17 Ways to Trap Your Friends in Minecraft!

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now i am trapped in a jail cell trap noob ourselves attempting to trap baby preston today i'm going to be showing y'all 17 different ways to trap your friends okay you guys so i have now found preston's second house i mean he's had like 25 052 houses to be exact i have once stayed in preston's house for 24 hours and it went pretty successfully if i do say so myself we're just gonna try to do that again even though he uh hooves get away from me even though i'm his wife and i should be allowed to stay in his house he really likes his self because he's always just putting his face on the front of his house it'd be nice if he put his wife's face on the front of his house i am just being silly he is such a good decorator you know this is beautiful it has such an open layout we have so much going on in here his kitchen is locked um his i don't know this is maybe a bedroom i don't know what's going on but there you can't get in there you can't get in there let's see it's like leading me over here should i go down here there are torches leading me down a stairway to a floor with holes in it i don't know if i feel good about this or bad about you know when you're like faced with puzzles like this turn left or turn right i guess i will turn right and go down this spooky staircase i don't know what's happening what are you hiding in all these chests let's look let's hope there are rubies empty chest number one empty chest number two you know why would you have this mini chest if they're all empty he looks like he may have seen something that's all i am going to point out he's kind of looking like he's spying on people like i don't know i don't trust this photo of preston he's looking at something that's going on like this video if you find this photo suspicious because i don't all right because because i do there's something about it hmm that happened way too fast that my brain didn't even process what just happened am i standing inside a photo and now there's a hallway with a torch please tell me there's not a zombie about to attack me is preston down here why would you even make a photo to hide a hallway behind you can't even see the rest of your house oh no preston you really need a maid you know if you invited me to your house i am very clean i could help clean all the cobwebs down off the ceiling although these prison cells who are you holding captive are these the people who you lost to in call of duty preston gets pretty mad when he loses in call of duty these are probably those players oh okay this one's open maybe if i go and hear something i'll give me a clue [Music] just like i planned you fell into my trap okay so now i am trapped in a jail cell and uh i can surely say this has never been something i have experienced before preston even though he's my loving husband has trapped me in here i feel like he's trapped me in many things now before this is interesting so uh there's gotta be a trick around this maybe it's in the furnace or i surely thought a crafting table would come in handy you know honestly for a jail cell we have about everything we could possibly need there is like an awkward hole under the bed though wait is that like a lever why would you put a lever under the bed is that how you flush the cauldron is the cauldron a toilet let me see the wall just opened am i getting out of here if i jump on that torch that is going to hurt where am i going this house is full of mazes uh i don't know which way to go we have this way which goes nowhere okay well that answers my question we're going in here i'm gonna take a lot of fall damage with this one so we have to think clearly and wisely ah there has to be another lever in this one maybe it's in the same place okay what a witty way to hide things they're just in the same place if you're gonna have a jail cell you have to hide things better okay well it also would help if i know how to click them i guess but you know it didn't take me that long is this where i came from i'm getting lost that wasn't bad you know that's not bad and now all of them are open they look like they're ready to be served as well they have their like little meal time trays they all just deserve some cake oh oh gosh what is going on preston i know you're up to something and it is no good this has been a very long day and i don't appreciate it okay what am i supposed to do down here okay let's go i'm determined to make it through here we've got this i'm almost there i can see the tunnel that was cece preston you tried to you know not let me get to this wooden room whatever this is and that was easy even though i i'm really bad at swimming that's besides the point okay let's see what this little boat looking wooden room is all about huh oh it's kind of pretty actually oh no preston really why do you always place parkour everywhere and why would you put a torch right in front of where i'm about to jump that was very dangerous also you already know i'm gonna fall so you've conveniently placed a ladder right there i actually do appreciate that you guys in order for me to pass this parkour you know what i'm gonna need you to do you need to look under this video and if that subscription button is red please make it gray right now because i'm not going to be able to make this very easily look there's only like three hovering wooden blocks how do i possibly do this i did see some levers in that room but you know what i'm gonna try and make this one okay i don't even think preston could make these jumps oh do you think i have to jump from here to this ladder no there's absolutely no way i am going to do some investigation really fast so i pulled a lever upon entering this room just because i wanted to but if there's some other ones do you think they're already oh another one let's see did anything happen did something happen i don't even know if anything happened i'm gonna look for some more levers i don't even know this one wait uh did i already pull this one guys i don't even remember which levers i have pulled pull another lever re-pulling them to see if anything else changes ah what if there's some in a chest we'll see we'll see we'll see wait those silver boxes were not there before they will be necessary even if i don't know how to jump on top of them that will come at a later time oh how many levers are there i need as many as possible in this situation i don't think i pulled that one maybe i'm probably pulling them all 20 times okay let's see if i can do this now believe in me comment that you believe in me that would be really nice of you now i can do this matter oh i was trying to encourage myself for the very first time and then i fell that was very sad but this is making it quite a bit easier okay okay you know what that's progress all you can hope for is some progress that was some great progress hey one try hot potatoes oh you don't even know how long i've been trying to go from that ladder to this box i haven't bored you with the details but uh we'll talk later okay we'll talk later we don't have to talk about it [Music] i am getting my exercise in now [Music] okay there is no way in sunday that i am going to make it over there i'm really intimidated by what i'm seeing you know if i thought that was hard this is gonna be great touchdown cowboys yes i'm a cowboys fan and if you want to hate on me because he's had a rough season [Music] that's all i have to say i've been a mess today if i fall right now from the tallest block in the entire parkour i will die now this is a precarious situation because i'm still very tall i'm above water and i am very far from the next block plus i'm almost done and that would just be very infuriating no i've made it back okay it took some time second time's the charm and uh if i fall on some torches i'm gonna smell great i'm gonna be a great barbecue i'm a little afraid about what preston is hiding because he has jail cells he has secret paintings he has torches he has parkour he has like boats and water and that's a little more intense than sometimes maybe it's a christmas present what's down here symmetry challenge good thing i'm good at symmetry i mean i did uh go to college we didn't really talk about symmetry in college though i'm not gonna lie so it says t b in r i do know that this would be a lot easier if i was in like creative mode and i could fly but apparently i can't and i have a ton of uh red sand guys please leave a comment down below this looks very orange to me that does not look red that is definitely orange but we are going to start with the red sand with the tea i can tell you this one two three five okay okay the t is going well one two three four yes t is easy okay one two three four this t is beautiful i've never seen a prettier t in my entire life this b is looking bodacious one two three four five one two three is that how it goes and then you like do that and that i think that's how it went in one two three four five guys if i make this wrong i'm gonna be very sad how many far is it one down from the t one over and one down one two three beautiful beautiful ladies and gentlemen this end is going to look great one two three four five then i think they connected this horizontally which i don't fully understand up to down i don't know that that looks right oh nope this is wrong this is wrong we needed one more here one block and then you build the n guys this is it there is the n it's ugly and it's beautiful here is the r i think okay so i need to see if this is correct let me see let's see if i'm right guys [Music] i'm incredible at symmetry what did i tell ya let's move on to the next room and hope it is not a pineapple i really don't know what he's hiding down here so i really have no idea actually i would like to see a pineapple i love pineapples okay what's in here i was gonna say i'm really short but i realize things are up high but what i realized now is everything's on the ceiling i think preston had had a really long day when he made this house and maybe he just wants me to be here to help him maybe he's putting me through some trials and tribulations because he needs me to figure out how to help him like obviously this has sprung a leak he needs me to help him rearrange some furniture i need to get up this ladder there's even a hole up there how do i get up there if there's a leak and the ladder's broke there's got to be a ladder that's actually working somewhere it's not that way [Music] ernest stick maybe i can use a stick somewhere i don't know why i'm finding sticks but i'm gonna keep these sticks that look like keys just in case but i'm very glad there's 25 000 pieces of ladder that i can use ah i'm gonna fall it's fine but i am falling building as you go i am very impressed with myself this is not the easiest quality to have but thank you i will be here all week hot diggity dog i hope i need to use this key at some point because it's very snazzy something growled at me okay i hate these things because they look like they would absolutely kill you and hate you but they're actually supposed to be your friend hi i don't know if i should love you or hate you i don't know what do you guys feel about zombie pigmen i find them really scary and i don't like them but i guess at least they don't harm you what should i name you i like the name larry oh no i'm overthinking everything now i'm just gonna get to the end of this hallway and try to not die carrie and jerry and larry you're you're all in my way cause i feel like i need to get to this chest and if i agitate you in any way i am going to get in trouble so would you please get off of the chest you are like very bad puppies please get away from me you are definitely in my way i need to get my i need to get my belongings from this chest even though they're actually presents you know what are you looking at you don't smell very good either i have been put through trials and tribulations thank you i was about to say i'm about to try to open this without getting hurt tnt lenten steel that's great let's just put tnt flint and steel in a chest upstairs through an upside down room that's flooding with zombie pigmen in a secret area that's inside a jail cell that bree doesn't know about really think all this through this has to be placed here for a reason i hope larry jerry and carrie don't get upset about this i'm really gonna try to avoid you guys if possible but excuse me sir you're gonna have to move please yeah so uh i hope you don't lose any limbs in the making of this video but i think we're gonna have to oh move please guys oh you're gonna die no i literally just woke up from a nap and i thought i had a dream that i went to this random tunnel but uh it became reality i am literally in a random tunnel and it has a lot of random things look a tree over coal a furnace over coal dirt over coal literally i have no idea where i am let me explore a little bit more dirt dirt dirt dirt cobblestone um lots of beds where am i literally i think i'm just dreaming this feels like alice in wonderland nothing's upside down though storage hmm i feel like this may be noobs house i don't know that spelling kind of gave it away for me let me see bod yes this is definitely noobs tunnel to what noob what is this a tunnel to you left your gate open for anyone to enter you have a love lamp which that's probably the fanciest lava lamp i've ever seen to be honest because mine was just like in this bubble and it would go with like glitter and then like if it got cold then it would all like crumble and fall to the bottom but yeah so that's actually pretty fancy oh a hot tub i'm getting distracted i am getting distracted why am i here house enter apparently i have no other choice i need to enter noob one two three four's house i have no other choice i have been planted here for a reason and uh leave a like on this video if you would like to see what's inside newt's house it's time to jump into the noob tunnel of house enter three two one dude why would you put torches right where i had to land that is not very considerate hahaha you fell into my trap i do challenge or die do my challenge or die look noob i don't even know why i'm in your house i literally just appeared here i don't know why and i'm not enjoying it already so please don't kill me wait wait no it's no time to dilly dally let's see if we have any clues we have a very large puddle over here for no reason which means he probably has a leak wait what does this sign say it says chicken pin he's away right now nope nope if you did something to chuckles i am going to find you plus i have a secret coming out soon about chuckles and you can't take it away from me sorry chuckles it had to happen hey we've gotta hurry maybe there's something in these chests to help me on my journey furnaces coal nothing crafting bench you know what i'll take that he has a lot of them so he won't even miss it why would you put a bed over coal i didn't even notice that hey let's lock the doors behind us because we have 27 and great parkour you know what i'm not worried at all because preston's challenged me to a ton of parkour and noob made this so it already looks kind of noob new best new new basque so we're gonna beat the parkour to open the door only way parkour is pro i am a parkour pro you know what i have my royally b by brie merch on and it's making me feel like a pro and i've got it i have all the confidence i would ever need why would you put a fence post in a parkour noob come on so many torches on top of wood and i don't think that's good for the environment maybe that's just me i'm also hovering very high above this fence post and i'm very very afraid of heights i think i made this way harder on myself i think i could have stayed over there and jumped right there but you know what bree doesn't need to take the easy way out girls are strong so our boys girls and boys are strong and we have got this i'm gonna stand on a torch and it's gonna feel so great it is it is pretty chilly today so i don't mind has anybody else noticed that none of this is color coordinated like i'm literally hopping from a fence to dirt to wood to uh you will no make it signs you know what noop i don't appreciate that that is very condescending i am trying to make it here and i need encouragement you know what guys if you want to encourage me look below this video and if that subscription button is red make it great right now because i'm being bullied fence stone oh oh oh i see the doors down there it looks like they're attached to redstone so if i can reach that lever it will be attached to the door and then i can open it easy easy as pie as my grandma would have said i think i don't i don't really know can i reach the lever from here whoa whoa i am only five two so it could be difficult huh nope nope nope one more jump see let's see let's see okay let's go okay i flipped the lever the redstone lit up and shut blam nothing happened maybe i did it wrong let's flip it again three is the magic number okay this is ridiculous let's go up here maybe it just needs me to walk on it you know it needs my magic touch [Music] you guys i literally just walked through this door noob put this on a pressure plate and the redstone had nothing to do with it so technically i didn't even need to do that parkour and uh he didn't put a pressure plate on this side so i'm now trapped so if i wanted to go back out and escape for my life i can't so we can only go forward and press on and it says jaws the right door wrong door is die i feel so confident i'm gonna do it sorry i had to like pump myself up by dancing so i used to have this baby doll when i was like four and you she'd say choose the left or the right and if you chose right then she'd tell you a good story if you chose left she would also tell you a good story but it would change so i'm used to making tough decisions okay that baby doll it changed me had nothing to do with being an er nurse and having to make critical decisions in the hospital so people did that you know no it's definitely the baby doll comment down below would you go through the left or the right also there's like some magical pixie dust back there i'm gonna go with the left guys no you gotta get better at your building skills the right door literally leads to the same place nope i'm sorry i'm really not trying to harass you i'm trying to help you at this point i know you're actually trying to be mean to me because you trapped me in here but i'm trying to help you you know what you could attract me better now i am pretty excited for this it looks like magical pixie dust magical pixie dust i don't often say that but it does so uh i'm just gonna go through here maybe i reached the end of this and he's giving me a surprise poison room is impossible good luck oh good so i just have poison floating above my mouth and i'm just breathing in a bunch of fumes that's that's great yes when you're around poison don't breathe it in put a mask on run out of that room and immediately jump in the shower or call your mom so i'm just gonna see what happens if i touch it oh okay it definitely damages me let's not touch the pretty sparkles there's no way if i can't pass through this that noob can pass through this like noob i know you're trying to make me run through here but if i ran through here i would die and then i look back to figure out what to do and there's a hole in the dirt i mean i'm very glad there's a hole right there because otherwise i would die so uh you know what before you find out that i found this i'm gonna close that gate and run okay what does this sign say my secret tunnel poison hurt yes poison does hurt noob why would you put it into your tunnel house his house looks a lot like a tunnel i just thought about that i could definitely give him some decorating tips but uh let's go oh i just literally walked through that sign okay oh okay it just lets me go through the back that's convenient for all of his visitors he likes to torture them in case you know they'd like to go that ladder leads to nothing noob the ladder literally hits the ceiling i need to help him now what whoa it looks like a playground i think i jumped in here way too fast there's probably something bad that's gonna happen in here i can feel it so what is my next challenge i'm sure impossible hmm now you have to kill monsters hahaha now you die oh no oh no no these are just cute little piggies i am lit hamlet and i hang out all the time we're really friends we're really good friends and then i have maribel over here and uh chester um i think you forgot how to spawn monsters in you know they're not monster pigmen how am i gonna get through though he told me i had to kill mobs but there's not any mobs and this door is closed guys i'm a vegetarian almost especially in minecraft i don't want to kill any pigs no pigs were harmed in the making of this film i think i have to kill a pig i don't want to i don't want to i hate all of it i don't like it i don't like it i just have to i'm sorry i hate it so much okay i'm sorry didn't open did it open i just i hate it i literally hate this part of the game why can't you just spawn in a snickers or like some potato chips i don't want to be eating this cute little piggy this is awful i have a cat at home you know what thank you noob for letting me out after traumatizing me i would have been fine with killing a zombie or zombie pig man you could have even let me die in minecraft but instead you made me kill innocent animals and i'm gonna leave i am now very mad at you oh my gosh so this wall has sealed behind me apparently i can only walk forward and it looks like it might be another parkour what is this um let's see how do i get around this i don't even know um um oh um hi noob he's been spying on me this entire time what what how is possible i am just very good at minecrafting okay noob you just trapped me in here and you're not very good at building yes you will have to answer my question noob actually has a question he can think enough to have a question or i will activate my trap those shoot arrows those are the things that shoot arrows in there i told him no and he's still doing it um what is my biggest secret other than um he is good at dancing apparently you know what that'll be his biggest secret he is a very good dancer what is noob's biggest secret guys put it in the comments what you think noob one two nub1234's biggest secret is i'm gonna go with you are a very good dancer he's always going like this in the back so we'll go with that the secret i know he doesn't reveal it to everybody come on come on wong what kind of secret do you have them now you die no i don't want to die nope that's very aggressive what is that lever for die to arrow oh oh no no oh my gosh you set a trap for yourself that's so sad i would have helped him i've been telling you guys this entire time i would have helped nuke with his construction there's like 50 000 arrows in that wall i guess i get to keep his house now no that's not a funny joke i think what i need to do now is uh get out of here so i'm gonna go on this ladder hey this jump looks a lot simpler try one more no okay there are multiple more ah what is with all these ladders noob finally finally the way out i am so ready to get out of here dead end hahaha why why noob why go to the effort to make a parkour to nothing well apparently i have to exit some other way wait there's the door into where noob was let's try and get over there possible is it possible this is the only entrance so i have to make sure i can make it three two one guys i don't know how i made that because that was pretty precarious it's literally hanging off of nowhere and i actually made the jump but uh let's give a moment of silence to noob for creating an inappropriate trap that uh he was trying to kill me with but then ended up killing him bless his soul so we have some books a bed over a furnace some dirt over he really likes cooking dirt and beds he loves furnaces a carved pumpkin i really hope he respawns soon so he can have all of his belongings because i don't think i can have a use for them this spencer trap put it press lever wait i actually don't understand that one normally noob is pretty easy to read he just tells you exactly what he wants just not very well this spencer trap put it press lever maybe i'll just ignore that for now i don't know farm oh this is a really sad farm the trees haven't even sprouted the wheat looks like it could use some tillage oh he has lots of hoes though just in case we randomly have a cobblestone over your crafting bench it's up here this must be noob's bedroom which definitely has a leak of some sorts he has some uh random lava no you have to be more careful in your house if you have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom you can step in lava you got to get that fixed so we have his bed a lot of chests none of which could be opened because he put them too close to the ceiling come on noob oh even that one has dirt too close to it i'm really interested in what he put up there they must be extra special belongings that must be what it is this house just keeps going and going three farm three oh instead of tree three farm like a lisp i like it it's cute locked door keep shut i really hate to break it to ya but that door is open and it's not locked and i can finally escape in a i don't even know if you respawn so i'm definitely getting out of here you've trapped me in your house for far too long no how you escape no way wait he's alive again no no now what a better way to make baby preston want to play with an rc car than leaving it on the ground like a mess that is a great way to make him excited so we're just gonna look down and place it right here i don't want to say this out loud it sounds so weird but there's an abandoned building next door and we're gonna lure him into it i can't find the front door hold on here we are in an abandoned building i have hidden a ton of obsidian a door a press replay in a diamond pickaxe we're just gonna make a beautiful inviting prison cell okay now it's time to execute the plan so i'm just gonna hop right over here and uh oh uh oh uh oh uh uh-oh mommy i'm done with my bath i wanna play with my toys yay toy car so you can't really tell i am literally hovering above him i almost gave away my secret we are hovering above the rc car and we have control of it so we are just gonna you know make him real excited is he following me what the how my car moving come back perfect perfect so all we have to do is go to the abandoned building that has a trap in it this feels so wrong baby preston here you go mommy i got pranked wait a sec you did this mommy oh no i guess he figured us out let's just run out of here and uh prep for the next trap so i know baby preston is hiding a secret chest of explosives through this painting what did i tell ya and we are going to use them against them so we're going to take this tnt and obviously the fire charges we're going to be combining the fire charge with different materials that will trap baby preston a self-imprisoning cobblestone fireball a bedrock fireball which traps using bedrock fence fireball an iron bar fireball we have an obsidian fireball so in case you can't tell i am invisible right now which is very nice because i can watch baby preston from afar and he doesn't even know so uh oh he's placing tandy hey i thought you were gonna get some of your explosives from your hidden explosive room could you please just get trapped you know that'll show mommy oh my gosh she just exploded my entire house now time to throw some fireballs ha ha it actually worked so there's the cobblestone fireball is he finding his way out he found his way out there is the fence fireball the iron bar fireball again what's with these fireballs i love that he keeps throwing them it's wonderful it's working out very well for me obsidian fireball bruh what the heck and last but not least the bedrock fireball now i'm really trapped well this is perfect we're gonna move on to the next trap okay so trap number three involves technology baby preston is grounded as he should be and i am reinforcing that with not only then an iron fence surrounding the entire perimeter of the house but preston and i want to have a date night tonight so i am going to set up a home security system to make sure he does not leave we are going to craft together some leds microcontroller a sensor some wires and last but not least some batteries and there we have it i now have security cameras and sensors hello i'm so sorry you're grounded for exploding the house i promise i'll stay right here and won't get into any trouble mommy totally believe you now it's time to place the cameras we have to be stealthy because if baby preston sees these i will be out of luck okay so now they are all set and it's time for dinner sure is nice to get some time away from home that is very true this is a very nice restaurant motion detected are you kidding me okay so i'm able to rotate through different cameras i can't tell if he's outside yet but we've got to make sure we trap him by the time he gets here so three two oh no you don't sir he's trapped for good take that he looks so sad whoa where'd this massive wall come from i'm trapped make sure you go ahead look under this video and subscribe if you haven't so we can trap baby preston for a fourth time welcome to trap number four now this one is going to involve none other than baby preston's girlfriend here i have this beautiful poem dear baby preston roses are red violets are blue i'm at my big new fancy mansion and i'll be waiting for you so of course we're out of prison you know it's natural why not we're just going to use this blueprint to uh disguise the actual floor plan very chloefied you know it does look like a mansion and it even says this diamond block is from chloe so all i have to do is push this button see exactly what we wanted the diamonds have turned into dirt and there has been an iron bar set so now we just need to give baby preston the letter and lure him to the prison okay so i'm home i see baby preston all we're gonna do is uh ring the doorbell and then just toss this poem he said he's coming so i'm going to run i don't want him to see me i don't want him to see me oh a letter from chloe always read i'm impressed he knows how to read cool she got a big secret house i gotta go visit okay so if you can't tell i am invisible yet again oh my gosh he has a flower in his hand i bought you a flower omg this place is huge omg for me all for you hey what the heck just happened oh oh i'm not invisible anymore mommy you trapped me again dang it dang it's right i thought i was gonna still be invisible no i don't mean to brag but i am a professional at pokemon go so i thought i would bring those skill sets into catching and trapping baby preston for yet another time a pokeball used for catching and storing pokemon i guess as of right now i'm classifying baby preston as a pokemon character all i have to do is use the tracking device to follow and find baby preston apparently it is in front of us and to our right i said it and i'm talking about preston that was kind of wrong oh my gosh so i found baby preston and he seems totally clueless about what's happening so we are just gonna sneak don't look back here please and oh oh my gosh is he in it almost had it doug navid ah i'm not a daily i'm out of here comment down below what your favorite pokemon is i think mine is evie yeah probably i'm gonna go back home apparently i need a better pokeball huzzah i have an ultra ball now i just need to get all of them to turn into that and it's time to get baby preston back i think he actually sees me this time hi again mommy your pokemon didn't even work last time there's no way you can catch me well watch me son just like that see i got him are you kidding me almost had it no run away are you kidding me baby preston get back here you are going to be a pokemon now's my chance now's my chance now's my chance maybe preston was cut oh my gosh that was amazing idea number six involves impassable water which i had never even heard of we are going to use a beacon to create an impassable water beacon and of course we have ice because he likes things toasty let me go outside and just give you an idea of what this actually means so if we place down ice and then the water barrier beacon okay so at first i literally thought my computer was glitching but no this is impassable okay so now i am at baby preston's house and i am here ready to cause some havoc so we are just gonna place some ice snow situations all i mean yeah let's just block all this preston head situation up oh okay now that the house is completely surrounded by ice gonna place down the beacon and oh no i definitely should have thought about this before he was hiding in here let me go invisible let me go invisible okay so it's finally morning and it's time to see how baby preston reacts mommy you pranked me again gur get me out of here i guess if he knows it was me i don't have to hide anymore so for the seventh attempt to trap baby preston we gotta get serious we gotta go out with a bane first we need to give the rocket ship the coordinates it needs so here we go i right clicked on the red dot and here is our map and now we are here to actually craft the rocket itself so we have the thruster the fins the rocket tube the rocket nose and the iron bars so we are going to trap the nose per se and the iron bars and that's going to be the iron trap that latches onto preston from the rocket so a rocket nose that can trap someone then we have to assemble the rest of the rocket ship obviously we need to assemble the rocket ship on the launch pad because otherwise things will go awry now that i am at the launch pad we are going to place down the thruster oh my goodness okay the thruster the fins the tubes and last but not least the nose yay how do i fit all that in my pocket okay so now there is a computer over here we have to give the rocket ship the coordinates it needs so i have the map we are going to right click on the computer and map receipts calculating coordinates calibrating lift off oh my gosh there it goes here i am back at the launch pad with a cake i told baby preston to meet me here hi mommy why you want me to come out here if you step onto the red area you'll get a big surprise this better not be a prank no what not at all see here's the cake and everything omg cake is the rocket ship coming is the rocket ship coming i'm super sorry for all the traps it was just for fun is okay mommy pranking is fun plus i love cakes kira hello can can you guess whose house we are near right now i have no idea i do not know you just followed me and you didn't know where we're going we were going on an attention that's true that's true this is baby chloe's house baby preston's girlfriend oh no yeah do we like her i do i do but i i kind of want to prank her okay so currently i have toy car wheels a can of fuel and a remote control what do you have an engine and a crossing table oh can i borrow that please i'm gonna try to make a remote control car what do you think it should do though um i that's all you well since we're wanting to prank her maybe it'll just go a little bit out of control she'll be fine though okay yeah i'm sure she'll be okay totally fine here you can take this back with you we have to destroy the evidence we were never here okay so question if you were walking out of baby chloe's house what place would grab your eye the most where should we put this car down maybe like here okay okay right here i'm going to place it oh oh okay um [Music] does that look the same as to you as it does to me i don't know it looks like a fancy old mustang to me it looks like a dog i think that's a resource pack i guess it just doesn't work for me it's like a dog but it's like made of coffee it's good it's good it's good so since this is a prank you should find a hiding spot because you don't want her to be around here seeing you okay i'll go and hide in the flowers okay i'm gonna hide behind this tree and just say hey louie check this out also um i hope i spelled her name right [Music] oh oh okay oh she sees me um brianna what are you doing here right now [Music] that didn't work out well um i got you a present here yeah kyra you present it it's it's all you you've got this doesn't come out hiding yeah yeah yeah hey [Music] is she okay she's fine i mean i would definitely hurl at that point because i get motion sick but i'm a little um for her i know she said she can't stop it she can't stop it um what we're gonna do is while she's trapped over there we're gonna go come up with a better and bigger plan to trap her next first trap really cool car uh-huh second trap we have to do fast because baby chloe's right there she she's literally right over there oh okay she's approaching hey yeah so we have to place this down i'm gonna make a doll okay hear me out don't ask why i have a pink doll head in my inventory it's for purpose okay putting speakers speakers in the doll and now i have a pink doll it's cute can you see her um uh kind of i think [Music] there she is wow i'm an artist i try i also have a tree so we're gonna place the tree down okay it's gonna take a while to grow so uh will you do the honors and use this please sure beautiful beautiful big tree all we have to do is uh use this leash tie it to the tree oh no the lead is attached to me remember i put speakers in the doll yeah uh i'm trying to lure chloe this way oh okay that's how she can hear us a doll what is this doing here what happened i don't understand why they upside down she's hanging from the tree um [Music] i'm gonna be totally honest with you i don't think this one was my best i don't i don't think this one really worked there we go so now she's hanging from the tree are you sure this is like legal oh we're gonna move on okay we are on to trap number three and uh you really like that fertilizer don't you i do you ready to use it uh sure i just like that you have it ready to go you never know when something needs spatializing that's true so rumor has it baby chloe is hiding something in here so we have to work together to find whatever it is okay secret somewhere baby the closet yeah definitely definitely do you want me to open it okay oh oh oh oh wait here it is look what it's right under here do you see that what okay so in my inventory kara how about you just explain what these are um okay should i drink it not yet not yet okay we have a potion of shrinking and a potion of enlarging okay if you would kindly give those back to me yes and then do you want to see like can you fit through this doorway um oh i'm assuming that's what that's cool right i'm gonna see so this is potion of shrinking i'm a little nervous oh oh no hello hi i feel very small you look very strange thank you she has cookies in here she does [Music] okay i just have to put it by the table go upstairs very slowly you're silly hi uh i should be hiding here [Music] i think brianna is done being annoying for the day time to enter my secret room are you kidding me girl why did she just announce that i don't know she's also announcing me wow i'm huge she can't get out um i like that one is she is it like reversible is she ever going to be able to get out or is this we don't like to talk about that okay you know we're just gonna leave where are we i mean you brought us here i did no i did it i did it i have a blue ice block and a snowball in my inventory if i combine those two what do you think it makes um maybe like a snowman it makes a ice ball oh i would throw it at you but i only have one we have to be we have to be super careful with it it looks a little dangerous so now we're just gonna go to chloe's thermostat which it says it is 24 degrees fahrenheit which is very cold how cold is that where you live i have no idea what that means i don't either um we're just gonna click on the thermostat okay i'm kind of confused it's getting hotter because i hit it with an ice block but you know what hey we're good that's like your regular temperature right 74 is perfect oh here i hide better check on the freezer i knew it was acting up 74 degrees way too way too warm what's going on kara she probably saw you she's blaming me it wasn't me it was her it definitely was not me um yeah will you come look at what i did oh you have time for ice block [Laughter] is she okay she's fine she's fine i'm just gonna put the put the freezer back to normal temperature and you know we're good it worked oh they're sleeping cute i think she is finally warming up to me are they talking about me i feel like i shouldn't be in plain sight i think she's talking about me why would she think that you like her after everything wasn't it nice of your mom to take us to the beach baby preston he's just sleeping i think she is finally warming up to me yeah kiera i don't understand that i know medieval so i don't remember taking her here okay well i have string in my inventory in a beautifully large sand castle if you would just like to say ooh off really quick so here i am and uh we're just gonna use a string as a tripwire trap okay set and uh i'm just gonna welcome her over this way i'm very excited omg chloe look at this it's your home away from home it is time for you to be royalty she's going to love it she's going to love it she's sinking i didn't know a sink sand why are you doing this stuff preston help i don't know we're just trapping her all in good fun i mean it's not good to trap people oh oh my gosh oh i'm i just got trapped i'm trying to save her and i'm trapped should i should i help you you're our only hope okay oh oh never mind i guess i guess i'm sucked too oh no okay so far kara which one has been your favorite which trap has been your favorite um i liked the one with the the shrinking potion that was pretty epic i agree i agree but now i have a camera camera film in magic essence what do you think that would make i have absolutely no idea you know what i don't either i'm just gonna combine them over here okay we're gonna combine the magic essence which kind of looks like a witch's hat with camera film and we have camera film now enchanted with magical essence now that is vague okay so we're just gonna call chloe down chloe come downstairs for a photo shoot it's time for photos remember i hate how much she trusts you don't say that it's just time to take a photo what's up uh uh i'm just i'm just gonna have to show you this au brianna let me out look at it oh no she's stuck in a picture why why is she in that how do we get her out i don't know you guys before i prank preston i just realized when my prank ensues part of my house is gonna blow up and jerry may die so i may have to rescue jerry hold on can i put jerry on a leash i'm gonna try stop stop scary monster i hear scary monster noises jerry are you there oh jerry's gone i went to go check on jerry jerry is gone and i walked on the pressure plate and i exploded the house and i had to rebuild it i didn't show it to you but there's even a villager with an invisibility potion spying on me because he even heard the madness and he knew something crazy was going on before preston comes back i feel like i need to gather some more materials for my house but it's nighttime and the creepy things are coming out scary things are coming out what is with all the chicken noises no oh a llama wait i'm fighting cool things and i'm being hit by a skeleton i need to take cover but i need this llama i need this llama more than i've ever needed anything oh man oh hold on hold on take cover take cover oh gosh i'm about to die i'm gonna die the cruel coral world hold on maybe i can hide out in preston's house nobody telling me don't tell me i can eat a carrot by preston's house and no this creeper's following me don't follow me creeper there's too many lights for you to be over here you're supposed to die by the lamps guys that's a thing right creepers die by the stop following me ra i have things to do and you are harassing me oh the pigs are escaping preston's pigs are escaping no no no he's gonna hate me he's gonna be so mad at me that was not the goal um um hi um here i'll put a couple of you on a leash and i'll lead you back home um here i i'll take you home here let's go this way i didn't mean to release the pigs oh my gosh this is so much chaos um pigs pigs so many pigs guys i should eat some carrots and maybe the pigs will follow me i have carrots i'll take some pigs home oh they like me piggies follow me piggies i have carrots there's plenty of carrots where this came from follow me oh a baby pig a baby pig hi piggy come here come here come here come to the dark side we have more carrots oh yes it's working it's working come pigs come pigs come come come follow me i didn't mean to release you but you shall love me i have chuckles the chicken and hey hey no no you shall die you shall die no where are my pigs where are my pigs oh they're still here these are loyal pigs they know what they want hold on where are my leashes hey skeleton leave me bee this skeleton is mean please die you're a mean skeleton guys i want to put the pigs in a cage and the skeleton keeps eating me no piggies come back freaking skeleton i hate you die thank you skeleton ain't nobody got time for that now it's time for cute pigs cute piggies cute piggies wait there were three of them where's the other ones come here come in here no you don't like oh yay [Applause] oh do they need a bigger wall can they jump over fences can i feed them i can feed myself a carrot but i can't give you a carrot that seems mean do i need to build a bigger wall for the pigs they're so cute i love them so much where'd the other pick go let's get more of the pigs then preston will really get angry and then i'll definitely fall for my trap this plan is unfolding nicely carrots carrots carrots so many carrots so many carrots follow the carrots follow the carrots yes yes follow the carrots follow the carrots follow the carrot who knew pigs liked carrots so much you guys all because a creeper blew up their belongings [Music] okay now i have to see what happens with present no no don't come out wait are they trapped in the fin no you escaped come back go back come back in baby piggy baby piggy you must get in the fence come on follow the carrot hold on i have to go get the baby pig piggy follow me i have a carrot go in here everyone join me to close the gate yay everyone is now in the cage i love you i love you you guys did you see that llama down there hold on i have to go back down in this cave this way yes there was definitely a llama over here you guys yes i see him do i still have a leash okay you guys i found my leash in my inventory and i'm good to go like a potato fish but um yeah oh no that was not a good jump but i have to find the llama where did the llama go i found another chicken where's the llama there's the llama he's hiding in pajamas llamas in pajamas oh no i gotta eat a watermelon it'll save me guys did you see a llama earlier whoa while i'm down here i'm gonna get some stuff i just like happened upon some iron oh whoa i mean i could grab them oh that didn't go well that didn't go well cool hold on i just heard a cat there's a llama guys he's tempting me he's all the way over there he just jumped hold on hold on hold on i just got so excited i just like broke my game i don't even know what is up in the left side of my screen but i heard a cat i saw a llama all like within two seconds of each other and i got ridiculously excited oh my gosh you guys preston just logged onto the server i'm gonna have to get this llama later um one sec have to run to my house i can't let him see me oh my gosh i'm gonna lose my own house running running i can't let preston see me oh oh he might have seen me running i have to get a good spot to watch what's about to happen he's gonna be so bad it's another amazing day on the s p server ladies and gentlemen it's been quite some time there's my noble steed mr larry holding the fort down for us wait my cows are kenny and i no in the pigs yo we spent so much time getting these guys here what wait wait wait wait what about the chickens wait a second the chickens are alive but the cows and the pigs are gone all right this is kind of suspicious guys now i know on the server we have kenny but why would kenny harm what we have created and then on top of kitty we have john and keith and brienne on the server but i know brianna loves animals she wouldn't hurt them means it's got to be john and keith all right brianna i need her to get down to the bottom of this maybe she saw what happened to my beautiful pigs and my cows i hate the fact that i've now lost both of them seriously what the heck wait what's that sound wait to tnt somebody booby trapped brianna's house who in the heck did this i can't believe somebody tried to kill my wife oh my goodness you guys that was supposed to get him one second i have to go confront preston preston wait bri you're on this server yeah i just protected you like a guardian angel somebody tried to blow you up with a really really really bad tnt trap i don't know who did it on the server probably john or keith but they have no idea what they're doing seriously though you could have been seriously injured that's why you have to wear armor like me i would have died if i was naked like you breathe preston thank you so much because um i yeah welcome i was gonna die i'm i'm i'm awesome i know i lost them as a possibility i gotta log off the server i got videos to record and all i've got to eat is apples so i'll see you next time tater tots
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,812,672
Rating: 4.8785448 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: Plt7OFyHjgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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