1989 05 20 NBC GOW Giants at Mets

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Zimmer first managers under stress it comes with the territory last night Tigers manager Sparky Anderson left Detroit and returned home to California under doctor's orders Sparky is suffering from physical exhaustion needs complete rest first base coach dick tracewski will take over in the interim I knew Sparky wasn't feeling well the last week or so in his back was bothering him some he complained about a bad back and I think we all have that a little bit but nothing is serious as a complete exhaustion and leading the ball club Tigers struggling this season has certainly not helped this situation just a while ago we spoke with dr. Clarence Livengood Anderson's physician he told us that the essence of the problem is that Sparky has been unable to sleep worrying about the club and demands on his time have left him totally exhausted the situation is week-to-week the earliest he can return is in about two weeks but he is definitely expected back of course another manager under stress for different reasons Cincinnati's Pete Rose the subject of a gambling investigation and back with us this week the man who has continuously been on this story for NBC News Bob Jameson Bob welcome back they are supposed to have a hearing on Thursday a hearing with Pete Rose in terms of talking about the report that came out but now the attorneys for Rose have asked for a postponement why did they ask for the postpone yeah they asked for a 30-day postponement because they said they haven't had adequate time to repair to a but the allegations in this massive report produced by baseball's three-month long investigation into roses gambling activities commissioner Bart Giamatti is supposed to rule on their request Monday but frankly I don't think there's gonna be hearing Thursday why no hearing why do you think that I think that this request for a postponement in the hearing is simply the first step toward legal action legal at when you say legal action what do you mean specifically and are we talking about something now that could be tied up in the courts for a long time possibly it's my best guess that if jamali the Rose camps request for a postponement of the hearing they will immediately go into court file a lawsuit against the Commissioner charging perhaps that they have not had adequate time to prepare to rebut this and the results of this investigation that in fact there's a rush to judgment on the commissioners part when you ask for a postponement in situation like this it clearly leads one to believe that there is perhaps much in the report that is damaging that they have to do some more homework what do you think is in that report well drawing conclusions about the reason for the postponement beyond what they've said is is I think a little bit dangerous to do there are only four copies of the report I don't have one those who do have the report are bound by a confidentiality agreement and they were all stuck to it pretty well we do know from the investigation some things that are in it very serious charges against Rose perhaps devastating testimony by former associates that he gambled on baseball but the word around last week was that after reading the report the Rose camp found no surprises in it and they had said earlier that there was no smoking gun now does that mean the same we don't know it may come down to Rose's word against the words of former associates who charged that he did gamble on baseball what's going to happen to Pete Rose when will it be resolved I don't know when it will be resolved this could go on for a very very long time particularly if as I suspect it will it ends up in court but there's always the possibility that Commission of Jamaat II think might try to take some action against Rosen might try to suspend it all right Bob Jamison thank you once again for coming in here being with us and you're heading back to Cincinnati yes I'm heading back to my summer home with Cincinnati okay thank you Bob thank you time now for our news of the week which begins with a couple of key moments from last night another almost no-hitter and some extra inning heroics in Oakland last night Dwight Evans of the Red Sox blue belted this grand slam off a reliever and former teammate Dennis Eckersley as Boston defeated Oakland seven of four in Tanning now although last night in Houston Mike Scott had a no-hitter through seven innings on Pittsburgh's Glenn Wilson led off the edge with that Center it turned out to be the only hit of the game it is the fifth one hitter in the majors this season and you're looking at the final out Mike Scott getting the win at the Astros blanking the Pirates three to nothing the Pirates Randy Cramer was looking to become the fourteenth rookie to pitch a no-hitter in the seventh inning Cincinnati's herm Winningham hit a grounder under the glove of first baseman Sid Bream the scoreboard immediately registered a hit but official scorer Glenn sample ruled it had was an error after watching the replay then a red Jeff Reed hit a grounder under the glove of Pirates second baseman josé lean this was also scored an era but in the eighth inning with two outs run poster hit a double into the left-field corner to break up the know he had bid as Kramer went all the way got the one hitter and only his fourth major league start the trouble Toronto Blue Jays fired manager Jimmy Williams and replaced him with batting coach Theo Gaston on an interim basis they are 3-1 so far under Gaston and on Thursday night in Seattle Milwaukee reliever Mark Knutson threw a wild pitch in the fourth inning with the bases loaded scoring Dave Valley and Harold Reynolds he laid us through another boring Alvin Davis mark had not thrown a wild pitch in 25 innings but he threw two and about 25 seconds clearing the bases a wild and woolly time for Mark Knutson now before the Mets Giants game most of you will see here today on NBC they held the equitable old-timers game at Shea featuring the 69 Mets against an assortment of former players a symbolic raising of the 69 championship flag one more time the stalwarts as a 69 pitching staff sy Young winner Tom Seaver and Jerry Koosman they combined for 42 wins that year met manager Davey Johnson played for the losing Orioles in that series Cleon Jones whose catch ended the series he batted 340 that year a year Pete Rose won the batting title and of course the inimitable bullpen ace tug mcgraw just about the entire 69 Mets team was able to return to shade today and when we return we'll take you back to 1960 to relive one of the most memorable turnarounds in baseball history NBC Sports presents Major League Baseball inside it achieves almost legendary status such as the case of the 69 Mets from laughingstock 2 world champion overtaking the first-place Cubs beating the Braves for the pennant defeating the Orioles in the World Series it is a story which endures 20 years later in part because of the framework in which it happened 1969 Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew emerged after a year of political assassination and the baseball season began in Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of murdering Bobby Kennedy Ted Kennedy made headlines as well Chappaquiddick part of a long hot troubled summer while b-52s were bombing Saigon Charles Manson and his disciples were leaving their own bloody trail in Southern California at the same time John and Yoko were bedding in for peace and we were reaching out for the moon and getting there from the mystery of space to a simple posture in Woodstock New York it was a very special time and it was in this lunar and sometimes lunatic landscape that the miracle Mets would thrive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we brought some enthusiasm some life some happiness to two people at a time we're witches it was a difficult time in this country might sound a little corny but I really believe that I think people remember and thank us for that very simply the men who had been renting the cellar for years suddenly owns a building the crane fools receivers which were bowed as the wisest 25 players 25 contributions one champion a team not driven by inflated egos and certainly not by money but by a desire to give what one could for the greater good and they were pushed pushed by a taskmaster who would soon them and showed no favoritism the late Gil Hodges you know all the cliches about John Wayne Gil Hodges was John Wayne he was a very strong dominant figure probably the most significant manager on any baseball team I've ever seen and players were in fear of him they related to him they admired him they respected him but at the same time they would never cross him and I believe to this day 20 years later they would not have won the pennant with any other manager other than Gil Hodges the 69 season has become the stuff of legend like the infamous black hat and ran in front of the Cubs dugout on a September day at Shea permanently jinxing Leo Durocher and his Ben first slave hug each flower has a storehouse of such memories and events from New York manufacturer at cranes ward with the west coast road trip in early when the boys of summer for speaking men we couldn't beat Sandy Koufax in California we couldn't beat Don Drysdale from one Mary Shaw Hall of Famers they love to see the Mets they'd meet us at the airport take it to the ballpark and let's go I mean before we left town each series we were down to two nothing but to win nine games in a row in California meant something to us for our champion now co-owner of Legends restaurant in New York it was the moments just before each game Shea I remember I used to get ready to run out in the outfield and I'd see looking out over the right-field fence at Shea and I'd see the the subway station which is right there to stop to go to Shea Stadium I'd see these thousands and thousands of people running off the subway platform to get into shape they didn't want to miss the first pitch everybody was into that season into the into the Mets that year for insurance and real estate man Tommy Agee the children who want the autograph of a man they never softly and I don't come to me like normally from 20 years ago to 8 9 years old how do you know me you know my father told me oh we saw feel 10 times you know stuff like that and for New Orleans sports caster Ron Swoboda it was a once-in-a-lifetime accomplishment one moment one play attached the save game for of the 69 theory I really didn't think I was gonna get there but I didn't know I was gonna dive do that and then I laid out to my backhand side and felt that thing hit my web right in the right place and I said man I just made one hell of a catch here fly ball field [Applause] Leon Jones with the catch and the always great irony a former Oriole Davey Johnson making the final out against the Mets in that series we'll be back to wrap things up right after this just as I suspected we go next Saturday's game of the week featuring the A's and the Yankees or the Reds and the Cubs will be seen at 2 p.m. Eastern Time that is 2 p.m. Eastern Time it is time now for the Mets and Giants or the Astros and pirates we will have updates for you 3 up throughout the day and thank you for being with us Nigel the dark destroyer been the most dangerous pound-for-pound puncher in boxing today when the shark destroyer enters the ring the only bad seat in the house is the small wooden one in the opposite corner live from London been battles Michael Watson on NBC sports world it is such an unpredictable year that the National League's leading home run hitter Kevin Mitchell is best remembered for the cash and his teammate will quark is hitting a very smooth 361 one of the more feared hitters in the National League and in New York the straw that stirs the drink Darryl Strawberry homering last night to give him 10 and that's the battle cry today Mitchell and Clark and strawberry as the Giants collide with the men [Music] the National Broadcasting Company when its seventh decade of bringing you baseball's memories baseball's milestone baseball's magical moments baseball's miracles NBC sports probably presents the major league baseball game of the week [Music] hi everybody I'm Vin Scully along with Tom Seaver welcome to Shea Stadium the home of the first place New York Mets and the visiting second place San Francisco Giants the scene of seven consecutive games where the winning team has pulled it out in its last at-bat most recently the Mets last night getting four walks in the 10th inning to force over the winning run but the other big story in New York the injury to Keith Hernandez for 11 straight years Hernandez never lost more than 15 games in a season last year with a bad hamstring he played only 95 and this year with a fractured kneecap he might be out until August last year the Mets were just 2 games above 500 without him will they hit the skids in 89 let's find out and go to Tom Thank You Vinny Keith how did it happen well it was a ground ball on the right side of the infield and I was on first base and Dave Anderson made the play and came over to tag me so it's my job to bump him to Brent 2 and our knees knocked and that's all she wrote did you know you were hurt right away no I played two innings after and then all of a sudden I realized the second inning that it was more serious you got to be very frustrating for you just starting to swing the bat extremely well well yeah I've been last week and I was doing all the things I supposed to do in a three hole and it's just terribly frustrating for me as two years in a row now and I roll disappointed you're the natural leader on the ball field last year when you got hurt this bump just Barry played 500 baseball how much are they gonna miss you well I think this year they're gonna handle a lot better I know what I read in the papers the other day after the day after the injury they know they got to pick the slack up that's why you have 24 players and we have Tim Tuffle of Dave Magadan and Lee Mazzilli that play first and I'm sure they'll do a great job and they'll carry the load till I get back you think it'll be two months before you're back in the field well I don't know I've they know I I've never had something like this before I know it's six weeks in this splint and rehab is gonna come as gonna be slow so it probably will be to two months at the earliest Keith good luck hope you get back very soon all right Tom all right that's the word from Keith Hernandez Vinny in spring training of 89 Buck Rogers of the Montreal Expos said the Mets are going to be catchable because of the age of Gary Carter and Keith Hernandez well Gary Carter is on the disabled list and Hernandez is lost till August we'll get to the starting lineups we'll have all the pregame stats and story all coming up right after this ekeus brought to you by Mitsubishi Motors who invites you to come see the full line of cars and trucks by Budweiser beechwood aged for that clean crisp taste this Bud's for you by quaker state motor oil the big q stands for quality always has always will and by diehard America's most trusted replacement battery diehard with more power when you need it most and now here's today's diehard starting lineup here they are with Butler Thompson and Clark the top three Mitchel Maldonado and Oberkfell Van Daan Manwaring Uribe and Kruk oh and on the mound trying to slow down the Giants the left-hander Bob Ojeda vahid oh oh and three against San Francisco last year as one once this year while losing four and starts off to Brett Butler with a strike Ojeda who has a 300 acre ranch in Visalia was involved you remember with the garden shears ended his career one ball and one strike Brett Butler one of the better leadoff men in the National League the threat to bunt he has nine bun singles yet 20 bunt singles last year it fouled off third and out of play and the count wanted to let's take a look at the match with the leather kevin McReynolds in left-field Vinnie Dykstra in center the straw Darryl Strawberry and right terror Justin the third Kevin Elster that short Timmy Tuffle Dave Madigan in for Keith Hernandez and Barry Lyons behind the plate still wanting to when Roger Craig was in San Diego he platooned a lot and when he became the manager the Giants for the next three years he's used a lot of different lineups it wasn't last year that he finally found in everyday leadoff hitter in 1987 nine men led off for the Giants but now they have Brett Butler he wants to get his ball club started in the right way and for the pitcher it is a big challenge he wants to be able to use his wind-up for as long as he can well it is one of the classic battles of the first center that you face in the game especially for Bobby Ojeda who has been struggling for him to establish that he can throw the ball in the strike zone that certainly butter at Butler an outstanding leadoff hitter just off the corner little slider in the count 2 & 2 you know you look at our heaters numbers thirty nine innings pitch 19 base on balls 19 strikeouts and he traditionally a control pitcher oh yeah last year he was fourth in the league fastball and it's in the left field so Brett Butler continues to do what he does so well get on base Butler cars came over from the Cleveland Indians as a free agent deal earnest and an outstanding leadoff hitter forth Roger Craig and the Giants and he can't go to the opposite field as well as anybody in the league a lot of trouble last night but you have to watch him now Butler has stolen seven bases they're gonna be looking at him right away and at the plate you have a player with whom you can use a play Robbie Thompson Thompson pretty good Bonner pretty good hit and run man so we'll see what they do or Robbie Thompson six of his last ten hits have been for extra bases he has always done well against Mets pitching in fact he's been more successful with the bat over 370 against the Mets than any other team in the National League for whatever reason one ball and one strike and a butler at first base seven stolen bases been thrown out six times and against left-handers when he has been running he's over four unsuccessful in four tips that he's made trying to steal off the left hand well then we'll see whether that is in Rogers mind one ball one strike they put a play on yeah you would think maybe a play maybe hit run you know Thompson a much better hitter when they do something he has a high strikeout ratio hundred eleven strikeouts last year for a guy who was basically a contact hitter two and one account that's a manager's delight Davey Johnson keeps a computer record of all the teams against whom the Mets play and he keeps managers tendencies so when the Giants arrived he punched up the computer Roger Craig and he can look back and find out just when Craig place hit Ron when he bunts the CB does something two and one they're thinking that bill Fahey is coaching a third he'll be hanging out the signs for Roger and Wendell Kim will be coaching at first there's Fahey two balls in one strike to Robbie Thompson [Applause] we'll watch Butler he's gone and it's a hit and run drive to straight away Santa - lenny dykstra it has to really extend that right arm to pick it off and Butler comes back to first Dykstra made a couple of fine plays the other night against Los Angeles going back and diving on his face he don't get him he can't get him outstanding they in the center field position for the Mets and one thing that we have seen in the games that we've done here at Shea Stadium binya is how the wind can play tricks for the ball in the air in the outfield it will blow in different ways that wind will come in one end of the stadium and blow around and go across the field of blow straight in so center fielder and all the oculars have to be very alert in the outfield you never know which way the ball is going to go the weatherman tells us that number one we have a southeast wind which is blowing from back of the right-field corner and across the left and that's a usually a wet wind and the tone of a train tomorrow and here is one of the pure hitters in the league will Clark first ball swinging and lifting a flyball to McReynolds that's a big out to get on one park was hitting 361 you like way swings and I saw him last night of the first time good indeed oh he reminds me huh and not not necessary is set up I've seen the pictures of Stan Musial swinging the bat when he lets it go not to set up and now I'm not having are as approachable when he goes to the hitting zone it seems a lot like senders he's one of the finest hitters I've ever seen and he just starting out now here's the fellow who was tearing him up Kevin Mitchell with 12 home runs to lead the league 40 RBIs in a 301 batting area and of course formerly with the meds I love that quote of Mitchell's not that you've got to swing the bat everybody says that but only the mailman walks that sounds like the title of a novel two down first inning no score would you start off speed good change on the corner for a strike in the count 1 1 mitchell was with the mets from 1980 until he was involved in the san diego eight player deal in 1986 his grandmother mrs. Whitfield in San Diego has raised him since he was two years old and she has had a tremendous influence in his life especially here in New York with a terrible terrible story about Wilding you ought to talk to Kevin Mitchell and Mitchell will tell you about living the life of a member of a gang and it's disastrous you know he was shot three times as a result of his gang involvement his brother Donald was killed 10 years ago in a gang-related incident as Kevin said he was in the wrong part of town and got into trouble somewhere where he shouldn't have been and any kids across the country here's the guy who tell you all about the so called glory of being a gang member and just how useless and pathetic it really is Kevin Mitchell and it's his grandmother who finally got him straightened out two down first inning Butler at first the CB tries to get the jump doubtful with Mitchell efficient and Kevin lifting a flyball to strawberry and so that's the top of the first as Bob Ojeda gave up the leadoff single to Butler one ball was hit hard Thompson but he walks away with a 0 on the board first inning the prospects of a fine game here are the met Lenny Dykstra Tim Tuffle and Howard Johnson Darryl Strawberry Kevin McReynolds and Dave Magadan Lyons Kevin Elster and Bob Ojeda and on the mound for San Francisco Mike Krukow Foucault two and one makes it a habit of beating the Mets he's won a hundred and twenty games in his career and 20 of those victories have come at the expense of the New York Mets want to know the count to Lenny Dykstra Krukow and Bobby Ojeda one of the things about a veteran like Krukow winning then his 13th year in the big leagues 37 years old and he's from the old school and he is not afraid to pitch inside he will establish inside he said arm trouble shoulder trouble not quite sure how much velocity has and he give you a fastball curve slider and he's throwing the split-finger chains gunfire is called a ball sitting with his mouth he said no I went up brought my eyes and here comes rod Ukraine there's a warm day here in New York and perspiration I can tell you that from the old-timers game down there I only had to get two outs and I was entrenched it is engage and he's how the ball yeah cuccos had to be restrained by will watch him on the mound he brought his hand to the back of his cab then up there now but we can't see well that's the mouth or not but it was called immediately naturally Gary Davis the plate umpire said he did but Foucault gestured no no I touched my cheek under my eye it's gonna count for a ball and the count 1 and 1 probably be wiping perspiration off from underneath his eye but covering his mouth you can't tell Davis went right to decision to call the ball 1 and 1/2 Lenny Dykstra you know Dijkstra dynamite in a small package he has hit eight career leadoff home run the latest May the third against Jose Rio and he's playing very well if that average close to 300 line two and two lenny dykstra the kid they call nails from garden grove three balls two strikes the count to Lenny Dykstra if Dykstra gets aboard you have an added burden because he's perfect in stolen bases he's seven for seven groundball and Clark was going to the line just did go back to get it I don't know if he lost that ball what happened to Clark but he was going the wrong way then was able to jam the brakes and he is a fine fielding first baseman after that I was talking to the umpire about why he was going one way or going the other if he didn't see it come off the batter I can't tell footwork but with Ron but look like the ball just bounced straight left all of a sudden did hit that same and bounced left that's what he was talking about there's a young man that thinks there's nothing on the field that he can't do and will Clark you might agree with him too is Tim Tuffle steps in wall one when you put the numbers here in 361 you could justify say anything you want Tim Tuffle has said almost anything he wants as he hits a ball to short Uribe who is the only giant to start every game throws him out duffle who had been alternating with Greg Jeffries then Jeffery suddenly took over and Davey Johnson said because I feel that alternating perhaps shake the confidence of Jeffries and then tupple said wait a minute what does that got to do with who's playing second base what about my feeling we've talked about Jefferies before doing his game but as we talked about it being build up so much over the winter and the steps of Cooperstown and not even into a full rookie year yet and I think the Preston and he's believed everything he's read the press and put so much pressure on himself and he said we may very difficult ton got booed here last night at Shea Stadium and was taken out for a pinch hitter when it didn't figure and we find out he has tendonitis at the right hand so Geoffrey's a switch hitter could play or bad hitting left-handed but not right-handed meanwhile Howard Johnson he's happy to swing from either side of the plate seven of his nine home runs come from this side and all the right sound however that should be handling collision above and Marvin it's very hard to hear any calls here in this stadium this is the noisiest ballpark plus with the wind blowing from right to left the planes are taking off directly overhead we moved to the second inning no score in the ballgame and Bible Heat are ready to pitch to candy Maldonado then Ken Oberkfell and Kurt Mann worries while the not all-out muscle Butler for that fly ball beware Andy has really and then this year he just can't get started he did hit two home runs in one game in Philadelphia but it's been a sizable effort born dunno and it's a high fly ball to right-center the wind will kind of bring that back over to Dykstra one down when you played here tom under condition somewhat like the day where the airplanes were taking off directly overhead did that present any problem at all with your concentration didn't bother me at all people who had bothered bothered a rusty Staub a lot it bothers Keith Hernandez a lot when he's hit E and it never really bothered me when I pitched here is odd then I got traded to the Cincinnati Reds and came back and played for Cincinnati had been away from she said and then evolved I had really got no easy play the last inning it was exactly right because they were hearing that airplane before we heard it here and inside the stadium no balls and one strike to Ken Oberkfell ground ball wide of first Magadan is there beating Ojeda [Applause] great you know it's amazing that Bobby ojeda's even muscles pitching in the major leagues they can't even throw a ball maggot in the course a replacement for Keith Hernandez a win on the DL Bobby a little late getting the first base but touching it with that inside foot last year I was talking to him about it yesterday said he was out doing team yard work and they were only been out for a minute or two and then he felt something and looked down and all he could see was bone in the middle finger of his pitching no this is really serious you know I went to the hospital with his wife and he had the comest wife down she was so upset about what was going on he finally realized he would say he was gonna toss him he was gonna have to control her and get her senses back together cuz she was the one doing the driving one ball and no strikes Curt Manwaring the young catcher behind the plate for San Francisco today no score top of the second inning drive to write strawberry will try and cut it off at the pass and dives and holds men wearing to the single so chill out base hit to right field will bring up Jose Uribe Jose Uribe the only giant started every game this year it seems kind of early doesn't it to say that and yet it's pertinent you don't get people playing the entire season anymore the guy that plays first baseball played on last year is only one of three major league players last year were Clark to play only a national leaguer like one of three major leaguers two playoff games last year Eddie Murray now of the Los Angeles Dodgers figures to play everyday and Cal Ripken of Baltimore and that's the three that's that then the two of them on one team mostly guys play every day oh and one account when I was in Japan a couple of times Vinny a sidelight to that sada harih oh the great home run hitter who passed Henry Aaron played every inning of every game exhibition season and postseason every inning of every game and then there's Chris Brown just released by the Detroit Tigers they figured it out that Brown had played a hundred and seventy nine games of 360 to maybe half the game they just couldn't get him in the lineup or whatever reason and I mean we're talking about a fellow made I guess over a quarter of a million dollars and apparently has a lot of tools oh and 2 to Jose and there goes man whirring father you know I asked that ro about that about playing the game since the don't you ever take a rest or whatever he says the reason I play every day every ending of every game all season long and his direct words people are paying the money to come to this ballpark to see me play and I don't take two innings off at the end of the game exhibition games ever we played every and he needs to pay their money they get to see me play Japanese players are extremely conscious of the fans another thing I remember seeing when I went over there the first time oh and two ball one a pitcher would get knocked out of the ballgame he would not go in the clubhouse and disappear he would go down to the bullpen and pitch this was telling the crowd I'm sorry I'm gonna go back and practice and I'll see you next time as much honor and Japanese baseball very much [Music] 1 & 2 the county or Ebay no score in the second [Applause] and that's going to be lifted to Strawberry so he de getting a lot of flyball outs he's gotten four in two innings but he gettin them one way or the other no score it was Dean winters personal philosophy of success we have a sacred trust to protect our adjusters but its impact was felt on California Street maintained and servitor houses on Lincoln Street and ACORN Street to put the interest of our clients first Dean Witter put principles before profit people before portfolios there are many ways to measure success on Wall Street we measure success one investor at Dean Witter a member of the Sears Financial Network okay look I like my steaks very well done what most people call ruin I call perfect I know it's not popular now if I weren't six foot nine I catch a lot of flack Larry Bird like well-done steak so maybe I'll invite him over for a couple of sirloin nice rare sirloins I got you Larry I got you this summer whatever you do wherever you go coca-cola classic will be there it's the one soft drink enjoyed 5 million more times every day than any other it's America's favorite under the Sun summer and coca-cola classic [Music] my athletes food kept flaring up I'd put it out and it just flare up again then my doctor told me about tinactin it cures recurring athlete's foot use it regularly and it'll keep the fire from coming back tonight didn't puts the fire out for good this year Germany's prestigious golden steering wheel award went to the Mitsubishi Mirage the Germans would have preferred that it be one of their own but in the end and well it loves a winner Oh doh day today in spring training in Keith Hernandez and dau strawberry had words and you heard about it all around the country and then the other night ether nandus came back banged up in a rather sensitive moment Darrel fouling off cuccos pitch in the count bowl and one strawberry with three home runs in his last four games but the problem is the Mets can't hit home runs with men on base [Applause] big slow curve for a strike this again was after the knee had been put in the splint Keith came out to the park yesterday and strawberry trying to tell him to hang in there [Applause] to code dispatches em one down [Applause] talking about home runs with bases empty the Mets have hit 35 home run and only 10 with anybody on base and there's Keith Hernandez Lee Mazzilli Kevon McReynolds with a seven-game hitting streak try McReynolds for a month now hitting over 300 it's been the story of the Mets they got off to a very poor start but they have pretty well put it in gear since the middle of April they moved out a sixth place and right now they're a game and a half and part of the cup and they're doing over there pitching Billy nothing else our pitching has just been outstanding I pop fly back a third Oberkfell right alongside and about four or five rows in now this is a ballclub in first place another division the Mets of course in the National League East hitting only 232 as a team 23rd best batting average for the major leagues only the Brewers pirates and the Dodgers are hitting worse than these times but they're pitching there every game lot of one-run games a lot of games that are wanting in their last at-bat and their pitching is keeping them close they have really had a stretch of exciting baseball so have the Giants that's another fly ball that will hook go back into the crowd in the last seven games that involve the Mets and six of them in this homestand the last seven games have been decided in the final at-bat and four have gone into extra innings meanwhile the Giants have lost four games on the road some of the toughest losses you ever saw including last night giving the Mets four walks with two out in the tenth inning going back to get it and he can't get it his Butler and into second base is Kevin McReynolds he is now hit in eight straight [Applause] on that we have one player that was traded for another friend they're both playing the same fish at the position today McReynolds and Mitchell for the Giants McReynolds outstanding power to all fields and go with a pitch that pitch up now over the plate a high fastball hitter and that is a long way for 10 the center field here at Shea Stadium the McReynolds at second with one away and Dave Magadan who has a golden opportunity to establish some credentials at first base in the absence of Keith Hernandez Magadan has been on an extra-base tear the last couple of game he had a triple and a home run against the Dodgers and he had a double in a couple of singles against the Giants on his last two games he's hit for the cycle [Music] one ball and no strikes to Dave Magadan that's at the knees one and one Magadan until this year his biggest mark was how well he did against left-hand pitching he had a career 328 batting average against the left-hander this year however he is old for 10 against left-hander and he's looking at right-hander Krukow one out chopper to the right side Robbie Thompson without almanarah this year Ian Willie Randolph of the Dodgers playing every inning at second base without an error McReynolds advancing to third and Mary Lyons will be coming out when we look at berry lines I got to tell this story when Tom Seaver was trying to make a comeback you wouldn't tell my story you want to tell it about their alliance war ii out as you it as you try to make you come back and then after the game you said that's it I'm not gonna make the ball club and I'm gonna call it a career and then one of the writers said to Uwe who's the toughest hitter you ever faced and you said Becker realized I was throwing bad effects I could get the ball by him that was a good line at the time yes he had a five game straight snap last night breaking ball and he drives hit to left back goes Mitchell to the track he's got it [Applause] a double in a man left at third and at the end of two no score we'll be right back after these messages from your local station buh-bye Kingsford just light the bag and by first brands corporation makers of new simonized non-abrasive car wax we're going to third inning the Mets with Gary Carter and Keith Hernandez on the disabled list but the Giants have also been victimized by injuries and we'll tell you about that after Mike Krukow checks in and hits a fly ball to strawberry in right field Mike's a good hitter one down the Giants this year have had six players on the DL and they're a four on it right now Karl best Kelly downs Dave Drew Becky and Chris fire who just went on it spire for a strained lower back Roger Craig has had to switch and move and counter he leads a national league in pitching moves he's gone to the bullpen now 82 times and it's very early to have gone 82 Rhett Butler's single the left in the first inning Oh heeda has gotten one ground ball out that's seven fly balls one hit very hard and Dykstra made a good play wanna know horse with the Giants and they are right there in the sense a game and a half back in 1987 when they won the division championship remember the trades with Mitchell and Lefferts rebecky and Russell and off they went to meet the Cardinals so that could still be another move in the wind to get them going and Russell the only guy in their pitching staff last year that did not miss a turn to the bunt by Butler Wow look who's all tricks two-one-one account the Brett Butler can you imagine being dealt away from Atlanta with a name like Brett Butler Terra leaving Terra behind I know it hos enough to keep it Belair at 20 beta but base hits last year very accomplished banner where phil rizzuto would love need wouldn't he scooter loves those people that can bump to an one account of Brett that's in there first right Brett Butler Brooks away from Atlanta [Music] [Applause] Len Barker came over and a deal involved as much money as Fort Knox and never could quite go with a bad arm [Applause] all three oh he does normally walks one and a half per nine innings at least he did last year you see ma at all the Dodgers to one in the bottom of the 8th this season is based on ball average has been almost four and a half control is the biggest thing that has been bothering him making to come back from the accident that almost took the filed away we're talking early i was talking about eddie lopat and and jean-michel the stick and we were talking about pitchers suddenly losing control and we went back to Rex Barney with the Brooklyn Dodgers and then Steve Blass with Pittsburgh even catchers have had trouble suddenly they can't pull the ball back to the pitcher Jim had Neroni was me there have been a lot of them Bruce Ruffin of the village is now in the minor leagues because he's having trouble throwing strikes for into the county Butler question to you in your illustrious career when you won over 300 games did you ever get a spell will you throw strikes I think every pitcher goes through that and what a pitcher has to do you can see Ojeda who also not only errs base on balls rut but he's averaging two less strikeouts per nine innings than he did last year gets Butler to chase that high fastball but you go through spells where you just can't get the ball over the play that basically what I used to try and tell all the young pitchers that would come along go back to the very basic steps of what pitching is all about throw strikes and throw low strikes don't try to do anything else don't try to be cute don't try to be too fancy just the very basics of pitching whether you're pitching in the major leagues or triple-a or Babe Ruth or high school or whatever is throwing strikes and throwing low strikes and that's how you build a foundation to be build upon to become a more creative pitcher ball two two and one we were also talking about a fella like Kevin sociate who got it into his head that he was going to hit somebody and kill them or hurt them seriously and he couldn't throw that's the mental aspect of it too that's all part of it Vinnie and I Steve Steve Blass is the name that you mentioned before and that was incredible he just couldn't do anything with the Facebook foul ball and it will go into the crowd and count two and two sea bass they pissed against him here one day years ago when he was having trouble throwing the ball and I was up to the plate with the bases loaded in the count got four three and two and this is what he was trying to make a comeback and ice in his historic nothing physical it was fine physical unlike Ojeda he mean there was nothing fiscal loosen all mental problems couldn't go strikes here was three to two Shea Stadium full packed house pitcher up and I said they're closed this time what'd he do Yahoo was took my head off and if I hadn't been bailing out toward third base and he missed the strike zone by 6 feet you know that just literally just ended his career - and to the counter Robbie Thompson making oh he to work - out of the third no score heater now who's high in strikeouts has been for this year has picked up his second and at the end of two and a half no score into play catch and loosen up Kevin Mitchell and it's appropriate to see goose that we've been talking about base on balls and losing your control now in the bottom of the third it's Elle Stroh heat and Dykstra one ball and no strike Gossage last night did something that even former teammates couldn't believe when he came in and walked two in a row including the game-winning walk for the meds coming over to try to get there as Mitchell tries to backhand it and he's going to call they hit her out the fan knocked the ball away from Mitchell and the third base umpire Jim kevin mitchell will get a put out and we'll see whether the fan gets a put out in a lot of ballparks the fan would be dispatched as you can see the fan was leaning over the railing so he was actually interfering with a ball that was in play why anyone would want to interview with Kevin Mitchell is beyond that ball just blew back into into the plane toes in the seats for a while and that wind playing tricks with it and lute back into play oh he defiles it away on the count oh and one no score bottom of the third inning fajita would land Dykstra hitting back of him no runs two hits the Giants no runs one hit for the Mets to put the game in the proper perspective the Giants began the day a game and a half behind Cincinnati the Reds are home with the Cubs tonight the meds are a game and a half in front of Chicago and two and a half in front of st. Louis st. Louis in Atlanta tonight and there's a hopper behind second base hit CRO Heda the met ditzy staff really a staff of very good hitters whether you would consider ajita the best of the group I am Not sure but I would say no I'm trying to be as kind as I possibly can but goodness it is a good hitter Roger McDowell is a good hitter this is a staff that takes Ron darling is an outstanding hitter and a staff it takes a lot of pride in their hitting and they've helped them themselves not only with her budding but their hitting as well as a staff well let see what Len Dykstra does now and he grounded out to will Clark in the first inning [Applause] or 1/1 and Oh don't I get traded of the American League have a DHT knowing I missed most batty practice fatty practices fun oh yeah I didn't like those guys on those synchrony of my head so I give a handful of nails and taxes here to cook to cook one ball no strikes and that's a jammer and a little fouled off to the left and man wearing is there to put it away and that takes care of Dykstra let's get an update on what's going on in the world of sports we'll go to Gale Gardner thank you then the Pirates injury woes continue in Houston the second inning Doug Drabek a line shot to Center off Bob Forsch Bobby Bonilla scores Gerald Young's throw home plenty of time to get to Sid Bream now bream pulls up Lanie's just off the DL he is apparently reinterred that right knee but they don't think it's serious bucks up one nothing let's go back to Jim and Tom [Music] okay Gail thanks for the update and we certainly hope that Sid Bream is alright one visit to the DL is more than enough for any player Tim Tuffle for one one and all in Houston on the astroturf I guess astroturf in sore backs and sore backs are you talking about Chris Speier going back on the DL first thing it comes into my mind artificial sir Kamali heart heart pounding over the years was talking to Jerry grote about that very same thing here we had old-timers day before this game we're talking about how tough it is artificial surface the pounding all the time Lou Brock was talking about it yesterday Lou Brock made his team about a missed a point yesterday about how running on astroturf so is so beneficial for stealing bases as opposed member wheat I had a gamer was all wet out by first base and down the a strips are much easier to run it right quick start very quick start to get out there and you have the same to have that real good traction every time there's no slippy no sliding but you pay a price you know the fielders love it because you don't usually get bad hops the jitters like it cuz the ball is live but the bill is always presented and the defense can play deeper as well no score in the third that was a dc9 thanks after a while you get where you can know them to meet some you know the differences 727 dc9 different engine Sons that does it for Tim Tuffle he goes down swinging no runs one hit a man left and at the end of three no score eating in the deep water now all one Clark hit the first pitch in the first inning and flied to left he's hitting 375 this year against left-handers truly an outstanding hitter and it brings up a possibilities especially since they're the 20th anniversary of the 69 Mets is observed today in 1989 it's conceivable that the battle for the most valuable player award would be between Dwight Gooden of the Met of the San Francisco the point being that 20 years ago [Music] the New York Mets why the night Tom Seaver by 22 votes although Tom did win not only 26 games a year but he was the scion winner one and one volt if see here today Tom Seaver you got a no-decision in the old-timers game work two-thirds of an inch well we didn't get any room that's right and our Lando Cepeda almost took my head off that's what I was worried about 2 and 1/2 clay ball three three and one one of the things I notice about our he that we talked about his control was so good nor as was so good before he was hurt he throws a lot of pitches it seems to me that really missed the strike zone and that are really a long ways away from the hitting zone and that's very unlike him he usually is around there you can draw a little u-shape as you look into the strike zone and you can see them are you if you would her a bucket and he would be inside of that bucket little bit off the plate a little bit on the plate or whatever but he seems to me the throw a rather face that really mess we're into decline Clark has walked 22 times they have a fella struggling a little bit with his control certainly compared to last year against a hitter who gets walks interestingly and now Clark has not gotten as many intentional walks however is Kevin McReynolds Riaan to and he got a hold of that one a high drive into deep right field and that one is gone in the Mets bullpen will Clark it's his seventh home run 30 RBIs and the Giants lead one to nothing oh what a hitter this guy [Applause] I've seen him for two days us on last night and today here I have not seen him take a bad swing yet he is a dirt aggressive swing and I looked at him last night and I said boy you might be able to get him upstairs now certainly Bobby Ojeda is not hurt score the men does not have an overpowering fastball but it looks like the place you might be able to pitch in to the upstairs even right and this wonderful swing because that's the only way to describe it it is a textbook slang the big kid out of New Orleans Louisiana went to school and was a high school all-american in New Orleans went on to Mississippi State everyone saw him at Mississippi State they all said the same thing he's a franchise hitter we'll Clark one nothing Giants off speed to Mitchell interesting we were talking before about how the meta having trouble hitting homeruns with men on base or the Giants now their last eight home runs have been with a bases empty he's hit 75 home runs in two years before this year he's raising a ton yeah yes amazing all three one thing these two clubs have in common that they're both basically first ball fastball hitting clubs awaited bitchin heated dead fish will turn over the fastball sinker changeup clock pips and whatever and that's really how to attack both of these ball clocks and there's a drive to right strawberry has to go back on that and this baby's got a chance and goes out the Mitchell who is so strong goes the other way and clears the wall at about the 370 sign so back-to-back home runs Clark and Mitchell and the Giants lead to the nothing that means nine home runs in a row have been with the bases empty for San Francisco and for Mitchell the league leader 13 home runs 41 RBIs he had allowed two home runs in 39 previous innings and he allows two in this inning and Nevada now candy maldonado I on the med staff Ron darling has given up seven getting back to control how important it is Vinny not only just where it is in the strike zone by pitching ahead in the count Clark at a 3-2 pitch hitter definitely has the advantage of 3 & 2 a Mitchell just to the 3-1 pitch anytime he left those hitters hit when their and head in the count one of the amazing statistics I read the doing some work on this em Cisco Giants will Clark when he who had a three in one count last year hit 565 give a grade hitter a sizable advantage and he becomes almost on beat of unbeatable juicer kill you every time ball 2 2 & 1 and of course you can see oh he de he doesn't want to walk Clark because then he's going to get Mitchell then he's pitching very carefully to Mitchell 3 1 trying to keep the ball away from it and then she was so strong it takes you deep the other way 2 & 1 to Maldonado one foul say one day he had a rip on a 2-1 pitch we talked before about so many hitters having bad hacks when the count was in their favor but not this one I mean he scalded it well we have seen three in a row three two count three one counted now a 2-1 count on the man he turned on that ball candy doesn't strive to have the body movement the Clark as he more or less spins like he's in a barrel has tremendous bat speed that way Rick Aguilera begins to throw in the Mets bullpen tell you what Maldonado came along I thought he was going to be in fiction there was one surprised about Maldonado and I think really it slowed him up he is one of the few Latin players I ever saw who does not run well and the Dodgers were always going this shot dike spent the fort inside [Applause] so Anita was throwing a lot of fly balls in the first three innings and all of a sudden even Grand Canyon isn't quite big enough and Dyke stir into the paint and Mel stottlemyre is gone out now Salim Iyer has to come up with a quick fix immediately might be do something before you get everybody killed you know you don't know if it's mammal don't know if it's physical maybe Mel has seen something and it apart me for laughing but that's something that sometimes that will happen sometimes that will happen pitching coach will come out if he thinks the pitcher is too tight if he thinks a pitcher squeezing the ball or is nervous or come out say listen try to do something else you get to get some of our players hurt in order to relax the pitcher do you ever give up consecutive home runs no see you don't remember however I mean I fit 20 years I had to be a point somewhere I made off the top of my head I can't pick it up all right stop back into the dugout Clark homers Mitchell homers and Maldonado puts paint all over Dykstra one out and can over fell coming up Oberkfell is certainly not a home run hitter it was an interesting trade it shows you about the shortage of talent in Major League Baseball the Giants made a trade with Pittsburgh they wanted Ken Oberkfell he was hitting 181 at the time of the trade and the Pirates got Roger Samuel and Roger Samuel had a wreck Elaine was the deal Oberkfell for sandy you think they're a little short right sound sounds like things are a little bit short you hear some of the Scout you hear some of the general managers talking about talent is thin talent is short talent is going to basketball talent is going football television other places you know you talk to somebody like yogi and there's a lot of wisdom in that you talk to yogi last weekend is it runs in cycles it just runs in cycles oh and Wanda Kurt man word - - nothing in favor of San Francisco top of the fourth inning runs by Clark and Mitchell Bobbo heated trying to right the ship flyball on the field it's playable man there and that's it two runs on two swings of the bat nobody left and at the end of three and a half innings as Mitchell and Clark prepare to go back to work it's 2 to nothing San Francisco to giving up those two home runs by Clark and Mitchell Johnson strawberry and McReynolds in that order Oh Joe flied to right over one [Applause] there's a one just foul and down the line all in one you know there might be extra pressure when you pitch to the Mets not only are they loaded for pitching but there are some great young arms that's the strength of the Mets organization and we asked Bobby Ojeda when you go out to the mound is there extra pressure on you but after that goes with the turf here they have so much depth all through their system and no matter where you play though if you watch the people behind it you're gonna get in trouble and I always try to just concentrate on what I have to do on the mound and if it's a good day on the mound it's a good day if it's a bad day it's a bad day and I'm not so worried about people who are coming up behind me I just feel fortunate to be where I'm at today first down the line oh and would be David West is five and three one of the things that meant organization is going to be doing here now with Gary Carter of the DL and Keith Hernandez out is fine D now if Dave Madigan can fight if they're catching situation is enough to fill in for Carter Mackey Sasser candy bacon berry Lions fly and they do have the pitchers in the wings this is a team that a lot of people think is the best team in baseball but in he is still a it is still a team in transition and say happy that's right Dave Madigan him right there coming along is it time for him to play and that's a decision the Mets are gonna have to come up with because he Keith Hernandez in the last year of his contract why bald and Maldonado asked Gary Carter is Benny there's two guys making a lot of money to veterans to real pros will they be back here I think that's one of the things in the next two months if this organization is going to be looking for an answer there was an article in the paper recently whether it was same way there's an awful lot written an awful lot said about mark Langston but the Mets really need somebody to hit and especially with the older players like Carter Hernandez so maybe they're rethinking reassessing the situation here now back going on and there fitzy staff roughed up a young pitching stick we're very gonna be here for a while and very deep Frank ashen is so that they not only have David West a trip away he thinks that they have outstanding pitching at the double ia ball and rookie league level all the way long make submit pitching through their system is enough to keep this organization organization going for a long time with that strength they have the training Prosecco oh and to just Mets pretty good fish and of course that's why Darryl Strawberry and Kevin McReynolds means so much to the ballclub along with Howard Johnson because they provide the sock bring up the date on a few other ballgames in the National League the Dodgers with Orel Hershiser had Tim Raines at a home run in the bottom of the ninth to tie it up to two Wow it's very Houston one one top of the fourth inning and over in the American League there's one game on doy Boston at Oakland and they have a 1-1 tie in the first inning mentioning the American League and talking about Chris Brown as a while ago reminds us we all want to send along our best wishes to manager of the Detroit Tigers Sparky Anderson who was sent home to his lovely wife Carol who will take good care of him and he was just worn out exhausted we back home the squire a Thousand Oaks taking things easy I'll tell you one thing I think about Sparky outwardly has the philosophy I'm at that age in life where I can handle defeat I don't think so I think yet but they are right on the head absolutely got him fastball on the inside corner [Applause] and strawberry court looking that is really challenging a hitter to dare to come in there to him are we talking about him Cuoco pitching inside one play she do not want to pitch strawberry's out over the plate litter to extend those big arms and that's right on the inside corner he pitched him extremely well they're different philosophies how to pitch Krukow pitched him hard in soft away too much word about up and down hard in soft away drive into the left-field corner by Kevin McReynolds hooking foul foul ball Tomic Reynolds who doubled in the second inning to extend his hitting speak to 8 will have to come back and try it again foul by this money the first time up and that was a fastball look like in the middle part of the flight up about chest high again should be a reminder coming from men worried or somebody in the back of crew cows mind saying let's get the ball down a little bit Kevin a good high fastball hitter no balls and one strike and he popped that one up around the plate men wearing go out Cuoco better direct traffic and it's the third baseman at the last minute can overfill well we'll be right back after these messages from your local station it's to nothing San Francisco two balls in one strike the count Jose Uribe the Giants on back-to-back lightning bolts by will Clarke and Kevin Mitchell are leading Bobby Ojeda and the Mets two to nothing Uribe has made just one error in his last 35 games on 22 straight without an era Robbie Thompson has not committed an era this year you have the record shortstop Kevin Elster and Tim Tuffle so we have some slick bills out there with the leather trying to the Giants not only leading the league in fewest errors but also most double plays turned Thompson and Uribe have been with San Francisco for four years Shawn Dunstan and ryne sandberg for the granddaddy duo so to speak Alan Trammell along with Lou Whitaker Detroit [Applause] one down we have a moment we'd like to remind you tomorrow don't miss the final round coverage of the LPGA's most prestigious event the mazda LPGA Championship here's the leaderboard Okamoto Chien Lopez and King and I wonder I wonder if Ray Knight the former met is lugging the bag for Nancy he's packing that bag today my Krukow is a pretty good hitter he flied to right field in the third inning and almost acted as if he hurt himself on that swing but Rico has five home runs in his major league career the last home run was in June of last year he ripped one against Eric Chow five home runs that's when I never hit him over holy vows I had more the bedroom my buddy Harrelson that still calls into this let's take a look at a swing that would not produce a homerun because the pitch was way outside it looks good there but then all of a sudden it starts to fall apart looks like my golf swing as soon as I start down toward the ball it falls apart crumbles at the edges it's still 2 nothing Giants were in the fifth inning and Brett Butler the batter Butler's single the left struck out threat to bunt so Johnson has to play him on the graphs taking all the way thought that the Giants have the number one number two guys were based on balls International League will Clarkin Butler well that's nice for Mitchell and Maldonado to have those people on base all the time all-in-one it's interesting when you when you compare home runs and RBIs you get a point immediately Darryl Strawberry has 10 home runs but only 17 RBI that means he's only been able to drive in a teammate seven-time and just not on the table point and did it last night when the bases loaded on bases-loaded walk four pitches one to get on to tell you it was a rock you know second deck the other it was a rocket that he'd about here fastball out over the plate here to stem those arms they've been killed ground ball wide of and as was talking to Tom before the game and he said from what I've read in the papers they'll play better this year without me than last and this is probably what he read I don't think we need to use Keith's absence as a crutch like we did last year Hernandez out in his own reckoning till August the ears Magadan the reason we say Hernandez figures to be out till August is his quote where he said when I fractured my kneecap it is the same leg we're the hamstring twice went out on me last year and I know lack of exercise to immobilize the knee the hamstring atrophy so I before I can come back and that sounds reasonable unless you're an orthopedic surgeon I talked to dr. Jim parks who is the orthopedic surgeon front of the yesterday the fraction that he does have is a is like a horizontal fracture it's not like let's say a broken windowpane plastic that would shatter all the way around it's just one straight line ground ball to Uribe at the back and dr. Bartis said he has already put keep exercises some leg exercises to keep the muscles around that area around the patella area around the kneecap he's already started him on the rehab trying to get away from exactly what you're talking about having the trouble when he does get out of the cast and I asked after practice it is it really going to be six eight weeks is this probably will be somewhere six to eight weeks he said is not a bad fracture but it will take time for it to knit and he'll bury liens at the plate kind of out in front on that pitch in the cow too and one interesting there are always rumors I guess because society loves to feed on rumors I told us last year when I was just a kid growing up in New York slotting mail in the post office during the war and I created a rumor and everybody went for it because they wanted to hear it and that was the Hitler was dead and I mean people really believe it well the night that Hernandez hurt his knee in what appeared to be really a harmless collision it didn't look like anything serious they sit for very long to left field the next night early four o'clock in the ballpark you know the big rumor the big rumor was that Keith Hernandez has a fractured kneecap because he was hit by a bat thrown by Howard Johnson it's amazing how rumors come out at night yes exactly what I heard that night on the radio and it really stems from what happened after Keith wood teeth came out of the game and he walked down the dugout we're very upset about being hurt because he had just started to swing the bat extremely well Howard Johnson very close to Keith got up and said how are you from the mansions and Keith were just upset he said my leg and he's upset upon people thought you for apologized well people read that he was upset with Howard Johnson Kevin Elster looking for a sign now with one out Barry Lyons at first not Fleetfoot two to nothing Giants in the fifth inning and will though he two on deck in a very good bullpen Davey Johnson could be thinking hitter one ball and one strike and Lee Mazzilli now comes out on deck so he's not only thinking hitter he's going to employ one the Lee Mazzilli is on deck to get a call to bat for Ojeda Rick Aguilera continues to throw in the bullpen two-nothing San Francisco in the fifth and the Mets now trying to get something started [Applause] [Music] foul back out of play he worked him up around the letters for the fastball he hit on 1 & 2 it was interesting about Kevin Elster you know he set the record for consecutive airless game and during that record he was being interviewed about that your glove and he said oh I use anybody's glove as long as it's not an outfielders glove I'll use anybody's phone then when he set the record the next story I read was he was furious because the glove manufacturer didn't give him a contract so he tore the label off the table so it's kind of a conflict I'll use anybody's love but 1 & 2 to Kevin Elster fastball sliced in the right Maldonado digging catch em back to first base those line [Applause] Maldonado who does not run that well had to truly let out to get to that one and it's a big play and now since he made it oh he doe will bat for himself good play by Maldonado right field the difficult coming in too cuz he's looking up toward where the Sun comes over at the top of the stadium here not known for his defensive prowess that's good concentration staying with the ball as he was coming in interesting now Maldonado should get a letter of commendation from Bobby Ojeda because if Maldonado doesn't make the catch o heat is gone goes out losing Mazzilli bats for him but Maldonado makes the catch so heated stays in the game and has a shot at a win [Applause] all one two runs four hits but the runs came on home run will Clark and Kevin Mitchell in the fourth inning Bobby singled in the third he likes to be called Bobby by the way we're not being cute he said yeah I like to be called Bobby it makes me sound younger he's at that age of this career one ball no strikes the owner of a 300 acre peach farm out of - oh you California now yeah [Applause] two balls and no strikes they took a lot of criticism they want how could you be fooling around with hedge clippers or whatever when he did get hurt than you know vol virus but athlete or whatever sit inside and sit in the chair and not be active drive yourself mentally crazy too I mean there is life as a human being chopper up along first base foul on the count 2 and 1 so what are they expecting to go and live in a vacuum yourself nuts too try and be as careful about certain plans chainsaws that said I used to split all my own wood I still do it home Connecticut the chainsaws and large splitters or whatever very aware of it but assertive things are part of everybody's psyche and that you just have to be extra-special careful as an athlete balls slapped into left-center Butler along with Mitchell and it's Mitchell to pick it off no runs one hit candy maldonado change the entire inning and the game around and it's to nothing Giants won NBC sports world boxing at its best Nigel the dark destroyer bend defends his title against Michael the force Watson love it gotta love it Robbie Thompson will Clark and Kevin Mitchell winter forgave those nicknames at pictures stuff like wrestlers you know when you talk about who's gonna pitch Bobby the Beast Ojeda all-in-one yawns leading to nothing we're on the top of the sixth inning big overhand picture this kind of rainbow low ball two to one [Applause] came back with the Express ball three three and one roy campanella always called the fastball the Express and you really understood the feeling standing on the platform waiting for the local and watching the Express go by another Express we're into vada nicknames fast balls and pitchers there's the local Subway here fleshie New York the flushing line give me some names smoke smoke the heater dead red and they changed that car they go out and they come back go out and they come back come in bold and they go out of boats and cheese and American neighbor seeking a gardener and find out over in New York first place clubs the A's in the Red Sox bottom of the first TAS come up with three runs one coming on this Carney Lansford single to left off West Gardner scoring Dave Parker from second as Parker comes in Terry Steinbach meanwhile caught at third base the A's lead the Red Sox now for one and a second back to Vinny top we'll Clark at the plate well to have Oakland playing well at home is certainly no upset if the A's win today they will have a record of having won 18 of their 25 home game up there you're in trouble Arisa doing a great job with that bulk up without his Big Bopper or right-field josé Canseco he has put together a very solid ball club and hopefully add sliced inside out down the line and out of play on the count of one ball and one strike to will Clark this guy just does not have a half swing in this book earlier this year we saw him have a a big day at the plate in fact he was talking about he never takes a bad swing he certainly didn't take a bad swing that day and he went five for five in Los Angeles and I mean he had every ball on the screws and he drills that one and here comes Lenny and it's off his glove pushed over towards strawberry park is going into second base and stopping a third is Robbie Thompson and Dykstra acts like a man who fell he should have caught it I think Lenny thought he had the ball either taking the last step off of his heel which will gyre head and the ball will start bouncing around but it looked that it came off his Glover actually off of his chest we'll have to take a look at it yes off the bottom of his glove and I think he thought he had that ball when he went after fain will Clark all the way around and left-center oddly enough respecting his power of the other way we was playing very deep in left center for the left hand and hit him Clark they will now walk Kevin Mitchell intentionally and Bobby Ojeda is in a lot of trouble the bases-loaded nobody out Maldonado Obert fell and men wearing coming up any wonder-working see Americans too Phil Mitchell gets the intentional walk and believe me it's not a big story but it is unusual but Davey Johnson gave up an intentional walk the other night against the Dodgers now he gives up an intentional walk today and you say well what's a big deal it is a big deal I mean Davey Johnson would give up an intentional walk as easily as he would give up a tattoo is given up to two now that's nine all year for the last three years no one gave up intentional walks more grudgingly than Davey Johnson so it is the situation but more importantly it's a tribute to Kevin Mitchell just as it was the other night when he intentionally walked Eddie Murray so bases-loaded nobody out and Bobby Ojeda has come to the end of his role in the sixth and will be back right after this look at this week's American and National League leaders in the standings for the role age relief man award and Dennis Eckersley and Mark Davis so far well out in front we'll be tracking total points awarded on the basis of wins losses saves and blown saves for the New York Mets their bullpen has been a mainstay the pen has saved thirteen and fourteen chances PRA in the bullpen is 1.3 and Aguilera has been pitching very well the bullpen has not allowed a home run in over 95 innings and Aguilera who was wild the other night and walked in a game-winner now faces quite a challenge bases-loaded nobody out and candy Maldonado at the plate in case you wonder about Maldonado in his career in the big leagues he has hit three grand slam home runs most recently in 1987 a lot of heat on the pitcher and the good hitters really fatten up so Thompson Clark and Mitchell out on the lines nobody out fastball strike we're talking about we're talking about many of that the death of this New York MIT 50 staff an organization a lot of people think that rick aguilera may be pitching every day for another ball club definitely true he has an outstanding arm good fastball good popping his fastball a good breaking ball as well i flyball into shallow center Dykstra really has to come as the runners tag now he's got some impetus to get the throw up and the runners at the hole [Applause] it looked like Elster might handle it but then it carried and dykes - really shifted into high gear and catching it on the dead run that added a little muscle to the throw Dykstra plays a very deep center field and has to come a long way for this ball [Applause] it's an average throwing arm for an outfielder but he will cover a lot of ground because he gets an outstanding jump on the ball and very good speed one out and can Oberkfell a contact hitter coming up over fell has grounded out twice lost a hit on a good play by Howard Johnson takes ball one for over 12 he has always had one problem that's a reputation of not being a guy who can pick up a lot of RBIs he was traded by the Cardinals because he hit 290 but had only 38 RBIs and he's up there now at the count one ball one strike Ken's been playing in the big league since 1977 originally signed by the partner Rick Aguilera with one out bases loaded gan to get over 12 Thompson very aggressive coming up in third base in the situation here ver Mitchell at first bases two if the ball is hit on the ground on the infield get down there and break up the double play [Applause] - - nothing in favor of the Giants all three you are now based with the pressure of the other night [Applause] Oberkfell does not strike out he's a pretty good judge so let's see if Craig gives him the green light yep and he drives it Dijkstra down [Music] goes Clark holding at first is Mitchell and it's three to nothing San Francisco's Baldrick bell picked up his RBI good bit of managing letting your hitter hit but he's ahead of the count I've always agree with that cause you give the hitter an advantage if he gets the situation here advantage it's funny the tower all the time Hiller goes up to the plate always wand of weight and get ahead in the count get that - no get that one three in one situation and all sudden the bases get loaded like this and the advantage will put put that on I actually take the bat right out of the hitters hands one thing that helped Oberkfell is the fact that he has a short-stroke contact hitter is not going to swing at a ball out of the strike zone as we see Terry Kennedy coming up now to hit for third man wearing Kennedy has always hit well and he's been around a while he has all done a lot of damage to the [Applause] the Kennedy can hit and then stay in the game he said eight home runs and he has 47 RBIs in his career against the Mets and although Terry has never been that much of an average hitter his lifetime average against New York is 290 a great repetition being a two-base hit a lot of doubles go back to 1982 news with the Padres you have 42 Devils seemed like every time you read the box score you look under there and said to B and C Kennedy's name at least once duck in a final the dodges losing a two-to-one game when rains hit a home run to tie it came back to get the victory Hershiser the winner with a save for Jay Howell Pascual Perez the loser is all and seven it foul a third and that one is back into the seats out of play 20 members this year any look at that some of the starting pitchers by all I having trouble was on seventh Jack Mars had a lot of problem all member all of the shoutouts from yet day after day after day was how to shut up all the low right nine days amazing things from a numbers standpoint happening this year two and one there is definitely a sizable fall-off from 1987 where maybe the ball was to stuff I don't know but the fall-off from 87 to 89 is like 200 home runs in a comparable number again and the same with batting average hits and everything else I ask people all the time about that people in the game ground ball to the right side tough Oh we'll take care of it a pretty good job frag you Larry gives up one run on the fly ball two left and it is free nothing San Francisco yet save one extra-base hit a double by Kevin McReynolds Len Dykstra Tim Tuffle and Howard Johnson in the bottom of the sixth the meds playing very well at home that shouldn't come as any surprise that were the best home team in the major leagues last year flyball to right field to Maldonado one down another thing we've seen a lot of this year too many first pitch hitting oh yeah hitters going up they're not wanting to get deep in the count you know that's a young hitters too I was talking to Jean Michel who's here scouting and I brought that up and he said not only do the modern-day hitters not want to get into the count they don't want to battle a curb he said I really think it's because pitches now with the splitter right four pitches and that's too much for the hitter so if he gets a fastball around the plate he goes after it right away that what at least was jeans think right my thought is if they didn't spend enough time in the minor leagues talking Bertie Tibbetts he says the young get her needs 12 to 13 hundred at bats in the minor leagues where you get to learn how to hit the breaking ball that's where you really learn how to be a professional hitter and he says the young hitters now are not getting that many at-bats at the minor league level coming up here not knowing how to hit the breaking ball and going after that fastball whatever it's wrong what about the splitter has it made that much of an impact do you think it certainly has because it's a it's a it's a pitch where such drastic movement it's a gray area whether it's causing non trouble whether pitchers are throwing it incorrectly because they haven't learned how to throw for it couple strikes out that'll be the fourth strikeout another thing we're talking about this the splitter is that when it's pushed back in your fingers and the fingers are spread apart drunk in the middle Stottlemeyer about here you see that they're a breaking ball with a splitter when their fingers are spread apart the muscles just below the elbow begin to tense up because the tendons are for you putting pressure on the tendons now does that overtime cause fatigue which in fact all of a sudden now causes problems and injury from the fastball we I don't think we have the answers to them but I think we're getting to a period where we are definitely gonna start asking them what is the problem is there a problem with the splitter well there's Mel stottlemyre and the other dugout of course is the guru ride the split-finger Raja crane and his fitzy staff last year only one pitcher went to the post all season long and he was 39 years old mr. 40 so you're thinking made I think whirring great that's right I think it's a gray area it seems to be a bit set has just been around a new vote pitch if we will and I think we are still learning about one how to throw it and - does it have side effects which lead to sore arms two balls and no strikes doing one I'm not sure about all these pitchers but for instance the Giants have called best with surgery on his right elbow kelly downs had an inflamed right shoulder dave brubeck ii does not belong in that category because that was a cancerous tumor that was removed [Applause] you know the other part of it is I've been thinking about this splitter is that it a pitch is effective right away you can learn it and select it but it doesn't mean that you learn how to throw it correctly from a mechanical standpoint doing one that Howard Johnson them all three the most difficult pitch on the arm hours felt with the slider with so much pressure on the elbow and any of the thing the bottom line of it is is at any pitch any pitch can cause on trouble if it's thrown from a mechanical standpoint incorrectly and especially the slider when you throw it incorrectly you put so much pressure on the elbow and that's where the trouble comes well here's some trouble coming against the war and Darryl Strawberry will come up with a man on base Norm's she read on the phone to the giant bullpen Bob Lois sitting there in front of norm sherry and in a moment we'll get a response down there Darryl Strawberry called out twice on strikes Michael ëcause who had been the is now a setup man a middleman Craig Lefferts the left-hander is the closer and here a strawberry trying to get the Mets back in the game Darryl Strawberry 10 homeruns 17 RBIs oh and one interesting point that the Giants last night with two out in the tenth inning walked four consecutive batters including strawberry Krukow just gave up his first walk of the day with two out in the sixth inning [Music] the moment of truth for cuoco it's strawberry stings in the Mets are back in the game if he gets Darrell he's leading three nothing going to the seventh inning so a big moment and then after strawberry he had Kevin McReynolds and he's talking about twice already for the second time up strawberries up in the fourth inning the Christian very well hard stuff in softer way I wonder if he's gonna change his pattern here all 2001 3-nothing San Francisco [Applause] the giant staff has six shutouts the Giants have been shot out once I guess the big shock is the fact the Mets do not have a shot they're great pitching staff you would think they would blunder now crew kow the thing that he's been doing extremely well today has been the head of its hitters first five innings he threw only fifty-seven pitchers he was ahead of everybody I spy three two one two strawberry the ball is foul the Howard Johnson a very good runner he stolen eight out of ten he was on the move and strawberry working on the full count so every had complained earlier of a sore shoulder [Applause] but no more [Applause] [Music] Johnson goes slow curve field Howard John is on his way to third easily now Kevin McGrath represents the tying run as he comes to the plate and Foucault in a jam truly for the first time today [Applause] Roger Craig hitting for the man he has at long drink of water Michael across side Armour 3/4 in the pen we'll see whether they go to look cause now girl arguing you can say like they say I'm okay I'm okay he is a real bull dog on the mouth I mean awesome shoulder surgeries had arthroscopic surgery on her shoulder fits very well last time out no he's gonna yeah you know what he just said he said to Craig yeah he hit her he hit a good ball first time up and when you look in your score book to McReynolds he doubled in the second inning and just missed another double he just hooked it foul that I fastball McReynolds was up in the fourth inning so Mike Lacoste will be coming in to try and bail out Mike Krukow who goes 5 and 2/3 innings and goes out where he can't lose he can only win or have nothing to do with it Michael across the settle his hash and it's 3 nothing Giants will be back the pitching job to Michael Akkad and Lacoste 2 & 3 working on Kevin Macdonald two out and he lifts a flyball to shallow right Maldonado is there and so McReynolds can't do it in the 6th inning on a lazy flyball to right no runs one hit to left and at the end of 6 3 nothing Giants will be back into these messages from your local station final round coverage of the LPGA's most prestigious event the Mazda LPGA Championship right here at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time couple of scores Dodgers beat the Expos 3-2 Pittsburgh leading Houston two-to-one Sid Bream heard in that game although they say it might not be serious those are the only games rolling along besides this one in the nationally in the American League Oakland leading Boston six one in the fourth inning the A's with home runs by Gallego and Steinbach Jose Uribe flied to right grounded to short switch hitter going the other way now against Aguilera I've fly ball down the left-field line McReynolds was able to get under it easily one down looking at McReynolds for that moment in the fact he hit a flyball to right field when you check on Michael across you can understand Roger Craig's thinking I mean McReynolds was the tying run and a home run hitter and last year Lacoste was absolutely brilliant as far as facing hitters in tough spots and not giving up home run Lacoste faced over 200 batters with runners on base last year and did not allow a home run that was part of Craig's thinking for him on to to Mike pretty good hitter - Vinny you know think he is you can ask him you tell you daddy hits one wide a third speared by Howard Johnson of course has two home runs in his career the last one he hit was against Tom browning in Cincinnati a couple of years ago that's why that's kitchen his home runs that he hit did not come on that kinda strike like cuoco do down and here's Brett Butler he'll consume a little time just to let macaws get in and sit down with cos only made two pitches to McReynolds Butler single struck out grounded out one two three assball and right now home plate in shadow Sunshine's still on the mound and it can get a little tough to pick up that fastball especially the fastball the turducken really advantage for the pitcher here that's another story ball to ball just changes color right right and goes in to the shadows but becomes kind of a gray well I think is they the hitting instructors are always teaching the hitters about the rotation of the ball fastball high you look at a baseball and it's mostly all white skin and if the fella throws a curveball you're gonna see a lot of white as the ball rotates on an angle coming in if it's a fastball spinning hard you're going to see a lot of the scenes which means you're going to see it dark almost a red and black ball strike three and he didn't see it whether it was red and white [Applause] at the plate in the seventh inning 3-nothing giant Dave Magadan to start it off Magadan followed by lions and then Elster it's only right I guess that on a days saluting old-timers the 20th anniversary of the Mets of the Giants should be in town either the Giants or the Dodgers then the giant influence on the Mets uniform if you look at the helmet worn by Dave Magadan you will see the orange and Y and that are in Gen Y it was the way the Giants wore it when I was a kid growing up here nationally Gert giant Hitwise and the blue is the royal blue of the Dodger onto [Applause] Magadan a couple of ground balls to second and short Donna Zhi has been throwing in the bullpen because if they get anything going Galeras due to bat fourth when the Mets come up in the bottom of the seventh there's Daisy [Applause] - got that - pilot off all into with her Nana's been injured I get mad again thank you to them good saw two months to show this organization whether he's gonna be able to hit or not on a regular basis one of the knocks is that he hasn't got much power you've got to look at the number of times that he goes to the plate last year he got just over 300 at-bats than a year before that just under 200 one and two the count of Dave Magadan he figures to get the start again tomorrow Scott Darrell's will be going for the Giants and Sid Fernandez for the Mets big crowd today the Mets are averaging better than 33 almost 34,000 a game and they've got a lot more than that at home [Applause] the paid attendance 45005 65 with over 46,000 at Shea Stadium [Music] 1 & 2 the day of Magadan my cuoco went 5 and 2/3 no runs four hits one walk four strikeouts and now the cause picking up one [Applause] we were talking before about the splitter questioning or not questioning just wondering whether it contributes to sore arm here's another fella who throws the splitter and had to have arthroscopic surgery had bone chips with moon fragments odds and ends as he calls them taken out of his elbow oddly enough Mike lekar shows a couple of different kinds of splitters that you Roley we're the middle finger comes around the ball it actually acts like a curveball and then he throws another one there where he turned his hand to the inside it acts like a screwball I said no wonder they took all that garbage out of your elbow fastball hit the air to straightaway center and Brett Butler is there the other thing about Michael costs we talked about how tough he is on hitters with runners on base last year he faced 247 left-handers and didn't allow a home run he'll be because of that sinker and that splitter that eight throws as a screwball which will run away from those left-handed hitters now Mike said something yesterday talking to him about about the split races you know if you're a marginal pitcher or a guy maybe toward the end of his career or some people might think it's in the recruiter you find a pitch that works somebody else says well it calls you on trouble so watch your you be a fool not to use it if it's going to keep you in the big leagues even if it means at times and there you see a picture of it right there that's one way that he holds it now he'll hold it a different way to throw it as the screwball we were doing a little research on Michael cause and talking about how well he did last year against left-handed this year however he's faced 52 left-handers and given up two home runs it's got to happen over the top fastball and said sinker two down Nevada will be Kevin Elster go Michael cause trying to save this one for Mike Krukow if proof though his third win Lapage Vonnegut his fourth saved a child Allah Kozma he holds the ball down to his side you can see sets up for the split-finger fastball and you can see what I'm to see how the veins pop out in the back of his hand it causes those tendons to tighten up and this as a result attendance up just below the elbow begin to tighten them that's where some people say that the problem of his splitter will align the other thing too if you're wondering about him tipping off if he holds it in a split finger position then he can always change it to the fastball gravity but if he was holding it with a fastball grip and then when to change it to the split you can almost see him having to do that in his glove so that's why he holds it in the splitter and then he can do whatever he wants in the secrecy of the Levin not show the hitters what is countable can you imagine okay we're talking about Walt Clark getting 565 or whatever it is my pitches and then tell him what pitch is coming to and one live wall to right field Maldonado will put it away although I've heard that when you can't get a hitter out you might as well tell them what's coming maybe he'll get himself all messed up it is green or Nothing giant we're going to the bottom of the seventh and now move into the a Stroh's light now comes in a brand-new can a brand new six pack a brand new 12 pack a brand new 24 pack and a brand new 11,000 pack introducing the Buick Park Avenue ultra very few people will ever drive this much automobile [Music] what makes the new Burger King cheese trio so tasty cheese cheese cheese cheese the burger for serious cheese lovers zesty Monterey Jack tangy American party switz three cheese's two flame-broiled patties [Music] come & get it cheese lovers at Burger King for a limited time fancy perfume aftershave it's gotta be a quarterback soccer real guys who get mud on their uniforms use rugged Anna stuff ice blue Aqua Velva there's something about today's Aqua Velva man so you still think lay man died down here are some of the veterans you'll see at the ballpark this season and some of our Realtors [Music] now playing in a ball park near you get up and go the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball one of the keys here you can see my clock are setting up for the splitter and then as he goes into a wind-up he sets and changes for the fastball you see the fingers come back together and he sets up for the fastball pitch one of the most important things is that the heel or your wrist sets up for the same spot in the glove believe it or not people don't understand that is that when the hands goes into the glove that the wrist hits the glove at the same spot every time because if the wrist were to hit in different areas on different pitches that's as much to give it away is how you're holding the ball 1 and 1 and since there's nothing else to do sitting on the bench for the opposing team you're watching any matter is if there are guys who stuck their tongue out and they were throwing one pitch as opposed to another are you gonna do is cross them up one time but they'll never believe you one ball and one strike 1 and 2 to Robbie Thompson Terry leach down in the pen as you see Mike Lacoste hooking to Terry Kennedy there's leaks we're in the eighth inning Giants 3 Mets nothing hard to believe that the Mets who led the National League in runs last year are tied for next to last this year [Applause] down bills Robbie Thompson on a pitch that look blanket might have come off his knuckles probably right on top of the plate it's the back end of the bat did it to you know to conclude that thought about the Mets they led the National League in runs last year and they're tied for next to last whose last the world champion world champion Los Angeles Dodgers about China funny a club last year the New York Mets 152 home runs second in the National League were 30 behind them Cincinnati Reds 120 22 why are these men in the dugout those numbers will tell you part of the story flyball alleppey or McReynolds is there and so park as a home run in a double and only goes to only two four four got that ball right on the nose and just have to hit it straight up in the air must be much fun to come to the ballpark and you know you can hit like that is more fun coming to the ballpark and not having to pitch to go yeah Kevin Mitchell coming up as we take another look at Will Clark in swap notes with another pride of New Orleans rusty Staub I saw rusty today here for old-timers day and proper busty rotted restaurant tour here in New York a couple of restaurants the Brando Mitchell Clyde to write homered to right and then was walked intentionally three nothing Giants beginning to out back [Applause] you know we were talking before about the trouble hitting certain breaking balls and you need 1,300 at-bats in the minor leagues one of the things that Kevin Mitchell does he did it with Donnell Nixon they would practice and they really thought it helped practice hitting wiffle balls in the wind because the ball was so erratic they felt that it actually helped I hand coordination our hand coordination make you wait to and watch the ball a lot of people are watching why there's no watch the ball they think they do but they take their eye off and it makes you wait all the hitting coach isn't it is we tell each other go out there and make sure you wait wait wait I want you to wait so you don't pull off the ball would you hit a wiffle ball that's exactly what you have to do wait for that last piece of movement they kill call for very lions there it says No one ball two strikes yes miss you know Joe McIlvain the Mets vice president of baseball operations said that Kevin Mitchell was traded from New York to San Diego after Mitchell's rookie year because the Mets were committed to acquiring Kevin McReynolds and the Padres selected Mitchell from a group of available third baseman [Applause] they just wanted McReynolds that badly and they paid the price giving up Kevin Mitchell two balls and two strikes [Applause] all three that was quite a trade and here some of the people involved and that's a group that's very happy with the way McReynolds has played for the more offensively and defensively as well talk about Gilmore free coming to the New York Mets over the winter and possibility of McReynolds going to center field all kinds of combination that you are here during winter trade talks popped in the air foul off to the right Berry Lions coming with Dave Magadan it is [Applause] the Giants are gone and all nine have been retired 3-nothing San Francisco now then to the one in the seventh inning in Houston and over in the American League Oakland leading Boston six to one thanks for a little muscle by Mike Gallego and Terry Steinbach Mookie Wilson will bat for Rick Aguilera one ball and no strikes Mike lacrosse came in to bail out Mike Krukow working on Mookie he's really struggling from either side of the plate when you look down that scoreboard Betty 319 3 2 3 1 2 3 games in the national late today they've got 3 6 8 11 12 runs 6 teams we've got going here one game in the eighth one the final one of the seventh-inning low scoring runs talking about no runs no runs no hitting no good 9 hits in the game here today ooh and to the count of Mookie Wilson Michael cause it came in is done well he got McReynolds on a fly ball then retired the side in the seventh inning mics had a good career he's been around a while and done very well going to Glendale and extended his career where that's that Splitter [Applause] the giant Cincinnati that's right played a game in an Atlanta one for the evening or afternoon whatever was five innings I'm pitched five innings ahead two to nothing I believe and I hit on the bot top of the sixth it came out of the batter's box in Atlanta and pulled a groin muscle got to first base or it was out one of the two went and I couldn't pitch with a fishnet come out of the game Mike Lacoste came in 12 outs in a row line drive at Uribe so Wilson hits it on the button but right at the shortstop one down and Lenny Dykstra coming up so you see one centerfielder and then the other it's bigger and bigger because Mookie Wilson is struggling so much on the best of course coming in as a team hitting only 232 with outstanding pitching staff their opponents already only 215 against them some guys that are struggling there's big drivers behind Mookie sit next to Mazzilli yeah he stopped to talk to Mozilla I noticed earlier a couple of hitters talking to Mozilla he's the senior hitter down there in the dugout and he has something to say to almost every hitter on one bill Robinson who would be the hitting instructors the first base coach so Mazzilli probably helped bill out as far as times in the dugout bill presented Darryl Strawberry with the Sporting News silver bat before the game the bedrooms on the bed sir will take part in helping the youngsters coming along another one individuals on the Met bench buddy Harrelson who was recently considered for that Toronto job he's Davey Johnson's right-hand man bud Harrelson said I don't know exactly his thinking on that but he said they asked me about managing in Toronto he said they must think I'm a grandfather I have children 8 5 and 2 he said he's the reason I talk to you mystery about he's he he has such tremendous loyalty to this organization so many years as a player and as a coach and Davey Johnson's right-hand man and kind of a sounding board on the bench he he just has a great deal of respect entirely to this meant organization not that he doesn't want to manage and not but he wouldn't consider at this winter time into the middle of season he's just not the kind of guy to do it 1 & 2 check swing two balls and two strikes the count of course really well what just speculating it would appear to be the favorite in the of the speculators [Applause] Steinbrenner's given permission for him to talk funny and paper there they Thea they said that's all he gave permission to his dark nothingness michael--ah cars gone head-to-head with Lenny Dykstra - and to roll it to the right side Ravi Thompson - down so just looking back in the box boy you realize how dominating the pitches are the Mets have had one man get to third in the 6th inning and another in the second so they've had a total of two men get the third base the last six in a row have been retired by La Crosse meanwhile the Giants have not done anything against Aguilera he's retired nine in a row and to remains three nothing San Francisco with two out bottom of the eighth-inning right Tim Tuffle grounded his short struck out twice couple hitting 267 on long ones right [Applause] Bellatrix splitter that heat would come around on [Applause] the breaking ball it's very difficult to tell really is it looks so much one minute you think it's a curve and Twitter to read [Applause] watch the big hump on this pitch up their hearts oh that's that's another thing that looks like it may be as high sink yeah vikas about six foot six inches tall too all two and two dealt us the wrong card bottom of the eighth two out two and two or three [Applause] [Music] cause who is not considered the closer now but is trying very hard to close this one fastball hit to straightaway center Brett Butler so on the eighth-inning seven in a row retired and at the end of eight the Giants three and the Mets nothing this is my new Buick Skylark and since it's a Buick it doesn't surprise me that the Skylark is very stylish with room for five and it's smooth and powerful what did surprise me though is that Buicks little limousine is priced less than a Honda Accord DX so I got a little limousine for the price of a little car [Music] let's make the lion bigger smaller that's better how about black how about red with black letters black blue barley barley how about green I think blue and you are Peter Stroh you like blue mr. Stroh yes I do you got it script block Stroh's our stroll stroeve's you got it bigger bigger you got it introducing a new package from Stroh the only major brewery in America where the family still makes all the decisions that's them I think more you got it throws fire brewed family brewed for more than 200 years so there you are it's the mound a chase stadium and the endless pursuit of yesteryear and you're pitching an dimensional it's all great today yeah fine at the beginning and then a little sore see him I was watching you warm up and you was really warming up and I thought he's gonna run out again before you call it right again that's exactly right but you got away with it you pitched well nut had some fun and you had one ball that scared me the ball of Cepeda but we not get there's great day to see all the old players the old-timers the 69 New York Mets on top of it all just the one sadness of the one man who you knew and loved who I loved who was the manager of the New York Mets it was dearly missed but in everybody's heart today and Gil Hodges but he was one of a kind and meant so much to that organization there you are see you blocked that with you check the runners freese the roar you don't lose those innovative skills do you that scary be that great old-timers day boy I'll tell you what in a man's lifetime it's a blink of an eye to go from an all-star to an old-time I passed the ball there like stick in a relay race to Jerry Koosman life without standing left-hander he was for this New York Mets team for many years and on to Minnesota the white sucks and now it is donna z paws picking up for aguilera who followed oh he did to the bound 3 nothing Giants were in the ninth inning ah she has come back and of course the Mets are delighted to have an extra strong arm in the pen [Applause] ah c63 in about 220 pounds [Music] one and one if you're keeping score with us Mookie Wilson batted poor Aguilera stays in the game and since Dijkstra made out in the eighth inning he doesn't figured a bat so Mookie takes over in center field and Ozzy goes in dykes for spot ozzie with over 11 years working on candy maldonado he originally came up with the Red Sox many years from 1978 three with Kali in 85 with Baltimore and now with the members signed by a free agent February this year line drive at the shortstop Kevin Elster you wonder why the Mets have won someone to gauge the last at-bat recently they've been doing that like clockwork he's funny look down the statue did you look at the bullpen ah see in the RA 1.23 Aguilar a 1.29 bleached 0.68 with Dow 2.95 and that's the highest of the guys that come out of the bullpen Randy Myers they're big guys for one 0.78 0.78 in oberfeld grounded out twice had a scoring flyball to pick up the Giants third run that came in the 6th inning in there one-on-one it fouled into the crowd off to the left in the count 1 & 2 [Applause] Oberkfell hit the ball hard in the fourth inning he lost he hit a good play by Howard Johnson did time out but then got that scoring flyball in the sixth inning out away [Applause] three runs five hits for the Giants two of them home runs by Clarke and Mitchell and a double by Clarke the Mets no runs four hits a double by McReynolds two and two lotta goose eggs on that board nine hits in the game over fowl refusing to bite they check at third Jim quicks it no swing three and two my senator we did a games Congress six hits six it's one and nothing six hits we've had our share try one run three hits no runs three hits line drive right at Magadan there are other thoroughbreds running in the sunshine today let's find out about him and go to Gale Gardner Thank You ven the 114th running of the Preakness at Pimlico it had to be one of the great stretch runs in the history of the sport it finished in a photo Derby winner Sunday silence getting the nod literally by a nose over easy goer Sunday silence with Pat Valenzuela board wins in a time of 153 in for Sunday silence now the winner of the first two legs of the Triple Crown let's go back to Venice okay Gail so it'll be a big story at Belmont for Sunday silenced by a nose one ball and no strikes the counted Terry Kennedy check swing foul Kennedy appeared as a pinch-hitter for Curt man whirring in the sixth inning and grounded out by the way don't go wandering off in the bottom of the ninth inning the Mets will have Howard Johnson Darryl Strawberry and Kevin McReynolds [Applause] though that'll be a formidable task Kennedy of course came over to the Giants and the trade with Bob Melvin last year just to 228 people very worried that his career was on the way out career 266 hitter good acquisition by the Chinese Korean Won and he's walked in so the two out past the Kennedy will bring up Jose Uribe I think [Applause] Uribe flied to right grounded his short flied to left he's all for three Rheda nothing in favor of San Francisco big crowd of over 46,000 but they have been lulled by giant pitching crew co and Lacoste [Applause] and that's popped in the air third Howard Johnson took his aisle for a moment to see where third base was and that's that no runs no hits a man left and at the end of eight and a half with Johnson strawberry and McReynolds due up this man will try to keep them quiet some guys look at this they see just another brake job just another brake job that so the guy who drives this car not to me either [Music] American Airlines to Europe with service to 13 wonderful cities the game of the week has been brought to you by Buick and your Buick dealer the great American Road belongs to viewing by Stroh's fire brewed family brews for more than 200 years buy armor all car wife's because we're crazy about cars - and by MasterCard mass - the moment with MasterCard the official card of Major League Baseball [Music] don't forget tomorrow on NBC Sports ringside and exciting 12-round world away found Glenwood the real beast brown and young dick tiger and then NBC sports world tomorrow presents boxing at its best Nigel the dark destroyer Ben defends his title against Michael the 4th Watson in a 12 round Commonwealth middleweight title bout that's tomorrow right here on NBC the Giants trying for a knockout punch of their own they have the Mets shutout and Mike Lacoste will have to way to the heart of the men attacked and that heart has been beating faintly today the Mets with four hits McReynolds a one-out double in the second Bob Ojeda had a base hit Barry Lyons had a base hit and Darryl Strawberry a single the Mets have had two men as far as third so naturally Johnson stottlemyre Harrelson and company quite concerned about the power outage Roger Craig that has relied on the home runs of Clark and Mitchell and the right arms of cuoco and macaws [Applause] Howard Johnson a couple of fly balls to right and last time up walk got around a third and stayed there [Applause] [Applause] no sunshine to contend with it straight up six in New York [Applause] Oh to to Howard Johnson [Applause] [Music] Noah Johnson was the one who came in to baby Johnson's office and said skip have you ever thought about me batting second and Davies had no to tell you true the haven't but we'll try it and for that day he really took off [Applause] the balls two strikes [Applause] the left-field and Mitchell is there an dementia down to the last two outs with strawberry and McReynolds the coordinating producer for NBC baseball and the producer of today's game John J Filippelli the telecast at today's game of the week directed by Andy Rosenberg pregame produced by Les Dennis pregame directed by Joe Michaels technical directors Sal Nikita and Richard Sanz severe ball score very struck out twice and then single to right field in the sixth inning he was the last hitter Mike Krukow face Lacoste has retired eight in a row [Applause] and he's doing it by throwing strikes to pretty basically pigment any pictures got to do any throw spawns ahead of the hitter ahead of the hitter you always hear about strawberry winning a game with his bat the other night he made a magnificent catch of what would have been a game time he did goaltending in the and at six six he was able to actually take the ball away before it went out of the park oh she's had his pal Eric Davis do that to him a couple of times from Cincinnati yeah hey stealin bring it back I heard a Scout talking about strawberry and how much ability the Scout said he could have allow yeah I would believe it too far too hard to imagine how strong he is because he's so big 656 he don't realize the muscle mass that he does have he looks like a tall skinny kitty get up next to him making the book he's waiting listening 205 pounds nice he's close to 230 I would bet it to the hall that's all I doubt very much even ahead of Jose handle the ball away from his play first base [Applause] very very difficult to have got robbery intubation not only can Darryl it's a bar of the ballpark he does have terrific speed bass running speed beautiful arm great defensive player when he wants to he can be very laughs at times defensively [Applause] that is really blessed with tremendous ability offensively and defensively McReynolds had one that was in the 6th inning he represented a time you out and pray will cost him in to pitch to him and if Reynold flied to right [Applause] strawberry sees putler is deep the he just keeps on going to third [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Mikell cos like he do nothing just get out of the way it he barely had time to do that as well McReynolds hit the ball sharply all day long one time he didn't hit the ball well as when he had runners in scoring position are they left McReynolds last year hit 317 with minute scoring position Krauss got him to pop up last time but he hit that ball right on the nose cost will be facing another situation of the tying run at the plate and the closer the newer closer for the job leopards throwing in the pen back of it that was the job will cost had that's really good job he once so today the cause has fits well enough to be the stopper the setup man the middleman and did and he hasn't done it all yet he's got Magadan and on dead Lee Mazzilli Tibet forbearing line Lilith and Mazzilli [Applause] on is a hard ground ball to Uribe he hangs it to Thompson back to Clark and the Giants who lead the league in turning double plays come up with a 44th and Michael car shuts out the meds so Lacoste got the double play a great job of relief pitching in fact Krukow did well as a great starting pitching my crew car and a great job out of the bullpen by Michael across for the Mets blanked for the third time this year and for the giant pitching staff their seventh shutout don't forget next Saturday for the game of the week some of you will see the Oakland A's in the New York Yankees others the Reds and the Cubs it all starts with Major League Baseball an inside look next Saturday only on NBC the Giants beat the Mets three to nothing but Tom Seaver Ben skully saying so long from New York this has been a presentation of NBC Sports the leader in innovative sports television [Music] Nigel bet no man has beaten him and all have fallen by seven men battles Michael Watson Sunday on in busy sports world decided the ground ball paths a bowl after it gets a pass a bullet hits Sandberg and you see Bob Engle calling Sandberg out all of the room the ruling clearly stipulates he's safe look at a fiery Don Zimmer who was kicked out of the ballgame for proving the umpire was wrong that was last night what kind of thrills will we have tonight stay with us and see them all [Music] Cubs baseball is brought to you in part by blood life the one light that outshines them all everything else is just a light your Chicagoland Northwest Indiana better Buick dealers the great American Road belongs to Q it True Value Hardware for quality selection and personal attention make True Value Hardware your store of first choice the Chicago Tribune where you'll always get the freshest sports unocal 76 to advise you to go with the spirit the spirit of 76 Pepsi a generation ahead Canon proud to be the official camera of the Chicago Cubs United Airlines rededicated to giving you the service you deserve come fly the friendly skies and decide building cars for people who want more than just a means of getting from here to there Lisa built for the human race i'm jim baseball at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati as the Cubs shoot for their fifth in a row and this is the fifth in a series of five straight left-handers that the Cubs are gonna face Tom browning going to the mound and a left-hander going to the mound for the Cubs and that's Paul Kilgus Harry they've had such good luck against the left-hander's nine and three overall they should be in for a good one tonight and I am I would imagine that other managers are gonna think twice about starting on taboos against it coming no doubt about the fact that the Cubs have hit the ball very well there's 2x Cubs in the lineup Rolando rooms and Manny Trillo both playing for Cincinnati all right we'll be back for the lineups in a moment try for the fifth in a row here are the lineups for the Cubs disenzo and center law and third Sandberg at second Grace at first Berryhill catching McClendon and left Dunston in charge Jackson and right Paul Kilgus was one three in lost four will be on the mound for the Reds is his Sabo at third three Oh mammy tree our good friend at second Larkin the shortstop Davison left bensinger at first O'Neill and right former cub Rolando rooms and center Diaz the catcher and Tom browning who's won three in loss 3 on the mound the umpires are Dutch Rennert behind the plate fred brocklander at first Bob Engel at second and Paul Runge at third and we're ready to play baseball here in Cincinnati it's been long dry spell for Tom browning he won his last game on April 25th the record this year 3 and 3 the ER a very high for him at 426 last year he was 18 and 5 for the Reds first puts on the ball again swung on fly easy out - Davison love [Applause] the Sens Oh flies out to daily one man out that brings up Vance law batting 2nd Tom browning is a fast worker he will not mess around too much on the mound he keeps coming right at you he's had very good control this year although the last three times out he's been rocked by the opposition 7 7 and 5 runs in his last three starts the Sens don't know is 3 out of 29 since he joined the Cubs from Iowa that's under a 1 he the love of batting everything one out nobody on his Vance law still the Cubs win dunces hitting 152 still the Cubs win Darren Jackson's hitting 229 still the Cubs win one ball no strikes well any meds 78° a game-time a lovely night for baseball Orel Hershiser won his sixth victory of the year for the Badger there's a guy high pop fly everybody changing it and Manny Trillo Mexico the lotta ground on that one 39 year old veteran infielder Ron toaster is still nursing a sore hamstring he herded the ball game last night so Manny Trillo getting a look at second base this is a good play coming over into foul territory been zingers nowhere near the ball Trillo calls for it and he makes it just before the bullpen two men are on and here's Ryan Sandberg hitting 284 three homers 15 RBIs you know what I was just thinking there's a strike call why wouldn't it be a good idea to try Shawn Dunson hitting both ways there's a drive into right field for a hit and Sandberg is single all right you know up until now I'm sure he would have resisted any such suggestion but now he must be willing to try anything he's giving only 151 no homers only two RBI with his speed he might make a good switch hitter Larry the natural thing would be to try man winter ball but you'd have to convince him to go down there and play in the wintertime something that's not too easy to do but I would think over the course of his career if he could learn to turn over from the other side it'd be beneficial to me wouldn't have to look at that breaking ball breaking away from him anymore but that's easier said than done that's a very difficult transition especially for a man who has never done it well if I recall Kissinger done it did it very late in his career so far as coming up through the big league there's a basement replace Margrave single sharply and it took the glove right off the hand at Tom browning his glove wound up in foul territory down the first base line hilf is quite a throw by brownie well he's fortunate wasn't his head that's how hard the ball was built it was hit right on a line and you can see for nothing trying to swipe at at ala Frank viola and the glove goes one way the ball goes the other and browning goes yet another way Sally had Sandberg and grace with back-to-back singles but there were two out as the leadoff man swung at the first pitch applied out and then Vance law popped up so here's Damon Berryhill who had four out of four last night switch hitter high pop fly should be caught there's there we go collision baby held off that retires his side Davis might be hurt two men are left on base on two hits no run we go to the bottom of the first no score a participating advertiser of Cubs baseball is pepsi a generation ahead save on the Zebco Prostaff graphite spinning combo at sport Mart only twenty four ninety four after $10 manufacturers rebate you got it that sure secure confident feeling because sure's double-action formula fights wetness while it kills bacteria that cause odor be sure about odor and wetness protection get sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] make the other side green with envy when you use quantity yard and garden supplies from True Value Hardware stores the host will be a host card from Sun cast for just 2288 as an easy link hose connector and faucet adapter the gates 50 foot flex engine hose from the 1699 is lightweight and flexible and the rain date electronic water timer from green thumb turns water on and off at pre-selected times it's just $29.99 at participating True Value Hardware stores and home centers when you were a kid you wanted your bike to sound like a car nowadays you like your car to be as quiet as that old bike so use a gasoline that can do a better job quiet Enochs one that's to octane higher than regular unleaded unit cows 89 it's a great game last night [Music] Harry Caray back in Cincinnati has begun the bottom the first with Chris Sabo leaving it off hitting 221 for the year he had one out of four last night first there there's a strike law boy you talk about parody in the National League in the Eastern Division as worthless in the Western Division over the last 10 game the best anybody's done is win six lawns for a the six and four and five and five or four and six there's a high pop foul out of play the Cubs with five and five over the last 10 games they look at the numbers of Paul Kilgus going to the mound for his ninth start of the year his first career starting appearance against the Reds and he's lost his last two going six innings in both of them [Applause] and save all starts the ball game with the singleness and that will bring up Manny Trillo good hip run man slow up luck make them hit the ball on the brown you got almost a cinch double play but a good handler of the bath veteran a fine guy to have on a ballclub as the Cubs will attest to they hand them twice z-bo has never seen the move of Kilgus so he's going to get a little longer lead he wants to see the best move that Kilgus has very early now the pitch there's a strength off the Dodgers beat Montreal three to two debate Hershiser the winners six and three Perez the loser for Montreal Owens seventh Pirates in Houston tied in extra me they cross under the touching vine and car
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 5,826
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Id: 9FrW5xi0ZB0
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Length: 158min 51sec (9531 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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