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season four is off to an abrupt start with tony stark dropping a small continent on top of the island but as exciting as stark industries is unfortunately tony stark's supercars do not come with vertical rocket propulsion because this is 20 fortnight's fails we've got everything from this man's wife boogie bombing the whole squad and him questioning his marriage to this guy who ended up having to 1v1 god or how about when your uber driver shows up on the wrong side of the road don't you just hate that number 20 the best and worst thing about season four is how unpredictable it can get with all of the new mythic abilities henchmen stark robots rifts and vehicles anything can happen out of the blue so if you're popping off in a game and really doing well don't get too carried away because when i say anything can happen i mean anything but don't take it from me take this guy's experience as an example [Music] yeah if that happened to me i probably would have thrown my controller out of the window yeah i guess now i know that fortnite has reigning taxis don't think that was in the patch notes but what do you guys rate this uber driver let us know in the comments to improve the uber experience overall but that's time for number 19. okay so we have to watch out for cars landing on you out of nowhere that's nothing so to make sure it doesn't happen let's just use a car ourselves of course in fortnite cars are perfectly balanced then not glitched at all so uh what could possibly go wrong okay well yeah that could happen too then i guess i think maybe the last thing learned here is that we should probably just end up avoiding any car on the map right now forget the fire trap the cars are the new death traps in fortnite okay number 18 do you remember that old loading screen from season 10 where it had the battle bus flying into the sunset as everyone waved goodbye well it turns out now in season 4 that epic has decided to make that loading screen real well that's at least for this guy who unfortunately ended up in a weird situation so it turns out that if you don't thank the bus driver he just keeps going you would have thought it was taking him to chapter three or something but no it just flew straight into the storm and needed him out of the lobby it looks like bus route b does exist after all guys unlucky to say the least number 17 the last few clips have been pretty unlucky scenarios for everyone involved but most of them weren't their own fault for this next fail though this 100 was this dude's fault and it's hilarious after getting into the top 10 and having his hands on some of doom's arcane gauntlets it was time for him to step up here's what happened [Music] well you really messed that up pal next time you should probably check to see if gas cans are around you before shooting explosives and people or maybe tony stark can show you how to aim trust me he doesn't miss number 16. in season four we've got cars boats crash pads bouncers shockwaves and still have the choppas in the game too we haven't seen much of the choppas anymore because people have kind of experimented with them a lot over the course of chapter two although if there's one thing to know about fortnite it's that it can always find a way to surprise you and it definitely surprised this guy yeah i had no idea you could fight god in this game uh he even died from a green pistol that's just the cherry on top right there but rested peace random player you will be missed forever and always but now we move on to number 15. okay so on the subject of vehicles the cars are still ripe for experimenting right now and if there's one thing about experiments it's that they can fail catastrophically when these guys decided to test their car sky base in the final circle they probably didn't expect it to go this horribly i want the last team to see that we're up here on a car that's what i want if they shoot us down in their car there we go let's go let's get him oh no chris man crisp crunch pins i got it where are they about me i don't know i'm surprised they blew up the car before it fell down above me build a flat and blow it up where'd he go he doesn't see you [Music] yeah i don't think he could have messed this up any more than these guys did that first player ended up getting killed by his own car and then the second guy gets absolutely smoked by his own gas can you can't even make this up ladies and gentlemen it is golden like literally you see the color of the car see this golden number 14. there's a saying if you can't win in fortnight take them down with you oh that's not a saying oh well is it saying now because i just invented it anyway this guy must have taken my advice because when he tried to get his teammates reboot card couldn't he definitely chose a different solution yeah i have no idea how he even got a hold of that many gas cans but i have never seen the explosion this over the top of the match before that guy just took out the entire area hey but at least those enemies were dealt with down with the tryhards number 13. for this next clip this guy and his wife were playing squads with some friends while in a choppa his wife decided to play a prank she pulled out a boogie bomb and went to go throw it at her friend to make him dance the thing is that's not how boogie bombs work in choppas talk about dancing till you're dead a harmless prank just ended up wasting her own husband he then goes on to ask reddit if he should be questioning his marriage they're still together just it's complicated you know sometimes it'd be that way but onto number 12. have you ever been playing fortnite and seen something and just wondered what if i tried this it's great but most of the time it doesn't work however when this guy saw a riff next to a haystack it gave him an idea what if he entered both of them at the same time only one way to find [Music] out number 11 there's nothing quite like getting your game derailed by something out of your control but when it does happen sometimes it can be at the funniest times not for the guy playing but for us watching them don't believe me just check out what happened to this player i just feel bad for them but that is such bad timing i can't help but laugh oh my god number ten so you know how groot's baller actually heals teammates it's all good having that ability when the baller itself is pretty much impossible to pull out next to a teammate why because well this happens [Music] you tried to help and it just made it worse where did this guy even go he went to a different country number nine rebooting someone in the storm is super risky in itself but if you've played fortnite long enough you'll know that the storm is never the threat even this guy's brother called it just waiting for you to die while rebooting nah all right catch three fish disguise supply drop he knew that one was coming wait why is there a random dude in the storm that slurpee though weird number eight we've all tried to learn how to master bunny hopping after gliding down some of us know how to do it and the rest of us do it accidentally sometimes in the worst situations possible like this guy that is just rough man in a cup too yikes number seven this next clip is absolutely hilarious i'd set the scene but i don't really want to spoil this one just watch i guess it just goes to show you can never take too long in fortnight every moment counts although i definitely felt this clip to my core i probably done the same thing a few times myself number six one of the riskiest things to do in fortnite is opening your build during a hectic moment anyone could be out there getting ready to burst into your build anyone and anything how kind of him to let the shark in move that pesky wall out of the way the shark wants to come around for dinner bruce get out of here you were not invited number five speaking of sharks this next clip is probably the funniest clip i've seen of a shark all season there's one guy left in the entire match and he's ready for the take so this player goes in for the kill and the shark with the assist what an insane clutch up by that shark and with no match remaining he really did that not only did the shark come in and steal the guy's kill he's just sat there laughing at i can't get over how funny this clip is [Music] number four if there's a lesson to be learned in fortnite it's to not celebrate too early you may get lucky but it doesn't last long check this out i'm shreking everyone oh my god [Music] dude actually the biggest save i think i've ever done [Music] oh my god i just got a headshot tonight he got absolutely aimbotted through that choppa window though rest in peace number three sometimes you think of a great idea when fighting someone and go to try it out sometimes it pays off at other times well yeah they really didn't think this one through did they number two there's a lesson to be learned that we've been trying to tell you guys ever since battle royale came out we get one of these clips every season but they're always so funny we have to show them this one is perfectly timed too [Music] that that is gold but now it's time for number one the silver surfboard is awesome for getting out of risky situations so when this guy was stuck in a fight he had to make a great escape oh oh that's that's uh oh no you should submit your clips to top5clips.com it's a cool tool we created to get you guys more involved in the videos so you might be featured in something just like this and if you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel in the next five seconds i will love you here's another video right here go ahead and click it and i'll see you guys over there goodbye
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 3,310,500
Rating: 4.9174037 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite season 4, 20 FUNNY Fortnite SEASON 4 FAILS!, fortnite season 4 fails, fortnite fails, fortnite wtf moments, fortnite funny moments, funny fortnite moments, fortnite luckiest moments, fortnite lucky, fortnite best moments, bcc trolling, red arcade, fortnite update, fortnite new update, fortnite new, new fortnite, season 4, fortnite, battle royale, new, video
Id: PaFx_zFGOJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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