#188 Valuable 125 year old Levis denim and other rare jeans from the 1800s found buried in a mine!

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most of it's probably mental we don't like dark places that are wet to your Kosta for brick do you have a bunch of for business of it just I made a place for you [Music] [Music] okay we're never was sore at castle Dolman here with Gabe Ramone I've got a really exciting project here so the owner of this of this mine here Alan who once uh there's a museum called Castle dome he invited us here to explore this now this is a oldest patent of mine in Arizona it's got hunters a feat of workings no one's been out since 1870 some of it yesterday we was down this shaft here goes down 220 feet and we found six pair of Levi's dating back to the 1800s from 1870 in 1890 there's only five known pair in the world to the Levi's own Allen owns another pair and there's two other ones there's was one pair that was sold for a reported $50,000 so theoretically we we found 300 thousand dollars worth of with Levi's and the deal I made with him is Rolex part and then we find we'll give it to you so we give them to Allen and he's gonna have him on display on his museum so if you look at castle domes castle dome Museum or castle dome dome or something you can see where this is we're right between I Yuma and quartzite so so we're gonna go down there and where we found these jeans they were partially covered in an ax and a big pile of rock so we're taking this down and we're good an excavation we're gonna kick all that rock out there and see if we can find any more real chlorophyll yes back from the 1800s so we'll go down there see what we can find hold it up the bag actually broke so somewhere down there there's some really expensive pants set fell down so my GoPro was in this bag that probably maybe fell up to 200 feet but um it's not the most valuable car you know when we go to Mai's people always talk about you did you find gold and silver all this kind stuff those jeans are worth more than their weight in gold so I guess we struck gold yeah all right let's go pretty much just breakdown getting ready to go down this mineshaft things about 250 Frank is down there in August at the first level it was lunch a little scraps and just get rid of that knocking that further down so that it doesn't fall on our heads holy smokes every single time glasses on that's why I was so dark take all day to get up [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I was supposed to be on me coming up that was all behind me there we go so I'm little miners boot a little sock doesn't in it cool some clothes what is up I'm gonna be a pair of jeans that could be pretty valuable so we found some artifacts super super old old pair jeans those are those are James - I'm gonna move that just the dirt out of the way here [Music] [Music] that's not making too much of her oh yeah so he prepares the jeans over [Music] we're all gonna we're gonna desiccate everything on this side of the rock right down to the ground that egg and then some point other us or something else cuz I go back from here at one back pocket oh I say yeah pull in one by pocket okay that makes them before 90-minute and we found all four or five pair all in one location that we had to dig them up a DX later we saw one or two pairs there's five pairs in this vintage some kind of tenant walls colored quartz folks any from bones good thing women back then didn't work in the mine and we'd be digging out a really long dress how much more chance could there be see oh that's cold in the back there so it up a little bit like makeshift left his wallet in there pretty rough shape come on hopefully maybe they'll just make them to pay their yeah a small pair of James's oh man I was gonna be ecstatic over this cuz there's a pair of these Levi's I smoked for about $50,000 really he just was whole buncha G like a hundred Wow fifty thousand dollar pair of jeans little did the miner know and he took that pair off it they're worse than you fear he one that goes deeper doesn't it [Laughter] should've been videotaping this these were all in the oven yeah well I think there's any more it's like five pair we're gonna have a hard time getting up [Laughter] there's a pair of jeans in there yeah I put put beer in there was only gonna be two pair yeah yeah no you would have taken that but this sub pair it's all I got one leg so this is the seventh Hey so here's all the purses we found in here so all this returned was this island escalated all this side here put it down there we found is there's a lot of Bert material in here so almost sacred maybe this is kind of a low don't find a grounder they just threw much just up here and they tried to burn it and some are burnt someone didn't so we got total of seven pairs of jeans all together um this one here has one leg off so it's not as good a shape but again all from the 1800s and we'll explain all this when we get it topside instead of having all this dust go interviewer and so here's there's a bunch of nails these are small square nails they're made handmade back in 1800 blacksmith would have made them this is a canteen I don't know it was but Gibson's canteen mix it the two straps ER to the little Cantina there's lots of socks that we found here yes you gave up on this one's just cyclone nails and this is newer so it's got a funny it has newer nails in it very new so maybe that felt merely just filled out from the twelfth one there just work up topic okay and this is the coolest artifact we found the perfect shape I know it's not for many people have these yeah that's a little dark yeah so that's about it so we found we're not gonna dig anymore the dust has just cleared up but here but just just brew them on your lonesome pick up seven pairs of jeans so we'll leave the rest for maybe a few trips more than once Texas alright just final pair of jeans couple of them now we're gonna try and listicles pack them up and we have a long way up to climb oh yeah but-- - [Music] it's so dusty all right get up there's probably enough to go up jeez I could've tied the rope on the water good time to troll for that rope and then just pulled it up later you think though so riskily these old burnt socks and this here well maybe somebody else wants to come in and see thing find some more and again we just found the hole in this area but we just threw all the rock well the rock and stuff up in there so if possible there could be some wonder there yet I don't know but you don't swallow this stuff it's really there's a lot of material in here who knows what could be under there about it it's really dusty it's a lot of work to move it and a couple things you didn't show you a couple of blizzards here guarding the a gecko one there and there's another one here somewhere a couple of them here that were who knows how old them guys I they're gonna guard this stash of old miner stuff it's gonna take a while we got a bag back up here I had a couple of people helping us pull it up so this is where the shaft goes down is about 2:30 there you go whole world of holes Alan he's the world expert on Levi's jeans see that was one they had a big old I'm someone patched him see that that cool oh these are uh got a little button on the crotch cutting a well it's got a reinforcer oh that's unusual I've never seen that yeah that's you know that mine was working look how small they are they're just like four kids yesterday on the left side now these are these were I know these are a little newer these are about 1890 then they had the back then but they're exceptional look at that he had him tied up yeah they're never little belts oh now there's five pairs in the world of this vintage this is good so that's now that's six when the other pair was from peg leg he only had one leg so that's five six seven you know the story of the crotch rivet they have the wax on them too thanks for watching you know what happened with that one of the executives went to a camp fire and got burned and that was the end of the rivet yeah just a couple of socks she brought up okay so this see the tags in the middle seat oh okay so that's this classifies is the oldest pair ever then they may pretty tough jeans Oh 150 years Oh a couple shoes yeah those the other one - the one you got yesterday these have to go in there little thing Stephanie wants to do okay look at this boots it's corked a seat look at that it's got cork so I know that's like that's 1870s they're really calm you see the yeah before the turn of the century no belt loops they had suspenders and they have one back pocket belt loops or events in 1901 yeah they're not happen before that and they have the stitching here see if okay so these are there's about four pair of these that have been discovered in the world Levi Strauss bought a pair of these for 35,000 1878 and they're they're a they're 18 see the tag has moved to the middle still little belt loops so that's before eighteen eight now the ones that Levi Strauss have some of these stitching here these don't have it so they added the V stitching so what I now what happened with Levi Strauss is 1906 earthquake fire so a lot of the records are done and the best record is that one of the best records is right here this would be for adjusting the size well that adjusts the ya cinches your waist since you don't have belt loops and then you're holding it up with suspenders and it's only gone that's funny we didn't find any other clothes other than the sock but in there there's no shirts or suspenders I found another Jean huh lost track I guess I thought we only had three pillars wrote up oh no there's oh that's right there was four eat it raw there should be another pair yeah yeah look these are the number three before 1880 so this these three pair of the oldest Levi's in existence no this those three plus the one we found how many we have with us in the back yeah so y'all five that's 1890 you got applied pair here and we got two back of your house we got seven pair in two days and that's more than it been found ever but there's a lot of Mines I've been to yet Spanish ones that no no Gina [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Exploring Abandoned Mines
Views: 1,570,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mines in bc, mine carts, old mining, antique, old mine carts, exploring abandoned mines, frank schlichting, grand forks mines, dangerous mines, abandoned mines, bc mines, gold, machines, explore, adventure, exciting, castle dome, museum, tours, oldest Levis, levis Straus, oldest jeans in the world, castle dome mining museum, arizona mine tours, tours in arizona, mine tours, silver mines, oldest jeans found, covid, jeans found in mine, denim, stronghold, pasifico
Id: WI6ApUvuToM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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