15 Strangest Creatures Recently Discovered!

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with such a variety of animals on our planet is perhaps no surprise that researchers are continuously discovering new ones you never quite know what's gonna be announced next and sometimes they're beyond belief but that said let's take a look at 15 of the strangest creatures that have recently been discovered like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bill right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you sleep in number 15 ocean sunfish ocean sunfish also known as molar mola one of the largest bony fish species on earth when fully grown they can weigh anything between 554 and 2,205 pounds and are on average around 6 feet long their bulk is made up in their width and height though with some specimens measuring ten and a half feet tall and eight feet two from fin to fin they can be found in warmer ocean waters around the world where they hunt their diet of jelly squid and crustaceans they can swim across the various levels of the ocean and have been found ranging between the surface and the sea floor apart from their unusual looking incredible size one of the most amazing things about this species is that they produce more eggs than any other vertebrate that we know of and can release as many as 300 million at once of course this reflects the low chances they have of reaching maturity as when they're small they don't have the same defensive bulk as the adults because of this size when fully grown they have very few natural predators but are commonly targeted by sea lions killer whales sharks and humans time for the rare topic we found these images that were recently taken by a research team working in South America and as you can see they found something quite extraordinary about four feet tall this creature hasn't yet been given an official name but it looks like something that's come straight out of a fantasy movie almost human like in appearance it has extremely long hands and feet and ears that appear to be perfectly adapted to hearing sounds across vast distances in the jungle what do you think it is and if this is a new species what would you call it remember to comment down below with the hashtag hashtag career topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number fourteen glossy onethis Dyneema the deep ocean is a mysterious place that we are only just starting to learn far more about our Arthur will through a chemical process known as bioluminescence in this world which is flooded with darkness because sunlight can't penetrate that far down and the various species have developed ingenious techniques for survival food is scarce and predators have to take every opportunity they can for a meal and one of the most famous types of adaptations is a bioluminescent lure one of the more recent species to be discovered that uses one of these is the lassi Ignatius Dyneema it's a type of Wolf Trap anglerfish that dangles a light in front of its head to attract other fish those that fall for the trap swim almost directly into its mouth and all it needs to do is bite at the right time this species lives in the northern Gulf of Mexico at depths of between three and five thousand feet what may surprise you is the difference in size of males and females of all the angler fish species the ones we see images of are the females because the males are much much smaller than so much so than when it's time to mate they're actually absorbed into the female's body and they use as an extra source of nutrition number 13 Atlas chicken monster at first you might be skeptical to hear when animal has been given a Latin name that literally translates to mean the headless chicken monster but everything becomes clear once you actually see it the species was first seen in 2018 during an underwater dive by a Rover from a team of Australian researchers who were exploring the ecosystem in this southern ocean just off the coast of Antarctica amongst various species they'd seen before this one suddenly appeared and has been identified as a type of deep sea cucumber it uses its wing-like fins to swim through the water and in the video the strange red creature was seen searching the seabed with its tentacles species like this feed on small particles like algate and can cover large areas every day in their quest for food apart from its appearance which does indeed look like a chicken without a head this species has an adaptation that hasn't been seen in a siege comer before while they spent most of their lives at the bottom of the ocean these ones are actually able to use their fins to swim upwards which suggests they're also able to harvest food from the water column headless chicken monsters have only ever been seen two times with the other being in the Gulf of Mexico so it's not quite clear yet quite how widespread they are number 12 Wallace's giant B while we've known about Wallace's giant B for a long time haven't been named after a researcher called Wallace who first described them in 1858 they had long been thought to be extinct until a recent discovery there the largest known B species in the world and the females can grow to be one and a half inches long with an open wingspan of up to two and a half inches their black resin bees which means they don't live in the large communities more commonly associated with honey bees instead they're thought to take over termite nests inside trees and use tree resin to further reinforce the walls for protection there are only three islands in the world where they are known to have existed all of which are in Indonesia because of their life cycles and the remoteness of where they live very little is known about their distribution or how many of them that there are but to give an idea of how elusive these giant bees are there have only been four sightings in the past 40 years one in 1981 two in 2018 and one in 2019 for the first time a living female was recorded on video number 11 giant squids and for hundreds of years seafarers have told tales of huge monsters that live in the open oceans just look at ancient maps and you'll see they're decorated with warnings of what may lurk in the depths but for a long time people thought they were just the insane rambling tales of people who'd spent too long away from dry land more recently however it's been discovered that there's a phenomenon called deep-sea gigantism that means for some reason certain species that live at great depths are able to grow to unbelievable sizes one of these is the giant squid and while we've known a lot about them for a long time because of carcasses that have washed up on shore it was only recently than a living specimen has been seen in its natural environment they have the biggest eyes of any known animal and are thought to be able to grow to up to four three feet long that tentacles are used to wrap around prey and suffocated in a similar way to how constrictor snakes do and then pull the food towards their sharp beaks Japanese researchers managed to capture the first video footage of a giant squid in 2004 and in 2019 the first one in US waters was also recorded their remains debate about how prevalent these creatures truly are throughout the ocean and how many different species there might be but with improving technology we might soon find out number 10 pod nose rat these cute animals are called hog-nosed rats and it's only recently in 2015 that researchers discovered them on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia the only place on the island where have been seen is on the slopes of Mount Baker where the rodents furries for earthworms and beetles to find food in this environment they've developed specific adaptations the most obvious is their noses which help them smell the best places to dig and their front feet are perfect for pulling the earth aside to see what's below and usually for rats their sizes particularly long something that's believed to have developed so they can puncture their prey and pull it from the ground and for some reason they have much longer pubic hair than any other known rat their jaws however aren't as powerful as those of other related species which is probably because worms and beetle larvae don't require force for chewing as a recently discovered species it's not yet clear how many there are or whether they live on other parts of the island too animals that are confined to one specific location are at a much higher risk of rapid population decline due to environmental or human causes so researchers are trying to determine whether they should be classified as being at risk of extinction number 9 neo pal / Donald Trump has such powerful and influential people presidents often have streets schools and warships named after him but biologists also like to name newly discovered animals in their honor - and it's been no different for Donald Trump meet the neo pal / Donald Trump eye a species of moth that was discovered in Southern California and northern Mexico in 2017 the thing that makes it stand out from other near powerful moths is the yellowish white color of its head scales and this is why it seemed obvious to name it after the president the scientists who chose the name admitted he had another motive to doing so brought attention to the species and helped highlight how important it is to protect fragile habitats around the world than the old pal / Donald Trump ire is particularly susceptible to urbanization because of the regions where they're found and it's possible they won't be around for much longer the moths are no more than a few inches long but their antennae extend beyond this and are themselves about two-thirds the length of their wings both males and females look very similar to each other but for some reason their reproductive organs are much smaller than in other comparable species number eight see toes see toes are a type of deep-sea anglerfish that live in the waters of the Atlantic Indian and Pacific Oceans at depths of around 8,000 feet their bizarre-looking creatures with large transparent bulbous bodies short tails and they're covered in small spiny scales they believe to grow to a maximum size of around 12 inches long and have a unique adaptation to their gills that means they can inhale large amounts of water which results in their body size increasing by almost a third this is a useful defensive technique because it makes any potential predators think twice about attacking like all angler fish one of their dorsal fins has a bioluminescent lawn and it hangs in front of their mouths to attract prey and their other fins resemble legs with these they appear to walk across the seabed and in some videos seem to stand still on one leg in the silt almost like a flamingo with these adaptations to their fins they aren't very good swimmers and have been seen using their legs to help traverse the environment and escape from danger we've still got far more to learn about them and researchers think they're far more unusual creatures like this still waiting to be found number seven sail Fila tsujimoto most plant species in the world feed themselves by photosynthesis where they absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide to convert into energy that's why they have green leaves because only green wavelengths of light are useful for this process there are however some species of plants that aren't able to harness the sun's rays let the recently discovered SIA Fila tsujimoto which uses an entirely different method altogether found on ishigaki island in Japan where they've developed in isolation from the rest of the world they are what's known as micro heterotrophic plants which means that they've developed a symbiotic relationship with the type of fungus they share nutrients between each other with the fungus responsible for extracting the nutrients from the environment and the SIA Furler tsujimoto helping to prevent any other plants from growing nearby that would compete for resources they also provide the color for the tracks animals and insects which transport the pollen and seeds to different parts of the island so new plants and fungi can grow it's the perfect example of two species working together in harmony and without each other it would be much more difficult for them to thrive number six cave dwelling beetle caves are some of the best places to explore if you want to find a new species as the dark and dingy environment provides plenty of hiding places that previous researchers may have overlooked one recent discovery was the cave dwelling beetle whose scientific name is Shu deities felis and is only found in duan in the Chinese province of Guangxi it has been described as being the most extremely cave adapted technique ever to have been found and it's perfectly suited to its surroundings no light enters the cave where they live so they have no ice but they also haven't got any wings or pigmentation they have thin bodies that are up to 1/3 of an inch long and a 20th of an inch wide and could be easily identified by their yellowish brown color and the shiny head as there are species only recently known to science are because it's difficult to observe them in their natural environment it's not yet known how they hunt for food or even what they like to eat they're thought to scavenge from micro plant particles in the cave but it's also possible they eat creatures that are smaller than themselves - number 5 tardigrades tardigrades are one of the most unbelievable known species on earth and even though they were first discovered in the 18th century we're only just learning how special of these microscopic animals they grow to a maximum size of one fiftieth of an inch long and a plump with four pairs of legs and with claws or sucking discs they are around 1,300 different known tardigrade species but each of them possess similar capabilities the reason why they're so important to science is that they can adapt and survive to any environment and that they placed it it doesn't matter how hot or cold they are they can survive extreme radiation extreme pressures and a complete lack of air or food just one of these would be enough to kill virtually any other known animal but tardigrades can form a shell around themselves and re-emerge when things are safe again normally they're found in water or on lichens and mosses and where communities live they exist in huge numbers one liter of water can contain as many as 25,000 individuals and they eat exclusively plants or bacteria tardigrades have been around for hundreds of millions of years and have survived through all five of the known extinction events that have devastated the planet it's hoped that by learning more about them we can find ways to help protect ourselves in extreme environments with a particular focus on how to stay healthy during long-term space flights number four the rock toads gret a beetle this is the neural optos Greta beetle a species that was first collected in Kenya during the 1960's was of his presence but was only recently uncovered in a museum's collection and was officially named and recognized in 2019 their pale yellow and golden colour and are no more than three one hundredths of an inch long they're so tiny that the original collection of them is thought to be the only time they've ever been seen and is also why they're so easily lost within the museum's archives this species has no eyes or wings and can be told apart from other similar beetles because of the telltale pit that can be found on its face where the eyes would normally be they live in lead litter and soil where they can look for fungus and spores to feed on something which is made easier by the sensitive antennae these structures are often said to resemble ponytails and this is why the beetle was given the name the rock toads Greta after Greta Sundberg the influential teenage environmental campaigner who wears her hair in a similar way number three Laurie dia colonized spider there are three species of Laura dia spiders the Laura dia and new lights the Laura dia kalenna and Mallory dia the CAHSEE all named after the guitarist and lead singer for The Velvet Underground Lou Reed because they're a type of velvet spider that you guessed it live underground found in Andalusia and the southern coast of Spain they live in hills and mountainous terrain alike The Velvet spiders that live above ground they have some unusual characteristics the first is that they've been found to work in communities and assist each other with rearing the young they have an almost unheard-of maternal instinct for spiders and literally sacrificed themselves for their young unlike many other species of spiders that have even been seen to eat their own hatchlings the mother of the species however begin to liquefy their own internal organs to provide food for the spider links and continues to do so until she has no more to give once this happens the young will eat the rest of her body - and only then will they go out into the wider world number 2 leaf-tailed gecko there are hundreds of different types of species of lizards and geckos around the world but there's one island where they've evolved separately to everywhere else's and is home to countless unique species Madagascar hardly a year goes by without the announcement of an incredible new find and 2019 was a particularly special year with the revelation of a new species of a leaf-tailed gecko found exclusively in the ankarana special reserve they look quite similar to other leave tail geckos but have some noticeable differences their tails for example are quite a bit longer and they have smooth skin on their backs at first researchers just thought they'd found an unusual specimen of a different species but after finding several more they realized that they stumbled across a whole new one one of the other things that makes them different is the coloration on the insides of their mouths other species have mouths that a totally black but this new one has red patches now officially named the euro plateau sexy which means slide because of their hiding techniques work is now underway to find out how far ranging they are and whether they're facing any threats number one mobile cops Superbird birds-of-paradise er some of the most stunning and unique looking birds in the world found across New Guinea and eastern Australia there were 41 known species until 2018 when one that was originally classified as a subspecies was officially elevated to being recognized as a species in its own right now known to be distinctly different from the very similar-looking superb bird-of-paradise these ones are called vogel birds of paradise and live in the mountains of the birds neck peninsula in western New Guinea amazingly they have plumage that's a deep shade of black that they absorb 99% of the light that shines onto them but as you'll see from these images this darkness is offset by turquoise blue feathers to play a particularly important role in their mating ritual birds of paradise are renowned for their odd dances and courtship routines and this species is no different in fact the way that they hop around is so different from other birds and that is one of the reasons researchers started to realize that they were their own species in the first place which of these are you most amazed by and are there any that you'd want to have as a pet make sure to let us know in the comment section also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 2,419,564
Rating: 4.7642193 out of 5
Keywords: Mysterious Creatures, New Species, Mysterious Creature, Most Mysterious, Discovered, Animals, Creatures, Discovery, Mysterious, Amazing, Facts, Unexplained, Unbelievable, Science, Strange, Discoveries, Creature, Viral, Strange Creatures, Creatures Caught, Animal, Recently Discovered, Sea Creature, Species, Strange Animals, Rare, Extinct Animals, Animals Discovered, Education, Animal Kingdom, Discovered Animals, Newly Discovered, Discovered Fish, Strangest, Rarest Animals, Real, New Animal Species
Id: RHRrpr0O2gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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