first time playing Spy in this insane NEW Among Us mod...

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all right there's a lot of rolls oh my god oh my god everyone's in me here i made it so many hats what we're gonna add three rolls there's the guesser during meetings they can guess whether or not someone is an impostor or a crewmate if they're correct their target dies if they're wrong they die it's like sheriff but in meetings the other one the lawyer you must defend your client to the death you win when your client wins the client does not know you are their lawyer if your client dies you become a crewmate do you know their role dude i so want to be a lawyer you do not know anything about your client also if your client gets voted out you will die as well because you fail to defend your client and finally we will have spy which is a crewmate role the spy appears as an impostor to the two real imposter one of them is a mole working for the federalists wait that's insane there's an imposter imposter at the spy you of course do not know who the imposters are and to make it extra spicy imposters can now also kill other imposters so you can try killing the spy or you might end up killing your loved ones yes and you act like an imposter to the imposter but act like a crewmates to the crewmates i hate crewmates those those damn crew mates ruined my life okay i need to pretend like i want to double kill with someone leslie leslie i'm an imposter leslie i'm an imposter trust me let's see i'm an imposter who's toasting some sauce you and i we're gonna oh why are you doing task oh no she's a crewmate i should do tasks as well because i too am crewmate to you okay what's the way to think here leslie's dead what where'd she go i last saw top right i know exactly where ray is wait really yes how because we she was following me this entire time and i was like well we're so cute we look like the happy tree friends because she's so like i don't know scrankly and like she's got a little tail and stuff and i was like oh we're so cute and then i think we were doing wires do you remember when you got your friends they might kill each other inside inside the showers and then i went down into labs because i had so right now the imposters see three reds the two other imposter knows all three red i have zero information i went up and i opened the door and i found her dead body and then a meeting was called [Music] it literally just happened i was shocked i don't think it just happened because i kept checking vitals and they were too dead like for quite some time i feel like it's not like i don't think it just happened are you saying you just caught tina in a lie no no no listen i didn't know anything in the bathroom okay then went back up i never saw her leave deacon tam but i saw the animation of it happening so i'm assuming that it happened as soon as she got out of decontam which means yes it would have happened a long time ago but that doesn't mean i was there to see the crime yo is the guesser alive go ahead and take a shot on tina man i want to see what it's like who's the guesser come on you are over explaining yourself i'm bringing good evidence to the table no it's latina i feel it i feel like it's not tina guys it's just the mold that is growing on your body i i just like to point out peter yes sir peter janet corpse oh no of course i scanned i scanned wait peter okay sorry okay i need to pretend like i want to do a double kill with tina unless the two killers already did a double kill and they know i'm the spy and i'm about to get thrown into the river the body bag dragged down by bricks i've seen the godfather i know what happens oh look there's toast in his baby tina come tina come you know when you go do a kill tina wait it's not tina wait dead dc dc oh leslie is dead damn it damn it damn it getting real freaking quiet hello no where did you just go to decontamination yeah i did hear decontamination go off i was doing um admin does anyone know where leslie was at all she just died no i think we were looking for her yeah but there was toast almost the whole time bottom left wait uh what part of bottom left because i was there too um i remember doing the watered container coolers and he was guarding my body and then i also did like um yeah just at the beginning of the round yeah i think i think okay okay because i went there later i was at i was at bottom left at the end of the round yeah we were there at the beginning okay and i was also a tree i think maybe i don't recall my memory it flees me peter where are you all right i'm currently in top life right now okay sorry i don't know why i did that voice i did i always all i all i did was gas i don't remember seeing anyone that surrounded for being honest and i don't even know where leslie was like at all ain't seen nothing and jan uh i was on admin table and i did hear people go into de-contempt so the people wouldn't contend you can vouch for me right i was standing right i will say that janet feels a little clear to me because i do recall her skating tina's the lawyer and janice admin tina toast didn't psych you know like janet oh jen no yeah she was that i know twist is innocent because uh we saw a kill happen live on on the thing this doesn't add up yep he cleared me yeah did you were you guys at deacon at the bottom yeah yeah we're looking did you see me there we saw you there why are you guys sounding so sus i was [Music] i'm on your team peter peter stop faking bro no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no peter we're both imposters no no no no no no no peter we're both imposters you know that and toast i trust him he seems very innocent all right this is my test oh what okay one speed wait five stars what could have happened toast literally saw everything right what was he thinking it's so funny oh my god it makes so much sense tell us tell us but little does he know peter i've been working with the feds the whole time you wouldn't don't lie to me i'm sorry i trusted you yo it was not ain't personal peter killed in front of me because i'm just spying he thought i was the other imposter when i said i thought i threw the game is because i voted peter as the guesser but apparently you have to press a secret button for it to work i'm sorry i loved you i remember the story i am going to die by the way why you [ __ ] you who take who guessed it what have i done he lied he invited me to his cousin's wedding i held his niece i'm holding her right now i killed him wait a second well wait so don't vote i know the guy i thought was evil is dead you know what i can't live with the guilt of betraying my best friend i voted myself what the heck you know what i won't i won't stand for it you did what you thought was right where are you guys actually voting i'm skipping let me die you deserve a second shot at life i don't think it be interesting like that he just you killed him it's like splat oh god i'm gonna i'm gonna die with this protection please i need witness protection i yo i knew guys guys don't leave me alone guys there's a there's a van outside my house that's been following me all week witness protection it's janet it's janet it's janet's channel it's jan it's janet it's jan it's jan i need a lawyer what's my lawyer what's amber heard oh god oh god no no no no no no no no but the guilt i i need to die maybe i deserve to die oh maybe i deserve to die i i betrayed my brother my cousin chad he's older my cousin's baby no toast you [ __ ] traitor you raise her good you hear me you raise her good blood and blood out how could i oh oh everyone's alive i'm just gonna do testing [Music] i wonder if i could have played it out even longer to get the second one damn maybe that's the play keep going along with it until we get the second one and then make oh i should get it kept going and make peter kill the other imposter ah the old double back shannon excuse me i knew you'd do that hold on okay i think it's corpses and i know that sounds very impostor of me to deflect back but it's because corbs kept obsessing either tina or me and i think tina's safe because she saw me scan tina's dead i know but she said it earlier too with rey who also died and tychuno who also died and i was cleared for for admin right now where are you i'm on my way to lights i'm almost there i okay so the last person i saw tina with was with janet this round yeah i did see you guys walking together uh i'm actually right behind you court i went through i was doing um weather node i went back up to press the button and i came down i saw a toast around the temperature thing near the lava i went into admin check nobody was dead yet i think and then i was walking out when the lights went out um you were ahead of me by a bit and then you reported the body ahead of me did you see her corpse mean i've seen corpses a lot this game and i did i saw corp so much this game no but i was scanning at the very beginning of the round and he was like sitting on top of me with cycuno like watching me were there dead bodies during that round uh toast what do you think i don't know now i could really throw the game uh i'm actually between everyone i'm leaning towards janet hmm i am too um but i'm also scared because i didn't see you in the dark at all unless you've been killing people somehow but i feel like you're not i'm pretty lost but i feel like if we give it another round that we're gonna lose so i think it's i'm leaning janet i don't know who it is i'm gonna be honest but it's not me and i'm also really obsessed of toast because what if like it was him oh god here we go god wow just kills them in the meeting that's hilarious i don't want to do this anymore shut up pulls out a gun at the meeting table all right i am now adding a warlock for the imposter side warlock can curse someone and if that curse player ever walks next to a crewmate the warlock can activate the curse and make the curse player kill a crewmate oh my god the downside is when you activate this ability you are rooted for five seconds if you see anyone standing still for five seconds for no reason kinda sucks [Music] [Music] again okay i need to make the impostor kill the other imposter okay i need to hide off to the side here only an imposter will see me here when they caught up i need to act sus but innocent at the same time huh sakuno saw me so he thinks i'm imposter and he's an imposter too but would he be willing to kill me because he also think i could be a spy why does sakuna walk over there god damn it oh this complicates things if tycoon was an imposter he has a high chance to figure that out oh my god who could have done this just happened okay i could clear i could clear so many people we really yeah yeah so i went on to the vitals like literally a half a second ago nobody was dead and then it just got reported oh if this was a half a second ago i'm hard clearing ready for this kill i'm hard clearing clear you don't need to say all of this oh janet's awesome wait janet saw something telling you go ahead janet please say all right tycoon killed that would make no sense guys i didn't even accuse him you're an imposter that this is your plan all along you know you you could you think saikuno would do something like that yes guys guys what do you want me to do like my character kills someone out of my control and then i just like and it didn't happen has the smoking gun i feel like you thought him out regardless you know like he did the crime you should do guys guys listen listen you hunted this squirrel down i'm not gonna kill anyone i don't know how the warlock even works but i'm telling what's buddha been up to uh he's fine he's fine he's a happier watch me the whole time i got scared can i explain what the warlock does again he curses someone and then after like a certain period of time i think that person uh the cursed person if they're nearby another crewmate they'll kill that crewmate yeah i'm telling you guys i was doing this janet then then anytime i reported this no no way you guys last minute turn no no no no no no i can't believe you guys i can't believe i could be ready for you and ask you leslie leslie i need to stand still for five seconds okay buddha and janet sami stand still for five seconds all right but no one's dead yet but if they say that i stood still for five seconds but then i wouldn't stand still for five seconds out in the open what are you doing you sicko huh ray knew i was standing up there how who's on camp sikuno the level of mind games is blowing my mind saikuno's deciding to not be sus saikuno is definitely a killer i need to gain his trust by making a kill but i can't make a kill because i'm an innocent player but the other imposter might go for me now because sakuno got sussed out so i'm actually in danger of the other imposter but the other imposters are warlock and the warlock can't guarantee a kill on me if i don't stand like wait actually i could just stab someone out i think about it hi kuno wait i knew it wait he sounded way too innocent way around but i just walked by him like a second ago like like literally i thought i was gonna where i was gonna yell at him for not reporting the body what the heck this is in the top right you know under um you know when you go into decontamination warlock killed saikuno who was the imposter and tycoon are dead though yeah for a while yeah a long time that's why we're looking for a body because it's not good because if it just happened then yes i was i saw him literally just die and leslie reported instantly wait wait you saw him die then i saw him on the scanner die so either you killed him and instantly reported or someone was with you and if you didn't see anyone then i'm a little suspicious of you girl guys she could have also been cursed too right what would she know that she was cursed no yeah leslie would have seen that she killed someone right now i did not kill him i did not kill him i walked so i was on admin wait was it vitals vitals and i saw janet was dead so then the lights went off and instead this is still too impossible sort of around like the spawn area kind of so i was like well maybe she went right because if someone was a psychic you know everyone she's got lights and if people reported it so i went to the right instead and i passed like uno and then right past his body is janet or is a report button i report it and then that's when i was like so i could know because i was going to yell at him for not reporting the body because i thought it was him but then he was dead janet can you tell me who uh where are you oh sorry not janet leslie can you tell me where you found this body uh under the you know the you know entrance on the right side how did it underneath the right reactor there's an entrance to the right hall on the right side underneath the thing that's right there you know that is hey it's like plural is acting you know like like right when you enter the hallway toastery just hit lights i feel like i've walked uh yeah i just came out of lights buddha on top right top right buddha no no no i was just with him wait who's that lights right now i was just of course i just i just got out of lights with i was the one that fixed lights yeah peter fixed it um i was there right behind him instantly like instantly yeah it's not me i'm already dead leslie it's a good oh i tried oh this is so confusing do we know this was like kuno uh one of the imposters who got accidentally killed two deaths at the same time saikuno killed someone and the other imposter killed psycuno was leslie but leslie thinks she killed the spy that she is does the rim is bro my head hurts my head hurts so much caused a calm sabotage in 2016. wait toast wendy corpse cork wait wait i was just with wendy i just you guys are all at comms right yes yeah we're all there leslie wait excuse me i'm on comms i'm literally doing the thing turning the knob and i'm saying in my head corpse wendy uh corps funny wait [ __ ] who's the third one carp's wendy in my head because i just saw them alive corpse when he toast and then as i'm doing the comments when he's body gets reported so someone just killed her right at calms wait corpse you don't know who aren't you uh i saw leslie do the kill okay but here's the thing i think she was possessed by the warlock because she had the screen open to fix comms oh no he was giving a narrative wait toast as i walked by i saw leslie and uh wendy and she just died and then it instantly got reported did you see anything honestly i ran away as soon as i saw six people all clumped up there i went to vitals and then the body got called so i didn't see anything no i saw you [Applause] i barely got to your body when the report button button flashed and then toast reported it wait how long how long is a stun lock for when you're five seconds was i there for five seconds ray no it happens after the death i must have been for like a second and a half when i checked who was at comms it wasn't five seconds think about how long five seconds is okay i saw a toes kill i don't know what else to tell you you saw toast well you saw the blood animation that's cap bro i i was on the comms i came off of comms leslie switched with me and then someone's body got cut in half you're the only one standing there right yeah i was next to you guys yeah then if it wasn't me or leslie i'm saying it was leslie how do i shoot you toast how do i shoot oh you're guessing i'm so confused i'm so confused i'm so confused i'm so confused i'm so confused i'm so confused and scared i think it might be rey [Music] wait oh thank god you saved the game right oh it's a close one i was just waiting for it to end right oh no no that was very uh hollywood of you right there huh that sounded like you were acting a little bit right there i saw you go to the button but you could still be sexy boy little [ __ ] boy what yes corpse what is it wait i thought it was both of you guys oh no no i'm innocent um but i pushed the button because i'm afraid that leslie wasn't hit because she yelled out how do i shoot you so she probably was the guesser the guesser can be imposter as well wait wait what i'm so lost which is kind of weird or one there could i leslie said at the end it made me feel like she was innocent because she said how do i shoot you which is in the lobby is it at all possible that leslie and toast are both imposter and leslie kind of just said that as a throwaway line to try and throw innocence towards that toast you know i mean she sounded innocent when she said it i don't know oh no i don't know i don't know i'm confused i don't guys i think we got it let's just skip i think it's you no we're not skipping okay you said you saw leslie do it but you thought she was possessed who do you think possessed her uh either was in the area i mean they wouldn't do it in the area they would be gone from the area because that would be the advantage of the warlock why didn't you think that i killed uh because you were higher than leslie and the body was towards leslie's right so you wouldn't still report it because i was spamming that [ __ ] so you think i've pressed both the kill button and the r button at the same time it's not me okay i think i'll vote right now just say it man for me why why buddha why because uh corpus is convincing i like hearing him talk oh no not this again you know i also like when corpse talk so one thing's for sure i know it's not my client buddha guys let's just skip let's just skip let's just skip let's just give skips we got it it was leslie skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip wait a second i really hope i was right hey who voted for me me oh my last words are check my locker check my badge number i was undercover oh it was buddha holy [ __ ] this is the biggest throw of the game i have no idea what's happening i got killed by my own teammate as an imposter i don't know how it works can i use it whatever i want i might as well just figure it out i don't really know the play here what the crewmates are all killing themselves for some reason i don't know why they're just turning on each other growing crazy oh corpse is buddha's lawyer okay stop it damn you can click really fast we for sure god i'm gonna kill i got nothing right i'm not sure how to i'm not the warlock i i think i was standing still for maybe a second just to see who's at comms and i went back to bibles i did i did not cast a spell i don't know any magic when when those said check his badge number did he either toast or leslie was lying and i can't tell yeah i mean i think we were both telling the truth i saw leslie get possessed and buddha drive by i think it's throwing me off so hard i only told i don't know the truth we for sure got one you just shoot again i'm thinking it's either peter or buddha i called it from the beginning saikudo would meme and stand still and kill someone and blame him on the warlock as the imposter i said i said it from the start you son of a [ __ ] okay peter skip i'm gonna skip okay i don't think peter would have said that if he was actually suss well he thinks for sure i don't know i said why do you want to get support well it's not like gave up it's just like the game's over buddha and uh corporal always vote against the other two kind of three toasts under the bus so i want to gravitate towards corpse but i feel like this is like an easy out you know what i mean well unless um i'm sticking with peter tell us you're wrong buddha used leslie to kill saikuno you son of a [ __ ] i said the warlock accidentally killed his partner are you listening i walked away i ran all the way back to bibles rape who's peter so was you buddha it was peter i saw you peter killer at the emergency button i'm just saying right now it happened in front of my eyes all right corpse i've just been bouncing corpse wins buddha wins and admin to check where everyone is you probably left for electrical i think i saw someone there was peter i witnessed it in front of my eyes brother it's buddha what is that i know you're innocent corpse it's buddha seek within your soul with the answer i was right man i know that it's the weeb specifically it's peter it's a buddha he literally killed right in front of me this is a good play actually because if i if i left to actually fix the sabotage buddha probably would have would have had enough time to kill two that's a good lie too to make you sound innocent can somebody from the dead uh toast uh explain the rules of lawyer real quick of course you can go ahead and reveal your draft card now's a good time i'm the lawyer and buddha is my client um the thing is i don't know if that means you win with your client always okay well i mean you could [Music] that's why it was so confusing because and what's the three-way wind somebody said one of leslie and toast was like who said that listen i was so because confused didn't know that my partner killed him neither leslie and toast were the imposter correct smile to me i even said my client my buddha oh my god
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,986,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch, among us mods, among us spy, impostor spy, amigops among us, Among Us spy, Among Us lawyer, Among us guesser, Among us warlock
Id: R0aEmitioT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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