Dry brushing Live w Chalk Paint

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life a little closer yeah okay can we share on social media oh yeah people are coming in hello surprise Nobita today instead video we got look some live hello everybody Argentina hello guys and welcome to a dry brushing live with gotcha today I'm going to do something that I love the most and that is I don't know we're supposed to look at the camera right today I'm going to do some dry brushing which is my favorite technique I'm going to demonstrate how to just dry brush it's very simple once you learn it once you master it or you will love it so much and you will use it all the time you can do heavy dry brushing you can do light dry brushing you can she achieve like weather look with a dry brush you can achieve a like sophisticated look so you can like possibilities are endless and I don't know how to turn my phone don't disturb I don't know but it's the I'm still getting notifications so I'll figure that part out you don't worry about it yeah just do so yeah although I think I believe that thank you guys for being here today so I got this table I sent at the top I don't know if they can see I think they can see right but it's fine for now I can't exactly Emperor that's perfect okay so we got this table oh I sent to the top and it has like two thumps so I send it to the Burwood I love I think I'm I'm not sure what I'm going to do I think I'm going to do like a wash like a gray wash on top but we got this beautiful work right here like all these gorgeous things so when I see things like this I I have to have the peace like when I see a piece it doesn't matter what it is it's a table it's a buffet or a dresser when I see this I'm like yes I didn't buy this table I got it from my friend she gave it to me so I was here and when I see this I know exactly what I wanted to do and that is in majority of the time I want to do dry brushing because I think dry brushing complements all these gorgeous details here so I painted in hurricane gray which is a beautiful gray color I really loved it I did a dress it dress are not long ago using a hurricane gray which is clear I did a beautiful dresser with gold a statement piece and I sold that one like in I don't know day or two it went so fast so it's a gorgeous color and I love how its look with white so for dry brushing I'm going to yes Christine I know oh I will tell you about that too so I'm going to use cotton to do some dry brushing here and maybe I'm gonna add some gold but first we are going to do white dry brushing and I'm going to use this brush it's premium brush by dixiebell I really love this brush it's a bristle brush the reason I love this one because it's thick it's much thicker than the then the cheap one inexpensive one which you still can do the job but I love this that has a thickness and I don't know I love dry brushing with this so I don't like to dry brush with synthetic brushes because I feel like they don't give you the effect as good as as a bristle brush so we're gonna do that now and also what I have here is a cardboard board like a piece of whatever you just need something once you dip the brush into your paint you need something to unload and then you're going to dry brush so now I'm going to show you that and let's get started we have exotic birds in our yard and so I told this morning Christina that I'm not doing video she told me she's not doing video I'm like I'm not doing me there neither I'm going light and Christina's like I'm going like too so everybody just know Christina muscari with pretty distressed she's going live after this on her channel if you guys want to jump after this on her channel and check out she's going to do stools and it just happened like that so it's fun day for lives so let's get started I'm going to put my phone a little bit closer before we start I will really appreciate if you guys hit the like button before you leave because you're gonna live and then you're gonna forget to hit the like button but I need a slice because the more likes again the more YouTube is going to recommend my video so the more people going to see and I'm moving this phone too much but I'm like not that like good at going live all of Mexico I love Mexico more goat makes you go now but 30 countries oh wow Barbie oh my god somebody thank you so much wow what was that sub membership all my god Barbie thank you so much like I'm like I appreciate so much expecting this wow you guys are like the best I Duke easy so much into the squirrel we have a scroll in the backyard and he's staring at it I want to tell you Duke boys doing better we spoke to the vet and she told us to take him off the second medicine that we put him on so now he's coming back he's being Duke boy again without seizures he's a he's whining he wants to go catch the squirrel but we won't let him because we love squirrels so let me start now this oh my god this one has like a big cigarette in there I know you guys love Duke that's what I wanted to tell you Duke is doing much better he will probably come here once the squirrel leave so let me show you Duke before I start no he's too excited here he is he's too excited okay so this is how much I got cotton you see nothing that's like really nothing so what I'm going to do now I'm going to unload that see I put that big tin here you see how thick that is and then I go on the even cleaner part unload and load it's better to unload more and go back then to leave too much you don't want like better to almost have nothing than to have too much I in general that's my motto when I paint whatever I do it's better to go lighter and then add then to go heavy and then you're in trouble you can find no real trouble it's just like you know top painting trouble so I'm going to start here when you put one even closer so you guys can see I'm just going look at that furry teenis how pretty that is totally up to you if you want to do that yeah your voice won't be as loud but so now I'm going to because my brush I can feel the brush is already like nothing is there now I'm gonna touch this one to get some more and then I'm gonna do the same unload and we're just gonna keep repeating that this is very light dry brushing I'm doing today I have a technique where I do the heavy dry brushing I'm not doing that today this is just a light brushing so now we're gonna continue doing I will is that fan loud for you guys did you just hear that turn on I mean not a fan it's actually a water heater do you guys hear that it sounds like a a/c unit running let us know if you guys can hear that any Houston doing so we can turn it no they say not at all okay so we're ready I can turn that off but I guess we're good so how much of these you want that's totally up to you it's totally totally up to you you can do heavy you can do light you can do more than caller there's a lot of countries or countries thank you guys for coming today we loving loving we love having you here I'm a little too excited as usual but that's normal you guys know me by now Costa Rica I've seen so many countries I've been I've been a little bit busy behind the scenes so I haven't been reading but I have been reading I haven't been reading them out loud yeah so we can they see here these are doing the talking Spanish do you know them you know I know I know gotcha no Spanish enough to talk to my grandparents very well she defends herself very well Florida is a country it's the closest country Miami it depends on you want to look at it Florida or Miami is pretty much the closest you can get to the United States without actually coming in how pretty this is right so and in case you put too much of any place like you're like oh my god you know I added too much you can just go over with a base color and it's simple as that you can just fix it with a base color and no big deal like it's so forgivable the dry brushing so forgivable we're like you know you can just go back with a base color and you you will fix the problem where you have blending if you make a mistake you know and you're like oh my god I'm in trouble so it's much harder to fix the problem in my opinion you know all guys we got new lighting Laster day I got much more lighting in my studio now and I'm so happy because it's much brighter now and much nicer because I really don't see you hi Christine well how are you guys as a rule and dry-brushing should you always put a lighter color on a darker color no no you want and the possibilities are endless you can do you want it to contrast but it's not a rule you exactly wowsie Carlos knows everything you like explain this I'm probably better than you by now just give me a look we shall go Ally would Carlos painting or a video at least so we're just trying out these lights like shop lights just to get a lot in here it kind of works it did good for the top like from the top down we definitely got a lot of light now we need more behind us so we're figuring it all up but they were cheap there were $60 I mean relatively cheap for a shop light with four bulbs so and you're just blog demean and that's it yeah they come I mean a lot of these shop lights don't even come with bored for you have to wire them in manually but they came with a core and everything yeah Home Depot and hooks and everything so Canada hi Canada oh I miss what she said when you have a sideways the messages go away so fast I mean just talking to Martine from Canada she's saying get some dixiebell when the borders open did you know one of Maine's most famous residents was quoted seeing Maine should be Canada we're almost there were only a few hours away wow that was nice sounds fast yeah so now I'm just lightly adding more and more and you see I got more and I'm just gonna I just keep repeating so for dry brushing you really need patience and don't rush you don't have you cannot brush if you rush it's not gonna come out good in my opinion and when you dry brush let's say you'll dry and brushing the base color is hurricane Gris working great so guys working great and caught them hurricane green cotton one I just put him here actually yeah you guys can see so when you dry brushing let me show you I want to show you let's say this it's a flat surface when you dry brushing flat surface you want to go from top to bottom you don't want to start here you don't want to start here and finish here you want to go always from very top to the bottom I always go with the grain and let's say I have a let's say I'm dry brushing this tabletop it's a it's a big dresser you want to go all the way from one side and slowly come on the other side for the best results when I started I was dry brushing like tape here here here everywhere and it works but I'm just telling you what looks much better it's moved from one side to another side again it's not a rule it's just something that I think it makes it look prettier it might be but the end of the day you think whatever you want oh there are makes you happy you know so that is so pretty I am so in love with it are you adding another color just white and gray I think I'm just gonna add some gold and so so pretty I love this look it's like and we sales this look always sells a lot like white wash dry brush gray and white that I sell immediately no I don't know what you mean by Laura repaired a piece I'm not sure what you mean that well gold are you gonna use a pile yeah I think so I'm going to leave you guys the links in description below so you can click and see what I used I'm willing link everything the brush the dixiebell I'm going to link gilding wax so I'll see how I'm doing with the time thank you very much yeah that looks so pretty what time it is Carlos oh we're only hi this is 20 minutes in okay because I might do a whitewash to I'm no whitewash I'm that I'm because I'm have plenty of time I think I'm going to do ah why wash technique hurting great technique on the top of this because I don't want to could stay another one a painting so let me get I was thinking actually to use a brush for this let me get a brush okay I have this little cheap brush this is cheap inexpensive brush I don't know how expensive say so what I do with them I got this clarified that's clear so I got just says chichi and Kip so CH e AP and CH IP are the exact same words so good luck because you'll never know which one she's talking about ever so this is a cheaper brush and cheaper brush it's inexpensive and it's cheap and what I do to them you know how to come like all and even on top and I don't like that cheap cheap and there you go somebody understand me at least I have few words like that that I just cannot adhere them the same so I pronounce them Oh Branson the same so what I was telling you about the brushes take on and even if you guys know what I mean can you give you one new she brush from there in a bucket the cheaper that you cheap one they're actually those are pretty even okay here this is actually this one are pretty even so but they're not really good like they're like all loose and it's okay so they're all loose and they just don't feel good to dry brush with them so I cut them in half and then they're much more for a firm firm so yeah that's why they need Natasha wants to know what dry-brush means you should tell her after this video yes I will leave you a link Natasha in a description for a workshop where I explained dry brushing like is just 10 minutes about dry brushing I demonstrate and explain everything you can also put catch a workshop dry brushing workshop and you will find so I'm going to use P Belle King of gilding webs I have plenty now I can make throw a party and I'm going to add some of that Mario games we all love Mario games I love Mario games action civilisations [Music] oh we have Mario Kart Christina we don't have more of a party with that we don't have body that's you know that game good so we do my little bit of bold everywhere just a little bit because I you know I won't be me if I don't put some gold on my furniture duties so mad that the squirrel was there if they are he's like so much and I want to put too much over the birds back oh my god for Duke a boy okay so just have a little bit of gold and you can do with a finger I always switch between fingers whatever fills there are you know I don't really have Thank You Catherine hello from Germany Kirsten hi hello Germany the seizures did stop and [Music] Dubois he's looking for a squirrel boy are you gonna get him is he still out there uh yeah he's uh we took him off one of the medications that were really making him a different dog and he is much better now and he hasn't had any seizures and he is trying to hunt the squirrel and some birds that are out there so yeah much better much much better those callers are really like a we tell everybody now so don't put callers from Walmart oh yeah no so the hearts so now we know that the hearts collars flea and tick are horrible yes don't ever buy those hearts and I actually got their number and I'm about to call them I don't know what I'm gonna tell them cuz I just hate to be that guy that just complains we're not complainers so I don't know what I'm gonna tell them but I want to tell them that it is extremely unfair that that is not known because I can't imagine how many people are going through what we went through I mean we were already contemplating his quality of life I can't imagine how many people don't figure it out and put their pets to sleep because of a cheap collar that is I don't know I wish they would do a better job of announcing that and that's why I want to call him but whatever I may or may not do that but he's now much better when he's much better no caller for him our layaway both of Damon and I sent them a message on Instagram and they sent me a number to call and then all think wow I feel like one of those people that just calls the complaint department and then they just get your little statement and just throw it in the trash so let's do a Washington because we have plenty of time okay you watch it you don't wanna like you want soak it in water and watch so let me move these I gotta clean my floors now that I have lights I'm like oh my god I need to do some cleaning here are you saying I'm a sneak peek of next week's video no no it's through you cannot do sneak peek this was your old piece I can do it we're just showing the corner it's going now I need the next video makes frightens me though I need for my client so you do like this I can hear you better yeah okay let's just go let's just do the wash what I have in here let me stand up okay so I got a cup with water they can really see it no no so I got water I got a brush you can use any brush you want and I'm going to do a gherkin great too much of course the rest of the table so your old Russian father's I don't know on English to pronounce Natasha Natasha and in Serbia we say Natasha I don't know which one how they pronounce really earning okay nice oh my god I got deleted it's okay it's okay all right so I'm gonna make my brush completely wet and then you don't want like driving just one wet got water there it's ok it's ok hey does it matter so I'm gonna get a little bit of gray can you see okay and I'm gonna get more gray I went so light a little bit more how to clean your brushes without ruining your pipes cleaning brushes will ruin your pipes if you're using chalk paint because it's water-based the only time you want to watch out its sneaks thieves when you use yeah things that are party slicks take like a primer or patina yeah chalk paint water-based chalk paints you do not have to worry about your pipes you can clean it right in your sink yeah turn this around and show them this side it's much easier for that work this way so this is a wash basically yes she did send the top yeah you bring out the wood grain you wet the chalk paint like super watery SuperDuper water before mix and then do I just go straight it's kind of like a stain Natacha because you put on super watery chalk paint and then you remove it with a towel or a cloth or something kind of like the concept of stain but it's with paintin water and they called it a wash instead of a stain but yeah it's the same thing the wash only require one coat if you want that but if you want it darker you can keep going there is no rule just like stain you can keep multiple layers of applying multiple layers of stain you can keep applying a wash it is much better than smelling the oil stains the no paint gel stain is much stronger much much stronger I don't like I'm kind of sensitive now like to that I don't like no paint Jostein because of that I do like it it looks really nice I got I mean I do like look but I don't like the smell I do like how it looks our next week's project has it I'm going to show them the top I'm going to show you the top without showing you so once now I start wiping it it's gonna be even lighter so what I wanna do I'm just going to add some more break because I can see it's very transparent so my brush is already very wet so I'm just going on like that so more to make it more right and then when I wipe it it's not like Oh anything simple for you paint I'm pretty sure it won't be simple you wipe it down in between them so in this case she didn't wipe it because it's too thin but yeah you do normally wipe it you do wipe a wash she's what she's saying is the wood sucked at all of why she's staying on top of paint and then you wipe it off when you do it even bare wood as a stain the wood pores are open and the wood sucks all in it leaves just less so that's why I was like okay I could we do team so let me add some more gray so now I'm gonna take this shop towel and I'm just gonna see and I'm gonna go light so she's removing it lightning what that means is I know what that means now because of yesterday what that means is she's not like going she's not putting a bunch of pressure and power into the wood with her towel which I found out about this during the last project I filmed and that's why I know what is happening right now but apparently when you put a lot of pressure you take up a lot more paint and it gets really light on something like I'm alright is that what happened last time it was steam but it was the same problem yeah this is what's happening right now kind of like the top front combo and this is what it used to look like how does Chuck pain differ they're all a nice load in dixiebell it's like they're both really good and it's like it's like hmm it's one is I'll give you the simple version one is thick and easy to texture one is thinner and gives you a smoother look and easy to blend you can achieve the same things with both of them but so to get texture with dixiebell you're gonna add a little step in work a little more and to get it smooth with a nice load you're gonna add a little step in and work a little more you can do anything with pretty much anything it's so motivational you can just do it all Oh liam is latex based and well I gotta tell you and I've seen my wife views rust-oleum and it does work the same as most chalk paints it's a thinner one it would be more along the lines of a dixiebell then in any slow in terms of consistency but it works like a chalk paint if it has latex inning they did a real good job because I've seen my wife use it where Waverly is not the cheapest more they're both cheap Rostow liam is what $19 for 32 ounces mm-hmm but it's more in family of bear and dixiebell and self-leveling pain and then Waverly and they did and I had to laugh somebody said his mom's his kid her kid said I want a mom like gotcha that's gonna cute due to boy has a mom like gotcha you love your mom from sweet children hi sorry continue is more texturized like Debbie and I'm Sloan and those are like texturized pains where you know they have a lot of texture which one it is hi dinner how are you continues already but you just keep adding you guys I'm talking to the people I love these so much like the the orange is gone that's the point you know for that orange there's a lot of ways to protect the Chuck Chuck pink Kirsten we have we have workshops on it but basically there's wax and there's top coats so we literally just did a workshop on most of the basic things you need to know so you could like anything you want to know you can put like got your workshop and there's a playlist or you can just put what you want to know like got your dry brush got your workshop top coats I'm pretty sure it's gonna come up because uh gets even lighter because of the I can see that wood is just like sucking everything in that's how dry it was and maybe when everything is completely dry am i over and do another wash coat and maybe not maybe I just go with this natural gray wash look so I will see oh yes you can watch the replay I did I did that dry brushing up front for have you did this we did this dry brush it was already painted in hurricane great so same time so you guys don't have to see the yeah you call it the base coat so I'm just a knit and dry brushed and added some gold I'm gonna do some more dry brushing from the legs Center we still have time I wore on the legs it's coming out really pretty yep sure okay so first we want to do these corners Lisa I don't understand the question I did read it I don't really understand what is the question it's gone it just gives me a little it just stays for a few seconds I don't like taking seat I think they continue and let's do one side so I can show them how I do side work so pretty this top came out so pretty this working gray is such a nice wash Wow he has that brownish look still it reminds me like a like a smokey like a smokey stain like a light smoky water-based stain so let's do this one can I get the same effect without sanding uh no nah you can't get the wood grain to come out it won't be the same but you can't chalk paint without she looks like a glaze but it's not the same you know everything has its own thing because when you send to bare wood when you do a wash under bare wood it's completely different when you do a wash on the on page so one day I will demonstrate like whitewashing on problem oh whoops I got too much here so are you doing in too much I'm gonna go back with another brush and fix it but now with great yeah so let's go here yeah Lisa there's no image darker and you want it lighter there is no way around it I think you have to send I guess what have you added like what no it's not gonna work what have you to do pickling white stain on something that's like Brownstein aidid it's this a loose a it's not I did I tried what happens okay do - boy do boy I'm gonna go get him he's out there you go get him let's go get him right now just go get him right now he's dying for me to open that door I can't believe how much he's like focus now on that door because the squirrel and the bird keep coming out there he's like I don't care about you guys I don't care about your life I'm here about anything and that's are you going to seal it with wax or gator hide I think I'm gonna do the bottom I think I'm gonna do the top Big Momma's butter you mean the top with Gator hide and the rest was Big Momma butter or the other way around I started using more as a protection and I loved and I learned that it's made out of different natural waxes like I don't know different coconut coconut oil coconut walks him oil something like that like whew and it has essential oil and it's a really durable we want to apply it's shiny and it's like a lot shiny and then you can either leave it for 24 hours and then come back later the next day and then get the wreck extra or you can just leave it for a few days and the paint is going to suck everything in so it's really nice I did next Friday's video I did everything in Big Mama Dada it smells like oranges like who doesn't want oranges right so that's what I'm doing I'm just having more dry brush yeah it was just formal out there Terry the squirrel he will never catch his chased so many squirrels he actually is a hunting career he has got one Mouse [Music] do you really can't see because if I put it that way they can hear you better but if I do it this way I can I can make sure that I got it so pretty what do you guys think do you think ah you see a song like ah like sloppy this much you did why don't you fix her real quick before we go showing you do this let me face it let me grab a loo brush yeah this is sloppy to me that's just me like ah like you know don't do that that's just not so you go back to your base color with another brush I got another tree new chip brush I'm sorry and same thing dry brush unload it and just go slowly pulling it back and then when that dries you're gonna have to go back lightly with white it's just a back and forth playing with it to fix it worst case scenario you just repainted and read dry brush it but you can just dry brush your way in like she's doing now you don't have to just go all the way greasy so so she just brought it back and now you can usually wait for these to dry but for demonstration I'm gonna go in oh you're so good it was a cheap cheap brush she's just a beast then she makes it look very easy I agree fix it did I fix it I did you dry brush hardware she does it all the time hardware amazing actually I love to go crazy on the hardware and add different color shades just a little like let's say I do white and then I do some blue and then green and then I do my Christina we'll go we're almost done I will come join into for a little bit yeah we will after this we'll go over to Christina's live so yes you can dry brush I love adding different colors and different details and then goal at the end and then when you look and when you you know in the big picture it doesn't make a big difference you stand and you look and you're like wow it's pretty but when you really like look at the just hardware you can see all these different colors different you know dry brush colours and really really like love that so much so that was so nice today right are we done I think we can be done mm-hmm right mm-hmm oh crap I think I shown pieces of the piece I've been trying not to do that oh well next week's video is kind of like a beginner video white or white a sustained and I hold their pools or [Music] hello Portugal I'm gonna give you a sneak peek of next week's video just a quarter let me see how I do this okay this is the top see that is Dixie bill white tickling something like that white Pig Mean Joe State that's it that's the sneak peek okay I really wanted for card holder pool to win let me tell you I wanted that to win but since I did Paul on Instagram and YouTube what's the point of Paul if I'm gonna do anyway whether once I was like okay listen but I really wanted to do card holder poles so uh yeah perfect we're almost done so that was it for today here is Buchi do it see what you doing my baby oh my do cheese he feels much better he's loved everybody loved Lugovoy so he's doing much better than that and we're done with a beautiful thing it was a quick demonstration how to dry brush and how to do a wash to have to use a wash technique or my end oh sorry I have to use watch technique to Spain would I will finish this table probably tomorrow so I will finish this table probably tonight or tomorrow and I will put the final picture on Instagram and in my facebook page and I'm going to do a little video for tick-tock like a you know what everything I did so thank you guys so much for coming for joining us today we're missing Leah dad doesn't care like we're all here except Leah she's upstairs on the couch she she's just enjoying herself and thank you so much for coming Barbie thank you so much for your donation I really appreciate that that was nice surprise I I was like so shocked but thank you so much thank you for all members all members that you guys are members a month after month we started couple months ago thank you for all always watching my videos commenting liking and thank you for always supporting me I really love you guys so much and I will see you again maybe next time yes Monday we have a podcast we have the top drawer on the podcast Melissa and then we have Friday's video next Friday but maybe I decide to do another life because I love doing this I kind of enjoy I'm having fun at Buca boys walking by so that will be for the day today guys i will see you on Cristina's carry pretty distress YouTube channel where she will be doing a live demonstration - love you guys bye happy 4th of July
Channel: Kacha
Views: 143,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chalk paint, live chalk paint, kacha, kacha furniture, dry brushing, dry brush, how to dry brush, how to chalk paint, how to, tutorial, dixie belle, annie sloan
Id: XRDIhK7sW-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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