(1799) Tri-Circle 103 (Innovative Design)

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all right guys i can't believe i got almost 1800 videos and never got around one of these little 103s from tri circle i've traveled almost every country in africa and i've seen these in every single country except not this little bitty 103 i've seen though as the numbers get smaller the locks get larger so the 102 is about probably double this size the 101 is again double that size and though i've seen a 100 which is honking huge but um doesn't matter these are always a little bit tricky to pick and they got some secret sauce in there here is the key that rick from the uk sent to me when he reminded me that he never seen me do one of these now i will tell you this key it's a little bit sticky there we go a little bit sticky it does work but sometimes you got to jiggle it just a little bit which is pretty common in these logs again it's all part of that secret sauce down the side of there that's just a drilled hole there's no cut out on the shackle there's probably a cutout on this side but because of the way this works we'll try it but because of the way this works i've never been able to to bypass these so let's let's try that let's just get a knife let's see if we can go in and see if we can bypass that and no the answer is we'd have to turn it i've got a feeling it's a mechanical it's not a spring-loaded thing um we might be able to shim it if it is spring-loaded let's get that out of here let's find a small that's probably a small if we can shim it it's pretty tight and i think maybe the answer to that's gonna be no it's pretty tight they do a pretty good job so i think they're fully aware of the shimming process let's try the other shimming some of these chinese locks works if you can shim the core pretty tight but i got it in there and yep it's also shielded so we can't get in that way so they really they forced us to pick this and now we kind of get into that secret sauce stuff i was talking about um i'm gonna hold this in my hand so it's gonna be awkward to use top of the keyway let me try try this guy he's bottom of the keyway it's a little big try this guy okay so he's kind of out of the way and i got a feeling i can hold him about like that there's plenty of room in this keyway so let's get something with a lot of a lot of rise let's try this little goddamn deforest this is the pn09 from multi-pick all right all the way in and now we get to that secret sauce part so keep when you when you pick these and this goes for all of these tri circles keep very very light tension because these are not made with a whole lot of precision and they're always full of grit like this one is come on i'm getting a very slight counter rotation there on pin four a little click that's pin three counter rotation i'm surprised i'm getting counter rotations because the secret sauce on these is lack of precision in manufacture and also security pins that sometimes look like they're well just drops of molten metal that kind of resemble a security pin i'm looking for counter rotation i've got a little bit of a fault set that was pin three there's pin four again giving me counter rotation pin 5 counter rotation come on get on there pin threes popped back down i think we got all kind of spools in this thing where are you i know you gotta be here somewhere there you are pin one counter rotation nice click pin three's falling back down and wow really deep fault set pin five is back down i'm getting counter rotation maybe they've improved the quality these seem to all be binding roughly the same time and falling down about the same time there's five again come on get on there pin four and fives come back down i probably should use a little more tension just to bind these guys up come on my hands cramping there we go we got to open finally wow okay so like i said um they're not precision manufacturer but they're sometimes difficult to pick as you just saw and that's because these pins and the precision in the manufacturer's not so good so i am going to sacrifice this these are not collectors items or anything like that but i want to show you so this is the bible so the pins are obviously up here i'm going to get a file clamp this up i'm just going to file the top of this off and let's take those pins out and take a look and see what kind of nastiness tri-circle has put in this little 103 to make it so difficult to pick we might find some dead birds in there i never you never really know all right guys there it is in all of its glory and i've got to say there are some very pleasant surprises and upgrades to the tri-circle model of this lock as i said i've never seen the 103 but i just assumed it was going to be the same as the others first of all here we go there are as i said a total of five pins um but unlike those old blobs of metal that were kind of shaped like you know rounded off spools these are all very nice kind of half spools so they're all shaped identically and they really look pretty good got nice sharp edges and they're well formed so give a little bit of credit where credit is due five spools in the upper chamber and then five standard pins downstairs when i filed the bottom of this off not only did i just destroy a lot of the springs but right away i thought oh my gosh i made a mistake this is a six pin lock no wonder it's so hard but when i took it apart that wasn't quite the case there are total of seven holes um out of this last sixth hole came a pin there was a spring that was identical to the others and he slides in there now let's take a look at what these extra holes might be for when i look at the core the core has a very simple design and there are no other parts there's nothing missing everything for the lock is here all the actuator parts are built into this core so we've got two cutouts in the core and this pin in the sixth position slides into this groove and that is what they put in afterwards to keep the core from falling out and also to limit the amount of rotation to that small turn that you saw when i turned the key now there's one additional one there as well and we're going to take a look at him in just a minute when i look at these holes on the bottom all of these the first six are all 90 degrees to the body just straight through just like we would expect all the way through even that last one pops straight through to hold that core in and that was where that pin came out of this last one's a little bit different he not only is a little bit oversized he's a little bit offset and he's up at kind of a weird angle i think if you look in there you can see the tip of that probe coming through in the body and where that what that is for is this spring and this spring alone went into that last hole at that weird angle he goes up through the body and he pushes against the core right there to keep spring tension on the core so no special parts just a drilled hole in a plug and that's what holds this thing in place and keeps pressure now what you see here is the actuator that is all there is to the actuator nothing else inside of the body so how does that work well let's put that key back in there and i'll show you real quick and this again was kind of a surprise somebody's been working at the design board so this is how it would slide in and again it's going to be difficult to see but it's perfectly aligned in there then we only had to turn it about that much in order to get that shackle to pop out so let's pull it out and see how that might work so straight up and down let's get that shackle over here notice on the shackle there's a cut out so when he's in place that is blocking in that cutout but when we turn that key just a little bit that steel bar clears allows the shackle to pop up but then that steel bar prevents the shackle from ejecting from the body and the spring of course is right there that's what holds that's what pushes the shackle up against that little steel bar and that so it's a limiter and an actuator all built into one got a couple of lightning cuts there nothing spectacular about it you know i gotta say they've really upped the game so rick if you had trouble picking this as you said you did you found it interesting well that's why they've got some interesting changes to the latest version of this uh 103 from tri circle anyway guys there you go i appreciate your time stay safe stay legal rick thank you sir for luck had a lot of fun figuring this one out thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 19,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: 31zYoAEdY6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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