1969 Dodge Charger First Start in 9 Years!

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[Music] 1969 charger got one in the shop hasn't been started for nine years we got to bring it back the light [Music] when the good weather finally starts to come to this part of the world the cool cars start rolling into Nick's garage again but today something that's been waiting much longer than a Montreal winter is here for Nick's attention [Music] ten years ago this 1969 Dodge Charger was pulled out of a barn outside the city the current owner started at once and then put it in his garage where it's been sitting ever since today it's in Mick's shop and he's going to try to start it [Music] another charge into my shop [Music] this is pretty interesting 1969 charger got one in the shop got a 68 69 and another 69 this is Chargers City [Music] Lachie buffet watch the break it might have no brakes be carefully so the guys everything dried up after storage everything to dry it up soon there's talent for drum cylinders master cylinder or whatever nice car I love it I love the color hey neutral neutral [Music] okay [Music] okay bring it down [Music] [Music] let's see what we got on there here I believe it's a three three four barrel with AC see the master stone is probably dry he's a battery we've gotta check out the red in the bolts are dry we're gonna have to change the oil we're here to make sure no evolve is a stark old friend we're gonna get some fresh fuel what maybe we gonna use it from here on the top of the canister they got it started I'm gonna prime the engine after all nine years being dry I'm sure nothing's been working in there got a punch fan looks like that fan is finished a they clutched look at it spins free I'm sure the water pump is dry we'll check out the radiator hoses boy you're not gonna look at everything [Music] it's old 1969 it's in Iran for nine years if you wish if that's what you want that's what I'm gonna do that's an overkill big oil cooler that that's good for if it's a police package or if it's a taxi cab you don't need to cool the factory cooler that goes through the original rider it does the job yeah if you're a taxi cab but they leave it on if you live in a hot weather like in Arizona you drive a day-night sure leave it on but in this case totally useless this carburetor you put it on or you got over that you got a ladder yeah that's made by elbow block all right yeah it's probably draw it up I'm sure it's not gonna work I can't imagine what's inside the fuel tank it's gonna be a mess I'll take it down we're gonna see I'll take it down most important thing is I want to make sure there's no valve stuck open I turn in the turn over the engine we have mechanical interference that's the first thing I gotta look at I mean it's like tried to evolve the start open no I'm sure yeah I'm gonna replace the my systems automatically I want to overhaul your front calipers even the brake hoses even the rear cylinders these are things like I could fix it you could leave it today and drivers for a week and a week later just pops on you so anything with hydraulic I am gonna replace right either if it's corroded I don't know we're gonna have to see that they have a 26 inch rod with there's an AC unit that's good thermostats gonna come out there Dre we'll get a drain en freeze water pop I'm sure I'm gonna take it off for sure the water pump I'm sure it's gonna maybe not leave today with my league tomorrow what else oil pump if it's good it's good I'm not gonna touch that one if I see what pressure we got and looks and you got the flashes on the hood a most charges I believe Adam nice I'm just gonna remove a spark plug I want to see how it looks but in the meantime we're gonna take up the Jupiter we're gonna prime it your well it's pretty old I'm sure okay I'm sure it is still full Nomad and it's a low-mileage car what does it got 39,000 miles 37,000 miles and it didn't go over so it's exactly 37,000 miles nice no not much mileage on this car let me tell you you know but just looking at it looks good vinyl top tinted windows of course because it's an a/c car you're gonna belts here's an example when they dry up let me see this may be that you want to build dries up it starts to crack we're gonna replace those Wow you see that before they turned it off for running rich in the first place yeah but city we're gonna add we're gonna remove all these spark plugs I'm gonna take off the valve covers then we're gonna prime it if everything looks good we'll get some fresh fuel feed it to the car then we'll crank it over and see if it starts you have the jack with this car very you know very that is very rare a guy has a jack maybe every car that comes around there's no Jack's no Jack's [Music] but you know what it's all there it's all there beautiful the chrome was there everything [Music] it's a shame that the family of the previous owner of this charger didn't want to keep it after he passed away but Pat the current owner got his hands on it and he's been storing it carefully all these years he really hopes that Nick can get the car started today so the first thing we do is remove the valve towers I want to make sure just by cranking slowly over that note valve is stuck open we'll start by this removing the valve covers which I've loosened up earlier but still you can take off the other valve cover if you wish for me please then I'm gonna take off the cap let me go the reason I'll take it off the bunkers I want to make sure no vowels are stuck open can you go Vasily put this away for me please here we go the gaskets we're gonna put new so we don't need to worry about this this goes away all right now we're gonna move to the sugar what do you think you think any valves are stuck open I doubt it all right I'm gonna take off the distributor I'm gonna start priming it it's got all of the mortar so I'm gonna use the same oil in the mortar like I said we're just gonna get started for a few seconds all we want to know is that if we could get it running but I'm gonna put fresh fuel in the tank we're starting with the squirter over the carburetor there we go I'll take up the distributor actually but silly you know what put the battery in there I want to crack it over a compression stroke so I line up my super the same way when we finish the cranking okay we go number one wire is this one and you see this is correct this is number one I believe yes it is okay this is number one when I make sure it's at the five o'clock position like I did from the factory there we go which is this one here yes it is okay number one you got it here we go I'll take it you two better get my client and battery here we go let's see if it cranks over [Music] well we got power in a car all right here we go all I want to finally stop that Center so I could put my gear put the tube back in the same place and get it from the factory which I'm gonna do right now Massena you know what would cite the small shots okay very small shots I just want to get a top dead center compression let spider webs everywhere here check this out okay crank slowly no full turn small turns keep going keep going a little bit more a little bit more hold it just touch it hold it II turn it off check out the spider webs over here nothing I started for a while check that out who knows what critters this car has in it okay now Vasili let's put a drill in their prime it I'm going to remove the distributor see where we have it here we go take it off oh yeah think of the gear yeah look look at the way it goes in look good way it goes in okay you take out the gear put it back in the same way after and the meantime I'll remove the piece we evolved for a block off they call it here that's prime it I like I like starting edges I mean we got to bring it back to life we're going to start by priming the oil pump that you've we got pressure that's efficient I want to see you know I'm sure it's all the brains are gone dry how's it been running for a while so I want to get all through the lifters through the bearings and then venture we're gonna turn it over slowly make sure that there's no wall stuck open there we go in I feel like this pressure there goes did you hear it it's pushing out the air through the eye lift you're saying listen to it listen [Music] luckily we put the key on and look at the gauge Tom do you see it moving okay put the key on check it out here we go anything almost 50 pounds okay that's good like it so I could tell this price you can fill it in the drill all right now you can put the gear back to where you found it since this car was in a heated garage I'm not gonna worry about rusty cylinders so I'm not gonna remove the eight spark plugs to put the w4t in it just eventually gonna start it like this and see how it goes and who knows what's gonna come up through the exhaust come on in place okay now give me the bracket for this Jupiter there's a bracket on Vasili that's good [Music] it could be a little bit messy we're gonna get over coming out of the rockers doesn't matter we're gonna put you involve cover gaskets but in the meantime we don't know go with it because we've never heard one and we're going to see you all coming through the walkers what's it get started I'm sure there's good oil pressure I'm not gonna be concerned about that I just want to make sure the ignition works I'm sure the carbon is dried up so is the fuel pump so is the fuel tank fuel sending unit it doesn't matter we're going to go through that all after [Music] good put the cap on some fuel down the carburetor but you're kind of a 94 octane okay here we go plug it in the city didn't wait to hear it let's get it going first start in ten years practically the pork is right there you sit back down there okay that wire was just hanging there I don't know what it is but we'll figure it out later one put it in a way so it doesn't ground off anywhere so I'm gonna let you crank I'm gonna put gas in there okay now whatever you do don't rev it just let it idle oh just just like this okay I don't want anything get stuck and rev up okay small shots Vassili don't touch the gas okay go ahead hold on why did you just hold the top open and I hope you're sticking but let me get something in there give me a sec all [Music] right crank it slowly Vasily I want to check the lockers moving go ahead okay forget it I'll put the charger on in the meantime I want to make sure if evolve works I don't want that for your quick eye okay just crank it over for me want to make sure every Bob opens and closes okay small shots missing okay go on one one one one okay so far so good on the other side go ahead and then go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead hold ed so far so good give me a second al I just wanted to make sure that every valve opens and closes so the when I make sure wasn't seized or stuck open so we're gonna have a piston evolved an interference but by cranking over slowly I've noticed that every valve open and closed they're Nazis so I'm ready to start it up I know the old pressure is good I'm gonna put some fuel through the carburetor crank it over and get it to start and see if we can make it idle [Music] okay I'm sure the time is roughly there somewhere Vancouver station my block who got born out of there look at that I put a Viking blocker for the PCV valve somehow I got blown out of there where did it go you know what like we'll get another one I'll be right back I'll be right back I just need to advance the distributor just a little bit there's gonna be fun they said go is that can we hear it I think we're good game I said you crank it over Salone go ahead go ahead okay we have a spark don't know let me put some more fuel you're not touching a pedal okay just turn it over about is pretty weekend I'm sure there's no guys there I don't know why I'm doing that doesn't matter I got to make sure there's a spark that's the first thing I got a look at I guess it does not one go ahead Vasily okay hold it let me check first Park now this is unique to this run your you take out the cable from the spark plug you connected here then this goes on spark plug and then while it's cranking over you see a light going through it that means it's getting a spark at the spark plug if not then we have any condition issue there you go for City it is you know what the edge is taking a lot of current that's why the batteries are hot I don't think right just part of a city maybe something wrong I don't know but anyways all I know is we got good oil pressure the valves are not stocked so good for that okay go ahead okay yeah we got spark is it timing good order spark plug is in a are the wires for the spark plug is in the right order one one eight four four three six five seven two I think it's right it could be the plug your fault up for some reason doesn't want to start well the fire order looks good Missy do you want to try it again I'm using fuel there's no fuel like that [Music] I'm just trying to see if the throttle blades like any stuck I'm not looking for fuel from the carving itself you know what it's a lot of fuel but crank it over now the star is gone hold it let me make sure it's a good contact startling oh well that's why it doesn't want it doesn't want to crank fast enough well we've got the power looks like we get a starter well there we have it you're gonna remove the starter now he's drawing that you know why the cables got pretty hot the starter was drawing a lot of power right yeah we have to change the starter oh well here you have you guys I'm ready to start it but it won't crank over not fast enough I just wanted to start it by bypassing fuel through the carburetor I bet you the starter filled on us and we can't get it started anyways give me some time we'll get it done and if we try to get it started today but they started to give up on us and it looks like we're not gonna get it started today yeah I've got a lot of causes that come into my shop a lot of parts pieces are missing this one looks it's intact all the moldings are there interior's inside all the mechanics are there the only thing I see is a few things dry it up just needs a little bit a little loving tender care let's get involved these belts hoses hydraulic hoses master cylinder Wilson those calipers all that's gonna be replaced because everything you can't drive and after that once we get all that done we're gonna force get the engine running and we'll take it from there besides that it's a great looking car I don't have too many pizzas to look for it's all there good stuff I couldn't start it man well we got oil pressure valves are not stuck [Music] damnit to start it quickly and I felt the heat from the wires mine god damn and I wanted I wanted God maybe if I bang on it you know what you know me everywhere try one more thing it's going click click [Music] let me try me sometimes they might work just by tapping on the starter I doubt it I know it's taking a lot of current but it doesn't matter I'm so anxious to get it started I give it a few banks is what happens [Music] Vasili go go more towards the front on the black part there that's it that's it that's it right there yeah okay okay let's give it a shot see if anything happens if it turns over we're lucky yeah it works sometimes sometimes it doesn't but then again this has been there this started to slip for a long time so don't expect you to wake up right now I doubt it very much I'll give it a shot nothing a damn it oh well dick was the starter now you know we tried I wanted to get it started for you viewers but stroke caught on this one started let me down all right [Music] finding ordering and shipping a starter for a 69 charger could take a little while but this is Nick's garage you know after all it is a Mopar shop I do have a starter in stock all right let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] good listen I'll just make the battery or bring the charger over [Music] okay let me get my started I'm sure I have something in my stock I'm sure here we go just as I thought no need to order when I got one in stock let's go [Music] [Music] here we go you take your long we'll put it on right away while the Chargers up on the lift getting a new starter it gives the guys a chance to look at the underside as well all the four pans are very okay need some repairs there at all it is original right look at that four piston calipers not bad it's got the spray bar supplies which replaced okay then you just put it clean very clean no I okay that's the list please I've been replaced see that these replace the leaf springs it's a 49 in casing which is a heavy duty 80 decoder one and seven-eighths opinion do you joint there till you joint there says that this all you have a doctor check this out that's the only piece has so many things besides that the frame wheel is all solid let's see bring down the car might run out of battery I tighten the wire on the starter let's go he's part of serving food it's dry let's not cook the pump you know what you have to always check these things you know you don't want to start ginger for a few seconds and in the of course a lot of things are dried up we'll put some oil does any least we'll take care of that later you're going filled that up let's see if it cracks over [Music] turn it off yeah get rid of the battery listen yeah I'm gonna take the one from the charger [Music] one of the many good things about having a shop full of classic Chargers is when you find yourself short of a part for one you can just borrow it from the car in the next Bay [Music] okay man great things about your put it in part if I see to make sure it's in park okay twelve one more time on to change the ground go ahead okay forget it forget it let me just know what maybe I'll back up the timing of it okay a mistake [Music] watch right there same place okay hold it hold it let's do this now put it somewhere else but then again it's just start here it's just start it just started no matter what I want our line up the top dead center mark for sitting crank it over to me doesn't start when I line up top dead center okay under the sugar okay hold it hold it crying small shots I want to get top that Center go small charge small shots Oh Go Go too much we see the small shots go give it give it give it give it give it come on give it again go now keep going keep going touch just a touch okay leave it there hold on let me take off the cap that you word is I hope it's only a compression stroke go wow I was going on here okay where's number one that one okay that one here right no no okay we gotta bring this uber back usin to the sugar that's just a bit for me loosen it up just a bit I got to bring it back I'm gonna play down loosen it well all the way okay and we try this now hold on I'm kill the city I think we're ready you wrote a shot man jerk off the light did we go do another shot get the light okay okay where's that spray how's a good start okay go ahead Vasily there we go they're really deciding a lot of toes [Music] a couple of uses we're started you keep it running you got all silver watch this check it out that's all the walkers Oh boulders nice and quiet bombs it working this is working now all we need is jewelers and fuel tanks there you go shot it done there we go now let's get the fueler go through the car itself and the oil pressure came right up to the walkers thank you sir cut it down there we have it start it got oil pressure up there you got ignition we're good so now let's start doing the restoration of the fuel system and the ignition there we have it are you ready honey it's just that we're gonna make a little mess down with the valve covers off I wanted to make sure that valves are not stuck I wanted to get oil pressure up there it's good now we'll change the oil there we go you know when you have a car parked outside it's a different story but Patrick had his car and nine years or ten years storage in the heated garage so it's not really that bad after all did it take much to start this car but I'm sure the fuel tank has to be cleaned or replaced the fuel will a strainer if you - looked at the fuel pump has to be replaced fuel footage to be replaced I'm gonna get it started see if the carbon still works or not and we'll take it from there we're doing oil change we look for oil leaks we check the ignition of course we're gonna make a tune-up on it at the same time and after that check the cooling system straps belt whatever you wanna call them holds this and then after that we'll take it from there and there you have it guys the official start after nine years [Music] and you guys if you look down below the video we have a whole bunch of merchandise that you guys can buy so whatever you like quiet love it wear it and enjoy it and help spread the word of mix garage and if you have some time check out a picture in Paige we have extra content and you guys could watch it and take it from there and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nick's Garage
Views: 243,110
Rating: 4.8393278 out of 5
Keywords: Nick Panaritis, Engine Builder, Montreal, Muscle car, MOPAR, Classic, V8, Street race, Performance, Racing, Drag race, Nick's Garage, Modification, Stock, CAM, ignition, electrical, Regulator, Olds hurst, Oldsmobile, 400, Tranny, Transmission, Automatic, Breakdown, 1969, Dodge, Charger, Barn Find, Survivor, Bullit, Dukes, Collector Car, Dream Car
Id: svMQ8bUHooM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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