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the old man's a lot quicker than I thought he was [Music] betrayal [Music] but check this out I realized I got a couple of his damn teeth that's what he gets ain't gonna be spilling any more pain on baby our floor is two and a half inches lower than where it was before and two and a half inches is huge I mean it's it's giant it's massive some some girls say that's too much to be honest with you I am building baby at the 67 Impala from the TV show Supernatural with a little bit of hot rod Flair in this video I make all the body mounts to match our modern chassis we also get started building a floor from scratch and I get a fist fight with my dad let's get to the footage [Music] sound good we are back on the 1967 Impala that I am building to look like the car from the TV series Supernatural I have been looking for one of these 67 Impalas for about 15 years a four-door hardtop is super hard to find but sure enough we found one the frame was completely rotted but that is okay because we did some hot rod stuff to it and put it on a modern chassis this is a 1996 Impala SS chassis it's got a lot bigger motor bigger transmission bigger brakes bigger everything it's going to run so much better than a stock 67 would and in the last video we got the airbags put on it so it will lay all the way on the ground those rockers will actually scrub right on that concrete it looks great but what I had to do to get all the airbags done was steal the rear airbags out of the Monte Carlo because the company did not send them to me that it was probably a month ago I have been waiting to get the right parts sure enough they finally showed up so we what we did was we robbed Peter to pay Paul and now it's time to pay Peter back so I'm gonna steal the bags from this put them back in that the rightful owner we're gonna get these all put back together and we'll get them in there also in this video I'm gonna go get the core support the steering column and all the wiring from the guy that I bought 96 Impala from so we can finally get that stuff started once I have the core support all in we can finish up our floors and I have about 300 foot of one inch square tubing coming so we can finally get the floors in there I want to get some seats in there I want to get the steering column in there but getting ahead of myself for now let's get on these airbags [Music] so [Music] I got the body jacked up I got the frame jacked up so I can go in there get the uh airbags out switch them out with the new ones no big deal got to looking at it I can't go over because if I go over I'm gonna hit my head on that so I figured since I have to crawl on my hands and knees like a child I might as well get the camera going you might not see a six foot two 240 pound guy crawl very often so here we go I hope this doesn't take very long foreign [Applause] whoa don't pull up on whatever that was why is the body moving oh [ __ ] that Jack standing oh no I actually bolted these in oh no damn it coming back out oh there's a screw right there ow no I don't know okay oh I can't live on hold until 10. I gotta own both the bags [ __ ] oh got him whoa got him I got a bolt the new ones in now but we got them [Music] got them all put back in there no big deal now it is time to put the Monte Carlo ones back in the Monte Carlo fun fact the Impala ones the ones were actually for this car were harder to put in than the Monte Carlo ones were so hopefully those are easy on that side too I don't remember I put those in a long time ago I know they come out super easy but let's go throw them in got them all them all done big deal fun fact the pallet brackets are more of a pain in the butt than the Monte Carlo brackets are this took a lot longer than it should have I threw those in in like 15 minutes took me about an hour to get these in because I had to drill a couple holes in the spring pockets and that's like quarter inch plate and you have to drill it from the bottom but let me see if I can zoom in you can see now my Airline comes out the top which is real nice everything is all hooked back up so I'm gonna go ahead and get it off jack stands we'll let it all down I'm gonna cycle it to see if these bags are any different height wise than the other ones we'll go from there [Music] uh it looks about the same it might be a little higher actually I thought it was going to be lower it might be a little higher I'm going to let it down and we're going to see how much it goes I believe when the body gets on the ground I still have a couple inches where the frame goes down and that's going to be able to lower our floor which is going to be great at least it was that way with those bags let's undo this and we'll see what it looks like when it's down [Music] I didn't mean to let that go wow that hurts run in front ends on the ground those bags are definitely lower we got a lot of wiggle room that's good damn that hurt cool we can be on the ground with the body we can be on the ground with the body and it looks like I can raise my floor probably three or four inches three or four inches a little Wishful but it looks like you probably go down two it's easier to tell up there than it is in the front or in the back but as you can see the fender is on the ground and the frame is lower than where the fender would be sitting also this was the start of my very first body mount I can put my finger underneath it underneath the frame so it's like got about a half inch Gap and whenever everything settles it's actually more than that I can actually if I put more weight on this Frame this rear frame will come down a little bit more too so this will end up getting cut out also this is two by two so it's a lot taller it's an inch taller than I want I'm going to be using one by one whenever it comes time so that'll save me some room there so the main goal is you don't want to be sitting in this thing and have your binge seat up here and then your head you know is like on the roof you just look silly but I do want it as low as possible but I'd rather other I'd rather have the car an inch off the ground if that gets the bench seat an inch lower if that makes any sense sweet now we gotta go get the core support stuff tomorrow I'm very happy I got those switched out I like this thing a lot I got the bags switched around the Impala bags are in the Impala the Monte Carlo bags are in the Monte Carlo and the bag brackets were very similar but the Monte Carlo ones were actually a little bit different they had a little bit of an offset to them and they sat in there so much better than the Monte Carlo ones did and not only that they actually dropped my frame down a little bit because they're about an inch lower now you might be looking at that going housing an inch lower when it's already on the ground well the frame is actually lower which is going to give me more Headroom more feet room which I'm really really excited about also I finally got my one inch square tubing I had a hell of a time getting this they were out of stock of what I wanted blah blah blah I got 250 foot that should be enough to do the Impala Blazer and the model A so very excited what we're going to do now though is this temporary floor brace actually needs to come out I just sat it in there originally to kind of have the body sitting on something but it's way too high up from where I actually want my floor to be but I can't just cut that out and start making a floor anytime you have a lowered airbagged car you need to put your drive shaft in I've had that drive shaft for I don't know two or three weeks now and you want to put those in there because whenever everything is on the ground you would be surprised how high up that drive shaft can go and I've seen guys build entire floors and then have to cut the floor out because their drive shaft is hidden after you do that once you realize to never do it again so I'm going to cut this out here we're going to throw the drive shaft in and then uh hopefully we can get started on making the floor let's go foreign spacers on the Rockers so it's not completely on the ground it's still I mean it's still on the ground to the naked eye but I wanted just a little bit more cushion in there also driveshaft is in looking good I think what I'm gonna do I have an old trailer fender I think what I'm going to do is cut it in half and then tie in the body over so then basically instead of having this wide open my rear tire will be covered and then what I can do is I can start my bracing across from those two inner wheel wells it'll also tie in that package tray let me start building our floor down so that'll make all this strong and it'll give me a starting point that I know will be higher than the drive shaft so that way I don't have to start doing any hoopy [ __ ] if you do a brace straight across you got to figure out a hoop because it's a little bit higher in the back it's actually really close right here it probably needs to go up about that much which is nice there is going to be a drive shaft tunnel but if I have a bar going across there I can start you know welding stuff this way instead of needing to go this way none of that probably makes sense to you but it makes sense to me I promise also all this paint needs to get grinded down so that we can start welding to stuff and I'm worried about these windows the rear one's really nice the front one isn't great it has some air bubbles in here but I still want to keep them because I haven't even checked them they could be outrageously expensive also it is so hot inside here because none of the air can get inside and not only that I'll be able to put a camera facing down through that window whenever I get those windows out so pop up these windows out real quick and then we're gonna start cutting some [ __ ] baby oh [Music] this is a giant rear windshield and you should never never never do it by yourself because so many things can go wrong trying to remove it by yourself but I am stubborn and one thing I'm even more than stubborn is impatient so let's see if we don't break it I think I got the glue broke oh [ __ ] I don't understand get in there I think I got the blue cut not necessarily broke once you break the seal you can kind of get it out a little easier but it is not it's not light and it's a hell of a weird shape boy still in there really good come on come on come on all right I think I'm good now it looks like a bottom bottom still connected but hopefully I can tilt it enough by myself right okay or they they really glued this in extra somebody has tar on it so it's not only glued in the tar end it's kind of weird go just let go nope oh God baby oh damn that's him damn that's really heavy actually we actually got no rust in there that is so lucky oh wow it's one thing you always worry about with old cars and window channels ah oh [ __ ] did I speak to you soon I got a tiny tiny little spot right there in that corner but damn wow that's lucky it's one of the better ones I've seen check it out that is my worst spot and I mean that is basically nothing cool you know sometimes I've pulled these windows out and the window is what was holding the metal in I mean they get real bad that is so good oh that makes me happy hopefully we get as lucky on the windshield let's find out [Music] let's see if we can get lucky again I already see rust down in there but I'm not sure you'll find out oh this one has a tar on it I'll stop still stuck let go look at it still grabbing oh no oh we did not get lucky on this one oh [ __ ] I'm really happy oh [ __ ] wow oh damn that's a big ass windshield that thing might be the heaviest windshield I've ever picked up damn that thing has some damn card to it too you guys ain't the first time I took some rest all right it has a little bit all across the top but it looks like it's a little grind smooth so I'm okay there that you're gonna actually have to uh replace with metal this I can grind out I imagine everybody's animal spots there I gotta clean the shop now there's so much dirt and [ __ ] that came out of both of those okay that's not great that's not great I'll have to end up cutting that whole thing out but the good news is whenever I first saw those Corners they're both the same I assume this whole pillar was bad but it's fine so that's not as bad as it could be I'm gonna blow the whole shop out and probably call it a night because it's late and this is going to take a while because this is gross and then tomorrow we're going to just do metal work all day baby be fun the next day just came over here to get to work on the Impala look at this [ __ ] the old man had a painted gas tank and I even filmed it look how we left the shop had overspray all over the friggin Harbor Freight Vice that's a brand new Vise I paid zero dollars because they sent it to me because I love Harbor Freight but still it's a brand new Vice damn it I'm gonna kick his ass I think that's I think that's gonna have to happen I'm gonna clean this up and then we're gonna start on our floor in this Impala I think tomorrow I'm gonna call him down here tell him I need his help I'm gonna kick his ass on camera that's the plan we ain't doing it tonight because it's already midnight let's clean this up and then uh I don't remember if I said it or not but the plan is I think I did say it I'm gonna cut that inner fender and start making my inner wheel well and then that's how we're gonna start so basically we're gonna start from the back and then move our way to the front with the flooring God there's so much work I forgot how much work there was until I looked in there okay I got the rear inner Fender Wells made I was getting ready to weld them and I sat down on a piece of metal that I cut where is it at I think it was either that one or that one and we made a doozy of a gash I had to run up to the house tape the [ __ ] out of it throw some glue in it and all kinds of fun stuff so also it does not feel good what I'm gonna do now is probably just weld up these inner fenders and then maybe get one brace across and then call it a day I do not know how much more I'm going to work now because this is incredibly painful and I think it's already bleeding out so that's not great Good Times baby uh yeah but screw it let's weld some [ __ ] there's blood all over the place in here a bandage a bandage hey hold up real good thank you [Music] foreign [Music] okay I got the inner fenders welded up and now you can see what I was talking about I needed to do those first that way I could get these bars in here and uh that is the start of our floor now there's a bunch of different ways I can do this what I think I'm gonna do is try and make a hoop that will go right over that tail shaft I don't know how I'm gonna make that yet I haven't decided and then what we can do is we can tie in that hoop to that bar that bar there is as low I keep saying bar it's a technically my floor brace but bar sounds better so that bar is as low as I can go still live in a little bit of room just in case the you know in case for some reason my airbag goes out and have to drive it home it still has a little bit of cushion there got about an inch and a half but that is as low as it will go and I can build everything off of that and the drive shaft will never go higher than that so this is my base point now what we got to do now the soup up here is going to be our base point in the front let me start running all of our bracing this way and then get sheet metal in there I don't know if I'm gonna get all the sheet metal done today but I definitely want to get all the bracing done or in this video rather I don't know if I'm gonna get all the sheet metal work in there this video but I definitely get all the bracing done I think what I might try to do with this front hoop square tubing and cut it a hundred times and then just make basically a half of an oval and then have to weld it all back up but that might work perfect and then it would literally sit right on that cross member perfectly so let's try that I don't know I also have some quarter inch plate out here over here if I have to I can make a hoop out of plate but it doesn't look as good as using the square tubing because the square tubing is going to be what the whole floor is so it'll kind of be nicer it'll tie it all in together but it is a pain in the ass to cut a piece you know 50 times but let's see what happens foreign [Music] [Music] go as short as I can like that and that is going to be my front hoop you can see how many little cut it takes you can see how many little cuts it takes quite a few and then some of them are Pie cuts so it's not just a relief cut it's a pie cut but then you know I can really just put this however I want this is a thick piece of square tubing too easy peasy yes takes forever enumerated okay I got this piece all welded up I ended up counting it there is 25 Pie cuts and then there's three sides that are cut on this one inch square tubing so there is 75 cuts that needed welded up but I'm so confident in my welds I know it's going to be perfect I know it's going to be airtight watertight I actually worked as a welder for like six months straight out of high school and uh yeah these don't look pretty but I wasn't going for pretty I really just wanted to get the strength in there and make sure they were good so let me show you what a good weld looks like well I'll be honest with you there are 75 Cuts like we said and they're really I really only seen a little bit of leakage out of maybe two of them uh so I mean that's not bad we can touch those up real quick um damn yeah there might be more than two the good news is this piece uh this piece did not need to be water Tied by any means I was uh it just needed to be strong and it's plenty strong we should probably delete this video Richard don't post this one this is finally all welded up it took absolutely forever it's like entirely too late now what I'm gonna go ahead and do though is get it ground down get it smoothed out so it looks okay and then call it a night my shin is starting to kill me and like I said it's entirely too late this is a giant pain in the ass but this piece is going to be absolutely perfect to you know start the floor moving forward which is what we need to do so very happy even though way too much Fab work went into this stupid little thing [Music] a lot of Bing a thing looks absolutely great I'm very happy with it I'm a crazy person so a little bit of me wants to actually take a file and get this inside cleaned up but literally no one is ever going to see it nobody's even going to see this this is going to have sheet metal over the top of it and that's gonna be my floor but done for the night I spent way too much time on this the good news is it's going to work absolutely perfect this is going to just let me run Square Tubing to square tubing and then straight back to the floor and then makes life so much easier I said before I could have probably made this out of like a quarter inch plate but then you would be tying the square tubing into the plate it's just doesn't look as good doesn't work as good so very happy it is extremely late I am done for the night and my bandage I think isn't doing much at all anymore oh hey it don't look that bad oof we gouged her good though I'm done [Music] [Music] I am not gonna lie to you I kind of gotten a Groove here and just was going baby sometimes you just gotta work and not talk to the camera here's what we did this is quarter inch plate I went ahead and put this across both of the frame rails this is going to be what bolts the floor to the frame or basically the body to the frame only to put more bolts in this I was originally going to do this out of sheet metal and I got to worrying about it I thought man maybe that's not strong enough even though we're going to brace the living [ __ ] out of this with square tubing I figured that would be better also it's really nice that it's only a quarter inch thick so I almost lost no height this way whereas if I was running a one inch piece of square tubing it would be one inch higher so very very happy with that I got a boat today and I got attacked in a couple spots we got our hoop tacked in it needs bolted still but it's okay and then I got my first bar in there and now we are starting to see where the floor is going to go and this is how the trans tunnel is going to be or the driveshaft tunnel is going to be what I have to do now though I think I'm gonna have to make another hoop I'm not very excited about it I might be able to just do a half hoop and I can probably just bend it by hitting it over there on my crooked ass concrete I don't know but either way what I'm going to do is I'm going to put in my mid brace this is a brace that needs to be really strong it's going to go right across the middle of the car and luckily since this is a four-door we just have plenty of room to run it straight across here and then it's going to tie into basically another little mini hoop I do not need to go that big I need about half that much and then as you can see in the back we won't have any hoop at all so it's just going to kind of have a little bit of an angle to it nothing crazy or if it does go up at all in the back it's just going to be like a little bit I don't know I won't know until I get back there but uh yeah we are going to keep cutting and uh just keep figuring [ __ ] out as we go I'm 99 sure I'm gonna have to make another hoop and I just realized that as I was filming that's got some [ __ ] baby [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah we're starting to get a floor baby we only got two floors in we're not even we're not even ready yet and it'll hold me up that's pretty good sweet now you can see here how much I can actually drop this down the whole reason I'm building it this way so that I can take this down I'm gonna I'm gonna measure I'm gonna get a chair for my other shop and bring it in tomorrow and see where it's at if I can get away with going straight across here that'd be great but I think I'm gonna have to drop it down a little bit you know even if you just do a couple inches it'll make a hell of a difference but in reality right here is not bad it's definitely not as bad you'd have to go with like a lower seat but that's not bad at all it is 10 times better than it was before our floor was going to be would have been bad cool it is late and my ass is Dragon okay we are going to get extra parts for the donor chassis when I bought the donor chassis two months ago all the wiring the steering column the core support radiator [ __ ] like that uh didn't come with it because the tow truck driver he couldn't get it all in the car he just didn't have room for it so it's been at this guy's house for two months and I need it to Finish the build I'd really I really shouldn't probably have built the floor yet until I had the core support in there just in case something needs moved I think it's okay but uh we're definitely gonna go get it now before we get too far into the floor and I need to tweak something so we're going on a little car ride baby we've been gravel roading it for a little bit if this is like a Jeffrey Dahmer type situation I love you all goodbye whoever finds this camera okay so for two months I have been saying how this was just a bad tow truck driver and he just didn't want to put in the effort to get the parts in the car and blah blah blah nah I actually I take that back uh there's a lot of [ __ ] I had to basically we got stuff all the way in the passenger seat there was a lot of extra parts but uh I'm excited so let's go okay holy crap that's bigger than I thought it was we'll do some trimming I got I got all the parts they came with this chassis I bought this chassis two months ago the guy still had two complete wiring harnesses I really don't need the whole thing I just need to the motor core support steering column like lights accessories it actually has a chunk of the firewall from the uh 96 Impala so I'll be able to graph that in there which is actually nice another brake booster like just so much random [ __ ] but I'm gonna need it this is giant holy crap let me bring you over here look at this check it out I wasn't so sure of it in the car because I couldn't really measure it but uh we need to fit basically that whole thing right there it looks like I'm probably gonna end up making that reinforcement from scratch I don't know I can cut it down I don't know how much I can cut it down I'll start digging into it I really want to continue on the floor but just in case that's off at all and the body needs to be moved up or down Now's the Time to find out so I think I'm gonna dig into it real quick just to kind of get an idea on what we need we can always make my own cross brace if I have to but boy it's nice to use that one since it's already all there the just everything is already supported I don't know let's see [Music] okay should probably explain what's going on before I get uh too much farther so this core support for the 67 Impala for some reason it has a big curve to it it comes in even past this part to cut it for some reason it came in like six inches no real reason I've looked at the way the hood is the Hood's fine so I had cut this back I had welded some Square Tubing underneath the Grille here so it's basically all reinforced I am trying to cut all of this out and basically we're going to gain six inches right there where we can put the radiator in there I don't know how to be able to grasp the entire cowl support from the 96 uh then I can get a damn good chunk of it and basically just get the important stuff the one thing I will be deleting is the stock fans look how look how wide those are they're that wide and anybody that's ever bought the aftermarket fans they sell aftermarket fans are three quarters of an inch now so I do not need those that's going to save a ton I do still need to have obviously the radiator and then the transmission cooler but I should have plenty of room once I cut this out so I the time lapse is only going to show 30 seconds time lapse but I have been at this for about three hours so far and I'm not even close to being done so I figured I'd stop and give you enough taste [Music] okay that I did not realize what tonight was gonna turn into when I went and got this damn radiator I don't see any chance of me finishing this damn floor now I mean we're like 30 hours in already look at this good news is I got the 96 core support cut up currently have the radiator in there I have enough room for fans I have enough room to get the stuff in front oh [ __ ] I need to put my hood latch back on I'm just now realizing I need to throw that back on there before we do it anyways everything is just sitting there I don't have anything mounted so you should just loose what I want to do is Mount that lower core support to the frame with some square tubing and then the radiator will be mounted and I will be done with this whole situation was not planning on spending the whole night on it but we're here now so we might as well finish it I 100 need to put my hood latch back on there and see where it's at because that might be too far forward I may need to go in just a little bit but yeah let's keep trucking baby foreign [Music] entirely too much time on this last night but not only did I get the radiator mounted I basically got the front end of the car mounted it was all just kind of hanging there and what I'm going to do now instead of continuing on with the floor the floor is pretty good I basically have the middle section done and also I'm at like 10 hours of footage right now Richard is gonna kill me what I'm gonna do instead of doing more to the floor which is not done by any means what the bracing is done I'm going to go ahead and move to the rear and get the rear all braced up because as you see look at that when I open it see how much play there is in that pipe because none of that is connected and it was just a temporary fix before that doesn't even work anymore because it's not that high so I'm going to cut all this out basically get the rear bracing done so we can also start on the rear of the floor and then we're going to call it a video but I will have the front braced the middle braced and the rear braced and also we will have our floors basically started which is really nice because even though this thing has looked kind of far along and I've seen it in and out of the garage in reality it's just been sitting on the frame and not not the way it was supposed to at all it was crooked on one side like there was no mounts just kind of like laying over the top of the frame and now it is actually mounted to the frame which is which is great takes uh so much freaking work also that radiator ended up just being a giant pain in the ass but that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get this rear end braced up a little bit get the rear floor started on that and then we're gonna call it because Richard is going to be whining like a baby there's too many videos for the thing and I'm a cop and blah blah blah but yeah so let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] it takes so much longer to make proper amounts than just putting a bar in there and Tackle them into the frame like I did before as you can see it actually is bolted in now we can unbolt it if we ever need to hopefully I never need to take the body off but you always want to be able to I'm done baby I called the old man I told him I needed his help I'm gonna ask him what the hell is the deal with the paint all over baby now I'm gonna kick his ass all right come back hey what's going on hey we gotta talk nope yeah we gotta talk actually I don't actually need your help you gotta talk what you painted the gold Taco the other day uh-huh I came in here and there was paint cans everywhere and you got [ __ ] all over there was one there there's [ __ ] paid everywhere yeah so what are you gonna do about it I was gonna strip the paint off of it anyway but it's still you shouldn't be sending [ __ ] on it I say sometimes I sit stuff on it yeah but I always take care of the problem scratch the problem I'm really getting tired of your [ __ ] let's [ __ ] do this yes [Music] betrayal [Music] the uh the old man's a lot quicker than I thought he was but check this out I realize my eye looks bad but check this out I came over here realized I got a couple of his damn teeth that's what he gets ain't gonna be spilling any more paint on baby oh my head hurts so going with the quarter inch plate up front that saved us over an inch in where our floor is and then since we dropped down the rear section that saved us another inch and a half so our floor is two and a half inches lower than where it was before and two and a half inches is huge I mean it's it's giant it's massive some some girls say that's too much to be honest with you the whole time that you have ever seen a video or a picture of this car it was just sitting over the frame it was never like mounted or anything like I had like some struts kind of tack welded now it is literally bolted on the chassis like you would a normal car and you could unbolt it if you wanted to which is very very nice really really happy also I got started on this floor before we had the radiator to mount and I was 99 sure there for a minute I was gonna have to cut all this out and redo it because the radiator the core support just looked Way Too Tall but luckily we got it all in there it is legitimately 10 pounds of [ __ ] in a two pound bag but so so excited there's another cool thing I forgot to mention I had a blacksmith reach out to me he is a fan of the supernatural show and naturally is a fan of the Impala he's been in forged in fire here is his YouTube channel he reached out and he said hey do you have a spring or something metal from the car that I can make a demon blade out if you've never watched the show demon blades are like special knives that the guys have that kill demons it's gonna Forge it all out sure enough I had a coil spring from the chassis and I sent it to him and he has already got started on making my demon blade I believe it's called Ruby's knife because Ruby's a demon in the show he's getting started on that right now so go check that out you can watch him basically take a coil spring out of a car and turn it into a nice shiny usable knife which is just the coolest thing ever so make sure you check that out this was not really your style don't worry I got a lot of other cool projects starting we got two new projects that are gonna be getting going here in the next week or two so stay tuned for all that thank you very much for watching if you are not subscribed please hit that button now for the coolest merchandise on the planet go to thank you very much for watching please like share comment all that good [ __ ] they tell you the any videos and check out some of my other videos peace I love you to you caught up in my feelings I got feelings for you caught up in my feelings
Channel: Caseys Customs
Views: 55,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Caseyscustoms, Caseys customs, Casey customs, Casey custom, Supernatural, Spn, Impala, Frame swap, Chassis swap, Turbo can, Kustom, Whistlindiesel, Donut media, Puddinsfabshop, Speed shop, Vice grip, Vice grip garage, Garage, Rebuild, Restore, Body swap, Jensen, Jared, Jensen ackles, How to, Turbo spray paint, Metalwork, Rust repair
Id: 8mq9d0Sxnoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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