15 Ways To CHEAT In Fortnite

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there is so many ways players cheat in fortnite and while we don't condone cheating it happens a lot more than you think yeah it's about time we dive into these methods which disclaimer no longer work and are only for educational purposes so epic please don't hate us anyway let's get into some of the most broken ways players have cheated and fortnite don't forget to smash the like button or else this will happen to you i wouldn't risk it but on to the starbots guaranteed win glitch so there was an enormous glitch that took advantage of the bots around the map when season 4 first dropped while most people just saw these dudes as free loot or a good chance to squad up there were some players out there who seized an opportunity that really broke the game for a while and by that i mean they quickly discovered that the stark bots had a hidden secret something so powerful that it would mean anyone who used it would win a game of fortnite every single time so what was this mysterious bug and how did it work essentially if you went up to a down starkbot and hacked it all you had to do afterwards was straight up die yep these guys would stay alive the whole match and if you spectated them you'd share the win it's a really weird way to guarantee a win right i mean by killing yourself but honestly it worked the entire point of this was just glitch piggybacking off of other people's wins and so many players abused it to get hundreds of wins when season 4 initially dropped it got bad i mean players were sharing photos of them actually getting their season 4 victory umbrella just from this glitch but of course like most glitches it was patched shortly after coming in at number 14 we have landing without pulling a glider even for those of us who have been playing fortnite for years we've been practicing how to get the perfect landing every single game i mean sometimes you just dive straight for water some of us will try deploying from far away like me i just send it although there are players out there who have truly conquered landing on the fortnite island and it's not because of some hidden glider technique in fact it's more about not using a glider at all that's right and this glitch hasn't just been around recently it's existed many times throughout the years recently though some players discovered that some very random places like holly hedges or slurpee swamp would just let you land without ever deploying your glider you would just smack bang right on the island and boom you're there way before anyone would land unfortunately this glitch allowed so many people to get down on the island faster than literally anyone else they grab up enough loot to dominate an entire poi before literally like i said you would even land it was extremely broken but it's not even the worst thing that happened at slurpy swamps if you think that landing there first was bad just wait until you hear about number thirteen the slurpy swamp's guaranteed wing glitch probably one of the most famous glitches of the entirety of chapter two took place over at slurpee swamps everyone underground has either tried or heard of this one with streamers and youtubers all trying it out if you haven't seen it then allow me to show you this ridiculous bug over at slippery swamps there is of course the river of slurp juice that just straight up heals you for health and shield whenever you step foot in it cool and all but then earlier in chapter 2 players began to experiment a bit with this thing and after messing around for a few days some cheaters actually noticed that if you built walls around the stream you were able to just sit there in the storm until well everyone died it was almost an easier win than the starkbot glitch and it's not the only way people have used this stream for a guaranteed win even back in season 11 people would squad up and just fish for the entire game until the storm came then they just keep eating fish over and over again until the victory royale was theirs the infamous slurpee swamps river has really been a thorn in the side for pro players and those of us who hate cheaters so thank epic it's patched coming in at number 12 we have the sky barrier tropic glitch for unlimited wins again admit it every time we built a sky base or try to get as high as possible we've always wondered if we could break the sky barrier i mean we do it in every game by gta or minecraft so in fortnite breaking the sky barrier is just another thing players have tried to do and this is where i tell you they actually did it earlier in chapter 2 cheaters would grab a choppa with their teammates and fly as high as possible then when the final circle came they would pull out their mythic grappler and yeah all it took was a few grapples onto the helicopter to get it to glitch to the sky barrier and actually fly directly above the storm and because of this they completely would avoid the storm's damage sit above the island and watching peacefully while everyone dies below them i mean it was stupid easy to get dubs especially when those of us in the final circles simply didn't even know where the final team was spoiler they were 500 meters in the sky oh well but even sitting in a sky barrier isn't as frustrating and game breaking as this next glitch buckle up because it's time we show you number 11 the invisibility glitches if you went to literally anyone who plays fortnite and you ask them a simple question most of them will give you the same answer and that question is what's the most frustrating glitch ever in fortnite most players will probably tell you that it's the invisibility glitch it's super annoying and happens way more than you think people could easily find exploits that let them turn invisible and just dominate the island as a ghost the most popular method for this glitch was when shadow stones existed remember those things yeah i could never tell if these things were either great or useless but anyway the only real thing they contributed was getting disabled because of this very glitch so basically if you down yourself in the middle of eating a shadow stone or however you consume it the game would straight up make you invisible then a teammate picks you up and you could roam the map as a literal ghost with guns i mean think about dying to a floating gun i'd be salty although it doesn't mean that more ways to turn invisible won't appear soon because it always comes back coming in at number 10 we have the double harvesting speed glitch there were a few methods people used to double your pickaxe speed back in chapter one and when you see it in action it kind of looks a little intimidating not gonna lie players would use animation cancelling by swapping weapons or using an emote between each pickaxe swing this would literally allow them to straight up my materials at double the speed while it looks really complicated it's honestly just swapping to another item and back to your pickaxe it would just cancel the swinging animation and makes the process so much faster but of course it's patched now but even after it was patched people just moved on to another method as usual while we're talking about bugs that never go away that leads us on to number nine under the map glitches okay under the map glitches have literally existed forever i mean since the dawn of time and they do in every game but fortnite really takes the cake for getting under the map i mean when is someone not hiding underneath a river or glitching the way inside a mountain it's all the time the worst ones are the glitches where cheaters will just find their way underneath fortnite's island and still be able to shoot people above those ones are frustrating exploits and although epic is getting faster and faster patching them it will never stop more of them popping up and while under the map glitches are really not that original anymore here's a glitch that might give you some nostalgia number eight riff-to-go shotgun eliminations so back when riptogos were a thing one of the craziest and most broken glitches in fortnite history made its way across social media and youtube even pro players began to exploit it which as you can imagine it wasn't good basically rift-a-go's became a free kill for anyone who got their hands on one players would just have to run up to someone rip them with the item and then pull out their shotgun and spam the trigger most of the time it would guarantee you a very easy mid-air kill i mean think about it in competitive modes this thing was super broken and so many competitive players exploited it i could only imagine the amount of salt but even this probably didn't make pro players as mad as number 7 shooting through walls glitch so back in the day there was a pretty broken exploit that you didn't even need to do yourself it was just broken on its own essentially if an enemy had their body or even just a part of their gun poking outside of a build consider yourself someone with a free kill all you had to do shoot the gun or their body as a poke through the wall and you could get free damage or even a kill while a lot of the exploits in this list had methods to them this glitch just worked on its own and players who didn't even mean to do it ended up cheating accidentally but the chaos doesn't even end there let's jump to the future and talk about something all players in season 4 were annoyed about and that is number six the group baller glitch gorge baller this season has been the source of some pretty ridiculous clips plays and accidents and it's all because of a notorious game-breaking bug that players took advantage of like crazy if you equipped your baller when stood next to an enemy or teammate it would literally just teleport them to the other side of the map no joke sometimes it would just throw people into the ocean or a storm and like i said easy kill i'm not even joking people are doing this with the final player and boom guaranteed win pretty broken right well not as broken as this og glitch number five the og crouch peeking i don't know if any of you remember this but over two years ago a massive part of the meta was this glitch that allowed players to just straight up shoot people through builds without being seen while most of us peek from our builds this bug just allowed you to shoot straight through them believe it or not it was actually tifu who introduced this glitch and crouch-peeking to the community before epic went on to balance it out it's a pretty og glitch and actually comes back every so often but epic always stays on top of it whenever it makes its way back into the game coming in at number 4 we have the unlimited floppers and items glitch with floppers being such a big part of chapter 2 it's no surprise that cheaters would find ways to get an inhuman amount of them the most ridiculous way to do this was when people would use a duplication glitch to just grab fat stacks of fish then you just keep eating them in the storm forever i mean at this point is it even worth it like i don't know while boring wins like this might not be fun i can see how cheaters might find this next glitch very helpful and that is number three the unlimited xp glitches so if you want to get straight up banned from fortnite an unlimited xp glitch is probably the fastest way to do it aside from straight up aimbot new ways to get unlimited xp are found pretty much every update but i'll show you how people have done in the past and just to point out we don't actually support anyone doing these glitches because one i mean you can't even do it anymore and two i don't want epic to hate me but anyway there have been some wild ways to get unlimited xp before but even recently there was a magic cabbage i'm not even joking it's a magic freaking cabbage for some reason in the one-shot ltm there was just this cabbage that would let you farm xp i mean pun intended by the way who would have thought that your mom was right about eating vegetables regardless a magic cabbage is nowhere near as broken as number two the god mode and invincibility glitches like xb glitches or under the map bugs new ways to get god mode are found pretty much every season people will always end up finding a way to break the game and recently it's been by downing themselves in a whirlpool and spamming interact on one of the teleporters while getting revived apparently this gobbo glitch allows you to become completely invisible to other players and it's quite unfair to come up against being real i mean imagine doing everything right in your game just to lose to someone you can't even see it's not even a crazy or chaotic glitch and while we're on the topic of chaotic glitches you're gonna pray you never come across our number one spot we really saved the worst for last with number one the destroy everything glitch yeah in the past there was this glitch with the zip lines and quad crashers that gave you the ability to break anything and everything you walked in the vicinity of it made you a walking explosive that went off every two seconds i mean just look at the chaos of this you walk into a house 10 seconds later the entire area is empty it also let you phase under the map because we could i guess we can never get enough doing that can't we so yeah this is probably one of the most chaotic bugs we've ever seen today click on screen right now to check out our next video this has been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming [Music]
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 3,316,616
Rating: 4.9209142 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, 15 Ways To CHEAT In Fortnite, fortnite season 4, fortnite cheaters, fortnite cheat, fortnite glitches, fortnite season 4 cheaters, fortnite season 4 cheats, fortnite cheats, fortnite new update, fortnite ways to cheat, ways to cheat in fortnite, new update fortnite, fortnite update, fortnite season 4 updates, battle royale, season 4, new, update, video
Id: lLnVOO696Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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