Disc detainer picking technique YOU need to know.

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[Music] okay guys so dis detainer logs are there fantastic things only and as a lot of you know some of the cheap Chinese ones are really really simple to open up or you can go tension off the top or tension at the bottom because they've always got zero discs in the top or bottom this is actually a kryptonite lock obviously you can see here this has got a six a six disc or and we've got a two or three cut in dis number one three or four cut probably in dis number six so this lock is designed not to tension top or bottom and even with a bottom tension until obviously the space in there as you can see it's we would end up going into that sixth disc there so obviously this this this you know it's not designed to actually tension from the bottom either so of course to actually get these open then obviously going to have to come up with a technique to obviously tension top or bottom and still be able to pick the rest of the discs and then obviously find our attention and disk which as you can see is disc number four there and now obviously there are a couple of techniques obviously I use a particular technique which I'll go through and show you very shortly and but it's not you know as you've seen by lock new video I will leave a link up in this to corner there because it's quite an interesting video now there are some locks that are not they're designed specifically to us specifically to tension off the bottom and you cannot tension off the top because it basically because this disc over rotates it then lifts the side bar up and you can't get any feedback from the disc so of course it makes it very very tricky if not impossible to pick but what I will say is the majority of deadlocks that are designed to tension midway through the log can be done like this I mean I've picked a fair few and I've always managed to get them open a bar one which was the Oxford HD Mini which I did a couple of weeks ago I tried many many hours um to try and tension that from the top and just couldn't get any feedback on him but as soon as I switched down to the bottom tensioning obviously the feedback coming the lock open to be easily able plus once again habeas plus locks are designed to tension of a random disks they do things slightly differently because obviously they use the butterfly disk top and bottom that they are theoretically zero cut but because obviously the butterfly over rotates then obviously that then becomes a two or three car then subsequently lift in the sidebar which gives you a lot less feedback than you would expect from the lock if you attention him from a zero cut but wonderful wonderful logs and I mean I've picked the Avis 8850 the over say Jake forty both with top and bottom tensioning so they can both be done obviously the feedback is you know limited I'm at first and you've got a literary tension from one end and stop picking from the other end of vice-versa but you can't get them open okay back to the Kryptonite which is I think where do the demonstration on today hopefully I can explain thoroughly how you can tension off of a disc that is not a zero cut either top or bottom we're going to use top the keyway on this particular one and then obviously you can fill the different disks go in and then once you get that little core rotation which will give you the indication that all the disks are set apart from the one your attention on you then have to go down through move your pick to this zero cut and then obviously you can tension off of that and then counter rotate the disc your tension on which will click into the gate and you'll get a look open okay this is more gonna do it guy bring the clip tonight evolution lock over and I'll go through the picking process okay guys hope you've got a good view of the the lock then hopefully I can go through and show you how I sort of overcome these are these locks that are not designed to tension top or bottom okay what do a rotate with the discs clockwise and as you can see by key obviously it's got a six disc dis detainer core in there dis number one is probably a two or three kind dis number sixes two or three cut so we're not really designed to open up off that obviously this distant of four is how the lock is designed to open up obviously with a zero cut there obviously the lock is shut as a closed locked okay so we've zeroed all the discs still put the pic in there and get into there just make sure you can get through everything okay apply a little bit of tension and of course weighted tension off a dish number one so we're looking for dis number two okay just number two they looked like hard to just number three three now we know dis numbers for our zero cut so we're just going north at for this particular video just number five okay look like at five just number six thirty six okay and it's number six now I've got a little bit of movement on the call a time so what we didn't to do with then I go back to December for which we know his hour zero can't will show that this particular look is how it's designed to open up they're just gonna apply quite a lot of tension on dis number four that's slipping off I'm just going to counter a take their lock the core and then rotate back we'll get is open now obviously this lock as you see was not designed to tension tap top or bottom because of the key bitten because obviously dis number one he's a two or three car now obviously dis number six so realistically where were you tension to top or bottom you would still have had to have done exactly what I've done here once everything's in in the true gate you would have to have found that sense that that zero disc and they move you're picking tip to that center disc that zero disk and then counter a take whichever your tension in whether it be tension top or bottom to get this open now if you know that technique then obviously it's not actually that difficult but I'm not saying that every lock would be the same obviously I had the the Oxford HD Mini a couple of weeks ago that I tried many many times to actually do the same process and it wouldn't do and the reason being is because I think that obviously when you get these discs they're not a zero cut top or bottom it basically lifts up the sidebar which just eliminates all feedback but I would say in my experience for what it's worth the majority of the locks that are not designed to tension top or bottom and the designed to tension from a random disk will open up this will open up like this including like say the ABS 88 40 50 and some of the the other Avis plus cause anyway listen I hope that little um are that I method helps some of you sort of open up some of these locks the kryptonite's are really good for this because they haven't got any false gates in they are quite susceptible to in relatively straightforward to pick as opposed to the Avis that got the false gates in which are a little bit more sensitive you have to unlock do you have to kind of fill the different gates between the true gates and forwards gates listen guys hope that helped somebody and listen guys thanks for watching of course I will catch up with you very shortly
Channel: Daz Evers
Views: 2,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disc Detainer lock, How to pick disc detainer lock, Sparrows Disc Pick, How disc Detainer lock work, Kryptonite locks, kryptonite Bike locks, kryptonite, kryptonite Evolution, Abus plus 88/40, Abus plus 88/50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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