1983 Week 14 Dallas Cowboys at Seattle Seahawks

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that's in a class in which it doesn't take long to call the roll the flying feet of Dorset Seattle skipped to the Cowboys six years ago in a trade that had the Seahawks fans steaming until they went the same route trading up in this year's draft to obtain water whose flashing feet and ability to wiggle and wobble has been to the AFC what Eric Dickerson has been to the NFC something old and something new at quarterback in Danny white and David prayed with white at the throttle throwing to a variety of receivers including Ron Springs the Cowboys are putting the pedal to the metal in their stretch drive for the NFC Eastern Division crown meanwhile Craig is the Seahawks in contention for their first ever playoff spot a rare inner conference meeting between Dallas and Seattle coming up on CBS the Dallas Cowboys against the Seattle Seahawks this one has been sold out since last August 64,000 strong here at the Seattle King dome for this meeting between the Cowboys in the Seahawks hi everybody I'm Frank labor along with Dick Vermeil of course Dallas tied with the Redskins for the top record in the NFL at 11 and 2 yet 10 of those 11 victories they've had to come from behind and he very well Frank I really think it's more of an indication how excited the fans get the coaches get the players get how intense they get when they play the best team in the country the Dallas Cowboys when that wears off all of a sudden the Dallas Cowboys come on the second half and win now you have coach with Chuck Knox before I know at Los Angeles and you know as well as I do that he has a certain knack of getting teams up for a big game Frank I really believe Chuck Knox is the best leader best teacher best motivator I've ever been on the football field with and he will have these people ready to play today they'll play the best football they're capable of playing they'll be at their best against the best Chuck Knox is a great motor as motivator as I said and I really believe because of his leadership been in the preparation that the Seahawks will play maybe beyond their ability for four quarters today and make this a real intense football game so let's see if Chuck is as good a motivator as I think he is the Dallas Cowboys have won the toss of the corn have elected receive at long Johnson who is the field goal kicking Harrell last week against Kansas City getting ready to kick off Newsome number 30 on the right of your screen and Ron fellows number 27 on the left as this one is a path to get underway with the Redskins to winning big against Atlanta today obviously the Cowboys need a victory to keep pace and set the stage for the big one next Sunday at Texas Stadium [Music] fellows at the one fifteen and that's something at the Seahawks do perhaps better than anyone else and that is cover on their specialty teams kick off and punt return teams as well let's set the Dallas Cowboys offensively for you Danny white will be the quarterback some question about whether or not Drew Pearson was going to start he missed a game for only the second time at 11 years last week with a sprained ankle but he is in the starting lineup though Butch Johnson is expected to see a lot of action and a question also about Kurt Peters in the right guard he's had some back problems but he also is back in the starting lineup those 25 touchdowns by Danny white [Applause] and picks up close to five on the play John Harris number 44 coming up to make the stop as we take a look at the Seattle Seahawks defense they play the front three and jacob drain from texas A&M along with jeff tried both number one draft choice Joe Nash is a free agent in the middle the linebackers great gains on the right outside filling in for Michael Jackson and then that's Joe Robinson is the strong inside linebacker he'll always go to the side where the tight end is and a Deepak's carriejustin has already signed a contract with the new league with the New Jersey generals second and five Cowboys at their 21 your set up the middle football comes out but after the play had been whistled that short of the first down Seattle of course has given up a lot of yardage in recent weeks running and passing as well here's a final score Atlanta had to come back they were down 37 to 7 in that game to even make it respectable but the Redskins appear to be in high gear and ready for the big showdown next week which will have 40 on CBS third down Dallas needing three for the first down there's Chuck Knox head coach of the Seattle Seahawks former head coach of the Rams in the Buffalo Bills in his first year at the Seahawks this place can get noisy why to the shotgun Springs and that's enough for the first down at the 28 yard line so Springs making the catch he needs just three catches in this game to tied the Cowboys all time past receiving record that's 65 catches by Frank Clark way back in 1964 first down Dallas at the 29 Cowboys have always done a real good job Frank of getting the football to that full-back he's a hard guy to cover over there on that side of the tight in and he's a very efficient receiver now puts Johnson isn't it a wide receiver position right now he'll to the right door sets on the carry to the 33-yard line picks up some good yardage in the play the tackle made by Bruce Schultz the left outside linebacker from the University of Texas it's a good I toss play going to the left as you see it the key to it as the block made by the left guard coming around the corner there it picked up get a super job broken out there into the perimeter nice nicely done defense a little bit he's there at the linebacker spot on the play for door said so it is second down five for the Cowboys at their 34 and coach Johnson definitely had to go back to superposition so maybe drew Pearson's ankle isn't what it should be [Music] Springs dorset the setbacks Danny white going to puts Johnson very close to the first out at the 38 yard line Johnson coming off his best game of the year with six catches on Thanksgiving Day and the Cowboys of course is mentioned in the pregame show on the NFL today very strong in the week after Thanksgiving they've lost only one time in 15 games so you got to believe that rest helps no question helps it helps the coaches they get a couple days rest coming off that Thursday game the players the players that are bumped up and bruised they get more time than normal those that have been injured prior to that ballgame maybe didn't even play Frank they have more time for the treatment by their trainers and therefore they come out of that ballgame the better football team Tom Landry watching the measurement that's going out and indicating that the Cowboys are just shy of the first down looks to be a matter of inches so Dallas will have third and less than one needed for the first down Cowboys taking the opening kickoff and they have held the football there at their own 38 yard line break do you notice how the Cowboys just try to take their time and move the ball down the field like the little second 6 yard to go play they throw a little 6 yard quick out and don't try to get it all in one play they're very pretty in a way conservative with their approach but very consistent and very efficient absolutely coming up with a third and one see if they go to Dorsett Seahawks have a pretty well stacked up the middle [Applause] [Music] cos the emotion we get a whistle or that's a pasta water that's the lay of game instead of third one they're going to be looking at third and six now the 30-second clock shows eleven seconds left and we get a legal procedure against Dallas instead [Applause] 30-second clock at 11 seconds left when Jim Tunney the referee blew the whistle he marks off the five yards takes it back to the 33 and here's the call both start guards moving Gill third down I didn't see that from up here ballots third and six now is Chuck Knox doing furiously on that count what's on Dallas from its 43-yard line try to keep the drive going Protection is good goes over the mess [Applause] easily former number one draft pick from UCLA here it is from the endzone [Applause] he misread that he just threw the ball behind the tide in that's all just slipped mine he picks up a nice block employer right there number 21 easily has not practiced all week Frank he's had a bad problem with a turf toe there was some question whether or not he's going to play well as Seahawks of a first and goal at the three in recent weeks they've been the ones turning over the football so golden opportunity here come on Brian 32 and Kurt Warner 28 the setbacks Warner in motion Brian up the memories for the run inside the one yard line to be second and goal cried across Lee they undertook knocks in Los Angeles which knocks his first draft pick when he became the head coach and he came into the league as a defensive back he was the biggest defensive back Frank you've ever seen when he walked in the first meeting with the coaches we were shocked we said this pipes not a defensive back that he could lift the weight room he's so big and strong he eventually as we all know became a running back second and goal from inside the one David Craig the quarterback for the Seahawks Brian still no indication Cowboys have held on second down it'll be third at goal right he tried to get up over the top now the offensive lineman will come off load the defense's off low heat see him get up on top protect the football but he just didn't quite break the plane the end zone good defense by the Dallas Cowboys Seahawks trying to capitalize on the 38 yard interception return by Easley it is third and goal from the 1 foot line has recovered Billy Bates making his first start at the strong safety position replacing dexter Clinkscale who is out with a hamstring injury comes up with the big play as he has so many times this year for the Cowboys take a look at it from ground level there apparently he fumbled the ball actually prior to getting contact see it's handoff there goes in between the arms and down below using the arms low arm high technique and it dropped right out under the ground my gosh that's fundamental that should never happen in the National Football League 11 minutes 13 seconds left in the opening period here in Seattle no score the Seahawks from the end zone now David Craig is going to reverse pivot around try to get the ball deep to the tailback seat and he puts it in there and the ball dropped out underneath the lower arm of Kurt Warner that's a shame it's all part of the game no now let's see what Dallas can do well that's the problem that the Seahawks have had in recent weeks turning over the football and it is Kilda but they can move the ball offensively they can be scored upon last three games the year average yield has been 39 points a game by the opposition Cowboys with poor field position back at their three yard line trying to get it out around the 5 7 yard line is Ron Springs County easily number 45 coming up from the secondary to make the stop Dallas at 11 and 2 you know what they're gonna do in the NFC East and Seattle is 7 and 6 and very much in the running for a wildcard playoff spot in the AFC other scores this is now final they played that game before 51,000 no-shows at the Meadowlands that's a new NFL record for no-shows in bad weather quite obviously [Applause] second and four for the Cowboys at the 8-yard line puts chances in motion Springs closed for the first down after the 12 and 13 let's bring you up to date and other scores around the National Football League many of the early games are now finished hey how about the Eagles they finally won one after losing seven straight they upset the Los Angeles Rams that really puts a kilter into the Rams hopes they do well last week Frank they played well last week but turned over too many times therefore got beat this was in the snow to England holding off New Orleans seven to nothing Buffalo defeating Kansas City 14 to 9 and our store nothing nothing stood in the opening fear Honaker the springs has been very active and out of bounds near the 22 yard line that's closed for another first at Miami trail for a good part of this game and the word from the Astrodome was that Dan Marino they're sensational rookie quarterback was hurt early in that game and on strike had to finish up but they came back and beat Houston 24 17 and Cincinnati in an upset dating Pittsburgh 23 to 10 the browns playing at Denver the Browns could really put the heat on the Steelers in the AFC East second down three Cowboys ball at the 22 great cutback and he is closed for the first out if he doesn't have it at the 25-yard line great cutback ability of Tony Dorsett now they're going to run that same I toss they ran earlier see the lineman pulling and tied and blocking down you see Scott coming around Donovan out in front fullback Levy Springs look at that cutback same type of move actually that Kurt Warner makes you know those two backs are very similar in running styles and ability very similar in size Warner perhaps a little bigger a little more physical Dorsett faster I think Dorsett has a little better maybe cutback ability I think he sees on the backside a little bit more than Warner now that's not an expert comment because I haven't seen that much warning it is a first half for the Cowboys at the 25-yard line Dorset curse over the left side that's it after the 30-yard line interesting thing that Tom Landry told us about Tony Dorsett this week he said he reacts on the field to flashes of color of the color of the other team's Jersey is that the mark of a great running back or do they all do their well I've never heard it expressed that way but the great running back he has the ability to transfer to his feet what as I see without even thinking about it he sees the wrong color all of a sudden his feet respond and they go in the other direction the great ones can do that we've got two of them on the field today second down four Cowboys at their 30 having moved out from the three yard line after the fumble recovery white sidelines to put chanson out of balance at the 36 yard line and again that should be enough for the first down Dave Brown number 22 making the stop here's the guy that wants your job Butch Johnson wants very much to get in the broadcasting business and be an analyst I know it you know and I think he's probably talented enough to do it not that it takes a lot of talent to do it I'm doing it but he you know he's a boy sky he's very articulate and he works in the offseason for an affiliate of CBS he does he's I think he's prepared he works for our Dallas affiliate KDFW in fact desert during the season doing reports several times a week that last play on second down was again the same type of play they used another second down situation it's short past first and 10 Cowboys at their 35 Springs Branson to Geoff Bryant number 77 number one craft a couple of years ago from Clemson and short yardage pickup on the play one of the great underrated lineman I think in the National Football League is Senator Tom Rafferty number 64 the boys right to the right of the screen see him snap the ball now that's his handicap he Estes snapped the ball then block a man but he's doing a good job on the nose guard gets a little help he's still shoving and pushing there here's a guy working on his MBA but today he's working on that nose guard Mercer used to be a starting guard and then when Robert Shaw was forced to retire because of a knee injury moved in its Center never missed a beat second and seven [Applause] and in the Seattle territory at the 48-yard line John Harris number 44 making the stop that'll be his biggest Gator of the day watch the offensive right guard watch him pull now see him pull around there he's gonna come up in there and get nice people right there bang that's why that plate broke up inside like that nice job by Howard Richardson Dorsett we all know Dorsett can run 13 yards on that let's take another what's the guard now as you see him seem pulled up he's gonna step number 70 see him come around to the hole now what's gonna come right up in there boom he gets a nice block here at number 53 Keith Butler and he's up through there Richard's a former cowboy number-one draft pick from Missouri first in 10 Dallas at the Seattle 48 [Applause] thirty to the 25-yard line picked up by footsteps at Incheon City Zoo let's see if we got a touchdown yes touchdown down [Applause] a gym honey the referee says bring it back touchdown great example of second effort third effort yards on the play watch it all the way little play-action pass now once he's gonna come back and fake the ball to the tailback see that now that holds the inside linebackers that gives Danny time to throw the ball into the zone reaches up there nicely but look at he tries to push him down Dave Brown has enough experience don't know that you've got a tackle a fine receiver now he's at ball carrier running the ball people hitting him the balls on the ground now they ruled the ball was down at that point so they give the Cowboys the first down at the Seattle 25 and nullified touchdown recalculate here down to the 13 yard line the right side John Harris number 44 finally makes this stop on Tony Dorsett who has picked up 46 yards rushing here the first period a gain of 12 on that play that was a very unusual play this Center actually influenced blocked number 72 the nose tackle Joe NAB Nash and jumped back out of the way Nash lunged in there off-balance in lo and behold Dorsett goes flying right by him Tony working on his third straight 100-yard rushing game he has never played here in Seattle [Applause] Cowboys a blader in regular season only once I was back in 76 the year before they got Dorsett first and 10 but the 11 swings over the right side inside the 10 to the 80 [Applause] he stacked up by Jeff Bryan number 77 they pick up a three on the play Springs having his most productive year he is the number four ranked receiver right now the National Football League with those 62 catches 63 counting the one earlier sees a signal from the pitch and he will be coming out he gets a lot of credit as a receiver but on pace right now he could end up having his best year as a rusher his best year is at 625 yards and he already has a 909 second down Cowboys need seven for the first down with the ball at the 8 yard line they have to get it to the one to pick up the first [Music] be in motion [Applause] dips in is over touchdown to the inside and Tony Dorsett goes eight yards for the first touchdown of the game with four minutes and 30 seconds left to play in the opening period that's a 97 yard drive that's a big one now you're gonna watch the tight end 84 going in motion he's actually I could winged back now toss the tight end block down and tackle c61 John Cooper get out there and get a nice block now Dorsett just makes him miss on his just innate running ability touchdown the linebacker over there Bruce Schultz number 50 has to be able to work inside out on that much quicker to stop Dorsey Glenn Corrado will hold at Raphael sep 10 2014 [Applause] kick is good minutes remaining in the opening period the Cowboys lead the Seahawks seven to nothing for along with Dick Vermeil at the Kingdome in Seattle very impressive ball control drive by the Cowboys they ate up almost seven minutes on the clock here in the first period traveling 97 yards after the fumble recovery by Bates Tom Landry told us last night in our meeting Frank remember he said we would like to maintain ball control and just eat up the clock and keep Seattle some offense off the field and this year did at that time David Hughes deep along with Zachary Dixon axe Baltimore Colts coming down on Hughes side to the 20 Turner Everson walls number 20 finally right down David good field position for the Seahawks as they start their second offensive possession behind this man David Craig Craig went to college at Milton that's Milton Wisconsin a school that is now out of business they closed their doors for financial reasons a couple of years ago we've got a time out antenna there 36 yard line we'll take a look at Seattle offensively for you we mentioned David Craig as the quarterback in the sensational rookie runner Kurt Warner coupled with Cullen Bryant and an outstanding receiver there and Steve Largent who played his college football at Tulsa the offensive line is a couple of patches today Konica wise at Center replacing the regular Blair Bush who is out with an injury and Bill Dugan is replacing Robert Pratt Pratt is a starting right guard became ill prior to the game on first and 10 Craig will throw it called ties made the catch at the 45 yard line [Applause] look at the Cowboys defense by the way that should be enough for a first down for the Seahawks Cowboys front four and it's interesting to note that these front for all four these players have played in the NFL for longer than the Seattle franchise has existed the cowboy linebackers Dickerson will be the weak side payment on the strong side which means he always goes to the side where the tight end is they flip-flopping and the Cowboys secondary has Bates stop for the first time in place of Clinkscale who is out with an injury not enough for the first half so the officials it is second and one from the 45 and Warner mix of the first at the 47 yard line Bob cronic the cowboy middle linebacker making the stop another final score in the National Football League in the NFC Central Green Bay outlasted Chicago 31 to 28 so the Bears are pretty well out of it now and the Packers stay alive in the quest for perhaps Central Division title Cleveland and Denver start at the same time we did so the Browns lead 'add and they have a chance to pick up some ground on the Steelers who lost today 7 nothing Dallas our score 1st and 10 Seahawks at their 47 dips inside that tries to go back outside gets to the 49 doesn't get much there and you do not normally dick it well on Dallas running the football now and they're tough to run consistently but you have to you know you have to keep those defensive lineman harness but they're tough to score points on just running the ball I'm sure that they're gonna mix that passing game in there real good and then try to get the big one off a play-action pass 2nd and Seahawks have 8 up coming for the first down with the ball at their 49 yard line just over two and a half minutes remaining in the opening period here at the Seattle Kingo Steve large and wide to the right side Everson Wallace picks him up Johns has split to the left he's got Thurmond covering him [Music] boys where the Blitz had linebackers coming to put the ash at the 32 [Applause] for the Seattle Seahawks of the veteran Harold Jackson number 29 the old Los Angeles RAM and Philadelphia Eagle making the catch very is nice until it comes straight back now and Alice's past coverage went strong to the left side of the screen now he works back behind the past coverage nice read he comes into Harold Jackson on a square in there Dennis Thurmond makes the play well done well done by the defense any offense whether that's hard to defense with that covered 21-yard pickup on the play at a Seattle first out at the cowboy 32 yard line one running back and that is cutting pride they got water on the wig and here comes water 20 down his walls he'll probably be holding break I think a wide receiver was called for holding blocking downfield now I'm not sure of that but that wasn't that's what it appeared to me holding it is against Seattle which will gives you a good idea of what water can do he's got fantastic feet as they say tremendous feet and I think later as we go through the ballgame we'll be able to get you give you some close-up examples of what we're talking about when an athlete has great feet he and Tony Dorsett really have the great feet holding 62 during the run it's on the center Donny kawaii and it wipes out a 24-yard Seahawk game Connie Headley pulls it back to the 38th Connie had pulled and gone on down field was downfield when they call that penalty it's an even defense so you can go ahead and pull your Center out of there Frank Seahawks now looking at a first down at 17 from the Dallas 38 yard line a minute and a half remaining in the opening period and look at markers prior to the snap illegal procedure Cowboys defensively saw somebody move in the office and it looked to be bill Dugan he is starting for Robert crack at the right guard position Dugan number 66 and that'll set it back five more two big cuddly let's see if we can pick it up here once you get in that three-point stance you can't move you can't pick it up now watch collective screen number 66 see that big arm sticking down there on the turf now watch their seam move right there you cannot do that dutton goes on offside like he is offside he is legal yup fancy man cannot move first down 22 Seahawks now back to the Dallas 43 so they're looking at the second down down in 30-plus as Randy white number 54 comes in and white week after week the opposing coaches say he is having maybe his best year ever he is a dominant defensive football player sometimes he's double-teamed but he creates havoc down there he does now look at him to the right of the screen here sealing that three-point stance now Mackenzie number 67 trying to block him now there he beats him around to the outside here comes Landing white right there creating havoc for everybody if he doesn't make the stop chances are he's got something to do with somebody else's r+ the other thing he does Frank as many times they block him with two people so as singers up other people second down 30 Seahawks going backwards on their last three plays Kraig out of the shotgun steps up fires the pass to puts it at the 44 yard line Ron fellows they're quickly to tackle Steve Largent large and his now caught a pass in 89 games in a row that is currently the longest streak gone in the National Football League he's a very clever receiver uses a lot of moves in his passing stim as he leaves the line of scrimmage and getting to his breaking point he you know he's hard to read coming down there's not the fastest guy in the world but very good ball control receiver Nelly got 10 11 on the play it'll be third down they're still looking at 20 for the first out for the Dallas 42 yard line byron walker wide to the right side John's in the slot inside of him the Seahawks have four receivers who will go down on this play Craig under a withering rush gets it away for Paul times and overthrown in the end zone Darrell Jackson was in there as well throughout the practice field yesterday I thought you had a great line on Jackson before you even saw it was you said I heard something creaking I asked him if he needed some wd-40 for those knees you know he's really caught more balls right now for any receiver active in the NFL right now and I think just the other day or last week he became up what the number two all-time yardage receiver in the National Football League past saying that Lance Alworth Believe It or Not been around a long long time 37 years of age in his 16th year punting situation and for the nearside can corner is Jeff Westwood tech inside the five the seahawks managed to fumble it into the end zone which means it will be a touchback and the Cowboys will take over at the 20 yard line well they had that thing surrounded they really did Dornoch number 33 mad at himself for not being able to hang on to it 41 yards on the punt and with the putt the first quarter comes to an end at the end of one here at the Kingdome in Seattle Michael Jackson has come into the lineup for the first time he's missed several gauge of an injury course at behind scrimmage by John Nash number 72 the nose tackle broke through that time to stop Tony Dorsett for the loss Tony has carried nine times and has picked up 56 yards Nash a free agent has beaten out Manu Huia Sissoko friend of yours from UCLA yes I recruited and then actually was a starter on my Rose Bowl team in 1976 a fine football player he was a starter here all the time and right now he's been beaten out Nash to get free like that from the nose guard position chances are he had some kind of a slant on and they were pulling lineman the center was left there all alone on him and he just beat him on the slant Dallas with a second and 12 which Johnson started the ball game at the wide receiver place of Drew Pearson apparently is still slow with that sprained ankle whistle as the 30-second clock is run out of the Cowboys delay of game will cost him five now looking at a second in seventeen there's a 30-second clock again the problem when you shuttle in plays from the bench it does take a little longer plus the offensive teams are doing more with other personnel in terms of alignments within the formation and it the huddle calls take longer the offensive plays are more intricate they take longer and that 30-second clock is being used all the time now play you saw number 65 Kirk Peterson commit from the fence with the Richard's normally Richards alternates with the other guy Erick Scott on the shotgun at second and 17 from the ball and is almost intercepted intended for Garcetti and he was blasted by Dave proud number 22 and white is unhappy thought he was rough here it is he's back there in the shotgun now you can see there's a good Russ coming on inside now Jacob Green Green Cooper then Nash came around the outside on a stunt there he got rid of the ball and David Brown came up and hit Dorset about as hard as a guy can be hit and still get up now I wasn't complaining that he got robbed he claimed that the door said apparently got it appeared whether I think he felt that Brown hit Dorsett prior to him having to catch the ball Dallas with a third at 17 at 64,000 lays in the rule pair in the Seattle King go now boys at their 13 yard line white out of the shotgun big rush tactical one-yard line gets it away in number 77 that time hurry the Tosh Jeff right the defensive right in that's not Jeff white right there the defensive end coming from the right of your screen now you see number 70 he's working on him they're doing a good job coming around now there's chip Bryant number 77 who is a fine pass rusher Jeff Hardy has eight sacks on the year so you know that he can rush the passer Danny white will be putting out of his end zone and the Seahawks deep and the play a 3d formation with call chimes [Applause] line drive kick this could be returned John's at the 38 40 45 and upended at that point by Ron fellows number 27 so good coverage by the cowboy specialty teams in the Seahawks come out of it with good field position with the first and 10 at their 45 yard line were early in the second period and at their 45 yard line that's the time remaining in the first half of play these teams have met just twice before once up near once in Dallas Cowboys won both the last time a 51 to 7 rout on Thanksgiving Day in 1980 [Applause] pray at quarterback for the young Seahawks and he'll throw up first down versus we mentioned at the outset you coached under Chuck Knox at Los Angeles you have a great knock story so I'll tell you know he's a very intense coach a very sound fundamental football coach to in one day I mean I'm in the cafeteria talking the other coaches during training camp and I'm complaining about all these things the running back side coach can't do and all this guy's not good enough this guy's good enough finally said you know dick if those guys could do all those things that you're complaining they can't do I wouldn't be computer coach and that's what I'm paying you to do teach him to do it that sucks you up for a while to set a up the big second and tank Seahawks at their 45 yard line whistle right at the snap obviously they're trying to get the ball in waters hands and once again the seahawks going to be flagged here for a false start around ESSEC number 64 the left tackle this time other scores these are games in progress as we listen to the call rot missing for less on left tackle fealty of the false start San Francisco now knowing that Los Angeles lost today to fill it out and move right back in there in the NFC West and tie the Rams with a victory Jets leading Baltimore in the second period on the margin of a field goal and Denver has overcome the early Cleveland field goal and lady in that game seven the three our score seven nothing Dallas Seattle with a second and 15 Seahawks at their 40 out of trouble - the larger and Dallas into the field Steve Largent who bummed Philip says was the biggest mistake he ever made let me go watch larger now once he moved him up inside there now he pushed him a little head fake and watch him come back to the ball watch you come on that peak come and keep but really tough the defense always under total body control that guy you notice that never looked off-balance at any time he picked up 12 on the play bum Phillips had him and Houston drafted him as a fourth round pick as a rookie they read and didn't release it but they traded him to Seattle a week before the regular season started and he's simply become one of the best receivers the history of the National Football League down at three Seahawks at the Dallas 48 Craig backs up sidelines from intended the running back over on the far side well covered by Tony Dickerson and the Seahawks will be punting you know we're talking to Drew Pearson yesterday he said Kersh druids starting in the game he said if he started this game there would be three wide receivers starting in this contest from Tulsa Paul John Steve Larson and himself and that's got to be some record doesn't it yeah that is same school Jeff West whose last punch you recall the Seahawks managed to fumble her muff all the way into the end zone resulting in a touchback Brown fellas is deep Gary Allen the normal punt returner is out with an injury fair catch fellows at the 18 and Dallas will put it in play from there West doesn't hit that real long punt but he gets it up there in the air and the punting team can really cover it back there I think second in the National Football League right now and covering Huntsville that one good for 30 yards timeout seconds left to play in the first half the Cowboys will have a first and ten at their 19 yard line in case you joined the slate the only score the game on an AGR touchdow trot by Tony Dorsett which climax a 97 yard cowboy drive after they recovered a fumble at their own 3 yard line Danny white the spars had five out of eight had one picked off by easily which gave the seahawks that big scoring opportunity which they properly blew [Applause] the 26 yard line I think he noticed different about doors setting than Warner he seems to kind of submarine when he gets hit warner likes to take those tacklers head-on well warner is a little bit deeper and a little bit bigger rather and this guy here is played longer and he has always been great at making sure he gets most out of the plane and if he sees there's nothing left getting his pads down below the tackler so he's healthy on the next snap it's a good way to play pro football i'd say yes he's a very intelligent hunter and one of the best ever second down three Dorset is at 500 yard rushing days he's got 61 yards on the ground here in the first half second down Tony Hill at the 50-yard line and off-target Hill has come back after a sprained arch which caused him to miss four games earlier this season he's caught 34 balls for six touchdowns there's Drew Pearson warming up his passing Armour yeah I used to be a quarterback in high school early college days played with Joe Theismann I think that story has been passed around a bit and no question everybody I've used that three or four times myself nothing new there but group missed a game for the second time in 11 years last week and we don't know whether he's going to get in today but obviously he's still got a problem with that sprained ankle or I know three they're 26 from the shotgun it's Assad past that's it away there's a pass interference clerks groan this time of the Seahawks Tony Hill was the intended receiver and David proud number 22 who is the only original member of the Seahawks who came to the club in the original expansion draft back in 1976 he was a number one pick of the Pittsburgh Steelers and 75 pass interference defense number 22 first out boss call here you can see him he's pedaling back now he's driving the ball didn't get there quite as quick as he thought it would be and he really just necks again now wasn't that close was it not like close obvious that's an automatic first down first and ten Cowboys at their 37 yard line on the 11 yard penalty Cowboys have done an excellent job controlling the football though they haven't scored but one touchdown your set of this we pass 35 [Applause] there is the move of a great running back looked like they had him and he squirmed loose for another seven or eight yards with that little move to the inside it's a case of a six foot five 240 pound linebacker isolated now watch Tony at the left of the screen he's out there he's a lay off man he couldn't get the ball downfield he lays it off now watching come on now watch his feet see his feet dude now look at that right there he makes a miss that's all there is to it ten yard pickup on the play good job pass protection yeah Rafferty right there on Nash number 72 nice job see you can use your hands and on pass protection today you never used to be able to do that this long as you don't hold with him he can go ahead and jam with him we talked about Rafferty before I think he is ready for the Pro Bowl he's been unnoticed thus far but he's having a great year first and ten at the 47 this time they stopped Dorsett before he gets started Jeff prime number 77 who's had a great game so far dry tend and is given Pat Donovan pretty well all he can handle right well sometimes they're pulling linemen let's see now he jump down on the guard that time he was on the guard Scott number 68 C and they changed the defense right part of the snap and I think it might have confused the offensive blocking better second down 11 Dallas from its 45 yard line just over 11 minutes left to play in the first half butch Jackson in motion to make the stop is done to fact number 35 here's a guy the thief seahawks have caught at least three times and re-signed again and again so many players the legacy that happened to Frank so many times the guy gets cut an injury occurs so you bring another guy back and you know it's a great example of how important it is to be persistent and whatever you really want to do in your life there are many many examples of that on every football team and the other thing I think is important for a young person is to make sure you don't burn the bridges as a player when you are cut I know as a coach a couple times I've said to heck go up now his attitude was so bad when we let him go third down 13 Cowboys at their 44 from the shotgun white airs it out for butch Johnson he's Johnson had trouble locating the football he thought he should have had it it would have been a tough catch but that's the type of catch that puts Johnson has been noted for [Music] [Applause] now easily number 45 right in the middle of your screen saves the big play right here see he's the deep safety playing too deep and he got there just in time to knock it out before he could put it away in Johnson many times we'll we'll put that ball away before that contact would occurred he's mad at himself Cowboys have their new putter in there for the very first time the bare footed kicker Jim Miller who punted for the 49ers when they went to the Super Bowl a couple of years ago and overhead kick down to the 20 yard after the 25 is called John's and John's who stopped too short of the 30 Miller is the only bare footed kicker where putter I should say in the National Football League ten minutes two seconds left to play in the first half and the Cowboys leading the Seahawks 737 yards on that last but that looks like Butch Johnson may be hurting a little bit on the bench first maybe he's just his feelings are hurt he say oh I lost that thing on the lights to Danny white I just didn't see it come down looking at it Seahawks with the football after the 37 yard putts that's our score the time remaining of the first half Seattle first and 10 from their 30 but Craig off the water and water who gained 207 yards rushing last week is out to the 32 last week Kurt Warner gained more yards in that one game a total of 207 against Kansas City than the leading rusher but the Seahawks did all of last season total of nine games in the strike shortened season well the Seahawks - over the years have really been a pass offense pouring out a team directed by Jerry Rome and they've done a lot of good things in the passing game now in this style woodchuck they're going to emphasize both phases of the game and they've got the right guy to do it with Frank yards have come tough for water four carries for nine yards so far today second and AIDS again the give dewater tries the right side looking for opening and his stop at the line of scrimmage Everson walls the secondary to make the stop and there was nothing there now take a look at Mackenzie number 67 the guard see the second man in from your screen he's working on Randy white 54 he's doing the best he can and hope they mob see him just working up Randy locates the ball and off he goes Mackenzie's been playing in this you know he is part of that dole offensive line that blocked for OJ's two thousand yard year how the electric got elected counter now the juice you know he's almost bald-headed I told him that's what he gets for wearing a helmet all those years third down Seahawks still need eight for the first down from their 32 yard line kregasm in the shotgun Charlie young the tight end is in motion go downs the safety playthrough there flew over literally over David Cray caused him to duck down and by then of course the reinforcements arrived up the middle and Randy white number 54 got the sack this is an overloaded safety blitz type thing you see everybody up there Michael downs 26 up there he's coming inside see the line back her up inside now too many people to block it's a real problem they run 19 safety glitches in the last three games this is number 20 now in the last week noon that's a lot for Dallas that's a lot I think they'd get a real good pass rush out of it so they're going to stay with it Jeff West punting didn't I and pretty short no fair catch signal by fellows took a chance there gets it up to the 40 he was completely surrounded by Seahawks and two stayed the fair catch signal and returned it seven or eight yards to the 42 yard line the punt 38 yards by Jeff West the return of seven first down for the Dallas Cowboys ball at their 42 yard line 7 nothing Dallas leading right back to throw out the dorset 40 and Tony Dorsett closed for the first down at the 50-yard line so whites simply dropping it off and picking up ten yards or so Cowboys haven't had that much difficulty moving the football but though the Seattle defense is bending a bit it's certainly not breaking with the exception of that 197 yard touchdown drive there's Tom Landry you want to get Tom riled up ask him about defense in the NFL and the rule changes which have all favored the offense he's a little defensive guy from way well he is a defensive coach puppet of one of the best ever and you know the only ones still coaching the Flex defense and he would like the rules to go back and help the defense it'll be second down two needed for the first down Cowboys at midfield Springs for the first down be very close at the 48-yard line depending on what kind of Marquis gets here and again it was Jeff Bryant number 77 teaming with the right inside linebacker Keith Butler number 53 to make the stop herb Scott lost his shoe in the process Butler was a third round draft pick from Memphis States back in 1978 and the starter since his rookie year but it's the first year he's moved inside he was playing outside back before before they've had some trouble with their linebacker core and they're trying to firm it up and he's a good football player but he's probably maybe a little better outside backer Pat Donovan came out of the game said something to the official on a third and short here he probably says I'm gonna be the second tight end only has to report if he's out there yeah next to cause my husband's coming in motion third in less than a yard for the first down at the Seattle 48 Dorsett nothing inside he gets the first the speed of tony dorsett there was nothing but he looked inside so he simply put it in high gear went for the outside they've got the first down at the 45 he has that great ability to go ahead and burst and get outside now watch the full-backs and go up inside and block see he's going up inside try to help out he gets a block Butchie bounce outside there now it's a footrace John Harris coming inside out the safety to make the play but didn't need many yards for the first down he's got first and ten nose of the ball just inside the Seattle 45 yard line there's the numbers on the door set so far here in the first half which has just over six minutes and 20 seconds remaining Dallas really controlled on the football gets out of trouble that's it golfer Johnson diving catch by foot Johnson at the 23 yard line first down Cowboys at the Seattle 23 now this is the example of a mobile quarterback if you can move like he does now see look play action fading to praise the linebackers Tony does a nice job of cutting the defensive line back it was coming in there now watch the mobility at Danny widen see he's running out there if he couldn't move like that he'd have probably been sacked now he reaches out there it makes the clench for those are hard to defense really hard to beat defense Dave Brown comes over and just tags and a lot of times I've seen guys come over and stick a helmet in the guy when he's down like that and it would be a foolish penalty 21-yard pickup on the play and a Dallas first down at the Seahawk 23 white fakes the handoff this time after Dorsett to the 20 to the 5th [Applause] ten maybe the nine yard line another first down for the Dallas Cowboys carriejustin the left cornerback came up to make the stop aided by Sheldon Robinson number 57 a 13-yard pickup on the play Dorsett a dominant force this is a little play-action fake inside now they're gonna go ahead and run a little slip screen see the linemen releasing going along the line of scrimmage watch him right there there's Peterson 65 bang he gets a block right there now he's up in there first down well-executed play he had three linemen out in front of him Frank only what I've got to keep block the bus all person meeting straddling the ten yard line at his first and goal the goal [Applause] butch accented motion Ron Springs to about the six yard line you pretty well know Dallas situation with the big game coming up against the Redskins the Seahawks are in a position they win their last three games they're in the playoffs as a wild-card team they're still masters of their own fate here's a nice shot you're playing linebacker sitting home on your couch they'll see that now she'll Robbins and 57 moving inside up but he over on the play now there's a nice little cutback hole in there then the other backside linebacker had to come in and to make the play that's one in toughest things Brandt to discipline the linebacker not to over run those plays Springs as you see has come out of the ball game leaving two Cowboys with Tony Dorsett is the lone setback it is second down from the 70d of the three two one touchdown another great run for Dorset as he was hit at about the 5-yard line kif spinning kept driving forward and Dorsett as his second touchdown of the day and 70 yards rushing on the afternoon they just went right at him up inside now you watch they're going to come right up inside direct handoff see the center now he's got him blocked right there and he influenced him he influenced again Joe Mack now he just worked up there but Joan and she didn't actually take him on physically he influenced him and was overpowered by the nose tackle and that opened the lane up laterally for him Frank and there's the whole SAP DN to try the extra point Glen Carano will hold he's the Cowboys third string quarterback and he has said this week he is going to sign a contract with the Pittsburgh team in the new league this season if not early take a look at it one more time here he is he's going to drop the shoulder now he knows the end zones right then he gets put forward body tilt he's taking it in for the six point play 357 left in the first half Cowboys 14 Seahawks nothing getting ready to kick off so far with just under 4 minutes left to play in the first half the Cowboys have controlled the ball for 17 minutes and 46 seconds and the Seahawks have had it for 8 minutes and 17 seconds that you'd have to say it's perfect execution of the game plan because that's what coach Landry wanted to do Dallas looking very crisp except for the one interception thrown by white David here's 15 20 and hit it about the 25 to the 26 yard line decked at that point by Bruce hunter number 55 so the Cowboys in command leading by score 14 to nothing they have out first down the Seattle Seahawks 14 to 2 at this point along with Dick Vermeil and so far it's been Tony Dorsett stay here in Seattle this is the team of course involved in the trade which enabled Dorsett to wind up with the Dallas Cowboys who's to say though had they drafted him behind that expansion team who's to say he'd had the success he's had with Dallas behind a veteran club well I don't think he would have had the success he might be hit not be healthy today he may not be in the loop you know because they were young and didn't have the offensive linemen first and ten Seahawks at their 27 yard line just under four minutes left to play first half they trail 14 nothing David cray going over the mendler spot but Charlie young the tie down that's a first down at the 40-yard line Michael doubts the safety got his hands on the ball number 26 couldn't handle it this is a nice play action pass now watching fake to curtsy a fake right there praises everybody now he comes a kid great just sit sit look at the poisons jump quarterback very and who throw nice kiss by Charlie he moved to the ball good hands he reaches out there that pinky six-foot-five brain he's got a big play nice job by Charlie young officials market at the 39 yard line of Dallas it is first intent for the Seahawks jeonse to the left side margin to the right Kraig will throw it Kurt Warner wants it and gets it out of bounds at the 32 yard line it will be a pickup of seven Everson walls finally running the great Seahawk rookie runner out of Bounce [Applause] Chuck knocks Chuck's son played on the state championship team which played in this arena last night won the state championship he's got a great running back they made 170 yards out last night he made a 200 yards last week only carried the ball ten times last night it chucks really proud of him second down Seahawks need three for the first down at the Dallas 32 trail Cortina nothing trying to come back with a score before other mission Cowboys do lot of stunning and that defensive line [Applause] down to the 28 yard line other scores around the National Football League there are three other games in progress in San Francisco realizing if they can capitalize on the Rams loss to the Eagles today jumping on Tampa Bay early leading 14 to nothing the New York Jets and Baltimore are tied in the second period I imagine the weather's not too great in Baltimore it's been rather miserable in the East for other games today and Denver leading Cleveland 14 to 3 now you think the prouds could be fired up after Pittsburgh loss today measurement indicating that the Seahawks picked up the first down in the 29 while since I made a first down now they have to keep the ball boy if they're gonna get back in this football game Dallas with a big advantage in the first down department so far and on the scoreboard at 14 to nothing the Cowboys lead it Seahawks have been down in the three yard line and then bubbled early in the game in Dallas turned it around and turned it into a 97 yard touchdown drive it's this time clay gets it away and it's almost intercepted by Everson walls intended for Largent Lamberson walls who is now gone six games without an interception which is the longest streak he is had in his NFL career looking for what he actually large it fell down on that play otherwise it might have had a reception but you see him gone down there to the breaking point see him plant ten foot there and he just got his weight little too far forward and he fell down and that gave the free Lane to Emerson walls second down ten from the Dallas twenty nine [Applause] got back [Applause] gets a couple up the middle or side defense you can move across and if you get back before the ball is snapped you're alright the experience center beta an experienced quarterback with just gusak Center a little bit he'll snap but at that time and head for the snap count and get that easy five yards I've seen a definite many times well Craig of course young quarterback he's been with this team for several years but he hasn't played all that much and succeeded to Jim Zorn as the starting quarterback wins or nets of interception problems earlier in the year clock has run down to the two-minute warning we'll be back at the Seattle Kingdom in just a moment to play in the first half Cowboys leading by two touchdowns both clubs have all three of their timeouts left and when we go back to play the Seahawks have the football with a third and eight up coming at the 27 there's norm Johnson the field goal kicker was the hero of last week's 51 to 48 track made with Kansas City he hit a 42 yarder with three seconds left in the game to tie it and then a 42 yarder to win it in overtime for the first down Seahawks at the Dallas 27 Cowboys showing blitz here they come [Music] [Applause] Everson walls made the staff but crave did a good job reading the place believe that was a site adjustment now he's looking at the inside see him look at the inside now he gives a little stick and comes in on that slant and a man nice tackle right there by Everson nice tackle but I think they made the first down yep first and ten for the Seahawks now at the doubt of seventeen o'clock still moving with a minute 25 left the play they have all three of their timeouts left water and motion break gets the pass away throws it out of the end zone we got a marker thrown that around the 10-yard line so what this one's all about gotta go against Seattle offensive pass interference Chuck knock said I can't believe we keep messing ourselves up mistakes penalties turnovers that's cost the seahawks field position here in the first half so far [Music] Friday on the practice field Frank I watched him working on there inside the 20 passing attack in crate was awfully sharp at throwing corner patterns off to the left side here here's Jim honey the referee with the call number 32 still first out against Collin crime so the walk off will move the ball back to the 22 yard line it is first down and now 20 needed for the first they have to get to the seventh to pick up the first down Paul is at the 27-yard line under pressure trying to get a Harvey Martin wouldn't let him go Harvey surrounded him from the right side and forced him to run into the arms of Randy white however we've got a marker thrown down at the 10-yard line penalty marker down to the field and this one looks like it's going to go against Dallas drop the hankie [Applause] Jim honey marks off Yandex to the 22 and again here's the call holding number 32 five yards in the previous spot and first out defensive holding against Dennis Thurmond to the Cowboys number 32 now they're back in the shotgun you can see that Randy white and Harvey Martin can appear it quickly here they come see Hart coming around near number 79 no penalties they're just darn good pass rush you know who was rushing to pass a little better today than we've seen him is Harvey Martin number somebody no mercy started playing stronger for the Cowboys on Thanksgiving Day against st. Louis maybe just get in shape get ready for the stretch run first and ten Seahawks at the downest 22 Charlie young in motion Craig back to third at the 28 John Dutton number 78 and again Randy white you don't want to get Randy white man don't make him mad because he you can use different techniques to get him block sometimes what if they make him mad then we're really in trouble see the quarterback sees their dickerson 51 right in his face and it pushes him up inside and they're the rushman work done in Randy white say the loss moves the ball back to the 28 yard line the clock is moving with five seconds left to play in the first half the Seahawks still have timeouts to spare now they're looking at a second and 16 Walker is wide to the right side large it inside of him Prague from the shotgun flag for the touchdown but there's a penalty marker behind the line of scrimmage holding Seattle no score that was the quarter pattern I was talking through but I saw him gone feel Friday [Applause] [Music] he was called holding on in Jones number 72 the right tackle Steve Auguste who is a questionable starter coming into this game because of some injury problems golf the holding now he is the one man that the Seahawks have left from the Tony Dorsett trade as the Cowboys traded their number one and three number two draft picks for the rights to draft Dorsett to move up and August is the only guy the Seahawks have left he was a number one draft choice he's out Hernandez is in second down 26 Seahawks are back to their 38 yard line 29 seconds left in the half crepe at the foot both American boots it all jobs number 85 the wide receiver from Tulsa who played his high school football in Waco Texas his brother Freeman was a white receiver for the Los Angeles Rams you know it's amazing how many times you run into you evaluate these rosters how many times they have a brother or an uncle or a dad or somebody played in the National Football League frame and Jats good football player at SMU prior to going into the pros well he's still looking at a third and long third down 16 for the Seahawks with the ball at the 28 and 22 seconds left on the clock again the Seahawks still have timeouts to work with here [Applause] who got it I believe the Seahawks recovered at the 33 yard line Reggie McKenzie number 67 came up with the football Randy wide was down on the ground I believe the ball was right behind him but he didn't see it until too late I think personally from where I watched that play and studied it it appeared to me that he quarterback started his throwing action it was an incomplete pass Fowler pointed it back to the 37 yard line and that may indeed have been the ruling [Music] timeout called by the Seahawks here he is back in the shot that I'm gonna get the snap ball already returned and his body the fumble it's now pork he's going back to throw you can see now if this ceased Americ number 60 coming around the lineman does a nice job of picking him up he had started his throwing motion I really think that's an incomplete pass they call that a fumble of course you saw Mackenzie recover it but because it happened inside of the two-minute warning they bring the ball back to the point of the fumble so that's the ruling and now the ball is at the 37 yard line of the Seahawks with 14 seconds left in the half are going to go for the field goal Norm's acid is in Soren will hold and this is going to be a moonshot his career longest 48 yards this is a 55 yard attempt [Applause] it is Johnson especially they will give and the Seahawks around the scoreboard with nine seconds left to play in the first half and ties a Seattle club record 54 yards originally set by an ex Dallas Cowboy Efrain Herrera and Johnson is ready to kick off just nine seconds left on the clock they go with the onside kick little squibber those bouncing around a while and finally managed to maintain control at the 35 coming up at half-time brent musburger and Irv cross lots of scores and highlights and some look at the nasty weather in the East today at some of the NFL games which has kept the scoring down it always gets missile back they're about to play good football game last play of the first half as Danny white simply kneeling down to run out the clock [Music] so it has been pretty much all data so far here in the first half at the Seahawks do get a little life on the strength of that 54 yard field goal by norm Johnson Cowboys with two touchdowns by Tony Dorsett Dick Vermeil and frankly bird will be back in Seattle they've done a real good job that's the best pass rush I've seen Dallas have and this is the fifth time they're really Harvey Martin's coming off the ball course Randy always does and tents pass rush they don't have to blitz as much as they've had to in the past well you don't have to take chances at the down for getting the heat on the quarterback why take chances and single up those receivers on your defensive backs we're getting enough pressure with those four down linemen well Chuck Knox told us meet the Cowboys you can't make mistakes they've made mistakes penalties fumbles what do you think she had last due to get back in this thing well number one I think they've got to be more efficient on first down they really haven't done a good job at first down they've ended up on a lot of second and Long's and third and Long's I think come out in the second half throw the ball short on first down like Dallas has done in the first half get the seven eight yard pass and end up with second three and second nine or maybe a first and ten again but don't go down field so much on first down with that ball be very very important which team scores first here in the third period of play Cowboys and the Seahawks back in the field prior to the start of the second half and we'll have the Seahawks with the alternate option here in the second half obviously elected to receive and Rafael septon will be kicking off for the Dallas Cowboys to see Dennis Thurmond talking to his troops there Dennis new papa yes is his wife Elsie gave birth to a girl Kelsey yesterday else Chelsea Chelsea he too at the Dallas Cowboys who is on that kickoff team Dennis Thurman our congratulations to him Cowboys leading by a score 14 to 3 and it pretty well dominated play in this football game they've done a good job of hanging on to the ball there's Dennis views we'll take this five yards deep in the end zone it will not run it out so the Seahawks will put it in play first and ten at their 20 yard line give us an opportunity to look over the first half statistics one of the big stats of course the yardage rushing which really sticks out like a sore thumb and the time of possession right well Dallas is supposed to be a good I mean excuse me Seattle's supposed to be the rushing team look at they have 16 yards credit the Dallas defense though because you know they've been number two in the NFL against the run Kurt Warner thus far has carried six times for a total of 10 yards [Music] [Applause] excellent job of another American football conference [Applause] pray get quarterback the fake to water clay comes out throw the ball and completes at the Steve Largent [Applause] not a bounds at the 28 yard line so pickup of eight this is the way that the two great running backs compared in the first half and so far it's been all Tony Dorsett and they're both you know great backs the big differences Dorsett is running against Seattle's defense which has not really been good against run all year in in contrast Warner's running against the Cowboys and they're number two in football once again maybe a little difference to in the caliber of the two respective offensive lines well run the ball well all year but just Dallas the defense is tough to run on second down Seahawks for the long one they did for the first down they give it to water and he is tripped up behind the scrimmage at the 26 yard line for a loss of three of the play he saw nothing there it Jones number 72 blocked out a lot of light and water at no place to go ed Jones number 72 just physically took the defit watching him watch look at he takes the Alfa's he tapped on stuff seen back in the ball now see and he had no room to cut Hernandez was back in there in the cutting lane back there behind the line of scrimmage number 69 boy that Jones is a physical son of a gun six foot seven six foot eight so instead of second and one the Seahawks now looking at third and four [Applause] whoops and down the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two straight Pro Bowls and probably on his way to a third and would not be denied look at him run over his man now see him now you have a rookie who as a defensive towel in college playing offense for his first year just gets beat right to the outside now the offensive lineman should have worked firmer to the outside and made too tall take the longer course to the quarterback but he just not experienced enough see he's playing in place now for starting Steve Augustine that was Matt Hernandez at the two toffee WestEd to do the panic from his own two high kick and very short bounces at the party almost $2 billion and if it did it'll be the seahawks ball let's see Seattle's ball yes it hit Robert Newhouse and it was filled it by number 86 Mike Tyson's a backup tight in [Applause] near house never saw it come down it look or appeared to hit me from here that it really did hit now see the two people right there in the middle you screen now the ball takes the big bounce to the left that's a live ball now that his touch there he's got right there Seattle ball theis was a college quarterback now he's converted to a tight end he's their emergency quarterback they only carry two on the roster so the Cowboys who would have had excellent field position now instead find themselves on defense once again Seattle first and ten at their 47th and great time to take advantage don't log apologize first our Seahawks at the 25 the charge was down at the 25 yard [Applause] [Music] a post patterns here at the top of every screen he's going to come off about brother stick them and just come inside between the safety and the corner Thurman right there actually Downs has to get over and help Thurman inside on that pattern Frank he can't defense that all by himself 27 yards of the pickup and the crowd comes alive once again as the Seahawks have a first down at the dallas 25 [Applause] that's Warner they've got rather that's a riot they've got Warner on the wing off to the left he starts in motion water takes the handle inside the 20 down to the 18 yard line it was too tall Jones who got the penetration number 72 and got one hand on Warner in the backfield but couldn't hold it this little fake to the inside counter action now the guard pulling that's he too tall was in the back wheel there he had whipped Hernandez number 69 now you've got the great running back up in there after do you know what Jones right to the right ear screams he banged the tylium tried to block down on him my experience of coaching the Cowboys it's almost a waste of time to lock down on to tall with a tight end you can't get him on second and three Warner up the middle finds a hole gets inside the 15 to the 13 yard line that's enough for a Seattle first out Jones making the stop once again for Dallas but are these Seattle fans this is a traditional type of cheer that they do and maybe the best organized cheer international football I've never seen anything a shorter race Burstyn 10 seahawks at the dallas 13 Warner fumbles the ball and Dennis is recovered at the 14 yard line Anthony Dickerson number 51 falls in the football and so much for that threat second time Seahawks have fumbled inside their 15 this is on the quarterback all the way David Craig the quarterback now see him watch he runs right over the ball carrier look at he run right into it that's on the quarterback he just had to be totally confused to do that Cowboys first offensive possession of the second half coming up in just a minute their unusual view of the Seattle King dome from ground level and that's our situation here in the third period of play Cowboys get their hands on the football offensively for the very first time as a result of Dickerson's fumble recovery there had to be a breakdown in the execution for the quarterback I really believe he just forgot about the Sprint spot or the or the exchange point in which he messes with the running back and he ran right through it he almost ran into the full-back costly mistake because he figured from that distance Seattle's got at least three Butch Johnson wide to the right side the slot inside of him [Applause] Casspi the tight end is emotional Dorsett at the 10:15 tony dorsett to the 2025 at out of bounds up to pick it up the first down at the 26 yard line he saw the little red marker on the sidelines where the out of bounds marker was and he took just one extra step that he needed to be sure he got the first watch Danny wiped the quarterback number 11 come back here and I'll fake the screen to the right now reverse around and screen to the left that's done to kick the linebackers run an opposite and allow the lineman to get out in front of the screen now he's just using his speed to get out there he goes out of bounds you know Shelton Robinson number 57 was chasing him over there first down for the Cowboys at their 26 thus far Dorset has had a big afternoon here in Seattle leading 14 to 3 in the third period white good protection for Tony Hill Hill makes the catch goes out of bounds at the 44 yard line of Dallas first and 10 for an NFL Today report let's go to brent musburger in new york the San Francisco 49ers are closing in on the Los Angeles Rams in the NFC West this makes it 21 on the Montana scrambled Frank incidentally the LSU job is closed up now I hear your partner dick for meals going to Stanford what about that Gus I think you're one I think you're on behind Brett I think a yesterday we heard Oklahoma they got you going everywhere I'm just going home that's all he wants to go just let him go back to Philadelphia first and 10 at the 44 yard line Dorsett gets a yard go for Greg games number 56 they're right outside linebacker making the stop for the Seattle Seahawks last three ballgames darcet is run 32 28 55 yards four touchdowns that's coming into this game and he's got two touchdown runs here today suck it down for the first down at their 45 yard line now trying to get the Seahawks into it they're doing everything they can so pairing loud stadia here's a blitz easily coming in they set up the screen two Springs 50 45 40 45 Springs is at the 25 we got flags all over the place and he's run out of bounds at the 13 yard line so that they have the perfect play set up for the blitz oh really when you get a screen off its the Blitz everybody is up after the quarterback included many times your linebackers and maybe even a safety down when he catches that ball there very few people left to run him down he'll get some of that game but not all of it walking from behind above the waist against the Cowboys that would have been a 42-yard pickup but some of it will be erased we turn into about a ten yarder when things turn out maybe 15 you can see all wrong Springs turn on that track speed the illegal block in the back number eighty ten yards first down [Applause] it turns out to be a 17-yard pickup now watch he's going back there now see the rust coming up here to the outside you'll see him coming out the other s to rush there he got the screen right up in the middle Ellis does this better than anybody now he's going let's see if we can see that rock from behind [Applause] he'll it seemed from behind it's not a vicious block but it's an illegal block Tony Hill on Dave Brown the defensive back of the Seahawks nevertheless first down and tony dorsett is ripped down at the line of scrimmage by jeff riot number 77 seems like we could call him his name an awful lot I think Brian really has played the outstanding game for the Defence Force he had like I believe there was a tight end blocking down on him and he didn't get it done because I saw the tackle pull and get on the linebacker he was the sixth player picked in the draft when he came out a couple of years ago a lot of people thought maybe he should have been picked that high but he's turned out into a splendid defensive end for the Seahawks he's a good man he's a great I know he was undefeated as a wrestler to really a talented athlete second and ten for the Cowboys at the Seahawks 43 why copy [Applause] Kraig's pick up us to the 37 yard line for his tackle by Sheldon Robinson number 57 [Music] mr. Springs does a great job catching the football that's five for him and he now has broken the Cowboys single-season pass reception record at 66 on the year gives him one more than Frank plucks previous pot set in 1964 here's a record setter say they have a screen being caked up there on the right which draws the people up in front now it's just strictly between the linebacker Sheldon Robinson and Ron Springs and wrong wins Dallas needs six for the first 38-yard line of Seattle any white first time at the Seahawks have really and second at the 44 that of course means that Dallas will also lose field goal range mark Hicks number 63 making the sack and the Cowboys will be funny he held onto the ball the coverage took away the pattern initially and gave the rush time to get there Danny decided he was going to run up inside and all of a sudden there was the mark Hicks Jim Miller picked up as a free agent and Paul John's is the deep man for Seattle whether standing on his 40 as we said he's the only barefooted hunter in the angling for the nearside coffin corner and gets it out of bounds looks like inside the 10 let's see where they mark it maybe just outside the 10 they're gonna put it to 12 pretty good punts the Cowboys newest acquisition we've got a timeout with 759 left in the Seahawks at their 12 yard line David Craig has gone all the way in quarterback it 10 out of 14 passes yards most of them the shorter percentage throws but he showed us he's got a pretty good arm 14 to 3 curtain who's been held in check we get a mocker the sensational rookie all-american from Penn State after a gain of just a yard of the play that could normally indicate a holding penalty let's see yes against Seattle [Applause] and Jim Tunney former high school principal who now lives at Pebble Beach and does motivational speaking for a living we'll do the walk off here longtime NFL referee and one of the best in the business very much respected by all the coaches holding that's bill Dugan who is filling in for Robert Pratt at the right guard position he had no idea when he got up this morning and he was going to be starting his football game crap turned up sick first and sixth game for the Seahawks or back to their six [Music] [Applause] completes it but not much there - Charlie on pickup of just a couple yards of the play for another NFL report once again here's Brent in New York apparently the Buccaneers I'm not quite finished yet now Jack Thompson pulls out and Kevin house has had a horrible season for John Mackay this year but he still has that great speed he gets deep it's on this time 74 yards now and the Buccaneers at least have got a shot it's 21 14 San Francisco back to Frank on deck boy how many times you see that under thrown pass field it for a big game the D second down 14 Seahawks from their seventh break again in the end zone gets this one is it the play the bride who had some Running Room over in the fireside line but Brian couldn't feel it two tops brandy white was sitting right there and David Craig's face too because David ended up on the ground Craig came on for Seattle at halftime of the Pittsburgh game when they were behind 24 to nothing did a good job and he's been with this club three and a half years so he is no rookie but he is a free agent played at this very small College in Wisconsin by the name of Milton and still lives in that area loves to go home and go ice fishing during the winter you know he had him over a 400 yard game against Denver a few weeks ago so I know he can't grow but he's really been they haven't handled a rusty old wall today third down and 14 Seattle from it's settled [Applause] the first down that one and not the two cowboys run into each other Craig was really decked in the endzone Rob pebbles was over there and so was ever since and they collided are they with her at a cinch interception as it is the Seahawks will punt quarterbacks just not getting enough time he looks like he's going to have some time initially but coming around Randy white 54 his pickup on the stud but you can see smirk number 60 hitting just as he threw the ball no way you can throw it accurately or very far downfield now Walt's thought he had his first interception in six games and fellow's gonna knock him off so now it's the Seahawks punting out of their end zone and Dallas should wind up with good field position here Donnell standing on his 50-yard line the end of the number one Hut cartridge team in the National Football League right now they're coached by rusty - oh this is a great day fellas all the way back to his 38 up to the 45 and try to get it to midfield and just us you know fellows is running straight up feel better right now than he did prior to prior to being 55 yards on the punt by Jeff West we've got a time stage in the Sun Tan Lotion cuz that's what we're gonna be next week and you'll be interested to see if indeed Dan Marino is ready to go and he was shaken up today in the game with Houston you'll be looking at two of the top four quarterbacks in the NFL well Bartkowski and Marino you know they we know that Atlanta could score it would be a case whether they can stop my anything scorn and up points to make it a real tough game I think it'll be good football game Cowboys with good field position here knows of the ball just in to Seattle's into the field first down Dallas we've had no scoring here in the second half 14 to 3 Cowboys with 651 left in the third [Music] White's excellent protection all day to throw the ball hits duck Cosby is tied in for the first time he has got 10 yards and a first down let's bring you up to date on a couple of other scores games in practice around the league jets and Baltimore are slugging it out at Baltimore with the Jets leading 10 to 6 that's in the third period of play and Denver Hornet on Cleveland 24 to 6 now what more motivation could the Browns need than having Pittsburgh Lee with a Denver might be every bit as much fired up you know a shot in playoffs right they want to stay in there so there's no such thing as a meaningless game when two teams are playing in that situation there's only five teams out of it right now second down they say wasn't enough for the first down the looking at second inches the cowboy Dorsett he has the first down and some more he takes it to the 35-yard line they pick up the five yards on the play for the cowboy running back which gives him 75 on the afternoon so far look at Tommy watch him run he's gonna take a little counter step to the right see to freeze the linebackers and allow Howard Richards big right guard you see the left corner of your screen who's blocking out see him blocking out right there on number 55 in chief Butler number 53 comes up and makes the play put that Dorsett he just glides in there and then he sees the hole and all of a sudden boom he turns on the afterburner and GUI goes he really explodes first and 10 for the Cowboys at the Seahawk 35 yard line now boys are 36 and 2 in games that Dorset has gained a hundred yards or better dorset picking up three over the right side down to the 32 yard line he's trying to equal his career-high here of three straight 100-yard game G dude is a rookie and he could be working on his best year ever you know Dallas is using a lot Turner action with those running backs they always step in the one side in coming and running back up in there to freeze those backers crowd having a great time look at the Seattle crowd 64,000 strong this is the earliest sellout they sold out this ball came back in August and the Cowboys of course are used to playing before sellout crowd on the road as well as a Texas Stadium second down seven white tie to set up the pass to go set got it back to the line of scrimmage and that was it Bruce Schultz number 58 the left outside linebacker from Texas sniffed that one out pretty good well Bruce can a nice job he's their leading tackler he's been the most consistent linebacker plus he hasn't been hurt even the other linebackers have been banged up and miss games dernier I think we've pointed out to you before that the designations see on Danny white and on Drew Pearson as well and Bob runic on their jerseys stand for captain that is the Cowboys way of recognizing their captains I wonder if they're going to put in sticker on the helmets ain't for sale Donovan said there was a possibility third and ten they claim this crime for the Cowboys at the Seahawk 45 protection good unless it for duct augury in the endzone touchdown good Dudley who has been out with an injury in recent weeks from Ohio State he had a big game against the Giants earlier this year with six catches been troubled with a knee injury and he comes back and comes up with a touchdown from 35 yards away the key to this thing his Danny just gets all the time he needs now look at him he's sitting there wait hey go ahead on that post better and then he goes ahead and lets it go down the hole there comes a receiver right there and and carriejustin just couldn't make it we just gave him too much time just like a pin number 26 just goes ahead and gets it it's a game of inches in a game of inches these two inches up there's a touchdown cept en on to try the extra point hirato we'll put it down perfect three minutes 45 seconds left to play in the third period duck Donnelly is scored for the Cowboys and Dallas with the first score the second half moves out to a 21 to three lead the Redskins won today need a victory the tie Washington once again and set the stage for the big showdown in Texas Stadium next Sunday afternoon now always only had to travel 49 yards Sen Tian ready to kick off uses deep they've been kickin it toward him and away from Zachary Dixon who is their best kickoff returner that's Dixon I used to play for the Colts back - you had diction and pulled up your town yes I did in Zaire and he's doing good job for us we've hurt his ankle injured reserve for a while then we let it go and let's move Baltimore picked him up at the end of the year he's returned one for a touchdown this year 94 yarder to the town Clinton 42-yard line you can see that he really runs a cricket's it really runs with intensity on those kick-off the church he really likes to challenge people coming up next week on CBS I think one of the best doubleheaders of the year and you're going to see some football first Henry contento first and ten Seahawks bought at their 31 they're down 21 to 3 prey comes out he drops the ball but the Seahawks all jobs number 85 the wide receiver adroitly covered the ball in the Seahawks will have the first down at the Dallas 48 what is really amazing is that Dave Craig got this ball off now watching drop back right there see he's back plant he's looking for the ball now watch what happens to him boom two guys deccan charlie reaches up makes a nice one-hand catch having a hard time getting two locked away tuck it away charlie then he's going to switch it and loses it right gosh he's gonna give a coach a heart attack and there you see John's meeting Mike downs to the ball first ten Seahawks at the Dallas 49 they need some offense and needed in a hurry heard [Applause] white shirts on him all day Cowboys have done a great job defensive really great outside linebacker played by Mike Hickman he really worked inside out on that play just like the drill all through training camp extremely well coached crew of linebackers how about this for Warner so far ten carries for 17 yards that just proves that everybody's got to be able to help you to be as good as you're gonna be as a running back that's all you're not a one-man team no sir especially against the Dallas defense loss of two on the play it'll be second and 12 for the Seahawks at the 15 Drake sending large and wide to the left side apologize so university products in the backfield Craig Gasol Dickerson almost [Applause] Thurmond did a pretty good job staying with him and the pass was pretty well air about the only place Craig Detroit now you can see they're up playing real tight now logic sort of loves him like that Ellison tip up and go on it and he has the ball I think actually the astroturf knocked it out see right there he couldn't get it tucked away that's right he just couldn't get it tucked away firmly enough to prevent the the collision with the astroturf from knocking it out Frank well the ground can't cause a pump--ow but a can cause an incompletion that's right Dennis Thurmond did a good job on that poo he was right on him he better than about 15 one extra - good far down at 12 for the Seahawks twelve out of nineteen on the afternoon for 170 [Music] at a hurry had a little bit intended for call Johnson complain to the Seahawks we'll have to putt once again here's French in New York Frank San Francisco now is just lining up and trying to run the ball on the Buccaneers they get Tyler going in motion ring in behind him three yards out and so now the 49ers get a little more daylight before me 8 to 14 back to Frank and now Phil Walsh got to be a happy man the way things are going right now for the 49ers and especially with LA losing here's Weston to do the cutting two minutes 29 seconds left in the third period as rodfellows awaits the boot nice high kick by West bouncing at the five just what he wanted to do professors will mark the vault at the 3 yard line where we come 21 to 3 here in the third period again a reminder next weekend doubleheader weekend on CBS the first of two games either you'll see New Orleans take on the Eagles or San Francisco against the Buffalo Bills and then of course the big one between the Cowboys and the Redskins the second half of the doubleheader right here on CBS first what they're playing for essentially is for the home field advantage in the playoff vote the Redskins in the Cowboys with already in the playoffs not only that they've let we're playing for the week off win the championship win your division championship and get that we thought backed up in its 20 after the 47-yard cut by jeff west [Applause] number 72 of the most tackle pain-proof virtually untouched this position on the field looked up familiar to you oh yes a little while ago they went 97 yards in there remember the first quarter whit 97 for the touchdown don't ask jumped around the center there on some kind of a line slant and he did the center was isolated didn't I've got 99 to go for the touchdown because they're back of the one-yard line look at it a second and 12 a lot of people throw in this situation right here puts Jackson to the right drew Pierson has not played four sets over the right side the about the floor pick up a free so Cowboys will have a third and nine with the clock ticking away the last one minute and thirty seconds of the third quarter here at the Kingdome Burke Peterson number 65 will appear on your screen shuttling in the play from the bench there he is replacing Howard Richards he is to do that with the left guard Burke's got heard Scott and Peterson injured his back and missing time so they not playing him full time Seahawk fans employed their team to hold a bear [Applause] Seattle inside handoff to Garcetti to the five got enough for the first let's see where they spot is going to be close however at about the 13 yard line that's where he needed to get inside handoff from the shotgun this is just a basic suite now watch both guards see both guards wasn't gonna kick out one's gonna seal back off inside she's got coming around now he's gonna see a leash seal inside you can see Peterson 65 kicking outside very well-executed play but they have two videos fourth down in the yard and Danny right standing two yards deep in the end zone the Seahawks have ten men up at the line of scrimmage leaving back only paying jobs to feel the puck let's see if they come after [Applause] jobs will fail this one at his own party a grad he'll miss him barely fakes got him making a stop at the 48-yard line of Dallas and Bates of course has been a dynamite special-teams performer all year he's been a guy it's got a lot of recognition in fact there when I talked to him the other day he said when he went back home last week all the fans said to him how much are you paying Maddon and Vermeil to do your publicity well I think both of us as coaches respect that kind of intensity and continual performance I'd like to see a guy like that put in the Pro Bowl why not put a player in each division in the Pro Bowl because he's an outstanding special teams player other than a kick returner really fair and equitable I think could be a good bait should be a good nominee he had my vote first two 10 from the 48 of Dallas Warner cutting inside and falls forward to the 44 yard line and of course speaking of special team guys next week dick and I are going to be in Miami on Saturday afternoon for the game between the fountains and the Dolphins we saw Miami earlier this year and they got one of the better specialty team players in Robert Sol yeah he's a fine defensive safety but Mike Shula said I've never seen a guy make as many big plays and special teams as that guy does he's would be one that would earn the right to go to Pro Bowl in that division why shouldn't it well it's probably one more player in each conference wouldn't hurt I would think that's the end of the third period of play here in Seattle with the score 21 to 3 Cowboys as we get the final period underway Seahawks have the football they have a 2nd down and 7 of coming with the ball at the Dallas Cowboys 44 if they're going to get back in this game they've got to start doing it fast Cowboys showing the Blitz here comes Mike downs the safety blitz play tried to dump it off thrown on everson wall for passing appearance at the 35-yard line we didn't look like interference it looks like the defense now Leverson shaking his head saying did you do it I agree late you get a shot of that again by it you pick up of just about ten yards and a first down of the play at the Dallas 35 that's interference defense 24 first down well judge for yourself they ran a safety blitz and they were going to site adjust that well see the safety coming right there 26 Michael downs he's coming he gets picked up nicely by the back lays it off inside that's a very close call first and 10 cop-out Seattle on the Dallas 35 a flicker from Warner back returns in the end zone that is ripped away by Michael downs the free safety took a little bit to long to develop look like it did but I'm saying defense is so well disciplined and so welcome coach it's hard to beat him on those kind of plays watch this now he's going to hand it off now what's one eternal Emma put the back he still gets pass rush look up too tall right there on down a stroke he's late looks like he's going to get it and there comes downs has that great great great range of movement furious looks like he's opening downs coming number 26 to the right of the screen he's reaching for it nice job by Michael downs good defense very sound safety play speaking of the Cowboys defense they have held the heralded Seattle rushing game in the 26 yards so far in this game that's not very many yards is it 20 of those Bywater second and 10 from the Dallas 35 [Applause] pray got the pressure compiled kornek try to run completed forward pass Greg went to the official makes sure he made the right call on that one so that was a done no in the grass is a throw tool in the grass yeah he wants Frank Watson to say incompleted forward pass but Jim Tony he said go he was in the grass which would mean a big loss of the play back to the 46 I think he definitely had him in the grass now look he's gonna come straight back here he's gonna go token fake again that's a match you can see Bruni number 53 coming up in there then Duncan number six was Connie didn't do a real good job there now watch what happens got him in the grass got him in the grass definitely good call went Randy white number 54 had it when you get and Randy White's grasp you are in the grass you are in the grass third down 21 for the first down for the Seahawks going backwards again from the Dallas court back at the 47 yard line and two tall Jones who has had a field day long with number 60 now the Seattle plans there's a physical mismatch and experience mismatch going on on the right of the screen now you're going to see man her name is number 69 the light tackle trying to block too tall Jones right there and he just can't do it too tall has too much experience in too much ability for an offensive tackle is playing his first year of football as an offensive tackle the Cowboys have sack Craig now a total of seven times for - 54 and west again to do the punting this guy gets the ball up in the air nicely very impressive sofa is to kick with San Diego and also st. Louis great hang time fair catch Ron fellows at the 18-yard line and Dallas will put it in play from there with 13 minutes and 45 seconds left to play in the game and let's see if we got a marker down back at the line of scrimmage Seahawks had a man who released early on the outside so it'll go against Seattle let's see if the Cowboys will make them kick it again we'll take the ball at the 19 I think they'll take the ball here ineligible man number 37 downfield before the kick family has declined first out you know it's amazing how many punters of punters with more than one football team like you just said great content from the night yard line by the way for benefit of Cowboy fans tickets for their first-round playoff game which would be either a wild card game December 26th or a divisional playoff on New Year's Eve or January 1st will go on sale next Saturday at Texas Stadium Cowboys are assured at least one home game in the playoffs either a wild card game there'll be the home club because of the best record or a traditional game if they won the divisional championship first in town from the 19 Gallus sitting at the 21 to 3 days which Johnson emotion there set the lone setback in Tony G let the person running room good penetration by the defenders that time they couldn't find a cutback Lane Keith Butler number 53 who shot through there first and kind of close the door from Dorset for State at the inside and there was nothing there for second down eight for the Cowboys who are working on their fifteenth victory against one loss the week after Thanksgiving they must really like you for playing turkeys their turkey has tasted well on Thanksgiving Day because they won about 12 of those 15 16 games [Applause] good defense right there a real good pursuit good penetration really got after Michael Jackson number 55 on the stop that time and the Cowboys looking at a third and 10 there's Harvey Martin on the left and two tall real quick hands there they've been around for a long time those guys head and Randy white kneeling down in front of them and there's Papa Thurmond number 32 third down and ten for the Cowboys at their 19 yard line door sets all-time club record 400 yard rushing days four in a row at four once upon a time he's had three several times and of course he's working on number three today if he gets to it he's got 89 yards at this point in 22 carries let's this time by Seattle Donnelly can we see her one of their assistant coaches and Dudley didn't appreciate the call either he thought he had it in bounce again you get a chance to make the call on this let's see he has nice time back Gary they pick up the linebacker dog and then ash coming around here number 72 and he throws it right on money one two my god easy easy even the crowd the instant replay is groaning about that call they've got one of these huge scoreboard here where you can see the instant replay and the crowd reacted they're sent scoreboard collectively said to themselves when we got a break there because that wasn't even close so they do make white to do the punic Paul Jones takes the cash at the 50 yard line after Sickler for the fair catch and the Seahawks will take over at that point thus in Washington had lost to them you know in the league opener in money night game well that would be the first thing I came and they defeat them head-to-head twice so you wouldn't even have to go to the division first intense Seahawks from their 49th rape airing it out for largest air sucked up by Dennis Thurman at the five yard 20 and Papa Thurmond comes up with an INT boys have a purse down is pretty well through that one upper class you can see them coming off the line of scrimmage right now he's going to push him hard push on him now he's going to give him a little wrinkle and hit for the post Thurman was running real well with he does a nice job under throwing slightly to the outside there he makes the great play something running back this guy's gifted at me look at him go he's having fun he's a punt returner you're recruited him once upon a time yes I did yeah lost that badly wad up at USC was an all-american and now course a mainstay of the Dallas Cowboys 18 Stallings very happy there kyndall that's our situation the Cowboys in command first and ten at their 39 and I imagine Tony Dorsett will get a chance to work on his 100-yard rushing game right now he's got 89 and 22 carries as the Cowboys are trying to run some time off that clock well they have two tight ends in there right now that looks like they're running for me the 40 [Applause] close to five on the play he saw Bruce silks number 58 the left outside linebacker made the stop you know Tony makes five or six yards on that the normal running back may not have made a yard now watch him he's going to take the ball deep out of the eye now once it starts up inside no place to go look at that cut right angle to the outside now watch it now back up inside that is a talented down man you talk about feet tough boy no you watch the great example of what you know what we as coaches always time you I'm sure you as fans have heard the coach that he's got great feet he's got great people I really have six yards 200 for Dorsett second down five Cowboys at their 44 this time to take the Dorsett white goes back Neal the penitent Dupree for the first out of the Seattle Seahawk 40-yard line Joe is starting in his 157th straight game as mr. game in at 11 years was indicated he will retire at the end of this year however said of Tom Landry asks it back next year he might consider it you think he sort of gave an invitation I think he left the door open he asked a little baby to be in the Christmas card from the club we play again next year 17 yard pick up on the play bring you up to date on the Cleveland and Denver now in the fourth period and the Broncos have dominated throughout the ball game Cleveland got the first three points on that one since then it's been all Denver I really think it's it's good to keep the Billy Joe Dupree type of player character wise and all that in your program as long as you can because they really make a contribution first and ten at the Seattle 40 here comes Dorsett cuts back inside 35 his 100-yard game right there out-of-bounds at the 23 yard line imagine a few Seattle fans are thinking boy if we only would have drafted him when we had the Charlie yeah now watch it's going to slide across the formation see him slide across like an inside draw but it's an outside type play now here we go up inside accelerate the clean people cork tapping right there very poor tackling Sheldon Robinson should have put him down right now I think the Seattle defense is wearing down they've been on the field too much and they're losing that motivation right now they're losing that intensity level 17 yard pickup on the play there's Dorsett's rushing rushing stats against what the entire Seahawk team has done so you'd have to say if you could have matched this game drum set versus Warner Tony has got the edge fake the door set out to Tony Hill inside the 20 fights his way to the 17 yard line we'd certainly like to congratulate our colleague John Madden who received an Emmy Award this week for being the outstanding sports analysts on television well a certain is it certainly deserved it time my gosh nobody has a better job and CBS won a ton of Emmys they're more than any other network including one for its coverage of NFL football last year that's great so that's a tribute to all the people were our CBS telecasts each year second down Dallas needs five for the first at the Seattle 18 yard line now there's leading twenty one two three you're set little spin move there netted him maybe a yard and that was it did you see that move I saw little 360 I don't know how he did that a lots are purchase pins around coming out I'm sure he's done that successfully in the past well we got a great view of this football game and I hope you're enjoying it from your living room we have 64,000 friends along with us here at the Kingdome world's largest concrete mushroom it's kind of what it looks like from the outside really it's like playing football in the closet over down the smallest goal before you can hear everything if you do the huddle break the hands clap them and everything go third down for Dallas at the Seattle 16 yard line [Applause] touchdown what Johnson was dead after a through it but drill the bullet to puts Johnson that's his second touchdown catching as many games boys put this one away I do believe 16 yards on the score again it's just a case of giving Danny white too much time to throw that guy's can't cover people that long Frank he's sitting back there and makes a nice little boy move right there now he said he gets decked late but heck the balls already off his hand and is a beautiful throat at West Johnson I bet Jim puts he's really excited because he really hasn't been given the opportunity to play regularly and he deserves the opportunity belly sent to excellent games caught 6 against the Cardinals now he has caught 4 for 46 yards including that 16 yard reception Raphael cept in hammers on the extra point and a few of the plans start for the exits with 8 minutes and 19 seconds left in this game the Cowboys leading 28 to 3 June Redskins and you'll be able to see it on most of these CBS stations there's the book on the Cowboys scoring drive and Danny white has compiled some impressive figures he has had six outstanding games in a row he is nineteen out of twenty five for 233 yards through that early interception and he's been just about perfect cept en kicking off Dixon is deep with huge David Hughes 5-10-15 here at the 17-yard line pretty good hit there yeah mr. Newhouse I really respect those kind of guys that have been in the lake that been you know many years as he has number 44 I'm talking about Newhouse we did get him out with a great hit like that they got a marker down on the play there's Robert Newhouse Robert Newhouse Cowboys been around a long time there's another guy may not come back next year that's right last time side in the kickoff number 25 five yards we will recap last time the Cowboys played the Seahawks here in the Seattle he was the leading rusher in that game back in 1976 at about 120 on the ground I read that yes he is the oldest player on the cowboy roster at the age of 33 and his Dallas's number four all-time rusher you know the thing is he's been awarded two special teams game balls this year for outstanding performance you know that you've really got to give a guy credit for that because a lot of veterans think it's an insult after they've been in the league as long as he has to cover punts and kickoffs and that just shows what an outstanding person he must be so there's another candidate for a special teams a guy for the Pro Bowl that's right guys played a regular all his life and now he's doing a great job on special teams maybe we can follow him down the field this time and see what he does this time I wouldn't be surprised if he made the hit again yeah he will say he's the guy it comes to play and he earns every paycheck Raphael septon after the five-yard walk-off we're offside we'll have to kick it from the 30-yard line Dixon is deep big Jeffcoat standing next to him say hey Raffi I'll kick it out of the end zone up higher a little bit out of his range that's a pretty good pooch Dixon at the forum up to the 15 running at the 22-yard new house didn't get there that time but a whole host of cowboys did including Jim Jeff code number 77 next Sunday on CBS doubleheader action keep saying we want Dallas but you could bet it's going to be a very intense ballgame [Music] Seahawks first and 10 at their 27 yard line Kraig is 12 out of 22 and been sacked seven times fires a downfield and let's see couldn't stay in bounds they'll bring it back to the line of scrimmage for two NFL reports here's Brent in New York Frank San Francisco and the Rams are going to be tied third touchdown for Roger Craig to schedule as you pointed out so very important now San Francisco goes to Buffalo and then closes out with the Cowboys on Monday night the Rams host New England and then play New Orleans these two teams will be tied back to Frank a dick great divisional racism those are great divisional races there's a look at the cowboy mr. Peterson Drew Peterson next to him Tom Rafferty that offensive lands get some real people in there couple of engineer and they're an MVA second and ten for the Seahawks at their 27 again look like the same play the fire and Walker Rahil was over there defending Walker number 89 had a touchdown taking away earlier on a penalty is a free agent from the citadel signed in 1982 and Craig wondering what he has to do here to get the ball into the end zone there's Danny mister why do you know amazing how some guys just have it all talented musician great baseball player great football player I get the numbers here he's had the best of it so far today bye-bye is one out of ten on third down conversions this is a third attack despite the fact I believe he was almost tackled I think Oh Reggie McKenzie knew he was getting beat that time so he's I think I'd better get this guy in the ground so he hooks him whether his are closing down and Andy white kept going got it anyway holding 67 decline worked out let's take a look at this watch the offensive left guard now right to the left of the center now watch what he does he's up in a two points now he jams him right there see there's a stunt being run he's got it now watching watching leaks here pulled him down from the top actually it didn't look as bad as I thought it did and he got to say and he got the sack anyway fourth down Weston today the punting standing back on his - 7 minutes and 45 seconds remaining I think if you're gonna hold you might as well rig wrap you got me Ron fellows at the 42 up to the 45 and defended at midfield which is where the Cowboys have put it lay got a question for you if you had to guess who was voted this year as the most popular Dallas Cowboy by the Dallas fans who would you think well I would because I know it's what it was Gooper right and I read a little story about it that his neighborhood area and all the friends got Heather and they you know every year Dorsett wins it Danny white wins it and he get a free trip to Hawaii yeah there is the most popular cowboy this year as voted by the fans and down as Jim Cooper the right tackle yeah he's also maybe the most underrated player and he never gets much credit but I'd say he is a fine football player first intent for the Cowboys door sets is that a big afternoon breaks a couple tackles and takes it across the 15 out of the 45 for six yards here's what worries me when you have a lead like piss your up you know 28 to 3 and you're giving the ball to Dorsett in the fourth quarter with seven minutes to go you really afraid gosh if you're getting hurt in that situation you're just wasting that talent and I see now coach Landry is taking him out see he's no fool get him out of there unless somebody else run he's still healthy that's it for Tony he's carried it 26 times for 117 yards great afternoon second and 5 Grimes Frank's butts running her own there takes it down to the 44 yard line now something to chuck Noxon Tom Landry have in common but said they both do singing commercial as a television commercial running here in Seattle in which he sings I can't believe that Bree does a radio commercial with John Madden in which he sings a line - I'll never smile again really not very well I as a singer he's a football coach I think there's probably anything coach Landry can't do but I'd say one of them might be third down dallas knitting for for the first down at the seattle 45 simply chatter on the down here Ron screams controlled it so that'll set up a plumbing situation well next Saturday afternoon dick and I will be in the Orange Bowl in Miami for the second time this season we were down there for the Rams and the Redskins we're gonna see the Hawkins take on the Miami Dolphins who of course today clinched the AFC East title and what a chop Shula's does your heart let in great job you know everybody you know well the rest the coaches have done a great job arts partners versus losing it LSU is our College but all to LSU that's one that they can take your name off right tell them where you gonna play next year right and we'll be right here with you all right Jim Miller on the putting out of bounds talk about the 15-yard line or so depending on where they market so the Seahawks will take over with exactly six minutes left to play in the game coming up tonight on CBS the normal great Sunday night course the Redskins been flying high too so it'll be a great showdown on CBS next Sunday afternoon you have to give a lot of credit but also you have to remember that the Seattle's playing without a couple offensive linemen really completes the pass for about five yards Lane he's the captain of their special teams and he's the number one headhunter and their special team there's Cullen Bryant there you know his dad Mike Cohen Bryant they're number 32 his dad was a Harlem gold cutter played for the home did you see the employment I used to do I think I never drive in San Francisco watching play you know in the fighting and on the other side of the line of scrimmage the Pearson's father-in-law is Marcus Keynes who also played for the Harlem water throw cottagey Colin Bryan I coached him you know at one time the average over 28 yards a kickoff return in the National Football League that's a lot of yards per return second down three Seahawks at their 22 yard line I'm just trying to get a consolation touchdown here Gregg on the rollout pumps it what's going to air it out intended way downfield and Pat it away an intended receiver was number 89 fire and Walker Belgium thorn for many many years where's the Seahawks starting quarterback and for a guy that lost his job has been demoted the Chuck max will tell you he's a great team man and he has helped Craig out quite a bit yes he's tried to go ahead and coach him during the ball game and tell him what to be alert for his attitude has been very good it really has been he's a real quality young man very much respected in the community very active in the community and fundraising affairs and helping the underprivileged and an outstanding person he wants to play though I was one of the lines where we talked to him yesterday in the locker room he said I'll be starting somewhere next year I don't know what he meant by that well Oh quarterbacks want to play all quarterback to want to start especially if they've been a starter already Glenn Carano the Cowboys been waiting for his chance for years and doesn't see it coming so he's gonna sign with the new league give it a shot in Pittsburgh he really can't blame them for third and three blitz by Dickerson he got the pass away to the 3040 cycle down finally made the staff journyx he is a great third down play again join it guess he has been all year for them former starter once it's a screen crate to the right see him cross over there now watching right it off they help you when they rush now the kick-out block right there now he's up inside and he's flying here's Bailey number 65 he can't get you look at Dornoch he's carrying that boat I feel like a loaf of bread but he got it tucked away 38-yard pick up we got a plaque down look like the Cowboys offside great completes the pass downfield afire and Walker number 89 and that'll be another first down if everything is in order if the Cowboys were offside I'm sure the Seahawks will be planted and take the audit instead that Dornoch has been successful 17 times on third down in having the opportunity 24 times so only seven times he was not successful when they touch him when he touched the ball up there don't decline first out you know I'm impressed with break night he's been around this is fourth year but he really hasn't played with football and he throws the ball accurately and I think he's somebody to Chuck and the rest the staff and the see out of people can grow it and build around he completely throws an accurate ball from Tom Landry was very impressed with very much so he looked at him in film all week said I like this kid although I he said very honestly as Tom will do I've never heard of him before and Todd will tell you that it he means it you know you just Steve Largent to the truth finally brought by Michael down great receiver for the Seattle Seahawks who has gained over 7,000 yards through the air he's also the number one scorer in the history of this franchise right now es350 plot points to his credit that's a lot of touchdown he's a three-time Pro Bowler in fact the Seahawks in their history have had only two players selected to the Pro Bowl he's wanted them there Kenny easily on the defense right out last year he needed he likes to get that catch to keep that consecutive streak going because he's got the best street corner and that's the football right now first and goal from the 2 yard line Seahawks try to get their first touchdown of the day Warner gone for the corner cut city's over if you see him we can see the little dead leg move dust off his feet it's amazing way to do it to speed running full speed he didn't really get an opportunity to gain the defensive front seven just didn't allow them to go ahead and get running but watch this now they're gonna put Cullen Bryant in most what to pull back right swing the middle same scene but now he's gonna block this support man see him get the brunt right in there beautiful block now watch other fifty fun with that move boom cuts back inside it mother came over there he wanted he knew and he was supposed to do he just couldn't get it done another is a fine one on one tackler as a linebacker he really is he got a hit they say in there but get eagle game that really put up running back down norms onsen to tack on the extra point with four minutes and nine seconds left to play in the game that education for the Seattle Seahawks Cowboys looked like that a record will remain that does aim when they - you know they get together next Saturday that Dallas is better well we'll all get the answer next Sunday afternoon on CBS Ron fellows is deep but the Cowboys are looking for the onside so Johnson is here what's Johnson make of the cats and the Cowboys will take over at the Seattle 48 yard line other standings as we get down now to the last two weekends of the season Los Angeles Raiders are in the playoffs Seattle still has a shot at a wild card although had they won today and they want the other two games they would have been in as a wild-card now they're going to have to fight it and the Denver on its way to a victory so that will put Denver in a strong position cried it's tough to get in the playoffs if your defense isn't really you know a better defense looks like the Steelers will maintain a one-game lead in the AFC Central but you gotta wonder about the Steelers here in recent weeks they have a look good semi new so as we got new quarterback Gary hold the ball has come into the game for the Cowboys so Tom Landry is trying to make sure now that most of his starters arrested I guess next week make sure he doesn't get anybody hurt here with a needless injury down the stretch and there's a look at Gary Holt Aloma this year has been simply perfect in the time that he has played throwing three passes this year completed all of them then on just in a mop-up roll never we saw him in the preseason against Houston the final preseason game and he was very impressive they have Pop staring in there 63 first now wait Titan sir I'm recruiting UCLA they played there for two years and then it went on to BYU outstanding young man came from a nice family there at bowls of 90 California Southern California Jamaica to Tampa we recruited him and then I left him when fulfilled oh haha stayed there for two years and then he looked in 20 now boys at their 42 hole kaboom still perfect on the year completes that fast at Tony Hill after the 46 yard line for a pickup of five the AFC Eastern Division standings Miami of course clinched the division crown today with their victory over Houston I mean the best Buffalo could do would be time and Miami's got the edge of the tiebreaker right they've got the AFC East clinch and we'll see the Dolphins at home in the Orange Bowl against the Atlanta Falcons who can create some havoc as we saw last week in that game against the Packers I know it no I had no business winning a football game but they could put points on the board and they put them on there when they had to head win the football game there's a guy couple guys cause be there for the University of Santa Clara Danny white we're talking about having a hot dog in the way about the Redskins next we're going to do this to them and gonna do that to planes taking the inside handoff from Hogan though and Gary Hogan Wolfe County shakes his head looks over at Landry and says that didn't work how about another one's out he takes he really cares who wins a game between them the Redskins and the Cowboys now but I bet she cared about who won this one yeah but she did do two minutes 50 seconds and counting Cowboys with a commanding lead of 28 to 10 at this point and they have dominated from the outset reminder that 60 minutes coming up right after the conclusion of the football game except for those of you on the west coast we will see it at its regularly scheduled time you know where this game is going it should be over quickly what's on this time loganville gets to pass away what's Jensen with the catch at the 35 takes without a 31 he's playing Drew Pearson better get well in a big hurry this guy reports here's Prince in New York last play for the Baltimore Colts against the Jets Frank they've got a chance to win it tako pulls out he's got Henry working the back of the end zone the scrimmage line was a 23 he steps beyond an illegal forward pass the Jets hold on to down the Baltimore Colts 10 to 6 back to Frank a deck well it's got a little second that way just think out the Jets field you know starting the year they're really thinking they're gonna be the playoff team and just totally collapse that's disappointing I hope to all the jet fans two-minute warning going to both benches we'll be back in one minute the absent great motivator but when you're out man and talented well to win each guy you know in a game like this let's let this play go on there's holgaboon gets the pass away too down to the 15 yard ID and that's a first down and hold upon there's three out of three and what a great role threw it off the wrong foot under pressure and it was right there he has that great touch but off bug Chuck is a great motivator and I'll always stand behind that statement and a super football coach one of the leading winning percentage coaches in football right now in the history of the National Football League dodge told me he's a man of few words yeah there's no way to misunderstand what he says to you and I'm sure he's upset but they turned the ball over early they just didn't play well and we all coach games including coach Landry has and I have where our team didn't plays well supposed to first and ten from the 15-yard line of Seattle Nusa at the 10 is over touchdown [Music] well considering we figured the Cowboys would be running out the clock that was a pretty crisp ride that was ready at well executed play again it was a little slip screen now you're gonna watch it's gonna make a little token fake up inside watch the quarterback now hope the number 14 you're not used to seeing him in there see the fake throws the linebacker now he gets it out there in front of the linemen blocking the Peterson gets a nice block right there that's a nice chop Newsom just now just breaks way into the end zone there nice job well-executed offensive play poker boom was four out of four for sixty yards on that drive and SEF Deanna's on to try the extra point that makes him seven for seven for the year pretty good batting every Cowboys been averaging 32 points a game this year so they have eclipsed that average once again and that one makes it 35 so in Dallas bleeding the Seattle Seahawks thirty five to ten touchdown fast from Gary Hogeboom to backup Jimmy noosa now you can see that again from a different angle see the linemen coming out here look at that Chris Schultz number 66 eyeball on the defender he gets a nice buck on Schultz he's up inside there now you can see just good running see on this guy's no slouch he's always been successful when he's played is a good runner but you know today you're taking the Dallas's offense which was ranked second in the NFL and they're competing against Seattle defense which was the 24 different players catch passes today eight different receivers Hill Newsome Johnson Cosby they're sent Springs Donnelly Dupree guess the only guy hasn't get in on the act as a piercer yet but in a game he'll probably be ready next week I imagine they're arresting him up for the Redskins but again Butch Johnson did a great job Johnson caught 5 me and the dorset both caught 5 passes to lead the Cowboys with more reception spreads of court brought the club record a great day longer not shorter David Hughes feels this one at the 12:15 near sideline 2025 across the 30 that takes it out near the 40-yard line one minute four seconds left to play the executive producer of the NFL on CBS Terry O'Neill our senior producer Charles H Milton the third old red-eye and our producer here in the Seattle Robert D Stenner providing the undertow first week our director Joe sette associate producer Phil Brown Bill Wilson Lance Farrell the rest of the people helped put our telecast together here this afternoon great pictures from the Seattle Kingdom as the Dallas Cowboys record goes to 12 and 2 which by the way is the most games at the cowboys have ever won in a single year they've never won more than 12 they've got two to go Craig unloading Michael down stepping in front of the intended receiver pyrin Walker bounces back to the 35 to the 40-yard line Dallas will take over at the 41 with 49 seconds to go Michael talents is having some fun great free safety play that he is a true center fielder now shotgun again he's back here nicely he's flushed right now dutton came inside and flushed and he winds up plastered go now watch here look at Michael downs his playing center field right over there Heath government dissection ball now he's a running back as a coach when you see this happen Frankie to sitting there get on the ground we've won the ball game I don't want you hurt get on the ground he finally got on the ground but second interception of the day by the Cowboys off Craig the other by permanent 34 253 yards that'll be his final figure in the Cowboys just going to sit on it here flop on the call if the Seahawks want to call time they can often wondered though why a team would call timeout in this situation where it's hopeless stay tuned brat Musburger we'll be with you right after the conclusion of the ballgame with the one time I put a play in our offense that we line up just like this right before the half everyone looks like barring a flop on the quarterback comes back puts a knee down jumps up and throws the path to the wing better no nice yeah I'm mad effective here I remember her a nice gift you got from the Jags one day Annabel pond plays Vera for the middle and I know Chuck's upset Seahawks are seven and seven on the year the Cowboys twelve and two and back home for the big showdown against the Washington Redskins next Sunday after the Frank Lieber for Dick Vermeil saying so long from the Kingdome where the final score is 35 10 Dallas stay tuned for brent musburger and the NFL wrap-up show right after this word well a reminder that 60 minutes is coming up next except on the west coast where we'll be seen at its regularly scheduled time how about a quick scoring wrap-up now to get you up to date with everything that has gone on the Dallas Cowboys of course when easily thirty five to ten twelve and two now and bring on the Washington Redskins the Jets hold off the Baltimore Colts ten six the Jets with an outside chance still to get into the playoffs now Denver beats Cleveland 27 to 6 this was the making of John Elway he had his best game so far for the Broncos San Francisco gets into a tie with LA for first in the NFC West 35 21 and the Washington Redskins they pushed their record at 12 and 2 just like the Cowboys 37 to 21 Buffalo beats back Kansas City so the bills still with a chance to get into the playoffs Green Bay eliminates Chicago this afternoon 31 to 28 was the file the Packers still are harboring playoff hopes of course Miami wins the AFC's 2417 over the Houston Oilers New England shuts out New Orleans by seven points in a snowstorm but the Saints get help from Philadelphia Cincinnati beats back Pittsburgh 23 to 10 and so the Steelers do not wrap up the AFC Central but they are still a game ahead of the Cleveland Browns Philadelphia upsets the Rams and drops the Rams into a tie with the 49ers for first in the NFC West st. Louis beats the Giants 10 6 was the final in that game and I want to remind everybody that next Saturday here on CBS at 12 noon the division 1 Double A semifinals many of you will see this game the battle Reno and the other one is firm in West Carolina we also have a division 2 title game between central state of Ohio against North Dakota State air time is 12 noon and then after that it'll be the Atlanta Falcons against the Miami Dolphins 3:30 Eastern Time on CBS coming up next now is 60 minutes I'm Brent Musburger we certainly hope you've enjoyed the NFL today on CBS [Music] deatils comfy Kingdom Seahawk fans didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for the visiting Cowboys when it comes to Russian that's something the Cowboys can do with the best of them Russian the passer that is water back Dave Craig was sacked eight times by doomsday and Tony Dorsett rushed for a pair of first half touchdowns and route to his third straight 100-yard performance [Music] Danny white threw for two scores in the second half as Dallas routed Seattle 35 to 10 [Music] portalis the Seahawk game was merely a tune-up for the big one a date with destiny and the Redskins and Irving on Sunday as Gary hoga boom hooked up with Timmy Newsom for Dallas's final school the Dallas Washington showdown promises to be a championship battle much like the Sugar Ray Leonard Thomas Hearns bow
Channel: Clan Gordon
Views: 20,144
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Length: 144min 41sec (8681 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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