15 Craziest Animal Mutations in the World

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nature likes to shake things up and experiment sometimes and this means that some living things are born with strange mutations that can be shocking and fascinating these occurrences are life's way of trying to figure out evolutionary advantages like having an extra head or 12 pairs of arms maybe that's just stuff that happens in nuclear power plants in any case from the eight-legged goat to the cyclops kitten here's the 15 most shocking animal mutations in the world number 15 goat with eight legs on a farm in the eastern european country of croatia a goat named sarka belonging to farmer zoran paparik gave birth to a kid which looks like it might be as happy spinning a giant cobweb as much as chewing grass and goofing around in a field this octo goat as he became known had eight legs rather more than the traditional four he was born alongside two other baby goats which were perfectly regular but this genetic mix-up is the result of a pair of twin goats not separating properly in the womb hence the goat being born with spider-like legs as well as both male and female reproductive organs the owner mr pupperwick couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the goat and had to call a neighbor to double check that the goat was really born with eight legs and that he wasn't crazy even though it looks like it has just escaped from a demon party in hell the kid seems to be pretty sweet-natured and it was a miracle that it survived at all if he's rejected by the other goats well he could always try and fit in with any local octopus families that might be in the neighborhood before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping [Music] it's time for the rare topic how about this crazy image of a creature with the body of a man and the head of a ball well if you're greek or know a little something about greek mythology this might not be so unfamiliar to you the minotaur was part man part ball who lived in the center of the labyrinth a huge and complex maze a structure ordered to be built by king minos who apparently didn't want a huge man bull creature running around bothering his people on the island of crait kind of understandable in the end the minotaur was killed by the greek hero theseus and this photo seems to show the poor minotaur right after that happened apparently this is an actual carcass of an animal that was found in brazil that just so happens to look an awful lot like a minotaur but some people have called it out as fake the man who owns the photo has insisted it is real and has dedicated his life since to trying to prove minotaurs are real well it's a life as always comment down below with the hashtag raretopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 one-eyed bengal kitten what's cuter than a baby kitten how about a baby kitten with a huge cyclops eye right in the middle of its forehead like some mythological nightmare creature well that's what the owner of one bengal cat ended up with after taking her pregnant kitty for a c-section the first baby kitten came out just fine but then the second one was all tangled up once the veterinarian had freed the newborn it handed the kitten over to the owner who was relieved to learn it was alive but then realized this kitten had an extraordinary mutation giving it a single large eye right in the middle of its head the kitten was named clyde and the owner hoped that he might pull through but sadly little clyde only survived a few minutes outside of his mother's womb there's only one species in the animal kingdom that has one eye a kind of tiny crustacean so this particular mutation doesn't seem to work out too well and there's no way of knowing whether clyde could see out of the eye or not but either way a cyclops kitten is pretty cool number 13. three-headed frog from not enough eyes we now go to too many heads and some real nightmare fuel children at a nursery in the seaside town of western supermare england were astonished to discover a three-headed frog in their garden the creature was hopping around seemingly happy enough as well as three heads this true crazy frog also has six legs one of the carers at the nursery at first thought it was three frogs huddled together but on closer inspection it turned out all three heads belonged to one body and all three seemed to be fully functional although it's not known whether all three heads eat or rib it mike dilger from the bbc's world-renowned natural history unit said he'd never seen anything like it before frogs are primitive animals he said so the occasional extra toe is not that unusual but this is very unusual the amphibian was caught and kept in a plastic container for a while by nursery staff but before long it had made an escape and hopped to freedom before anyone could figure out what to do with it two heads are better than one they say and three number twelve cats with wings bad news for any birds that happen to be watching from china's shizwan province your greatest predator the humble house cat has begun to evolve wings that's right cats in china have begun growing extra flaps of skin on the sides of their bodies which resemble wings the province was struck by a devastating earthquake back in 2008 and then that year a particularly hot summer followed as did first one then multiple appearances of winged cats yep yep yep there's the cat with wings and these flaps aren't just skin and fur they also contain bone and muscle not quite enough to take off yet but it has had scientists fascinated veterinary experts say the wings do not seem to cause the cats any pain nor do they seem to be affecting their quality of life in fact in some respects quite the opposite male cats whose sport wings seem to have attracted extra attention from females in heat who seem to instinctively understand how awesome it would be to have flying kittens no one really knows what is causing the wings to grow but it may in some way be related to the environmental disruption the region faced that year in any case next time kitty makes a leap don't be surprised to see her soaring off into the sky number 11. cow with six legs staying in china this time in shendong a farmer has been swamped by media and press after images of a six-legged cow born on his farm went viral jung-sun a cow farmer says he's never seen anything like it before and he has been overwhelmed by the hordes of people coming to try and get a picture with the famous mutant bovine the cow has two extra legs protruding from its neck and although the calf cannot move her extra limbs they also don't seem to bother her too much some have claimed that the mutation was caused by population in the region but a veterinarian said it was more likely due to a twin calf being absorbed by this one in the womb the extra legs as long as they are not attached to any major blood vessels or nerves would be fairly easy to surgically remove a process that would be necessary if the calf were to be sold along with its relatives for butchery and the meat market but farmer gangshun is reluctant the few dollars he might get for the cow for hamburgers is nothing compared to the money he has been offered by animal parks who want the mutant calf as a tourist attraction number 10. two-headed pig now we're on to a two-headed pig that was born in you guessed it china a farmer in the city of jojo shizwan had been showing off his prized possession a piglet with two heads that's two heads containing three eyes two noses and two mouths farmer jean goyan said he fed the mother the usual piglet diet of raw wheat and didn't give her anything out of the ordinary having owned her for three years before the birth of the mutant piglet once pictures leaked onto the internet people began to flock to the farm from hundreds of miles away to get a look at this two-headed phenomenon it's far from the first two-headed pig discovered in china and in fact they seem to be a surprisingly common occurrence in 2015 a two-headed pig was left outside a buddhist temple perhaps by a more superstitious farmer unlike his compatriot in the last topic farmer zhong said he won't part with his piglet for any price although he better save up for extra ragweed as the little hog is able to eat with both of its mouths number nine fish with two mouths speaking of two mouths a woman fishing on lake champlain which sits on the border of new york and vermont hauled up a pretty special catch in august of 2019. this lake trout had two mouths and resembled some bizarre mythological creature debbie geddes of new york caught the fish and then shared a photo of it on facebook which soon went viral the like has long been famous in local folklore rumored to contain another kind of monster one that grows 10 feet long and is some kind of american cousin to the lochness monster the first european to discover the lake samuel de champlain for whom the lake is named described the monster and there have been several sightings since if the lake is capable of producing strange mutant fish with two mouths who knows what else might be lurking down there maybe even one of those crazy three-eyed fish from the simpsons one question remains which mouse was the one that took the bait and when it did did the other mouth call it a dumbass number 8. double muscled dog the whippet breed of dogs are usually known for their life lightweight physiques which make them one of the fastest breeds of all but this whippet named wendy was built more like a quarterback than a sprinter this dog from british columbia canada was seriously ripped and it was all due to a rare genetic mutation which caused her muscles to grow in double whereas wendy weighs 65 pounds although a normal size and height for a whippet wendy weighed almost twice as much as average and by 2007 she had become a major celebrity appearing in the new york times and having been flown out to manhattan to appear on the today show her massive body meant that wendy couldn't run around in the speedy and agile way that her whippet friends could but i sure know who i'd bet on winning in an arm wrestling contest in spite of her badass physique wendy was apparently a calm and sweet nature donk and her owner ingrid hansen was deeply saddened when her lion buddied friend had to be put down at the age of 14 due to ill health number 7. pig with the face of a monkey back to china again and this time it's the utterly terrifying pig who was born with the face of a monkey born to a litter of 15 piglets in guiju xiao province back in 2016 this bizarre looking pig has the close together eyes flat nose and expressive mouth that would look more at home on a primate than a monkey the mutant piglet is unable to feed from its mother so the farmer who owns it was forced to bottle feed it to keep it alive the eyes are also of slightly different sizes adding to the crazy look as does its tongue which tends to hang out of its mouth local chinese people have been looking for culprit some blaming population while others point the finger at genetically modified pig food its owner a vegetable farmer is content to do his best to feed it enough milk in the hopes it might grow up to adulthood others meanwhile suggested that mommy pig had maybe been having an affair presumably with a charming monkey fellow from a nearby zoo if it turns out that piglet has a real taste for bananas they might be onto something number 6. two-legged goat here's one goat that ought to serve as an inspiration born yeah in china with only two legs you might have thought that life would turn out to be hard and likely short for this disadvantaged goat but villagers in yunnan province were amazed to see that only a week after being born the two-legged goat had learned to walk just as well as his four-legged buddies the goat's owners say she was born without any hind legs and so had to make do with using her front hooves to get around and it doesn't seem to have caused this amazing kid too many problems seemingly able to walk eat while standing and even run around and play with his goat friends [Music] it's suspected that deformity was caused by an abnormal injury the mother sustained after a fight with another goat while pregnant but what might have seemed like a lost cause has now become known to the villagers as the strong-willed goat number five one-eyed shark it's not only kittens that can pull off the cute cyclops look baby sharks are getting in on the act too back in 2011 commercial fishermen off the coast of california caught a pregnant female dusky shark and later cut this fetal oddball from its womb the baby shark was not only a rare albino but instead of the regular two eyes on either side it had one large eyeball right in the middle of its face an eyeball that looks a lot like a human eye tests later proved that the eye had a complete set of optical nerves and would likely have been functional although this would probably have been to no avail as it's extremely unlikely this ultra-rare creature would have been able to survive the harsh life out at sea malformed it may have been there's nonetheless something undeniably cute about this little guy although that could have changed had he indeed survived and grown to the regular 750 pounds 14 feet long size of the dusky shark one of the top predators of the seas number four turtle with two heads polycephaly as the condition of being born with two heads is known seems to be slightly more common in turtles than other species with several examples cited over time back at least as far as the 1930s when time magazine reported on florida crowds amazed by a bad tempered turtle with two heads seemingly bad tempered because each had controlled the legs on its own side and could never seem to agree with itself about which way to walk in august 2017 a group studying loggerhead turtles again in florida noticed one straggler newborn turtle struggling to keep up with the group as they made their perilous first journey down from the hatching grounds to the sea the reason it was going more slowly than the rest was due to it having two heads after inspecting the turtle they set it back on its way where it energetically carried on its journey to the sea at the best of times it's estimated that only 1 in 10 000 loggerhead turtles survived to adulthood so with this disadvantage the chances look slim however one of the biggest dangers is the predators who lie in weight just offshore so maybe that extra pair of eyes might come in handy after all number 3. yellow lobster in cartoons lobsters are often depicted as being bright red in color but this is the color lobster's turn after they have been boiled in preparation for being served up to humans for dinner as you might imagine bright ride is not a popular choice for creatures living on the seabed who are actively doing all they can to avoid being seen by predators live lobsters are normally a kind of murky greenish brown blending in with the seabed around them from time to time about 1 in every 2 million to be precise a lobster is born with a mutation which turns it a spectacular shade of sapphire blue and even more rarely 1 in 30 million lobster can show up with a whole range of incredible colors including bright yellow orange calico and bright red like the cartoons boo a halloween lobster in orleans next most amazing of all and the rarest appearing only once in every 50 to 100 million lobsters is a variety which is half normal color and half orange divided in a clear line right down the middle of the lobster truly a beautiful and incredible mutation while being extremely brightly colored in the wild could be a disadvantage in this case it's much more of an advantage as the unusual colored lobsters are saved from the cooking pot and taken to the new england aquarium in boston where their rainbow looks wow the visitors to their tanks number 2. two-faced cat when we say two-faced we don't mean one that's nice to your face and then says mean things about you behind your back we mean frank and lewis or franken-lewis as he's also known the famous cat with literally two faces franken lewis a feline native of massachusetts passed away in 2014 but not before entering the guinness book of records as the longest lived janus cat reaching the grand old age of 15. extremely rare janus cats are named for the roman god janus who had two faces their deformities usually spell a short life span but frank and lewis was able to live a regular age for a cat an impressive feat in the case of this cat a lot was down to the decision and compassion of his owner who gave extra care to her famous but fragile cat luckily for frank and lewis the rare condition was a relatively simple one in which the cat had only one brain and one esophagus making things a little less complicated also cat mothers will usually kill kittens in their litters which have deformities and so a helping human hand was required pretty much from birth happily it seems frank and lewis lived out his life under the best possible circumstances number one duck with four legs stumpy the duck of hampshire england was born with two regular duck feet and another full-sized pair right behind making him an extremely rare four-legged duck duck farmer nikki janoway found a mass of reporters at his farm one day after reports leaked out about a four-legged duck stumpy is not the first recorded case of quadruped ducks in the world back in 2002 a four-legged duck named jake was born in queensland australia but died within days drake and we have hatched probably over 5000 stumpy however seems to have been thriving in spite of his deformity eating and running around as normal and janoway says that the extra legs even act like stabilizers giving stumpy a little extra turning speed in the race to get to the feed first at 8 weeks old the cherry valley drake was thriving and things look promising for the future of this unusual duck and stumpy seems not to be fazed by either his handicap or the media attention he has been receiving do you find these mutant animals cute or terrifying have you ever seen anything like any of these in real life let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 1,284,108
Rating: 4.8203564 out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, bizarre, mutation, mutations, strange, animals, strangest, facts, terrifying, animal, mutated, lion, snake, animal mutations, weirdest, people, animal mutation, creatures, octogoat, in the world, world, most shocking, mutant, monkey, conditions, pets, unusual, octo goat, medical conditions, epictooltime, body mutations, pet mutations, weirdest pets, snake legs, bizarre creatures, creepy creatures, weird creatures, around the world, strangest animals, mutant animals
Id: tgQZUpeyBdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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