never have i ever (teen moms)

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okay ready it's going okay okay never have I ever we have these lines right here on one side they say I have and on the other side they stay very faintly I'm not guys joking like go down the line when we do the I have no other I have and we're gonna say whatever I've not done and you're gonna get pretty juicy and there's lots a lot of questions you love a juicy monkey we haven't looked at him by the way and then say guy this is my first time looking at them there you go okay so first one let's start out strong never have I ever cheated I have it I mean I was only one actual release to my life so yeah believe you're not like I feel like as teen moms you gave a great and eat like post so I didn't know things like yeah like we get patrina toes is like we've been around and like yeah but like I've only been with five people in my life I have a huge respect for marriage growing up in a family that got divorced experience that so I knew exactly if you're gonna want to do that I just see you should break up with the person like I just don't understand it yeah yeah well yeah so yeah blippi I'm sorry baby do do do you think we should give up kids moms like about dogs okay the only time that I she did it was yes doing our senior was when I was with Layla's dad and I was like in the process of trying to be Finn and I brought wool okay you don't need to get to any details he's alike I basically like purposely like did a few a very minor a cheating act so I could like I was trying to get him to like date me so that you leave me because every time I tried to leave him she would like go psycho and she would work which was so much I probably could've approach that way differently like that was in my mind that was the only thing I could do to like get him baby so yeah I feel like that's not really later all I did was kiss somebody it wasn't like it was like it was on purpose or rebellious and I would never do that to someone who actually love yeah not only that's every situation [Music] some were serious enough but ya know for me okay so number wait wait with five people that is by people a lot no okay never however smoked urban bakers I have saved a few times I've never actually when I was 12 I stole a pack of cigarettes from my dad so cool but I baked a few times I don't really don't like it yeah but I've never done anything that's like smoking drugs I spoke to nicotine and when I was like 12 and I did try a jewel before I had ever leave see they're freaking weird but other than that I'll go through these especially before we became parents I think all of us can admit very different yes yes changes here yeah Cheryl that was that's my explanation for this house didn't completely pull their opposite yeah me too um I definitely went through my party phase before I had kids and I'm glad I did because now I know what I don't want with my life and I'm glad I went through that phase but yeah I definitely not any kind of like hardcore drugs but like I remind you are just heroin hopeful I've done my fair share of partying that's for sure yes and I did I have tried like the favorite product basically statement x-rays on my right there share partying before I had a lot I don't think I gotta go to 13 there can't we just listen I have all the friends at casual it's a big addiction to take on no one wants me to give it to a hard drive yeah yeah in the whole point of like making a cigarette source like help people that smoke sticker actually at all yeah using that's for absolutely no reason so it's just I think it's coming down okay okay my favorite I have not oh my god I'm happy we got to yeah I was on 13 and 14 like that was the only teenager Saigon so I've never been skinny-dipping oh my god we have to have like a sleepover skinny-dip alright so we would go at night and like almost ate it yeah like it might like that is the thing like just like a group of girls like getting together well if it's not I haven't I haven't yeah oh okay I like this one never have I ever wanted to both my baby daddy's more wait wait what if you don't have understanding like in general like just expose me do what happened but you don't yeah like everyone say watch me but I need shield oh ma your baby daddy um she has a successful marriage I feel oh but you have it I have not because I can expose whatever I want to we are legally in Kings yet we will get our children taken away for our free speech right basically that's a whole video isn't it you ever wanna get out [Laughter] but also for the sake of my daughter a part of you never wants to do that but I just wish like I just I hate this like not even a little bit like just a little bit out there just a little hey what I'm going through I just don't yeah wait I don't even really want to trash this today but I can always talk about the situation because I like to talk about my life on here that's what you do yeah literally right little girls with similar situations or anything held accountable and that's the whole idea of like a big platform like this - hell yeah others and I want a show and it's also like a good almost like warning for girls like oh yeah Jordan too late never this guy you said you love him and you things like she's gonna be there no matter what but like which is not what I thought like oh like this guy loves me oh but then when it came down to it once enough earned it that was it the first time I ever experienced real love was with my daughter yeah the only thing I've experienced before was emotional attachment okay never have I ever gotten drunk I think so that's a good night all right I have not gotten drunk I've only took in I don't think I've drank a full glass of alcohol in my life all right now you have time so that's just kind of my thing but yeah I have it another thing that just goes back to pre-baby Ali but I do want to say like I after having a baby like I said it does change you and like for me at least I didn't really want to do those things that I did before how about so I don't really drink often and last night at Cameron's wedding I got a little flip and I have it in like literally like a year lay off the drinks I can enjoy you drink like all yes yeah yeah my soothing mom's dead as I just can't I feel like a glass of wine I can't like find my right no I just rose champagne is disgusting it is [Music] when I first turned 18 which is our drinking age I I would say wet ham but like I drank two bars offense and it was its deficit of all things yeah but ya know I just everything over this is crazy how that works I know like just you get 20 what if we like okay so all of these are like ooh they just wanted of the worst things we dealing yeah I really keeps getting that's what makes it this is how we're gonna pay for illegal okay never have I ever shoplifted everyone here has looking a female yeah so I was just like with her face like 12 where I would just go places I would buy clothes from like a really cheap place no no just like stick things in my bag you're like yeah basically I'm gonna alter not just stick things in my bag and I realize now that it was a very bad thing go home stupid myself yeah WAIS literally three times all right it's crazy how easy is it like you're like oh I don't have money in it for free like the other day I was at least water bubbles Wow see I told him right now you know literally okay I saw posted one time in my life I growing up like in middle school had all these rights out shopping all the time I don't think he's still mad when I was with them I would be like you'd better not shop this in the store here with me like do not funny and um so like I like Billy and I think I'm just like really anxious person like I get really nervous like that stuff but at one time I went out shopping and I went to this one store knows what's one of my friends but I was like okay like I'm gonna try it like weird who steals a necklace and I like stole its necklace we walked out it worked okay okay it's fine go go to another store and I'm like okay there's some bathing suits on the stuff in the bag okay I did it it's fun I love also know started like getting bald when we went to the Nike toy Hall me that was into her bags unless all the tags in the dressing room because we've got the bags which said I'll say we walked out we like literally almost made it and then my friend like stopped to do something and the woman came out like that was running the dress when we came out she's like where all the clothes that belong to these tags it almost called the cops on us never again never self at some point on that was what I was in like in middle school or maybe before I was really on so that was the one and only time I never again will I yeah because like I saw yet none like all the girls had the name-brand stuff and like it's so sad that by looking back on it I just never had the opportunity to know that just like they caught the oh just what I can happen going to jail getting a record going to juvie it's not worth their little lemon whatever the heck yeah right so much more worth it to like work hard make your own money and go buy your own things like so what I does not do that like we're too young and you're like like George that's where I asked until parents like give your kids chores and give them an allowance yeah like I remember I wanted Birkenstocks like all rub those we'll all the cool girls haven't I never bought them and I bought my first pair Perkins books I cried when I got made fun of for having a fake pair of Uggs in school that was a thing like everyone had uggs and then I got like a fake pair bucks man a bear once I remember getting like in the bathroom never when you begin throwing time all like who was so proud to buy them for me and going I can't believe you have I don't like I can't believe you bought me these like that's ridiculous so looking back on it I didn't have all that fancy stuff like everyone got like D s is we wouldn't got one used like everything that I had like it taught me so much and it gave me such a thicker skin I want to make sure cartier is never raised dan spoils I'm very low rod spoil the child yeah you're not that's not life life yeah well then he's actually like look at me happy no matter what yeah I know a lot of people are probably thinking about you buy up early everything I did a video once where I let me pick out what I have I'm sorry yeah she usually does not get whatever she wanted she yeah so she doesn't really know but I'm definitely not planning on spoiling her I won't spoil her with love and not material things oh yeah I suppose we're in for like your kids looks mental space like you can't just yeah you can't buy their love it gives them confidence and like the ability to like abducted or bully and stand up to other people being bullying is like if they've got love in their heart yeah that's what they do can't give that in money you can't give that they can't take that anywhere else like you as a parent have this huge responsible yeah like I know you talked that you really can't do something nice they will be so much more great rather than the ones I have wasn't technically shoplifting but I went into Lego Martin or Langley we got mr. hold winners and so I took [Music] Canadians day have you ever stolen maple syrup oh okay all right never have I ever lied about Paige I really could be mine welcome to being a young mom for reals new mom whoo yeah I I have I've really stole my sign but I have lied about my age but not as a teen mom I lied before of the teen moms awards because they'd be like hey I'm 16 I'd be like yeah you know like oh yeah same yeah I never did like back then oh I lied I lied like in the grocery store people of you and I was like how old are you and I'll be like when I was 19 and stuff are younger I'm doing all I like 21 like yeah oh I would always tell my baby I am yeah I'm so thank you looking back on it you should just like stand up to them ago you know ask her how old she is just as I look young that means you are right Janna plays straight in the face she said how old are you now look straight in the face I had a newborn I really had 14 she was so scary you are so strong you're way too young to have it like what are you starting to do okay everyone so pro bike but once she actually has the baby is that your brother we're gonna it's a surprise month I'll give you my little pride story so when I was a young girl I was like when I was a young wolf hog I was I remember my mom saying the word lesbian and like talking about it I go what's a lesbian she goes into this girl that likes a girl like and I'm like oh so you can choose like you just like kind of pick who you like like I think I go pick like you decide okay I'm gonna like girls and she's like yeah it kind of like I'm kind of glad she give me that and it's like yeah yeah he's been like whoever you are like yeah some girls like girls I'm like oh cool so you just choose so I thought in my head right off that moment I go well I like girls because guys are gross like about like guys boys are kind of gross they're lovely and they're like I sweat and new I don't like girls are pretty girls are pretty well that doesn't make you gay so I didn't understand that I just I was like okay well then in that case like I think girls are way prettier than guys nothing I was like like even like been to like saw seven I'm like okay people can just choose who they like I get it girls like girl I think he was prettier than guys bottom lines and then I like grew up with that knowledge but then I was in kinda Catholic school so then that was like stomped out of me like no you don't gonna pick me like and go to hell if you pick who you like guys like autumns story if you like anyone else in trouble and so yeah then when I was younger I just had like a curious time but like just Who am I what's what is blinds and I think like all girls have go through they're like nobody when guys are the way they are girls are so much matters like I tried I tried to be Layla I also was like maybe you're just gonna have to work myself peanuts in because I don't think I've ever liked acting attracted Jennifer but like I think girls are Sophie of univers ilium yeah and that's so I can i water make jingles I have fun like making fun of it I just want to put that out there like I spent like doing that but confuse anybody attracted attracted to a girl I don't know what's my little wild see that was board-foot night I spent a happy dance firework oh my god and we went to this abandoned building one where we had gotten in trouble for like whoa people go there all the time just to take pictures because it was a called cool meeting so we got in trouble for going there one and we like evaded the please and our got this should go um but anyway so we decided one night were just bored really no we should go back to that place like where we got in trouble and just like get revenge on it just for fun so we go back take us like brothers like yeah did you walk slow there while these dramatic pictures of me like standing there was like a big fire in the background oh my god this is literally an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere and like that it didn't literally explode it burst into flames but I'll give you that one but there was myself lying everywhere just like a little mushroom cloud but it was like there's like no one there it's really just like a empty building with nothing in it in the middle of nowhere so wasn't like dangerous I'm just kind of like fun sixth grade they were building new houses in my neighborhood we just always sneak in them at night and one time we decided to jump in the what's it called the stuff in the adage of keep stuck oh my god I'm gonna take a video and I jumped into the insulation I felt through two stories I landed last shards instantly legal and I saw the owners it was literally right in front of my house I saw the owners come up the next day they're like oh my god what happened just five ago when I was 12 I gotta let kids account that was pretty late when you're introduced 12 you're also musically an Instagram I don't like me come on we're Daniel okay oh I really love tick tock though on another color lights fun Holly kind of introduced me to it and I'm obsessed we need to figure out how to do the food stand on it doesn't count oh yeah yeah oh you know wait I do but I don't know what's on these two we'll figure it out any other questions yes someone gone on so we have arson in here this is a fruit that again crashed my car I didn't exactly crush my car my sideswiped a parked car that was on the driver's side also parked things count yes oh oh I smell her sideswiped a car it was parked but my car was fine the other part of her I was in a jeep and they were like a Prius solo screaming yeah jeeps throw stumbling moon poses but no I have not I have I got it what I was pregnant okay well one time I rear-end someone whose stupidest accident literally were both stopped and then I like tried to look at my map we're at a stop sign we'll stop try to look at my map and like also there's a hit the car lightly slipped off the brake and I like slightly just slid into him totaled my car because it was a pickup truck with a hitch on it and it's the hitch for the right to remember who this guy and I just got in the car officer would just started driving yeah so when I heard Rob is a minivan and then while I was pregnant I like salute t-bones me and then after that I was like scared to drive I haven't had my own car since drivin gives me anxiety mm-hm I got hit by like a cute truck it almost like flipped over it was oh I don't have any experiences like that no I'm hilarious careful driving - yeah I'm like ten in - no no I got that it's ready he's always right the brake all I would hate you know because it's like you don't like stop and stuff but you'll learn don't even worry about it was your age I was not gonna drive I'm hoping I learned if I have a car okay so that is it for this video I really just pooped and she is using about the Airbnb [Music] [Applause] invested the covers just are investing no but I have to go change her poop I will link all of their videos down below because we are filling in the over each and every one of their sandals so it's okay well I will see y'all in my next video make sure you like and subscribe to my channel bye guys ah cute okay perfect okay was really just
Channel: Maddie Lambert
Views: 1,838,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teenmom
Id: aKwY85qzF_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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