15 Wilderness Bushcraft Skills For Surviving 100 Days Alone in the Wild | Brought to you by History

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it is said that there are four pillars of survival water fire food and shelter in this video I am going to show you how to effectively master these components and reveal some key skills that you might end up needing when out in the wilderness but before I do I have a question to ask you would you be willing to spend 100 days alone in the wilderness with just ten items ultimate challenge $1,000,000 would you be able to survive 100 days in the Arctic it's the biggest prize and alone history I make my man how hard can you work for ten thousand dollars a day with great reward hello premieres Thursday June 11th attend I would like to thank History Channel for sponsoring this episode of ta outdoors the new season of the epic survival series alone starts this Thursday 11th June at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time this year sees the biggest plot twist in the series history survive 100 days for 1 million dollars no one has ever lasted this long the series will take place in the Arctic where the survivalists will have to endure the brutally cold environment and the aggressive predators that roam this land see the link in the description for more information on the show water the number one resource we need to survive and probably the number one natural resource we take for granted the most at home we can access it through the town of attack but in the wilderness it might not be that easy there are many techniques you can use to locate and collect water sometimes a simple understanding of geography might be all that you need take this shot for example you will notice a valley with two steep sides this v-shaped valley was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago by glaciers carving their way through the softer Rock what it leaves behind is these valleys in the shape of a V at the base of these valleys there is a very high chance that you will find a river stream or some form of flowing water but how do you find water in areas where there is no fresh running rivers streams or lakes and the climate you are in is hot and arid if you have on you a plastic bag you can tie this around some leaves at the tip of branches on small trees and shrubs wait a few hours and the Sun will encourage evaporation to take this water vapor that comes out of the leaves will begin to condense and water droplets will begin to form on the inside of the bag in this example it is the beginning of June and the outdoor temperature is 24 degrees Celsius you can see that within 10 minutes of placing this bag on the leaves it is beginning to show condensation and just a few hours later you can begin to see water droplets forming on the inside of the bag although not much these might well be the vital few drops of water you need to survive if you have no container to collect water you can either use a tarp or even use any cloth type material such as ashemark hang it out in the rain and allow it to absorb water afterwards wring it out to collect the rainwater it will hold this water for a while so you can carry it with you as you move you can also make a wooden cup from a small log just split it into four sections carve a small notch in the bottom end of these sessions take out some of the wood on the inside with your knife and then lash all four pieces back together again you will now have a cavity on the inside of your cup which you can use to collect water water is the number one priority to staying alive in the wilderness it should be right up there at the top however in certain circumstances shelter may need to come first for example if you are caught out in the middle of a storm I have built a number of substantial bushcraft shelters over the years most of which are inspired by my ancestors that lived and occupied Britain hundreds of years ago I have got a Viking house with bark roof an anglo-saxon pit house built from pine with thatched water read as a roofing material as well as a turf roof viking shelter inspired by the icelandic vikings all of these are great but in a survival scenario they are far too time-consuming to build and as a result they'd burn many calories if there were no natural large rock formations to sleep under and if there were a plentiful supply of wood I would opt for a simple a-frame shelter to build an a-frame shelter you first need a ridge Pole you can either lash one stick to two other sticks which would involve the use of cordage or if you can you could find a natural Ridge Pole either from a tree that has fallen down and is wedged between other trees or by leaving a long log up against the fork in a tree or a rock it needs to be sturdy enough to hold your bodyweight best to test it out before building begins the next step is to place sticks against the ridge pole in this example I am building this shelter using my bare hands and no tools whatsoever to save energy and reduce the chance of getting an injury you can wedge sticks in between two trees and use this as a pivot point to help snap the sticks to size once the framework for the shelter is complete it's time to add more natural material to make it more waterproof and add insulation in this particular area I am surrounded by moss the reason it grows here is because the forest is dense with trees which prevents much sunlight from hitting the forest floor this allows moss to flourish and grow well in these conditions rather than rip the moss up in chunks you can actually roll it which keeps the root system intact and eventually will help it to continue to grow on the shelter Moss is a great insulator and it will help protect you from cold winds and rain however it will not make your shelter entirely waterproof this particular shelter was built in under an hour and it will last many months before it will begin to weaken a great short-term shelter it allows you a warm place to sleep so you can then focus on building a more permanent camp there are many different ways to light a fire fire has helped humans to survive for thousands of years and it is still used to this day in our everyday lives the ability to be able to light a fire in the wilderness is one of the most essential skills that you can have in a survival situation if you have a ferrocerium rod in your kit you can light so many different types of natural material one of the best and most effective pieces of natural material for this is the bar from a silver birch tree simply scrape the outer bark into small shavings shower it with sparks from your Ferro rod and it won't be long until you have a flame this can also be done in wet conditions when the bark is done one of the more traditional and aesthetic ways to light a fire is by using a piece of flint and a steel striker before the match was invented the flint and steel was the more common way to light fire flint is a hard sedimentary form of mineral quartz it has been used by our primitive ancestors to make cutting tools and arrow and spear heads if you strike the hard sharp edge of a piece of Flint against high carbon steel you get sparks if you catch these sparks onto a soft tinder either dry grass or perhaps man-made char cloth if you have some then the spark can be blown into a flame this traditional method of fire lighting is highly satisfying but it can be difficult in wet and windy conditions so what if you have no lighter matches flint and steel or ferrocerium rod how do you then light a fire the next method is primitive fire fire by friction a common friction fire lighting method is the bow drill using a thin stick as a spindle at another stick cut to a flat shape to make a half board you can begin to make your fire you will need another stick to make your bow using some cordage wrap this around both ends of your bow and attach it to your spindle by twisting it burning the board first with a few slow and consistent movements cut a small notch with your knife this is for collecting the dust that you will create once your hearth board is ready begin to work the bow and spindle back and forth increasing downward pressure as you do so when you start to see smoke don't stop keep going for a few more seconds and you should have yourself an ember allow this Ember to establish and then place it in a tinder bundle and blow it to flame getting the Ember is not the hard part getting the Ember turning into a flame can be tricky there are a few factors that you need to consider such as the type and dryness of the wood that you are using plus the climate and conditions that you are in practice it in humid conditions cold conditions and wet conditions but what if you have no cordage to make a total how do you then light a fire the hand drill is an even more rudimental form of a bow drill and it is much harder to master it still utilizes the same principles through friction heat and oxygen to help you get that flame it takes time and patience to learn this method but it is a key survival skill to know having the knowledge of where your food comes from and how it arrives on your dinner plate every day is something that we should all have a good understanding of the ability to harvest your own food from the wild is key to turning a survival situation into a comfortable thriving environment having a good foundation knowledge of basic wild edibles is a good place to start as you generally won't need any tools or equipment to gather them for example the humble stinging nettle Ithaca diosa despite its appearance and all-too-common stinging properties it's actually packed full of vitamin A vitamin C iron potassium manganese and calcium in its peak season nettle contains up to 25% protein dry weight which is high for a leafy green vegetable the leaves can also be dried and used to make a herbal tea it has been used to treat disorders of the kidney cardiovascular system influenza and gastrointestinal tract the stem of the plant contains bast fiber which can be used to make cordage there are many more uses for this plant however you cannot survive on Nettles alone at some point you will need to up the fat and protein content in your diet so that your body doesn't waste away the ability to catch fish by Rod online is not only hugely rewarding but it is also a key skill to have under your belt being able to read the water know the state of the tide what lure fly or bait to use what are the fish themselves actually eating knowing how to dispatch clean fill it and cook a fish will make your time in the world much more comfortable if you don't have access to a fishing rod you may need to use a more rudimental piece of equipment such as a hobo han line you can make a hand line by hollowing out a stick this particular one has been made on a pole lathe the beauty of the hand line is that it's compact and lightweight ideal if you need to travel long distances you can fill the hand line with either monofilament line braided line or even bank line if you hollow out the inside of the handle you can use it to store fishing hooks weights and lures once baited up it can be a little tricky to cast but if you keep the line taut and against the tip of your fingers you should be able to feel a fish bite when you do pull back hard to give a good hook set knowing how hard to play fish both on rod and line or with a hand line is also an important aspect of catching your own food another form of catching your own food is by net the gill net can be incredibly effective when placed in the right area but this is more of a passive fishing technique a drop net however can be a great way to catch crustaceans such as crab and lobster simply put some bait in the net making sure it is secure and drop it down to the seabed after 30 to 40 minutes pull the net up to check your bait or if you want to be more active with your foraging swim down and grab your crustacean direct from the net the benefit of this form of fishing and foraging is that you can drop multiple Nets across a wide area giving you a greater chance of catching fish if you have no man-made materials you can make traps from natural materials as the climate is fine or honeysuckle here is an example of one of these traps made by my friend Dustin from bushcraft tools but what if you have no man-made equipment or tools and you need to catch food fast for this you can actually use nothing but your bare hands crayfish like to live under rocks and boulders if the clarity of the water is good you can often spot them crawling around on the riverbed if you are quick you can pin them to the ground avoiding their pincers they taste incredible and you can either boil them or cook them directly over a fire when you combine all of these four pillars together that is when you can begin to thrive which leads on to the fifth and final pillar of survival and that is the ability to thrive once you have access to food fire water and shelter you can begin to make life more comfortable for yourself for example you can use bushcraft and wood craft to create tables chairs benches cooking grains pot hangers and much more this will help you to keep your mind occupied and it will allow you to focus on thriving in the environment that you are in thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed it please share it with your friends a big thanks also to History Channel for sponsoring this episode of ta outdoors don't miss all new episodes of alone Thursdays at 10:00 p.m. on History see you next time I think this year in the Arctic the conditions are going to be harsh and it's gonna be rough terrain this is the most extreme thing I've ever done but I'm very confident that I have what it takes to be the last person out there I'm gonna go a hundred days a hardship I think the Arctic is gonna provide some new challenges but the extreme conditions are gonna be no problem for me I hope to make you four out of that more than anything it would be a chance for me to simplify my life even further than I already have it's gonna be tough competition for sure but I feel good I feel ready hi everybody I'm gonna go a hundred days one of the great things about this show is there's no score it's really you in the land there's a reason that there's not cities built up here that people aren't running around all over the place it's mother nature at her finest and she's gonna keep what's hers I'm just ready to get out there make the most of it [Music] I've been fair old my whole life he's turned loose into the woods there's a little boy hunted fish trap pretty much lived outside for 30-something years how to live it it's not something I just do from time to time it's not something to play at I'm in it every day it's just my way of life it's the opportunity of a lifetime I have a nine-to-five job there's a decent mechanic I don't hate it but I would really be doing this all the time a million dollars would give me the freedom to continue living like I'm living probably indefinitely we basically mean SuperDuper early retirement you
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 598,123
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: survival, survival tips, wilderness survival tips, 20 survival tips, how to survive, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, bushcraft camp, bushcraft shelter, survival tips and tricks, wilderness survival, bear grylls, survival kit, survival skills, camping, camping tricks, camping tips, how to survive in the wild, primitive skills, primitive technology, 10 facts survival, ta outdoors, 15 survival tips, alone, alone tv series, alone in the wilderness, 100 days, 100 days alone
Id: 0cdQXp80pb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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