1981 11 26 Thanksgiving Chiefs at Lions

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because of the following special broadcast of the Detroit Lions Kansas City Chiefs football game the movies will not be seen today day a family day traditionally spent with turkey and dressing and football today coming to you on NBC and Inter conference matchup from the Superdome the Kansas City Chiefs surprising co-leaders in the AFC West have come to Detroit with Joe Delaney to go against the Lions and playoff contention themselves they will counter with their ace Billy Sims that rushing duel will unfold as the Lions and Chiefs go out of today in addition we'll follow John Brodie as he takes to the sidelines to coach his son's high school football team half time will bring you a Thanksgiving Day message the president enjoy a look at President Ronald Reagan sportswear and back until Saturday Night Live's Joe Piscopo will be along with his views on a halftime entertainment well that special report Mike Adamle and byron day and a commentary from newsweek speed Axtell all today on a special Thanksgiving edition of NFL 81 [Music] NBC Sports presents NFL 81 an inside look at professional football in the preview of face Thanksgiving Day special brought to you by [Music] and by JCPenney [Music] on the outskirts of Detroit since the NFL's newest domed arena the Pontiac Silverdome inside to watch the Chiefs of the Lions go welcome to NBC on this Thanksgiving Day I'm Bryant Gumbel and from all of us associated with NBC Sports our very best to you and yours hope this holiday finds you all in a very happy and peaceful times we've got a busy day ahead of us we're gonna be joined by some very special reports and some special friends Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen will be along with the call and Mike Adamle will be stopping by and oh yes we've got our P Dax Tillman who's already found a special friend thanks Brian you know picking games this year I've listened to the wizard the brain the lock anybody's opinion 3 over 500 on Thanksgiving Day at this point I'll try anything what do you think about things a long time for this information let's go to dick and Merlin and here's some other points about the game old Pete is that it Tina's NFL any ones answer to dr. Doolittle talking to the animals but America very seriously this game involves first place and a look ahead to the Superbowl playoffs the Kansas City Chiefs are tied for first with Denver and their division the Lions are only one back of Minnesota in the NFC Central and they're looking ahead to big things both these teams glad to be in it and haven't been in for a while they're both glad to be here right now is there any pressure associated with being on national television today yes there is dick all these players know that the players and coaches of the league are sitting around their TV sets even the ones getting ready for practice have a TV set on in that training room and being watched by your peers puts a special kind of pressure on the game like this today pressure with a capital P for the two defenses these are the top two running teams and all of the NFL and Joe Delaney the brilliant rookie for the Chiefs and Billy Sims for the Lions the man the men will be focusing upon well and for a defensive team looking at either one of those runners is instant nausea I imagine these defenders late awake or many of them laid awake last night worrying about the kind of touchdown capabilities that both those men bring to the field there are potential touchdown every time they touch the football any runners ever make you sick to your stomach I gotta admit a dick going going up against an OJ Simpson or a Gale Sayers every time they touched the ball that tightening in the stomach the fear of not being able to catch up with them or even if you did catch up with them the fact that they might just leave you laying on the ground and you think this is going to be a big hitting game I have to believe that this is going to be one of the roughest games of the year these are two of the most physical football teams in all of football so the main course is running with some crisp hitting and blocking on the side Brian okay dick thank you very much in truth Billy Sims and Joe Delaney will be at center stage and of course a lot of attention will be directed toward quarterbacks bill Kenny and Eric Hipple but as Mike Adamle has noted there will be a quarterback on defense for the Lions who deserves some applause of his own career he relies more on intelligent play to get the job done for the Detroit Lions Stan we've come a long way since our days that Kent Roosevelt me it's good to see you again partner well Mike we have we grew up together and we've been apart not for a few years but it's good to see you again today when Bill Kenny the Chiefs quarterback looks across the line of scrimmage one of the things that he's gonna be worrying about is number 52 that's quite a tribute well I hope so you know ten years is a long time to play he said there's a twilight of my career and I guess you're right I hope there's a few hours left until darkness until I have to quit playing but coming to Detroit really gave me a new lease on life I sort of played out the string in Baltimore and there was a new new coaching staff and a big change there and coming up here with Maxie bond and defensive coordinator it really gave me a chance to really motivate myself again and really get myself back into football well Stan white is a coach on the field he's we declare him our defensive quarterback in with the formations that you have today adjustments are necessary just about on every play and we all applies I'd say about 85% of the time and if you call a play from the sideline you have to change it anyway and we feel like that he's in the game and he does a great job for us one time last year how Stan was aware of a pass formation versus a run formation and there were ten times a one ball game we were able to put on a pass rush the situation is normally a run situation and by those pass rushes that kind of thing is important to have the ability to do that on the field there's no way from the sideline we can signal all that at the last instant light stands able to do I know your defensive coach maxi Vaughn likens you to an extra coach on the field yeah I guess you can take that two ways Mike I think it's meant to be a compliment they allow me to do things that a lot of other players aren't allowed on the field I'm allowed to make all the adjustments I don't get signals from the sideline they give me great latitude and I think that being able to be like a coach on the field that allows you to make changes allows you to make some big plays on defense but I think sometimes that they play on that so much that they forget or sometimes they make you forget you can play football too and a lot of people think that the only thing you can do is go out there and direct traffic there's nothing of those means but I like to think that you have to be able to do both parts of your job you have to be able to deal with the other teams doing be able to direct your defense but you gotta be able to play your position too because if you can't that's the first thing they're gonna attack and you can't protect yourself all day you have to go out there and make the plays to partner great to see you again good luck today okay Mike thanks a lot it's good to see you again Mike coming out of that Stan white you were telling me a little bit earlier that he's the last of what I guess would be a vanishing breed guys who call the signals from the field well Merlin Olsen calls him a dinosaur he's a he is vanishing to my knowledge he is the only player as you said Jack party used to do it with the Redskins and the Rams and the thing that makes Sam so good is that he has a special football town and should he decide to retire he'll wind up as somebody's defensive coordinator okay that's number 52 of the Lions he'll be our watching today and one of the people he's certain to be watching number 37 of the Chiefs his name is Joe Delaney we've been talking a lot an awful lot this morning let's learn more about him from Byron de Joe Delaney of the Kansas City Chiefs has been one of the surprise packages in the NFL this year watch him run and the comparison sayers Simpson Dorsett but their reputations preceded them into the pros Delaney slipped into the league very quietly after playing college ball at Northwest Louisiana Joe Delaney wasn't exactly a household name when he played with northwestern Louisiana but the pro scouts knew who he was in fact on this show last year bucko Kilroy the Patriots said that Joe was probably the sleeper in the whole draft well a lot of NFL teams were caught napping during the first round because Joe wasn't chosen and it wasn't until the second round that the Kansas City Chiefs picked Joe Delaney why didn't he go in the first round on the basis of what he's been showing so far this year I think it's more because he's from a smaller school and he is a person who is not big certainly by National Football League standards is 185 pounds running back Joe what's been your biggest adjustment to playing pro ball well I'm digging through tough guy Joe's the hard-working guy I'd say he's he's just no-nonsense get down to business sort of a guy and I guess there's his run style was really illustrated by the by the type of person he is I think he gets that ball north and south and he just said right now when you get the football what's the first thing you look for that non-violence is not the other I live without that box the plays it's designed well it's a very satisfying thing to get a block and press fall-off and trying to end up tripping agar summer and look up and see Jo running past you you know and guy reaching out maybe try to get a hand on his game nine hundred eighty five yards this season and ranked second behind her al Campbell among running backs in the AFC and Delaney figures to do that today he's really helped turn the Chiefs around and Kansas City coach marc levy on this Thanksgiving Day has a lot to be thankful for Biron day NFL 81 some thoughts on the Pontiac Silverdome and the defensive end in the middle what NFL 81 continued claim it's time we thank the folks at skill they brought out the sand cats and are only a couple of years ago but now we just can't work without it right Klem skilled Sam cat handles easy like an orbital sander has the muscle of a belt sander I suspect it's gonna last too long and our skill saw circular saw maybe as long as me and clamp skill we build tools that last last and last Clem where did for the hammer it's a feeling a feeling of freedom that begins with blue scrubs Emily's appealing as brisk am old as the open sky new blue strago's Cologne and after she [Music] you'll like the feeling the highest mileage car in America comes with front-wheel drive a reliable easy starting diesel engine comfortable adjustable seats and a nice roomy interior the rabbit bezel is the highest mileage car in America but the best thing about the highest mileage car in America is it's made by box one [Music] the original I am very appreciative of that banner that rests here in the silver dome exactly 202 feet beneath the roof a roof that consists of 10 acres of teflon-coated fiberglass how might you wonder if that roof held in place way SP Jack Stein thanks Brian you don't want to weigh him here I picked up this brochure about silver dome facts one thing it tells me the roof was held up by five and a half pounds of pressure per square foot well that's interesting I'm using a lot more pressure inside than out but you may wonder what if the two things have to do with a football game today [Laughter] figured out the answer we're dealing here with two of the best field goal kickers in the league Nick Lowery and Eddie Murray now what have you open one of these doors in the right place at the right time just before a field goal attempt this might give you the biggest home-court edge since the Moscow Olympics when they used to open a garage door in the stadium behind the Russian javelin throwers and this is even better because you can't bet on the Lubyanka lions right certainly when Nick Lowry and Eddie Murray ply their trade today all eyes will be on them the same cannot be said of Don parish and Ken Kramer they are the men in the middle for Kansas City's defense and part of that unappreciated breed known as the middle guard in a 3-4 defense there are four linebackers to defensive ends but there is only one man in the middle some call him a nose tackle others a middle guy and his ability to absorb punishment as well as dish it out is the key to pro football's 3/4 demons no other position requires such a combination of quickness and strength an irony of the nose tackle is that they are judged not by the number of tackles they make but by the obtention opponents devote to the nose tackle is the key to any three-four defense he's the one the clogs up the middle he's really the star wars lineman he causes things to bounce outside he really makes things happen but no time we can't get blocked one on one by son if he does that it destroys a three-foot you gotta at least control the center of tie up to blocks most the time and if you can't this we should be able to control the center and get down and make the place out he's got to do exactly what he's supposed to do in the heat of the battle on every snap I think that's the real key as far as defense and no stack of his concern we feel it's important that they're willing to make a sacrifice if you want to call it that we simply call it playing the defense as we'd like to have it played a coach once said the only thing easy about playing nose tackle is that you always know exactly where to line up this is the most physically demanding position in the game every snap brings with it an assortment of double and triple team blocks to excel at nose tackle you cannot escape this beating and because of this only a few ever master the middle the Denver Broncos starting nose tackle is number 68 Reuben a man with that extra something that it takes to play this position well I love position head is basically a part of myself a part of my personality being persistent being aggressive they'll always be smart they're waiting for you when you make a move to get around one is one of your blockers if anybody standing in my ways whenever I come around the brachot that person can expect that he did I expect to get double-teamed on on every plate [Applause] if I can get in and be a fact on any plays is really a delicacy on this Thanksgiving Day with family story with a football been involved our John Brodie we'll get to that [Music] MZ s stereo for the senses see the beauty of MCS touch the precision controls here incredible sound feel it move you to a realm beyond the MCS 60-watt system with receiver and speakers is on sale at $5.99 85 save $380 see it touch it hear it feel it mcs stereo for the senses only a JCPenney this diesel engine is what makes the Volkswagen Rabbit and pickup the best mileage 81 car and truck in America right now make your best deal on either one and Volkswagen of America will mail you a check for the suggested retail price of the diesel engine option what that really means is you get a diesel at no extra cost so you can save hundreds of dollars now and hundreds of dollars a year on fuel down the road if you get to your Volkswagen dealer by December 31st [Music] stop camera watch the suit it's the Hager washable suit and visa fabrics made a new way to be machine washed and dried I don't believe it a Hager washable suit is guaranteed to keep it's great looks and fit for its normal life or your money back the Hager washable suit guaranteed wash after wash after wash [Music] [Music] as we again wish you a Happy Thanksgiving we take note of the fact that in each life a person Wears many hats case in point our John Brodie he has been quarterback announcer husband father and now he has added to that coach coach of his son's eight-man football team at boy [Music] I guess if you if you had 25 years of experience in the game of football itself from high school through professional you have so many experiences about relationships between players and coaches that's my viewpoint that what we're there to do is to help them because that's the definition of the coach and when we do help them they gain greatly and I think at the level we're playing our purpose is to get them enthusiastic about the game of football so that they can feel good about themselves and go out and be a more involved person well the only guys have thought you guys would be here as yourselves anyway so you are let's go [Music] my son bill not only is one of the players but asked me to come down here and help because he is the quarterback now and the funny thing is he'd never played or even looked as if he wanted to play it down a football before he came down to after school ok bill you can still run judas faker faker 48 you know if you fake 48 you can tell them the lines and blocks off ok fake 48 alright and you can hit Richards freaking straight down the side or casas he's a good touch yeah get into it pretty much he gets into the guys and then playing just a little rowdy too much sometimes but overall he's very good and keeps his car so what you do bill is you drop back ok just give it a quick pop into the fire and then keep matches rumba that's the only way we can run it if you want to do it do you guys want to do it yeah ok big balls are 15 that's the way you do it ok he goes coach 21 that ain't bad nice going good yeah we did good as we this may or may not be my last year coaching but it will never be beyond the level of high school in an enjoyable situation because I've really found that the guys that have it best are those that are sitting up in row 50 with a microphone I love you JB but 5321 maybe we did the piece on the wrong coach in any event in this Thanksgiving Day let's turn our attention to another member of the NBC family Lenny Dawson the subject of our kickoff report Old Spice presents [Applause] kickoff is brought to you by always spiced aftershave lotion the fresh clean scent women love you're watching a quarterback whose career has raced along the exciting thin line that separates failure and success he is Kansas City's Len Dawson a superbly accurate passer and one of the great dominant quarterbacks who made the early years of the American Football League so different and so much fun to watch but it started out like a bad dream Pittsburgh had him for two years and said he couldn't pass watch him pass [Music] Cleveland had him for three more years and said he couldn't pass watch him pass Lenny could put the ball almost any way he wanted he loved the flare pass to the outside and would work the field zone for sold step by step and then just reach back and hit some miracle worker like Otis Taylor 50 yards downfield but it wasn't until Super Bowl four that he and coach Hank Stram got a chance to prove their three AFL titles were worthy of respect Dawson and the Chiefs won big that day and had six more years together more touchdowns more wins more satisfaction but all the smoke had cleared the record book shows only three quarterbacks in the history of the game I've ever passed for more yardage than Len Dawson the chief of the keeps a little Old Spice as a lottery worch both spices the clean fresh masculine scent so many women love so even if you love only one woman your love always bites the man sent so many women love [Music] return to the Silverdome Thanksgiving at jcpenney auto centers we won't steer you wrong we will steer you to the amazing JCPenney mileage maker XP all seasons steel-belted radial for great traction in any road conditions and right now say 40 to 100 dollars on the set of for the mileage maker XP with the unique interlock block tread seasonin season out the only tire you need only at jcpenney when you get home let's go you can install the stanley do-it-yourself garage door opener in about four hours everything comes in the box just assemble it put it up and plug it in surprising the Stanley do-it-yourself garage door opener it's a very nice thing to do to somebody else [Music] available for holiday gift-giving at most Kmart stores and a code hour day is just getting started but weren't around here is it's already gone bad for fee tax how many truth that you had the Brody's in the 53:21 game no truth at all I even better Brodie team yet in my life that's why I'm so rich today you know rich mission is Thanksgiving Day it's reached that point in the year where all the games are kind of special not only the froze but the college's because they're coming up on Bowl time well I've already decided my two favorite bowls so far what is the Sun Bowl which gave Oklahoma chance to find somebody they can beat this year and the second was the Garden State Bowl which is played in the Meadowlands in New Jersey with that great traditional metropolitan rivalry Wisconsin and Tennessee you know the bowl that's getting a lot of play here in the Detroit area is the astro Bluebonnet bowl which will match Michigan against UCLA and supposedly the officials in Pasadena are a bit miffed the fan yes well it's sort of a mini Rose Bowl and for the Michigan fans that wish they were at the real Rose Bowl ball has a little history of its own you know it was the first bowl to have a - we might add there's no truth to the rumor that the bolts were going to be invited to the Fiesta Bowl but they didn't quite qualify let's roll em shrimp that's funny that people make a big deal about the bowl invitations going out they're supposed to go at the end of the regular season in college football and shoot they go out earlier well yeah everybody knows by pretty much by midseason where the teams are going to go but we have to keep the charade going for the economy just think of all the limo drivers and cocktail waitresses that would be out of work at the Bowl committee stop traveling to scout the team if they don't actually go out for sure everybody knows today very quickly interesting game closely met but I can't go against the Lions at home they feet right - the two and a half ok the Lions are unbeaten at home and we're getting set for what we think will be a very good affair 80,000 on their feet here it'll be Billy Sims against Joe Delaney Mackenzie she's the Detroit Lions Hamburg and Berlin along with the home [Music] thus we're spring their number one show to prime time yes trust the beader and technology to forge a new legend sinkhole the sound costs a coat of fuel swim elegance and here's proponents you think all the salad trust Seiko to create timepieces destined for a place among the world's great possessions Seiko listen miracles of slowness marvels of technology no wonder people trust circle more than any other watch Seiko at your authorized dealer when you're out riding a Yamaha snowmobile you won't think about all those grueling years of testing went into the engine design or all the late nights are engineers Spence moving out the suspension you'll just hit the throttle and it's a no place in particular we do all the work and you have all the fun but that's the way it should be [Music] I'm back to tell you about that remarkable radio station biological on rip just take a look at these lips this is Ken Calvert with a half-hour commercial-free freeze on grip get it up Detroit this is changing in the morning crew on the roof nothing matters but nobody can cruise on WRI and you still got a remarkable mouth WR is still a remarkable radio station baby baby the original Miracle on 34th Street tonight at 8:00 the 80,000 seat Silverdome the largest stadium in the NFL the scene Kansas City and Detroit the top two running teams in professional football the young Chiefs are eight and four they're tied for first in the AFC West and they're led by sensational Joe Delaney a rookie from Northwestern Louisiana whose breakaway bursts have him just 15 yards from the 1,000 yard mark 40 trike one game out of first place it's last year's NFL Rookie of the Year Billy Sims the former Heisman winner from Oklahoma has the best rushing average per game in the NFL Sims versus Delaney the Lions and Kansas City two teams in the run for the Superbowl playoff [Music] the National Football League today from the Pontiac Silverdome it's the Kansas City Chiefs and the Detroit Lions today's game is brought to you by old milwaukee light we've got the pace of light right old milwaukee light by the new Chrysler Corporation for 1982 Chrysler has the cars the quality and the prices America needs by iGEM helping put information to work for people and bike a care where quality parts and service are Kmart right [Music] the 80,000 seat Silverdome packed to capacity for the center conference game that features two teams with playoff ambitions Kansas City in a tie for first in the AFC West and the Detroit Lions only one game behind Minnesota in the NFC Central president of NBC Sports rough the entire NBC Sports crew a Happy Thanksgiving from Pontiac Michigan everyone and on this day when all of our crew the ladies and gentlemen who will send you this game are away from their families we hope that you're enjoying those that you love on this very special day happy Thanksgiving groan hey music got to be worth you and it's nice to get together with the families but at a time when it seems fashionable to be critical of those things we don't have and to be angry at everything and demanding change it might be nice to step back and look at the things that we do have the good things we share in life had to be thankful for just a moment for those nicely set these are two teams that are battling for first place and of course are looking ahead to the Super Bowl and they are the two top rushing teams in the entire NFL and they feature two outstanding runners let's talk first about the Kansas City Chiefs Joe Delaney the word for Delaney is quick you talk to people who played against this young man they cannot believe how fast he hits the hole and how quick his feet are he has really set some people on their ear and for a syllabary surprisingly strong it really has come on strong in this rookie year it's interesting that the landing here is he powers that rushing offense of the Kansas City Chiefs the chief NFL rushing these two defenses are two of the three best against the run so something we'll have to give today for the Kansas City defense they'll be focused on number 20 in Honolulu blue and sober thick we had a chance to watch Billy Sims as he played out his college career and we also have had a chance to watch him in a professional uniform again amazing quickness and blinding speed but I think the thing that sets Sims apart is his ability to see the openings and to explode through them he's a very special back already over a thousand yards and we're going to see some fireworks from these two great backs today Merlyn we're also going to have some fun today because we're going to be talking about football communications what happens in the huddle what are those fellas on the sidelines with the earphones talking about very often dick success or failure on the playing field will depend on the ability of these teams to communicate one with another it's especially difficult in front of and even more difficult in a domed stadium where the acoustics seem to multiply the sound they're going to have a tough time letting each other know what's going on today like a foreign language well it is and teams develop their own terminology their own special codes words and colors I think the language spoken on the Kansas City side of the field as opposed to Detroit side of the field would be as different as sweetie should have Talia I guess on this day you could say then they're talking Turkey let's go down to the field the Detroit Lions will receive Kansas City Chiefs in white we'll kick it off [Applause] the Detroit Lions for the 27 yard line its first down for Detroit Eric Hipple the young quarterback Phillies Tim's of brilliant runner and Dexter fussy the old time lion rusher in history bread scott and leonard thompson the wide receivers David Hill bad knee he was not expected to start the offensive line ball - Wyler Goliath Fowler Bollinger Dorney regarded as the top offensive lineman an all-pro candidate kept all going to throw on first down and going muffin [Applause] legs became engaged and Thompson went down to the flag I don't think they call him for his leg though dick and look like he reached out with that left hand and kind of felt for the receiver get the referee a chance to call it here pass interference number 44 first down our referee is Fred wyan today here's a look at it now watch watch right at the end here you'll see Eric reached out with his left hand there's the bump right there busting with the hand and bumped him also with the hip and of course you simply cannot touch that receiver after the ball offense thrown 38 yard penalty Billy Sims his first carry and he's to the Kansas City 32 yard line a gain of 3 plus here's the defense for the Kansas City Chiefs much improved heart still Don Parrish Mike Bell still and Bell were top draft picks number one round choices the linebackers Howard Blanton spane their leading tackler and Cal Peterson's use their back for New Year the coaches around the league rave about these youngsters Green Burris barber oh he's the veteran and Harris who played in the Canadian Football League the last four years see inside the 30-yard line but that'll be four yards shy of a first down Peterson and parish collaborated on the tackle and the Lions face up passing down dick one of the things we can expect to do today as well as seeing some great action when you put two physical teams like this on the football field together you can hear the action you're going to hear those pads slapping together you predicted it would be a very physical game I think it may be one of the most physical games in the NFL this year Horace King a good pass receiver is replaced bussy in the backfield pickle [Applause] good throw by hippo he had to throw that right through the defensive back of the teeth a relatively inexperienced young quarterback had his debut on national television and what amazing cool he has shown gets the benefit of a ball there from Eric Harris but still that path exactly on target into the hands of his favorite receiver to date Freddie Scott you have to wonder however a pair a couple of breaks are at the 11th to the 9 yard line a gain of two Sims from Oklahoma playing football they just like to tinker mechanically with cars and trucks forth in the lately that 1123 yards for Simms he's missed two games so if you prorated you averaged 112 yards a game he would be the top rusher in the NFL he's missed two games and still number four Eric Hipple who has run for six touchdowns this year as a second and eight reverse Freddie's got back to the line of scrimmage and that is all the skins spane read it well along with Mike Bell number 99 flavors where they stopped by number 50 Cal Peterson the man responsible for the reverse lift to the outside and there was no place to go the ball carrier had to turn back inside watch the reverse and SD ball carrier comes back you see right there runs into the barrier number 50 has to duck back inside they get him on the ground that's what you have to do defensively keep the play inside both these teams are going to have to keep the feet in there where they got the body [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to play today goes you right there why they need him in the game but the other thing that made that play was the run of him little play-action pass to freeze the defense and Hipple has four four seven speed he gets outside and makes another room for himself and his receiver hill and hits the TD that crease was wide open veteran from Texas a and I [Applause] trying to celebrate early it took them only three minutes to get seven points in producing the 82 Jerry's cave America's highest mileage six passenger driving machine with even better mileage than last year front-wheel drive and improved suspension for better performance than last year but the most incredible news for 82 is what isn't new the base model price still America's lowest priced highest mileage six passenger front-wheel drive car the 82 Dodge Aries kakou America's driving machine and on other selected dodge cars and trucks get three hundred to a thousand dollars cash see participating dealers for complete details right guard solid because a man needs all the protection he can get right guard solid has an action triggered Foreman triggered for Indy's protection when your body needs it most so the more you sweat no more protection you get great guard solid action trigger to help keep you Brian dota free all day break guard antiperspirant solid the more you sweat the more protection you can sow the Lions in three minutes nine seconds go 73 yards six plays the capper 10-yard pass from hippo to Hill Maree ready to kick it off rookie James Murphy deep for Kansas City Murphy from Utah State at the for the 20 weighing up to the 30-yard line Robbie Martin needs the kick return man for the Lions Phil Kenny the quarterback Joe Delaney a brilliant rookie the big blocking back in fullback James hand nut over 240 pounds Stan Rome playing for the injured Henry Marshall at the loss Marshall out JT Smith for touchdowns on punt returns the last two years in Al Dixon a tight end Perkin off they like to run behind him short yardage buddy the Ben regret knee condon and Getti [Applause] marv lady fields are much improved [Applause] Smith emotions they run the other way - had nine number sixty from Colorado State gets had not by the ankles here's the Lions defense zero boy who surprisingly leads the Lions in sacks this year William Gay Doug English and Bubba Baker on the front line Gary cop may be the most improved lion player fan Teddy in the middle leading tackler the veteran stand why he calls the plays Wayne Smith and James hunter at the corners spider-man Allen and veteran ray old man Oldham that old man that he won't appreciate somebody's make it unfair advantage of him there [Music] fine did he sprint to daylight in a first down at the 46 yard line Delaney ripped off 14 yards which gives him one yard from the 1000 yard marks we mentioned the word quickness watch the explosion here almost a droplet but look at the feet it looks like everyone else is going at about three-quarter speed and Delaney just flies through for the first down you have to slow it down just to appreciate where he's going is a blur Delaney northwestern Louisiana first down cans 46 trailing 7 nothing early had not [Applause] to the 49-yard line a gain of about three these two men that are coaching today both started with these teams in 1978 Marv levy by Beta Kappa and the Chiefs and across on the opposite side lines Monty Clark former coach for the San Francisco 49ers and these two men have built their teams through the draft they're both relatively young teams not unlike Cincinnati another team that has excelled this year with youth and program [Music] Delaney [Applause] veteran sand why and the right corner James hunter up quickly to stop Delaney for no gain dick I asked max Yvonne the defensive coordinator for the Detroit Lions how do you stop the Joe Delaney he said we have got to keep him inside we cannot let him outside we've got to keep him in there where we have some tackler they were able to get the quickforce on that way they got a lot of people in foot pursuit Delaney was able to get virtually no [Applause] he says first and his man Katie Smith first down at the Lion 41 yard line Wayne Smith back from Purdue made the tackle and the Chiefs have a first down in Lion territory with Marshall out of the lineup he's trying to have to go to JT Smith this not a burner of a receiver has good speed but more of a controlled receiver you see him working across the middle and a little trouble with his footing but he knows where that yard stripe is you did look at that red marker on the sideline and drive for that first down is now 45 in whatever [Applause] [Music] some place to stand [Applause] hit him up around the hell a 15 yard personal foul hunter just back to action after being out with an injury a little bit eager with the forearm flipper and of course anytime you throw that forearm you're probably going to drop like they've made it increasingly painful for the defense to get up around that head and to use the firm and the no file number 28 first down kid for you to watch it the excellent pass to Rome on the sidelines but watch the shot right there he comes up with that big pass and then with the right arm and that the good call buddy [Music] good yardage seasonings inside the 15 before Doug English the veteran tackle from Texas can make the tackle this is not just an average Thanksgiving Day entertainment game this is a game that has big impact on the playoff picture you've got Kansas City eight and four and they are tied with the Denver Broncos for first in just a game ahead of San Diego in the West of the American Conference and for the Detroit Lions with Minnesota losing Monday night in Atlanta the lion [Music] they're only one behind Minnesota the lady [Applause] white can make the tackle I talked to some of the players who watched Delaney on film and a couple who played against him about his quickness relative to other backs I said what about Tony Dorsett they said he's quicker than Dorsett and you saw it right there that little stutter step the move to the outside and incredible back and one that is surprisingly strong for his side remember these teams rushing defenses [Music] now that Smith looked at Bobby Billy Jackson who is just into the game in Billy Jackson has a touchdown [Applause] like to use insurance that's his temp touchdown of the air to put that into perspective he's carried the ball 69 times on the season dick and 10 of those four touchdown rushing touchdown watch him here look at this verge of the offensive line you get an extra block 85 segments the flanker is idea jumping in there to throw the block and they go right up behind rut knee and right up on the right side there and just push that whole defense into the end zone good job by fuller on the snap and the game is tied at 7 a very impressive drive by the Kansas City Chiefs and their offensive line really knocking the Lions defense back and we're tied at 7 Oh Edna the Toyota needs struts brakes and a new muffler and if we can't get the car back by tonight we can't go to your mother's for dinner you want your foreign car fixed fast get the Midas touch bye this is foreign cars trucks brakes and mufflers in style [Music] that's the Midas touch nobody else to win in competition these guys got to get everything just right and for guys like that we worked harder and making a beer that's just right oh no walking [Music] light a big beer taste but still kept it less filling and that makes it just right [Music] Old Milwaukee got light right tonight Michael Conrad and Barbara Babcock and their award-winning roles on the emmy-winning Hill Street Blues number one with the critics number one in its time period each team scoring on its opening drive 69 yards time plays Jackson a four yard run for the score and we're tied at seven Lowrie to kick it off nipples and all are deep go to the rookie Nichols the seventh [Applause] to the 24-yard line where the Lions will put it in play the tackle made by Curtis Bledsoe of the Chiefs Curtis Bledsoe excellent special teamer backup running back certainly one of their favorites when it comes to putting him into the pattern on the kickoff team but team watch him right there it comes down bounces off one block gets right there to get a piece of that tackle good special teams play Kansas City doing a good job of covering 626 left in the first quarter [Music] [Applause] [Music] the eight year veteran from Darlington one of the things we can look for today 52 teams do have such hope running attacks is the use of the play-action pass very very tough for the defensive lineman to read pass when they have to respect the running ability of backs like Delaney and sim so these quarterbacks will use that to buy a little extra time for them to get the ball downfield [Music] Peterson after Mike Bell closed off the outside Peterson from UCLA made the stop and the Lions will look at third and two thieves have been able to corral the big rushers in the last season and a half as you saw from that statement and they're trying to do that de Sims today that was a minus one for sim fussy up the middle for a first down at the 35 yard Gary spane from Kansas State made the tackle Dolson commented about these two teens you have running teams and they like to block you off that line of scrimmage that it be a physical game and the sounds already they have underlined that statement Merlin let's give it a listen this time see if we can hear the Pops [Music] [Applause] [Music] a young man with excellent speed they say they clock him down to around for four and for a man of his size 6 1 212 pounds doesn't look to be that bad but certainly the kind of player that you love to have if you're a quarterback and you want to get him downfield Harris did a fine job he'd been victimized earlier on that same trying to play down the sideline call for a play to set up the touchdown there to knock that one away BRIC pain number 32 from San Jose State as replaced shims in the backfield unable to handle that pass out of the backfield so it'll be third down and ten for the Detroit Lions talk to Bonnie Clark about young Eric Hipple he said he got his first real baptism against the Chicago Bears who run about every defense ever created under the Sun and you've got to audible against the Bears or you simply can't play that he'll handle himself well did not have a great day but was able to stay cool under all that pressure they knew then that they had a court the young quarterback who was going to do well Rick Cain and Horace King behind Hipple on third and law [Music] [Applause] King could not handle the ball would be that Thomas Howard number 52 got his but it appeared to me complaining great pressure on temples like Ken Kramer number 91 Kramer coming around on a stunt just very simple what's the breach right there looks like a little bit of a strip it's what exactly what Howard was able to do reception to tell Howard drift of all they need a fund for Detroit Katie Smith back in the 28 Hebrides a deep and a fair catch bubble [Applause] [Music] you made the comment yes [Music] [Applause] they're almost like boxers with that kind of concentration down they're just flying to the outside with the pressure right there he's six that put them to the outside 1810 Janey Harris and Harris a dependable dependable receiver he's from Clinton we'll be seeing him in the Orange Bowl on New Year's night intellicus gives the line football at the Kansas City [Applause] Chiefs didn't raise back at the 23-yard line John parish of Pittsburgh recovered the fumble those tackle parish out there in a real hurry and what a great break for the Kansas City Chiefs the Lions getting a hold of that football in scoring territory already in field goal range let's see what caused that fumble it stripped away again just a bone-jarring tackle pulled that puller right away at Peterson again he'd made three outstanding plays here in the early going and good pursuit from the inside from parish to get on that sophomore now the Chiefs after the muff of the punt by JD Smith get it back on the first play rip cane playing for Billy Sims we understand that Sims as re-injured what they call the turf toe a sprain Joe does not sound serious except when you're a runner and you're trying to put that pressure cutting pushing off it it can be most of a Godin Sims being attended to on the near sidelines we made the it later in the game that's a painful injury and it really restricts the ability of Tim's to cut the fact that's how you get it by cutting on this part of Delaney and these to the 29-yard line good-bye Delaney of about six before English and table could make the tackle for Detroit one of the things that it's helped Kansas City so far this year is to have their offensive line healthy but another thing that is helpful is the quickness with which Delaney hits the line of scrimmage when you know that that back is going to be there we'll be able to take advantage of even the smallest hole you get extra incentive as a blocker and certainly Kansas City's lion has had that this year [Music] James had not and he's close to a first down had not from Texas Tech it's an interesting set of backs for Kansas City Delaney's a rookie had nuts in his second year he's the old man Billy Jackson and Curtis Bledsoe the only other two running back active on the squad are also rookies that's a tribute I think to the conditioning of those two that there were only two backups on this team that seems a little risky to me by the way when over 100 yards last week he's not just a blocker he can carry the mail [Applause] in less than they are they like to go to Billy Jackson 43 in this spot and they do to be close they'd like to put their third side in Becklund number 85 in motion from a flanker position and normally he'll come all the way across and block on that occasion we've never seen to do it before he turned around it at the center position started back Jackson from Alabama they feel that was really a steal on the draft Kansas City they got him in the seventh round he was bamas leading rusher as a senior last year and yet was still available in this seventh round 5 10 and 223 first down at the 34 yard line JT Smith to the both receivers go left [Music] Dixon [Music] why first / rare [Music] [Applause] [Music] plays football with a tent as well as any in the league and an inexperienced quarterback who didn't pull the trigger on that particular play if you see white in position to take it away from him does it with simple ease we talked about communication she is the defensive communicator and a dinosaur in the NFL and will pursue that as we continue [Music] looking for good fuel economy General Motors new cars and trucks offer impressive EPA mileage estimates and financing from GMAC can go a long way towards helping you get the kind of fuel economy you want today to see automotive financing is GMA sees only business GMAC not only has money available but it rates that make good sense ask GM dieter about GMAC the financing people from General Motors RadioShack makes Christmas dreams come true exciting fast action games with electronic sound effects bright from seven ninety five to seventy nine ninety five like the electronic computerized arcade the sports stadium two player baseball cosmic fire away space shot and more your kids can play alone or with a friend challenging entertainment for kids six to sixty hours of fascinating fun are waiting for you only at RadioShack your Christmas electronics store [Music] we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network there's the defensive coordinator Maxie Bowen he was a coach on the field talking with Stan White who indeed is playing that same role for the Lions and basically he's about the last one left that really calls the defensive signals it's tied at seven here at the Silverdome in Pontiac Michigan late in the first quarter one minute 53 seconds left Dick Enberg Merlin Olsen the Lions have just intercepted had the ball at the 41 of Kansas City Eric Hipple man open leonard thompson and he is through the 34 yard line we talked about communications Merlin Olsen before the telecast today assumed the role that the scouting coaches upstairs do this is where it all begins it's early morning and the area around the Kansas City bench is quiet later today it will be filled with milling football players and coaches it's extremely difficult to see the game from field level so the coaches have had to find a way of getting above the action this is one of the coaching booths and from here the coaches of both teams will be connected to the field with headsets they'll be passing information offensively and defensively to the coaches on the field our lady who has his own lineup of communicators saw Billy Sims pick up a first down at the 29 yard line coaches in touched by telephone communication with those assistant coaches in the press box leonard thompson wide ride with freddie scott slotted right for Detroit Tim cutting back against the grain to the 26-yard line and a short gain of three very speedy made the tackle number 59 crap Sims toe had got them back into the ball game although he lost his shoe on that place Haney a fine aggressive football player the best of the Kansas City linebackers very very physical certainly those linebackers a great combination of speed quickness and strength Timms now has 12 yards rushing Delaney 30 yards in their individual battle in this first quarter and that first 15-minute period has come to an end here at the Silverdome the side of the Super Bowl next January it's the Detroit Lions 7 and the chief of I wish everybody hi I'm George and I'm 37 and I like to wish everybody in Shreveport Louisiana and Hardin to them Happy Thanksgiving and also my family in Los Angeles and I hope you watch TV too that's crazy [Music] telephone credit-card the easy way to call easier than carrying a whole lot of change you get a monthly record of your call applied your Bell business office for your free card hi mom he's the working man forging dreams with fire moving mountains always reaching higher the wheels that move a nation stitching in the seams [Music] because he knows we still build the Levi's jeans that helped build America head coach Monte Clark 44 years of age in his fourth year from Kingsford California [Applause] even [Applause] Sam [Applause] the quarterback Eric Harrison just ran right over him and Harris isn't up yet [Applause] [Music] so mayor a little bit put off on inflicting pain in my own what his helmet down as blasted Eric Harris Harris the pretty big defensive corner watch the action that again you see that little change of pace right there and the explosion to the outside look at that great power by the by the fact Sims six-foot 212 pounds in the heel hits you much bigger than that he does run hungry as they say first down lions Vince Thompson from Villanova rookie and Dexter bussy now the running backs you saw the coaching box upstairs Bob smoker warmer Green Bay former Green Bay goats Los Angeles [Applause] okay gets to the 16 yard line and maybe a yard gain Thomas Howard from Texas Tech made the tackle he was quite a hurdler in high school in fact as a senior had a 13-7 in the hundred and twenty highs that was the best in the nation and here he is at six to 215 playing in the NFL he's big and he can run Billy Sims back in for the Lions early in the second quarter the game is tied at 7 [Applause] [Applause] mark Nichols was wide open but Hipple under pressure throw that football simply didn't get it on target he'll relive that play a number of times later tonight chance for you to watch pure drop back no play-action fake gets time to throw the football a little bit nervous in the pocket that time Nichols wide open they're coming under the zone defense there and that should have been a completion kick third down and just over 10 yards to go for the first time [Applause] [Applause] Gary Barbaro with a brilliant invention Barbaro nickel state of Louisiana makes an all-pro play he'll certainly a favorite receiver in this tough territory a big target that Gary Barbaro read the play beautifully Howard the linebacker there along with him Eric Hipple did have time to throw that football and without the great coverage from the secondary in a beautiful play by Barbara like a basketball player blocking a layup attempt away not that away all timing [Music] by Murray [Applause] 34 yards officially Anthony's bright lines take the lead [Music] the people in st. Louis know their beer but is a master Brewers thank you I know one taste of my Schlitz can change a lot of minds and now more people know I like Schlitz better than button I'm a miller drinker but you have to taste lits to believe it Dillinger which lets taste good people tasting beer here's to it [Music] can an American driving machine outdistance every Datsun on the highway if we put a gallon of gas in every Datsun and in the 1982 Dodge Omni my sir one by one every Datsun wouldn't run out but Omni miser would keep driving with the best highway mileage of any five passenger American car and the lowest price at $54.99 the base model 82 dodge omni miser doesn't cost $1 more this year than the end of last year and on other select new dodge cars and trucks get three hundred to a thousand dollars cash see participating dealers for complete details skating superstars type Avalonia and Randy Gardner Robin cousins Peggy Fleming and Dorothy Hamill compete in an encore performance of a world probed into skating championship then light up with excitement in NHRA drag racing next Saturday on NBC's sports world much at stake today here in the silver dome the Chiefs deep return James Murphy is Eddie Murray of the Lions will kick it off it's 10 to 7 Detroit early in the second quarter George sherry at the 20 breaks a couple of tackles [Applause] [Music] sherry Rutgers fires leaving it coach where ever wonder what happens in the tunnel well in this communications process it goes summary to the quarterback bill Kenney hear his comments when I look over a coach rock and get a signal from the sideline I'll then go into the huddle I will call a formation and any shifting by my backs of receivers I would then call the play in the blocking scheme and then the snap count Jim look at that defense of any [Applause] before Purifoy and cob can wrestle him down Joe Delaney 510 a compact 184 pounds he broke Sidney Thornton's records at northwestern Louisiana Thornton of course the outstanding running back with Pittsburgh Steelers when he heard Kenny talking about his funnel and what is dead there very important did that be done quickly you only got 30 seconds to get to playoff you got to take the SEC open this timeline let everyone know what they have to do [Music] [Applause] in motion [Music] [Applause] a fumble William Gay and white made the tackle he's thought dead white we featured him on our pregame show now you got a chance to watch him in action excellent quick read ducks up into the opening and make the cut tackle that white actually has lost a little of his quickness but when you play with a punch savvy you're able to anticipate the moves of the offense and you're almost there ahead of them I think they may have locked their communications with the upstairs they're going to take the headsets off the coaches on the other side too we talked to you about the communication they go upstairs to the coaches in the box now watch they'll go across and they'll tell the coaches on the other side because it's an NFL rule if communications go out on one side of the field they must automatically take the headsets off on the other side of the field and you saw it very quickly Levy said wait a minute stop this game if we can't talk to arms there's people neither can the Detroit Lions very important dick to remember that with the confusion and all of the players on the sidelines and on the field difficult to see what's happening that's why they move coaches upstairs that's why they'll call offensive and defensive formations from upstairs a football is not unlike baseball you talk to any baseball manager and he'll tell you that he has the worst seat in the house in the dugout and so it is on the sidelines in football all the confusion it's tough to to see that but we can see from this angle this basically that shot before this one is the angle that the scouts have as they look down on the floor okay Dalton is the man that's calling the plays from upstairs for the Kansas City cheese actually Norah in a normal situation sent them down to Bobby Roz and Bobby Ross will be demanded signals amid to Kenny but right now they flipped the line they are sitting with some dead headsets upstairs or either team the offense needs that information more than the deep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not only hit him but forced a very bad pass that came dangerously close to being intercepted the blitz coming from Stan white again anticipating well got the count and zipped to the inside and Kansas City's going to have to kick it away there's the pattern right there now watch out post that was to be intercepted thrown on the inside of the receiver JT Smith had to turn back around Robi Martin deep just gossip to kick Vardhan at the 20 down at the 25 with a good open field tackle by Charles Jackson number 51 from the University of Washington I'm out 7 11 minutes left first half this is no way to treat a personal luxury car but this is no ordinary personal luxury car this is the new Dodge 400 the cockpit says personal luxury but here's the difference front-wheel drive rack and pinion steering McPherson struts electronically controlled engine and another extraordinary difference extraordinary mileage Dodge 400 there's no ordinary personal luxury car driving machine Dodge 400 America's personal driving machine 8 party Little Ponies those very special times they always Sparkle can you drive that very special calendar Dreisbach overflight all this tree refreshing hand of the dry club soda tonic water and ginger ale they make your party Sparkle you Spock make your holidays popular Canada Dry [Applause] the outcomes have been incredible Knicks Sunday don't mess up dynamite doubleheader as the roads of the playoffs continues on NBC sports they putting him on back they pudding now he's got it off Bekasi maxi with his in his hand or on his belt del car called the play okay well just show the coaches there oh the Detroit coaches they're there they've taken theirs off now Lyons assistant coaches smelters stifled all Phillips and there's the Kansas City booth in Kansas City apparently the telephone communication now back in tact who wasn't that plate Alexander Graham Bell in the movies Don Ameche Happy Thanksgiving but you notice they made the Detroit coaches take their headsets off now it appears that Kansas City has there now the equipment working they will allow Detroit to associate i inflate 37 [Music] [Applause] very close to a first down just by way of feeling the tempo of this games ik looking back at the two turnovers that gave Detroit field position and only able to get three points out of that that may be costly before this game is over Sam's showing a noticeable limp as he comes to the sidelines there are his numbers in only 10 games this year he missed two with that bad toe and it's bothering him today 31 yards total as far for sim [Music] and he has enough of the first down at the 36 yard line Ares Feeny gal Peterson dino-man GRE and on the tackle mangieri number 74 in the lineup at the moment 99 Mike Bell what a specimen he is certainly one of the most physical pass rushers we've had a chance to see in a long time can you imagine what kind of defensive play that must have been for Colorado State they had Bubba Baker and one side and Mike Bell at the other I hate to say the dick they did that very good record those days either they must have done a lot better here than they did when they were in college George yard is on first down thus far in the early returns the Kansas City running game has had a little more explosiveness and the Lions but the Lions lead on the board at 10 to 7 with 10 minutes left in the first half gary Danielson has been activated for the game he's been out with that bad wrist of broken wrist since the Oakland game early in the year activated today if I wonder why he would have to be deactivated even though that's his left hand doesn't throw this take that snap with that left now [Music] good yardage by Horace King are tainted with that said that was since imps shooting throw for a considerable game before Lindstrom and Howard to make the stop dick you got to be flexible Bob Snell Kerr who's the offensive coordinator for Detroit has now gone on to the sidelines because he could not communicate with Monty Clark you know we're going to be blamed for this honestly he wanted to just talk about communications not the failure there of the dunker has got down to the sideline he's standing right next to Monty Clark Morris Kang now in the backfield here comes him [Applause] the Lions try to cross off the teeth of the run and our short by two yards it'll be fourth and Whitney pol made the tackle he's from Colorado Wallach inverted defensive lineman lifted up to a linebacker and now occasionally will go back in to that defensive line position you'd be hip-hop coming off now this is this another part of communication coming off to be debriefed by the coaches on the sideline talk about what they did wrong what they did right Katie Smith at the 16-yard line [Music] [Applause] the last pot had no trouble finding the handle on that one it'll be first down Kansas City at the Chiefs 13 yard line 43-yard punt no return by split any who leads the entire NFL in net punting yardage to goodwin by bloody knee give it to the hunter family and still be taken Mike Bell number 99 I'd like to wish all my family back in Wichita Happy Thanksgiving I like to also wish Joe Norman a speedy recovery from his knee injury last week now there's a place where they have their own authorized mechanics quality parts and service and prices you can afford now there's cake air found only at Kmart when you can get a brake job both front disc and rear drum for less than some places charge just for disc that the value well that's what the cake air brake special is all about for only $88 we'll do a front and rear brake job using Raybestos manhattan quality parts at that price why do it yourself that's cake care only at Kmart down here in Texas people know a good beer many choose to taste the Michael it's just one glass tell a lot of beer drinkers what I've known all along you just can't buy a better tasting beer than Schlitz I think so let's take burn me so let's taste really smooth mr. cylinder I'm glad you like sophisticated racing machines fertile the track at breakneck speeds of over 200 miles per hour don't miss the quickest quarter-mile ever in NHRA drag racing then a special encore performance of the world Pro Figure Skating championship next Saturday on NBC sports world midway through the second quarter the Lions 10 Kansas City 7 their stand wide the defensive coach on the field and after this play will have white give us some insight into what happens in the defensive huddle and on the line of scrimmage Kansas City [Applause] then white not only a smart football player but very capable in calling the defense my step in the huddle the first dance to do is follow the alignment with defensive line we usually get into what we call an under front for a running situation though we can go into what we call our pass Russians might not give me what we call a blue ball then I go into the coverages that we are going to use first time situations and second short situations or I call into a man-to-man defense but we use in our passing situations well we can also make special adjustments according to how the games going we may want to call a blitz what we call a dog at times we may want to go into our nickel situations we were bringing six or five defensive backs and we have several different adjustments we can make throughout the game according to what they've been doing in or what species they've been successful with against us oh it's easy I asked him I said how many defensive audibles do you have I said that last count over a hundred and sixty on the field that he said there are born [Applause] Billy Jackson at 223 and someone really threw a shoulder into the ball carrier to stop him that cold it'll be very close to a first down an added note on Stan White number 52 to be able to remember all that react so quickly obviously you need certain cerebral capacity and he was in his top three or four in law school he's already a practicing lawyer so white indeed is a genius on the field the other thing he does and it's typical of the preparation that Maxie Vaughn has defensive coordinators shift on if you ask him you put Kansas City anywhere on the field he can tell you what plays they like to run out of from there what their tendencies are out of different formation he's had more time with the projector than just about anyone else in the league right defense and the Chiefs are short by inches they talk about brainpower that man who just saw Marv levy you don't want to take a test with him either certainly not interesting thing about both Levy and Monty Clark two coaches highly respected by their player their coaches who will communicate eye-to-eye with their players and that's something that I always appreciated and respected in a coach he didn't want to hear from somebody else no wanted it from the man himself and Levy's got a touchy problem with his quarterback we can talk about that a little bit later but he's willing to talk to them and about it Ravi Martin Mantha 35 [Music] gossiped nice spinning spiral Martin for the 40 [Applause] timeout exactly six minutes remaining in the first half here at the Silverdome it's the lion's den and it's even there's only one car rental company in the world big enough and good enough to be number one for everyone else guarantees your final run on charges in advance like this and lets you go right from your plane to your car without stopping at the rental counter and they never charge for mileage no matter where you rent the car where you return whatever you needed a car rental company still only [Music] dear Atari anonymous ever since we got Atari video games our next-door neighbors have moved in they'd rather play Atari air-sea battle they better play Atari Missile Command then go home but games so ingenious so evolving so intense I asked you at re Anonymous how far is this good neighbor policy go [Music] this Sunday it's week 13 in the NFL and the playoff race is Iran Brian Gumbel will have all the highlights scores late-breaking news and all the games NFL 81 and regional football action continues featuring AFC Central leading Bengals against the Browns a game for Ohio Ohio bragging rights and Denver travels to San Diego to play for the a-f-c Wesley check your local listings for the game in time in your area another big Sunday coming up on NBC Sports [Applause] Lions laid ten to seven first down Anthony price 40 [Music] very simple on a screen the nearly ten yards and he stopped at midfield by the red and gold of the Kansas City Chiefs she's getting a little heat on Erik temple earlier in one way to neutralize that kind of pressure is to run the screen pass let those big defensive linemen through and then dump it out Dexter busty a pine running back in his own right good job of play-acting by a Hipple who must make it look like a pass and it's a good blocking on the outside Amos Fowler 65 although he was literally circled by the defensive player making enough room for bussy to get by getting down very close that first down it's just short so the Lions have it down with which to play Hipple is four four nine one touchdown one of the NFL assigned officials on the sidelines or communicating with a referee about what we do not know but we're going to find out he's just telling him that the go and the coaches can put on their head stuff [Music] [Applause] has 11 [Music] broke out a tailor's record earlier this year AC all-time Detroit lion Russia this is the kind of thing that can happen in short yardage it looked like it looked like Kansas City was guessing that the play was going to be outside all of their people stretching to the outside and their hit up inside by the extra buzzy for a big big gainer inside [Music] coverage by 44 Eric Harris [Music] parrot had a touchdown the other way if people had thrown that one on the mark we talked about young quarterbacks people are just getting his feet wet as an NFL quarterback but do enough to zip that one hole to the top or if he didn't do it up he did it accidentally and certainly he does that was the right thing to do you made an interesting comment yesterday about Hipple you get a young quarterback such as Hipple and usually they'll play well for a couple of games but almost invariably don't have a little dip a little decline Hipple has been surprising to you certainly have to be able to keep it soo and is elected calm during this very pressurized Rita time an outstanding catch in a crowd by the lines of Eric Harris Billy seemed almost hold it down Thompson coming from the sideline with the play we told you about smokers still on the sideline that's going to be tough for him he's used to watching the a from up here you can't see as much down on the field but he's right there calling the plays on the sidelines for Eric Hipple both these quarterbacks because of their inexperience and because of the coaching preference taking their place on the sidelines [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Gary Greene number 24 away from football Green has perfect position timed it well but did not dare bump into Scott [Applause] [Music] concentration buy stock because he was being shielded being badgered by the defender at the last minute boom just speared that behind grain the point [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this up into the pocket and got that bad right off on target amazing young athlete from Utah State he goes to Amherst ready Scott and seven more for Detroit with a special times happy times forward in for what will be all these and all the for what you mean [Music] I don't you have more than Christmas to celebrate give her a diamond now saving certificates direct from Chrysler make it easier to own a Mitsubishi built import save $500 on a new 81 cult or champ on a new 80 to save 300 save 500 on a new 81 challenger or Sapporo on a new 80 to save 300 save 500 on any new 81 or 82 Ram 50 or arrow pickup now you can own a quality built high mileage Mitsubishi import and save up to $500 at participating dodge and Plymouth dealers there are a lot of cops on the road only one punch road side deed and Sunday the race is on to save a teenager who's stolen money from the mob on ships ready Scott happy young man his fourth touchdown of the year the half and the Lions tower in front seventeen seven hey Murray to kick it off there's Eric Hipple what a job he's doing he's playing like a ten year veteran that's all I could train you saw his face [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cherry and he'll watch it go out of bounds in a five-yard penalty the Lyons Marie illegal procedure there's a young Utah State quarterback on the other side of the field galeano him there he's in exactly the same position that Eric Hipple was in a couple of years ago and we asked Gary Kipple we asked Eric Hipple our question about him and we'll give you that tape a little later but that young man finished his colleague did season the collegiate season at Utah State there's the other Utah State quarterback on the field and he has done a great job coming in to direct an attack well let's just review hit bulls history minute while they mark off the illegal procedure the five-yard penalty Hipple was drafted in the fourth round last year by the Lions out of Utah State he did not throw a pass all last year and then this year with the injury to gary Danielson they put in jeff calm low the backup quarterback and finally calm low after a couple of games relieved by Hipple and Hipple took over as if there would say where's he been all this time you know who his backup quarterback was Utah State dick Terry Bradshaw's brother Greg Bradshaw yeah they produced some throwers out there the UTech how did you ever get into school [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's where james murphy is from we asked Eric Hipple what if I see get to Bob Galliano what he had to say Joe well I just tell them to hang in there not get discouraged because it's a crazy game and you never know it's gonna happen yep he didn't waste any words doing it did it it's interesting suddenly Utah State with all those quarterbacks in your day was donis tackle universe [Applause] little screen to Smith to the 43 yard line before Gary Cobb to make the tackle first down Kansas City 14 yard gain for the four years star from North Texas State JD Smith the one of the favorite plays of his Kansas to the offense again that's to take the pressure off of the quarterback the Detroit Lions have 37 sacks on the year and you need to run some screens and some draws to keep those defensive linemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and have their first back of the game Dave Hiroko [Applause] bill Kenny's sandwich clients are tied with Dallas for the NFC lead with one course the Jets lead all of the NFL was 49 for that New York sack exchange and Oakland and Detroit Dallas tied for the NFC lead Phil Kenny is a thick quarterback but even big Kenny is not able to stand up to the rush of those two defensive end [Applause] 41 yard line you could just see the talent and when we go back to your comment as a defender just getting ill to your stomach thinking about the talent of a runner like that that was the case in point it's a quick story I when stairs was in his prime for Chicago dick he came out to play in the Pro Bowl in Los Angeles and he was I was playing on the same team other than practice they give him the ball and I get nauseated watching him people while we were in practice he was one of the [Applause] bring on the punting team English the oil man gets Kenny Kenny a little bit nervous there and one of those one of the advantages that Hipple has over Kennedy and speed over Kenny is speed you see they're just does not have enough speed to get outside of that rush pull down by Mick Jagger English at the two-minute warning lion 17 the people here in California know their beer in fact the beer is a big part of their Oktoberfest let's please and for our master brewer the final test is a beer drinkers patient I think slipped a little better than but it's nice to know I like it I'm impressed this blitz really taste good mr. Bellinger I'll go with your slip I knew you would [Music] I glad to see you we don't have room for your TVs guess I'll just have to wait for the next Boat there's only one television that people are absolutely crazy about Trinitron from Sony the one and only Doug English who has a Great Dane so instead weigh 250 pounds named spike I said if it's 250 who has the weight advantage in your household he said I got him trained down to 175 I'm the boss he's quite a guy dog English all-american at Texas Gossett who plays a minor league third base in the New York Mets system picking the Robbie Martin rookie Cal Poly San Luis Obispo [Music] at the return ball dick in a sea of Kansas City in a forms Charles Jackson the first wave number 51 a 42-yard punt - return timeout 147 left in the half for his instrument into the Pro Football Hall of Fame mr. Bob Lilley it was the greatest day of my life the ultimate honor after a career of 14 years as the Dallas Cowboy being enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame but there was one person who wasn't there to share that moment and that was my dad from the time I was five years old he worked with me his dream for me was that someday I planned the NFL he couldn't run because he was partially crippled but he passed the ball to me he worked with me every day over the years he was my coach my greatest fans he never missed a game until he passed away in that team 71 see here the Cowboys made it to the Super Bowl for the first time when you visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame you'll see number 74 mr. cowboy Bob Lilley behind every number there's a story and a dream that came true the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio don't miss it preceding announcement furnished as a public service by the National Football League and our thanks for the folks here at the Silverdome were understandably excited about hosting the Super Bowl in January and we want to congratulate our colleague Brian Gumbel officially announced now is the new co-host of NBC's Today Show a brilliant choice by the network and the best of Brian first on lion they leave 17 [Applause] for hippo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] quarterback with mobility really has an advantage in a game like this watch what Hipple does with a broken play that's the normal sack for most quarterbacks he not only gets the yardage to the line of scrimmage but out runs Cal Petersen number 50 and legs it for the first down and then smartly ducks out of bounds he's a veteran already one minute and 38 seconds left first at the Lions lead 17 7 ball at the 36 [Applause] Baelor now we'll call timeout and here's another part of the communication process as Hipple will come to the sidelines he has two timeouts left and now rather than the signals being sent in or signal then he can talk directly to his head man Monte Clark and also to Bob snooker that's still Kerber that he's talking to you right now Monty Clark did an interesting thing when he came here put his staff together knew that he was a little a little weak on the offensive side brought in Bob snuper who certainly had a wealth of experience as an offensive coach receiver coach early in his career they'll be taking information of course still from the coaches upstairs but mostly nel Kerr is the guy that will make the decision you see him right there head to head with him pull on the sidelines we told you earlier that when they lost communication and snow perfect community he had to get down to that sideline because money did want that full responsibility of calling the offense by himself and understandably so his experience although very strong on offense does not include as much of the passing game of I think he would like to have there that really is a in essence a war game you've got the general headquarters methods out to the foxhole and execute the plan and then carried back how's it going and what can we do to be better it's a collective thing he's robbed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he makes his home in Staten Island New York and Eric Hipple sack for the first time today surprising that Kansas City that's only their 18th sack all year that's certainly a number that does not please Marv levy or the defensive coordinator for the Kansas City Chiefs but Hipple right there paying the price for taking a little too much time and I think would have been well advised either to unload that or to make the decision to run with us a little bit earlier in the game sacks aren't always the final measure though of the pressure on a quarterback very often a sack is not as effective as a pressure because the pressure can often result in a turnover you can get the interception from the badly thrown fast one minute 15 seconds left in the first half the Lions now have but one timeout remaining leaving Kansas City 17 to 7 in case you're joining us late on this Thanksgiving holiday here's how the game has developed the Lions scored on their first possession 73 yards in six plays a Hipple the hill touchdown passed and Billy Jackson capped the 69 yard drive in Kansas City's first possession to tie it at 7-7 a field goal by Murray and a Hipple to scott touchdown [Music] [Applause] number one draft egg from San Jose State and a fur at the 44 clock running [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and relatively penalty-free that we talked about communication in that previous tunnel nipple it's called to play [Applause] and got that second playoff before Kansas City was ready Bentley was here would go against Kansas City they gave illegal use of the hands against the Chiefs usually see that one on the other side the offensive lineman guilty of the whole [Music] [Applause] number 61 first down [Applause] the defensive line [Music] say it was bearish but he's the one that it was on him and he comes out of the game [Applause] 47 second Oh God reaching forward knowing that Barbara was coming up quickly and as most receivers if they want to be honest will tell you you do hear footsteps they're all around you no question he reached all the way out no chance for that one although he got his fingers on it take an interesting thing about this game it's a short week of preparation playing on a Thursday the advantage certainly I would feel passing to the home team they don't have to travel we asked Marv levy if he felt that that was a disadvantage to his team he said no in a way I kind of liked it we needed a break to practice white without pad I think my guys are ready to play haven't played quite as well before my draw play and it fool the chief says Horace King has wrapped up Vangie arrow and still clocked at 34 seconds as simple exercises his final timeout in this first half still plenty of time to get down there further but he's well within any Murray brain Marie tremendously in fact a rather amazing stat is in the ability to kick the ball outside the 50 he's 3 for 5 outside of the 50 in his season now I don't think there's another kicker in the lake to vote that kind of average he does have the advantage of working half the games indoors where the wind isn't going to knock over all kicks around there's no question that this is a kicker Stadium although in talking to any Murray yesterday about the closeness of the crowd especially at the stadium end to our left where the crowd is right in behind the goalposts he said that that tends to make those goalposts look smaller he said I think a kicker coming into this stadium for the first time would fulfill that those goalposts are to legitimate with Eric Hipple on the sidelines with that beard and coming from Utah State your alma mater he looks like he could be a stand-in on father Murphy for you well I guess he's big enough I put a light on it he married a girl from blow Gazoo it's just my hometown good choice again we are intentionally throughout the course of this telecast trying to give the schools of the athletes who are playing and in there by really saying Happy Thanksgiving too all the people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that was a very alert play by pig [Applause] [Music] have been tackled in bounds and the clock would have run King even though he didn't make the first sound stop the clock and allows Murray to come in to try the field goal they like to use King in a passing situation because he is such a fine receiver but you're absolutely right about what he did there one of the things you try to do defensively when you want to take some time off then clock is to get those receivers in bounds and hold them down Detroit's not taking any chances [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Marie this is from 41 yards only his teeth miss this year he's 21 for 29 you see a brush out to kick a ball you have to think about the kick he made against Dallas here a couple of weeks ago I was talking about the clock there obviously they had to kick we thought because it was fourth down we were looking at the clock and watching them work it down Kansas City now with 25 seconds we'll get a little insight into Marv levy philosophy with his conservative coaching background I would have a feeling that maybe David he's going to grow tried to run before he had the ball is a conservative call even though it's a math it's not the kind of path that could be intercepted the idea to get the ball into the hands of your touchdown threat certainly there's no question on that Kansas City sideline who the man is they wanted to have it they tossed it out Delaney tried to run a little too soon I know many fans here in the Detroit area and around the country as you think about the Thanksgiving Day game and really have to become an American dinosaur this used to be the day when you had the city rivalries the state rivalries in college and you played that final game of the year before the snows that not too many games played on Thanksgiving anymore but this becomes the traditional Delaney it's all the way to the 42-yard line and he just ran by blue uniforms and the clock stopped with 12 seconds remaining now with both seconds remaining and with position out beyond the 40 Marv levy philosophy may change a little bit we may see the ball in the air now Merlin Delaney now was 63 yards rushing in the first half and Billy Sims who has been bothered by the sore toe has a total of 39 again we had indicated that the word describing Delaney was quickness in any case where it looks like they've slowed down all of blue uniform to let Delaney run a full feed but he is a beautiful athletes of watch in motion when you going back to the tradition of this Thanksgiving Day game for Detroit it started in 1934 and this is the 42nd edition I guess the one that everyone remembers most clearly was and a made this game really famous 1962 when Green Bay played the Lions at brick Stadium that was the game where Bart Starr and the Packers were in the midst of that Vince Lombardi dynasty and Alex Karras and Darris McCord and Williams and Schmidt then Roger brown your former teammate made all those sacks and the Lions upset Green Bay and it was a spectacular game and then became almost a regular on the calendar for football fans around [Applause] for the 34-yard [Music] [Applause] the Lyons an interception with his eighth of the year and he was trying to go all the way that's exactly why Marv levy didn't go deep earlier he almost got in trouble by taking the shot here has a clock not run out they might spend close to field goal position but you see it here just over thrown the ball sailing over the top of Roma fence now lately picked up by Jimmy Allen Cindy he said they call me the spider-man breed they do he said I sent that ball out of the air like a fly but he certainly did it there and then did some great running to get himself down well into Kansas City territory and on this Thanksgiving holiday from the Silverdome in Pontiac that's the end of the first half the Detroit Lions 17 the Kansas City Chiefs Evan [Music] recently we've been asking those of you who don't watch news 4 to switch from the news you're watching and give us a try you haven't tried News 4 lately you don't know what you're missing there are lots of reasons to switch to news for Troy us tonight and see how it feels to break the habit the people of Michigan they haven't forgotten how to smile and we're proud to be part of that smile we're delta dental plan Michigan's largest group dental plan but we didn't become the leader on size alone Delta has always led the way in relating to people's needs that's why our group plans are as individual as the people we serve that's why these people are smiling or over Michigan Delta number one for a number of good reasons the good news one dollar could win you five thousand dollars its daily for another daily lottery game with a bigger payoff it's fun and easy to play you pick your own four digit number the agent punches out a ticket like this and if it matches the winning four digit number you win a new winning numbers drawn every night got a hunch on a four digit number play daily for a dollar could win your 5,000 and you'd really be in the chips guess what these figures are their trade ins believe it or not the people in the metro area are getting on new Buicks fifty-one hundred dollars on a three-year old Cutlass 5300 on a three-year-old Regal tomorrow you too may get up to 75 percent of what you paid for your car new in trade on any new Buick you choose your Metro Buick dealers are dedicating one week in the giving you more for your trade in but due to the limited space on our used-car Lots we can only make this offer for one week see if you two can get around five thousand dollars for your trade in tomorrow at you our Metro Buick dealer the original Miracle on 34th Street tonight and eight if you are Thanksgiving Day special has the Lions out in front of the cheese after 1/2 by a score of 17 to 7 after scoring on their first possession and then getting another touchdown late in the second period adding to that in Eddie Murray field goal but she's for the lone 7 coming on their second possession of the game we've got a busy halftime ahead we're gonna have a special little bit on halftime entertainment from Saturday Night Live Joe Piscopo to have also got a message from President Ronald Reagan and we'll look at his sports career in fact in the film but first more on today's ballgame for that let's go back up to dick and Moreau alright Brian and Merlin Olsen we talked about the running game the two top running offenses in the national football team the two stars Delaney and Sims but that really wasn't the highlight of this first half no it wasn't Jack and we also mentioned that these two teams were great against the run number two at number 3 in the NFL against the running game it's really been the passing of Hipple Kenny has not been that effective he's been intercepted twice only two of his passes have hit the ground he's had a pretty good day and getting it to the other guys on the other side of the line unfortunately but Hipple has had a good day passing especially so with that long strike to Freddie Scott I think it's the passing of Hippo that's been the difference in the game Scott who did an excellent job Hipple throwing deep it appeared Gary Green was in position to make the play defensively number 24 Scott with better timing was up at the right time and pulled down six points and a 40 yard play well we can look for more of that in the second half and certainly the two running backs didn't disappoint it disappoint us in the first half we'll see some good running then two more at halftime at the Silverdome in Pontiac Detroit Lions 17 Kansas City Chiefs 7 we'll be back with more after these words from your local station tonight Arnold's caught stealing a neat Salih just as he can get on brother different strokes go on a diet it's high-calorie comedy on to be a break and the emmy-winning Hill Street Blues number one with news for try us tonight and see how it feels to break the habit heard the good news one dollar could win you $5,000 it's daily for another daily lottery game with a bigger payoff it's fun and easy to play you pick your own four-digit number the agent punches out a ticket like this and if it matches the winning four-digit number you win a new winning numbers drawn every night got a hunch on a four digit number play daily for a dollar could win your 5,000 and you'd really be in the chips guess what these figures are their trade-ins believe it or not that people in the metro area are getting on new Buicks fifty-one hundred dollars on a three-year old Cutlass fifty three hundred on a three year-old Regal tomorrow you two may get up to 75 percent of what you paid for your car new in trade on any new Buick you choose your Metro Buick dealers are dedicating one week in the giving you more for your trade in but due to the limited space on our used-car Lots we can only make this offer for one week see if you two can get around $5,000 for your trade-in tomorrow at you our Metro Buick dealer on this Thanksgiving Day we are back the Pontiac Silverdome our score at halftime the Lions out in front of the Chiefs 17 to 7 then as is the case with every day of the NFL season the bands have taken over the field at halftime while the teams are in the locker room and that gives us cause to pause because our assignment at halftime is always to bring you scores and highlights but one of the fans some people have been asking for a special report on that we've got a very special friend thanks Frey hello again everybody Joe Piscopo no.81 halftime chief Lyons Thanksgiving but the big story marching bands why don't they show halftime activities anymore we're missing some incredible action watch proficient dancing but popping get down awesome - Vaz whoops incredible stunts incredible jerks is nothing sacred come on Sarah epic tributes to pineapples SIA means cheerleaders half times are good please family fun yes let's see Martha Joe Piscopo NFL 81 back to you alright seven seven and you know X we've been talking about the personal duel so much that really if you don't believe me you can look at the standings this is a game that has playoff implications but are these really playoff teams in the classic sense well you're bringing up the point a lot of people have the same priority is the curse of the bedding plants approach of anybody trying to figure this game out but frankly I love it these are teams they have limitations they know it but they have to play that much harder to try and overcome them I think it's kind of fun and for a guy in your position terrific well let's say it makes every game of fifth inning challenge alright let me take a look at the numbers here Delaney eight for 63 Sims 10 for 39 in a case of turf toe yes well that's another of the humbling things about trying to be a handicappers to think that your whole season could be hanging out one guy's big toe one of the reasons you decided to go with the Lions today is the cost of their home record their sticks it all inside of this building out on the road they are merely mortal they are one in five any reasons you suspect for it well you know this is my first game here sit in the dome and it's unique the noise is incredible because other domes that have been built as an all-purpose round dome this is one built for football with the fans much closer to the action the wall of noise is incredible and so it's not just a handicappers factor of a home advantage there's no place like this home okay but the handicapper isn't home free just you've got a second half to go it remains seventeen seven okay Thank You axe none of the other things we're gonna be bringing you at halftime is noted a bit earlier plus we are going to have a very special Thanksgiving Day message from President Ronald Reagan but before we turn our attention to that maybe we can take a couple of moments here to review his sports history in fact and film it would be nice to say that Ronald Reagan kept in his Dixon High School football team and was its star nice but not true in truth he was an offensive guard an undersized guard at that later at Eureka College he lettered in football and swimming sports he turned to because he was too nearsighted to play baseball still he got involved with baseball in the early 30s by recreating Chicago Cubs games on w-h-o radio in Des Moines Iowa by the late 30s he had gone from the press box to the playing field as a star broke training at VMI in the movie brother rat was apparently mr. Randolph cotton what about the other gentlemen are these rats new cadets to be punished well the truly guilty parties waiting to take the bounty run Aram one of the was in my bed never mind sir Thank You Jenny but Sir the game I'm sorry but that can't be considered a visitor I explained the whole situation to the coach yes two years after brother rat Ronald Reagan exchanged the diamond for a gridiron and went from VMI to Notre Dame at the legendary George Gipp in the movie Knute Rockne All American he was the famed Gipper Pat O'Brien asked the team to win one for he was fast elusive top consistent in the movie the classic all-america on and off the field I'll never be but one ranking here was Notre Dame or anywhere else he's given us something they don't teach in school something clean and strong inside I just courage with a right way of living that none of it deliver forget by 1952 while I Reagan had put George Gipp and new rock they learned behind him he was in fact back to talking baseball I bid with different intent to run the plumbing in the movie Hong Kong how do you know because I'm in charge of this party it's like I'm playing right field on his club and to baseball expression yes I don't worry it's a pitch for the mission team that you got a pretty good curve at that the pitch Reagan made to Rhonda Fleming was nothing compared to those he threw an opponent's in a film entitled the winning team as Hall of Fame pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander he fired almost nothing but strikes and proved to be a memorable and popular favorite with his public [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember you don't though you've given them something to remember Ronald Reagan the actor as a sportsman in fact and film but of course now is the President of the United States he has turned his attention to more serious matters and on that note we welcome this Thanksgiving note from the president I hope you're all enjoying today's game from football to turkey Thanksgiving Day really is a chance to be with friends and family and enjoy the good times together but I'm sure that sometime today the thoughts of all of us will turn to the real meaning of this our first national holiday and I'm sure that in our hearts we'll all feel a deep gratitude for this much-loved country of ours and the blessings that have been conferred on those of us who call ourselves Americans you know the meaning of the American experience is that freedom only prospers where the blessings of God are openly acknowledged and avidly pursued this is also the beginning of political wisdom it's what Thomas Jefferson had in mind when he said that the God who gave us life gave us Liberty at the same time it's what George Washington our first president meant when he said of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity religion and morality are indispensable supports at a famous French observer of America who came to these shores and put it simply about our strength as a nation America is great because America is good you know I've always believed that in a simple prayers of good people there's more wisdom than in all the carefully laid plans of great leaders and more power than in all the mighty armies of the world so today I wonder if I might ask each of you either alone or even better when you're together today to say a prayer of gratitude to the Lord for watching over our country all these years and ask him to to guide us through these perilous but exciting times ahead thank you and from Nancy and myself and all of us in the administration Happy Thanksgiving have a wonderful day god bless [Music] this 1981 National Football League game is brought to you by Budweiser for all you do for you by the new Chrysler Corporation for 1982 Chrysler has the higher quality of the prices America needs my RadioShack initiative candy corporation [Music] and by the protection the Roseville roto track racing we've got one half of football down on this Thanksgiving Day at the Silverdome and that the half the lions rot in front of the Chiefs by a score of 17 seven looked like it would be a wide-open affair in the early going because the Lions took the ball and marched right down the field aided by a pass interference penalty Eric Hipple completed this pass the Freddy Scott's to get close the 19 yarder and then after getting close he completed a 10 yard strike to David Hill Hipple in the first half 8 for 16 119 yards Lions moved in front Joel Delaney went over the thousand yard mark with this run on the first half he was eight quarts 63 but it was Billy chances that scored the tying touchdown deadlocked the ball game at 7 in the second period Eddie Murray's 35-yard field goal made at a 10-7 ballgame little eyes are JT Smith's pumpkin it was indicative of the way the first camp was being played both teams coming up with the third over no Eric Hipple siffredi Scott made a 17-7 ball game and that is the way it remains at this point because Eddie Murray as missed on a 41 yard attempt so right now it stands that 17 7 we've got a second after comes the Superdome we'll get to it on Thanksgiving Day this Bud's for everybody who races the weather to bring in the harvest [Music] yeah just for you and a distinctively clean crisp taste that says Budweiser for this Bud's for you the new generation of dodge Rams made an ex forward on the right of me and that Dodgers come up with this new round miser beautiful inside an out and ran miser give dodge the biggest increase in gasoline mileage of all full-size pickup hard to believe it's America's lowest price pickup equipped not stripped [Music] get three hundred to a thousand dollars cash on select new dodge cars and trucks see participating dealers for complete details I can cook better than Audrey with one hand tied behind my back okay he has an ordinary microwave oven the Panasonic genius is Auto sensor defrost cooks and warms automatically on rehashed defrost menus a probe I don't honey must turn the food the genius does that and the Panasonic genius ready for the second half the Lions leading the Kansas City Chiefs 17 to 7 Kansas City will get the ball first during the third quarter Eddie Murray has a teed up James Murphy number 80 deep at the goal line early veteran quarterback Danielson his replacement Eric Hipple and helpful perhaps the difference in the first half his counterpart little Kenny number 9 or it's also on that sidelines number 4 Steve fuller [Music] [Applause] Marie trying to kick to the sidelines is guilty of the illegal procedure halftime statistics he'll say the advantage for the Lions in the passing Department total yards 114 for the Lions passing only 18 for Kansas City one of the differences dick both quarterbacks throwing at a 50% pace but two of those passes from Kenny were intercepted by the Lions both led to field position and certainly time of possession pretty close everything else relatively stable in there well recheck Brownlee 30 yard line and there's Steve fuller he started last year until late in the year and some feel that he may indeed see some duty today it looks like they're warming him up on the sidelines we asked Marv levy would you hesitate to swap quarterbacks he said both of my quarterbacks know and I believe maybe he's going in deck he said I have told them that if I feel the one is is not doing as well as he should I won't hesitate to make a change and he's communicated to them would be surprised we don't see their hands a city tied with Denver fir first alliant only one game behind Minnesota at the pen [Applause] [Music] Alvin hole made the tackle for the Lions sand coming onto the field is number four Steve fuller will quarterback me opening this second half he was the number one pick of the Chiefs in 1979 out of Clemson so for fuller who's thrown the ball only 30 times all year remember with fuller who rallied Kansas City from behind against the Oakland Raiders at mid-year when Kansas City fell behind not the running backs behind it [Music] [Applause] throwing to Delaney [Applause] before cam Fant any of Wyoming the middle backer can make the tackle gain of three here's the rest of the Kansas City offense Stan Rome also from Clemson a teammate of fuller in college JT Smith leading receiver in the outside al Dixon former giant tide in Birken off buddy son of former all-pro ed buddy Jack Rebney Condon and Getti on the right side of the Kansas City one - seven for the 43 yard line and well done by the Detroit Lions is number 53 Gary Cobb who played his football at Southern California made the tackle the Lions defense Purifoy from Eastern Michigan game from USA English from Texas and maker of Colorado State the linebackers table of SC fan Teddy of Wyoming white of Ohio State Wayne Smith laid his ball at Purdue and James hunter of Brambling with Allen UCLA and [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the 46 yard line by James Hunter first now fuller gives to this man Centennial offense what Hipple allowed the Lions he can run he typifies the scrambling quarterback Kenny the drop-back quarterback and you see the difference detective make you saw Kenny being sacked on a similar play early polar does exactly what Hensel is done early in this game he makes that first down himself gets up field and gets it there down inside of Detroit territory and those two guys are good friends on and off the field they're not resentful of their the 45-yard line table got there first we should go back to Fuller's running talent as an example of his ability to run with a football last year fuller was the number two Kansas City Russia for 274 yards and four touchdowns and he saw him going back to our communications alignment in the first half looked to the side line get the signal for the play then going to huddle give his teammates to play now he'll call it at the line of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as his first completion dick just an add-on Kohler there you see it's easy signals coming down from Kato upstairs they only being given on the side of the line of scrimmage by Bobby Ross with Coach Janani next to lady signalling out to the quarterback lady indicated that polar although he does not have a strong arm as as Kenny [Applause] [Music] again with communication Pillai across the way and say hey we don't have line into the press box they shouldn't have there the guys that they made they may pull the plug on him again we'll have to see how fast Beltre can get out of the boxes down onto the field that's exactly what's to happen that's interesting that now another thing to see if somebody's kicked the block going gray-haired gentleman in the foreground written his history on this [Music] [Applause] red Hoagland they often [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the trap did not follow the lion save Purifoy and Doug English stacked it up no game good defensive reaction by that front wall and the linebacker teddy Atlanta the top rushing defense as usual the Falcons in the NFL but these two teams second and third [Applause] next to the touchdown pass maybe the play that calls upon more crowd reaction than any other in this game the Sakon I know you heard those sounds and love them when you were in Los Angeles Rams you know that's the completion of your job at the past record the Lions have done it with the Blitz today the second throw for second Zach first and white white waving to a couple players off the field he's calling a nosy there almost touchdown it is soft at the 15-yard line that'll be just short of a first down and James Hunter number 28 saved a touchstone when you get the Blitz like that if a quarterback can read it and the receiver can read it it's an automatic play too quick in impossible to defend against but a tough play to throw and a tough read against the team that that will hide that blitz Detroit did not hide it there Kansas City able to take advantage of it almost got the first down now let's see what they can do on the kick gives a hipper gray-gray a fifth defensive back hey [Applause] Nik flowery kicks a 33-yard field goal and the Chiefs moved to within a touchdown 849 remaining in the third quarter Lions 17 Chiefs 10 when it comes to space games nobody compares to Atari excuse me have you compared them to in television in television sure they've been great space games like in television space battle I didn't know and now there's space Armada and the incredible Astro smash I didn't know yeah compare for yourself in television space games from Mattel electronics once you compare you'll know they'll system knowledge brings you a way to manage information more productively dimension PBS a programmable electronic communication system for making critical connections more rapidly increasing profits controlling costs saving energy creating new information management possibilities for an endless variety of businesses dimension TDS from Bell skating superstars type Avalonia and Randy Gardner Robin cousins Peggy Fleming and Dorothy Hamill compete in an encore performance of the world pro figure skating championship then light up with excitement in NHRA drag racing next Saturday on NBC's sports world Ivy Leaguer Nick Lowery from Dartmouth later in the NFL and scoring has just hacked on three points and at 17 to 10 Detroit [Applause] take it off [Music] Martin [Applause] [Music] this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League is intended for the private use of our audio any rebroadcast or other used to this telecast without the express written consent of the Detroit Lions in the National Football League is prohibited the offensive the Lions gotta at the 40-yard touchdown [Music] five offensive linemen have done a good job of protecting Hipple Tommy Clark talked very proudly about that offensive line again they had terrible health problems last year stayed healthy this year big advantage they sims nothing there as Mike Bell made the stop for Kansas City talked about how physical Mike Bell is he just manhandled some people on that last play watch number 99 right in the center of your picture they're trying to trap him because he's so aggressive he not only read the trap he dumped the trapper have made the tackle an excellent play he is a man that they would like to take advantage of because he's upfield so quickly although on that particular play he was the one that won the battle Sam's for the day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] run twice and twelve yards of scrambled again the kind of extra dimension that a mobile quarterback can give you pimples directing traffic finally just besides he's got a chance to get some yardage and does it very easily dick just looking at that first drive a Kansas City Fuller did his job came out of the bullpen got the momentum but the on isn't see what they could do here [Music] [Applause] [Music] Anson [Music] Nichols a Floyd Burris a rookie from Maryland also in on the play it will be second in too deep into the Chiefs still parish and Bell it's a very young defensive unit and Peterson the linebackers green Burruss Barbarossa veteran and Harris Barbara's only in his sixth year and he's behold the head back there this is the second youngest Eames again today 25 years old a very young [Applause] [Music] searching for the hole and picking up five yards Parrish and Peterson the tacklers Jake I used to hate those second and short situations because it's a down that they can waste offensive ly if they wish to a conservative call here but the defense must respect the ability to go deep on that play and throw it away Sims doing a good job of getting up inside that's got to be an offensive lineman no defense I [Music] [Applause] Dexter bussy the intended target that appeared to be an ad lib play by if though he wanted to go somewhere else and dumped it off to bussy strong safety Boyd birth number 34 who's just a very large he ventured back with excellent quickness he was the man that was coming hard as Hipple did not have much time I think just spotted somebody that was open and tried to get it there first by the way they're very high on rookie who's has great talent physically and they're very happy with what he brings to that secondary [Applause] through the hands Horace King and almost intercepted on field you heard the quarterback Eric Hipple calling 370 370 a way of calling audibles on the line of scrimmage or different plays if they watch the three represents the staff down if the count is on three the audible becomes a live audible so the seventy would mean something the staff on that particular play was on two though it didn't mean anything we'll try and listen again on this next play of CV makes a different call third and ten [Applause] they cross the t's in of [Applause] [Music] 398 398 didn't mean a thing but the lion you're headed called perfectly the defensive line outside Simms just ducked up inside in his past a secondary before our past alignment and into the secondary before anyone can get a bead on him but he is limping as he comes off the field and that toe is bothering Billy Sims again that is bad news for the Detroit Lions 11 yards on the forward pass however short [Applause] replacing Sims to the 34-yard line a gain of just two John parish of Pittsburgh and Gary spane of Kansas State made the tackle Spain he is quite a popular player Kansas City area understandably went to Kansas State third round draft pick in 78 and his three final three years of Kansas State the Wildcats did not win a big a conference game that will build you some character he was their leading tackler and has been the leading tackler for Marv levy with the chief he calls the beacon [Applause] [Music] he has some great blocking on that left side Baldus Weiler elias and power just pushing the chiefs back and a good gain although short of a first down Bell Blanton and company Feeney finally made the stop we talk about Kansas City's offensive line getting the advantage of surge early in the ball game is great certainly doing it right here on this Drive we talked about the baton being pass to the defense of the chief right now on the line of scrimmage the Detroit offensive line taking advantage of the Chiefs defensive line Vince Thompson a big back 230 pounds and sin [Applause] didn't get it good play by Kansas City and they stopped him cold no game spane right there again for the Chiefs and here comes Murray in to try a field goal we talked about it range let's accept him he missed at the end of the first half from 41 yards he connected earlier from 34 yards and now Murray about 47 yard maybe shorter they're gonna market 46 yards away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think even further top of their Golfo barely 30 become down [Music] native of England grew up in Canada cricket player a socket player he can use his feet what tremendous power and he's got to reflect on the difference kicking his side as opposed to kicking is a whole stadium here in Detroit and was traditionally I think the worst turf in the field this time of year dick well Dennis had been played in the third quarter each team has had the ball once and they've traded field goals it's 20 to 10 [Music] if you were morning shave has turned into a nightmare wake up to the exclusive twin action norelco world attract razor inside three floating heads twin action grips and raises hair up then razors hair off closer than ever four twin blade closeness without a nick or cut the twin action norelco will attract razor core a rechargeable and because four close shaves there's no action like twin action happy holidays [Music] [Music] one of the many faces here at the Silverdome 76,000 735 in attendance 80,000 638 tickets sold more people watched the Lions and any team at home last year and apparently that's going to be the case again this season great fans here [Applause] the ham the 20 [Applause] 4:38 Hall right there - that was pit stop scares me then stops if we got it right watch the shot Murphy coming right up the middle a good kickoff return man has to accelerate and also means that he must accelerate right into the defenders at dive gets Beckman number 85 captain to the second are the special team [Applause] [Music] like her stream the Smith Wayne Smith not related number 44 tripped him up he gets out across the 25 Wayne from Purdue is a photography nut like to take that camera with him on the road that's a real test dick for those cornerbacks they're dropping off expecting that receiver to come down feel they have to come up quickly they have to make certain that they don't allow that man to get outside and they try and [Applause] complete they'll Dixon the 44-yard line Dixon from Iowa State with his first catch of the day and a Kansas City first down Stan light and James hunter made the tackle they'd fuller showing it again why Marv levy is not afraid at all to to bring him off the bench he came off smoking hot five for five here in the second half pretty hard to fault that kind of decision from a coach plus the fact he scrambled for one long first down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] euro boy from nearby Eastern Michigan he certainly made his presence felt here he goes inside of Charlie Jenny yet he didn't feel and he would have a chance to get Delaney but pure boy just showing us quick that's a little stagger-step little misdirection there but that just got him there slow enough to let sheriff ory come through and put him on the ground for a nice long purify fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that will be against hands [Applause] the defensive back from linebacker have the same protection as a receiver once the ball has been thrown once it's in the air the offensive receivers cannot bump were otherwise push the defensive back that's what was called here even though this did not know that there was a pass being thrown he'll still be ticketed with the fall and it wasn't a matter of him trying to deny an interception he didn't even know that Fuller was going to throw the ball in fact it was the kind of play you'd hope your receivers will make how Smith can't fold himself for that effort but it is 10 yards against Kansas City yes interference number 86 offense throwdown just to clarify that dick the dippers an offensive interference and offensive interference once the receivers are 5 yards beyond the line you can't touch them but defensively once the ball is thrown you get the same protection and here you see it right there this myth just bouncing away the ball goes right over the top a good call by the official [Applause] [Music] typical conversion for defensive lineman and he now in this detroit defense has been smoking here in the second half they're coming off their finest defensive performance ever I would think you saw the bow watch the ball bounce out now it bounces out as fuller hits the ground there is no fumble good call by the officials if the ball comes loose does the result of contact with the turf know eighteen seconds left they've taken a timeout with our beliefs I believe Kansas City took the timeout dick looks like fuller wanted to go to the sidelines and talk just seconds left in the third quarter the Lions lead by Tim yes sir I'd like to have this 35-millimeter film developed while you're in the right place just a minute you use Kodak paper sure look on the back of this photo see this paper manufactured by Kodak we use Kodak paper because we believe in quality yes but how can I be sure to get it every time I just ask for it here when you see the sign the one with old what's-his-name on it oh what's his name I was just kidding Big Joe now get three hundred to a thousand dollars back direct from Chrysler on most to 81 and 82 cars and trucks and participating Dodge and Chrysler Plymouth dealers make your best deal then get $300 back 400 back 500 back 600 back 700 back $1,000 back depending on model use the cash for your down payment now get a new car truck and get up to $1,000 back direct from Chrysler the outcomes have been incredible next Sunday don't miss a dynamite doubleheader as the road to the playoffs continues on NBC Sports third down twenty four marveling just moments ago with Steve fuller I've got to wonder if they were able to come up with a play that's good for third and almost twenty five yards if they did I'd like to put it my bag of tricks and carry with me so that's the part of the communication that may take a higher level than the press box they need a little more help certainly is not impossible and we've searched that we've seen what a hot hand Kohler has this would be a real test for Lyons have four down linemen stand white is the only Oh [Applause] [Music] intended for JD Smith thought he had six along with the liberalized path rule I think we're seeing a real change as defensive philosophy around the league more and more specialized defense for and more five and six and five and 1650 back all aimed at trying to stop the passing game I think long run they're going to take a lot of that advantage away from the office Gossett's apart [Applause] Martin's at the 27 about a 40-yard line at the end of the third quarter here at the Pontiac Silverdome 76 thousand plus it is 20 to 10 going to the fourth period tonight Lorna Patterson a General Hospital Tony Gary joy Donny and Marie and the Osmond clan on the Osmond family how are they special then Arnold's caught stealing a deeds Allah Justice he can get different strokes when element cheese go on a diet at high calorie count on give me a break different strokes tonight the winning moments is brought to you by Miller Lite beer Super Bowl 10 1976 terry bradshaw uncorks a long one the remarkable catch his by lynn swann [Music] they come up again for the 64 yard scoring play Pittsburgh 21 Dallas 17 for the Steelers a winning moment I've had to write some tough things about some tough guys there's one guy I can't write anything bad about his unique brand of baseball has made him a living legend so I've his commercials they got me to try his favorite beer Light beer from Miller there's lights less filling and it really tastes great so I bought this light for that renowned and yet humble man far stronger cheer up Billy one day you'll be famous just like me beautiful Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless okay thank you Amos Fowler number 65 dissenter I think it's only appropriate that a turkey day message should come from Fowler great programming Bretton these Rowdies they love Jack rut they have Kansas City and Robbie Martin ad-free their retina a curse the Center for the Chiefs and we hope you have time he gave us the longer Thanksgiving Day message but he's such a quality man and his messages so true to the spirit [Music] [Applause] Billy Sam tripped up in the backfield as Cal Petersen had infiltrated and a shorter than 30 pound linebacker from UCLA makes a fine play three-quarter statistics Merlyn that's certainly reflective edge to the Lions here and brushing on a 12-yard and they picked up the nice yardage although Kansas City's come back on the passing of fuller to even things out a little bit but still a pretty consider bullets to the Alliance the Lions lead 2210 again excuse keith has read it very well and it was Cal Peterson with plenty of help to make the tackle good a Dave Lynch and II know man jierou was helped to Peterson deck as we enter this fourth quarter it might be interesting to reflect on that the kind of history that Detroit has had during this season that if this game is is going to fall into line with that things will tighten up considerably of their games this year twelve games half of them six have been decided in the final seconds they've won two [Music] [Applause] they'll came through cleanly Mike Bell beat his man and that's the second Kansas City sack of the day Hipple had no chances Bell lost his third sack of the year it appeared that Detroit with a pretty good field position it's going to have a chance to get downfield the Kansas City defense comes up strong on their back legs Mike Bell puts the finishing touches on a sack and they've forced Detroit back well into their own territory did they can get a return here JT Smith is back at the 35 and that's returnable [Applause] [Music] and in a 46-yard line exciting John Thomas Smith tackle by Vince Thompson 44-yard punt and a 16 yard return 13 minutes 33 seconds left Lions 20 Kansas City 10 [Music] motorcycle racing neck-and-neck can you make it yes with dirt bike racing from Tyco a whole new kind of racing septic challenges you don't burn up the track even fly over it by gracing think there's bumps and jumps that slingshot you like a real biker now really test your skill stretch for the jump ride the seesaw go for the bugs ride the whole course without us bill get it dirt bike racing from Tyco of course had to nobody taking off with maestro's the camber with Merlin Olsen Brian Gumbel and all the NFL 81 crew happy Thanksgiving from Pontiac Michigan like Bella made the big play on that last ride if this name were being played outside out of doors it's in the low 40s around 40 to 43 to get degrees today not a bad day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anta said he starts from this 46 fuller just off the mark if he cried headstand rolled his former teammate at Clemson on that quick slam we talked to Dan white about the offensive signal watch the signals he's calling here he's calling audibles or the defensive team and then must settle back in get his concentration on the game they almost beat him with that quick down and in but he was there in time to get his hands up in front of the ball there's a picking team star Ken calicut recovered a fumble and a flagon [Applause] Santini and Smith Wayne Smith made the tackle usually a holding call when they throw it out of that territory come again let's see what they did get on it Bobby Baker giving you an early cue have some fond memories of playing in Tiger Stadium this time of the year the cold memory had some welcome unfarmed memories the early part of my career we played against the team that embarrassed Green Bay back in 62 that Green Bay team I think by the way if not the finest team ever assembled certainly one of the finest Kraemer star morning tailor they were still holding fuzzy Thurston but certainly my memories go back to being embarrassed here a few times in Detroit number 84 the tight-end al Dixon with a clip Dixon by the way is not kind of past all day and unable to utilize their side in than that Center our 1 times all day yeah [Applause] second down tended for Jane did some nice dancing to get away from that pass rush yes to watch the scrambling that takes place when a quarterback drops back behind the line white working on hand not has got to stay with him now he gets knocked off coming hard to try and get the head nod I think puller was trying to get that ball out of bounds fuller threw that ball from brought 30 yards 35 yards behind the line of scrimmage had he been sacked back there they'd have been almost back to the goal why they down a grapefruit ahead not to the 48-yard line it'll be sort of a first tone Buller racing for his life Doug English almost beat the snap he was in the backfield with a snap and fuller was quick enough to get the ball to hand not for an 18-yard gain and shaken up on the play looks like he's got a cramp in his camp chance for you to watch it and again the advantage of a quarterback that can run tremendous pressure gets outside in a very very interesting pass and it had to be floated to hit over the head of Luther Bradley perfect shot shot now at field level watching Stan White try and read the play and you'll see you'll see the receiver coming out of the back view sign crossing crossing the line right there now the little flip right there they had not good play that'll bring up fourth down and about eight for the Chiefs when we return little under 13 minutes remaining good service isn't giving people what they expect oh it's giving them more than they expect avis knows that so when you make a reservation avis makes a commitment and they honor it Morgan see even if you're six hours late now you might be willing to pay a little more for this service for the Davis you don't have to trying harder is still the best way to do business [Music] we ever of a house like this shadow as you look at the roof of the silver dome and oh man if you read about the roof on the new stadium in Minneapolis it's the same sort of thing and they had some problems with some snow in the construction phase but this is the same thing you'll see up at the Humphrey Stadium in Minneapolis next year the lion as gossip from Eastern Illinois they kicked for Kansas City or Willie kick Thanks make Marv levy happy 32 yard line Detroit will get the ball one of the officials dumped rather unceremoniously on the field let's see if we can see how it happened Gossett gets this one off the side of his foot a very very poor kick the official coming in bumps into constant that would have been at least 10 yards in the open field everyone's okay they did this Happy Thanksgiving one of the zebras [Music] [Music] [Music] and you don't have to hunt all over town because Kmart has Atari in stock right now Kmart is the saving place this Bud's for the men who took the Andrea Doria treasure back from the sea [Music] now here a thunderstorm rolls in fast sometimes [Music] and when they're taken care of it's your turn Porsche head for the beer brewed natural as a mountain stream for a taste as smooth as its name [Music] four games remaining in regular season 1981 NFL here's our lineup on Sunday beginning with NFL 81 at 12:30 the Colts against the Jetson they're still aglow with Jay Stadium after that tremendous come-from-behind win last night he Cincinnati in Cleveland always a great battle Cincinnati with a marvelous year Oakland and Seattle and Denver at San Diego that [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are 32 yard line and it's silly sim to Jersey by number 57 Jerry blimp very briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network [Music] wit Merlin Olsen Dick Enberg happy Thanksgiving from the Silverdome in Pontiac Michigan the Lions scored the first time they had the ball and have never trailed although tied at one point and lead the Kansas City Chiefs 20 to 10 where the fourth quarter less than 12 minutes remaining one fall at their 32 yard line Oh [Applause] that's going to be in Finchley grounding he could not find an open man and didn't get it close enough to Billy being a lot tougher on that callers here Bonnie Clark showing his anger has the call but they're what they'll say now is if they feel that the intent of the quarterback is to throw it into the ground to avoid the sack they're going to call him and that with two defenders around the on number 17 [Music] the coverage right there Latin is right on top of him you might wonder why it why can he put his hands on him there is no pass interference behind the line of scrimmage so you can come in and push the receivers around a little bit behind the line Omar believed these Chiefs and the Lions deep in their own end back to the 15-yard line that's the same as a sack they mark it at the spot where Hipple throw it away and walk it down [Applause] for Hipple [Applause] it is ruled a forward pass incomplete as Hipple almost had that one picked off by that chief Jerry Blanton from behind watch the pressure from 67 art still have come from the right side of your picture you'll see Hipple start to run you'll see still coming in from behind now watches the arm starts forward now that's all it takes to be counted as a forward pass had the arm not started forward that would have been a fumble longtime lion fans will remember a play like that against the 49ers when Detroit de Leon art did get the balls took it right out of the quarterbacks hands and ran it for a touchdown well Daini from his own five and JP Smith he can run 46 of Kansas City at the 50-yard line so the Chiefs have excellent field position plenty of time 11 minutes 26 seconds remaining Detroit Lions 20 the Kansas City Chiefs 10 RadioShack makes Christmas dreams come true perfect for your little firemen or policemen our fire helmet a road patrol helmet for only $7.99 and to make the dream complete an exciting battery-powered safe police car fire engine for only $6.99 easily programmed for six driving maneuvers including straight zigzag circle or square clever gives for your kids at affordable prices only at RadioShack your Christmas electronics store I have found my new car the Chrysler LeBaron series 4 1982 LeBaron combines high mileage and luxury the coupe even has a mark crossing teetered available and no other car has front-wheel drive luxury and seat 6 at so surprising a price Lee Iacocca's dreamed to combine high mileage and luxury with a reality the 1982 Chrysler LeBaron series they are like no other cars in America Europe or Japan my new car sophisticated racing machines little bit ragged breakneck speeds of over 200 miles per hour don't miss the quickest run a mile sorry drag racing then a special encore performance of the world pro figure skating championship next Saturday on NBC's sports world Happy Thanksgiving from me and from the turkey to all of you I didn't football world Thank You Jimmy Allen the Detroit Lions spider-man defensive back Kansas City Chiefs at midfield this is their best field position of the entire game starting a drive at the 50 they are 22:10 first down as van [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two yards Delaney with all his quickness dick must learn to also be able to cut back against the grain the one thing we have not seen him do and he'll have to do it if he wants to maintain the kind of quality that a great back has to have is to learn to cut back against the grain he he most often wants to break everything outside only a 1 yard game it's [Music] laney on a reverse guess only three more best William very fast for a big man and Wayne Smith made the tackle still on the ground over there very slow getting up you saw again the tremendous explosive speed and quickness of Delaney I got something you don't have to tack on anymore I don't have to tackle in my class father Murphy couldn't had Jim just got to pray right six offensive [Music] it's going to be very close to a first down I think he gray Oldham made the tackle they give him a good spot it would appear that he'll have it and that's that's pure strength to pull that first down he got it was hit and pulled himself up for the first down meanwhile the clock running toward the 10-minute mark 1005 and it's running for the Kansas City Chiefs money Clark look sis Steve fuller watch fuller now he gets to play from his tight end Dixon sometimes it's signaled in sometimes sent in Detroit Lions use a messenger service most often Kansas City will use the signal [Music] about six yards on that carry before Bubba Baker and fan Teddy can make the tackle dick it might be worthwhile to point out again ten City Chiefs are without the services of their finest deep threat Henry Marshall who is here with them on the trip but had been placed on the injured reserve because of an injury they certainly would have liked to have had him on the field today no question good point Marshall of 38 catches and four touchdown [Applause] [Music] Eleni the other way shy of the first down at the 31 will bring up third and one for Kansas City with 845 left in the game there's a look at Henry Marshall interfere they would love to have him here and what that does to you once when you when you lose that kind of deep trip and you have to go to receivers like Murphy James Murphy who's not an experienced receiver the defense often can afford to put one man and they double-team [Applause] [Music] Billie Jackson English got there first big choice now we're Marv levy that would be very long field goal for Lowry force down and about two and a half yards to go lady conferring on the sidelines let's see what he decides to do he's going to go for it bringing in Delaney going for it since India [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very close it will depend on where they spot the ball I don't looks like they're gonna squat it short look at sleeve across the way he's saying this out here but it's fine [Applause] they spot it right at the 30-yard line the yardsticks are beyond decoy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not much you can do about it now get marks back you stay calm let's get off the field let's go to work we can't argue about that that spilt milk right now let's well let's judge for yourself as to whether he had the first down or not you market it looked to me like he did go down short but if wherever he touches the ground there's a knee down right there he's well behind it I think they gave him the benefit of the doubt on it he skidded forward and that gave the impression he might have gained more so and he tried hence the ball when we return p.m. but a lot of what it knows about computers into the new IBM personal computer not to make it complicated but to make it easy so it's easy to understand and easy to use IBM made its personal computer to help the person be more productive to help the person be more creative and those are good reasons for a person to feel good the IBM personal computer now had selected stores across the country [Music] time to put aside a long days the good Torche ed for the beer brewed natural as a mountain stream for a taste of snow visits [Music] this replay tells it all that's the first he says and the reaction said no it isn't it said it was right here well beyond the marker I don't blame him for being upset he wanted that first down very badly now the pressure shifts dramatically to the show the chief has to get the ball and for twice they fail 2210 [Music] [Applause] [Music] nearly 70 yards so they've averaged about ten yards a run on that plan Bonnie Clark uses it almost every game of not more than once twice today in fact if i were coaching and had a man with that kind of explosive speed and that kind of confidence i wouldn't hesitate to use that play either that's a tough play to defense you've got sims going one way you have to pay attention to him he may keep the ball he made yardage is fine [Applause] Vince Thompson he's not related to Leonard and they're to Thompson one where is 38 one where's 39 and when almost wore a white 59 with a red 59 Stanny there goes a personal foul I believe against the Kansas City Chiefs I think maybe somebody official about the way we're going to spots at one deck they better be careful they might get another one a market out to the 45 and here's the explanation okay let's give a look at it here Nancy Errol makes a great play as it comes across inside you may get a chance it's on spane right there and there you see the face man not the use of the mask to tackle but you can't even touch that man if your hand gets on the mask and [Applause] to the whistle after the whistle no sambala gain of about five and having watched Billy Sims earlier this year there's no question in my mind that he is not at full speed that doesn't the Billy Sims that is totally healthy he's favoring that sword so and yet he still gets five yards on that Gary you watch him going back to the huddle of pain he was relatively helped he told me yesterday he felt he was about 95 percent but he hooked that so earlier in the game and it certainly is bothering him Sam's as a rookie sets the Lions rushing record for a single year with over 1,300 yards Steve Owen on the other line over [Applause] and get four more and out of bounds at the 46 that stops the clock in Kansas City has to be concerned about that with 539 left and a third and one facing Hipple and the Lions definitely ticking away a crucial third down situation here might look ahead and ask the question what would Monty Clark do if they were not to make this would he kicked the ball away I think he would I think it worked with a 10-point lead and was split any who has been just outstanding and kicking the ball inside the 20 and not kicking it into the end zone [Applause] at the 44 of Kansas City and that hurts the chief because that means alliance and keep the clock running why is obviously now trying to use the clock will keep you keep the ball inbounds will try and run the ball just get a chance to feel the strength of that offensive line in that second half of Detroit Homer Elias number 61 driving Spain eager TD about five yards off the ball that's kind of play you run eight or nine times on Monday or Tuesday and they're a little embarrassing painting chance of good ones today too by the way play-action [Music] [Applause] at the 47-yard line and that's what the Chiefs will have been very good at that all year long forcing fumbles and interceptions in fact they're right with the leaders they've also run three fumbles back four touchdowns which is most unusual in a season and another interception for a touchdown their third sack today but the clock continues to run 445 444 left the Lions 20 the Chiefs 10 was tied at 7 after the first quarter the Lions led 17 to 7 and a half both teams picked a field goal boring in this one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last couple of minutes that the ball has that a chance to bounce and it to Detroit to sign Gary Greene number 24 push that ball right out of the hands of Thompson three or four sheets there but the ball rolls out of bounds I watched it at the MV at the end of this run a great job they're trying to strip the ball once number 24 Gary green come over now watch his right arm right here punch this that ball the ball comes loose hips actually hits on the d of one of the defenders that was Erick green but the ball went out of bounds [Applause] look even Thompson's NFL career and he gets the call again look like the same place looks as if they hand him by the face match but apparently just around the shoulder pad down at the 8 yard line Barbara made the stop why when the ball hit on Eric Harris's knee the Kansas City didn't get the ball well you have a fumble like that even if even if the defensive team touches the ball it's not there is unless they actually get possession of it ball rolled out of bounds and is awarded to the offensive team Barbaro made the Pro Bowl last year and all NFL state Louisiana first half minutes left and again to the 4-yard line now they're using the big power back six-foot 230 pounds Benson Thompson he was a long shot to make this line Jamie was a very last player of the 45 back in the summer training period and was a long shot to say the least free agent from Villanova school that no longer has a football program 45 yards for him today and they're using him down on the goal line and the clock is down to three minutes remaining and the Chiefs must stop the Lions from Florida [Applause] [Music] [Applause] or second effort or what they do after they're hit the first time and Billy Tim showed you heart and second effort on that place ecology because the guys just choked up on a potato sack [Music] burries try for point [Applause] twenty-seven to 10 that was the 70 yard drive and is four yards for sim so still has that explosive speed and here's what I talked about earlier coming back that's what Delaney has got to learn to do Eric Hipple you think he's happy yes but he sees the touchdown Sims carried a man 30 pounds heavier and then him delved into the endzone the last three yards on the Lions are up by 17 Creek alone brings you the seven-day weekend [Music] the style embrace that is the sound is reflected in one great beer Niccolo that smooth and mellow taste has its own special way of saying y'all come back and see us anytime there's nothing better on the veining that in Georgia [Music] time comes when you must watch your money carefully so quality and value are a necessity can you find them in an American car absolutely in Plymouth yes Plymouth the new horizon miser built with advanced technology and front-wheel drive for the best gasoline economy of any American car five passenger horizon miser and not a penny more than eighty one the American way to get your money's worth no place like home on Thanksgiving that's how Monty Clarke feels and ladies team has not been on national television for some four years and that was one of his thoughts this way to keep his player [Music] game has been cool for the end zone and on the touchback Kansas City has it at the 20-yard line two minutes forty seconds left in the game let's go back to Simms touchdown look for the end zone I watched him watch the vision that allows him to cut back the little plants inside seeds there's no one pursuing in a position to be able to nail him early and just Bulls his way over the top of the defender he knew exactly where that end zone was that leg power of Sims he's hit head-on by Peterson stop and then just refuses to be brought down you see how he kept those feet moving that's the secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] as a man open JT sniff that he doesn't get out of bounds and the clock will continue to run with soon 30 left almost an impossible task now 17 points if it were two touchdowns that certainly would seem more within the reach of Marvin [Applause] in complete stop the clock with to a 208 Kansas City showing its mettle last year after they started Olin 4 and then finished the season 8 and 4 we ran over all 88 record and this year not a surprise to the good fans of Kansas City and Missouri that they're tied for first place with a a twin for loss mark but some of the folks around the country have been a bit surprised by Kansas City and there are there are a couple of other clubs that have raised some eyebrows with success this year [Music] [Applause] 2:03 laughs what team has surprised you most this year I think after watching Cincinnati middle of the year we thought they were at position to start to threaten but I don't even think we would have believed that they could come as strongly as they have in this season Forest Greg Anderson having a great year this year they certainly have made believers of everyone across the country and the other team I think I would have to salute with me to San Francisco 49ers a difficult if I am a lot of respect for yeah and the defenders for the Chiefs game has a lot of highs and lows I think that's one of the greatest things about addicting emotional highs and Delaney [Music] [Applause] Delaney just as well he didn't get it on the ricochet and that's the two-minute warning it comes at 157 left quick look again the new rule stipulating that if you have both feet on the ground and the ball in your hand it is a completion well I think they might have given the lady the benefit of the doubt and the city however faces more than kin and time running out [Music] Alcoa presents fantastic finishes 1978 our granese Steelers against the Browns Bradshaw hands off to flyer who gives the slot who pitches back to Bradshaw who whales a 40-yard strike to Benny Cunningham that beats the Browns in sudden-death 15 did on the Steelers handle the ball no less than six times on a flea flicker the frame victory to Pittsburgh on the game's final play [Music] here comes another bunch of aluminum cans headed for recycling Alcoa takes back the aluminum cans by the billions and it's worthy because there's precious energy to be saved by rebuilding the cans and making brand-new aluminum recycling we're doing it now and you cans are on the way made of light convenient energy-saving aluminum fake-ass going into today's game the best record and Pro Football the surprising Bengals of Cincinnati then Denver the Jets in Miami Kansas City should they lose would be eight and five and drop down to the fifth spot but still very much in the hunt there are the other nine three teams Philadelphia Dallas San Francisco and of course you see detroit popping up they're not too far down the list putting pressure on the Vikings now lag down on fourth and ten and complete James Murphy his first professional catch at the 45-yard line and we'll check the penalty 21 yards if it counts but the Lions are pointing as if it's a Kansas City penalty offside no Lions to the play will count before we leave the thrills of this season number 60 all 5 defend I want you to do the New York Jets game last Sunday and all that was something well we'll go back to that but first Jack Rebney we promised you that we would share his Thanksgiving message here's a man who's devoted his time to a lot of charitable work he the class athlete his words my name is Jack Rebney I'm with the Kansas City Chiefs and it comes with Thanksgiving I guess I think of two things and that's time to be with our families and time to give thanks for really a lot of the wonderful things we have unfortunately I don't know that time with my family today I'd like to wish them the best in Kansas City as well as my family and relatives in Cleveland Ohio and perhaps a special thanks to of our population depressing misfortune with all of us some of our people who are handicapped either physically or mentally some even economically and I know the daily battles that each of those people fight my heart goes out to them and I wish today to be the very happiest Thanksgiving that you've ever had I think the thing that helps us to respect those words from Jack roughly is the fact that he backs those words with action like the handicapped kids to every game Arrowhead Stadium brings up down on the field afterwards I think that's the kind of thing we need more of not only on the football field but doers and we've really featured on this telecast many outstanding athletes and men and Brittany of course come to mine and all the folks of Kansas City know but people around the country here's a man hidden in the middle that offensive line who is just a quality citizen and the same force and wider graduate stiffeners law class lawsuit not playing football and we said it before but you cannot be a dumb athlete and be a successful one these are very bright and sensitive men and I guess I've seen no better example than my partner Merlin Olsen tonight I know most of you know that but I think it's important we say that because some have a mistaken impression I think it's important to the people like man and Jack anymore that there are a lot of people who fall into that category happily in the game they have their purse they have the proper perspective this is a game to them and there are things in life that superceded take precedence before this game we talked about the Jets Miami thriller last week if time permits in the postgame those of you who didn't get a chance to see the last two minutes Richard Todd playing with a broken wrist riding the jet 10:15 so stay tuned complete [Applause] made the tackle at the lion 47 yard line because my god or at least the good wrestling match dug English was the lion and Roger Taylor our rookie from Oklahoma State that a bad wrist leagues uh I say with the two of them out there I don't think you'd want to jump in between that they're swinging those beefy meathook I got to tell you it's hard to hurt a guy in the football uniform though at least swinging at this Senate all your liability is plastic and that hurts the fist one with the plastic I think we'll have a double foul here looked like they were both throwing punches [Music] number 78 rejection unsportsmanlike number 70 rejection number 76 and both players are thrown out of the game Thanksgiving dick I didn't get to we didn't get that game on the west coast if you did in New York the last play though once at a chip ball that decided that game not believe tie just drilled it in as Jerome Barca man with 16 seconds left it was the only touchdown the jet scored and there was a buffalo game with the tip right now in a Jets game I had to race to the airport trying to catch the last flight home to Los Angeles and it was a very poignant scene I was running through the parking lot trying to get to the car which was near the expressway and it had to be six to ten minutes after the game was over and I looked back at the lights of Shea Stadium and the roar of the crowd they were still in there cheering and the game had been over ten minutes and the fans of New York and not just Jets and the Giants I am bad with that big went over fidelity they're still a part of a playoff picture [Applause] 125 [Applause] interference on 26 textures Ray Ray Oldham was also there the Lions they've got to go for it on court they have no choice we're all sharing a little and experience there when when a ball hangs that long you have got to come back to the ball you keep the disc start back but he's got to drive aggressively back now watch it he'll stop here now the minute that ball was thrown he's going to come back to it he starts but he's not really driving back to the ball you really have to come to it or that defender is liable to beat you to it [Applause] trying to scramble to the I've been baked [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] focus you can see convinced the Lions are trying to win they're heading for their afternoon and dinner well it starts another chapter for these two teams in our story of communication too because the next job for both coaching says is to break down this film to see what they did well and what they did poorly and certainly for the Chiefs there'll be a little soldier we're the Detroit Lions a great deal of celebration but also they must correct the errors that they made in this game the desire of both of these teams and they're both teams that have lifted their head up out of the mire in the past couple of season and are on the upward climb but they both want to be better tomorrow than they are today I admire that in both Lady Anne Bonny Park timeout called by Kansas City how about the fact that these two teams and Dallas and Chicago later will have ten days to prepare for the next round do you think that's a big advantage or any advantage at all I think the event of the answer least my answer might surprise you I always preferred a short week so long Lee I think it gets you jump of it worn out waiting for a game to be played it was easier for me to gear up for a Thanksgiving Day game and for a game that was for the 10 week our 10 day layoff although there are coaches who like to have a three or four-day period when they can let their players go and relax looking at the rest of the schedule for the Lions [Music] at Green Bay then Minnesota at home which could be a first a crucial game and then at Tampa Bay and the Buccaneers are still part of the picture of six and six while Kansas City has the game at Denver home against Miami at Minnesota tougher schedule [Applause] Thompson again that much there 47 seconds 46 and the clock will continue to run we certainly have to take our hats off to Joe Delaney who saw his steps just a moment ago it's done a fine job done a fine job but looking at that schedule I think the thing is the president to me about this Detroit team is said they're at home for the better part of that and with this win they have now remained undefeated here at the city's remaining games [Applause] [Music] mary carillo producer terrific job [Music] blessing the year creative work [Applause] and it's a pleasure other respect for their combatants our thanks for our spotters wall majority and Ron Grubb luxury and Ron Knight with your help in the booth it's over 27:10 Detroit a promotional tea has been paid to NBC by United Airlines we serve more of this lands top hundred business centers than any other airline fly the friendly skies this has been a presentation of NBC Sports the leader in innovative sports television on NBC magazine horror movies urban nomads and a self-made millionaire Friday for four days only art fan is selling hundreds of items at cost or below during art fans massive 10 million dollar stock reduction sale at no other time I had no other store will you be able to buy name-brand furniture for less Friday through Monday only Michigan's largest furniture retailer offers drastic reductions in every department if you've been waiting to buy furniture don't save now at art fans Ford a 10 million dollar stock reduction sale how do you shop for a microwave when you're not sure what you want well during Montgomery Ward's microwave sale of the year you'll discover all the features you need as prices your love beauty albums with removable browner even a microwave convection oven combination this 1.5 cubic foot microwave features gourmet cooking control and future pro now just three 7997 come in for a demonstration during the microwave sanding Montgomery Ward I'm dick Burton and I'm really excited watch my special on December 3rd 2nd 2nd right here on channel 5 4 4 did I say my name right the original Miracle on 34th Street tonight at 8 Thanksgiving Day at the Pontiac Silverdome it was left of the Detroit Lions to keep their record perfect and go seven and oh inside the Superdome Eric Hipple leading the Lions to a victory over the King City team the final in the ball game 17 to 7 this is the Budweiser NFL report from you today by Budweiser for all you do this Bud's for you well to paraphrase the late Jim Croce you don't pull on Superman's cape or spit in the wind or pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger or for that matter try to beat the Detroit Lions inside the Superdome they go seven and OH inside this zone building and one of the heroes on the day young Eric Hipple the stats were terrific but you managed to do Eric what the chiefs could not and that was sustained rise right well that's what we're gonna have to do to beat him we thought they are tough to you personally they came out in the second half and was come out hitting us pretty hard in there okay they came after us and that's definitely had troll here getting a drive going but once we got a drive going I think we had the from a dog coming into this ball game you have to take a look at their past performance and say they're a club that if they do anything exceptionally well it is stop the run so how do you how do you plan to attack a Claudel that does that so well well just mix it up you know you have to throw short on them and everyone so I'll let it go and he'll do some up you can't let him tee off on the run yet the thrown first down sometimes and that's what we did in the first half and we didn't have a problem with it and okay well I was just going to say it there early on in the ball game you throw a touchdown pass to David Hill he was wide open then you came back you found another one of Freddie Scott were used particularly picking on Eric Harris no just their coverage in general we've put in a new play this week and we thought we could get it guy deep behind Barbaro and that's one we hit Freddie on on this day you have become quite a story you're a young man who stepped in for gary Danielson when his wrist went under to a broken wrist have you surprised yourself a little bit a little bit not much all false modesty aside well not by performance exactly just the way things have gone I guess in general I'm you know I figured I'd have a good game here and there but you know then I figured I was a pan out maybe out you know just an average you know average games but the way things went I'm surprised little bit you came in with a bang on national TV putting a lot of points on the board today 27 points but does that really reflect Eric Hipple has he gotten better each game and will he continue I think so I think what I've gotten better at is making adjustments during the game that was the toughest thing as I promised during a game if they come up into something way I'm team during film we make adjustments and I think that's what I picked up on I think that's what I need to work on even more all right Eric thank you very much the final numbers 10 for 22 133 yards two touchdowns they're not terrific but the big number on the board says Lyons 27 Chiefs 10 one of the W column for the Lions mr. HIPPA will come back afterward for Butler [Music] all the guys would keep the action from getting out of hand this Bud's for you [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says Budweiser this Bud's for you [Music] next Saturday cheer on the greatest names in the history of Figure Skating as the heartthrobs of the 1980 Olympics tie bolonia and Randy Gardner 1980 Olympic gold medalist Robin cousins three-time world champion Peggy Fleming and the electrifying Dorothy Hamill compete in an encore performance of the world probe Figure Skating championship plus light up with excitement at osakan funny cars fly in NHRA drag racing then next Sunday NFL action is the fresh ride for playoff contention continues all for you on NBC Sports on this Thanksgiving Day the Detroit Lions beat the Kansas City Chiefs 27 to 10 Merlin Olsen pointed out before the game that this would be one of the hardest hitting ball games of the year it turned out to be that and perhaps one of the sloppiest particularly from the Chiefs point of view the way the game ended was certainly not the way it began it was the Lions who took the ball down the field scored on their first possession the Chiefs scored on their second possession but then things kind of slowed down it was left to the Lions to make the difference 27:10 and maybe the difference in the ball game was the Chiefs inability to get anything going to sustain any Drive and the Lions ability to get the big play on a pimple and the big play out of their defense for more thoughts in the game let's go back upstairs Merlin Olsen Dick Enberg gentlemen all right Bryant we featured Joe Delaney and Billy Sims at the start and of course the conjure up thoughts of a great Thanksgiving game by OJ Simpson I ran for 273 yards once on Thanksgiving Day but it really it wasn't the big game by those stars where did where did it switch dick I think part of the reason for that is the two defenses are pretty good against the run they made it tough on both these runners Delaney had the edge in the first half and I think certainly Simms had it in the second half that's when Detroit needed it they wanted to control the football they got the edge with Simms running and with HIPAA was passing throughout the game I think we ought to Pat Steve fuller on the back especially for his start in the second half although he did not maintain that kind of heat throughout the second half it looked for a while at Kansas City might come back they just didn't quite have the gas to do it and going back to you Brian Joe Costanza has the final count Delaney 77 yards sim 64 yards and 1 touchdown alright dick thank you very much there's the graphic illustration of exactly the matchup we were talking about Sims and Delaney Sims of course was hampered a bit by as Merlin alluded to earlier turf toe as Fort Delaney it was interesting to note also as Merlin pointed out I should add that while Delaney's numbers have been impressive his race it seems is to merely turn the corner and get upfield when the Detroit Lions managed to beat him to that quarter his inability to cut back was in great part the reason for the Chiefs and ability to sustain any drives on this day they stopped Delaney were able to stop the Ken City Chiefs and were able to go six ago in the dome I correct myself I think earlier I said seven and OH in any event they're undefeated under this roof we'll come back afterwards from Budweiser [Music] this was for the men we took the Andrea Doria treasure back from the sea this much for you yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says but why is there this bud for you if you hate that wet icky feeling under your arm why use a roll-on or spray antiperspirant that's wet start your day dry with speeds tick super dry antiperspirant it's the right stick effective protection with more dryness they all fight wetness needs just a few strokes and goes on dry so you can get dressed right away no witness get the wide stick so dry you can get dressed right away speed stick super dry antiperspirant amen you see the finals for the Lions 27 the Chiefs 10 there were a number of stories we attempted to develop today one was the ongoing duel between Sims and Delaney but the story within the story on this day was that ups and white minnow masterminds the Lions defense on the field we highlighted him before the game kept watch on him during the game now we're thankful he's joined us after the game with his whole high school teammate Michael Adam Lee Mike O'Brien you talked about the exploits of Eric Hipple on offense this is the man who makes the go for the Lions defense dan white number 52 and then we were talking earlier and I'm not trying to get the Chiefs manager to send you letters but you said that they were a pretty basic offense you didn't have to study too much film this week and you turned out to be pretty prophetic right because it was a short week we only a few days to prepare it was a good thing that they did things basically and that's not bad there's a lot of great teams that do things basically but it helped us in our preparation we knew that they they ran from certain formations and they passed from other formations and the fact that they were without Henry Marshall I think really hurt him a lot because it left JT Smith is there one main receiver and allowed us to double-team him all day long I really tried taking him out of the offense and forced him to go someplace else what he really didn't want to go pressure was the name of the guy game for you guys this afternoon you registered five sacks you had one of them how do you how do you coordinate the silver rush well we would give them a lot of freedom like we look into our past situations and we tell them just go rush the passer because like I said we knew when they were gonna pass today because of their formation when they know that they can really set their teeth back and they really put a lot of pressure on that's the key to any path these the pressure you get on from your front floor we got a great start for the Lions have run their records at seven and six you got Tampa Bay yeah Green Bay you have Minnesota you control your own destiny right we can we can do a lot for ourselves the next three weeks play people in our division we have a good streak on ourselves three in a row and we just try to play them one at a time the old cliche now because it's always so true and if we can just stop play the way we play today we'll be in good shape Dan once again congratulations happy Thanksgiving partner great day brother goodness knew you do Bryant okay Michael thank you very much I think it's heartening to know in this day and age that when Mike Adamle played high school football he was only the second best linebacker on his team to step aside for just a moment we come back we'll have some first family up some highlights of the ballgame and be joined by C Baxter we'll get to that ever again I work for [Music] what's more natural and spicy hot food an icy cold beer what's more natural the natural light from anheuser-busch it's the beer with and taste for food so put out the fire we had crank Oh build a car stereo we never know who's going to be in the driver's seat so every Franco car stereo is tested to meet the toughest quality standards and that means you can be sure that your craco car stereo will perform no matter what your listening habits and down the road you'll be glad it's a craco by virtue of their loss today the Chiefs have fallen out of a tie for first in the AFC West but in the AFC East the tie still exists between the Jets and Miami Dolphins that tie was forged last Sunday when the Jets came from behind in the final seconds to beat the Dolphins the call from Dick Enberg and Bob Trumpy [Applause] thirteen so critical 29 twenty-eight seconds left but just need a touchdown to win it ooh Jones was leaving his band on McNiel and the feel had a piece of it there is something that an office can do in that situation realizing that the defense has allowed one Chuck in the first five yards if you can get the ball up while contact is made you may get an interference call I believe that's what Walt Michaels was claiming there plenty of time here now no reason to panic with quotidian zone who's that fan Richard [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] raishin remember it is necessary for the [Applause] and so the Jets beat Miami 1615 the board behind the AFC East they'll try to break the tie this Sunday when they go against the Colts that's just one of the game we'll have on welcome back for all the guys would keep the action from getting out of hand this Bud's for you [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says Budweiser this Bud's for you [Music] our final again the Lions winner over the Chiefs by a score of 27 to 10 and what does that group bring your record up to three above entry well that brings me to 420 420 and not as good as the Lions in the silver dome that's before it was interesting you were telling me at a time that you were talking to Monty Clark and he said he's been getting all kinds of suggestions about the way to improve his Road record yes every lucky suggestion in the world from psychiatrists and so forth the things to do with the guys the night before the game make them feel at home but this is where they're really at home you know Brian I think an interesting point about both these teams is they're good but they're limited and one of the limitations is they don't come from behind once Kansas City got behind it really took a lot away from them that raises a good point because you and I have lost over it a little bit I look at the standings tells you they're playoff teams but we both agree they are not in the classic sense does that mean the league is that strong or the entire league is that mediocre it means there is no more classic sense almost anybody can make it for better or for worse both these teams have a shot from what you saw today do the Lions appear to be a team that's going to get to play after week 16 I still have to see them do it on the road and unnatural grant okay PDX tone thank you very much our final again the Lions 27 and the Chiefs 10 the executive producer of NBC Sports is Don ohlmeyer coordinating producer football at City incan s'en today's telecast produced by Larry Sorrell and directed by Ted Nathanson NFL 81 is produced by David Neal and directed by Bob levy our technical director was Bruce Berkowitz associate producers Mike Hadley and Glenn Adamo associate directors John libretto Bob MacKinnon and Brian orange track remember next Saturday on NBC Sports whirl 4 p.m. Eastern Time it's world Pro Figure Skating championship on four performance stars like Tai Babilonia Randy Gardner Peggy Fleming Dorothy Hamill many more plus the 1981 NHRA World Finals of drag racing that Sports Royal Saturday 4 o'clock Eastern Time and then on Sunday week 13 in the NFL NBC follows the race right down to the playoffs championship we asked you to start your day with us here on NFL 81 join me for all the latest news scores and highlights from around the league and it's exciting regional action highlighted by inter division match up among the Baltimore against the Jets the Fingal's against the brown and the Broncos against the Chargers check your local listings for the game in time in your area our final Hawaiians 27 the Chiefs 10 for a Dick Enberg Merlin Olsen Pete axtell Mike Adamle and all of us here at NBC Sports Bryant Gumbel's saying thank you very much for joining us hope your Thanksgiving is a happy and healthy one from all of us to you here on NBC Happy Thanksgiving come on the leaders innovative sports television but look at the Soviet spy threat on NBC reports the spies among us Saturday
Channel: Classic NFL
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Rating: 4.8511167 out of 5
Id: LD30VbM2JwQ
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Length: 238min 58sec (14338 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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