Grand National 1965 Southern 500

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never mind my name you wouldn't know it if I told him I never won a big race here or anywhere just a boy up from nowhere trying to get some fire driving the racecar yes sir that's why I'm here Darlington been dreaming half my life about Darlington but getting good enough to run here no I'm so scared I wish I had a place else my heart's running louder and my engine well here we go I got no chance to win too much fast equipment up ahead too many drivers better than me don't even think about me just to worry the man ahead don't spin don't drop oil don't bounce off the guardrail right in front of me no way in the world amidst them if he does it's a nice cool day but I'm in a sweat already don't think you'd be in a different then it happens so fast you can't think out of the corner of my eye I see a car get sideways sweep through bouncing off the guardrail fellas weren't so lucky there's a yellow light hold your boot off the throttle get her slowed down from 130 and keep a sharp eye for more trouble I ease past the wreck and pray nobody got hurt thank the Lord it wasn't me I still got a chance to run this race cracks clear and they give you the green so pick your groove match the throttling move out that's Curtis Turner number 14 Jill and Bobby John's and Jimmy pass ball the way to go million people know those names someday they'll know mine that's why I'm here at Darlington don't you worry about us we're running for money for glory because Racing's in our blood we're glad to take their things happen it's part of the game driver education they don't teach in high school we try to stay out of each other's way and we never forget that darlin Boone's a tough old track you gotta treat it respect [Music] [Music] [Music] yellowtail that's what they call us rookies don't mean we're scared just a warning to everybody that we're a hundred and thirty mile an hour student drivers back home were top dog on quarter mile and half mile dirt tracks Darlington is different Bigley I'm going against 43 of the best racing cars I ever saw sharpest drivers and mechanics in the business are going after that $100,000 in prize money the old-timers say I'd rather run anywhere else but I'd rather win Darlington they claim it's the toughest track on the NASCAR circuit guess I better practice some trick is to learn your way around without tearing up the equipment looks right easy donut this track has it fooling you notice how tight you got to run against the guardrail number three corner [Music] behind the wheel it's a thrill let me tell you [Music] course the tracks not the only worry it's a driver like Junior Johnson's behind it you just naturally ease over if you don't you'll get by somehow or take Freddy Lorenzen one more two hundred and fifty thousand dollars by racing [Music] but a couple of hundred back home I got to think he can beat me now if my name was Buddy Baker I could latch on to some experience free of charge buddy's dad's a fella named buck Baker an old bucks run morn six thousand miles here and won this race three times experience that's what counts at Darlington [Music] that's why the rookies listen when old timers like Ned Jarrett talk man needs all the help he can get to beat this track but when all the advice and practice is done with man's got to get the job done by himself maybe that's what brings it drives to watch the qualification we're doing something they can only dream about it's a four lap run against time fastest qualifier starts at the front now look at jr. Johnson he's running a hundred thirty-seven point five miles an hour new record Johnson makes it look as smooth and easy as a Sunday Drive we got so much to do we don't hardly watch qualify the experienced mechanics have a thousand little secrets to help him beat this track we got to learn them one by one there's a lot of tricks to setting up a car for high bank and flat turns both and make her strong for 500 miles there ain't enough hours in the day [Music] which I was relaxed as jr. Johnson herb NAB his mechanic well my hair don't always beat the tortoise it's mighty hard to sleep around Darlington some fool thing going on every minute no sooner is qualifying over then they get a regular war started it's that same old war that's been going on hundred years or more now this is South Carolina the race is called the southern 500 and they don't believe what them northern scholars put in the history books no sir so don't you bet on the winner looks like then fairness southern boys is it chasing the Federals off the fourth turn and down the straightaway although the Confederates is severely wounded it's mostly Federal's that bite the asphalt when the firing stops the flower of southern manhood is one the day armistice no better kind of war than this short and sweet and nobody hurt [Music] thank you kindly for the battle see you all again next year you think them Yankees ever get to win [Music] now parades a wonderful thing gives the kids a chance to play what they've been practicing all year gives the rest of us a good excuse not to do Saturday chores and gives the town of Rights and reason to turn off the stop lights detour the traffic and enjoy the fun the US Marine Corps band Shira brightens our Bay doc Adams is here step right out of Gunsmoke on the TV screen got his sidekick with him fella named Festus Milburn stone and Kim Curtis are two of the finest actors you'd like to know although the actors come from Hollywood the clowns are homegrown the Florence South Carolina shrine int course the kids at homegrown too [Music] when the kids grow up we get a crop that compares with the best these girls all from South Carolina are here in Darlington to compete in the Miss southern 500 beauty pageant yes sir parades a wonderful thing gives us a chance to start pretty girls which we do anyhow only not so obvious then right back to the racetrack which sure looks different at night they've locked up the race cars and turned the main straightaway into a parade ground for the beauty pageant the girls first appear in evening gowns then wait backstage for a turn in bathing suits everybody here is paid $1 admission which is used to help Darlington's underprivileged children so they're staring in a good cause I'm glad to leave the judge into experts include ancestors and dark if I had to pick just one I'd be awake all night thinking about those that got away there's the winner Miss Vicky Johnson the Hartsville happy as can be but crying you just can't figure women [Music] [Applause] Vicky gets a royal crown from Sherri sellers retiring Queen and the trophy from the president of the Raceway Bob Calvin George brain of the pure oil company gives Vicki a mink stole and had Hagen on behalf of the Falstaff Brewin corporation presents a college scholarship he's the only big spender on stage who didn't get kissed [Music] viki's first job as Miss southern 500 will be to kiss the winner of the race how I wish that kiss would be my [Music] this is it race day just about now you wonder if you can hold down your breakfast start near the back like me you don't hope to win I just want to run good enough for somebody to notice I want everybody to know I can drive smart fast and smooth yes sir I'd like that it happened to Freddy Lorenzen he's a star now he just waves and the crowd cheers and like that too Dick Hutchison is a rookie here with a great reputation in a factory sponsored car that's another thing I want jim pascal's relaxed maybe when I've run 4000 miles here I'll be able to smile Marvin Panch is run second-guess how much he wants to win Junior Johnson fastest qualifier but never won the southern 500 I wonder if these old veterans still get that feeling in their stomach when the man says gentlemen start your engines engine fires I forget my mechanic I forget my home I heard he never forgot my own name I'm a race driver and I'm rolling with the fastest field ever to run on the Darlington Raceway that's something I want to tell my kids keep your fingers crossed it's a mile and three-eighths around first two turns are high back a 40-foot drop over that guardrail six brands are racing for Plymouth Mercury dodge Chevrolet Pontiac more than half the field of Fords there's a crowd of about 60,000 amazing when you think that the town of Darlington has only 6,000 people papers say that fans have come from 50 states off the back stretch into the third turn flat tricky to go fast through here you've got to wipe the paint off the right side of your car and leave it on the guardrail they call it the Darlington stripe I'll be running faster and never in my life scares you to think turn four the pace car scoots out of our way if our lineup looks good the starter will give us the green there it is here we go a nice clean start jr. Johnson shows us the way through the first Freddie Lorenz and drops behind him the rest of us just trying to stay out of trouble it's a three car race Lorenzen marvin paint Junior Johnson drops out of the high fast brood near the fence it looks like he's heading for the pits Freddy Lorenzen takes charge Johnson's engines sick blurr engines fly distributers broken that car won't run anymore today this racing game is a heartbreaker you better believe it Lorenz is running like an outlaw that's chasing like a sheriff there's a spin it's Bernstein Britta some catches in broadside birth baggage slides and nudges schemes wrecked car somebody must have dropped oil in that third turn Robbins is able to keep moving but he's out of the race like men and caution lights around the track warned us to slow down Rev Wickersham walked out of that car with a few scratches but burn scheme was pinned inside and cut free by the rescue squad he's been rushed to the hospital when the track is clear the safety car heads for the pits and read Lorenz and puts his foot down Marvin Panch ride behind him derringer holds down third spot hurl bomber is teammate is 40 [Music] Deringer driving the mercury moves up to challenge patch the second-place Ford and his crew doesn't like the look of it [Music] there goes danger drop and pass the third place dairenji wants to lead he's moving up on threat Lorenzen Derringer takes the lead my be that freddie's holding back 500 long race patches in trouble he's losing power looks like his engines gone older Marvin when an engine blows it drops all where your own wheels can find it it's a feeling you don't forget and brings it down off the wall in parks it's smooth you please derringer is setting up hundred and thirty six mile an hour pay read Lorenzen stayin right with him another engine blows during your Spencer bends a little fence but that guardrail keeps him inside the ballpark preventional win about $500 today but a new engine cost thousands that's racing while the oil has cleaned off the track most of the leaders pit for fuel and tires we lose at least time pitting under the yellow the good crew can give you 20 gallons of gas a couple of new tires and a pat on the back and less than 40 seconds don't think your crew goes to sleep when you pull out they're busy checking tire wear to figure out how many stops you'll need and how the chassis is handling buck and Buddy Baker both in trouble buddy's car number 87 Chevy is finished and bucks Plymouth is overheating the old pro turns his car over to somebody guess there's a time to take it easy and let the youngster do the hard work bucks won this race three times you don't have to prove anything Sam mcquaig fork number 24 and Cale Yarborough ford number 27 that grabbed first and second spot with derringer breed and hard on their necks the rinse ins 10 seconds back wait these Chargers have everything going for him nerve enthusiasm and first-rate equipment the plates doing what we all dream about leading the pack in his second Darlington race [Music] the arbors trying to pass there and eat up [Music] Cale Yarborough's over the wall he never even touched the guardrails he sailed down that 40-foot slope plate slides through the infield Laroy Yarborough was clipped as he tried to avoid the collision his trunk lid was torn off sure glad I wasn't closed when it happened the pit crews half mile away knows something's wrong but no one knows what that's mcquaig screw hoping that sam will come around but knowing deep in their souls that he should be here by now Cale Yarborough's mechanic banjo Matthews listens to the broadcast of the race hoping for news that car he so carefully put together lies at the bottom of a hill a hundred feet outside the guardrail there's no word yet on Caleb the announcer has him inside Kalos okay the news goes on the pit board for the rest of us mighty good to know the Roy armor will no relation to Cael parks it to battered to race he pushed his Chevy right up there with the leaders samih quakes all right you can imagine how he feels one minute leading the race an almost counting at $20,000 first place money then half a minute later he's awarded 29th position in prize money of 575 dollars even so he's a lucky fella even luckier scale yah girl not a scratch a sail through the air like an astronaut he said about 250 miles a lot of cars are out of the race Earl Balmer derringers teammate has real steering trouble he's through buddy Arrington drops a wheel on the front stretch it's a close one but Arrington makes it to the pits gets a new tire goes back into the race dick Hutcherson tangles with the wall in another car Hutcherson ran with the leaders until slowed by this pit stop Jim Paschal Chevy leads for a while before his hopes go up in the smoke of an overheated engine Pascal had been trying to beat this track for 16 years he hasn't done it yet one by one the frontrunners dropped by the wayside only Darrell derringer left to battle it out there's a showdown in every race a time when you don't hold I mean runt [Music] they're turning laps at a hundred and thirty-eight miles an hour faster than the track record fans are going wild to worry her enza's mechanic is Jack Sullivan who set up a winner here for fireball Roberts derringer is diving more whose carved to Joe Weatherly speedy Thompson buck Baker to victory on this track Lorenz ins Ford is in the pit less than 60 miles from the checkered flag it could be irregular pit stop the hood is up the crews not rushed around that's bad news Lorenz ins out of his car engine trouble suddenly derringers heading for the pit he's on fire derringers got a four lap lead on the rest of the field his nearest challenger is Ned Jarrett driving Ford number 11 [Music] derringers and tuff reseal on the rear actions given way but with less than 60 miles to go derringer is gonna try to run for it our engines through he won the Rebel 300 and he's won just about everything else in racing but he's never won the southern 500 I had it in the bag this time he said here it's a car now second is running hot jarett's reduced speed trying to cool the engine he's still fast enough to take most of us but is he fast enough to catch Derringer only 16 of the 44 starters are still running derringers time to run without using his brakes when he does break the heat of the hot brake drum ignites the grease leaking out of the rear axle watch it can't handle that first turn without breaks if you want to try you're welcome to it that axles hot Buddy Baker driving his dad's Plymouth makes a last-minute pit stop he's pushed that car into third place even though he scraped the wall doing it the 25 year old buddy's done a terrific job of driving Oh bucks mighty pleased derringer gives up he pulls off the track less than 20 miles from the finish line with derringer out Jarrett's car owner bond along gives his driver the high side Garrett eases own let's the tale Enders path it's the first chance we've had all afternoon to pass a leader feels right good a last lap Jarrett's got second place Buddy Baker for company the makers too many laps behind to worry about bears Ned Jarrett taking the checkered flag in the 16 southern 500 let me tell you something one of these days I'm gonna make my crew as happy as that with Johnny Reb perched on the hood in forward number 11 eases into the winner's circle this is Jared's first victory on this track although he's finished in the top ten and four previous races Jared's part of the hundred thousand dollar Darlington purses more than twenty-two thousand dollars which he shares with mechanic and car owner Ned's average speed was a hundred and fifteen miles an hour and a race slowed by caution flags this victory will give Ned Jarrett enough points to make him NASCAR's national champion his toughest competitor for those NASCAR honors has been dick Hutcherson who was awarded the fireball Roberts Memorial Trophy as Darlington's Rookie of the Year the trophy is presented in the winner's circle by Harvey before senior chairman of the board Falstaff Bruin corporation every race driver wants to stand on the roof of his car and show his wife the rest of the world how he feels about himself down at your feet they're piling up trophies people are checks half an hour ago nobody knew you're in the race except maybe your mechanics who were praying for you now Ned Jarrett's a part of Darlington history a winner but in a way there are no winners at Darlington only survivors the winner is that mean old track I learned to treat with respect that's enough to learn for one year y'all come back there [Music] [Music] thirty nice to be here thank you thank you the post office in the town of Camden South Carolina population 7,000 are there abouts opens at eight o'clock in the morning Ned Jarrett picks up his mail early he can't wait for the rural free delivery the walk from the post office to the bank gives net a chance to start planning his day and it's a long one it also gives him a chance to stop and socialize a bit maybe talk a little politics or sports it's a nice feeling to live and work in a friendly town like Camden on a day like this he's already read the morning paper had breakfast and helped his wife get the kids off to school when he's home of course his business takes him away a good deal Ned is general manager of bhiwani incorporated his problems are the problems of any businessman labor costs financing often the last stop before going to his office his accountant [Music] although his problems are the usual ones net Jarrett is in a somewhat unusual business at least some people think so net Jarrett's business is stock car racing this quiet man is also one of racing's quickest [Music] is now famous number 11 can be seen whipping by of NASCAR tax from California to New York to ten months of the year National Association for stock car auto racing sanctions about 60 grand national races for late-model stock cars between January and November Ned Jarrett runs in everyone he started racing seriously when he was 22 by 1960 at the age of 27 he had won NASCAR sportsmen division championship two years in a row he felt he was ready borrowed money to keep going and moved up to the grand national circuit he won five races that year it was quite a beginning in the big leagues in his second year on the grand national circuit 1961 he won the national championship it wasn't it takes a world of experience to become a good race driver like all great performers he did it again one of only five men to repeat the triumph NAB won the national championship again in 1965 plus nearly $80,000 in prize money his true shares everything with Ned right down the line and so does his family he takes him with him wherever he can and why not into Victory Lane he's been in the winner's circle 50 times in six years on the grand national circuit and he has finished in the top five nearly 80 percent of the time Ned Jarrett is champion of all the tracks large small dirt and asphalt he's NASCAR's winningest driver the road to a third championship starts early in the morning in Camden the nature of Ned's business being what it is he doesn't have his office right in town if he did folks would be dropping in all day long to chew the fat about one thing or another and he'd never get any work done instead both office and garage are located on his car owners plantation about ten miles outside of Camden the rural sounds of South Carolina farming country are a far cry from the packed grandstands and cheering crowds Bondi long owns Ned's racing cars and Bondi supervises the pit crew the same crew that prepares the race cars Ned Jarrett Bondi long and their six-man crew are a team every day they're not racing they're working on the car maintaining it preparing it for the next race there's not only the thrill of driving but also the thrill of building and setting up a piece of machinery so that it outperformed someone else's it's a full-time overtime job 12 months of the year being a champion has its rewards and demands in any given day men may be called upon to negotiate with promoters for upcoming races advance publicity work lining up tests of equipment with manufacturers booking track time selling off old equipment they've accumulated checking over all the bills in okaying them for payment making travel arrangements for himself and the crew and just running a business the bright spot in the daily routine is the fan mail Ned finds time to read and answer everyone Ned likes people and they like him in a schedule that keeps him on the go on and off the track he still finds time to speak to more than 50 groups a year about highway safety Thank You mr. Wilson and thank you gentlemen certainly as a pleasure for me to be here today and to be associated with this fine group again I had the privilege and the pleasure yesterday to speak to the University about the same thing that I'm going to talk about today we had some 2100 college students that we presented this program to now you may think it's strange that a professional race driver is standing here talking to you about safety on the road I can tell you that I feel safer on the racetrack than I do on the highway Ned I think you'd be interesting to this group to understand what attracted you to racing and what attracts any man to racing initially well I started racing because I've always had a love for automobiles I've always liked to drive anything I could get my hands on I've always liked competition of all types [Music] competition yes in the fastest growing sport in the country America is a nation on wheels upwards of forty five million people now go to automobile races every year and everyone drives to the track in our car these are motorists here to cheer their favorite cars and drivers auto racing has become the second largest paid attendant sport in the country where else would an ambitious young man from the Carolinas go who has a love for automobiles and a desire for competition the NASCAR circuit is the biggest the richest the fastest the NASCAR circuit in the south and southwest and the USAC circuit in the north and Midwest have we'll prize money of over ten million dollars but you have to be there at the finish to win after 12 years Ned knows how hard he can run is equipment and stay in contention attrition is the enemy and the track lies in wait for the slightest error a winning driver like Ned knows how far to put his foot down on the accelerator without breaking the wheels loose barreling along and heavy traffic at 275 feet per second 170 miles an hour if the backend comes around or a driver corrects a bit too much going into a turn he's had it for the day [Music] a spectacular accident but not one single driver was injured dad you were drafting powdering another car real close which driver has the most control over his call in a situation like that well of course drafting tends to pick the speeds of both cars up when we're on a speed racetrack it affects the handling qualities of both cars the front car actually feels more stable than the rear car and but the rear car can cause movements by the front car by manoeuvring in the turns of course now when we get in our own private cars and start home from the racetrack well the situation is completely changed because we don't know the abilities and limitations of the other drivers so we have to drive more defensively on the highway than we do on the racetrack Ned what's the difference between the small dirt tracks that you race on and the big new super speedways that you have today well very definitely when you're driving on the short track as compared to a large track you would more or less let it hang out a little more you could afford to drive a little more reckless because you aren't going as fast you know I guess you would consider myself one of the hardest Chargers on a dirt track normally our dirt races are only about a hundred 150 miles in length most of the dirt cracks are half a mile and but there again it's a tremendous punishment on the equipment because most of these tracks tend to come apart or holes get in and then you have to just literally bounced the cars through the holes and slide them to the turns it's not as easy to pass another driver on a dirt track as it is on a paved track so I feel like it's important to get out front and try to maintain that position as long as you can Racing is Ned's business but as a professional he knows himself the road and the equipment it's just as true on the highway you can't win if you don't get there this is an experience he likes to share with his friends effort towards trying to be a better and a safer driver thank you [Applause] more questions this time a professional one yeah do you know how much steelhead and far last time oh I believe we had about to eject direct how does he want the car set up for the next race Ned Jarrett's an expert at beating the track but you've got to beat the competition two men like Darrell derringer are sure passed hand jr. Johnson always the pace setter the hardest charger of them all Fred Lorenson with mechanic Jack Sullivan is always the man to beat Richard Petty famous son of a famous father likes to run in front Marvin Panch steady and consistent from start to finish tiny lawn in first class equipment can go all the way AJ Foyt has a great finishing kick in fact any man on a given day can go all the way to beat the best you've got to out think them as well as our drive them to decide I think we should set it up about the same way we're headed before because the car was going real well Ned Jarrett puts it all down and righty he doesn't guess he has a complete set of specifications for every setting on the car and for every track shock absorbers I think we should run the same numbers in fact you should just take this sheet and just set the car up exactly like we had it's the same thing by the way are you gonna call homeland ladies today oh yes that's right I forgot about that back glass we need that thing real baby all we need this hole and everything in it okay fine I'll call them right now okay operator I'd like area code 704 please three I just hope needed by Sakura when his crew sets up the car they know precisely what he wants and they give it to him [Applause] every driver worked with his crew in setting up a car so it reacts the way he wants it to Ned likes that extra security in the turn so that he's in control of the car not the other way around [Applause] Ned's cars are specially built and set up for racing by Holman and moody according to the rules and specifications of NASCAR Holman and moody prepare cars for other top four drivers within these strict limits the car is then custom tailored to the driver by his own crew so that it becomes virtually an extension of his body no planning load in 118 range that should be good favorite dress hat right yeah just take the swap out of thing because this is big bargain it's real sensitive and we can't afford to run too much wedge in there oh the whole chassis out of focus so this looks real good I think we can go with this way give her a once you've done everything you can to the the only way to find out what you've really got is to go race [Applause] this is it heavy high-speed traffic competition in the world training Karan Racing is a tough business it demands tremendous concentration physical stamina [Music] most drivers get to the top if they do the hard way through a series of wrecks and heartbreaks until they get to the point where they can handle a stock car [Music] [Music] because net Jared came up the hard way he leaves nothing to chance where safety is concerned a steel cage protects him from broadside crashes the bars actually pushed the other cars away [Music] heavy-duty shoulder harness and seatbelts keep him in his seat no matter what happens a special headrest stops his head from snapping back [Music] in case of fire a driver's biggest hazard a fire extinguisher mounted in the car sprays purple K in around and under it at a flick of a switch [Music] the frame itself is completely reinforced with steel roll bars the driver is engaged in steel another safety device is a peephole which the driver uses to check tire wear on the crucial right front tire which takes all the thrust of the high bank turns Jared's crew will complete the final assembly in one minute in this speeded-up version that you're about to see actually they can do it in 10 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] winning races is a supreme team effort victory that is sometimes measured in split seconds can be won or lost in the pits the same crew that fights the clock in the garage gives Ned Jarrett four new tires 22 gallons of fuel a drink of water if he wants one and a clean windshield all in 30 seconds they do this as many as five times in a race and over a hundred times in a season in a 60 race season Ned Jarrett burns up four to five hundred tires a hundred and twenty wheels 100 sets of spark plugs 50 engines forty ball joints 60 coil springs forty distributors forty sets of brake shoes thirty sets of brake drums twenty-five fuel pumps fifteen transmissions Ned Jarrett's truck carries enough equipment to completely rebuild the racecar - the sheet metal racing is the toughest proving ground in the world three and a half hours on a Speedway is equal to a hundred thousand miles on a highway our race drivers life and livelihood depend upon his equipment he needs the best of everything and lots of it an average day for net charity starts in the quiet town of Camden around 8:00 in the morning it ends after a long and crowded day on a quiet tree-lined suburban street how does a man like Ned Jarrett balance all the elements of his life his business his racing his speaking activities and his family well I have three children my oldest son Glenn is 15 they have a son Dale who is nine and a little girl patty who is six and of course they're all avid Ned Jarrett racing fans they attend as many of the races as possible in school will permit and even on weekends during school months they go to quite a few of the races and a little girl she likes the glory she's always getting around to getting her picture made after I have won a race now my oldest son Glen he really does not have a desire to become a race driver he is a good athlete but Dale he seems destined to become a race driver my wife was a race fan before we met but she would a little rather that I'd do something else that I liked as well that I could make as much money at what kept you so long all just the usual things I had to polish our low line at the rear Renda for the rest are just a little thing hey what you making there I'm making a black walnut cake yeah that's pretty good well it won't be too long for supper okay they'll be bedded you wash your hand please you're getting good clean you know there are times when you have to make a decision as to whether you want to risk your life to maybe win a race well I would have to have my family in mind when I would think about something like this but I think definitely that most race drivers would put their life before winning a race there you return things please garnish great - good let us take it for food they were slower daily great oh man the two words that best describe Ned Jarrett our dedication and devotion he is devoted to his family dedicated to the sport of stock car racing and to the business of racing he has a job to do and he does it well he is Racing's goodwill ambassador they call him the quickest quiet one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jinjabreadman46
Views: 105,740
Rating: 4.7865529 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, Grand, National, Winston, Cup, Nextel, Sprint, Monster, Energy, 1965, Division, Darlington, Raceway, South, Carolina, Race, 44 of 55, September, 6th
Id: xeqOBxZt6Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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