181 Year Old History In The Woods (Forgotten People, Forgotten Home)

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[Music] everyone its Robert you're watching sidestep adventures and how do you see it out there I bet you don't see it but I do so let's walk out here take a look at this now I'll go ahead and tell you what I know this old cemetery here is we're one of the earliest settlers of this County's buried and this is in amazingly sad shape there's something else really cool over there we'll look at at the end of the video I wanted to go ahead and start here I've been here before my good friend Dan told me about this place and he told me to look for it by identifying the section of old-growth trees as opposed to all the clear-cutting it's gone on out there and that's the only rate I was able to find it you can see right there's a huge old oak tree it's dead now but uh it was out here and like I said there's something else really neat in the woods so this is a really impressive old gravesite here it's obviously Nature has really taken its toll on this place and if you see here someone has chained up the cast iron fence here either to hold it up or keep someone from stealing it probably the latter because people steal those from cemeteries which is really really unfortunate so there's one stone right there a flat stone looks like it probably should have been up here on this brick but as slid off and is all broken as you can see and before I start cleaning any of these all for reading any names I wanted to point out there's an unmarked grave right here and another one right there and you can see they were marked with field stones there and no there's not one up there but you can tell it's a grave of course from the indention and the ground and this section of the this little cemetery would have had a rock wall around it that's fallen apart now you can see the field stones all on the ground and it looks like we've got at least one marked grave and there so I'm gonna turn the camera off and go see what I can do about making this where I can read it and I'll see you guys in just a moment just look at this and wondering why I couldn't read it that's because I was looking at it the wrong way and you guys will be more than happy to see I brought a brush with me this is the brush I found in the back of my 54 Chevy which someone said put it in your Jeep and use that for the old cemeteries and you know what that's that's pretty cool so I'm grew up my flashlight from Cody and I was also thinking Oh brushing this off just how close these graves are to being lost a time I mean obviously those two unmarked graves over there are pretty much lost to time alright so at the top of the stone it says beneath this stone is entombed the remains of Susan II wife see there's a piece missing right there that's unfortunate see if we can make a last name out there Thomas Thomas is the last name hmmm that's unfortunate I can't make out the first name but you have last name Thomas who departed this life may 16th 1839 aged 21 21 years well then there's more at the bottom let me reposition so hopefully I can read that by this afflicted dispensation of divine words missing right there Providence I think it was what it would have said so by this flick ting dispensation of divine providence so word it's like husband and infant child are left to mourn for a wife and mother who was kind affectionate death itself shall something life triumphant reign so unfortunately I wasn't really able to read that clearly because the way the stones so broken up but uh that's a very very sad epitaph on that grade right there and the stone should be up there I was trying to figure out if there's any way I could really place it back together but I don't think there is at least it's a little bit more uncovered now and we've got it documented as best as we can all right so Susan's grave is just over there there's Cody taking some pictures and you know walk in here and see we can't make anything out on this stone before I start I'm just gonna don't feel any other stones beneath my feet here let's just start under there so let me let me brush this off and let's see see if this one says anything this still looks likes unmarked unfortunately you know there's there's no marking there's no marking on this stone and there could be other burials within this rock wall that just never got marked we do not know that today it's always kind of sad to me to see unmarked graves whether they have a stone or just an indention in the ground because you always left to wonder about those people so here is uh probably the most impressive gravestone out here and very sad to see its condition of course with the knocked over wrought iron fence and the obelisk stone fallen over at the bottom I can already make out our father right there but I don't see any other marking on it yet interesting let's see any other marking I'll look a little bit closer in just a moment but I thought we'd look at this great old wrought iron fence this fence has been out here for a very very long time we actually do have a marker here on this stone I couldn't see that at all this Reverend Richard Dozier born February 22nd 1779 and died January 19th 1855 looks like today's serve know they've tha ve set the Lord always before me it's like on a really hard time with that one they've accordingly hmm let's see I have to I mean they've set the Lord always before me I have a godly hmm snow in a really hard time with that let me see if we can't getting this Moss off and get back to you in just a minute all right so I tried to get some of the some of the moss off so I have set the Lord always before me I have a godly it looks like heritage and see here's where I lose it each time my flesh also shall rest in hope I shall be satisfied when I awake okay and got it there I've always said the Lord always before me I have a godly heritage my flesh also shall rest in hope I shall be satisfied when I wake definitely took me a couple tries to give that one right I've been leaving that in there in the videos a little bit just to uh present a more raw experience for you guys as you explore with me but this is uh this is really an amazing amazing cemetery behind me but uh now we're gonna walk over here I'm gonna show you something else that amazes me and hopefully you guys will find it as interesting as I do so the interesting thing is these woods have been growing pretty much untouched since back in the 1850s or 1860s you've got these old oak trees growing there and some of them have succumbed to age but many are just still alive and growing like that great big one right there now that is definitely one of the largest oak trees I have seen but over here is what I wanted to show you this large old foundation and I've written before like a chimney is like a gravestone to a house well in this case this foundation that's left is like the tombstone to the house that the folks who we just visited over there he used to live in and that's quite quite amazing to see and you know I wonder what the house would look like this you know presents so many questions but this is a a really cool site and so we're actually would have been walking inside of the house right now and there's a pretty large large house you can see there's a corner too over here and Cody and I are just about in the middle of it there's not a chimney still standing may have been the chimney right there that's just fallen over looks like foundation that's very interesting to see and this old field stone foundation there that someone worked hard to put together so many years ago and now they just stand here as ruins and he left to wonder what it looked like this the passage of time and of course before we go I've got to show off this gigantic oak tree here which was probably growing when that house was built we're not long afterwards it's seen that house fall down into the ground over the years and that's really amazing to think about this thing is is huge alright guys I hope you've enjoyed this place today and visiting with some of the earliest settlers out here this is uh this is really an amazing place I think some of the people that settled this land and are responsible for what it is now and they're just off in the woods in a decaying old cemetery and I think it's just really interesting how time marches on and how that shows that it does including the house to what was once probably a pretty nice old home out here is just ruins of foundation and I think that's interesting too but hope you guys enjoyed it don't forget to Like share and subscribe and I'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Sidestep: Adventures Into History
Views: 233,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned cemetery, cemetery, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, exploring abandoned places, abandoned cemeteries, abandned cemetery, abandoned cementery, abandoned maine cemetery, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned cemetary, abandoned cemetery near me, lost and abandoned cemetery, exploring abandoned cemetery, abandoned house, abandoned 200 year old cemetery, abandoned grave yard, abandoned oriole cemetery and ghost town
Id: vfQmgxkEsbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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