15 Max Thunderman Invention FAILS! | The Thundermans | Nickelodeon

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Now, why is this thing not working? What are you two fools staring at? [shrieking] Ah, the bearded lady. Excellent choice. Max, how could you? Reverse it. The Nose Hairalyzer doesn't really have a reverse. I'll just shave it off. [buzzing] And that should do it. Just like new. Now what? [shrieking] I thought you shaved it off. I did. It grew back. Good people of science, you have suffered through enough duds. You deserve to see true greatness. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present- Uh, I'll take it from here, Nora. [chuckles] Behold the Grow-Matic 2.0. Did I expand the tomato or did I expand your mind? An invention like this could end world hunger. Congratulations, Nora Thunderman. You are this year's science fair winner. Thank you so much. I'm just going to hold this for her. [chuckles] You're home now, buddy. You're home. Uh, shouldn't you turn that off? You got it, Hottie. Uh. [chuckles] No problem here. Just a little minor malfunction. [laughing] What did you guys do? Just taught you both a lesson. Yeah, don't mess with tomatoes. It's potty time. [chuckles] All right, time to charge up my lemon blaster and get the plasma going. [beeping] Come on, baby. Work for Maxie. Max, um, you're not going to be happy about this, but there's something I have to do. Uh, you know that's not a working toilet, right? No, I mean, I- [motor running] Whoo hoo! We'll be fully charged soon. Oh. Guess I'll hold it in. TMI, Phoebe. In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to launch the Max 10 into the stratosphere. Well, my math bowl is more important. - Rocket is. - Math bowl. - Rocket. - Math bowl. - Rocket. - Fine. Rocket. My baby. I wanted to push that button. You still can. It just won't do anything. Phoebe, what's the best way to fight crime? Well, the Hero League manual says- Wrong! The best way is to stop it before it happens. I give you... the Crime Caster. It's a gadget that crunches years of crime statistics through a state of the art algorithm. Algorithm. Did you sleep last night? - No. - Okay. Point is, it predicts future crimes so we can use it to catch criminals in the act. In the act. Sorry. I really need a nap. Wow, that gadget sounds unbelievable. As in, I am unable to believe that it works. <i> It's crime time.</i> Looks like it's about to prove you wrong. It says Hiddenville High will be vandalized tonight, unless we're there to stop it. All right, fine, Max. If this works, then we will put "gadgets" on our Z-Force application. Max, no one's vandalized the school yet? We've been here all night. Oh, so that's your newest skill, tell me how long you've been doing stuff? Actually, no, it's calligraphy. "Max is bad at gadgets." Oh, that's nice. Can I see it? - Sure. - I'm not bad at gadgets. Face it, Max, your Crime Caster's a dud. But don't worry, we're still in good shape. I've got plenty of special skills for the both of us. What's that supposed to mean? It means our application is loaded with great stuff. Yeah, with your stuff. Max, it's our stuff. We're a team. Now let's go home and add pep talks to my list of special skills. Too bad throwing garbage away isn't a skill. [thudding] Dang it. [thudding] Dang it. Come on. Oh, man, it didn't work. You guys just made the room really big. Yep, still, Billy. I finally used my super speed to win a race. I don't want to go back to hiding my powers. Sorry, buddy, but if Dad found out Phoebe and I used the Animalizer, he turned us into rats. Cool. Then we can race, and I could kick your little rat butts. All right, I'm glad you had your fun, but it's over now. Not for me. See ya, suckers. - Billy? - Billy? Billy! I'm not worried. I like teaching. I'm totally going to ace this evalu- [thudding] Phoebe, I think Dad found my Sleepy Sandwiches and brought 'em for lunch. [snoring] Yep, he found 'em. Wake him up, Max. I can't. And if I'm being honest, I'm fighting the urge to draw a mustache on his face. I've got to do something. He's about to get evaluated by Bradford. He could lose his job. But then we'll get a new sub and that D will drop off your record. [sighing] No, Max, not this time. I'm a superhero and, superheroes always rise to the challenge. Well, this supervillain has a legendary prank to pull. See ya. Come on, Max. Not even the most evil supervillain sacrifices his own father for a stupid high school stunt. But I need it for Max Thunderman Day. Fine. I'll help. Okay, he's ready. He looks bananas. At least you can't tell he's asleep. [farting] [thudding] My childhood is officially over. Please let me melt their brains. Melt away. Oh, my gosh, like, what just happened? Dude, I'm freaking out. Where am I? It worked. You're in Hiddenville now, but just for the night. Road trip. Nice. Uh, yeah. You guys have this whole house to yourself. And get this, no parents. Ah! Totally rad. Max, thanks to Mom Winnie's never going to invite me to another party again. And Dad's about to expose our secret. That you have athlete's foot? I'm talking about... that secret. We need to turn mom and dad back into grown ups so they can end this party now. Definitely. Right after Oyster and I play our last song. All right, let's end this party. Where's your Brain Melt? - Downstairs charging. - Great. But it needs four more hours. Not great. We don't have four hours. Wait. The story of mom and dad's first kiss. Are you trying to make this bad night even worse? I'm trying to save it. Mom and dad's first kiss was electric. We could use it to supercharge the Brain Melt 3000. Can't we just stick a lightning rod to it and hope for the best? Come on. It's just one kiss. We just got to get them together. It shouldn't be too hard. We doing this? Uh. As if. [groaning] If you won't end your pranks, then I will. Oh, are these all your little prank buttons? Phoebe, just step away from my desk, all right? Ooh, am I getting warmer? What's this big red button? This looks important. Do not press that. So you don't want me to press the big red button? Okay. Oops. [thudding] You just pushed the self-destruct button? Yeah, right. <i> You just pushed the self-destruct button.</i> <i> Lair will self-destruct in ten minutes.</i> Ooh, fancy light show and talking computer. Someone spent their whole allowance on a prank. No, Phoebe. My prank was not pranking you and just watching you break down, which was really fun until now. Oh, please. If this place were really self-destructing, Dr. Colosso would be freaking out. I'm freaking out. AH! AH! Pretending. I'll show dad who's pretending. [shrieking] Max, what are you doing here? I thought you were out ghost hunting. I am. My ghost zapper is detecting extreme ghost activity at this party. Hoping it'll lead me right... to... [beeping] Miles. Drive the bus. Ah-ah. Drive the bus. Ah-ah. Drive the bus. [beeping] Wait a minute. Miles isn't the only ghost here. The hunt continues. I can't find the [unintelligible] button. Whoa. Stupid Colosso, why'd you have to buy me this gold pinkie ring? The circle symbolizes the eternity of our friendship. [beeping] Oh, Dark Mayhem. Sir, it is an honor to meet you. Oh, really? Because I'm not honored to meet you, Thunder Turd. You gave away the top secret location of the Villain League. Yes. That was a tiny bump in the evil road, but, hey, I am on my A game now. Are you stuck to a magnet? Technically, it's a gold attracting magnet. - It's one of a kind. - Technically, you're an idiot. But occasionally you show true evil potential, so I'm going to give you a second chance to prove you're Villain League material. You will? I mean, of course you will cause Maxie T. is one bad mamma jamma. [snapping] I want you to keep a record of all your evil doings. You mean like a evil diary? - Diary? - Uh, a journal, a memoir? Oh, chronicle. I'll allow it. Now go spread mayhem and take off that pinky ring. It's weird. Stay cool, Colosso. It's just a giant carrot. There's no reason to... let me at it! Wow, that's... that's actually pretty impressive. Of course. What'd you think I was going to do, make some lame model volcano? Ha! "Model volcano". That's the stupidest... Coming, Billy. Still a few kinks to work out. Hey, I'm not picky. Just sop it up and squeegee it into my mouth. All right. The Evilidiom needs a few hours to charge the patch, but once it's fully powered, it'll squash all the good instincts Mom and Dad keeps saying are in here somewhere. And now we wait. Oh. Hey, look what I found... in my own room. I love eye patches. And I love that we're bonding. You are gonna look great in your new villain uniform, Maxi. Are there enemies invading your bunker? Uh, yes. You go guard pirate rock and I'll go guard pirate slide. Get out me secret bunker, ya scallywag. What are you doing in here, dorcas? Hey, nothing weird. [squawking] The bird can stay. You have to go. Sorry. It's just I've tried everything with Link's little brother. And believe it or not, he finds me a little boring. - A little? - Buh-buh-buh. So I told him that this was my secret bunker and all of your gadgets were hidden treasure. And he bought that? Yeah. And look how much fun he's having wearing that eye patch. [gasping] My evil eye patch? You mean that harmless little thing on his head that's glowing an ominous red color? - That's new. - Uh-huh. So is this. You used my Brainwash XL to turn everyone into your besties? That's right. And after I hook it up to your satellite on the roof, I'll use it on all of Hiddenville. [giggling] Why can't you just make friends the normal way? I try, but no matter how sweet I am, they refuse to worship me. Huh? Who'd have thought a child of superheroes could become a supervillain? Oh, right. It's me. Just be glad I didn't turn you into gingerbread cookies like I did to my parents. [giggling] They live there now. Let us out of here, princess. No! Off to brainwash the town. You realize what this means, Billy? You know I don't, Nora. We're home alone for the first time. We can do whatever we want. Light 'er up! Whoo hoo! Take that old wooden bridge!
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 81,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, max thunderman, thundermans, phoebe thunderman, nora thunderman, max thunderman inventions, max thunderman fails, invention fails, thundermans inventions, thundermans gadgets, max thunderman lair, ytao_tm, the thundermans, jace norman, henry danger, super hero, behind the scenes, super power, thundermans compilation, henry hart
Id: jj0g53Dxz9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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