1982 World Series Game 4 Cardinals at Brewers

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[Music] [Music] [Music] our 1982 additions to that historical montage Caldwell's cool shut out suitors sinker ball and an to hers agony and were set for Game four the Brewers need a win to even the series at two games apiece the Cardinals trying to move up three and one on the home turf of the Brewers and pull the play by plane let's go upstairs Joe Garagiola and Tony Kubek okay just a perfect afternoon for baseball the crowds ready the players are ready and we'll be back with game four right after this one strike the count it straight to us was born in Baltimore Maryland lives in EM stead Maryland he's six but 170 pounds until the background in day baseball here becomes a little bit of a problem for some hitters I know the California Angels hitters against Sutton and Haas when they pitch big games against them here in the championship series pitcher throws out of the sky up above the top of the head of that pitcher and it is tough to see [Applause] a plate umpire is Davey Phillips and three pitches one out temperature gametime 47 degrees but in his son a bright Sun it sure seemed warmer winds 12 miles per hour coming from the Northwest Northwest here it's kind of shifting and sometimes it'll gust out the right feel that it'll swirl around it's the stand and go out out dead center for you right now it's going to right here is Ken Oberkfell all ah just missed there you see the flag we're seeing here today gel is a typical Wisconsin crisp cool fall day it is just beautiful came right at us Bureau better that's commercial in my state have equal time for Arizona fouled out of play one ball and one strike Robert felt no home bronze one run better than he's three for ten he didn't even 300 and there you see him 26 years old posture in the pennant stretch was like a forgotten man wears part of the reason is when they got Sutton he went five and one late in the season Austin pitch hot smash fair ball down the line looks like extra bases for Oberkfell he's heading for second up with the ball is more and it's a double say like yesterday it is so important for this Cardinal ballclub to be able to use their speed throughout this series I got a runner keep the Brewers from scoring especially to try and turn this hometown crowd off you see it although it bounces and fouled Church I passed the bag when it crossed the bag some sach Davidson it was a fair ball there was no fan interference it was a straight double and now it's Keith Hernandez who's looking for his first base hit hit the ball hard last night but robbing you out you need anything towards Robin Yount you're in deep trouble he's a franchisee dropping out none yesterday's ballgame Joe the number six and eight hitters caused all the trouble for the Brewers versus Lonnie Smith and Willie McGee yesterday they've one to three hitters for the Cardinals were over 13 as Paul misses ball one and is a third and fourth-place hitter and Henrik one for 20 ere's Oberkfell of second days looks like Hernandez has moved off the plate a little bit maybe he feels our pitching him inside out he's off at least six inches to a foot but we seen the first three games of that series and we talked a while back the late Kenny Boyer took over his manager and told the young Hernandez these pitchers the right handers are getting you out with sliders inside they keep jamming you're tying yourself up and Kenny Boyer had to move off the plate and many times the hitter might creep up unconsciously but today he looks like he's farther off it's made an adjustment that's why he's such a good hip outside three balls and no strikes first base is open one man out Oberkfell is on its second base top of the first inning gave him the green light on three and all trying to get him started the on-deck batter is George Hendrick looking up in the stands probably trying to find where his wife has seen the reason for him to be looking up there I know players do that I used to do that he might have found the ball for back to see if expected and then a good catch to three balls in one strike that's a full count of three [Applause] jammed ballpark Milwaukee fans really support their ballclub and these Brewers have really brought a lot of thrills to these fans one man out Oberkfell at second [Applause] we just had that is inside [Applause] let's watch it fastball it comes back my inside part of the play to look farther inside than it really was to me so there are two away and here is George Hendrick Hendrick home runs as in driven in a run is one four nine back footed is almost out of the box deep in the batter's box a lot of play in his strike one sighs pushed against the Angels many said it was the best fastball and slider they had ever seen him have he's been one of the bright break not pitching prospects in this office for a long time then came up with torn muscle in his bicep a couple years to recover from that they were talking about surgery at one time you would think you'd be able to pitch Hendrick on the outside part of way we'll see he's going for it George Hendrick stands off the plate and deep in the box all silvered Amos Otis you say is that I has got part of the foot in the batter's box mine they're still not wiped away maybe one that lines away about 750 about a foot farther back but a lot of them doing you watch and you try to agitate and they'll start like that and when they get ready they'll just move out of the box two strikes the count crowd reacting they're ready this series up [Applause] Robin yo play it comes over to fel he's going to come around the score and the Cardinals take a one to nothing lead on a high hopper a tough play for Robin Yan and it goes and infield here Cardinals get a break yesterday's ballgame the Brewers at three Aires might have cost them three or four runs right now Robins caught in the middle he knows if he waits back for the second big hop Hendricks will beat it out he gets it on the in between hop didn't get in front of it to smother it in the run scores it's given a base set that short happens is somewhat of an easy one but when you get that in-between one especially on the dirt and grass it never bounces the same that's what that was in between here is Darrell Porter 4 for 11 in this series no job he doesn't deflect that ball gander probably gets it the run doesn't score but just by deflecting it a little bit awesome around harvey keen who has become quite a philosopher I think Harvey says it takes that cliche of a game of inches he said sometimes the inches go your way and sometimes they go for the other Club this time the inches were on the side of the Cardinals the deflection cost around its one-nothing two balls in those strikes on Darrell Porter Cooper holding Henrik close at first base looking from our left-field camera I think if there's one thing we see it we have seen it games two and three that when you make a little mistake against the Cardinals whether it's a walk and air or a missed cut off with their speed they will take advantage of it showed it last night and that's the that's a sign of a good team when they got you down they don't let you get off the hook two balls and no strikes last night Henrik tried to steal moon's gunned him down he's holding little looper it's a base hit Hendrik rounding second he'll hold on ball players will call that a polite hit that ball just landed so softly didn't bend the grass that may have been the first big fingered fastball he's thrown when he pitched against the Angels Ted Simmons never called one spectator fastball because the fastball and slider was so good we went to a little bit earlier maybe show this Cardinal team some off-speed stuff so the Cardinals with two outs and a run in have Henrik on its second base Darryl Porter is on his first base and here is Lonnie Smith who is 2 for 11 me and those two base hits last night double in the fifth scored on Willie McGee's home run and he had a triple in his 7th and when the throw went into the dugout and we laid throw Smith came in to score Jordan it's something out quickly a one run will calm low hometown crowd down they become quiet after coming up very loud in the hole strike one well the way it was made to but he doesn't deflect it if it's a foot closer to yon he makes the play you wonder snake is out there talk about the in snake there one strike pitch this is the other thing if the Cardinals counting the playoffs and the World Series in six games they've taken the lead first four times and they've won all four it's the herzog style get in front and keep running 1 and 1/2 count 2 outs third base Molitor has it steps on a bag the forces on Henrik coming down from second so we complete the top half of the first inning and the Cardinals pick up a run so it's 1 to nothing st. Louis bill walking coming to bat I think I've decayed has not juggled this lineup much pretty much the same Paul Molitor will lead it off at third base Robin Yount at shortstop batting second in the three spot Cecil Cooper the first baseman cleanup switch-hitting Ted Simmons the catcher now a little change he's move Corman's hummus up a notch the centerfielder and then dropped Ben Ogilvie the left fielder into the number six hole batting seventh the designated hitter Don money the right-hander against the left-handed pitcher then it's Charlie Moore the right fielder and batting night Jim Gantner the second baseman there you see the lineup and the Cardinals will be very much aware of this first pitch to Molitor because Molitor wants to get something started on the heels of the Cardinals picking up that run in the top half of the first inning he's a good first ball fastball hitter he'd like to just get it started light to fire on the mile of point the farmer Brewer a great straight changeup fastball moves away hard slider first pitch swings right at the third baseman Oberkfell he's gotten so there's one away and here is Robin young Molitor was 7 for 15 7 for 16 the highest batting average in the series so far yawn is 5 for 13 a 3 foot 84 average usually one that first hit her jumps on the first pitch it forces the next guy to take the first pitch so you call for a fastball he missed ball one that's the tailing fastball that Lapointe throws so al this pitching coach hub Kittle thinks he it moves better when it's down [Applause] dunno yeah the MVP candidate I think a shoe in the American League somewhat unusually as we pointed out in Game one with that top pan kind of curled over who puts the elbow up we wouldn't recommend hitting that lady yesterday I think that's one of the women becomes a low ball and then uppercut swing three balls and no strikes he's only 27 years old nine years in the big leagues play just 64 minor league games as did the mouth we played the 64 games of the minor leagues Robin Yount is the Brewers all-time club leader and hits doubles triples and that bats won't be long if you leave me waiting to bang to his sob Bob all see he had a thousand basics quicker than anybody in the history of baseball if there's a young guy you say it's according to the Hall of Fame he is just beginning the most guys when they're 27 and heaven or have nine years in the big leagues they're starting on the on the downswing he is still reaching his peak or shooting for nine years experience play forever crowd [Applause] listen to the crowd cuckoo Gobert phallus have two different plays in role-playing up her mouth a sharp nip round ball then he gets a change of pace at the top one so rhythm can be upset little he had only one hope the barehand had stabbed and throw all in one motion even if you've made it cleanly yacht with this speed had it beaten at first base and that's one of those hits were on artificial surface it's not a base it because it gets to a little quickly it doesn't bounce off the side and upset his timing game changes in the first two game to the next three here [Applause] Cecil Cooper 4 for 13 in this series makes in high ball one Cooper is a low ball pitcher the point is a lowball pitcher order wants to talk done this fella I think is one of the most underrated under publicized players in baseball now when he always that death when he hits 352 it was the year that George Brett almost took 400 and left at 390 so he's always overshadowed he's only six straight years just write it right in for Cecil Cooper will be in the biography another 300 season you can also write in over 100 RBIs the last four years he's averaged 102 RBIs be interesting to see at Harvey keen even with a left-hander up down by one tries to become aggressive and maybe start yawn understand he's sure that he's got to do something to stir this team up two balls and no strikes that was interesting Oberkfell playing so deep at third so Cooper gave it a little fake bun just to draw him in a step now Pam doe standing next to Harvey Dean to an old account lead by young it's popped up in a gift close with his things out of play that pitch may typify the kind of fastball a point has two balls no strike you know Cooper's sitting on a fastball it's it up and in and Cooper's lay down this kid one year at Stockton point 79 180 innings pitch talk about 208 that's over an average of over 10 / 9 innings then he threw a pitch and broke his arm very unusual that's when he developed his great changeup two balls and one strike one out Yan is on at first base partners are leading wanted for the first that that is close to a ball he doesn't move like Carlton does we he comes to stop with the glove he poses on that foot and trying to freeze a runner he waits too long it's to stop the kolobok it is hi this green wine on first base Cooper looking for the hit side yeah 82% of the time successful [Applause] three balls and two strikes now it's an early key situation do you run your man at first base you get a base hit you got him on a third extra-base hit he scores easily but if cooper strikes out your sentence against him to go to second I'll tell shops where I chose he was running out 53 times he's running on the 7 on the plate if there he goes there's a double play and line drive right and if that's the gamble you take you live by the sword you die by the sword a base hit he's in third base but it was right at him good call by Harvey key just didn't work out charge the end of one it's the Cardinals want Milwaukee along in the blue skies over County Stadium Milwaukee the Goodyear blimp America from Houston Texas captain Jenna Moran from Spring Texas aboard it only takes one man to pilot the blimp but it takes a ground crew of 24 to land it so we go to the top half of the second inning day Norwich will lead it off first pitch by Haase outside ball one you wondering about Andujar he's in the ballpark he stayed at the hotel last night who sign of baseballs they're working on his leg suffered a contusion of the bone to the bone just blows right knee I don't know what he did last night when he got back from the hospital and put on something that the Latin players used it's called a scent I take a Libra snake oil rub it in there some say there might be some mystical powers with home remedy two balls and no strikes fastball gets it two balls and one strike the on-deck batter the man of the hour last night Willie McGee Andujar if they need a pitcher in that seventh game dr. London as you already tell Bob Costas he'll be ready straight up the middle Gorman Thomas his air makes the play one up and here is Willie McGee who had two big home runs how will the crowd react [Applause] we hurt the Brewers last night I tell you he made two catches one off Paulo tour seemed pretty routine and then they took a home run away from Gorman Thomas I think the irony of this game again is when George Steinbrenner after last year's World Series was upset with his ballclub he said we're gonna go for speed and they did gone get Griffey and Collins and this kid gets away McKee with the speed he's got ice ball is high ball one he made some catches Trent catches his center field left center and off Molitor and the ball he ran 100 yards for a reason and the ball game from deep left center to short centerfield and he made it look easy fastball good one run ball one strike art no score two run double by Oberkfell and a base hit off the glove of Yount by Hendrick and it's one to nothing st. Louis joke perhaps the top tribute last night to McGee after a three run home run in the fifth another home run in the seventh is when it came up in the night now this is the number eight hitter they intentionally walked him gave respect in a hurry didn't he sure did I hopper Pau last night he was something Game three in case you joined us last night this ball was absolutely hit at time a leaping ability at Dick Enberg brought out and you've done NCAA basketball championship stick and then just skyed about a foot or so Bubba take it out of the stands he was in slam dunk range that's for certainly two balls and two strikes Gorman Thomas thought it was out when he hit it it just never didn't get up it just went straight you thought it was a home front foul ball down the third-base line but that's the kind of hitter they scouted McGee is being the Milwaukee Brewers fan scouts he slaps the ball the left-field hexa where Chen tries to beat it out in the jolts to in the right-field seats I know Tony's a natural right-handed batter he said I made myself a left-handed hitter or a switch hitter when I joined the pro ranks as I realized I just couldn't do it all from one side now joining charlie keller and tony kubek the only rookies did two home runs in the game he's got another base hit left field McGee is on and he's liable to run it any time he's not a good base stealer yet he's a good runner with the natural speed that he has and it's just raw speed that allows him to steal the bases and here's Ozzie Smith a good hit and run man yeah I to be alive for anything I think that is pointed out by his season stats you looking what McGee did stole 50 it was I stole 25 was caught 12 times it actually teach him a lead but Herzog said he spent five years in white he said I taught him the old KC stinger lead off first base it's high ball 1 as Ozzie Smith shortened up as if to bunt June Molitor and now looking at Chuck Hiller may switch off the start to runner and play hit and run our bunt and run we would think it'd be hit and run if they were going to switch it off Molitor is in tight only it's a strike [Applause] no John artificial surface the base stealers use the turf and the dirt as a reference but here of course you don't have that so what Lonnie Smith and Ozzie Smith that they went out made a little mark in the grass so that they knew and McGee knew how far to get off to that measured lead you don't have that dirt and turf one foot on the turf one foot on the dirt here well if we can see it on the grass because it's just a little mark they try to cut out with her cleats one ball and one strike the count one out one nothing st. Louis leading first when I ever saw do that was Jill Morgan like starting blocks and imaginary starting blocks more of where to go from rather than a shove holding there's stalling time or what no play it may have been a tip strike I don't know what he's calling for hands up in the air and they'll play it's the play that confused David Phillips last night when Jim Evans irons went up in the air first Davey folks took his eye off the play and then baby Jim Evans who was then at third base called one affair it's one ball and two strikes yep there's no play sign up in the air save me the foul ball on the old days those guys at booming out now they get so technical so television minded both hands up means one thing we get them on a game show one ball two strikes [Applause] [Music] didn't mean to swing out of play in it town remains is 1 & 2 it's kind of silly no play on a foul tip it's ever it's been that way for 10,000 years Doubleday and even Ben Franklin who didn't play that much knew about that and all of a sudden they're changing I can understand it though you tell the other one guys what's happened if a guy stealing you stop lady won't slide you can prevent an injury so there are some reasons for it almost a wild pitch way outside two balls and two strikes it looked like a picture I think that house was throwing a pitch at but Simmons wasn't expecting it she's gonna throw one you better let that catcher know who there he goes there's the pitch out he double pumped and he had the plate diagnosed I wonder if somebody was late covering because Simmons started the thrall and held up and double pumped it that's one of the thing the advance scouts and the Brewers dipandi one of them said and less on Nelson berberine try to hold your position the shortstop in the second base I don't think was going to matter anyways because McGee had about three steps before moose Haas released the ball and he was he was just accelerating that'll get the Cardinal bench to thinking because he called a pitch out on the two two running was breaking but the duffel pump couldn't get anybody one man out right back here God remains at 3 & 2 McGhee successful 17 in the last 21 times he has tried to steal so I guess that means he's learning doesn't his minor leaks stolen base stats are not that good Cardinals leading one to nothing we're in the top of the second walked him so McGee stolen a stolen is tops in the minor leagues before he was just 25 he was on base quite a bit that year Fort Lauderdale let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network wave TV channel three Louisville with Tony Kubek Dick Enberg Tom Seaver Bob Costas this is Joe cares Ola here in County Stadium where the Cardinals lead one to nothing one man out the batter is Tommy Herr with Willie McGee at second and Ozzie Smith at first her was called out on strikes three pitches his first time up McGee's getting a nice walking lead and the shortstop and second baseman are spread left-handed hitter it would be unlikely but you never know I'll ball with Ozzie Smith at first on the other end does not look like a double steal steal situation with a left-hander up the white he doesn't play the book way he says if he thinks he can advance it keep out of a double play you take it all he has really for these guys that don't steal sign most of them are on their own they can steal whenever they wish Chuck Hiller at third base is way out of the box really an angle on the shortstop there you see him look at that think about it with her up who slaps the ball the left side Robin y'all can't get too close cannot get too close to hold McGee at second a lot of room there they had a play on and it gets by Simmons there go the runners second baseman Gantner broke over in hast made a tactical error by at least backing off the mound and looking but the prudent plate and out of position has a second base Bucky was going Maquis and a false start and when he saw Gantner break Hillary out get back and it froze McGee and then the pits bounced in the dirt very alertly Ozzie Smith fouled right up he watched the lead run see there he was going but any spotted or somebody yelled right there and gander is coming for the pickup now it gets fine he accelerates they both get in scoring position what speed can do to intimidate an infielder a pitcher and a catcher I think that when he saw Gantner over there it froze him and then the ball got by I simply backing off the rubber would have broken up the play there's one man out 1 1 the count and slow two balls in the strike really been a messy inning for Javy up the base hit and they have a pitch out they can't throw out McGee then he loses the number nine hitter Ozzie Smith on a walk and now a wild pitch and suddenly one hit and you have two men and perched in scoring position and worst put themselves in trouble the first thing when Robin Yount couldn't keep that ball in front of him like that it weighed Shadley last night and stretches it cost him a few - on-pitch Wow now goes to 2 and 2 [Applause] you can see the outfielder just kind of walking around or heads down and one of those innings of lagging on and on that's the highs to get it up there and get somebody out hard-nosed just fix on everything sixty-eight forty-one whatever that means [Applause] crowd trying to get this Brewer bar club going they're in trouble let's go of all public the same way the first three games against Baltimore in a little bit like this the first two games we lost against the Angels when they came back and then they're here to to pitch one out foul ball out of play Cardinals are leading one to nothing and he started with orange and he went up the middle right to Daryl Tom Gorman Thomas and Willie McGee slapped one in the left-field single he stole second Ozzie Smith walked a wild pitch in their second and third with one out you can see the runners on this shot I was taking a lot of time [Applause] Bob all right to hal lanier the first base coach you know in addition to a ball club plays making you look a little bit lethargic a pitcher when he takes a lot of time he takes his spring out of your legs you stand around and it's almost like you you want to get some white paint out there and make two or three foul poles with the guy standing out well it affects you as an infielder and perhaps it affected Simmons he's a catcher waiting waiting waiting for the pitch out when he got it didn't get to throw off two balls and two strikes [Applause] I am tied it's a full count three into the on deck batter is Oberkfell there you see him he doubled his first time up one man out Willie McGee is on at third Ozzie Smith is on at second [Applause] high flyball centerfield Thomas is going back it'll score at least one I say one because Ozzie Smith can run Thurman Thomas balls they're going to try to score - here comes the relay throw it is not in time well that's something that wind just kept pushed me back to the warning track and we have talked about the cardinal speed they showed in game two on the turf and Ozzie Smith gives another RBI sacrifice fly to RBI is a very unusual official scoring decision that you see one time a year maybe once every couple of years garment just keeps backpedaling slips right here is the wind really fooled him blowing much stronger up high watch out he's throwing him all the way Joe all the way and Chuck Hiller says keep on coming picked it up he really did it on his own a Hiller says here you go Tony that's why I said boy they're going to score one easily because you could see him really cranking up the engines at second base he was ready to go and once Gorman Thomas went found he was able to score I don't know if that's ever happened in the World Series game I've seen it happen infrequently during the course of a season but a sacrifice fly two RBIs that's what he gets so it's a three to nothing ballgame top of the second and that misses it's two balls and no strikes and that'll take the heart out of a ball club they're gonna really have to come back because the Cardinals are forcing the mistakes now they're not knocking your brains out they're forcing the mistakes like stealing two runs this inning what it does is sense the ball club as we look at butch yot come in looking and there was retiring this year butch banners in 26 it makes a ballclub go back to the fence you start talking to one another three and oh the count and the other end the way that ball carried off the batter her for the Milwaukee fans they know you get it up in the air and hit it straight away is we might see some home runs before this one's over he walked him I don't see anyone Troy to the Milwaukee bullpen that's what surprises me and just now someone is taking off a jacket and the way Hoss has been struggling in the inning it's typical really the way Harvey has managed most of the year in fact that's one of the big booms he made now they're starting to remove some jackets down there it's Ned Yost one of their catchers but when Harvey took over he said boys imma let you finish off ballgames and he knew he had some problems and then you relieved at one time for that got straightened out continues and managed this way the short series and you wonder if that's the way to continue managing in a short series in the post 162 day Simmons is going out to talk to his pitchers the count a ball one on Hernandez so far Slayton if you're just going by pitches have made 53 I mean Hoss nuts lately moose Haas Slayton is up in the bullpen but Oz has made 53 pitches and we are in the top of the second inning there you see Slayton and remember Oberkfell stole a base earlier in this series good walking he's gone Simmons will not get him he had no chance he couldn't be got him unless he had a 30-30 out there he had a walkie lien he was walking four steps Haas has looked at the plate and he fell off really something how moose Haas had his head in the ballgame against the Angels pitched so brilliantly and today is out there somewhat the funnel paid no attention to Oberg fellow had a two or three step walking leap before he even released the ball Teddy never had a chance that six steals now for the Cardinals in the series two balls and no strikes on Hernandez you know he's got the green light mrs. and it's ball three now he was hitting three noes last time up fouled it off ended up striking out as we look at Chuck Hiller getting up toward the home plate to get a bigger angle on a base set so he can run up the line to make a split-second decision whether send a runner or not that's Oberkfell at second base three all pitch hot smash Gantner can't get it to his legs here comes over fell he's going to score her name is heading for second here's the throw it is not in time sly decision because Gantner was can't tough the wall he had to back up and go to his right well took a little skip out of Amanda's Oh for 12 so far this world series give it an air to gather a tough call a tough there that one that they gave Hernandez in Game one was it tough fair because it was a bullet on the turf and this is tough also he gets in trouble look at how the ball stayed down there artificial surface it bounced up hits him in the chest nothing else so Hernandez is on at second base the Cardinals lead four to nothing and George Hendrick get a high hopper for an infield hit his first time up is the batter it's a strike the hardy in last night's game what would lukovitch a long time while they were pecking away at him eat Lonnie Smith and McGee it's been his pattern since he took over his manager sounds gone from messy to terrible one base hit a couple of walks couple of steals a wild pitch and air three runs on only a single hit and one of the intangibles here is that a pitcher controls the flow of the ballgame and I mean he Haas has been working slow and guys are laying back and it's hurting hop five she's so Cooper is there he makes the play so that ends the inning a big inning for the car doesn't up on for the doors as we go to the bottom of the second a single is for Milwaukee coming [Music] akina's he sighed tough tough any manager sits there knowing we've gotta say that was a tough tough inning Sutton ah sitting there I'm sucking trying to get him going it's only 40 nothing in here his Simmons only one hit maddening and hast made 37 pitches [Applause] now here's where the Brewers need to get the crowd back in the game they've got to start doing something offensively the balls and no strikes on Simmons who was born for 12 in the World Series 333 average as two home runs Wow ah I'll make a statement Tony I don't think four runs will win the game well you look at the statutes and they're always inconclusive and they don't have statutes in the third dugout 21 game starts gonna point this year he did not have a complete game four of the winds II have suitors saved sooner pitch last night there were an we don't know how long sooner can go so Miller relief might become important whether it's a lot e or guys we haven't seen the Miura or a Martin you don't know a Whitey Herzog would love to get six good and he's at least out of this guy anything after that he would take bone Simmons doesn't get a change of pace and Simmons is out on strikes he kind of turned it over a little bit that's the pitch he worked on after he broke his arm throwing three weeks later with no surgery got the whole spurt Joliet I back to women performed surgery on and ed Sprague a former pitcher said don't let him cut on you it was the same kind of surgery they're talking about his time of John had and he worked throwing it so often that school ball like that can change up tales away one man out and here is Gorman Thomas high fly ball drifting out Ozzie Smith Willie McGee coming in McGee says I'll take it he does she'll fire our eyes Ozzie Smith went for that ball he was out then short left-center field until he got called off for that man with a weight speed so there are two way it brings up pen okhla bait Tony as far as Souter talking about relief Whitey Herzog is on record-setting Hill I'll only use him for four outs he's got it down the outs he's not even talking about anything it's been using him regularly if you've been following this series and he's on tap for only four outs strike one on Ben Ogilvie Ogilvie 1 for 12 in this series the question little starter some people thought how he might start grow hardened Championships run a home run old did he came out hit very early for anybody else gave the word the Hardy can swing the bat this play one ball and one strike is the count on him Cardinals are leading 4 to nothing were in the bottom of the second that failed going back Lonnie Smith near the wall I cannot faces [Applause] now we saw the same thing that happened garment Thomas wind got hold of it Bonnie Smith tried to accelerate and catch I've been hit this well very hard it almost looked like he hit a pole support you at that and there's not a whole lot again hear what he had said jams at elbows shoulders could seriously hurt most kept drifting away from well in the game with a good job with his schema that's inside back inside the particle here's down money almost gets by Porter blocked nicely mogul Bay on a third base looking to score is four to nothing st. Louis where the following cycle money 1 for 3 he's the designated hitter there are two outs - about it unball in one strike the wind when you look at the flag the CV because it is just kind of lazily blowing beautiful backdrop [Applause] but on the ball hit the Gorman Thomas and the ball hit the left field didn't look like it would carry that far but it certainly did money doesn't get it he had a good cut one ball in two strikes or nothing st. Louis bottom of the second LaPoint Ogilvie is on a third again blocked by Porter two balls and two strikes they say when you see that ball in the dirt that is that change of the Tony talked about and he'll bounce it now and then that was a pretty good picture of how a catcher should block the ball he didn't reach Bart month with that - to pitch foul ball ball gets to an infielder feel it can't stop it but give soon a feeler there's a wall there but the catcher he gets by him the only thing that stops him as the manager wanted to know wife got by the Sybil a guy out there only to a 55 foot curveball [Music] - to pitch [Applause] may have chased a bad fall out on strikes and that ends inning second strikeout for Lapointe so he complete two innings of baseball here the score st. Louis for Belle walking nothing and we'll be right back after these messages from your local station what a County Stadium where the Cardinals are leading by the score of a four to nothing and it'll be Porter to lead it off and for the play-by-play here is Dick Enberg all right Joe hello everyone st. Louis Cardinals for nothing top of the third inning Darrell Porter had a base hit his first time up looped a single to center field moose Haas struggling in the early innings gets a strike in on the breaking ball Porter with his hit in the first inning now with a total of five to lead the Cardinals in that regard there the man that he does not like to see on first base Raines Wilson and sex one ball one strike reset the defense it's moose Haas on the mound Simmons behind the plate Molitor at third Jana short on the left side Gantner and Cooper are back on the right side and left field Ogilvy Thomas and right-center and more and deep right nipples on the corner one and two Dec divorce find themselves in a similar situation that the cattle didn't game to in the car without radar they're looking for somebody pass because he's out there to shut down the Carlos for one inning give a little more life when they go in the fence or the offense to get something moving one ball two strikes check swing foul as is a locksmith you look at Porter one-for-one today and he's also an amateur magician now I'd like to make those four ones disappear there's none fired if their base line is pretty good a magician himself wire oops the Magic Castle in the west coast in Seville people it's a fair ball off the friend Lippa home plate and Porter is a here the first I might have hit his front foot partner who's having a good series I'm wondering about his throwing ability the other night he was able to get a speedy Paul Molitor on the hit run play was a key play yah missed the pitch and Molitor was out that was in the 8th inning and he got a split fingered suitor fastball up in the strike zone an unlikely place for it to be which he can handle very well Lonnie Smith couple of key hits in last night's Cardinal six to victory double and a triple the third his first time up my litter bag hi a third looking for a possible but check swing and there's two sevens now is breaking stuff I don't that was a slider or I'm sure you recognize that man you'll be seeing him in the Devlin connection every Saturday at 10 o'clock Eastern time as mr. Rock Hudson you know I did an interview with Rock Hudson for monitor radio and boy you ought to see all the secretaries they came down to see me do that interview he is a nice-looking man too devil in connection Rock Hudson two outs here in the top of the third inning at County Stadium beautiful Milwaukee day they norwich line at the center field his first trip that they came for your personality outfield swings around to play orage to hit the lab one ball one strike as the number to pick of the Brewers back in the 1974 draft career he's 61 and 57 the opposite field it's one ball and two strikes Davi Philips in the last couple of hitters there's McGee on deck looks like he has expanded his strike zone a little bit ordered question that call our or a the courted question to call the first time first hitter 1 & 2 well the way George has been a solid hitter in his Cardinal career often overlooked because he's not a starter but he set 301 in his five years with the Red Birds he likes that artificial carpet so you can see at 3:09 the ball very well the opposite way centerfield lashes that one in that direction foul to large brothers in professional baseball at one time one still with the Toronto booth Blue Jays as we told you their guard through like third gotta go check and she was up at 300 almost all year long finished about 285 exactly 285 really a terrific I won't want to use where utility player he's gonna be around a long time guard and this guy won't do because he can swing the bat you always find a spot for him Luke behind short robin young and moose Haas retires the Cardinals in order and the Milwaukee coming up bottom of the third will bring up Charlie war then Jim Gantner and the top of the order of ball monitor trailing st. Louis by four the top of your screen that's Lake Michigan City of Milwaukee County Stadium jam beyond capacity 53,000 seats are around 56,000 fans here their Brewers trail for nothing Charlie more leads off the 3rd and Dave Lapointe has a strike more hitting 333 in the series 4 for 12 Gantner Ben Molitor anyone gets on Robin Yount in the Milwaukee 3rd I fly to right-center Hendrick and McGee and Willie McGee and Senator has it for the end you think he doesn't make it easy on her right and a left fielder I mean they can just spread out and protect the lines because anything get in the gaps he's gonna run down that's that is a valuable piece of young property out there let him escape Jim Gantner 4 for 11 in the series [Applause] easy tap to Oberkfell and two pitches two outs for Dave Lapointe laughter shutout any by Haas the fans with the first hitter more got into the game just a little bit [Music] Hospital [Applause] my litter with only two pitches required from Lapointe for two outs taking his time walking to the plate he swung at the first pitch himself to start off the first inning and grounded to third now he's gonna have to take a pitch because you got to make the guy work a little bit now there's a bad statistic working against Milwaukee facing Lapointe today Lapointe during the season in day games was four and oh and on the road was five and old overall on the year nine and three former Brewer part of that big trade David Green Luciano Sorenson Brewers going to st. Louis for Simmons Vukovich and fingers the point has a unique record he won both in the American and national leagues at by the age 22 about as quickly as you can get the job done he won one game for the Brewers in 1980 was one a no than last year in st. Louis was one a no Lapointe at 22 one of the youngest ever to have a major league victory on both sides of the fence there's the big tray and help both clubs and there are many baseball officials here looking to make trades scouting out San Diego sorts in Cleveland was after bad pitched it like a tough scarred slider Thomas the Brewers are at 1 to 3 in the third inning it's all st. Louis early in Game four the Cardinals four runs and four hits the Brewers no runs and two it's keys in the World Series Roland fingers and Gene Tenace remember who saw them and then tennis started laughing we asked them what were they talking about he said Roland fingers was telling me about some of the cures people have written him until him how to help out his arm and one was the tie an onion around his elbow and it said dip it in cider and go to the dance we gotta talk down to her that they can Libra this snake I'll rub it in DMSO has been known to be used Nolan Ryan that finger and brine bitly juice Willie McGee one of the names out of this 1982 world series that will be remembered by the baseball world two home runs as a rookie last night young man who apparently is going to blossom into quad a beautiful flower for the st. Louis Cardinals well you can live down through the years of Frankie Crosetti way back during the Ruth Gehrig year he emerged as a hero and a Bobby Richardson and the record book with all the powers stats 60 Yankees shut - yelled on one huh it runs so easily and still a close play at first base live championship boxing Frank the animal Fletcher against James hard rock green and a middleweight showdown scheduled well grounder for the USBA championship then it's off to Tokyo for sumo wrestling 300-pounders go outside or something catch all the action coming up at four o'clock Eastern Time on NBC's sports world Milly Molitor and get him man Ozzie Smith has a bunt single I think it's interesting how we've talked about the Steve are the speed of these cards our statistician Steve Dan's is a stopwatch and swap in the booth you might not get a completely accurate time now this is Ozzie Smith running on the bun as he beats down Mauser was looking for it but McGee when you said he ran so easily Steve Dan's timed in unofficially at 3.2 seconds from the left side in the ball he's slammed and Ozzie Smith's not too far behind but 3 2 is unheard of man litt done it in 3 or 3/1 and the drag bunt before so unofficial but that's not bad is it well he hit a shot one hop to short and still almost beat it out Smith has the fifth Cardinal hit off has leading four nothing here in the fourth and scratching for more and Smith will bear watching her the hitter he'll be able to tell his grandchildren someday I hit one so far in the World Series they tagged up from third and score they tagged up from second and scored two RBIs on one fly ball as last time up Smith twenty-five steals at first base this year thrown out only five times it's a little bit beggarly then will the mcgee dad maybe another stride longer all one here on in I'd look for him to run because he's got him measured as 26 years of age [Applause] trying to help his cancer Simmons that was a quick delivery out of the stretch one in one a set of Milwaukee team record he struck out 14 Yankees in a game in 1978 today however has only one the first man he faced and his fur get the center Thomas giving some ground two away well Kiko Brooke fouls not having an outstanding series he's got about four base it's a walker solo stolen base will show you what his swing looks like they always talk about inside out says what every swinging baseball is basically inside out you can't see with your hands outside and come in or you're a bad hitter see his hands and the barrel of the bat trailing behind locks that front hip which may keep that bat trailing you can see where he's looking slapping it to the left side Oberkfell with a double to right and scored walked in the second in score watching Hoss as we look at Oberkfell weight Haas checks the runners he kind of sneaks a look over there and then one of his quick pitch watch his eyes it's a good shot watch what he does if you're a runner you would pick it up after watching he's not even looking at Lana he's just very lackadaisically standing on the mound and then trying to with a quick boost surprise eyes you Smith it's when he looks away and looks down here's the the play that they almost got any but he is back there Smith knows he's measured the properly that's about it he's got he measured all right but what not yet not yet right there [Applause] Cooper are he stubble when he hit the bag but he had him read because he came back standing up that time watch the chapter all puts on up becomes short of the bag the hand was out at first base of our SATs Damon says ha nice call sach well that's an alert tank by Cooper to be able to get the hand yep so Smith picked off first base and that wraps up the Cardinals in the fourth inning coming up Milwaukee needing for two time I wasn't me all day I've been hitting there was an example of Robin hitting to the right of the picture we have charts of where Robin has hit in this ballpark the different colors tend to indicate different pitches and the different lines and the swirling hues of the lines would be pop lies now these are things that would help a manager in placing his defense where he's going to fame he would get these kinds of reports from his visit at Van Scouts and as you can see from this chart Robin Yount obviously his prey hit are using all of the ballpark and accounts for the fact that he was one of the best hitters second best in the American League Willie Wilson just edging him out for the batting title Cecil Cooper mind into a double play in the first inning out was at first breaking on the pitch and Cooper lined a second for an easy DoublePlay nub to the left side base hit even though Smith is able to get his glove around it when he doesn't make the play you look sensational he's playing Cooper up the middle hit aloft under the bat English well squirt if I ogre fell over fellas somehow he still got a glove on that is the temperament that makes him just so marvelous to watch he wants every ball hit to him he doesn't shy away from balls in 7/8 the ninth some shortstops do he is some kind of rally killer not look at that what a mess seeing of all you that's like man LaRue striking out or Reggie striking out him to see him not make the play you stay here at quilted - and he realized he wasn't going to back to and the dirt Bowl on Ted Simmons shortening up on the bed he struck out swinging his first time up no talking about the charts Tom Seaver just showed us whitey Herzog's the only manager that I know who keeps the charts himself he tossed his room after they puts the lines in so he knows and he took all the charts he gave the American League in Kansas City and brought and we should point out while Tom zebras kept those charts in each of the hitters Milwaukee and st. Louis during the course of the year each manager will hand that information how a certain hitter did certain pitcher you'll find out that a man is a dead pull hitter like Darryl Porter and that's why Milwaukee has altered its defensive alignment Simmons trying to get into it but they're not believers yet it's for nothing they need a couple of base hits to read around County Stadium three and one power coming up so Simmons would like to get on there set the table for Thomas or okhla be will engage playing Curt Flood played a deep center field like that this Cardinal days as opposed to a Paul Blair he was so great for the Orioles in play shallow be walkin the Brewers have two men [Applause] now the crowd some of them rise to their feet as Gorman Thomas he manufactured 39 home runs during the [Applause] [Music] Cardinals get someone up in the bullpen [Applause] body starts there comes kettle that body is Hill is coming out with Porter Hill says when the point lands on the front still a Paolo's true target third-base signs when he gets in trouble he overthrows the right shoulder flies on the arm trails and it loses [Applause] want to make a mistake to Gorman Thomas the homerun hitters defining that is anyone who had 20 or more the major lakes was third in on ratio Reggie Jackson led the majors he at home run every 13.6 event Thomas was third [Applause] [Music] once now trailing for [Applause] he's not sure the signs the crowd a little bit impatient and are we looking for that one big swing corner at switch signs and the point was not sure and new catcher out there Thomas is 2 for 12 in the series someone getting ready opps it up again it'll be out of play he has hit some giant pop fly Oh won't be out of play when pushed it back in dick that ball was four or five rolls in the seats and Porter did not quit on it and that wind that has drifted the ball so deeply to the outfield also pushed this ball back in look at Darryl Porter what's the mass Joe he really awesome he did a good job of finding that pants and it's waiting for it and he cradled it he had some more room to go if that seems certain to fall back into the crowd and Porter alertly breaded properly and Gorman Thomas's popped out again here's Ben Ogilvie like to take his triple that was wasted in the second inning right now two men on two up and they play him way back in fact the right fielder interestingly Hendrick is shortest of the three outfielders the left fielder Lonnie Smith is way back Smith rubbing his back on the wall and center and then the right fielder the pull side proclivity he is playing the most shallow the three show you the man who has confidence going back to the ball that's Henry on the strike Dave Lapointe 23 years of age from Glenn Falls New York with a four nothing lead [Applause] there you sawab kid looks like if you see him tried to overthrow and the follow-through was left foot over the right I'm just looking at third base though the two runners for the Brewers that's 20 overs throws watches follow [Applause] but step front leg and there he goes goes wild the action pitch two balls in the strike three and one on deck and of course if look should walk over thee brings the tying run to the plate [Applause] this much success against southpaws pitching however when you're talking long ball three and one right at Hernandez and the inning is over the Brewers no runs a hit they leave - we've completed four innings of Game four at County Stadium Milwaukee its st. Louis for the Brewers nothing we'll be right back after these messages from your local station we're surprised last thing with the announcer Cobb the largest ever here at County Stadium 56,000 to the booth the stand let's be on the radio and watch the game Oberkfell lines at fowl leading off the fifth inning as a double and a walk he was up when Ozzie Smith was picked off first base to close out the fourth inning grounded again tur and his one away here to get him on that split finger fastball yeah around the world and the United States action captured by the battery of photographers located down the first and third base lines just beyond the dugouts dick Haas has really settled down the first two innings he made 59 pitches in the third and fourth and he only 22 may 9 pitches and forth and it's quite a contrast and for the Brewers in Hass he's going to have to pitch that way because the Cardinals already with that four run edge he has to check them hope some of those wall bangers can get the bats jumping for Milwaukee one a no Mendez hungry for a hit is now Oh for 13 in the series an unlikely candidate to wear the collar that long we're talking about coverage around the world one of the most prolific countries sending talent to professional baseball is Dominican Republic unlikely candidate to wear the collar that long talking about coverage around the world one of the most prolific countries sending talent to professional baseball is dominican republic and Andujar is from San Pedro de marquise the first thing he said when he was going out being wheeled out that he showed us he sure sub me tell my mother in the Dominican and I'm alright so if he didn't get the message mom why he's doing fine yes indeed he was wearing a big smile down him that got prior to the game today friends and there's Joaquin and the third-base dugout 1 & 2 the count on Hernandez change the out into the hole and there again as she described it last night Tony the gliding action of Yann just moving so gracefully to his right in position to make that one hop and throw to first base Joe could probably talk about this better than I could because he's a glider like Marty Mary and I would think as opposed to a phil rizzuto a scooter like a Ozzie Smith there were two guys Eddie Miller was like that that they could catch an egg and make it look easy George Hendrick an infield hit a chopper that founds it out of the glove of Yount in the first inning and knocked in the first run of the ballgame over if L was at second at the time with two outs I made it one nothing in the second inning a disastrous frame for moose Haas allowed a single to McGee and no other hits afterwards but the Cardinals still scored three runs walked wild pitches errors and that's how we stand for nothing a two-run sacrifice fly capped it off oh we showed you earlier when the white line was there for reference point there it is where he's gotten a little corner but now it's gone so how do you know he's definitely yeah what's interesting he's not only in the back end of the batter's box Hospital on the side line he's got his heel right on that line what they do he'll put his heel there his tall is the important thing because sometimes on the pitch now he just barely got a piece of it he'll just move his heel out almost hit straightaway and he's out of the box but it's too late to call it when you sit guy that far away from the plate immediate thing I'm sure picture deposition likes to get those arms extended go outside but they went outside of it and he still got out there flies it to centerfield Thomas Hanson and it's a 1-2-3 inning for moose house we're at the halfway mark in this game for the World Series four and a half innings in the book the st. Louis Cardinals 4 Milwaukee nothing for the Brewers in the fifth it'll be done money Charlie Moore and Jim Gantner [Music] well the left centerfield Willie McGee doesn't is that second base the last-minute leak they said a double for money well we've talked about a speedrunner we saw his power yesterday but they use the term erratic will [Applause] and it is not an easy play look how high is off the ground and he may have been looking as he's coming down for that fence one hit his glove but it was an awfully thoughtful with a beautiful catch one of the scouting report said they get to a lot of balls but that doesn't mean they catch him that appeared to be a catchable opportunity would have put an outstanding catch all over [Applause] so Charlie more [Applause] a leadoff double last of the fifth inning [Applause] or flied to Center his only time up and Lapointe starts in with a change up kill and down point we're talking about him and they said in key situations this year the point struck out with that change of Gary Andre Dawson in another and Mike Schmidt is this man said those are the tweets toughest hitters in our league Kenneth [Applause] all power hitters the guys are going to give them a point some Olympia the whole field money at second base Brewer fans to just that brew up come [Applause] de Sena McGee playing third is money going out have runners at the corner [Applause] [Applause] in center field and the cost Atlanta [Applause] there is [Applause] st. Louis leads [Applause] first job [Applause] twelve in the series [Applause] other thing that uphill said he thought that left-handers have a chance hitting that changeup better than right-handers because the ball is moving in [Applause] [Music] order and Smith the physical encouragement for Lapointe [Applause] and he with his double more with a single at third first in the pace [Applause] [Applause] users have had some chance of being stranded just three but that first rigging and Hitler online drive DoublePlay took them out of something Cooper line into it back man [Applause] old foul right at the edge of the grass and the unpredictability of the natural grass opposed to the artificial surface tom seaver here a possible rally for the Brewers you have any feelings well as you watched the replay hit by a nerd down the line one thing I've been feeling I felt a little bit through the part of the game last night dick and I'm feeling in here that the Brewers who are a big power team or trying to go up there and hit a six run home run Smith oh my [Applause] field of the ball kept his eye in the bag touched it with his right foot and turned it into a double play this man has tremendous tan it's really Lapointe sprawl but for a poor father watch Smith coming your picture hers there he steals it from a while his right foot is on the bag off-balance throw whackers another rally that's incredible the magic of The Wizard of Oz and Charlie Moore came up living at this world Wilbur right now we are on Ozzie Smith because it's so pretty but he lifts off the feel I don't know if he jammed his he never thought that that ball was gonna thought he was going to start making his turn to go to 30 thought it was through what tremendous balance [Applause] while off balance he did it on the DoublePlay where he stopped and threw it here he's off balance here but look it doesn't make any difference he says I've got lost up on the bag maybe get one out of it because I'm going away from the bag away from the play money scores from third so it's Florida law play really kills for the moment the thoughts of a Milwaukee rally and the presence the body knowledge that as he Smith knowing where all the parts of her that he could time that play feel for the bag still get to the ball and turn a tough play into two quick outs I've been at all all kinds of shortstop then is involved as a participant as an instructor you think it can teach something like that - and oh the it takes us right it didn't mean to lose your point there tom seaver and well taken that the Brewers a long ball hitting team trying to hit a six run home run meaning the day just get some bases don't worry about doing it all yourself good point I think weed when the Cardinals got their three runs in the top of the second inning they did felt like it took them half an hour see that's what they're really the Brewers need they need some singles and singles and doubles and singles and then somebody will pop over and he can't tie the game up it's an expression that [Music] trying to do for the go into now soin brought along the fishnet down there and it wasn't good enough that left-hander there on the yellow jacket picked it off hello you mentioned a while ago may have been the first to ever use that or local SP right here in this ballpark doing broadcasting radio games and then Boston Braves Milwaukee Braves they became four-two-one the Cardinals leading bottom of the fifth inning bases empty 2 2 rolled in the far end of the Cardinal dugout the point lost his bid for a Shabbat but ELLs [Applause] in the and earlier just wants to give him six good innings mcgee with a beat on this one and that's it for Milwaukee in the fifth inning they get a run on a couple of hits but are denied the beginning by shortstop Ozzie Smith the Golden Glove for the st. Louis Cardinals after five for one st. Lou the chart that he's been keeping on Robin Yount how about Darrell Porter how does that one look well as opposed to a Robin Yount who you saw early you can see Porter primarily hits the ball over here to the right side of the infield and the outfield the ball that is down that left-field line you can see the bhoot line down there is a hanging curveball that Don Sutton threw and game number were game number two but that this gives the managers of course again a good example of how hitters will hit the ball where they will hit the ball where to place that the defense if they hit the ball on the ground a lot on the infield if he had a lot of fly balls etc and of course you can see they're obviously over the course of the year the more that a club will see a pitcher in the more of a record you can build on each individual hitter and of course you look at the alignment as Porter steps in and indeed the right fielder Moore is tucked into the corner into right centers Gorman Thomas Gantner is almost closer to first base than second base so they stack up the right side they expect him to pull order one for two today the pauli hit down the left field line was the first one he hit the left field in four years he said he wasn't making a job really find that double it knocked in two runs in Game two and when you think about the series as it is evolved asfar that may be the biggest hit of this 82 series because at that point Milwaukee had a win in the bank and they were leading fortitude and they talk about baseball as being a team game basically it's a lot of individual efforts rally fingers has gone down to the bullpen rather nate'll fit no one still knows but the team effort comes in when you try and coordinate that a defensive player plays a hitter more so he plays his pitcher more so he plays a situation the key is the pitcher if he doesn't execute what you've talked about Tom Seaver of palm or anybody else it ain't gonna work execution where all things become coordinator can't blame him to hit away and then throw him a nice slow curveball and give even a guy who can't get around a chance to pull it it's a team game played by individuals best exemplified by but you negotiate as a team or as an individual saying is that you can have nine fellas that aren't as good as the other nine but if they work as a unit I still can beat you you go in and try to get a raise and say but I was part of the team you find out how big a part you and is that what we're seeing here guys and I know I get Cardinal fans mad for you saying this but individually I already believe this brewery Club has a more talented second strikeout for haas as he came inside with a fastball one out and Lonnie Smith he's grounded to third and sent a soft liner back to Hoss on the mound over to [Applause] st. Louis Cardinals they've won more World Series than any National League team 8 World Series championship scarcely all time later the New York Yankees with 22 all one that's a terrific fight that's scheduled after our World Series Game three we hope you'll stay around Greene and Fletcher two body punches non-stop both looking for a shot at Marvin Hagler he'll stay with us terrible by the rates of Molitor might even gotten a piece of it and Smith with his speed has a stand-up double show you how the Cardinals have made the best of four mistakes the few hits they'd had four runs on just five it's that was the six right there playing shallow myth costume that's another thing with speed will do he has to play a little shallow in case Lonnie might try and drop it but you can see where he started off for the home plate side of third-base if you'd had one or two or three more feet of depth to be able to protect it he de had it Lonnie Smith has three hits in this series all four extra bases two doubles and a triple banging or CH lined to Center popped a short watch him off second base to you know the left-hand enter or the one on the score the Cardinals trying to get the run back that the Brewers can't stand in the last of the fifth inning he has the green light a few months to go off second base and the middle infielders are split once again the out and Gantner are not holding them to close and cimmyt stops the procedure right there maybe trying to get you out a little more aware of with a left-handed hitter up because they play a hordes to hit the left field yon has to play back into the hole away from the bag that gives him a bigger lead of course the other side of the coin is with a left-handed hitter up it gives him it's a clean shot for his draw at third I always like my pitcher to back off and give him a look at least let him know hey I know you're there one-on-one that ball - that's what you see happens after the first pitch Robin didn't bother Simmons I believe said be careful I know this guy who go yow it moves three steps close to the bag which leaves a better opening for the hitter yeah at the Shayna tart second base maybe three or four strides and we'll jockey back and his range is living to his right because it one ball two strikes Smith with a double there he goes and it's hit the right-center field a very tough play it's a Nepal income Smith on a double by or ten it's five to one say Lewis ah he's got to get a picture and they're trying to shut something down here he went with boo kovitch a long time they have thrown five runs on the board on class yeah there been some miss plays to come out and have a little talk Jim Slaton veteran right-hander up through the Milwaukee organization traded to Detroit for been okhla V and then the Brewers able to get Slayton back as a free agent we're in the top of the sixth inning Harvey Keene the leg was amputated below the knee the right leg and Harvey was stable the great spirit and courage kid about it says he he gives his pitchers a lot of time to warm up by the time I get from the deck about the mound I get a five or six extra throws new pitcher coming in breaking the action st. Louis leads in game four five to one on the defensive infield the out even on that pitch was just moving a little bit jockey back and forth it'll beginner sometimes we saw Molitor having to come in the speed they have the way whitey manages you've always got to be on your toes and there's always a little hairless shoot through throw a hitter switch-hitting Ozzie Smith a walk-in he scored and a bunt single the line the Whitey Herzog uses on Ozzie Smith he says it's a bonus when he gets to 40 to 50 because Ozzie Smith saves me a hundred runs a year and there was there's a hundred whitey then you see plays like this today that double play how many runs did that save the Cardinals so the third base I now to play Tony talking about he breaks up the infield why he does with the movement of his players Nikita did is the third-base coach Chuck Hiller was very active he's out-of-the-box constantly always hollering there you see him that'd be one of those things about his catching how they got agitate him over to get the umpire to move him back just get him upset one on one they had a breaking ball for a strike herzog is not a masterful job constructing that team at Kansas City for the turf the speed the line drives the good defense in the outfield same kind of ballclub it's almost the mirror that Kansas City team that he's fashioned in st. Louis yout another chance did he pull him off yes he did so yeah charged with the second Milwaukee error of the day and the inning is still alive for st. Louis Robin lets the ball go thought he had leisure play the ball sails inside Ozzie Smith shows his agility not just defensively but running the bases as he leaps over the tag from Cooper Ozzie speedy you can see he's a little bit Kippy he's not running all out because of that severely bruised I bust he missed 18 of the last 23 ball games that the Cardinals play he knew he was safe sants Davidson with a good call at first base so runners at first and third two outs the Cardinals get an extra out of four out inning and her will endeavor to take advantage five to one and no matter how many home runs you may have hit during the course of the year you just can't let the other side get too far in front and four is plenty then st. Louis has a chance to really open up a gap Joe you're catching now do you think Smith's going you can't assume that he's not I mean you got to figure he's going I'd be looking for him Brewers have now made six errors and this well we're only the fourth game [Applause] made six in the last three games Oh where's in the first game [Music] now Slayton apparently feels Smith is a threat to go Oh in one loop too short and innings over so soft liner - yeah couple of devils by Smith and or to get titles their fifth run and five and a half it is five to one st. Louis coming up it'll be Robin Yount and seven for the and the furnaces and Ford its Mustang GT the boss when my standing relief pitchers of this time Roland fingers with over 300 save this year the National League over 200 rich Gossage is probably get a vote or two with those two we have tough to beat yeah with a line drive stamp I'll appoint on a short hop and throws you know Lapointe fielding his position and saving a lead or 5th that's typical of Harvey's Wallbangers as they have been called it shouldn't in game number one there they are would think was telling about quizenberry not as much experience as these two but creeping up in the stats it's more years I'm now and I started to say swing at the first pitch even foul runs down we're swinging ballclub they don't look for bases on balls you know I think I've got the secret to good relief pitching when you look at that picture of those two bullets it's the hair the hair on the face one with a big beer the other was the old fashioned mustache that goes back to the early Oakland A's no wonder you've heard the relief pitcher jump shot bald-headed men of America rise today but the top your head I said you can mustache it bigger Cheech Coburn hits it high too right hendrik waiting for it to come down are we getting the point now and tom seaver made the point yesterday that whitey knows I didn't really want to use sooner in that ballgame but he did and he's there so you cut to this point in the ballgame you said Joe whitey said he could shoot her to go for headers so he's looking for a little bit more because the Brewers are still only four runs down and we've talked about the wind blowing out in the power and just like that they can hit you with a three spot or a four spot and get back in the game they've had opportunities and just have either been taken out by Smith or just not kind of a key base hit insert Ozzie Smith we've talked about him we'll let you watch him two strikes now on Simmons Smith playing almost to the edge of the grass and shading into the hole for the switch-hitting catcher and Willie McGee straightaway center and it's an easy inning for Dave Lapointe one two three and after six innings County Stadium in Milwaukee they've Lapointe working on a 5-1 lead and moose Haas long gone we'll be right back for these messages from your local station Milwaukee temperature in the low to mid 50s today much traffic on the expressways they're all packed in at County Stadium or listening or watching to the radio or telecast of this game four and the st. Louis Cardinals on Milwaukee turf with a chance to open three games to one lead in this series yeah before run advantage of sleep works to Oberkfell Cardinals as was the case last night making their hits count seven hits but five runs last night they had only six hits but six runs - an old case you're wondering about a 3-1 lead it's often a lot very few teams have been able to rally from three games to one down but the Cardinals one franchise knowing well from history that you can't relax because in 1968 they had the three to one lead and they were at Detroit with that lead and the Tigers came back to win that game five and then went back to st. Louis and one two and came from behind to take the series from Pittsburgh did the same to Baltimore in 1979 but we're getting ahead of ourselves 3 and 1/2 Oberkfell dig just a little sidelight during the seventh-inning stretch the Cardinals official family standing then there you see him all the way down Hernan is the on deck batter went over and talked to Musial losing about a middle your picture and I just wonder what they were talking about he's on for the walk second time Oberkfell has received the free ticket today becomes Keith Hernandez well I just wonder the way he is struggling this is Robin Yount all together as always my past eighteen yeah that's it he was Penn State game plan for her to get out of the stadium she says she's not going to sit at home if flavor starts they know how to get her to a ambulance that's waiting outside no I go to the hospital still could get the DoublePlay one there and yell to first with a double play [Applause] [Music] the runner going right here is on trying to get him a face set to take the pressure off gal discovery that side was right open the left side a slide the runner can't get Robin nganimate a nice play get it leave runner even though who's going he said watch maybe three balls hard to get one the Yount yesterday that yah went to his left on oh yeah one today the one to Gantner that could have been called a hit that got through Gantner made him up why he's let him hit three and all three and one he is trying to break up the end feel he has done everything just can't catch a break as you put it so well Tony I would talked about aziz smith's tazza play at shortstop at that Milwaukee infield can turn to with anyone but the league is you saw [Applause] that snapping curveball that slate has [Applause] you know I like the ball players that don't hide their feelings you know everyone likes to be super cool but Slayton he said I'm just he just all over his face how happy is to finally get a chance to be in a world series of eights 32 excuse me roller enter as the easy up and the puzzles are gone on the top of the seventh inning the Milwaukee Brewers fans lb rousing things up stretch hand with a seventh-inning in Charlie Moore st. Louis possible opponent we go to the bottom of the seventh inning 5-1 st. Louis and here's Joe Garagiola and it's Gorman Thomas to lead it off he is more to his crowd 56,000 560 a new trying to get something started it's five st. Louis leading Milwaukee and Lapointe will start the seventh with the bullpen going because Herzog has what he wanted out of six good innings I was grading I pop out back towards the stands drifting in he makes it doing so [Applause] that's twice the ball appeared to be going into the stands and the wind blow it back to Porter so there's one out here is over V you know the ballplayers in the World Series share the first four games of receipts and has been determined the minimum or ethnic back 19:46 we look at Doug Barron the bullpen we beat the Red Sox to smallpox that we took home the winner share 2,900 the winner's share minimum here will be 27,000 there's a strike the loser share minimum 20,000 our school the first four games attendance as part of that players pool so it could be bigger than that they figured all up these poopy shares as I recall Joe our winner share of the 58 shows we came back three down its Braves something like $5,700 he dropped it let's see how they call it must be say how to be safe he put his hands in his pocket [Applause] why says it takes a bad hop look at how slowly he is to get over and follow-through falling off to the right hopefully be really in running very hard although he didn't run out I don't know if that ribcage is so painful it bothers him sometimes that rib cage injury like he's got to bother you breathing it's taped up bobbles the ball knocks it around so possibility for the Brewers once again ball-ball one it didn't Hernandez do his part so Ella very bad hot makes the good stab a perfect throw to the point he was trying to fish for the bag and gets the ball at the same time Mendez is playing off the bag Cardinals have a full run late [Applause] Sam baserunners Oakland Bay there's one out non-money hit the ball hard in the fifth inning a double came around to score the only Milwaukee run on strikes in the second try to you sense the point is taking a little more time now as he's in the seventh possibility maybe they're trying to slow down maybe just to get the breather he gets that one over the inside corner and it's one ball and one strike [Applause] one man out [Applause] foul ball down third baseline very Warner the third-base coach okhla be heads back to first he's hurting five runs seven hits one error for st. Louis one run five hits two errors for Milwaukee it will be called well against Porsche tomorrow here at County Stadium [Applause] a little more [Applause] it brings up Charlie more more singled his last time up [Applause] largest winner shall we just got the world mr. Jacques just under 35 [Applause] more one for two on its second base over me [Applause] Charlie we're taking a shot to right field try and stay out of the DoublePlay maybe not to try to try to pull them home here in vazhi smithy the taking ball down in a beautiful pitch one that is all but impossible if the other way the right handed hitter [Applause] the strike zone get all set one strike pitch two strikes [Applause] just going to regroup now [Applause] let's see Joe right now with two strikes about that change of the tails away that he has struck at he'll use it with the seams that may change when it goes [Applause] just exactly why surgical finger [Applause] it's popped up they call it an infield fly now the umpires waiting to see if the ball could be reasonably handled but I'll tell you if there's a face call it moves this ballpark Ozzie Smith can reasonably handle it whether it's in the field we talked about how the Makia Lonnie Smith the play another possibilities heat goes back so well on balls he was in short left centerfield one time in this ball game till called up two outs Jim Gantner is the batter okhla V at second base down money is on at first base by the one the score at bottom of the seventh [Applause] - [Applause] Whitey Herzog making his way out say 5 2 2 ballgame and that means a time run is coming to the plate and the speed we've talked about offensively for this cargo block that came into play right there because hendricks shut off the gap and that saved a run from scoring and also Gander from going to third [Applause] there's Henrik cutting the ball off saving it from going on a web defense so we've got a break in the action five to time run coming to play we'll be right back after these [Music] baseball fever catch it it lasts forever the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there are two outs five to two Z score [Applause] Oberkfell was moved back by her song so they'll give Molitor one if he wants to try to prevent the ball from going to her 2 runs in scoring two balls in his another good stop by Porter saved a run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Thanks it is curving foul [Applause] with runners in scoring and he's got the bases loaded [Applause] follow one strike the count [Applause] one strike with two outs and walked him and the first man he's faced in relief today he walks Molitor to two and one Jim kaat Jeff Lahti sooner is not yet up maybe Philips going out to break up the meeting Porter's been a skittle just finishing up two balls one strike two outs bases-loaded 5-2 to st. Louis [Applause] Thanks five four [Applause] there's a go-go - ha two balls one strike [Applause] for a single and two RBIs routing out so it's five to four time running like in the action will [Music] that's Bruce Souter so it's con against Cooper and in-game tuna 5th inning Cooper's singular left field to drive in Robin Yount and there is sooner from the bullpen he has yet not yet thrown a pitch but he has begun I think a mental preparation he's looking ahead he also had a baseball where he's loosening up his shoulders it's in his left hand now he's rotating the ball overs head backwards and forwards and earlier [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] surprise that one a fan but it's called too [Applause] [Music] hopper [Applause] leap from within fair tearing the pile that is from right field shall write down the line that's a tari he lives from there to plow the position to the bowels of first I'll tell you why catchers go to disagree partner to death game of inches and so far Milwaukee hot smash [Applause] [Music] that play was set up by Cooper who faked a bunt from the first times up in this game drew over felon [Applause] conveys poopers on [Applause] against the boards [Applause] Goodspeed on a bass the late [Applause] last two nights up until the city paint the power their house dynamically [Applause] for three times and now the walkies turn [Applause] maybe I'll put Simmons out he turns on to the left and Lodi will pitch the tops time serious point last night really comes into play with Souter working a couple innings last night at a short turnaround a night game to add a yt not feeling apparently that he wants to use sooner today that the lead didn't protect it with his ace lotty comes in and a base hit now would score two runs with a wild fish we'll be right back we're all tied up at five five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two outs bases-loaded tied five five seven [Applause] pitting that outside corner one ball two strikes two outs [Applause] the picture of Lottie told you a lot that is Debbie [Applause] situation not to unlike game number two or in the age of the bases-loaded Steve Braun walked alone home [Applause] one ball two strikes the Thomas hits out over the plate scimitar the one that was a call strike before that the key to the wrong base third Thomas kept on a second totally [Applause] don't run scores got to be six no walk [Applause] unlike me wild pitch if that's two letters by cop yesterday at the start of this ball game [Applause] ha and strike one on down money [Applause] these pores lift lack was going to be a blowout but all season long have battled back nothing has been easy for her erase a lot of the state that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ball one strike the count two outs [Applause] one ball two strikes two outs bases are loaded six runs in Milwaukee leading seven to five here in the bottom of the seventh [Applause] these families are learning about where starvin garden you bet it suppose I one ball two strikes and Jeff Lahti with the faces loaded he serves when the last center left center at just one RBI till this point but he hits them in streets he'll go a week or two weeks without any home runs and RBIs in fact he spotted the American League ten home runs in April didn't have one all of a sudden it came in bunches and here Richie tied with 39 big they said there's a man Joe can of your Kenny that's been the big question can fingers come in the pitch Barbie Keane says if I needing fingers says I'm limited some people think Tom C were talking about it that maybe he's just a whole big charade he has not thrown and he has not pitched the ball game since September 2nd we have been told he will tribute to the right-hander will they go crazy if he comes into this game the fans all over this park one two pitch outside 2 and 2 what a ball game we've had everything including the sacrifice fly by Tommy hare that scored two men that's the first time in World Series history that's ever happened to men's going to sacrifice fly a six run bottom of the seventh bring into the cabinet Porter and Joe because the problem of bullpens are such an unusual spot rights in a field most of the fans cannot see fingers like their viewers did at home that he is up in throwing this that small group to cheer to the future slightly walks Porter in the 8th inning and that brings up Lonnie Smith there's another effect of developing and you see it in that shot the shadows as the day wears on more and more the hitters pitcher will be in the shadows but hitting into a bright backdrop and that really bothered the hitters and the weekend series last week the Angels and the Brewers concede in that picture right there out dark the uniform face and everything else were in the background was so bright Lonnie Smith he doubled and scored in his sixth [Applause] [Music] bleh [Applause] and Ted Simmons will stick primarily with slate is breaking stuff with that good curve he's got controllable [Applause] one ball one strike base runner at first his Porter nobody out no walking lady by 275 were the eighth inning [Applause] good curveball check swing one ball two strikes the count [Applause] fingers and Peter Ladd fingers of Percy and he's not even pitching off the mound I wanted that significant [Applause] doesn't look very serious but lab does [Applause] Ted Simmons set him up beautifully a heart curve or slide to the pits before set up outside on the corner we were so close not too unlike the pitch that he tuck ball fall on the one here Simmonds a gives a good low target moves around and he's been a tremendous help in these Milwaukee pitches line drive base hit centerfield Porter's round the second heading for third its first and third and the batter is Willie McGee orange singles the Sun avail and Garmin Thomas very smartly not even trying to overcharge the ball to keep the runner from going to third say the Kieran the Thai runners or I'm holding you to first base and there will be a pinch runner now David Kringle pinch run for orange or that orange in the lineup because he swings a good bat he had two base hits a single a double and a line drive out to perform and here comes Harvey Keene he may be making a pitching change as you saw Peter Ladd was going fairly hard and usually the signal to the guys ready to bullpen is to take the cap off we saw that looks like it may be a change aside from power and speed and the similarities the ball club or the things that which they're not alike loosen different styles of managing White has made a lot of moves Harvey has made few so far in this series darling for McClure the left-hander now Rawley fingers look at his old mouth laughs continues to throw for some again hit from the right side he Smith also what it hinges on such little things so we've got another pitching change Harvey he's bringing it before tying runs are on seven five the scoreboard zip up we'll be back after these messages [Applause] okay he's got green lien and Denis when he just flips the ball over there what happens to buy only of that close any ground ball you won't get the good jump trying to break that DoublePlay up a little ground ball could be too - OH - his academic glance right there by McClure the pilots real McGee fooled on the law inside cider but the little brats and the lake kick throws green on the short fall with his great speed because of the movement of court could not get down and stop the DoublePlay great play by Gantner so we go in the bottom of the a75 Milwaukee leading st. Louis bird Tom Seaver me as we are watching quite a ballgame here seven five the Milwaukee Brewers leading the st. Louis Cardinals you can tell the native Wisconsin guys shirt sleeve mm there's a strike to Charlie more ballpark buzzing [Applause] lotty Landis and Bohr is an easy out most pleasurable experience this one of the reasons why [Applause] producer throughout the course of his 1982 season in baseball Michael Weissman today's telecast produced by George Finkel directed by Harry Coyle Michael Weissman also co-producing other folks that like to mention John Gonzalez a nice Tucker and rocky we're down the free they're all doing a great [Applause] Morrow 3:45 p.m. central Daylight Time right back here Bob Forsch versus Mike Caldwell six or seven necessary still no pictures of [Applause] I'm the heir four o'clock Eastern Time one o'clock in the West for Game five that'll be the starting pitchers portion Caldwell rematched between the CPC the force of the last game where he struggled really [Applause] line drive right at Ozzie Smith ball was hit hard but right at him so there are two outs and it brings up Paul Molitor you have to go back I'm trying to [Applause] everything that happened and it just turned around from seventh-inning our everything happened in one inning that the Cardinals it seemed like a lot of questions to be asked in the postgame press conference this is what you point out so many times Joe just I had seemed like good shared it's there - cliche in baseball but it's put away to go well I think Harvey Keene some sense with who ends up with the inches on the right side Milwaukee's on the short end early got some breaks and we've got quite a ballgame 1 1 the count you look back to that 7th Robin Yount tune 1 starts going after something checks his swing and the little loop for the right how to play this is the kind of a ball game that maybe you wouldn't film it and use it for instructions but it's the kind of a ball game you sure want to see because it's been exciting fellows great fans here no walk you've helped to do that too foul ball and I'll tell you Harvey Keene you got to give him a lot of credit because he lives by a philosophy that says hey guys the world is not coming to an end if it does you're not going to be here anyway so have some fun and that's what they do [Applause] Wow I read Harvey has really learned to live with his adversity he said and he said it was a joke but is it the worst letter I've gotten so far some lady who said Oh what he just laughed when he said it's not wouldn't he is just he is just a marvelous man tremendous high school life with West Allis right a couple of blocks from this ball park the 52-yard field goal still ice correct 200 average baller robbed drop University Wisconsin basketball team until he's signed professionally i flyball left there Lonnie Smith hey misjudge it we go into the it's Milwaukee seven aaseesh man Tommy can't overcome and I know we go to Atlantic City with Marv Albert and dr. Bernie projectile for the fights it'll be the same right here Ozzie Smith leads it off and this crowd is ready fifty-six thousand five hundred and sixty they haven't shared a World Series win in Milwaukee since 1958 [Applause] ten hits two errors for Milwaukee 5-8 one for st. Louis one ball and one strike we have an outstanding player to pick [Applause] cool balls in the strike I've gone you looking at seventh inning for the Brewers they're an awful lot of the contributed I'm picking Cooper he got the big hit Megan lost in the box score but they were Jesse the first out Thomas face it one ball two strikes drove on to left-center what we Fortuna spot there we let you think the bond a couple more minutes don't have that time let me now [Applause] one out tell me her [Applause] or against her [Applause] all on his uptick they still couldn't have won that if Thomas had knocked in the bay said I gotta go with him again actually got the game on there's lolly fingers if it stands up this storm Gorman Thomas will get the game-winning RBI [Applause] two balls no strikes that's a tough call [Applause] a lot of it made possible and the point coupe it's very well got whitey the six that he won a lot of them took it out of the inning of the seventh air with Oz one strike one out seventy-five the walkie leaving [Applause] two balls two strikes good use by Keane to come in he's turn those two sweaters with [Applause] tonight's our today's NBC Miller High Life is that manner standing right there Gorman Thomas a check for a thousand Special Olympics Tenace a pensioner for Oberkfell crowd will tell you follow on nobody on coming out things can turn around the world series because what work came in and he walked Hernandez leading off the eighth that set up the run that really won that ballgame five before he's got a chance to redeem himself tomorrow I'll be called well against Porsche at four o'clock Eastern Time foul ball out of play right now 3:30 Central time this ballpark is ready to explode 56,000 560 people with two outs nobody on one ball one strike the count [Applause] one ball two strikes [Applause] [Applause] again the final score of Milwaukee with a six run bottom of the seventh know what seven Sigma was five four kannberg Tony Kubek Joe Garagiola saying so long
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 11,589
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Id: 89i0c2fDf_Y
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Length: 141min 54sec (8514 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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