I Think I May Have Bought The Wrong Graphics Card

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in my last video I built this system which has an  RTX 3060 in it and after I finished building it I   went onto my local PC shop and saw that they had  this graphics card the RX 6700 XT Satan Edition   I think is what it's called on sale for the  same price I paid for the graphics card in that   system which yeah I I think I may have bought  the wrong graphics card let's find out today [Music] now not only did we get a 6700 XT but it's  even a power color Beelzebub Edition which   comes with cooling infused with the power of  Satan although doesn't the naming scheme kind   of imply the graphics card is gonna catch  on fire and burn forever I don't know it's   a bit weird but anyway let's open it  up let's not think too much about it [Music] wow it's a thick foam  [Music] oh it's a heavy boy Whoa on build quality alone I can't believe this  cost about the same as that MSI card because   this is like all metal the back plate is metal  even this shroud has like bits of metal on the   side with like high quality plastic and then  there's like a big ass heatsink under that what   a cord that backplate's making me feel some  pretty adult feelings moving swiftly on from   my adult feelings specs wise things don't get  any better for the 360. the two gpus may share   a very similar memory configuration obviously  excluding the 3060 scumbag Edition but in terms   of core specification the 6700 XT is making  the 3060 look a bit malnourished but you know   what they say don't judge a book by its render  configuration make it fight another book to the   death in random gaming benchmarks to determine  its worth now for the comparison I'm not going   to be using that system in the 3060 in it because  well it's a giveaway system so I'm gonna use this   3060 that I found in an AliExpress system  instead but with that let's throw this in   a system first to the we can get a baseline of  what the mistake performance is like and then   we'll try out something a little bit more evil now  unfortunately I don't have a goat sacrifice themed   system for this test but as far as I understand  Nez kochan is a demon so I I guess it works oh   that's potentially a problem okay so the 3060  fits just although Satan is definitely not gonna   fit okay easy solution I'm just gonna remove  the middle fan that's reasonable right [Music]   uh it still doesn't fit so I guess we're gonna  have to use this system which kind of makes more   sense anyway considering that it has basically the  same CPU in it as that uh White be quiet system quick note I couldn't get the system to Output   a signal with that AliExpress 3060 in it  so I ended up using the one from the MSI   pre-built which I think is a Ventus X2  anyway let's finally get to the testing now at 1080p High settings Battlefield 5 is  giving us a lot of frames per second here   you can see that we are averaging well over  120 frames per second so yeah I don't know   for a for a relatively demanding FPS game this  is a great result although it is a 1080p you'd   hope a graphics card like this would competently  Run games with this resolution so I think 1440p   will be a resolution where we can more clearly  illustrate the difference between the two gpus   but before we get into all of that let's try a  more demanding game let's try cyberpunk [Music]   now cyberpunk is also running at high settings  1080p here and we're getting well over 60 frames   per second so even for more demanding visual  Safari style games like this you're getting a   solidly over 60 frame per second experience which  is good it feels nice and responsive it doesn't   look great but that's because I'm running  1080p on a 4k monitor so that's that's my   fault it's not the game's fault but let's drop  Satan into the system and see what that does wow that is a lot of frame rates that the  6700 XT is pumping out now it is important   to remember that Battlefield 5 does love it  some AMD booty but it's still very impressive   we are consistently bumping off that uh  200 frame per second limit at 1080p High   settings I think this graphics card may be more  comfortable at a higher resolution but we'll   get to that in a second also temperature wise  this GPU is a beast we're sitting at about 50   degrees Celsius and interestingly uh despite the  Dual eight pins on the 6700 XT compared to the   single eight pin on the RTX 3060 the power  draw is very similar to that of the 3060. oh we're in the 90 frames per second 6700 XT  you spoil us with all these frames so the 6700   XT gives us a reasonable amount over 80 frames  per second second and yeah it feels very smooth   and nice oh oh oh louder I just I just committed  a crime I think with that it's a good point to   switch over to 1440p and see how the little 30  60 loser GPU handles that at 1440p we've taken   a reasonable knee to the groin of the 3060. we are  still above 100 frames per second which is decent   but it's not like blazing fast anymore and at this  resolution the 3060 isn't as happy as it is at   1080p so moving from 1080p to 1440p on Battlefield  5 drops you out of that frame rate sweet spot for   the game at high settings I'm curious to see  if the same thing happens with cyberpunk now it   becomes even clearer with cyberpunk at 1440p high  settings where we've dropped under 60 frames per   second now it's still good like 40 to 50 frames  per second is a reasonable result and the game   still feels fine although there is a little bit of  additional input lag but we have sacrificed that   60 frame per second line which gives you such  a good gaming experience you know so the extra   horsepower of the 6700 XT May really be useful  here so let's see what happens with that [Music]   wow moving up to 1440p has barely affected the  frame rate it is dipping a little bit lower   but if anything it's led to better frame  pacing uh before the frame time graph is   a little bit all over the place whereas now  the game feels really smooth also at 1080p   the difference between the 3060 and the 6700 XT  was subjectively very similar and a blind test   you'd struggle to tell the difference between  them but at 1440p the difference is a lot more   noticeable it is important to note that the  gameplay was on two different Maps but I will   have standardized benchmarks coming in a second  first let's see what cyberpunk does with the 6700   XT at 1440p it's in a situation like this  where you can really feel the extra muscle   you know with Battlefield 5 at 1080p going from  160 frames per second to almost 200 is barely   noticeable it's functionally the same thing but  going from in the 40s to the 60s subjectively   feels like a bigger difference to me and for the  same amount of money why would you not want that   but enough of me rambling about subjective gaming  experience let's have a look at some benchmarks [Music]   so with that I think purely in terms of gaming  yeah I kind of bought the wrong graphics card   it's pretty crazy that the 6700 XT costs  the same as the 3060. it's even crazier   that the similarly performing 6650 XT is 150  Canadian dollars cheaper than both these cards   although pricing is all over the place at the  moment Beyond gaming though there's more of   an argument to be made for the 3060 because  of stuff like nvank but either way for the   giveaway system I will be giving the winner  the choice between the two graphics cards let   me know which one you choose and why in the  comments below and with that thank you for   watching the video consider subscribing to  the channel and maybe watch another video a   suggestion will pop up in a second and until the  next video thank you for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 342,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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