Rare Footage | NASCAR Classic Race Replay: 1970 Alabama 500 | Talladega Superspeedway

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This was the first points paying race shown live according to Nascarman on Twitter.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/TC021002 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

bit of a pet peeve here, but shouldn't it be "NASCAR has posted..." - as NASCAR is a singular entity, not a plural?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Klendy 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cale Yarborough running with no windshield lol. Watching it now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NismoTour 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

They should post the 1969 Alabama race. For shuts and giggles

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yuhtm 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
Bobby Isaac Bowl Center for the Alabama 500 is now leading the race with the fountain 90 laps to go in second place David Pearson in third place Bobby Allison and Buddy Baker is in fourth place at blistering speed [Music] championship moto racing the Alabama 500 live from the Alabama International Motor Speedway this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by Gatorade the remarkable new brain has absorbed faster to quench thirst faster that's why Gatorade is the professional thirst quencher by the makers of fine STP products STP s treatment at STP oil treatment and by Goodyear the only maker is a long wearing poly glass tire Alabama International Motor Speedway is the world's fastest closed course that measures two point six six miles and today 40 cars started this 500-mile grind and cities that were truly astounding 13 cars qualified at speeds in excess of 190 miles an hour and at the end of this punishing 500 miles is a purse of $138,000 for more than 26 thousand dollars to the winner and the leader right now is Bobby Adelson in car number 22 battling it out with Bobby Isaac horribly here is Bobby Allison the one couple weeks ago at Atlantic driving for Mario Rossi and his Dodge Daytona charger oh those car with that I've been up on the back he qualified for today at a speed of 197 miles an hour right now he leads Buddy Baker who is in second place the holder of the world's closed course record of better than 200 miles an hour David Pearson in a Ford Talladega is one lap down he is in third place 100 laps of 188 laps have been completed and that is the official order right now as Bobby Allison Buddy Baker battle for the lead on the same web we have had fantastic speeds we knew we were going to have on lap number 22 for us today Cale Yarborough in car number 21 69 mercury turned it in at a hundred and ninety nine point zero eight zero miles an hour ABC's championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message everybody I'm funny your ABCs new championship auto racing series this is the first four special which will be bringing you during the next nine week you think we have a great variety of auto racing in store for you series and here at the Alabama International Speedway the world's then on May the 24th it'll be more brand national racing NASCAR championship racin from the Charlotte Motor Speedway the world 600 then on the 14th of June it'll be the Canadian American Challenge Cup Series from host port Ontario Canada right now everybody is chasing this man on the left of your screen and chasing him at speed but quite frankly ten years ago we really couldn't have dreamed of but of course ten years ago we couldn't have dreamed the fact that we would be taking our third trip to the moon but I really believe that if you equate auto racing and space travel the two have come along just as rapidly during this past decade during the course of this race today could be heating Bob Montgomery who'll be working the pit area for you and right now our racing expert Keith Jackson is standing by to bring us up the data what's happened up the lucky bail out they explain to you why we have such tremendous speech we have had a total of 25 left under the yellow we just got the right there with sound so but Bobby Allison and Buddy Baker are really spreading right now and the speech when they are running have been in excess of 190 miles an hour and let's take a look at a model of the track here at the Alabama International Motor Speedway and I think you'll see why this straight run here is the pit road here is your start/finish line this is a 16 degree banking 16 17 degree banking but here drops off to eight degrees that they go into the tight corner and this is a cutaway of the model to give you an idea of how highly bike these corners are now down here at the bottom through but is 0 degrees that's 12 feet wide it is 17 degrees right here that's 12 feet wide but up here you've got 48 feet on this major track that runs up to 33 degrees this is why they're able to maintain tremendous speed through the turn after they come off the dirt that long back straight they can reach speeds in excess of 210 miles an hour as they come streaking down into this highly Bank turned 33 degrees finishing the tri-oval run everybody forcibly came here it was going to be one of the best tracks of all time NASCAR stock car racing and it's certainly proven to be in the case right now and there's certainly no reason to expect with what the people today won't be very much in the finish now here is the way they started in the Alabama 500 Bobby Isaac number 71 qualifying just a fraction of the 300,000 our number 71 he started on the pole inside Davis number 7 Charlie Watts back was inside behind the pole sitter at the start this morning but number 22 leading the race so Bobby Allison who started actually in fourth spot outside is now in the lead Buddy Baker who started number three on the inside lane is now in with car number 22 putting on the duel right here and Bobby Isaac number 71 is running third now let's pick up the action but Phil honey all right thank you very much Jake heat so that kind of brings you up today that all things stand right now with Bobby Allison holding about a nine second lead out on that last lap Bobby Isaac moved into second place I had a buddy baker so those two are having quite a battle going for the number two spot chasing Bobby Allison for one as I mentioned the Atlanta 500 and record-breaking time at his 69 Dodge Daytona a couple of weeks ago so right now at the end of a hundred laps we had an average speed of 146 point zero two zero miles an hour we have had three caution lights too because of blown engines and one because of something a spectator threw out onto the track so 25 laps total of caution where they're running down at speeds of 120 miles an hour brought that really down quite a ways at this point Bobby Allison Buddy Baker and Pete Hamilton is the official word now from the NASCAR scoring headquarters now we may have a little bit of confusion as we go along because of a rash of pit stops that were made under the yellow and I think we can get into that a little bit later on because there is quite a story of tires here today being that this is kind of an experimental race with tires a brand-new tire was developed by a good year for this Talladega race that's ten and three-quarter inches wide believe it or not and there is the battle for second to check that now that's Baker on the Left that's Buddy Baker and he's being followed by Isaac who was one lap down Pete Hamilton in car number 40 according to NASCAR scoring is in third place but we do know definitely that Bobby is Bobby Allison is in first place and everybody is chasing him right now I started to say the cars come in and many times they'll only get rubber on the right side go out and take another lap if it is under the caution and come back and get complete rubber on the left side so this is kind of an experiment all the way along today trying to figure out how long the tires will last how long the fuel will go and as a matter of fact how long the cars can stay together now Richard Brickhouse who won the first race ever held here the Talladega 500 back in September blew an engine down the main straightaway here but other than his car and I believe it was Alonso Dave Alonso who blew an engine we really haven't had too many mechanical problems our last guy we had something like 33 cars of a starting field of 40 still in the race but to bring you up to date a little bit more in detail on that here's Keith Jackson I think they're one of the most revealing unrevealing factors of the race so far as during the first 60 laps we have no real opportunity for anybody to tell us how they were going to do today as far as the tire wear was concerned going into the race everybody had planned their pit stops to come in the neighborhood of thirty one up through 34 laps that would be four tires and fuel but because of the three caution flags and everybody ducking in to get extra tires get extra fuel nobody really came up with any real workable scheme of things and we're in the process right now on finding out just how along the fire Kengo whether or not the leading automobiles can run in the plant schedule of 31:32 elapse before they make a pit stop all right Thank You Keith Palace check in with our colleague in the pits Bob Montgomery bobby allison is leading the race and alongside is Mario Rossi is crew chief Mario how are things going well right at this time Bob real well we're having minor tire problems now I know that some of the people are experiencing more severe problems things look real good for us at this time how many laughs are you able to get out of your tires Bobby the last time we were in 33 laps 33 laps well that's pretty good yes that's about 87 or 88 miles that's it there when will your next pit stop come Mario an approximately 15 to 18 laps top now back to you bill okay fine we'll be watching that one in ABC's championship on a racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message Bobby Allison who qualified in fourth position is leading this race and Buddy Baker is above six seconds behind let's find out where Baker is in relation to Allison on the race track remember this is two point six six miles around and bakery now is a little less than five seconds behind Bobby Allison now there is Allison on the left and he'll be coming to car number six so it's car number twenty-two leading areas coming into your screen as he goes down that 4,000 foot backstretch Bobby Allison and bloody Baker in car number six is in second place incidentally Baker seemed to be the one to watch because he holds the world's record for a closed course the first man ever to go 200 miles an hour he did it in and asked our transmission test here at several weeks ago when he hit 200 point four four seven miles an hour [Music] now let's check the time difference between Bobby Allison and Buddy Baker four point six so much to me Keith as if he is picking up about 2/10 of a second per lap I think it is interesting to note too that Buddy Baker likes to run a little lower on the track than some of the other people in fact Minh buddy set the world record for the most force another 200 miles an hour he ran right down on the bottom through though now the question is can these engines take this tremendous 24 believe it or not these engines are turning between 7,000 and 7,500 rpm there is no lifting of the accelerator here at the Alabama 500 in this racecourse is punishing of course on all kinds of equipment but the engine simply run flat off here comes Allison by the start/finish line and will again check Baker to see if he is closing the interval at all and we catch him Adam does at four point nine he lost a tenth of a second all the last after he passed the halfway point of the race which is 188 laps for the 500-mile 500 point eight miles actions what we could have to run we had three cars running in the same lab Bobby Allison Buddy Baker and Bobby Isaac who was the pole sitter and has been in a challenging position all day is now in defense getting fresh rubber the rubber they're using today is almost like a drag slick it is a very slick tire engineered specifically for this track in this race and a good fast pit stop of only about 16 seconds for Bobby Isaac who keep in mind is in fourth place but one lap down before that pit stop and we'll be staying with the race today to the very conclusion here comes the leader of Bobby Allison to the pit so let's watch this pit crew at work I owe Rossi the crew chief see what they do the rubber comes outside they can only jack up one side at a time see which side goes up first the right side fuel goes in incidentally these gas tanks have a 22 gallon capacity also today bill because they're changing all four tires so many times they have waived the rule of only having five men over the pit wall today they have six at work now the left rubber goes on this has been 30 seconds so far in trying to keep the clocks on the taught cars when they have made this top four four tires for pieces of rubber it has taken generally in the neighborhood of forty three seconds or the effective efficient crews you'll notice there is no glass in these cars and who NASCAR rules says that the glass was taken out on the side the side windows I have a little screen there that they have this was done to keep the glass off the track to keep the tires from being cut and so forth so he's out after a stop of about 50 seconds here comes David Pearson in and David is one lap down running in seventh place right now in his Ford Talladega I don't know what happened to Bobby Allison but he is backing up he hit the starter to go onto the main chute out of the apron and Allison is backing up this could be a real major mechanical problem his pit crew frantically looking down there the yellow light is on I think he just killed the engine the yellow caution light is up I see nothing on the track to warrant the cautions or perhaps it does have something to do with Allison at the end of pit road it's hard to speculate exactly what it is we'll get official word from NASCAR but all of a sudden Bobby started to back up as you saw and whether he killed his engine going on it just remains to be seen there's the caution light blinking and of course all cars must hold their relative position now here's where everything happens it's Grand Central Station in the pits all the pit crews are standing out there holding up signs getting ready for their drivers to come on in rubber chunks according to the official NASCAR rule word are on the track anything on the track at speeds of 200 miles an hour could be disastrous and so the cars will start to make their parade Baker coming in who was the leader after Allison had gone out now the Baker car will come into the pits the cotton Owens bullet nose T tailed Dodge Daytona charger [Music] I think on this mesh screen that they have been there it a lot of the people felt that this might cut down some on the communication with their fifth people particularly in trying to negotiate the track of these remarkable speeds and look for directions and instructions from the pit but so far that has been no apparent problem and under the yellow caution light this being the fourth one we have had so far in the race everybody it ducks in to take on rubber and gas and Allyson in for the second time on a consultation with his crew ABC's championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message the caution light came out 118 left with 70 laps to go speed slowing way down here right now because tires seem to be such a big story here let's go to Bob Montgomery who discusses the tire developed specifically for this Talladega track Bob automobile racing tires are different from automobile passenger tires the culprit for the last race they said was tires the Goodyear engineers came up with a new design how'd you tire this is a cutaway right here this tires 5/32 of an inch as compared with eleven thirty seconds of an inch for a regular passenger tire the reason that it is less is to dissipate heat this will give you an idea of what these drivers are on out here today of course inside this is an inner liner for safety this is the service almost spoon this hole right here is used to measure how much tread is left and to take tire temperatures Richard Petty had a good comment about this tire and the smoothness Richard said if anybody leaned out the winter and spat on the track somebody could spin out because of the dampness good comment Bob thank you very much Richard penny had fifty tires mounted and available for this race in Glenwood at thirty ready for Cale Yarborough so they were anticipating a quite a bit of tire usage here and as far as the cars themselves are concerned I am particularly impressed with the way the engines have held up as I mentioned these engines turn between 7,000 and 7,500 rpm constantly they drive 500 miles here that's equal to about 50,000 miles on the highway and as the cars come around here it's just a question of how long the cars were in the pits and which ones were but I I think we could actually hazard a guess that Buddy Baker or heat Hamilton whichever comes by first would be the leader of the race Bob you have another word down there I just checked with Mario Rossi in his bid says you don't bother Alison develop some trouble we went to Mario and said Mario what's wrong he said vomit looks like we have some engine problems he was leaning he came in for a pit stop he went back out he has problems that's the story on Bobby Allison okay Bob if you can find out what actually happened there at the end of pit row from Mario we've does certainly appreciate it why start back up I think to Bill as we get into that hundred and twenty hundred and twenty five lap area the attrition is really going to start to take its effect and as everybody knew coming into this particular race today it's a whole new ballgame nobody knew a great deal about the track and nobody really knew hobby equipment how long it could run and how effective it could be at these remarkable speeds while we're on Richard Petty's car here we might note that both Richard Petty and Pete Hamilton have had their chassis x' readjusted during the course of this race and that is what they're doing again so it's been really more of a handling problem I would say for the many limits superbirds than anything else today they've been running rather smoothly engine wise but Hamming was a mystery to them just exactly how to set up a car you know it's running in traffic that's quite a bit different and running out there with 39 other automobiles aerodynamics at speeds of a hundred and ninety plus are quite a bit different than running alone let's say in qualifying plus the fact many of the drivers felt that opening both of the Wenders alongside of them putting that mesh screen in there let much more air come in created a little bit of noise for them thereby stopping their ability to really feel a tire when it went bad or perhaps even the atleast ways to read their instrument is that he couldn't see the tachometer the green is up and the safety car has pulled off and here they come it is putty Baker in the lead in second place is Pete Hamilton and in third place is Bobby Allison according to the NASCAR control however I think we better check the Allison one because he came in three times twice under the caution but we do know that Buddy Baker and Pete Hamill door running one and two it may very well have been that Allison did get out in time like wishing his number three spot he did lose a lap to the leaders but he did not give up his third position so keep in mind that we have Buddy Baker in the lead with Pete Hamilton in second place and then in third one lap down it still looks like Richard Petty's having trouble there's smoke coming out from the back end of his car he's just fired it up and he has been in that pit heat for almost two minutes Richard Petty who was one more stock car races more races than any other race driver in history in the pits and now he is going to be coming out onto the track once again he has not had a good ride he was not that happy this morning he was not that happy yesterday the big grin and the pedicab belong to Pete Hamilton and his place of the deal indicates why those of you who are following the fortunes of Leroy Yarborough and Donnie Allison let me remind you that those two of the Fords hottest drivers are not here today due in part to the factory budget cut pack crew chief junior Johnson and banjo Matthews felt that they simply couldn't get the cars ready due to the financial pinch get in shape for this race so Leroy Yarborough and Donnie Allison are not here cale yarborough who started way back at number 21 position actually took the lead and a puff the 14th or 15th lap sees me on the yellow but he has followed way back since that time we've had 31 laps under the yellow total so far today there is moneymaker all in front and then the second-place car here number 40 is Pete Hamilton so it's Buddy Baker and the Dodge Daytona charger that high winged vehicle and then the Plymouth Superbird now we might put our stop watch and timing device on this leader and check when enamel becomes 5 looks to be three or four seconds difference a word from the Allison crews they suspect some valve trouble all right now when the clock stops 1.7 wow that could develop into something because Pete Hamilton who was a surprise winner in the Daytona 500 back in February just stroked his car along for 300 miles back in third or fourth spot and then pulled up and was the surprising winner of that race and that's really what he's been doing here today is a former grand national touring ace he's 27 years old and comes from Dedham Massachusetts qualified at 194 361 in the number six position and he is chasing Buddy Baker right now who is driving the car number six the cop no one's prepared Dodge Daytona ABC's championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message [Music] you [Music] buddy baker turned the last level 195 plus miles an hour he is in the lead I had a second half as this race the Alabama high member is coming to you live on the Alabama International Motor Speedway in Talladega Alabama before a crowd of 53,000 fans 2.8 now Baker is picking up a little bit on Pete Hamilton the second-place car right now and there is Cale Yarborough who is going to be left for the second time in Baker gets around it Cale is in third place but he might be two laps down there is the second place car number 14 with Superbird in the petty blue driven by Pete Hamilton and now here comes Bobby Allison into the pit once again and that could be the end of things that's all he's not even going to stop he goes right to the garage so with him out we also add the name Charlie clutch back charlie is out with a blown engine so two of the big horses in this race Bobby Allison who won the Atlanta 500 and Charlie Glaus back are both out with lawn equipment riding turning lights back in that car number 99 prepared by Nichols engineering with Paul Goldsmith as the crew manager out it had made seven stops for 15 tires at one point in the race had actually lived now let's go down to Bob Montgomery who is that buddy Baker's pit and get the story from him right alongside me as a man who set up that world honey Baker's doing pretty good out here today in this open window bottle god yes we have a lab lead over everybody maybe we've been winning what's the fastest lap you clock buddy today he run right at our 199 plus god are you having any problems any problems for tires or what yes we're coping with it we're staying right there and within striking this is what right now he's leading the race and not setting the world on fire towards himself one time great race driver crew chief on buddy baker's automobile which is into the now back to you bill all right buddy baker qualified at the number five position inside pole of the third row with a speed of 190 5.6 600 miles an hour but as mention he is the first man ever to go over 200 miles an hour on a closed course his timing for that was forty seven point seven seven three miles an hour and we might just be able to get a timing on one left for pilot more Buddy Baker just to see how he's cruising now unofficially they've got him about three point four seconds ahead of Pete Hamilton which means that he is picking up about four tenths of a second per lap and that is quite a bit it speeds of 195 miles an hour he's right out three seconds now haunting bill three second okay there's the way things stand right now with Cale Yarborough he is third one lap back but running with Baker on your picture you'll see him very very shortly next time around we're going to put our timer on Buddy Baker to see how fast he's going now let me just give you some kind of an indication when he set that world's record of 200 point four four seven miles an hour his timing was forty seven point seven seven three seconds that's four two point six six miles so it gives you an idea what he's going to have to be to be in that 200 mile an hour area I think since we're running and running very fast under the green we might add this point about centrifugal force in these high turns Pogo Smith told me yesterday that their engineers had checked and it figures to be about 2.2 g-forces through the turn so they've actually a driver when he goes through the turn is pressed down into his seats over the shoulder harness comes loose once he comes back onto the flat surface at the back straight he pops back into this position and it becomes quite tight I think our viewers might be interested to know that the driver looks at four basic gauges finally enough not one of them as a speedometer he has an RPM indicated a fuel pressure gauge oil pressure and oil temperature now we're coming down to the final seconds of the run by funny Baker on artificial timing [Music] 50 points were [Music] one hundred ninety one point one three seven miles an hour give or take a mile an hour or two for the mechanical error that could be induced in the human hour so they're still running 190 plus incidentally a Charlie Clark sports car in addition all that sophisticated instrumentation he has taped to his dashboard a package of chewing gum because he's gotta stretch his coffee rich it gets dry also Charlie was one of the first drivers and one of the few drivers to go to that full helmet with just a visor and it because with the windows open you've got a good deal of rubber dust blowing through the car however it does help to dissipate the heat heat has not been a problem here today for the drivers perhaps it has been some for the tires but our temperatures in the sixties it's quite comfortable for a race [Music] car number 47 by Pete Hamilton NASCAR's Grand National Rookie of the Year at 1968 and a well deserved honor for this very articulate young man from Dedham Massachusetts the windows are you'll notice around the car he has a mesh screen up there I think you can just barely make it out and it it's sort of like a prisoner looking through it one of his visitors but at speeds of 200 miles an hour things can become a little bit confusing here's Bob Montgomery to talk to him about I've got a Massachusetts is a man who's won more money so far this year than any other driver on the circuit beat you are here Talladega or a big race and how do you feel about it well I feel real good not only that we've won little money this year but I think I've got one of the finest teams really in racing its kind of backing me up and that's the petty team I think we should should run real well today they've removed the glass from the automobiles that is the side windows and have put in a wire mesh screen first of all how do you feel about the removal of the windows well Bob you know in any rule in NASCAR perhaps one rule might be good for one person not so good for another but III think they're putting bad points about removing the windows one of the reasons they took the glass out of the car well so that we wouldn't have glass on the racetrack would make a little safer surface to race on but in the same token what we have in the cars now is kind of a screen steel mesh and it's pretty close to the drivers head and it's a removable screen where we can take it out from the outside of the car now she saw the driver you know and I kind of feel it perhaps we ought to come up with something a little bit better maybe something made out of nylon or something along that light they couldn't the screen but actually pop inside the car and I certainly wouldn't want that to happen to anybody one thing I've noticed being on the outside it's hard for me to see on the inside this must work the other way too is this gonna give you any problem with your pits well you know pet communication is probably one of the most important things you have in any race and I kind of feel it but this screen does have for these you that's a driver and a car in trouble only the green is still on so we don't know it's this bill champions car number 10 from Norfolk Virginia 69 Ford to qualify 25th in today's race but as yet there has not been a caution light up so perhaps everything is ok just the automobile Clint I usually when they blow the oil comes out on the track especially if they break a rod or something like that the inch justice integrates here is Bobby Isaac who from Catawba North Carolina is one of the most popular drivers of all and he is in battle right now with Cale Yarborough for third place now remember they are both a lap down to the leaders Buddy Baker and Pete Hamill at the carnival 21 driven by Cale Yarborough is in fourth place chasing Bobby Isaac who is in third and there is the leader that is Buddy Baker hanging on to a lead over feed Hamilton and we have 50 laps to go there's bill champion coming into the pits in car number 10 who apparently had the mechanical problem enough so that they can't fix it and he's going back to the garage to try again another day and now let's join Bob Montgomery once again for a chat with Bobby Ellison who is out of the race Bobby Allison you were leading the race you came in for what looked like a pretty normal pit stop and then what happened well the reason I came in bob is the car drops the valve up and three and four corner and I heard it let go I thought it was a tire I hadn't been able to hear the tires previously when we would tear one up but I did hear a lot of noise and everything and you know the car got all out of shape everything so I paid it immediately and while I while ever changing tires on the car to fit some pieces of valve out of the exhaust pipe that's the reason you weren't able to restart the car yeah we went back out and tried it the car would still run about 185 on zip cylinders so we made the decision to go ahead and try to keep running but then it dropped another valve so I decided before we tore the thing up or something riding around slow out there we've been may as well I'll call it a day Oh Bobby you did a tremendous job out there you were leading when you came in for that pit stop what do you think of the race well it it's a tough race I difficult inside the cars at this speed with no side wonders because it blows trash all around inside the car constantly and it's hard to gauge your speed and we saw early in the race that we just couldn't run flat out which that needs its way to gauge it is hold it down on a track like this so I don't know it's a tough race and the guy that wins it's really gonna deserve it Bobby Allison from Georgetown Alabama another day will come all right thank you Bob and tough luck Bobby and being out of the race with that engine problem the yellow caution line is out and the plank of course is out the safety car is out on the track so we do have a caution there was debris on the backstretch we understand so cars must hold their relative position at this point ABC's championship motor is live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message there seems to be a problem in the pit of Buddy Baker he has been in there for 47 seconds now he comes up 49 seconds Pete Hamilton also fitted but was out in 23 so Pete Hamilton beat him out by nearly 25 seconds and Keith that could be very significant however bill here Hamilton's up there only two tires whereas Baker took all four and remember in Daytona and events seen earlier on ABC television when Pete Hamilton under the caution flag took four tires where is David Pearson took two and it was the four-tire change that meant so much to Pete Hamilton in the final sprint for the finished victory he might project here - a little bit on the fact that we are on level number 141 which means that we have 43 laps to go - that would seem that it under the green but they couldn't run that that far on tires they will have to make one more stop let's watch Hamilton here because he may very well be a story he may come right back into the pits with a yellow hanging out of the pace car he may come right back up two more tires Maurice petty there brother of Richard Petty is the crew chief on that car and that was their strategy before the race began they said well we'll get to at one time under the ohm then we'll get to the next time so actually if he takes 25 seconds let's say on this pit stop then it would equate itself with with the Buddy Baker this time he should take the left side tires and that's what is happening so young Pete Hamilton the Yankee who has come south for so much success so far it looks like he who has been quite a fine for Lee petty and Richard here's where the races are won and lost so many times Ali beat it a little bit there's 18 seconds so perhaps with that to stop aggregate of 41 seconds of the pits get to a little bit better than Buddy Baker but under the caution as I mentioned you simply get all these stops in there's Richard Petty's car in and Richard hasn't really had too much luck today he's well well back in the pack the average speed for 149 150 point 3 4 6 miles per hour a year ago when Richard Brickhouse won this race he averaged 150 3.7 78 miles an hour now if we are fortunate we will have a new replica here today what we don't get anymore of the yellow portion buttons we might also check to see how many cars are still in the running you notice that Richard Petty when he came out of the pit there was a big puff of smoke well this fellows are literally dragging down pit road these days in pit road here at Talladega is a very wide spacious pit road there's very little congestion as a matter of fact the entire track is very wide 72 feet which is larger than you would normally find Green is coming up the safety car is pulling off on the apron into the pit row and we will be racing once again it is and we're underway [Music] I have they go by Buddy Baker was ahead of Hamilton by about two point two seconds it now becomes a question I think probably of equipment because here we have two drivers of comparability Hamilton in second place the younger of the two and with only a smidgen of less experience can fake it but remember he Hamilton did so very well of the Grand Touring so he has a lot of experience on these kind of tracks Buddy Baker in the lead now remember when the caution comes out you cannot change your relative position on the track as long as you get back in on the same lap behind that pace car you can't gain any so the only thing that could have happened in that differential of time between Baker and Hamilton would have been had the green going on but Hamilton did get out under the O so he is still running second to Baker incidentally this is the first of our four special brand new series ABC's championship auto racing on May the 10th by a satellite we'll be bringing you the Grand Prix of Monaco or Formula one cars then back to Charlotte for the world 600 on may the 24 that will be for these same cars the national grand national NASCAR cars and then for the at a variety the can-am series for group seven cars from Mosport Ontario Canada that will be June 14th we've got a timing to see how hot buddy baker is running next time he comes through Seabees picked it up any 491 plus he was running before [Music] three point four seconds the difference between Baker and Pete Hamilton between first and second and they have one lap on the other cars would be Bobby Isaac Cale Yarborough and also David Pearson cale yarborough it now move into the third position he is down a lap bill and it's it's an incredible story he blew two engines trying to qualify that almost burned his car up in the garage yesterday but they managed to snuff out the fire and get it ready for the race he's he's charging just as hard as his equipment will let him out speed Hamilton in second place I think the technical help might be added here to Cale Yarborough is concerned because I think the big mystery in that car number 21 was just exactly how rich or Halloween to run it now when you're running at Daytona the drivers do lift the accelerator a little bit going into the turns although some of them won't admit it they do just lift the shade it does cool the engine allows the engine to breathe here you don't lift at all it just flat out you put your foot down and keep it there and of course the cars are running from hotter so what they're doing here is running a lot richer mixture and they didn't really know that until the early part of the week when they burned two Pistons so after they burned it because to Lena make sure they have Richard Lee and they hope that that is the combination so there is kill leading David Pearson in that battle Pearson incidente is the lap behind and I'm looking for Bobby Isaac because it's Isaac and Cale who are battling for the number three spot Pearson is one lap down Pearson is in 17 Cale Yarborough is Bobby Isaac the pole-sitter Issachar number 71 there it is Baker and Hamilton on the same lab Isaac and Yarborough a lap down at Pearson to Dow trying to pick up Baker together talking on him want to see just exactly how fast he is running because he may try to not run it flat obviously he can hold it together after all these are the critical miles we are left over 145 we have 188 in tow ABCs championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 504 resumed after this message [Music] buddy maker turned the last level 189 miles an hour Pete Hamilton is behind him several seconds and David Pearson the understand now has moved ahead of cale yarborough bunny Baker coming by the home stands here check on him see how he's doing as far as intervals he's got about a five and a half second lead now and enamel [Music] we pause now for five seconds to allow our stations to identify themselves [Music] Pete Hamelin still chasing Buddy Baker he Hamilton Carnival 40 in that Plymouth Superbird in the petty blue cars and Buddy Baker in that wing Dodge Daytona designed aerodynamically for these speeds and we'll check the timing between first and second as they come by and we'll see if Pete Hamilton is gaining heavy on his adversary Buddy Baker that timing I believe is an error I think we timed car number 43 which is in the same color as Pete Hamill in fact 440 then I think it might be interesting to call the general comment that you can actually actually draft here as much as a quarter mile away you begin to pick up the graph so when you start thinking slingshot on this particular track you don't have to think in terms of 15 20 30 feet you can think in terms of yards and that may be something to tuck away in the back of your mind if this duel between Baker and Hamilton stays as it is now here comes Buddy Baker by and we'll get a clocking on him first blue car through will be Petty and then Hamilton car number 14 Petty's and 43 Hamilton in 40th three-point-nine well with those picked up a little bit on question is cannonbolt again that is really what is it alliance of everybody in the crew right now is they actually and look around the track keeping their stop watches wanting to know how fast are they running question is now can the other drivers back of the leaders body Issac Cale Yarborough David Pearson they may make an open up enough grip actually what they have to hope for here is for something to happen to those lead cars because right now we are on lap number 151 which means we have 37 laps to go I think Hamilton is picking up even more looks like the interval as lesson does the Keith it's an Emmy during the season of 1969 NASCAR paid out over 5 million dollars in prize money which was more than a million dollars more than a 1968 it if you don't think these drivers make a lot of money tell you they they well well over 380 $200,000 mark during the course of a year with all the extras thrown in I guess you could equate it to somewhat to the golfers but these drivers have a chance for instance today to make $26,000 to win this race now let's check on the timing green bunny Baker the leader and Pete Hamilton who looks to be gaining on every level Cale Yarborough incidentally is coming into the pits and it's less than two seconds now that Pete Hamilton is behind Baker and Cale Yarborough in the pits let's see what the problem is it could be a real problem they're not jacking the car up which is a normal routine definitely mechanical or perhaps even worse bill electrical cale yarborough 31 years old from Timmonsville South Carolina and that 69 mercury cyclone after winning six races in 1968 in a whopping a hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars windscreen Cale Yarborough's car [Music] looked like it caved right in this is dead well you know he gets fantastic pressure build-up at these speeds on the windscreen yes earlier in the day one of the drivers came in I believe it was Ron kezelowski of Troy Michigan and he actually got out of his car and smashed the rear window perhaps to try to get away from that vacuum that he felt was building up for a while he Baker still in that lead and we are sure that he knows that he Hamilton is breathing right down his neck okay let's see how things are going from a technical standpoint down to the maker hip and Montgomery is really going on here bill not no one says one more pit stop they've given him money in the easy side they'd like farm to drive about 189 miles an hour that's a word one more pit stop in buddy Baker's pit crew on Cale Yarborough's automobile and then windshield the report team earlier than a bottle had hit the windshield and broke the glass they had taped it up earlier now back to you bill all right Bob course that would be a most unfortunate thing a spectator or somebody would throw something onto the track of these great speeds could produce at these speeds bill a contestant he is incredible that anybody would be so inconsiderate let's see now as Bob Montgomery reported his crew a wanting Buddy Baker to stroke it here we'll see how he is doing as far as time is concerned he still has a 1.9 second lead over feet Hamilton but we will see Hollies running unofficially we had him at 189 miles an hour earlier and tell you what on this time around why don't you take buddy baker Keith and I'll take Hamilton and we'll see exactly what they're running they went up was I think in terms of total speed that's the distance between the two cars there's the blue car chasing him and it does seem as if he's closing the gap a little bit on Buddy Baker very few of these fans are taking it sitting down now as we come to the closing phases of the race we have 32 laps to go and Pete Hamilton is picking up a little better ground each lap on Buddy Baker ABC's championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 resume after this message you 30 laps to go and Buddy Baker hanging on to a slim lead over Pete Hamilton Buddy Baker in the Kevin Owens prepared car and let's see what did he turn the last night Keith my reflexes may not be what they once were but I have Buddy Baker at 191 point three seven miles an hour and he Hamilton 191 75 so he's 80 ever so fractionally on the leader Baker it's an Emily next week on ABC's Wide World of Sports these same cars and drivers will be in action live once again from the North Wilkesboro Speedway that race will be carried live on Wide World of Sports so we hope you'll join us on that one and this is the timing on Buddy Baker to see how fast he's going if you were running 190 which is what perhaps Mario Rossi cycle cotton also like him to do it would be about fifty point two seconds actually 190 on the nose is fifty point four [Music] 49.8 all right there's a little bit faster 192 point to a cool I'm anxious to see what the penny crew is signaling to it at Montgomery if you're standing by I think we might get a story up on how they feel the Piet Hamilton should do I think we did a good job of covering on the Baker strategy we might also try to get the same thing from PD after all he's the man who is chasing it takes tremendous strength and endurance in this kinds of automobile racing though I think pointing out the fact that Cale Yarborough is out there submitting himself to tremendous buffeting with no windshield and running right out a hundred and ninety miles an hour force employed : his face yes the only thing he has is that crash almond with the takawana incidentally kale had a little trouble in the last race of the year in 1979 hitting the wall at Texas and had a shoulder problem but came right back here and I'm sure that that is going to be a mighty sore shoulder tonight when he finishes 500 files and as far as the pit crews are concerned the petty crew said that they felt it after a race like this that they would go to bed at night feeling like they had dug ditches all day long handling those 55 found wheels and tires as many times and they have handle them boy gets to be alone jack weighs 56 57 pounds let's check buddy baker see if he's Hamilton is picking up anything at all I'm Buddy Baker the leader we've had at the halfway mark believe it or not 23 different lead changes that was at the halfway mark now with 27 laps to go Buddy Baker has pretty well latched on to the lead with a three-second lead over Pete Hamilton and that would seem to be the battle right now although of course anything can happen late in an automobile race whether it's metal fatigue tire but egor driver for to you [Music] all right let's check them as they come by the start/finish line [Music] be about 3.4 seconds bloody beggar with that upon a three and a half second lead over P Hamilton and we have 26 laps to go ABC's championship auto racing I have coverage of the Alabama pile of it we'll resume right after this message [Music] [Applause] moneymaker still in the lead being chased by Pete Hamilton and then Bobby Isaac is in third place let's go down to Bob Montgomery in the pit area and get a report now a peep Emily standing area feed Hamilton spit Maurice petty very busy right now as you can see standing right here in front of me Maurice is watching his boy Pete Hamilton very closely Maurice tells me he'll be coming in in just about eight more laps for that final pit stop Pete Hamilton who is riding in the number two position the strategy is really going on between Baker and the Petty's and we'll have to wait till the end of the race to see how it's going to work out that's it paddy crew all right thank you Bob and while you were talking there both David Pearson and Cale Yarborough pitted Pearson is two laps back and Gail lost a considerable amount of time earlier when they had that windshield problem there's the windshield that was smashed [Music] Buddy Baker has stretched his lean now built to almost six seconds over Pete Hamilton they one interesting thing too that we might pick up according to NASCAR scoring thought number 71 Bobby Isaac who said a few qualified for this race he was the hole sitter and he qualified at one hundred ninety nine point six five eight miles an hour has now moved into the same lap as Baker and Pete Hamilton let's see how far back he is Baker just coming by the start/finish line that incidentally is worthy black man is seven seconds now between those two now let's pick up corn with 71 to see where he is looks about 15 seconds back that's not too bad there's Bobby Isaac he is on the same lap remember in running third as Buddy Baker and Pete Hamill though the fans started pouring into the infield at 8 o'clock last night when the tunnel was open they camp out as they do it all these great races and have really a wonderful weekend out of it we had a tremendous threat of rain earlier in the day in fact in court all morning it had very low ceilings and it was just about noon here when all of a sudden the sky started to brightened and everybody cheered a bit and the track dried off in a relatively short period of time and the race was underway and we haven't had any weather problem since that time a little on the cool side did you park Issac Keith on the last time around what's your running 180 2.96 the leader is running about 10 mile an hour faster you know you look at these Dodge Daytona charges these winged machines and the spoilers and the in the back and then the front I think we might take a little bit closer look at these cars how they operate so let's try and keep Jackson for a little demonstration of that Keith in recent years as the speeds have increased so dramatically on the racetracks around the country there's been a growing concern over aerodynamics in automobiles let's take a quick look here at a couple of diagrams about the principle of aerodynamics is being used in applying spoilers or wings to these automobiles I will look here at the Dodge and the mercury since they represent similar ideas they dodge and the Plymouth both used this high spoiler on the rear of the car and they have a small spoiler here on the front of their sharp pointed nose now this little spoiler right here at speeds in excess of 150 miles an hour can mean up to 300 pounds of additional pressure on the front of the car to keep it down a tremendous pocket of pressure builds up right here on the windscreen it breaks off the air flows over the top of the car then this spoiler comes into play putting pressure on the rear wheel now this wing which is actually made like an inverted aircraft wing tilted at 1 and 1/2 degrees at 150 plus miles an hour can mean up to 400 pounds of pressure on the rear or driving wheels of the car now the Ford and Mercury spoiling system is a little bit different they have the tiny thing up here in front that again takes the air in it does two things it cools for one thing and then holds the nose of the car down you break up the pressure pocket here it flows over the roof of the car and now you have a very tiny little spoiler back here in comparison to the other one this little spoiler actually interrupts the consistent flow of air and at 180 miles an hour if you didn't have something here to break up the floor there this portion of the car actually could create a vacuum from the airflow and lift it up but because of the spoiler the pressure is reversed or inverted and puts down onto the rear wheels giving solid driving traction to the automobile so that and we have a new leader now as moneymaker has pulled in for what he hopes to be the final pit stop of the day for a rubber on right side see if he does it on the left Pete Hamilton went flying by and the question will be now when will Hamilton commit now they're going to change rubber on the left side want to make very very sure with 17 laps to go but that will not have an eighth tire problem we started this clock when Buddy Baker came into the pit they thought that a real fine pit stop would be anywhere between 40 and 45 seconds oh not bad 43.2 but it'll give you something to go on to see what happens with the penny crew when Pete Hamilton has to come in if they can beat that of course it could be the difference in winning and losing I think Keith don't you agree that everybody said that the real story of this race is going to be in the pits no question about it and Buddy Baker's a group of people right along with the petty people rankest probably the top five the fact that they are able to get six men over the wall today to help in handling the tires has been a great asset for them no question about it I think probably saved each pit stop as much as five seconds on the average you start forcing those big wheels and tires a 55-pound Jack's around it gets pretty tiresome here comes Hamilton right emmalin coming in it'll give us an opportunity to how to see well the Maurice petty crew does on that limit Superbird as he comes in carnival 40 were languishing the lead and when funny maker comes try this time if he does before Hamilton gets out of course he will be in the lead so we'll keep our eyes both on beam Hamilton and also on day 23 out of the original 40 cars out on the track of Buddy Baker has come by he has regained the lead beneath Bobby Isaac has also got a pit that is the third place car and here comes Pete Hamilton on as he moves down pit road heading for the track to reach speed again he's approaching 30 seconds behind Buddy Baker as he goes onto the track he is 32 seconds back to Baker I think really what has happened I think that the Baker went by this time Heep and has to come around again so he did beat him out and I believe he has a lead on Baker we'll check that with NASCAR but here comes here comes Baker pie and he is still chasing Hamilton that is right he is chasing Hamilton ABC's championship moto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message I know but we can play it back anyway drivers up okay that mr. pod does it for Pete he can stroke it just moments ago buddy baker's car came down the home shoot and was a blaze it had caught on fire miraculously he jammed on the brakes and kept the car from spinning there was smoke all over the place spun it into the infield and got out he's okay he's apparently got a right leg but we were very grateful to see him come flying out of that right window in fact looks like the maybe the leg was on fire Keith it was a fireproof clothing on which of course would protect him but all of a sudden that car was just absolutely on fire and he is burned on the right ankle or on the right part of the leg let's just take a look at what happened all of a sudden he came down he was running fine and we looked down there and the car was absolutely ablaze it was just kind of unbelievable everybody was gasping and here's what happened as we show you the tape Kyle was on fire he spotted around and that my friends shows coolness if you'll excuse the pun under fire what may have happened he may have as you see the cars burning it's still burning and there he comes out of the car as we now if you take hot oil or something like that could possibly have a rupture or line leav ruptured in in the car and then the reason for this sustained plays and of course it's just like a furnace a blast furnace in there at two hundred four hundred ninety miles an hour Fanning that blaze and the he knew the thing he had to do repite get that car stopped to keep it from becoming a blowtorch incidentally for the information of our local stations we will be staying on to the conclusion of this race we have 11 laps to go and we will be giving you your local station Frank when we have the opportunity to do it the fire has been put out but isn't that a rather sad ending for Buddy Baker who is the world record holder of low scores over 200 miles an hour who was battling it out for the lead with Pete Hamilton he was only 14 seconds behind Hamilton and now the question is Hamilton is ahead of Isaac on the same lap and David Pearson is one lap down the yellow light however the torch and light is going to help Bobby icing though yes it's a very good point to make because he can pick up ground in other words you can't pass the man in but you can pick up a great deal of distance on them you can actually come right up and ride right on the rear portion of the automobile so Pete Hamilton will undoubtedly be getting quite a bit of coaching from Bobby Isaac as the countenance wing Dodge Charger in blaze goes out on this race and fortunately Buddy Baker did get out although as you saw it does appear as if buddy was burnt or hurt on his right leg Pete Hamilton back in the pit right let's take a look as they check it out there of course is what they call racing luck Pete only taking on one side of rubber that means that Bobby Isaac at this point will go into the lead now the question is and Bob Montgomery may be standing by how about Bobby Isaac how about the rubber on his car how about his fuel is he gonna have to come in he doesn't have to come in of course he's got it in pretty good shape [Music] Hamilton on his way very quickly over 20 seconds for feet Hamilton in the pits Yarbrough fits David Pearson is in Brooks is in I don't believe I've ever seen a car at flat-out speed without hitting anything just absolutely first into flame like that I can only recall one time earlier this year when Sam Posey did that at Riverside in the first major NASCAR race of the year came in on the sheet of flame and the pit straight blew it out of the spin ABC's championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after station identification obby Isaac to snuggle right in there behind the caution car our number 71 Bobby Isaac in 71 right up behind the caution car he's the first one there and Jesus just brings all kinds of speculation to our mind if for instance there was enough oil and the oil drive wasn't spread on in time to get a green before we ended we only have nine laps to go it is conceivable that the race could end on the yellow flag and of course it would be a great stroke of luck racing luck for Bobby Isaac he's not having to run very fast here and of course no strain fuel might be a problem I think we might be able to check back and see perhaps Bob Montgomery would know whether there were plated fuel stop for Bobby this would be a very popular victory if he were to win it he was voted the most popular driver of the 1969 season on the grand national circuit he won 17 races last year but only one of them was on I think attended a Super Speedway that was the finale at Bryan Texas but he is really something on the shorter tracks this would be his second major Super Speedway win yes and only 117 Grand National races in 1969 so the way things stand right now with the cars on the one hundred and eightieth of 188 laps because of the fire that broke out to the car of Buddy Baker and his subsequent dropping out of the race and because of the caution light that came out when that car did catch on fire and spewed oil all over the track we do have a caution and we have Bobby Issac taking the lead with Pete Hamilton in second place ABC's championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama 500 will resume after this message you the yellow caution light is still on and the cars I have dropped in behind the safety car car number 71 driven by Bobby Isaac of Catawba North Carolina the winged Dodge Daytona prepared by Harry Hyde is still in the lead the most significant development during the last minute or so came from NASCAR scoring headquarters where they keep a tape of all of these cars and each person is assigned to that tape and only one person to a car they indicate that at this point Hamilton is leading Bobby Isaac now they have given us a standby on that so that they can check the tape to make sure that they are correct but if that is the case then Pete Hamilton would be almost oh well not quite a lap but almost a lap ahead of father Isaac and that's the story if you've heard it any more than that the area Keith I'll tell you this if that is true that Hamilton does have the lead and with that much traffic between him and Bobby Isaac there is no way barring misfortune for Hamilton that Isaac would ever catch him with the only eight laps to go and we're still under yellow the oil dry is still on the track so it's it's conceivable this race could finish under yellow right and it is now official from NASCAR Pete Hamilton is the leader so because of that flurry of pit stops and because of the little confusion there that did rain for a while in scoring NASCAR indicates that beat Hamilton is the leader and Isaac is in second place so stay with us we're going to cover this right to the conclusion of the race we are on lap number 182 - I believe man standing in front of the sign over there I think bill the tip-off on why do we had in store for us today came in the very first lap there were five lead changes in in the first lap of this race yes it was almost incredible on the first lap Isaac and Pearson held on he's battling it out into the third turn then Charlie clots back took it then Buddy Baker came up there and finally David Pearson so they incidentally turned them that first lap at 198 point to 600 miles a night later on on lap number 22 I believe it was Cale Yarborough turned a lap at 199 point zero eight zero miles an hour so it is now official that Pete Hamilton 27 year old from Dedham Massachusetts is in the lead and we have green light coming on the safety cars up and this ought to be something to see if Pete Hamilton can't hang on to the lead and if Bobby Isaac can pick up any ground on him Isaac is the number one car out in front of Hamilton's right behind him and remember if Hamilton should take it that would mean that he would have a left on Bobby Isaac at this point let's preface everything if that tape is correct though that is right and thank you Evan they have it as they head down to them as you see even though but right at that point he is still the second-place car in the field cale yarborough is a couple of laps down he's in car number 21 they will be completing lap number 182 here now Pete Hamilton and actually the fourth car as you look at them there he is the fourth car back and he is actually our leader and in case you joined us late Buddy Baker who had led for the majority of the race although we had 23 different lead changes just at the halfway mark but he did leave more I believe than anybody else caught on fire coming into the tri-oval got out of the car okay he's been taken as a precautionary measure to the infield Hospital but his fire caught on fire they extinguished it but he is out of the race that enabled Pete Hamilton who was running second at the time to come in now there was a pit stop defeat Hamilton made it was under our indication was that Isaac had taken the lead but official scoring says no he got up in time to go ahead maintain his the supremacy over Isaac which was considerable at the time that he went in so he still has please till I have Bobby Isaac running that lap at 195 plus miles an hour so he is standing on it okay [Music] well now we have a note that has just come through on the intercom system that upon checking the tape NASCAR is in debate at this point about the leader of this race and so we are not going to say anything further about it until we get the official word but there is a possibility that Isaac Isaac is in the lead according to the last report then we had Hamilton in the lead and of course the only way we can give it to you is when it comes from NASCAR we are on their scoring circuit and of course have to take that as gospel at 180 laps the information is just come to us from the NASCAR scoring nice paper in front of me says Hamilton has the lead Isaac is second however if Isaac does in fact have the lead over Hamilton he injures 2.1 second lead over Hamilton at this point so we'll just stand by and call it as we see it because we're coming down to the 186 lap one hundred eighty-five laps it was Hamilton and Isaac either one of which and so we'll just have to wait until they examine the tape but we do know that we have about three laps to go 188 will be the conclusion of the race as soon as we find out from NASCAR we will give it to you officially but we've had two different versions here not oh you'll just bear what is it on what happens we've had more pit stops than any other time on a grand national NASCAR race of course when cars come into the pits it does put an antic burden on the scores who have to punch in and punch out and they are going to make a decision on that as soon as they complete the debate the debate is going on between the scores and it is conceivable of course when there is this much controversy that a protest could be filed by either one of the drivers who is said to be not the leader if Pete Hamilton is indeed chasing Isaac he's 5 seconds behind if he is not chasing him he's 45 seconds in front it's that simple and there's Hamilton and again I will repeat it if Bobby Isaac is leading beat Hamilton Hamilton has to make up 5 seconds with one lap to go the white flag has been given and now we will see who gets the checker maybe that will give us the clue maybe about the only thing we have to go on right now I'll bet you that the hundred dollar checks have already been written for the protest though both fits just in case right here comes Isaac now watch very closely he didn't get it he didn't get it in if the checker comes out now there it is it has to be official now because you saw it with your own eyes dropped in front of Peet Hamilton so Pete Hamilton former grand touring ace wins the second real big one for him he was a rather surprised winner in the Daytona 500 in February after Daytona International Speedway and here he comes in for what seems to be and I'm going to couch that in in perhaps not as definite language as I normally would seems to be the leader and you saw him get the checkered flag Isaac had a full opportunity to get it from the official flag man didn't get it Hamilton their ABCs championship auto racing live coverage of the Alabama we resume after this message
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 73,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, motorsports, racing, stock car, Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick, chase elliott, fantasy sports, fantasy fastlane, glass case of emotion, ryan blaney, crash, wreck, pileup, pit road, penalty, race track, super speedway, highlight
Id: uzb7nWyjwBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 17sec (4697 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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