I Bought The CHEAPEST Gaming PC From Aliexpress...

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it finally came in this box we have the  cheapest gaming system that you can buy   on aliexpress probably and the reason that i'm  really excited to have a look at it is because the   previous aliexpress system that i bought was way  better than i was expecting aside from the thermal   paste [ __ ] and the dead ram kit that it came  with there was also the fact that the aio was only   mounted with one screw and kind of dangling there  the cable management actually wasn't great either   and then there was just the general used  feeling of all of the components in that   um but other than that it was way better than i  was expecting so this little pc has some big shoes   to fill but before we get into that it's time  for a word from today's video sponsor manscaped   today's video is sponsored by manscaped a  company that cares more about your goals than you   do manscaped sent over their perfect package 3.0  for me to check out for this video which includes   a lawnmower 3.0 which has a badass 7000 rpm motor  in it that's still safe near your julies because   it's got a ceramic blade that won't cut you the  perfect package also has the crop preserver and   crop reviver both of which make your balls smell  nice without any added chemicals and for a limited   time you get two free gifts which include  the shed travel bag which is really awesome   and some manscaped boxer briefs that make you  feel like a nacho libre wrestler and i have to say   after trying the lawnmower 3.0 on my untamed man  jungle it works really well so if this sounds good   to you go to manscape.com today to get 20 off plus  free international shipping and the two free gifts   when you use the promo code david at manscape.com  your balls and body will thank you [Music]   the system in this box cost me about 366 us  dollars which in the world of prebuilts usually   just gets you a bit of sand rubbed in your eyes  so i'm not that confident about the state of the   system also the fact that the box seems to have  suffered a hernia at some point doesn't help much it really is covered in battle scars  oh that is packing material that i've   actually never seen used for a pc before  and then in here we've got a hunt key box hopefully there's a pc in this box there is um  what happened to the graphics card is that uh oh i think this makes more sense oh there  we go okay in the moment of truth who hey   it's actually got a tempered glass side  panel tempered plastic side panel [Music]   and here we have a case that on first impression  actually doesn't look that bad we've got some faux   metal on the front of the case and then what looks  like an rgb strip along the side but then you look   a bit closer and notice what is some of the most  restricted front airflow i've ever seen on a case   but you know what they say about front ventilation  it's the thought that counts and then around the   back we've got some rear i o which would have  been considered limited in the 1950s and um   no no graphics card and then finally the power  supply looks like the stuff of night terrors   so let's open it up and see if we  can track down the graphics card the acrylic side panel actually cracked in  shipping although that could have been my fault   [Laughter] the first thing that you notice when  you open up the system aside from the power supply   that looks suspiciously like the ignition source  for an ied is this awesome looking cooler it's all   whited out and stuff some more plastic and oh here  we go this i'm hoping is the graphics card but   before we open that up let's have a look at the  rest of the system now under that enormous cooler   is an x79 xeon cpu that's running in one of those  chinese x79 motherboards that craft computing does   videos on semi-regularly which actually makes  it a very interesting hardware configuration   for a budget gaming system now in terms of the ram  it's our old favorite a single 8 gig stick but for   a 366 dollar pc i guess it's forgivable what isn't  forgivable though is that they barely screwed the   motherboard down look at all those empty screw  holes and the result of that lack of screws is   although to be fair i don't know if that's  because it's not screwed down well enough   or the fact that the motherboard back  plate is made out of like paper mache   oh no the vrm heatsink has actually been  ripped off let me let me just just there we go   that's okay right on a positive note it does come  with an ssd which is by a company called juan on z   around the back the cable management's not a  complete disaster although there was definitely   a lot of stuffing going on here and then up here  you can see the single screw fighting valiantly to   keep the vrm heatsink stuck down now with that  let's have a look at the graphics card uh now   in all honesty this is actually a really  smart way to ship it because it means that   it's not gonna like rip out of the pci  express slot while shipping or whatever   oh in here we have uh a screwdriver that's awesome  not many pre-built come with their own screwdriver [Applause]   wait wait a minute no way now i'm not immediately  gonna say that this is a fake graphics card but   i'm pretty sure that i've seen this shroud  design on wish.com however hua nanzi is   potentially a fairly not sketchy company  so maybe this is a legitimate hd 6770   and they just happen to use the same cooler  as fake graphics cards because so now   i'm going to put the definitely not a fake  graphics card back into the aliexpress system   and we're going to see how it runs and i have  no choice but to use the included screwdriver   oh wow this is definitely the worst  screwdriver i've ever used in my life let's see what happens oh we've got a lot of rgb  going i like the way that the rgb glistens off   the crack in the plastic it is already um quite  noisy it sounds like it may be the graphics card let's have a look at how it  identifies that graphics card   um because you should be able to tell pretty  early on if it's oh no no no no i think we're okay   i think we're okay oh gpu-z to check out  that graphics card because gpu-z is one   of the best ways to check the authenticity of a  graphics card 6700 series okay so according to   according to gpu-z we actually have an hd  6750 in here now according to the listing   we're supposed to have a 6770 but despite that  little whoopsie i think we do actually have a   legitimate graphics card in here what is this  browser i feel like even if i could understand   chinese i wouldn't be able to follow what's  going on here it looks terrible what is this   location z oh this is one of those weird pieces  of software that boomers use to like monitor   the health of their system i wonder if it's got  like a disk defragment tool in it that's honestly   that's what this looks like now let's see  how the 360 dollar system actually runs   games starting off with gta 5. in terms of the  graphic settings that the game recommends it's   actually just throwing us straight to 800 by 600  which is the real gamer resolution as we all know   uh even with even with 800x600 we're still  almost hitting our vram limit here no way   that's a really good start look at that it's about  70 frames per second this is actually not too bad   it looks like garbage because of the resolution  but yo this actually works okay let's try   a higher resolution here let's take it  to 720p we're still sitting at about   70 frames per second okay let's let's try the  unthinkable let's see if we can push it to 1080p 900p i guess if that's what you can call that  okay so this is the highest resolution the   gta 5 will let us run it at uh 1440x900 and  it's still running well we're sitting just   under 50 frames per second very playable even when  you get closer and like the details and stuff load   in like this is this is a better gaming experience  than playing gta 5 on like a ps3 for example this   is surprisingly good next up is cs go which is  a lot braver with the auto settings than gta 5   was look at that it's mostly on high we're not  going to try and game on high because nobody   plays cs go on hype okay there we go that makes  more sense apply no way it's actually running   at about 80 frames per second the temperatures are  amazing we're sitting at about 60 c with the gpu   and about 46 c on the cpu very impressive  stuff aliexpress person and finally we gotta do   fortnite for the kiddos i'm just gonna try  and run the game in competitive settings   so let's see if we can do like 100 3d resolution  everything on low and then view distances on epic   hopefully this works so we're currently sitting  at about 75 resolution scale for 1080p and   yeah this is not going to cut it if you actually  want to win any pvp engagements like this is   this is not going to go well let's try and drop  the settings more 50 resolution scale at 1080p   oh it looks so terrible oh that is oh is that  a player i can't see if that's a player or not   i think it i think it may be let's try one more  step down and see how that goes so we're gonna do   oh yeah there we go even with this mosaic mode  enabled we're still we're still not getting 60   frames per second i mean this is how all the  pros play right is with 25 resolution scale i don't have ammo left come on [Laughter] in conclusion once firing up the system it all  went better than i was expecting i was half   expecting it to release flesh-eating bacteria into  my house but still the graphics card seems to be   real despite the fact that it has a fake graphics  card cooler on it for some reason the power supply   didn't immediately end human civilization once  powered on so that's a good thing i guess and   if your expectations are low enough you could  actually game on this system in fact about a year   ago i did a video on a 380 gaming pc from amazon  and it performed worse than this one did so good   job random aliexpress hello with that it brings me  to the end of the video if you enjoyed it please   do like and subscribe to the channel for more  videos like this one and until the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 1,600,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliexpress gaming system, cheapest, prebuilt gaming, computer, gaming pc, budget gaming computer, 2021, dawid does tech stuff, tech, pc, pc gaming, $360 gaming pc, video card, 6 cores, intel, xeon, graphics card
Id: 7sl2ySJVngo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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