1.6.2 Lab - Configure Basic Router Settings

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hi friends welcome to world in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 a lab activity that is configure basic router settings before coming to this lab activity first if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon newt the subscribe button so that you will get a notification message when or we upload a new video and also if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website linka you will get from our description below now back to our lab activity here we can see the topology what we have to design very sore a dressing table ipv4 and ipv6 are used coming to the objectives in part one set up the topology and initializer devices cable equipment to match the network topology then initialize and restart of the router and the switch in party to configure devices and verify connectivity a same static ipv4 and ipv6 information to the pc interfaces then configure basic router settings then configure the router for SSH and finally verify network connectivity then in part 3 display router information retrieval hardware and software information from the router then interpret the output from the startup configuration then interpret the output from the routing table and finally verify the status of the interfaces ok we will go through this background this is a comprehensive lab to review previously covered iOS router commands ok in parts 1 added to you will cabl the equipment and complete basic configurations and interface settings on the router in part 3 we will use SSH to connect to the router or remotely and utilize the iOS commands to retrieve information from the device to answer questions about the router for a review purposes that is a lab provides the commands necessary for a specific router configurations or so they're given a note here the routers are used to with the CCNA handsewn labs are a Cisco for double to one away the Cisco IOS X release sixteen point nine point four or with this image okay the switches they use in the labs are a Cisco Catalyst to name six zeros over the Cisco IOS release 15 oriented to okay with this image other routers switches and the Cisco IOS versions can be used depending on the model and cisco iOS version the commands available and the output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs refer to the router interface summary table at the end of the lab for the correct interface identifiers again a not made sure that the router and the switch how beam are raised and how no startup configurations consult with your instructor for the procedure to initialize and reload your router and switch anyway here we are using a fresh router and a switch because we are using our simulator cisco packet tracer here we can see there are a cuter resources for the syllabic tivity we recreate a one router model we can see Cisco for double to one with the Cisco IOS X release then one as switch to pcs console cables to configure the cisco iOS device via the console ports anyways here we are using cisco packet tracer so in order to connect through console cable then ethernet cables as shown in the topology yes when we do in the real time we have to connect with these console cables to do the basic configurations now they're given a note here the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on Cisco for double to one routers are auto-sensing and an authority style through cable be used between the router and the PC - B if I using another model a Cisco router it may be necessary to use and a third crossover cable now coming to the instructions in part one I set up the topology and initialize a devices cable the network as shown in the topology attach the devices as shown in the topology diagram and cable as necessary power on all the devices in the topology so coming to a topology here we can see we will have this router a switch and these devices now coming through the topology design we will use this for double to one or outer but here we cannot see that router no it's not there okay we will use this a for a double three one then we will have a switch we will rename this router as r1 we will use a two men a60 switch then we will rename this switch as s 1 then D and D devices carries 1 and 2 here is 1 this is a pc - a and this is pc - be coming to the connectivity we will use copper straight through to connect from s1 to pc - a faster third 0/6 to this pc a then from our one gigabit Roslyn 0/1 to this switch first atarid 0/5 then we will connect from router to PC - be sure as specified in our instructions even we can use this a copper or straight through cable to connect these same devices I mean this router r1 and this FTC - B because nowadays in all the new devices they enable the technology called mt IX so it will consider the cable automatically anyway so here we are going to use this copper crossover to connect this router r1 and the PC - B here we will connect two gigabit ethernet 0/0 to this PC - B next is initialize and I reload the router and switch yes here are these devices are all ready to configure now we will go to Part II to configure devices and verify connectivity in step one configure the PC interfaces configure the IP address subnet mask and default gateway settings on PC - a also configure the IP address subnet mask at a default the gateway settings on PC - B we will do that we will get its IP address coming to PC - a here we can see its ipv4 address we will copy that coming to PC - a desktop IP configuration sure we will set that it's something to mask and then it's a default gateway now coming to ipv6 address okay it's your we will copy that address fix the / 64 then it's ipv6 gateway fe80 double : 1 now we will go to PC - be desktop IP configuration here we can see its ipv4 address then it's a certain to mask and its default the Gateway coming to ipv6 address and here we can see it's a prefix and it's a link local address the default gateway slash 64 and ipv6 gateway fe80 double colon 1 now we will go to step 2 configure the router console into the router and they enable privileged X Sigma then enter configuration mode then assign a device name to the router ok coming to our one will go to CLI would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog no we will configure enable configure terminal then we will set the hostname as r1 now set the routers a domain name as CCNA lab comm we will copy this a domain name IP domain name as specified CCNA - lab comm disable dns a lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly entered commands as through there were house names ok we will a disabled IP domain lookup no IP domain lookup encrypt the plaintext passwords here we did not configure any plaintext passwords but we are going to configure that so just willy encrypt all the plaintext passwords using this command service password encryption now configure the system to require a minimum toll character password okay we can set that security its passwords minimum length as specified it's a 12-2 character so we can see that minimum length of all use or enable passwords okay then configure the username here we can see that username will copy that with an encrypted password off ok this password we can do that username you already copied that then we will give the password as a secret you will copy this password ok then press Enter generate a set of crypto keys with a 1-0 to 4-bit modulus okay we can do that using the command the crypto key generate RSA then press Enter here we have to specify how many bits in the modulus as specified it's a 1 0 2 4 then press Enter here we are doing all the basic configurations what we studied in the first module just we are recalling all the concepts ok then assign the privilege to exit password to this one you'll copy that password you will enable a secret here is the password next is our scene this password it will complicated password ok as the console password configure assertions to a disconnect after of 4 minutes of inactivity and enable a Logan we will configure this console password you will copy this password ok coming to our r1 we have to go to a line console 0 then we have to set the password as specified it's here ok then we have to give exit timeout so we can give in minutes they specify it I think it's for mates ok we can give 4 then we have to give you the commander login next is as in this password as the vty password configure the VTV lines to accept SSH connections only configure assertions to disconnect after four minutes of inactivity and enable a login using the local database we will copy this password then coming to configuration we will go through a line vty you will configure a password for all the lines that means from 0 to 15 all the 16 lines so we are going to configure out the password we will let set the password it's here ok then we will set the exit timeout it's 4 minutes yes also we will have transport I input SSH and we will give a login local now we will create a banner that wants anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited we will exit banner motd we will start with the delimiter and the message unauthorized access is strictly prohibited now enable ipv6 routing okay we can enable that ipv6 a unicast routing next is configure all three interfaces on the router with the ipv4 and ipv6 addressing information from the addressing table above configure all three interfaces with the descriptions activate all three interfaces we will do that coming to our addressing table here we can see our router r1 Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 0 and the 0 / 0 / 1 also we can see a loopback interface coming to r1 first of all we will configure a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 0 which is connected to this PC - B you will go to that interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 and we will set a description for this interface oh sorry we have to go to the interfaces Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 0 we will do that 0 / 0 / 0 okay now we will let set the description we will give land PC - B what is that it's a PC - B yes PC - B then we will a set its IP address so we can see that we will copy its IP address then it's a certain to mask we will activate this interface using this no shutdown command coming to its ipv6 address we will copy this address okay once more we will go to that interface grab the third of 0 / 0 / 0 and we will have said that ipv6 address it's here ok also we will set its link local address as fe80 double colon 1 okay now we will configure this interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 1 will copy its IP address we will exit from this interface then we will go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 1 and its IP address is here it is something to mask we will activate this interface by this command no shutdown also we will a set its ipv6 address it will copy that ipv6 address ok then we will give a link local address ipv6 address fe80 double colon 1 as a link local also we will have set a description for this interface description its so yes 1 land should not allow me TV logins for two minutes if three failed login attempts occur within a 60 seconds okay we can give that it's Logan we have to block for it's a I think two minutes so you have to give it 120 seconds then attempts of four or three times okay then within 60 seconds set the clock on the router we will verify the clock now show clock okay we will correct this clock clock set so we have to give our minute 10 seconds 10 then a zero one zero zero then we have to give a day of the month 20 then we have to give the month it's April then we have to give the year 2020 okay then we can verify the clock a show clock okay it's set we can set this a clock as per our current time now save the running configuration to the static configuration file we can do that copy running-config startup config okay we have a question what would be the result of reloading the router prior to completing the copy running-config startup config command obviously we will lose the configuration because whatever we configured everything is in the ROM so we have to do a save from this Ram to n be around we know that Haram is a volatile memory so our we have to store it permanently we have to use this command the cope running config space startup config that means from RAM to in Europe now we will go to step 3 verify network connectivity using the command line at PC - a ping the ipv4 and ipv6 addresses for PC - B or so they're given and not here it may be necessary to disable the PCs firewall okay here they talk about the rail systems we have to disable this a PC is a firewall to ping okay we have the pin successful we will verify that now here we will get the IP address of PC - be ok IP address we will copy this IP address then coming to PC - I will go to command prompt and here we will ping - PC - be using its ipv4 address and here we can see we get the replies now we will a ping - its ipv6 address he will copy its ipv6 address and we will Epping to that ipv6 address and here we get the replies so be able to ping to a PC - be from PC - eh - its ipv4 as well as to its ipv6 address next is remotely accessed our bun from PC - a using that Tara team yes Sh client using Tara time on PC - a open an SSH session to the r1 loopback interface ipv4 etches ensure that there is a such a radio button is selected and then click OK to connect to the router login as a username with the password okay was the remote access is successful we have to verify that first of all we will see already loopback 0 in this router r1 ok we have to give this password Curie salt password we have to search for it it's here you will copy that little complicated password okay then enable here is password then we will let Chuck show IP interface brief and we'll verify loopback zero I think it's not configured we have to add that interface loopback zero and we had to uh say an IP address okay actually we did not do that we will do that now so we will create that interface first of all will go to configure terminal global configuration mode then interface loopback zero and here we can see that interface had changed state to up and here we can see that protocol also change stay to up okay that's good IP address we will get its IP address from our addressing table it's your we will copy that and the prefix last 24 you'll paste here then it's something to mask okay also we have to configure its ipv6 address we will get that from our addressing table okay holes we'll set its ipv6 address fe80 double : 1 as link-local okay we done just will copy this loopback IP address then coming to pc - eh just we will ping to that I loop back and we will a try yes it's working no we will try to access this router Arvind using the ER this a PC - a using SSH ok see I pad you will get the format SSH we have to give a SSH space - L then username here is username will copy that ok then it's a target IP address it's here ok and here we can see it's prompted for the password password is here we will copy that and paste here gender yes and here we can see the banner motd and authorize it access is strictly prohibited and now we are in our router r1 next is the using terror team on PC - eh open an SSH session to the Arvind loopback interface IP v6 address and sure that there is a such radio button is selected and then click ok to connect to the router I login as this username with the password the ipv6 address should be surrounded with square brackets like this okay was a remote access successful he will check that put your PC - eh and here we will give a search space - L space username it's here we will copy that ok then it's ipv6 address we will get from a retro Singh table loopback 0 ipv6 address and we will paste here then enter here we can see its prominent for the password we will give you the password little complicated we will copy and paste and here we do not use this square bracket be able to access this router r1 now we have a question why is the telnet protocol considered to be a security risk yes obviously when we use a telnet it will use a plaintext passwords so it's not secure so that we can use SSH which we'll use you know encrypted password now coming to part 3 display router information in part 3 we will use a show commands from an SSH session to retrieve information from the router establish an SSH session to r1 we have to use tera time on PC - be open and as a succession to the Arvind loopback interface using ipv6 address and a login as this username and password we have to do it from PC - be just will copy from PC - a your is our session will copied now coming to PC - B command prompt and we will paste here and its prom it for the password its here here we can see now we are in router r1 using SSH step 2 a 3 important hardware and software information use the show version command to answer questions about the router what is the name of the iOS image that the router is running we will verify that using show versions and here we can to the details we will expand it and we will check for the iOS name to its output here we can see it's a name Cisco IOS software is our software and here we can see its name and here we can see a version it's a 15.5 next is how much non-volatile random access memory that is NV ROM does the router have also how much flash memory does the router have ok whenever once you come down here we can see 3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and here we can see a non-volatile configuration memory it's here also we can see this much bytes of a flash memory at a boot flash the show commands often provide multiple screens of outputs filtering the output allows a user to display certain section of the output to enable the filtering command enter a pipe here we can see that character after a show command followed by a filtering parameter and a filtering expression you can match the output to the filtering statement by using the include keyword to display all lines from the output that contain the filtering expression filter the show version command a using show version then pipeline include register to answer the following question what is the boot process for the router on the next to reload we will let's try with this filtering command ok show version then pipeline we have to include register handy here we can see details configuration a register is here next is step 3 display the startup configuration use the show startup config command on the router to answer the following questions how are passwords presented in the output will give that command show startup config I think we have to go to a privileged deck sigmod enable and here we have to give that password privileged exit password it's here ok we will paste it here then we will give that command show startup config and here we can see the details we can see all the passwords are encrypted because we given a service password encryption so we can see enable secret it's already encrypted then here we can see console line vty and line console whole passwords are encrypted now use the show startup config pipeline section BTY command ok we will try that show our startup config pipeline then we have to give section bTW why okay we will try that section vty and here we get an error ok we will go to step for a display the routing table on the router use the show IP route command on the router to answer the following questions what code is used in the routing table to indicate a directly connected network also how many route entries are coded with AC code in the routing table ok we will give that to show command it's a show IP route and here we can see her directly connected networks indicates the cc4 connected and here we can see total 1 2 & 3 3 connected networks now we will go to step 5 display a summary list of the interfaces on the router use the show IP interface brief command on the router to answer the following questions I think only we given this a shock command but still we will give this show command and we will answer these questions what command changed the status of the Gigabit Ethernet ports from an administrative lead áown to up obviously when we given the command nor shut down anyway we'll give that show command here show IP interface brief and here we have seen the status up for these three interfaces G 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 1 and for a loopback 0 and F for other interfaces that is a gigabit at R 0 / 2 and the VLAN 1 we can see it's Terra's administratively down also protocol down so here when we given that no down command it saw this interface status become up next is use the show IP v6 interface brief command to verify ipv6 settings on r1 what is the meaning of the up up part of the output ok we will give that command E or sha ipv6 interface briefs here we can see two up up bar up that means one is stairs up then protocol up now on PC - be changes configuration so that it no longer has a static ipv6 address you may have to reboot the machine then issue the IP config command on PC - B to examine the ipv6 configuration okay we will do that coming to PC - B here we will go to IP configuration here we can see now we are in a static and we assign this ipv6 address its prefix and it's ipv6 gateway here we are going to give Auto config and here we can see now it's ipv6 address ipv6 gateway and its prefix okay we will verify it using command prompt we will use the command - oh sorry it's a IP v6 config or and here we can dress ipv6 address oh here we can see Lincoln local ipv6 address then a default to Gateway so fully you can see ipv6 address here 2 0 0 1 : d b8 : AC ad : 0 this ipv6 address of mail using its MAC address then we can see default gateway fe80 double : 1 sure we can see what is the ipv6 address as st. to PC - B so here we can see that ipv6 address are sent using its MAC address what is the default gateway as a into PC - B it's fel 0 double : 1 now issue a ping from PC - B - the r1 default gateway link local address was it successful what can we will try that we have to ping - it's a default gateway okay here we will live ping - that ipv6 address and here we get the replies it's working next is issue a ping from PC - B - the r1 ipv6 you may cast address that is 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : I see 8 e : I mean W : one boasted a successful people verified that ping - its unicast ipv6 address it's working now we have to reflection questions in searching a network connectivity issue a technician suspects that an interface was not enabled that means he forgot to give a no she don't command for that interface what Shakman the CUDA technician used to troubleshoot this issue obviously we can use the show command a show running config if we say we can use ash or startup config also we can give a show IP interface brief so that it will show its status as administrator TLE down next is in researching a network connectivity issue a technician suspects net and interface laws are saying that incorrect subnet mask but sure command could the technician use it to troubleshoot this issue okay for this issue we cannot give show IP interface brief because in that we will get only its IP address then it's a status and protocol status but if you want to check this something to mask we can give a show running config we can give a short startup config also we can give show interfaces ok so friends this video we discussed our lab activity configure basic router settings now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this a lab activity please comment below also if you liked our video give a thump and share with all your friends and if you like to get more technical contents or some people wants to contact our team then you can visit our website so that we can contact us stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 20,122
Rating: 4.9242902 out of 5
Keywords: CISCO Certification, CISCO, CCNA, Packet Tracer, CCNAv7, Basic Router Settings, CISCO Router
Id: Tjqyfl3fm-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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