15 SECRET Fortnite SEASON 4 MYTHS Busted!

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clickbait has been absolutely insane in fortnite season four and while our videos sometimes pushed a line at least we're not pretending thanos's gauntlet is a real weapon this season or how about the myth that if you boogie bomb a shark it starts dancing and looking absolutely hilarious these are 15 fortnight myths that we're about to put to the test and if you don't like this video in the next five seconds the live event this season will get delayed or some something like that i don't know anyways on to our first myth if you kill midas as mystique will you get his golden gun ability so mystique is one of the most interesting skins in fortnite because if you didn't know her built-in emote lets you disguise yourself as the last player you killed basically you steal their skin it's so cool but here's the thing we wanted to put this to the test and see how far this actually goes i was thinking stuff outside the box and we came up with the idea if we killed the golden midas and took his skin would we also take his abilities because like you guys know players who have the gold and mida skin equipped always get an inventory full of gold camo guns so will it work as mystique well a jumped in game tried it for myself and yes it does indeed work looks like midas isn't dead after all confirmed 100 oh my god well anyways yeah myth confirmed can you rocket ride dr dooms arcane gauntlets alright so it's pretty much become tradition nowadays in fortnite to try and rocket ride like every single item that comes out back in season 3 we tried rocket riding a flare gun and cha ching ba bing it worked also i don't know what that means but it kind of sounded like it fit there anyway we even found out you could rocket ride mini shields so of course the myth for season four is that you can apparently rocket ride dr dooms arcane gauntlets sounds like a stretch i mean after all they work very differently from something you could throw or shoot from a gun the myth says that you must have a friend stand in front of you on a ramp and jump as you fire the gauntlet at them pretty much the exact same as a regular rocket ride so naturally we set to work to try and get it to happen jumping in a match and trying over and over again i mean we even attempted it for an entire game but it just wasn't working for us we were on the verge of busting this myth but we turned to the internet and found sore john boy finally figuring out confirming this myth as real does the midas flopper exist right now in season four so the next myth is that there is an acclaimed fish in the game right now that nobody has caught yet it's called midas flopper and this thing apparently makes your entire inventory full of legendary weapons and items we already know from leaks and data miners that this fish is indeed real but the myth is that you can catch the midas flop right now in game yet there are literally zero clips on social media of anyone actually catching the midas fish not one except for dante but that's just the fish being messed with in the game files to look like the midas fish so you ain't gonna fool us sir but just to make sure we tried and tried and tried probably like for like two hours no luck all you could find instead is the brand new legendary vendetta fish that dropped in the 14.10 update so although while the midas fish isn't in game it's currently in the files with a spawn rate of zero percent which means epic can activate it at any time but right now though this myth is busted can you lure henchmen into the rifts the best thing about riffs returning with season 4 is that we could finally begin experimenting with them again so for the next myth we have one that claims you could actually lure henchmen and stark robots into a nearby rift it doesn't say what happens or if you could kill them with it so we booted up a game try it ourselves so we gathered a stark robot and made it follow us until we made it to the rift in accordance with the myth it did indeed go straight through although we decided to follow it through the rift and well this happened so yeah they just fall down super slow and don't deploy a glider i mean they don't even take fall damage so yeah this myth has been confirmed can you save your down teammates with a rift alright so an insane strategy that people have been using since chapter 2 began was picking up your down teammate at steamy stacks and using the big chimney boys to escape the fight and glide away while still carrying them but because we haven't had rifts all chapter and carrying teammates didn't exactly exist in chapter one season four is the first opportunity we've gotten to try something that wasn't a chimney so what happens if you pick up your teammate and go through a rift well for starters you can't actually eat a player through the rift as they'll just pass right through so mr top five gaming editor man please big red x on screen with annoying buzz that one's busted well you can actually walk through a rift while carrying a player on your back and i'll take them with you for an easy glide away to safety so no more worrying about where to go just look around for a rift and if you can't find one well i guess have fun hitting the q button again this is definitely not a myth so consider it confirmed can you breach the sky barrier with a porto ford i looked away riffs aren't the only new addition in season four as an old friend has been evolted the portafort this thing is finally back in the loop pool and you know what that means myth busting time this time around the myth is that you can apparently breach the sky barrier with a portafort you do this by building all the way up to the barrier itself and when you can't build any higher just get out your portafort and throw it down on your build we went and tried this and it completely disappeared like it never existed the port of fort just breaks and vanishes as fast as it is created so unfortunately epic considered this when bringing it back and made it so no you cannot break the sky barrier with a portafort this myth stays a myth busted will stark robots protect you from doom henchmen with the new stark robots for season four making their way into our lives it's time to wonder what would happen if you mix them with the henchmen at doom's domain previous ai enemies like the stormtroopers and the marauders were different to the starkbots in one specific way you probably know by now but you can actually hack the starkbots and make them join your team so what do we do with this information well this next myth claims that stark robots will actually protect you from doom's henchmen i had to try it for myself so we took three hacked bots all the way across the map over to doom's domain and let ourselves get attacked by the henchmen what happened unsurprisingly the hacked bots began to fight the other ai battle of the bots but yeah myth confirmed can you fish with thor's hammer yeah with season four one of the most frustrating things about the season so far was that you could go to one of the fishing spots and blow it up like i said you could use a crash pad boat shock wave gauntlets i mean anything and it would give you a ton of rare and epic rarity fish you could just abuse this and get all the fish you need in 30 seconds so if it works with all those items why not the new mythic items good question so we went to go and answer it we got thor's mjolnir strike and went to a fishing spot naturally we threw down the spike straight on the spot and it just didn't work unfortunately this myth is busted however in testing we learned you can use iron man's repulsors on his gauntlets to fish and it works like a charm so keep that in mind although i will give you a tip with the fishing nerf you could only get tin cans and small fries from these spots now so it's back to the booty loop can you combo iron man's gauntlets with crash pads to go friggin flying so yeah there's a myth going around that iron man's repulsors can actually combo with crash pads in an insane way the myth claims that if you throw a crash pad down and then use iron man's repulsors to float down onto it you'll fly a ridiculously far distance so we went into a custom lobby got the repulsors got some crash pads tried to do the trick surprisingly it works incredibly well and is really easy to do so consider this myth confirmed in epic games please don't patch this it's such a fun trick and useful can you blow up a fishing hole with a gas canister alright similar to the other myth that claims you could fish with thor's hammer this myth says that you could throw a gas can into the water shoot it and it gives you the same effect although like that thor hammer myth we tried this one over and over with different timing unfortunately it does not work and your fishing hole will not give you any items like the other one consider this busted will gas cans explode if they're empty all right while we're on the topic of gas cans this myth claims that when you empty out a gas can it will still be explosive but there's no gas in it now fortnite was realistic then it probably wouldn't let you blow up an empty gas can but we're playing fortnite so here i find myself doing it for some reason anyway if you're trying to already guess what happens and you guessed that it exploded you're 100 right even if the gas can is empty it still explodes when you shoot it this myth has been confirmed and fortnite has been confirmed unrealistic can you boogie bomb groot's ball or silver surfer's board with season 4 boogie bombs are more annoying and yet more useful than ever now you can actually get people thrown outside their cars and choppas by hitting them with a boogie bomb but this theory states that you could do the same thing for mythic items too like groot's baller or silver surfer's board so we tried a boogie bomb on the group ball and it gave the same effect as throwing it at a car thrown out of the ball and began dancing we also tried it on the silver surfer board and instead of making them dance or glide it makes them fall right off the board pretty cool like the other ones confirm can you use henchmen chests as mystique so while you can't steal midas ability as mystique it also begs the question can you get the henchman disguise abilities without even disguising it killed the henchmen and impersonated them as mystique and here's what we found so no you can't open henchmen chest doors or anything like that as mystique other henchmen will also still notice you as a player although you might trick other players into thinking you're a henchman still i mean think about it considering epic games is against pay to win skins makes sense that the myth is busted but we're gonna have to have a conversation with laser beam on that pay to win skins thing because he's been up to some stuff can you boogie bomb a shark so you could boogie bomb cars choppas mythic abilities and more and yes i have been having a lot of fun doing that but there's one thing new to chapter two which also might be able to get boogie bombed the sharks these guys don't have arms or legs so they can't dance but maybe boogie bombing them will do something i don't know we tried it and this happens so yeah the shark just stalls out and will stop attacking you for a couple seconds so it's a valid way to escape a shark if you're on low health and have nobility but man i mean come on epic games i was expecting a dancing shark disappointingly this myth is confirmed and our final myth will the thanos gauntlet from endgame become a mythic weapon so with all the new mythic abilities coming into the game including iron man's repulsors cap shield coming a lot of people are saying that the thanos gauntlet might be returning to the game considering it was a part of the game once and were in a marvel season people would love to see it return however with this theme being about galactus there is zero evidence in the game files to suggest it's returning this myth is of course busted but what's not busted is you clicking on screen right now to check out this awesome video of course it's been tommy and you're watching top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 5,558,692
Rating: 4.9107122 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite season 4, 15 SECRET Fortnite SEASON 4 MYTHS Busted!, fortnite myths, fortnite mythbusters, fortnite myths busted, fortnite season 4 myths, fortnite new myths, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite new update, fortnite update, fortnite secrets, fortnite season 4 secrets, fortnite season 4 secret myths, fortnite myth chasers, fortnite mysteries, fortnite, battle royale, season 4, new, video
Id: 1Ywc1fDf-vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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