17.5.9 Packet Tracer - Interpret show Command Output

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet Racer activity interpret show command output before coming to this activity first if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enabled that bill icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get a more technical content or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link you will get from our Facebook page no back to our activity sure we can see our objectives in part 1 we will analyze show command output then in part it - we have some reflection questions so we can see the background these activities are designed to reinforce the use of a router shop commands you are not required to configure but rather to examine the output of several show commands this activity does not automatically provide a score yes so this packet restore activity is used only to understand the some of the show commands sure we can see the instructions in part 1 analyze show command output to connect it to ISP router click is PPC than the desktop tap followed by terminal then enter privileged exit mode yes so we are going to check the show command with this router ISP router and here we can see this is P router is connected to this is PPC using a console cable hence we can access this is P router using our IES PPC so click on is PPC and desktop and here we can here to go to terminal you will leave this port configuration default then press ok ok now press Enter now we are in user exit mode here we will give the command enable and now we are in privileged exit mode next is use the following show commands to answer the reflection questions in Patrick - also they given a note is a command process with a more prompt make certain to hit the spacebar until the ISP router hash prompt appears in order to obtain all of the command output yes we will do that and here we can see the show commands we want to analyze show ARP show flash show IP route show interfaces show IP interface brief show protocols show users show version now we will analyze these show commands in this router ISP router so first we will give a show ARP so that we can see our a RP table okay now we will give a show flash we can see the content of flash you can see file its length and its name next we will see the routing table of this router show IP route and here we can see the details - directly connected networks no we will give show interfaces which gives interface details all interface details ok here we can see Giga with the third 0/0 is up it status shows here line protocol is up and here we can see its IP address its bandwidth its MAC address duplex so here we have more we will press space and now here we can see the other interfaces gigabit the parent 0 / 1 CL 0 / 0 / 0 cereal 0 / 0 / 1 also here we can see VLAN 1 next command is the show IP interface brief we can see the status of each interface in brief so IP interface brief sure we can see all the interfaces Giga with the turn 0 / 0 0 / 1 then serial interfaces IP address are saved or not assigned it's mattered status it's up also we can see protocol no we will try show protocols using these to show protocols we can see what are the protocols configured in this router show [Music] protocols and here we can see the details sure we can see Internet Protocol routing is enabled and we can see the details of the interfaces its IP address its terrors etc no we will get no we will give show users and here we can see connected to line console host Idol ok interface ok now we can see a show version so we can see Cisco IOS software used see one nine zero zero software and it's version coming to party to reflection questions we will go through all these questions and we will identify its answers we already gone through these shock commands in this router ISP router coming to our first question which commands can you used to determine the IP address and network prefix of interfaces okay in this show commands in show IP route we can see IP address and it's a prefix in show interfaces we can see that in show interface brief we can see only IP address but not the prefix then we can see in a show protocol so it's IP and it's a prefix next question is which command provides the IP address our interface assignment but note the network prefix yes just now we told that using this Herschel commented show IP interface brief we can see IP address and it status next is the which commands would you use to determine if an interface is up yes we have seen that in this note in show IP route we have seen show interfaces yes then we have seen in the show IP interface brief also we have seen in show protocols coming to the fourth question you need to determine the iOS version that is running on a router yes we want to find the iOS version it's obviously show version ok which command will give you this information yeah it's show version now coming to the fifth question which commands provide information about the addresses of the router interfaces okay again it can be an IP address sometimes we can see in a show ARP then we can see in show IP route our show interfaces we can see in show interface show IP interface brief then we can see in a show protocols now coming to the sixth question you are considering an iOS upgrade and need to determine if router flash can hold the new iOS with commands provide information about the amount of flash memory available okay obviously we can go to this show flash command and we can see the details even we can go to show version and we can see the details next is the seven kitchen you need to adjust a router configuration but you suspect that a colleague may also be working on the router from another location which command provides information about the lines being used for configuration or a device monitoring yeah it's about users so obviously we can use this command show users coming to the eighth question are you have been asked to check the performance of a device interface which command provides a traffic statistics for router interfaces obviously we can see these informations in show interfaces coming to the second last question customers are complaining that they cannot reach a server that they use for a file storage you suspect that the network may have become unreachable due to a recent upgrade which command provides information about the paths that are available for network traffic yes this path or this route can be verified from this ishow command show IP road no coming to the last question which interfaces are currently active on the ISP router okay now we have seen the two interfaces gigabit the third 0/0 and serial zeros now 0/1 we will verify that we will go to IES PPC okay here we can see the output for this show command show IP interface brief and we can see gigabit the third 0/0 its IP address it's tears up protocol also up then we can see the interface either 0 / 0 / 1 its IP HS it status up protocol also up yes that's all in this activity we just analyzed different show commands and its output no difference if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below also if you like your video give a thumb and share with all your friends and you don't forget to subscribe our channel also you can visit our website for more details stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 9,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CISCO Certification, CCNA, Show Commands
Id: UWfBqjHoSaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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