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the head on my hot rod is Warped and our head gasket is not sealing correctly luckily I have a super super flat spot on my garage floor right here basically you use this like a wet stone when you know you sharpen a knife I'm gonna go back this way that is better than a machine can do it just takes a lot of time and effort that's sweet what's up it's Casey from Casey's Customs we are back on the extreme budget build hot rod in this video we do a ton of engine work we get the body all braced up and we take it for its first Real Drive let's get to work we're back on the under two thousand dollar hot rod in the last video we actually took it for a drive naturally I ran it straight into the wall um kind of wedged the tire into the wall but no big deal it went up and down the alley twice and then we brought it in we were having all kinds of issues it was not running very well but as far as a first drive goes it was pretty good here's the footage right here just turn it around right there it needs a carburetor for sure now since we took it from his first drive we knew it was time to start fixing some stuff there's a couple major issues that we're having the big one is that I have three broken head studs and that isn't allowing the head to be bolted down tight enough so I'm losing compression out of the side of the Block in a couple different spots also the head looks like it might be warped so we're going to pop the head off I'm going to have it machined I'm going to have them take it down as much as I can hopefully kind of you know help compression a little bit also carburetor is complete our distributor uh body is not good we have like two or three used ones but we don't have like a nice new one so I went ahead and just spent the 50 bucks on a brand new one I have that coming the bad news is the carburetor is our biggest issue and they're expensive I can get a new rebuilt one for four hundred dollars but we're already at around 1500 right now we're trying to keep this thing under two grand we have a lot left to do I don't even have a trunk lid I don't have lights I don't have any wiring you know like that so so trying not to spend the rest of our money on a carburetor we're trying to find like used ones here or there you'll see them every now and then on eBay for like 30 or 40 bucks that look really good and then the last hour that they're on eBay they'll jump up to 200 but I'm hoping I can get lucky on one of those and snatch one up for like 50 bucks but that's going to kind of be an ongoing thing I figure while I am sending the head off to get machined we can start looking for stuff like that I do have a new radiator coming I got one for I think it was 130 super cheap I got a belt coming like that but basically I said all that to say we I've got to dig into this to this it's kind of funny that it just went for its first drive everything is great and then we're just ripping all back apart but we know the problems we have they just they can't be fixed with a Band-Aid we're just gonna have to start ripping off and send it off so what we're gonna do right now is take all this part and pop this head off I've had the head off three times so I should be able to knock this out pretty quick but let's see what happens [Music] I forgot that we put water in this [Laughter] how we put water in that all right let's keep going baby [Music] oh I still did it damn it come on you there we go there we go sweet all right cool you can actually see where it wasn't sealed because there's water coming in a bunch of different spots also look head stud that was broke right there so this wasn't tight enough and you can see just leaking that is funny now you can also see it on the gasket now this gasket was expensive so I'd like to save it I'm gonna try and be easy they have real cheap gaskets and they have like a 50 one I think this was the 50 one [Music] all right I had a broken stud over here luckily I was able to just put two nuts on it and it came right out these I have not been so lucky I could technically put a pair of vice grips on it or even like a pipe wrench but what I'm gonna do before I do that is I'm going to weld these nuts to them and then try and back them out with my impact and if that doesn't work since I have so much studs sticking out we'll start doing the old crescent wrench or pipe wrench to break them loose the good news not only is the weld kind of quicker and easier the heat will help us a lot because if I get a real big Cherry weld on there it should heat up that whole stud so that's what I'm gonna try first and uh we'll see what happens all right see what happens [Music] oh that one's cherry red but [Music] foreign a little bit all right let's see what happens oh water baby hell yeah see if we get lucky two out of two uh oh that's not good can't even get the there we go let's see hold on hold on oh even better yes there we go there we go come on super two for two let's go baby 95 year old engine check it out they came right out I'm so happy anybody that's ever messed with a headset before you know that it can go bad quick these popped right out super super easy I'm very very excited I'm gonna go ahead and get this head cleaned up I'm going to take it to the machine shop tomorrow and basically this old girl is going to sit outside for a week or two because that is going to be a little bit and I'm waiting on a belt and a carburetor and all kinds of fun but I'm happy that I got new head studs coming that is a giant part of our problem we were driving the other day also this being warped all the hell doesn't help so I'm really excited for the next Drive we're gonna take it around the block instead of just up and down the alley check it out got a new carburetor for the 29 Model A and it's original so it's 95 years old so it's locked up so we're gonna give it an oil bath oh sweet I thought I was gonna have to use some used oil but I guess I got it I'm gonna let this thing sit for a couple days and then hopefully it'll break loose I'll keep you updated so it has been a couple weeks since we were working on the old girl great news I got a ton of parts in new radiator I need to transfer the old Shell over to the new radiator new head studs new head gasket new distributor uh all kinds of stuff also the head finally came back from the machine shop I mean it came back from me rubbing it on the ground because that totally wasn't a joke that was real so we can finally get all this stuff installed and installed right the only piece I am missing I have a new one of these coming because I broke it but I think it'll actually it'll seal up for now so it should be okay because we actually want it to run long enough this time to get some water cycling in the engine because that radiator after you fill it up about halfway it just starts spitting all over on you also me and Dad have been looking down in here and this thing might actually hold fluid there are no pan holes I had a flashlight underneath the bottom I couldn't see anything so after we get all this done I'm gonna see if I can't clean this out with water and maybe use the stock gas tank that would be so awesome we had a lot of crap to do let's get this thing all poured down we need to get everything cleaned and uh start putting it back together [Music] foreign holy crap man these original head studs ain't no joke this one is Rusted almost rusted in half I almost broke a wrench on it so now I had to break out the pipe wrench and the cheater bar and it still won't come loose I mean it's it's loose but I can't unthread it with anything but the cheater bar in the pipe today he impact clocked out it's gone I didn't have to work today why am I first do I have it over there oh my [Music] God we got good news and bad news good news I have all the studs out that need to replace the rest of them they're going in are going to be new I've already replaced three or four of them bad news we broke one now obviously there's a lot of meat left on that one so it's not the end of the world that one broke off flush which is really upsetting so we're gonna have to do some grinding maybe some drilling I really don't have to drill it but I'll probably have to drill it just so I can get the weld on it I don't know either way this went from a 30 minute job to probably a couple hour job but uh let's stop whining and get to work [Music] this was unbelievably a pain in the ass I had to weld it twice drill it out all kinds of but and it's not on the street look how much the sock is moving I think yeah we're out oh thank you finally holy crap since it broke off whoa I'm way zoomed in my bad since it broke off in the block I drilled down but I didn't want to drill all the way through but I drilled down that way my weld could actually go into the threads be a little bit stronger huh what a pain in the butt all broken studs are out new ones going in I need to definitely blow this all out because there's a lot of metal shavings and stuff in it [Music] studs are in it's time to put the head on one cool thing about having the head off and it's bad when you take the head off because you have to re-time everything one good thing is you can definitely know where top dead center is while you have it off so I went ahead brought number one up to the top there is a little marker here that whenever you're at top dead center it goes in about a quarter inch farther than it normally does so I'm going to leave all that there so whenever I get this put back together it's going to be easy to time it or easier I wouldn't dare say easy easier all right let's go um now uh got the head on got the water pump on distributor everything is perfect right where it needs to be top dead center pointing at number one cylinder very happy all that's together and the new carburetor I think I took video of this the other day but I'm not sure I bought a carburetor off eBay that looked perfect but they said they thought it might have been stuck and before I even tried to mess with it I soaked it in oil and transmission fluid for like three or four days and then me and dad broke it out the other day started messing with it it looks perfect this is the nicest carburetor I've ever seen the only problem is one I gotta get all the oil off of it now two they broke the intake and then just didn't bother taking it off they just sold it because they were worried about breaking the carb these carbs are 95 years old so they're hard to find so I want to make sure I can get these bolts off without breaking anything and since it's been soaking for so long I should have a lot better chance but before I start cleaning all these parts and putting it back together I want to make sure that we can get these off so let's do that and then we'll throw this carb on there all right so I actually just put the socket on there and these are hand tight I obviously never checked them but these are hand tight why why would they leave them on there maybe they didn't know or maybe it's from soaking for so long there's a chunk of the insane and then another chunk of the intake oh that is so awesome yeah look at that maybe maybe because we soaked it so long maybe something's broke loose but carburetor looks perfect oh I was worried about that for like a week I was like man those might be seized since the intake broke and we break take the you know take the bolt out and break the whole carburetor no it looks perfect oh that was way less stressful than I thought it was gonna be let's throw it on [Music] this carb ended up needing a couple tweaks there's a bent lever here and there but this is the best looking carb I've seen and I got it on eBay for 38 bucks a new a new carburetor is 350 which if this wasn't a budget build you just buy a new carburetor but man it's hard to start putting a lot of money in a motor that's like 50 horsepower especially when you're just kind of going for fun and silly certain stuff you know I started adding it up we have a six cylinder out of a 52 chevy and I'm like hey man if we get to like a 500 point where we're like a 400 point where we're spending on this motor we can throw the inline six in cheaper anyways so that's why we've had a hard time finding a car because I didn't want to spend a ton of money and kind of just kill the budget I got this from 38 bucks won it on an auction it ended at like two in the morning which is a horrible time for an auction in and this is the nicest one I've seen including the new ones I've seen this thing is just perfect everything is working really good choke works leverworks I am so freaking happy um I was not planning on spending basically a full day getting the head and stuff back on but we broke a couple head studs taking them out stuff like that happens really really happy going in tomorrow I want to get the radiator in I want to basically to be able to start it and let it idle for the first time ever we've had an idling for like 30 seconds then we would kill it so we didn't want to overheat anything and the goal is to have it running good enough we can take a real drive because we have brakes but I don't know I don't want to get ahead of myself there's still a 40 chance we get rid of this motor and put something else in because at a certain point we're just like hey man we do not need to be spending this much money on 50 horsepower but I'm down for the day I'm very happy with how all this came out looks great got the new distributor cap too the distributor cap our old one had a crack in it so we're kind of worrying if that was a problem I found that on sale pretty cheap too so we've done about everything you can for this motor on the budget that we have hopefully we fire up and uh here we go kapuck kaput for real one time all right I'm done all right put it in there we'll see what happens all right now start looking do you see it leaking anywhere yeah but from the tank do we see anything I don't see any water leaking that's good do you see any look in there can you see in there right here it's holding it look at it Go holy cow I think this tank is gonna work fine that is hilarious I'm gonna wait till it's all the way full and then we'll double check but we might just need a new petcock for it and obviously a gas cap that's awesome ugh there's all kinds of dirt coming out of it mud daubers it was holding I didn't see any leaks which was crazy and now look at all the leaves come out oh there's a bunch of dirt coming out oh I'm gonna let that just run for a minute this is pretty dumb I hope you like it you ready oh yeah look at all the Leafs coming out that actually kind of worked all the stuff off the bottom oh crap hold on I'm gonna make sure there's any water in here should be fine on top but oh yeah look at all the crap that came out wait what happened come on don't quit on me hey you wanna okay okay that's good that's good tanking it up holding water for about 30 minutes I just pulled the petcock and he's over there filling up the truck thank you very much buddy you made a river a river in your car oh there's a river in the truck good job buddy this is 100 okay it held he's just he don't stop talking he'll just keep going help for about 30 minutes so we're good sweet I might even be able to rebuild this I don't know so me and little man put water in this gas tank this is the original 95 year old gas tank I wasn't sure if it was going to hold water or not but I started holding a flashlight under the other day I couldn't see any pin moles we filled it up it held water for over half an hour no issues then I pressurized it with my leaf blower still was fine check it out we have started cleaning it out it's not too bad I need to air it out a little bit more but it is going to work out just fine I'm gonna end up welding this up and putting a gas cap here even cooler than that I rebuilt the original petcock and it's working perfect right now it's off I turn it and then it's on so we weren't sure that any of that was gonna work we were thinking about cutting all this out and then maybe having like a plastic tank up under it you know I didn't know what to do but uh that's all going to work perfect the only thing I need to do is get a fitting which is kind of a funky fitting get that and then that'll just be my few fuel line straight to the carb so that's awesome I don't know if I'm going to do all that this video for now we have a little one gallon tank that kind of hangs I think that'll be okay for now but I'm so excited that's working out I was going to go ahead and install this with some Loctite I'm just going to put it up there Loosely because I need a fuel filter like a fuel sock basically that goes in there so that if there is any little left it won't get sucked up so so happy I cannot believe that worked out what I'm going to do now is start well I'm gonna put the petcock on and then after that I'm going to start getting the radiator mounted and uh I don't know maybe fire it up I got a belt somewhere it's not the correct belt but it should work for now I have to find it though I don't know where the hell I put it so let's do all that [Music] thank you [Music] I think she's mounted damn that looks good that was a hundred and thirty dollar radiator I couldn't get the original one fixed cheaper than that you know we're doing low buck so I'm trying to just do everything super super cheap I called them they wanted 200 to fix that and I said well I can get a little Chinese one so and this one will cool better than that one only bad news is it doesn't have the downspout the same way that the original one does so we're gonna have to get a hose tomorrow at the hardware store or at the auto parts store but it's not the end of the world not too bad at all man that looks good what should we do next let me think did I install all the new parts oh did I got to put the coil on that's easy though that takes like 10 minutes oh I need to make a battery box and I need to build the body still because the body is just barely attached we have a ton of one inch square tubing dad's work gave him like a couple hundred feet the only bad news is they're in like funky sizes so some of them are four feet a lot of them are three feet but we should work for what we need I have a couple other pieces of different sizes but I need to definitely tie all this in I need to make sure that the body's Square all that stuff so I think we'll go ahead and get started on that to be honest with you just in case I think that's really I need to make a battery tray so to hold the battery the hoses and the belt I can get tomorrow and uh let's uh build some brackets God this thing is hammered on the side I'm gonna end up doing a lot of sheet metal work down the line to fix all that but not right now all right so I got to looking at trying to figure out exactly how I wanted to do this and what I'm going to do is do another bar like that where I curve it to the body with this and then when I can do is take pieces and then go back to that this one right here is just temporary because right now the body's trying to fold in on itself and we couldn't open that door for the first drive so I'm just going to leave it there for now I want this braced and then we can start running bars from this main brace back to like the quarter panel in the rear of the frame that'll be super super strong and then I need to do something where we tie this in across I don't really need to make a hoop but something that actually if it just pulls up but yeah we gotta tie this in because the rear is by far the worst but I want to get the cowl area stiffened up a lot first because it's already pretty Square where that's at and it will make everything Square to that if that makes any sense but uh yeah I am going to bend to this guy the old-fashioned way a big hammer and a little bit of a crack in the concrete this way curved right yeah [Music] this is a thick piece unrealized this was quarter inch square bar almost started but that's all right it'll work it just takes a minute I might switch to a big boy [Music] foreign foreign [Music] oh yeah all right now we weren't going for like fabrication Perfection I just wanted a down and dirty like strengthening of the body and check this out no Wiggle Baby whoa watch out you're gonna hit a car here's the funny thing it's not technically bolted to the frame either it's just sitting there but I mean nothing moves now at all before this whole body was moving all over the place and it wasn't that it was moving on the frame the body just had that much wiggle in it and now I got nothing back back to front or side to side looks really good down and dirty ugly little stuff I didn't want to get too crazy with it because I'm not 100 sure what the plan is yet you know if we needed uh if that gas tank didn't work and I need to run something back here you know I don't know I just didn't want to get rid of everything and then we change our mind so I'm just kind of went with like an Outer Perimeter that's plenty fine for right now but uh it is so much better than it was before it's not going to be moving around on us I am very very excited radiator looks good tomorrow I'm done for the night it's currently 3 30 in the morning the wife just texted me that's not good that means she's awake and probably angry I think I was supposed to come home a couple hours ago anyways tomorrow I need to get a belt and then a hose for that and we should be able to technically run this thing for quite a while there should be no reason why it can't just sit there heat up and you know get some coolant flowing through it and then if that's all working and it's actually idling long enough we'll hop in and take it for a real drive because I'm so happy with the first drive we took but it was maybe a hundred feet between me and Dad because if we didn't go very far because everything was just falling apart but uh one main thing that we needed was the carburetor had issues the choke didn't work and this new carburetor all the choke is hooked up and it looks perfect so being able to actually have it choke and hold the choke and I'll just flap all over the place it's going to be huge for us so I'm going to bed and we will uh hit her again tomorrow baby [Music] power on power on wait is it gasoline yeah okay you filled this up with water right [Music] here [Music] that ain't working that is pretty damn close right there okay yeah yeah uh got the two little fittings on it yep I know check um check over there that's good the locker you're gonna have to close the choke all the way oh it's going to have them bunch of boy that is that way I don't know that back from customer oh that is running so much fun that's badass I'm gonna go get it right now we gotta latch the door oh it's actually running so much better but it's got a leak at the water pump oh it's running so much better than it was yes [Laughter] that's sweet we're gonna do is actually running okay we're seeping through there and I think I showed on video the other day it actually has a crack right across that cast piece so we definitely need a new uh water pump great news I thought I needed this water neck but that sealant I used worked perfect because that was broken half but it's fine I some hit that with a sledgehammer cool it sounded so good oh yeah I guess I'll do that right now [Music] thank you sorry you gotta hold that clutch all the way in so how do I adjust oh it's just that Rod right yeah take some of that slop out of it okay just a little bit yeah foreign [Music] thank you foreign I totally just blew that water pump seal dad kind of started it and I definitely finished it it just shot everywhere it wasn't shooting at him when he was driving it but look it just it's all over the car it's all over me I got it all over the lens I don't know if it's gonna show up or not but yeah look at all this I thought because it started whenever I was down the field I thought it was bugs I was like oh that's weird there's a bunch of bugs you know I thought they were moving you know like they were jumping out of the grass and I was like wait that's liquid one of them went straight in my eye so I'm gonna have to go Google what radiator fluid in the eye does because it doesn't feel great to be completely honest with you we definitely need to fix that the clutch needs uh adjusted and it unfortunately looks like they already have done a ton of adjusting so I might end up having to just make my own link there but right now it's got it was just gotten a little bit worse each time and right now all the way the floor barely does anything so and we need to make proper mounts for the body the body just slid over on me while I was driving I hit a big bump and the whole thing went that way like six inches actually you can see it leaning because I nothing was mounted because I wasn't sure I was gonna do all this after talking to Dad I know what we're going to do now we're going to do battery in the trunk we're going to make this gas tank work so I know how I can start making my framework now I also got some one inch square tubing coming uh it's gonna be a lot better than these little four foot pieces I have but that was so much fun I'm not gonna lie to you I was laughing the whole time oh she is leaking so bad so I really wanted to take it for a lot longer of a drive than I did but I got kind of scared whenever I saw the white smoke puffing out of the exhaust also the amount of radiator fluid just going in my face was crazy I actually took a drop straight to the eye and that made me nervous I think I caught it on camera I was like I think I'm okay and I couldn't see out of my eye but the good news is I found a water pump a rebuilt one for 90 bucks it looks brand new when I first started looking at them they were like 250 300 bucks and I was going that's going to kill our budget but luckily I won an auction for it more expensive than I thought it would be but also a lot cheaper than I thought I was going to spin also I just wrote the budget down let's check it out here is the current breakdown we have spent 17.85 but we sold the old radiator I got a guy that wants it for 150 the old wheels for 50 and then my old carburetor is worth 35. I don't know why I just wrote Cars so total we are in this for 15.50 which is great could not be happier than that obviously being in this for fifteen hundred dollars is amazing I'm so freaking happy about it we do have a ton of stuff left one that fifteen hundred dollars didn't include the water pump because I haven't got it yet two we do not have a trunk lid and I also didn't figure in any of my metal yet because I don't know how much I'm gonna use I don't know exactly what's going to go into that but all that will get added in so I really want to keep it at like 1800 bucks I think if we can get this thing done for like 1800 that would be badass you know because model A's are just expensive on their own and to be in one running and driving for that I think would be great if you are not subscribed please hit that button now if you are subscribed make sure you turn your post notifications on you'll get notified every single time I post a new video if you're new to the channel I currently have like eight builds going on they're all pretty cool they're all a lot of fun so stay tuned for all that for the coolest merchandise on the planet go to caseyscustoms.com thank you very much for watching please like share comment all that good stuff they tell you do at the end of videos and check out some more of my other videos peace I love you to you caught up in my feelings [Music]
Channel: Caseys Customs
Views: 31,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Casey customs, Caseyscustoms, Caseys customs, Hot rod, Rat rod, Kustom, Turbo can, Budget, Cheap, Build, Rebuild, Restore, Model a, Whistlindiesel, Puddinsfabshop, Robby Layton, Donut media, Vice grip, Duct tape, Vgg, Vice grip garage, Garage, Shop, How to, DIY, RATROD, Hotrod
Id: xZvRj0AEFhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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