1951 Dodge Crusader Start To Finish Build

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51 dodge pretty cool it's actually got a 318 in it already so that's kind of weird weird but cool the diff's been changed it's actually super solid everything works uh this is gonna be uh oh down the road not for a while but gonna chop the snot out of this one i'm thinking it needs about four to five inches out of the front and six or seven out of the back yeah gonna happen hey buddy ready to go for ride so i don't think i'll do anything too crazy with this one it's already got a whole lot of sweetness going on with it i don't know i just have a soft spot for these cars interior needs a bit of work nothing crazy though whoever had made some door panels and all that jazz so that's all kind of cool it's actually super solid but most of these cars always are i think i pretty much consider these cars the k cars of the 50s because it's like everybody had one usually the plymouths but i think all the dodgers they must not have been very popular in the day but uh yeah i think i'm gonna do is do about a three inch drop in the back i'll cut some coils in the front get the car nice and low and then uh probably chop the roof that's really what i want to do i love these things they're so easy to chop uh the back window's a little bit weird on this so i'm not sure how that will work or if i'm gonna try to source a 49 plymouth window or if i have something on the yard that i can use but um yeah i want to go a pretty heavy chop i did a cries there a long time ago so i'm thinking i want to do a similar chop i was going to probably do about five out of the front and about a good seven out of the back uh yeah i'll take you along for the ride how i do that all right well i'm gonna start tear down which consists of i gotta remove all the garnish moldings all around pull all the seats and everything that'll burn needs to come out [Music] so [Music] so i got most everything stripped tomorrow i still gotta pull all the headliner out get all this stuff out because i gutted all the doors well i left the side glass in won't be too big of a deal i think what i'll just do is run some tape over it so i don't blast onto the glass see if they'll work probably not but worth a shot uh so yeah next plan of attack is to get the headliner out clean up all the garnish moldings all that stuff out of there and then brace the cab because once you start doing some snipping everything wants to twist and do some weird stuff so to make sure the doors open and close we want to brace everything up in there let go of sand we've got all of our bracing inside so it's just tacked in just to hold everything square inside the car so when you cut all the posts weird stuff might happen this is a pretty solid car so not too worried i've marked off for the back window because i don't know really what i'm doing back here yet because i'm not using this window and you're gonna end up having to remake a lot of these parts so i'm just gonna do a cut down below around there the doors i'm probably just everything's just going to get a quick cut pretty low that way i can just deal with stuff after the front i'm just going to start with four inch see how it looks the back i don't know i'll just keep trimming away till i like the look of it uh the end goal what's going to happen is when i chop the front the whole roof is actually going to come ahead i'll end up having to cut out this section because this post won't line up after and uh yeah i'll show you what i do because there's this chunk of the roof which is weird i can actually use on the other side of the car but yeah let's get the cutting so done my first cuts got my straight four inch here um i just randomly just cut the door tops because i'll just make them fit after so i've cut through the back so everything's loose now it's actually just supported on the middle um but uh yeah i'm gonna see if i can get past this post if not i might cut out that center section just right away uh yeah i'll show you what i do here or what's about to happen anyways down here i just cut low my idea is i'm gonna weld behind that belt line that the strip the strapping whatever you want to call it the chrome strip so kind of hide that up but uh yeah okay nothing's going the way i want so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to proceed to cut this rail out first the center section because that is what's hanging me up right now uh but all this has to come out anyways so i'm just going to cut about an inch or so above the drip rail i'm just going to take this whole section out and then then i can start trying to fit my roof to where i want it to sit [Music] so [Music] so that's the dilemma with a chop you're gonna have to not be afraid of cutting your car up things are gonna have to stretch and pull into place all right clean this up a bit and put some tack welds on everything what i'm doing is this is that the b pillar and the c pillar from the uh this side of the car so this one what i do or what i've done on one car and it worked out great was this back half of the c-pillar on the driver's side i'll cut that off and then you do the same on the passenger side you cut it off and it ends up having a much nicer transition if you put it in the car if you put it back in the door and you get it back to the roof line it has this really nice transition [Music] versus if you use this one it seems to be way sharper it's a much harder line so i found if i did it this way it just seems to flow better but i'll get it mocked up and you can see as for the b-pillar i've trimmed it still needs more work it's not in place here yet but you can see the gap like that's the stuff you gotta add so you save all the bits you chop out you're going to reuse them and stab them back into everywhere this roof still has to go down a little more but yeah so you get a better look that one will end up in there out of gap [Music] passenger side bit in the back you'll end up doing the same for the the door tops you'll end up cutting the back half off and using it on the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] so tacked in looks like the way i stretched it out i don't quite have enough to make this i'm gonna have to make these bits from scratch i do have a parts car outside so i might cut the bits out of there uh just so i can finish these transitions better um but yeah so that's in that's all tacked you can see the roof right now is pulling the the drip rail in because this is this pretty much has to get cut probably around here like this has got to go away and this might need a slice coming up uh you can see like the roof line looks good but it kind of comes back here and it disappears so once i cut that that'll spring it out you can a good example of what's happening you can see by the door here the door edge is starting to stick out so uh like that won't be perfect but this once you do a relief cut here this will pop this panel back out and it'll kind of sit where it's supposed to here's the parts car it's a dodge regen she's donated a lot of her parts to fix a bunch of other cars so i know some of you'll be hating cutting on this but i don't know i think it's put about four cars on the road so it's doing pretty good uh now it's donating the chunk that i need i'm going to be lazy and i'm just cutting the door tops off i guess the inner trim somebody's already used the fronts i have so the back whatever will make them work uh my battery's dead on my sawzall but i'm just going to cut the door tops off the other side and yeah use all the parts for the car all right so here's my cheating by cutting the chunk out of the other roof i'll have a perfect piece to go in there and save the door tops i'll have i'll be able to splice the two in without having to add the tiny chunk which i'll show better when i get there so for now i'll get this cut up stabbed into there i think i'm just going to cut loose this back window because it's not doing anybody any favors there anymore and i'll take it off well i think i have found the window that one seems to fit nice and look at that i'm sticking with dodge this well this one was dodged too this thing i pretty sure came off of uh a desoto an early 50s desoto this one is from an early 50s business coupe dodge i'm pretty sure but it seems to work with what i want so nice profile [Music] there's a bunch of work to do around here well a whole lot of welding i have to fix up these gaps a bit so that's just gonna be a grind and a weld seam up here i gotta shave a little down off the top there this side just because of this back rail is a little fatter didn't realize that but i'll have to trim it just to blend it back in and then pull this one out uh but overall she's getting there [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] my [Music] starting to take some shape started just tacking stuff in here but long way to go long way to go i still gotta do the other side so you can see this with had that weirdness i just did a relief cut in there and now it's pretty good i've still gotta like cut and tack this i gotta cut this out and tack it like this is all butt welded now this has started the butt weld butt weld this is about welded in so uh you can see on the inside if you can ah let's do my camera up here so you can see i'm starting to cut the excess out and then weld it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh yeah i have some of this flush welded not all of it i don't know if this is loose ready to come out i can do it without cutting myself there we go so there's that piece that was in there that from a lap weld to a nice butt weld uh yeah do a recap this is just one of those uh copper spoons i don't know if you can still get them at harbor freight or not but i'll do the zip cut i usually just hold it down gets me a nice flush gap and then i give her a spot weld and there's a bit of a gap i can kind of walk it across the spoon because the weld doesn't stick to it i still got like i still got to do all of this there i did in here i got to do the bottom part and this sill did a little bit of a boo-boo there i cut a little too much but that's okay i'll fix it up and then uh yeah another slice along there [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think of the color that's what i'm thinking i'm gonna go with i don't know it's called pistachio i like to think of calling it the mint green but uh yeah i like it i think that's the color i'm gonna go with this sucker [Music] foreign [Music] oh so here is my garnish molding for the back window um what i'm going to just straight up do is i'm just going to cut above here on the straight and then over here i'll cut i don't know whatever i'll cut it low something like that just under the screw hole for the back that way i can set this bottom piece in first and then i'll figure out i'm probably going to do the same thing we're going to cut this here and move it to the other side of the day but for now i'll cut that so i can get the bottom to sit but uh yeah i think you can see she's got a bit of chop too right okay well i'll cut that right away here [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it's working good there's a little fat underneath here but i'll do a slice this way just to narrow up the gap but overall pretty happy how it fits here so just going to repeat this with the chunks on the other side now [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i've cardboard up these back windows the two back ones are pretty cheery so whatever they go in they'll open so i just made some simple cardboard templates then i'm just going to transfer to some glass see if i got some glass lying around so i got that one i've got the front wing so this one there have that one a little too tight anyways pretty simple templates i got to do the same yet for these back windows the front ones like i say they look like they'll work there's a slight bit of gap up on top but it'll be fine so now the two back ones work out they're exactly the same and the front ones there's just a slight difference in the height slight bit [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we got our one template made up here um this side glass should be fine that's a mirror of it so it should be fine just have to put that back in but i gotta wait till i get that piece of glass done then i can do them both at once i've done the cardboard template for this glass so i gotta get two of these and one windshield cut so i'll bring these into the glass shop tomorrow i'll have to pull the window channel out of or the the what do you want to call it whatever to hold the glass that little u-channel uh pull that out of the donor tomorrow and uh yeah hopefully in a day or two i got all the glass in the car and we can start doing some bodywork [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] sanded the roof uh gotta do a little more sanding cleanup but uh i'm just gonna place some glass and do some mud we'll uh gotta sand up all these edges get this all worked so i can get this all body worked as well before i pop the glass and i'm gonna probably try to get these little spots cleaned up a bit and uh primed maybe just rattle can some paint on it and around in the edges before i put the glass in [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's kind of roughed in it's not going to get a heck of a lot prettier than this being that you know for the most part i am going to be driving in the winter um the roof is still but i think it'll be acceptable for what i'm doing with the car i still have to do this whole side i don't know if i'll bore you with that unless the kids want to help with it then we'll give her a shot but uh i gotta repeat that this is not my most favorite stuff to do because it's so tedious and sore on the hands if you uh if you're a person with some arthritis or something this is like the crappiest stuff to do but this you can kind of bang out most of the machine and then use the longer board to hit it and it's not so bad but uh yeah getting there [Music] so [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] my [Music] finish up sanding some stuff and uh just mask off whatever i need to just so i can get a bit of primer on here [Music] uh [Music] foreign well she's in primer he'll let her sit for a day gonna sand her down fix up any little spots on her the most part should be fine not going for anything show car we're just going for driver stuff here [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] well i thought there'd be more paint than there was but i ended up having just enough so pretty much when that dries should be right that color there so i split to the white i don't know good enough good enough for what it is i got my other car out so that's good got that done now uh most of this roof sanded just gotta do a few little spots go over it and then sand these jams and uh while the tape is still semi-good then i should uh shoot some paint on it tonight should try that get the top done so i can get the rest of the car ready hopefully by the weekend that uh shoot some paint on it too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] well we'll see where we go i picked up a little bit of material to do the seats but i don't have any foam so i got to figure out a way to fix these up a little bit especially this one it's pretty bunk where i'm sitting uh i might check my parts car because maybe my seat bottom is better on it i'm not sure and uh the back isn't too bad i think that'll all kind of just work um i know i have in the trunk here it's all this random like insulation for the bottom for the floor so i'm gonna put that back in i did pick up some carpet it's like an indoor outdoor so i'll try to set that up in there i might have to so do some sewing to um get it around the hump there so i'll do that so at least it fits nice and uh yeah i'll do door panels and all that jazz after but i do have the panels this guy made so i'll be able to just cover them uh but for now i guess i'll get this all cleaned out and uh i'll just start with getting a floor in the car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so cool it doesn't look like i got too much left to do we got our handles window cranks door panels again i still work on those sill plates front garnish molding and this header panel do something to cover this up and then i just remembered i have to make a latch for the trunk because there's nothing there right now i'm just going to do a modern with a cable pull inside the car and yeah okay so here is my latch setup it's pretty self-explanatory i grabbed that latch from the car with the cable so i got the latch system here cables over um yeah latch system is here i ran the cable up and over which then goes through the car down the sill and then up to that latch mech so that pops the trunk um it was kind of sticking down so i just took uh i guess it's like from a command start just a little a buttony doodad so now when a guy closes the lid it's closed tight we go to our handle and now we have the smooth trunk and there we go fancy fancy so i'm gonna say this one is uh done i was driving her for a while now um just running on some temp insurance uh see any bugs i had one bad wheel cylinder in the front and i fixed that up uh yeah i don't know pretty happy with it is what it is it's not perfect it's just a driver i am pretty happy with it and it does what i need anyways i'll do the old uh cue the music here and i'll show you the car as i got it and then basically one of the little transformation videos alright guys thanks catch you later [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] no [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] do no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 162,161
Rating: 4.8424244 out of 5
Keywords: halfass customs, rat rod build, sheet metal work, hot rod transformers, before after, car build timelaptse, chop top, timelapse build, start to finish build, building a hotrod start to finish, custom interior, rat rod build time lapse, how to, chopped top, how to chop a roof, rat rod, 51 dodge, dodge crusader, 1951 dodge sedan chop, chopping a 4 door, chop roof 4 door, more door chop, how to chop a 4 door, custom cars, dodge crusaders, 51 dodge crusader, hot rod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 9sec (4209 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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