1970 Firecracker 400

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this is the way the fourth of July comes to Central Florida to Daytona Beach specifically with a huge crowd gathered at the Daytona International Speedway on our hot muggy skies the temperature hovering somewhere near the hundred degree mark Daytona has long but called the birthplace of speed in the United States originally it was world land speed record runs right on the beach and later stock car racing on the beach tonight $50 bill France built this huge plant the Daytona International Speedway some 450 acres and all that's easily enough to build for 18-hole golf courses if you so desire it is however a two and a half mile race track and competing here today in the Firecracker 400 will be all the top drivers of the NASCAR Tour they're competing not only for victory today but also in several season-long battle first of all is the leading money winner in that battle Pete Hamilton the northerner who is so successfully included himself in the southern scene leads heat one more than 92,000 dollars so far this season the second place is Bobby Allison and third place Richard Petty and by the way Hamilton petty are teammates that meet between the two of them they've won more than 150 thousand dollars already this season then there's the battle for the NASCAR Grand National Championship that's done on a point basis throughout the season and the leader there is Bobby Isaac the second place James Milton and in third place Bobby Allison the reason that that's a different rule for people generally for the money winners is because Isaac and hope rates in all the races at the big track and the little track and they keep piling up those points as they go along third category well that's an unofficial one one it's who has won the races at the so-called super speedway the NASCAR track more than a mile in length well only Devils have won two of those races so far this year single victories have gone to each of the Allison brothers Donnie and Bobby but also to David Pearson and to Cale Yarborough I thought about this day's race here the fourth of July 1970 let's go down to the pit area now to my colleague the editor of national speed sport news frizzy cata Maggie thank you Jim well the field is set 40 cars here on pit lane on a very hot Daytona morning the Firecracker 400 was close to $100,000 in prize money at stake but the big story here today is the heat the drivers are fearful wet with the windows down they themselves may be adversely affected as well as their machine and we'll find out all about it as soon as the race gets underway and now we move to the pace car mr. bill France for the words to get going [Music] [Music] and there they go the racing engines of 40 stock cars underway now they'll be moving out and we'll be back in a minute and now the field is ready to move out here at Daytona Beach Florida there's the field of cars on the front row remember the pole sitter is Cale Yarborough and car number 21 and next to him Bobby I think at number 71 Gail they won her a 100 Speedway race so far this year and number 21 there with a gold numerals I think the leader for the grand national NASCAR championship conducted on a point basis however he's only ten points ahead of James Hilton and shut Hilton's been ahead of Isaac today he would take the lead in that battle the big question right now our is who's going to win this one well there's some of the people the many thousands who have gathered all over the south actually to see this race today and the car is now on the racecourse Cale Yarborough and Barbie Isaac on the first row feel all together our 40 cars they qualified on Wednesday Thursday and yesterday to fill out the field on the first roll as I say Gill Yarborough whoa Carolina will be back to the second row in car number 98 we'll have Leroy Yarborough no relation from Columbia South Carolina my number 40 is Pete Hamilton the leading money winner so far this year from denim bat row three David Pearson last year's brand national champion in car number 17 and Charlie Watts back Edwardsville Indiana in car number 99 to the fourth row now in many parts of the former cab driver from Detroit Michigan number six is Buddy Baker a race driver and tougher race driver Carolina number 32 is dick Brooks last season's Rookie of the Year number 22 Bobby Allison from Joey town Alabama there we have Richard Petty Richard in row six today would qualify as the first day qualified fastest or the second day is a little bit back in the pack a little sparse the past the next in number 28 is the comeback kid formerly the top driver the NASCAR circuit friend Lorenzo de bellefort Illinois at number 28 number 48 is James Hillman off Inman South Carolina number 30 and Dave Marcus of Wausau Wisconsin moving to row eight now we have the other half of the Virginia [Music] go forth date JD McDuffie has bill cipher's go 15 quite a hustler and John sphere Oh 18 big red romaine row 19 bill sherry and Gary 320 when we've got an Emily gray that's the field of 40 cars for the 1970 running of the Firecracker 400 it's the fourth of July and remember the temperature hovering somewhere near the hundred agree mark the humidity in the bouts of fame hero qualified for this rate but not for that they taught an International Speedway there's a good look at the field coming right at you number 36 there is dr. John car in that car is not only the doctor but also a microphone attached to his racing helmet we hope that he'll be able to talk to us during the race may I throw the whole added feature today on fibroma sport this time I think we're going to get it start there in turn free right now going up on the high banking app or the 30 degree in here they're flat out at all times whether they con International Speedway the driver never listed unless there's trouble ahead or unless he's coming into the fifth for top reason up on the high banking now and into turn four with a lot of action a dangerous part of the race course coming out of turn four here there is the flag man the green flag standing by Beal headed down the straightaway northeast arts finish line and now the pension really bill they're going to be racing matter of seconds green flag out but he hasn't dropped it yet it could be he's trying to give them one more lap or it could not be they just doing the signal to stay in line say my father Isaac wait for the lead into turn one Oh Leroy Yarborough getting Vance Cale Yarborough and in between the throat see Hamilton see Hamilton the blue car has taken the lead the first n5e Isaac right behind him then we have Kalin Leroy gone for a racing side by side [Music] right wither remember is the manly disease that's our weight standing so far this year by the Isaac garden for 71 HoneyBaked are really moving into the picture now Cale Yarborough fighting to hold on to third place you're looking at the pawns of backstretch now playing down there at about 200 miles an hour Isak right with him what do you think are now trying to take third place that he does from Cale Yarborough [Music] [Music] going look at that Buddy Baker in that wing aside [Music] Cale Yarborough tried over 20 was but out his fronts Buddy Baker dunno Baker a former great stock car racer buddy whose only ones to NASCAR races and now he's in the 12th even of NASCAR racing you set the pace as many of them Jim and he do for better locks away from driving the findings neutron star so the early racing goes on if they don't and there's the way they says we'll be back before the Firecracker 400 in a minute first place and Cale Yarborough you see trace behind his head white power number 21 thirdly Leroy off-road no relation you must know that by now if you've been watching sports for supper here there's only 10 cars by the real college and taking the lead sometimes in this automobile race but you can see that some slower cars are beginning to be laughs Jim it seems that the rule that forces the windows to be down has not affected the speed at eat cards are drawing at a record-breaking pace out there and this is the first rock quarry as they try their next Speedway with a driver side window down and that is the new safety regulations this year that's right they don't want the grass all over the back of the event of an accident air rushing by speed at all okay here's the great race for third place right now between number 98 see Roy Yarborough and number 40 see Hamilton what's the wing on the back Leroy Yarborough Justin found it [Music] Pete Appleton is a 1970 Plymouth run again is Buddy Baker in first place Gary Yarborough is Megan on this tremendously hot muggy afternoon in the south there should be a marginal card really very very hot dip down in the kitchen floor that started with 94 in the shade and there goes kales rates Matt moneymaker taking over the beat so we've had another change for the lead in the very early going down here kill y'all bloody Baker's he said has been a contender many times but he's only won two races has the won one in about two years whatever banished the wink gives the Dodge and Plymouth drivers on the back the smoke nose configuration at the disadvantage again because the heat gets out of the Coulee engine and they cannot breath before the tour three laps otherwise the engine begins to overheat [Music] back in the second place betting Yarbrough a little bit now here's the battle for third again number 98 Leroy our president number 40 is Pete Hamilton real good rating as these two battles go on here back up in front again the Carolina and Buddy Baker slipping a little bit out of the day the slippery or drivers say the creatures attraction evidence watch through the corners of the back end slide up really got a handful Jim controlling these thirty nine hundred pound car bubbling a high banking again they go well the eastern-western the banking here is 31 degrees and on the grandstand return which looks like a straight away as most places is 18 but now again the battle for third up for third place speed Apple is trying to move ahead of Leroy Yarborough getting a little squirrely there stomach for this kind of racing piece enjoy that for a while I'll back up on pregnancy cale yarborough and Buddy Baker as we go back and forth between these two battles of the simultaneously going on we're still in the early going of the Firecracker 400 there's that 31 degree banking I mentioned a moment ago they really hang them right up without having to have a higher speed to take the high line you can see the feet Hamilton is now thinking out after the leaders having passed Leroy Yarborough look at some of the crowd the cards are expecting to take or would hope to take just for pitstop in this race during the 400-mile breakfast that's if there are no yellow flag right playing by you [Music] 87 miles an hour right now Jim tremendous speed and let's go with a good deal of fuel in the car 22 gallons and each tank at a 60 pound per gallon heavy load out back but the track the car coming into the pits is Cale Yarborough's so here is the first major development in the race it's too early for that we have a clock running to see how it shows us how fast it will be they did put up the sign to call Gail into the fence and we got a look at you down there crisper just a moment the clock still running and this is longer than it should be normally about 21 22 23 seconds for the top pit crew and kale is out of the car there you see him this is not any minor problem this is big trouble it could be the tear Yarborough is out of the race meanwhile on the track Buddy Baker is still the leader Pete Hamilton now second at Leroy Yarborough in third there is Buddy Baker and he is coming into the fit for the first two cars have pitted early in the race that makes feat mø from the leader Leroy over a second and we'll be back again in another minute again International Speedway there now is the new leader in the firecracker 400 Leroy Yarborough 98 Cale Yarborough is number 21 an engine problem and forty Richard Petty number 43 is in fourth position behind him number 17 David Pearson he's a man to life last year's champion tires water from a pressurized hose into the radiator there is Leroy Yarborough too bad that you can't see these drivers when they're in the automobiles because each one is a different kind of man a different personality Leroy opera for example looks like right out of Gone with the Wind these days he's got long sideburns looks for all the world like you got a modern-day a red butler Leroy Yarborough who was the man in the race Jim is being contested at a record speed the first ten laps were reeled off one hundred and eighty seven point one 100 miles an hour twenty laps was 187 and there is car number 36 if dr. John star remember he's got a microphone on and when things settle down just a little bit we're gonna try to get a report from him right from his olive oil be a while he's on the track the good doctor used to putting his mind in too many compartments for consultations operations having dropped out of the race Pete Appleton is Megan Buddy Baker third and here comes Pete Hamilton is the so it looks like that heat is going to start getting problems in this race very very early and when the hood goes up that means this is not routine and look out there's a flow tension on the track that's number 72 Benny Parsons Benny Parsons he used to drive a taxi in Detroit Michigan is again polluting the air this time of the state of Florida by blowing his engine Ewing oil is probably from debris on the racetrack and that means that the yellow flag comes out one of the problems Benny talked about before the race was the noise he said the noise of the Hemi engine cars is really father's well there is his car hey Chris let's get out of the you in the fence [Music] Richard Petty has just pulled out of the pit it was a routine this is his second spot and it's been a costly succession of stops for the blonde Daytona 500 winner to have the hood up so the problem is mechanical we know to fill you than the car look squarely on the track and they've set the mention a little bit the peat looks calm we're gonna try and get a word with him while the cool men are working on the car oh oh they're bout ready they're gonna change the inside rubber now the inside rubber is being changer we can't get close to him or we be in the mechanics way the outside rubber was changed and Hamilton is in the pistil long time he wants to get out now before the safety car comes straight away now Pete Hamilton is heads up now one lap down on the field you've lost the last by waiting in the pits too long in that area of the car but the petty crew seems to be just a bit confused July 4th and this planet clunker 400 back to you Jim okay Chris so that's the story Pete Hamilton dropping further further behind a beat myth in the pits back out on the track the yellow flag out Kelly drops back as who does the picture by the way in car number 99 as they proceed under the yellow flag will go away and we'll be right back again we're back at Daytona [Music] [Music] [Music] I was already too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to get ahead of me I don't think that's right remember you're listening to dr. John Tosh speaking from inside his race cars they proceed under the yellow flag [Applause] he's in that part of us anything [Applause] and right alongside Leroy [Applause] whereas flag drops are I probably have to go to the inside of the 16 and the 45 that builds either [Applause] [Applause] good guy [Music] [Applause] you're getting a great flag you're gonna be racing again it was such a fun party were listening to sizing things up for you from inside his race car be a real gang of all the lead Leeroy taking the lead they've appeared the number 17 at the second place Richard Petty's in there car number 43 up a little bit higher see him he's in the third position so it's Leroy Yarborough David Pearson Richard Petty that number 71 and favi Isaac at number six is Buddy Baker those are the top five cars right now when they're all punched very very closely together raising on a hot afternoon as a khottabych part as David Pearson now going for the lead Pearson taking the lead from Leroy Yarborough for the first time today David's out in front he was the Grand National Champion the past year has won that title three times the other man who did that was Lee petty the father of the man who's currently in third place Richard better we said he wanted a championship ring for each of them they have their ranks which so there's no need to go for the title this year a lot more races on these smaller tracks and so forth for less money in order to win that grand national pleat championship that's way far the Isaac can be leading with that this year although he's not the leading money winner it's a tough grind to win the title you really have to work for it but David Pearson is out in front on what are the big tracks right now here at Daytona is number 17 and I Leroy Yarborough's going at him again you know giving these drivers have great respect for one another especially the leading pros to run this fast this close together Oh Leroy has the lead again appears in the second Richard Petty his third richer and boot up very quickly with his teammate B Hamilton drops out of the race with engine problems very early in the going Buddy Baker the two met cards if you're watching the stars that are traveling the first three very close gym all those cars are the very same lap running up there and it could be anyone's race there again Leroy Yarborough the leader David Pearson seconds ready to start over 43 we've got to get these numbers in your head so if you can identify em along that is believe 98 off-road 17 person 43 penny71 96 is Baker they're all of the picture at once Jim the report from the goodyear technicians is at the track temperatures 265 degrees there's puddy Baker beginning to move up he's taking over for slate roof on the Isaac and his challenging Richard many the Buddy Baker down low on the track closer to the infield find a move back into contention one of the really proud men of the pizzas baker the father of buddy whose quest him come along that's David Pearson ghosts please yet again gonna get it he's got it here's the leader Leroy over a second Richard Petty third but Buddy Baker coming on very fast the Firecracker 400 continues that was what's happened Buddy Baker has taken the lead flashing past the cars who were in front of him when we left over he has moved up into third position but now he is the leader Leroy Yarborough's Jenkins Davidson other sports events today we've got to keep you up to date on some of them and the US Women's Open at Oklahoma defending champion Donna Caponi is 3-under par through 14 holes Sandra Haney is even through 16 Santa Cruz at a former champion is even through 17 and Carol man is plus 1 through 14 and tomorrow afternoon ABC Sports will be bringing you the final round of the US Women's Open take that one [Music] Jim I'm from Michigan at the Michigan International Speedway it was Gary Fenton house in the winter just waterfowl national championship open cockpit car race over Bobby unser and Johnny Rutherford Buddy Baker is still the leader here at Daytona there are eight cards on the same lap now the whole eight of them for pretty close together that's number six buddy maker 98 Leroy Yarborough 17 David Pearson 23 Richard Petty 71 Barbie Isaac 99 Charlie clucks back 22 far the Allyson and 27 and Donnie Allison they are the brothers running in seventh and eighth [Music] thank US Women's Open Golf Championship will be live from our report from Muskogee Oklahoma beginning at 4:30 Eastern Daylight Time more than they BT all the cars you see are in the race they're on the same lap Buddy Baker there he is wicked I'd apologize Leroy Yarborough Davis spirits and Richard Peddie all in the picture right now those here top four they're still approaching 190 miles an hour of lap speed Jim but the yellow flag has brought the race speed down to a low of one hundred and sixty two point seven some of the closest rating we've seen in a while in the air more down here at a taller I guess on any of the supers mean wait that's car through the year that was famous for very close race finishes but it'd be fun to see we've seen a lot of them that are been that well just the breaks of the game here I think more than money up in this Ford Motor Company are here hoping is their particular machine from all first these drivers know that 1971 contracts hinge on how well they do so they're asked to try and get the most of their machine okay well right now it's buddy Baker's dives it's out in front Leroy offers towards it's in second place there goes support as tonight Leroy Oberoi make up a lead again quite a few yeah they've been shuffling back and forth sometimes within a single lap [Music] there again you can see Buddy Baker is getting out of the draft of Leroy Yarborough to keep the air coming into that small opening on the razor edge snow most of that Dodge Daytona charger they concerned about overheating Jim the drivers first place right now Leroy offroad from Columbia South Carolina 31 years old last year he won a hundred and eighty eight thousand six hundred and five dollars on the NASCAR circuit very very somewhere dears 190 mile an hour bloody beggar Jim on his fourth lap 190 before that stands right now fastest lap of the race so far 90 miles per hour per hour around this two-and-a-half mile oval tremendous going but buddy is still only second at the moment do Leroy Yarborough Yarbrough who it is NASCAR career is 1:13 racism minute second third many times Buddy Baker who's only was to raise we said and he did this twelfth season with NASCAR now puddy taking the lead again Gemma's fat nose friend Lorenzen is out with a broken timing chain and come back kids and hope to win this was the big money winner on the NASCAR circuit drop that for three years couldn't say well here's Charlie clutch back coming into the pit boy he's on the brakes getting that number 99 dodge stop smoking the tires coming into the pit more Goldsmiths ray nickels concerned with this car this could be a costly one timewise because the overshot to pit a little bit it you thought they had to move the car back again every second counts Jim and the green flag is out right now a very precious thing time when the green flag is out do the yellow plank and I can see all of the pit because it's Chris indicates you can save a lot of time that way go back we doing your place on the race course as long as the field doesn't pass by away or in the pit but when they green is out or you're losing places all the time [Music] you're watching the leaders cell that's Buddy Baker Leroy Yarborough keep an eye on them every second there's lots back out again news along with 47 point five zero seconds considerably more than a lap on that one Jim you know down the back straightaway they say it's the past was bright and stock-car racing in the seat now go well over 200 miles an hour plenty Baker inside that racing car is the biggest driver on the circuit he's about six feet four inches tall a very pleasant easy soft-spoken gentleman tough competitor though Jim he is that Buddy Baker the leader Leroy Yarborough ii remember in Richard Petty in third place David Pearson is fourth and there they are [Music] knows the tale Buddy Baker at Leroy opera looks like they're tied together with a FIFA rope there are heading appears in the third and fourth place you can see it wouldn't take much for them to get into the lead [Music] [Music] still too early in the race to see what the strategy is going to be on pit stops and what effect they may have on the race none of the leaders that made it down so far there's been no request for relief driving him there a hearty bunch of the teeth as a round and a round they go that's two and a half miles tri-oval as they call it you can see it's not absolutely oval in shape that was science are hitting the wall in the fourth journalist everything the other side again there have been changes in the standing to the Firecracker 400 at Daytona Beach Florida leader is still Buddy Baker but a second place now in car number 17 since last year's grand national NASCAR champion David Pearson Leroy Yarborough had been dueling with Buddy Baker for the lead has dropped back without this there is Bobby Isaac where it pulls up into third opinion at the race now Bobby Allison number 22 is in 4th place Jim doctors are moving here yes they are this place we said it's Leroy over a number 98 at six plates over 27 and Donnie Alice's for the two Allison are now running in fourth and sixth edition well played they're not out of it the average at this point Jim is 161 point seven for one miles per hour that's two yellow flags so far David Pearson taking the lead in the race again Buddy Baker its second [Music] and again buddy's going to go for the lead 5 to crazy the Daytona International Speedway Buddy Baker has the lead yet again second place there you're sitting behind here with the speed to go by but that's why they call them racing drivers because they like to do next week by the way why where the storage is going to breathe free exit but just for another great sporting event another week to bring you coverage your pride satellite the final round of the British Open Golf Championship from the Old Course at San Andreo got British Open five o'clock Eastern Daylight Time for Central and five Pacific Daylight Time next Saturday on ABC again a look at the standings remember puddy Baker he fit into thing from the start back in the lead David Pearce in the second and looking for threatening all the time Isaac is third and Allison is four gives you an idea of how they love the stock car racing in the balance here in Sparta degree mark and 55,000 zebra get it on to this roiling for the restoration they're seeing a great show Jim Collison is beaches nearby for when the checkered flag right I saw one man out of the stands right in the Sun wearing a jacket inside the older the gentleman and imagine what it's like inside the racecars out there herds on largest private e he said it's a conservative guess 240 degrees but it felt like 300 the cars racing without windows the drivers say that that makes it cutter much cooler inside that's right Jim the car rushing through the air creates a vacuum and with the windows down that it used to be with the windows up timing on the lead car will could birthday beckons mr. miles per hour Buddy Baker comes around by the time he gets arise the grippy he wouldn't be the leader look at David Pearson hanging right there [Music] anything under fifty seconds is going to be very very fast look like they might be coming down off the banking the fighter banking in the homestretch headed for the finish line there it is 48.0 one in traffic shipment slope open it around the Daytona International Speedway I should fit it Christmas buddy baker out in front with that wing had died we might discuss the airfoil effects of that and press also what does it do the guy in back well the reason for that vertical stabilizer the people of Chrysler don't like it referred to as a wing they motivate not a vertical stabilizer but a horizontal stabilizer the air rushing over that depresses the back end and forces the rear wheels more calmly on the track thereby giving it more traction Pyrus ethically there is leroy Yarborough into the pit he has been the leader has dropped back to fifth and how he done in trouble by giving the rear wheel more track and the drafting is more difficult that disturbed the air flowing over the back of the car and the draft one of the wing dodges or wing plummets as a car without a wing the drivers day so it works for the fella driving the car and against the fella just behind him in this case David Pearson in car number 17 at car number 17 in 1969 for looks like the word is that's all for this afternoon looks like Leroy Yarborough has had an after being a top contender to post Yarborough and Yarborough out of the race car and here on the facts facts are number 89 has spun into the infield that's Gary's a weed trucks are out the yellow flag is out and we'll be back in his car let's listen to him [Applause] they're under the yellow flag at this moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay all right sighs like green flag is out the rigging again and it's going to be David Pearson taking the lead and card over 70 17 the only one bar the Isaac is in second place and 27 Donnie Allison as you can see there's a lot of shuffling you're a lot of stop on to the yellow side there is David Pearson though 1771 is far the Isaacs and the official NASCAR reporters that Gary's a flea of the Leon sling Florida run out dozen a while ago in front of 89 we had an interesting development during a richard richard petty pitstop Jim the gardener host they used to spray the radiator the pressure had been let out of the tank and they couldn't pull the front end down so that rather unique malfunction in the petty pit number 71 Bobby Isaac is second third race now he finished Donnie Allison over 27 then Buddy Baker number six our heads been the leader call the pit stops of jumping and then the green flag coming out Baker's drop back Leeroy Yarbrough we pointed out earlier look like you squirted me out of the raid he is in fact out with engine failure kind of a tough 1974 Leroy he had a big year last year last year but David Pearson was the NASCAR champion on a face again we'll take a timing on the leaders see if that speed is holding up next Sunday by the way we hope a lot of you people in the New Jersey area will be turning out to see the threatened 300 that Sunday July 12th not tomorrow July 12th Sunday after that July 19th oviya 500 lap race at Bristol Tennessee the Volunteer 500 at the Bristol International Speedway we hope to go to those events is there anywhere near that area but then three weeks from now on July 25th live on Wide World of Sports we hope to be with us CD Grand National Stock Car agents Nashville Tennessee the Nashville area will be blacked out on that as the why for the 4th July 25th five o'clock Eastern Daylight Time and here is the timing coming up [Music] eight point nine five wrist have a seat on that Jim is one hundred eighty four point zero four nine though the speeds holding up very very well in the going here we passed the hundred last mark now 160 lapses is four hundred fire rate Pierson the leader but uh teammates coming up again and here he comes will begin a second break and along with him comes Donnie Allison number 27 so putty Baker just woke with this afternoon we have five cars in the same lap Jim first five that's right at seventeen David Pearson six Buddy Baker 27 Donnie Allison 71 father Isaac and 22 Bobby Allison [Music] GM Pete Hamilton the winner of the Daytona 500 is out of it the ignition trouble on his number 40 plumb of his sideline them so he's standing by now and Richard Petty suggested cases boss want some help and the racing side by side David Pearson Buddy Baker and Buddy Baker is out in front again want a raise and every time he gets down this afternoon he just puts this foot down and get back in it again buddy's father by the way with them a raise here last night that they had at midnight [Music] for the crowd on their feet just about all of the time watching this tremendous exciting rating it's been that way since the start if you just joined us on wide world and from the looks of things it'll be this way until the finish for this 400 mile race buddy Baker's David Pearson Danielle all I just been there they were now just the two leaders partying David Chris dedicated early David Pearson taking a little bit easier ad here coming into the fifth is Wendell Scott of a 34 and it looks like Wendell may have blown his engine pouring a nation and wasting no time going behind the big wall yellow flag out for another time here this afternoon at Daytona okay Leroy [Music] the last place that I thought about it and you went to mr. than ours wait now the caution flag because it act like a flood water came off for a while and then I can hear any kind of spitting started then I pulled it in behind the wall heavy a nearly going what was the situation there well Pete was running real good and we could get away from the rest of the guys and just he and I could race together and it didn't work out that way we had a conscience lag no I don't think we're ever touch we get the guys literally opera last year's big winner stock car racing now pedestrian but that's really is for the rest of the afternoon on this muggy hot afternoon you can literally see the humidity hanging in the air where returns as they said they told an International Speedway in the Firecracker 400 where we're about to move into the closing stages of the race the leader Buddy Baker in car number six Davis Pearson's number 17 is second then Donny Hamilton and Bobby Allison the brothers from Hueytown Alabama raging the third and fourth and there goes Davis Pearson to the lead past Buddy Baker this is the way it's been all afternoon David Jean Pierson 35 years old from Spartanburg South Carolina he's won 57 NASCAR races in a career that started in the year 1960 Buddy Baker has won only two / doctors just could be the leading independent driver made David Pearson is the leader however we like to make a quick mention here that Bob Montgomery worked with the call through the winter and spring down in the pit area we're all in on the ABC special racing series is in the hospital Bob is feeling well at all the Wesley long Hospital Greensboro North Carolina our best to you Robert we hope they're letting you watch stay we hope you'll be back with us back to these things like this piercing the Baker's go at it cameras on and behind him remember the brothers Alison Donnie and car number 27 is third Bobby in number 22 is four little far back to get into it right now it looks like a two-car race at this point Jim this may be the last of the Thule high-speed races we see at the Daytona International Speedway for 1971 the ruling body agatha's decreed that engine sizes will be made smaller a 300 back to them and there we've got a lead driver lead change and these are 430 inch back from Indians and they'll go to 366 things here which should cut the speed down okay well it's David Pearson bleeder Buddy Baker second and dropping Jeff back just a little bit the lastly change was the prettiest lead change in this race by the way and here come Buddy Baker into the pit now we move into the decisive moment each car has to take one more pit stop Buddy Baker has decided to take his right now he probably has to because his first stop came earlier than had been expected he's going to fill up that now get whatever he needs in the way of rubber and go back out on the track if his stop now is faster than David Pearson turns out to be later and David toughs make another stop but he could win the race on the other hand if David's pit stop is faster he could be the winner it could be decided by the pit crews today Christy cotta Mackie down in the pits right now [Music] [Music] right Kristen you thought of timing of that pit stop on the screen 21.7 zero seconds brunette 21.7 is David Pearson turns out to be faster than that in all probability he'll have the lead and could win the race leader in second place now his car number 27 Donnie Allison in third place number 22 of Bobby Allison however all three of them must make a pit stop before this race is over fears that we said is 157 races in career last year he won his third Grand National Championship and a hundred eighty three thousand seven hundred dollars Johnny and Bobby Donnie Allison by the way finished fourth in the Indianapolis 500 this year with his the best finish that any NASCAR driver has ever had out of the Brickyard Rookie of the Year honors he's quite proud of that but David Pearson is build the man of the hour here and looking better all the time but remember it's still all depends on his pit stop there are the brothers on the bottom of your screen battling for second place and on the top of the split screen is the leader by himself David Pearson Buddy Baker is still very close appeared on the track I see that he has a little bit less than a lap behind at this moment because with a pit stop he made these drivers have a long long season and both of it is conducted down here in the southwest during the summer months it is so hot training a man of his energy anybody says that race drivers are not athletes they ought to try one of these races sometimes Jimny cards are being driven by David Pierce's the 1969 not a 1970 Ford and at the Talladega model which has a long nose more aerodynamically suited to this type of still way standby waiting for that other shoe to drop waiting for David Pearson to decide to take that pit stop to see how long it is intense to see Amin still ahead of Buddy Baker and the brothers Allison the truck he's gonna stretch it out as long as he can perhaps waiting to see if there might be a yellow flag that's true but the pit crew is waiting to come in Jim they want him in them up they're afraid he find it run again today you saw the relationships from the second and third place cars gallivant brothers to David Pearson who is the leader that's NATO no we're still waiting for David Pearson to come in for his final pit stop of the afternoon in the Firecracker 400 he's the leader but again he must spent one more time Buddy Baker gar number six if you see seemingly out in front of the moment but he'd almost the left behind buddy has already made it one there's the leader and the Amazon brothers are running second and third Donny in car number 27 Bobby in car number 22 they played kind of a waiting game all through the afternoon but as other cars have fallen by the wayside they get closer and closer on the front here into the pit is David Pearson this is going to be a vampire watch the clock remember it took Buddy Baker in 21.7 bureaus seconds the clock will start as soon as the wheels have stopped clock will restart as soon as the wheels begin to move again fantastically well-trained pit crews on the NASCAR circuit up on top you see Buddy Baker going around to the track [Music] 20 points six-five better than a second faster than putty Baker Baker right now racing around the track but here's been getting tremendous acceleration that car does have a poor ski four speed forward gearbox and he is using it to the best advantage of the acceleration a baker they use the term Lu just what do you mean by that well there you have it David the defending champion well that was David talking before the race but there he is out there right now after that tremendous fast pit stop and fast acceleration out of the pit knowing a reader acing magazines the acceleration from 0 to 60 up any makes of automobile this was from zero to a hundred and eighty five pretty quick crew chief dick Hutcherson a former driver knows what it means to a driver after work so hard for few seconds at Bannock and then lose them in the pitches dick gets them out just as soon as father less than 15 laps left in the race right now there's Buddy Baker you saw the red car with the wing or airfoil on the back and 17 stretching it out over those four cars being given the sign to move over and into the fifth comes Richard fatty and this time it's pretty good richard has been in and out all through the course of the afternoon after running well in the early going but now he's finished for today Richard having his tough break this season we saw him in what appeared to be a terrible crash not too long ago and Wide World of Sports and he came away from with just a hurt left arm which needs to be okay now putting down to the race today the leader is David Pearson he's got a three and a half second lead and Makos to victory that's a tour no they're just about ten laps left in the race and it looks like David Pearson is going to be able to hold on to this lead and go to victory he's been stretching it out over Buddy Baker almost it will exceed the putti slowing down and right now there is Donnie Allison challenging Buddy Baker for second place and there goes Johnny fast buddy almost as if he was standing still buddy definitely slowing down Donnie Allison taking over second position in the race Jim Pritchard ready with the 23rd driver to leave the race on this hot July 4th morning there's only 17 drivers left on the track now okay and they're the top four you see the Allison brothers running second and fourth here's Ben first and Baker third remember next week wide world for instant for our satellite coverage of the British Open Golf Championship from San Andrews Scotland but two weeks from today wide world will be back at his regular time with the International Invitational swimming and diving championships from Santa Clara California that's big screwing these at the summer people with it for that one right now the battle is for a second and third nuts the lead because David Pearson continues to extend it he has more is a four point eight second lead now we have three drivers now in the same lap Charlie clots back into lap down the rest of the field even more inner ear and there is the leader no problems up front there it appeared David gliding through the turn roaring down the straightaways probably taking the glance at the rearview mirror from time to time make sure it's nobody's coming up too fast and nobody is the crowd ready to pay its frigging door we're gonna get an interval timing here see what the difference is between him and Donny elephant in second place well you can see already that is plenty more cars again getting the move over flag 10.0 five seconds that's the long way put about six laps to go and that's the biggest weed anyone has enjoyed during the race so far today Jim that's right it's the only time during the course of this race and anybody has had a big lead it's been very very close all the time there is Pearson and back to second and third Donnie Allison and Buddy Baker strike Freddy Baker is not to win a race that's Ralph that's been going on for two years for him it's going to continue it would Sam [Music] now these cars have study tremendous heat out here and they paid for speed it's almost impossible to believe for seconds yes it is buddy who was dropping back nothing used to be able to hang on to die although there's not even gets to move it out just a little bit behind David Pearson there's that well up in front of the two cars you're watching areas going through the turn yet again moving up high funny how these drivers like to have the same car number here in an ear out David Pearson always drives number 17 after a while it makes a little bit easier to call a race doesn't Chris that's right most circuits the drivers number is dependent on this point thinning here before that's right then you sacked ending up with carts for example the man who wins the championship the year before is number one but number 17 is last year's champion on this circuit David Pearson there is something happened it looks like he hit the wall leader the leader is in trouble this right front fender is battered good regulator Jimmy the tire went and it wrote on the inner liner for a while and halfway down the backstretch that safety inner liner let's go pearson now has a damaged right foot corner on that car it's a tough break most certainly will cost him the race an unbelievable development was just a few laps Webb is a firecracker Davidson was more than the 10-second lead is going to be out of the race it looks like he certainly lost the lead there is four motion [Music] that what happened to David Pearson a real heartbreaker for him where the tire exploded through the upper fender GM the fire first there on the track and broke through the top of the fender this Johnny Alex at number 27 in the first position that's the new leader number 27 back in a minute is of the essence and it looks like Donnie Allison they haven't heard of this race here in part number 27 even the leader buddy Baker's part of a six his second but dropping back again at a third place number 22 Bobby Allison not quite the final betting that on the revelation Donnie Allison still is away to go in the way things have been developing this afternoon stay with us there's Buddy Baker in second place be happy driving it became a car owner Donnie Allison is this driver e prepares a great automobile for him Doni who has won just two races in his NASCAR career however he didn't join the circuit until the year 1966 this is his fifth season once two races through 1969 this need to know every that much better luck this could be I believe his third victory this year he s victory in the world 600 in Charlotte would help however you also want to race on a smaller track I think with the crystals let's then have to go now for Donnie Allison an easy leader over only those three cards on the same lap father over three sons and a daughter Donny well Hosting the best finish ever by a NASCAR driver and Indy finished fourth Buddy Baker in second place you tell the relationship between them on the white flag means there's one last leader Donnie Allison who played a waiting game all through the race along with his brother Bobby for most of the going they were herded this race of sense but hasn't heard it by driving very soundly very sensibly and a very intelligent strategic race Buddy Baker there who's won only two races in his 12 years in the NASCAR circuit will not win this one going to the money Allison one more turn to negotiate and he's got it all wrapped up here is one of the prized Hueytown Alabama coming to the checkered flag [Music] Buddy Baker is second Johnny Bobby Allison is third and in fourth place the left behind Charlie glass back in car number 99 [Music] yeah what you know all week my car has been running and jr. was kind enough to limit the agent last night we put it in there and it was brand new it hasn't had any miles on it all fourth day started but the car finally got to run a pretty good George in the race and I know if David didn't have a little bad luck I probably wouldn't wanna race did you know the juniors engine that he used in the right sale that's during the contest yeah I when I came by Leroy I noticed the finger was missing and I said well I really feel bad about it because I had it brand new it in my car what about the heat Johnny and inspected the windows being down but it didn't seem to bother me all that bad I I work hard all day and what kind of okay the winner of the planet record 400 Donny Alex and for the agony of defeat here is David Pearson David what was it that put you out of the ring look Chris when I win at number 2 corner up there all the voice the tire blew and I must run over something don't know what it was did you have any warning in fact I was just thinking about eight more laps to go when they give me the sign now don't worry to pull away from 15 seconds so I was feeling real good the right corner the car look badly damaged well that's where the rub open knock hole in the window that makes $85,000 after you've done it this year 90 hours of the winner the car will be thanks to the next big one oh yes all that do it just put a Fender on it and you may be described that much I see any youngsters where they said about what happened oh yeah they just already had it won with honey hours in the winter Buddy Baker second Fabiana third Charlie clutch bag reports Nick Brooke fifth dr. Tom saw our mobile commentator finish the most creditable six James open with seventh David Pearson placed eighth ninth with Barbie Isaac and tenth with Neil castles we have word from the US Women's Open at the end of the third round Banneker pony is the leader the final round tomorrow will be carried on ABC live from Oklahoma the executive producer of ABC's Wide World of Sports is real are they the coordinating producer Jim spent firecracker 400 produced by Doug Wilson and directed by low voltage Ellie beginning at 4:30 today lifetime a two weeks from today on ABC's Wide World of Sports the International Invitational swimming and diving championships from Santa Clara California for now however this is Jim McKay with Christie kata Mackay things along from Daytona Beach Florida [Music] furnished by TWA the portrait sailor whether you're a sport spectator or a participant TWA is your kind of airline we go where the action final reminder to make it a safe fourth of July weekend there's still away to go the drive very carefully the firecracker 400 was recorded earlier today
Channel: SMIFF TV
Views: 51,288
Rating: 4.9001918 out of 5
Id: 8Mp3uHlzX0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 3sec (4263 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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