1969 Daytona 500

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spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat the human drama of athletic competition this is ABC's Wide World of Sports what to the UI's lips taste the golden age of Flint you know why they say when you're out of Swift you're out of here by Aqua Velva the answer shade lotion that's better for your skin for a wonderful feeling of fitness and the clean crisp manly scent and by Ford and your Ford dealer number one in trucks and in trucks - for the going thing this is the Daytona International Speedway scene of the 11th annual Daytona 500 and on a perfect day for racing the largest sports crowd ever to watch an event in the southeastern part of the United States is here today and as we get closer to the start of the race the activities in the pits is confined to last-minute checking of every possible detail making sure that all is in readiness for what is considered to be one of the most grueling races in the history of Motorsports hello everybody bill Fleming welcoming you to the Daytona International Speedway I remember a decade ago when the first Daytona 500 was brought it was in 1959 and the unheard-of crowd of 20,000 people poured into the Daytona International Speedway which was brand new at the time to watch that race today it's an unbelievable crowd of well over a hundred thousand people and the contrast in cars and in speed is just as great as it is in crowds for instance got horns qualified at 143 miles an hour in a Pontiac that particular day and believe it or not the fastest qualifier today was an excess of 190 miles an hour gives you a rough idea of what we can expect here today in the Daytona 500 working with us as usual is the editor of National Speed sport news Chris economy and Chris I know you have a bundle of information for us but first and foremost the the great battle between the boards of the Dodge well I think that never before in the history of this race have the two companies been so close it's it's an even-steven 500 then the experts say but Ford has got a bit of a problem they were forced to use last year's engine at the last minute they've gotten a lot of power a lot of speed out of it but they're not sure about the economy and they don't know how far one of their cars will go on a tank full of gas until that first pit stop rolls around and that really upsets their strategy you know of course you were here for that first Daytona 500 don't you have a little bit of a sentimental feeling to when you look at these steeds that they have lined up here today and contrast them with the cars of ten years ago well it's really been a truly remarkable development of the sport here then everything has improved the crowds the cars and we wonder where it's gonna end say to yourself how fast can they go it's the drivers mate the drivers say there's no limit here at Daytona while also on Today Show you're going to be seeing the world's two-man bobsled championship that will be coming to you from Lake Placid New York with Jim McKay reporting and now we're getting very close to the starting bomb the cars will be moving out so let's set the field for you right now and Chris have a good day I'll be here okay driving car number 13 a fellow who is that superstitious Bobby unser last year's Indianapolis winner AJ Foyt car number 11 also in a 69 Ford who was won the Indianapolis race three times Donny Adelson car number 27 also won a 69 Ford Torino in car number 71 in a 69 charger Bobby Isaac outside poll first row and Buddy Baker the inside pole sitter also on a 69 charger car number three David Pearson car number 17 1968 grand national champion in a 69 Ford today and car number 21 driven by Cale Yarborough shooting for his fourth straight win here at the Daytona International Speedway in a 69 for and now from high above the track in Cameron you get a chance to see what it's like for today in the balloons [Music] car number 13 Bobby unser hit get started unser is still in the pits he's getting a push turn number 45 and he's underway unser has started but one guards on Peterman can't get started so Andy Hampton the alternate in a 69th Warren is out on the track Hampton will be in car number 58 pace car moving out and behind them from these leaving expensive pieces of Memphis fastest our cars in the world Buddy Baker Bobby Isaac in the first row Baker number three Isaac number 71 find amber protune David Pearson to Charley gloss back row three Cale Yarborough Paul Goldsmith Smith incidentally in a car that he hasn't had a chance to test after hitting the wall on the fifth day of practice Donnie Allison and Bobby unser enroll for AJ pointed sweet savage young rookie protege of Dan Gurney enrolled 506 that is Benny Parsons Detroit Richard Petty drove seven [Music] the 500 that they're underway immediately funding education [Music] [Applause] that first her and it's quite a start Chris remarkable start Baker sending a brisk pace here what a how the Fords are going to do there's Bobby John's I got off the lakes yard putting a laugh on it before they get halfway down the back [Music] Charlie clocks back get a 69 charger running third so the Dodgers are 1 2 & 3 right now David Pearson is for cale yarborough pain [Music] tremendous speeds just a little bit different using more the tractive here going through the turns higher coming off wider which is going to make fasting perhaps more difficult and work scale we third place Hill Yarborough number 21 carnival ring 21 chasing Isaac trying to get second then there he goes by him so yeah bro and now the question is dandy catch Buddy Baker in this early going to turnin [Music] start playing the pace car they're gonna be getting closer to one honey before it's over today there goes moneymaker followed by Cale Yarborough first four cars much benefit there David Pearson is car number 17 and [Music] moving up very rapidly on funny Baker in the backstretch taken the lead over funny vicar so it's been quite a start to this race and we'll be back with more from the Daytona International Speedway in just you're about to see the Battle of the Vans three competitive Anne's in the all-new Ford Econoline to prove our bans for an inside look first let's compare servicing the other bands must be serviced from inside the driver's compartment but the Econoline an outside sir center boil water battery now let's compare a load space we're putting these equal size kitchen cabinets in all of the vans but because the engines and the other bands take up load space the cap Non Aligned engine is moved forward for 23% more clear floor space see this kitchen cabinet goes all the way in you might say the new Ford Econoline carries everything including the kitchen sink [Music] [Applause] car number 21 driven by Cale Yarborough as thankful a dear and Calvin please on the circuit last year with more than a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars in purses and right behind is Buddy Baker and then David Pearson at this point of the race I'm just surprised at the board's bill frankly they talked about those bank uses look at Pearson go by Baker they're getting a lot out of those 427 tunnel ports that have been used as a racing engine for several seasons now you know I think a lot of fans would like to know what is that difference between 427 and 429 it sounds like will be 2 cubic inch design difference and they just couldn't make the necessary 500 engines to qualify as a racing car the Dodge is a special to bill and a 500 model there have been more than 500 e special on main and sole Bobby Allison we checked that Donnie Allison who moved up into fourth as David Pearson has taken over second place cale yarborough still setting the face right now the boards are running one and two and there is the lead car cale yarborough [Music] Timmonsville South Carolina David Pearson Buddy Baker yes Donnie Allison informed into the Pittsburg number 71 Bobby Isaac he gave a father of twins just a couple of days ago good look at the front spoiler under the bumper on that paint a Dodge is that wide piece of metal it's legal and reishi that helps keep the car on the ground looks like they're wipe it off or doing something Chris they have some letter there in the radiator it's course the car will overheat all right that's gonna be a costly pit stop for Bobby Isaac is now in our split screen you see of Cale Yarborough at the top and a pretty good battle between AJ Foyt and Richard Petty car number eleven point seven 43 is Petty and they are battling now for fifth petty is making his first Speedway start for Ford the caller the number the same the blue number 43 an empty that doesn't ears woman penny has moved over this year to Ford and look at here on the tail them AJ and here comes Pearson into the bed so he gives him second place moneymaker of over the second Alison will open 2/3 looks as though fierce is in trouble that's an unscheduled stop we're gonna go down there check and see guess what's wrong okay we'll wait for a report in the meantime here's that battle between agent boy and Richard Petty that'll move them up one notch so they're now battling for four [Applause] [Music] he may be sitting here we'll get a report juice economy key on that activity but at the same time AJ point is go back up the back insensitive and keep your eye on Leroy Yarborough we started back in the temporal and right now we've got him back up there in sixth place so he's been doing some real charging here's a story on David Pearson that Ford's bread-and-butter driver he broke a generator fell a $2.00 fell is sent to the pits early they're getting three point seven miles to the gallon that's about 82 miles to tankful and the Wood Brothers are working now on Cale Yarborough's car will get another gasoline figure as soon as possible so gaily Yarborough has lost the lead here meaning that Buddy Baker has taken over the lead Cale Yarborough fitting here on lap number 26 and a car in trouble down the main chute a great plume of smoke has gone up and it's hard to tell just who it is but March leaves gone down to the infield and it doesn't look like anybody even brushed it yellow flag is out as car number 53 tailors in a 67 Nellie from Nancy mill no Carolina getting out of his car let's take a look at it again in slow motion look at that smoke miraculously nobody hit him tires lighting up as the drivers say bill that's where the smoke comes from the burning rubber against the asphalt and around he goes and the yellow caution flag is found so that means that everybody can fit and it was rather unfortunate Chris that kale pitted on the green because he's going to lose out here as Baker takes the pit and Donnie Allison is coming in also that didn't just about [Music] you don't finish anything you don't even finish your cigarette what's to finish after one puff the taste is gone Ellen M's balance blend of quality tobacco's makes every puff taste good no I'm finishing my Ellen [Music] king size and golden hundreds you'll notice now the kill Yarborough car number 21 is a little bit of hip Buddy Baker that's exactly how much time Kayla lost by pitting on the green and he's almost left behind so here they come again through the eight cap at a hundred and eighty five point nine five miles north the new record and here they go under the green Lettie Mae for Danielson Richard Petty Leroy Yarborough's now in fourth getting better than four miles per gallon and they expect even better mileage as this race unfold there is David Pearson dropping back a little bit buddy baker is charging now he's coming right up on the tail end of Kayleigh armor but keep in mind the carnivore 21 0 is almost left behind Donnie Allison right behind Buddy Baker there's 10 South lockup maybe into one of the reasons I think something he's been in about three or four times anyway it seems to be out of contention at this point and kale fighting not to be left [Music] tremendous air pressures on the cars you know just before the race after the last practice the rear spoilers were tilted upward to keep the rear wheels for purchase they all did it they were just afraid of this move situation that's prevail here and my buddy baker allowed daddy Ellison to move ahead of him in the lead so here he is Buddy Baker the second place car in Kherson is either one or two laps behind but he's not a contention at this point Buddy Baker is the second-place car in Donnie Allison right ahead of him in the red car as he flashes by is in first place here's his problem bill has been alternator fault broke and that don't allowed that belt to go off that caused the first stop they've been making repeated head stop to try and replace the phone to hold the alternator it's cost them a lot of valuable time so the way things stand now is Allison maker Richard Petty Leroy Yarborough and Bobby unser [Music] and here comes Richard Pini car number 43 ninety-eight the first car there you see forty-three and thirteen is Bobby answers to those three are battling it out yes 98 has taken Richard Petty and is now running third that's Leroy Yarborough all these boards of that new Talladega chassis with the power dome though the Torino Cobra with a special bodywork for aerodynamic reef are in the fence California driver discourse number 32 on a pit stop [Music] this is this patent for a third Levi Yarborough Richard Petty and Bobby unser this is the first stock car race for Bobby unser over 11 years he told me before the race and he's adapted beautifully he of course defending Indianapolis champion and here he moves up on Richard Petty so Bobby unser has moved now into place and his ride Leroy Yarborough challenging for third so they've been good battles penalty for first and second but also to get position back in the pack car in trouble smoke from car number 22 that Bobby Allison daddy's older brother and a span of about a hundred and fifty miles an hour down on the infield he bolted to a stop playing a southern Pete Hamilton crying boy you can't see the car is hidden right behind those temporary shanties there there it is forever one is hotter there that's a tough break bill two good fast dodges were taken out of the race in this incident out of commission and the other flag is out look at Allison hang on to that thing keeping it from going back up in the fact this is a good example of the safety factor that prevails here Daytona track promoter bill France calls the Speedway self-cleaning the steep 31 degree banks allow the cars to fall right off once they're in trouble and leaving the high-speed loop open for the other drivers under the yellow many of the cars are coming in here comes Donny Adelson followed by a string of others it makes the scoreboard keepers nightmare but as close as we can figure it out Buddy Baker has believed then AJ Foyt and Charlie glance back who as yet have not pitted under the yellow have moved up so it's one two three Baker point in Blount's back in that order will have for racing in just a moment and immediately AJ boy and Donnie Allison jump out ahead of Buddy Baker perfed of acceleration and those two now have taken the lead you know the restarts here bill used to be single file gredin at this point AJ Foyt and Donnie Allison are being pursued by Cale Yarborough although Cale is not in the same lap when he wants to hear he's a third car Thunderman himself so we get the same 5000 litres he might just do it to ya [ __ ] dalliance and sliding through to take the lead from AJ fight and if Paul Cole Smith DA has moved up into fourth place so we've had a lot of different leaders and it's been good dicing here during this 11th annual Daytona 500 and AJ Floyd keep your eye on his from the forty-fifth david pierces through car number 17 he's made seven pit stops the first 100 miles oops it says Bobby unser car number 13 has hit the wall the caution flag is on again and Bobby's ok getting out of the car and trotting to the infield but his car is out of the race car number 13 I'm lucky today and didn't start to begin the race he had to be pushed and he's up against the wall that's a smoky unicorn a favorite among Daytona fan so now the yellow caution flag is out it's gonna be some time before they get that car off the wall may have a lengthy yellow here so we're gonna take that opportunity to leave Daytona very briefly the world two-man bobsled championship at Lake Placid New York and Jim McKay Mackay earth that they tow the International Speedway we're approaching the halfway mark at the Daytona 500 and we have record-breaking speeds surprisingly from the 11th car so 39 are still running and they're being led by the or Torino this was driven by Donnie Allison and him is David Pearson also man afford but he's a couple of laps back so there's the leader Donnie Allison then another four driven by Cale Yarborough car number twenty-one is in second place another fortune by Leroy Yarborough is in third there's Levi on the left right behind him is Charlie plots back the red number six chart Dodge Charger behind him is Buddy Baker in car number three also in a charger so the Fords have one two and three right now on the Chargers four and five and here comes Buddy Baker and he takes glutes back thanks cuts back for four [Music] today Chris economist he had an opportunity to talk with both of the Dodge Charger drivers that are right up there in contention right now number six Charlie plots back who really came on strong at the end of 1968 and Buddy Baker always a favorite here at Daytona so let's join Chris for the comments of these drivers 500 well it's gonna be real competitive all the way through it looks like and it is no black man buddy we talked with you earlier you have any different now moments before the race no I'm not sticking my plan pretty much I'm all that somebody else be the rabbit today and just kind of play my pit stops and the best again as Charlie said there's gonna be a lot of close competition and to end to pick a winner right now in the real hardy even in confidence I use them about myself I'm just kind of sitting here think a pre-race strategy of Buddy Baker seeming to work out by now because right now he's running in fourth place behind leroy yarrow those two cars everybody's just moving out moving out is saying goodbye to the room you brought your firstborn home to to the kitchen you finally got just the way you wanted it and to your special roses that's what moving out is moving in is discovering that you don't need new draperies after all and that there's a perfect spot for roses but your neighbor has a boy your son's age that's what moving in is and because allied landlines understands the ins and outs of moving so deeply Tara has long been America's number one family movie when you're back to mode remember us and remember especially there be more families not just fast Allen Van Lines America's number one family movie Tommy Ellison driving car number 27 in the lead Donnie was the Grand National Rookie of the Year driver in 1968 hoping to win his first Daytona 500 here today David Pearson still two laps back is just ahead Hamilton here comes Buddy Baker in the bits Chris the schedule my former drivers Allison's number 27 is not a dick charge of banjo Matthews look at scale Yarborough in trouble there yellow is over 21 right the yellow flag is out and Cale Yarborough's up against the wall and that ends his chances for fourth we hope [Applause] [Music] we hit it hard it's narrow for Torino just now the who has got over there and they've taken kale to so you get word on Haley like he's groggy but semi-conscious [Music] just receive word down here that Bobby unser has come back from his mishap let's go down to Chris because you're dead him before let me get a report on kale later to see you standing here Bobby what happened out there on the track yeah I was but what I did is I must have run over visa trash you know keep the metal on the road and bluestar because the tire was brand new forget to put it on there Carrie Starbird hit the wall was it a solid hit Bell pretty solid [Applause] all right except my feelings I'm gonna keep running the race there's always another word Bobby on the car from 13 to some the green is up green flag is out after the mishap they got the car very quickly useful Donnie Allison believe and Pearson is still ahead of him and another blown engine at his car number 18 Nick Johnson the 68th floor not an engine but there is no caution flag so paramedics done any reason the oil on the track and [Music] cars come down onto the infield still coming with the green and here is a cocky [Music] he'll here's the word from the field hospital he'll hold on just a second somebody taking the shortcut car number 75 George Bauer has taken a cut right through the end comes up on the hip excellent the Dragons Ingrid quite exciting Makayla smoke [Music] knows he may have a broken nose and he just shaken up and here goes Charlie let's back into the lead taking the lead from Donnie Allison back in a 69 charger has taken the lead we'll be back very soon with four four they told the family [Music] on the ground here's the Daytona International Speedway in Florida we have just a ground cover of automobiles the entire infield cover here at the Big D the Daytona International Speedway watching Johnny Allison still charging in car number 27 right by David liebe Yarborough and kind of a 98 and here comes Leroy coming up very fast behind as I said earlier girl the fellas that are doing well today are driving cars it's set up by former drivers that are now retired Donnie Allison by the banjo Matthews and Leroy Yarborough junior Johnson with one year nineteen sixty and Leroy from Allison nifty bit of writing him look at number six charlie glass back is right behind waiting to pounce into like you think they gave underneath like one two or three to the Dodge and here comes charlie thoughts back in the second place he's lived up to his name they're charging Charlie extravagant platformers and that knows fire here at the first Daytona 500 or ten years ago right now first bring us up to date on me the reason [Music] the rainbow spiders out with the engine trouble sweet savage the California rookie is out of the wall of course Neil Yarborough is now Paul Goldsmith at the same trouble great Bobby unser of course Bobby Allison he happens and early retirees but still a lot of the real hot cars in the running and there the total bleeding right now Leroy Yarborough with such as disappointing here a year ago when he finished second to Giro twice here Daytona loves to win it today we'll be back in just a moment [Applause] [Music] at warehouses the word is go go night and day go round the clock if you have to go faster to help builders keep rush jobs unscheduled go with new packaging ideas for the food and dairy industries go through the weekend to get an order of warehouser paper into the hands of a highballing credit [Music] to produce more pulp for customers all over the globe around the world around the clock 24 hours a day go is the word for warehouses warehouses working on tomorrow's ideas today [Music] and charming practically bumper-to-bumper in Charlie on the inside what a do like we've had here at these speeds now it's true the year ago kale and Leroy battled it out almost two wheeler will looks like Charlie was gonna get by and then again Leroy won't buddy mine Chris have you ever seen anything like it no it's tremendous but the people who are car fans are enjoying it too it's a Ford versus Chrysler proposition here and one moment one groups on their feet the next moment the other groups on their feet have they been going like this for about the last five laps and there goes Charlie Danny stay there there's traffic every yes the backlog just [Music] noses amount once again [Music] all right battle gear quick report a hospital report of the two Japanese bobsledders who had such a spectacular action on Lake Placid the report is that the driver Nagata had face contusions and some broken ribs his brakeman Hasegawa suffered a slight concussion neither seriously hurt glad to hear that and there goes Charlie glutes back and this time he gets me wrong now can he hold they're almost dead even as they go into the number three turn and now let's Pat does get just a little bit of an advantage and watch it Leeroy up I almost lost control tires critical point here Leroy I have no problem there we understand from the jr. Johnson fat that they're considering putting on a different compound when he does on his way back into the action on the left rear let's see what happens now all right it was a twenty four point five second pit stop here's Charlie Watts back in for one / population no one let's see now in comparison how long it takes for Charlie glass back to get back on the track keep in mind that Leroy had 24 first they're not changing tires on bus back car going in and so he fits up one of us almost a full seven seconds Donnie Allison spire number 20 [Applause] [Music] his pit stop and he's getting rubber [Applause] again it's inside rubber changing strategy here at Daytona trade that was a long pit stop for Allison 34 plus seconds and Charlie loss back Barnabas's in the lane with Leroy Yarborough about seven seconds behind [Music] women Lineker number three here buddy baker no he's - laughs sorry Richard Petty is having a tough day and top ten beneath been with a balking car all week alright we'll be back with a conclusion in just a moment [Music] okay carpool let's go air-conditioning what happened would you believe a branch fell on you're kidding look I'll drop you guys off at the office and then I'll go get some estimates before I call Allstate about prepares oh you've got the Allstate auto insurer here you can get this claim settled easy you don't have to run all over the place getting estimates they've got an Allstate drive-in claims center near the office okay mr. Hubbard Justin take care of the damage you mean that's all there is to it at all say fixed already that was bad huh I liked it better with the hole in it looks great you like they say I'm in good hands [Music] exactly seven and a half laps to go and Charlie glutes back has the lead on Leroy Yarborough and we're keeping it timing between the two but Leroy has consistently been cutting that margin down by about five tenths of a second per lap the question will be time to do it he is very close to glutes back there is the interval 3.2 Baker although not in contention with these leaders that had done on the same web he could be a possible hazard to Leroy in other words the two dodges conceivably Christians could team up here that's very possible and altered Benny Parsons a Detroit cab driver who won the ARCA 300 a couple of weeks ago has moved into the first 10th and Nick Elford the Englishman warmer fruity and rally driver now Formula One driver in his first spot car started walking along all day and is now tooling around in 11 flights that's one of the company ruling test here [Music] and 2.7 hours they get her movin six laps to go exactly a half a second that Leroy has picked up since the last time we fought so he's consistently the rest being run at three miles an hour faster than Richard Petty's 1964 record they're averaging in the 557 now the running actually is better than 180 but the slowdown encompasses race not 157 and again it's the charger there my Charlie gots back against the board for the Leeroy my dad know if they present the Ford Motor Company bunkie news here in the vice-president Christ general manager the Dodge division Bob McCurry is here both standing and cheering their respective drivers because again another half second has gone down 2.2 is the difference with five laps to go I don't know dress has just been an observation I've been making looks perhaps a little bit better going on the straightaway and that Levi picks up a little bit of the turns now it's very possible the cars are suspended differently to digest tortilla Barbara dimension and the Lord has a different stripe suspension we can make different places on the front and I'm wondering about this that could possibly be a part of it [Music] last time that's all let's separate these two cars glutes back and Leroy Yarborough [Applause] [Music] four laps to go only two-tenths wouldn't fully close enough look at them streak down that backstretch I suppose at this point Chris is just let it all go the strategy goes out the window and everything from stuff foot to the floor now here's an interesting thing we mentioned earlier Buddy Baker is right behind left back that's the spot that he's position himself in and he's kind of running interference in Reverse okay gives Levi across some room which is a strange occurrence Leeroy right behind Baker he has to get fired Baker to get the glass back and it's down to one point two so he says update actually Leroy was helped by bakery picked up a little bit of his draft in there all right here's a critical point Leroy even with mangodi takes Baker on the backstretch yarrow takes buddy baker so now he is [Music] [Music] eight tenths of a second that's father separates Leroy Yarborough with two laps to go from Charlie glass back and he's closing in on it the question is will they be able to get five if he catches him there's still many other cars on the track and they have to give way for traffic but seemingly they don't seem to even care about it they're going it's a lightning speed Black's back has just got to fight to the floorboard so does Leroy and he's coming up right by the there they are for the first time both cars right in our picture in a slower car moves to get right down in front of the grandstand go wait is oak Levi's got a clear shot at flat back [Music] in five flap about six chi-ling separate and here's where it's going to have to happen down the backstretch and Leroy picks up a little ground on Charlie glutes back lean really getting closer they're going close to 200 miles an hour here Haley Wright takes him Yarbrough has taken the lead as they go side-by-side splitting another car as they go by and breakneck speed Levi Yarborough writes back and Charlie now will have to come down fast to the inside under the number four time tryam slingshot him if he has room there's everybody standing and cheering the checkered flag is up for Leroy Yarborough [Music] and unbelievable live here after Daytona International Speedway back in victory lane animal hi everyone guess what I see the boss in two weeks about a terrific promotion damn well that's wonderful dear yes but don't wear that blue suit when you go that's my with my patient you have dandruff dad it shows she's right dad I have dandruff I have dandruff what do I do usually you dear head and shoulders peasant shoulders helps control dandruff with regular use it makes a lot of nice suds slowed nice - hey how about that I never knew my egg it looks so good I got the promotion and a raise what do you think of that head and shoulders it really works I'm so happy for him but you think he was gonna win it with two laps to go no well I don't know I did a lot of crying that's good Leroy Yarborough's wife but here he is Leroy it's rare in any sport where grown men cry and that's what the members of the junior Johnson team were doing when you came over do you feel the same way Chris I'm crying too I just it's gotta be your biggest day in racing isn't it it's the biggest day in my life where did you find the stamina and the speed and the willpower to do what you did on a very last lap well really we'd planned it for the last 20 laps and ever since I made my last pit stop as I said before we've been planning the tires we've been changing compounds trying to find what we could run the fastest on we do all day that our engine our Ford was just wonderful it was faster than the dodges it would dry faster when I could get in the front it would stay there so we was really just hunting for a tire compound and thank God the Goodyear that we found one that we could really go quick when we needed to why did you wait till the last lap later on well I knew if I passed him at last lap that he couldn't pass me back before I got to that flag it's just not possible it hasn't been done in a couple years down here and I didn't figure on it being done today Leroy Yarborough driver losers head and I'm very happy mrs. Yarborough they're - congratulations and continued good luck to you both by the way bill the first breakdown gives Leroy thirty eight thousand nine hundred dollars for wedding and Charlie got five eighteen thousand four hundred and Allyson 13 - all right thanks very much Chris it's all excitement ammonium down here in victory as always plenty of Dover Charley glides back and that truly is incredible considering they went 500 months Chris come on in just a second here caught your breath and have you got your hearing back practically it's pretty loud out here during the 500-mile run a race that bill hundred eighty eight hundred eighty nine miles an hour on the track and a hundred fifty seven nine for the winner great speed Chris augurs well for the racing season for 69 for us on the super speedways of America it certainly serves as a great springboard to get started it certainly is and there's a lot more big and important races coming up this year and on the Wide World of Sports will have many of them for viewers and we're delighted you're gonna be with us again doing that's my pleasure bill okay this is bill Fleming along with Chris Akana Becky saying so long from Victory Lane here at the Daytona International Speedway and again the five Leroy Yarborough j-point and Buddy Baker the executive producer of ABC's Wide World of Sports is Roone Arledge coordinating producer Jim Spence they top 500 produced by Dick kerchner and goodbye Lou Bava chill world thing produced by mitts directed by Rob Reider that they wanna be our associate director Lou Frederick technical director Werner Gunther don't forget tomorrow afternoon on ABC beginning at 1:55 p.m. Eastern Time NBA basketball New York Knicks against the Philadelphia 76ers [Music] now this is bill coming along Chris Carter Mackey saying spawn from Dave air travel basements Murray he's what world of sport May through United Airlines also furnished promotional consideration days program was pre-recorded spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport the thrill of victory and the agony of the human drama of athletic competition [Music]
Channel: SMIFF TV
Views: 24,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RcCuSzJjkU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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