15 Powerful Abilities You Didn't Know Scarlet Witch Has

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i know wanda's terrifying but i still say the lady who yelled at me for breaking her window with a baseball when i was a kid takes the top prize for scariest suburban mom believed by many to be the most powerful being in the mcu at this very moment wanda maximoff is the definition of a bag of tricks i'd like you to meet the scarlet witch sorry loki strange the ancient one frigga and that red sorcerer guy who goes on adventures with sylvester stallone but your magical abilities are child's play compared to the scarlet witch we've seen several of her abilities already on display in the mcu taking down powerhouses like tony stark the hulk and thanos however wanda has several abilities you may not be aware of let's check some of them out right now if i could choose to have any one power i genuinely think the one that would make my life improve the most is the ability to teleport hello exotic vacation every weekend in the mcu we have seen wanda maximoff's preferred way of travel evolved from concussive blasts that just propel her through the air all the way up to fully controlled flight in the comics however she has gone one step further and gained the ability to magically teleport herself anywhere in the blink of an eye this is incredible power that a character like cloak thought made them special essentially wanda has a built-in sling ring if peter had gone to wanda for health instead of steven strange she never would have gotten trapped in the mirror dimension because she has the capability of bringing herself back all on her own of all the things wanda can do adding this one to the list is really just unfair oh wanda has the power of the space stone without actually needing the stone in the form of her teleportation it stands to reason that some other infinity stone powers would surface themselves within her as well who needs the ether when you have wanda maximoff the scarlet witch on several occasions has shown the ability to completely rewrite reality most recently this came in the form of the westview incident you remember when wanda completely transformed a new jersey suburb into her own personal sitcom so she could live out her fantasy life with her deceased android boyfriend and manifest kids from thin air ah the good old days the hex was not the only time wanda displayed this ability and each time it is an impressive feat of power the ether was capable of bringing the world to total darkness or creating an entirely different landscape than the one before you these are things that the scarlet witch could do in her sleep yes dear you may remember a certain conversation between wanda and agatha harkness in the final episode of wandavision when agatha mentioned a little thing known as chaos magic this is chaos magic wand this is a wildly powerful and nearly uncontrollable form of magic that gives the user an absurd amount of abilities this is something that puts wanda on a whole other level from any other type of sorcerer in the marvel universe the origin of wanda's chaos magic has changed from time to time but originally it is said that she was marked by the demon cathon when she was a child imbuing her with this incredible power from a very young age more recently it was said that wanda's chaos magic is more cosmic and origin this strikes fear in anyone who practices the art of witchcraft as they know that dealing with chaos magic is a feat that none should really attempt it is said that wanda's body is so strong with it that even if her brain were to be removed her body would still be emanating an incredible amount of it now you know why zombie wanda was basically queen of the zombies run one of the most powerful things in the universe is the phoenix force heck it's already ruined two separate x-men franchise timelines the phoenix force imbues characters with incredible and near unstoppable power of course it's near unstoppable the scarlet witch exists while several characters have been able to house the phoenix force sometimes even multiple at one time the most notable vessel that this power has taken over is that of the mutant jean grey at some points in the comics she is even known as the phoenix again i hate to harp on this but the movies have tried and failed to play the storyline out twice now who knows maybe with the mcu we will finally see the dark phoenix storyline done correctly however even so if wanda maximoff is still around at that point jean grey may not be able to reach her full potential for destructive power the powers of the scarlet witch match and in many times supersede that of the phoenix force the force itself is a kind of virus attempting to take over and overpower the mind of its host jean grey is actually the only one who is able to keep it at bay but eventually even she fell victim to the awesome power of the phoenix force however wanda maximoff showed her incredible strength when she became the only one to actually resist the entire power of the phoenix force as it tried to take her over as well the phoenix force could undo reality itself and yet it is no match for the scarlet witch sometimes the simpler powers are actually the more surprising for example we know the scarlet witch has some very weird powers but did you know that she could actually hold her own in just a normal fist fight it's true there have been times in the comics where wanda loses her magical abilities for a time the reasons are rarely not ridiculous but ultimately it forces wanda to go through some difficult times in these moments however wanda shows off a power that not many people knew she had without any magical abilities she's still one heck of a fighter she has spent so much time with the avengers that characters who have mastered hand-to-hand combat such as captain america black widow and most notably hawkeye have spent hours and hours training her in the art of kicking butt without superpowers now granted she'd probably have a much harder time with thanos if she tried to fight him in this state but your average street level criminals might be in for quite a shock when regular old wanda maximoff knocks them out cold it's nice to know that when wanda inevitably gets her power taken away for taking over one too many suburbs that she won't be left completely defenseless wanda has a relatively unknown power that is more annoying to her enemies than anything else wanda has the ability to manipulate probability fields effectively causing events to happen by affecting the probability that they will happen all this is fancy talk to say that she has the ability to manipulate luck of course thank you the scarlet witch has the capability to cause unspeakable bad luck to anyone she chooses she could make cap mrs train tony drop his scotch or you know make thanos chirp and fall on his own sword the applications of this power range from silly to incredibly effective it's also understated just how powerful this ability is she has such a mastery of manipulation over this particular aspect of life that she can even cancel out the good luck powers of the mutant domino is known for having solely good luck in her adventures and yes it's incredibly cinematic the fact that wanda is able to counteract this shows what insane levels of power she has that being said i like to imagine wanda just chilling in apartment causing thor to just have a bad day while it's true wanda from time to time is known to cause a lot of damage she also has the occasional miracle tucked up her sleeve one of the most impressive feats of power used for good is the favor she did for professor charles xavier professor x is known as the world's most powerful mind reader but the other thing he is most associated with is his iconic wheelchair professor x has tried everything possible to regain the use of his legs some of the smartest people in the universe like reed richards hank pym and doctor strange have all said that charles xavier will never walk again as finding a solution is impossible have you noticed a lot of these entries deal with things that are supposed to be impossible using her powers wanda was able to give professor x the use of his legs again i'm pretty sure it was for some sort of manipulation so he would use his powers for her but regardless it's still a sweet gesture and it's the thought that counts right vision is perhaps one of the strongest heroes in the marvel universe heck with the mind of ultron we saw him cut the mad titan directly in half and i know what you're gonna say that's just lazy screenwriting fascinating anyway moving on vision and wanda go together like peanut butter and jelly if peanut butter and jelly can had the collective power to destroy the universe you think in any other relationship vision could stay out at the bar late and not worry about his wife's wrath when he returns however he fell for possibly the one person he should be most careful with obviously this is because of wanda's incredible power but one in particular makes vision extremely susceptible to danger wanda has the unique ability to short-circuit machinery and electrical devices which is always my excuse when i turn in assignments late for class look i had it written but the scarlet witch stopped by what am i supposed to do some of the toughest foes in the universe are electronically based ultron the sentinels and yes even the love of her life vision the adamantium and vibranium shells of these characters cause lots of problems for many of marvel's heroes but wanda can bypass right by them and mess with their mechanical insides the scarlet witch has incurable incredible power many struggle to even describe some of the abilities she possesses but every now and then it doesn't hurt to fall back on the old reliable shooting a beam out of your hand wanda has a power called the hex bolt she's able to fire powerful concussive blasts directly from her hands now these hex bolts will likely not change the fabric of reality nor will they deactivate the most powerful machines but not every bank robber needs to be sent to another dimension in order to learn a lesson sometimes knocking them on their butt does the trick wanda's hex bolts are very powerful and are said to be comparable to the concussive blast that cyclops produces from his eyes they are often her weapon of choice and physical altercations they are able to do quite a bit of damage or if wanda can control them they essentially amount to a pretty strong punch in the face in the mcu alone we have seen her use these hex bolts against the likes of ultron agatha harkness and even the mad titan thanos they are certainly not her greatest power or her flashiest but ask yourself if you'd like to get hit in the face with something called a hex bolt from one of the most powerful heroes in the universe yeah me neither one of the craziest things that has happened in the mcu and marvel comics is when thanos used the infinity stones to snap away half the population of the entire universe it took him a long and grueling quest to even locate the stones and then an incredible battle to see that they were used for his glorious purpose that to me sounds like a lot of effort if only there were an easier way to make half the universe disappear oh wait that's right wanda maxima wanda is so powerful that she can accomplish the snap without the use of any infinity stones wanda's ability to rewrite reality essentially could produce the same effect as the snap if she were to concentrate all of her power she was able to transform an entire town back to the 1960s and lock the kids away in their room on an off day i'm sure she could turn half the universe to dust if she really wanted based on all the bruises and cuts that wanda has received in the mcu during various fights i think it's safe to say that she hasn't quite mastered this ability that her comic book counterpart has we have seen wanda create various force fields powerful enough to stop even some of the strongest opponents however there is a level of power she could achieve to where she doesn't even have to consider this there are various points in the comics where wanda is so powerful that she is shown to be constantly emanating an energy barrier that doesn't allow anyone to even touch her trying to punch her even take a cheap shot would basically be like punching a cement wall the magic within wanda's body is so strong that it becomes protective of its host we saw how powerful her force field was when she was able to contain an explosion for a brief time at the beginning of captain america civil war when wanda realizes her full potential of power that force field could be invisibly surrounding her literally at all times imagine never having to worry about stubbing your toe again these are the things i think of imagine it with me if you will you spend your whole life idolizing people like captain america or the hulk dreaming of one day being a superhero then one incredible day you get bitten by that spider or fall into that vat of chemicals and you're ready to be the next great hero then you run into the scarlet witch who has lost it again and taken over yet another suburban town to play house and it's your job to stop her then you learn that one of the abilities that the scarlet witch has is to take away others superpowers wanda's power levels differ based on who happens to be riding her at the time but she definitely has had the ability to accomplish this never mind the whole no more mutants incident where an entire population of people lost their powers but on an individual level she has been shown to be able to take away a hero or villain's bread and butter it's an incredible power that weakens her but essentially ends the fight before it even begins she's basically avatar aang in a red suit and headdress kinda awesome if you ask me while wanda can handle most people on her own there have been times where she could use a little bit of help luckily this really isn't a problem wanda has shown the ability to have access to other dimensions because of this she is able to basically conjure armies of people to fight at her side at will she has fought entire armies by bringing in multi-dimensional threats to do her bidding for her on top of this wanda is a skilled tactician which is often underappreciated she has an incredible knowledge of battling combat that comes into play quite often once she conjures these armies she is also often the best person to lead them heck even as a zombie and what if she was basically the zombie queen she can access an untold number of extremely dangerous dimensions and bring forth the creatures that roam those lands to take down any opposing force that dares to cross her basically she's the ultimate girl boss the celestials are some of the most powerful creatures of creation and destruction in the known multiverse they build entire worlds and love conducting experiments that affect entire civilizations some of these experiments have led to some of our favorite marvel heroes and villains millions of years later the celestials are most known for their dabbling in genetics that created the eternals and the deviants eventually these manipulated genes would evolve and create the x gene responsible for all of the world's mutants splendid in the house of m storyline wanda maximoff erased this gene from the majority of the mutant population simply by uttering a simple phrase this kind of magic is obviously some of wanda's most impressive stuff but it's even more incredible when you put it in the frame of reference of the celestials essentially millions of years of genetic work done by gods was undone in an instant this means that wanda's power is on the same level if not in excess of that of the celestials i'm just glad wanda didn't say no more comic nerds [Music] one of wanda's most incredible powers is her ability to match the powers of someone on the level of professor x her powers are not mental in nature but she can produce all of the same effects as the most powerful mind in the world she has incredible telekinetic abilities but more importantly has a basic mastery of mind control she was able to use this on all of the avengers in age of ultron and made the citizens of west view act as though they were okay with everything that was happening she can basically bend anyone to her will and has evolved so far beyond just a little witch who messes with your mind she's getting to the point where if she wanted to she could have the entire world waiting on her hand and foot whether you knew about these powers or not each one should terrify you the scarlet witch is possibly the most powerful person in the mcu right now and if she masters some of the powers of her comic book counterpart a multiverse of madness will be the least of their worries
Channel: CBR
Views: 161,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor strange 2, multiverse of madness, scarlet witch abilities, scarlet witch powers, wanda, cbr
Id: wJ3fOvn9724
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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