1.1.7 Lab - Basic Switch Configuration

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hi friends welcome tour in this video we will discuss the Siena version 7 a lab activity basic switch configuration before coming to this a lab activity first if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill I can need to subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website now coming back to our lab activity sure we can see our topology with a switch and a PC sure the switch is connected to this device PC a are using fast ethernet also we can see it's connected using a console cable for the basic configuration of this switch s1 now coming to the addressing table for the device s1 and a PC a we can see it's a ipv6 and ipv4 address for the interface Servilia 99 and n IC coming to the objectives in part 1 cable the network and verify the default switch configuration then configure basic network device settings like configure basic switch settings configure the PC IP address then in part 3 verify and test network connectivity display device configuration just end it to enter connectivity with the ping then test a remote management the capabilities with the telnet in part 2 for marriage the MAC address table record the MAC address of the host then determine the MAC addresses that this which has a length tell is the show MAC address table command options then set up a static MAC address these are the objectives of this lab activity here we are going to use our cisco packet restaura for the cellar activity we will go through the scenario switches can be configured with a special IP address known as the switch virtual interface that is sv i the SVI or management address can be used to for a remote access to the switch to display or configure a settings if the VLAN 1 SV is assigned an IP address by default all ports in VN 1 have access to the SVA IP address yes that's correct and we will configure this svi IP address it is level we will build a symbol a topology using a throttle and cabling and access a Cisco switch using the console and remote access methods we will examine default switch configurations before configuring basic switch settings this basic settings include device name interface a description local passwords then message of the day that is MOTD banner then IP addressing originating MAC address then we will also demonstrate the use of a management IP address for a remote switch management the topology consists of one a switch and one host using only a fervent and console ports they given a note here the switches used are a Cisco Catalyst 2 9 6 0 s with the Cisco IOS released a 15-point to land-based canine image other citrus and the Cisco IOS versions can be used depending on the model and the Cisco IOS version the commands available and output produced a might vary from what is shown in the lamps yes that's exactly correct they given a note again make sure that the switches have been raised and have known startup configurations if you are unsure contact your instructor refer to Appendix A for the procedures to initialize and reload a switch anyways here we are going to do with our cisco packet tracer so we will use a fresh switch for the configuration the by us template they used to buy the switch database manager that is SDM does not provide ipv6 address capabilities verify that SDM is using either the dual ipv4 and ipv6 template or the land based routing template the new template will be used after a reboot even if the configuration is not saved yes because here in this switch we are going to configure have both ipv4 and ipv6 address now we've already seen our a topology here we can see the resources we record one as switch places quarter and six zero with the Cisco IOS released a 15 point it to Island by scanline image or comparable than one PC than one per console cable then one Ethernet cable coming to our packet tracer we will use this 2 9 6 0 switch also we will use a PC you will give the name as s1 and PC 1 now we will connect to the switch s1 to this PC 1 using copper straight through we will connect to first earth are zeros mar 6 this switch using PC one will go to the stop then terminal you will leave this port configuration default enter enable then we will give this command show yes DM preform now here we can see the current template is a default template then the selected template optimizes the resources in the switch to support this a level of features for zero rotor interfaces and 255 VLANs number of ipv4 Mac and Mac security we can see here it supports only ipv4 and ipv6 next I use the following commands to uh say in the dual - ipv4 - and the - ipv6 template as the default SDM template so we have to give SDM prefer then this command that develop evey for and ipv6 default we will a try here in this switch configure terminal SDM yes here we can see SDM we have a prefer okay and here we cannot see this dual ipv4 and ipv6 we have a default and QoS bias yes it's obviously due to this switch or it's iOS version and if you the latest version of switcher you will get this command option as DM prefer duel - ipv4 - and - ipv6 option coming - part 1 cable the network and verify the default switch configuration in part 1 we will assert the network topology and the verified default switch settings ok here are apologies already and we connected these devices cables network as are shown in the topology yes it's already already here connected the console cable as shown in the topology do not connect the PC a Ethernet cable at this time ok we will remove this parent cable and we will connect later then given a note here if you are using a net lab shutdown F faster there are zeros not 6 on s1 this has the same effect as not connecting PC - a - es 1 ok that's right so connect to the switcher from PC - a using a terra team or other terminal emulation program ok why must you use a console connection to initially configure the switch why is it not possible to connect it to the switch via telnet or SSH yes initially the devices including this switch did not do any kind of configuration on it and even we cannot access the switch using the services our telnet or SSH because we did not configure any IP address or any network service in this device we have to do those configurations using this PC 1 which is connected to this switch s1 using console cable now in step to verify the deep fold switch configuration in this step we will examine the default switch settings such as kuranda switch configuration I use information interface properties than VLAN information and the flash memory here you can access all the switch iOS commands in privileged Xing mode access to privileged x ik mode should be structured by password protection to prevent unauthorized use because it provides direct access to global configuration mode and the commands used to configure operating parameters you will a set passwords later in this lab the privileged x ik mode command is set includes those commands contained in a user X Sigma as well as the configure command through which access to the remaining command modes is gained use the enable command to enter privileged x ik mode coming to pc one we will go to desktop then terminal and we will leave this pod configuration default and we will press ok then the per certain to get started we'll press enter and here we can see now we are in use or exit mode here we are going to give the command enable so that we will move to privileged exit mode assuming this which had no configuration file stored in non-volatile random access memory that is in veeram a console connection using tera term or adore a terminal emulation program will place you at the user Xing mode prompt on the switch with a prompt of a suture greater than yes we have seen that here then use the enable command to enter privilege to exit mode yes we done that here already notice that the prompt had changed in the configuration to reflect privilege to exit more very faith a clean default configuration file on the switch by issuing their show or running - config privileged exit mode command if a configuration file was previously saved it must be removed depending on the switch model and iOS version your configuration may look slightly different however there should be no configured passwords or IP address if you are a switch a does not how a default configuration erase and reload the switch they given a not here appendix a details the steps to initialize and reload a switch okay examine the current running configuration file we can do that we will go to PC one and here we will give the show commander show running config then how many first apparent interfaces are does a two nine six zero switch help so coming to our output here we can see a faster third 0/1 till fastethernet 0/1 t4 that means 24 of Fast Ethernet interfaces next you see how many Gigabit Ethernet interfaces does a two-layer 6 0 a switch how here we can see it's 2 Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 next is what is the range of values are shown for the vty lines it's a 16 lines from 0 to 15 here we can see that line vty 0 to 4 are a line vty 5 to 15 so we can say it's from 0 to 15 total as 16 lines now examine the startup configuration file in NV ROM where does this message appear ok we will go to a PC one switch I will give a show startup config the NVRAM content and shows startup config is not present because we did not save from Aram to NB era next is examine the characteristics of the SBA for vlan1 is there an IP address assigned to VLAN 1 what is the MAC address of this SBA answer will vary is this interface up he will verify that back to our switch here we will give the show commander show your faces its VLAN 1 and we will verify the details we learn one here we can see we learn one is administratively down line protocol is also down and again we can see Hardware is a CPU interface at first is here we can see it's a MAC address ok and here we cannot see any IP address set for this sba next is a the IEP properties of the SVA vlan1 what output do you see okay here we will give show IP interfaces we can give a VLAN 1 and here it shows we then one is administratively down line protocol is also down the internet protocol processing disabled next is a connecting a thermic to cable from PC - a two-port 6 on the switch and examine the IEP properties of the SVI VLAN 1 hello time for the switch and PC to negotiate the duplex and speed parameters and if you are using net lab enable interface a faster thorough 0/6 on yes well what output do you see we will do that coming to connections we will use copper straight through from s1 we have to connect to a faster 3rd + 0 / 6 to this PC 1 okay again we will go to this switch under here we will give a show IP interface vlan1 and here we can see the details next is examine the Cisco IOS version information of the switch what is the Cisco IOS version that the switch is running also what is the system image file name what is the base MAC address of this switch okay we will let Chuck show version and we can see the details here sure we can version 12 point it to Cisco IOS software c29 six zero software land base - M and we can see other information here we can see base Ethernet MAC address here we can see her suit supports its model software version and here we can see software image it's a c2 9 6 0 land-based - M image file name what is that system image file name even we can verify that using the commander Shaw it's a flash and here we can see that file name ok a next ISA examine the default properties of the faster interface used to buy EPC - a we have to give this command a show interface fastethernet 0/0 is the interface up or down you will verify that one by one show interface fastethernet 0/0 and here we can the 3006 is up line protocol is up and it is connected so what even they would make an interface go up because this interface is now connected to this PC not only to a PC if this Ethernet is connected to any port it will be up next is what is the MAC address of the interface so here we can see the MAC address of this interface a faster third co-star six next is what is the speed and duplex setting of the interface sure we can see it's a speed bandwidth then here we can see it's a full duplex now she examined the default to VLAN settings of the switch what is the default name of VLAN 1 ok we will do that we will give a show VLAN and agree we can see the details here we can see villain 1 its name is a default next to seviche ports are in VLAN 1 and ace VLAN 1 is active here we can see wheel and one is active and here we can see the ports in VLAN 1 it's all the ports by default all the ports all are in VLAN 1 from FA 0 / 1 till FA 0 / 24 also two gigabit ports 0 / 1 & 0 / 2 okay now examine flash memory issue one of the following commands to examine the contents of the flash directory we have to give his command a show flash or to give a dir a flash okay here we will give show flash and if we consider details files have a file extension such as dot bin at the end of the file name there Teresa do not have a file extension what is the file name of the Cisco IOS image yes it's already we have seen here we can see show flash directory of flash and here we can see our iOS a file name with the extension dot bin okay now it's a time to go to party to configure basic network device settings in party - we will configure basic settings for the a switch and a PC in step one configure basic switch settings copy the following basic configuration and paste it into s1 wire in global configuration mode here we can see those commands okay we let do it - one by one you will go to PC one terminal okay here we will give a no IP domain lookup configuration mode configure terminal no IP domain lookup then hostname we have to give us s1 hostname as s1 ok then the service password encryption to encrypt all plaintext passwords service password - encryption then enable a secret as class ok then we have to set the banner motd that is a message of the day banner motd we will let's chat with the delimiter and authorized access is strictly prohibited we will also interview the same a delimiter hinder next is set the SBI IP address of the switch this allows for remote management of the switch before you can manage s1 remotely from PC - a you must assign the switch an IP address the default configuration on the switch is to have the management of the switch controlled through VLAN 1 however a best practice for basic switch configuration is to change the management VLAN to a VLAN other than VLAN 1 ok that can be done for management purposes use VLAN 99 the selection of villa 99 is arbitrary and in no way implies that you should always use VLAN 99 yes that's correct we can use any billion ID for management configuration next is her first create her the new VLAN 99 on the switch then set the IP address of the switch to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot two with a sub 2 mask of 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot zero or the internal virtual interface we 9 ipv6 address can also be configured on the SPI interface use the ipv6 addresses are listed in the addressing table notice that the VLAN 99 interface is in the down state even though you entered the no shadow in command the interface is currently down because no switch ports are assigned to VLAN 99 ok but then I see in all user ports to VLAN 99 ok we just created the civilian 99 then we will have a in this IP atures then we will go ahead coming to our switch no we are in global configuration mode we will create our VLAN 99 now we will go to this interface that is interface of VLAN 99 then we will assign the IP address and here we can see now interface VLAN 99 changed stay to up now we will configure the IP address first it's one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot two then it's a certain to mask then press Enter we will try to set ipv6 address for this interface VLAN 99 but you're anyways we'll try that IP here we can see its support in this packet tracer only IP not ipv6 we can see its unrecognized command ok anyways we will do only with this ipv4 address here but in the real time once you enable the command that we have seen that in the beginning here we can see that SDM prefer dual dash ipv4 - and - ipv6 default once we enable even we can configure ipv6 address ok that's right next we will assign all user force to VLAN 99 ok that can be done we will exit from this interface then we will go to all the interfaces so we have to give our range faster director 0/1 till 24 coma also we have a two gigabit ethernet interfaces so it's Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 and it to the render here we will give a suit support access VLAN it's 99 right to establish connectivity between the host and the switch the ports used to buy the host must be in the same VLAN as the switch notice in the ebo output that the VLAN 1 interface goes down because none of the ports are assigned to VLAN 1 after a few seconds a VLAN 9 sorry nivea 99 comes up because at least one active port that is faster on 0 star 6 with the PC - a attached is now assigned to VLAN 99 ok now issue the show we ran a brief command to verify that all ports are in VLAN 99 not in VLAN 1 ok we will verify that we will exit from this specific interface more we can press control is it here we will give the command a show VLAN briefed and we will verify that you will expand our window and here we can see now VLAN 99 is active and all the interfaces assigned to the civilian 99 also here we can see none of the interfaces are assigned to this VLAN 1 the default to villain no coming to the next instruction configure the default gateway for s1 if no default gateway set the switch cannot be managed from a and remote network that is more than one router away although this activity does not include an external IP gateway assume that you will eventually connect the LAN to a router for external access assuming that that LAN interface on the router is set the default gateway for the switch okay we will let set the default gateway he will go to global configuration mode configure a terminal then we will set IP default gateway it's one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one actual console port access I should also be restricted with a password use Cisco as the console login password in this activity the default configuration is to allow all console connections with no password needed to prevent console messages from interrupting commands I used the logging synchronous option okay that can be done so here we will go to line console 0 first we will give that a logging it's logging synchronous ok then we will set the whereas a specified it's a Cisco 4 so we will give login ok actually configure the virtual terminal that is vty lines for the switch to allow telnet access if you do not configure a vty password you will not be able to tell it to the switch yes that's correct so we will exit from this console 0 then we will go to a line vty you will go to all the lines that is from 0 to 15 or the 16 lines ok sure we will give the password as a Cisco then we will give login ok we'll press control is it okay next is y is the log in command or equate obviously we are code is a log in command if you are not giving this log in command that is device or will not be prompted for the password now we will come to step to configure an IP address on PC - a IC in the IP address and is something to mask to the PC as is shown in that dressing table an abbreviated version of the procedure is described here the default gateway is not required for this a topology however you can enter and FB 8 0 w : 1 for ipv6 to simulate a router attached it to es 1 here we can see the procedure to configure an IP address on a PC we have to go to control panel then in the category view select view Network Status and tasks and click change adapter settings on the Left panel then right click an Ethernet interface and choose properties then choose Internet Protocol version 4 that is a TCP by IP v4 + D click properties click the use the following IP address radio button and enter the IP address and is something to mask then click OK then a select Internet Protocol version 6 TCP bar ipv6 and click properties to set this ipv6 address then I click the use of the following ipv6 address radio button and enter the ipv6 address and prefix and click OK to continue then click OK to exit the properties window ok but here we are using our Cisco packet tracer so we will go to this PC one we will close this terminal then we will go to IP configuration and here we can set the IP address we'll go to our addressing table sure we can see PC - a IP address we'll copy this IP address ok then it's a SATA mask then it's a default gateway also here we can see ipv6 configuration we will copy this ipv6 address then we will give its prefixes / 64 then it's oh there is some problem or this ipv6 address 1 : TB 8 : AC ad : it's double : 3 ok then we will give star 64 then coming to its ipv6 gateway if he 8 0 double : 3 3 8 0 double : enjoy ok then we will close this window in part 3 verify and test a network connectivity in part 3 we will verify and a document to the switch configuration test 22 interconnectivity between PC - a and a yes 1 and test the switches remote management capability step 1 display the switch configuration use the console connection on PC - l2 display and verify the switch configuration the show running command displays the entire landing configuration one page at a time use the spacebar to advance paging a sample configuration is shown here the settings you configured are highlighted in yellow the other configuration settings are iOS defaults here we can see the result of order for running config service password encryption house to name enable the secret and other configurations we will just verify in our packet tracer coming to PC one terminal ok show running config and here we can verify one by one service password encryption house name also we can see the enable secret password no IP domain lookup here we can see all interfaces are in a VLAN 99 and its IP address with a 99 I P address and it's a default gateway also we can see line console password or it's logging synchronous also we can see line vty it's password now verify the management of Elah 99 settings with this command is show interface VLAN 99 what is the band a bit on this interface what is the VLAN 99 state what is the line protocol state ok we can verify that we will give this command show interface VLAN 99 and we can see the details you will expand this window and here we can it's banned a bit okay and here we can see VLAN 99 is up line protocol is also up coming to step to test end-to-end connectivity with the ping from the command prompt on PC - a ping the address of PC - a first then ping to SBI management address of ps1 ok we can do that people're ok ping to okay we pinks a switch so we will exit from this switch oh sorry now we are in terminal we have to go to command prompt so we will close this terminal then we will go to command prompt then maybe lab ping you will ping to this PC one itself one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot ten so we get the replace now we will a ping to our switch it's a 1.2 it's working because PC - a needs to resolve the MAC address of es1 through ARP the first packet may timeout if a ping or cells continue to be unsuccessful troubleshoot the basic device configurations check both the physical cabling and the logical addressing anyways it's working here in packet tracer and now we will go to step 3 test and verify your remote management of s1 you will now use a telnet to remotely access the switch in this lab we see - a and the s1 are a side side by side in a production network the switch could be in a wiring closet on the top floor while your management PC is located on the ground floor in this step you will use telnet to remotely access switch s1 using it says VA management address till it is a node a secure protocol however you will use it to test the remote access with a telnet all information including passwords and commands are sent across e session in plain text that's why we say it's not secure so we have to use SSH ok in a subsequent lab so you will use SSH to remotely access a network devices right here anyway we will attach to beat the telnet now open at a time or other terminal emulation program with the tailored capability and select the tailored server and provide the is VA management a trust to connect to s1 the password we configure the sisqó after entering the password Cisco you will be at the user exit mode prompt then access privileged x ik mode using the enable command and the providing the secret password class once we come to this privilege to exit mode we have to save the configuration then type exit to ND telnet session okay now we will attest and verify this a remote management of I switch yes one coming to our command prompt sure we will give a telnet then our IP address of our switch its one nine two dot one sixty eight dot one dot two and here we can see now it's prompted for the password its Cisco once more we will give that ok now enable will go to privileged exit mode again prom it for the privileged exit password its Cisco once more we will try what happened to our password I think they said and not a cisco oh yes sorry we set as class we will give again enable then password is class yes now we are in privileged exit mode now we will let's save the configurations so we have to copy from RAM to nvm that is a running config to startup config right here we can see it's done now we will accept to part four manage the MAC address table in part four you will determine the MAC addresses that the switch has Len set up a static MAC address on one interface of the switch and then remove the static MAC address from that interface in step one a record the MAC address of the host open a command prompt on PC - a and issue the IP config space slash all command to determine and record the layout - that is the physical addresses of the NIC okay we can do that here is or PC one you will give the command ipconfig space slash all and we will get its physical IP address where we can see faster third 0 and its physical address ok just we will copy this address and we will let store here now in step two determine the MAC addresses that the switch has lend display the MAC addresses using the show MAC address - table command so how many dynamic addresses are there how many MAC addresses are there in total does the dynamic MAC address and match the MAC address of PC - a we will get the answers for these questions once who give is a command show MAC address table ok we will go to our switch ok we will go like this password is cisco enable password is class sure we are going to give that sure Mac header stable and here we can see MAC address it's a type is dynamic and here we can see the pores it's FAS 0/6 it's connected to this port now we have to match this MAC address with the address of our a device PC one sure we can see it's same 0 0 3 0 a 3 a 2 double for e3 it's matching supreme is the show MAC address - table options display the MAC address table options show a MAC address table then again we are going to put kitchen mark how many options are available for the show MAC address table command and we will check that here we will give a show MAC address table space then again question mark here we can see those options a dynamic interfaces and Static now issue the show MAC address table dynamic command to display only the MAC addresses that were land dynamically show megathrust - table dynamic how many dynamic addresses are there ok we'll verify that sure we'll give dynamic and we can see one MAC address the MAC address of horah pc1 next is view the MAC address and three for PC - a ok already we have seen that now coming to step four a set up a static MAC address clear the MAC address table to remove the existing MAC addresses use the clear MAC address - table dynamic command in privileged exit mode ok we will give that so here we are to give clear MAC address table dynamic ok right then verify that mattress a table was cleared show MAC address table okay we will be repay that show MAC address table yes it's clear know how many static MAC addresses are there and how many dynamic addresses are there okay we did not see any dynamic addresses or even a static addresses but in real time you can verify these tighting MAC addresses next is examine the Mac table again more than likely an application running on your PC has already sent their frame out the NIC - yes one look at the MAC address table again in privileged Xing mode to see if s1 has real and the MAC address of PC - eh okay let's try that to show MAC address table but here we cannot see any MAC address actually we are using packet ricer we will have a ping - or a switch okay it's it's not telnet jockey wheel X it will give the password here then we will exit from here now we will let ping to our switch now we will try show megathrust table and here we can see that the PCs physical address so how many dynamic addresses are there so we can see one dynamic address why did this change from the last er display in last time actually we cleared this MAC address table then again we done some activity on our PC so we have seen this MAC address again if if s1 has a noted real and the MAC address for PC - a pin Davila 99 IP address of the switch from PC - a and then repeat the show MAC address table command yes this is what we done just now now set up a static MAC address to specify which ports a host can connect to one option is to create a static mapping of the host mega truss to a port set up a static MAC address on a faster and 0/6 using the address that was recorded for PC - a in part for step 1 the MAC address 0 0 5 0 5 6 b e6 c8 9 is used as an example only you must use the MAC address of PC - a which is a different than the one given here as an example ok so here we have to use our pc mac address here we can see the command MAC address table static then we specify that MAC address then VLAN ID it's 99 interface fastethernet 0/0 we will do this you will go to global configuration mode configure terminal and here we will give a MAC address table static then we have to specify these physical address we will copy that the MAC address of our PC ok then we have to give a VLAN 99 interface of our shutter on 0/6 now verify the MAC address table entries show MAC address table how many total MAC addresses are there how many static addresses are there ok we will verify we will press ctrl-z show MAC address table and here we can see our pc mac address and now we can see it's a type e static remove the static MAC address entry enter a global configuration mode and remove the command by putting in no in front of the commander string they given a note the MAC address this MAC address is used in the example only yes oldie they told that use the MAC address for PC - a so we have to give know then the command might be given early so coming to our s1 here we can use a pyro so that we will get the previous command be given its a configure terminal and here we can see that command so here we have to give no beginning of this comma command so we can press ctrl-a so that this cursor will go to the beginning of this command okay here we will give no 10 space then the command be given ok and then press Enter now verify that the static MAC address has been cleared so MAC address table how many total static MAC addresses are there we will give this a show command now we will go to privileged exit more show a MAC address table now here we cannot see any address okay just to maybe lapping and VB let's try again this command we will a ping to our switch no we will act right is command again and here we can see that MAC address of our PC and now the type is dynamic now here we can see some reflection questions why should you configure the VT by password for this switch obviously we have to configure VT by password if you want to access the device or remotely using the services like telnet or SSH we cannot say for as such it's for a telnet if you are not configuring this beauty by password we cannot access this talent service why change the default VLAN 1 to a different VLAN number it's obviously to improve the security so how can you prevent passwords from being send in plain text yeah we have a command called a service password encryption which will encrypt all plaintext passwords next is why configure a static MAC address on a port interface yeah it's to specify which ports a host can connect to now coming to appendix they initialize and reload a switch so here we can see how to initialize and reload a switch even we can delete our VLAN file we land out that also we can see how to erase a startup-config then we have to reload our device I mean switch ok right firms in this video we discussed our season evasion 7 lab activity basic switch configuration now if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this video please comment below also if you liked our video give a thump and share with all your friends also don't forget to visit our website stay tuned and we will meet again with a next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 51,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CISCO, CISCO Switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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