"Beep Beep" Bahama Mama the coyote killa part 3, the start of rebuilding

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jump for this thing get ready [Applause] [Music] [Music] um um what's going on everybody well today i took a day for myself today is my birthday 9 11 85 34 today so i know some of you guys think i'm like in my mid-20s i just naturally look that good but no uh today i wanted to do something for myself which is my roadrunner right here if you guys are familiar with this car this is the bahama mama that i pulled out of a backyard here in town this car had been sitting since 1989 was last register last stickered in 89 on the license plate california plates um this is an air grabber four speed numbers matching big block 383 uh bahama bahama yellow that's where i got bahama mama it's bahama yellow road runner really cool car i mean rust free this car is immaculate um badass car um the reason i want to get this car going is the general which is the 69 general e and smurf right there are in need of some work i have abused those cars um smurf needs a new transmission the transmission that afterwards and then the general i just plumb done wore that motor out that motor is tired it smokes so bad it doesn't really i mean it smokes out the exhaust but it really smokes out the valve covers this thing has so much blow-by it looks like a freaking steam train coming out of the hood while sitting at a stop light it still runs and drives and i still drive it um another thing is it needs is suspension the suspension in the general is clapped out taking it out in the desert having fun with it sliding around hitting berms banks and doing all that has destroyed this clapped out 50 year old suspension beyond what it was before when i started so general needs all new suspension and it needs a new motor uh i've got a motor waiting for me in north dakota i gotta go pick that up it's a 426 wedge so the general's now gonna get a 426. it's not a 426 hemi but it's 426 which um so we're going to stuff that in there which will be way more powerful than the 383 that was index this thing was pretty pretty mild um anyway back to the old road runner so let me show you under the hood of this old girl for the people that haven't seen it if you haven't seen this video of this car i would suggest going to watch it but yep boom aircraft numbers matching i see right the car run does run and drive right now but it does not run and drive legitly to start this car i have to take a screwdriver to the starter relay i have a little one gallon gas tank here and nothing in the car works except for the throttle and kind of the brakes i mean it'll stop but yeah i mean the pedals to the floor and it'll crawl to a stop um so that's what this car is right now what i need to do is i want to make it a reliable driver so i have actually i'll show you right here plus i want to get the correct air cleaner for it i'm missing the base that's the only thing there was a couple things missing from the car the air cleaner base the top of the air cleaner was there but the air cleaner base is missing i do have the top of the air cleaner that has the road runner air grabber uh decal on it actually you know what we'll just show you that right quick just so you guys believe me pow told you and i think this car would look bitchin if i put these back on there the old rocket wheels with white wall tires that would look awesome but today's goal is we're gonna get this thing vacuumed out pressure washed and buffed here's my weapons of choice oh wait i don't have the buffer dang it i gotta go back to tj's shop and go get my buffer of course that's gonna be a minute so maybe we'll just get it pressure washed and vacuumed bruno vacuumed and then pressure washed today so yes bahama mama what do you think sam you enjoy driving this one yeah okay i'm gonna get on it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey everybody well we got walter here today walter has been helping me strip apart uh bahama mama while i've been working on uh the yellow or not yellow but uh blue 69 sunroof car actually hidden right here behind the wall there and then also was working on uh the green 69 that's pretty much all buttoned up that's going to go to the paint shop just to get cleared the uh the walter what i had walter do and another friend of mine is this is just pretty much tearing the car down you guys have seen me tear cars down and there's nothing too particular about just pulling exhaust cutting exhaust off and pulling the suspension off so i just had them rip that out quick but at this point i figured we'll show you a couple of things we've got going on here so i got the suspension all ripped off because we're going to rebuild all that because it was clapped out and walter just ripped the exhaust off you did see me pressure wash the car get it all cleaned out it's all nice and clean as a whistle and what i have noticed about this motor is this is in fact the numbers matching motor the oil pan or the vin number is all right on the uh oil pan rail down there so this is the numbers motor but it is not the right color this engine is red when it's supposed to be orange and then looking at it i could see that the oil pan gaskets have been changed the let me see if i can get a look at this here down here okay yeah here we go the uh freeze plugs those have been changed it's too clean uh pretty grungy down here so it's obviously been leaking oil but you can tell the timing cover's been off so the oil pan has been off the timing cover's been off those are not the original freeze plugs the intake's been off and the motor is red now so that tells me that someone rebuilt the motor or something went wrong with it and they fixed it now you've seen this car run it ran ran good didn't have any problems with it but then when walter was taking the exhaust off we noticed that we're still laughing about this so tearing apart bahama mama we just noticed that the fuel pump has got a spark plug wire going underneath it sandwiched between the block and the pump so either this is some fancy electronic pulsed fuel pump or someone sandwiched the fuel pump in between the plug wire so it's only got seven cylinders [Laughter] so well it has to be grounded out man oh yeah no it's that's done so this car was running on seven cylinders for however long they had this car like that and just out of curiosity see when i got this car running i didn't pull the plug wires i didn't pull spark plugs i didn't do anything i just checked it had oil oil didn't look wet or it didn't look milky so i primed the oil pump cleaned all the dirt from the top of the uh the rockers uh slapped carburetor on it put electric fuel pump on it boom kicked over ran so let's go ahead and show you this here i had had the spark plug off just so we could look but this is the spark plug that is original to this hole and you can tell that this thing had never run this spark plug had never fired a spark it is brand new so that cylinder that had that spark plug wire pinched had never thrown a single volt into that cylinder for however long they drove this thing so you actually know what i was just thinking about do you know what might kind of scare me a little bit knowing this what if those with that cylinder wall is washed out and piston rings are that's what i'm thinking so that's a bad thought right there we won't know until we get torn apart so walter is going to what do you think well oh we're going to pull the transmission out because i have a fancy schmancy new gear avengers that's going to go behind that 4 speed because i want to drive this road runner long distance and everything and cross country and whatnot and so having a four speed sucks it's fun but it sucks you can't actually get up to highway on the highway you're doing like 3 000 rpm at 70 miles an hour so this sucks and with the gear vendors i can at least run a 323 gear or a 355 and i'll have if i run a 323 i'll have a 250 cruising gear in fourth gear in overdrive with the gear vendors so that would be perfect i'll be able to that'll be spinning about 20 400 rpm 2300 rpm great so we're going to put that in here but we're going to pull the cylinder heads off because we're going to put some performance cylinder heads on it because why we spend a thousand dollars to rebuild and port these ones when we can just spend a thousand dollars and have aluminum ones that are better already we're going to put an aluminum intake on it because that's garbage we're going to put a roller cam in it i've got a roller cam that i originally bought for a patina but i started thinking about it and it's just too small of a cam to put in a 489 cubic inch motor but that same cam in a 383 cubic inch motor will work awesome it'll have a little bit of chop to it so walter let's start ripping this thing apart sounds good all right [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well since that was filmed it i am a year older that all that footage is a year old as you can see the road runner ain't sitting there no more and i've got other stuff in the driveway what had happened is well stuff happens i had to get the road runner out of here because i had to do some other stuff on some other cars and i needed to work on the general and so it i just needed the space really uh actually well yeah working on a charger right here [Music] this is hellcat number two yeah watching some of my uh good buddy jed there with the scotch speed shop in the background and then uh here's hellcat number one leonard's car which this car is pretty much almost done i don't know when the last time this car was filmed but bettina almost done yeah i broke them here i'll save all the footage for this car later but uh it is getting pretty and looking but a lot of the parts for the road runner has actually changed course um we were just gonna make it run and drive i wish that's still the plan but now it's being made and drive more betters so the engine has already been assembled or well short block has been assembled this is the numbers matching 383 uh it's all new bearings it's got arp rod bolts got arp head studs the heads aren't on it yet but i had the factory piston ceramic coated because it had already been bored out and the bore was really good so i just bought new piston rings and had the stock piston ceramic coated because we're going toy bow not big toy bow little toy bow just enough to oh probably 67 millimeter just something to get it out of the hole spool quick well and also you know just blaze tire but see the transmission and the bell housing and all that stuff has already been restored and painted so that's tearing down the engine the transmission's already been sandblasted it's been restored painted the bell housing has been uh blasted painted got a brand new 323 uh true track because it's going to go in the road runner it has a 323 sure grip right now but we're gonna go ahead and slap that true track in there but uh i noticed when i was editing this video there was a lack of footage and then i remembered that uh i had rebuilt all the suspension on that car we put a qa1 upper control arms on it we put i rebuilt the lowers and uh also reinforced them uh gusseted and then we put a good disc brake setup on it and all that but i had to slap it together real quick get it rolling get it on the trailer and dump it at my place in arizona so that way i can do some other stuff in the driveway because the road runner wasn't crucial at the time so which it still isn't i need to get this turd done so i need to kind of start one car and just finish one car instead of jumping around so much as much as i want to jump on every car i have i just need to start one finish one so it's kind of what i'm doing right now so the roadrunner bahama mama is kind of put on the back burner until i get patina done and get a little farther ahead on some project cars for customers and stuff so just letting you know what's going on up to date and trying to get all this footage out of my sd cards so i'll go ahead and thanks for watching this footage and i will get back on bahama because i really like that car so it will be a turboed 383 with uh a gear vendors uh it already has all new suspension on it's gonna have all new interior um it will be a pretty bitching car i'm actually really looking forward to that i have a new grill for it because someone had painted the grill black so over time the last year i have been collecting little pieces of parts for it but uh just letting you know what's going on and as of right now i need to get my ass leonard your charger sucks you get my ass back on getting this car done so i will holler at you guys later and i'm going to finish editing the sunroof car here within the next couple days actually it'll be like what part four yeah so i'll jump on that i need to get these old footage like i have a year's worth of old footage backed up on my laptop you get done and off so still ripping stuff off as you can see this car probably won't be filming too much um anyways see you guys thanks for watching i'm going racing this weekend
Channel: Junkerup #chris birdsong
Views: 33,892
Rating: 4.9580112 out of 5
Keywords: #Ratmusclecarz, mopar, muscle, car, life, dodge, charger, ratty
Id: KfXIrh54ycQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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