Evacuating Our Home | Hurricane Michael | Teen Mom Vlog

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[Music] welcome back kamilly today is not a super fun vlog a hurricane is headed our way hurricane Michael Michelle Michael but surgeons an M and it's scary they're saying it's category two or three or three kind of like 2/3 area and that's pretty bad so we're definitely not staying at this apartment we are literally like a few feet away from the beach and that is not where you want to be when it's hurricane e we kind of live on like an island of sorts it's not really an island because we're connected to land but it's basically just an island at this point so that's probably one of the most dangerous places you can be during a hurricane we are evacuating the area so we don't really know what's going on we know that we're not staying in this apartment we might there's a very slight chance that we might stay in Florida I really don't think that's gonna happen but if we do end up saying we don't evacuate then we're going to my dad's house because it's safer there and he has a generator our evacuation options are either drive to Mississippi with a friend of my mom's she can sign us in to a hotel or not 18 so we can't sign ourselves in so we would need an adult to come with us wherever we do end up going and help us get somewhere to sleep so option number one would be Mississippi option number two is Atlanta my dad's thinking about evacuating to Atlanta with my younger siblings we also have a family friend in Alabama so that's an option she's not answering her phone so I don't know what's going on with that another option is Texas my sister and her boyfriend and her dog are driving all the way 11 hours to Texas right now they're leaving and we're thinking about coming with them so my dad doesn't really want to decide until tomorrow if he's gonna evacuate he's gonna wait until he knows more about the storm till he decides to go all the way to Atlanta so I don't think I'm gonna wait on that because we have a kid and we're really just trying to get out of here so I don't think we're gonna wait until tomorrow to decide if we're gonna evacuate anyways wherever we end up going we need to pack so what we're doing right now is just packing all of our valuables all of our stuff we don't know how long we're gonna be gone we're just gonna throw it all into the car and then just kind of decide from there where we're gonna end up saying so yeah I guess we're in a pack pack your house up [Music] [Music] so I literally just packed in that for five days I got five outfits for me and there's just a ton of stuff for Colette literally just whatever I could find and fold she just grew out of the size she was wearing zero to three months and she's wearing three to six months now but we literally have no three six month clothes so wherever we do end up we need to get to a baby store and buy her some more clothes to wear that is definitely not gonna cut it especially being that half of those don't even fit her we're gonna load everything into this giant trunk I guess [Music] we have this box filled with just memories of the years of new linen and Colette so we definitely need to bring this this is really important and I definitely don't want it to get ruined we also have all of our important documents in this safe so that's gonna go with us as well this is pretty much full now I can't forget my computer even when it's hurricane II and we have to last-minute evacuate still got uploaded vlogs for y'all some of collapse to ease she'll be mad in a car for 11 hours without these toys your diaper bag is all packed for the most part we're waiting on the dishes to get so you can pack off her Baba's she's sleeping she's no idea what's going down right now I'm honestly why am i crying right now I'm so dramatic I'm getting kind of scared like it's all just happening really fast I'm secular fine in the next second we're like going to Texas last minute I know we're gonna be fine in all its just oh it's guy scary especially with the baby yeah but I guess we're we're gonna head out soon I think we decided Texas officially we're gonna go to Texas which is 11 hours but it's fine we have family there and it just feels like the safest place to go all right we're gonna finish packing and I think we're gonna head out and it's possible drive through the night and then get there so this is the house right now we brought our patio furniture and stuff like that inside so it doesn't blow away or anything I'm just really concerned about these two giant windows we have in our living room it's gonna be upwards of 80 miles per hour winds so if something flies this direction at that speed it could easily break this window open I really hope that it looks the same as it does when we come back and there's nothing to wrong with it all right I think we're headed out now we're gonna get her in her car seat more to go go to Texas all right hear him off say goodbye to our house see you later house see you later house she has no idea where we're going where are we going did you know we're going to Texas little Missy yeah did you know you were made in Texas all right let's go now looking forward to seeing the damage after we come back I think it'll be fine yeah let's go see you never the screen door and the hurricane is gonna be walking all around all right and so the road trip begins you ready to go a little miss let's go we're super hungry I don't know if I mentioned this before but my sister's coming with us to Texas we're taking two cars but we're gonna stay close behind each other so yeah we're gonna meet them for dinner and then you go to Texas it may be about to start storming but the sky is looking absolutely beautiful right now the calm before the storm we mean it's just some ass burger I'm so hungry I definitely need some food before this road trip starts hi fancy seeing you here panel all the way I'm gonna go get myself a panhandle I got me a Panhandle burger classic love it all right you too opinion all right smash was good as always and this begins our 11 hour road trip to Texas it's now 728 so we should get there around probably seven or eight with like stops and everything like that we have a half tank of gas so we need to get gas eventually sometime soon this is actually our first family road trip together as a family of three and I think me Landon's first road trip together where it's just like us we've always gone with my parents and stuff but this is our first like road trip as a family emergency evacuation that turned the first rally road trip and vacation Landon's driving and Colette is sleeping thank God we have a baby who actually likes the car a lot of babies hate the car but she literally loves it and she'll probably sleep through this whole entire road trip how you doing back there cut you're doing good all right so yeah we just plan on driving through the night making it there in the morning and then sleeping all day let me stop at the gas station we're definitely gonna get some Red Bulls and stuff like that they're really horrible for you but desperate times call for desperate measures so about 20 minutes later we are at Tom Thumb and we're gonna get us some snacks GIP a pee break for Landon I Pete at smash burger and obviously some gas pretty sure clot sleeping back there so we're going to take turns going inside [Music] alright I'm gonna go inside and get some snacks we are I got you tangerine flavor and I got me coconut flavor all right thank you we're all loaded up on snacks and gas it's time to officially get this road trip started we shouldn't have to stop for quite a while we just made it to Alabama officially out of Florida and officially out of the hurricane so that's good I am in the middle of watching Shane Dawson's series it's going really good and it's keeping me entertained is it keeping you entertained the blink road ahead of us so attaining right that was a good one ocean camera but they get off the stove all right only nine more hours or ten 9 or 10 more hours ish yay we're in Mobile Alabama right now and isn't this just the cutest little town Norma city yeah this is like the nearest big city so if we ever want to go to Ikea or Costco or anything like that we have to drive like two hours to mobile that's the one thing I miss about living in Dallas is just being in like a city and just having everything so close because in Destin there's not a lot of stuff there's not even a Panda Express there so kind of sad but you know it's worth it when you live right next to the beach except when it's hurricane a little tunnel tunnels obviously scared me kinda scared right now like my anxiety just raised right when we entered this town so addy just texted me and told me that if they want to stop and get some coffee and have another bath and break so we're gonna be stopping again real quick sure and they McDonald's drive-through right now and we're gonna get us some coffee and some nuggets some Nuggets we just ate I don't think they have chai lattes here it's gonna I need that I need to see their to montane don't have chai lattes they don't have they look at Jackson deciding wants to get em and number two with the fries on the side a large iced coffee and 20 Nuggets Colette is still asleep she's been asleep pretty much since we got on the road I think I'm gonna get a frothing yeah can I get a caramel Frappuccino okay can I get a iced coffee tell my uncle yeah anything else you want no and that should be it I'm so sad the frappe machine is down well that's tragic no Friday for me I guess but you're gonna get your iced coffee caramel why didn't you told him you shouldn't look good I don't know he's talking too fast okay price I wanted to get fries but he's like well it's the next one no he gave you a lot of time he said you got old should have take the chance when you have it did you get any snacks all your I have a lot of sexy Jess are you okay I packed a lot of snacks I'm a mom mom's always got the good snacks guess who just woke up did you have a good little nap you know we're still in the car yeah we're gonna be in the car for a long time nine more hours I think I'm just gonna stay back here with Colette and maybe get some sleep before it's my turn to drive she's probably going to be wanting a bottle soon would you like to eat you hungry hi guys welcome back I'm really hungry and I want a bottle okay I'll get you a bottle okay now Colette has a Baba antennas Ababa Coffee Baba right let's go back on the road and time for you to go back to sleep after this Baba okay you're gonna go back to sleep I'm gonna go to sleep oh that was a good little nap it is now midnight Alain ins filling up the gas tank right now I offered to switch with him and drive for a little bit but he said he's not feeling that tired yet and he doesn't want me to drive and honestly I don't blame him I'm not the best driver so he says around 3:00 a.m. he'll probably end up switching with me but yeah Colette is still sleeping like a rock right after that bottle she fell straight to bed so sweet road trips going pretty good so far we are listening to some podcasts trying to keep ourselves entertained and I'm just sitting here realizing that like I'm about to spend a week in Texas it's still just kind of setting in it's kind of crazy it was like one second we're just chillin at home the next second we're like driving to Texas and I really didn't think I'd be in Texas and for a long time after we left last time and I really don't want to be in Texas again don't get me wrong I'm not hating on Texas I just love being at my cozy little apartment with my whole family with the good weather in the beach right there but the weather's not that good right now so I guess it's a good thing we're going to Texas I don't know what's the weather like in Texas hey Siri what's the weather like in Dallas Texas okay here's the weather for Dallas Texas for today not bad at all it is 71 degrees that makes me a little bit more excited to be headed to Texas right now all right and we're back on the road so we're in Mississippi now and we're trying to find food we just exited and went to this McDonald's but it was closed so we're just gonna go to skocy she can get some snacks Landon's hungry I'm personally not that hungry and of course Collette is still sleeping she's snoring actually she's in a deep slumber are you locking the door so we don't get kidnapped sweet he's a keeper all right get me something you know I'd like okay did you really just say let me back in when I come back as if I wouldn't let him in he's back should I let him in sure so much beef jerky oh my god so Landon yeah chief jerky well they had like a bunch of different kinds so I just got one of everything okay you heard up first here folks were halfway to Texas we're in Louisiana right now and we have about five more hours till we get there this might just be me but I'm ready to crack open a red bull how about you I have my don't sippin on that coffee well I'm gonna put my red ball right now because I'm about to fall asleep just sitting right here so yeah I'm gonna go drink that ah it's 3:30 in the morning mm-hmm I've kind of just hit that point where I'm so tired that I'm not tired so from here it's just kind of waiting for the Sun to come up I'm waiting to get there we're at a gas station getting gas once again and I really need to be so I'm gonna be mm-hmm um Collette still sleeping like rock and what's your update how you doing let me guess Lena needs gas feels really good to just stretch my legs who literally have been sitting in this car for so long I'm starting to get really over it not too much longer than over halfway there I can see glutes little toes they're so cute little sleepy girls fuzzies literally sleeping so hard when she was in the NICU they're so much like beeping all the time and just crying babies it was just really loud in there and she spent the two first weeks of her life in there so I really think that made her really immune to like sounds around her when she's sleeping she can literally sleep through anything guys anything like if I honk this horn right now she would not wake up I'm not gonna test it because I would just be mean and weird to be honking in a gas station for no reason but I guess it's also weird to be talking to a camera for no reason here comes Landy all right on the road once again and we shouldn't have to stop for a while we only have four more hours so I'm thinking we'll be able to drive all the way through at this point yeah I just can't wait to be in a warm cozy bed but it sucks because Colette's been sleeping this well we haven't been sleeping so right when we get there Colette's gonna wake up and want attention so that really sucks for us we're probably gonna run on like no sleep tomorrow at least we're not in the middle of a hurricane huh so Landon said that we would be switching and I would be driving at around 3:00 well it's now 4:30 and if so other than let me drive am I really that bad of a driver honestly I wouldn't want me to drive either I'm happy to drive and take the load off for him there's literally no cruise control in this car so his foot it's probably killing him at this point he's literally and putting his foot on my gas pedal for several hours now and I feel bad and I want to drive but he won't let me because I'm a horrible driver he's probably gonna drive the whole way through right anyways the Sun is gonna be coming up pretty shortly it'll be another hour so but pretty shortly not too long we've officially made it to Texas soil you know how I can tell how Cameron the speed limits are so much faster here hi guys it is 644 and collectors woke up just probably and start asking for a bottle soon we are really really really close I think we're less than an hour away we're kind of like just entering Dallas so there's a lot more cars and a lot more traffic don't love that somebody must have been hungry finish that up so quickly hungry hungry girl at this point I'm just honestly so done with being in the car I never want to be in another car again in my life my legs are absolutely killing me my whole body is just kind of just picking we're not having a great time but we're so close to the finish line it's gonna pull through I just cannot wait so just lay down in a comfy bed I've never wanted to be in a bed more than I do right now come on talker 45 more minutes I think I can make it another 45 more minutes but not longer or like 10 minutes way now I really overhyped that sunrise didn't I it's really cloudy and there was never any sunrise they're still not even a Sun out at this point I mean I'm just delusional I am so tired that it's just I'm going crazy honestly like my brain just came in function right now like the second my head hits that pillow I'm going to be passed out but yeah we made it we usually made it back to Frisco Texas the made a terrible storm and that's really the most important thing it's been a crazy crazy 24 hours but we're safe Colette's safe we're all safe and I'm just glad that we get to see another day right guys Landon is such a trooper I'm so proud of him for driving all this way he really didn't have to but he wanted to want to drive the whole way because my driving is just that bad thank you guys for sticking along with us on this 11 hour journey thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video cam Aleen [Music]
Channel: Cam&Fam
Views: 3,708,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teen mom, teen mom vlogs, teen dad, teen parents, vlog, cam&fam, cam and fam, hurricane, hurricane michael, evacuating our home, evacuating our home for hurricane, high school, 16 and pregnant
Id: Xq0xDW23nWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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