1972 NASCAR Southeastern 500 at Bristol

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most of the NASCAR races seen on television are those run on the big mile and two and a half miles super speedways but when following the circuit you'll find that these rebels were on all kinds of races on all kinds of tracks we thought you'd like to see them go on a half mile track well we chose Bristol because it's perhaps the fastest high banked oval in the country for the spectators well there's a thrill on every lap for the drivers 500 times around this one is the most grueling exhaustive test on the circuit another sellout crowd of 30 4700 race fans greeted us in the little mountain town of Bristol Tennessee it was the southeastern 500 and all the Grand National stars of NASCAR were here to run for a chunk of the 37 thousand eight hundred seventy five dollar purse the high banks make Bristol perhaps the fastest half-mile track in the country the drivers consider five hundred laps on this course to be the most strenuous on the circuit Richard Petty will experiment with power steering on his Plymouth for the first time most of the other drivers have gone to lighter weight helmets connected to underarm lanyards to ease neck fatigue Bobby Allison pushed his Chevrolet around these high banks at a qualifying speed of one hundred six point eight seven four miles per hour to gain fast time and the pole position [Music] the number 43 plymouth of richard petty starts second alongside Alison then it's Bobby Isaac Anna dodge and Betty Parsons driving a 70 Mercury Leroy Yarborough and cuckoo Marlon fill out the third row all kinds are holding position well now as they pull out of the fourth turning down for the green flag there it is and their paw not 1/8 the battle starts early as Alison and petty are locked up for the lead at the end of the first lap Alison fights off the fede Plymouth and grabs the number one spot [Music] [Music] that's the first casualty of the race in the third lap George all tied he loses his dodge in the fourth turn spins on to the apron and heads for pit road there's no yellow flag and the race continues [Music] now Bobby Isaac closes the gap on Allison with Teddy hanging back in the third spot it's chevy dodge plymouth Oh Dave box just blew his dodge in the third turn but he hangs on and wheels it into the pit on the same lap here's another blown engine this time it's the number 85 Chevrolet driven by Ronnie Daniel with two engines blown and oil on the racetrack the first yep Oh [Music] you're 19 laps under the yellow the field is back on the track and ready for the restart [Music] through the third turn CooCoo Marlon leads with Alison pushing him hard [Music] Allisyn works him over high and low through every turn Leroy has the third spot with Benny Parsons running fourth finally out of the back shoot on to turn three Alison gets the nose of his Chevy underneath Marlin and powers through to regain Easley [Music] with Bobbie Allison's coca-cola Chevrolet starting to stretch the pack Isaac and Marlon are dueling over a second Leroy Yarborough is fourth and Benny Parsons fifth [Music] in turn to Bobby Isaac slides his Dodge Charger beneath Marlin to pass and take a firm hold on the number two position [Music] once passed Marlon and out of heavy traffic Bobby Isaac turns it on in a bid to catch Allison but he'll really have to move that Chevy has a quarter of a lap lead and petty is coming on [Music] down the back shoot Richard catches cuckoo Marlin and there's a new battle for third place that Plymouth and Chevy looked like they're glued together [Music] on the 130th laughs Dave Marcus pits his dodge with an overheating Hemi they check it out and find broken radiator hoses and parked the car behind the wall here's the leader bobby allison in for fuel and right-side rubber junior Johnson in the crew get him back on the track in 23 seconds but during the stop Bobby Issac takes over the lead [Music] Isaac's lead is short-lived because he too has to make the rubber and fuel stop [Music] tire wear starts to take its toll on this past half mile track as one after another the cars are forced to pit here's kuku Marlin [Music] the petty crew does a quick job on Richards STP Plymouth [Music] with the leaders serviced and back on the track it's Alison in front Bobby Isaac second Richard Petty third and Yarborough fourth [Music] [Music] there's another spinner [Music] richard childress driving the chevy lost it in the third turn spun all the way around and decides to fit four new tires meanwhile Bobby Allison continues his race for the checkered flag his Monte Carlo is wound tight and handling perfect [Music] with only a few laps left petit wraps a slower car crushing his fender in against the left front tire it begins to smoke he gets the Black Flag and Richard will be forced to pit [Music] Maurice petty and the crew worked frantically to bend the twisted steel out of the wheel well so they can replace the tire the old one is shredded [Music] in the run for the wire its Alison first Bobby Isaac's second petty third Yarborough fourth there's the white flag one more lap and Bobby Allison celebrates tonight [Music] yuria is off the high bank fourth turn on to the front straightaway for the checkered flag and Bobby Allison puts a Chevrolet into the bristol record books winner of the southeastern 500 herb nab and the junior Johnson crew are already in victory lane waiting for the arrival of their car and their driver it was a beautiful Sunday drive for Bobby Allison he picked up a check for $7000 the trophy and was met by a bevy of beauties but even more important he started a Chevrolet down the comeback trail but then that grid kind of tells the whole story [Music] you
Views: 50,362
Rating: 4.8606558 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, Bristol Motor Speedway, Bud Lindemann, Richard Petty, Bobby Isaac, Benny Parsons, Coo Coo Marlin, Bobby Allison, LeeRoy Yarbrough, Dave Marcis, Richard Childress
Id: hI8yYIoKxZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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