Parker has his work cut out for him here he needs to make contact he does not want to strike out in this situation foul ball Parker has struck out seven times this year the expect power hitters to strike out a little more than other hitters now the 1 2 pitch now it's 2 & 2 Parker jackknifed away from a low close finish [Music] tell you he's ominous looking at the plate isn't he Nelly it's got a scary if nothing else but he does more than Scalia he does the job and he's off to a great start this year [Music] Rogers getting ready for the tutu delivery then decides he's not ready this year we mentioned it earlier in our telecast this year they're pitching to Davey Parker and not so much to Willie Stargell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dave Parker first one into the right-field [Music] [Music] you know and what happens when you have to fish the park or instead of Stargell nothing but the worst as Davey got all at this ball there was no doubt a zealous Valentine just watched the ball sail over the fence for a big first inning three run homer for the cocoa red was labeled home run at the crack of the bat and here is Willie Stargell strike to the outside corner the bucks wastes no time and coming back Stargell hitting 241 home run for run spattered in three two one pirates first inning changeup he fooled him with that pitch and it's two strikes on start go now radon fully scored ahead of partner who slugged his fourth home run of the year strike he's out Stargell backed away from the pitch the up called it a strike over the inside corner knee high so he's called out and that's the first out the rogers finally concentrates and makes a very good pitch I think Willie gave up on this ball a little early and that ball had real good movement toward the outside part of the plate and got the called strike here's the hit man Mike Easler red-hot batting 421 on the pitch dawn strike called outside corner Rogers the good pitcher that he is learns that you can't just challenge everybody all the time is starting to mix his pitches a little better and change speeds count goes to ball one strike one Parker homered off Rogers last Wednesday in Montreal he homered with two out of the ninth inning to make the final score 3 to 2 for the Expos change up deck swinging a strike to make it ball one strike two Parker has now homered off Darryl Knowles Pete Vuckovich and Rogers twice this year Knowles the only left-hander ball 2 2 & 2 now on Easler well when they puts a charge in one there's no doubt you don't have to wait to Cullen when he smacks ball free freedom - now on the hip bend these boy got his first start one week ago today in Montreal he has started every game since this is the fifth straight game he has started burners hired has it out at first and there's two gone burners are two Cromartie's second to first two up brings up Bill Madlock Rogers Tana rooting for himself with that gesture number 45 Madlock is hitting 263 no homers and three runs batted in two out nobody on the Pirates lead 3 to 1 in the 1st inning strike fastball hit the outside corner sure would think with these two pitchers going against one another tonight that we'd have as much action this early in the game as we've had but tonight's might be an off night for both sides foul ball outside of first it is out of play Cromartie was ready to climb the fence go right under the seats after that one you know conceivably he could have fined over that railing down there look at this he has an idea of where he wants to go but the arms aren't long enough and a fan definitely I don't think played much ball before his hands are pretty hard with a ball bouncing out of his hands that far down us two strikes on Matlock as Rogers gets ready throw them back with that pitch to make it one in two Rogers is not a particularly good fielding pitcher one two pitch ground ball the short fumbled by spire fires up spire has already made one error in this inning there that could also be called an error wait for the official ruling though Matlock gets a lot of wood on the ball but hits it toward the shortstop side of second base inspired was able to get the glove down but not able to let the ball roll into it and it's definitely an error and he again puts Rogers in the hole now the Montreal trainer is on the field to take a look at Chris Speier and burners art [Music] our other spires should say number four dick Williams the manager on this side now that ball apparently careened off his foot he's drawn to errors in this fitting Spira in playing shortstop has had some trouble physically and I think as he was walking off the field Hill Illustrated the fact that he again hurt that lower back he had problems earlier this season and at a key point last season he hasn't been able to overcome those physical problems so they have to at this point insert bill Allman at shortstop who came over from San Diego in an offseason deal for Dave cash almond is number six that's Rogers on the mound Madlock at first base two out three runs in two errors by spire in this enemy and spire now has left the game with Billy omen a Brown University product now playing shortstop for Montreal Phil gunner will be up after a pirate catcher at OTT hot up there right down a left-hand hitter all one odd is hitting 286 no home runs six runs batted in count goes to two balls no strikes on a second game of this series tomorrow night Bill Lee is slated to pitch for the Expos that should be interesting bill is one of the one of the game's great characters right Valley they nickname is spaceman he wears the long beard and he is kind of a refreshing personality there's a strike call on the outside corner ball two strike one I was going to use the word eccentric to describe him that might be a little bit too strong but Bill is a colorful guy and he'll pitch tomorrow night here's the 2-1 pitch now it's ball two and strike two or not adjusting his batting glove big sturdy guy this guy's a real rock at the plate for the Pirates when he's guarding that plate and that catchers gear Madlock has some speed but he also has an aching knee stole some bases last year though for the Pirates 2 and 2 is the count or not hot smash Pro Marty's got at the inning is over three runs two hits two errors one man left after one pirates three Expos one fireworks night [Music] Saturday night May 3rd will be the first of three great fireworks nights at Pirates games this season at Three Rivers Stadium this is second baseman Phil garner of the Pirates this year ladies and ruffles potato chips are sponsoring our fireworks night so they promise to be better than ever why not bring your whole family to our game with Atlanta on Saturday May 3rd and see baseball's best fireworks display the second inning he'll face Larry Perry's first of all big powerful right hand hitter off to a fast start with a 340 average first pitch to him ball one he's really matured at the at the plate in the last two years coming up not only with the higher batting average but displaying that power that they thought he had all along foul ball so it's 1 in 1 parish at a home run off fly 11 last Wednesday in Montreal and then he followed that up with a great game in Atlanta over the weekend he drove in seven runs in one game against the Atlanta Braves however the Expos lost that game 8 to 7 good curve ball that time and it's ball one strike two my lovin known frizz sharp breaking curve earth was high to make a two and two Burt tried to show him a little type of different breaking ball that time dropped down a little bit but got just a little under the pitch with his wrist and kept it up high flyball should be caught in left-center field Marino under it and has it for the first out Perry Susannah to brings up Gary Carter y11 won 12 and lost five last year of the 37 games he started the Pirates 127 but he had a lot of no decisions last year strike decoder strike one Chris Speier the Montreal shortstop injured in the first inning left with a strained back we're told foul ball countess strike two on Carter Montreal catcher hitting 232 with two homers and eight runs foul today it gets to be very frustrating for a veteran ballplayer when injuries keep you from producing the way that you know you can and Speier has been an excellent offensive ball player in the past very adequate on defense with a rifle arm and for these nagging injuries to keep him continually out of the lineup I know has to be very frustrating for him pop fly ball in the infield Stargell has it in foul territory two-out special high tonight to pam Nicosia just home from the hospital with new daughter Kelly Lynn Steve Nicosia crowd happy father pirate catcher Pam's home tonight and watching the game she's enjoying it there's Warren Cromartie boy in the ropes that he was passing out in Chicago is a proud pop of those cigars I don't know where he found him but they had to be the strongest cigars I've ever smelled all under Cromartie 358 batting average three homers seven runs batted in five all the left Isler has it to retire the side nothing across at the middle of inning number two the Pirates three the Expos one under our contractual arrangements with the Pirates for this telecast the announcers for this game have been selected by station KDKA TV subject to the approval of the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball club [Music] Tony butter all Phil garner hits the first pitch on the ground to the shortstop Owlman the throw out at first runner out from almond equal Marty brings up Bert Blyleven Rogers shutting for his third one of the years their run average four point six eight barely is impressive his try level Bert cr8 2.42 Roger seem to be looking for the answer Ned baseball talk to me tell me what in the world I've been doing wrong give me the answer I've never had one talk back yet I thought there were some answers in the to do now it goes to two strikes Nellie reminds me of something I want to ask you later on there's the two strike pitch strikes my 11 strikeout that's two strikeouts now for Rogers rings up one right now now Marino's gonna come up there he let off the game in the last of the first inning [Music] we talked about the tug-of-war then that it sued between the butcher the runner and the hitter when you were pitching noise the blue was the fastest guy you had to contend with on the bases I believe one of the best base dealers the guy that was the biggest threat early in my career was Maury wills Maury wasn't the fastest guy in baseball but he was the best face dealer and best base runner and he was really difficult to hold on because he studied the pitcher knew your moves and he also knew how the catcher through and how that hitter behind him would hit when he was on base he just used all the angles and was an outstanding base dealer he was probably that one of the toughest that I had to face and right behind him was a guy named Willie Mays out thou his ball to strike one on Marino one of the best base dealers that I ever watched of course and played with was Lou Brock who just had outstanding speed and fantastic acceleration just outran the ball Billy almonds got it fires good pickup by Cromartie out to retire the side three up three down that's the end of two innings the score of the game the Pirates three and the Expos one field coming back now on the top of the third at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh the side of another game here tomorrow night at 7:30 five and an afternoon game on Thursday at 12:35 Billy Allman leading off al mo n here's the pitch to him strike on the outside corner Holloman is hitting 364 no homers and one run batted in for the middle two strikes alman has been up 11 times this year and has four hits and the O to pitch a waste pitch ball one strike to last year Montreal had a problem at shortstop when the spire was hurt they move Rodney Scott over to shortstop and filled in a second base with Davie cash when the cash wasn't playing much last season so the offseason trade almond for Dave cash for Less shored up the infield almond can play all of the infield positions where Daisy Devi cash was primarily limited to second base pirate fans remember Dave cash from fine years here in Pittsburgh on wallup centerfield cut by Marino [Applause] with that goal pretty hard but Moreno raced into left scenter and caught it for the first out brings up the Montreal pitcher Steve Rogers Steve is the pride of Broken Arrow Oklahoma right on back position there he is Rogers [Music] barb is in there Rogers has a 333 batting average two hits and six times up countess ball one and strike one pitch her against pitcher on one pitch foul ball one strike two we're in the third inning the Pirates leading three to one Pirates have two hits the Expos have one hit one two pitch curve is outside 2 & 2 one out and nobody on first two men up in the first inning reached base since then Y 11 is retired six batters in a row 2 2 pitch to Rogers check swing pump checks with the first base up Rock render and let's call the ball ball free strike two how mostly the plate UMP tonight brocklander at first base outside he walked the opposing pitcher to break a string of six batters in a row while Evan retired and it brings up the leadoff man Lafleur jacket goes down to first base now to the pitcher to put on there's the Florida walked the last time up that's Dave why you hate to see a pitcher throw an opposing pitcher or a weak hitter a 2 & 2 breaking ball because if you missed now is 3 into and if you happen to miss with the next pitch or come in fat with it he's got a better chance of getting a base hit or you end up walking him and here with one out you walked the opposing pitcher and set up an inning at a time when Burt has been struggling early I just don't think it was a good selection of pitches at that time where it gets ready there's a swing in a tap foul by Ron Lafleur in the counter strike one that light goes over to pick it up Leflore drill walked the first time up his batting averages 255 no homers and only one run batted in he's a much more productive hitter than that normally curve of beauty that's two strikes now on the floor he took that pitch birds ruddy way outside ball one strike two Leflore had exactly 300 last year for the Tigers nine home runs 57 runs batted in and the 1 2 pitch and the gap in left-center that's trouble bounces to the wall Moreno up with it welcomes into Foley and on into the infield where Stargell takes it the runners hold at second and third a double to the gap in left-center by Ron Lafleur moves Rogers around a third base coach Ozzie Virgil talking to him this is what happens when you walk that pitcher a high breaking ball the low floor just drills in the left-center we might mention right here the fine play of Omar Moreno who plays the ball off the wall hits the cutoff man and by hitting the cutoff man he stops Rogers a third base the floor has no choice but to pull into second and we still have a chance to maybe get out of the inning if Blyleven can get Bernard here second and third one out the situation down for the Expos in the third the Pirates lead three to one strike that sharp curveball if Lyle Evans was in there Tony burners are single the last time up this is the key for Bert getting out of the inning try and get burn his art on a strike out here if he possibly can making it to a high now it's one on one Verna's I hit 322 games for the Expos last year also hit 382 games at Denver and triple-a now the 1:1 face curve strike third-base umpire Andy Olson made that call you saw the plate UMP checked with Olson this is a difficult call by an umpire did he go around or didn't Lee and I see his hands way up past the plate he most certainly did [Music] so it's ball one strike two on Tony burners our switch hitter batting left-handed good pitch on the bird you need to get him here on a second he is safe bolli got in there quickly took that throw and the floor was nearly picked off countess ball one strike to first base open one out the pitch tap on the ground Foley up with the ball the runners holding the throw is [Applause] [Music] freakin down that line they got him only by an eyelash this is the ball was off the end of the bat of Berta's art and luckily a pitcher was running could not see that it was slowly hit and burned without standing speed just almost beat the play but a good strong throw by fully enabled him to make the put out Rogers very upset that he didn't go in on that fall didn't read the ball did get the good jump and didn't score that run the runners are still at second and third Rogers at 3rd Lafleur at 2nd and this is Andre Dawson two out this guy's a tough out it sharply into a double-play the last time up but fastball but it was too close and high ball one most of these Expo right-handed hitters are good fastball hitters like the ball out over the plate so Bert's going to be working them tight with that fastball getting his breaking ball over fly right field could be trouble [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all out effort by Phil garner not knowing if he could possibly catch it makes a fine to run diving save what a save me me at the middle of the third pirates three expose one this is a dead McCracken of Tarentum Pennsylvania can route the Bucks home during this half of the third inning if a home run is hit you will win $1,300 worth of Giant Eagle groceries and in addition certificates for ten Tastykake family packs and dailies juice products redeemable at your grocer there's fully to lead off now on the last of the third started this game hitting 308 against Montreal this year his overall seasons average up to the minute is 288 spike called Elliot Gunners play in my opinion was the best play we've seen all season so far the best fielding play areas Phil garner in the pirate dugout he saved two runs for Bert Blyleven on the Pirates he's just the epitome of what you love in a major league baseball player through the Box get to it behind a second I saw that he had no play so simply held the baseball and Tim Foley has a hit Paulie was just able to roll the ball right up the middle and it just went right to the left of second base and neither the shortstop for the second baseman could cut it off and Tim beat out an infield hit there's Parker who has hit home runs his last two times up against Steve Rogers we were saying when fully got the base hit that Phil is actually the epitome of what you love to see in a major league baseball player all-out effort 100% of the time ground ball to Cromartie up for the ball steps on the bag and Foley is safe at second Parker is out to promote it to Cromartie unassisted there's Foley at second base it was quickly down a second the ball was hit dusters step off the bag to Cromartie we've got Parker and it brings up Stargell ere's Willie having a conversation at the plate before he steps in called out on strikes the first time up teammate at second with one out Pirates lead three to one in the last of the third [Music] caravan he fouled it off to the right strike one I wouldn't be surprised in this situation if Rogers doesn't try to pitch around Willie and make basically a young hitter beat them instead of a powerful willie stargell interesting figure 37 home runs hit by Stargell against Montreal more than any other player even more reason to pitch around it Rogers ready I am close there's an interesting figure on Rogers Rogers with a 3-iron run average as the top er a over the past two seasons combined on one pitch coming up that makes it ball two and strike one on Stargell Rogers is 30 years old 6 1 & 182 is born in Missouri in Jefferson City now lives in Oklahoma now I'm startled hits one right here it's one out here's the runner breaking the third the true [Applause] his 4/3 Rogers brought a parish and fully is safe good throw by Rogers who alertly saw fully break stepped off but couldn't get a lot on the throw to the fall to the right place on the bank but Harry should breaking over came to the outside part of the bank and actually missed the tag as foley was coming in he just surprised everybody Perris lost his footing tried to get the club over but fully spit in under it very alert play by Timmy must have caught Rogers looking down at the ground too often and not double checking the runner at second base 2 1 pitch foul ball 2 and 2 unstable something like that good unnerve of pitcher and increased the percentage right here of Stargell hitting one out Fred McCracken of Tarentum Pennsylvania runner at third base that was only the second stolen base this year for Tim Foley now at third base pirates have been doing things like that all season long Nellie they've been playing heads up alert baseball taking advantage of the opposition's mental mistakes the infield is in and the pitches of spiked through the middle in a second straight time Stargell is called out on strikes you watched it go by looked like a fastball at or high and it brings up Mike Easler now the infield can play batter was drawn in with folia third base we had a chance to talk with Mike Easler I've asked him if he's doing anything differently to experience such a success at the plate I've been concentrating back to practice you know have the pitch good I knew it my job worked real hard at spring and I had a real good spring and it's a carry on to the season because you know I got to start now and I've dug last four games it's the fifth grade and I'm my time they stood in I feel great first pitch to him is a strike strike one on Easler first time up he grounded out to the second baseman myrna's arg is up-to-date batting average is 400 fully at third two out pirates batting in the last half of inning number three they lead three to one mic crouches at the plate as you can see on the pitch I think said two strikes on eastward believe it or not that last pitch to Willie Stargell was not the pitch that Rogers wanted to make he wanted to make that pitch right on the inside corner and that ball ended up going right over the middle of the plate where Rogers didn't want to throw it and I think it surprised Willie that the pitch was that good and ended up taking it for a called third strike Mike has three home runs this year ball is high so it's for one strike two under a third two out Easter with a chance to put $1,300 worth of Giant Eagle groceries in the pantry of Ed McCracken of Tarentum Pennsylvania it's one out all is high to make it two and two I get a pair of home runs in his first title we could go today a real thrill to see that Nellie this guy he's got that good positive attitude never did complain while he was riding the bench a lot of times all the ball player asks for is a chance and an opportunity and so far he's been able to take advantage of that opportunity [Applause] [Music] the hot smash to the left of Billy OMA could not come up with it Sheriff fly them into centerfield a probably : again the ball was hit very hard Mike was able to inside up a little bit I thought the ball should have been caught sure was hit hard but the most important thing about this play was the alert baserunning of Kim Fowley who stole third face and if Tim doesn't steal at base he might not we might not be able to score that run we would have probably held him to third base it is ruled a base hit for Easter on a run batted in brings up Bill Madlock he said safely in his seven of the last nine games here's a high fly ball right field getting under it his Valentine and he's got it one running to it no home run was hit during this Giant Eagle sweepstakes inning but no one ever loses here our contestant at McCracken will receive certificates for 10 Tastykake family packs and dailies juice products redeemable at your grocer our next Giant Eagle sweepstakes will be worth $1,400 score pirates for expose one good setup throw these out Valentine out gonner discharge Allah brings up fairies that play by bill moving us to step to his right but the great play of the year by any member the Pirates garner made in the third with two men on two out he made a sensational diving sliding catch in right field to save two runs here's parry score is four to one the Pirates lead strike called buries flied out to Center the first time foul ball Nellie I've gotta get a note on y11 and that is that here's the pitch foul ball it in the fourth fifth and sixth innings he tends to maybe get a just a bit careless and the catcher has to really stay on him when we get into these middle innings I'll be interesting to watch him right here thanks so far tonight in his first three innings he hasn't had near the control or the rhythm who got his glove on it got his glove on that ball nearly made the catch at the railing right near the pirate dugout couldn't quite hold on so it's a foul strike and it's two strikes on Ferris I'll tell you what the people get a lot of their money's worth when they come to watch the Pirates play because you have catchers like it on that go as hard as they can after everything and Phil garner and goes right into the photographer's booth edit comes out alright but I'm not so sure about that Nikon and has super lens one University got him on a credit fall sharp curve and Perry struck out brings up Gary Carter two out of the port [Music] you were saying Nellie that while ovens rhythm hasn't been quite what it should be tonight it hasn't been in the early innings and this might be because of the couple of extra days of a breast that he had but he seems now to be settling down a little bit better fastball and better rhythm foul ball control is even improving and I think his confidence now is getting the better part of his mental composure on the mound this is the biggest battle of Bert Blyleven has to face is his concentration and believing in himself that it doesn't matter the amount of rest is what matters is when he gets to that mound and handling the way he's pitching that particular night now it's one on one tomorrow night it'll be Bibby against Lee at 7:35 tomorrow night is buck night here at the ballpark Thursday afternoon as the final game of the series Powell ball is coming Saturday night when the Pirates play the Atlanta Braves is the big fireworks tonight right after the game game time saturday is 7:05 catice ball one strike two on Carter two out nobody on when the top of the fourth Pirates late four to one this is just another game in the series of many that will be battling with this ballclub all year they're going to be tough they'll be there one hopper to Madlock out at first will retire the side we got three down at the middle of the fourth inning pirates for expose one turn 50 Cent's and Thursday May 1st is an afternoon working person special and we'll start at 12:35 a and it's also ladies day all ladies attending that game will receive a $1.00 50 cent ticket discount that's the Expos against the Pirates tomorrow night and Thursday don't listen there's the afternoon the game starts at 12:35 there's Steve Rogers as we go to the last of the fourth inning you'll face Ock gunner and Blyleven the Thursday pitchers will be Candelaria for the Pirates and David Palmer for the and tomorrow night's pitchers are Jim Bibby and Bill Lee [Music] here's that odd pirate catcher he grounded for the first baseman Cromartie the first time for one pirates have been seeing a lot of right-handed pitchers so head on has been getting a lot of playing time in the coach of Mattoon behind the plate [Applause] [Music] what's up Phil guy [Music] [Music] the ball to right-field he just been very steady behind the plate and it back there's Garner who grounded to short the first time up hitting 271 right up to the minute the high strike called diner doesn't get a hit tight contributes nothing at all at the plate he is contributed in the field he took two runs right off the scoreboard for Montreal pitch out throw to first back OTT was well off the bag and Crider had a play on him at first I'm already took the throw but I got back tomah's one and one on garner Rogers finds himself much in the position tonight as he did the last time that he faced the Pirates in Bert Blyleven he's behind so he knows in his own mind he has to concentrate on that mound he cannot afford to give up any more runs he is also the third hitter next inning that goes to ball two strike one Carter made a good stop on that pitch Donner looking toward Joel on it coaching at third [Music] now Rogers ready to one pitch without going foul ball I broke with a pitch gunner fouled it off so now it's 2 & 2 Phil garner from the University of Tennessee facing Steve Rogers we've graduated from Tulsa with a Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering areas Rogers collects coins and Indian arrowheads and likes to do crossword puzzles two and two is the count there's the next one bow-wow still 2 and 2 on Garner when puzzle that Rogers hasn't been able to solve tonight it has been the backs of the Pittsburgh Pirates Pirates got three in the first on Parker's three-run homer and added another run in the third count is two and two on Garner back to first I'm running the third is Nellie pointed out with manufactured by Foley he singled but the second on an infield out stole third and scored on a hit by Eastman stole third while Rogers was holding the ball at the mound Rogers made a throw to third but too late here's the 2 2 pitch foul ball still 2 and 2 on Gunnar perfect ideal baseball night tonight by colas limp there's no wind [Music] outfield is playing gonner straight away Roger is getting the sign count is 2 & 2 not at first nobody else high flyball right-field side foul ground it is out of play first of the second row of the seats first row tough angle for Cromartie going back and also from her desire so it's still 2 & 2 Gary Carter who comes back to the light [Music] Rogers trying to get a double play ball garner trying to get that base hit to get something really started here in the bottom of the fourth now he's all set rock climbing hallowed ground the catcher Cotter makes the grab for the out diner fouled out the Carter brings a pile of it Dave Martin with Nelly Briles and money for Terry there's Blyleven last pirate picture depicts three straight complete games pirates have been getting good pitching though so far this year and the delivery he's running to bunted and does bunted foul foul ball running with one out I wonder perhaps wipe I manage it when I have a picture but would one out and guess the biggest reason is to avoid a double play that's one reason stay out of the double play perhaps another reason is you're playing for that additional run that fourth run out there could be a be run of the ballgame try and get that man over you still have Moreno and Foley with a chance to drive it min strike he tried to monitor the missed two strikes unless face of Rogers isn't the easiest guy to hit off of especially for a pitcher but if he bunts le and he's out that's the second out you really only have Moreno to try to drive a man how much mind it gets a walk two strikes hey bunch it fair ball otters up with it juggle it for a moment but Rose Blyleven out for sacrifice Connor to Brenner's are two covered first and brings up home armor right off Leoben Hobart has two strikes on him he lays the fall down third baseman is not really charging very hard and if the ball was not down the third base line very far Carter comes up with it after bottling it and Parrish returned to third base to prevent OTT from going all the way to third base on that bunt so laying out is at second with two out of the hundreds Omar Moreno he's been a price and has one hit [Music] outside ball one [Music] Omar the antelope up there left-handed her my life we came out tonight for the ballgame Pelle you couldn't help but notice the contrasted whether from whether we had all last week in month wheel at Chicago first thing Omar said to me was this is my weather there's the pitch dome it's a strike and it's 1 and 1 I really notice the difference tonight because my nose isn't dripping on my scorecard as it was in Chicago tell you that was a cold trip we had last week that's good Jordan Chicago Saturday 1-1 not Omar two in one Saturday in Chicago was the coldest day of all last week when day seemed to be colder than the previous one that's good for us makes us appreciate the horn thing that's right but it nufs enough to and one on Omar the next one there's a flyball left field Leflore coming in he's got it to retire the side no runs in one hit landing for Terry will be along to carrier the rest of the way this is Dave Martin with Nelly Briles and after four innings pirates for expose one hello in a very pleasant good evening once again from Three Rivers Stadium along with Dave Martin laning for Terry and Nelly Briles hello Nelly hi guy pirates leading four to one it was a Parker three-run homer that got the Bucs on top after Montreux it scored on the top of the first the Pirates got around the last of the third so it's for one so put that 9 to 5 up on the shelf but put your feet up and get ready for pirate action as we go to the fifth inning it's really a pleasure to have you with us tonight and it's a pleasure for Bert Blyleven to see some Reds up on the board early Aven wore his own jersey before the game that I didn't dress up as as anyone he said well maybe tonight they'll give me the runs he's a shadow of his former self shot the left centerfield it as well hit and it is gone Warren Cromartie jumping on the first pitch of the fifth inning what's now for the two ball game [Music] only two left-handers in the montreal attack four-party showing that deceptive power that he has and hits a ball an awfully long way to the left-center field part of this stadium you had to hit it awfully hard tonight to get it out to the opposite field and boy he did just that give it up all the heck of a ride so the score now is 4 to 2 pirates over the Expos where's the if I came over here I'd have some fireworks one team that got him going here here's Billy Ullman for Cromartie it was his fourth home run of the year well David gave up one run so you're allowed one well that's it that's it pop to second baseman Phil garner and one away retired one down and Steve Rogers is gonna bat here in the fifth inning dick Williams has been warming up Freddie Norman the bullpen but here the fifth Rogers gonna bat Rodgers walked his first time up 4-2 Pirates lead Montreal batting in the fifth inning not in front of on too my 11 and 4 and a third innings one strikeout given up a couple of walks and make it to strikeouts Rogers retired two away go to the top of the montreal batting order and Ranelagh for will be the batter watch this one to pitch and watch bird as he unloads bird is into a good rhythm now keeps his eye on the target that good follow-through a curveball and he knows when he's made a good pitch say yes sir I got you take that but he gotcha Bert Blyleven in search of his first win of the year and burden the Bucks are out in front four to two fifth inning right on the floor has reached base twice scored in the first after a walk and then double in the third he's batting with nobody on two down right now is an excellent time for the Pirates to be taking movies of Bert Blyleven his rhythm is very good right now he's not brushing his motion he's concentrating very well keeping his eye on the target this is a good time for him to be able to come back and study films of this particular time that's 2 & 2 good pacing between pitches you know a number of the pirate players have purchased those new video decks show it it's boss I don't know if it has won or not all free wine oven came down off the hill looked as if thought he had the strikeout three up two onto the floor nobody on two down four to two Pirates lead were in the fifth and the floor draws the walk for the second time it's the third walk issued by Blyleven out of the filter we were just taking a berth he must have heard me it just wanted to show me up that's one and I do think he thought he had the strikeout the pitch before the two in pitch here's tony burners hard switch hitter throw to first ron Leflore has six stolen bases the league leaders are Rudy law of the Dodgers and Omar Moreno of the Pirates they're tied the league lead of nine good look at Bernard Lafleur's running I throw to folly is in time the end of the fifth inning is the Pirates for and the Expos - and now it's time for a tasty break with Tastykake he has been on faced with less than two out that's the way he pitches when he normally comes into a ballgame but put himself in a jam just to show people he can get out of it look off to the right side Stargell garner Foley as they positioned themselves waiting on the 1 2 pitch and to Comey strikes out gossip to accent the inning second strikeout for Tacoma literally challenges right up in his power and gets the ball right on vibe surprises him with his good speed on that high fastball Dallas Valentine steps in one for three Valentine scored the fourth Montreal run tied the game up in the sixth inning and we're still tied here in the seventh two on two out get to Colby appeared in 94 games a year ago he's pitching in his seventh game of the year and this is the Pirates 15th game of the season strike one on Valentine fouled back this is the fourth hitter in the inning of five for the five hitters that Jacobi's bent in front of Owen too so come be rubbing up the baseball as he steps down off the dark side of the mound the floor with a one-out single swiped second bernessa drew the walk on five pitches to come be looking to shut down the Expos in a 4-4 ballgame seventh inning the count is no balls and two strikes on Ellis Valentine [Music] that was close how can I hit her take that how Paul was right on the borderline Valentine took it like the ball was way outside and low no no chance of being a strike and said like a true pitcher Nellie thank you [Applause] Rogers Dawson Valentine go down on strikes expose of the seventh no runs one hit two left I'm six and a half innings of play we're still tied at 4-4 and this is it you can route the buck home during this half of the seventh inning it's our Giant Eagle home run swing take sitting in our contestant in the seventh is Belle shorter Pittsburgh and provel we've got $1,400 on the line in our jackpot inning Tim Foley Dave Parker and Willie Stargell the batters addition to our jackpot certificates for 10 tasty cake family backs and daily juice products redeemable at your grocery Paul he's been on base three times Falls behind Rogers Owen to Poli reached on an error in the first scored a run infield single swipe to base scored a run on the third walked in the fifth it's a four four ball game Rogers showing why he traded is one of the top pitchers in baseball gave up three runs early in the first inning on a three-run homer by Dave Parker but has only given up one run since that first and that is why he's still in a ball game one ball and two strikes on Tim Foley and pulley down on strikes that is strikeout number four for Steve Rogers for for ball game last half of the seventh is the opening game of a long homestand pirates are home right through May the 7th play these Expos again tomorrow night and then Thursday afternoon is this kind of typical of all the games that we had with these guys last year we fought them tooth and nail all the way but last year we came out on top and I'm I'm sure we're gonna have to do the same thing this year if we're going to beat these guys Dave Parker batting for belch odor in our jackpot inning Pirates won 5a last six games from the Expos in 79 those big games coming down the stretch I don't think they were any bigger than the two in Montreal in September last year those were excited exciting as any games you could ever hope to see a big one that one went till 2 o'clock in the morning that Willie Stargell one with an 11th inning home run nobody on one down no balls two strikes on Parker batting in our jackpot inning and $1,400 on the line also on the line the difference in this ball game a long ball would put the Bucks back out on top [Music] want to pitch defensively here in the latter part of the ball game both clubs now on the infield will be guarding each baseline so that a double doesn't get between the foul line and the infielders given them the single don't give them the extra-base hit that's outside of first two balls two strikes fill that ground ball did not find its way into the box seats off the bat it went back into the crowd souvenir for a pirate fan Barker batting here in the seventh in our jackpot inning [Music] knocked into right Furnas our dad and montreal second baseman has it a good pitch by Rogers got that ball in on Parker that was the fish that he did not make career in the game tonight primarily Parker in the first inning but now that he has his rhythm he settled down on the mound he's making the pitches that got him into trouble earlier and that's why he has shut us down the rest of the way Willie Stargell batting in our jackpot inning for Bell shudder 1,400 dollars on the line Stargell he's over three then a strikeout victim twice the two times and Willie has gone down on strikes they were uncalled third strikes Willie Patek with nobody on two down seventh inning tied at 4-4 here's a little two-out magic from that big wand of Willie Stargell and will that gold and black magic [Music] line down the right-field line it is a fair ball but Valentine plays the ball off the wall and hold Stargell to a single [Music] that line drive was not like the line drive that he hit in the fifth inning this one was kissed and just did not have time to get up and out of the ballpark he hit that ball on a line right off the 335 sign down the right-field wall there was magic in that bat just not quite high enough to get it out of the ballpark moving into a tie with Tommy leach and Bill Robinson will be the batter Bill's first plate appearance in the game he came on in the sixth inning defensively replacing Mike Easler one on two outs bottom of the seventh inning tied up at four four at Three Rivers Stadium trying trying to get back out in front of Steve Rogers in the Expos Stan Buxton warming up in the Montreal bullpen and bill Robinson batting with Stargell aboard two outs in the seventh and our jackpot inning Robinson batting for belch odors filed off its own two bounced into the Montreal dugout countin remains no balls two strikes bill Robinson batting in the number five spot last time bill Robinson started a game was in Montreal they Wednesday game of that series he started at first base started to open up but kept the bat back and it's one and two action on the bottom of the seventh-inning one two pinch pot by almond jazz hung up long enough for the shortstop of the Expos to make the play no home run during this giant Engel sweepstakes inning but for our contestant belt sugar certificates for Ted tasting cake family packs and daily as juice products read a moment or grocers and our next Giant Eagle sweepstakes setting will be worth $1,500 pirates in the seventh no runs a hit fine play by almond in left and after seven it's still pirates pour in the Expos for kenta Colby struck out the side in the seventh now working against Parrish and the Expos in the eighth just outside the first base bag strike two I want to take a moment to wish a happy 89th birthday to Edna Bushman on this 29th day of April and also want to take a moment to send out Getwell wishes to Kimberly McKenzie she's in North Hills passive in hospital send their best to Kim - Kimberly Parrish batting two strikes those same best wishes go to a friend of all the Pirates and and the pirate family for many years Mike Ferranti who's in the Ginetta spittle recovering we hope he gets gets well soon and you know Mike was a guy who used to bring six pound loaves of bread to the ballpark a lot of baloney and and feed the players after the ballgame I've never seen a loaf of bread that big in my life six pounds one loaf all right Mike you're on the disabled list let's get get well soon down low one and two to come be facing the Expos here in the eighth fly Levin started Romo in the sixth then takobi came on in the seventh and is working the eighth one two pitch Stargell over near the paying customers but it's back out of play what's it got the book well I got a ball from one of the fans and look I caught it Brett fred brocklander said now i saw their will nothing ventured nothing gained give it a shot it's a different twist of the hidden ball trick my ball and two strikes I'm Larry Parrish pirates an expose tied 4-4 expose got a single run on the first inning one on the fifth two in the sixth Pirates got a Parker three-run homer in the first and a run in the third [Music] diving stop by fooling cause I'm out [Applause] we've seen some outstanding defensive plays on this game on both sides boy and you want to know why the Pirates are off to such a fast start plays like this are one of the reasons why that the Pirates are in first place in this division in April a position that they have not been in before fully dies makes an outstanding play gets up quickly and makes a fine strong throw to get that first out of the inning here in the eighth one away in the eighth inning game tied 4-4 don't forget this coming Saturday May 3rd when the Bucs take on the Atlanta Braves date of the pirates first fireworks night of the season through the courtesy of lays and ruffles potato chips all fans attending the game will be treated to a spectacular fireworks display immediately following the game this Saturday we invite you to call the Pirates at 323 5000 to charge your tickets by phone that's fireworks night this coming Saturday May 3rd against the Atlanta Braves hope you'll be with us over the weekend against Atlanta Carter batting one out nobody on a fitting in a 4:4 Fair Saturday good day to bring your kids that's that's quite a display those fireworks they really are impressive and the game is going to start Saturday at 7:05 so that's a half hour earlier than the starting times of a year ago we started last year's games 7 35 this year Saturday's games at night start at 7:05 one ball and two strikes on Carter this is the opener of a homestand that will continue right through Maine to seventh tied at 4-4 were in the eighth inning Carter's single in the sixth inning drove in Valentine and tied the game up struck him out got him to chase a bad pitch and Carter becomes to Colby's fourth strikeout victim good ball on the outside part of the plate and Carter went out there just hold it hold it you think that was a strike no the ball was outside I touched it outside corner no it outside off the plate and Carter just went fishing for it little breaking ball out there and he just knew that he had it through the line out there but nothing on the end thank you very much gotcha goodbye Warren Cromartie homered in the fifth inning shucks I thought we were in for our first big argument of the year said how can he call that pitch a strike well I'm for the pitchers you know I take all I get two balls and a strike to copy one in two thirds innings has four strike outs nobody on two down in a four four ball game holy I'm the star Joe and willing with the footwork completes the play the Expos go quietly in the 8th inning a couple of ground balls and a strike out after seven and a half innings of play the Pirates in the Expos tied 4-4 we'll be right back eighth inning and another giant eagle sweepstakes inning for you our contestant Sharon whole craft of Munhall on the line here in the eighth inning is a $1,500 jackpot worth of Giant Eagle groceries plus certificates for ten tasty cake family packs and daily juice products redeemable at your grocer Batsuit a third Parrish sitting on the line throws Matlock out Steve Rogers gets the first out of the eighth inning very quickly tied at 4-4 last half of the eighth [Music] now batting for Sharon whole craft is head on up adding to 89 on the years he steps on steps in here in the eighth inning two pitches and Rogers has gotten two outs Verna's art camping under the high pop of a nod to away jackpot inning Sharyn whole craft is our contestant Phil garner the batter Billy's 1 for 3 in the ballgame and Lee lacy has moved out on deck nobody on two down last half of the 8th all tied up at 4 for Eddie Solomon grant Jackson throwing in our bullpen the lacy would bat Furtick LV if garner keeps the inning alive one and one rogers gave up three runs in the first gave up around the third but has held the Pirates scoreless ever since Expos came back from a 4-1 deficit Steve Rogers ready with a 2-1 pitch passed up the third-base side in foul territory case Rogers gets in trouble they have Elia Sosa and woody Fryman throwing in a bullpen Rogers in 7 and 2/3 innings for strikeouts he's given up one walk touch for four runs on nine hits big three-run homer by Dave Parker back in the first inning here's the 2 2 pitch watch out full count [Music] that'll trim that mustache with now after that pitch Rogers must come in with the payoff pitch to garner tied at 4-4 last half of the eighth-inning jackpot inning and he walks him and now the walk to garner will force the hand of Chuck Tanner and Chuck will call on Lee lacy as the pinch-hitter for Kenta Colby [Music] tentacle beep it's the 7th and 8th innings two scoreless innings of relief for two Calvi had four strikeouts in the two innings pitched Lele she with garner at first and two apps in a four four ballgame lacy on the air is 8 for 12 and as four runs batted in and lacy batting in our jackpot inning [Music] when we go to the ninth we'll get a new picture it'll either be right-hander Eddie Solomon or left-hander grant Jackson the Expos have Phil Allman Steve Rogers and Rhonda Lafleur three right-handed batters due up in the ninth pirates are nine and five expose our six and eight and they're tied at 4-4 here in the last half of the eighth inning curtis art froze to Cromartie and Lacey's out so no home run during our Giant Eagle jackpot inning but for our contestant Sharon whole crop certificates pretend Tastykake family packs in daily juice products redeemable at your grocer and our next Giant Eagle sweepstakes inning will be worth $1,600 so the burners are to play part o is left to throw out lacy closes down the Pirates in the 8th we go to the ninth then we're still tied at 4-4 that's right that's Wednesday and Thursday and take note of that afternoon start new pitcher for the Pirates is buddy Solomon Solomon making his third appearance of the year no wins no losses and bill almond leads it off game tied 4-4 Steve Rogers is on deck tied at 4-4 got a mess that's a good hard slider for which Eddie Salomon is well noted his best pitch although he still throws a pretty good fastball and he gets a little miffed when people say he's a one pitch pitcher he he still feels he can get somebody out with his fastball Salomon last worked 12 days ago he worked against the Cardinals on the 17th of April and both of Eddie's appearances this year been against the Cardinals coming on here in the ninth inning flyball to Parker and right and dave has it one away pitcher Steve Rogers will step in here in the ninth inning to face any Solomon I 11 started gave up four runs in five and two thirds innings rumble worked a third of an inning in the sixth to Kobe pitched two scoreless innings of relief and now Solomon coming on here in the ninth tied at 4-4 you know and how is Rogers done it tonight he's only given up 2 hits and anyone in he never more than 2 hit so it's hard for us to get something going when he's consistently keeping us our hits shut down pirates in the bottom of the ninth-inning will have the top of the batting order up foul down the first base side one ball two strikes [Music] and Solomon strikes out Rogers first strikeout for buddy Jay at the top of the batting order on the floor the floor has been to the plate four times that he's reached base four times has walked twice and has two hits a double and a single tied at 4-4 top of the ninth inning nobody on two down Salomon coming from Atlanta in spring training when we just finished that deal a couple of days ago sending Greg field to the Atlanta Braves organization Greg field is the young pitcher the Pirates acquired last year in the Tim Foley deal field came over with Foley from New York for Frank Taveras so the Salomon trade has been completed by executive vice President Harding Peterson but a pretty good pitch there you know the floor moving in his stance in the batter's box last time against a call that used an extreme open stance this time he gets Salomon now he's pretty much straightaway in the batter's box a good point Nellie very good 3o pitch I think Lafleur did that against a call they really opened up so that he wouldn't be pulling away just wanted to try and hit the ball to right which he successfully did so IMS full counted three and two Solomon displaying a lot of confidence in that breaking ball behind Lafleur three and one went ahead through it on that pitch nobody on two down tied at four for Solomon's payoff pitch fouled off the point you made about the floor and opening up one time and back straightaway the next is that something that you'd say most major league pitchers can can spot and will notice well you should anytime that a hitter does something different at the plate you want to notice it then the same way with a catcher a catcher can help notice those things if the pitcher doesn't pick it up and you try and do things accordingly Lafleur's on base for the fifth time draws his third walk and Lafleur has tried to steal twice in this game he was caught stealing in the fifth it was successful picking up the stolen base in the seventh tied at 4-4 and of course the danger here with the speed of Lafleur and a left-handed hitter hitting behind him if he should happen to pull the ball down the line Lafleur has the speed to score from first on a long single Bernard the batter he's two for three [Music] one ball and no strikes just Salomon unload to the plate in enough time to give out her a chance to throw out a run is what he does is Salomon doesn't make much of a late kick going toward home plate he just picks his front foot up and goes toward home plate notice it now he will take his stretch check the runner and then not lift that front leg very much when he goes toward home plate one o pitch runner not going it's too and oh the flora testing his break that time trying to get his jump wasn't completely sure of the Salomon move in his timing toward home plate and Eddie Salomon is going to have to vary his cadence in going toward home plate if he's to stop the speed here on the floor that last pitch I was not happy with the call by home plate umpire Nick colosi runner at first and two down in a 4-4 ballgame good lead he's going ball three stolen base full of floor bolli and the floor scrambling to get up the ball was lying in the carpet up by a second base and that is second stolen base of the game full of floor it tries to make a strong throw but I thought Lafleur had too good a lead and a pretty good jump to try and and for it ought to getting the ball with short hop Foley in front and Lafleur was trying to get up he saw where the ball was full he didn't and Tim just kind of laid on him a little bit all right it's three and Oh on Bernard with first base open in two away and in for a strike throw a breaking ball through you know just in case they had Furnas hard hitting right-handers coming up behind him Dawson Valentine to follow for for ball game top of the ninth inning Lafleur at second base he has been stranded in scoring position three times in this game excuse me twice already it is three and two I'm trying to groov is I pick it in [Music] top of the ninth inning tied at 4-4 the Expos have Ronda Lafleur at 2nd base and 2 away infield playing very very deep they want to knock any ground ball down keep it from going through into the outfield because with a speed of Lafleur at second base he could score easily to fool a to close off a Montreal ninth-inning no runs no hits a walk and a runner stranded at second we moved out of the bottom of the ninth inning the Pirates and the Expos still tied at 4-4 Steve Rogers facing the Bucs in the bottom of the ninth inning in a 4-4 ballgame and Omar Moreno top of the pirate menu for the 9th Rogers has gone all the way he has one complete game previously this year Moreno one for four scored our opening run Moreno batting 238 on the year [Music] fouls it back no balls and two strikes bolita follow then Parker Chuck tenor with encouragement for Omar Moreno Myron's got four runs of the first three innings off Rogers but the Expos have come back from the three run deficit to tie the game up same tandem throwing in the Montreal bullpen Sosa and Fryman 1 and 2 on Moreno 2 & 2 and it's a full count was out in front on two and now he's taking it to the limit that was a pitch Rogers wanted he didn't want to go to three two where he has to come into Omar wanted to make the breaking ball pitch two and two and missed his arm is getting a little bit tired and he has to be careful with that breaking ball you're more prone to make mistakes with that breaking ball when you're tired than you are the fastball payoff pitch chuck him out strikeout number five for Steve Rogers is that 3-2 pitch again it's good movement on that fastball sailed way to the outside part of the plate and it pulled Omar Omar started out to try and get the ball but it slid toward the outside part of the plate and Omar came up empty you could tell by the reaction of Steve Rogers he's wants this game he's psyched up and he's going at our buck goes one-on-one Jim Foley 1 for 3 on the ball game it's tied at 4-4 Oman at Short to Cromartie and 2 away ballgame is in the ninth tied at 4 all and the big guy who delivered with a three-run homer in the first inning to put the pirates in front three two one will step in here in the ninth Barker is two for four batting 359 on the year for home runs 14 runs batted in here's the pitch from Rogers strike one I'll tell you obviously the thing that's going through Steve Rogers mind is the last thing that he wants Dave Parker to do to him is hit a home run but that pitch right there shows that he still has a lot of confidence in that fastball and he challenged Dave Parker right there on the first pitch one ball one strike Stargell is on deck pirates an expose at4all two and one Gary Carter Montreal catcher drops the fingers back out of play here at Three Rivers Stadium for the start of this homestand but a very pleasant night here at the stadium temperatures in the 60s Dave now aim of the night Dave now even in account he's going to try and just get on for Willy if he can Parker homered off Rogers in the first inning it was on a 2 2 pitch and right now the count on Parker is 2 & 2 nobody on two down bottom of the ninth inning pirates and Expos tied at four all and fouls it past the export [Music] [Music] church staff Phil Allman is there and makes the play pirates are retired in order in the ninth so this one is going to go into extra innings and dave partin will be joining you as we go to the 10th Rogers and the Expos and our Pirates are tied at 4-4 I'm up here buddy Jay Sullivan kind of a surprise choice by manager Chuck Tanner to come on here in the ball game in the ninth inning and now we go to the 10th inning Solomon blanked the Expos in the ninth and he faces of a ball game tonight I said that three or four times and the ballgame gets bigger and bigger as we go on a real exciting thrilling ballgame and there's the first pitch now at Dawson outside boy Davis so reminiscent of the way these clubs fought tooth and nail all last year looks like it's going to be that way this year the race is going to be a fantastic race this year I feel the st. Louis gonna be tough especially if they get some bullpen help Philadelphia is going to be right there the Cubs will be heard from and these guys of course are going to be in it all the way swing and a Miss by Dawson now it's one and one buddy Jay Solomon 7 and 14 for the Atlanta Braves last year with a 4-point 21 earned run average pretty good strikeout walk ratio to innings pitched there's the 1 1 pitch outside ball 2 strike one pirates have used y11 Romo to Kobe and Salomon he's surprised when Solomon came in Nellie rather than Jackson I've been warming up basically you had a lot of right-handed hitters coming up and you use a lot of right-handed pitchers so it's it's best that you go with Solomon if you get into trouble you can still go to the left handers in a boffo the count now is ball two strike two on Dawson it listened four times up tonight robbed of a hit by Gunnar back in the third would save two runs and boy how big those two runs saved are in this game we would be going home now if Connor hadn't made that catch all three three m2 which was high Solomon I don't believe is totally agreeable with mister colosi on that call we streamed himself is the 3-2 pitch down at Dawson a swing and a foul ball three strike to nobody on or out top of the 10th inning and Pittsburgh second X running game of the year Pirates won the first time from the couch there's the pitch foul ball behind the plate where's the game of the season at home was extra innings pirates one and five two four on Robinson's home run in the 10th Billy will have a chance to bat in the last of the 10 and I wind up the 3-2 pitch high and inside ball four Zelda start the 10th Dustin draws a walk ominous way to started for the Pirates walk number 2 issued by Solomon brings up a Valentine that's the seventh free pass tonight they're zealous Valentine a right hand hitter and up four times and he has one hit first pitch and there is fight called Dawson stole 35 faces last year he's a threat at first base counties strike one on Ballentine Ayers I'd fall outside to make it one on one wanted one Ellis Valentine has good power picked up her space Soloman reddit users but pitch swinging a flyball to right field the ball is Parker and he's done it for the up throw the first base runner his five gets away from stifle he's gonna speak for a second and he's safe at second base without a play Lancaster all got away from Starkville there will be an error charged on it Lawson what - second base little surprise departure through PA the runner here an apologist seem to come up a little higher than Stargell expected an alert Dawson saw the ball get by Willie and pulls into second base and we didn't have a play our charge to prank a runner at second base nobody out direction error charged to star gold tidal charts with here swing and here's a ground ball to garner and second he's up with it throws to startle out and the runner Dawson goes on to third base so parish is out second to first that rings up Carter and again here comes Gary Carter in this two out situation with the runner in scoring position he drove in the tying run way back in the sixth inning with that two-out single off Bert Blyleven Tyner has been up four times and has one hit Solomon and a spot here he's got a runner at third base Dawson with two out spike called breaking ball on the outside corner Conner's up-to-date batting average is 233 Pirates have grant Jackson warming up in the bullpen in my field outside good stop by a tot boy oh boy that's a fine stop he blocked that ball it was in the dirt him outside and he shifted quickly blocked that ball kept it in front of him and this is such a hard pitch to block it because it's a hard slider down and in the dirt and as you can see I just tried to get out there and shift and knock the ball down which was able to do a nice play by a hustling head on he doesn't do that it could well cost you the game would have Gus to run for sure out as a ball and a strike outside well to strike one man Carter some catchers would have just tried to backhand that ball and catch it instead of knocking it down and chances are that that ball would have scooted by 2 & 1 the count Salomon all set again pitch outside fastball but a little bit outside while free strike one-on alive it will put two men on and bring up Cromartie game tied four and four on the top of the 10th inning stretch by Solomon the pitch fight fall at the outside corner ball free strike two trying to keep the ball away from Carter doesn't want him to pull it touching him outside mostly ball three strike two [Music] as a big picture it is how long how to play still freedom to good pitch by Salomon Carter just able to foul up all off a little bit that was a pitcher's pitch Carter fortunately fouled it off for him three and two is the count there it is swinging a bouncer to start you leads up with it let's do Salomon pirates get out of the end a good play Stein Gilda's Salomon no rights no head and a man left at the middle of the 10th inning pirates for expose for as we go to the last of the 10th inning Rogers pitched nine innings he allowed four runs and nine hits he walked two and he struck out five it's really an excellent game so now Sosa is on the mound of fella who was with the Pirates briefly le Sosa or the expose last year with Montreal II won eight games in lost seven with an ER a of 1.95 that's good figure all you expect low earned-run average and a from a relief pitcher there Mary our age will be lower than the starting pitchers not only one eight games but he also saved 18 so he figured in twenty six monthly all victories and only seven losses there's willie stargell to start the last of the tenth inning last year he was their best reliever in the bullpen and write down the stretch in September when most he came up with an an elbow injury and was unable to pitch for the last three weeks of the season and that might have been one of the turning points for the Montreal Expos not winning the pennant last year there's our girl Louise been up four times and he has one hit first pitch Thomas lightning in a Miss strike one big home run cut dargol singled in the seventh inning Beryl Robinson on deck and then Matlock right up on that pitch can have Willie out in front of it two strikes on Stargell the change of speed I saw sir [Applause] Kelly salsa native of the Dominican Republic now lives in Scottsdale Arizona here's the oak to pitch did Saigo ground ball in the right center field the centerfielder Johnson throws it back in psycho is on it first place a hard space on the ground and handcuffed Tony burners are going to his right so Stargell is on and here is a runner for Stargell you can see the play now this vault came up on Verna's our turn almost took his head off the ball was hit so hard on that infield that the ball almost gets by a hustling Andre Dawson who cut the ball off and right-center field as Stargell is on with his second bullet single of the game man Alexander is running down pinch runner Matt Alexander activated last week now making his first appearance of the season he stole 13 bases in 14 cries of the Pirates last year it was the 11 311 before he was stopped on the bases that was ruled a hit for Stargell was the 10th pirates head of the game here's bill Robinson been up once without a hit [Music] now a battle between Sousa Alexander and Robinson here's the pitch ready to bunted and he bunts it foul behind the plate strike one infield shift was on as Robinson who's a good Bunter but also has power run of the wall foul Robinson made a fun in a clutch situation early in the season as the Oh on a pitch out rider called for a pitch out Alexander state football one strike one one-on-one air last to the tenth inning of a 4/4 tied up game pirates with 10 hits the Expos with 7 watch Alexander getting a lead stretch by Sosa and a pitch Robinson bunts it foul or one strike two now with two strikes on him he'll probably have to hit away although you never know used to be that you wouldn't think of bunting in the third strike now once in a while they do it Mike Squires I believe bunted on the third strike the other night for the White Sox and on a suicide squeeze play and won the game beat the Yankees countess ball one strike two here's the next one he's gonna budge foul he's out on strikes Robinson buttered on the third strike and fouled it off so it goes in the books is a strikeout from Sosa and it brings up Madlock Nellie did you think he was gonna but no I didn't I didn't think that bill Robinson would be bunting in that situation usually he's a pretty good contact hitter and with a speed of Alexander at first I kind of thought they they be swinging away this brings up a situation aware Medlock and who's a good contact hitter to put on the hit and run or out give that alexander a shot this deal there's Madlock been up four times without a hit on earth first face throw to first he's back that's the scat a low stretch Auto bursty ask to go back in right hand first now Matt calls time talking to the first base coach Alex Munchak while he brushes up his uniform Sousa a pitcher from Artie first baseman Alexander getting the lead to stretch touched a man like a bouncer fare down the left-field line chased into the corner by Lafleur Alexander getting the go sign East fours Pirates win five to four before had all kinds of trouble with that fall and the Pirates wouldn't without a play a hot smash by Matlock threaded the needle of foot fare down the left-field line and before who was not used to playing on artificial turf might have had a play had he come up with a ball cleanly but he had all kinds of trouble and Madlock gets the winning into the ballgame as Alexander races around the bases destroy the winning run the Pirates win it 5-2 for 5 runs 11 hits and one error the Expos 4 7 & 2 and we'll be back in a moment in the line you say it's just a lot of foot fair there's Alexander around the bases Lafleur missed on that try to cut off the ball here's Alexander getting the go sign around 3rd from Joel on it the third-base coach finally Lafleur picks up the ball he's got no chance at all Alexander backs into home plate there was no play at the plate Lafleur came up with the ball finally as Alexander was not too far from the plate Lafleur's the only chance before his only chance on that play as you saw was to backhand the ball and cut it off but the but he had but he did not make that play and what he did not cut off that ball the game was really over so the Pirates won a thriller tonight 5 to 4 I hope you enjoyed it the final totals the Pirates 5 runs 11 hits in 1 error the Montreal Expos four runs seven hits and two errors it's got to give buddy Jay Solomon a lot of confidence tonight he gets credit for the victory his record now one win and no losses Solomon pitched the last two innings allowed no runs and no hits he walked two and he struck out one the losing pitcher is le Sosa and his record is now No wins and one loss Steve Rogers went nine innings Rogers pitched well tonight and Sosa came on in the 10th inning gave up a hit the Stargell to start the 10th inning Alexander ran for Stargell robinson struck out trying to bunt he bunted foul on all three strikes and then Madlock got the extra-base hit in the winning run batted in down the left-field line as alexander raced around the bases to score we're out on the floor in left field last year played for the detroit tigers and his entire career has been with the Detroit Tigers and the American League there are only three parks with artificial turfs so Lafleur last year played about 20 games total on artificial turf this year by the time the season is over he's gonna play around 120 games when artificial turf he's obviously not used to it at all I get he must played a couple of other balls tonight and that helped the Pirates cause considerably the Pirates got three runs in the first inning when Dave Parker slugged a three-run homer it followed a hit by Marino and then Foley was safe when an error by the shortstop's fire than Parker homered his second home run in two consecutive times at bat against the pitching of Rogers the Pirates scored another run in the third inning really manufactured by Foley who led off with a hit went to second on an infield out and then when Rogers napped for a moment on the put on the pitcher's mound fully broke for third Rogers finally woke up throw to third but Foley was in there safely and then he scored on a looping soft hit the left field by Easler so that at that point made the score 4 to 1 the Expos having scored in the first inning and then the Expos rallied with a run in the fifth inning on a home run by Warren Cromartie and two more runs in the sixth inning to tie up the game the first one was driven in on a ground net by Parrish and the tying one was driven in on a single to center field sharply hit by Gary Carter tied it at four on the ballgame stayed that way for and for until the last of the 10th inning when Stargell sit and Matlock's hit one the game for the Pittsburgh Pirates so the Pirates record now is now 10 wins 5 losses and the Montreal Expos record is 6 wins and nine losses a winning pitcher Solomon on the losing pitcher Sosa second game of the series that we played here tomorrow night starting at 7:35 and the pitchers tomorrow night will be Jim Bibby for the Pirates and for the Montreal Expos it'll be bill spaceman Lee we used to be with the Boston Red Sox Nelly Briles is going down onto the field and Nellie will have an interview in just a moment but right now here's a word from Phil gunner on fireworks night Saturday night May 3rd will be the first of three great fireworks night that pirates games this season at Three Rivers Stadium this is second baseman Phil garner of the pirate this year ladies and ruffles potato chips are sponsoring our fireworks nights so they promise to be better than ever why not bring your whole family to our game with Atlanta on Saturday May 3rd and see baseball's best fireworks display [Music] well pirates continue to play excellent baseball the Pirates really are playing alert baseball as they have all year long Chuck Tanner made that comment just the other day he feels feels it in his bones the way the Pirates are playing this year they're not making mental errors they're getting good pitching they're getting timely hitting okay and they're getting good defensive play we saw really two outstanding defensive plays tonight the best one of the season I thought was the one by Phil garner not only not only of tonight's game but of the entire season Phil garner made a sensational brilliant sliding catch it came in the third inning at the at that time at the point of the game in which Greiner made his catch Montreal had runners on second and third with two out and with two out those runners are running and this looked like a sure pop fly hit by Andre Dawson in short right field but Gunnar raced into short right back to the infield go for the ball went sliding on the artificial turf cut the ball hung on to it obviously and that prevented two runs from scoring for the Montreal Expos and right down to one of the stars of the game talking with Nelly Briles well Phil tonight I have to feel that the the key to this whole ballgame sure we scored some extra runs but the ones that you saved with that diving catch in right field I thought was a turning point of the game how was that set up and how are you able to make that kind of a play well that's one of those things nothing you just run and you're just praying all the way and you just hope you can make the play there's there's no way that you can really plan a play like that you just see the ball and you go after it and you hope that you can get it it's that particular moment though the thing that was in my mind was lets get bird out of this Jam and you know birds pitched well this year and he's had some tough breaks we haven't scored runs for him and here we had a little lead for him today and I wanted only to come up with a big play and kind of help him out a little bit was there any particular preparation mental preparation that goes into that type of situation knowing that there's two out with that particular hitter up that would enable you to cheat one way or the other and to anticipate one way or the other well that just shows you how wrong you can be Nellie I was cheating up the middle if you'll take a look at the film's I'm expecting Dawson to hit the ball up the middle which he does a lot of times against us he hits the ball on the ground up the middle most of the times he does hit the ball in the air to the right side so I'm cheating up the middle on him and that's just a classic example of being out of position well I saw Willie break for the ball down the right-field line and then you have a you have a big guy coming out of right field a lot of traffic in the area and you're kind of taking your life in your hands when you get out in that area well in that situation I just keep going until I hear Dave say something and Dawson has good power and David has to play my shade him over to Center just a little bit and he has to play him deep because the guy can drive the ball to the to the alley so yes that's my play I've got to make it if I can't make it nobody can how about there in that last inning the ball went by third base in that situation with a speedy runner on first is it the responsibility of a first a third baseman to be guarding that line to prevent the double down the line well it depends it depends a lot of times the book may say that you should play a play on the line and prevent the double in that situation in particularly preventing the guy from score I do that sometimes and sometimes I don't when I was playing third I go on how I got swinging the bat Matlock hadn't been pulling the ball a lot lately so I might have done the same thing Ferris was doing that would play off the line a little bit in the hopes of getting the DoublePlay ball and getting out of the inning but as it was Madlock get the ball good enough to get it down the line and we scored a run how do I batting eighth on the lineup I know you've been able to do very well in a field and batting eighth sometimes is is a difficult position to bat in because you're always in front of the pitcher and you don't get those good pitches to hit sometimes a pretty good pretty good position to try and hit in huh oh absolutely not with Steve Rogers throw it he threw about 15 pitches on the black for me tonight I was fighting them off and getting jammed and breaking bats and everything else but in this lineup what are you gonna say you you know you're happy to be in the lineup with these guys we've got some big humpers and and I take a lot of pride I just wanted to you know do my job in the lineup and if I can get on in the eighth spot still the base once in a while and that pitcher bumped me over to third and we can score the fly ball that's that's good enough that's as good as hitting fourth and driving in a bunch of runs in any one night well I think your example the night in a field showing that what it takes to be a winner diving for balls and and making the big plays when you have to is what really epitomizes what it takes to be a winner and we're very proud of you brought a big one home and we're going to throw it right back up to today to wrap this game up another winner for the Pirates that winds up pirate baseball for tonight be with us again on Tuesday May 6th at 7:30 p.m. from Three Rivers Stadium when the blacks make the Los Angeles Dodgers pirate baseball has been brought to you in part by nickels bakery don't forget to collect eight nickels bread wrappers for a free pirate game chicken and in part by fabergé Brutus make every day your birthday was route by fabergé coverage of tonight's game was produced by Doug Kennedy and directed by Brian Sipe production technical facilities provided by TPC communications incorporated coordinating producer George Christiansen this is Dave fightin for Lenny Puteri and Nelly Briles saying so long from Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh where the final score was Pittsburgh Pirates 5 and the Montreal Expos for this is the Pittsburgh Pirates television network [Music] coming up next on Eyewitness News an investigation has been launched into rumors that last Thursday's daily lottery drawing was fixed prices in Iraq and the aborted rescue attempt take center stage as the president goes before the nation PennDOT gets set to tackle Pittsburgh's runaway problem with runaway trucks and the Pirates meet the Expos at a close battle at Three Rivers Stadium good evening I'm patty burns I'm ray Tannehill this is more coming up and Eyewitness News Update which follows well blue batting helmet and to honor America
Channel: Tim McCartney
Views: 13,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6mMOpfhAenA
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Length: 137min 51sec (8271 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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