1982 10 03 ABC Brewers at Orioles

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American League Eastern Division championship game live from Memorial Stadium in Baltimore between the Milwaukee Brewers the Baltimore Orioles that site is Memorial Stadium in Baltimore Philadelphia or e old faithful lovers Bellator is perfect dumper 13th right at the gymnasium one on the line by itself remarkable it is an ultimate moment for baseball the men who will play the team this afternoon this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by the best beer for the best time of the day welcome to the other time by Chevrolet whoo want you to take charge of a new Chevrolet car or truck that you're cheb relay dealers now and by Gillette makers of good news the disposable razor with micro smooth twin blade and good afternoon everybody I'm Keith Jackson when the Milwaukee Brewers were four games out in front of the American League East with five games to play a lot of people Jonathan said well it's over when the Milwaukee Brewers came to Baltimore to play the final four games of the 1982 season they had only to win one to clinch the American League East they have not do it they had instead been pummeled by the Baltimore Orioles Wesker's of eight three seven one eleven three outscored twenty six to seven why for what reason no one can really answer your question not even the ballplayers themselves but they know all that this game is played at a time unless you have this a remarkable circumstance with World Series or playoff Flair it is a wall-to-wall sellout and all the elements for special sports drama here including the potential last game for Earl Weaver who is managed here for 15 seasons the pitching matchup is also very special today two veteran right-handers with 520 wins between them Don Sutton for Milwaukee and Jim Palmer for Baltimore and to that story now with Howard Cosell well I think you put it very well and very completely let me just say this and there's no need to build up the superb nature of this pitching matchup either it speaks for itself Dunne Sutton 257 career victories a record so far this season in the two leagues of 16 and 9 the opponent Jim Palmer 263 career victories both pitches clearly destined for the Baseball Hall of Fame but Jim Palmer this year at an incredible 15 and 4 seems to have recovered the acceleration in that rising fastball is that was his trademark through all of the years as personalities but two men do have a similarity they're about as cool as any pitcher could be based upon X to meet this kind of crisis game because they have met the same kind of situation if not exactly the same symbol that - throughout their respective careers and this crowd is going crazy as you can hear in the background in the meantime should it be necessary to bring in Raleigh fingers he of the damaged right pitching elbow is prepared to pitch today - one two maybe as many as three batters no more than that that's the backdrop of the pitching matchup back to you Keith I can only say as we get ready for the first pitch this is Major League quality Sports coming live from Baltimore this afternoon I think second the likely MVP Robin Yount batting third heavy hitting Cecil Cooper dangerous Ted Simmons in the cleanup spot then they know goalie with homer's after him Gorman Thomas with 39 the d8 developing right fielded Jollymore finally the highly prized second baseman Jim Gantner the Milwaukee Brewers line and defensively for the Baltimore Orioles they will line up this way Eddie Murray at first base rich tower at second base Cal Ripken at shortstop and Glen Gulliver at third base in the outer defense john lowenstein over in right jim dwyer and al Bumbry in center he's playing with aches and pains and made a marvelous catch against the wall to rob Robin Yount of a home run unless yesterday's game behind the plate is Rick Dempsey and Jim Palmer is on the mound the Milwaukee Brewers will send up against Jim Palmer three left-handed hitters the Baltimore Orioles have enough depth depth organized in the main by Earl Weaver that they will be able to send to the plate today against Don Sutton six a left-handed hitters this could be a day when an error of omission is as meaningful as an error of commission at the men in charge of the game behind the plate Don Dickens are calling balls and strikes first places Jim Evans Larry Barnett is at second base and rich Garcia at third base and it is a very good umpiring crew so we are ready to go in an afternoon that just could not be more glorious I don't see anything resembling clouds maybe a little wisp here in there the field is in perfect condition thanks in the Maine to the NFL players strike because two games would have been played here prior to today but obviously no games have been played here recently and the field is virtually perfect it is virtually perfect one note the groundskeeper here one the most respected in all of baseball Pat Santa Roni and Pat goes back with Earl Weaver an awful lot of years back to when they were together again at Elmira in New York if the man may look a little high do at some point I was kidding Pat about it before the game with Milwaukee manager Harvey keen present suggesting that the mound may be a little high the rule is the mound must be no more than ten inches higher than the plate and Ciaran Keene took it seriously said to Pat I'm gonna set up a tripod and have the thing measured he did not of course but the mound in fact looks a little hard among the many elements that will come to memory this afternoon will be the fact that back in 1966 as you look at Harvey bean Jim Palmer won a ball game in that 1966 World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers at age 21 and sitting in the other dugout also at the age of 21 was a young right-hander named answer and as the years have gone by they have proven themselves to the major Lakers of the first quality - they face off in one of the more either of the movement I don't know that 66 was any kind of augury but the birds won that World Series in Faust right on the wings of an extraordinary catch by an ordinarily poor left fielder named kurt bleffary plunging into the left-field wall right here at Memorial Stadium Paul Molitor the third baseman will lead it off followed by Robin Yount and Cecil Cooper and to the most important win in the Milwaukee lineup are hitting 1 & 2 Molitor and yow keep him off base you can control right Mollet are notoriously EAGA first ball fastball hitter but Jim kept that ball array on the outside net result he hit it where it was pitched and the fly to right now the man that most people figure the frontrunner for the MVP award in the American League Robin Hoff who has had a remarkable year the shortstop and Palmer's first pitch to Robin as high and outside the numbers on Yelp 27 home runs 112 runs batted in at a 328 batting average going into this final game of the season oh my maybe red-hot today he was complaining of aches and pains last night shut down the right side or ricocheting into the crowd has the edge according to the birds have come to recognize that the more Jim complains the more likely he is that you look at that graphic if he beats Milwaukee today he'll be the only pitcher in the league to have beaten them three times in this season when Jim complains the birds grow in confidence I think Jim is grown in confidence he has been able to accomplish as a result of a self-imposed regimen during the offseason restoring velocity and hopped to his fastball we have a count of two balls and two strikes - Robin Yount with Cecil Cooper on deck it is now four three two the first two pitches to Yount fastball the last two pictures of in breaking pitches in the air to right wire to the corner to the wall Robin Yount lifted to the off-field that is a very important fact it was in the series here in Baltimore against the Orioles the Brewers have been in the position of having to come from behind way behind and cookies play their game well as we look at this home run again it's a vivid evidence of why Yount is so highly regarded for the MVP his power is to all fields remember the shortstop position when you have a man who has that kind of homerun power he that gives him 28 on the season 113 runs batted in out of the shortstop position then you've got a very special talent the batter is Cecil Cooper and the first pitch put him around a typical Palmer greeting after being long balled by Robin yo the out shot went out at about 320 feet and had plenty of carry about ten rows back the Brewers get the early lead one to nothing and Cooper is up there now with a one ball no strike count say so both big numbers as he takes the strike of 313 and 31 home run and there is Robin you were right that will be interesting to see Thomas reaction he is said throughout his career I don't mind a solo home run most with men on base Gilman say so came over to the Milwaukee Brewers for the Boston Red Sox it was one of the best deals Harry Dalton has ever made I'll back upstairs that if you'll remember was the Great Scott deal George Scott going over to Boston one of the men who confirms the mistake from the Boston side Don Zimmer who within the manager of the Red Sox say so pops it up the shortstop Cal Ripken drifts back to the grass and makes the catch for out number two Ted six now it's been said all year long hardly needs repeating this is a dynamite patting off perhaps the most dangerous in either majorly loop over the shortstop Ripken makes a grab at it and cannot come up with it Simmons is aboard with a base hit second hit of the inning of Jim Palmer but that one obviously lacking the authority of the stroke by Robin Yount and it brings to the plate dangerous Ben Ogilvie who has hit 34 big ones in 1982 and who in Jim's most recent victory over Milwaukee when Palmer allowed but poor hits at Milwaukee old OB got two of those hits and the D H today Roy Howell got the other two so Benji is in standing deep in the box against the right-hander and Palmer starts him taking something off the fastball and misses with it Harvey Keane has done a pretty good sales job on Ben Ogilvie and his association with Ben he has convinced him he has enough power that could worrying about pulling the ball and since Ben has been able to do it he has been like Thunder at the plate holla back how ironic 'if you get down to the one game the whole season at stake and Weaver and Palmer who through all of the years have traded barbs and have had open quarrels now their dependency interlace each man needing the other so desperately and the here is high to low go V and your count is two and one their relationship has been unusual I think both of them in conversation ultimately get around to a key word respect that's exactly it's fun to sit and watch an event like this unfold in the course of an afternoon because this is the kind of a contest that leads little embellishment everything's here two best teams and the American League East some of the best players and all the game it's all here and they will take it as long as they can take the two best records in baseball for the two teams here today two balls and two strikes with two out and one run in for Milwaukee in the top of the first inning Ted Simmons leading off first base for the Brewers and Cooper bounces it over the mound rift in the shortstop steps on second a retiree Ted Simmons and so the first inning is over and Milwaukee gets on the board leading one to nothing a batting second the relative newcomer Glen Gulliver in the third spot the D H Kenny singleton batting cleanup the star of the club Eddie Murray after him having a big year John Lowenstein then comes Jim Dwyer seems to be forever on base Cal Ripken the Rookie of the Year at shortstop next Rick Dempsey the Gutzon glue of the club next enriched our who does it all batting ninth offensively for the Milwaukee Brewers Cecil Cooper at first base young Jim Gantner at second base yow is the shortstop Molitor at third the outer defense left the centerfield Gorman Thomas and right-field Charlie Moore who came up originally as a catcher doing the catching is Ted Simmons and on the mound Don Sutton who at age 37 has won 257 games in the major league he's had a bit of a cold sore throat and talked to the flu he has had a shot for that but said this morning at breakfast he felt just fine and has repeated a couple of dozen times in the last 24 hours this is the kind of a game you live for he says he wouldn't want to be anyplace else first he had a penicillin shot that produced the reaction then he had a cortisone shot to ward off the penicillin reaction but he says today feels great came from Alabama went to Hollywood and has been successful now living in new walk and he pitches to l Bumbry and Bumbry jumps on the first pitch and lifts it up in the air to the second baseman get their back on the grass one down so both leadoff men jump on the first pitch blende Oliver the third baseman comes in with a 191 batting average he came up from Rochester he has the capacity to get on base and that is something that pleases Earl Weaver and that's why he is here despite the low batting average shot foul he is also in this respect the Weaver kind of player in that he doesn't say much this goes out and works it is great I'm not so sure about that gait Palmas says a lot Rick Dempsey says a lot there are a lot of talkers on that bezzie winner was around at then d-bots roll down the third-base line Molitor stroke in terms of those no play giving Gulliver the extra bass that's the second day in a row that Molotov has aired on a bunt play Gulliver the man executing the bunt it happened yesterday and led to a couple of runs for the birds there was Molitor coming in late on the bunt and on the throw that should not have been made at Paul it is a single for Gulliver and a terror putting him on second base and here is the switch-hitting Ken singleton today 77 runs balladeer capable of the long ball from either side of the plate it's a tie in the air into the outfield going to the centerfielder Gorman Thomas shading his eyes and whips to throw back in and Oliver stays at second base volatize been is uncertain Sam becomes understandable last year in the playoff series against the Yankee's he had deep trouble playing right field remember Kenny leads this ballclub Eddie Murray his numbers reflected there obviously I'm candidate for the Most Valuable Player honors in the American League in 1982 two of the prime candidates opposing each other today Murray for Baltimore out for Milwaukee and the other the third candidate at least in my mind would be dugged essentially the third baseman of califor once they said Murray was a fastball hitter when he first came up nothing more if that was true then it's not true now something gets a strike on the inside corner he can hit the change he can hit the curve he can hit the fastball he is a complete ballplayer hey you see that crowd 372 with two outs runners in scoring position Sutton goes outside with hitman mission or Toliver on second base with two out Milwaukee getting a Robin Yount home run in the top of the first inning for a wonder nothing lead it's not very good it is not 7.04 not the kind of numbers you want to go to sleep with inside again Marie says he Nick me on the yarn Don Ben Cantor has a look said I don't see how well thank in ship by the way as his own history of controversy in this ballpark let's have another look at the pitch as Murray lifted his arms up he would have had to be nicked right on the elbow as he uplifted that elbow but Dinkins you disagree still Murray has some words with him Weber is honest the trainer is coming with it they want to see the arm now this is not to be confused with the old shoe polish kids Ralph's selves on the trainer back in 58 milwauke against the Yankees we had the nippy Jones let's look at it again and see what if anything we can sing what do you make of it dear I can't tell passage visit by he is enjoying this day so much you cannot begin to deserve it three in one camp on Eddie Murray with two out loewenstein coming into the plate what a year this man is had being used on the basis of Weaver's platoon system he's hitting 320 24 home runs 66 runs batted in John is always good for a one-liner of two before but today require yes his uptight shut the right color coming around third here's the foe he stopped for a moment Lee the dead duck Marie has gone on down to third base and Gulliver did not hold I don't know whether he saw Ripken's indication to hold at third but he kept coming halfway down the line apparently running through the Sun and Charlie Moore made a heck of us right now watch and you'll see right here he slowed up ripped in the third-base coach trying desperately to hold him up but it was too late and the play was easily made by the way another sterling throwing effort by the developing right fielder Charlie Moore who executed a similar play yesterday getting singleton at the plate one Steinitz single to ride more throwing home Ripken waving his hands upward trying to hold them up frantically but gullible wasn't even looking at him and so he was a dead pigeon how big this play will loom later on can only be determined by the future flow of play and here he is mr. Thomas yep Gorman Thomas with 39 home runs and a hundred and twelve runs knocked in for Milwaukee he'll be followed by Roy Howell the D H and Charlie Moore Jim Palmer's first pitch to Thomas a fastball for a strike and it was up in the upper part of the strike zone oddly Thomas has the best career batting average of any Brewer against Parma her ball bounces at the plate which you wouldn't expect because he is so prone to strike out you can say he's been in the doldrums recently but there is his career record against Jim that I referred to he has such good bet velocity and control you make any kind of mistake on it and it's gone that's high in the four-hitter that Palmer pitched we could go Saturday over in Milwaukee for the 5-2 win his location was virtually perfect that day and against a fellow like Bowman Thomas your location had better be pretty good three balls and one strike he went 3 & 2 against Robin young and young got him for the opposite field home run now he's 3 & 1 ball four and so Gorman Thomas goes to first base where Rob handsome the first base coach greets him Harry Warner is the third-base coach for Harvey keen and Palmer now will pitch to Roy Howell the D H he's the man who had to sing oats against Palmer and Jim successful against the Brewers in Milwaukee Milwaukee is leading one to nothing Baltimore wasting an opportunity in the bottom of the first inning when Gulliver ran through third base coach Cal Ripken's sign and was thrown out by the right fielder Charlie Moore woman throws it away and Thomas goes to second he's going to 3rd the throw across is not in time and backed up by Palmer the ball skipping past Gulliver Gorman Thomas would have scored had Palmer not been there to backup another look at this gym suddenly whirling throwing over the ball thrown behind the runner nothing Marie could do about that and notice early in this game it's the birds who are making the mistakes that the Brewers committed yesterday and with nobody out how Oh steps in with a chance to deliver another run for Milwaukee foul ball first base side this is the first time that Baltimore has ever played for a championship in the final game of the season they'll walkie one the strike year American League East a year ago but then lost in the final game of the mini series to the Yankee our checks and takes a slider inside ball one one count we saw Ripken move his arm over to the third-base umpire by way of appeal on the pitch but it was what it was called by the home plate umpire that's a roller to first base contact run comes to the plate and scores Eddie Murray bobbles it for a moment picks it up retires Howell Milwaukee leads two to nothing bro the old silent 22 Charlie Moore and unaccustomed to sing the birds mishandle the ball Gorman Thomas walking going this third base on the throw by Jim Palmer that got away at first base had on contact he broke from third and scored let me tell you going from first to third Keith that was a nifty back up by Palmer on the throw runner could have scored even then had there been an errant backup Don deck injured the plate umpire is giving Charlie Moore a brief lesson in the perimeter of the batting area Charlie is back as far as the law will allow it hits a shirt shut the ripken bobbles it for a moment comes up with it compose him out youngster has a big arm at shortstop two down look at this again from centerfield camera the ball was sharply hit by Charlie Moore and at handcuffed Ripken but only momentarily Annie has the big on that Keith referred to it's a rifle here is young Jim Gantner who was developing into one of the better second baseman in baseball and becoming a very tough out as his numbers reflect he's a slick operator with the bat yesterday as that was the strike of course yesterday in the very second inning when they were struggling to get back in the ball game with two out he sliced one into left field hit it inside out in fact drove in two runs to turn a three to nothing Baltimore lead into a then tough game three to two count on getting our two balls and one strike two out I'll run in that ball is well hit up the alley Bumbry going going near the crack reaches high and both on the bumpers speed kept it from going against event so Milwaukee adds another on as Baltimore's defenses loose they lead it after one and a half to two nothing originally American and National League playoffs begins she was denied on TV see Don Sutton the cool cookie I asked him about a state of nerves that I don't maybe I should be psychoanalyzed or something because of it but it's fun I like what I do and I just can't think of anything I'd rather be doing today and it's not the end of the world for me if I lose and it's not the greatest thing will ever happen to me if I win it's just another step in what has been a very happy life and another step along the way to someplace I hope to be when I retire one can rationalize anything get one is that kind of guy Sutton pitching now to jim dwyer Cal Ripken and Rick Dempsey and Dwyer flirting with a piece of baseball history he has reached base 13 consecutive times eight base hits and five walks the major league record is Ted Williams September of 1957 with 16 and Ted Williams wires all banning close Sutton's a personality he found a home in Hollywood septum when he was brawling but Steve Garvey in the Dodger Clubhouse fire fouls it away coming back out of play into the crowd the shadows will now become a factor as we wear on toward four o'clock by 5:00 the shadows will be no problem but over the next hour the shadows will be affected that's foul to be absolutely correct I suppose on the 1982 season one would have to say this is the hundred and sixty third game these two teams have played because they locked horns and a.22 tied and the game was suspended they had to play it again that's foul back since you delve into that this is only the third time in baseball history that the situation has existed that exists today between these two teams last time it happened was in Yankee Stadium in 49 when Vic Raschi beat Ellis kinder in the final game the Yankees won the pennant on a three-run double to right field by jerry Coleman tapped back to Sutton by Dwyer Don flips over the first baseman Cecil Cooper you've got one hour ended streak for Dwyer then you talk about a tie game go back to nineteen eight when you were in your prime piece and the Cubs beat the Giants fortitude great finger Brown over Christy Mathewson and they were replaying a game that had been tied because bonehead Merkle had failed to touch second on a hit by Albert whoa those are the other two times that we had this kind of situation in baseball history Baltimore shortstop Cal Ripken takes a strike from Danza you're at the 1908 crystal mic and all it because nobody could hear it the strike 1 pitch is fouled away and Sutton has the edge at om 2 very slight breeze drifting out toward left field looking back over the years with Earl Weaver reflected there on your television screen Baltimore has been notorious for having inclement weather in important moments since that baseball including that 79 World Series against the school snow but today it is just glorious Sutton continues at this pace another couple of innings as you look at the Milwaukee bench and Harvey team the manager centered there the wrist hits it to the right side and Charlie Moore gives ground to make the catch sort of sad saddled it because Charlie's got a look up into that bright sky 2 down Sutton keeps this up a couple of more innings look for old Weaver to start a career in harassment he'll want to look at that ball he'll challenge what Sutton is throwing Don is prepared for it Keith with two now the pitch to Rick Dempsey the Baltimore catcher ball one and Rick says very quickly gets getting rid of that baseball it's got a spot on it scrap-iron tough guy Rick Dempsey had a remade Jim Palmer right there he is better this fellow wider yup hit come down with it tip this glove that rolls into the outfield and Dipsy is aboard now the center-field camera and as the balls sank Rick was that elliptic just open our outstretched reach of young Dempsey is an amazing ballplayer it doesn't show in the averages but this man is of this ball of our team make no mistake about a superb catcher with a capacity to hit in the clutch and an outstanding hit-and-run hitter having behind the run at a right field rich Towers folks a little soft looper going out into center field and Gorman Thomas Lopes in to make the catch and we played two with Milwaukee leading two to nothing we'll be back after Jim Lampley and a commercial message as the Dodgers root for San Diego to beat the Braves they try to keep the heat on themselves and in the top of the second Ron Cey with Rick Monday on base delivers his 24th home run of the year off of bill Lasky Los Angeles has taken a 2 nothing lead off of San Francisco in the top of the second inning we'll be going back to Baltimore for the showdown after this the good news in shaving tests nationwide us good news disposed there's two balls and no strikes Molitor looking this time remember usually a fastball first ball headed but the first pitch was low clearly a ball Mottola Toledo stings up pretty well sending Bumbry beak to center field near the warning track makes the catch for out number genron say can't tell you my admiration for that John man I have nightmares about him keeps getting hit in the helmet and thank the Lord for the helmet you remember Gossage a year ago and he came back and even got a homerun as the World Series wore on we had one recently where Mike Witt of California hit John Wathan of Kansas City in the side of the head and I Watson lay there for a moment got up went to first base ran the bases and continued in the ballgame as the catcher well Ron got hit in the helmet yesterday on the base paths and for a moment had that nightmare again but areas back with a Houma today the penguin is a battler Palmer started Yount with a curveball comes in on the hands the fastball now fouls it back to make it one on one can't believe they once played this game without the helmet first they went to the helmet liner remember and then the helmet itself the just low 2 & 1 the count Jim Palmer was 1 in 1 with a 6 plus earned run average back in the month of May early May he went into the bullpen he worked there for a while got himself organized and since May 25 when he came back as a starter that ball is well hit deep left field it's gone has hit successive home runs off Jim Palmer and Milwaukee leads three karate and is hit the home runs in the very manner we talked about one to right feel the opposite feel this one deep up the left-center alley extraordinary power for a shortstop let's look at it again when this pitch will be upstairs right in his groove he got a round on it there was no question about it and they are heading Jim Palmer in each and every inning so far one run at a time Hooper fouls it back that was Babs overstated the second ending Parma's errand throw to first cause the second Milwaukee run each time however he has been stung by young he has had the fits from behind and each time he's had the ball up over the plate and the out has cashed it in Brida nothing Milwaukee and the copter Cooper now two balls and a strike and a lookout shut the right Murr but every ball this inning has been hard hit yes the word keep used was stink Molitor stung one as we look at this again to deep center bumper eager Alden this said the look of a double down the line Murray picked it on the gound blow too far mm hopes at the plate now with two down and a run in and farmer changes misses low Mike Flanagan is up in the bullpen for Baltimore this is staff day cannot afford to let Milwaukee get the a let him play their game there's Mike warming up Waukee has a good edge now with three runs and with a solid crisis proven pitcher there he is Don Sutton pitches up and now it's three balls and no strikes to sevens and Flanagan is joined now by a right-hander out in the bullpen John Flynn watch him whereas edgy and you can understand that Keith he can let this game get further out of hand that is the second bill issued by Jim Boehner and now he's got to work to Ben over V and Ray Miller comes out of a Milwaukee dugout on his way to the mound for the visit should say the Baltimore dugout he certainly wouldn't come a little funky together this is one of the men that some people around this part of the country think could succeed Earl Weaver is the manager other people seem to be of the opinion the job may be offered to Cal Ripken senior but the point is that the Baltimore organization is an inbred organization in the mean developing their own players of the farm system and have the history of staying within the organization for their managers Joe Altobelli and John McNamara are other names that have banded about but it'll be sometime probably before that decision is made so Miller goes back now to the dugout and farmer stays trailing in the ballgame three to nothing two home runs by Robin Yount one to right and a big one to left and the throwing error by Palmer delivering Gorman Thomas all the other Milwaukie run excuse me a planet Sunday go it tied it's here on the second inning Ted Simmons who reached his first time on a single having walked this time is on first base Murray holding inside against him and ball one to the novalee Gorman Thomas to the on-deck circle over the top with good velocity on a fastball and it's 1 in 1 we knew that mr. ball and two strikes Palmer seemed elapsed for just a moment in walking similes now he's bowed his neck against bed the one to fit popped up first baseman Eddie Murray will make the play near the mouth or the Milwaukee Brewers Nanyang homer and they after two and a half three to nothing it's a funny feeling they're 17 just finished school the time zlin don't have a job don't know what to do never learned a skill and you won't work too well you know the services have the means to teach someone who still miss teams Army Navy Air Force Marines they'll take the train you show you the way he'll work hard get decent fade in the Army Navy Air Force Marines serving their countries a real good start helping pay for colleges and services part Army Navy Air Force Marines future and down shed that lid join the services get ahead the Army Navy Air Force Marines it's a great place to start when you live and work around the water you put in some pretty long days but you know I guess that's what makes us really enjoy our night the best beer for the best time of the day Miller High Line coming up for Baltimore al Bumbry Glen Gulliver and Ken singleton and we're now told as you see Wild Bill Hagee exhorting the faithful and that broom that they're waving there as a result of a huge here that the faithful have come up with in this series they're shopping for a sweep of the we're told now that it's 2-2 park in San Francisco between the Giants and the Dodgers darn think injure had gone over to the Milwaukee dugout with Ted Simmons now he and Vaughn Stephanie are in and I frankly haven't been able to figure out what it is maybe about the ball he becomes out he will he's curious too so oil comes out for get an explanation what's going on the entire hiring crew went over to the Milwaukee dugout which simin Earl will grow more and more active in this game that knowest and if Sutton keeps the birds away from home plate as I said he will inevitably begin to Harrison all right it's a second time around for the Orioles against Sutton bum brig Gulliver singled in top of the order Bumbry pop-top on the first pitch to the second baseman again for his first time up this afternoon and something starts in the best ball the baserunning failure in the first inning that may have cost Baltimore a run or possibly two will loom increasingly large there's a strike and it's 1 in 1 see the shadows now beginning to creep on out on the playing surface and they will become troublesome or the hitter on the right side and it is power closed off lake close that balls in the corner the way it can ricochet around down there bream Bray's would have run for a while another look at it it's just inside oh really so Alice back for the count of one ball and two strikes Gooper to second and Bumbry is out Toliver now coming to the plate Don Sutton at 37 years of age coming over to the Milwaukee Brewers from Houston on August 30th as Bud Selig this is Harry Dalton everybody in the organization realized they needed some pitching help and a lot of people were surprised they could get on sir well al Rosen explained that at length to me when I challenged him on it I think what they're really trying to do at Houston and a firm friendship group by the way between Sutton and Rosen I think they're really trying to discount a salad that pitch is high one ball and one strike to Glenda lover who was a board on a single moved a second on an error throw by the third baseman a bunt single and then ran through the stop sign on the third base coach Cal Ripken and was called out end of three and plena San Diego 0-0 Giants have caught the Dodgers there at two and two if the Dodgers lose to get it land is in Atlanta st. Louie those Cardinals the first of the clubs to clinch the division championship there is the pitching comparison I said both the destined for the Hall of Fame and I believe that that is true Sutton is determined to stay in baseball though he could have a career in broadcast he wants 300 career wins Palmer feels exactly the same way the one-two pitch is fouled off for the count of old Jimmy Williams coaching at first base for Baltimore Cal Ripken at third one of those games sits like walking on eggshells or sitting on the barrel of dynamite sort of depends on your perspective right now Milwaukee is leading the single runs in the first three innings by a score of three to nothing that ball is well hit and more the boys you can say element to composite 26 ones all over a little bit easier to forget his running mistake on the past when I ignore Cal Ripken's egg hold up at third back from the first inning centerfield going back jump pull the client says he bangs into the wall Coleman played it very well a little mistake by Thomas and his timing of his jump the ball is gone let's look at it from a different angle look at Gorman sensing where the fences going into the planning above the barrier would have gone in in my opinion look at barbless play the another look as we bring many of our cameras into play and they're certainly from an angle one would have to surmise that the ball would have gone out of the park Eddie Murray is up as the Oriole suddenly they are tagging suck I'll be king you've been through what he's been through yet develop equanimity twice major surgery the third time around amputation of a so he can face this and say I know what life's all about and when I lose this is just evolving that Samba breaking which it is hi three balls and no strikes to Eddie Murray Gulliver's home run putting Baltimore on the scoreboard here in the bottom of the third inning it's a fair ball good play by Cooper over to Sutton gets him at first base good play by Cecil Cooper going down the lines and well the sharp shot by Murray people forget that Cooper's more than just the slugger that is also a gold Glover at first base and as you look at him again you can see the evidence of that we will be back and Baltimore Stadium in a moment spoon fork spoon pour oh look don't be be super baby bean soup with a spoon right you see all that good solid food chunks of beef potatoes and carrots it's a meal you eat with a fork right tunnel soup meal okay you decide just jumpy your soup uh chunkies the soup that eats like a meal Campbell's Chunky beef this soup that eats like a meal right guys you sentimental wiper blades like these yes Kippy bones replace your old wipers with anko blades at least once a year they're special formulated natural rubber gives both American and import cars a clean smooth why put together your documents the hard way since what when IBM has office systems that can revise large documents or advise the contracts and even send them across the country completely collated now that's a lot easier isn't it well if you want scores if you want late-breaking sports news if you want the best college football analysis only ABC sports makes the visa Smith going to the top of the fourth inning the championship game of the American League Eastern Division 4 1982 Milwaukee leading 3 to 1 the California Angels have already clinched the West they're waiting to see which team they will play and they will host whichever Gorman Thomas Roy Howell and Charlie Moore come to the plate now angels have a lineup most closely comparable in terms of slugging strength to this Milwaukee team no score Atlanta San Diego top of the fourth in the National League West the Dodgers with their big win yesterday in San Francisco eliminating the Giants but the Giants would walk on hot coals to damage the Dodger hopes in that rivalry certainly one and being knocked down the race doesn't dull one bit we look at a ball my admiration for Frank Robinson what a job he did and they made the right move in San Francisco and going to the young people I think it's proved out as indeed Leske one of the young pitchers right hander working today for San Francisco loss of chili Jones didn't help in the late going I mean chili Davis sit-ins helping the late going either to to top of the third and that doggedly Albin Thomas who walked the first time by the count of one and one now against Palmer he went to third base on Palmers errant throw at first and then scored with Roy Howell the designated hitter rolled the ball down the first base line Palmer to slow it away to Thomas when you look down the Novo keep adding order and you see numbers like 112 runs batted in 118 95 101 112 it's awesome get the message pretty quick don't you just us but they've handled them in the three previous games the Brewers have scored it's now two spikes as Palmer burns the black of the plate with a perfect pitch against Thomas it was exactly that a perfect pitch so he's even with Thomas now ball is hit the right-center for you it's got a fail on it bum break coming home mr. bungle they keep writing that he's at the end and that's why young Shelby's been brought up but he won't give in this is a professional airplane instant judgment as to where the ball would be sought tailing off and got it now Roy Howell the d.h with one away first baseman unassisted his first time and Palmer is on the inside corner for a strike with a slider we wanted jeff has become a very useful weapon performer and there and we look at it again you'll see the pitch still away from the left-hand batter drop precipitously a bad pitch bouncing one ball and two strikes now roll to the first baseman and ever marry for the second time the observation you may earlier seems to me has been the key one on palm is pitching effort thus far only when he gets behind the hair as he had problems made two mistakes with the out when he walked Thomas he seemed to have a momentary lapse of control and concentration particularly when it involved the arrow at first base again look Sonic that's Jim Palmer that's a palm up getting the black issue always hit well to left hooking foul well that pitch got away from a pie you saw it Keith look at this one again he'll sit right up when more wanted Vollmer does not have the hop on his fastball it doesn't last long that was I hi pitching these days with guile he's up high again two balls and two strikes it was interesting to watch a one ball in two strikes it was interesting to watch the Milwaukee Brewers when they were assembling to come to the ballpark today they seemed easy not uptight but you know they were turning that is power if you don't have a little churn in your stomach coming into a ballgame like this you're in the wrong business except that Sutton insists no bomber since June first thirteen and one with an ER a of 2.24 simply remarkable and you say he's pitching with guile yes but obviously that rising fastball has come back to from somewhere another eye high pitch that has lifted out into the corner in left field Lauren Stein here which defense all the for the first time in the game mr. Howie wants to be that villager shelter but he's not sure how he came to sentry hardware for an expert advice and quality name-brand products like a skill seven and a quarter inch circular saw 36 88 the Sterling single control laboratory faucet with pop-up $29.99 a Werner twenty foot aluminum extension ladder with double rung lock 6788 sentry hardware we're ready to help America on the move on the tire Michelin pioneered full radial we are moving thousands of trucks and trailers we're delivering produce and flowers and schoolchildren we are taking people to work to shop to play we are pushing cherry screaming when America demands performance we've delivered we are Michelin and we put America on radios tough Chevy trucks are taking charge to America's POTUS le new size paper chevy s-10 just got hotter with a revolutionary insta track four-wheel drive system that lets you shift from freewheeling two-wheel drive to four-wheel drive high and back at any speed you can't do that with four dots in our toyota chevy s-10 there's never been a four wheeler like it before Tom Chevy trucks taking charge and ending ago we mentioned that there had been a conference at the Milwaukee dugout with all of the umpires involved and Earl Weaver then came up subsequently and we can now define for you what that conference was about the umpires had found the scuffed up baseball and they walked to the dugout on a door walk aside to issue an official warning that the next time they find a stuffed baseball Don Sutton will be ejected from the game of course and that's what happened once in the National League perhaps later we'll get a chance to play an interview I did with Earl Weaver on this very subject perhaps something sitting on a three-to-one lead you face with a you face a prepared manager I'm telling Donnie loewenstein jim dwyer and cal ripken all the scheduled hitters for Baltimore bottom of the fourth and Sutton goes to one and one as he misses outside with his second pitch fastball in fastball up breaking pitch strike that left field position for Baltimore between Lauren Stein and Gary Roenicke this year produced 45 home runs 24 of them for this fellow then pitched by something and he's flexing out that is the first strikeout of the ball game but Don Sutton the American League Championship Series begins in California Tuesday and you'll see it here on ABC at 8:00 Eastern Time California meeting the winner of this game today the National League playoffs st. Louis waiting for the winner out of the West either Atlanta or Los Angeles will begin next Wednesday here on ABC where you gonna be American League I'll miss you sure good have some fun with those Redbirds why are a reasonably successful against something bounced back to the picture his first time of 13 successive reaches Brooklyn two strikes as Sutton gets the outside corner crowd didn't like the call but then not included among the inalienable rights of a citizen is their right to make a different book but they do exercise their privilege of protests of God popped him up hit him right on the hands with a pitch and Cecil Cooper the first baseman makes the catch for the second now now cal ripken young man may explode he had a difficult time yesterday when hit lost first two times up all only the time wasn't entirely his fault failed to score runner from third with less than two out came up to the Baltimore Orioles as a well advertised third baseman Weaver moved in this short not everybody in the organization liked the move but few forces have been raised in protest since he went there to do the job attend you is a terrific third I first saw mouse with Gabe Paul at the part of weekend League playoffs he was playing against bayamón which was managed by odd Hal that's what's this outside kid was spectacular at third hit the ball out of sight and is well on his way now to becoming Rookie of the air in this little and it's only just begun all this swept the left and then over be on the move holds it down so we have played four innings in Baltimore and Milwaukee leads the Orioles three to one we'll be back after Jim our pleasure and the commercial message in the National League West it's bad news for Dodger fans top of the fifth in San Diego two outs Terry Harper of Atlanta delivered this home run off Tim Lollar to give the Braves a one-nothing lead as they try to clinch the division title we'll be taking you back to Baltimore after this Bob and sandy Davis needed two incomes to afford the home they wanted then tragedy struck Allstate update joint mortgage protection sandy died before the mortgage was paid all state life's joint mortgage protection could have helped pay off their mortgage if either of them died for less than the price of two policies but the Davises didn't have it if you both were talked to an Allstate agent for life home and auto put yourself in good hands just look at all you get in Dennis grand-slam breakfast two large eggs cooked in real butter two sausage links plump and juicy mr. bacon Kristin sizzling and to buttermilk pancakes hot and flutters served with hot syrup and whipped butter by Eve that is regular fries the Grand Slam breakfast is a great value and it's only a demi for your like our prices and you'll love you guys realize this is our fourth summer place together remember that old beach house we had how about the time you two always said the woods okay who's ready for a lower growl but you want to taste of a truly great American beer tonight let it be low and brow you know I think we finally get this town to heart we'll move down to the top of the fifth inning for the Milwaukee Brewers Jim Kepner Paul Molitor and Robin Yount Milwaukee leading of the Orioles three to one and the course of this game thus far changed by two baltimore mistakes an errant pickoff attempt by Jim Palmer that brought Milwaukee at second run of the three the other two coming from yon home runs and then of course possibly the base running mistake of Glenn Gulliver in the bottom of the first when Lowenstein Stein had singled to right in the hole shortstop Ripken low throw he's out let's look at this again ya know with a sing i ground ball past the outstretched glove of Gulliver ripped in over there deep in the hole has that rifle low throw but Murray is hardly chopped liver at first is in the manner of Cecil Cooper each man a complete ballplayer that was Ed Romero batting forget nur now we need to find out what the problem is with get one would not think unless he had an akin pain that he would not be in the lineup Edie Romero in Gantner spot in the batting order now we're at the top of the order for Paul Molitor with Robin Yount who has been double trouble today moving to the on-deck circle bah litter fouls it off he has hit a flyball to right field he is in a fly ball deep to center field so he's all four to back in the third inning he sent Bumbry way back there's young the seventh time this season the Milwaukee's shortstop has hit two home runs in a game volaterrae bounces to the third baseman Gulliver GoPro is on target give that T down right let's take a look at the young man's second home run of the game top of the third inning the ball right in his power and there it goes deep down the left-center out out of the ballpark his early a home run had been to right-field the opposite child is doing nothing to hurt the notion that he should be the MVP in this league the appearance of young at the plate brings a groan from the Baltimore home crowd of more than 51,000 somewhat withdrawn young man can be laconic of nature not eager to express his own excellence just does the job remember when they questioned this short stopping ability maybe they thought he should be an outfield they don't question the short stopping ability anymore may not be Ozzie Smith but he can play fouled away the count is two balls and a strike incredible year for baseball as we pan around the ballpark another sellout house or close to it the right side and they finally get Robin young as he hits the liner for the right fielder Jim and Jim Palmer for the second animal oh now gets Milwaukee in order how the rule comes the high school freshness of Aqua Velva the blue comes the Apple Velva looking for the link saved a fresh scent there's something about an echo Velva man yes - hey hey what's up - I thought it was a bad time I paid you back pay is back for one last Sunday when the powers dropped in you owe me some beer Jim how is beer it's slower bro let's call it interest when you want a taste of a truly great American beer tonight let it be low and brah you know Jim I've been thinking maybe you want to borrow things more on if your confidence has suffered a shock right now get Sears heavy-duty shocks they're on sale for only 888 each installed and save 25% on Sears super guard steel-belted radials with a limited warranty for 40,000 miles but serious tearing out of centers who give you more than a big deal we install confidence you can count on sis the inspiration of excellence coverage of the American and National League playoffs begins Tuesday night on TBC Rick Dempsey is had his troubles with the great man Weaver when I asked them what we've a mental well I've played for the man for seven years and he's been a real winner I can't explain some of the things he's done over the year he's played me when I didn't think I'd play and he's taking me out of lineup when I thought I would play and we've had plenty of arguments and plenty of fights but the bottom line is we've end up winning every year and there's nothing like being in a pennant race or a playoff for a World Series and if he wanted to stay I just have to battle it out with him right to the end I wouldn't care longer as Dempsey is talking and excuse me liner off the handle of about the right field for his second hit of the ball game and he had three yesterday and he has a way of cat all-time season attendance record for me Joe League baseball and today's crowd will just add to the which tower is up the ninth hitter in the order for Baltimore this is the first time in the ballgame that Baltimore has been able to get the leadoff man aboard against Don Sutton we are in the 5th inning bottom of the fifth walki is leading three to one no threat to run walkie started sex games he has completed two is facing a scaled-back manipul underrated rich down if she goes the pitch is lifted to left centerfield Gorman Thomas the catch and Dempsey retreats to first base for the first out Weaver did not go opposite field but now the top of the order Bumbry Sutton is pitching to six left-handers in the Baltimore batting order remember that with Dipsy on first Bumbry up swinging a foul at the plate the strike one Gulliver to the on-deck circle he had the whole run for Baltimore's only run in the bottom of the third Glenn the pitch is low one ball and one strike Baltimore now with five base hits in the game the Brewers have three baseships but two of those are homeruns by Robin yo that pitch is high the al Bumbry Molitor is on the grass at third as you look at the Milwaukee dugout Bumbry with good bat control using his fee he'll put it down he swings and hits it sharply they said if she had to hold up for a moment second baseman Rivero that's it Gonzaga belly slide in Oliver is up and he has a home run last fall only one out breakfast at first base at Aleph horse with great speed Vincente edging off third pitch sharp shot flagged down by Cooper all on the play or Bumba is going to have a lump on him after being hit in the back by the throat let's look yeah let's look at it Ethan let's watch the umpire at first if we can the ball was stunned great play by Darrin right away immediately he was right on top of it called it still a Josh my coop is a Golden Glove first baseman Jim Evans calling it instantly I frankly didn't see him because I was watching Cooper make the play at first and so back everything up that is still 3 2 1 run is on first gulliver at the plate one strike count runners at the corners first they push out and the count is one of number egos pitch hit sharply to first baseman steps on the bag and comes home with it and holds Dipsy at third-base you've got two out now Cooper at first base getting the merton they're coming right back to the plate in case nipsey had an idea he was not going on contact at second or singleton has been struggling all year hitting only 253 coming into this game nificent catch by he has hit the ball to Center both time and second with a breaking show me outside corner for a strike he's been hampered in the back and the shoulders got here early this morning trainer working over the better part of three quarters of an hour salmon set up on the outside looking for the low pitch he's back on the outside for this one and it's hi San Diego is tied Atlantic 1-1 bottom of the fifth from Terry Hoffa remember it's 3-1 here bottom of the fifth inning MC at third-base hungry at second base two out both but outside three balls and once going back which has to be in Sunny's mind situation as this crowd goes great mr. Eddie Murray Rick Dempsey 1/3 at first in say second and ten single little first with Eddie Murray at the plate Murray in the ballgame has walked and rode after the first baseman leftie bendlin 3:16 writing therefore Cooper the play down the line steps on the bag and Don Sutton and the Milwaukee Brewers have dodged a bullet so after 5:00 in Baltimore Milwaukee 3 the Orioles won back with more baseball after this word from our local station tonight Burt Reynolds Smokey and the Bandit two chocolate sauce soaked in motor oil seeped in all US oil ground him unless you clean the dirts to go all the way through your hole Walsh isn't clean that's why we invented arrah arrah has the power of cleaners for deep down dirt for soaked in Greece for seeped in oil for ground in color soil penetrating cleaners concentrated into one powerful quarter cup sink collar soil is tough to clean watch error clean through to tough stains plus the collar soil put a teaspoon of error only on the top rub run underwater and look era cleaned all the way through even through the collar soil that's the kind of clean you want for all your wash era cleans all the way through the automatic coffeemaker Folgers blanked coffee delicious what you usually automatic coffee maker alders flakes coffee tastes great mm-hmm mrs. Olson what you used in that Oh Folgers flake can't love and nothing's better than these coffee makers why is that for Jace's mountain-grown the richest kind of coffee and it's flake flake to release more rich flavor so you're useless if you normally use five measures you only need for a Folgers flake coffee delicious Folgers is a coffee recommended by proctor silex for us automatic coffee makers mountain-grown Folgers that's how good coffee makers make great coffee People's Court Monday night at 7:30 on 7 bottom of the fifth in San Diego and suddenly things are falling apart for the Braves first left fielder Terry Harper dropped this foul fly ball by leadoff hitter Tony Gwynn when reached base on the single after Harper dropped his foul fly ball the next hitter Broderick Perkins reached base when an apparent double play ball hits the umpire Ben Tim Flannery singled to load the bases there was a walk to Tim Lollar that made it 1-1 and then with no outs ill Alan Wiggins triples past Harper and left field to clear the bases for three runs it is four to one San Diego with the Padres still batting no outs in the bottom of the fifth let's go back to Baltimore top man to the bullpen for the Baltimore Orioles is getting loose you can see the numbers on Andy's worked a lot this summer as he has done every summer since he has been here and San Diego is getting loose al Wigan tripled with the bases loaded the Padres leading four to one bottom of the fifth yes Cecil Cooper hits the ball high Milwaukee Brewers long-ball again Robin Deanna's hit two home now Cecil Cooper delivers at 385 feet it is number 32 for 1982 for coupe the Brewers build the lead to 41 let's look at it again and this has been Palmas key mistake the ball up high again where coop could get everything on it deep into right-center over the fence so coupe now Giants Robin Yount on the offensive side in the heroics and on the defensive side is had a glorious day his head his three great place he has indeed Ted Simmons is up there now and Ben Ogilvie to follow there there is coop how quickly it all does change four-two-one now Milwaukee a listless group apparently put to rout yesterday for the third time in a row they're very different now Ray Miller the Baltimore pitching coach coming back to the mound as Jim Palmer goes quickly after the home run to a 2 ball no strike count on Ted Simmons and when Robin the out hit the home run he was able to get Cooper to pop up to the shortstop but the next time Cooper came up he hit a line shot that Eddie Murray glove just barely got in the webbing of the glove but this time he couldn't get Cooper and he shut it out of here and Earl Weaver is on the phone now keeping you abreast of what's happening elsewhere San Diego has added another run in the bottom of the fifth that's now 5 to 1 and yes the AL Wigan have tripled with the bases loaded it's the same al Wiggin who went through the drug program Palmer stays as Miller trots back to the Baltimore dugout Tippie Martinez should be about warm in Baltimore bullpen and no strikes and bombers after the visit familiar with a strike to make it two and one Milwaukee has only four hits off Jim Palmer but farmer zone throwing area accounting for one of the nil walkie runs and the other three have come on solo home runs the Fitch sails high in a way and Simmons gets the third base on balls issued by Jim and that is it for mr. Palmer as mr. Weber thumbs up and you figure it'll be tippy Martinez coming out of the bullpen so Jim Palmer yielding a home run here in the top of a sixth inning the Cecil Cooper the fourth run of the game walks Ted Simmons and he will leave the ballgame as Weaver balls for tippy Martinez as we will be back we are USA one taking charge with a shape that turns air into an engineering ally celebrity so aerodynamic it uses less than 12 horsepower to cruise at 50 miles an hour so efficient its mileage estimates beat even some smaller less roomy airports the front-wheel-drive celebrity a new generation Chevrolet USA one is taking charge you love something better on it that's good and fresh for you there's nothing when this fresh ground beef hamburgers five and conserve the fresh the frozen time that's why you compare dandruff shampoos there's good there's better and then there's blue selsun blue the best dandruff shampoo money can buy clinical testing among leading brands proved it works best with more complete band of control selsun blue is the only leading brand with the anti dandruff ingredient doctors prescribe most remember there's good there's better and there's blue selsun blue it simply works the best ABC sports means unequal coverage of Olympic Games in 1984 we'll be in Sarajevo and Los Angeles when the Olympic tradition continues on ABC the seasonal numbers on tippy Martinez and there are times when this left-hander just can be invincible untouchable and of course they desperately need that kind of performance from him right now as Martinez will be pitching to Ogilvie Gorman Thomas and Roy how're the American League playoffs begin next Tuesday night and you'll see it here on ABC with the winner of this ball game at California 8:00 eastern time the National League playoffs Atlanta or Los Angeles against st. Louis and that will begin on Wednesday which you will also see here on ABC Atlanta now is behind in San Diego by a 4-1 score Sceptile active on key so they could be facing playoff in that National League West it would it be arches yeah if the Dodgers win four-two-one here in baltimore Milwaukie Leedy and the first pitch by Martinez to Ogilvie is in for a strike that's the ball low so to Korea great pitches faced off against each other today and thus far at least Sutton has prevailed over Jim Palmer Martinez goes to two and one as he sails a pitch outside off the plate which I my dad does not for a moment Tim what Parma has done for his team this year for his greatness is looks at slow he's also unusual in that all of his major league career has been with the Baltimore Orioles all 206 to three wins in behalf of Baltimore dark route 50 1642 it is the third ball to all sellout in Baltimore this season bouncer second baseman over the shortstop Ripken so Bauer Rifkin and or the VP this is a beautiful pickup pirate dower who charged the ball played it on the short hop watch closely that was it and that was the key to the double play getting Simmons at second all goalie at first and now it is Gorman Thomas with two out the Brewers getting single runs in innings 1 2 3 and again in the 6th breaking pitch for strike 1 I think the greatest tension in this ballpark is lodged in the two owners the Bud Selig of Milwaukee in a box to our right Edward Bennett Williams of Baltimore in a box to our left each of them on tenterhooks I was with Selig this morning he was caught by mr. broth Rothman of the expose their owner to wish him luck and he said don't call me don't jinx me what do you think I'm going through said I haven't been able asleep for four days and Edward Bennett Williams says I'm saying America I haven't been able to sleep for four days count on Gorman Thomas one ball and two strikes all donors by the way very close friends and deep supporters of Bowie Kuhn commissioner is facing some heap contest as to whether or not Thomas roller to third dollar stroll earlier the middle of a six day lead four to one is to good friends tonight is kinda special well look who's back okay Paul Bunyan let's go watch some of this burn you always work your guests dis hard you got enough strength left to lift the Lowenbrau Lowenbrau I'll use two heads when you want a taste of a truly great American beer tonight let it be low and brown in other words pretty hard but the pay is I figured once oughta be enough to fix any car problem I don't have time to keep going back and back and back I deny see in here the other day with a bad case of pre ignition problem no like you work mr. Goodwrench broke my wife's car in for an oil change of filters mr. Goodwrench has genuine GM parts available and GM trained mechanics pledged to fix your GM car right the first time keep back great gee mr. Goodwrench makes me want to come back with genuine parts the entire meaning of baseball is time baseball is how we get even with those relentless seconds and minutes and hours of life while the game is being played time miraculously changes baseball fever catch it it's worth it the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball even before the game I talked to Earl Weaver about the tendency for Sutton to throw lower and lower in the 6th is Weaver see and we've watched it in this league with Tommy John I don't know if Don throws this better or not he came from me he really come from the other league I do know that umpires have inspected him over there and there was at one time he was ejected from the ballgame for scratching the ball so what we want to do is just make that pitch be above our knees if we possibly can and we've talked about it and that's the way we approached it over in Milwaukee 6th inning let's say if those pitches get lower and lower and get a strike call Keith well that one was in on that ease for strike 1 to John Lowenstein to be followed by jim dwyer and Cal Ripken four to one Milwaukee leading Baltimore loewenstein lifts it in the air to the left side may hang up there they have a play Robin Yount makes the catch after a long run so Lord Steyn found out all right another look long ground cover it's great range by a Robin Yount right once they wanted to make an outfielder out of them and that can show you what their thinking was at the time and why jim dwyer hitless in today's ball game bouncing to the pitcher and popping up to the first baseman Cecil Cooper has made three big defensive plays at first base for Milwaukee and Sutton gets a swinging strike on Dwyer you saw that ball dropped my friends look at it again down she goes another shot fair ball corner ricochets Charlie bored chasing an ho wire to a single good play by more they respect Charlie's arm two things happen here let's look at it again first the ball was hit that not even with the ball shooting past is the first of the two things the Ricochet perfect for Charlie Moore who was perfectly positioned for and famous too but a great break on the ricochet buses single instead of what appeared to be a double the seventh hit of the ballgame off Sutton Cal Ripkin comes to the plate now with one out first base now we're getting some movement in the new Waukee bullpen nobody throwing it yet but people are moving around bottom of the sixth in San Francisco the score still knotted at 2-2 Laskey top of the 6 San Diego five the Braves won shuttles pitched to Ripken he is low one ball and one strike things get tighter and tighter my friend the innings dwindled down to a precious few it is Jim Slaton now at the bullpen I would think Bob McClure would be up as well he's a left-hander he would force Weaver by bringing in McClure if he has to bring a pitcher Ripken fouls it off the shuffle is batting order around because there are six left-handed batters in the Baltimore lineup right now and one would think he would come with the left-hander first if he has to come at all Ripken having a difficult time yesterday again today thus far may be ready to explode as he has done so often this season wire off first Ripken fouls it away again for the right side are predictable is a beautifully built kid Keith a big kid 6-1 6-3 195 pounds around there six three six three and a half Sutton pitching him on the hands and a Ripken keeps falling him to the right and very effectively on too risky to take working in my on tight one ball two strikes shadows now have ceased to be a problem all the hitters this time Sutton is inside too much and it evens at two balls and two strikes the entirety of the grass portion of the infield on covered by shadow that's foul Sutton is showing Ripken's some major league pitches really is he's moving that ball for a night I'd stuff you just saw what he threw thinking lowing away so too I've set up on the right side might have a play on this one more coming in a hurry they can't get it it is a foul ball as Moore and Simmons are Cooper it is banged together down there oh it's Romero 11 who banged in the defense Cooper was down the line more was coming Romero the second baseman actually probably had the better shot at it he's number 11 and they just simply can't get it but they were lucky it was certainly a matter of an inch-and-a-half could have been a fair ball and a double but that's the game well that's what Harvick Eve said there in the first three games all the inches and then right foot Baltimore and wrong for us given the Brewers a four-to-one edge something now at 2-2 with Cal Ripken junior paulus lifted in the air makes the catch on the warning track not more than a yard from the wall and Dwyer retreats to first base from the center-field camera the best ball hit in the last two days by Cal Ripken and even that ball was low but Ripken got under it lifted it lifted it with good strength Norman Thomas claims brilliant lay out in center field remember the catch he made earlier to rob Kenny singleton this one not as difficult but beautifully played and so we come to Rick Dempsey who is 2 for 2 with 2 out in the bottom of the sixth inning just inside when Baltimore beat Milwaukee last yesterday and moved into the first-place tie it was the first time since April 10 that Baltimore had tasted the sweetness of first place in the American ladies of course the last time I was here to do a ball game I was here with Bob Uecker I remember any place to play just harder in the river we talked and talked and talked and documented at considerable length the effectiveness of this portable ball club in its history under we were in the month of September yeah Roger Giants gone Keith due to in the seventh Baltimore's history under Weaver of the month of September roughly 64 percent winning percentage which is pretty heavy that ball is lifted in the air foul and drifting toward the stands coops over to have a look and cannot get to it Cooper's everywhere given this kind of running room around first base there's nothing he won't be after and nothing he won't be close to there bottom of the sixth San Diego closing down on it you know the heartbreak that will happen here come out of which team lows 161 games and then lose sharply struck good play by Romero / - yeah to get the runner coming down so the Orioles get a base runner can't move them around and after six it is four to one and we'll be back with more emphysema Lampley and a commercial message in a 2-2 tie ballgame in San Francisco Fernando Valenzuela who struggled early is getting stronger and stronger he has now struck out nine Giants and retired 10 in a row he'll be taking you back to Baltimore right after this guys we've got some good news and some bad news first the good news in shaving tests nationwide you less good news disposable razor with micro smooth twin blades gave men a closer smoother safer shave and big now the bad news if you use big you are not getting as close as smooth or as safe a shave as with Gillette's good news sorry big Gillette twin blade good news it's bad news for big the beauty of a Delta Faucet is and it's on it's on and when it's off its off it's partial its design helps keep it from tripping so it lasts and lasts and lasts Delta Faucet we're first because we last time when you ship cargo time really is money that's why Flying Tigers makes you this 100% on time guaranteed no matter what you have the ship will pick it up fly it and deliver it virtually anywhere in the country on time are you don't pay Flying Tigers it's on time or upon us wallet or up and the catcher there MC indicating we'll go through the cycle again and they'll do it with the base runner on second base Riaan do what do you do I would have mr. Moore sit and watch and I'd let mr. Molitor take his best package in the spectacle how's it back Suttons are and it's in the manner of John McEnroe immediately after his initial victory oh but Peter McNamara in the recent Davis Cup play against the awesome the rightfielder wire they only are filled and out of a fighting the Sun Molitor swings and misses ball so martini breaks it up at second base so we move along in the middle of the seventh inning dour bum Drake Gulliver coming up for Baltimore and Milwaukee leading four to one tonight Burt Reynolds funky independent to ill bill baby Odie Rosie Oh gotta cut expenses can't pretty soon I'll be using teabags twice thought you already did what I said I cut out bounty by cheaper towels watch your language Bonnie's the best way I know to saved oh come on come on yourself Tommy just watch a Penny's worth of bounty against a Penny's worth of an average Bardem brand bounty absorbs all the liquid fast cheaper branches can't absorb as much and even when that Penny's worth about is still absorbing so buddy can save you money I'm telling the wife Bonnie's the best way I know to save Joe how about a cup of tea I'm 30 years old so am I know one of these skiers isn't 30 she's 44 year old Barbara Gould mother of three can you tell who's who take a good look now look at their hands even they don't give us a clue her secret she cares for her hands and part of that care is mild ivory liquid doing lots of dishes I wouldn't put my hands and do anything but mild ivory liquid I love those rich suds because they help my hands stay young looking and get the dishes really clean I still can't tell who's who yes I'm the 44 year old I like my hands to look young and ivory liquid really help mild ivory liquid helps your hands stay young looking I'll hang the wall for the Bayou is starting Monday at 6:00 it's getting late for the Oreos bottom of a seventh inning rich dour Bumbry Glyn Gulliver coming to the plate to face Don Sutton Jim sleep warming up in the Milwaukee bullpen if the road gets bumpy for something dour hits it high in the air to left field Okabe stands under it then makes the catch for out number one putting it simply Sutton has been a superb pitcher in command of this ballgame the one slip a Glenn Gulliver home run it is getting late to in San Diego for Atlanta it is the top of the seventh Padres five to one Atlanta has the bases filled one out al Bumbry out of the plate for Baltimore as a single in three trips for free caliber to the on-deck circle for the birds and the crowd arrested more than 51,000 catch a little eye Sutton has indeed an impressive thus far just missed inside all time to balls and no strikes on a flight out to our top of the seventh the AYGO still leading five to one like on the corner two and one bothered Sutton like that dog that's the way it is three balls and a strike our caliber the only Oreo to penetrate the armor of Sutton today he hit a home run in the bottom of the third with nobody on he is two for three strike on the outside corner Bumbry with speed at first base look sim back something had thrown 85 pitches from the ballgame and coming into this any fales off outside and make it 1-1 throw the first Bumbry back it's becoming more and more common to see a fellow with a little gray at the temples out on the bow witness the remarkable performance the other night by Phil Niekro against San Diego and the pitch is on the corner one homerun Keitha two-run home run free hitter at 43 and what Gaylord Perry has done this year in Seattle lost enough checked strike went through it really turned it over that time look at this one again watch this ball down that's a very tight rotation RL doesn't have to worry about the Empire's gallop his van is gonna swing it a like that pelipper is gone and here is Ken singleton ever did really trouble Sutton when Sutton was in the National League and Ken was singleton hits it to write more goes back looks into that bright Sun finds it makes the catch to retire the side so we continue by the score at 401 here in Baltimore and now let's go to Los Angeles San Francisco actually - okay Ron perranoski great Dodger reliever pitching instructor pitching coach for the Dodgers involves in a strike to Russell swage and his followers we welcome all of you fans watching Baltimore and Milwaukee right here as you look at Tommy Lasorda it is a 2-2 tie of the top half of the seventh inning Billy Russell as the cat two balls and two strikes the Dodgers scored two runs in the second inning on a two-run home run by Ron Cey the Giants came back and scored two of their own in the second inning it stayed that way and it's still that way the Dodgers have the bases loaded and they have one out two and two to Billy Russell greg minton the third giant pitcher on the mound fouled away remains - - bill Lasky started when six and a third then Monday single say single and Lasky came out he gave way to Laval Laval pitch to Jose Morales who pinch-hit for social he hit a high chopper that Morgan and he lost it in the Sun behind rustle going after a bad pitch that was ball three he strikes out and that will be all for Valenzuela as the Dodgers go to the bench we understand it Lana has failed to score in the top of the seventh inning and it's still five to one San Diego as Jorge Orta comes out to hit wellis struggled at the very start but he managed to get out of jams he walked five while striking out eight as they have the meeting of the minds at the mound Don McMahon the pitching coach now will go to the mound George Orda that's Tom needed fewer throwing in the Dodger bullpen so Lasorda will go to the pen a little chat behind the mouth Rick Monday remains at third would say at second Bradley George or left-hand hitter on the year hitting a total of two tene a couple of home runs and eight RBIs he is asked by his manager Tommy Lasorda decrying two runs seven hits no errors for coming in the second inning for the Giant 49,500 18 and they have with every now greg minton trying to get out of a jam with two outs the infield goes back to their normal playing position the outfield straightaway little gap in the alley in left-center a little shallow and towards the line Venable the centerfielder slightly in right-center and parks why one ball and no strikes to order order a good fastball hitter a good lowball hitter middly a good fastball pitcher and a lowball pitcher a sinker baller but in a situation like this you've got to meet power with power you don't try it all there any style of pitching you've got to go to your best stuff and he misses high to know the count and Milton wants a new baseball greg minton as six 290-pound are out of Lubbock Texas what a year he has had - okay to order and again two and one as time for second with garber of the Braves and save sooner of course leading with 36 robber 30 Tommy Lasorda no go tomorrow if the Dodgers don't win today going through the crown yet the brave be defeated by the Padres in the today Dodger Stadium Lamar maybe she'll be right there to cover it as you look at name expression of Tommy Lasorda and the giant fans come alive he strikes him out a foul tip got a piece of burner the agony of a pennant drive and it shows in the faces tommy lasorda weather whether you're Harvey key whether you're Joe Toye go into the camp - Morgan Arabic huh he goes to sniffling James when the side is retired leave the bases loaded now far the fans are all right Don Drysdale thank you very much so the Dodgers struggle now they must go without Valenzuela here Cecil Cooper popped out to the shortstop after robbing the out on third base had hit a triple into the left-field corner broke his bat and got a triple bouncer for the third baseman Gulliver by Ted Simmons and Simmons is thrown out for the second out of the inning and now you have two out with me out still on third base and here's Young's triple now those home runs and a triple by that's two but that ball was not well hit was a gambling tribe by Johnny loewenstein it got past him and yet was able to move it into a triple it was a relatively short high flyball a left field just perfectly placed a sing I base it and Yan has become a nassima to the opposition today Don Drysdale talking about the agony of the managers involved how about these guys here today and the batter is Ogilvy swinging and filing at Bakkal actually the two managers here today haven't really had a chance to do much there they are studying contrasts keen ineffective philosopher about life and Weaver ready to go back to the plantation whether career in broadcast I understand he has that in the offing yep yeah waiting at 3rd bill walkie leading Baltimore 4 to 1 here in the top of the eighth-inning we've had a choice to make when Simmons came up to yank Martinez are not elected not to handle Cooper I was hired to Ogilvy the infield had been playing in coop hit a short pop for a moment that looked like a might drop but no repkin was able to get to it all tomorrow with just two more opportunities at that that is just outside they'll walk you today to this point it stranded only to Baltimore on the other hand has stranded eight score four to one no walking the very scar that October 3rd 1951 by which the Giants trail bottom half of the ninth you remember the rest Keith everybody in America now says they were at the game only they had just about 37,000 all the slice foul going down the line Gulliver giving it a run drops him the crowd out of play October 3rd 51 of course was the day a Bobby Thomson's home run idea they were tied one and one as the National League then played three-game playoff series Giants had won the first game Monte Urban's home of the key the Dodgers had killed him in the second game Clem Labine the star in the third game had appeared big Newcombe reigned supreme new tire and came the ninth-inning what a mule I seem to be all over the place some capital Tippie martinis in relief of Jim Palmer it just to overbeat to the who Rifkin Flags can't get it and the young scores to make it 5-1 Milwaukee's so Oh buddy comes through delivers count from third look at it from our centerfield camera and a big hit for Ben is up there anyone put the pitch it was outside hit it where it was pitch gal just couldn't reach it himself it's no longer four to one it is five to one Earl Weaver going to the mound you can expect to change here as he goes out to talk with his pitcher Martinez and immediately it takes the baseball from him so Tippi Martinez who came on in the sixth inning in relief of Jim Palmer gets round of applause from the home folks for the work he has done in this season and the new pitcher is on his way from the whole fen for the Baltimore Orioles it will be Dennis Martinez you'll be back every morning whether I'm here in Latrobe or on the road I'm out there making sure all the parts are working nobody has to sell me on keeping in shape I guess that's why I've always been sold on Ken's oil protection Pennzoil helps keep the equipment in shape and believe me I'm a guy who believes in taking care of the old equipment Pennzoil quality protection ask for it we are USA watts USA one is taking charge by launching 1983 were the most exciting offer in automotive history buy or order any new Chevy Chevette citations full size c10 pickup love truck our standard s10 pickup by November 15th around 54 to whenever Eastern Airlines flies in the US Canada Mexico Bermuda Bahamas or the Caribbean she gets good for a full year there's never been an offer like it before alright maybe I wasn't the greatest player of all time but fans they forgive and forget when I go in here they'll be finding my favorite beer Light beer familiar daddy's pants I love them they know how sex big leaguers drink light because it's less filling and it tastes great well and keep the game waiting everything you always wanted in a beer unless wow they're having a good time in there the inspiration of excellence coverage of the American and National League playoffs begins Tuesday night on TV see here in Baltimore the third pitcher for the Orioles in this game Dennis Martinez succeeding Tippie Martinez who succeeded Jim Palmer Milwaukee leading 5 to 1 let's go back to San Francisco's Candlestick Park and Don Drysdale now once again we welcome you fans that are watching Baltimore Milwaukee I'm Don Drysdale from a crowded noisy Candlestick Park and all of a sudden the Giants have turned around and they've got a rally going in the bottom of the seventh inning Bob Brenly went off with a base hit champ summers double down the right-field line and this is mitten the pitcher they can't his own one the Giants with runners at second and third nobody out a 2-2 tie the first two hits at the Giants have had since the second inning Dodger infield is in oh and two the count Terry Forrester throwing in the bullpen the concern on the face coaching staff manager Tommy Lasorda that his Forester in the bullpen max Venable on deck needing fewer trying to get out of a jam there's no tomorrow should the Dodgers move now we welcome new fans watching the Atlanta San Diego game it's a 2-2 tie Giants have runners at second and third with half of the seventh inning two in the second more than the top of the seventh but aniss fouled back is the hitter he has the counter one two we went off the bottom of the seventh inning with a base hit up the middle and champ summers came on to hit for Joe patina he had a double down the right-field line and the ball not been sinking as much as it was he'd hit it out of here at the top of the wall and that's where we stand when is it 2nd and 3rd with nobody out oh hi 1 & 2 the count 49,500 18 at Candlestick on fan appreciation day as they see their Giants try to take the role as spoiler breaking pitch got him looking though mitten strikes out and Tommy Lasorda is going to go to the mound as you look at it again he did not pull the trigger Lasorda going to the mound and they're going to go to the bullpen as it'll be the left-hander Terry Forester coming off the Dodgers two runs on seven hits no errors right now for those of you watching Baltimore Milwaukee San Diego in Atlanta let's go back to the two ballparks Heat Jackson and Baltimore Al Michaels in San Diego all right John thank you very much you need earmuffs out there folks again making some noise and sounds as we go to the home half the eighth inning Eddie Murray John loewenstein and schedule against unsettle Wow the noise Dennis Martinez the third Baltimore pitcher coming in to get this call third strike against Fulham Thomas to retire the no wolf five two one the story on Baltimore ability to in 1982 is pronounced time and over the last 43 games 17 they have come from bottom of the 8th inning for the American League Eastern Division and sudden snaps what often Murray swings and misses for strike I suppose overall the dominant story this guns up at least but risk by they are replaced by Cooper is check swing and a foul and to Cooper's big plays that's correct five two one San Diego one out top of the ninth breasts of the other because this is it down said it Murray swings and this is and strikes out so Sutton gets the leadoff man Eddie Murray on strikes this has been the pitchers game Cooper brilliant outfield defense on both sides another look at the pitch and still that ball continues to sink his Sutton's third strike out in the ball game and with two key miss plays by the birds and Aaron pickoff throw that set up a run walkie by Jim bomber the base running mistake by Glenn gullible there in a nutshell you have the game the managers having very little the fossil the winner of this game will go against California in Anaheim Stadium Tuesday night 8:00 eastern time you'll see it here on ABC if the Dodgers can win and the Braves do lose they will playoff tomorrow night at Dodger Stadium which you will see on ABC television at 8:00 Eastern Time you're gonna be there I don't know Kiki I'm sort of airplane doubt this week having been with a fit Panthers in the West Virginia Mountaineers yesterday over in Pittsburgh one stone with homeland power he's at 24 the year the Milwaukee bulletin taking time to watch and slightly stay active two outs in Sanford then to strike out was followed by a strikeout of foster would come in and relief that is the fourth walk issued by Don Sutton now jim dwyer the rightfielder he has one hit in three trips a single effective over the season where the base is clean not so effective with runners on five one nil walkie in the bottom of the eighth-inning it is just time gal Rifkin waiting in the on deck circle neither manager having made many had the opportunity basic moves by Earl Weaver have been with his pitching for on the corner for a strike one and one Milwaukee's defense today has been outstanding Molitor with an error in the very first inning but since that time Gorman Thomas made a great catch against the centerfield wall Cecil Cooper three big plays and Charlie Moore throwing out Gulliver in the third when he ran through the third-base coaches side first and then Gulliver hit the home run all the most only one in the third account two balls and one strike Sutton may beginning a little tire is behind this hitter might have added teeth that al Bumbry played bridge playing centerfield today for the birds oil field away right Danny Ford up waving the towel bill Hagee Justin they're not going to believe this but Little Joe Morgan who many thought had played out the string when he left Houston has just belted a three-run run and the Giants lead the Dodgers five to two and the Dodgers must win that bowl to force the play off if Atlantis would go ahead and lose in San Diego if the Dodgers San Francisco the Braves win the West with him walked his fifth man in the successively here at the bottom of the eighth-inning after striking out the most dangerous man in the and here comes party keen to the mound there will be a Milwaukee pitching change he has had before and Slayton up already flora the left-hander and slaking the right-hander so fatigue has pecet done Sutton Hoo did everything that he was asked to do by his manager by his team hung in there and what is keen doing first thing the Sutton tell him how he is without Rolly fingers it puts an extra edge to the decision and he's gonna leave it absolutely because sucky told him he was alright I think that tells you something about Don Sutton sometimes not the most popular player in the world the Dodgers the started mine and he's looking at a table cookie here in Richmond we'll see I've emphasized that the kid the one it's just foul by a foot I mean just foul I'd like to see that again I thought I saw a little lime there there's far let's look at it again watch closely Oh count to risky on deck circle we've got we've got base winners at first and second Loewenstein at second wire at first both of them walked in the city by Sutton in Baltimore more than 51,000 are yelling their heads off right now as no he leads five-two one galantine the two teams with the two best records in the major leagues this year no Quentin either into the catcher's glove and it's one ball and two strikes and so Sutton has the edge Keith major league pitch there sir here comes the umpire don dankinger out to check the ball looking at it replacing it only some of the people in the Milwaukee bullpen for going up into the bleachers in he saw hook the ball so they could get a better view of what's going on a 1 2 pitch sharp went to the third baseman over the second one so Molitor took it right in the stomach whipped it over to the second baseman Romero the relay at first not quick enough to get Rifkin who has good speed let's look at it again was sinking and you saw manacled for a moment molotov then the throat of Romero and that caused the throw on the first to be just too late so grip Terry Crowley coming up for Rick Dempsey and Cal Ripken has had a very difficult two days or make no mistake about that young man's future loewenstein moved over to third on the Ville Waukee try for the double play you've got two out coming to the plate and Crowley is dangerous his average deceptive only to 28 but he's a tough out that's why right there when the Heat's on he lets his concentration is better and the Heat's on on the corner strike one Sutton came back with some mustard on that Lynne Sakana hitter swings from the right side with a sore hand they walked by seven keeps it in front of it I was in the trainer's room today before the game when sakata underwent lengthy examination by Baltimore's orthopedic surgeon Keith dr. Silva's feet was explaining the various causes of action that could be taken with sakata's damage can I questioned after listening to the effectively see action today power back by Crowley we're at 2 & 2 the only other left-handed hitter in the Baltimore dugout would be the catcher Joe Nolan who figures to replace densely behind the plate face it we'll run scores from third to fear despair Rifkin it is to my Kyung goes to first base to run for Terry Crowley Joe Nolan now comes out of the dugout with a bat in hand and he will hit for rich dower the second baseman tower being a right-hander and Earl Weaver going by the book brings out left-handed hitting Joe Nolan waiver a man who lives with the computer lives with the statistics a deep believer in percentage baseball and so rich dower who's been so effective against all kinds of pitching when it met it so often it's way too no not deemed to be much of a head-up by but Leyva doubtless remembers that he had at Yankee Stadium these the Yankees and San Diego is beaten Atlanta of a final score five to one so now it depends on whether or not the Giants can old laugh five to two lead against the Dodgers in the wake of Joe Morgan's three-run blast the Giants hang on the win Lana wins the American of the National League five two two top of the eighth gods isn't back at Candlestick Park and steps in now he represents the time Baltimore the first pitch is blown away football won the two pitchers in the Milwaukee bullpen McClure and slate you already are be keen came out after something had walked his second man successively in the inning visited would it left him Rowley FEMA delivered as a pinch-hitter Joe Nolan get in for which tower Hudson called by key those would be subject to the second guest should know with get 1/3 that's young at first and Nolan at the plate gods is still at bat top of the 8th place God 1 it's now 5 3 strike started ago held up it's 2 & 2 I'm here for the third out Baltimore will have the top of the order coming up in the bottom of the ninth inning sliced down the left-field line Obul be a hard run to the corner makes the catch he made the catch crashing into the wall feet first sliding across the gravel then I'll go babe that's the catch to retire the sack was as tremendous a play as you will ever see I know you had a problem as we did because the ball went into that corner but that's the exact kind of catch that kurt bleffary made in 1966 against the dodgers same spot now let's go to our New York studios for an update here is the recent action from San Francisco first in the bottom of the seventh with two on and two out thirty-eight-year-old Joe Morgan delivering one last moment of drama this home run off Terry Forrester that gave the Giants a 5-2 lead in the ballgame at that point Tom Lasorda had to be regretting the fact that he has lifted Fernando Valenzuela for a pinch-hitter in the inning before after Valenzuela had retired ten straight Giants but then in the top of the eighth after a kennel and drove double set the table Dusty Baker the Dodger flux hitter delivered this double into the corner to narrow the giant margin to 5 3 the Dodgers are still batting the top of the 8th you'll go back to Baltimore after this Howard's folks meet 332 route 16 Melvin for 344 route 12 now small car owners meets a new Monroe gas Matic the first gas George the American shock designed a cushion small car bumps they ride so good Monroe will even replace them no charge if they don't give you the best ride ever yes from now on small stops here the new Monroe gas Matic Olympia beer presents the fundamentals of artesian baseball artesian baseball is played with a pitcher and the catcher the pitcher is brought in cold and ever allowed to warm up the pitchers objective is to always hit the catcher by delivering the pitch inside timeouts are called frequently to empty the catcher this process is repeated until the pitcher is exhausted I'm Michelle I don't care dealer and I'm gonna give you something in writing tamil eesha auto care dealer and I'm gonna give you something in writing michelle auto care dealer works in your car you know he wants to do it right because he gives you a written limited warranty good for 90 days of 4,000 miles a warranty that backs his work in writing that's the clincher a cello don't care another good reason to come to show for answers Hitman's pressures Monday at 9:00 Dennis Martinez will try to hold Milwaukee in the top of the night with Don money Charlie Moore and Ed Romero scheduled up and here's the great catch by Ogilvie as best we can show it to you if he goes out of sight in the corner we'll look at this pitch first Keith and then we'll go to the game saving play all the way and this was it the game saving play ogle three things involved here instance e of judgment superb reflexes absence of physical fear as he warded going into that corner fence in that corner pocket and for Baltimoreans as I said a reminder of kurt bleffary and 66 breaking pitch from Dennis Martinez good for a strike to go 1 & 2 now against Don money at it I'm sorry Keith that cat saved two runs we got a 5-4 ballgame and some ball game no question it was worth to like shot down the line that's a fair ball it will go to the corner money at turn it first going for two better hurry throw comes in he stands at second base with a double I'll fill play as we have emphasized has been just brilliant in this game every way you look Charlie Moore who's developed so well as a right fielder excellence of throwing and of course the brilliant plays by Bunbury for Baltimore and then then of course as we get a pinch runner now but done money what you just saw from Ogilvie what you have seen in the infield from Cooper but also some barbless plays by Gorman Thomas Marshall Edwards the pinch runner at second base very quick rate placing money on the bases and Charlie Moore stands in leadoff man at second base for Milwaukee Brewers leading five to the top of the order is coming up for Baltimore in the bottom of a night if Milwaukee holds on to win it they will open the American League championship playoff series in Anaheim Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock against the California Angels and we will have it for you here on ABC as Dennis Martinez is ill with a curve for a strike or the old game is going down to the finish with some Flair 1982 isn't it it certainly is been a fantastic year the baseball but and more figuring that Eddie Murray would be coming as soon as he showed buck tried to punch the ball get it over Murray's head he fouled it all and now on the bottom of the eighth five two three as you see it there San Francisco so the Dodgers get one more turn it back trailing by two and assuming the Giants don't score anymore that'll either have a division championship yep Frank Robinson's way of answering back if you know that tough cookie Dennis Martinez steps back Charlie more steps out and the catcher and pitcher will talk it may tell you a quick story about Frank Robinson he and bleffary with teammates I mentioned that bleffary made this great catch but was a full fielder they were passing a junkyard outside of Spartanburg South Carolina during spring training scrap yard and Robinson said Kurt why don't you go in there and pick out some iron might help your hands loyal Curtis miss Martinez the more throws Denis will return his this telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of Major League Baseball five to ballgame Milwaukee won the American League East last year in the strike play gear Boston the final game of the miniseries first their opportunity now to win their first Division championship the fight for bouncer to the shortstop Ripken holds the runner at second chosen out of first base now it is ed Romero the second baseman for the Brewers with one app Molitor moves to the on deck circle ball is hit the center Bombur zeroes in makes the catch and at second base two down with two down Marshall Edwards at second base here's Paul Molitor I'll play at second and we're just back sucker basement socata trying to sneak in behind him Milwaukee bullpen staying warm for the bottom of the ninth the pitch is low in away done son has to feel pretty good now what's happened today and what he's doing little looper rip get after it can't get it wet words around third comes into score it is six to two Brewers ripken got a piece of the glove on it but couldn't pull it down centerfield camera look squib hit off the hands Ripken getting a good jump on it but not quite able to reach saying I hit and a big insurance run six to nine hits for the Brewers and after baseball ABC News World News Tonight Sunday on most of these ABC stations with Robin yahoo has hit two homeruns lined right field and hit a triple at the plate ball one all of her back easily at first two down for the Brewers and a big run across the plate whoa inside may have touched it it did I thought I heard it hit only the quickness of yeah prevented him from taking that shot right smack in the ribs look at it again backed away but the ball just nicked the front of the shirt Earl Weaver comes out of the dugout is marching toward the mound and it looks like we could get another Baltimore pitcher it would be the fourth Weaver shaking his head as he walks up in what could be his last game as manager of Baltimore after 15 seasons in the top of the ninth inning at Candlestick Park in San Francisco the Giants leading the Dodgers 5 to 3 we'll get a new pitcher it'll be Mike Flanagan so we've got a tan out here in Baltimore Milwaukie leading by a score of 6-2 to had a new pitcher coming in for the Orioles you know there's nothing like getting together for a nice friendly game of cards Jim brings the cards Mickey brings the doll down and I bring the beer light beer from Miller Lite tastes great it's got 1/3 less calories in the regular beer and it's less filling and you don't want to get filled up when you're dealing with these guys ok no cut the cards Oh like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless so good firming up wake you know it should I'm Susan Anton Fitness it feels good by day needs firmness it feels good by night top comforts deep support you get both in every third of Perfect Sleeper feel perfect sleep it's a healthy investment in yourself we are USA one homes of taking charge with a Chevrolet so person its arts moving man part school bus part camera and part sporty car to front-wheel drive Chevy citation outselling every other front-wheel drive over the past three years combined USA one is taking charge the inspiration of excellence coverage of the American and National League playoffs begins Tuesday night on TV CEO Mike Flanagan will be the fourth Baltimore pitcher making his first relief appearance of the year bill Waukee leading Baltimore here in the top of the ninth six to two they're in the top of the ninth in San Francisco let's go to Don Drysdale there's one out in the top of the ninth and the Giants on top five to three in a must-win for the Dodger Glenna has been beaten by the Padres once again we welcome you viewers watching that was a sixth to final all they had to do was what they'd been at the hard way day of the season one ball and two strikes account that is not a final in that ballgame it is 62 Baltimore leading I should say Milwaukee he'll fighting time for on her foot ceiling and as when turkey inning 261 Veronica doesn't like the car and neither disturb Lasorda the mitten was some very key strikeout here this afternoon at Candlestick as the Dodgers are down to their final out they got on the board in the second inning a two run home of I say the Giants came back to tie it stayed that way until the bottom of the seventh one Joe Morgan for the count hi swinger from Jerry Forster with two men aboard and loaded out his 14th on one of the year but Dodgers picked up for one in the eighth inning and the fans on their feet 49 18 they're playing around whistle picks his friend so Billy Russell this should do heaven I'm the Birdman and jump for joy in Georgia as the San Francisco Giants the Dodgers out of it five degrees victory this afternoon there's the man bottom of the seventh inning by Joe Morgan for him the champagne San Diego and once again here is the home run by Jill Morgan the board with a count 1 & 2 he wrote the shop that morgen son right now let's go to Baltimore the story has been told in San Francisco the Braves win the National League West it Ogilvy you just saw strikeout against Mike Flanagan for the third out of the inning in the top of the ninth but we can tell you that Bill Waukee has blown it wide open Don money double to lead the inning Charlie Moore rolled after the shortstop Ed Romero hit a flyball to Center Mike Flanagan then came on in relief of Dennis Martinez after Paul Molitor singled and Robin Yount was hit by a pitch so you had two out and two on and Cecil Cooper hit a double down in the corner to deliver Molitor and Nia and then Ted Simmons rips the his 23rd of the year to make it a 10 min to 2 ballgame Milwaukee lead in the top of the ninth-inning and when Simmons hit it he knew it was gone he had all of it he stood and watched it a little bit and it dropped way back into the crowd and so with Don Sutton assured of the victory Bobby keen is now sending in McClure the floor is being sent but done suddenly short of the victory law himself coming off a good year and so this Milwaukee team with so many was so ready to give up on as you look at done Sutton when truth has been despite all of yumps heroics and Cooper's and all of the others has been the dominant figure in this game Don sucky the X Dodger play it on there Alston late under Lasorda went to Houston played down there I was there the night he joined the Astros was a Monday Night Football game night and he was supposed to bring the pennant to the Astros that he didn't was not his fault he got his opportunity that he got his opportunity today by circumstance we met him at breakfast he was the coolest cat I have ever seen you heard him denying nervousness in the interview we had with him and indeed he showed no sign of it now it is left to McClure to take over and to finish the thing off in the meantime one has to congratulate hobbyking that remarkable man whose overcomes physical handicap after physical handicap who held together through the three-game losing stretch and one must as you look at Harvey congratulate the owner Bud Selig the general manager Harry doll and at the same time Baltimore with its owner Edward Bennett Williams and with this general manager Hank Peters and may be above all that remarkable manager of his time Earl Weaver the fact that his team lost today under circumstances over which he had no control in no sense builds the luster of his through the years achievements as the manager of the birds of bowling he the final guest as John Shelby Thomas to the plate as the pinch-hitter for Baltimore and hitting for al Bumbry shall be a switch-hitter will come up right-handed against the left-hander McClure by sending in the left-hander obviously Harvey Keane had in mind flushing some of those left-handed hitters out of the liner but so many of them are switch hitters on the Baltimore roster hitting right-handed she'll be 292 average in 24 at-bats and he crumpled delivers a single certainly in the left field it is 10 to 2 no Walker Danny Ford now wait and hit for grandma Gulliver just to watch we but do this to the very end using is rusted to the uttermost with that uncanny neck that's been his through the years even in this kind of defeat shows you what kind of stuff he's made up the right stuff Benny Ayala has now come out to the on deck circle and apparently is going to hit for Ken singleton number three man in the order but right now Bob before must deal with Danny Ford who came over from the California Angels the Braves have won the National League West will go against the st. Louis Cardinals in the National League Championship Series California waiting for the final decision in this one and Ford hits it high in the way up there with Robin Yount settling under it and making the catch for the first out now just two outs remain for Baltimore many ILO being sent to the plate by Earl Weaver to hit for Ken singleton Eddie Murray comes to the on deck circle the American League Championship Series begins Tuesday night in Anaheim California 8:00 Eastern after the lake volta here on Wednesday how long does it take you to drive from Sherman Oaks Donovan Oh but there's no traffic if there's forty minutes if there's no traffic Baltimore has trended 10 so far in the ball game and seven of them over the last four innings Jim Palmer was the starting pitcher Palmer lasted five innings plus and will be the loser unless we have one of baseball's more historic turnarounds Tippie Martinez followed him in the sixth Dennis Martinez in the eighth by Flanagan in the ninth and Flanagan was hit hard Don Sutton went eight innings eight hits two runs both earns well five struck out three stands to be the winning pitcher if McClure can slam the door sucking through 123 pitches over the eighth inning the pitch to Ayala is been in there for a strike a crowd of more than 51,000 a complete sellout here at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore and many of them are staying I am sure it's just amazing the number of people who have stayed in this ballpark that Club eight runs down bottom of the ninth but they're proud of this club and they should be hi Ella it's a five hole to Center Gorman Thomas coming in and Gorman Thomas makes the catch for the second out this will be the first divisional championship for the Milwaukee Brewers in a regular season one that's gone all the way they won one last year but remember it was a strike year this one is going to face sweeter I think Bud Selig will finally get a good night's sleep you may not may be celebrating all night Cal Ripken reflection on his face it's been a grind sort of a season for this in first place April 10 with a record of two and one and only yesterday did they move back for a share a first place against the Milwaukee Club and the pitch to Eddie Moreno from the right side is inside for ball one Marie is a threat from both sides their feeling of utter exultation yesterday and before the game too looks at the center they're not dead yet Shelby turns at second base in the hold zone after Eddie Murray's signal he hit him run on the hens with it he just wristed it and muscled it right on out for a base hit and here is Gary Aaron aqui who shares left field with john lowenstein and arena key brings power to the plate as well in the form of 21 home runs Lowenstein I'm sure we'll see a lot of Earl Weaver years to come in baseball and any sense apart from his consulting job with the birds to whom he's attached for two years contractual certainly in broadcast and he'll lend a lot of color and excitement to that mcclure reaches back and comes with a Hummer for a strike this is the sixth pinch-hitter in the last seven Baltimore at-bats he uses everybody always has chain strike and if you tried the hold and putting the pitch was outside and he's two out - on Milwaukee ten Baltimore - in the bottom of the night to left field hobo be waiting it's over the Milwaukee Brewers have defeated the Baltimore Orioles 10 to 2 and they have won the American League Eastern Division championship for 1982 a powerhouse ballclub and rattled home runs all over the league intimidated people but in the end they had to go to the final guest on the last day and it up gut it out the Baltimore in Baltimore and as you can see they're all over Robin Yount as they were seconds ago all over done Sutton and put Cecil Cooper in there too goes season so they should be congratulated and I think too we should congratulate the National League finally the birds can true his Bud Seelig silly hug Cecil Cooper three big defensive plays bye the first place the hit triple to get it and they survived September against Baltimore without Rolly fingers for mines for as Sutton wins us to go for in one with five back after this message under word from when it comes to three wheelers two choices so whether you're naked for work just pick the Honda ATC and you're a big guy like me people always want to see just how strong you are after this our works this arm always relaxes with lite beer from Miller lights got 1/3 less calories on the regular beer and it tastes great what I like about it less filling so you're in a hot match like this you can't afford to get filled up you have the time yeah honey 30 yeah thanks like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer and less next why is the record industry crying the blues one day watch ABC's World News Tonight when people ask what it's like being a movie critic I usually say it's like covering the national dream beat the movies people go to reflect the national state of mind they also do the exact opposite thing gene they reflect what people don't want to think about what kinds of escape they're trying to find so on this side of the aisle I'm gene Cisco and over here on the right side of the aisle I'm Roger Ebert and that's why we do at the movies the weekly movie review program late night tonight only on channel 7 I'll hang the wall for the Bayou is starting Monday at 6:00 stayed to cheer the retiring manager of the birds of all years has become an absolute legend that deceitful her there's Harvey Keane over to congratulating Weaver is crying famous scene like this if this city our equivalent of Boston and that Edward Bennett Williams literally they are standing in chanting all of them in unison and the sign says it all goodbye arrow and you deserve you've been one of the greatest managers in the history of the game let the pictures speak goes on from 12 of the 15 seasons as manager here 190 or more gave ABC's World News Tonight immediately following tonight's telecast at 6:30 it is indeed a stirring tribute that more than 51,000 people stayed even though their team was losing 10 - they stayed to cheer Earl Weaver and the or change velocity ratio
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 20,936
Rating: 4.8796992 out of 5
Id: -qNR_wC_6Qo
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Length: 188min 56sec (11336 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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