15 Years Of Brutally Honest Lawn Care Advice in 8 Mins

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I've been cutting Lawns for over 15 years I've built and sold my own lawn care company and I currently own and operate the lawn review.com which drives millions of users annually in this video I'm going to share with you over 15 years of brutal Hard lawn care advice in under eight minutes let's get into it number one stop buying crappy stuff that that applies to seed fertilizers you know all the general products that you're putting down in your lawn with 100% certainty you will spend less money if you actually buy nicer stuff you can look on the back of a package it'll tell you the the seed blend and then down below it'll say other crop or weed seed you want that zero it's attainable it's possible Scott says it's impossible but there's countless options online and then fertilizer don't want to put a whole bunch of fertilizers down that's going to strip your soil of all its nutrients and just push it in the grass real real fast yeah it's going to look good for a little bit but you want really want slow release stuff that's going to feed your lawn throughout the season like my organite for example you can put that anywhere up north down south out west out east anywhere and that's going to be a good slow releasing fertilizer that's going to feed your lawn with the right stuff all year long trust me spend a little bit more on your grass seed and your fertilizer this year and tell me your lawn done look better truth number two mix your grass seed so many people that I see these days are like my my grass is 100% Turf typ tall Fisk you I'm like well congratulations come talk to me when brown spot comes around brown spot does not touch Kentucky Bluegrass basically it's very resistant to it but it'll straight knock out some tesu so make sure you spread those out because it's kind of like a mutual fund you eliminate the risk from losing everything if something bad happens so make sure you diversify your risk but that's also going to enable you to have longer green periods so some grasses are going to stay Greener longer some of them are going to get greener earlier some of them are going to handle heat a little bit better like your Turf type Tes is going to handle the heat better than Kentucky blue if you've got a blend of those two you're going to going to stay green throughout the summer better than you would if you just had Kentucky Bluegrass that's another just thing you can do tomorrow so tip number three is going to be used technology I probably get I don't know upwards of maybe a hundred text messages throughout the year asking me when to do certain things there's all sorts of apps it'll tell you when to put the stuff down you can set reminders in your phone I I can't tell you how many times it's saved me I'll get a little notification up that says put down you know buy a Char human or put down your fertilizer where I've got 50 million different things going on in my life I'm sure you do too that you can't remember everything so tell your phone tell your technology to remind you build that into your calendar on your phone just like every six months put this down every three months put this down use a calendar use a schedule apply it to a calendar set up reminders easy low hanging fruit and tip number four I know this sounds kind of goofy but it is respect the soil this your soil is kind of like the lifeblood of your lawn you could spend an absolute fortune on fertilizers if amend it with something like biochar or humic acid uh year after year after year those hold on to that fertilizer that you're putting down that'll really improve the overall health of your soil and reduce the need for tons and tons of chemicals and fertilizers and water it even soaks up water um so definitely would recommend putting down biochar you can put it down monthly for two or three years and completely change your lawn lesson number five prevention is so key please put down a pre-emergent I can't tell you how many times I get this text in may like last month they're like hey man my lawn's Full Of Weeds what do I do and I'm like well there's not a lot you can do right now I mean you can go out there with a post emergent you can spray it you can kill all those weeds but it's still going to look rough after you got a whole bunch of spots of of dead dead weeds throughout your lawn so prevention is key I'm I'm actually thinking about sending an email blast to all the people that have asked me lawn care advice all my friends so just put them in a group text and say hey right now do this so you don't come back to me May and say hey why does my lawn look like this you can turn your lawn over in a year by just using some premerge tip number six cut correctly I see so many people scalping their dang lawn when I'm driving through the neighborhood I'm like you're going to have weeds and it's going to go extremely dormant in the summer when it gets hot scalping your lawn cutting it real real low just puts a whole bunch of stress on your lawn your lawn is a billion times healthier if you're cutting it on the high end of the zone and each grass type has its own Zone that it wants to be cut out so do your lawn a favor cut your grass high and then more often don't go two weeks like if you want to actually have a good-looking lawn that's probably the one of the worst things you can do for your your lawn doesn't want to be cut more than a third at at a time so if your grass blade is yay high and you let it grow to you know double the grass height and then you cut it back down right there well that you're cutting you're breaking that onethird rule definitely you want to mow consistently once a week I know it's I know it's hard and I know it's annoying but your lawn's going to look a whole lot better it's going to be a lot Fuller lot denser and you're just out there you know one more hour a week and cut your line differently so if you cut vertically one week horizontally the next week diagonally diagonally what that's going to do is prevent wear and tear and ruts from forming in your lawn because you're going to this over the same path over and over again so definitely vary up the the way that you're meling next tip tip number seven is going to be water properly two of the bigger stressors for your Turf is going to be heat high heat and lack of moisture you can do something about moisture you can't do anything about the heat you have to water your laung in the morning early early morning like sometimes even before the sun rises I'll turn it on I'll let it run for 45 minutes I know that sounds like a long time but that's how you get your water down in the soil level so that your roots know where to go they know where to find that other you know water that's further down it's going to push those roots down into cooler more temperature regulated areas and your lawn's going to look a whole lot better in the summer months if you water your lawn consistently don't just water your lawn when it looks like it needs to be watered water it every single week please make sure your lawn is properly hydrated tip number eight you got to test your soil annually I know this sounds like a pain but go to the andersons.com buy their soil test kit it's it's very easy they just send it to you you just scoop up some dirt and you throw it in that thing and send it to them and what they'll do is they'll analyze it for you and send you tailored results you you don't want to just be putting down phosphorus if you don't need phosphorus or you know high levels of nitrogen if you don't need it uh that's just wasteful and it's not great for soil or your lawn itself so make sure that you're testing annually because things can change in a hurry if you have a particularly like ripping and roaring summer where your lawn just sucks up that nitrogen more so than normal you need to know that with a soil test kit so make sure you're testing your lawn every single year without the right information you're just throwing stuff on your lawn tip number nine kind of close to tip number eight is going to be feed your lawn appropriately like I said based on those soil test kit results you can put down exactly what your lawn needs you don't have to waste money again I like the Andersons TL recommendations exactly what your lawn needs but make sure that you're feeding your lawn consistently and like I was talking about earlier with the with the calendars and the schedules the Anderson thing will tell you when to put down which type of fertilizer so it's it's really easy put that stuff in your phone but feeding your lawn consistently inappropriately will it's not a hard thing to change and tip number 10 you have to aate your lawn absolutely have to it it it sends oxygen it breathes oxygen into your soil so it's taking a little plug plugs out of your soil and allowing sunlight moisture nutrients to get further down in your soil than it would if you weren't erating if you don't irate it it turns into like kind of a crust and your moisture and your nutrients have a really hard time getting down lower uh to the root Zone that's really beneficial so make sure that you aate at least once a year tip number 11 is to sharpen those lawn mow blades I'm struck by how many people uh have never sharpened their lawn mower blades and that's just a recipe for introducing disease and funguses into your grass blades and and all sorts of stuff so make sure that you're sharpening your glass blades and your lawn will be looking awesome so man if you found this video interesting and informative and you think it might benefit somebody else to know these things too definitely don't be don't be mean and share this with people it would help me and it help them that's really the heart behind this video I really just want to help people um hit that lwh hanging fruit that's really going to give you a good lawn year after year thanks y'all
Channel: The Lawn Review
Views: 3,976
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Id: iDkERXMe9rw
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Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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