15 Most Dangerous Plane Landings in the World

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we've all had traumatic plane experiences but thankfully most of us live to uh tell the tale bad food some turbulence sam jackson killing snakes while you're eating our experiences are pretty rough but some pilots get very close to the danger zone from an icy landing to a literal nyc miracle here are the 15 most dangerous plane landings in the world number 15 an antarctic landing there are a handful of places in the world where landing a plane seems frankly like a terrible idea antarctica is undoubtedly one of them i mean even the most experienced pilots get a little queasy at the thought of landing a plane on sheer ice here's the view from the cockpit of a c-17 as it comes in for a landing on the ice runway near mcmurdo station even before the plane touches down on the ice you can see just how frightening it would be in fact the runway isn't even visible for much of the approach it's kind of amazing the pilots were able to find it at all let alone land a whole plane on it i think the dangers of landing an aircraft on an ice runway are pretty apparent on their own no not only do you face the threat of potentially going through it but you also have to somehow come to a stop which is obviously incredibly awkward on ice i don't think there's a single pilot in the world who would willingly volunteer to land a plane on an ice runway but then again tom cruise exists so there's always an exception before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping it's time for the rare topic and man dangerous may be an understatement for this one this terrifying image was captured by a spanish photographer who witnessed the plane approaching the very bridge that he was driving on despite the pilot's best efforts the plane just couldn't miss the bridge entirely clipping its wing on the road as it passed over before landing in the ocean miraculously nobody died in this encounter the plane landed in the sea everybody got out and those on the bridge were unharmed what do you think miracle or illusion comment down below with the hashtag raretopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 miracle on the hudson i don't think i even have to set this one up right we all know the incredible story behind sully sullenberger's heroic landing on new york city's hudson river in 2009 but we're going to look at it anyway because we can what makes a miracle on the hudson so miraculous is the sheer impossibility of it many pilots have attempted to land in an open body of water but almost all have failed these are the very first images of the plane in the water that celly was able to land in a way that kept the aircraft in one piece and ensured that every person on board survived that's unbelievably fortunate it's no wonder he got a movie made about him and tom hanks playing him too is there any better compliment than to be played by the world's nicest guy probably but i haven't heard it yet the hudson river incident is probably the most famous dangerous landing in recent memory those of us that saw the endless news coverage could probably recall the whole thing with astounding accuracy it's truly a modern miracle and sully himself is a hero number 13 a no wheels landing there are really only three things needed to land a plane a pilot brakes and wheels unfortunately a boeing 767 making the journey from new york to warsaw poland couldn't use its wheels so what do you do you land anyway when he realized that the landing gear just wasn't working captain tedus rona had no choice but to think on his feet after circling the city for an hour and trying to resolve the problem rona concluded there was very little chance of landing safely so with 231 people on board the plane came in for a landing despite having absolutely no landing gear it's all very fast and furious isn't it as you can see from the video the plane crashes in on its belly sliding along the runway until it eventually grinds to a halt firefighters rush in to put out a small fire but miraculously nobody was injured it's truly a miracle while rona was later hailed as a hero and celebrated for his accomplishments he insisted that he was no hero believing that any good pilot would have done the same thing i would hope so number 12. aloha airlines flight 243 they always said it could only happen in the movies but in 1988 a routine flight between hilo and honolulu suffered a pretty brutal explosive decompression while mid-flight despite the chaos and damage caused a miracle was summoned the plane managed to land after reaching a normal flight altitude a section of the plane's roof ruptured ripping off a massive section of the cockpit to the four-wing area that's 18.5 feet of airplane skin completely gone and that my friends is an absolute nightmare for all of us the incident caused one unfortunate fatality as a flight attendant was swept out of the plane eight others suffered severe injuries resulting from the incident with 65 people reported injured in total 60 people were taken to the hospital but most incredibly all of these people survived the disastrous flight which is incredible having never landed a plane myself i can only imagine it's an incredibly difficult thing to do in ordinary situations i can't even think of how difficult it would be when you are literally missing a massive part of your fuselage landing this one is about as big a miracle as you could hope for number 11. delta flight 5176 if you fear flying you no doubt feel a twinge of anxiety about the idea of flying in a storm thankfully most pilots are trained well enough that nothing can stop them not even unpredictable bolts of electricity strong enough to kill just about anybody in may 2016 delta flight 5176 was preparing to come in for a landing in omaha nebraska unfortunately the flight was scheduled to land during a particularly violent storm which is unfortunate for those scared of flying in actuality thunder isn't any more likely to cause trouble than rain or snow it just looks a little more frightening and when you have images like this a lightning bolt just barely missing the plane's wing even frightening sounds like an understatement thankfully the pilots were unfazed and continued their work as planned coming in for a successful landing with a lot of very relieved passengers landing a plane in a lightning storm isn't all that unusual or scary for pilots but it certainly is dramatic i doubt many of the passengers on board will forget this frankly terrifying experience number 10. mahou beach landing the most dangerous airports in the world tend to be the ones surrounded by environmental elements for instance maho public beach is right at the end of a runway at princess juliana international airport yes a beach at the end of a runway the runway itself is around 7 100 feet in length and to reach it planes must make their approach at a low altitude over the water so low in fact that planes appear to fly just a matter of feet above the heads of the public which makes this beach one of the go-to places for adrenaline junkies you see many instagrammers travel to the beach just to experience the thrill of a jet blast up close which sends them flying all over the beach unsurprisingly some have died because of the strength of these jet blasts so our advice is clear stay away from jet blasts although that seems like common sense mahou public beach is frankly an insane creation whoever would have thought a beach next to a runway would be a good idea frankly it's astonishing that there haven't been more deaths as a result i'm gonna call this one death beach number nine a blinding light it's kind of nuts to think that even the most gifted pilots in the world could land a plane with their eyes closed but there may be some truth in it at least for the ukrainian pilot alexander akapov take a look at this thing this plane an atlas global aircraft had fallen into the middle of a hail storm so violent that it completely destroyed the front glass autopilot auto track and numerous other aspects of the plane in any other situation it would have seemed this was a landing doomed to fail and yet akapov managed to land the aircraft safely looking only through the closed side window in effect he had no tools to help him and had to trust only the tiny area that he could see not your normal day in the office the incident could easily have gone horrifically wrong had the plane been guided by a more unprepared or inexperienced pilot i don't think i have to explain that absolutely nobody was injured in the incredible miracle you just saw all 121 passengers and the six crew members survived with absolutely no injuries an incredible achievement number eight british airways flight 5390 explosive decompression is thankfully an incredibly rare occurrence on modern flights but it's still something that many people get understandably freaked out about after all the fear of being forcibly ripped out of a plane because the fuselage unexpectedly got separated from its own frame is definitely worth the anxiety he could be sucked into the engine and bring down the plane not that it would ever happen obviously except when it does in 1990 british airways flight 5390 suffered this unfortunate fate shortly after takeoff a poorly installed windscreen came loose pulling the captain tim lannister halfway out of the plane as his body went limp and his head kept hitting the side of the plane his co-workers presumed he was dead despite holding on to his legs naturally their fear had nothing to do with their colleague as much as what could happen to them if his body hit the engines i'm sure he was thrilled to hear about that against all the odds the plane managed to make an emergency landing at southampton airport all of the passengers survived and lancaster somehow managed to walk free albeit with some injuries frostbite bruising shock fractures to his arms and wrist but presumably none of that hurt as much as realizing that his co-workers would have let him drop to earth if it wouldn't have also killed them that's just charming number 7. aircraft carrier landing even though it's something we've seen hundreds of times in tv and movies we don't stop to think how crazy it is you're on an aircraft carrier and you basically just have to launch yourself at top speed off the edge that's madness and landing even crazier look at these planes coming in for a landing not only do the pilots have to line up their landing gear just right but there's also a whole crew of people responsible for preventing these aircraft from flying headfirst into the ocean and they do that with a simple bit of analog technology a big ass rope when the plane comes into land it inevitably flies straight into the cable which then slows them down and eventually brings them to a complete stop it's like what happens when you leave the bar on a friday night completely hammered and the bouncer pushes your chest and says yo what did you say to me unless you're a pilot who does this stuff for a living i don't think this will ever be normal it's absolutely insane to think about a plane traveling hundreds of miles per hour having to land on a tiny strip of land or plummet into the ocean maybe that's why i voice these videos instead number six heavy rain in mali generally speaking landing a plane during a heavy rainstorm is never a great idea but this one takes it to a whole new extreme we're about to show you actual footage of a boeing 767 attempting to land in what has to be one of the most extreme rain conditions you could ever imagine there's really no way we can describe what happens in this video as most of it is obscured by the heaviest of rain clouds but in a way that's kind of all we have to say right this storm was so intense and powerful that the pilots were basically flying blind there was just no way for them to see what was ahead let alone what was down below no matter how hard the window wipers worked it just doesn't let up and then out of nowhere the runway finally appears and the plane somehow manages a safe landing this is insane that's basically the only word for it to even attempt to fly a plane in these conditions is madness but to successfully land is a gift from god i've never been happier to not be a pilot number five heavy sydney storm i think everybody knows that australia gets some pretty intense storms from time to time but this one is a cut above the rest this one isn't just dangerous it's barf inducing actually i guess that is dangerous in certain situations immediately you can see the danger in the video these thick clouds are so dark you can't even see through them the rain is so intense and heavy that the windows have a constant stream of water and the turbulence oh boy all of this occurred during one of the most intense storms sydney had seen in years leading to one of the rockiest and most turbulent landings you could imagine as the plane approaches the runway the wings start violently rocking up and down as if it was a circus ride i can't even begin to think about how many people got nauseous during this come down thankfully the plane managed to land in one piece although it's pretty clear that nobody had a good time doing so actually this looks like one of the worst most brutal landings ever seen in sydney definitely one for the sick bucket number four the a10 thunderbolt 2. we're going to take a slight detour now from commercial airliners into the um more action-packed world of fighter jets specifically the a-10 thunderbolt 2 which managed to land in a serious mission impossible situation and that is not an overstatement in 1991 captain paul pj johnson piloted the thunderbolt during operation desert storm but then his plane was hit by a missile creating a massive hole in the wing so there we have the basic situation a fighter jet plane has a hole in its wing and is being fired at by enemy combatants what happens next the plane lands seriously johnson was kind of the ethan hunt of his squad capable of pulling off near impossible feats of survival and living to tell the tale what a guy johnson would later earn the air force cross for rescuing a stranded navy pilot which seems almost quaint by comparison the thunderbolt is an impressive nearly indestructible piece of machinery but only if it's piloted by someone who knows what the hell they're doing and by that i obviously mean somebody other than me number three landing in the mountains okay a little misleading landing in the mountains would not be just a dangerous plane landing it would be a catastrophic and tragic one actually we're just talking about landing among the mountains which is actually pretty nuts especially when you're dealing with the most dangerous runway approach in the world bhutan's paro airport has what is widely considered to be the world's most dangerous runway approach the airport itself is sandwiched between two mountains and valleys and sits at an impressive 7 300 feet above sea level yup buckle up this one is going to be crazy i mean when your pilot literally prays while heading for the runway you know you're in some dangerous territory thankfully only experienced pilots are allowed to make this landing due to the complicated maneuvers required and by that i mean they have to break fast paro airport is really a daredevil's fantasy a death wish masquerading as an ordinary runway i'm trying to say that you couldn't get me on that plane if you had all the money in the world to offer if my pilot is praying midair for a miracle i'm out number two a toronto snowstorm a snowstorm can be a beautiful thing to witness if you're staying in one place for the foreseeable future but if you're unlucky enough to be traveling well anywhere it can be one of the most horrific things you'll ever experience like these poor people for instance who were headed for toronto in an intense snowstorm in this case the storm was so intense that the pilots could barely see ahead of them not something that any of us would want to experience as you can see from the nosecam footage the runway isn't even visible until extremely close clearly requiring an extremely talented pilot to navigate such an intense situation thankfully toronto pilots are phenomenal at their jobs and the plane was able to land successfully albeit with some poor breaks it turns out that brakes and ice don't go together who knew snow storms are not new to toronto and many pilots have been forced to weather this kind of situation if you're scared of flying it's probably not fun if you're afraid of flying and scared of snow bring a spare pair of pants just in case number one a one-wing landing if you can believe it it is possible to land a plane with one wing i mean it's not ideal but it's possible in 1983 two israeli air force aircraft collided in mid-air one of them the f-15 somehow managed to go on despite missing its right wing and even landed successfully i know so if you're wondering how exactly the f-15 eagle was able to land without a wing allow me to answer your quarry the f-15 has a body that itself produces lift also known as a lifting body that combined with its strong engine thrusters basically helped the pilot to fly without the need for a second wing or to put it simply the wing was just an accessory to tell the fleet we're getting rid of all wings just bodies now without its wings the f-15 basically worked as a kind of rocket which is even more impressive because the pilot didn't know anything about space travel i mean that could have been catastrophic landing with one wing is dangerous enough but sending a pilot to space then again they're sending tom cruise to space so the bar has been lowered quite a bit have you ever been in a dangerous plane landing let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time you
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 335,984
Rating: 4.8244209 out of 5
Keywords: landing, landings, cross winds, storm, plane landing, emergency landing, airplane, landing gear, airberin, british airways, emirates, landings gone wrong, landings crosswind, landings and takeoffs, airplanes, planes, airport, airports, dangerous airports, dangerous, in the world, plane, most dangerous, dangerous airport, aircraft, road, plane crash, worst flights, facts, plane landings, boeing, airbus, crosswind, most incredible, incredible, Dangerous Plane Landings, Plane Landings
Id: RXmlcpeM3eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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