1981 Week 10 MNF - Bills vs Cowboys

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[Music] [Applause] we're live from Texas Stadium in Irving Texas ABC's NFL Monday Night Football the defending AFC Eastern champion Buffalo Bills against the Dallas Cowboys hello again everyone this is Frank Gifford along with Howard Cosell and Don Meredith looking for a good one tonight and this ABC Sports exclusive is being brought to you by the Miller Brewing Company pers of Miller High Life if you've got the time we've got the beer and buy Dotson who invite you to see all the exciting new 1982 Datsun cars and trucks at two Datsun dealer today and by Seco in your authority Safeco dealer this plaque is a sign you could press to get the best at Seiko and bi-linear business products when typing problems pileup the solution is an easy one the new easy one word processor from Lanier alright gif how important is this game look at the standings first the AFC East Buffalo must-win to hang close to Miami and water off the unrushed jet and in the NFC East Dallas comes off a big victory against Philadelphia last week but now Philadelphia in the wake of its route of st. Louis has a half game edge Dallas wants to win to be back in a tie that's the way it is and of course Dallas has the great weapon number 33 Tony Dorsett Don Meredith's favorite man yeah it would have been awfully nice to have old Tony around in those early 60s would not have been fun he's a terrific year you can see the stats they're very close to his fifth straight thousand-yard year and on the other side you got another one hour this is the guy that's proved that Rookie of the Year a year ago Joe Krebs certainly deserved that particular honor he's had a great year and it was the gif who said cribs would never make [Music] fantastic game last week against Cleveland down on the field Buffalo has won the toss they will receive dropping deep Byron rookie back there whipping Riddick recently activated he's number 40 Byron Franklin's of 85 Rafael sub T ends up to kickoff for Dallas [Applause] [Applause] the offensive unit moving on to the field led by Joe Ferguson now in his ninth year having a good season he has good outside help in Frank Lewis and Terry Cutler a lot of similarities to these two ball clubs you could say that Frank Lewis represents the moves underneath of Preston Pearson of the Dallas Cowboys while Jerry Butler represents the speed of Tony Hill at any event two of the finest teams in the NFL today meeting here in Irving Texas first offensive play for the [Applause] Joe Krebs is the workhorse he will carry the ball - the time for buffalo he has also turned into a very gifted receiver Cribbs right side [Applause] here the roar the partisan crowd as Gribbs is held to a yard game John Dutton and Bob bruenig defensively there for Dallas all right you look at the Dallas defensive line that's the key to this game stripped of all thrills all analysis if Buffalo can cope with the Dallas front floor they've got a shot at this game if not they're in deep trouble you know about the defensive backs there's weakness there with Dallas [Applause] NFC incites us and then use your statistics for Dallas [Applause] Mississippi severs pick up the first guy gosh wide open working down the sideline working right in front of Dennis Thurmond who has to respect the speed that he spoke up a moment ago Jerry Butler can really turn it on got a good low angle look Butler as you mentioned Frank has got the speed here Thurman for some reason really got turned around that was not one of your real fancy moves Butler just stopped came back into this whip to the inside cowboy corners everson walls at one corner number 24 has eight interceptions dennis Thurman has six by the deep pass on first and ten a strong safety Charlie waters it'll be suckin down a gym but that's the key to it against the Dallas flex defense if you're gonna cope with that front don't run on first or necessarily second down and Chuck Knox knows that he's a brilliant coach and Tom Landry knows that Chuck Knox knows that but that's going to be in the long run the key to this football game stripped as I said of all thrills all over analysis tea matcha left side 73 John [Applause] regi McKenzie of course watching this game with a damaged knee for Buffalo it's second down and ten complete Frank Lewis down the sideline luis will have a buffalo first down he'll be down close to the 35 yard line of the youngster that was victimized once again his emerson wall she leaves the NFL in interceptions [Applause] Furguson mess up in the backfield Jones having perhaps his best year of his spectacular career was right there and he ran Ferguson down from the left side I might be a key frankly you talk about the front I don't necessarily agree with all that passing Oh first down against the Flex and running but that's not want to hear the thing is they rain trying to do is get those [Applause] [Applause] contender there to bring her the tide and incomplete will be third down [Music] on the part of the cowboys they've got all three of their linebackers they bring in Anthony Dickerson number 51 tremendous defensive linebacker they bring in Vinny Barnes from Steve Wilson that is the defense except well you just looked at Chuck Knox here in this buffalo team around then what seemed the record time until Bill Walsh did even better lytia [Music] San Francisco about those Niners their top the third wide receiver for Buffalo a single setback working now the bills in the shot pressure Louis [Applause] he's in that secondary $4 who's back there defending but the first town Steve Wilson's a kid comes in in that nickel defense number 45 he had a couple of Ronde band he was a kid that they kind of found out of no they're holding number 31 people I said [Applause] I tell you what you can throw one on Wilson 223 interceptions Dallas has accomplished thus far this season and would you the class right side full of a young man inside the 30 close to the 28 yard line over some walls drip seam up but not until there's a pickup before yards by Brown it'll be second down at 6:00 not too bad for first down yardage Brown who hurt his knee in a game we had earlier up in Buffalo we thought he was really going to be hurt he's been troubled with it but he came back last week and in a 20 to 13 win over Cleveland he had his best play of the season so he is going to be much more help to Jo crypts and for the rescue decision sexy Kramer just [Applause] right side finds an opening stays on his feet he's close to another buckle and this is what buffalo has lacked in the early going somebody to compliment Oh Crips who has been forced to do but to the word walk Curtis Brown he slowly started to come around inside the Dallas 23 yard line no score 12 minutes remaining in the first quarter as the bills rattle off over three minutes out [Applause] [Music] interesting play of Ferguson don't you think that you mean the call power no not to call this kid himself why he's developed the way he produces and yet the way somehow he's never gotten major publicity I think a lot of us do you know that Buffalo hasn't gotten really major publicity in the last few years until Chuck Norris came up he's got Knox up there egman and bounced off fake but it still makes yardage one of the finest most instinctive football players I think I've ever seen come into this game not only is a good runner but he is an excellent pass PC but let's watch him again he he does some miraculous things little counter move Frank start to the left come back they got dutton - they've got him to make that one step look at that ball come out they fell right just in the right place didn't you had a fumble and that's me things are going your way you'd like to see that early in the game to ask one of your miracles [Applause] you've got to be lucky to play this game also just enjoys [Applause] to change the play there look at look out look out it comes the plants read by Frank assent Butler's in the endzone touchdown and a beautiful changeup on the part of Ferguson we own the land on one coverage again Steve Wilson that's what I meant about Ferguson make it work and this kid's got the speed moves the dynasty of course you see in the middle Estonia Nickerson that's he put a flourish on it and they did leave a man-to-man out there the ball was really not that well thrown it's the kind of pass that fur has the advantage because he can adjust before the defensive back well-played however Bible dairy butter that's his seventh touchdown of the season conversion for possible price the buffalo bills on the scoreboard they need seven to nothing and they riffled off four minutes and fifteen seconds of the clock here in the first quarter you're right on this done it's very tough you got to respect the speed of Butler Wilson looks him right in the eye has to turn around too late it's been a better good pass Frank I think Wilson is in a pretty good position to knock it down the ball was front look at the outside he we're gonna be right back in just one Buffalo cool calm boys collected by America's team as a matter fact as we look at James Jones deep for the Dallas Cowboys Conrad doe versus America's Team my foot our uniforms red white and blue they were those funny gray suits Dobler little respect for the Cowboys bhikubhai except to kick Cowboys have not been successful either running kickoffs back or on their feet [Applause] Roderich there defensively and the Dallas offensive unit and I hope they've been stretching their legs they come on being led by Danny White Buffalo four minutes in a little over 15 seconds to run off a seven-point lead in the opening minutes here in Dallas any wife will have Tony Dorsett of course Tony Dorsett to retake the New Orleans tonight will 69 your [Music] are adjusted in for Houston [Applause] Chris Keating defensively and tough shoes they are for Jane Nelson well Frank just touched on the key to the Buffalo defense tonight they're a swarming defense merliss usually Shane Nelson now probably out for the season Christine from Maine an injured reserve with a bad back passed away [Applause] [Music] it'll be third down long we'll see the offensive and defensive changes that are so characteristic now aggro football situation personnel I guess you could call it third down long for Danny wait why have you seekers our Tony Hill over 80 his second consecutive 100 a week ago in a big win for Dallas over Philadelphia which John 86 this wide receiver [Applause] the shotgun [Applause] he tries to time it out to do person it'll be fourth down and whereas Buffalo ran off over formative seed Alice has the football their first possession less than one minute they didn't run it off they riffle that was not a very smooth little offensive set of plays I would say anyway jokingly is kidded about like funny to lead the league in passing and you buddy as we look at Rowland hooks 25 Byron Franklin [Music] [Applause] good coverage by the special unit hooks brings it out to the 26 yard line and Buffalo will have their second possession of the game talking proud indeed they are we've been to Buffalo twice this year they love their football team and its really kind of added an inspiration to that the community Joe Ferguson negotiated the bills 80 yards in their very first possession they lead 79936 remaining in the first quarter from Texas native and Irving Ferguson coming off a 297 yard game we saw [Applause] 338 yard night then my expression [Music] from the 27 yard line movement uses all over Buffalo goes ahead it runs off their play but it appears at the offensive line dropped into the past set before the ball was snapped and even though the play Wolfe County it wasn't a surprise they once again three right in a row smart number 72 [Applause] tire left side of the line you can say as you look at the officials Gordon Makana Ron Harshman for storage and resetting to offense go first just thing contrasting coaches by the way Landry now in his 22nd year Chuck Knox took over Buffalo in 78 after five division pudding years with the Los Angeles Rams Knox inheriting it he won the division [Applause] [Music] Chris [Applause] about 12 as Randy wipers there defensively and that again will be a Matt tip that will be a key win tonight for Buffalo young John Bourget replacing Reggie McKenzie at left guard for Buffalo his job tonight one of the toughest in the business Randy white yeah but he'll be get help from well grant they'll be double teaming Randy who may be the single finest defensive lineman in front [Music] [Applause] stop your screen [Applause] gets yardage up close to the 35 short of the first round by a couple he was working against Dennis Thurmond didi Lewis number 50 out there trying to help for Dallas Chuck Knox's gameplan open Lake Glenn take advantage of the weakness of that Dallas second bro under the defense one you can take advantage of that and look for the long ball when you can take advantage of and they bring in the third wide receiver and they will go from the shotgun Dallas did change the defensive [Applause] down ghost crabs fine defensive play by the rookie from Gregerson walls but to know what they were doing didn't it mm-hmm hey break it down it's amazing the defensive unit of the Dallas Cowboys was given a rousing ovation as they leave Gregg Pater comes out for Buffalo there he is averaging a little over 41 43 yards of five ball James Jones dropped deep to the point I made earlier about the kick return as we looked at Jones the longest punt return the Cowboys have made this season 14 yards the league leaders are averaging better than that the longest kickoff return they've had is 30 yards the league leaders are averaging better than that kickoff returns it is a weakness for Dallas [Music] turn over and over in this is Jones Jones up to 35 yard line data left good field position following a 36-yard punt once again a little earlier here in Texas 7:42 remaining in the first quarter from Irving Texas Buffalo leaves Dallas 7-nothing dials for the 1st and 10 at their own 30 [Applause] Houston devotion Buffalo needs a win [Applause] in the AFC Eastern Division [Applause] squeeze the yarn out but that was about it second defensive rating the AFC Buffalo they were first over last year I'm sorry gif if you can stop TD then you can beat the Dallas Cowboys that's Kush on the Buffalo side a growing defensive back a good specialty teams play growing football Dorsett a yard will be second down tonight [Applause] an opening and he gets out over the 40 close to the 42 where pickup of seven bill Simpson finally made the defensive effort for buffalo it'll be third down and three I thought the tackled by walls on that third down situation than for husband a punt was a key early game play certainly was it they not been able to stop him there there's kept the drive alive of course Dallas needs to get the lavash generator [Applause] this is the question mark audience drawn against the run [Applause] but it could be a buffalo offside and now we have another flag as bill simpson negotiates his way back to MIT the line of scrimmage and a flag downfield in the buffalo secondary I thought Buffalo was offside we may have offsetting penalties again our referee tonight Gordon McCarter Billy Joe Dupree listening in and here's the call illegal block above the waist from behind the receiving team well I believe that would constitute offsetting penalties if Dallas is presumed to be the receiving team I think it's to billy's against Buffalo so then I take one horsemen was gonna be here offside well he just loves the stated craps properly regime' Kenzi Chiru awfully nice man [Applause] remarkable number of people now this game where that there are several groups of 15 that's nice get behind those bales up there bub they're talking the brown they know that list ended up first down to ten Dallas their own 47 yard line or against Buffalo you go push and offside and here comes Dorsett I said again shut down at the line of scrimmage maybe get some gum and be second down at 8:00 [Applause] taken few yards if he needs tonight to go over a thousand yards we'll have done it for the 11th time venir going back school days in Pennsylvania need 69 gift to pass George Rogers who had that brilliant hundred 61-yard day yesterday against the Rams what did he respected that's over eight Tony Darksiders period of football second 1/8 first down the big man we made a TD reception against Philadelphia 17 yards and a TD a week ago has given Dallas a first down inside Buffalo's 35 terrific job the offensive line this time keeping everybody spread to the a side look how wide that pocket is in the middle you got a sense something's gonna open up turn up it right across the middle [Music] third round draft pick in 79 and crafts the best receiving tight end of the three that the Dallas Cowboys possess Billy Joe nine receptions on the year oh of course the starter take it right up to 30 after a pickup of 3 defensively Isaiah Robertson whose Isaiah play several years with Chuck Knox division winning years with the Los Angeles Rams raided a buffalo 1979 really didn't fit into the conformity they expected out of Los Angeles he's sort of a free spirit backyard offense a lot of intersections [Applause] [Applause] you're set Dorset is home to about a half a yard it'll be third down and seven they're really closing in on AR that whole closed up ago to give it up two touchdowns rushing all year that's pretty much tells you something yeah in the meantime the one time they used grande springs he pursued for seven yards obviously somebody's looking 44 Tony don't you think we've got a scoop somebody that Bermuda Triangle is looking for TT Dorsey butch Johnson in number 86 you of course to wide receiver and a gifted one for Dallas [Applause] back into the pocket Paris Carla [Applause] obviously somebody was knocked off the pattern because [Applause] let's Johnson was his receiver good said what I thought was a rather interesting quote the paper doesn't to notice that what he could play for any other team start that's what yeah that's what they were saying Vasili he says the illegal contact number 29 defense first [Music] first in ten Dallas 25-yard line Buffalo his comment was this but you could play you can start for a lot of clubs in the league you know does that body said yeah I want to play of course he said look [Applause] cutting back against the grain the blacks [Applause] did Chuck's got him fired up a day rolls been a good tackle a while ago he's new drives ago two plays ago he's the one who's kind of fired up right now golly roll by the way I think but Johnson is right well I thought it was interesting they're talking about Tony because Tony that started the last couple of weeks a couple of pulling defensive goes guard unsportsmanlike [Applause] Mario Clark sports for like conduct the nose guard I'm surprised that you're surprised I'm just Oscar hi I'm flabbergasted oh well lately reading my rule books and things like that I hope we don't have a pass interference I'm getting better on that too I'm getting totally confused this year well that's why I'm getting so much better about it so they say most anything now that fits 22 yard line here's the situation 301 remaining in the first quarter Buffalo on top seven nothing second down [Applause] just back of the eye I swear he likes to run from Dorset ticking along first to it I guess back to the 12 yard line Jeff Williams there defensively oh it will be third down and goal that's the way to open up some Running Room for Tony yeah let buffalo let him open it up you're set back there on the second down situation and you got 27 yards to go then make a touchdown and you can't make a first down they're gonna give up a lot of that money room on that second down there long yeah it's third down and who still that well of course there's truth it up in a passing situation in the wine they defensively that is rushing the quarterback thus far the knife had been unable to get to white he goes on a quick down [Applause] or the second is like anyway cos beta with Aggie play this looks like a terrific reception pretty good defense in coverage this is where he proves himself breaks away from the tackle what a player he's beat yeah robust best was the defensive safety you giddy but didn't knock him off his feet he's playing a great big old boys dear someday waters holding [Applause] in the first quarter looking to tie it up we got a tired football game sloppy action the closing minutes of the first quarter but the Cowboys get it into the end zone on the other side the field reverse angle let's take another look at the touchdown Danny white lifts it in he actually was pretty open right there you'll see pass come in over 28 dead quiet knock him off his feet Steve Freeman over rented a little bit stayed right to his feet score player best is five nine Cosby is six six so maybe you can't fault him too much we'll be back Dallas Cowboys move from their own 34 yard line the series of penalties helping than hurting and then finally a fine catch Cosby to tie it up at seventies this deep [Applause] gave us a football that's the rule that's the hardest one for me to figure out is that when the guys got the ball the Bible and what he doesn't I mean is I ready to understand that I thought he was there at that time you mean one is he down how about what is indicating that they have possession we one indication that there was a Dallas football and now there's a discussion very question being raised you are hot tonight done yep Buffalo retain possession [Music] frankly they better get control of this game Frank interesting things we just mentioned how Cosby is developed remember three years ago the Hall of Fame game we sat with Gil Brandt director and play a personnel for the cowboys and he said watch this kid cause and we saw Furguson with a lot of and some place 20 forever a place with a man the intended receiver that has to be timed out just perfect to make that play and walls was there early there's that guy [Applause] ever since he leads the NFL in interceptions but he has been beleaguered he just got there too early give us something taking away he's been breaking and not been as wisdom well yeah they're not trying to intercept them apologies both deny first time 34 yard line Curtis Brown that ball was smoked and he couldn't handle it Furguson had a lot of zip on it it'll be second down in ten [Music] back in 77 he's been a real steady performer Curtis Brown I already told you about the Venus poverty but he apparently we covered completely against Cleveland had a big day 22:13 about leaks as the gun second down ten why goes down attended for Curtis Brown [Applause] and it could have been a hip shot to Ferguson you're gonna fall sure good a beer no this one it probably laya the way they protect the quarterback he took the pretty good shot of the head did go Ferguson I was excellent coverage by Hegman by the way it really was here's the headshot you're talking about Frank again they've got I think the biggest rule changes have occurred in the last few years that Bend was that left up and called judgment calls and changed the blocking rules on the offensive line that's the judgment call is he holding is he not I guarantee I look at ya number 69 office we beat something down builder I think you can see somebody holding on every play I really truly think great but I don't it's not a clearly defined these head slabs [Applause] comes down with it by Everson Wallace who was not in bad position good position no he wasn't fellas over there inside out position walls perhaps not getting the help he should have got let's look again keep in mind that is Jerry Butler one of the real speedsters in the league he's already got him on a step right there they were as it is trying to catch up yeah pretty good position he had good position he just slipped he stepped on Butler's heel it looked like in Tripp Hey he must have reoccurring nightmares ever see walls because he's been the hero he's been the goat karmak or a big play a week ago [Applause] tied at 7 final minute of the first quarter yes to the line of scrimmage a little bit by Randy white the line of scrimmage he's telling my it off but that's not gonna help no I think about we do I was just negotiate about their documentary his anniversary at sending the card quick glimpse of DD Louis labeled today in the Dallas last of the old devil [Applause] second Furguson recent goes to brainers tied in [Music] Charlie waters coming in for the safety position in the first quarter Joh Fredersen is mad at the tide and Braemar who probably did not read his automatic here read it next time we'll be back a felow why are the teams then died weakest untied possessions relatively equal penalties have killed us and they deserve bills have a third and long yardage ball at the 38 yard line we began the second quarter action who wide receivers are in that means Ron Jessie joining Frank Lewis and Jerry Butler [Applause] Furguson there and Butler comes down with it he was working against Dennis Fuhrman he was getting out for Michael downs Butler read it perfectly first down Buffalo I wish you could have heard Frank during the commercial break he said I wonder when they're gonna go to work on Dennis Thurman and Frank was exactly right this anticipation they've been chewing up walls and the Dallas secondary weakness is being openly exposed tonight right there was Dennis Thurman big play they mark it right on the 10-yard line there is the speed sir he's frightening for a cornerback particularly if you do not have help he has [Applause] he's gonna right there is Curtis Brown touchdown Buffalo [Applause] very aggressive defensive safety ladies move up size mistake twin recover quickly I think this is evidence of how beautifully Chuck Knox prepares a team he does seem to have a pretty ready doesn't say a little bit about the versatility of one Joe Crips he can run he can throw he can catch this time he's gonna throw [Applause] that's right on for the conversion Buffalo as retaken the lead Matt Robinson willow [Music] [Applause] second quarter with less than a minute expired Buffalo neither win tonight joke Ritz the Curtis Brown last week against Cleveland cribs caught three touchdown passes and he turned into a pastor on us tonight Buffalo out in front 14 to 7 set to kickoff nickim I need James Jones on the it's go line [Applause] timi nuisance in the big win out over the 25 to 28 where we first down and 10 Dallas a reminder college football this Saturday beginning at 12 o'clock Eastern Time Alabama his Penn State has Bear Bryant tries to tie Amos Alonzo Stagg its all-time winning record of 314 victories Iowa vs. Wisconsin s an important Big Ten battle and a 345 the second half of the doubleheader featuring an important Southwest Conference game Arkansas gives Texas A&M and also you see with important pac-10 game could have Rose Bowl implication Washington State is right there as they go against California check the local listing for the game and the time near area college football coming up Saturday down i-10 [Applause] picked up quickly miss Charles roams [Applause] Cosby was the first one to point back that we got it that's funny Cosby fumbled the ball Charles Rome's picks it up and Ron Springs winds up with it what a break for Dallas though opportunistic they deserved it but what a break because Buffalo would have been beautifully positioned could have opened up this ballgame what are the statistics you think about the odds of that happening Freeman knocked it out of the hands of Cosby it was Kurt Peterson the right guard for Dallas had knocked it out of the hands of Charlie Rome Dallas has the football first to tan their own for [Applause] washing away back to the inside and Sally cracking back then make a terrific inside three yard pickup it'll be second down at seven that's joke Crips who can do everything but don't be happy Joe that break the just dirt against you it's gonna let through this game and dust set just went over a thousand yards the only player ever to do that to the National Football League his first five seasons over thousand I've been the first one to do it in four seasons and yesterday yards join Tony Dorsett but having done his first four seasons [Applause] short of the first down but just by a yard he's beginning to get yatta CH what a remarkable guy the way he's settled down the ways matured watch out quickie is right here we're let's made a little false move he was the guy that hope almost resolved sighs Tony saw that was blocked up he does have amazing quickness he's got to have a lot of it going for him if he could he's our timer after he's 64 with the block Dallas has lost two centers John Fitzgerald and Robert Shaw rapidly have been playing now the center [Applause] Springs because though he has the first down he's got it [Music] long as we're to special efforts to Don Shula who won his 200th victory yesterday to become the fourth coach in the history of this game to do so well you know with his win over New England yesterday way to go he's a remarkable girl it was funny that PR guy before Dallas played on the st. but we have 20 players here in Miami there less than four years experience of course our Malala to those but basic wave it Dallas has now this is happen a lot this year get a little confused to have to waste the time out if anyway it calls timeout the Cowboys no longer signaled their plays and they send them in with personnel this time it was a mixup we have timeout now let's put the best record against AFC teams which the previous year has really dominated over the NFC over this year with Chicago's win yesterday over Kansas City the NFC has been victorious 14 times the AFC thirteen times in case you keep track of those things [Applause] I do Baltimore that first down and 10 Dallas 46 yard line above Billy Joe Dupree Billy Joe Dupree carries Mario Park to the 21-yard it's just beautiful away Daly's their tight ends they've got three of them that man Cosby Jase all day and each one first great carefully executed play had a couple of guys wide open the village of course was really wide opening down the middle that's an old bootleg that's been in the talisman playbook since day one and you do it on teams they're ready to pursue a lot and that Bermuda Triangle a three-man rush they really do try to go that glow very quickly now set that rolled on the outside of the bottle 24 yard pickup Dorsett is the single setback [Applause] they can advise perlis made a good move to me around that fiddle smell it's the top Boston College can't be all bad second round pick a couple of years ago and he replaced Mike Katie took over that job as a rookie and last year was a Pro Bowler and rightfully so he is so quick and he carries about 270 pounds they dropped Dorsett it'll be second down in the second quarter the bills on top 14 to 7 Dallas movie [Applause] you're said again hammered this time at the 20 yard Sherman white therefore his defensive right in position getting help from Charles rolls pursuit we were talking about why they read the bootleg was so open a while ago but you saw that Buddhist is Tony had the ball then really moved out Sherman wife was the guy that really was there no kidding and turned it back in that's some of its France coming in to help [Music] they're down an eighth we get books Johnson joining Drew Pearson Antonio solving back at the shotgun Faiers and is picked off by Simpson in the end zone the Simpsons picked off three tonight right in front guru Pearson molest one-count sex for sure I don't know whether to be able to see where Simpson come from but he's played the center field out there dan he's not looking at him he's looking at the man coming right there I don't think he really saw Simpson it was a pillar well throw ball that zips and I've been there tell you Simpson his Sam story when he pushes Nixon were hurt last year they called Simpson back didn't he started four days later and he hadn't played for a year it funked a medical exam right now he turns it over for Frank Gifford with Howard Cosell Don Meredith watching a wild and woolly contest between the boys 914 remaining in the first half the bills 14 to 7 and bill Simpson has turned it over with Bill's first attended their own 20 Curtis Brown carrying Big John shuttin up to the 25 yard line for a gain of five it'll be second just touched on something during the commercial the bills only carry three two quarterbacks in the backup quarterback is who else bill Simpson how about punters he's the emergency punic he's everything he's everything and he couldn't pass the physical remember how to sit out here that's right only met twice the Cowboys have won both Curtis Brown around got a fine box grip and set a flag goes down late flag Bob Rooney defensively therefore Dallas on the tackle those offense looks pretty pretty quick moving out there they had a lot of guys out in front that time that was pretty play holding Buffalo that will negate a first down effort penalty's as we said are just killing the bills new highly explosive teams so similar in character they both shift their offenses around they have speed on the outside they have good movement by wide receivers bully by Kramer holding together sense and Chuck Knox's prepper mention that thumb will be saying BYU with the brilliant McMann for his race office as against unbeaten Hawaii that's a game worthy of anybody's attention appropriate congratulate Marcus Allen of USC broke Tony Dorsett single-season NCAA rushing record Marcus Allen with 1968 yards of the season he has two games remaining anybody from us say if it will pop well that was certainly deserves yes good outside hey there a lot of people can't walk that far you're set 37 yards in the first half he needs 32 to regain the rushing lead in the NFL from George Rogers he also needs three yards to take over second place and of course now by Earl Campbell Jones his deepest Vica Meyer kicks off for Buffalo [Applause] tamra to the 25 gets to the 27 was to the optics in unit for the dallas cowboys must say buffalo has a way of closing holes promptly don't they done moving brother rapidly our guarantee once again take a look at rod cush well he's had a night on the special teams does I mean really if you got to have it don't Dallas decides you got Benny Barnes 31 and Anthony Dickerson 51 beside you got cookie just weaved his way through it made a nice time noise you start breaking that wedge [Applause] all the time in the world look out Dorset Lucius Sanford hitting just bounced off 73-yard touch awful lot of time to throw it's so many ways you say this path should be Baker please that's pretty good coverage when you look at well time Jim has there [Applause] he is tremendous but longest pass and then a bite [Applause] capitalize at the end of the first and if I said it would cost the conversion tony dorsett turn what should have been nothing into something very special this games all tied at 14 first play from scrimmage in the second of course goes the distance the explosion time here at Texas Stadium the crowd really had just settle in the seat some of them had not even come back from the concession stands [Applause] fix it lower is the river take it buy it gets down the sidelines a good fashioned out over the 30 to the 32 yard line so Buffalo will have their first possession they were stunned but this is the team of character and boys not to mention Talent well there will test the character of this Buffalo tea poorly we'll see if the devil about how barson God exhorting their favorites Chris right side Chris steps up to the outside cuts it back in and gets seven yard before Mike Pegman take Siegfried Alice he'll be sucking down a three took 21 seconds Tony's getting slow [Music] [Applause] [Music] consecutive sellout here at Texas Stadium Cowboys at Fort 114 consecutive regular season games [Applause] Michael damn close to midfield first down Buffalo and Alice flex flex the wrong way that time Randy white was in the backfield but he committed to another side and Kurdish man slipped right by look at Randy white 54 width of the inside good block good block 72 Kent Jones Haymarket close to the 49 yard [Applause] play action by Ferguson question just remove a pizza Everson balls nice interception of the season he is amazing is that there's a cowboy shake it up well I was just playing a bad throw done well it was the kid credit they started back with a terrific rush he had somebody really looking right in his face and I'm not exactly sure what that's Charlie waters damn oh no Charlie waters is a guy that's been heard an awful lot his career the real veterans there he's a fee for a long time is the solid man defensive secondary watch this play again yeah look at job look at big too tall Jones right in his face the six-foot man got I don't think Joe ever saw Joe through one-pass right before half-time I wish that no he wishes he had back and that'd be the sucker right there he saw Charlie waters he there was no strong contact he banged his head in on a block and then fell off the Buffalo Bill they do not appear to be working on his knee which of course have surgery a couple of years ago we'll get a report when we come back Charlie waters walked off the field got a roaring ovation of course he basically is the sole that defensive secondary maybe is slowed somewhat with the injury we spoke up a moment ago but he still is the thinking man he was blocking for Everson walls had nothing to do with his legs look the ball first out of ten inside intercepted the last two times he's thrown the ball at his door sack Garcetti is stoked he goes to the 37 yard line giving seven it'll be second down and three look at the way the whole swing of this game is changed since we had 33 seconds to go in the first half Buffalo on the Dallas seven ready to move in for a convincing score and a convincing spread the mistaken throw by Ferguson when he lost his shoe in the face of it Jones has rushed the intercept and ever since then Dallas opportunity you destroy yourself second down [Music] [Applause] man wide open Tony Hill okay there it is [Music] Danny white to tony dorsett the old place record Dallas use it all the time Tony Hill with that great speed just blew by the defenders so easy the first reception of the night in two minutes and 41 seconds they have scored two touchdowns they scored the first one in 21 seconds of the second half the next one in the wake of an intercept caused by a rush by Ed Jones this is the Dallas team if you give them a shot well you could say they make their own shots they do into one big great ring here a quarterbacks face you're gonna throw up close your help [Applause] and the pad loves it the Cowboys have hung up their 14 boys to hit the 21 fort [Music] this was almost a bat toss from Tony back then he just shipped it over [Applause] [Applause] the almost avila he had the video guys he knew Tony Hill was five yard giant any defender [Applause] that tells it all Tony Hill on a 37-yard pass from white on the old flea-flicker Dallas uses it frequently and effectively dan Franklin a deep we'll see Byron Frank [Applause] when out of the 25 to the 28 yard line and now he said it earlier he said once again Buffalo down by seven points this is your test of character because the Cowboys with all the speed with all that maneuverability the Lightning on offense they can blow your way unless you settle down and play your kind of game flea-flicker has been enjoying a rejuvenated popularity what was the most memorable flea-flicker you can ever remember [Applause] Super Bowl January 12 1969 [Applause] on first in town Furguson in his face and he gets it to Brits kids has the first down out of the 41 yard line in Ferguson with the exception of a couple of passes that Brett should not have been thrown it has been really playing well tonight because he has had Cowboys in his face all evening that time Randy white was staring high ball four eyeball you know the flea-flicker I mean Frank Superbowl Jets leading the Colts maro maro quarterbacking the Colts Jimmy are all alone begging for the football koromaru not respondent throwing the ball instead the number 22 Jim Hudson New York Jets Super Bowl [Applause] remember that you should ten Buffalo this time is v TD Louis Baba would loose and I think it will be my keg again pressure on Ferguson and an offensive line that has protected him all season long is suddenly collapsing under the pressure of the Dallas defense they loved here's the guy that plays it for the fun he really does like it so pressure pervaded John Donne came in Dutton was one that tipped of one day look like Lady Luck was in the right place at the right time he says wait a minute Conrad Dober course gonna come in knock it away [Applause] [Music] light uglies named after white David [Applause] the last 1,000 team first down 10 buffaloes 48 yard line websites merliss housing [Applause] Fualaau has to show that it can sustain that it can hold that it can contain otherwise they face the danger of a rout and we are only at the 11:30 mark of the third total swing in momentum Jack knocks he had so many memorable battles when he coats the Los Angeles Rams 7377 [Applause] [Applause] tony dorsett first time back at the 36 yard line well there tony dorsett favorite plays he takes a little step spraining sube [Applause] here leaves the play Dorsett reads the block and then with that quickness just explodes at that table at her scar they loved it basically like the run left a little bit more than they do right but bad now there's one good reason herb Scott's another both those guys have gone deaf I sold [Applause] yards away rushing lead [Applause] all the time in the world of trains down with the football at the 31 yard line you played that very well he conceded that yardage you see Springs trial flipping off here and I can really understand the reasons why this is again you don't really like the trope of those guys he's up Mario hits it around a knee high doesn't appear to be a bad injury but he did live up and while Springs limps off an ovation for another Dallas favorite a longtime veteran Robert Newhouse when a Howard's finer players wise guy he's a good man yeah did he come to a dinner for you after you pointed out that he perhaps was not Earl Campbell while snuggling inside the 30 he's sure dead he's an absolute gentleman they made a big thing out lat down here he sure did we have to leave here with mass over our heads as for sad Texas did that say Bob Goodrich on the bottom of them yes how about that but a good pitch was a brilliant tight end that SMU yeah I wonder what at Merced Texas he must know somebody who say the ball the buffalos 29 yards Cowboys will come with a shotgun your person and again on no and he did not like his alignment not like his personnel so he uses a timeout and that's Bush it's not an organized I don't know how to call it bush it's a study anyway force to call a timeout has talked it over with gentlemen on the sidelines Tom Landry the only coach the Cowboys have ever had that glad you straight mentor of my colleague Don Meredith I hated him to a successful career in singing right and we got one coming for you that how he's gonna help us a cold blue dog we got that covered for the games I am down in 329 [Music] 852 million the Cowboys on top [Applause] all the time he needed a referee was in the wedding Dorsett got tangled up with one of the officials right [Applause] sorry about that Tony maws well forget it they're not going to change it you got a point everybody's got to be somewhere fourth down Rafael SEP 10 what a year this man has had he's 18 of 20 is missing from the 40 and 48 yards out like to point out the vinegar Gini of his personal coach is in a California hospital recovering from surgery wishing well along imagine is that right you think this is about the big three points 47 yards this way good style right through the uprights 19:21 a remarkable record bicep TN a leading scorer the NFL after nine game coming into tonight's contest [Applause] Bojangles on a cool night in Texas if you're a Dallas Cowboy fan you have to love it 17 unanswered points for the Cowboys 843 remaining [Music] Subterra [Applause] police at the five a trip down at the 10:20 play by Ron fellows fellows another one of those nine rookies that are scattered throughout the Dallas roster we look cept in again has the lead on the NFL and scoring 19 of 21 in the field goal Department this Dallas team is now at its hottest point this year 17 unanswered points against the fine football team in six minutes and two seconds to nism your sing just talking about joke Rick's swarmed on Dallas defense again ed Jones leading the charge and he crashed more than any other cowboy was instrumental in turning this game towards Dallas pressuring Ferguson right before the half forcing the interception this is you know at the outset of the second half forcing another interception no time for Buffalo to get tinted they've got to go back to what they can do the pass Vantage of the weakness of the Dallas secondary [Applause] [Music] Furguson pressure again and he has to throw it away Furguson pounded at the six sidelined by harvey martin will be a pretty good hobby over one side to another dutton just standing around yep now you're singing the Dallas front for the vinyl segment at the very best you ever get this maybe when they go in and half them that they they wear the same jerseys but other people wear them out on the second half it's not the same group that's Harvey coming in from the outside they're all trying to be very careful not birthday he was right there Chanukah shouted armies kind of the man they looked her to get they sparked up on that front boy we'll talk to you let's go in the signals why sure again under throws defensively Vinnie Barnes line of sight - Joe Crips [Music] [Applause] it's a rad day when you'll see a Chuck Cox team breakdown like this that's so much the breaking down I don't think art is just a best defensive effort I've seen this far on the part of Dallas they've been improving gradually we're forcing the errors as Greg Gator has to come on to putty territory got a second here they got so they will throw some internship [Applause] be collected by Buffalo and hustling down there Phil Villa piano whirring away though but look at it again I guarantee the referee was anyway of that trying to catch the ball right there every [Applause] well Toby Otto [Applause] well a piano doesn't play all that much but he adds a lot of enthusiasm this team now that's the break Buffalo needed let's see if they can capitalize on it to get back into this game all right first time 10 the bottom of the 44 yard line 24:14 seven does not handle the ball will be ruled incomplete [Applause] and it'll be brought back let's look again don't see this often absolutely profit all the ball beautifully thrown [Applause] he may have been upset by the fact that his wife well he could have been as a matter of fact but I doubt that that's bill Philippi on a wiggle what'd you say what I can't hear you what it feels like they thought that about stumble recovery which was not the case at all Greta Styles complete to the tight end Braemar first down inside Dallas is 40 yard line [Applause] there defensively for Dallas two straight good pass calls good glasses throw teams seeking to collect himself [Music] we have seen much of everything tonight flea-flicker for the score double fumbles James a youth on the part of Dallas [Applause] first and 10 Curtis Brown a little opening makes the hole a little wider and gets to the 35 for a gain of about 3 yards it'll be second down and 7 in perspective a win tonight for Dallas that they will remain tied with Philadelphia at 82 in the NSCs to division but they could pull off a victory tonight Abel game behind the I offer to the AFC East the Jets are coming that's going to be a while [Applause] second at seven [Applause] it's incomplete and the flag is down that ball was tipped at the last Grimek that's the point well that's one of them then the next point here almost as well as I believe yes servos microwave in the big tide in the flag was an official's happen you're not saying as course as the bonus tip Burundi 53 is back hit the fence sees the ball tipped up tries to come back look at critic says would you get off of my shoulders right [Applause] [Music] back to the shotgun [Music] which was again but was there and with him is Emerson walls incomplete it'll be fourth down [Applause] could not capitalize we will not see Micka meyer coming out even though the ball is at the 35-yard line vicar admired not he doesn't have that range they loaded distance kicker so we'll see great cater who will try and stick it out of bounds somewhere inside the ten so drop deep Ford Allison try to guess with Gators too which side of the field he'll go great place for a fake fun is [Applause] later straight up field exam is there and right at the one-yard line and they keep it out of the end zone the man down there first was Rufus best believe they said he went back and now Buffalo is screaming me out of lift as though they were going to market in the one and they say that the ball did get into the end zone [Applause] well that was close probably [Applause] not got it touched the ball he had part of his ownself in the air he was in there so safe you're hot tonight no purpose best was right under it is [Applause] 4:14 lead as the first intent at their own 20 [Applause] and our set steps out of bounds at the 26 yard line after pickup of 6 Ben Williams pursuing Dorsett it'll be second down and 4 let's go back to that punt from the reverse angle there's the ball right there now there's the man that's touching it now he is in the end zone he's flying everything up there you go very fine camerawork but we've come to expect that that's what else situations where that other side the hangar the field does give you another look at sit on the other side second down four Dorsett now is sixty yards in each night bored Springs left side pile up short of the first town in the 29 yard line excitement at Dallas tonight is mostly fireworks the exploring plays Sallis on top 24:14 529 remaining in the third quarter and alice is faced with the third of one with C rods breaks back in there we've made and he went off earlier with well that's the clothes shotty some eyeballs in it look at that or no system - yeah everything Sprague's is back in there as they right side easy first down up at the 32-yard line good gulls I'm Springs he came up and turned into quite a surprise for Dallas they drafted me three years ago they got him at very low pick because he had been hurt as a senior at Ohio State as we look at but Don is often characterized as the only unfinished stadium in the NFL truly is big hold arrest [Applause] mr. person in this is Tony Dorsett with strings out in front Joannie chewing up the Audigier past George Rogers Johnny Dorset is once again the NFL rushing leader and just move beyond by a single yard that of course unofficial if that warrant official orphan insufficient first second down in the yard at the 41 yard line for Dallas [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dorset Sally Dorsett gets the first down skips out over the 45 to the 47 it was down he certainly is the rushing leader again earlier tonight you were with us tony dorsett for the fifth time in his five-year career went over the 1000 yard mark no one's ever done that Earl Campbell however hovering in the wings yesterday for the fourth time his first four years he went over a thousand yards Stingo Oxley relative and Tony Dorsett [Applause] by lucious Sanford that's the kind of thing Buffalo needs at this point to stay alive they must have a turnover the momentum of Dallas simply tremendous good defensive maneuver that time Bob Buffalo put enough folks in there that my doctor by the way we've been talking about great brushing backs Franco Harris yesterday won over 10,000 yards the NFL's third all-time rush and it's only appropriate to pay tribute to that great player Penn State the Pittsburgh Steelers the team of one second and ten [Applause] why this time under pressure after the Lisa before he want to do and white getting up slowly first off I could be a late hit on white it'll work against Buffalo McMahon Williams was the fella that was I think in there don't know whether the building's own been or not but he was one of the guys in the midst of all of Buffalo's troubles penalties have just destroyed you see the little blitz coming Lucius said 457 coming here big bit there's the lick Wow yeah I came from the other side also [Music] and white I could sue [Applause] 37 yard line 320 180 in the third quarter got hit bunch of buffaloes [Applause] all heard about Bulow's but you'd be happy if you lied to big opening that door sat down at the 22-yard line finally taken by Bell Simpson both side of Dallas's offensive line Pat Donovan 67 Scott 68 an hour Rafferty of Center Peter said looking at meter seblak write a number 65 came outside because good product they'll steps and try to attack them a little bit hi got a fist in the face 91 yards he will surely go over a hundred barring injury and suddenly Dallas simply Eldar set 237 yards in the first half ninety-one Jimmy Newsome Vista is a big one listen carries wishes Sanford with winston-salem State and if you think he's not gonna be a great money or crazy 235 pounds weighs closer to 45 foot speed everything they thought he would really be buying for the starting position but he suffered some rib injuries and also a pulled groin in training camp that never got back on track at Garron Springs had nailed that job down and he see that out of the lineup is Doug Cosby holding his rib cage make a note about a man named though assembles personnel like is sucking down to 3 this is Dorsett Dorsett turns right back into a defensive back Steve Freeman nevertheless Dorsett up very close to a first down perhaps a yard short Avella piano looking on and pleased with his own effort perhaps fumble recovery but certainly his team has really been struggling here in the second half for Dallas [Applause] this could be close he didn't get now and maybe not but still be close true except in moving out onto the field fans are saying let's go for it perhaps second thoughts with any sense except in in will see the field-goal unit it's doing the right thing one like the fans who didn't want to fight stop last Friday night I've never known a fan who was accepted the responsibility for the death of a fighter yeah that's that's - no no but that's a whole different thing we're talking about back in the first down but this you know he's 31 yard attempt low snap Corrado gifts it up it's on his way of settee Anna's now 20 of 22 on the season [Applause] here a kicker dreams about [Music] a muscle poll problem that has lingered since training camp nothing major in terms of distance along the 47 on the season the 20 of 22 is not all that whistling rain it's nest week grandmother took it at the ballgame [Music] Geron warm-ups for the cowgirls tonight you'll learn in Dallas 20 unanswered points the third period what a show the COS interesting to know to Dallas go on and win that will mean in consecutive weeks they defeated Los Angeles Miami and Philadelphia and Buffalo really walloped by the 49ers who is so custard about that team being for real they've opened up a tremendous gap in the NFC West they lost to the 49ers five weeks ago 45 to 14 cept in [Applause] flags are down a strength install battle below 20 the 27th [Applause] we lost the ball but I think he was room still another penalty against Buffalo they're not having a very good night with the flags they sure are it's been totally self-destructive and Chuck knock shows his field [Applause] of course his high school fear is that all illegal use of hands number suddeniy on the receiving team during the return first on Joe Devlin for Buffalo charged with the foul look at that you talk about Buffalo mistakes not typical of a Chuck Knox team ran sent two punts the intercepts are generally not typical uh calls Joe Ferguson leave Italy man come [Applause] the pressure this season that he's that's five yards out to the 20-yard line he'll be sucking down at five we head into the final seconds of the third quarter will not get a playoff before the third quarter expires you watch think another explicit eve of ABC Sports [Music] I am in third [Music] return before quarter action right now this message for my local station [Music] Baga Texas Stadium Hardware Dondo well he's human oh here he is how's it going group the flexible Brennan laughs exciting football games remarkable demonstration the third period by the Dallas Cowboys the turning point of the game seconds before the end of the first half a great mistake threw it up for grabs when he shouldn't 27:14 as we begin the fourth quarter is second down and five the ball just at the 20-yard line coming down with it he did a good great effort by Frank Lewis taking him literally away from Bob Rooney get away from d-day Louis looks up there by Thurman he's good have been something that's me yeah get around for a while Bob routing number 53 oh you all right he took it away from bronec this d-day 38-yard line first down Buffalo [Applause] 34 year old veteran the midfield and another Buffalo first down really good timing that time they had a another safety blitz Charlie waters came in from the safety position Gus comes in and quick breaking across the middle right there on timing right in front of a b-52 that was fight and I can't believe you said he's a 34 year old veteran I was doing his show at Grambling college when Frank Lewis was there the greatest athlete epic turn down at least Eddie Robinson is sometimes [Applause] drive yourself Frank Lewis once again where this time he works against Dennis Thurman yeah plan well it's pretty good defensive move I think because what dallas is saying we've got playing man-to-man coverage so the next best thing we go ahead blitz land back if they blitz last three times lewis is wide open over there but again it's really hard to cover one guy when you got a man for man that was tournament killed every frame dallas is also saying we're gonna let you have anything in front the 2721 [Applause] on first and 10 [Applause] third quarter stats for you look how buffaloed turned it around the great differential there in rushing yards the itchin pass is built with buffalo but totally audits too and I'm a possession not really material in this game if anything is killed Buffalo [Applause] forcing making mistakes and especially [Applause] too-tall and you understand that if day [Applause] he is six feet nine and this crowd loves it the factor that returned to dominance up the Dallas front for in the second half the first half they appeared to be totally negated they seem to be wearing different uniforms yeah somebody else will do last week against Philadelphia Edie Jones at nine tackles 2 sacks an Aztec tram would put it he had a half a dozen scares [Applause] we're gonna watch this from the end zone a third down - 37 yard with the Dallas Cowboys out of the shotgun oh that's fun Ferguson incomplete he was been able to come up with the ball and on pass defense Anthony Dickerson was there it'll be fourth down good SMU turns him out Meredith Dickerson oh yeah got a bunch of around out there okay rich Dallas deploying their special team thinking too that it would not be such a bad time for Buffalo perhaps to take the chance put the ball in the air Rufus best is down there but fair gets called for and me by Denis Thurman and a good fair catch who was because Rufus best was behind in between between the Thurman and the goal line with Alice that possession inside their own 10 when we come back I've never been to Ramsey what's up that's one of the reasons closer Saddle River they'd have a lot of folks from New Jersey later got balanced fever but tech to aspirin to go to bed it'll be all right 7:54 remaining in the game the Cowboys on top 27:14 possession of their own nine [Applause] straight quickness out to the 19-yard line close to a cowboy first down [Applause] I point out by the way that this year on Monday Night Football we've been having closed caption for America's hearing-impaired dallas-fort Worth areas proclaimed by the way November to be telecasted month and we're happy and delighted to bring this game to those of you with doing impairments around the country 25th hundred-yard game for Tony Dorsett now once you go it's like Dallas Landry's only Costales ever had never loses Tony position he did not record play your here's your fishy delayed call Cooper say wait a minute you know Buffalo's never lost when Krebs is Gator hunter yards either he's not gaining on good yards tonight well they had the yard sticks out and we're measuring that before that call I guess one of the officials happened to note that the illegal number had lined up at the receiving position and Alice will be penalized a possible first down they'll be back inside their five I'll be garlic where it rose at Jim Cooper had lined up in the optin C receiving position he can do that of course if he checked with the official beforehand and you can see from that graphic we just showed that Dallas has joked off joke ribs tonight nobody in all probability that wasn't Cooper's fault it was the outside man who the line of scrimmage and should have been on the line of scrimmage at any event the same fifteen the ball at the 4-yard [Applause] he's that close to another Dallas first era right through the middle of the second rate of defense [Applause] spoilers over the middle rapid he did operon him did a good night get a good job on pass with two that's good running isn't it has keeping that thing going there's our man of all seasons yes for many reasons colorful guy I love this comment about [Applause] Dorsett slides out of bounds with us [Applause] see personnel coming at you from all directions they're brilliant light coats they do have weaknesses we've pointed them out the secondary especially but Lord they have personnel Howard when you say a team of nine rookies on it would be considered a team in transition you ordinarily would but not the way the Cowboys are constructed I think tonight they represent everything that the organization represents from Tech's rad but to get owner cut Murchison says you guys do it that's Joe Dupree at a fast I do believe might have it [Applause] they've had TV news about there's one of those they're all open first time Dallas I'll tell you there's another team Frank that's got to be closely watched through the years they've accumulated may be no more number one and two draft choices than any other team football you can see it happening but the Cincinnati Bengals Rochelle unit at West Coast team out of San Diego Valley leading Pittsburgh at Houston with the 70 record Pittsburgh at Houston firstly watch Tony Dorsett stacked up out over the 35 after a gain of a couple it'll be second down you know and I guess Seattle's getting ready for us because the penderson that yesterday they brought in a friend of our he was the tailback on a fourth down they faked to him on fourth down got a passing it was their punter Jeff West to also ran more from he passed on a fourth down they got a big win yesterday over Pittsburgh will see their plays away did Frank a couple of years back when they looked like one of the coming teams in the late [Applause] setback complete custom person out to midfield when the good Tac Toe but I say Preston I meant drew his first reception of the night Mary o clock with an excellent tackle but he conceded the ahta gin the reception and I've got a man from an over there did it Mario is doing pretty good job he's will pick off a few if you don't watch it looking that's good position the ball was thrown to the outside that's throwing where they [Applause] positives of looking at it out 27:14 Dallas [Applause] kept his darcet behind at the 40-yard line he's close to another first down [Applause] under the nape guard for tony dorsett 37 came in the first half we made their grave here in the second half it really hasn't broken one for long distance tonight he's this a little quick lose and quick steps Akashi his movement did you see what he did suggest remark I didn't even touch it hazlit had him lined up not only did he not tackle him he didn't touch it second down itches that's really embarrassing they can do everything but get it off before the 30-second clock expires really a bear so you've got second down in inches and you let the clock round you again I don't care who sent in to play my tone gets bush no it's not pushing Dom yeah Dom it does good work boy really dumb numbers have changed their system via the delay of game call I started out sending in planes by signal and they were getting assessed two or three times a game for delay a game and now they send me and my personnel and of course what they've been doing for so many years I still tonight I think we've seen through delay of game calls they lead the league they're right up there they certainly a contender now we got they're gonna have to hurry and get this one off and get this away with two seconds remain Danny white lost the football the slipped off his he was under pressure from Isaiah Robertson ain't it funny time slips away yeah but the Buffalo has recovered that we could have had a ball game that's Mickey Gilley ABC's urban cowboy what who that is well provide why second halves and six inches is now third and 20 what happened to your old blue doing it's company I just did a little while you're gonna help me with the two now new songwriter very valid in East Texas little blue dog held as Don mentioned from second inches we have occurred boys in the shotgun [Applause] Jonah Hill was racing down the sidelines but he was not about to get behind Steve Freeman it'll be fourth down Danny white stays on of course put the ball in the air and Buffalo now running out of time with 750 remaining and down by 13 points there's Byron Franklin the youngster from bobber a second round draft pick lots of speed he just has not been able to find an area which to utilizing why hangs it high the fare cuts this Porsche Don Rowland hooks he calls for it and makes it at the 19 yard line 40-yard punt by Danny white more importantly No 7:42 remaining in the game and will be back in Irving in just a moment great night if you're a Dallas Cowboys fan hey I've really turned it on here in the second half 27:14 they leave Buffalo but plenty of time had not the game gone in terms of momentum the way it has here in the second half [Applause] again pressure they get Jones right in the face a Ferguson he had to hurry the attempt to Jerry Butler Haven ed Jones comes off the ground leaps into the air at six nine he's like let's like feel like throwing it over building really is that really is a good point thank God you don't hit the quarterback but what he's doing is if you can't see you can't throw out there and that really causes a lot of interception as we said beginning of the telecast Antero stripped of all frills right the key to beating Dallas is the ability to negate the front for fuel of any team have that ability [Applause] Furguson who does not hold it'll be third down attentive Dallas now is zone shot will show you what their past defense looks like they have dropped many barns about 30 yards deep anticipating something deep perhaps we can see it on the next shot will covered from the end zone recording go where it's from our director Chester 40 everything is pretty much zoned for them interesting matchups you can watch from here those shark [Applause] trying to cover the guys line up pretty close right there Michael downs and Tully waters are 17 Frank Lewis flag is down and Lewis has yardage for the first down [Applause] now tempers are beginning to flare between John Dutton and Conrad Dobler well what Dobler frustration yeah but they don't we'll get Randy white involved with that either go ready says I've heated like I'm saying he likes loose first-round knockouts [Applause] personal foul Buffalo yes sir it's gonna be on let's get Wayne have you seen a team so self-destructive with penalties this one will be marked a referee Jordan Frank last week we saw but grant person unnecessary roughness like the plain number 69 we saw but grand offense with eight minutes to go it was enormous lay effective [Applause] Furguson gets out of the end zone goes up on top ranked us and completed these cover [Applause] [Music] in that position [Applause] Konrad doubler their home still do not vote [Applause] cater on fourth down and once again Dallas should have good field position 7:16 let's eat Konrad Dobler they remember him from me this Angeles Cardinal day is offensive offensive linemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beautiful pot by cater [Applause] long on distance there will be no return as James Jones force fair catch as Peter gets it out of the end zone and Alice will have the first now there will be a Buffalo's 46 yard line they lead 27 14 708 remaining in the game Conrad Dobler he was mixing it up out on the field earlier with John Dutton he's still snorting of snarling along the sidelines scums up first and ten of those 46 yard line [Applause] a Tron Springs struggles for about four count of the 41-yard line will be second down and six tonight on Nightline night lens went to focus on a medical time bomb you've heard so much about it over the years we're gonna take a look at it tonight on Nightline the problem associated with exposure to asbestos a slight line tonight while ABC News [Music] second down six all night long buffalo has not been able to get to Danny what another consequential factor in this game [Applause] [Music] study ice still dancing around it finally worked his way out of bounds after a pickup of two perhaps three yards slipper a little fella when you can make a 2-yard run exciting you've got something working for you and once you call them furtive pardon me for a quick finish is what they used to say about Paul Hornung he can make a trip to the drugstore exciting here's a good move right here a slip right there that was almost a clip but has it made the move come to the outside tough to get him in the open field as a professional crowd and they're really charged up now girls they're leading chairs inside we're down to flag is down I said you know why it stops with the whistle you won't believe it I ran out of time once again that is just embarrassed I mean there's a lot of things you can do wrong on the football field that there's some excuses for but I cannot find a single excuse for letting the clock run out I'll need four times in one night when you sit there I do not understand it time I wish you enjoy the game boy I think it's a fun game you could really get a kick out personnel changes for Dallas I don't care what's personal changes it wasn't me you gotta fix left you at least gotta go ahead and play well I just meant with the situation [Applause] puts Johnson connected so many times this time I'm spelling down this porch - fine bob was thrown out but he made a good catch 6:16 remaining in the game you realize that the last two drives have been stopped by delay of the game I do realize that yes in case you didn't I was gonna miss I said it was Bush you said it was dumb he's away getting a book portal he is when you do it four times my friend cooks 25 Byron Franklin eighty five thirty daddy white spot he'll get the endzone and Buffalo will have a first intent of the 20 and it almost seems as though they have been at their own 20-yard line throughout the second half let me back in Irving Texas right after this thank you for the love with Howard Cosell our our singing minstrel for Mount Vernon Texas nearby to the great metropolis in Dallas Tom Meredith you watching a lot of interest [Applause] shift at halftime at Alice here in the second half first intent from their own he's taken by Charlie shake it up once again Charlotte waters is definitely water his brother he's that so many problems with his basically with his knees he's had shoulder problems he's in pain yeah we saw him go out on it earlier in the game when he was had an eye and the finger grab that right arm as though it could have something to do with his right shoulder he was shaken up earlier if you with us very similar situation contact not that severe there's little actions going on that Butler is a heck of a receiver Charlie waters coming in always does a good job see if you can see fell right on his left shoulder and that's the one is dragon there is Charlie okay Charlie is the guy that really he's the defensive signal caller back there you've seen him all night you see him all season he waves his arms lays his hands he's got two rookies playing with him they really depend so much on him and really in some of the areas he plays well but he also has got it calls those signals back in there he's the newest member of the Ring of Honor there Mel Renfro recently honored and as we can see there are only five Cowboys thus far have been enshrined I guess is one way of saying it in the Ring of Honor here at Texas Stadium and reigned I guess you could say it great thrills by many of those players over the years as this team is developed into one of the perennial winners and Tyler waters up one would presume it had something to do perhaps with a fish [Music] sorry waters picked up five yards it is now second in five for Buffalo at their own 25-yard line times definitely a factor 554 remaining and the caucus started intersection the only the previous nine games of the season [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by rodfellows another one of those rookies back there a seventh round draft pick out of Missouri my guess no this telecast is presented by the thought of the National Football League is intended for private use my audience they've rebroadcast other use the telecast without the express written consent mass of football league is pretty right Oh does that look somebody please tell me that's not you know jalapeno peppers are one for you you we've got a lot of good Mexican food down there down in five [Applause] bottles of all [Applause] there is some kind of war and even Joe Ferguson is amused by going on between John Dutton and Conrad Dover Dobler 69 well he doesn't really have a good shot what got before let's call leg whipping scholar vacatur is [Applause] Jones is deep [Applause] here in the second this time he gets up to turn over and it takes James tones back to his 33 yard line where he's captured instantly up around the 39 yard line 42 yard punt nice kick by Greg Gator Oh Dallas 20 on the clock leading 2714 in very good shape and we're going to pause five seconds and allow our stations to identify themselves WFAA television channel 8 dallas-fort worth interesting football game seesaw battle buffalo having the lead in the first half [Applause] quick points [Applause] to 2714 dominating totally here in the second thanks to the 47 yard line it'll be second down and two is Kevin hazlit made the stop for Buffalo very simply it's a tired Buffalo team they have been out man the Dallas front Ford took over in the second quickly ceasing on every [Music] Charlie waters touched nerve we should see him again [Applause] first down inside blow territory close to the 49 yard line four and a half minutes left counting down it's run out of time now got a cowboy that's down referee calls the injury timeout here's to beat purp Scott I think I said now I'm doing 14 yards as we see her Scott we all pro left guard for the Cowboys Ben intended Scot appears to be alright leaving the field innovation Titans air will replace Scott rookie from Brigham Young third-round draft pick [Applause] and tonight is starting to look like 15 consecutive games last time the Cowboys lost here was in postseason play they lost to the Los Angeles Rams in December of 79 Billy Wadi fast that's Ferragamo you know since they opened this stadium in 71 Dallas is 69 wins 215 losses our first and 10 and every time you watch this young man [Applause] he improves [Music] terrific acceleration right there the vine look at this one curtain Peterson 65 moved a mat to the outside Cooper only out suck-up where's a heck of a good tackle big hole and he really didn't know how to hit it fifth round draft pick again you get back to fundamentals how do you build a football team they get what right director of player personnel who knows how the draft still bring your 714 yards rushing Springs now 61 first intend Alice Springs what a nice move to get four yards when he should have had to to the 31 it'll be second down and six coming inside of three minutes now hey about Ron Springs he is a junior college Player of the Year a few years ago in place while Coffeyville Kansas be exact he had 18 hundred yards rushing that year in 25 TDS who's also our state's leading rusher and receivers a junior hurt as the senior and his Howard pointed out the Cowboys knew he had they picked him up in the 5th round second and six you're set and or set hell short of the first down at the 28 yard line Charlie Rose playing it while they're from the corner for Buffalo playing against a fine football t find late coach the Dallas Cowboys tonight I think have put on their best exhibition of the season they came through when they had to in every quarter the front for the quarterback [Music] raining weakness the defensive secondary the running backs sensation Alice lets her run down to the two-minute warning [Music] remains in the game for Dallas to draw into a tie with Philadelphia and the NFC East in Division it'll be 32 and we back at Texas Navy Stadium in Irving God is starting to pull away they have seen enough if you will the most of it has been awesome here in the second half to the Dallas Cowboys Cowboys now leading 27 to 14 the buffalos 28 yard line [Applause] [Music] this time they get it off and he is sort of the first down [Music] well I don't know what that was all about in the backfield but clearly its kind of make an audible there I think looks like it's gonna be a fourth down shot step TMI thanks to him but he does not send me man but Alice is a fourth and one now they go this lets the seconds tick off 1:30 in the clock is moving seconds continuing to tick away and now it's topped with 124 remaining in the game very difficult game coach Chuck knocks his team in the end undermanned against a team with superior personnel yet he brought his team up for this game and they had a brilliant first half until just seconds before the end 33 to be exact a terrible mistake by Joe Ferguson caused an intercept when Buffalo was on the Dallas seven they might have at the very least had a field goal that would have given them the going into the locker room momentum but it did not happen what the clock is pretending to run down we have no indication of a timeout on the field by either team Buffalo is complaining I don't blast biggest screwup I've seen in a while Danny white did not call timeout he just walked over the sidelines and we're going to have to probably do something we've seen a lot of this tonight that maybe they'll correct the clock hopefully the scoreboard clock indicates the Dallas has been charged by the timeout we saw no official indication Danny white is standing there saying you guys figure it out that's last five zebras but let's think about his old blue dog you want to know blue dog made him possum swallow dog bun them possums up a tree here it come because you keeper put 25 seconds back on the clock yes I will 25 seconds now you were saying fo RT that guy Reed knows how to break up a good routine nothing probably was just bad I'll tell you one thing - Phil is safe I guess well they put the seconds back on the scoreboard clock amidst a lot of confusion we'd like to tell you this ABC Sports exclusive has been brought to you by life beer everything you always wanted in a beer and less and by Dutson and invites you to see all the exciting new 1982 Datsun cars and trucks a - Datsun dealer today Nashville may be saved gift but not well a Nelson now they took the 25 seconds back on the clock now they're ticking off once again one minute remaining is fourth down and to the field of unit stays on the bench for the Dallas Cowboys [Applause] laya game kennel I'll apply side he'll be short of the first down and a flag is now well again that's been very interesting to watch in many respects exciting at other times has deteriorated somewhat here in the final few minutes they didn't make that first down and a flag was banished no call the block was legal by 87 no while we were picking up the foot well a little more contusion we didn't question the block of Jase a li if they work it out a buffalo has the football they'll have a first down at their own 28 yard line buffalo next week we'll be at st. Louis they just followed by games with delivered Diego New England again and would you believe closes out the year with Miami Lea governor next week Dallas will be at Detroit then they play Washington Chicago Baltimore Philadelphia [Applause] picked off Everson walls his tip interception of the year he just happens to be where he should be not be a bit closer record for your rookie that's his tenth interception of the year and his 10th game of the area 3 in preseason well the ball was underthrown he uses in the right position Markel they got him as a free agent he led the nation last year at Grambling no there they stuck that told Gil Brandt did you what you and your computer drafting says you just bring in the free agents will train them well may come [Applause] tied Mel renfro's record of ten interceptions by the it has got a few games remaining he surely does it surely does you know our buddy Steve bazookas mom is in the hospital and Kenton she's 84 years old we're gonna wish her a speedy recovery her name's Deena amen [Applause] first time attend anyway football Cowboys with the deep man as a safety protection I guess you could call a man that they drop deep Buffalo exercise is the timeout they have two remaining and will give us an opportunity to like state physique and of course our statistician Jerry Klein and tell you the executive producer of ABC Sports is Roone Arledge ABC's NFL Monday Night Football produced of course by Bob good judge and directed by Ted 40 our technical director Joe Chavo the social director is Bob Rosburg yes the son of the former PGA champion good man to technical manager coach Coltrane our unit manager Bob savelii assistant to the producer is Ravi Cowen a bunch of guys who travel around the country with and we're going to be traveling out to Seattle watch the Chargers who are having their problems in that Western Division of the AFC Denver now back out on top with a win yesterday that was a great game they win over Cleveland great game over time tender with the seventh remark in the Western Division the AFC San Diego hovering cosec 6-4 and we'll see them against Seattle saddle a winner yesterday over the Pittsburgh Steelers second down and 12 and I guess we'll watch this happen a couple more times there's good shot of the winning coach arm lad that one this guild brand whom you just saw on this Dom but the DIF green winning seasons 14 years in the playoffs five Super Bowl that's a record you won two of them now the updated standings the NFC East Dallas will be tied with the Eagles the Giants dropping fast and Washington coming fast and then FC East the Jets closing in on Buffalo and Miami getting for the moments of breathing space this is gonna be an exciting play I want you to watch this power cookie we get a replay this time Buffalo expires their final timeout the reverse like back they're not even going to use it I do not believe they're leaving the field and you saw the standings big second half by the Dallas Cowboys turned it around great defensive effort [Applause] their work [Music] and the AFC's to the vision once again the final score 27 14 Dallas over Buffalo and remember stay tuned for ABC News Nightline 30 minutes after the game 11:30 on the west coast over most of these ABC stations travel arrangements made through and a promotional be paid by United Airlines United flies for people to Hawaii that any other airlines that's what friendly skies are all about presentation of ABC sports recognized around the world as the leader in sports television we'll see you next Monday night from Seattle
Channel: 80s Football Cards
Views: 47,074
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Id: U7Xn3224kHY
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Length: 158min 20sec (9500 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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