1983 World Series, Game 5: Orioles @ Phillies

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Rick any memories haunting you about what happened in 79 it was the first thing that crossed my mind after we won the game yesterday was here we are in the same position we were in 1979 we thought that at least one out of three was going to be easy but I think puts forget something else in mind they came back awfully tough awfully strong they didn't make any mistakes those last three games and we did and they ended up when in the World Series and we all had to live with that for about four years so now we're ready to make our amends why will list go and be different well I think that it'll be different because we're aware of the fact that we're very capable of losing three games in a row if we don't play good hard sound fundamental baseball and I don't think anybody was over related yesterday about the fact that we won our third game and so we just kind of more or less had the same attitude that we did after Game one and the same attitude after Game two and three we were just got to say we got to go out there and play hard and win them one at a time and today that's exactly what we'll do that was Rick Dempsey just moments ago now the man who led Rick in that World Series manager then Earl Weaver Howard that was an embarrassing feeling but more than the embarrassment of what happened in 1979 series was the hurt that went along with it we needed one ball game to become champions of the world we weren't able to produce that victory and again I say that hurt me as much as anything that happened to me in Baltimore during the 15 years that I was there and especially when you had waiting in the wings Mike Flanagan so young Jim Palmer and finally Scotty McGregor our pitching couldn't have been set up better that year and Joe Altobelli pitching is set up just the way he wants it this year everybody will be going on a proper amount of rest and there's just no explain 1979 in the last three games we only got two runs we know that Baltimore will need more than two runs to clinch this and that was two runs in the final three games don't you have a deep inner wish to be down land now so that you could make personal amends no I don't heart believe it or not what Joe Altobelli had to go through throughout 162 game schedule is something that I don't think I could have pushed myself to do nobody could have done it better than Joe Altobelli did so far this year he's got the chance to become a world champion and he deserves it let's take a look with fulfills well the Phills really have to do this they have to forget about winning three games three game winning streak what they have to do is win today's game which will set up the sixth game in Baltimore just what be dros thank you very much you know the interesting contest coming up in just a moment Al Michaels and of course Reggie Jack's life and Veterans Stadium ladies and gentlemen it's now time to introduce the participants in the 1983 World Series first the American League champion Baltimore Orioles here is the manager of the Orioles Joe Altobelli and the Baltimore starting lineup leading off the centerfielder number one al Bumbry batting second the right fielder number 15 Dan Ford hitting third the shortstop number eight Cal Ripken jr. batting fourth the first baseman number 33 Eddie Murray hitting fifth the left fielder number 38 John Lowenstein batting sixth the second baseman number 25 rich dower hitting seven the third baseman number ten Todd Cruz batting eighth the catcher number 24 Rick Dempsey in the 9th position now in the bullpen warming up the pitcher number 16 Scott McGregor and the rest of the 1983 American League champion Baltimore Orioles and now ladies and gentlemen the 1983 National League pennant winners the Philadelphia Phillies and the Phillies starting lineup this afternoon leading off the second baseman number 8 Joe Morgan that in second the right fielder number 14 Pete roll number 20 Mike Smith or the left fielder number 34 Gary Matthews hitting Flynn the first baseman number 24 Tony Perez batting sixth the centerfielder number 31 Gary Maddox hitting the seventh the catcher number six modiere batting eighth the shortstop number 11 Yvonne DeJesus in the right-field bullpen warming up the pitcher number 49 Charles Hudson and the rest of the 1983 National League champion Canada theater ladies and gentlemen please rise as we honor America with our national anthem which this afternoon will be sung by the movie and stage star who was the original Annie in the famous Broadway show of the same name here is another Philadelphia star performer unbreathable party oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight or the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming bursty through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star-spangled banner a for the last Commissioner Bowie Kuhn and his wife Louisa were said at the back for Game five of the 83 World Series ladies and gentlemen please direct your attention to the commissioners box at the first base side of the Phillies dugout where major league baseball salutes the world champion Philadelphia Phillies of 1980 here to throw out today's ceremonial first pitches are two pitchers from our team number 38 Laurie Kristensen and number 45 that is a great touch especially with questions and you'll note that he threw it out left hand and Larry is a right-handed picture the reason he did that he had to elbow operations this season he said five in his career he was with Philadelphia at the start of the season and talked about somebody with pain tolerance Christensen said he had to alter his motion to the point his arm hurt so much he had to lift his right arm in his glove with his left hand all the way above his head to get it up there and still he was throwing fastballs at 90 miles an hour but finally had to go on the DL in May and it'll be a long road back remain who said that many operations but we wish him well it's a good story al hard to believe that he could get up to 90 miles an hour but that's what he was clocked over and cut the golf course who is not eligible for postseason play as the Phillies take the field and Tony Perez who started of course with Rose on the bench the other night but eaten alive tonight Tony's at first and then Joe Morgan of course at second base at shortstop for the Phillies Yvonne DeJesus in his second year he came over from the Cubs a couple of years back and a third base the man is trying to get on track the number three hitter Mike Schmidt and the outfield Gary Matthews who made that great catch yesterday in left field in center field the platoon situation there it's Gary Maddox since the Orioles are going with a left-hander and Pete Rose who's been all over the joint through his career left right second first third in right field back of the plate is both Diaz and the pitcher Charles Hudson last year a ball here before that rookie league beginning of this season triple-a called up in May on some big games for the Phillies this season a look around Veterans Stadium in the late afternoon Sun 3:30 down the lines 371 to the power alleys 408 to straightaway center again it's a very good hitters Park balls rock it out of here playing surfaces astroturf ballpark opening in 1971 the team moving over that season from connie mack stadium the umpires steve palermo who wins a lot of polls is the best umpire in the big leagues is back of the plate from the American League Dutch Rennert national first Marty Springsteen American second at Fargo national third Alcock American left-field line Frank pulli national right-field line well we know Palermo is good sometimes though that can be embarrassing you got to take a lot of heat from your peers as you certainly do but the umpiring in this series has been good and that's noticeable because of the lack of arguments that we've seen nothing really that would stand out the other night we saw alcohol can out the belly engaged in a discussion between innings well that was was that out the foot that Carlton might be doctoring the ball Clark said I don't think so well not necessarily docked a new ball but had a sick sticky substance to make that slider and that breaking ball so good so we go to the fifth game with Baltimore on top three games to one they can wrap it up today the Phillies need to win three straight now Bumbry to lead off as we get under way with a strike Bumbry one for 9 in the series hit 275 during the regular season one to well Hudson slow and hard again and I see that they're giving now hungry a lot of the left field line hard assets and slowly that's where L would be hitting the ball I believe unless they throw him some breaking balls you saw Matthews and Maddox bunched together as Bumbry thousand back Hudson is a Hinds or we've been talking his last two pitches at 91 miles per hour you saw him as you looked on three days rest versus four and right now he pitched on Wednesday so he's working on three days rest he pitched very well the other night through four innings and then became a bit unraveled in the fifth his bumper thousand away well there's the foul ball down you know what that would indicate to the manager in a dugout scene play out a little more straight away than other clubs is that the pitching pattern might be to go on the inside half of the plate with Bumbry was all for 2 against touched in the other night and bumping into soft with a looper to the shortstop the hey-zeus 1john in the first inning and Dan Ford would be the batter of course Ford will be prominently featured in every highlight film ever done for the 1983 World Series going to hit by the pitch from Willie Hernandez in Game two and then coming back and hitting a home run Hudson from Texas Joe Altobelli rookie manager of the Orioles first year the Air Force drill had prior experience in the big leagues at San Francisco in 77 78 79 but we touched on it yesterday spent a long time 26 years in fact in the minors both as a player and manager Joe is the UPI engineer in the National League and has a very good chance of winning it in the American League there hasn't been many people I'm sure that one manager of the Year awards in both Lakes Oh to pitch a singing the cat one ball two strikes normally that manager of the Year award off times goes to the guy who manages the team that exceeds everybody's expectations by the most in other words if you're expected to win the pennant and do you normally don't get the award it's the guy who's picked to finish fifth and comes in second well that's happened a number of times too that's what happened with Joe and he was with the Giants in 78 the next pitch the board is swinging a mesh to into Bobby Cox of course will have a good shot from Toronto a keep in mind when you think about that award I was looking it up gene Mauch wanted in 1964 the one year he would love to forget swinging to mention Down Goes boy and of course the man the whiz kids died Cardinals under Johnny Keane broad to the front and then beat the Yankees four games to three in the world series but I think Tony Lewis is going to get the manager of the Year award the American League very good candidate that was a man that the White Sox put Bobby winkles on the trail of for 1012 days with a butyl laying the foundation the firemen that was when they made the trade for Julio Cruz and the club came together ripken takes inside ball one one of tho now the question there there's Mike Boddicker he opposed Hudson the other night he would go to the mound in Game six if there is a Game six on Tuesday two balls no strikes as Hudson falls behind on ripken ripken and Murray combined are 5 for 31 in the series and the amazing thing is if you have said that before this series you've got to think Baltimore might be out of here in four or down three to one however the center of the Phillies lineup hasn't done much better have submitted hit different story works both ways the very point Mike himself made on the pregame shown his daughter here is a pitch that Charles Hudson thought just might be a real good pitch in fact it looked like it from up here 3-1 pitch coming up to Ripken look out they're still on the outside have another plate and Cal junior hasn't moved up we'll see him reach for this ball as it comes in going out to try to get it but it's just a little seems to be a little bit out of his reach by the way and that's the one that keeps you honest that was right in on his hands Paul Owens a 59 year old filly manager who came down to replace Pat Corrales in July made an aggressive move tonight a moving rose to right field putting Perez on first he knows that Perez has great hitting stats against Gotti McGregor he's definitely looking for offense sacrificed a little bit defensively hispano a boss hurt Rachel pitch is a check swing foul she has busted chase that Manero well 3 & 2 it was just might have been Howard just a little bit low a little bit low but close enough that you might not want to let it go by definitely a ball even on first base I think if he took it but it was it was close you had to go back to the bench with that bat on your shoulder three into two out bases empty top of the first thing about this kid is with his offensive stats he's looked on as an offensive player if he hit 260 that called him a defensive shortstop genius that's right 100% lying to left field Matthews racing over he's adventuresome he's like a bull in a china shop and left the open he's always played it that way Gary Matthews got a great jump on it he's able to backhand it and take a double away from Cal Ripkin so two days in a row spectacular cashes the responds as it's shown on the screen here at the bed in Philadelphia and thanks to that Hudson has a 1-2-3 inning good Orioles gone in order and so underway in Game five after a half its Baltimore nothing and Philadelphia coming up defensively for the Orioles Eddie Murray is at first base and the second baseman yesterday's hero rich tower with three hits at shortstop is Cal Ripken who just got robbed by Matthews and the third baseman is the light hitting Todd Cruz when he's done the job with the glove with him in the outfield and left field of course the platoon situation with oxen going we'll see loewenstein today and then in centerfield and see the Shelby or Bumbry depending on the pitcher it's Bumbry getting the start again Hudson and in right field is Danny Ford back of the plate as usual Rick Dempsey and a pitcher Scotty McGregor how would you brought up an interesting point two which had a figure in Paul Owens decision today about the lineup sixth olace Cano has that contusion and he suffered the other night in a bun attempt on the right index finger and it limits his ability to throw though he can't hit well it also cuts back on his ability to control at bat have the grip on it he had night the thing about Scotty McGregor to remember is this that the birds this year 160 lost only eight on artificial turf that is lodged mainly in McGregor he is seven and Oh on artificial turf with an earned run average of 1.2 one Scout he's a flyball pitcher so the artificial turf is not going to bother the being a flyball pitcher the chard fences sometime come into effect especially that left field shoot Morgan who had a home run off McGregor in the sixth inning in Game one is Hudson under the towel two balls no strikes the count on Joe who's hit two homers in the series another thing to think about with McGregor 14 and 1 on the road this season that's another phenomenal record the strike it's incredible to think about it 4 & 6 at Memorial Stadium and then 14 and one away so he was 18 and 7 overall another strike in the count 3 & 2 till morning looked like he was taking that pitch all the way they want to get people on face today Morgan is the only left-handed batter in the Philly lineup today Rose who's on deck of course is a switch hitter porygon reaching for it and hitting a foul outside first and it's Darren Johnson well we've already seen al Morgan stand up very well as Scotty McGregor sixth inning first game right field home run right after Earl Weaver had been talking about the manner in which Joe was standing up there against and have predicted the very home of the Joe hit he had two heads off the trigger that night and this one is fouled straight back toward us and just above us I miss three balls in the Little League World Series in the booth that one's a little bit closer I don't know how much we missed that one bombs under the table here Scottie with a quick three balls no strike count on Joe did not remember walk a single person in the first game and he strikes Morgan out so Joe quickly gets things his way three-and-oh the next thing you know he's walking back to the dugout and that's that off-speed pitch that only a pitcher like Scott there's my old left fielder a man that's in the Hall of Fame a man that won the most valuable player and both leagues Robin when he first came up was a rookie with the Cincinnati Reds he was beamed by Ruben Gomez taken to the hospital he burrows throws it in the center for a base hit so Rose on the bench Friday came back yesterday with two hits and a walk and a solid single here Pete Pete Pete attend TPP just continues to amaze me eyes the greatest competitor jolly hustle in the game of baseball he's still answering back for being benched there's the swing he ignites a ball club single-handedly find so many ways to beat to so many is the very best boys at what he does in his Mike Smith so they had a great series in eighty and you can see against Kansas City and he was the MVP in that series but again it's a fly ball and easy fly to right field Danny Ford coming in and Mike is now 1 for 17 first pitch and here's the guy coming up al and I think now we're close enough to talk about a Series MVP because it could end today Earl the most valuable player on the field so far this series Pete Rose or no Pete Rose is that man Gary math used to catch yesterday on you've already seen another Aeon Cal Ripkin and he had a big homerun you'll remember guess he didn't is going into this ball game hitting 333 in the World Series and that's coming off a championship series in which he was the MVP Tom Siebel was sure right in that Bridget Rose at first base MacGregor has a somewhat perceptive move over there and you can see rose looking back and saying isn't that a balk the Dutch run it was a national event fire well that definitely was not a balk you know Pete he's trying to get the edge anyway yes he is he's going to do something to upset MacGregor but I don't think we'll see a lot of running by the Phillies in this game they put in an offensive lineup and I think they're going to try to win big coming in as we have stated on a couple of occasions neither team really a running team and even things would have been running a whole lot mister of course it hasn't been a whole lot of offense outside of home brunch going through the cow back there both him only two stolen bases in the entire series outside one ball Tuesday McGregor shown us that he's got that good changeup that's the pitch that he got Joe Morgan winning on 3 & 2 the first hitter of the ball game and when he's controlling that he can throw it on any count any time pepsi starts to the dugout to try to help the lambo out palermo says he's got to earn it - Scotty McGregor showed no emotion are also the pitch they thought was in the strike zone above the belt very close but they didn't get it from steep Lerner feisty guy Steve shopton won't take anything from anybody he's got a quick temper they say I got a quick temper he's got a quick but a very good on fire how many times did he Derek you just four that's all just for that shows he's a good umpire we didn't have that many arguments our total pitch is hit in the air curling down the right-field line and into the corner and Danny Ford has room we'll head juggles and makes the catch and it's ruled a fair ball so Matthew setting it right into the corner and Ford going a long way to get it no runs and a hit and they leave Rose at first base bean has four hits in the series and at the end of one Baltimore nothing Philadelphia nothing now Michaels howard cosell or a weaver Game five of the World Series Baltimore can clinch it with a victory today the Phillies want to go south about 95 miles for a 16 which would be played on Tuesday no score second inning and Eddie Murray the switch hitter to lead things off against Charles Hudson look at Ford Danny juggling that's a real tough play because you run out of room in a hurry down there there's no room in foul territory there's not there's not much room and that's what he was worried about carrying himself right into that wall they appeal a dirt and get a strike ball on a swing by Murray for the third base umpire in Fargo they did yes they did I don't think so I can't believe that go look at what's the way Murray held up it always looks like around no further I'm wrong no you're not Howard and always looks further from up here than when you're down on that field yeah but I still got a call at a strike two looking over at Reggie he's saying marginal go to pitch is fouled those are hot the phones are not go re I'd like to say this the 14 times during the course of the regular season the Phillies have won three games in a row so this thing is far from over one ball two strikes on Murray Philly's aware that fact and so are the audience Rick Dempsey made that play said it was the first thing he thought of when they won the third the whole team did and they're not talking three wins in the oriole dugout or Clubhouse before the game do it to the cow Cardinals and Gibson apparently had the daggers put to rest in 68 mickey lowlich took over the series that was an unbelievable series I was at that Murray is when he breaks out of a shop he really does it man of his mentioned in the booth Howard said it in the last ball game it looked like Eddie Murray was swinging the bat a little bit better he's had a couple of pitches like that earlier in in the series and hasn't been able to do much with him but he certainly got all of that one you can see by his demeanor today he knew he was getting back into his hitting groove he was much more relaxed and comfortable even the way he talked to people we get it here from high above you can see the beautiful swing he had the arms were outstanding and you can see how far it goes up into the stands here Eddie Murray got all of that pitch he's been waiting a long time for that one lowens died take slow another look at the swing very similar to Chicago Earl in the sense he was cold and that's the reason the next thing you know he hits London to the upper deck at Comiskey what a beautiful swing but it was a 3-2 fastball right down the middle to issue if he's going to hit a pitch that's the one he should wait yet if he can get the pitcher into that situation this guy is no by K he has one home run came very close to another down the left-field foul line barely fouled you'll remember five hits in the series candidate for MVP Louis died fly ball the right or cheese for Pete Rose puts the cap off and makes the catch and for PETA snow this year early on in the season when Hayes was hurt they had rows playing right in Perez at first base what does Pete chair anywhere as long as he's playing coming right up coming right at the screen he played that flyball and it was up in the air he played that flyball like he's been playing right field all year right under a two handed catch I got she said he'd started 31 games in right field this year dower the pattern of course Pete has a lot of experience when he was with the Reds remember he initially started at second base and then played left and right and then they moved him to third and then over the first when he came here as you look at any Murray in the oriole dugout who is given Baltimore one to nothing lead breathing a lot easier right now dower pops it up in foul ground Schmidt and Diaz don't have roll to an wonders funnel the thing to put perspective Earl Lowenstein's blow was not a cheap shot either and they time Hudson's fastball and looking fastball obviously every pitch thanks Marie and Lowenstein - they're going to a low fastball there's no doubt about that the thing is to try to get ahead of Charles Hudson the Oriole players want to get a three one three two then his location on that basketball can't be is good flyball to shallow center Morgan goes out and in Maddox Falls morgan'll up and it's deadly for the catch taking charge there two down and Hudson will face Todd Cruz who at 199 during the regular season is 2 for 11 in the series Todd's the only one of the three stooges who hasn't come through at that's what they call them in Baltimore hasn't come through with a big hit but he did figure a very importantly in a bunt play all on account they're not only called with 3 Stooges in Baltimore affectionately they call themselves the three stooges one ball one strike the cat the pattern continues with the solo home runs though and by solo I mean with nobody on base leave that's the eighth that's right ball all the home runs in the series with nobody on good pitch on the outside half in the count 2 & 2 Charles Hudson two years in the big leagues two years in professional baseball this is his first season in the big leagues it's the Hellena Montana when it came up at 81 thousand fear and BS can't hold it last year he was in a ball that Peninsula in the Carolina League appeared in only 51 games in the minors and was called up in May don't let go one thing about any Murray and the same thing about Mike Schmidt maybe in four or five games you're not really going to get to see what they can do but you give them enough time and they'll do the things that they're capable of doing an Aswang an investor's bank plays the doctor's is out of there started using a high left field camera last year in the playoffs and as you can see it gives you an interesting perspective as we go out taking a look at Murray slinging the Homer and after attending a had Baltimore won Philadelphia nothing that device known around here is the paint box and a look at what you just saw about five minutes ago to swing by Eddie Murray which resulted in the home run baltimore leads one nothing as Tony Perez stands in remarkable performer through the years especially against MacGregor for 30 ATS hit against Scottie 7 for 16 one home run so if past is prologue watch out the strike if you can see defensively dower is playing almost straight up the middle for Perez though the outfield defensive is not quite as pronounced arez it's in the air off to the right and back out of play and we got to remember the a bet against Palmer they've played him more to right-center field in that particularly bat mainly because Palmer had moved to mobile Shelby over Shelby still had to scratch for it made a fine catch what a few ago by the way what the Orioles are telling it defensively here as they feel if he hits the ball on the ground he's going to pull it but if he hits it in the air basically straightaway also that they might be going on the inside half of the plate way to a to look out if I can qualify the stats that Howard gave you just a little Tony get Tony Perez got six four nine the first year he faced McGregor and McGregor adjusted the last seven bats he only had one hit so she odd he's going to be a little careful with him is what I'm trying to point out he has to be careful she's doing now with the full count right that's exactly right Rancho Perez to be followed by Maddox and Diaz got revenge there too don't like that three and two count with a power hitter up here and one that has already hit one out considering late considering how little e was used at the end of the season and he landed it on up and down he goes so for air strikes out and McGregor has two strikeouts he's got Morgan and Perez and Gary Maddox will come up in Game one Tuesday night in Baltimore this turned out to be the winning blow McGregor was the pitcher Maddox was the batter Nerys the first ball fastball hitter took it out and that won the game and that was an inside pitch and let's see if Scotty State is scouting the Gregor stays on the outside half now no balls in a strike the count Maddox Dolph's it in the air to centerfield Bumbry waiting for it once in a fielded just taking care of the other and there are two away here in the second inning coin I was going to make al was the Perez despite the fact that he's seen so little action throughout the late days of September and early October has come back with a bang as found this hitting roof quickly he's been a professional hitter all Diaz is the head he's had a big series together with loewenstein he leads in hits John has five Boaz five too hot going on one to nothing Orioles in the bottom of the second inning now the beautiful day in Philadelphia temperature around 60 degrees Oh into he has popping it up right side Murray coming down and found and it's a 1-2-3 inning with Scott McGregor starts things by getting six of the first seven men he faces so we'll go to the third and d5 Orioles one that he's nothing in the third inning eight nine and one in the oil order Dempsey McGregor and Bumbry against touched it one nothing Baltimore on a second inning home run by Eddie Murray Dempsey 3 for 10 in a series and the two doubles coming in the same game it game 3 on Friday it's a deep left field Matthews going all the way back and Dempsey has hit it out many people were expecting that and his some stews that Dempsey in order to our crews and Dempsey that Three Stooges but they have done the job the entire series got a little accent to a fastball right down the center of the plate certainly a leading candidate if the birds clinched today for MVP it is from high over see him have a good cut this one not like getting Murray's was not neat way back but just enough to bring him another run Dempsey had four during the regular season so it's 2 to nothing Orioles and McGregor is the batter taking low ball one another solo homer yellow front with no FC nine of them been the whole pattern McGregor grounded out twice in Game one facing John Denny one happy fellow seriously nine five game series with nine homers you think had been a lot of run score Turner it hasn't good Oh chopper your old buddy dr. long ball has been around but he has not any patients that Gary with him well fulfill it off the advance and they've got to be thinking what's going on right now Paul Owens do too is lying to right feel that's good would but Rose is there it makes the catch so Hudson doesn't pull McGregor but he gets away with it a great thing about Rose is no matter what's happening he's always full of life nobody quite like ditch was right down the middle again and Scott McGregor got good wood but to speak of a thing about being the funny thing and people know it in Florida in particular they say it but only if you go to the spring training game you know he plays the same way in st. Petersburg on March 15 but he does here Pete could have got to hit every time up in this series and still be just as mad right now because again three to one in games and two to nothing that's what beat grows doesn't like bubbly things I for one talking to me still about the night he was benched he said cryptically today didn't make much sense did it little chopper the left side hey Zeus knows enough good out they some folks in Florida probably saying don't you know the Billy's trained in Clearwater I said st. Peter public Cardinals in the Mensa to have this when he's on the road but the point is rose rose has always played the game the same way no matter whether it's March to October first stunning a ninth inning one nothing or 22 two to one of a kind or it at the plate strike on one good off-speed curved pitch right yeah when Charles Hudson's learns to throw that pitch when he's behind around three and two he's going to win an awful lot of ballgames he knows how to throw the pitch but when you can know that you're going to throw it for a strike that's when you move into the 20 game wind category no balls two strikes account Hudson fits the beauty of the playoffs he won Game three and it was a critical game of course in the best-of-five as the Dodgers came in they're tied with the Phillies of the game of peace he went all the way that day bought it off and fouls it away on a half swing going to quiet Philadelphia crowd at this time and it well not much to cheer about it you've heard about this park it is it said very noisy ballpark and they've build it again of course but they haven't had a life it's here about solo home runs but no rallies versus teen rallies altitude enough in the Phillies are right in the ball game now goes for it blows it by up but another home run for Baltimore in the we'll take another look now is dempsey hits one out leading things are over the ribs in left and into we awkwardly go to the bodies occurred with Baltimore leading entering sooner nothing here is a Monday hey Zeus as we go to the bottom of the third inning he'll be followed by Charles Hudson and then Joe Morgan Davies who's trying to bunt his way on crews charging in from third and the count is on one not a bad idea but on the astroturf of course you have to leave one down almost perfectly yes but now that they're two down they know that they can't tie it until they get a man on base good smart baseball if nothing else it brings crews up a couple of steps of third phases fouls it back and the count is no balls and two strikes soft flyball the right field and any Ford is there for the basket grab one out Monday Night Football coming up tomorrow the Washington Redskins are up to a good start at five and one against the Green Bay Packers mark is three and three when Vicki Joe Theismann that's the matchup tomorrow night on Monday Night Football Charles Hudson is the batter a strike you know McGregor is laboring under an extra strain his dad is in town and he's in the hospital he underwent some surgery the other day we understand he's recovering and obviously watching the game and we want to send an our best but good yes and B get better change on his mind interesting sideline to this side part of this world series Edward Bennett Williams it's a minority owner still of the Washington Redskins a team won the Super Bowl now is principal owner of the birds he can enjoy the fruits of total victory in both major sports that would be something want you to Hudson is popped up in foul ground and MC won't have room he said last night Carolyn L and I had dinner together the same restaurant it would benefit us was there he said this will be the fulfillment of my life I said with your courtroom victories in the people you've represented he said no this would be it Hudson strikes out his club is leading to nothing and of course on top of the series three games to one and the Greger look sharp Morgan had two hits in Game one off the Greger including this home run on Tuesday pitch he stayed in on but study in the first inning today went to three and two and then threw him a 3-2 a 3-2 changeup but he really digs in it front foot never goes in the bucket we were talking about in the bucket yesterday you're old enough to remember Al Simmons aren't you he said already is it I certainly do and a lot more less stuff in the bucket also with a high low lifting that front foot up right field belonged to Mel up two balls no strikes two out of the bases empty Morgan taking to it on with Rose on that key has the only hit against McGregor there's Rose Scotty has retired everybody else in here struck out three of the first nine men his face they don't have an assist on the infield has he been a ground ball out and it's play it on the director throwing in the mid-80s at last pitch at 86 as a Morgan is on and go back in the lead goes down the first day and how he wants to get on for Mike Schmidt need a signal in the first inning two hits yesterday four out of 13 in the world right rose indicating he might be bunny and I grew crews in a third market at first base has to be a little careful that he can give some tricky fakes like he's moving off the bag and then go back another strike and so quickly McGregor gets things his way or - it's not the easiest time today for the hitters everything in case and shadow right now but the lights really haven't taken effect at 5:47 local time and Rose pops it up on the left side so another ball in the air McGregor still doesn't have a ground ball out but no damage through three Cal Ripkin puts that one away and at the end of three complete in Game five it's still Baltimore to Philadelphia nothing the clear blue sky framing the Goodyear blimp in the Twilight in Philadelphia Pennsylvania as you look down at a magnificent sight that is Veterans Stadium back to the gills of course when at 66,000 yesterday of that you mentioned the Twilight there will come a time in this game when the light is such that a high fly ball is going to be tough for an outfielder see what a lot B really can't tell Howard but that period will last some five to ten minutes maybe 15 minutes during the course of a ballgame Ripken take to strike or door right on the outside corner same pitch that has tied him up throughout the series and yet he's hit some balls very well and got a couple of kids blowing away 1 & 1 those were the pitches that were center of the plate our center of the plate in but he's shown us he can go to right field you know if it's not right on that corner he's got a chance ball players are just hesitant to change in a five-game period one ball two strikes on Ripken Ripken has the power to hit the ball over the right field fence also just like Mike Schmidt does left him to be followed by Murray and then Lowenstein two-nothing Orioles in the fourth inning tell it to there's Murray whose home run in a second made it one nothing and then Dempsey hit the home run in the third to make it to nothing both pitch is just missing Hudson has not walked the man be careful Charles you can't let the birds get out of sight yeah he just begins the fourth inning by walking Ripken so Marie is coming up to bring Reggie Jackson in for a word Reggie described as this way he'll take a look at Mary hit this home run right here I talked to him before the ball game in the clubhouse he seemed to be a lot more relaxed a lot more confident maybe because of yesterday's ball game even though I only got one base hit he knew they had swung the bat well he also knew he was taking pitches well he felt with more relaxed you know Eddie's a type the guy seems to be shy seems to be quiet he believes he has to remain that way to play his game seems to me that this is the fellow that's the real leader on the ballclub and the Baltimore ballclub has seemed to take his personality just quiet relax do their job and get the job done consistent so here is barri now with Ripken at first base let's like meanwhile in the Philadelphia bullpen you can't wait when you're in the World Series like this Marty by storm is throwing today you're never for the fill so you get somebody up in a hurry the problem is they've got to stay closing ball the boy keeps applying the pressure to run lead isn't a lot but if they get a couple more then panic right-center field again and so anymore all of a sudden Oh we call a pitch slow-speed off-speed pitch but also said that he's going to get it Eddie hit a fastball 3 2 fastball the first time he went to the plate looking for the breaking ball and there it went then we say before the game rage that we thought Eddie would hit at least two out today now we get to see it again off-speed pitch Eddie Murray didn't make a move to the ball got to home plate Nick Kenney got all of it there was no doubt about it when it left them left the battle for the nothing with Loewenstein at the plate now and Loewenstein pops it up back of third the hey Zeus and Smita there and Mike makes the catch so all of a sudden people who only watch postseason baseball around the country I'm sure you think back to 79 you think about the playoffs this year in the series this year you have to think who is this guy how can he be so good why do they keep talking so glowingly about Murray he watched them today you know why and if there were a few extra games which we don't know whether there will be or whether there won't be but you see Mike Schmidt do the same thing sure no question that party during the course of the regular season you might not hit one for five or six games but these guys get them every 13 or 14 times up look at him now aggressive a different posture attitude in the dugout right on hot to home runs and home run broke a pattern - it's the first home run with a man aboard in the series and that's it high in the air down the left-field line but booking and going foul back out of play Eddie Murray has driven in three of the four runs to home account on dour one out of the bases empty and that's it high in the air to deep left field but it will stay in for Gary Matthews and makes the catch near the edge of the track so two down in the fourth inning and Todd crews will be the batter when you're not going good there's not much you can say to a player but hang in there and that gets a little bit old but when you hit two home runs there's a lot of things you can say to make a guy feel good wanna go got under that one flyball to left field and Matthews is there to make the catch and so the crowd here is very still 66,000 have never sounded so quiet in the middle of the fourth inning Baltimore four and Philadelphia nothing in Game five they Charles Hudson a man who has yielded three homers his team will hole Paul Owens is not very happy about the things going on obviously they're doings of manicuring work on the mound and of course Jim Palmer mentioned the other night but he thought it was quite I has nothing to do with that as they simply smooth out the slope with Scotty McGregor this landing area right-handed pitcher left foot left-handed pitcher his right foot Scotty pitch his way across his body you see that right foot as you see him come off of that mound toward the first base dugout as he takes his warm-ups and he was having trouble is that foot was coming down sometime there can be a little rock buried in there a little hard spot and if your foot doesn't come down squarely it definitely will affect your control McGregor through three has found the right landing spot see exactly where's but comes down but he's allowed only one hit that is single by Rose in the first inning his nice too nothing to cheer about thus far today that much over the weekend back one 4:17 you have to think about a lot of pitches be taken in situations like this they get once five budget one and one crowded foul outside third and by dave bristol one ball two strikes account it will not be easy for philadelphia now MacGregor's moving that ball around and he sees to have excellent control today up to help brought up through the first three innings that was the important aspect of fixing that mound to his liking the placement of the front affects his control Dollaway again a ball and two strikes on Mike Smith McGregor has pitched well in postseason 118 in the regular year but in postseason play he's lost twice in fact the only two games Baltimore has lost he pitched very well against Lamarr Hoyt in Game one and lost in the playoffs and it could be to one end game on a series but the thing about McGregor is it doesn't bother his Jessica professional goes out next game another game tomorrow little squibber on a check swing still a ball and two strikes on Schmidt with Matthews and Perez following Dempsey's agility will never be continued to amaze me the ball went down on the ground he had to mask off jumped out of there grabbed with his bare hand before it had a chance to go back down the second time foul ball pressure is enormous on the Reds now to do something and it's going to be a lot to do it quickly now ball to third crews up with it fires across and it's the first for Mike Schmidt that's what happens to you when you one for a team the Dreger on the turf talk about his proficiency on the turf this season the success on the road he's got a four nothing lead if I said the red sow every time you look at this team and see Rose Perez absolutely poorly Morgan Morgan Joe Morgan oh one pitch swinging another fellow would be Dave Briscoe lose the third day he goes right warmer managers right right back in the late 60s back a little interesting irony with Bristol and now the belly is Matthew strike zones and it's four strikeouts when chill out the belly was fired as the manager of the Giants in 79 Dave Bristol who is now the third-base go to Philadelphia took over for him basic difference between these two teams in one sense is lodged in the way they're each constructed fulfills a team brought together from many sources despite the Perez the birds a team carefully built through the years situation players certain positions situation to meet situations during a game lot of homegrown talent that's correct and a lot of stability 15 of the Orioles were on a 79 American League Championship team or as the Phillies have had tremendous turnover only seven of the 25 that wanted in 1980 the year after the Orioles are still here and a 15 that went through this 1979 know that just because it's 3 & 1 and just because the score is scored enough that it's not over two balls two strikes on Perez but it's getting tougher and tougher for the Phillies two out no one on where the bottom of the fourth inning for nothing Baltimore big day for the Huskers yesterday let's see what our guy Irving flyer did yesterday two TDs bow back do it - I'm Teddy he's a horse just a horse Oh horse on the head that's what I would figure scouting McGregor's making a tough on for us he hadn't given them two consecutive pitches in the same spot in any at-bat in the air deep center field the deepest part of the plateau and it's about a 395 foot out Bumbry hauling it in 1-2-3 inning we'll go to the fifth still Baltimore born Philadelphia nothing fifth inning Rick Dempsey to lead things off then McGregor and Bumbry against Hudson four to nothing Baltimore leading it and Dempsey his first time up may have another one that drive is off the wall using he settles for touch it out of it I think Owens might have been trying to get coming up at the bottom of the oriole order has been powerful Dempsey got all of this Dempsey all of this and it's right at the bottom of the wall could have been another solo homer I'll tell you something is having a great series proving what a great clutch plan he is loves the tough situations but my strim is in the bullpen Owens out at the mound with nem see a second beige and the call has already gone out now my stone was up before and had just gotten up again and he'll be coming in with nobody out in the fifth inning meanwhile all the new pitcher comes in let's check in with Jim Lampley in New York now Michaels Howard Cosell or a weaver with you as Marty by storm comes in in the fifth inning Baltimore leading at four nothing near Hudson said he's gone he goes four plus trails for nothing and MacGregor is at the plate with a man in second the bunt play is on as he fouls it away well you've got a quick glimpse of jaw Hudson and he's in Sasa grin at the moment but he can be of the rookie year he had and in should not soon forget a brilliant victory over the Dodgers when so accounted to get the fields here it probably doesn't help right now Howard but you'll think about those exact words that she said about a played by McGregor and told to during the course of the winter so he comes out the pitcher is due up for pitchers spot when the Phillies bat in the bottom of the fifth keep this thing in mind about vice them to it intention the playoffs hasn't fixed in a series he hasn't pitched in a game since two weeks ago yesterday October the 1st and that can be very bothersome as far as control is concerned but it with two strikes Diaz he can't make the flow Dempsey he was still at second base Rick wasn't moving and now McGregor's at birds again it was the same old Bugaboo of taking your eye off the ball to strike sacrifice amazing that Scotty McGregor could get it down now jump see did not break Gould picks it up Brooks at second we saw him look at second as a result he never got a good grip on that ball came up above what you see the Dempsey was going to start DSE stop Diaz got a good jump on the ball that's what made Dempsey stop but the look is what caused Diaz not to get a good grip on the ball and we're in another sacrifice situation the Philadelphia Phillies will have certain bunt plays in this situation Schmitt could be charging Perez could be charging to first base or both of them charged and the signals got crossed it was a pickoff play say go far they sure know his unraveled well here comes board in if anybody settles down the infield especially with Rose on the outfield it's Morgan Joe is just walking in as if they say hey wait a minute let's take it easy here and get together know what happened make sure we have it straight you saw him do it the playoffs to the Hudson that day the steadying force and abilities are very fortunate that bald and wound up in center field is - held onto it that's right in this drug the strategy of the game was the bunt situation can shift right now in fact Joe Altobelli seen that might Bumbry hip he's up there too bud that gets my ideas in the we got a good ball club in the Phillies out on the field of ball club that had a very hot September they will do a cold streak and they're definitely not playing good baseball right now runners at second and third you have no choice you that scored a while but you have no choice but to play your infield engine down for nothing in the fifth game of the World Series in the fifth inning you can't allow another one do it all a looper hit foul down the left-field line on the count of two and one and the Philadelphia outfield defense is now shifted pretty much to left via brothers at second if there you can see the infield a users has moved back to half way it's short and muttering hits it in the air to left field deep enough to at least go let's attach a third only one out in the fifth inning Danny Ford is coming up with McGregor at second base what Ching Dipsy crossed the play now you realize he has five hits in the series one home run four doubles not even a single four doubles and five extra bases though hitting like Jackson double stuff some years back boy look sit in the end and the life the alignment could be trouble and it's just foul just though Frank pulli the right-field umpire are you talking about Dempsey's hitting crouch and of course what goes unstated is the fact he's the man back of the plate for the Baltimore pitchers and how do you put that in the box for what he's meant in this series defensively if defensively just outstanding he always has been there's the ball down the right-field line we'll be able to see just how close this ball was yep that would have been six to nothing with a man on second base correct that's in there he is getting ready to go back to the other office now still with the thoughts in 1979 in their minds they're not in a hurry to get this over they want to get all the runs they can get one in one account one ball two strikes good pitch there ball goes away got the outside corner very good kids get to see it again Center the played out and can do nothing with that and 4,000 back still a ball of two strikes the count making a tough on four dirt ball away and fastball in almost silent in this ballpark right now disappointed Philly fans at this stage of the game two balls two strikes and reflecting the mood around here not a group of happy fellows but you have to work so hard to get yourself here what a disappointment that's grounded to the left side de hey-zeus close to first and with two down now look at the Baltimore page again they don't look like they're in any hurry they're rooting they're not getting excited ship so repkin comes up flied to left in the first drew the walk and the fourth inning that preceded the home run by Eddie Murray Murray said to today Dempsey's hit one Baltimore leads it five to nothing Ripken gets backed off one ball no strikes the count mcgregor at second by strim and relief of Hudson one and one that was a good cut Cal Ripken said a good series at shortstop he's a good steady ballplayer no outstanding plays during these five ball games a couple good plays but he's capable of making the outstanding plays they're not a real good series far more offensively up till now but I bet she's happy 3 for 16 and as you say hasn't done anything spectacular but hasn't done anything at all the hurt the Orioles breaking pitch and a Fanny in the cowboy that's I guess that's one of the problems and when you made error and he let another ball get by there was a scored a wild pitch in the Miss concentration wavering frustration he thought it was strike three I don't know wearing mr. pitch in account I dunno either but poor boy I've been having such a good series until today one ball two strikes till it - of course if that happens on April 22nd in San Diego nobody ever notices but now hear about it all winter long yes you will and as Howard mentioned he had a great series up to listening just about beer that's grounded just foul outside third so it remains two balls and two strikes on Cal Ripken McGregor going back to second again the American League MVP award to be announced in a couple of weeks Ripken had a great year if he doesn't win it maybe it's because of the votes were split between the and his teammate anymore when you get to toss a hood on the same team Jim Rice bats Ryan that's the real possibility and that's I think Tim Rice who had a tremendous year that's his hope of winning it should be very very close in the balloting this year there was no clear-cut winner or shouldn't be all of the stations that is really a gorgeous shot sunset Philadelphia Veterans Stadium looking on and of course around the world the World Series is televised 18 different countries plus Puerto Rico estimated over 100 million viewers watching Australia the Bahamas Guatemala Italy Japan taking the feet of course Mexico is some of the countries looking in they have watched around the world leaving five nothing maduk taking this right that it's Diaz and Davies zoos in the bottle if enigmatic slips in here right centerfield they said he Phillies might have something started Bo Diaz comes up well McGregor spent a long time on the base pads you think that will have any effect always when there's along in and put your steppings up a little bit and sometimes in taking us eight warm-up tosses in between we means he should ask for a few extra takes him a hitter or two sometimes to get loose one ball no strikes Odia the fifth inning Maddux at first day to another god the number seven eight and it's riddle Joe Altobelli as if you to play with but I don't think he'll wait too long and vogue or so becomes quite runners at first and second and nobody out in a bonding he's just going up more straight balls is way out of life McGregor boss great balls his second walk of the game and he's only into the fifth inning he's only gone four innings Rick Dempsey and Eddie Murray both out there in a hurry to talk to him too so DeJesus comes up and in the bullpen next Dennis Martinez who for years has been in the rotation but had a terrible year and hasn't pitched in postseason play he's the long man today yes he is and talked to him before the ballgame and he definitely wants a chance he wants to see his team win without him but he would welcome the opportunity to get in the ballgame down five to nothing the Orioles are not expecting it he's up there to swing away short hop by crews but our summary and a double play what a play by crews that's why he's in the lineup despite hitting 199 during the regular season that was an outstanding play and again you have to use an old cliche a game of inches of dead balls 12 inches to the left here we get to see it again the ball is well hit crews off chard hop hesitated give tower a pretty good throw ball was hit hard plenty of time to get to but I say 12 inches and that balls into left field there's one run in and two men still on base watch down well will now come up to pitch hit for a pice room in the bottom of the defending just the briefest fraction of a second al you saw Cruz has is hesitate because of the onrushing baserunner but kept his poise we can execute the gun des is in the Philadelphia bullpen and will be the man to come in at the top of the sixth inning areas the left-handed throwing runner at third now and Samwell goes after the first Christian doesn't get it Samwell spent most of the season in the minors in Portland he is the heir apparent to Joe Morgan at second base and its own too five-nothing Orioles in the bottom of the fifth inning with two down here's the run of Maddox a third cricket got the ground ball when he needed it yes high ball pitcher Oh two pitch weakly hit foul outside third going through the couch with that excellent control you can go up in the strike zone when you want down in the strike zone when you want away from the hitter whip when you want and that's what makes a winning pitcher two men are basing that flyball happens to go a little and all of a sudden it's five to three right walleyes good speed and hits it high in the air too bubbly makes the catch start so promising lead at the end of five five to nothing Orioles Eddie Murray and he's been a big man today the two swings on his two home runs and it hasn't been a question about either one as he comes to the plate and a time of the sixth inning to lead things off for the Orioles and we'd live another Murray loewenstein and our with Willie Fernanda is the new pitcher he's the man who hit Dame Ford the other night left man who came over from the Cubs World Series game last play to do that bullying the game last year that's Eddie Murray's dead Schultz Marie Mallette Magee last year it's the Brewers Game three it's the first time the Murray has come up right handed the game 1 & 1 the count Earl what about his power right-handed worth just as much power right-handed as he does left-handed terrific power right what a weapon a switch-hitter gives you in the center of the liner and when I was fortunate enough to be managing the Orioles we had Kenan singleton a switch hitter and Eddie Murray getting three four or four or five that one is hit deep but very foul now by 20 an account is one ball two twos but ernet Hernandez had something off of that pitch and that's why Eddie Murray got out in front of him they were derisive ly chanting heady Yeti here for this problem for last two days but not today and Lowenstein coming up and said of Louis not of course it will be ready here now pinch-hitting as alpha Billy goes to the bench elgible he hasn't missed a trick in this world series has really been an aggressive manager forcing the opposition every step of the way he got a board to certainly right now when it game takes us by going one and as there's Joe Altobelli he's that's the first time we seen him smile during the series while he's feeling a little bit good that you I would have to think so what it on getting back to Rena key and not to belittle john lowenstein sketch earlier in the season but Gary Roenicke is a fine defensive outfielder with a very very good arm so you're saying you'd rather have run a key out there the lowest knife to a certain extent yes what we discussed yesterday as you look at Loewenstein the possibility of vareniki being used to third next year and you agreed that that would be a great power increment quiet child's keep me they mean bill giles when the finest young executives in baseball reared in the game is father the late Warren Giles long-term president of the National League Giles probably had no say whatsoever as to whether rose was going to be in that ballgame I think they were referring to there's a lot of speculation of Pete's going to be done here after this year it's up to Giles to decide if he wants it or not well he was forthright in the pregame talk with me two nights ago said give Pete the option but if beat wants to play every game every day it's not likely he'll stay that's exactly what he said he has to run the ballclub as he sees it period and nobody admires and respects Pete Rose more than I know buddy also a good deal of speculation that it Rose does go he may wind up back in Cincinnati swung on and missed Hernandez goes like a screwball we'll take a look at our got both strikeouts on that screwball off-speed pitch both Maryam and Rena kee both were out front by the way it wasn't child super in speed Road I know that it was ball Aloha yes that's what I said Dowler has flied out twice today overall he's 3 for 17 so he's not having a real good series but the three head small came yesterday when he needed them half swing grounded at first and Tony Perez takes charge flips to Hernandez and when he comes out of the bullpen is that the Orioles down so the girls come up in the bottom of the sixth eye for nothing all the more indeed five just a spectacular shot Veterans Stadium in the sunset in Philadelphia words fine nothing Gary Roenicke of course stays in the game back to the number five spot a penchant for loewenstein Asian Lefty hope as the Phillies come up with the top of the order in the bottom is extending to face MacGregor it's Morgan rose and Schmidt Morgana's struck out and walked for the 17 Lily's new base rumors now two hits for the Phillies both singles rose in the first Maddox a looping single in the fifth that's it it's fisted and pops it up back a second and Ripken is there eat rose coming up our talk to him early about overrating the Oreos was it possible I don't know if it's underrating the opposition I think what's happening is we're just sitting around waiting for things that happen instead of making things happen and we've been making things happen this year when we've been successful and we just got to quit talking about the fact that we think we're better involved more and grow out a show live every Baltimore said overrating leading it of course meaning under 8:00 the Baltimore Orioles on one account on Rose quickly some up-to-date football scores gamblers Cowboys 37 Eagles seven fourth-quarter she look at peep and the rate is trailing Seattle 24 22 fourth quarter chopped foul by Rose and account is no balls and two strikes Kansas City is giving it to the Giants 3117 fourth quarter Rams have died the Falcons at 21 in the fourth-quarter updating who else poppy he's too much he just you see him work that pushed that ball right where he want to tell you the truth our Scotty got two quick strikes on him he tried to go up and out of the strike zone just a waste of pitch in good slam he'd went right with it he puck right with the pitch Mike's let the dial up he's always thinking have you seen it throughout the playoffs been watching Teague the past couple weeks again avoid to put up one thing or two letting the coaches know he knows look at him you think there's any quittin rose never thanks doc I for one want to know Pete again reinforcing he said yep I know confirm one out now weightless ground up good now back one and one Mike Schmidt the MVP in the 1980 World Series and one for 18 in f1 Philadelphia's played poorly up to this point in this ball game Mike Schmidt to hit one did have Baltimore thinking Philadelphia's blade Shabalin out Santa's right Hudson was rocked probably left in too long Bodie as to use your very word came unraveled yeah Hudson made put too many of them right down the middle in this in this ball game - until the dog's bed pattern here or what Scottie's been following is in and out with Schmidt in the fastball up they know that Schmidt is a notoriously good lowball hitter so it would be strange to me if he got the ground ball here that changeup he wasted was way up and had the strikes him pops it up being found guess he got it back but it's back out of play not a lot of room in foul territory here fortunately for spit in that it's not a happy day for Philly sports fans with the Cowboys shelling the Eagles 47 7 clothes and in extremist position go to the Flyers play tonight check then pops it up very that one may be playable for fools or leaves in but can't make the catch and he wasn't going to get any help either not here none whatsoever he had trouble getting in the first are you usually a ballplayer can reach to the third row yard went up he's right on the rail but he's not going to get close everybody's over there went miss over here he could have caught that ball of that been that fan action well the schmidt hits one here it'll mean something yeah it'll mean now losing five to two two runs possible hard the first place one item they stayed up in the strike zone with Schmidt through the whole series and have success today it again he's not a power pitcher that's a fastball because of his good breaking stuff on Trent Matthews at the plate shatters his bat grounds it down the Cruz goes the short way to dower and Rose gets a single and that's that in the sixth inning on to the seventh at the bed Baltimore five and the Phillies nothing another magnificent shot of Veterans Stadium from which in say in the left corner of your screen we're approaching if this thing ends this way MVP time time for Reggie Jackson to go out on a limb there may be a few other fellows into running like a Martinez or a Stewart but I like Rick Dempsey so do i and if you're looking at me right at this time he gets my vote Todd Cruz leads off in the seventh inning and you I'll I think I got to make us a gang of four okay we only get one vote among us but that's good enough for me one in one you could give it to a lab le but the rules don't allow it yep want to do the gout Hernandez has shown it's real good off-speed screwball now the bars might be out of the barn two balls and two strikes it's five nothing the Orioles got to run on a second on Maurice homer another in the third on MCS homer two in the fourth on a walk to Ripken and Murray second home run then in the fifth a double by Dempsey the third on a wild pitch and home on a fly ball by Bumbry five runs four hits and no errors for Baltimore softly hit the third charge by Schmidt and barehanded and he just does get it the ball was slowly hit so instead of thinking about the transfer he bare hands some Baltimore fans of course are here Baltimore only 95 miles to the south as we look again at Schmidt's play Schmidt hasn't hit but he shown us what he could do defensively in this series Dempsey takes low ball one there the number is graphically Illustrated for Dempsey this is a remarkable thing Dempsey has done in that graphic bruising look at the record for most extra-base hits in a five-game series including the likes of Elston Allen and Don clendenon and Brooks Robinson but already Dipsy has five what a good accountants of the series ends tonight as it appears it will he will have set a new record for extra-base hits for a five-game series one home of four doubles yet my MVP and he'll be East he surpassed some pretty good names on that graphic not only that but this year led American League catches and fielding present only two errors in hundred twenty seven games percent of nine ninety seven and only one passed ball as you look at them putting it up right now 3 2 the count on Dempsey and he's not a horse he is a double horse today by the nothing the Orioles won out high in the air to left field Matthews tells Maddox he'll handle it and the two down we'll take a look at McGregor tomorrow Redskins and Packers on Monday Night Football 9:00 eastern time you go to Green Bay at this ends coach no way okay I loved Green Bay love st. Norbert's college and De Pere was dancing rounded down to Morgan and so Hernandez has come out of the bullpen and done his job he sat down to sex his face but he's come up back after this word local stations well the Goodyear blimp comes the lights have taken full effect now in a stadium look down Sun is gone and right now to fill these chances are very dim as well they trail five to nothing with Tony Perez to lead off in the bottom of the seventh inning for asthmatics and he has against Scott a day there's a lot three singles through six one one on Perez struck out by the center Oh two-strike sir scotty McGregor's main concern right now and that's exactly what he's come out doing seventh-inning one-and-two McGregor's walked to today and struck out five Oh ball strike play every pitch low that are open air Tony Perez didn't like it he just sums up the frustration of a whole ballclub right there well we get to see Tony turned around it's a borderline pitch one that's got with weather just wanted to throw it could be called either way and look at Tony Perez that extension in the air and it's off-the-wall has to play the cat has a double genetics and the other to Seattle that troweling 38:22 late in the third quarter that's a football upset I 414 in the series hold on no action in your bullpen as of yet four hits six in the third innings would you going vibrantly I'd have a little thoughts in my mind that Scott McGregor might be getting tired however a good move by elgible II was also giving this man that extra days rest going on proper rest to Ikea and he pops it up and it's pliable that fully taking joy throughout there's no way against right there had been pitching him low game up high and beau was off-balance actually when he swung at the ball thus the buff up we get to see it one more time there we'll see just how high they ditch was almost out of the strike zone two-out and Yvonne DeJesus at the flea flied to right hit into a double play and it was a huge play because they called any semblance of the Philadelphia rally today at first and second and nobody out of the bottom of the fifth inning as Morgan waits on deck actually Morgan is out there to occupy the on-deck circle because the pitcher spot is due up next technically you're not allowed to do that but the Palermo's let them sit out there anyway right now what keeps Altobelli from knowing who the pinch hitters go righty-o we could probably figure it out if he fell hard enough anyway to it on the couch we mentioned lucano before his apostle into these new part of the reason he's not of Alana today that finger contusion affecting his throwing more than his hitting Owen since he could lose him for one at-bat at vv2 until on DeJesus and in fact was not always nothing on under the Arctic Circle if they that's a boy 6 though radda D'Cruz and there's a strike to Murray so they race to double by Maddox and at the end of seven he'll Orioles five Phillies nothing we're going to the eighth-inning well maybe another crack in that Liberty Bell after tonight she'll be up she'll be the pinch head in bumpers spot here is we going to be thinning a 501 well I mean absolutely no offense and what I'm about to say but Joe Altobelli has managed as fine a World Series as anybody could putting up Shelby now as you look at a swinging strike he is getting people moving his offense and place of Bumbry getting the right-hander in there and improves his defense at the same time he has made every right move his thought everything through he has made the moves at exactly the right time his anticipation has been superb a foul Strike 2 I hope you were great I agree with you 100% our and that's why I said in the theirs Edward Bennett Williams who's going to be a very happy man but that's why I said in the pregame show that he deserves this World Championship he hasn't only made the right moves in the World Series but did it throughout 162 game schedule and also the playoffs any good and in which face Harrell and you can't say it under very difficult circumstances not because you're just sitting up here everybody knows it Earl Weaver a legend in Baltimore very tough shoes to fill obviously and Aalto had really nowhere to go but down in a way and Joe admitted it we never had the opportunity to play that interview that I did with Joe and which I knew I was succeeding a legend and it did trouble and wherever we went this year the same question do you imagine being asked ten thousand times at least I would like I could have stood that no she'll be pitching to the air to shallow left-center field Maddox coming in with Matthews and it's not Shelby is done and we'll be sanding the game in center and Danny Ford will be coming up you know it's interesting because of the geography involved in this series we've grown so used to over the years teams winning championships baseball football hockey whatever on the road and then a big crowd reached them at the airport when they come home where do you go tonight in Baltimore if they went to the bus station that's how the team came up and that's how they're going back is there another way hit on over a 95 and the Beltway 695 I guess band 83 and then the first I would have walked out I've got a world series where you didn't have to fly between the city maybe this team if things stay as they are will finally get the credit do it a name I'd like to bring up in a name that hasn't been mentioned much throughout this series as mr. Hank Peters the general manager of all Orioles who did such a great job of building this ballclub whole organization how carefully constructed from the inside we're going to mention a cat no balls and two strikes in 15 years while I was there was never a one-man vote as the scouts it was the minor league managers it was the Major League managers the major league coach with the general manager taking the consensus opinion forming his ballpark then he pours like that there are so many ways to measure an outstanding ballclub one very good index is how they play on the road the Orioles have won all of their postseason road games after leading the American League in road results in 83 now that is not easy my friend nobody have a dream that they'd have a shot at clinching here winning three straight at veteran's stadium we were talking about anchors there he is former boss a quiet man never gets excited he said it calmed me down a number of teams one in one account on Ripken 8th inning two out bases at b-52 nothing Baltimore the interesting of suddenly cow shut one out of here now that Murray said two out well he doesn't go money at bets without it the fastball well it's his first time in a series one fella is 23 years old if the Orioles can repeat in the year - they'll be expecting two things out of him that they were expecting the things out of Murray this year tell each other God if the Orioles win it'll be their first world title since 1970 it will also be the first time the American League has won the World Series since 1978 but six different teams will have won the World Series in the last six years that's happened only one time before that was from 67 through 72 Pete Rozelle would love it parody different winner every year to a to the count well we've got two New York teams playing in the National Football League in New Jersey and we seem to have an absolute mediocrity there Miami creaming the Jets today and Kansas City now crushing the Giants 3817 in the fourth quarter in the air to right-center field and Pete Rose is rolling over he makes the catch so Hernandez silently does it after seven and a half it's still Orioles five Phillies nothing bottom of the eighth-inning Al Michaels Howard Cosell Earl Weaver and Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia five to nothing Baltimore's Scott McGregor has been in complete command he has thrown exactly a hundred pitchers to this point and seventy three of those have been strikes six dollars Cano will pinch-hit and contusion and all the other night he suffered that confusion Friday attempting the but little squibber down to a third fielded by crews he's got a great on throws off-balance and gets him one pension one out and John Shelby of course stays in the game he hit four Bumbry in center field one away Morgan coming up jumped on the first pitch of this any next set is I dab by the nothing thanks God he just might be laying the ball in there because the last thing McGregor wants to do is walk anybody both sides of the story so that's obviously Philadelphia's theory even though it's easy to say go up there and take a pitch he doesn't look like he's about to walk anybody 69 Orioles hit 146 against the Mex in the Phillies hitting 196 to this point is Morgan looks at the foul 69 Orioles I managed and can you imagine seen with Frank Robinson Brooks Robinson Boog Powell hitting under 200 in a series Morgan grounded just there down the right-field line and into the - throws off the if he's thrown out that would have been talked about the relay from down to money but you'll maybe at nothing L saying I've got to do this to try to attain that's exactly what happened now knowing the man you know that's what was on his mind and now there's beat grows there's the basic bargain looks like he knows there's a shot at it I believe that's Tito Landrum in right field have retrieved the ball and threw it in the throws off it could have been berry berry if the throws are nice out himself would have been talked about her along a second to try to picked up Dave bristle a third I wasn't watching Briscoe so don't nobody give it it was almost as if it clicked into Morgan all right I've got to attempt it I'm going to try it to get everybody stirred up Melissa's the last shot outside chocolate roads rollers takes low ball 1 you'll see the way to roses last ever filly at that that's correct Rose Schmidt Matthews Perez they've got the hit ease up should be deep enough to score Morgan he'll come home no he fell down and he started in a hurry it's not the Philly series Oh No there's an anything that hasn't happened to yet to say it again he'd had good wood on the ball again it's right at the Gary Rena King left he started to go he was going all away has to go back and so now begin to rally those who understand and some of them start to applaud Mike Schmidt because this man shouldn't be boo agreed and but it's been that way for Mike ever since he came up with affiliation 72 a time call is there some debris in the outfield that they'll remove it it's been a love-hate relationship was MIT more love than hate obviously over the years but they expected so much of them there was much heralded when he first came up he has always struck out a lot he has been prone to slumps but he's also given him pretty good appears here as well and he has seen just about everything that can possibly take place in one career B's when they came up with his team this was a terrible team so they clear the field and there's Morgan and that's gotta go morally bad movie day is insignificant at this time if there's a rally in the ninth-inning by the Phillies it could become very important that would like to make it all academic and hit one out here he grounds that one and it's backhanded by Cruz it comes up throwing five to nothing Baltimore back after this message and a word from your local station here's Ron Reed in two picks the fourth Philadelphia pitcher he'll be facing worry red icky and our in the top of the ninth inning and when the Phillies come up in the bottom of the ninth two up from Matthews Perez and Maddux Eddie Murray two homers today both from the left side the one time he came up right-handed against Hernandez he struck out three quick NFL finals rants 27 Falcons 21 what a job Johnny Robinson doing all their Denver beat Cincinnati 24 to 17 and Kansas City shown the Giants 38 to 17 Marie hits it into right field a third so Eddie Murray who had two hits in the first four games as his third hit in a day single to right that interestingly enough that's the first single to the Orioles today three homers and a double and now the single by Murray Freddy the series is ending too soon he's getting hot yes he is Gary Rena key struck out in the sixth inning pinch-hitting for Lowenstein and stayed in the game wanted oh here he hadn't seen a lot of right in the pitching this year and definitely a big fella like Reed we talked about the other day a sidearm one ball one strike the gap to annoy well there he is Commissioner Bowie Kuhn will be presenting the championship trophy for the last time his wife Louisa to his right next to mrs. cute happy Chandler and that's a foul go to and next a happy Chandler senator all inspector of the state of Pennsylvania I have told you of my feelings about mr. Kuhn I have tremendous respect for him a baseball man through and through a man of great integrity and I don't think anything more need be said circumstances under which he left his position still a matter of great controversy and I fully echo your sentiments our thank you sir there is man who has done some job in the air to deep left centerfield a lot of homers in this series but we won't one more than we came close as Maddox makes the catch against the wall cymatics gets a good jump brenneke becomes the first down here in the ninth inning and rich dower is the batter Dowler oppa three today it's interesting all of all the puzzle parts come through from Baltimore he gets three hits in the World Series and they all come in one game at opportune times yesterday and he also need a nice defensive play starting a double play well you always hear the words everybody's chipping in but if everybody doesn't chip in you don't win ballgames if they had a way for Eddie Murray to what he did today they'd be they wouldn't be ahead three two one Matthews is there to haul in the drive off the bat of Bauer two down now that's a critical point Earl there are so many aspects of this team that win ball games for you in those tough earlier games it was in the long run the superiority of the Baltimore bench plus the Baltimore bullpen that carried them through two aspects their bench in bullpen remember the first pregame show we discussed all of this with Reggie Jackson the very points we brought out oh and one account on Todd Cruz little hassling grounded to a third met with bare hand and goes and out so Baltimore doesn't score and the regularly going in the mouth father is watching to the hospital right now working on a shutout he is three outs away from giving Baltimore his first World Championship since 1970 Matthew's Perez and Maddox will be the men coming up for the Philadelphia Phillies at Veterans Stadium at about 20 and for 7:00 Eastern Time if I was advantage of the Doug which I'm happy I'm not in this particular time I would really be rooting for the first out of the city but to get the first hitter out listen well we have two teams how we talked about the differences having were built meanwhile you've got to be Martinez and Sammy Stewart going just in case a couple of teams that were built differently and also a couple of teams that figure to have now a very despairing offseasons Baltimore figures to remain relatively Pat and the Phillies may have a major overhaul that relates out and that's exactly right to what I talked about earlier the different manner in which these two teams were put together the Phillies scrambling but efficiently to produce a pennant winner largely ignited by that man grows at the same at the same time with an idea of what makes a whole team work girl and they have a man for every situation and they prove and it showed up especially during this world series of course in 1979 the first four games Ruth the Baltimore baseball team was able to do the same thing that Eddie Murray never did get out in that series and he did get hot today to all Bronx for Eddie Murray he and McGregor the big heroes to this point as we go to the model an eidetic a lot of folks have given up there are a lot of empty seats in here right now MacGregor's just been out I understand the games never over till the last man is out to say that those cliche but it's it's so true you're echoing Yogi Berra it's never over till it's over over till it's over outside the Gary Matthews one ball and no strikes be checked in time till it all heroes 42 201 hits away from Cobbs record is Matthew's goes after the pitch and hits it in the air down into the light field corner where Landrum sprints over and makes the catch so it's been clearly Baltimore's day that was a very difficult catch you remark earlier when four juggled one but retained it that you run out of room in a hurry in that corner look at this very evident right there of course here in Philadelphia you run out of room in about the a tenth of a second couple of feet of foul territory he's got to be thinking about the fence and makes a nice play Perez takes low ball one another point about this ballclub and situation plays Landrum with a key home run in the playoffs right there don't let a rally get started 1 in 1 Carroll MacGregor Kara MacGregor Scott's wife bow back one ball two strikes Gary Maddox waiting next steps of Perez against Scotty MacGregor did not hold up today no they didn't and there are two of the former race to centerfield Shelby is there and the Orioles are out away Mike Schmidt will talk about Schmidt series glowingly an eighteen one for twenty and eighty-three one end of the spectrum to the other ears Maddox so the Orioles who lost the first game in holes came back to Eve in the series and an out away from winning it in Philly it's a looper foul off to the right on one that's how to play and Baltimore is a strike away and we should get word on the MVP any second Oh into the couch a liner and the Orioles are a world champion dem say has just been animus Most Valuable Player 1980 Cirie's the pictures you have just seen all Reggie Jackson is waiting so his defensive work was expected if they didn't steal a base off of them 79 world series the last time he was in the World Series but nobody expected the offense they gotta letting the World Series after losing team one they come back to win the next four stop mcgregor pitching the shutout eddie murray the two homers today Rick Dempsey a home run and Joe out the belly in his first season as a manager at Al Holland cities through a lot of adversity winning the pennant but now they go to the Orioles and we'll go to the locker room of the world champions when we come back to Philadelphia in a moment five to nothing Baltimore wins it they win the World Series let's go to a locker room of the Orioles and Reggie Jackson Reggie well it's obvious excitement down here won a World Series and there's really nothing like it that's for sure we have Commissioner Bowie Kuhn of baseball here to present the World Series trophy the World Championship trophy to mr. Edward Bennett Williams ed is chairman of the board I have a very special sense of nostalgia in presenting to you and your skipper Joe Altobelli your executive vice president Hank Peters the World Series Most Valuable Player Rick Dempsey and all of your champions the World Championship trophy you've earned it thank you very much Bowie I'm so proud of this magnificent Band of Brothers quali Orioles they have been so great all year they came back from adversity they overcame it they have character that's the happiest moment in my life in sports and I want to thank Joe Altobelli and Hank Peters for their magnificent job that they did they deserve all the credit with the players for this great accomplishment I'm very happy to take this great trophy back to Baltimore to the people who gave us the magnificent support that we had all year long and they've contributed so much to our success right thank you very much thank you very much commissioner I'd like to we have the presidents here we're ready for mr. Reagan mr. president on the phone wants to talk to you and congratulate you okay we're ready mr. president waiting for mr. President Reagan to get on the telephone to talk to the Baltimore Championship the chairman of the board here mr. Edward Bennett Williams we are waiting for President Reagan to come on the line right now maybe having a few problems here there's the champagne that's for sure that's a sign of a world championship Rick Dempsey Rick Dempsey while we're waiting for the president United States suit while we're waiting for the president to get through Rick you've been named the Most Valuable Player of the series and someone told me that you picked the right time to get hot you haven't been hot in 11 years I have I've been here for 11 years I've never been hot this is one series I'll remember for a long time rich I know that for a fact I haven't had two good hits like that in a series since my first trip into Texas earlier this year the champagne has my eyes burning my Spurs for sure anyway that you fellows decided to pitch the pitch the Philadelphia Phillies because you really seem to handle them well there was really nothing specific when McGregor goes out there on the mound you know we're just going to throw his fastball and his changeup the majority of the time and we just have to play situation and try to stay away just keep from getting hurt with a long ball with our power and I got to cut you off with president United States is on the telephone right now with mr. Bennett Williams well hello mr. president hello mr. president I'm deciding that you miss this game mr. president we have to get you back any time you want to come we would love to have you sir and I'm sorry that you missed this great series up here in Philadelphia it was really magnificent baseball well thank you so much sir like love you talk to the Most Valuable Player mr. president Rick Thames mr. president thank you sir now here you can you can tell the Russians were an awful good time over here playing baseball definitely thank you sir supply you're talking to you thank you Oh mr. president if you have another minute you ought to say hello to the general manager Peters and Joe Altobelli you deserve all the credit for this victory today hello mr. president Hank Peters hello hello yes it sure is well thank you so much we got a great organization and a great team and that's why we won this good people well clear we're proud of everyone you know was going to be here today well very good we'll remind them of that okay I'm going to push it the Joe Altobelli on the line here mr. president yes we met in May who met in May I think on the cells long when you when you name the month of May right we have the Little League baseball game this time I've tried to watch all the world movies it's awful nice it's awfully nice for you to call it's really tough to hear you mr. president but it's terribly nice that you would call us on such a big day for us we really appreciate it I'll give you the Commissioner mr. bully killed hold on mr. president you're really great to call and we appreciate it a lot well it's been it's really been you're coming to the game in Baltimore and following all this has been a thrill for us all I want to thank you on behalf of all of us in baseball sir we thank you for we thank you very much mr. president thank you sir very good goodbye thank you very much we'd like to apologize for our audio problems and we're going to go over to the Philly locker room to see what's going over there with that bracket thank you very much resi it is never easy to work the locker room of the runner-ups because there's so much disappointment here but this club really fought to get into this series and I think there's a lot to be proud of when this man right here the manager Paul Owens took over at midseason they were around 500 rallied got very hot in September came in won the National League from the Dodgers in the series and came in here won the first game here in a couple of pitcher duels that could have gone either way and then the wheels came off quite frankly the club didn't live up to your expectations today I know well we didn't today but I thought it's been a good series about the way I thought it would go it was tight all the way of P hip here their eternity I'm proud of my team it battled back with a lot of adversity played well they played together and I know that the series was born one but I think he played a lot better than that well were you second-guessing yourself at all about leaving Hudson in so long no I heat through there's two home low ball he got to up up and not much you can do we don't get requests and effect alone but he's uh he fits well and he made a couple bad pitches to come to a real good hitter and I was always happened we didn't do it with a bastard a we haven't put two or three days so I looked I was a big difference in the in the series on together but I'd like to congratulate going egg beaters you know Baltimore club that would point out well well managed and it's a good sound ball congratulations to you it's been a fine season you're a class individual and thanks for being so patient and come on over to talk with us in this very tough situation pleasure okay all Owens we'll have more from the locker rooms right after these messages so stay with us they are throwing champagne all over the clubhouse Joe Altobelli tell me the feeling it's it's the same old question but please tell me well you have to know what Reds you've been there before it's a super feeling I don't really think you get the impact until it's really over and you got time to sit down and really absorb all the things that happen to you through the course of the year the greatest feeling is when you've accomplished everything that you set out to do in spring training and of course winning the World Series kind of proves that to you and it's got to be the best feeling in the world when you're a baseball person there's nothing like it let's go back now Mike on go enjoy yourself Joe thank thanks a lot Reds all right ready and there's no question about a gentlemen as we look in the World Series they did it convincingly and thoroughly dominated and very much deserve obviously the World Championship you're right I just want to say this to you my friend Lake Placid was no fluke you're a very great young performer and ABC is very proud of you very kind thank and what a joy to have this man I'm just sorry you couldn't have shared and that Clubhouse I didn't deserve it the Orioles deserve all the credit because they did the work all year so the Baltimore Orioles wanted the 1983 world champions Game five of the 1983 World Series has been brought to you by Chevrolet official US cars and trucks of the 14th Olympic Winter Games Chevrolet in you taking charge by middle high life the best beer for the best time of the day welcome to Miller time by new skull bandits for tobacco pleasure without lighting up its a pouch instead of a puff and by the bail yellow page is a complete source of buying information for products and services
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 105,366
Rating: 4.8675499 out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, フィリーズ, フィラデルフィア・フィリーズ, ボルチモア・オリオールズ, メジャー, Baltimore Orioles, Baseball's Best Classic Games, メジャーリーグ, フィラデルフィア, 野球, Philadelphia Phillies, 大リーグ, 野球速報, オリオールズ, ボルチモア
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 38sec (8318 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2010
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